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Why are vaccine mandates increasing in Europe?

By Anna Watson, Arnica

July 2017

2017: the year we have witnessed a sudden surge in vaccine mandate threats
across Europe, following on from similar moves in the US and Australia.

Poor media reporting, especially of measles deaths

The other factor is undoubtedly the media. Europe has collectively reported several
measles deaths this year within its population of nearly 75 million. Romania has had
the majority of these measles deaths, 32 of 34 at the last report.
However, Feli Popescu, the Romanian representative for EFVV claims that the
epidemic is not measles, but testing. Furthermore, the records in Romania include
measles deaths from 2016, not just 2017.

“The measles "epidemic" in Romania is fabricated with the help of unstandardised

tests. They are simply measles-testing ALL children in hospitals who have serious
illnesses or who die for various reasons: pneumonia, sepsis, heart malformations,
congenital heart defects, even children with diabetes and leukaemia. Of course
some of them will react positively to the measles test, because the tests are NOT
standardised. When these children die the cause of death is claimed to be
measles.” As I write, Feli reports that the new law will demand that the parents
of unvaccinated children in school will not only be fined heavily but that after 18
months, if the child is still unvaccinated, parents will be reported to the authorities for
disrespecting the rights to the child. Doctors will have new strict laws about what
they can and can not share with parents about vaccinations.

Another example of poor investigative journalism relates to new regulation in

Germany and a measles death. A young German mother of three died from
complications from measles. It is a tragedy when a mother dies of course. This
mother tried twice however to get to the hospital but was instead treated with
antibiotics and anti-fungal drugs at home; not the protocol for treating measles. This
death became the trigger for a proposed change in vaccine policy in Germany, not
vaccine mandates as has been reported. Surely the question of medical error and
misdiagnosis also needs to be raised; 19,000 people die in Germany every year
because of wrong diagnoses or wrong medication. Where is the balance in

We have great concerns over claims of measles deaths in the UK circulating in

social media in Italy and beyond. The Italian health minister, Beatrice Lorenzin,
made the following statements on two separate Italian TV shows:
• In 2014, she claimed that 270 children died ‘’the previous year’’ in a measles
epidemic in London (many Italians frequently refer to anywhere in the UK as
‘London’). The following video shows the minister making this claim:


• In 2015, she claimed that over 200 children died ‘’the previous year’’ of measles in
an epidemic in London. Here she is making this claim:


The minister has never been publicly challenged about these claims and she has
never retracted them, although in recent years she seems to have watered down her
rhetoric and now refers to ‘many measles deaths’ in the UK. The damage could be
significant in terms of the lack of knowledge and the fear spread. Many Senators in
Italy have publicly come out in support of parental rights, stating that they had no
idea about the whole picture but it is not enough to stop the law passing to increase

 Details of the vaccine policy and practice in different European countries can be
found on but my focus for this article are the situations in Italy, Poland,
France and Germany.


Thousands of Italian parents have been attending daily protests in different major
cities.  It was reported in Vaccine Impact and verified by Comilva, one of the freedom
organisations who have come together for these protests. The parents want to
stress that they are not anti vaccine, but they are pro-freedom; the freedom to
choose if, when and how much to vaccinate their kids. The issue is FREE
CHOICE. Sophie GUILLOT French whistleblower, and close partner in activism,
spoke at the Pesaro meeting, 8th July, with 40,000 – 50,000 people, which was the
largest protest, as I write this piece. A mother from Pesaro had official
acknowledgement that vaccines had been responsible for the deaths of both children
and the public came out in support. Although the media still does not share any
images on these protests, the government has already backed down a little.

 The proposed 12 mandated vaccines, high fines and threat of loss of parental rights
over their unvaccinated children has been reduced as a result. As it stands as
of today in law there will be 10 vaccines mandated, fines of 100-500 euros per year
to each children attending school but missing any vaccines. Children will not be
removed from their parents' care but nursery aged children who are not vaccinated
however will still not be able to attend daycare from the 2018/19 intake. The
unvaccinated children in school will be dispersed through the school to balance the
numbers of unvaccinated in one class. This of course could create terrible division
and is totally unscientific. The focus will then need to be on how the different regions
will apply and enforce this new legislation.

