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Important Keys To Answer Specific Question On

SPM Physics Paper 2 And 3


Form 4 - Chapter 1: Measurement

1. The position of the eye is perpendicular to the scale (or ruler) to avoid parallax error /to reduce
error / to increase accuracy.
2. The diameter of the wire is measured at 3 different places (and calculate the average value) to
obtain a more accurate reading / to improve the accuracy of measurement.
3. Check the voltmeter for zero error adjustment

 Simple pendulum :
1. The fan should be switched off throughout the course of the experiment.
2. The oscillation is done in only one plane.
3. The amplitude of oscillation should be small, i.e. ≤ 10°.
4. For each value of length, the time taken for 20 complete oscillations need to be repeated in
order to minimize the random error during experiment.

Form 4 - Chapter 4: Heat

1. Water must be stirred (thoroughly) so that the temperature is uniform.
2. The capillary tube and ruler scale must be parallel. [ Charles Law Experiment ]
3. Trapped air must always be below the water level / immersed.
4. Remove Bunsen burner when taking the reading. [ Pressure Law Experiment ]
5. Thermometer must not touch the base of the beaker.
6. The reading of the thermometer is read when it achieves thermal equilibrium.
7. Wait until the thermometer recorded the maximum temperature and then record that
8. Insulate the apparatus used (by covering with felt / cloth).

Form 4 - Chapter 5: Light

1. Make sure that the position of object, the optical centre and the screen are in straight line.
2. Object distance (or image distance) must be measured from the object (image) to the (optical)
centre of the lens.
3. Object and image must be in a straight line perpendicular to the lens.
4. The object must be placed on the principal axis of the lens.
5. The measurement of the image distance should be repeated and the average value is
6. The experiment must be carried out in a dark room.
7. The position of the eye when taking readings of real depth and apparent depth must be
perpendicular to the container to avoid parallax error.

Form 5 - Chapter 1: Wave

1. This experiment (interference of sound waves) is done in an open space to reduce the effect of
Form 5 - Chapter 2: Electricity
1. Ensure all wire connections must be tight (to improve accuracy)
2. The diameter of the wire is measured a few times and calculates the average value to obtain a
more accurate value.
3. The current is switched off when not taking any reading to avoid the wire being heated up.
4. While taking readings of the ammeter (voltmeter) make sure that the pointer is always
vertically above its image on the mirror to avoid parallax error.
5. The zero error of the ammeter and voltmeter must be checked and adjusted.
6. Use small current.
7. Use short connecting wires.
8. The wire should be always being straight and free from kinks.


Form 4
Heat Transfer
 No heat lost to the surroundings / All the heat given out by the heater is absorbed by water.

Boyle’s Law (Experiment)

 Temperature is constant / Mass of the air is constant.

Charles Law (Experiment)

 Pressure of the gas (or air) is constant / Mass of the air is constant.

Form 5
Chapter 5 - Radioactivity: Safety Precautions In Handling Radioactive Substances
 Wear protective clothing’s made of lead.
 Use glove.
 Use remote-controlled robotic arm to manipulate strong radioactive substances.
 Place a shield made of thick lead between the worker and the radioactive substance.
 Wear a photographic badge which detects amount of radiation they are exposed to.
 Keep radioactive substances in a thick lead container.
 Wear eye glasses made of lead are use at all times when handling radioactive substances.
 Food and drinks are not allowed in places where radioactive substances are handled.
 Use forceps.

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