Fin Common Tables For Reporting Psoft

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PeopleSoft Common
Tables for Operational
This document contains a list of table (record) names that, based on security
roles, college staff can use to build PS Query reports in the Finance pillar.

Asset Management
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Commitment Control
General Ledger
Travel Expenses
Pay and Benefits

ctcLink Reporting and Analytics

Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

I. Asset Management

Table Name Description

DIST_LN Contains the accounting entries that were entered for a specific asset.

ASSET Is a composite of all asset information.

LEASE Lease Asset information

DEPRECIATION Table of depreciation transactions.

CF_ATTRIB_TBL Stores the ChartField value and the attributes that have been assigned.

JRNL__HEADER Journal Headers

JRNL_LN Journal Lines – Contains actuals and std_budg transactions

ASSET_NBV_TBL Asset Net Book Value

COST Contains information about accounting entries related to the obect

II. Accounts Payable

Table Name Description
VENDOR Identifies the vendor, vendor’s name and vendor’s status.

VENDOR_CNTCTE Supplier contact detail

VENDOR_LOC E Location Information for each Vendor.

VENDOR_WTHD_JURE Withholding Information Populated (Important in 1099 Processing).

VENDOR_ADDR E Address Information for each Vendor

VENDOR_PAY Supplier Payment Defaults Record

WTHD_1099_TBL 1099 Withhold Table.

DISTRIB_LINE Contains information about voucher accounting distribution

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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Table Name Description
VOUCHER Contains batch invoice information including the vendor information
and gross amount of the voucher.
VCHR_ACCTG_LINE Contains the voucher posted, balanced, accounting lines that will be
used as input for the General Ledger journal generator process.
VOUCHER_LINE Line record for voucher.

PAYMENT_TBL Identifies the payments that have been made, voided or stopped.

PYMNT_VCHR_XREF Accounts Payable Detail (i.e. Voucher ID).

III. Accounts Receivable

Table Name Description

CUSTOMER Identifies the customer information including customer ID and
customer name.
CUST_AGING Contains the posted and aging information for a specific customer.

CUST_HISTORY Contains the posted.

CUST_ADDRESSE Customer address detail.

ITEM_DST Identifies the posted AR information that is used as input to the

General Ledger journal generator process.
ITEM Stores original and balance of invoice items

ITEM_ACTIVITY Stores activity against the item

PAYMENT Stores payments received for Billing and Accounts Receivable

PENDING_ITEM Stores group information bor Bill

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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IV. Billing

Table Name Description

BI_ACCT_ENTRY Contains the billing and deferred revenue accounting information

BI_LINE_DST Contains the distribution information

BI_LINE_DST_AR Contains AR distribution information.

BI_LINE Identifies the individual line items associated with the bill.

BI_LINE_DST Bill Line Distribution.

BI_LINE_DST_AR Bill Line AR Distribution.

CUSTOMER Customer Header Information.

BI_HDR Stores data for grant and non-grant invoices.

BI_LINE_TAX_DTL Detail tax data for non_grant invoices.

TAX_AUTHORITY CF to charge the taxes on non-grant invoices.

V. Commitment Control

Table Name Description

KK_SOURCE_HDR Header information for source transactions to GL.

KK_SOURCE_LN Details source transactions to GL

KK_ACTIVITY_LOG Contains all transactions related to KK processing.

LEDGER_KK Summary of balances by Chartfields .

LEDGER GL detail balances

KK_BIDGET_HDR Commitment Control Budget Journal header information.

KK_BIDGET_LN Commitment Control Budget Journal Lines information.

KK_FILTER KK budget rules and definitions for Budget Offices

LEDGER_BUDG Consists of summarized balances for detailed transaction.

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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VI. Contracts\Grants

Table Name Description

CNTRCT_LINE Contract line item.

CNTRCT_HDR Header table for contracts and key fields.

GM_AWARD Header table for award.

GM_PROPOSAL Header table for proposal.

CA_BILL_PLAN Lists required fields for invoice processing.

CA_BP_EVENTS Dates for fixed price invoices.

CA_DETAIL Details – LOC Doc ID, Bill Plan.

CF_ATTRIB_VALUE Stores all attributes that have been defined for each ChartField.

GM_AWD_ATTR Stores any attributes on the award.

GM_AWD_CERT Stores certification on the award.

GM_AWD_COMMENT Stores comments on the award.

GM_AWD_FUND_PD Total awarded amounts with dates.

GM_AWD_KEYWORD Keywords associated to the award.

GM_AWD_MILE Links Milestones (Reporting Requirements) on the award.

GM_AWD_MOD Stores all award modifications for the award.

GM_BUD_FA_HDR F&A Rate information for the proposal

GM_BUD_FA_RATE Stores Rate Type and Rate % on the proposal by project.

GM_BUD_PERIOD Proposal’s F&A and total amount by periods.

GM_FA_BASE_CAT Stores the budget categories for the FA Base.

