Fact Sheet On Some Left Governments From The 1970s To 2018

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Four experiences to learn from: left governments in Brazil, Greece, France, Britain

Timelines cuts and then in May 2010 enters the first of a series of
“Memoranda” with the EU, European Central Bank, and
IMF, spelling out cuts in return for bailouts (in fact bailouts
of the commercial banks which had lent to the Greek
Brazil government)
May and June 2012: After the fall of the Pasok
administration, and some months of a caretaker regime, two
1980: Workers' Party (PT) founded. Its leader Lula had been general elections. Syriza wins 17% in May, and 27% in June,
a leader of the Sao Paulo metalworkers' strikes in May 1978, but the right-wing party New Democracy narrowly wins.
when 300 factories and 300,000 workers came out. These
strikes detonated a wave of workers' protest that ended July 2013: first congress of Syriza as a party rather than a
military rule, in force since 1965. coalition. Commits to reversing cuts; abolishing or defaulting
on the “illegitimate” bulk of Greece’s debt; public ownership
1983: PT instrumental in establishing a militant trade union and public control of the banking system; taxation of
federation, the CUT. domestic big capital; against privatization and in favour of
1985: "Controlled" end to military rule, with two parties renationalisation. September 2014: Syriza leaders replace (de
licensed by the military, PMDB and PSDB. facto) the Syriza congress policies by the “Thessaloniki
declaration”, promising to renegotiate a better deal with the
1989: First direct presidential election. A conservative beats EU and distribute the proceeds in welfare measures.
Lula 53%-47%.
January 2015: Syriza wins election under the leadership of
Early 1990s: the PT had around 600,000 members. It won Alexis Tsipras. Forms a coalition government with the right-
seats on local and municipal councils, and at state and federal wing populist Anel. The activists of the occupations of city
level. squares, the anti-austerity movements, and the 30-plus
Over 1990s: PT bureaucratises itself in response to general strikes since 2010 are asked to sit back and play a
exigencies of running local government, and two presidential supportive role.
defeats by the ex-Marxist Fernando Henrique Cardoso. After February 2015: Despite a high-profile tour by Greek finance
defeat in 1998. Lula insisted that he would run a fourth time minister Yanis Varoufakis, eurozone finance ministers refuse
only if he were given a free hand to form alliances across the to give Greece a better deal. Syriza extends the
political board and was provided with the resources to run a Memorandum; pledges to cut spending on health care,
slick, professional electoral campaign. education, mass transit, local government, and other essential
2002: Lula wins presidential election, but on bland slogans social services. Utilises all reserves in order to meet debt
After 2003; PT redistributes some of the proceeds of export
successes for Brazil: welfare payments (Bolsa Familial) take July 2015: In a referendum, called by the Syriza government,
millions out of poverty; more workers gain "formal" on EU austerity terms, 61% vote “Oxi” (no). Massive rallies
employment status. all around Greece, 500,000 in Athens. But over the next
weeks, Tsipras pushes through approval of EU austerity
2010: PT candidate Dilma Rousseff wins presidential terms, sacks left cabinet ministers, and asks all MPs who do
election to succeed Lula. not vote for bailout measures to resign. Syriza leftists quit to
2013 big but politically headless demonstrations call for form Popular Unity.
better education and better healthcare. September 2015: Syriza wins narrow re-election and forms a
2014: Rousseff wins presidential election on promise to save new coalition government with ANEL. Voter turnout at
PT programs from right-wing attack, but amidst economic 56.6%, is the lowest recorded since the fall of the military
crisis quickly turns to cuts. Meanwhile the street movement junta in 1974.
comes under increasing right-wing populist influence. November 2015: Syriza government passes a new austerity
2016: Congress removes Rousseff from office, puts in right- budget and expels deputies who voted against the measures.
wing as caretaker. The budget is passed just days after the outgoing president of
parliament, Zoe Kostantopoulou, issues the final report of the
“Truth Committee on the Greek Debt.” The report notes that:
Greece “The Third MoU [Memoranda of Understanding] that
accompanies the August 2015 loan agreement, just like the
previous ones of 2010 and 2012, transfers the weight of
structural adjustment to Greek society. As a result, the Third
January 2004: formation of Syriza as a coalition around
MoU will increase poverty, class polarization and social
Synaspismos, a continuation of the left-Eurocommunist
exclusion”. Its measures “are of equal or greater social and
fiscal impact, compared to the preceding ones.”
October 2009: Pasok wins big majority in Greek election
March 2016: Syriza-Anel government and Tsipras act as the
(Syriza on 4.6%). Pasok announces that it has found
gatekeeper of fortress Europe. At the Brussels EU summit;
government finances much worse than it thought; imposes

