Love Story: Name: Jebone, Einstein Webster J. Subject: Phil. Literature Course: BSCE Subj. Schedule: TH 7-10 AM

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Name: Jebone, Einstein Webster J. Subject: Phil.

Course: BSCE Subj. Schedule: Th 7-10 AM

Love Story
by Louie Jon A. Sanchez

The woman slowly walks

The narrow path toward the garden’s end,
Where her love awaits,
Reading an old novel.

For clarity,
Whoever shares this story must
Always tell this: A long,
Long period of war
Separated them.

Mention that before the parting,

The two Lovers etched
Their names on a bell—
A vow of everlasting attachment.

Know that after the war ended,

She never saw the man again.
Many assumed he died
And so they played the requiem for him.

Her feelings prevailed.

She continued her search.
And she did not fail.
This is their first meeting,

And a questioning may emerge:

What is remarkable in this moment?
As the man closes his book,
As the woman sits down,
The scene shall end
Like rising dust.

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