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Only editing to be done........................................................................................................

Food / Brahma bhojan: ....................................................................................................2
Three things are essential in life. ..................................................................................3
Shiv Baba and food!............................................................................................................3
Brahma Baba’s experience..................................................................................................3
How to prepare food and take it?.........................................................................................4
While preparing food, stay in remembrance....................................................................4
Reduce your time in preparing your food........................................................................4
Do eat food prepared by impure souls.............................................................................5
How to eat food?..................................................................................................................5
While eating remember Him............................................................................................5
eat only simple food.........................................................................................................5
Accept whatever you receive from the sacrificial fire.....................................................5
Check for how long you are able to eat in remembrance of Baba...................................6
Benefit in eating in remembrance ......................................................................................6
Pure food purifies the mind and body..............................................................................6
It will be filled with power and your stage will become very good................................6
They can even have visions of Brahma...........................................................................7
Pure food purifies the mind and body..............................................................................7
It is said that all the sorrow and pain of those who eat from that bhandara are removed.
If you take food prepared by yogis..................................................................................7
The children of the Father cannot starve:............................................................................8
At least you will have daal and roti. ..............................................................................8
You are not getting burnt chapatis!. ..............................................................................8
They say, "Eat dhal and roti, and sing songs of praise for God."....................................8
Trial in eating...................................................................................................................9
Eat only pure food............................................................................................................9
there is also a bad influence through food. ....................................................................9
You cannot eat food prepared by those who are impure...............................................10
Food and the stage........................................................................................................10
Food and sin...................................................................................................................10
Mind is also affected......................................................................................................10
In desparate situation.....................................................................................................10
You should not have desire for food ................................................................................11
Detachment in eating also..............................................................................................11
Vow in your Brahmin life for your food and drink.......................................................11
Subtle aspects ‘food’:.........................................................................................................12
Food for the intellect: ....................................................................................................12
continue to give to the soul the food of remembrance...................................................12
Did your intellect accept pure food? ...........................................................................12
Pure thoughts is the food for the intellect.....................................................................12
Food for your intellect is pure thoughts. ......................................................................13
Check every thought - sanskar ......................................................................................13
checking thoughts - food ............................................................................................13
Check everything...........................................................................................................13
Diet control & weight reduction for good yoga– ..........................................................14
listen to the murli daily & churn...................................................................................14
Which food makes the soul constantly powerful? .......................................................14
to use that wealth for service means to be saved from being a beggar for the whole
Your actions are food for your hands and feet. ............................................................15
To Imbibe Weaknesses..................................................................................................15
Service: .............................................................................................................................15
Only eating without service!..........................................................................................16
Preparing food is a Godly service ................................................................................16
Brahma bhojan:..................................................................................................................16
You eat from the Brahma Baba's kitchen. ..................................................................18
Offer bhog:.........................................................................................................................18
Value of bhog.................................................................................................................19
Caution ..........................................................................................................................19
Offer bhog first..............................................................................................................19
Under desperate circumstances:.........................................................................................19
In military.......................................................................................................................19
When you are not able to stay in yoga...........................................................................20
In wedding:....................................................................................................................20
You receive ready-prepared food in Maduben..............................................................20
You receive prepared food ..........................................................................................20
Kumars and food................................................................................................................20
With children.....................................................................................................................21
Food of sanyasis:................................................................................................................21
People of no other religion are such firm vegetarians...................................................21
In Temples:....................................................................................................................21
Feeding the departed soul..................................................................................................22
At the end- Famine.............................................................................................................22
In heaven:...........................................................................................................................22

Only editing to be done.

The stomach only needs to be fed two chapattis.
Also make effort to stay in remembrance when preparing meals. When you eat, eat in
pleasure with the Father.
When you eat food, do you feed the soul or do you eat it in body consciousness? 28/07/71
Food and wealth are the means of contentment for the body, but only with spiritual love
can the soul be contented.

Whether in lokik life or in alokik life, three things are essential for both lives.
What are they? Firstly, you need nourishment, secondly, happiness and thirdly, the
treasures. All these three things are essential. What would you call the nourishment?
The happiness is that of attainment, but what is the nourishment and what are the
treasures? The treasures are those of knowledge and the nourishment is the power with
which the self is filled through remembrance. Nourishment is energy for life. You have
also received the complete treasures, have you not? You have received the nourishment,
and you have the happiness anyway. 08/06/71 av

Shiv Baba and food!

Shiv Baba says: I am altruistic. I am beyond experiencing anything (Abhogta). I don’t eat
this toli etc. The sovereignty of the world is also for you. The food and drink is also for
you. 15/01/02 sakar
The best directions are considered to be those of sages and gurus. However, they
too accumulate so much wealth for their stomach. I don’t have a body of My own. I don’t
do anything for My stomach. You too are also concerned for your own stomach (self),
that you should become emperors and empresses. Everyone is concerned for their own
stomach. Some eat plain barley chapattis, whereas others eat at the Ashoka hotel. Sages
accumulate wealth and build huge temples. Shiv Baba doesn’t do anything for the
livelihood of the body. He gives you everything in order to make you constantly happy. I
am bodiless and I come to make you children constantly happy. Shiv Baba is incorporeal.
Everyone else is concerned for their own stomach. Everyone has a stomach. Everyone
needs food. 21/05/02 sakar
Shiv Baba does not eat food etc. When you cook pure food in remembrance of
Baba, you will gain strength from that. 08/05/02 sakar

Brahma Baba’s experience

Baba has experienced everything. Baba remembers his whole life. He wore a cap
and went barefoot. The Muslim people used to love him a great deal; they looked after
him a lot. The son of a teacher is considered to be like the son of a guru. They fed him
millet chapattis. Here too, Baba made a programme when everyone just had buttermilk
and millet chapattis for fifteen days. Nothing else was made at that time. They were
made for everyone, including those who were sick, but nothing happened to anyone. In
fact, the sick children recovered and became healthy. 24/05/99 sakar
It is easier for Baba than the children because Baba stays right next to him. When
Baba sits down to eat his meals, he thinks: OK, I am going to remember Baba. That
remembrance stays for 2 to 3 minutes and then I forget.
Baba gives his own example: When I sit down for meals or when I go for a bath, remind
me to remember Shiv Baba. Although you yourself may not be staying in remembrance,
you have to put Baba's direction into practice. There is a lot of praise of Brahma bhojan.
The yoga of the Brahmins who prepare food has to be accurate, for only then will there
be that strength in the food. 15/11/02 sakar
Those people think that because they don’t prepare food at home, and live on
whatever they manage to beg, they are renunciates of action. They are beggars. The food
they eat is of those who indulge in vice and so they are influenced by that food. Although
they have left their impure homes, they still have to take birth in impure homes. 18/12/02

How to prepare food and take it?

