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Reversal Pattern:

Reversal patterns are chart patterns, which are formed as a result of the trend being
changed. When an up trend changes to a down trend or when a down trend
changes to an up trend, it is not usually sudden and dramatic. It slows down, pulls
back, goes in the direction of the trend, comes back.

If we look at the stock of Infosys on 25 April, 2018 the stock rallied upwards and on
2 may, 2018 the stock price started fall upto the 80% correction. However we
can observe that that as the price started to decline the volume to decreased
showing something fishiness and thus eventually it went up, which is what usually
to be expected at the end of the reversal trend.
Double Top:
The double top is a frequent price formation at the end of a bull market. It appears
as two consecutive peaks of approximately the same price on a price-versus-time
chart of a market. The two peaks are separated by a minimum in price, a valley. The
price level of this minimum is called the neck line of the formation.
th th
If we look at the pattern from May 10 2018 to June 10 2018, it can be
observed that there are two consecutive peaks that are roughly equals.
The main estimation after the double top is that there might be a possibility of
reduction in price which we can see in the pattern, where the price are rising with a
decreasing trend.

Double Bottom:
The double bottom is just the opposite of double top. It is basically the frequent price
formation at the end of the bearish market. The pattern is formed after a sustained
trend when a price tests the same support or resistance level twice without a
breakthrough. The pattern signals the start of a trend reversal over the intermediate-
or long-term.

Here we can witness than the stock price of Bajaj electrical was continuously
decreasing and in December it was trying to get back but there was confusion
among the traders as also it was not supported by the volume. Thus it bounced
back without touching exactly touching the 205.5 of its earlier consecutive peak low
203.3 and thus forming a double buttom. But we can also see the that at the end of
the double bottom it is followed by the green candles indicating the rise of the price
and suggesting the investors that they can make money.
Triple Top:
The Triple top pattern are usually rare compared to the double top. The voume is
usually low during the second rally and lesser during the formation of triple top. The
peaks may not necessarily be spaced evenly and the intervening valley may not
bottom out at exactly the same level .
The triple top is confirmed when the price decline from the triple top falls below the
bottom of the lowest valley between the three peaks.

Here the stock of HindZinc a triple top formation however it might not always be sign
of bearish trend as we can see that after the 3 peak the price increase which
shows that it was a false signal.

Triple bottom:

The triple bottom chart pattern typically follows a prolonged downtrend where bears
are in control of the market. While the first bottom could simply be normal price
movement, the second bottom is indicative of the bulls gaining momentum and
preparing for a possible reversal. The third bottom indicates that there's strong
support in place and bears may capitulate when the price breaks through resistance

There are a few rules that are commonly used to qualify triple bottoms:

1. There should be an existing downtrend in place before the pattern occurs.

2. The three lows should be roughly equal in price and spaced out from each
other. While the price doesn't have to be exactly equal, it should be
reasonably close to the same price, such that a trend line is horizontal.
3. The volume should drop throughout the pattern in a sign that bears are losing
strength, while bullish volume should increase as the price breaks through the
final resistance.

As we know that peaks might be of roughly equal length and at the end of the triple
bottom it is expected to rise theoretically. Here in this graph to we can observe
almost the same pattern which also supported by the volume and thus showing the
perfectness in the projection of the triple bottom assumption.

Head And shoulders:

The Head and Shoulders is a reversal chart pattern that indicates a likely reversal of
the trend once it’s completed. A Head and Shoulder Top is characterized by three
peaks with the middle peak being the highest peak (head) and the two others being
lower and roughly equal (shoulders). The lows between these peaks are connected
with a trend line (neckline) that represents the key support level to watch for a
breakdown and trend reversal.
Here we can see at the beginning of the formation of the head and shoulder the
increase in price is followed by the volume and the middle head being the highest
point and the right shoulder has a subsequent reaction and it slides down followed
by the decline in the volume thus forming the pattern.

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