A group of bi-lingual Italian / German-speaking parents in northern Italy close to the

Austrian border are so angry about a new requirement to get their children
vaccinated that they plan to seek asylum in nearby Austria. The 130 families live in
Alto Adige – also known as South Tyrol – a region that was part of Austria before
1919. A further 1,500 Italian citizens signed a public letter to Pope Francesco
announcing they are ready to request political asylum to the Vatican State in case
the mandatory vaccines decree law is confirmed by the Parliament.

The Veneto Region is contesting the new legislation and challenging the way it has
been passed (by decree instead of normal legislative procedure) saying this goes
against constitutional principles. They will refuse to comply with this new law. Mr
Imposimato, a leading anti-mafia senior lawyer has taken up the cause.

POLAND Justyna Socha is the vice president of the National Association for
Knowledge about Vaccination STOP NOP. She asks: “Please share this information
so that the whole world would know how ridiculous situations Polish social activists
have to face in a democratic country. We want our country to respect our rights, we
want access to full information about risks that vaccines bring and we want free
choice like in some other European countries. We also want our country to take
responsibility for vaccine injuries because we don' t have an effective system of
diagnosing, treating and keeping a record of vaccine injuries. There is also no
compensation for families who suffer ill effects from vaccines.” 

Justyna has been working pro bono and fighting the pathologies of the Polish
Immunisation Program Schedule for many years. In December 2015, a petition was
launched and it was urging the new Polish government to purge the Polish public
administration of persons with conflict of interest, and in particular the members of
the Pediatric Experts on Immunization. The names of doctors, who are officially
known as the ones who benefit financially from vaccine manufacturers, were listed in
the petition.

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski - the secretary of the immunisation team has taken this as
libel. He personally took up a criminal and civil case. He has been demanding a one-
year sentence in prison for Justyna, 100,000 zlotys, removing the petition and he
wants a public apology. The hearing on July 6th was postponed. If conflicts of
interests cant be revealed in these cases then this would be a completely
unaccountable sysytem.
Poland has protested in force. Several events with 10,000
people. The next one is to take place on August 24th to support a family refusing to
vaccinate and facing reduced parental rights.

The latest news from Poland is here:

FRANCE On the Age of Autism site June 21 a Havard MD comments: 
 “The new
Macron health minister, Dr. Agnès Buzin, stated on Friday June 16th to the Le
Parisien that she will decide if they should mandate 11 vaccines - 8 new ones - on
top of the current DPT. Part of the 'logic' is that since the DPT alone vaccine is no
longer available since 2008 (currently only as a hexavalent vaccine and “it would
take 10 years to develop a trivalent DPT vaccine” according to industry) they might
as well mandate more vaccines! She will annonce her decision by August 8th. I’m
guessing she will mandate 11 vaccines, like Italy, and the media will support her.

Activists are scrambling with petitions and planning an opposition campaign, but time
is short. They thought they won a victory when their Supreme Court (Le Conseil
d'État) decided on Feb 8 2017 that the government had to make the DPT alone
vaccine available, as the only ones mandated. But the government's logic is to
increase the number of mandated vaccines which is what they have been working
toward since 2015, since it is 'impossible' to make a trivalent vaccine available and if
not available they would have to suspend the "mandatory DPT" as it the state does
not give parents that option!”
 Posted in the Comments:

A major demonstration is planned on September 9th in Paris organized with the

support of Sophie Guillot, whistleblower, and Green MEP Michèle Rivasi. 

‘Parents in Germany who fail to seek medical advice on vaccinating their

children could face fines of up to €2,500 (£2,175; $2,800).’ Reported the BBC, 26
May 2017.
However, in brief, Germany has not imposed fines for non vaccination,
but has strengthened the existing regulations of 2015 which required parents to
attend vaccine consultations over the years of their child’s development. The
childcare facilities have been asked to report parents who do not bring their
certificate which prove they have attended this meeting. This has not proved popular
with child care workers in the same way that child minders and nurseries in the UK
are not all comfortable with taking an active role in encouraging vaccination. 
demonstration is planned on Berlin on the 16th September.

