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In medias res.

I am walking away from the police, to the pool entry- which is where both I’m
looking for Cody’s family to pull in to pick him up, and where my belongings/keys are. I’m
either going to leave alone, or leave with him. And every step I make is to do just that.


Epps: (to Cody) At this point are we looking for your shoes? Hold on for one second.

Epps: Do you mind if I touch you? Is that going to bother you?

Cody: Yeah, Cody.

Epps: I know, but is it ok if I touch you?

Cody: Yeah.

Epps: Ok, so where are- where can I take you?

Cody: Who are you on the phone with?

Epps: Nobody. I’m just taping him, because I don’t trust them.

Gallimore: And that’s fine. What’s going to happen right now-

Epps: He hasn’t been detained. We asked specifically- he hasn’t been trespassed.

Epps: Just walk with me.

Gallimore: We are not going to continue walking around. At this point in time.

Epps: I’m getting my keys. [0:33, can see Cody’s knuckles bleeding- badly.]

Epps: walk with me Sir.

Gallimore: If you wanna take him home, that’s perfectly fine. You’re gonna have a seat right

Epps: What are you looking for now?

Cody: My dad.

Epps: Stay still. [He’s getting agitated.]

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Epps: Hey Traci- [I was walking to get my keys, but tried to accelerate that process by asking
my girlfriend who was inside the pool to just bring me out my keys.]

Epps: You see him?

Epps: Don’t let him touch you.

Gallimore: You stay with her!

Epps: Hey Traci. Hey MiKaylin (sp?). Can you bring me my keys?

Epps: Hold on one second.

Epps: (to Cody) When you say you see him – Look at me in my eyes – When you say you see
him, do you mean “him” your Dad, or “him” the ride?

Cody: Him that’s behind – He’s behind the tree.

Epps: I know Cody. Ok. So do you have another number [phone number that we can call, as
the first folks we called had not yet arrived to pick him up, or in the alternative for me to let
them know I was bringing him home].

Cody: Huh?

Epps: Do you have another number?

Cody: I can go look again. I can go look on my phone.

Epps: Can you bring me –

Epps: Is his Dad at home?

Carroll: No, he lives with his mother and his sister.

Epps: [whispering, to Cody] I don’t want them to take you, ok? [He’d told me before
recording he was scared and wanted his Dad behind the tree, and even then was saying are
they gonna take me?]

Cody: Are they?

Epps: Yeah they will, so just be- just be still.

Gallimore: Is there anybody at the residence? At your residence?

Epps: Hey Traci!

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Gallimore: Is there anybody at the residence to where we can just get you home? Because
there’s another individual who’s saying you live over here.

Epps: [to Gallimore] He does. [= “Cody does live over here.” I already knew this bc I’d already
been with him and calmed him before the cops ever came.]

Epps: [to Traci] Can you bring me my keys? Can you just bring me my keys?

…stuff in here

Epps: my purse, sorry my like cream leather purse?

Carroll: He’s my neighbor. He lives in 7101 with his mother and his sister.

Epps: (to Cody) Let’s see if we can go get you in the house. Aight?

Epps: [to Ofc. Green] Hi Sir. [my first interaction with him this day.]

Green: Hi.

Epps: [to Property Manager, Carroll] Do you know his Dad?

Property Manager: He doesn’t have a Dad. He lives with his mom/sister.

Epps: So look at me Cody. She’s going to give me my keys. We’ll drive you back over there
and see if you can get in the house.

Gallimore: We’re not going to continue walking around here. [but just a moment before he
said I could get my keys and take Cody home.]

Epps: You said he’s not under arrest.

Gallimore: I’m still investigating something for the simple fact of uh uh uh

Epps: Don’t let—What he needs right now is not men with guns.

Gallimore: …are being called in.

Epps: He doesn’t need men with guns.

Epps: Hey [to Ofc. Warner].

