Vigo County Schools vs. M&P Properties (Feb. 2018)

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Filed: 2/22/2018 7:10 AM

Vigo County, Indiana

Vigo Superior Court 2

) SS:
COUNTY OF VIGO ) 84D02-1802-CT-001243
CAUSE NO. _______________________


Plaintiff, )
v. )
Defendants. )


Plaintiff, Vigo County School Corporation (the “School Corporation”), by counsel, files

its Complaint against Defendants, M & P Properties Group, LLC (“M & P”), Michael R. Pick

(“Pick”), Franklin V. Fennell (“Fennell”), and Frank Shahadey (“Shahadey”), and in support

thereof alleges and states as follow:


1. The School Corporation is located in Vigo County, Indiana and operates the

public schools residing there.

2. M & P is an Indiana limited liability company with its principal place of business

located at 2610 Harrison Woods Road, Terre Haute, IN 47805 in Vigo County.

3. M & P is in the business of lawn care, landscaping, tree removal, and various

other property maintenance services.

4. Pick is the president and registered agent of M & P and resides at 2610 Harrison

Woods Road, Terre Haute, IN 47805 in Vigo County.

5. Fennell resides at 97 Woodbine, Terre Haute, IN 47803 in Vigo County.

6. Shahadey is believed to be residing at 505 S. Banner Drive, Terre Haute, IN



7. This dispute arises from fraud committed by M & P, Pick, Fennell, and Shahadey

in Vigo County, Indiana.

8. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the School Corporation, M & P, Pick,

Fennell, and Shahadey and subject matter jurisdiction over the claims and relief sought in this


9. Venue is appropriate in Vigo County, Indiana pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule



10. In early 2014, M & P and Pick began to conspire with the School Corporation’s

Facilities Director, Fennell, and the deputy sheriff assigned as the School Corporation’s security

liaison who was also employed with the School Corporation as a part-time security employee,

Shahadey, to defraud the School Corporation of money.

11. Fennell, with assistance from Shahadey, selected M & P and Pick to perform

certain property maintenance services for the School Corporation.

12. Defendants submitted invoices for payments related to property maintenance

services that made material misrepresentations of fact.

13. Without the knowledge of the School Corporation, the services stated in the

invoices were occasionally not performed or partially performed.

14. Furthermore, the amount in these invoices was frequently inflated well beyond

fair market rates.

15. Fennell then approved payment of the inflated invoices, including invoices that

intentionally misstated the work actually performed.

16. Upon receiving the School Corporation’s payment, M & P and Pick, without the

knowledge of the School Corporation, paid Fennell and Shahadey their portion of the inflated

amount or the amount paid for work not performed as a “kickback” for awarding M & P and

Pick actual or imaginary property services work.

17. This fraudulent scheme occurred until November 1, 2016 when Fennell’s

employment with the School Corporation was terminated.

18. The School Corporation paid M & P and Pick over $440,000 in relation to this

scheme. Of this amount, M & P and Pick paid Fennell and Shahadey kickbacks on $402,480.

19. On November 1, 2016, the federal government filed a criminal complaint against

Fennell and Shahadey alleging violations of Title 18, United States Code, Section 666 for theft

or bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds (“Criminal Complaint”). The Criminal

Complaint was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana under

case number 2:16-mj-00032.

20. In the Criminal Complaint, M & P is referred to as “Business A” and Pick is

referred to as “Individual A.” (A true and accurate copy of the Criminal Complaint is attached

hereto and is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule


21. On December 14, 2016, Fennell and Shahadey were indicted for their

involvement in this scheme.

22. On October 3, 2017, Shahadey entered into a guilty plea under which he plead

guilty to wire fraud and theft of government funds. (A true and accurate copy of Shahadey’s

guilty plea is attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit B pursuant to

Indiana Trial Rule 10(C).)

23. Shahadey’s plea agreement requires Shahadey to pay restitution to the School

Corporation in the amount of eighty thousand five hundred dollars ($80,500) for his fraud.

24. Shahadey has not submitted any payment.

25. On December 14, 2017, Fennell was found guilty of wire fraud and theft of

government funds, among other charges. (A true and accurate copy of Fennell’s guilty verdict is

attached hereto and is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit C pursuant to Indiana Trial

Rule 10(C).)

