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National Youth Coordinating Council 2018

2018 September 15-16 (Saturday-Sunday)

St. Peter’s College Seminary, Brgy. Concepcion, San Pablo City

Convened on this Year of the Clergy and Consecrated Persons and looking forward to
the Year of the Youth, the National Youth Coordinating Council 2018 will serve as a
venue for youth ministers coordinating and representing their respective Regional
Youth Coordinating Councils to strengthen their commitment as servant-leaders, called
and chosen by Christ and striving to closely follow His example, and to review how
youth ministries are participating in the ongoing novena of the Philippine Catholic
Church towards 2021, the 500th anniversary of the Catholic faith in our country.

Youth Ministers: Called and Chosen

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” [Jn 13:15]

--From KA-LAKBAY: Directory for Catholic Youth Ministry in the Philippines:

“To promote adequate representation and collaboration of youth ministers, the ECY
created the National Youth Coordinating Council in 1984. Meetings of the council are
held annually. When convened, it functions as the advisory body of the ECY, and serves
as a clearinghouse of all youth activities, programs and resources.

The NYCC serves to identify youth ministry concerns that need to be brought to the
attention of the ECY. These concerns may come from their own region or may be
identified as a national concern. It also proposes definite plans of action and/or
resolutions that address these concerns concretely and accordingly. Then, it submits
these plans of actions or resolutions to the ECY for its further study and approval or
disapproval.” (KA-LAKBAY, p. 164)

The Episcopal Commission on Youth invites

to this Coordinating Council Meeting
the Regional Youth Directors, Coordinators and Leaders
of the nine (9) Regional Youth Coordinating Councils,
as well as youth ministers representing the FNYO Coordinating Council.

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Animated by Christian servant-leadership, the NYCC2018 meeting aims to:

1. Present the ECY decisions to the NYCC2017 Resolutions, and revisit or initially
map the implementation
2. Gather the support of all the RYCCs in coordinating and implementing the 2019
Year of the Youth programs and in spearheading and monitoring other related
and relevant initiatives—both in their respective regions
3. Strengthen the coordination ad intra and ad extra of each RYCC, especially in
relation to the national network of youth ministries, towards a sustained
experience of communion in mission.

General Program

September 14, Friday | Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

Afternoon Travel to St. Peter Seminary Host-Diocese
16.00 Arrival and Reception ECY Secretariat
Settling down
19.00 Dinner Host-Diocese

September 15, Saturday | Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows

07.00 Breakfast Host-Diocese
Arrival and Reception ECY Secretariat
Settling down
08.00 Holy Mass Presider: Fr. Joel Victorino
1. Animation ECY Secretariat
2. Welcome ECY Executive Secretary
3. Acknowledgment of the ECY, Council Members,
Observers and Staff
4. Introduction of the Facilitator and Process
5. Orientation about the Meeting, its Objectives and
10.15 BREAK Host-Diocese
10.30 MEETING PROPER Meeting Facilitator
1. Reading and approval of the NYCC2017 Minutes
2. Business Arising
ECY Bishops’ Decision on the NYCC2017
12.00 LUNCH Host-Diocese
13.30 Animation Ad Hoc

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3. General Business ECY Secretariat
3.1. Year of the Youth
a. Response from the RYCCs
b. Timeline of the Pastoral Plan
16.00 BREAK Host-Diocese
16.15 3.2. ECY Events and Activities ECY Secretariat
18.00 Observations Process Observer
18.30 Eucharistic Adoration for Vocations Ad Hoc
19.30 DINNER Host-Diocese
20.30 Fellowship Night Ad Hoc
Night Prayer Ad Hoc
22.30 Rest

September 16, Sunday | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

07.00 Breakfast Host-Diocese
08.00 Animation Ad Hoc
08.15 Recap Meeting Facilitator
08.30 3.3 National Youth Day 2019 ECY and Cebu
09.30 Open Forum Meeting Facilitator
10.00 Observations Process Observer
10.15 Executive Summary Meeting Secretary
10.30 Break and Preparation for the Mass Host-Diocese
11.00 Holy Eucharist Presider: ECY Chairman
12.00 Lunch Host-Diocese
Deregistration ECY Secretariat

Allocation of Official Participants and Observers

To form the NYCC, the Episcopal Commission on Youth invites the Regional Youth
Director (RYD), Regional Youth Coordinator (RYC) and Regional Youth Leader (RYL)
from each Regional Youth Coordinating Council (RYCC).

