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The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical

advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The
information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of
your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program
as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not
to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your
physician throughout the course of Double Bells / Double Strength, you
are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By beginning
and participating with Double Bells / Double Strength workouts, you
recognize that despite all precautions on the part of The Forged Athlete
LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your
use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such
risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have
against The Forged Athlete LLC or their respective affiliates as a result
of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as
a result of, the use or misuse of your program.

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by

any means) without the expressed written permission of Travis
Stoetzel and The Forged Athlete LLC.

This manual is being offered for education and information purposes

only. There is inherent risk with any physical activity.

Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise

The Forged Athlete, LLC or Travis Stoetzel cannot be held responsible

for any injury that may occur while participating in this program.

Copyright 2014 The Forged Athlete, LLC

Double Bells /Double Strength
First off, WHY Double Bells??

Well, in my personal opinion for when it comes to kettlebell training there’s no

better way to train then with a set of DOUBLE Bells.

It takes regular kettlebell training to a whole new level.

Now, I’ve got nothing against single bell training at all, but once you’ve experienced
training with a set of double bells, you’ll know exactly what I mean ;)

So, within this manual you’ll find 11 of my favorite “Double Bell” routines that I’ve
used within my own personal programming as well as within my athlete’s
programming for some seriously powerful results.

As I’ll explain in the welcome video below, these double bell routines are NOT for
complete beginners. I definitely recommend you get yourself well versed and
familiar with the SINGLE kettlebell movements first before you even think about
digging into these double bell routines.

So, what movements am I talking about??

Well, here’s a list in order of importance and progression:

1 – Single Bell to Double Bell RDL and Sumo Deadlifts

2 – Single Bell Goblet Squat to Double Bell Front Squat
3 – Single to Double Bell Strict Press
4 – Single to Double Bell Push Press
5 – Single to Double Bell Russian Swing
6 – Single to Double Bell Power Clean
7 – Single to Double Bell Push Jerk
8 – Single to Double Bell Snatch

And so on…

Bottom line is to make sure you’re comfortable with the movements above BEFORE
you try to hammer out some of these routines.

I go over the basics of what you need to know within each video demo which will
help you out more, but real world experience is CRITICAL to have to practice and
progress through the movements above.
How to use these Routines?
The best way to utilize these DB/DS routines would be to throw them into the END
of your main workout IF you’re not planning on using these DB/DS routines as a
main focus for you training. I always say your first priority is to make sure to get in
your main strength and conditioning work, and then after you’ve completed that,
you can have your fun with these challenging type routines.

However, just note that I’m not sure about YOU and what your goals are so make it
relevant to what you’re trying to do.

If all you’re after is to hit conditioning routines to shred off some bodyfat, use these
as their own stand alone routines in themselves just cycling through each one over

If strength is your overall goal, I’d throw these in as a quick finisher to your main

Does it matter which routine I do?

The best way to approach it would be to first learn each of the movements (as I hit
on above) then after you’ve learned how to do each of the movements on their own,
feel free to try out each of the different challenge before attempting to do one a
second time.

It’s always best to see which challenges you can perform well on and which one’s
give you the most trouble so you know what you need to work on.

This will also give you a good feel for where you’re at.

From there I would attack the tougher challenges first to help improve on your
weaknesses. When you improve on those, you’ll destroy the other challenges you’re
already good at.

People naturally want to do what comes easy for them, but don’t be like most
people. Attack your weaknesses and challenge yourself!

Other then the main suggestions I offered above, you can never go wrong with just
picking out one of the routines and just putting in work. In the end it’s more about
making sure you’re doing things right with good form and technique verses just
beating yourself up and making yourself tired.

And with that, The MOST IMPORTANT Tip I can give you before I set your loose is to
make sure to progress at your fitness level to avoid possible injury. We ALWAYS
So, if you need to cut back on the reps or rounds that are listed or even regress back
to using a single bell on any of the routines, do so until you feel you’re ready.
EARN THE RIGHT to progress ahead with a heavier weight or even to go at the
prescribed reps and rounds listed.

The video demos I have below will supply further details in regards to the actual set
ups and flow of each routine so make sure to review those before you get after it.

Have fun and Go 110% H.A.M.


PS - Make sure to stop by my Facebook Fan Page and let me know which of these
bad boys becomes your favorite overtime ;)
The 11 Double Bells / Double Strength
CLICK HERE TO ACCESS The Double Bells / Double Strength Video Demos

1 - Body Armor
High Pull

***Do 6-10 reps of each movement

***Do 4-6 total rounds
***Rest only 90-120 secs between rounds

2 - Lower Body Armor

Sumo Deadlift
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Drop Lunge OR Front Rack Drop Lunge

***Do 6-10 reps of each movement

***Do 4-6 total rounds
***Rest only 90-120 secs between rounds
3 - Full Body Assault
Power Clean
Front Squat
Front Power Lunge OR Racked KB Power Lunge

***Do 8 reps of each movement

***Do 5 total rounds
***Rest only 90-120 secs between rounds

4 - The BIG 5
Do 1 rep of each movement through the whole cycle x 10 Min AMRAP


Do 5 cycles through the complex x 5 total rounds

***rest 90-120 secs between rounds

Snatch x 1
Push Jerk x 1
Clean x 1
Front Squat x 1
Swing x 1

5 - The Double Triplet

Do 3 x 3 Min AMRAPS of:

Snatch x 3
Front Squat x 3
Thruster x 3
***1 Min REST between AMRAPS
6 – Unbreakable
Do 3 Rounds Of The Following Complex:

Power Clean x 5
Front Squat x 3
Push Press x 10
Front Squat x 3
Swing x 15
***No setting the bells down during the complex
***Rest 2 mins between complex rounds

7 - The Iron Ladder To Heaven

Do 3 Rounds through the following complex:
***Rest 2 mins between rounds

20 x Deadlift
16 x Swings
12 x Power Cleans
8 x Front Squats
4 x Strict Press

8 - Fall From The Sky

Do 3 Rounds through the following complex:
***Rest 2 mins between rounds

3 x Strict Press
6 x Snatch
9 x Front Squats
12 x Cleans
15 x Swings
18 x Sumo Deadlifts
9 - Add It On
Do 3 Rounds through the following complex:
***Rest 1 min between rounds

OR - Do 10-15 Min AMRAP of the following complex:

DL x 1
DL + Power Clean
DL + PC + Swing
DL + PC + Swing + Front Squat
DL + PC + Swing + Front Squat + Push Press

10 - Mobile and Hostile

Do 3 Rounds through the following complex:
***Rest 1-2 mins between rounds

Snatch x 5
Push Press x 5
Rack Walk x 100 ft
Clean x 5
Front Squat x 5
Farmer Walk x 200 ft
Shuttle Sprint x 400 ft total
***Break the shuttle sprint up however you choose

11 - Double-Doubles
Do 2 Min AMRAPs of Each Double/Double set up below
***Rest 1 min between each 2 min AMRAP

Sumo Deadlift x 2
Power Clean x 2

Power Clean x 2
Swing x 2

Swing x 2
Front Squat x 2

Front Squat x 2
Push Press x 2
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