It is very good to prepare food just by yourselves. You can cook food for yourself
and Baba with a lot of love. First, offer it to Baba. When you consider yourself to be
alone, you become tired. Constantly remember that you are two: you and Baba. When
you have to prepare food for someone else, you prepare it accurately with a lot of love
and you enjoy yourself a great deal. 28/11/79 av


While preparing food, stay in remembrance. If you are able to remember your
husband or your children while preparing food, why are you not able to remember Shiv
Baba? This is your duty. 16/01/03 sakar
It is very good to prepare food just by yourselves. You can cook food for yourself
and Baba with a lot of love. First, offer it to Baba. When you consider yourself to be
alone, you become tired. Constantly remember that you are two: you and Baba. When
you have to prepare food for someone else, you prepare it accurately with a lot of love
and you enjoy yourself a great deal. 30/11/79 av

When people prepare food, they don’t prepare it with their eyes closed. This is
known as letting your hands do the work and your heart being with the Father. Continue
to do everything with your physical senses, but remember the Father. When a wife cooks
for her husband, she does everything with her hands, but her intellect would be aware that
she is cooking for her husband. 26/12/02 Sakar
In order to remove your weaknesses, make special time to have tapasya. You
have to become complete and make others complete. Therefore, reduce your time of
sleeping, preparing food and eating and have tapasya. Make some extra time for this.
Don't say that you are very busy and that you don't have any time. You will not find any
time, but you have to make time. You may do service, but instead of giving one hour for
that service, if you become powerful and do it in forty-five minutes, you will receive the
fruit of two hours. So save your time. 14/09/75 av
You too are influenced by the food you eat. This is why you are told to take precautions.
You shouldn’t eat food prepared by impure people. As much as possible, continue to
protect yourself. Some even quarrel a lot because of this. There are many such cases
where one brother is on the path of knowledge and the other one isn’t. You are claiming
such an unlimited kingdom and so there will definitely be some quarrelling. Under all
circumstances, you have to continue to protect yourself. 18/12/02 Sakar

How to eat food?

• You have to remember the Father even when taking your meals.


Baba says: To have constant remembrance is not like going to your aunty’s home! So
much effort is made to stay in remembrance at the time of eating, yet still He is forgotten.
Whilst eating, a great deal of effort is made to remember the Father the whole time. As
He is our Beloved, why should we not eat in His remembrance? He would then remain
with us. However, remembrance is still forgotten again and again. 26/08/03 sakar
Eat plenty, but eat with the Father, don't eat by yourself! By eating with the
Father and enjoying yourself with the Father, you will automatically and constantly
remain within the line and in the cottage that is free from sorrow where no trace of Ravan
can enter. Eat, drink and be merry, but do everything whilst remaining within the line
and with the Father. Then, you won't find anything difficult. You will experience
everything as entertainment. 22/01/82 av
The stomach doesn’t need a great deal to eat. What do aborigines eat? They eat chilies
and chapattis made of ground maize and chick peas. Here you receive everything. You
have to remain ordinary, neither too rich, nor too poor. 10/05/03 sakar
Just two chapattis are enough. A person doesn’t need much to eat. If someone is
sensible, he can manage with just a few rupees. There is very little expense in eating just
two chapattis. To eat two chapattis and sing God’s praise means to remember the Father
and the inheritance. 221109 sakar
Accept whatever you receive from the sacrificial fire. Baba is experienced. No matter
how great a jewel-merchant he was, whenever he went to an ashram, he would always
follow all the disciplines of the ashram. There, he would not ask for anything or say: Give
me this or that! You should eat with great royalty whatever food everyone else also
receives. There has to be great peace in this Godly ashram. 29/03/02 sakar
Whatever you are eating, consider that you are eating from Shiv Baba’s yagya.
You also have to look after everything. You cannot offer anything tamoguni. In
temples too, they offer pure food. 12/07/02 sakar
Baba says: Whilst living at home, have the consciousness that everything belongs
to Baba. When you eat in this consciousness, it is as though you are eating from Shiv
Baba’s treasure-store. You do not have attachment to it, but you consider it to belong to
Baba. Baba has given it to you. You have surrendered it to Baba, and you are eating
according to His orders. Although you live at home, you are eating from Shiv Baba’s
treasure-store. You say: I will eat only with You and I will tour around only with You.
By saying “Baba, Baba” your yoga will remain linked to Him. You will become ever-
healthy. 16/06/03 sakar
• Whatever you are eating, consider that you are eating from Shiv Baba’s yagya. You
also have to look after everything. You cannot offer anything tamoguni. In temples
too, they offer pure food. 12/07/02 sakar.
When you are eating your meals, check for how long you are able to eat in remembrance
of Baba? If you remember Baba the whole time, that is very brave of you. At meal times,
you have to signal one another to remember the Father. Remind one another with every
mouthful. Ours is easy yoga. 16/10/02 sakar

Benefit in eating in remembrance

If you eat in remembrance of Baba, nothing will cause you any harm. Through
remembrance you will be filled with power. Your food will become very pure. However,
you don't yet have that stage. Baba says: The food prepared by Brahmins is the highest of
all, but that is only when they prepare it whilst staying in remembrance. By preparing it
in remembrance, they will benefit and those who eat it will also benefit. 14/10/04 sakar
Whilst eating, a great deal of effort is made to remember the Father the whole
time. As He is our Beloved, why should we not eat in His remembrance? He would then
remain with us. 26/08/03 sakar
No one else in the world receives food, which is as clean and filled with as much
remembrance as you do. And it is this food, which has been called the food that removes
a11 sorrow. Why? Pure food purifies the mind and body. If wealth is unclean it destroys
happiness and creates worries. If there is unclean wealth, for instance, even if there is a
hundred thousand yet it will bring multi-million fold worries. Worry is like a funeral
pyre, and if someone is sitting on the funeral pyre, how can he experience happiness?
And unclean wealth comes from an unclean mind. Clean food purifies the mind, and so
wealth and body also become clean. So there is importance in food that is prepared in
remembrance, and there is praise given to such food which is called Brahma bhojan. If it
isn't food cooked in remembrance, then it can cause fluctuation in consciousness. But
food prepared and eaten in remembrance works as medicine, and also blessings. Food
cooked in remembrance can never cause any damage. 16/02/88 av
When someone is using a machine or churning butter, he would be using the machine
whilst in remembrance of Shiv Baba. “I am extracting butter for Shiv Baba’s yagya in
remembrance of Shiv Baba.” This is a matter of great happiness. “I am cooking food for
the yagya.” There is happiness. However, you then repeatedly forget and you have to
make your own effort. There have to be some who inspire one another to make effort for
remembrance. Nevertheless, if you prepare food in Baba’s remembrance, it will be filled
with power and your stage will become very good. There is a lot of praise of Brahma
bhojan, but first souls have to stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba whilst preparing it.
There should be such a bhandara of Shaktis. It is only when you prepare food whilst in
remembrance that you will receive power. Even this doesn’t enter the intellect of the
Shaktis, because then they would make effort. Baba has the desire to prepare food for
Shiv Baba with his own hands whilst in His remembrance. You have to practise seeing
whether your remembrance is able to stay. Baba challenges you: All of you who are in
the kitchen, try this. He knows that children are unable to remember Him for even an
hour. If those who stay in remembrance are knowledgeable, they would engage
themselves in double service. 08/09/03 sakar
You may prepare food, sweets etc. but continue to remember the Father. If you prepare it
whilst remembering Shiv Baba, then those who eat that sweet will also benefit.
Sometimes, they might even have visions. They can even have visions of Brahma. If they
eat pure food, they can have visions of Brahma, Krishna or Shiva. 20/10/04 sakar


