Examen de Suficiencia A Nivel Básico E Intermedio Idioma Inglés

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Componentes del examen Puntaje Total Duración Total

1. Grammar 20 puntos
2. Reading 40 puntos
3. Writing 20 puntos 90 minutos
4. Listening 10 puntos
5. Speaking 10 puntos


Verb be, pronouns, possessive adjectives, a/an , plurals, present simple, a/ an + jobs,
possessive adjectives, the time, adverbs of frequency, can / can’t, like + (verb+ing), object
pronouns, possessive pronouns, past simple of be: was /were, past simple- regular verbs,
there is / there are, there was / there was, prepositions of place, present continuous, a /
BÁSICO an, some / any, countable / uncountable nouns, how much / how many, quantifiers: a
lot, not much, etc., be going to, comparatives adjectives, superlative adjectives, would
like to / like, adjectives and adverbs, present perfect or past simple, past perfect,
reported speech, used to, passive, will / won’t, have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, if +
present, will+ infinitive (first conditional).
Present simple and continuous, past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect, future forms:
going to, present continuous, will/shall, present perfect and past simple, present perfect
continuous, comparatives and superlatives, must, have to, should (obligation), must,
may, might, can’t (deduction), can, could, be able to (ability, possibility), first conditional
INTERMEDIO and future, second conditional, third conditional, usually and used to, passive;
something, anything, nothing, etc; quantifiers, too, not enough, quantifiers, articles; a /
an, the no article; gerunds and infinitives, reported speech: statements, questions, and
commands; passive: be + past participle, relative clauses: defining and non-defining,
question tags, indirect questions, phrasal verbs.

Puntaje mínimo aprobatorio: 70 puntos/ 100.

 Derecho de Examen: S/. 150.00 (Cód. de pago: 272)
 Derecho de Trámite: S/. 10.00 (Cód. de pago: 160)
 Extemporáneo: S/. 50.00 (Cód. de pago: 521)

 Pagar en Tesorería con los códigos correspondientes y acercarse a la oficina del Centro de
Idiomas con los recibos para realizar la inscripción.
 Adjuntar copia legalizada ante Notario Público, del Certificado de Estudios de la Institución
donde estudió el idioma o Constancia original de estudios.

Nota: La inscripción se realizará hasta 3 días hábiles antes de la fecha solicitada para el examen.

Fecha del Examen: ………………………………. Inscripción hasta: ………………………………….

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