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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

Grade 7

Learning competency:
Recognizes that changes in different health dimensions are normal during puberty.

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a.) Distinguish the changes in different health dimensions during puberty stage making
use of illustrations/pictures that will be shown to them.
b.) Perceive that they experience changes as they grow and develop by sharing their own
experiences or observations among themselves.
c.) Summarize the topic through illustration.

II. Subject matter

Title: Changes in the health dimensions during puberty.
Reference: http:/
Time frame: 1 hour

III. Materials
- Manila paper/ cartolina, marker, glue, pictures/illustrations that shows changes in
different health dimensions during puberty stage.
Method: Inductive

IV. Procedure
A.) Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Daily Routine:

Assign the class representative to check the

B.) Review of the past lesson

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The teacher will ask questions about the 5 The students may answer that the 5 different
different health dimensions under growth and health dimensions under growth and
development. development are the physical,
mental/intellectual, emotional, social and
C.) Motivation
Present a picture about growth and development and the students are instructed to identify
the changes illustrated and tell what specific health dimension does the picture belong. Ask the
students to give any idea about the picture presented and what are their thoughts about it.
Ask the students if those pictures are depicting growth and development.

D.) Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Introduce the lesson about different changes

in health dimension that happens to
adolescents during puberty stage as part of
growth and development.

Changes in different health dimensions during

adolescence Changes in different health
dimensions during adolescence.

Mention some descriptions of the changes and

students are instructed to classify it according
to what health dimension does it refers.

There’s a rapid increase in height and weight. It’s physical change.

Adolescents less accepting of what others say. It’s under mental/intellectual.

So those are some examples of the changes

that adolescents might experience as they
undergo puberty stage.
There’s a change in the body composition like
After mentioning one of the health muscles that develop rapidly.
dimensions which is the physical, students are
instructed to enumerate other physical
changes they had observed.

Other changes that an adolescent might

experience are sudden increase in hormone
production, bones become harder, sweat and
oil glands become more active.

Another health dimension is the

mental/intellectual. Some changes under this
include learning to question what others say,
they try to get the bottom of things, trying to
find out what to believe and what to doubt,
they can sense the disadvantages and
advantages as well as dangers and rewards
that might happen because of their actions.
Is the changes help adolescents to have a
Do you have any questions or clarification? good sound in decision-making?

Response for the student’s clarification by

giving the idea that they can already think
well before acting as well as know the
importance of planning ahead.

Adolescents are more responsive to rewards

Instruct the students to give the changes in the and stress.
emotional aspect of an adolescent that they Adolescents especially girls become self-
have observed. conscious.

Adolescents are more emotional and this

makes them open to being hurt or in danger.
Adolescents boys are also sexually active.
Adolescents are very self-conscious.
How about in the social health dimension?
They strictly choose their clothes to wear for
In what way? them to be presentable.

 Adolescents also consider approval of

friends and peers as very important.

 Adolescents who grow up with family

members showing love, guidance and
support for each other are less likely
to involved with bad company and
engage in fights, smoking, drinking or
drug sessions.

Adolescents begin analyzing themselves and

trying to find out who they really are and
analyze their strengths and weakness.
-I can sing and dance
Can you share some of your strengths? -I can perform in front of many people
-I can play musical instruments

- I am not good enough in arts

How about your weaknesses? -I have stage-fright and I easily get
disappointed, sometimes a negative thinker

You should find ways how to overcome your

weaknesses so that it will not hamper your
goals in life.

It’s normal to experience the different

changes min different, health dimensions so I
hope that you won’t be shocked and feel
ashamed about it.

- I learned that it’s normal to experience such

So anyone who can give his/her realizations? changes and I learned also how to manage it.
-I also learned that as part of growth and
development, there are changes in different
health dimensions and there are specific
changes and differences among boys and girls
especially in the physical aspect.

V. Activity
Form a small group with 8 members. Instruct the students to discuss among their
groupmates the changes that they have experienced and observed. Illustrate and put it on a
manila paper/ cartolina. Afterwards, choose one representative from the group to explain their
output in the class.

V. Evaluation
Instruction: In ½ crosswise, answer the following:
1.) Differentiate growth from development
2.) Enumerate the 5 health dimensions
3.) Give at least 2 changes in every health dimension
4.) Give at least 3 importance of learning the different changes in the health dimensions as part
of your growth and development

VI. Assignment
Instruction: In ½ sheet of paper, write your reflection on what we have discussed today.

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