ME 254 - Thermodynamics I: Frenklach@berkeley - Edu

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ME 254 – Thermodynamics I

Fall 2018 T, Th 3:30–5 3113 Etcheverry

Instructor: Professor Michael Frenklach, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Office: TBD (check bCources) 6105B Etcheverry
Phone: 643-1676

COURSE OUTLINE (approximate)

Week Topic Chapter(s) in Main Text
1-2 Introduction, Classical thermodynamics, Basic classical and quantum mechanics 1,5,6
3 Statistical ensemble, Boltzmann’s distribution, Partition function 2,3,4
4 Evaluation of translational partition function, Particle distinguishability 8
5-6 Evaluation of rotational, vibrational, and electronic partition functions 9
7-8 Application of partition functions, Chemical equilibrium in gas mixtures 10
9 Condenses phases: Crystals and liquids 13
10 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution 15
12 Potentials and forces (Mie, Lennard-Jones, Morse, Tersoff, …) lecture notes
13-14 Kinetic theory of gases and molecular collisions, Transport properties 16
14 Simple collision and transition-state theories of reaction rates 17
15 Master equations of energy transfer lecture notes

Main Text
N. Laurendeau, Statistical Thermodynamics: Fundamental and Applications, Cambridge
University, 2005.
Additional Reading
T. L. Hill, An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, Dover, 1986.
D. A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics, Harper Collins, 1976.
V. P. Carey, Statistical Thermodynamics and Microscale Thermophysics, Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1999.


Homework assignments 30 %
Midterm exam 30 %
Final exam 40 %

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