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Alexis Tsipras signs a bilateral agreement with Turkey which office after 1964-70 Labour government flounders. The new
stipulates that “irregular” migrants must be deported with Tory government at first attempts a proto-Thatcherite policy
greater speed back to Turkey. (Following legal studies, the (the "Selsdon program").
UN has designated the deal between Turkey and Greece as
Jan-Feb 1972 and July 1972: Strong miners' strike (Jan-Feb)
and mass unofficial strikes at jailing of five dockers under
October 2016: Syriza agrees to further austerity measures. new Tory anti-union laws force Tories to retreat.
The Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers approves the
October 1973: Labour right-winger Denis Healey, who will
release of €2.8 billion to the Greek government, after the
be Chancellor in the 1974-9 Labour government, tells Labour
Syriza-led coalition has met the deadline for implementing
conference: “There are going to be howls of anguish from the
austerity and privatisations. Legislation earmarks a series of
rich”. He promises to “squeeze property speculators until the
state-owned companies for privatisation, including the
pips squeak”. The Labour manifesto in February 1974 will
Thessaloniki and Athens Water Supply and Sewerage
propose “a fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance
Companies, the Public Power Company, the Athens Metro
of power and wealth in favour of working people and their
and ELVO (a bus and army vehicle manufacturer). The sale
of these assets will be overseen by the Hellenic Company for
Assets and Participation, a “super-fund” to which all Greek Jan-Feb 1974: Facing an overtime ban and then a strike by
state assets to be sold off will eventually be transferred. The the miners, the Tory governmernt puts industry on a three-
super-fund is to have a life span of at least 99 years; half of day week and then calls a snap general election on the theme:
all its revenues are to go to service Greece’s debts. Who rules? Government or unions? Labour wins the
election. Trade-union membership had been growing
uninterruptedly since 1934, and would peak at 12 million
France members in 1979. Shop-steward organisation, previously
concentrated in engineering, had expanded to many white-
collar sections new to trade-unionism. Strikes were on a
May-June 1968: Huge general strike batters the regime of broadly rising trend from about 1956 through to 1985.
president Charles De Gaulle, installed by a "soft" military After Feb 1974: The Labour government repeals the most-
coup in 1958, but is defused by big concessions on wages hated Tory laws, and introduces reforms (Equal Pay Act, Sex
and conditions. In the following years, the revolutionary left Discrimination Act, Health and Safety at Work Act). Strikes
grows a lot, but so also does the Communist Party, and even continue at a high level.
more the Socialist Party, which in 1968 had been moribund.
Meanwhile, world capitalism is in its biggest crisis since
1972: CP and SP agree "common program". World War 2. Economic output begins to sag in 1973, slumps
May 1981: Francois Mitterrand, leader of the SP, wins drastically in 1974, and keeps falling until late in 1975.
presidential election with the backing of the CP. Carries Inflation reaches 24.2% per year in 1975. Unemployment
through extensive nationalisations, 35 hour week, and rises from 2.6% in 1973 towards 5.7% in 1977.
welfare improvements. June 1975: Jack Jones, the leftish leader of the strongest
March 1983: Facing a flight of capital amidst world union, the TGWU (now part of Unite), becomes so
recession, high unemployment, and roaring inflation, the convinced of the danger of a right-wing military or other
government announces "tournant de la rigueur" - a turn coup against the Labour government than he persuades the
towards cuts and privatisation - initially as a temporary government to scrap its manifesto commitment against
measure. binding wage controls and introduce a flat-rate limit on pay
rises of £6 per week (about £60 in today’s values). The limit
September 1983: A coalition of the mainstream right and the holds.
fascist Front National wins municipal elections in the town
of Dreux. From then until today the FN, previously marginal, Also June 1975: withdrawal from the EU is rejected 67%-
has established itself as a big political force. 33% in a referendum. This demoralises the parliamentary
Labour left, for whom EU withdrawal has been the politico-
June 1984: SP and CP do badly in European Parliament economic cure-all.
election, and CP ministers resign from government.
1976-8: The government imposes heavy cuts on the NHS and
March 1986: Mainstream right wins parliamentary elections, other social spending under the terms of a deal it has done
and Mitterrand as president governs in "cohabitation" with with the IMF. Opposition from the parliamentary Labour left
the right through to 1988. collapses.
By the end of the 1990s, essentially all of the nationalisations 1977-9: Industrial militancy revives, patchily at first, then in
had been reversed. large public-sector strikes in the “Winter of Discontent” of
After 1979: frustration has accumulated so that a big left
Britain surge develops in the Labour Party, around demands to
democratise the party and the slogan "Never again a Labour
government like the last one".
June 1970: Tories, who had ruled from 1951 to 1964, regain

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