No one else in the world receives food which is as clean and filled with as much
remembrance as you do. And it is this food which has been called the food that removes
all sorrow. Why? Pure food purifies the mind and body. If wealth is unclean it destroys
happiness and creates worries. If there is unclean wealth, for instance, even if there is a
hundred thousand yet it will bring multi-millionfold worries. Worry is like a funeral pyre,
and if someone is sitting on the funeral pyre, how can he experience happiness? And
unclean wealth comes from an unclean mind. Clean food purifies the mind, and so wealth
and body also become clean. So there is importance in food that is prepared in
remembrance, and there is praise given to such food that is called Brahma bhojan. If it
isn't food cooked in remembrance, then it ca cause fluctuation in consciousness. But food
prepared and eaten in remembrance works as medicine, and also blessings. Food cooked
in remembrance can never cause any damage. 16/02/88 av
The treasure-store of Shiv Baba is constantly full. It is said that all the sorrow and pain of
those who eat from that bhandara are removed. Untimely death takes place here. Anyone
who comes to the bhandara of Shiv Baba, the Purifier, will become pure. This is why this
is called Brahma Bhojan, for which there is great praise. Very good yoga is also needed.
Prepare food and eat it in a state of yoga and you will progress a great deal. Such food is
filled with a lot of power. You receive a great deal of power if you eat in a state of yoga
and you also remain healthy. Baba also shares his experience: I eat in remembrance as
though Baba and I are eating together. 16/09/97 sakar


Deities love the food of Brahmins because it is through this food of the Brahmins
that they become deities. Therefore, the food of Brahmins has so much importance! It has
a lot of impact. If they received the food of you firm yogis, their intellect would become
very good. Stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba throughout the whole day. Such a firm
yogi who would prepare food whilst spinning the discus of self-realisation, is required.
Many are pure. Even widows and kumaris remain pure. However, they also have to be
yogis. If you take food prepared by yogis, you can progress a great deal. 5 to 7 such
people are required. As you progress further, your stage will become like that. You will
receive a lot of help in yoga. There should be such children who prepare food whilst in
yoga. 12/07/02 sakar

The children of the Father cannot starve:

Whilst the Father is with you, you cannot go hungry. If the devotees have many
different experiences; they are beggars and yet their stomachs are filled; how can you
who have all rights go hungry? This is why you must not be even slightly afraid or
confused about what will happen. 14/02/78 av
Everyone else can starve, but the children of the Father cannot starve because you
have received the blessing of being immortal. 30/01/79 av
Eat the nourishment of happiness and have constant yoga and then everyone can
come. Would you do this? Would you not get tired? Would you not be hungry? Would
you not eat for seven days? You would not get any food for seven days. BapDada does
not wish to make you do this forcefully; you are easy yogis. 17/11/94 av
Of course, there will be fluctuation in wealth, even the millionaires experience
fluctuation, and what are you compared to them? Of course this will happen. But all of
you have firm faith that those who are Baba's companions, if they are true and honest,
then no matter what the circumstances are, BapDada will definitely feed them daal and
roti. Perhaps there won't be two types of vegetables, but at least you will have daal and
roti. However, it shouldn't be that you return from work tired and sit down waiting for
Baba to feed you daal and roti. Those who are lazy and careless in this way will not
receive anything. But the Lord is pleased with an honest heart. And in a family there
would be problems. You even say that after something reaches the extreme, the climax,
it will come to an end. 18/01/96 av
For what reason do you earn your physical wealth? So that you can eat dal and
roti in happiness and that your family can be happy. So that you have a good name in the
world. Look at yourselves – you are receiving dal and roti of such happiness and joy. It is
remembered: Eat dal and roti and sing the praise of God. You are eating the dal and roti
that is remembered in this way. You Brahmin children have BapDada’s guarantee that
Brahmin children cannot be deprived of dal and roti. You may not get food in which
there is some attraction, but you will definitely receive dal and roti. 24/02/85 av


Are all of you in good health, or are there some in the tents who are ill? You are
sitting here, but what about your companions? There is no one. This proves that all of
you have such good health, which means that you have received very good Brahma
bhojan. Look, at least you get very thin chapatis. You are not getting burnt chapatis.
BapDada has heard the result that very good Brahma bhojan is prepared. 31/03/95 av

Why is it that people earn physical wealth? To be able to eat dhal and roti comfortably.
Look at yourself; how comfortably and with what great happiness you are receiving your
dhal and roti! They say, "Eat dhal and roti, and sing songs of praise for God." Therefore
this dhal and roti which you are now experiencing is that which has been remembered.
BapDada gives a guarantee to Brahmin children. A Brahmin child can never be without
dhal and roti. You may not receive those things of your desires and taste, but you will
definitely receive dhal and roti. You are receiving dhal and roti, your family is happy and
your name has been glorified. 24/02/85 av
For fifteen days you were fed buttermilk and dry millet chappatis. It was not that wheat
was unavailable - it was - but it was a trial. No matter how ill someone was, there was
that diet. There was a patient with asthma as welt. Did anyone become ill? No-one
became ill. For fifteen days you only ate that and even the one with asthma became well.
This was the trial that you had. You had the intoxication, didn't you; that BapDada had
given that programme. In Bhakti, it is said that even poison can become nectar; and that
was buttermilk. Faith and intoxication make the soul victorious in all situations. Such
papers will also come. You will even have to eat dry chappatis but you have all the
instruments, do you not? At the moment, you even say that your teeth are not good or that
you are not able to digest food, so what will you do at that time? When there is faith,
intoxication and the power of the success of yoga, even dry chappatis does the task of
soft chappatis. It will not cause you any distress. Why is that? When you are in the
beautiful stage of being the embodiment of success nothing can cause you any distress.
25/10/87 av