Please refer to the tables below as regards the specifications:

Table 1. Who should fill the allocated slots for official participants
From each of these RYCCs:
Central Luzon Region
National Capital Region
1. Regional Youth Director
Southern Tagalog Region
2. Regional Youth Coordinator
Bicol Region
3. Regional Youth Leader
Central-Eastern Visayas Region
Western Visayas Region
Military Ordinariate

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1. Regional Youth Director
2. Regional Youth Coordinator
From the
3. Regional Youth Leader
Northern Luzon RYCC
4. Another official representative (should be a Diocesan Youth
Director/ Coordinator/ Leader from the region)
1. Regional Youth Director
2. Regional Youth Coordinator
3. Regional Youth Leader
From the 4. MSPC-Cabustam official representative*
Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral 5. MSPC-Daditama official representative*
Conference with five (5) Sub- 6. MSPC-Dopim official representative*
Regions 7. MSPC-Kidmaco official representative*
8. MSPC-Zambasuli official representative*
*Slots 4-8 should be occupied by either the Sub-Regional Youth
Director/ Coordinator/ Leader.
1. National Leader or official rep of the Chair Organization
2. National Leader or official rep of the Assistant Chair Organization
From the
3. National Leader or official rep of the Secretariat Organization
FNYO Coordinating Council
4. National Leader or official rep of the Treasurer Organization
5. National Leader or official rep of the Liaison Organization
1. ECY Secretariat Director
From the ECY Secretariat 2. Official representative from the ECY Secretariat
3. Official representative from the ECY Secretariat

Aside from these official council members, the ECY allows the presence of other youth
ministers as observers, for which a maximum of two (2) spaces is given to each region.

Table 2. How many participants are expected

1. Northern Luzon Region 4 2
2. Central Luzon Region 3 2
3. National Capital Region 3 2
4. Southern Tagalog Region 3 2
5. Bicol Region 3 2
6. Central-Eastern Visayas Region 3 2
7. Western Visayas Region 3 2
8. Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral Conference 8 2
9. Military Ordinariate 3 2
10. Federation of National Youth Organizations 5 2
11. ECY Secretariat 3 2

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Other Important Instructions


Each RYCC is asked to register using the reply slip sent with the invitation. The ECY
earnestly requests that all accomplished slips be sent back to the ECY not later than
August 30.


The meeting begins after breakfast on September 15; everyone invited is expected to be
present at breakfast time at 07.00.

On September 16 the following day, at lunchtime, the meeting ends. Everyone is asked
to set their travel schedules with respect to the set meeting schedule.


To achieve the objectives of the meeting and to foster fellowship and collaboration,
everyone is requested to be fully present for the entire duration of the meeting.


For this NYCC2018, no solidarity share will be collected from registered participants,
whether official or observer.

5. ID

Each participant is requested to bring his/her NCYM2018 ID to be used during this

meeting. Having an ID fosters familiarity, and using what was provided in the pre-
NYCC conference allows us to minimize expenses and save energy.


Through the invited youth ministers, the ECY makes an appeal to their respective
Bishops for assistance in covering the transportation expenses.

On its part, the ECY will subsidize ten percent (10%) of the transportation expenses of
each official participant, provided that an official receipt is made available by the
official participant to the ECY Secretariat during reception.


Throughout the meeting, everyone is enjoined to wear suitable and comfortable attire
(i.e. business casual-relaxed, smart casual).

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Contents may be changed. There may also be further information. These will be
communicated by the ECY to those concerned by email. The ECY therefore asks
everyone invited to regularly check their email, and to send by email any NYCC-related
concern they may have.


The animation of the meeting (i.e. liturgies, icebreakers, etc.) will be a shared endeavor
with the participating RYCCs. Each RYCC is therefore invited to be ready and willing
to take on several tasks during the meeting.

Below is a table of activities in the meeting and the RYCC requested to take charge:
Holy Eucharist Northern Luzon and National Capital RYCC
Animation moments Central Luzon RYCC
Eucharistic Adoration Mindanao-Sulu-Pastoral Conference
Fellowship FNYO Coordinating Council
Night Prayer Bicol RYCC
Morning Prayer Military Ordinariate RYCC
Animation moments Central-Eastern Visayas RYCC
Holy Eucharist Southern Tagalog and Western Visayas RYCC

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