GM_PRJ_ERR F&A errors for projects.

GM_PROP_CERT Stores the certification on the proposal.

GM_PROP_KEY Keywords associated to the proposal.

GM_PROP_PROF Lists names of of those on the proposal and their role.

GM_PROP_PROJ Temp project and created project to the proposal.

INTFC_BI Error from the billing process.

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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VII. General Ledger (Ledger populated by GL Posting Process)

Table Name Description

LEDGER Is a sum of the posted journal entries for a period’s activity and fiscal
JRNL_HEADER Contains “batch” information for the detailed lines.

JRNL_LN Contains the detail about an entry including amounts, description and
currency code.
GL_ACCOUNT_TBLE Stores account values, account descriptions and account types.

DEPT_TBLE List of Departments, both active and inactive.

ACCT_TYPE_TBL Description of account types.

FUND_TBL Fund description.

PROGRAM_TBL Program description.

SPEEDCHART_HDR Contains effective status (active/inactive).

SPEEDCHART_DTL Contains chartfield information.

VIII. Projects

Table Name Description

PROJECT Stores the Project information when a new Project is created.

PROJ_RESOURCE Table contains information relating to all the resources for a specific
PROJECT_STATUSE Table contains information about project status.

PROJ_TYPE_TBLE Table contains information related to each project and type.

PROJ_RES_TYPEE List of Project Resource Types.
PROJ_STATUS_TBLE List of Project Status Table.
PROJECT_DESCR Project Descriptions.
PROJECT_TEAM List of project team members.

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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IX. Purchasing

Purchase Orders
Table Name Description

PO_HDR Contains purchase order “batch” information.

PO_LINE Identifies the details about a purchase order (i.e., items, quantity,
PO_LINE_MATCHED Contains all POs that have been matched according to your rules in
PO_LINE_DISTRIB Accounting Distribution for Purchase Order.

PO_APPROVAL Approval Information for Purchase Order.

PO_LINE_SHIP Shipment Details for Purchase Order.

RECV_HDR Table contains information from the receiver header.

RECV_LN_SHIP Table contains the shipping schedule from the receiver

RECV_LN_ACCTG Receiver accounting line table.

Table Name Description

RECV_HDR Receipt Header Table

RECV_LN_DISTRIB Receipt Accounting Entries, Receipt Distribution Line

RECV_LN_ASSET Receiving Asset Interface, Receipt Line Asset Information

RECV_LN_SHIP Receipt Shipping Schedule, Receipt Shipment Information

Table Name Description

REQ_HDR Contains the requisition “batch” information.

REQ_LINE Identifies the requisition line item information (i.e., quantity, etc.)

REQ_LN_DISTRIB Accounting distribution for requisition.

REQ_LINE_SHIP Shipment Details for Requisition.

REQ_APPROVAL Approval Information for Requisition.

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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REQUESTOR_TBL Requester Information.

X. Travel Expense

Table Name Description

EX_ACCTG_LINE Contains accounting details that are passed to GL

EX_SHEET_DIST Captures the accounting distribution lines.

EX_SHEET_HDR Captures the detailed expense lines for the expense repot

XI. Pay / Benefits

Benefits Administration
Table Name Description

BEN_PROG_PARTIC Defines the benefit program for which an employee is enrolled. It is

used while processing Payroll and Benefits Administration.

DEDUCTION_TBL Deduction Status Table

DIRECT_DEPOSIT Effective date control table for DIR_DEP_DISTRIB records.

DIR_DEP_DISTRIB Direct deposit instructions and prenote status by employee and priority.

DISABILITY Information
A view on Employee's
W3PY_DDP_DDB_VW disability.
based on this record has been created for the
purpose of WEB-enabled Direct Deposit update. Changes made to the
record non effective dated
DIR_DEP_DISTRIB electronic
would need to addresses.
be analyzed and made to
Records an employee's employment-related data that doesn't tend to
change, such as hire date, termination date, and company service date.

Payroll Administration
Table Name Description

HR_ACCTG_LINE Record contains the consolidated payroll accounting detail.

JOB Records employee job history data such as actions taken, department,
jobcode, location and salary history.

JOBCODE_TBL Records information about job assignments.

NAMES Stores all names a person has.

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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PAYGROUP_TBL Groups employees by how they are paid.

PERSONAL_DATA Records personal and demographic data about employees.

PERSONAL_PHONE Personal phone numbers.

PERS_DATA_EFFDT Records effective dated personal data about employees

PERS_NID NID_SBR which contains information about National ID.

PMT_DETAIL_TBL Financial Gateway Payment Detail Entry.

POSITION_DATA Main data record for the Position Management application.

TL_EMPL_DATA Snapshot of basic time reporter data.

VISA_PMT_DATA Records visas and permits held by an employment.

Business Unit
Table Name Description

BUS_UNIT_TBL_FSP Best to use for prompting financial business unit (college or district).

Superscript key: E = Effective-dated table; P = Prompt table

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