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Scorpions Run Wild In 60-0 Debacle!

quite tightly on his nose. YeUed Bayfield Blade. Invityd but n o t
Son Juan Press Jerry "I don't know, I'm »ure, present were representative! f r o m
iwhat other people think, but there the Mancos Tlmes-Trllnme. Do-
Irritóte Soton ain't no question in my mind. ^ l o r e s S t a r . SUverton S t a n d a r d a n d
Pagosa water stinks." Pagosa Sprlngt Sun. H i e Du«
( M J I . SeorplMi)
Farmtngion Scdrplons.
and the ball advanced to the 15 wa« downed by a h m t of tacklers In The Hot Ploce Impatient was old S a t a n now,
he'd had about enuf He never in
newspapers were hosts,
yard Une On a pm» play Scrib- The fourth quarter moved siowly Business Manager O L. Butler all Hell had heard such n o n s e ^ l c g I O N AVXILIABY MEETS
sportlngr their new uniforms.
ner intercepted and ran for 7 from hete with both teams reeling „.if. »nd Editor Orval Rick- and such stuff But snapping his American
American Legion
Legion Auxiliaar
racked up ihetr largest score in -. ^- ^ e n« »u^
. yards. Then the Scorpions passed .,. vardaire e t u of t h ^ Times Hustler jour- suspenders. Leo stepped up to t h e ^ ^ ^ o c t . 10th at t h e B p I s c o M A
over ten years a^ they swamped ^ „ and Bayfield's quarter- httle Vwdage
yardage. . e t u j f ^ h e ^ m e s ^ Hj«^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Beelzebub. I pan«h Hall. Mrs Aimie Mae
Imht and undermanned Bay- With three minuieM
b a L . ^ ^ L S a U . Tn^rieptJd.'a'nd „ ë v e ' ^ n g ^ earf"rV^"chicken ^loni Jtlll have ^ m e t h i n g « « r ^ W ^ and Mrs. ^ ^ ^ ^ J f » ^ ^
iieid elevef»^ Friday afternoon a t returned it for 10 yards before ^ with the rest of the San J u a n Oray ^ d ^ P ' w i U ^ hôtesses. All members are
Uie Fair Grounds reiurnea ^^ iu yaru.-» tmlloDed 60 vards down the side Raisin Press Oanir «etting tired—SO JUSt bear in ^^ged to be present
being downed. Laplatt was carried »» v a r a i down tne siac Basin Press o a n g . subscription
Farmmgton wo« the tms and .. Ed
^ ^ Bemis, ithe ^ old® maestro a of s
elpi^tedjj to kick while Bayfield
from the field with a broken
shoulder . Thi.^ proved to be a
^^^ ^^ ^^^ h expired, and if Durango's
i h i Coloraao I^eM A s s ^ . gave hu. I S ^ j n " * ; . ' ™ ' you"stuT d ^ w i S t W .
(how To di^fend the north goal. loss to Bayfield because of La- Th« Bayfield eleven «Uhou.h ^ ^ i Z t " WANT ADS
Hcribner kicked »o Bayfield who i»latt'8 shifty running badly o u t c l . « « ^ would never «ive atl oth^Smgs^.rlSrlinl'^ ^^ GET RESULTS
.;<ik It <m the 6 yard line and up. They showed t n j e sportsman- made of. Judge Jimmy Noland y^u^ersQn and Dorsett
H"?urne<i it U) the 11. ^ard line Bay fie kl last the ball on downs
ship and played a bang up h a m e read a poem t h a t pannwl t h e "Don't f a i r for t h a t old
( in the firsf pliiy of the «ame and the Scorpions look over, I t conslderm« the inexperience oi P^f»» u . gafl—the claims of Ken and Leo
i-rahm oi f i a y n e k r fumbled the ^ affair for the next the team only put em all in hell, but thj^n j ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ you B n u d R e i l e f
.Hi'l and Cox re<overp(i on rninu'es, flnaUy Collyer went J , . , o ^ really want the hot-wire news.
fctandout.s of the day for Bay- he did it: ____ Hetald is the stuff; well take FIOM fNlMlY. f tuff Y DiifRfSS OP
• . G vavd Urw Campt^eU plunged around hi.s left, end for 25 yard.s field include LaPlatt. although T h e J u d g e o f t h e your year s subscription i b d just
C o u r t w a s d e -