To eat meat and drink alcohol etc. is devilish food. 29/10/02 sakar
You are even affected by your food and drink and this is why you have to be very
tactful. 01/10/02 sakar
We also have to take precautions with food. There is no need to ask questions
about this. The intellect understands that, first of all, lust is very bad. Secondly, you
should not eat meat or drink alcohol. Impure ones find it difficult to eat food without
onions and garlic. Baba explains that you will never get pure food from anyone apart
from Brahmins. 30/08/02 sakar


All of you have also made an auspicious pledge of having pure food, have you not? No
matter what happens, even if they fall ill, the bhagats will never break the pledge of
having pure food. So, will all of you break your pledge if any circumstances arise in
terms of your body or your mind? Do you sometimes eat mixed food? No one is seeing
me, let me eat. You follow your discipline very firmly, do you not? Or, are you weak in
this? They are weak bhagats. Are you the weak children? Do you sometimes feel like
eating something when you see it? Perhaps, always eating the same type of food, you
now want another type of food. Won't you eat this? Are you strong or weak? 03/04/94 av
Then, there is also a bad influence through food. If you get influenced by food due
to circumstances or because of the love of any relation, that food will also colour you
with that company. Therefore, you must protect yourself from this too. 11/06/71 av
People would never offer anything unlawful like onions etc. to the deities. If you
want to become such deities once again, you have to renounce all of that. 15/06/02 sakar
You cannot eat food prepared by those who are impure. However, some children don’t
love the Father that much, and this is why they think about how their stomach would be
satisfied. 20/05/02 sakar
Yes, you have to do everything for the livelihood of your body. All of this is
explained to you so that you remain cautious: You mustn’t eat anything impure.
Question: What should you pay a lot of attention to in order to make your stage good?
Answer: Food. Sensible children will stay in yoga and prepare their food themselves and
eat that. If someone remembers Baba with a lot of love whilst cooking and sits and eats
that, their stage can become very good. If they cook in remembrance of Baba, Baba will
take the fragrance of that. 09/06/03 sakar
It is remembered: As your food, so your mind. Those who buy something bad, those who
prepare it and those who eat it all accumulate sin. 01/06/02 sakar
When you become sick because of the influence of climate, environment or your
diet, your state of mind is also affected. Instead of being ever-healthy, you become
diseased. However, one who is ever-healthy remains safe because of being
knowledgeable in all these aspects.16/02/78 av
Question: What precautions must you observe so that you don’t perform any sinful
Answer: You need to take a lot of precautions with your food. When you take food from
a sinful soul, it affects you. The Father gives advice on seeing the circumstances of each
You have to take precautions about your food and drink. This becomes a problem
for many. The Father tells you so much: Eat your meals in remembrance. Directions are
not being put into practice. You should practise this. 17/11/02 sakar
There are difficulties with food and drink. However, there are many things you
can take: you can eat chapattis with mango jam. You will then develop that habit. You
will then not like anything else. 26/11/02 Sakar
Some say: I am always ill, and when a daughter-in-law comes, I
have to eat the food that she prepares. Baba replies: You may eat it.
Would Baba say no? If circumstances are such that you have to eat it,
then do so. However, there is also attachment, isn't there? When a
daughter-in-law of some enter their home, don’t even ask! It's as
though a goddess has come! They become so happy. However, you
must understand that if you want to become a flower, you have to eat
food prepared by someone observing purity. For this, you have to
make your own arrangements. You don’t need to ask anything about
this. Baba explains: You are becoming deities. Therefore, you have to
take these precautions. The more precautions you take, the more you
will benefit. It does take some effort to take more precautions. If you
go somewhere and are going to feel hungry on your journey, then take
some food with you. If you have some difficulty, then, in desperate
circumstances, you can take some bread from someone selling that at
the station. Simply remember the Father. 22/06/05 sakar

You should not have desire for food

You should not have so many desires. Only eat what you receive from the yagya. If there
is greed, if your physical organs are not under your control, you won’t be able to claim a
high status. 24/04/02 sakar
What did you renounce? Did you give up food and drink? Nowadays, even the
doctors tell you not to eat a lot. Eat a little and eat simple food. These days, even the
doctors don't let you eat. 02/01/90 av
You should like 36 varieties of food and also like dry chapatti and molasses. You
should like everything and everyone. 22/01/82 av
Did you renounce your food and drink or did you renounce illness? To renounce
food and drink means to become free from many illnesses. You have become free, have
you not? Instead you received both health and wealth. 03/01/83 av
Did you give up food and drink? Nowadays, even the doctors tell you not to eat a
lot. Eat a little and eat simple food. These days, even the doctors don't let you eat.
02/01/90 av
Even the evil spirit of greed comes. You would then have the desire to eat special
milk toli or cream etc. 25/03/02 sakar
Amongst the children too, there are some who aren’t able to rest if they don’t
have good food. They defame the names of Mama and Baba. Then, when you explain to
them, they become angry. 22/08/03 sakar


Together with the birthday of the Father, it is also the birthday of you children. The
memorials that the bhagats celebrate are also with a lot of love and devotion. But the
difference is that they hold a fast on Shiv Ratri every year whereas you have a picnic. As
soon as you take birth, all of you have a fast just once for all time, that is, for the entire
Brahmin life. This is why you do not have to fast again and again. They have to fast
every year whereas you Brahmin souls have made a vow for this: that from the moment
you took birth, you would constantly remain perfect and complete like the father. Since
the relationship between the soul and the Supreme Soul is eternal, what should the vow
be? It should be eternal, should it not? So the people of the world simply have a fast of
their food and drink. What does this show? That they have a fast of their food and drink
and nothing else. You have taken a vow in your Brahmin life for your food and drink for
all time, have you not? Or, are you free to do what you want? That you can eat or drink
whatever you want? No. Have you taken a firm vow? Or, do you break your vow when
you become tired? No? If sometimes you do not have any time, is it that you should get
something from outside and eat that? Do you become slack in fulfilling your vow?
Look, your bhagats hold a fast, even if it is once a year, but they still follow that code of
conduct. Since your bhagats are firm in their fast, how firm should you be? Are you
firm? Or, do you sometimes become slack? "It doesn't matter if we offer bhog tomorrow
and not today." 18/02/93 av

When someone brings very good things to eat or to wear that too is Maya. At that time,
they are under the influence of Maya. 19/05/83 av

Subtle aspects ‘food’:

If any physical strength is lacking, nourishing food is given to that person. In the
same way, the main nourishing food to increase the power of making decisions is what
you have already been told about: to be bodiless, incorporeal and detached in action. The
incorporeal and the bodiless stages are a state of the intellect, but you should also be able
to be detached whilst performing actions, and also remain unique so that seeing your
every action, people feel that you are unique; that you are not mundane (lokik), but extra-
ordinary (alokik). 26/06/69 av
You have to continue to move for the activity of your body, but while going
towards your lokik work with the feet of the body, at the same time, consider that you are
moving towards your alokik land and bringing benefit through the intellect. The feet are
walking here, but the intellect is engaged on the pilgrimage of remembrance. Just as you
give food to the body, in the same way, continue to give to the soul the food of
remembrance. This remembrance is food for the soul. At the time you give food to your
body, also give the soul the strength and the power of remembrance. 28/11/69 av
Just as the food and drink of great souls are elevated, in the same way, check
whether the food of your intellect was elevated. Did you accept pure food? If those who
call themselves great souls accept impure food, what would people say when they see
this? They would question whether that one is a great soul. So check yourself: Today,
did I accept any impure food through the intellect? It is the food and behaviour of the
great souls that is observed by others. So what was the food of the intellect throughout
the whole day? If the intellect imbibed any impure, sinful or wasteful thought, you
should understand that you had impure food. 18/04/71 av


The pure food and interaction for the divine intellect and the divine eye are pure thoughts.
If you let go of the food of pure thoughts and accept impure food, that is, if you become
influenced by your thoughts, then those who have such impure food would be called
impure souls, that is, the greatest sinners, the ones who commit suicide of the soul.
Therefore, constantly have the thought of protecting yourself from the thought of
committing this great sin. Otherwise, you will have to experience punishment for this
great sin in a very severe form. Therefore, have a divine intellect and be one who
constantly has a pure diet. 19/09/75 av
You have promised that you will eat whatever Baba gives you to eat, and so why
do you accept the food of waste thoughts? Your mouth is not allowed to eat anything
impure, so how can you allow your intellect to eat the impure food of wasteful or sinful
thoughts? It would then be wrong to say that you eat whatever He gives you to eat. You
are those whose words and deeds are the same, are you not? Therefore, by constantly
remembering this promise for your mind and intellect, you will become an easy yogi.
19/12//79 av
What is the easy yukti to become free from such sanskars? Before you perform any
action, sanskars first emerge in your thoughts. "I will do this. It should be like this.
What does this one think? Even I know how to do everything." Sanskars emerge with
thoughts of this type. At the time when you know that your sanskars are showing their
form in your thoughts, then instill the habit or practice of first of all checking your
thoughts and seeing whether they are like those of the Father.
Before an important person accepts anything, he first of all has it checked. For
example, the food of a president, an important person or a king would first be checked
before being accepted by that person. Before such people accept something, they first
have it checked to see that nothing impure is mixed with it. What are those important
people compared to you? Those important people will not even be able to set foot in
your kingdom. In fact, even now, they are to fall at your feet. Since you are becoming
the kings of kings and are called the most elevated souls of the world, the food for the
intellect of you elevated souls, in the form of thoughts, should first of all be checked.
When you accept something without checking it, you are deceived. Therefore, first of all,
check every thought. Just as you use an instrument to measure whether something is real
or whether something is mixed with it, whether it is real gold or rolled gold, in the same
way, check whether your thoughts are the same as the Father's or not. Check on this
basis and then speak or act.
It is when you forget the foundation that sanskars of shudras and of poison become
mixed. When food has poison mixed into it, that food can make someone unconscious.
In the same way, the poison of a trace of a shudra becomes mixed into your food or diet
of thoughts, and you then become unconscious to the remembrance and power of the
Father. So, consider yourself to be a special soul and become your own checker. 12/10/75
It is just as important as when some people first have to have their food inspected
before they eat it. Your thoughts are also food for your intellect. This is why you
children first have to check your thoughts before you accept them, that is, then you put
them into practice. By just checking your thoughts, your words and actions will
automatically be checked. The seed is the thought. Throughout the whole cycle there is
never anyone as important as you. 14/10/81 av p

All the thoughts you have are food for your intellect. The words you speak are
food for your mouth. Your actions are food for your hands and feet. Therefore, you
should check everything. What would you call it if you do something first and then think
about it afterwards? Therefore, be doubly sensible.
You yourselves can imagine that within a large gathering, there will be some things that
happen. Even then, it is a thousand times better than the kumbha mela. At least you get
very good Brahma bhojan. There hasn't been any difficulty with the food, has there?
You simply did not get breakfast. It is good; you do not have any other types of fast. It
is good to hold a fast for one meal. The doctors will become happy that the Brahma
Kumaris have reduced one meal. There was no one hungry, was there? 26/01/95 av Dadis

