DE Vitis - Study On Current Status and Climatic Characteristics of Wine Regions in China

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‘iis 57, 9-16 2018) ‘Study on current status and climatic ch: veo Wat, Xa Xe, Noe Cn! ot 105073 hits 2018 579.16 iaracteristics of wine regions in China 2 Hun Wa 99 and Hu L889 Calg of Bao, Newest ARF Unie; YnglgSh Cn Sas Eig Reach Coe Vie Victor, Nerbex ARF Gate, Ying. hm Cin Stes Vis Vince Shon, Nerwe Summary ‘The sim ofthis paperito improve the komledge of ‘the current status and lime characteris of Chinese ‘wine regions. Aa investigation of Chinese winegroing Fexlons which concerned the distribst questionnaires expert vslttion* avallble erature” Om the as ofthe ‘ls ofthe investigation a map was drawn to depict edie Ing the climate ndes of ror -ree season PFS) dress Inter (DD, and extremely tw temperatre (ELT. Ae tne grapes have Deen widely catvated in 159 counts of Cina, nth a ttl ealtivaton area of 163200 ha “Cabernet Stavignon' was the most widely clvated variety. The smlysboftheclinade characteris reveled repional erence within and between wine pons: Moreover, vine regions were sltabefr wine production in {eoms ofthe climates, whlch nur vee te leat of he climate nde sete Key words: Ching cinac characteristic matic dies cuentas; wine repos. Introduction Chinas one of places of origin of its pis inthe ward has eng history na oly fwicki, Bt la of ‘brewing wine Gasca 208, McGovan 209, He 1999). ‘he development of Chins rin indy wat lw and experienced ups and downs over the years bu resurgent {rh has ben observed in cet decades (Masso a 20°) In const tothe reavly sable end of many euntis, Chines gape and wine indy shows. song [growth momenta slong withthe veal econo row (honre 2008, Bass and Over 2010), coring ot Inertinal Orprization Vin an Wine(OV) is, ‘2014, China fst second arget Viney sucess, these ges win produc athe ages ie teesurpson inte word of 796 20,1600, 00061 and 1S s0000 iL respectively (OV 206) sth clear tat ‘Clinahasbecomessopepoer ine lb rape and ine "A&P Unive Heng Se, Cie Indus, an Chinese const ar cong an ofthe ‘ain fre in lobe wine cowsumption Neverles, the ‘hobal wap industry sbed en winemaking, atin China, ry givnto ble grpen with only 1 eft al ational gape produto ated fr winemaking ’Asseoinny with adeveoing wine dst Chinas trace tener ofbets dant and fri vests lnecet years increasingly more wie ave been lt ‘hroghout Ching and rg rome finda cht have gradually developed, preening anew fmework ie Chinese wie indy (ons and Over 2010, enee, hr is ned filly recngniz the preset stunton of Chinese wie egies. However he infra ofthe curen win regions eal aval in Chin, ‘slime tert has ben pabchedin te fl. {Cho 2008) roviedan overview of estar an ‘est development ofthe Cliese wie indus which Tocased more on he market i ot provide sie aon win elon Other rears (Xie a 2008, Ye and Kou 2012, Zia apd Cup 2014) sorely ‘sed the cumet ston ofthe Chinese wine Indy, butoly bey outined the Chee wine repons. The et comprehensive and systematic werk was pulsed by Lt tnd Wave 010) proving a dealledngoducton of he Chinese win eons Nevers, considers the apd ‘evelopment af the Chinese wine reglons, an up ad ‘sappemenition Wt te newer dun highly neces ere, we also analyzed be elite characteristics of the Chinese wine regions and thet prance in wine ‘gape progicton ar wel testator wih ea ‘Toesiate the eat sab fr viele asp ‘ular region Sever cite nace have ees oped ty ifenteseucbers