Gallimore: He might actually need some, he might actually need –

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Epps: How are you doing Sir? Hey y’all for the record this is Ofc. Warner who arrested me
April 19th.

Gallimore: But me chasing you around is not going to happen [chasing. Wait, which is it?
Was I interfering and in your way, or you had to chase me? Was this a slow speed walk chase?
A walk chase to wear my car keys were, when you’d told me I could leave AND could take Cody

Epps: He doesn’t need men with guns. Can I just get my keys and give him a ride?

Gallimore: He can have a seat right here. You can have somebody else –

Epps: Can we get some de-escalation training? Sir Sir just please please –

Gallimore: You’re escalating.

Epps: No I’m not.

Gallimore: All I’m asking you to do is to have a seat. If you refuse –

Epps: Do you not get that he is not with you right now?

Gallimore: If you want to get your keys, that is completely fine.

Epps: Ok. I’m just not leaving him. I’m not leaving him. [I’d been with this man from before
the cops arrived and did not want to abandon him.]

[at this moment girl who either said she was stepsister, or said stepsister was coming, arrives.]

Epps [to Leah]: Oh, you know him? Great. Great great great great great.

--this case

--they’re just trying to take him

Gallimore: No! We’re not trying to take him anywhere. We want to go get him back where
we know he goes

Epps: What’s your name sweetheart?

Leah: “Leah.” (you can see me shake hands with Leah.)

Epps: Leah has him.

Gallimore: FINE.

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Epps: Ok. So stop yelling, man with gun.

Leah: Ok, oh, geez.

Epps: Can we just get him away from them? What do you need, Leah?

Leah: I just want to leave.

Epps: Don’t tell them anything, about him.

Gallimore: She don’t have to tell us anything. We just want to make sure he gets back to his
residence where he’s safe and everybody.

Leah: Oh my gosh.

Gallimore: ---everybody else is (?)

Epps: Good, right. because you don’t make us feel safe.

Green: Maybe YOU.

Epps: Yeah, those of us who’ve endured your brutality.

Green: Oh, right right. I forgot. [sarcastic taunting tone]

Epps: How many complaints do you have against yourself at this point, Green?

Green: Here, get my name.

Epps: We were just trying to help this gentlemen get home.

Epps: How many- oops [re: camera issue]

Epps: It takes three of y’all?

Green: That’s what we’re trying to do.

(@3:58 Mikaylin is seen on screen with 1 of my 2 bags.)

Epps: No you’re not. Let Leah take him.

Green: You’re causing more problems than needs to be. We were gonna take him to his
house without you.

Epps: You, you didn’t know where his house was.

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Green: Yes I do.

Epps: Just stop, Sir.

Green: Yes I do. Yes I do.

Epps: Leah can you please just take him where he needs to go? [We now have found and
picked up Cody’s shoes.]

Green: Anyways, like we were like we were discussing outside of what she needed to get
herself involved in. We were here to make sure –

Epps: I was here helping. Not you.

Green: Please get out of my way. [I was not in his way, in anyway.]

Gallimore: If you continue to interrupt him while he’s speaking to her. I’ma take you for
interfering. [um, “continue”? what “interruption"?]

Epps: Interfering with arrest? You said you’re not arresting him.

Gallimore: Interfering with an investigation

Epps: You said he wasn’t under investigation.

Gallimore: He’s not under arrest.

Epps: I’m not talking to you. I’m just gonna make sure he gets home. I’m just gonna make
sure he gets home.

Green: --- attention. … We just wanna make sure he gets to where he needs to be.

Epps: Well everyone was doing that just fine without you.

Green: Can you please help us out, help us make sure he gets to where he needs to go.

Epps: And this is exactly why we don’t call men with guns

Leah: What was he doing?

Epps: Nothing nothing He just needs to get [home].

Green: We heard about him doing some things that was a little, um…

Epps: And he wasn’t trespassed. And he was allowed to leave. Before you interrupted

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Green: It has nothing to do with that, he lives here. He can’t be trespassed from a place he

Epps: You didn’t know that.

