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Small Business

Grants Program
The City of Perth GOAL A city for people

Strategic Community 1 A city that is diverse and community orientated; one in which all people want
to live, work and visit.

Plan 2029 GOAL An exceptionally well designed, functional and accessible city

2 As the city grows it is exceptionally well designed with accessible public and
private spaces. Development emphasises Perth’s unique location. The ability
to move freely and easily throughout the city, in a safe and efficient manner,
Whilst Perth has a rich history as an older
creates a strong sense of place that can be enjoyed by all.
civilisation, as a city it is young in comparison
to other capital cities throughout the world. GOAL A city connected to its natural beauty
The feedback from the City’s citizens indicated
that they want Perth to be a city that is a great
place for people to live, work and visit. Citizens 3 A city that protects and enhances the environment, emphasising the natural beauty
of the river and parks. It incorporates native flora to protect and connect green
want it to be seen as a beautiful connected city that corridors throughout the city.
provides vibrant, diverse and friendly experiences.
Perth should be seen not only as a city that is bold GOAL A future focused and resilient city
and progressive in its way of life but should also
have a sense of distinctiveness that people can
confidently promote – a community that knows
4 A city that is committed to sustainable principles that promote social, economic
and environmental resilience for current and future generations. A focus on equity,
social inclusion, economic prosperity and environmental integrity builds
itself and one that delivers a unique experience the city’s resilience levels.
that is Perth.
GOAL A prosperous city

5 A city that is recognised internationally and locally as a leader in the Indian Ocean
Rim for diversity and excellence in business, tourism, education, technology and
trade. It uses its competitive advantage to cultivate innovation and creativity,
enhancing the city’s resilience. It is a city with a vibrant and diverse economy.

GOAL A city that celebrates its diverse cultural identity

6 A city that has a diverse choice of formal and informal places that showcase and
celebrate its heritage, identity and cultural narrative. The city is lively and creative
which encourages participation and celebrates inclusion. The people are
connected to the place through the use of arts, heritage and cultural experiences.

GOAL An open and engaged city

7 A city that involves community, citizens and stakeholders in its future direction.
Citizens have trust in the City of Perth and comfort knowing they collaborate
with community, governments and businesses alike, working in an open and
TH E VI S ION FOR PERTH I S: transparent manner. People feel connected, listened to and engaged with their city.

Vibrant, connected, GOAL A city that delivers for its community

progressive; a friendly and 8 A city that is focused on the needs of its communities. Recognised as a city
that is committed to quality services and continuous improvement, placing its
beautiful place to be. community first. A city that builds effective partnerships between its community,
business and government bodies to create a great place to be.

02 03
Introduction Grant Categories 1 SMALL
The City of Perth has undergone a
significant transformation in recent 1 GRANT
years, reinforcing Perth’s position
as a contemporary capital city.
Up to $5,000
The City recognises that small business makes
a huge contribution to the vibrancy and energy
of the City, and therefore looks to encourage our
small businesses to thrive by seeking out new 2
opportunities and developing initiatives to grow.
The City of Perth aims to engage and work
with businesses in the City of Perth local Up to $2,000
government area who are contributing to
Perth’s vibrancy, sustainability, growth and
employment prospects.