wore, suchas the Waker index (Avesta and Wontsx 944, Wao ea 1970, the Bran heliotersie dee Saas 1970), te Haga Index oct 97,1999) masters ofthe wa {st mem (Dav and Sua 198), growing season mea tempera (tan Joes 209) hata epee Index Qxcson 1989), he hyotere nex of rans Bemon and Levadoot (Beant of. 1945), hye ‘oon (Satan 1920) a In comast to most ‘of the wine regions sound the wore tat benef on Meditgranean climate, China has » marked eatnetal ‘monsoonal lint character by hot andy some, ‘nd eo and dry wits Leta 20s) found tat eis ‘Stovementoned indies cana bewellplieg testa ‘heclintesuiabyofe henson commer po ‘Gonepndeee Dr Hu Calg Eso, Norwest AF Unies Yngig 71210, Shs Ch. na hain een The aor deat conmonrancenery- nit) hs isan Open Accs aris sued ue he te he Creve Canon thice Shae Ae Lense w oc Was aa suction in Chins. The accurate temperature exon {nchina ay equal oor be even more than at eon, ‘ttre are sharp chnger inh onperaie asprin and ‘suture una ot wether suet 5 well as {Sor prod of ostfres days and severe wit inmost farts of Chim. Tes specie haratrisics predetermine {conrideble kthod for he absence of pia or ‘conomial fel culation na given repo ven ‘herequiemectcf thse indies ave been met Ae a= pro and rll of varios indies, climate ines ‘sem spelt Chines velar zig wes oped, ‘which includes indies, such as foster dryoes Index, a extremely ow temperate (Lea 2110. ’A goad anderstaing of Cisse wine repons wil ‘scat he fil recap of the eclgia abana, ‘romot the resonlzato of verte and wie se, Sndesolhthe pinum civaton mode and yop “ein process fo aking wines wih igh ally nd ‘veloping wie elon with diferente buries. Isa fundamental wrk oonble nee wie ny torch out tothe word in this conte, the objectives of our study were 0 (j condits eampatensive lavestigaon of te erent ation of the wine eos conceing the disbuton, Calton ae, and ula) map he disrton of (Chinese wie eons: (i analyze telat arcs ‘Sint wine replon by tree lite nes Material and Methods Study area: Basadon previous tuter(t: 2010, Land Waa 2010, 11 wine repion within 2 oval trea ete chosen 9 cond thireeare, which were de- Tied primacy accor the mterolial eo ‘visions and amir svsonpresatedin TD | Investigation method: The investigation concerning te Srv, ae, nd cavarsineach wine ‘had inciding he lation o uesonnaes, expe ensaltton nd olecton ndexaminton the valle ‘ert sores and webs, were aed a collet ior ‘ralion on eset stats of i anove meted Chinese Sine repons. The qustonnie survey as conde os praty metho. The aficers who were la care of er Worked a slevast goverment departments (2, Wine Bares and Foes Baas, intuns eg April. a1 Resench iets, Pomolgy Research insti, Wine Taste, and universes), and wins, were invited 1 sot inthe nvetigaton A Ut of peti conncs was nade tough private aod work laos. Weconaed them one by ane ser the phone to canfom whee ey ‘a provid the informition an ssked for heir ena ‘Ton fia contact i, which oul nse tat east ne contac war preseted fo each wine region, was ‘ablihed Quevionais were sent to tes ona by ‘allinenty nary 216 Tey seeded conduct rhe ‘ha colin scoring the loving euiremens of the gestions at th township lee (9 dsbaton of ‘wine gaps; (I ulation ae ad (i) main eva. Besides, we alka welcomed any goeston, imme, ot ‘sigeston they hn rearing ter wine eons Repies tree receivedricrenvely Rom pelo une Accordingly. he da resnres foreach elon ae presentdin Ta 1 On the bars othe mega othe daa, weconsuled oats ber inary isd, andthe aval ere wo