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Practical No.:1 Date: _______ Pg. No.


Practical Name: PowerPoint presentation on Impact of ICT on Education

Tools/Software used: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Description/Theory: To create presentation slides on the Impact of ICT on Education in PowerPoint.

 Planning the Storyboard by gathering important points on the impacts of ICT on education
from the ICT textbook.
 Creating the Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007
 Adding Slide transition
 Adding animations to objects on a slide
 Running a slide show and saving the file with a suitable filename.

Result/Output: Presentation of Impact of ICT on Education


Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Practical No.: 2 Date: Pg. No.:________

Practical Name: Create a Blog on ICT topic using Apply appropriate image a
background and colour scheme.

Software used: Computer, Windows software, Internet

Procedure :
 Blogs can be created either by using on-line tools or by using free software available on internet.
 Click on the Internet Explorer icon. Type the blogger site address ( in the
address box.
 Click on “CREATE A BLOG” button.
 If you already have a Google Account, click on “Create a blog” link otherwise create a Google
 Type a title for your blog (eg.” ICT Internet Application”).
 Type the Address (URL) of your b1og- for eg. (“123computer1). Any address you can use.
 Type the word correctly in the verification box and click “CONTINUE”.
 Now you can choose your favourite template from the template group. You can create your blog
successfully and you can write and publish blog article.

Result/Output: A newly created blog can be seen

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______
Practical No.: 3 Date: Pg. No.:_________

Practical Name: Search your District, City and Residence using E map/Google Map.

Software used: Computer, Windows software, Internet

 Open the site in your Internet Browser
 Click the “Down Load Google Earth” button, if it is not getting directly.
 Then type specific place, location (such as a city, landmark or address).
 Click and drag the map.
 Press the up arrow on your keyboard to move north.
 Press the down arrow on your keyboard to move south.
 Press the right arrow on your keyboard to move east.
 Press the left arrow on your keyboard to move west.

Result/Output: You will view outline and name of your residence on Google Map

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Practical No.: 4 Date: Pg. No.:___ __

Practical Name: Create a simple document using word processor in an Indian Language(Marathi /Hindi)
making use of an Unicode font.

Software used: Computer, Window Software, Internet.

 Steps to be followed are:-
 Click on ‘Google Chrome’. Type ‘Google translator.
 Start typing the paragraph.
 Select from which language to which language you want to translate your content.

Result/Output: Now you will get your paragraph in a particular language.

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Note * Try to put Images in a miniature picture on the left hand side of the practical.
Practical No.: 6 Date: Pg. No.:___

Practical Name: To perform scientific activities suggested in and

Software used: Internet explorer

 Perform using following website ( /
 Click on Internet explorer then Type http:\\ in the address bar.
 Click on “View all experiments” then you will get all experiment lists. Select your particular subject
and select an experiment.

Result/Output: You can see the website on a screen

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Practical No.: 7 Date: Pg. No.:___

Practical Name: a) Draw a line segment of length 6.60m and draw perpendicular bisector to line segment.

Software used: Computer, Software (GeoGebra)

 Open the GeoGebra and go to the view menu and click on the axes option to get the clear screen.
 Select the option Segment with given length from point tool and Click anywhere in the Graphics
 Now Click on the Screen, a point A will appear with a pop up box asking for the length to be
entered. Enter the given value i.e 6.5 cm and then press OK button.
 You will get the line segment of the given length. Now to draw the perpendicular bisector to the line
segment, select the Perpendicular bisector tool.
 Click on the Segment AB to draw its perpendicular bisector.

Result/Output: The Perpendicular bisector passes through the midpoint D.

Practical Name: b) Draw an angle with measurement 133 and bisect it.

Software used: Computer, Software (GeoGebra)

 Open the GeoGebra and go to the view menu and click on the axe option to get the clear screen.
 Select the option of Angle with given size.
 Click on the screen after selecting 2 points , you will get a window in which you have to fill measure
of angle i.e 133 and the direction( counter clockwise) by default it is counter clockwise.
 Now select the Segment between Two Points tool and draw the line between the given points.
 After joining the given points, select the Angle Bisector tool and click the points in sequence

Result/Output: You will get the angle bisector at point B.

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______
Practical No.: 8 Date: Pg. No.:_________

Practical Name: Construct a regular polygon with 6 sides using "polygon" tool.

Software used: Computer, Software (GeoGebra)

 Open the GeoGebra and go in the view menu and click on the axes option to get the clear screen.
 Select the tools option and go to polygon tools and select Regular Ploygon tool.
 Click on the screen after clicking 2 points a pop up box will appear asking to enter the number of
vertices, type 6 in the dialog box and then press OK.

Result/Output:We will get a regular polygon with the segment value given on the hand side.

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Practical No.: 9 Date: Pg. No.:________

Practical Name: Find the mean, median, mode of the following data 11,25,28,37,65,47,58,59,78,14.

Software used: Computer, Software (GeoGebra)

 In the Input bar, type Mean[11,25,28,37,65,47,58,59,78,14] and press the enter key. The result of
mean will be displayed in the algebra window.
 Repeat the first step and type Median[11,25,28,37,65,47,58,59,78,14] Input box. The result of
median will be displayed in the algebra window.
 Again repeat the first step and type Mode[11,25,28,37,65,47,58,59,78,14] Input box. The result of
mode will be displayed in the algebra window.

Result/Output: The result of mean median mode will be displayed in the algebra window

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______
Practical No.: 10 Date: Pg. No.:_________

Practical Name: Verify the theorem using GeoGebra. The measure of an angle subtended by an arc on the
circle is half of the measure of the angle subtended by the same arc at the centre.

Software used: Computer, Software (GeoGebra)

 Select the ‘Circle with centre through Point tool’. Click at a point A and then click at another
convenient point B to draw a circle with centre A through point B.
 Using the New point tool, add two other points C and D on the circumference of the circle.
 Consturct the segments AC, AB, CD and DB by connecting points A, B, C, D respectively using the
segment between two point tool.
 Select the Angle tool. Click on the segments AB and AC. Similarly click on the segment DB and

Result/Output: It can be noticed that the measure of the angle subtended by an arc at a point on the circle is
half of the measure of the angle subtended by the same arc at the centre.

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Practical No.: 11 Date: Pg. No.:________

Practical Name: Verify the theorem using GeoGebra. If two circles are touching circles then the common
point lies on the line joining their centres.

Software used:Computer, Geogebra software.

Procedure :

First Select the Cirlce with Centre through Point tool .Let the centre of the circle be point A and move the
cursor so that point B lies in a convenient position .
Then Select the Circle with centre through Point tool. Let the centre of the circle b.
Construct the segments AC connecting point A and C using the segment between two Point tool.

Result/Output: It can be noticed that the common point lies on the line joining their centers

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______
Practical No.: 12 Date: Pg. No.:_________

Practical Name: The Percentage of literate males between the ages 15 and 45 in a colony is given. Draw a
histogram and frequency polygon.

Software used: Computer, Geogebra software.

Procedure :
 Type the following command in the Input bar Histogram [(15,20,25,30,35,40,45),
(42,38,35,26,16,05)] and press enter key.
 Histogram will be displayed on the Graphic view.

Result/Output: Histogram and a frequency polygon can be seen on the screen

Remark: Teachers sign

Date: _______

Notes of Chapter 2

How is google used?

1. Google-, is the most popular search engines

2. Google Accounts is a unified sign-in system that gives you access to:

Free Google
products, including iGoogle, Gmail, Google Groups, Picasa, Web History,
and more. AdWords and Google Checkout.
3.Google Chrome is the best browser for Power users who value speed and working without distraction.

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