Green: Yes I do.

Epps: No you didn’t, Green.

Green: Don’t tell me what I do and don’t know.

Epps: Well, we’ve seen your jacket.

Green: Do you even live here?

Epps: Yes. [sarcastically] (Note in his report he says I refused to answer.)

Green: You do live here, what apartment?

Epps: I live where I want to live.

Green: No! Bc if you’re here without permission – [I thought this was overtly racist. I was
the only black person there, and he was suggesting I couldn’t have lived there in such a nice

Epps: Anything I can say –

Green: No, because if you’re here without permission that’s trespassing.

Epps: I beat two trespass charges this year; try again. Try again.

Epps: If Aurora PD has nothing better to do than –

Green: Who are you here with?

[5:19, I’m still walking behind barefoot Cody at this point.]

Epps: I’m not, I’m not. I’m done. [I’m leaving. Cody is walking to the car; I’m walking to get
my keys.]

Epps: Leah- I just wanna make sure Leah gets her friend home.

Green: Do you have any--

Epps: I don’t have anything to say to you or to your questions.

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Green: But are you using this pool without somebody’s permission is that what you’re
saying? [I invoked Miranda so WHY was he still interrogating me?]

[Note: Shouldn’t Green have stopped interrogating me when I’d already told him directly I
was done with him and his questions?]

Epps: Are you really, like, are you really you really, there’s no crime in Aurora for you to go
deal with?

Green: There’s plenty of crime, but this is what I’m here for.

Epps: Well then good. I’d rather you be harassing me than them.

Green: You just so happened to put yourself in the middle of it

Epps: Fuck you Ofc. Green.

Green: So since you’re here, since you wanna get involved in everything. [Please notice how
the cops are all still behind me, all following me as I’m walking away from them and to my
belongings so I can leave.]

[Cody starts to wander off from his stepsister? friend?]

Epps: Cody, stay with Leah. Stay with Leah. [Bc Cody has started to wander off, I am no
longer with him. Instead of following Cody, Green is following ME.]

Green: Are you here legally or are you not here legally?

Epps: I do not have to answer that question and I’m not going to, and you know I fuckin
know my rights.

Green: Alright well then how about this. How about you come over here and sit down –

Epps: Leah- Please just let me see that Leah gets him home.

Green: – if you’re here rightfully or not.

Epps: If you have probable cause or reasonable suspicion for a crime –

Green: Alright, so now, now that’s we’re now that we’re past this point –

Epps: Thank you, Leah.

Green: You need to leave. [6:10]

Epps: [SILENT, bc Cody is safe and I’m leaving.]

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Green: You don’t live here, you need to leave, as per the request of the administration here
in the…complex.

Epps: [still silent. Not arguing. Just leaving. All they had to do was fist bump me and say, “hey,
thanks for looking out for him til we or his family got here. Thanks.”]

Green: Are you, are you listening to me?

Epps: Sir, can we please just make sure –

Green: What I’m telling you –

Epps: huh, to do what?

Green: – to leave the property.

Epps: Huh? You’re – Ugh. I’m invited here.

Green: Leave the property.

Epps: I’m an invited guest.

Green: Well then let’s go find out who it is –

Epps: We can!

Green: – so we can verify.

Epps: We can. And we can take all day to do it? So that you can’t harass other people.

Green: Let’s do it now.

Epps: We’ll do it after we make sure he gets back. [My voice is in a questioning tone her,
plaintive, exasperated. Again, the cops are focused on ME, not the young man in need of help.]

Green: He’s here.

Epps: Have some compassion dude!

Green: He’s here.

Epps: Have some compassion!

Green: You have nothing to do with this.

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Epps: Have some compassion!