make a supplement. The, the gated infomation was ‘rsa and sme for ter naj Based the survey dan a map of Chinese wie repians was avn ith coe -eel rien, proving pelintary Vs] ‘represen of he ditaton of wine elas Climatic indices and ellmatie data: The mcrae indie sytem proposed hy Le a Stay on caet status ad elite characeritis of wie rion China u (@otLa was chosen for climatic ays his pape in ‘which he climates have ben jy se es Free seen (FFS), dyes index (DI, nd exeey low tempertre (ELT). The Dl in ow examination edict From te one defied by Toro and Cassone (200), sdthemuletara clinton rae ifr fom hat ‘ofthe ame aber. "frat ston fined she eg indy) ‘ofthe pid terween he a fst dy inspring andthe st ‘os dy insu andisdetermledy singe caive ‘hresild of °C fo daly minimum temperate. “The demese inde is calclted on Apel 40 Sep- ‘ember30* ing the lowing eatin: DI ET o El=Kex Ty ° whee £7; is he evaprnspation of grape ding the ‘roving season, the preiitaton tie sae ime. Ke [Sthe cop coef an ET isthe reference cop em oangration culated the Penmac-Maneit nto ‘ih dy ee sep (AEN et 1998). “The ale of Kvaries in fen replons ed growth stages. Nevers hres detaed ep of wie rape {ven ifere: pring sages arose Chine. Using ‘Me sae vale for alregions aern th nunca ake the campariea snd caifeton macroscopic viable Consiing the FAO recommended vale the cimatic ‘eae, ané he acl cultivation codons in China, the upper ae daring the growing season of08 was wed here (Cianati00 2005. Exrenely low temperate is defined athe minimum salu fil minimum temperate wishin year Is Imporantindex determine whether therein ee fai tari fr rpe stl overwintering wih he bry ne at 8-15°C fr ving (etl 20118) “Teena ince ofthe Hse season, dyes index, nd etenel low temperature ae feed ober: tle as FPS, DI, and ELT respectively. Te clas lis (Lt al 20a) ofthe te climate ines that eter ts nfereate mance Tb. fae “The data collected from a total number of 156 weather Th orc mend rome wee sais at witht winging rrr an thes The pinged ast ay ae SO Chesnais and Neath Poinees oft ee ‘minimum, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, a jeg Tag TTF a ATE Idswatne ton vetted 92201 a Saat ene Sse oes ea Wa ‘Rana Ra Treen RE SeaTac Pa Rear ie CATT ‘Tela hao ea cited a ccamecimanem nam Sn Soe a aa ES at ou Compe a San Cle ‘Apis su yon arp sy Shan rat ly ery pa ie an Tae Ra Tia Ail Caran Bea Ra Ta {hme Ry a ape! SetmeCge e a ‘sng seem ofA Sc Sem newaatting BLES SC of 16 wee station, povided bythe Nana Climatic Cente ofthe China Meteorlogia! Administ, we employed to cakulate the abovemetioned ines and ‘bin tbe averages ial result Thisclinatdasbse ‘an provide informa abut the clit ees of be ‘rest wine repos by covering 87 ote cues within ‘he wieegrowing sve Reautsand Disestion Cultivation distribution: Accadngtotie ron dt obser the survey, we relia) ‘mapped the Chinese win ios to provide avi ep ‘eseslation (own nig.) Aserding oth tis ‘he Masry of Cl Alsinfthe People's RepbieefChi- ‘QU here re atta aber of 854 feat eve ‘ministrative replan ands total numberof 40,381 of ‘omshipleelodmiauratverepags nthe ene ery ‘of Chins, The ownshptevel anita elon the ‘asi adinsrative wt in Clan. nhs survey, we were sotbleta covesllwierowing egies nowt, Speclly in Shandong and pars of Xian, fr which ‘he cata ou only evade wt eum eve. Ta be ‘Asbation of vines inthe ent tery ofChta was present athe count evel. ‘The map was deve combine with the county ministaive map. The exiting bin of wit fe ‘ions