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Saigon Institute of Technology




Mai Hoàng Hùng (Billy Skinny)

ID: 01-06-0-0853

Florence is the city that began the Early Renaissance in Europe. At that time,

Florence is also well-known for the development of banking and dominated by the

ruling class – Medici family representative. They were so wealthy, so they build

the churches and palace to satisfy their interest. Now, Florence is the most

magnificent city in the world by the achievements in the Early Renaissance in

architecture and artistry. The Early Renaissance in fifteen century comes from

Florence (Firenze) in Italia with the Donatello’s sculpture, Ghiberti’s bronze

embossment, Masaccio wall-painting, and Brunelleschi’s architecture. This area

made from the thinkers, wealthy sponsors and talent artist. The Medici’s family

highly supported to develop Florence became the center of Europe at that time by

manage the biggest Medici bank system and fund the talent artist to make the value

creation to the world culture and art. The main style of Early Renaissance was

inspired by the manners from the ancient Roma, concurrently they also boycott

Gothic manner to reach to the pinnacle of artistry.

The First Phase: Masaccio, Ghiberti and Brunelleschi

These great artists represented for the specific characteristic in this era.

Masaccio was the first great painter of the artistic style of late Middle Age (Gothic)

and Early Renaissance in Italia. His frescoes are the earliest monuments of
Humanism, and introduce plasticity previously unseen in figure painting. He also

affect on other artist. He applied the scientific perspective in his painting and

created the new painting technique such as vanishing point in art for the first time.

Ghiberti is famous for works in sculpture and metalworking. He was the winner of

the competition of curve the door pattern for the church in Florence and the author

of bronze statues within the Orsanmichele in Florence, one of Saint John Baptist

for the Wool Merchants’ Guild and one of St. Matthew for the Bankers’ Guild and

produced a bronze figure of St. Stephen for the Wool Manufactures’ Guild. Filippo

Brunelleschi was one of the most early architects and engineers of the Italian

Renaissance. His works are almost in Florence, Italy which carved in world

architecture the significant bold mark. His first commission was the Foundling

Hospital which was the first building in Florence to make the clear reference – in

its column and capitals – to classical antiquity.

Medici Era

In Early Renaissance, Florence was the best known for commerce and art

and the most developed city in the world. In that political situation, this family

controlled and rose the power by own the biggest banking system and wealth in

this city. The first political dynasty is Cosimo de’ Medici. He is not only expertise

in business and politic but also the sponsor and collector in culture and art. He

spent his family fortune to enrich Florence and was a patron and confidante of Fra
Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, and Donatello, whose famed David and Judith Slaying

Holofernes were Medici commissions. His patronage enabled the eccentric and

bankrupt architect Brunelleschi to complete the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, and

the dome was perhaps his crowning achievement as sponsor. The next dynasty of

Medici’s generation is the eldest son of Cosimo de’ Medici – Piero de’ Medici. He

was the rulers of Florence, but he only destroyed the Medici bank and the

reputation of the Medici’s family and become one of the anti-elements of Medici.

Finally, he controlled over the city in five years after taking over his father

achievements. Lorenzo de’ Medici is the eldest son of Piero de’ Medici and one of

the most successful person in Medici house. He was also know as Lorenzo de

magnificent and was a diplomat, politician, and patron of scholars, artists, and

poets. His contribute his life to the prosperousness of Florence; his death marked

the end of Golden Age of Florence.

In Europe, the Early Renaissance is one of the most important phases during

the Renaissance. This period support many talent artist, scholars, even the banker

in history. They also marked changing in artistry thinking in Gothic phase and

develop the success of ancient period. The difference in mentality of the works is

still exist now in Florence – the most superb city in the world.

Ghiberti. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


Masaccio. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


The development of Italian art in Renaissance. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009,from

Brunelleschi. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


Ghiberti. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


Ghiberti. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


Ghiberti. (n.d.). Retrieved Sep 23, 2009, from


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