What is the most elevated method to remove grossness? Precaution in diet and
exercise. When taking precautions, the quantity is also fixed. In the same way, let there
be the exercise of the intellect becoming bodiless again and again. Thoughts are the food
for the intellect; let there be precaution in that. Whichever food of thought is required,
whenever it is required, only accept that at that time Do not take extra food of waste
thoughts. So there should be the precaution of not taking the food of waste thoughts.
Self-control is needed for precaution. Otherwise, you will not be able to have complete
precaution. Self-control means wherever and whenever you need to apply your intellect,
you should be able to apply it. Only then will you become those with a subtle intellect.
Subtlety is greatness. Just as lightness of body adds to the personality of a person, in the
same way, subtlety of the intellect and lightness of the soul is the personality of Brahmin
life. So, what do you have to do now? Finish the many varieties of grossness. Have the
aim of finishing these and become an angel, that is, make yourself light. 23/01/77 av
The cause of the illness is your own weakness and the cure is in every day’s
murli. Each day’s murli is fresh and nourishing food. The food you receive every day is
filled with whatever powers you need. Those who take nourishing food every day cannot
become weak. You do eat this food every day, do you not? You don’t need to fast with
this food. By taking this nourishing food every day, you will remain master almighty
authorities. Together with eating this food, you also need the power to digest it. If you
only have the power to listen but not to churn it, then too, you cannot become powerful.
The power to listen is like eating food and the power to churn is like digesting the food.
When you have both of these powers you cannot be weak. 14/10/81 av P
Which food makes the soul constantly powerful? That of happiness. It is said:
There is no nourishment like happiness. Those who maintain their happiness would be
powerful. By using the shield of drama very well, you will constantly remain happy and
never wilt. If you constantly have the awareness of the drama, you will never wilt. Even
in your intellect, you should constantly have happiness, not just in the form of
knowledge. No matter what the scene is, you should seek benefit for yourself from it and
you will constantly remain happy. 14/05/77 av p *
Similarly, those who become instruments to serve with their wealth become the masters
of countless wealth for 21 births. As well as that, such souls will never be beggars of
wealth from the copper age until now. They will claim their fortune of the kingdom for
21 births, and that wealth will be considered to be like dust, that is, they will attain so
much of it so easily. The subjects of your subjects, that is, even the servers of your
subjects, will be masters of limitless wealth, so that they will never become beggars of
wealth in any one of their 63 births. They will become those who eat dal and roti in great
pleasure. They will never have to beg for bread. So, by using your wealth for the
Bestower in this one birth, what will the Bestower do? He will use it for service. You put
it into the Father’s bhandari and the Father then uses it for service. So, to use that wealth
for service or for the Bestower means to be saved from being a beggar for the whole
cycle. The more you use now, the more you will be able to eat comfortably in the copper
and iron ages. 18/02/85 av
No one should think that by giving their body, mind or wealth to Baba they will
starve. No, this is Shiv Baba's treasure-store from which everyone's livelihood for the
body is provided and will continue. There is the example of Draupadi. That part is now
being enacted in a practical way. Shiv Baba's treasure-store is always full. That too was a
test. Those who were afraid left. Those who wanted to stay with Baba then came to Baba.
There is no question of starving. 29/03/02 sakar
All the thoughts you have are food for your intellect. The words you speak are
food for your mouth. Your actions are food for your hands and feet. Therefore, you
should check everything. What would you call it if you do something first and then think
about it afterwards? Therefore, be doubly sensible.
Some souls have a sanskar of not accepting anything insignificant. They would
first look at everything and check it carefully before accepting it. All of you are pure
great souls; all of you are elevated souls. Therefore, if you souls were to accept thoughts
without considering them or say something without thinking or perform actions without
thinking, it would not match your greatness. Therefore, the one thing you Madhuban
residents have to do is to check. You have the machinery for checking everything, do
you not? Your machinery is practice. 25/03/81 av
Some souls know about virtues, but because they have the habit of seeing rubbish
for birth after birth, they don't see virtues, only defects. However, to see weaknesses and
to imbibe weaknesses is a mistake, just like accepting impure food. If someone accepts
impure food in their diet he feels that to be a big mistake. You then write to Baba saying
that you are weak in the dharna of your food and diet. You realise that it is a mistake,
don't you? In the same way, if you imbibe someone's weakness or defects in yourself,
then understand that you are one who accepts impure food. You are then not a true
Vaishnav, not one who belongs to the dynasty of Vishnu, but you will become part of
Rama's army. This is why you constantly have to be an image of virtues who always
picks up virtues. 29/03/82 av

Don’t take any personal service from anyone. Prepare food for yourself. Do both
spiritual and physical service. 13/09/02 sakar

You are eating from Shiv Baba’s treasure-store and so you have to do Shiv Baba’s
• You should serve your friends and relatives food cooked in remembrance of Baba,
and their hearts will also be cleansed. 30/04/02 sakar


If you don’t do service you just eat and finish it all. It is said: Those who sleep lose out.
To eat without doing eight hours of service is cheating. If you continue to eat, you won’t
be able to accumulate anything and then you will have to do service. 29/10/03 Sakar
You may be doing physical work, but even then, consider yourselves to be on Godly
service. Even though you may be preparing food, which is a physical task, to fill that
with Godly sanskars and to make the food powerful is Godly service. It is said: As is the
food, so is the mind. So, only if you have a divine form at the time of preparing food will
the food give that effect to the mind. Even though you may be doing the physical work
of preparing food, you are still on Godly service. 30/05/71 av

Brahma bhojan:
Wherever you may be, if you cook in remembrance and eat in remembrance, then
it is Brahma bhojan. 31/12/93 av
So, have you heard how great your fortune is? And who is feeding you? Who is
feeding you with Brahma bhojan? The very name is Brahma bhojan. It isn't brahm
bhojan, it is Brahma bhojan. Brahma is constantly the protector of the yagya. Each
child of the yagya, that is, each Brahmin child, has to receive Brahma bhojan through
the Brahma the Father. People just speak casually that God is feeding them! They
don't know who God is, yet God is feeding them! But for the Brahmin children it is
Baba who is feeding them. Even if you are earning and accumulating in lokik life,
although you buy your food from that, you first put your earnings in Baba's bhandara.
Baba's bhandara then becomes the bhandara of Bholinath (the Lord of the Innocents).
Never forget this method, otherwise you will think that you yourself are earning and
you yourself are eating from that. You are a trustee. A trustee does not have anything
belonging to him. "It is my earnings, you are eating from my earnings...", these
thoughts will never arise. Since you are a trustee you have given everything to Baba.
"It now belongs to You. It doesn't belong to me". Trustee means to have the
consciousness of "Yours" and householder means to have the consciousness of
"mine". And so, who are you? You are not householders are you? Then God is
feeding you. You are receiving Brahma bhojan. Those who are Brahmin souls
automatically have this intoxication. And Baba guarantees that for twenty one births,
Brahmin souls will not be hungry. You will be fed daal and roti with a lot of love.
You will also be fed sabji (vegetables). In this birth also, you will eat the daal and roti
of love, not of effort, but of love. Therefore, keep within your consciousness the
fortune that you have received from amrit vela. 07/03/88 av
Although you will eat various different foods there, here you eat Brahma Bhojan
of which even the deities sing praise. This is because it is even more elevated than the
food of the deities. 07/01/80 av
Shiv Baba’s treasure-store is constantly full. It is said that all the sorrow and pain
of those who eat from that treasure-store are removed. Untimely death takes place here.
Anyone who comes to the treasure-store of Shiv Baba, the Purifier, will become pure.
This is why this is called Brahma Bhojan, for which there is great praise. Very good yoga
is also needed. Prepare food and eat it in a state of yoga and you will make a great deal of
progress. Such food is filled with a lot of power. You receive a great deal of power if you
eat in a state of yoga and you also remain healthy. Baba himself says: I eat in
remembrance as though Baba and I are eating together. However, I still forget Baba. The
body has to be shed in remembrance of Baba alone. There should be no choking. You
should practise in this way. When you stay in remembrance of Baba, you receive peace
and also become healthy; the food becomes pure. 25/09/02 sakar
To reach the elevated land of this yagya, to have a right to the prasad of the
yagya, has such importance. One grain is equal to a lot of value. You know all of this, do
you not? Those people are thirsty to receive even one grain of the prasad and here, you
will receive a stomach- full of Brahma bhojan. So you are so fortunate. Eat Brahma
bhojan with this importance and even your mind will become great for all time. 15/04/84 av