wih eour-Lvel pein cul be observe, ba ‘he aca vineyard ll cover was no represented onthe map Nevertheless te county teitoy in Kiang i ge rally uch age thar ay of tebe regan, and ths the ealation mes werent sey drawn athe cout ty level. The winegroving zones were wiley isin it 179 cous of Cha wi a ange of 2-47 °N ae ide and 76132 gia. Woes wie region ste “tionally loraedbamen the tae of 30-90 °N and S-0°S (Scan now 7010) The world wine apes 2 Xora Wan tre mniny preset by Epa Ms vin, wheres {nth Special Regan i given pony tothe East Asian ae spp, sien, he Southwest Mourain Region has 2 speci soppy characteris by Tow Tate and hgh fe Tht tn of eros was add to lower aides in these wo regs ‘rat mambo of witeaking enero leet 5 hed ben elie i each pion. The counjlvel ‘ineprowing roves re Used a Tab 3. “ie dvclopmest of Chinese win region i il ne ‘complete, aed fers fom region to region. Except for Shandorg. Gans, Nigya, Ninja, Hebel, and ison Ing thre no spevaned grape and win adinsave ‘eparments nthe other reponse, there ba et completa eeive system of geographical inition frottion for wine produ in China Up fo nom, only Treen le wing, Tnphoa Amer Grape Wit, Shahn, Wine, Chang Wine, Yantai Wine, Minguae Wise, Hel “outa Est Wine, Hes Comoe Wine, Tupan Wiss, Yang wine, Hesbuo Wie, and Das Wild is gun “gongs Wiehe een approved as ational profes ‘f geneapical deans by he Geral Adminisration ‘of Quality Supervision, nspeton and Quran ofthe Peoples Republic of Cina (AQSI, hp: sg gon. scouting fa ony asl percn ge fl eins. Cultivation area: Accoing to investigation reste vines cover tales of she 183200, ‘Seong for sppocimaiel i of he ares fal apes ‘Tecan wine es nih ween Teo Tinta a Ge Mas Cs Tin, Dong i gh Ca Tg a a tec ban ansehen Fala ml Tae Tecan ns ee ph ings es Be Ha Sin Corl stg en ingot, Bape 7 ga Lng a, Dye Qt nan, a Ra Fagin Ln Lt, Sn Ce Gna ln tien Pap ye Ong Seng Fase in — Mt nn, Gt Stes, Reig ua han Mein Feng Pn ‘see Racal" — Tape Sp Nice Yng acon, ceg Hguag Lwe n F To agate —— ag Bs ia Bae, a To, Ta Te Kin Ka Tawa a aes Ti alae ane ori ei See, ia aca Wl an ag oT son Baa ‘ikon, Su Eom ty apr tS ae to is Wass Na cs i Mana Lass Bane Dees ng Pn A HN ‘jst pu Cpu Zp ete ase as ng ce ER cine Ba FECL incinerate cach wie ein rg wen prec tray og La a vie ee see Soe cnet Seve Crt ra ‘emt hata ag toe aes ‘tent Sapa as Ober Cemece ‘tquoome ns “Soeumy Usbane lane eg ‘ee en Mon at ‘aha Sa et ner Gael pan oir "Ste foie rn tees a ie scone into oes sue Sse awa) see conor att nS ‘ann Ret Sen Moin Cohen Surg Ment ee Sri ses epon ie os, pea RS ‘ly so Say on cuenta lima chance wine repn in China 4 | i lai ii Mi 4 LOU LE Fi. 2: Ta cues we of wine gaps in ah wie reo ‘lta tata ee Sct Repay cae pes [errs cnmampoe ang teeing ‘The bar ein Fig2 shows the ealvton are ofeach ‘wine regi. Xiang was asked isthe ist pace with ‘tvatior rea oF 36,700 ha, folowed by Het Mountin st with 34000 ba Hexi Cord rnke thd, cove ‘sae 020,50. The op three repone aco or ‘Sppoximil 5% ofthe total wine grape civaion aes inthe wile of China. The grape calivars nthe Special Regionale fresh ceauniptin jue prodaon, snd wineaking Hence, accretion ‘seats oly for winemating was noteasy to obtain Ine. ‘et year sharp decease initrd eas eared Inike Ancen Yellow River def the climate conta nd ee various factors thi ea wae testo all ‘egins amined inthis research ‘Conadering the wide datibution of Chinese wine reais, he completeness fh survey fe to uae ‘ames Especially Xing, o data wee aval