Types of Projects Supported

The Small Business Grant has been developed to • activation of underutilised spaces;
encourage businesses within the City boundaries • building façade improvements where there is
to develop capacity, invest in their premises, interface with the public realm;
promote themselves to the market and build • improvement of safety and security;
sustainability. The City of Perth encourages • new offerings or experiences to the city;
applicants who have a sound business idea and • extension of retail hours activity to leverage
who can demonstrate the capability to implement it. the night economy; and
• staff training and skills development.
The City welcomes proposals that:
The City is unable to provide funding for:
• encourage the establishment, growth and
retention of sustainable businesses; • staff wages;
• create employment opportunities and increase • rent;
business investment in the city; • utilities;
• build resilience in a small business and improve • consumables;
ability to respond to market conditions; and • relocatable equipment;
• support innovative businesses that demonstrate • standard operational equipment; and
solid market potential and a sound business • advertising/marketing campaigns.
model, including financial viability. If your initiative is not listed above, please
contact a City of Perth Business Support Officer
Examples of the types of initiatives the to discuss your project prior to applying to
City may consider are: ensure eligibility.
• shop/office fit-outs or refurbishments;
• establishment or improvement of outdoor
dining areas;
Image/Cover Image: Northbridge Piazza
04 05
Eligibility Application and Assessment Process
To be eligible to receive a Small Business The City will not consider applications from: Applicants should receive notification of the • Does the project provide a unique retail
Grant from the City of Perth, applicants must: outcome of an application within six weeks of experience?
• the Commonwealth, State or any
receipt of application. • Does the project encourage visitation
• be a legal entity or an individual with an Government Agency;
Australian Business Number (ABN); The City reserves the right to request further to the City?
• an employee of the City of Perth;
• have submitted the application not less information in considering any application, as • Does the project diversify the night-
• an individual without an Australian
than six weeks from the project well as the right to reject any application that time economy?
Business Number (ABN);
commencement date; does not meet the criteria.
• an applicant that has outstanding debts Business sustainability and economic
• have a commercial lease agreement within to the City of Perth; The City receives more funding applications
the City of Perth local government area, than it can support. Therefore, successful
• an applicant that has failed to provide
with a minimum of two years remaining; applications are those that best satisfy the • Does the project create employment
satisfactory acquittal reporting for any
assessment criteria. opportunity?
• have 20 or fewer employees or maximum previous City of Perth funding;
turnover of $2 million (as per the Australian • Does the project build business resilience
• an applicant that has already applied for City
Tax Office and Australian Bureau of Statistics and/or enable the business to become
of Perth funding for the same activity within ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
definitions of a small business); more responsive to market conditions?
the same financial year and been declined; All applications will be assessed against the
• hold the rights to the intellectual property • Does the project increase business
• unincorporated associations, branches, below criteria, with the recommended funding
for your product and/or service; investment in the city?
franchisees or subsidiaries of larger amount directly correlating to the strength
• have all appropriate insurances and licenses; companies; of your application. It is essential that the
Point of difference
• apply through the City’s approved online • online businesses or businesses operating application addresses a minimum of two criteria.
grant management portal, SmartyGrants from home or virtual/serviced offices; • Does the project reflect new or innovative
( Community benefit practices or involve new collaborations?
• businesses that have an adverse effect
on public health, safety, the environment, • Does the project provide improvements
Before you continue, please check the criteria Businesses should also demonstrate the
or heritage; to the amenity of the public realm?
above to determine if your business is eligible feasibility of the project with a realistic budget
for a Small Business Grant. Applicants who do • businesses proposing one-off events, • Does the project provide activation of and ability to deliver the project within the
not meet the requirements or do not provide the temporary or short-term projects; underutilised or vacant spaces? specified timeline.
relevant documentation will not be considered. • businesses proposing to purchase basic • Does the project contribute to improvements
A business and marketing plan may benefit
operational equipment, consumables to public safety and security?
your application however may not be
and/or standard office equipment;
necessary for all projects.
• an applicant that has already received a
City of Perth Event Support Grant in the
current financial year;
• an applicant that has received a City of
Perth Small Business Grant in the current
or previous financial year; or
Funding Limits and Closing Dates and
• an applicant that has received a Business Grant Terms How to Apply
Improvement Grant in the past three
financial years.
Grants of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) are The application period will commence on
available. 1 July 2018 and will be open year-round until all
Note: Businesses receiving funding from the funding has been allocated for the financial year.
A minimum of two quotations will be required
State and/or Federal Government remain
to accompany your application for any suppliers All applications must be submitted electronically
eligible to apply for a Small Business Grant.
you will need to engage for the project. via the City’s online grant management system
Any staff training/development must be SmartyGrants. Applications not received
sourced from an accredited registered through SmartyGrants will not be considered.
training provider (RTO). Go to to register an
account and complete your application.
06 07
2 EVENT Eligibility
GRANTS To be eligible to receive an Event Support
Grant from the City of Perth, applicants must:
The City will not consider applications from:
• the Commonwealth, State or any
• be a legal entity or an individual with an Government Agency;
Australian Business Number; and • an employee of the City of Perth;
• have submitted the application not less than • an applicant that has outstanding debts
six weeks from the event commencement date; to the City of Perth;
• be located within the City of Perth local • an applicant that has failed to provide
government area with a minimum of two satisfactory acquittal reporting for any
years remaining on their commercial lease; previous City of Perth funding;
• have 20 or fewer employees or maximum • an applicant that has previously received
turnover of $2 million (as per the Australian a City of Perth Event Support Grant;
Tax Office and Australian Bureau of Statistics • an applicant that has already received a
definitions of a small business); City of Perth Small Business Grant in the
• be participating in an event taking place within current financial year;
the City of Perth Local Government Area; • unincorporated associations, branches,
• have all appropriate insurances and licenses; franchisees or subsidiaries of larger
• apply through the City’s approved online companies;
grant management portal, SmartyGrants • online businesses or businesses operating
( from home or virtual/serviced offices;
Before you continue, please check the criteria • businesses that have an adverse effect
above to determine whether your business is on public health, safety, the environment,
eligible for a grant. Applicants who do not meet or heritage;
the requirements or do not provide the relevant • businesses proposing to purchase basic
documentation will not be considered. operational equipment, consumables and/or
standard office equipment;
• an applicant that has already applied for City
of Perth funding for the same activity within
the same financial year and been declined.

Types of Projects Supported

These one-off grants are intended to support the The City is unable to provide funding for:
City’s bricks and mortar businesses to engage • staff wages;
with independently operated events taking place • event fees/licences;
throughout the city. The purpose of this grant is • utilities;
not for the business to undertake its own events. • rental equipment;
Examples of the types of projects the City may • consumables; and
consider are: • promotional material.

• portable bar equipment; If your initiative is not listed above, please

• portable kitchen equipment; contact a City of Perth Business Support Officer
• food carts/trucks; to discuss your project prior to applying to
• signage; and ensure eligibility.
• staff uniforms.