, pay dnt from 6 yard. out. only ntopped short of the
Farmin^ton received a »^andinR only 4 feet 11 inches, he receive from Put »t on the cuff
,, i.avf ,• ciiUeti k on nr» ofl- '
proved to be a shifty runner this group a n invité to eat; a Oeorge Bowra. frothing at tne
K e t d C o U s l
fin J,maltV On rh*« r.fXl play whicli npt the ball
-..f/i»' 'A'tVi nJiXMt» in the Farm- Bayfield's 7. Scribner ran to the Other .standouts were Barker, a string was attached, as is usually mouth then start^ ^vli'^-uh hfm
it/m field, but Campbell yard hne and then CoUyer f^ H.8. .student. , r » n n l e ÎÎÏ ftJe''Kenni To V s t l x i i ^ T o n ' ^ c C r . a ^ ^ WORK fAtr...tlONT
H .c.aufd to hr>Id 'he ball and PHiriMed over to .W)re Bcribner's Snooks ^¿^ said ^ m e . ^ o u ^ e e x ^ t e ^ what he called the old New Deal WNIM TROWtl If
the Parmington Olen Oabehart, ^^ ^^^^ ^ut don t make it long, or I ^ould not dare r e j ^ a t ïf you
; . Red up liu-ee yard« From the f onver.sion was «oríd a n d
a substitute, proved to be a thorn they'll all take a walk; and don't li ^
H vard !ir»e Campf>ell cra.shed vf»re stood 28 - 0. instantly relief from head cold dis-
m the sides of the losers. Other be too serious—that part of the
. i f and Hrr.t»fifr kic ked the Con- Farmington kicked off to Bay- ntainstays of the line were James, deal will ^ left to p i Bemis. ^he ^ ^ ^ a n ^ S e U s tress starts to come when you put a
little Vicks Va-tro-nol In each nostril.
• u.n nmK nu t h . . o r e .Vor- . ^ d who were held on downs carleton and Cox with SpafTord Littleton heel. s t a n e d shou^^^^^ And If u.sed in time. Va-tro-nol also
-n.. . Bayfield 0 forcinM them to kick. Carelton especially good job of J ^ ^ ^ h a p p e n s not often t h a t jj^e to tell what he thot about helps prevent many colds from devel-
oping. Follow directions in package.
f urtiifu I'.fi k!( ked to Bavfleld blocked the kirk and Farmington hurkini^ nn »h*. Hn« Judge can speak out with the o u r a n g o up above him on the
. r.. ,eror,d nrn., bail land- rerovered ^ ^ ^ , ' , ,
In Keneral the whole line played
, ^ "ÎnH^^^/'^hot
about, and say what h e d like
^,ater stuff that made him sick vnksvaho-IIOII
irii- in 'he end //>iu- The ball wa.H I On the fir.Ht play Collyer. behind ^ bang up game". Tlie next game without any fears t h a t the next ^ h e Devil rushed back to t h e
l» )' phiy in ihe 20 yard Une beautiful blwkin«. .streaked 5 5 , ^ e played September 26 on week's edition will burn up his ^ate, and unfastened the latch;
Bayiield made 12 yard.-, on a yard.s to score standing up. T h e the Cor tez gridiron. ears. Here's a chance. I concluded. ^^ cursed old Saint Peter who
,f's of iuli' plays On a pass kick for the extra point was wide to p u t those guys right, without had sent him down this batch,
STATISTICS being panned to the publics de- ^ad lawyers, doctors, burg-
piay Scnbn»'j- !nterfep'«<i and and the .score became 34 - 0.
1.1!. for 11 yaid pu'iin. tli»- ball Toward the end of the thirc^v P a r m - Bay . light. So I went home to sleep his^gue^t list here before.
<;:i ihe 21 y aid hrn- On the next quarter Campliell s able arm tos.Hed ington field ? speech I would make, and but he didn't want to see a Press
i>wtv S<ribner rirrlrt ill. left end a 30 yard pass to Cox who scored
First D o w n s 16 6- io- this dream before I did n m n ^ v e r more. S o he pushed t h e
Total Yards Gained gate wide open, and with one
f I core The ( on . i r^ion wiis his second touch down. Campbell 513 61 I looked In the distance and great mighty shout, roared "The
Total Yards Lost 38 79 there saw a throng, their voices Gentlemen of San J u a n Basin
makuu; 'he .score 1 4 - 0 . went over for the P.A.T. making
Pa.sses Attempted 15 14 all roaring as they marched along. Press will please get the hell out!"