for ‘Usb eins, and tus we could al ons he website ‘o mate asuplement a deed and poi mporsibl Bess, vine regions in Chia arein hirer devon stage hus theses ecu by vineyards Doe regia sharing. On the oe ands new vy are bring devsloped consanty on the ete and, sme vite ‘rds appearing ease of poly chase weather ‘lsat Tha hse ut elite ough sats sat ‘tec srexf Cine wine reins Cullivecs: The daributon ofthe euivas in sire epions of China are proved in Tab. 3. Pts ‘aman Raps widely dstbted nthe Noch Eas and Pars of ter Mongolia, whereas Fite david Foe and Vine qubuorgoris Reb re domi species tt re widely eirbwedin South China Thetive species wk ‘empl resores belonging o Es Asan plains of Vue iicamurosirr coldest pti witha gest application vale (ts fo 2009) Te later speci ar characteriedby song resistance hgh tenperte igh Tumi nd eases (Wa oa 199, He 2012 Mess sa 201) Despite al ese arantages, igh acy and low tgarconent arthe Biggest disadvantages tha reset, “he development of hese wild species "The wine grapes eulvted inter eon ae mane 'yimernrionally recognized elias belonging Yo Fite infra. We fond tat Cabernet Savion was thems ‘weaved variety tt was oan mes, followed by ‘Mero? and Cabemet Gere, whereas ‘Chardonnay’ was the most widely planed ie ase Ae ering the Mis lneratonal aly Catsague FNC. ‘wie de) which sthemestimporaatelie b= ence aperne eetiesouces, Cabernet Geis his been denied ara synonym of Camentre. Lng) (vinifera) a ancient varity which as bee cia [Chin for thasands of years and can be ted or rsh ensumpsion and winemaking (Xe 1991) Yad "Yan re colo varies, tained by hbridaton oF sat Hanbury wile Bouse fa 1986 (LNs st 2014) Serious homogensy seed ob rset these regions, which mghthave hog advese pacts en enue elena characteris Pip Sultan of weer sn win wii Climatic characteristics: The weater stato lene wii th ove mentioned winepow 2nes were eplayed fr eliatc ans The spatial > {ebuto of thee eter ston fs showa in Fg 3. Toe ‘umber an elevation of te ester ations each woe "egion se surimarie in Tb 5 “Tes gins deed reat n iret Sou rest Mountain Regio was the highest reion among ‘Runs withan average evan ofapprinaely 20007, owing a geographic fextue of high ald nd ow Inte Heat Comior wa th send lghes eon wih te alu of 1517 m, andthe third was Han Moun Elst Reon with to 1m Located inte Mongol neu the aner Mongolia Region had a ete ih tite of 9116. Ober regions were cated mail it Piolo basin areas wih lately moderate ls Temesepoaldifeeces were presen more au) i the Southwest Mousa Region stated the Herat Moana. is standard deviation raced ery 350m "The stographia and opgrphie ferences resid Inala serene nthe nae caractersis weit and beeen wine repos The espetsin ofthe tec ‘natiindes in each reponse aig, 5a 6 by sing bono graphs. ‘Acoting othe heal index of FF, he stl eas can be lassie i oct one. Fig ong Wane ea ‘The umber ed eration of wee tion fh wie ean SS a Seem Fh ‘Mec msnun: Mi sininu SD: tnd vation, Mp tp bots Gy yt Fg Frese nn ch neon ‘tes the FF rang in each region. Noth as and ner Mongolia were dominate by cold cima, with pars! _teas tht an be shrsteriod a temperate ciate aes “There wera pare of roe areas ib FFSbe bw 160, Indeting no potential for ctivation f Vi infer, but ‘sis species were widely dibutl ia tes exons. esi Coir was ene sited asa collate oe, ‘cept Suen ad Lanzhou, The FF San was blow Tad and wine ropes were civtedonly in smal ren the Lanhow, which war Menfed se 2 warm cnae ‘ne, san emerging wie region