Some don’t even know how children should eat their food. There is great praise of
Brahma bhojan. Even deities have a desire for Brahma bhojan and this is why you take
Brahma bhojan. This Brahma bhojan has a lot of strength. As you make further progress,
yogis will prepare all the food. At the moment you are all effort-makers. You continue to
make effort to stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba as much as possible. You are His
children. The children who eat this will continue to become very strong, and so strong,
firm ones who prepare food will also emerge. They speak of Brahma bhojan, not Shiva
bhojan. They speak of the bhandara of Shiva. Whatever is sent becomes pure in Shiv
Baba’s bhandara. There is Shiv Baba’s bhandara. Baba has told you that at Shrinathdware
they have wells of ghee. They cook very rich food there, whereas at Jagannathdware,
they cook very simple food.. There is a difference. That one is ugly and this one is
beautiful. Shrinath has a lot of wealth, whereas people near the other side (near Orissa)
are not that wealthy. There are the wealthy and the poor. You are now very poor and then
you will become wealthy. At this time you are very poor. There, you will receive 36
varieties of food. Therefore, such preparations have to be made. Although even the
subjects are able to eat 36 varieties of food, the status of the kings is still higher. The food
there is very first-class. Everything there is of A-1 quality. Here, everything is of Z
quality. There is the difference of day and night. All the harvest they have here becomes
rotten. 10/09/02 Sakar
We Brahmins understand that we are fed from Shiv Baba’s treasure-store. We
have become Brahmins, and so Brahma bhojan is for Brahmins. 30/04/02 sakar
Consider yourself to belong to Shiv Baba as you move along, and everything is
then purified. In your home, it is as though you prepare Brahma bhojan. It becomes Shiv
Baba’s treasure-store, because it is Brahmins who prepare everything. When we
surrender ourselves to Him, everything becomes Shiv Baba’s treasure-store. This is
called Brahma bhojan. It is then understood that whatever we eat comes from Shiv
Baba’s treasure-store. You definitely have to remain pure. Your food also becomes pure
then. However, you first have to sacrifice yourselves. If you eat everything whilst
considering it to belong to Shiv Baba, it is as though you are eating from Shiv Baba’s
treasure-store. If you forget Shiv Baba, the food cannot be purified. 30/04/02 sakar
Just as other people eat, so, too, you also eat, do you not? But they are said to eat
food whereas you are said to dine on Brahma bhojan. There is a difference, is there not?.
07/03/96 av
You celebrate with pleasure. You eat from the Brahma Baba's kitchen. This is why you
eat Brahma bhojan. Those who live in a household do not eat from their own income.
Those in a centre do not eat from the kitchen of the centre, but you eat from the kitchen
of Brahma, the father; you eat from the treasure-store of Shiva, the Father. Why is that?
The household is not yours; the centre is not yours. If you are living in a household, you
are a trustee, you are an instrument according to Baba's shrimat. If you are in a centre,
you are in Baba's centre, not yours. This is why it is always the treasure-store of Shiva,
the Father, and the kitchen of Brahma, the father. With this awareness, your kitchen and
your treasure-store will always remain full; it will remain overflowing. 18/01/92 av
Deities love the food of Brahmins because it is through this food of the Brahmins
that they become deities. Therefore, the food of Brahmins has so much importance! It
has a lot of impact. If they received the food of you firm yogis, their intellect would
become very good. Stay in remembrance of Shiv Baba throughout the whole day.
Such a firm yogi who would prepare food whilst spinning the discus of self-
realisation, is required. Many are pure. Even widows and kumaris remain pure.
However, they also have to be yogis. If you take food prepared by yogis, you can
progress a great deal. 5 to 7 such people are required. As you progress further, your
stage will become like that. You will receive a lot of help in yoga. There should be
such children who prepare food whilst in yoga.12/07/02 sakar

Offer bhog:
Even though you prepare the food, what is the consciousness you have at the time of
eating it? Are you eating Brahma bhojan, or are you eating what you have earned? You
call it Brahma bhojan, do you not? Whom do you offer bhog to first? Do you offer it to
Baba, or do you eat it yourself first? To offer it to Baba means to eat what has come
from Baba. You eat Brahma bhojan. Even if you offer it for the sake of the children, you
do it according to directions. 13/12/89 av
After preparing food and before eating it, you first have to offer it to Baba. You
first of all have to make Baba, the most Beloved, accept it. Prepare food in the awareness
of who it is you are going to feed! If the President or Prime Minister were to come to you
for dinner, you would become so happy! But compared to the Father, what are they?
The Father constantly eats with you. The poor devotees become tired from ringing bells
again and again. Whilst calling out to Him, they even forget Him! However, Baba has
promised you, His children, that He will always be with you. Baba eats with you and sits
with you; what greater happiness than this could you want? At dinner time, remember
the slogan: I eat with You. Use the treasure of this happiness in this way. 12/01/79 av
Even if you were offered 36 varieties of food, yet compared to Brahma Bhojan,
those are nothing at all. Because what you have is bhog: food that has been offered
directly to BapDada, the food has become Godly prasad (Godly offering). Even today in
the last birth, how greatly do the bhagat souls value prasad, the holy offering. You don't
eat ordinary food, but only that holy food which has just been offered to God. Every grain
of bhog is more exalted than perishable millions, and so, you are the most elevated of all
souls. Do you have such elevated exaltation? 24/04/84 av
Let no one think that just because they eat bhog, which has been offered to Baba,
their intellect's yoga becomes connected to Him by eating that bhog. No, that is just
eating pure food. However, if you don't make that effort, you haven't done anything.
08/04/02 sakar
It has also been explained to you children that you first have to feed the One who is
feeding you and then eat it yourself. You are eating from Shiv Baba’s sacrificial fire and
so you first have to offer Him bhog. You have all these visions in the subtle region. It is
fixed in the drama. You have to offer bhog to Shiv Baba. He is the Incorporeal. It is
remembered that the deities desired to have Brahma Bhojan because you become deities
from Brahmins by eating Brahma Bhojan. 18/08/03 sakar

Under desperate circumstances:

It cannot be the same situation for everyone. It isn’t that Baba says: Eat your food
after giving it drishti and that’s all. No, Baba says: Under desperate circumstances, when
you are unable to do anything else, give your food drishti and then eat it. Baba would not
say this to everyone. 25/12/03 sakar
The main thing is to remain pure. Sometimes, you may even have to eat outside. Achcha,
children, if you stay in remembrance of Baba, Maya will not influence you, but Baba
doesn’t give this permission to everyone. It is seen that it may be a desperate situation or
that their job may be at stake. Each one is given different advice. 24/08/02 Sakar
Don’t take any food from sinful souls. You are told the precautions to take.
Otherwise, it affects you. However, sometimes, the circumstances are seen. There are
karmic accounts. Sometimes, they don’t allow you to cook separately. OK, in desperate
circumstances, remember the Father. You have to look after your family. Remember
Baba and then eat that. If you forget to do this, that food would affect you.