At, Lhi.s point Coarh Hut« hinson 'i»«" score 41 - 0. with threats and rumblings,
Passes Completed 3 3 New officers elected at the con-
jti'itituted an entire new team Awatn the coach substituted an passes Intercepted By 1 5 'twas plainly seen t h a t here came
.A a crew of unruly demean. Yes. clusion of the meeting are Dale
. Hie firs! fjnarfer endpd BavfU'id entire team. Bayfield elected t« penalties 5 1 t h e y ' c u r s e d " " a n d t h e r ^ d a m ^ i d . ' Schultz. Dove Creek Press presi-
a niaknu: f onsideiable tia.n . kick to Farmington and the ball Yards lost on Penalties 35 5 they all shouted a t once, they dent; Dewey Brown. Montezuma
AI th« betcìnninu <fí üie ( ua.s a<ivanced 21 yards by Mower, s c o r i n g F o r FarminRton. Camp- were clean out of hand, thlk riot-
i, Ki!'.er, Farniiruaon siarti-fi to two or three plays bell: Scribner; Collyer 3; Cox 2; ous bunch. Each carried in his Durando Herald-
inovr oti a 10 yard by Coll- and fhc Uurd quarter became hand a big stick of type, for so Democrat, .secretary.
Jones; Lester. ^ « .. motley a gang there never was Other establishments represent-
••! Coliyr! chckcd ak'uin for 28 hi.s'oi v POINTS AFTER T. D.: Scribner ^^e like. ed were the Duran^o News, sta-
(!,'.; liien Kysai whipped a ;iO fourth quarter Jone."? 3; Campbell;' Collyer; Ky.sar. Up they did march to a great tion KIUP. Aztec Independent-
sard pji-vs i(t Cox who took it on some nice gains through the iron gate, the entrance it .seemed Review. Durango Herald-Dem-
run 'o .Hcore .standitm up. clicking for 25 yards. i OOTBAI.L 8CI1KDI LK to a high - walled estate. Their ocrat. Ignacio Chieftian and
( '.,.•.(•1 went ovf-r on a line plunKe Ksnar then threw a long pass to leader knocked loudly, and as
{'»1 the extra. jMJint Thi.s ended •^"ti«'^ v^iio .ntepped over to score
u.»' conn", in Uie first half and Kvsar w<nt over for the extra
Gallup Oct 3 There
Kirtland Oct. 1» There
portals swung wide, there stood
the Devil, in charge of Inside. DoV+ WAIT
f! ( ^coir ifvxi F If S 2! - and made Uie scOre 4 8 - 0
Mi.ssion Oct. 18 Here
DuraruM> Oct lil Here
Hello, Beab. you old scoundrel".
•You're late". Satan said, "now
to "find ou-tr
/¡'•id 0 i'iie bail ciiiinued hands twice A/tec Nov 7 There hurry on in liere and uct out the howr bodly you
At the half ihe Band phiscd a bcf re Le.stfi broke and out-
few .'ieleetion-'i winch were cn)o\t <t ran Uie Bttyflekl .secondary to
Moai) No\. I t Her«'
So as Beab waved them for- need A u t o
si'urr The try for extra point ward. the boys all filed m. and as
Insura»^ c e
iand Makes the Kate.s closed, they continued
i)%- a l l
was unsuccessful, making a score their din "Now who are you fel-
As th«' ^.econ<i half iitarted of :i4 - 0. low.s, and what do you w a n t ? "
Scribner ki< kcd to Bayfieids 5 Ky.sar kicked olf to Frahm wiio Showing at Filbert then wished he was back
at lij.s font. Big Beaber answered,
County Fair and did the rest—all talking at
once were t.lie,se men of the Press
I.II.N. Scorpion wjiy devil." both Beabers
miUimii MATERIALS The job of pla>mg for the San
Juan County Fair last Friday,
rant, "don't we Ret that electric
municipal plant?" Up spoke the
«»turciay and Sunday proved to be ^¿rii^.t'"'th^TTa'id" • l ^ ' ^ u r GENERAL INSURANCE
H A R D W A R E P A I N T an honor for the F.H.S. Band. ¡¡Rht." What we .vant to know i.s PHONE OFFICE 51-J HOME 3/ R
The San J u a n County Fau- about our Main Street, and they PARMINOTON. NEW MEXICO
J ^ B E R /: ('onimi.s.sion a.skeii the Band to
uii i?riH'.v
tore at their iiair. and their
breasts did they beat. "It's all full '¿tsmBsamssksmsoBPBatgm
pariicipati m all sessions. Friday ^^ ^^^^ Democrats'
out at the fair ground the Band biame." Instantly at mention of
WHS very attractive lo all the Democrats' name. Bradshaw and