26. A calculation of Fennell’s share of the scheme is expected to be included in

Fennell’s upcoming sentencing.

27. Pick testified during Fennell’s trial and admitted to his involvement in the

scheme. Pick testified at trial that Fennell directed him to inflate invoices and create “fake

invoices” for work never to be done.

28. Fennell also directed a large amount of work to Pick that otherwise would have

been completed by School Corporation employees at little to no costs.

29. Pick is estimated to have personally received more than $95,000 under this

deceptive scheme that unlawfully deprived the School Corporation of funds.

30. Pick has not only made fraudulent misrepresentations to the School Corporation,

but he also used M & P to perpetuate a fraud upon the School Corporation.


31. The School Corporation incorporates by reference all previous allegations as if

stated fully herein.

32. Defendants, in a joint venture and in furtherance of their criminal conspiracy,

knowingly and intentionally made false and misleading statements of fact to the School

Corporation. This includes inflated invoices, invoices for work not completed, and invoices for

work completed that should have been performed by School Corporation employees.

33. Defendants knew the statements and invoices were false, and/or made these

statements recklessly without knowing whether the statements and invoices were true or false.

34. Defendants made these misleading written statements with the intent to cause the

School Corporation to issue payment to M & P and Pick, directly, and Fennell and Shahadey,


35. The School Corporation justifiably and reasonably relied and acted upon

Defendants’ false and misleading statements.

36. The School Corporation was damaged as a result of Defendants’ actions.

37. Defendants’ actions amount to fraud/deception in violation of Ind. Code § 35-43-

5-3, for which the School Corporation is entitled to recover actual and statutory damages,

punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and costs, and other statutory remedies pursuant to Ind. Code §



38. The School Corporation incorporates by reference all previous allegations as if

stated fully herein.

39. As of this date, and despite Defendants knowing payment to the School

Corporation is due, Defendants continue to retain possession of the School Corporation’s money.

40. Defendants, in a joint venture and in furtherance of their criminal conspiracy,

knowingly and intentionally exerted unauthorized control over the School Corporation’s money

when they falsely created, had approved, and were paid for illegitimate invoices for property care

services that was unnecessary, inflated in cost, or never completed.

41. Defendants acted with the intent to deprive the School Corporation of its property,

which is demonstrated by Defendants’ elaborate scheme to win work that was unnecessary or

inflated in costs and their continued refusal to return the money to the School Corporation.

42. Defendants’ actions amount to theft of the School Corporation’s property in

violation of Ind. Code § 35-43-4-2, for which the School Corporation is entitled to recover actual

and statutory damages, punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and costs, and other statutory remedies

pursuant to Ind. Code § 34-24-3-1.


43. The School Corporation incorporates by reference all previous allegations as if

stated fully herein.

44. As of this date, and despite Defendants knowing that they unjustly possess School

Corporation funds, Defendants continue to retain possession of the School Corporation’s money.

45. Defendants, in a joint venture and in furtherance of their criminal conspiracy,

knowingly and intentionally exerted unauthorized control over the School Corporation’s money

when they falsely created, had approved, and were paid for illegitimate invoices for property care

services, including services that were unnecessary or never completed.

46. Defendants’ actions amount to conversion of the School Corporation’s property in

violation of Ind. Code § 35-43-4-3, for which the School Corporation is entitled to recover actual

and statutory damages, punitive damages, attorneys’ fees and costs, and other statutory remedies

pursuant to Ind. Code § 34-24-3-1.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Vigo County School Corporation, by counsel, respectfully

requests that this Court enter judgment in its favor and against Defendants, M & P Properties

Group, LLC, Michael R. Pick, Franklin V. Fennell, and Frank Shahadey, jointly and severally,

and award the following relief:

a. monetary damages;

b. statutory, treble damages;

c. pre-judgment and post-judgment interest;

d. attorneys’ fees and the cost of this action; and

e. all other appropriate legal and equitable relief.


Plaintiff, Vigo County School Corporation, by counsel, pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule

38(B), hereby demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Jonathan L. Mayes
Jonathan L. Mayes (#25690-49)
Tyler J. Moorhead (#34705-73)


111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 684-5000; (317) 684-5173 Fax

Attorneys for Plaintiff, Vigo County School



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