Green: You have absolutely nothing to do with this. [6:35, that’s property manager Andrew
Carroll in the dark glasses, stocky, Under Armour ball cap, goatee walking along side now]

Epps: Oh my god. You weren’t even here.

Green: Doesn’t matter, you don’t live here.

Epps: Why are you doing this?

Green: We’re here. We can handle this.


Green: You go back that way, so we can figure out who you’re here with. [Please note that
the way he’s pointing is back toward the stone steps, NOT toward my belongings/keys/exit,
which is where I was headed, steadily, to leave. He’s now telling me to go back, versus
continuing on to exit as I’d been doing.]

Cody: (from the vehicle, to me) Thank you lady. [Can’t hear this well, but it’s what I’m
replying to.]

Me: Thank YOU Cody. [Cody had popped his head through window and said “hey lady, it’s
Koh-DEE.” You can’t hear this on tape, but before I’d been calling him Koda, in our curbside
convo before the police ever even came. This was now a special moment for me bc it was a
rare moment of almost clarity/lucidity for him. That’s why I then thanked him by name.)

Leah: (to me) Thank you.

Me: (to Leah) Thank you, just thank you. 6:48

Green: Stop –

Me: I’m not!

Green: Now let’s go find out who you’re here with.

Me: Sir, that’s not even a problem. I just wanted to make sure he got gone.

Green: Alright. So you’re leaving then, right?

Epps: (Sighs. Nods yes.) [I’m sure I was rolling my eyes too, as I’d been asking for my keys for
seven minutes at this point.]

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[6:58 this is notable bc all while talking to Leah, Cody and the property manager I was calm
and polite. Only when the cops antagonize me am I upset.]

Carroll: Everybody leaves the property. I’m the agent from the property.

Green: Did you hear him?

Epps: [7:00 to Carroll, I do not address Green. Completely calm and polite in this moment.]
May I get my things, Sir?

Carroll: You may get your things.

Epps: (to Carroll) Thank you.

Leah: Thanks again. (you can’t hear this well on tape, but that’s what she said; she was
waving at me, smiling nervously- seemed relieved.)

Epps: Thank you Leah. Be good Cody. (An adult woman drives off with Cody. I can’t recall if
Leah was in the car or not.)

[7:06 This is when I turn the camera around to show the cops trailing me.]

Epps: So these, we’re – literally – this is Officer Green who’s – [turns camera to Green.]

Green: [waves to camera] Hi. Get my name.

Epps: So he’s not just a racist, he’s a classist and a sexist. Officer Warner’s not that bad –

Green: Let’s go. [which is asinine bc we are steady walking, me in front, and walking swiftly at

Epps: – he just lies on the stand. [I’m referencing our motions hearing, July 2015, in which
Warner did indeed lie on the stand (or maybe he just “misremembered”) about the incidents
of him arresting me 4/19/15. That case was completely dismissed all charges dropped,

Green: Let’s go.

Epps: I’m walking! There’s no requirement [about speed] –

Green: You don’t even know me and you’re calling me a racist.

Epps: I’ve read your jacket. [a reference to the fact that certain extra aggressive cops are well
known to be, well, aggressive. Matthew Green is one that my friends have described as
particularly sadistic, antagonistic, just plain mean.]

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Green: You’re read my jacket?

Epps: YES.

Green: My jacket? What are you talking about?

Epps: Are you not, are you not familiar – Ugh. I’m not even. Ugh. Anyway.

Green: You’ve never read ANYTHING of mine. [I’m walking now even faster to the gate. He’s
continuing to antagonize me no matter how many times I try to disengage from the

Epps: Anyway. Anyway, this one over my shoulder is the same one who arrested me on
April 19. There’s a man who’s clearly having a mental incident. And these fools call the
police. And are tying to take – the police are trying to take him in. [my main thought here
was a mental facility, not necessarily jail. I was thinking about Paul Castaway. And when my
own home was invaded August 2012 by cops allegedly on a well check. These cops did NOT
have “CIT” Crisis Intervention Team IDs, and frankly yes I was worried for the kid- and he was
worried too. I was helping him get to his family. What happened from there was not my
concern. But even if he was going to be taken to a facility, I wanted his family to know what
was happening- right then.]

