Pigging: Pigging Adalah Aktifitas Pembersihaninternal - Bagian Dalam Pipa Dari Kotoran (Ntah Wax, Debris, Scale

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Gate Valve Presentation


Pigging adalah aktifitas pembersihaninternal - bagian dalam pipa dari kotoran (ntah wax, debris, scale,
SRB,mungkin kayu?...pokoknya material yang dianggap bisa menghambat laju fluidaatau merusak bagian
dalam pipa) dengan cara scarp atau swab denganmenggunakan "Pig"

Pigging is an internal cleaning activity - the inside of the pipe from the
dirt (wax, debris, scale, SRB, maybe wood? ... any material that is thought
to be able to inhibit the fluid rate or damage the inside of the pipe) by
scarp or swab by using "Pig"


Prosedur Inspeksi Pengelasan atau Hot Tapping. Mesin Hot Tap bisa bertenaga udara, Hidraulic Fluida,
Electricity atau manual (dengan tangan). Harus dirancang dan dikonstruksi mampu menahan temperatur
tekanan dan tegangan material yang mana mungkin diterima selama operasi

Welding Inspection Procedure or Hot Tapping. Hot Tap engine can be air-
powered, Hydraulic Fluid, Electricity or manual (by hand). It should be
designed and constructed to withstand the temperature of pressure and
material stress which may be acceptable during operation
Laminar and Turbulent Flow

Laminar Flow: the flow of a fluid when each particle of the fluid follows a smooth path, paths which never
interfere with one another. One result of laminar flow is that the velocity of the fluid is constant at any point in the

Turbulent Flow: irregular flow that is characterized by tiny whirlpool regions. The velocity of this fluid is definitely
not constant at every point.


 Laminar flow is smooth whereas turbulent flow is not.

 Fluid particles in the laminar flow do not cross each other whereas turbulent flow particles
cross each other in the flow of the fluid
 Velocity is constant at any point in the laminar flow whereas on the other hand velocity is
not even in the turbulent flow

PRESSURE DROP Penurunan tekanan (pressure drop) adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk
menggambarkan penurunan tekanan dari satu titik dalam pipa atau tabung ke hilir titik. "Penurunan
tekanan" adalah hasil dari gaya gesek pada fluida ketika mengalir melalui tabung yang disebabkan oleh
resistensi terhadap aliran.

A pressure drop is a term used to describe a drop in pressure from a point in

a pipe or tube down the point. "Pressure drop" is the result of the
frictional force on the fluid as it flows through the tube caused by
resistance to the flow.


Galling is a severe form of adhesive wear caused by the transfer of material between metallic sliding
surfaces under load, especially if there is poor lubrication. Movement and plastic deformation lead to
interaction between the two materials, sometimes transferring material from one sliding surface to

. Galling often occurs in high load, low speed applications, but it also occurs in high-speed applications
with very little load and results in significant increase of friction and damage to the mating surfaces.

Generally there are two major frictional systems which affect adhesive wear or galling. In terms
of prevention, they work in dissimilar ways and set different demands on the surface structure,
alloys and crystal matrix used in the materials:

 Solid surface contact

 Lubricated contact

A common solution is to use two dissimilar materials as they are less likely to suffer from adhesive wear.

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