people. Spreniier grabbed S a t a n ' s arm.
Saturday t.,c Band waa C a d in V ' T ^ l
solid white, and marched the they angrily swore, but w e d
length of Main Street In t h e p a - r a t h e r be here t h a n have any
rade. This time the Band wasn't more of Republican rule back Just What ^
as conservative with their music iJ}«»*« ^^ e a r t h . " The rest of
USE F. H. A. CREDIT P U N as. at the
»u« Spanish Trails
rr^oiio Fiesta ^h® crowd all snickered with the Name Implies
last summer, in D«irango. p r o m out of thl5 gurgling, r a u -
Sunday all t h e whites were cous mass. Fay Jones spoke up.
to Remodel or Repair worn again.
T h e Band used
, o J *
"I'd to asli why we at Ignaclo
can t get police, and some of our
more of their music Sunday for lawlessness cause to cease."
Existing Property the baseball game between Bloom- T h e Devil was squirming and
field and Short Circuits. They re- scratching his head. "I never seen
Up to 36 months to pay tired hoping to go to t h e S t a t e
t h e like," he said, of a mob like
this: I thought I could gripe, but
t h ^ boys of t h e press my honors <
For example, a room coaling ( can be repaid swipe."
B O R N ~ T o Mr and Mrs. Allen Another Beaber raised his voice.
at the rat^ o{ $31.94 over a period of 3 years
^fL^.^Tüln^liXS^I''^''^ írom Sllverton was 1-.; "We want
i S ^ ^ I Allen L® •I,«
n i « Is ««« oí w: ?,
iMr. a n election In ... . my town
t to oust The most complete display
t h e son
m ^ l ! ,
and Mrs. R. O. S m i t h of F a r m - t h e powers-that-be. There ain't
BIG JO LUMBER CO. ington. n o Justice." this Beab said, " t h a t
town boards in f o r life; you'd
of genuine Navajo Indian Jew-
elry a n d Rugs in the S a n J u a n
Farmlfirton, New Mexico
Boost Farmington
think they're married to their
Jobs instead of their wife." Basin.
Schultz f r o m Dove Creek was
down there too. so he p u t in his We enmloy a fuU time Nav-
oar. "We got some water out
ajo silvmmith so we can now
more. T h a i shallow well a n d r o t -
t e n pipe Just give me great big accept orders for j e w ^ and
pains; why don't our city f a t h e r s
buy some decent water mains? " silver work made to your
And while we're thinking of it. special order.
J e r r y S h e r i d a n arose, his fore
finger a n d t h u m b were clutching I
We have baskets made toy
There is no substitue for quality, cleon milk is M wntis urn AT roUNTAMS the Papago, Pima. Hopi and
Apache Indians and Pottcfy
wholesomrond olwoys in demand. Grade A Milk as- tr<m the various pottery mak-
ing Puetdoe.
sures a stady market. How does your supply rank?
*7/ U Ì8 maé^ 5y an InHtm

Creamland DAIRIES
^ k f c r U at th€

o ( w m . Mkv. Farmingim^ N, J|.
râBMINOIOM n r a m w W w w iwdr amrtot m
0Mi|NMyt Xeiv MNMI Câ|r>
iamtm J«««bf

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..„.fA...... Í
• - - • -

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