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Chapter 2 - Contents of the Gétä Summarized

Verses 1-10 (Arjuna’s Further Doubts and Surrender)

1. Explain the significance of addressing Kåñëa as “Madhusüdana”. (2.1)

2. Explain the analogy of the dress of a drowning man. (2.1)

3. Define the 3 phases of understanding the Absolute Truth in relation to the analogy of the sun. (2.2)

4. Explain the word bhagavän. (2.2)

5. Who is an Äryan (2.2)

6. What words does Kåñëa use to chastise Arjuna (Arjuna’s arguments of Chapter 1)? (2.2, 2.3)

7. Explain the significance of Kåñëa addressing Arjuna as “Pärtha”. (2.3)

8. What are Arjuna's arguments in this section for not fighting? (2.4 to 2.6)

9. Why should everyone approach a bona fide spiritual master? (2.7)

10. Who is a brähmaëa and who is a kåpaëa? (2.7)

11. Explain the significance of Saïjaya addressing Arjuna as parantapaù. (2.9)

Verses 11-30 (Jïäna – Fight!)

12. What does a “paëòitäù”, a wise man, not lament for? (2.11)

13. Write in brief Çréla Prabhupäda's arguments against the Mäyäväda philosophy in the purports to
verses 2.12 and 2.13.

14. Explain the “theory of reflection”. (2.13)

15. Who is a dhéra? (2.13)

16. Why should one perform his duty despite the hardships of climatic conditions? Give one eg. (2.14)

17. Define “sat” and “asat”. To what do they refer? (2.16)

18. Analyze the difference between a living and a dead body. Explain the analogy of medicine. (2.17)

19. List any ten qualities of the soul.

20. Since the soul cannot be killed, so can we kill anyone at our desire? Explain. (2.19)

21. What are the six transformations of the body? (2.20)

22. Explain the analogy of the light of the sun with respect to soul. (2.20)

23. Who can apply violence? Give two relevant analogies. (2.21)
24. Explain the analogy of garments in relation to the soul. (2.22)

25. Explain the significance of the fact that the soul is sarva-gata. (2.24)

26. Why is the soul described as “amazing”? (2.29)

Verses 31-38 (Karma-käëòa – Fight!)

27. What is the meaning of sva-dharma? Describe the various types of sva-dharma. (2.31)

28. Why does a battle cause a kñatriya pleasure? (2.31, 2.32)

29. State Kåñëa's arguments in this section (2.31 to 2.38) to get Arjuna to fight. (2.31 to 2.38)

Verses 39-53 (Buddhi-yoga – Fight!)

30. What is “säìkhya” and “buddhi-yoga”? (2.39)

31. Any work in Kåñëa consciousness is never a loss. Explain with an example. (2.40)

32. What is “vyavasäyätmikä buddhiù”? Explain the analogy of watering the root of a tree. (2.41)

33. What do Vedas primarily deal with? How can they become an obstacle on the spiritual
advancement? (2.42 to 2.45)

34. Explain the analogy of the well. (2.46)

35. Why do devotees become indifferent to ritualistic performances? (2.46, 2.52)

Verses 54-72 (Characteristics of a sthita-prajïa)

36. Who is a “muni”? Who is a “sthita-dhér muni”? (2.56)

37. Explain the analogy of tortoise. (2.58)

38. What is the correct way of overcoming the desires for sense gratification? (2.59)

39. What it means to be a “mat-para” devotee of the Lord. How did Mahäräja Ambaréña become a “mat-
para” devotee? (2.61)

40. What are the steps of “falldown” from spiritual advancement. (2.62, 2.63)

41. Explain the analogy of boat. (2.67)

42. Who alone can achieve perfect peace? Explain with an analogy. (2.70)

43. What is real desirelessness? (2.71)

44. What is nirväëa? What is the correct Vaiñëava understanding of nirväëa? (2.72)

45. Mention any five symptoms of a sthita-prajïa. (2.54 to 2.72)

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