Green: No, we’re just trying to take him to his house. [Note, I’m still talking to the camera, to
my friends. NOT talking to the cop at ALL. He keeps interrupting and forcing me to
acknowledge him. Just like earlier when I was silent as he berated me, again this time he kept
interjecting, antagonizing. He was trying to provoke me, and at least verbally, unfortunately,
he did.]

Epps: You weren’t –

Green: To his house –

Epps: – you didn’t even know what he said! [referencing that the cops weren’t even on scene
when Cody was telling me 15 minutes earlier where he lived, etc.]

7:42 we are now at the gate, where I have to wait for someone to let me in so I can retrieve
my shoes, purse, etc.

Green: To his house, to his house, to his house, thank you very much. [sing-songy taunting
tone. Like he legit sounds like a child here.]

Epps: So in addition to being a liar, this one doesn’t – oh shit. [I see more cops coming up.
7:45, Green turns to look as well.]

Epps: And now these fools are just gonna give them information to lock him up. [I’m

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referring to strangers who I see writing info down for police, presumably witness statements?
Also please note that even when I say this, I NEVER go over there, I’m still getting my things to
leave. Compare this with what the statute says is required for interfering. The cop reports use
the language of “physical obstacles” but that’s just false.]

[7:48 Still waiting at the gate, waiting on someone to let us/me in so I can get my things and

Epps: (to camera) Why do people call men with guns –

Green: Nobody’s locking him up –

Epps: Why do peo— Thanks to us. Not you.

[7:56 The gate is FINALLY opened. I IMMEDIATELY step through the gate, this is literally the
first time in the entirety of the filming that I’ve been allowed (almost allowed) access to my

Green: We weren’t going to anyway.

Epps: Get yourself, just get – you have no, no –[I was going to say “no compassion.”]

Green: So who are you here with? [I’m now very near to the beach chair were part of my
things were; the other part of my belongings, Banana Republic elephant big filled with Fizzy
Izzys and sodas, my espadrilles – none of which I ever got back. 8:03 This is significant bc once
I am FINALLY allowed to access my belongings, Green resumes harassing, interrupting, and
won’t let me get my things and leave.]

Green: So who, who who are you here with?

Epps: I am not answering any of your questions.

Green: – then you have to leave.

Epps: I already said that I would! [This is where/when he first reaches for me. I recoil. I have
diagnosed PTSD, documented and still being treated. My PTSD is cop-induced.]

Green: Alright then Leave right now. [It felt quite clearly to me that he was saying “well since
you won’t answer my questions, then leave right now- again, I was already leaving. Would’ve
been gone if he hadn’t kept interrupting me.]

Epps: We’ve got bond on Tuesday; we can do this then. [It was a holiday weekend, Labor
Day. Courts would be closed on Monday. I’m flippantly referencing that this issue he’s
instigating will have to wait until Tuesday. I guess I am naïve, but I STILL didn’t for one
moment think I was about to get arrested., at least not taken into custody. Based on the way
he was phrasing his wording I did think he was going to try and falsely charge me with

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trespass- but even then I thought he’d give me a summons, so I’m being flippant saying we’ll
address it in court on the next business day.]

Epps: Leave. Leave right now. Go out that way. [Note, this is yet another different direction. It
was so helpless feeling, like I was a marionette on a string and they can just flex their power
by barking jump as if our only response should be “how high?”.]

Epps: The property manager said I could get my things!

[8:14 Green grabs at me again. My voice changes sharply. Now I’m yelling, crying, and I was

Green: I will get your stuff. [Note: this is the first time he offers this. Although I’d asked for my
belongings many many times. Only now that I’m in the pool near them does he “offer.”]