A reminder of a few of the reasons that vaccines shouldn’t be mandatory

to health

Our own example of vaccine injury payments in the UK clearly show that vaccines
can be proven to cause severe disability. Nearly 950 people have been made a
payment totaling £74,000,000 since 1976. Initially payments were only made to
people with 80% disability and during this first 20 year period over £70,000,000 were
paid. More recently the level has been lowered to 60% or more in an era with many
more vaccines yet the vaccine injury payments have been far less. This doesn’t
prove that vaccines are safer!

Contamination “Many millions more people than previously thought might have
been given polio vaccine contaminated with a monkey virus linked to cancer.” This
article, from the New Scientist was published back in 2004, but I suggest it is still
current as all vaccines have the disclaimer "NO VACCINE has been evaluated for
carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.
More recently an investigation into micro and nano contamination in vaccines
revealed "The analysis carried out shows in all samples checked vaccines contain
non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the
Producers, against which the body reacts in any case.

Lack of evidence that the unvaccinated pose a risk

Not even the UK Governments own regulation "Health clearance for tuberculosis,
hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV: New healthcare workers" demands that healthcare
workers be vaccinated. It suggests screening and the offer of vaccination with post-
immunisation testing of response;

“This guidance recommends that all new healthcare workers have checks for
tuberculosis disease/immunity and are offered hepatitis B immunisation, with post-
immunisation testing of response and the offer of tests for hepatitis C and HIV “ The
demand is made, not by the NHS, but from the Universities and the Hospitals,
presumably by their insurance companies. The concern of the NHS is infection
rather than non-vaccination. “This guidance is intended not to prevent those infected
with blood-borne viruses from working in the NHS, but rather to restrict them from
working in those clinical areas where their infection may pose a risk to patients in
their care.“ 
Infection is a risk in clinical settings but where is the evidence that the
non-vaccinated are putting the vaccinated at risk where non-vaccinated does not
automatically mean infected?
Possibility that vaccines may be harming
 A small but significant study found that: “After adjustment, vaccination,
male gender, and preterm birth remained significantly associated with NDD. (Neuro
Developmental Disorder.)

A large study examining the number of vaccines in 34 nations concluded: “These

findings demonstrate a counter-intuitive relationship: nations that require more
vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality

Some European countries do not even have a vaccine adverse event reporting
system. It is nearly inconceivable that a product can be mandated in this

What next?

The situation in Europe is ever changing as parents protest and laws are re drafted.
We think that the UK needs to be prepared for serious discussion around vaccine
mandates now the BMA have recently been called to look at the issue. Mandating
childhood immunisation continues to be contentious in the UK, and a motion on the
issue was fiercely debated at the BMA’s annual representatives back in June
2017. The rapid responses are worth reading.

Dr David Salisbury, ex-chair of the JCVI maintained previously that, “to make
vaccines compulsory would be counter productive”. However, our current chair
Prof. Andrew Pollard, has conflicts of interests which are shocking reports John
Stone. 'As director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, which developed Bexsero, Prof
Pollard sits on its funding body… Blatantly, Pollard later addressed a GSK
sponsored meeting later in September 2015 at the Royal College of Paediatrics and
Child Health under the title:

Introduction of new vaccines to the UK vaccine schedule with limited evidence

of efficacy [sic]: Meningococcal group B and maternal pertussis
vaccination.' Prof Pollard is also under investigation by the European Ombudsman
over conflicts in European Medicines Agency after complaints by Nordic Cochrane'

Arnica UK is gearing up its members to write to all key players in the government,
relevant health and vaccine committees, MPs and media editors. The EFVV will be
meeting in September to plan some co ordination and legal challenge in the
resistance to mandatory vaccines.

We will be looking to Sweden whose parliament has banned mandatory

vaccinations, citing “serious health concerns” and the fact they violate a citizen’s
constitutional rights to choose their own healthcare. 

The Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions on May 10th that would
have enshrined forced vaccinations into law, stating “It would violate our [Swedish
Constitution] if we introduced compulsory vaccinations, or mandatory vaccinations.”

Noting also the “massive resistance (by Swedes) to all forms of coercion with regard
to vaccinations“, the Riksdag also made reference to “frequent serious adverse
reactions” in children who receive vaccinations.

You can keep up to date with the situation on the EFVV FB page And by signing the
petition, where monthly updates are shared.


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