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Boy Pakorn bawling his eyes out as he admits to sex scandal in Korea

It’s definitely become a popular topic of discussion involving the incident in which chinky girl came out to claim that she had something with popular Thai actor
“Boy Pakorn,” after they had a chance to meet each other at a Korean pub. The girl flaunted the backside pictures of Boy to her friends.

Boy Pakorn crying with his mother by his side calling him a warrior

Boy: I’d like to thank and apologize to everyone. Today I want to clarify the pictures that leaked of me in Korea; I admit that those images are really me.
Personally I don’t know how those pictures could have possibly leaked out. I found out about them along with the news. I didn’t know how to answer. I didn’t

Boy starts with his first bout of crying

Boy: With the girl, we haven’t talked at all. I beg not to provide the specifics on her. She is considered the 3rd party. Since she’s also a female, I don’t want to
tarnish her. Let’s just conclude that I know her. The event occurred since the beginning of the last month.

Boy very sorry for having 4 rounds of sex starting at a public Korean pub

He admits that the pictures that leaked and made news is of him, he apologizes that at first he lied saying it wasn’t him because at that point he was
still confused

Boy: I’ve had discussions. Since the day the news came out, for many days, the media and the people around me has been asking about it. I beg to apologize
that at the beginning I denied it. I apologize for not speaking the truth. (his voice trembles and he starts crying)….I’m rather concerned about my family’s
feelings, very much. I admit that I was very much confused. I’m truly sorry, that I didn’t speak the truth from the beginning.
The photo that sparked the sex scandal. Boy and his big foot lover

He admits that his mental state at the moment isn’t good. As for his mother, she says that her son committed the wrong, but he dares to admit so he
should be considered a warrior.

Boy: I’m not doing well.

Boy claims himself at a weak mental state

Mom: To commit wrong and dare to own up to it, it’s suited that he’s a warrior. I agreed with him when he came to consult me about going public about this. I
see that he’s unhappy, so it also makes me unhappy. I don’t know how to help him. I’m not associated with this entertainment circle. I’m his mother, he made a
mistake, so I would forgive him already. I consoled him and told him that it’s alright child, we all make mistakes, but if we dare to admit to our wrongs, that is
what we call a real man.

Mom hugging her warrior son

As for those that feel that this is something normal for men, his mother raises her hand to pay her respects and thank people for understanding

Mom: Thank you for understanding. I thank you for Boy (raises hand to wai).
Boy’s mom puts her hand together to thank the public for their sympathy and understanding

Will this have an affect on your work? Considering you’re a role model for kids since you’re always getting those awards?

Boy: Whatever happens after this, I want to apologize to all parties (starts weeping hard). What I did affected all parties. Sorry Nai Prawit; sorry Khun Somrak;
sorry to all the elders at the station; sorry mom; sorry to everyone here. Sorry all the fanclub that cheer and believe in me all this time. Sorry to everyone that
I’ve disappointed (sobs). All these times that I’ve made news, many people have supported me. Thank you very much. Your support is of great value to me,
honestly. I don’t know what to say to those that sent messages and those that called asking; that included members of the press. Thank you so much.

When asked whether or not he’s afraid of other pictures leaking out, he says he doesn’t know before taking a deep sigh he says that this whole ordeal is
a huge lesson for him

Boy: About this, I really don’t know. This much alone, it’s already severe for me. I apologize for my mistake and the events that occurred. From now on, I won’t
do something like that again. This is a huge lesson for me (sighs deeply).

Boy continues to cry at the thought of more pictures being released. He feels sorry for his family and fans.

Right now you’re not in contact with the female side?

Boy: No we’re not keeping in contact anymore.

Boy’s big toe lover, the lover he took to heaven 4 times in one day. Such good times together, but apparently the two
no longer keep in contact. In simple terms, they were each other’s one night stand.

He raises his hand and puts them together asking for forgiveness that he let everyone down

Boy: Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone for coming here to listen to me. I apologize for everything. It shouldn’t have happened at all. It is my own fault. I
apologize to all parties that got affected and are disappointed by me. This incident is a lesson on how I will continue to live my life. I apologize once again. ( He
raises his hand and wai simultaneously with his mom).
Boy pays his respects and ask for forgiveness

Khun Somrak an executive from Channel 3 also attended the press conference, he reveals that…

Khun Somrak: When Boy came to consult me, I told him he should just give a press conference to the mass media. Personally I gave him my support. He only
needs to speak of it once, just clarify and get it over and done with. He doesn’t have to be hit over this again.

Are you worried about “Boy’s” popularity?