08 09
Application and Assessment Process Other Important Information
Applicants should receive notification of the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Information for successful applicants Permits and approvals
outcome of an application within six weeks If you are successful with your application, Funding is subject to the applicant obtaining
of receipt of application. All applications will be assessed against the
you will be notified in writing and will be all relevant permits and approvals.
below criteria, with the recommended funding
The City reserves the right to request further asked to sign a letter of agreement which
amount directly correlating to the strength Acquittal Terms
information in considering any application, will include but is not limited to:
of your application. It is essential that the
as well as the right to reject any application Acquitting a grant means accurately reporting
application addresses a minimum of two criteria. Payment terms
that does not meet the criteria. on the funded activities and the expenditure of
The City receives more funding applications Community benefit All funded projects (excluding training) must City of Perth funding. Recipients must provide
than it can support. Therefore, successful be completed within four months of the date before and after photographs of the project
• Does the project contribute towards increased
applications are those that best satisfy the of the grant approval, or by the end of the undertaken using the grant funding, along
hospitality and activation in the city?
assessment criteria. financial year, whichever is first. with a short testimonial that will be used for
Business sustainability and economic Recipients must complete and submit a Claim promotional purposes.
development Form (to be provided to the recipient on grant Business recipients must acknowledge and
• Does the project increase opportunities approval) before the end of the financial promote the City of Perth’s funding support on
for the business to promote its City of year (30 June 2019). Invoices and receipts promotional material and/or agree to a publicity

Funding Limits Perth premises?

• Does the project increase employment
evidencing that the grant money was spent on
approved items and was spent after the grant
opportunity arranged by the City of Perth.
Business recipients must allow the City of Perth
and Grant Terms opportunity?
was approved (not before) must be submitted
with the Claim Form.
to publicise information about their business
in promotion of the City’s Business Support,
• Does the project build business resilience
Grants of up to $2,000 (excluding GST) and/or enable the business to become Recipients are required to engage with the Grants and Sponsorships Program.
are available. more responsive to market conditions? City of Perth to provide updates on the use of
the grant money (when/if required). Other funding
A minimum of two quotations will be
Businesses should also:
required to accompany your application Variations
for any suppliers you will need to engage • provide details of engagement with event
Changes to the project being funded must be
for the project. organisers to demonstrate participation in
by agreement with the City in writing only.
Any staff training/development must be an upcoming event to be held in the City of
Supporting documentation may be requested
sourced from an accredited registered Perth local government area; and
by the City before a variation is considered.
training provider (RTO). • demonstrate how the grant will benefit your
businesses (intention to use equipment on
an ongoing basis).
Closing Dates and
How to Apply
The application period will commence on
1 July 2018 and will be open year-round
until all funding has been allocated for the
financial year.
All applications must be submitted
electronically via the City’s online grant
management system SmartyGrants.
Applications not received through
SmartyGrants will not be considered. Go to to register an
account and complete your application.
10 11
West Perth Ne
Frequently Asked astle

Questions CBD East Perth

Kings Park

How will I know if my application has Nedlands
been successful?
A Business Support Officer will contact you
within six weeks after the application is Crawley
submitted to inform you of the outcome.

City of Perth boundary
How long does it take to receive the
19.34 sq km
funding once my grant is approved?
Payments are made 30 days from the end
Disability Access
of the month in which an invoice is received
by the City. For example, if the invoice is
and Inclusion
received in August, the payment will be
scheduled for the end of September. Access and inclusion is about ensuring
that all public services are available to Canvassing of Contact Us
all community members, including those
who have a disability, so that they have
Elected Members
3 the opportunity and choice to participate
in all aspects of community life. If prior to the determination of a Sponsorship BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER
Can I claim GST? or Grant by the Council or Committee, a Business Support and Sponsorship
To the extent that it is practicable, the
Sponsee (or any agent) canvasses any Elected
Yes. GST should be included on your invoice applicant is required to provide universal
Member of the City of Perth, or attempts
to the City when claiming your grant. access to sponsored events, as outlined
to provide additional information, either
in the City of Perth’s Disability Access (08) 9461 3000
directly or indirectly, on any matter relating
and Inclusion Plan. The applicant will
to the sponsorship to an Elected Member,
need to be able to provide a copy of their Information on other sponsorship
4 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for
the person/organisation may be disqualified
and grant programs offered by the
and the sponsorship or grant excluded from
the sponsored project if requested. City of Perth can be accessed here:
being considered for approval.
Can I claim retrospectively for projects
You will be required to report on accessibility
already completed? In the event supplementary information and-sponsorships
of your project on the conclusion of your
is requested to be provided to Elected
No. Grants will not be paid retrospectively project as part of the acquittal report.
Members, please contact your Business
for projects that have already started or
A copy the Disability Services Commission’s Support Officer directly to disseminate this.
completed. Applications must be submitted
Guide to Disability Access and Inclusion
before the project commences.
Plans for Local Government Contractors is
available for download at: www.disability.

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