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Republic of the Philippines


City of Malolos



OF 2014


Section 1. Short Title. These rules shall be known as the “Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Executive Order No. 12 Series of 2014 otherwise known as ‘An Order
regulating the conduct of field trips, educational tours, foot and off-road trekking and like
activities along Madlum Cave, Biak na Bato National Park and other Danger or Hazard
Zones and other areas without prior notice, coordination from Barangay and Municipality

Section 2. Scope and coverage. This policy and guidelines shall cover the educational tours
and/or field trips or all tours conducted in the territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Bulacan,
particularly in all hazardous tourist spots in Bulacan, such as but not limited to rivers, Madlum
Cave and Biak na Bato National Park.


Section 3. Definition of Terms. As used in this Implementing Rules and Regulations, the
following shall be defined as:

1. “BENRO” – Bulacan Environment and Natural Resource Office;

2. “BFP” – Bureau of Fire and Protection;

3. “CDRRMO” – City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office;

4. “DENR” – Department of Environment and Natural Resources;

5. “DOT” – Department of Tourism;

6. “Educational Tour” – refers to an extended educational activity involving the travel of

student and supervising faculty outside the school campus which is relatively of longer
duration usually lasting for more than one day and relatively more places of destination
than a field trip;

7. “Field Trip “ – refers to an educational activity involving the travel of the student and
supervising faculty outside the school campus but is relatively shorter duration usually
lasting for only one day and with fewer places of destination;

8. “Hazardous Tourist Spots” – areas, places or premises that can be a source of danger to
tourist, visitors or personnel such as but not limited to rivers, Madlum Cave, and Biak
na Bato National Park;

9. “Local Tourism Office”(LTO) – refers to Municipal Tourism Office/ City Tourism

Office or the Barangay Tourism Office concerned, which has jurisdiction over the
hazardous spots involved;

10. “MDRRMO” – Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office;

11. “NBI” – National Bureau of Investigation;

12. “PAMB” – Protected Area Management Board;

13. “PDRRMO” – Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office;

14. “PHACTO” – The Provincial History, Arts, Culture and Tourism Office (PHACTO)
shall be the primary planning, programming, coordinating, implementing and
regulatory provincial government agency in the development and promotion of the
annual Tourism Plans and Programs, Cultural Affairs, History and Heritage
Conservation and Arts , shall recommend legislative measures to the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan for the tourism and promotion of the Province;

15. “PNP” – Philippine National Police;

16. “Tour Guide” – as defined in Provincial Ordinance No. 2012-04 , an individual

authorized to guide tourist both foreign and domestic for a fee, commission or any other
form of lawful remuneration;

17. “Tourist Police” - designated by the Local Chief Executive to assist in maintaining
peace and order, law enforcement and tourist security; and

18. “WASAR” – Water Search and Rescue.

Section 4. Permits for Hazardous Tourist Spot. No person or institution shall be allowed to
travel, visit or tour hazardous tourist spots in Bulacan without securing first a Travel or Tour
Permit from LTO concerned, in coordination with DENR or PAMB for special cases.

Section 5. Duties of the PHACTO. As part of the regulatory power of the Province of Bulacan,
it shall exercise its power to regulate tourism in hazardous tourist spots through the PHACTO,
who shall perform the following duties and responsibilities, to wit:

a. Closely coordinate with the PNP, Local Tourism Office , DENR, BENRO, PDRRMO and
other government agency / instrumentality in case of scheduled tours in hazardous tourist

b. In coordination with the PDRRMO and LTO, promulgate the guidelines and basic
skill/knowledge requirements for every tour guide assigned to any hazardous tourist spots;

c. Act as lead unit together with other agencies on reported complaints/untoward incidents
and initiate an administrative complaint or criminal action against any erring officer or
person in violation of the E.O No.12 and this Implementing Rules and Regulations;

d. In coordination with the BFP, LTO and PAMB, shall issue guidelines as to the ratio/
number of tour guides vis-a-vis the number of visitors needed in a specific activity and
specific tourist spots; and

e. Shall request to PDRRMO ten (10) days prior the scheduled tour for them to receive
updates, advisories and/or warnings regarding the condition in the area of the tourist spot.

Section 6. Duties of the Local Tourism Office. In addition to whatever vested duties of the
Tourism Office as determined by their respective Sanggunian Bayan/Panlungsod or
Municipality/City Mayor, the Municipal/City Tourism Officer shall perform the following

a. Act on letter requests for the coordination and written permission from any person,
visitor, tourist, coordinator or guide regarding a foreseen or scheduled tour activity in
Bulacan within three (3) days upon receipt thereof;

b. Issue permit for activities or tours in tourist spots in Bulacan, except during rainy
season and/or occurrence of tropical depressions and low pressure weather system
wherein there shall be absolute prohibition;

c. Establish a data base for all tourist spots in their respective areas as to all information
or knowledge pertaining to the said tourist spots, which shall include but not limited
to all terrain, weather, climates, species, flora, fauna, etc and shall furnish all offices

d. Supervise the information dissemination or information drive with respect to

promotion of the tourist spots located in their respective municipality/ city;

e. Ensure the necessary and reasonable number of qualified and competent tour guide in
every activity in their covered area, after close coordination with the PHACTO;

f. Shall designate/assign a Water Safety and WASAR trained Barangay Tanod who
shall serve as escort or guide, aside from the tour guide assigned in every activity in
the specific spot and/or coordinate with PNP for the detail of Tourist Police, if
necessary; and

g. In coordination with the PDRRMO, conduct the necessary training for Water Safety
and WASAR to the concerned tour guides in its specific territorial jurisdiction.

Section 7. Tour Guide. In addition to those required by Provincial Ordinance No. 2012-04,
tour guides shall:

a. Have the necessary permit or license from the appropriate government agency;

b. Have the required competency or skills needed for the area in which they are to act as

c. Be required to have knowledge about Water Safety and first-aid;

d. Have the working communication knowledge or skills and language proficiency,

depending on the tourists being guided;

e. Be responsible to orient its visitors or tourists as to the “Do’s and Don’ts” and facts on
the specific area;

f. Wear proper uniform and official ID;

g. Ensure adequate number of flashlights, life vests or other necessary safety measure
materials as needed in such hazardous tourist spots as according to the number of
visitors; and

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