Epps: Let me tell you what you’re not going to do – [the camera starts angling bc Green
keeps grabbing at me and yes I’m trying hard to avoid being touched by him. He’d said
nothing about arresting me- he just kept saying “Let’s go”, which was ridiculous as I was
FINALLY at my keys- like maybe 10’ away, if that, and he won’t let me leave on my own.]

Green: I will get your stuff.

Epps: No! No you will not! [Note: I NEVER DID GET my stuff. Elephant bag and espadrilles
never returned. Idc so much about the drinks.]

Epps: The property manager told me I could get my things! You cannot do that!

Green: Let’s go. [Green grabs me; I begin crying harder.]

Epps: Do not put your hands on me! [8:19]

Green: Out the gate. [He’s now ordering me OUT of the gate, not allowing me to get the things
I went IN the gate to get.]

Epps: NO! No! You cannot touch me![Note: I am NOT refusing to leave – of course I’m not, I’d
been asking for my keys to leave for at this point over 8 videotaped minutes. I was screaming
NO at him putting his hands on me. I was barely dressed, and every time he tried to grab me
he grabbed where my (very small) shorts covered. My NO was wanting his hands off me. I was
being assaulted by a man with a gun. That’s how I felt; it’s how I still feel.]

Green: He told you to leave –

Epps: He said I could get my things!

Green: He told you to leave –

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Epps: He SAID I could get my things SIR! – [I’m hysterical at this point. Confused and crying.
Note the contrast. When walking to the gate yes I’m mouthy, but I’m not even mouthy AT
them, I’m narrating the video, waiting for gate to open, lamenting how bad cops are at
handling mental health issues. Green yanked my bare arms and dragged me away from my
things as I was set to leave.]

Green: He told you to leave –

Epps: There are children here Sir! [Seeing a bikini clad woman in tears dragged off by cops
could be traumatic to anyone, but especially to young children, some of whom I’d been
laughing and playing with 30-45 minutes earlier.]

Epps: Stop this! Stop this! [Green is now twisting my arm and pinning me to the gate. I am in
intense pain.]

Green: Leave. [He’s mocking me. He has my wrist, is twisting it, is pinning me against the gate,
but is in a sarcastic tone telling me to “leave.”]

Warner: Ma’am.

Epps: Sir! Can’t I get my stuff?!

Warner: Well I’ll get it for you.

Epps: Noooo! [I’m screaming and crying as Green is continuing to twist my wrist.]

Epps: Look at him! Look at him! [I turn the camera around with the one hand that I have
almost free, to point the camera at Green, to try and show him putting his hands between my
leg and alternately reaching for my phone.]

Epps: Look at him! [8:38 you can clearly see there are now 3 cops surrounding me at the gate,
with them twisting both my wrists. I truly believe my wrist is breaking.]

Epps: I’m at a fucking barbecue! [I manage to wriggle loose- somehow. And do try to grab my
keys. I admit that.]

Warner: Epps relax. What are you doing?

Me: (crying) Take your hands off me!

Warner: Oh come on, Epps. [Warner taunted me mercilessly after this.]

Epps: Take your hands off me. [They are mocking me, they have my arm wrapped around
this gate, I can’t move, but are speaking as if I am free to move freely.]

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Epps: LET ME GET MY THINGS! I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE! [8:49] I just wanted to check
on that man!

Warner: Ok then relax.

Epps: (I shriek- loudly.) OWWWWW He’s fucking breaking my arm [8:53 This moment was
the absolute worst.]

Warner: Then relax.

Epps: Sir.

Carroll: This party leaves now.

Epps: Sir- NO! [Again, I’m shrieking in pain, I am not refusing any order. I can’t move anyway;
I’m detained. Warner now has my wrist, unclear what Green is doing at this moment.]

Warner: Just relax.

Carroll: Find out who the resident is- and I’ll talk to them out here.

Epps: Sir!

