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Abstract & Significance.

AsNowdays we are using diffent kind of online reservation and one of them is online seat
reservation. Ang Online seat reservation is usualy use for train. The advantages of this is
you dont need to go to terminals just to ask for the schedule & the avalaibilty. And i
conduct personal interview for this issue about this so easy to say it thedisadvantages are
following Spammer,and Unrealiable and Call time.

History Backgroud Grand and pacific

Owner of the business

Leoni aurin Lives in Bonifacio, Snq
She is the president of the Van Queue


In this methodology i choose empirical study because it is more detailed, clear and
Reliable.The information that is required for study could gather easily because the
proponets gathered information based on their question that they want to imporved.

Business modeling
I conduct some personal interview the several problems of Online seat reservation.
Spammer- yung mga taong send ng send ng information
&Unreliable- nag papareserve tpos hndi nmn dumadating
Call time- oras ng hintayan hndi nila na mmeets
Data modeling--- Explanation ----- Solution

Process modeling & App generation

Testing and Turnover- Test with the user’s

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