lene in cena Gans Provines Hela Mountain Es was dominated by ep te clint, wi some aren essed as aed imate Ems. Xj Jn and Lows lean were pend cross four ciate zoe, whereas the cla in Xinjiang ‘ves predominantly temper, wher te warm climate ‘hts more wiespread Jing Fins, ar he warm and Bo ‘imate in Laee Plena Shandon, be Ancient Yellow River the Southwest Mournn andthe Special Regan sveeshaacterzed mainly by ot elite. The range of FS war quite considerable ia Southwest Mousa, with ‘ina vee of 7d nda asia vale of 353). The ‘Spec Region as the haest elon rong all ions, ‘ofwhich he lowest FFShad eased wpto277a The tem poate tht coe oiling flies nrepevine {ie rported ob beween O°C aod 1, alouph tere Srvarinons amon varieties (D5coos 999) Lie own abouthe hing remaivemansf theo Ww Vs speci in South China However warm eons Where wher temperatures rarely fal below 7°, he inset hilng canes in layed and desychrnied but, edith se of dormany breaking wget can corr 10 Increase budbust (Lowen and Jos 2014). Combined ith oer einige, dormancy tresking ages ae also ‘Dedin Guana frien ofoneyearono harvest cskivon Iz Leys Fe: Dros ine eh le eon, ‘According tthe wae inex of ithe suitable areas an be used nto dee climate oe Fig sates ‘he Di dlepersion in exch epion, From = general view, be ‘dbs ofl war conentted ne sm hamid one ‘ormostepae. Ine, presption iste main fata ‘iting the developmen of hia’ culre. The pei Region a the ol elo hat was ene cased as, ‘usable zoe. Ths, be wine instr mainly depends ‘nthe production by dvi and 1 ginger. ‘There, isexceesingly important iiprove clan anaes pens 0 folce diseases occurence bere “he Southwest Mounsn Region ranged fom humid semi, witha minimum DI value of 06 which nde fmtod unset. However the tepogapy was comple ‘eth moins adeleations in thsreion, eas good “innape invert actedon ils wih slope. Besides, the raps we nin Rye fF infra and abeascs tthithshow beter reste han in, The Ancient ‘Yellow River Nor Eas, Standog, nd Jing Jn were rary chaneteizedasemihumidaones Approximate: ‘Stay on caren sts and lint characteris of wine regions in China 8 ly aque of ign Reon belonged tothe emi aid ene, and only br aeas Wee ursuable based on DI ‘The management ofthe vineyards in these regions shold ef caivars wt high resistance shuld ase be considered The Lows Pata Region aa semihumi and ead Clint wl the climate of hefner Monga Reon as Sear nda The entre repion fe Helin Morin Et belonged tothe ai on, the minimum DI of which was 431, The Hex Conor as did by the aid one, witha sal are iad a sear Zon, and Duntoang was chaactezedby anexnemely igh vale (6142) Xiang was assed as nen ard ocean asthe is wine ein inhi The ale fDi veaced to early 50 in Xan, and an exerely high value of 24648 was estaba in Tekson. Therefore, fit Irigatn necessary for high uli prosction of wine ‘pes i these eins (Love af 200). Dirt fom ther wine production ous that ar rly wit a Meditoraensclante wih a cool and wet Winer teal 2013) hare was amaredconinenal ‘monsona lms in China, with clé and ry winter ‘most noes fens (Land Wav 2010). AS the specs kate is manly Vs vn for protection against Winer cil i Chia, grapevine mst Be aro wit soll When th tenperse slow a =15 °C (Us and Wane 2010) Ceraily, his vale i not able. Taking to ‘account the conplexmeshnism of freeing tlre, the “rit difrence, and the iflueoce of oer event 1] incest fer [Perl oo Wy Gillie ip 6: Exemely ow enpentareinech wie elon acs shuld also be considered (Foo 2004, Land ‘Wave 