Warner: Elisabeth – [I’ve never ID’d myself. He knows me.]

Green: Let go of the gate.

Epps: Let go of my fingers!

Green: Let go of the gate.

Epps: Let go of my fingers! [Again, this is a tactic with which I’m familiar. It’s like Anthony
Waller: the cop will literally have his foot on your neck pinning you to the ground and order
you to lift your head up. That’s what this was. Green was – it felt like he was trying to rip my
fingers out of their sockets.]

Green: Let go of the gate. [I’m beyond exasperated now. He’s mocking me. He has my
arm/wrist wrapped around the gate near the door hinge.]

Epps: The property manager said I could get my things!

Green: You’re no longer doing that, because you’re taking your time. You’re not doing

Epps: HOW can I move?

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Epps: Traci, will you please tape this? Because these are the same officers who harassed me
in April.

Epps: [sobbing now, it hurt so badly. 9:14] He’s breaking my hand.

Green: You’ve already had your chance to leave.

Traci: What do you need?

Epps: (crying) My stuff.

Traci: I’ll get your stuff.

Epps: Thanks.

Green: You’ve already had your chance to leave. [except I hadn’t. literally. Never had. The
second I got through the gate he began demanding to know who I was there with, although
I’d already said multiple times I didn’t want to answer their questions.]

We’re gonna get your stuff.

Me: Not we! Let HER get it. [I was speaking of my friend; instead the cops intervened and I
never did get my things back.]

Epps: The only good things about this is that at least they’re not harassing – [I was thinking:
if you’re harassing me at least you can’t be busy harassing some other poor person. But I’m
interrupted because the cops then yank me to the ground.]

Epps: Why are you doing this?

Warner: Epps.

Epps: Why are you doing this? [Note how much calmer I am with Warner, who isn’t QUITE as
overtly sadistic and antagonistic as Green.]

Warner: Just relax.

Epps: (Exasperated sigh.) [I’m being handcuffed, but til that point still have managed to hold
on to my phone.. somehow.]

Warner: Just relax.

Epps: Yeah, relax. With two men with guns holding me.

Green: Just relax.

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Warner: There’s no guns on you.

Epps: You don’t have guns?

Warner: There’s no guns on you.

Green: Put your right hand above your head. [Note: I’d have been long gone if they’d just let
me get my keys minutes earlier.]

Epps: Get your hands off my – [every time Green swipes for me he touches me
inappropriately. Only him, out of the 4 cops I dealt with, only him, but almost every touch of

Epps: Don’t do it! Do not do it! [Green is grabbing for my phone to turn it off. This scares me
more than anything other than my wrist hurting. All I’m thinking of is Sandra Bland.]

Epps: Do not fucking do it! [I know once he turns my phone off any chance of me being safe is

Epps: (crying) Three grown men to subdue one woman… [Now Green has me on my stomach
on the ground I’m wearing a bikini, a small tank top, and daisy dukes. ]

Green: Yes, because you can’t obey orders. That’s exactly right.

Epps: You don’t have the authority to order me to do shit! [I know that’s harsh but it’s what I
meant: I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and I did not believe any of their requests at this point
were reasonable or lawful, or even doable- e.g. telling me to take my hands off the gate when
Green was the one holding me to the gate.]

Green: You must’ve missed that part where – [9:58, loud audible clinching noise- he
tightened the handcuffs.] – we do have authority.

Epps: Noooo (moan) Stop it! [He’s digging into my back and pinning me to the ground; I’m
trying to keep my phone on.]

Epps: This is gonna be the worst –

Warner: One, you’re gonna take the phone out of –

Epps: You harass us all the fucking time!

Epps: Traci please! [sobbing]

Times I asked for my keys: 7, all in first 2 minutes.

Number of times I said “Sir”: 31. | Fuck: 6 | Shit: 2 (once as they are coming to handcuff me,
once after they did- as they had me pinned to the ground)

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