I don’t want to make any predictions on this. Just let it go naturally. We’re those that do good and work hard, and will continue to benefit from that. Have I
lectured him? I understand the events that occurred, so what I warn him of is to have conscious about the technology that exist, it has has both advantages and
disadvantages. It could be dangerous, he should be aware of this. Boy should have learned this as a lesson learnt, and not have anyone have to lecture him
again. He should know himself about this.

He won’t be put on suspension. As for his fanclub, it’s nothing; I just want them to give him their support. Us people, we don’t want to commit wrong, but we
didn’t anticipate the unexpected. This case is not only for Boy.
Khun Somrak to Boy: Good job Boy!!! Big pat on the back for you!

Asked whether or not he’s ready to work the leading actor started crying for another round explaining that during this time he’s under a lot of stress
but still has to force himself to smile.

Boy: (voice trembling) During the period the news came out, I was stressed out. But all this time I still had to work everyday. It’s so difficult (cries out loudly)
that I have to force myself to smile. I give it my all when I work, and I will continue to give it my all.

Crying Pra’ek takes a tissue with him before meeting with fanclub

After giving his public statements at the press conference Boy went to see his fanclub. Everyone had a sign saying “Love Boy,” “The word love you means
staying by you.” When Boy went to see them, he looked stressed a trial of tears running down his face along with waving his hand and saying to them “Sorry
to everyone for the events that oc c urred.” The fanclub replied simultaneously, “it’s ok, fighting. All of us love Boy.” After that a representative
of the fanclub came down and hugged Boy while saying “It’s alright, all of us love Boy, fighting” making Boy cry out loudly.

@29 year old Boy gets consoled by his teenage fans

Crying Pra’ek gets a hug from fanclub representative


Translated News

Source: Manager | November 4, 2013


some paragraphs got cut out since it’s just a summary of Boy’s interview. However the entire interview by Boy and all parties involved got translated.

Captions are not part of manager’s article.

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Tags: boy pakorn


 Comments 22  Pingbacks 0
ash30  November 4, 2013 at 3:16 PM
Such great actor Boy is. The feet…now I can’t eat dim sum chicken feet without thinking about the feet.


Shampoo  November 4, 2013 at 3:56 PM

Now, why would you put that in our head? Lol


ash30  November 4, 2013 at 4:07 PM

Hahahah….I love chicken feet one of my fav when I eat Dim Sum. And the great toe just looks like of those chicken feet. Actually, the toes look all twisted.


Shampoo  November 4, 2013 at 4:14 PM

Noooo it doesn’t look like chicken feet. Hhahnow you out it in my head. I used to have a dislike for them but I taste them and it’s sooo good. So now, I do eat
chicken feet but now I kdnt think I will ever have the same thought.


LadyChedd  November 4, 2013 at 3:48 PM

i think thailand takes this stuff to seriously. I don’t really know the culture there but just because you have one night stand doesn’t make you a bad person. Some of the
things that actors and actresses get interview on is ridiculous in my opinion.


ash30  November 4, 2013 at 4:11 PM

I think majority of people is very supportive of his behavior. So, the backlash was almost non existance. But Boy himself is making a mountain of nothing. He is the
phone holding the press conference and crying….because to simply put it he got caught.


Sunflower  November 4, 2013 at 3:55 PM

Susu Boy. Like I’ve said before, we are only human. Mistakes will be made. Learn from them and move forward.


Shampoo  November 4, 2013 at 3:59 PM

I don’t think it was necessary of him to even come out with a press conference because he didn’t received any backlash for this leaked. Even the fans and public was
seeing supportive and understanding. But Boy just need to have a press conference to get more public sympathy. He knew there wasn’t any backlash but he has to
come out to confirmed that was him in the picture because how could he deny anything from that picture? He denied but maybe there might be some clip and afraid it
will come out. Ahahah

The crying is really unnecessary too. Personally, it was just a pic of him in the bedroom. It wasn’t of him naked in bed with whoever it was with him. He was crying like
he lost his virginity or he got raped. All the celebrities supporting him like his dog past away or he lost his genital part during that time. Or giving him support like he got
her pregnant or got HIV from it.