There are of course some laws. Those who work in the military ask: Baba, we have to eat
their food. What should we do? Baba says: Try to eat pure food. In desperate
circumstances, eat your food after giving it drishti. What else can you do? You can get
bread. You can take honey, butter, potatoes etc. Whatever habit you have instilled will
continue. You have to ask in every situation. Baba makes everything very easy. The best
is to become pure. 17/01/02 sakar
Eat while in remembrance of Shiv Baba and the food you eat will be purified.
You also have to take precautions as much as possible. In desperate circumstances, eat in
remembrance of Baba. 28/09/02 sakar [ to military bks]


When some are unable to stay in yoga, they stop cooking anything for themselves. OK,
you can stay in yoga and eat that. 29/01/02 sakar
If you want to go to a wedding ceremony, simply accept fruit there and eat it in Shiv
Baba’s remembrance, then that will be purified. 05/03/03 sakar
You may travel in aeroplanes and motor cars, but you must take precautions
about your food and drink as much as possible. Eat your food after giving it drishti.
However, children forget to do this. Whilst eating, you have to remember the Father and
the Bridegroom with a lot of happiness. Beloved, I am eating food in remembrance of
You, with You. You don’t have a body of Your own. I will eat whilst remembering You
and You continue to take the fragrance of it. By having remembrance in this way, you
instil the habit and your mercury of your happiness will continue to rise. You will also be
able to imbibe knowledge very well. 08/06/02 sakar

You only need two things, food and sleep. You receive ready-prepared food here.
There you have to prepare, offer bhog and then eat; it is prepared and bhog is also
offered. 11/11/89 av G
To drink the nectar of knowledge and to eat Brahma bhojan; what else is there? All of
you receive ready prepared food, do you not? There, you have to prepare it yourself.
The mothers also receive ready prepared food, do you not? 23/12/94 av

Kumars and food

The biggest problem for the kumars is how to cook food. It is very good to
prepare food just by yourselves. You can cook food for yourself and Baba with a lot of
love. First, offer it to Baba. When you consider yourself to be alone, you become tired.
Constantly remember that you are two: you and Baba. When you have to prepare food for
someone else, you prepare it accurately with a lot of love and you enjoy yourself a great
deal. 30/11/79 av***
With children
Definitely sit in remembrance for even three minutes and say “Good morning”, have a
conversation and then get ready. Never forget this vow. If you don’t say, “Good
morning”, don’t eat food! If you remember to eat food, then you should also first
remember to say “Good morning”. First say “good morning” and then eat your food.
17/05/83 av

Food of sanyasis:
There cannot be renunciation of actions. Those people think that because they
don’t prepare food at home, and live on whatever they manage to beg, they are
renunciates of action. They are beggars. The food they eat is of those who indulge in vice
and so they are influenced by that food. Although they have left their impure homes, they
still have to take birth in impure homes. You too are influenced by the food you eat. This
is why you are told to take precautions. You shouldn’t eat food prepared by impure
people. As much as possible, continue to protect yourself. Some even quarrel a lot
because of this. There are many such cases where one brother is on the path of
knowledge and the other one isn’t. You are claiming such an unlimited kingdom and so
there will definitely be some quarrelling. Under all circumstances, you have to continue
to protect yourself. 18/12/02 Sakar
Worldly brahmins are very interested in their food. They go to different places for their
Baba says that a group of people are coming to Abu today to preach
vegetarianism. Therefore, explain to them that the unlimited Father is establishing the
deity religion who were pure vegetarians. People of no other religion are such firm
vegetarians. They are to speak about the benefits of becoming a Vaishnav. However, not
everyone is able to become that because they are used to their own diet and find it
difficult to leave it. So you have to explain that in the heaven the unlimited Father creates
all are Vaishnavs; they are part of the dynasty of Vishnu. Deities are totally viceless,
whereas vegetarians of today are vicious. 27/01/03 sakar
Three thousand years before Christ, Bharat was vegetarian. 27/01/03 sakar
In Shrinath Dware, they offer food cooked with pure ghee because they have the
images of Radhe and Krishna there. So, in remembrance of them, they prepare very good
bhog and offer it to them. At no other place do they offer such bhog. There is also the
Jagannath Temple. There, they offer bhog of rice. They don’t offer any rich food.
14/03/03 sakar

At Shrinathdware, they cook rich food for the bhog they offer. They cook very
rich nourishing food there, whereas at the Jagadnath Temple, they only cook rice and dal.
Dirty images of deities are displayed there. All of you are now dirty. At the
Shrinathdware Temple, they make first-class food, which they offer to Shrinath as bhog.
It is then taken by priests who sell it at the stalls. They earn their livelihood through that.
Feeding the departed soul
When someone’s husband dies, his soul is invited to come here, but how can he come?
He enters the body of a Brahmin priest. That soul is called here. This custom and system
is fixed in the drama. Then, whoever it is, the soul enters that one. They invoke the soul
and feed it. Here, the Father Himself comes and feeds you children. 11/07/02 sakar
You take food from here to the subtle region to feed them because you know that
it is pure food. That person has died, and so he would not receive pure food. Some write:
Baba, offer bhog to such-and-such a person so that that soul can receive pure food. It is
remembered that even deities loved Brahma Bhojan. Your meeting truly does take place
in the subtle region. 28/09/02 sakar
Offering bhog to departed spirits is a system that has been created according to
the drama. There is the difference of day and night between the customs and systems of
people and the Brahmins of the confluence age. You go from here and feed them in the
subtle region. 28/09/02 sakar
If someone sheds his body and goes to heaven from hell, he would receive lots of
material comforts there. So then, why do you call him back from heaven into hell to feed
him things of hell? If you feed him the food of hell, his intellect would become like that.
As the food you eat, so your mind. Rivers of milk and ghee flow in heaven. Here, you eat
food prepared with kerosene.

At the end- Famine

In a school, the result is given at the end. Here too, you will know everything at the end.
When the war begins, you will be revealed. People will also see how fearless you have
become. The Father too is fearless. No matter how many cries of distress there are,
explain with patience that we all have to return home. Come, and we will go to our
destination, to Mt. Abu, to Baba…. Don't be afraid! When you are afraid, you fail. You
have to become that strong. The first calamity will be famine. Food won't be able to be
imported. There will be a lot of violence. At that time, you will have to become very
fearless. 20/04/02 sakar

In heaven:
You children are becoming the masters of heaven. Your maids and servants also eat the
same rich food that you eat there. 36 varieties of food are prepared. However, you can’t
eat that much, and so the maids and servants eat it as well. 19/08/03 sakar

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