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Tips for Pupils.

01. Try not to skip classes or absent to school. As a lesson missed

will be a lesson learnt later. You need to know and understand
each lesson taught by the teacher.
02. Pupils need to talk and speak among your friends in English. By
conversing in English Language you are actually learning and
training yourselves to use the language. Start from understanding
words, phrases and sentences gradually. Do not be ashamed.
Communicate. Mistakes and errors are one way of understanding.
03. Read and learn about idioms, proverbs and with sample of the
Idioms in a sentence. Read samples from English language books
04. Pupils need to know basic grammar rules. E.g. articles, singular
and plural, SVA ( subject verb agreement ), punctuation and
part of speech.
05. Pupils need to know on how to answer WH’s questions.
( Who, Where, What, When, Why and How ). Each questions
need reasons. Give good reasons. Write as a pupil with 6 years
of experience and studying in school and not like a year one
06. Pupils need to be able to understand HOTs questions. Need to
think out of the box. Need to have elaboration. Not just rigid.
07. Pupils must be capable to describe objects, situations, events or
places well. Try to make your answers interesting not forgetting
the content and structure of your sentences or answers.
08. You need to express yourselves and give opinion. Do not be a
passenger and wait to be spoon fed. Rise up, be brave and
speak up….in English language.
09. Start to read…..intensively. Read a paragraph a day and try to
comprehend what you have read. If there are difficult words...use
the dictionary or...the internet to get the meaning. Learn new
meanings the antonyms and synonyms of words.
10. Take part in literature activities. Read, act, sing and speak.
11. Always have a positive mind on English Language. It is not
difficult. Love the language.

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