Faith Blackwood  August 31, 2014 at 11:32 PM

He was crying because when he saw the pictures he couldn’t believe he had slept with someone so dog ugly – clearly the most embarrassing part is that he slept with
someone whose feet were dirty and HUGE and ugly! When you consider that BOY has really beautiful feet he must have wanted to chop off his you know what! And
then, to think the woman was so cheap to promote her own sex life…I would cry too…


Mai  November 4, 2013 at 4:17 PM

 lol @ the losing genital parts

Even as not being a fan of his I saw no reason for him to apologize. Like myself, the people in thailand think that he’s a man, and he has needs and his age isnt young so
it’s his right.

chicken feet are healthy for you. I’m not a fan of them but I give them to my dogs cus it has stuff in them that’s healthy for bones and joints. I was told since my dog was
a puppy her bred tends to have joint problems later on as they age. So I did research and found that chicken feet and neck were good supplements. Now years later I
see they’re starting to sell dried ones at the pet store too


Kizukami  November 4, 2013 at 4:34 PM

the whole ordeal wasn’t big, it wasn’t big until Boy made it big, press conference? oh pleaseeeee, he only did the press conference becuz he got caught lying and the pic
was him obviously? And WTF is shielding tears? For losing your virginity? For lying? If he was sincerely apologizing for lying, knee down and apologize
He put quite a show, with acting like he’s all innocent and was a virgin. Oh please such BS, and what? I say no poor him, he freaking knew what he was doing, he was in
heaven for 4 times at a pub and still did it at a messy room. he’s freaking 30 years old, dont tell me he did for the first time *rolls eyes*
I dont believe any man who has sex and then later cries for making that mistake.
I dont hate him for having sex premarital or whatsoever, but I am disgusted by his acts, but his fake crying, for dragging his mom in. You, freaking grown up adult, be
responsible for what you have done, dont get your mom involved in

such a sissy!


anonymous  November 4, 2013 at 7:56 PM

I personally think it was a good thing that Boy came out about this. From my perspective while reading this, he probably felt guilty not because of the act that he
actually did with the girl, but for LYING to the public and his fans about it. I think he just wanted to confess to the public and especially his followers about his dishonesty
to them. He wants them to know the truth, and not believe in the lie he told. If someone’s done something wrong and hasn’t told anyone or even lied about it, it’s
understandable that they’d feel guilty about it afterwards.
On another note…how I wished Peung Kanya from Exact had moved to Ch. 3 during the time of her news in 2008!! If she’d been a part of Ch. 3 at the time the pictures
leaked out of her kissing her boyfriend on the cheek, Ch. 3 probably wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it as Exact did, if even at all! And who knows where’d she
be in the entertainment industry right now!! She would’ve gotten the chance to improve her acting, pair up with numerous great actors, and gain more fans! Exact is
so stupid, and although I like a few of their recent works, I will never get over the fact that they let go of someone so talented, and with so much potential as an actress
and star.


yajnaree  November 4, 2013 at 8:32 PM

So this is the news I went to sleep wondering what it was about. I just hope he is ok and learn from this. What is done is done. Can’t change it so live with it.


Shampoo  November 5, 2013 at 12:42 AM

He didn’t injured himself so I’m sure he’s okay and checking and counting how many supports he’s receiving lol


xiaos  November 5, 2013 at 6:26 AM

To err is human to forgive is divine …well human makes mistakes and learn from it and move on . And we shouldn’t criticize him too much like you never make


Mai  November 5, 2013 at 10:03 AM

What mistake did he make? It’s wrong for a grown man almost 30 like Boy to fulfill his sexual needs? No one is discriminating him for that. He’s the only one who feels
he needs to apologize for having sex when it’s known he’s not a virgin lol


val  November 5, 2013 at 10:43 AM

What time are we in now? Never thought that kissing in public is a sin till i read this anyway Thailand have got to be kidding me. There are so many prosistution around
the Asian Country, y make a big deal out of a kiss? BTW don’t ever liked Boy not a fan of him but to act like he did was like watching him on a lakron. Most man do this
kind of things when ever the can and when they think they won’t get caught, so what’s the big deal. He wasn’t man enough to admit it the first time the pic went out so y
do it now it just makes him look worst to me. If it was me the girl should be the one crying cause she sleep with him, what was she thinking he’s not even hot


Faith Blackwood  August 31, 2014 at 11:35 PM

You might not like Boy but to deny he is handsome is going a bit far. He is perfect from head to toe, makes me wonder what he saw in that girl…


Lalaland  November 5, 2013 at 11:32 AM

Lmao. Making love casually and then getting caught is not as humiliating as crying in front of the press begging for forgiveness. The way he handled the leakage is a bit
over-dramatic, don’t you think?


msttgc  November 5, 2013 at 2:20 PM

It’s not really that big of a deal. I feel bad for Boy for having to deal with this scandal during his prime time. But i think his fans are still strongly supporting him so he’ll
be fine as time passes. Susu!

Angie  November 5, 2013 at 7:29 PM

@ash30- You are hilarious. LOL. I hope Boy read your comment so that would lighten his day…


Angskeet  July 6, 2017 at 4:56 AM

He probably brought some bed bugs home.




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