201) Fig. 6 lusts the ELT dpesion in each renin All weather sation f North Es ner Mongolia, Hexi Corr Helan Moun ast, Xinjiang. an ling Sind ware with an ELT vale of below = 15°C, except Linch nd sme sl area of Xinjiang an igi, ‘The Love Pleas sted aco the se buying Zone td non-so-bying tne. Shandong wes a the bode [eeven hese zane, hallow covert ndipena. ‘Slewberethe evens of ELT =-15% cur marethan tree ‘es in 30 yeas (L12008)- Te Acie Yellow Riser he ‘Southwest Mountain andth Special Rion were he aly three tegions where gapvinescauld succes overwin- ‘ee witout covering wih ll Sol bal sper ta ‘he maa of the Chines wie regions. Pefoning tis ‘mens ened an escent trate tence ‘nd manageneat of vineyards (12008 odaction of ‘morecldean vier can ean eves the borde of buy Tne. Fr example omen 38 ‘rere coldest speci tht can sly sive ak Temperate low a °C (Waa a 208), hich is 1 good sours for radi cold handy tis in general most of these wine eons were aed win te sabi 2a defines ty ciate nine ‘phe North Ea andthe pail Rio nach peal serps esourees were wey dst It te ‘Spplebiy ofthisclimae inns system ws eid yee rent However he weather saxon selected spree ofa elon may oot ely reflect the cit ceaton of ‘hist especialy mourn wes Dege thighs ‘wien region in Ching nw wie paps reel ‘iad in yan ot valle ress witha tue of 1900, 102900 (Yast a 2014 Te wine ried he a Faundt contain exten bigh concentrates of niin and quercetin derivatives (Lt a 2010). In ate, ‘hire, the umber of ola compoaren he ie Incesed witht destin wherenrteconzaaton fetal vies decreased (Yur ral 205). Conse Ingtte suse soutn of weer station in Southwest. ‘Mounain Reon we had se ase whan atde oF 3379 masrepresentave of is region Nees is hase may exes he upper ie iio sa. “Therefore fart ty med st dterminaton oF lumi ofthe wie rape tation ate rise needed. Ths tas ut 3 general aasis athe lima haraterisies in each region at macroelinas sale ‘egional sae of eso dreds of kere, whout ening he dele nmesnlmae elaine se ‘often to hndeds of tes) (Roanso 206), CConcarons Based onthe eu ofa cmprehensive investipton, ve eased tha af the tine of dy wine raper ere Colne in 179 counties in China wit a al sen of 163.200 a Pits amare, Vs doi, and Vs gn uonplris ae tre Stinstve gels resources Ib int that si ave not ben efetively developed an uta Teneo reco cuties ar widely ulated ie China wit igh shomogeiasion ere Tepoes, Cabaret Savina scone fo ae proportion 1 wel The climate chara ofeach elon WE stated by clive iets system that employed the “ales ofS, Dan ELT Distt ein ilences ad _enerlly god viata suatiy were revealed ou tals: The sul presented in hs paper my iia the improvement of ie knowlege of Chins wine eons “Nevertheless th evelopment of Chinese wie eins sx aes rent challenges, nla sue ietion ‘twill germplasm resoares, he ck a complete wine eogrphicl indication poten syste, homogenization 6 usu Was et a ofthe cath suc, ee. We bape to encourage iter ‘Sule of cll zoning, varie regionalization, wine Spe dsig ete, o promote the development of Csinese ‘Wine produton een. Acknowledgements We ox curse gra oa bese Ine yr acte petition nandcniton he fewch wok candied We eae thcflo Chia Meer. Tops Amiston pong mteslogal as Pi ‘on ar perl te Nason! Natt Slee Fun ching 171704 Rp ase geen) References "pint Guinean Roe tre ‘foc Mh, Ws, AI, ek Compan and uy ms nie Cia ps wt belo Oe wal dn Recon ‘ore otro wa er er 35798 Dutt wie ea al os eet Fee ow iStedalferchumersate: Homme ste 11 ome (tap Waa Wa Rone Ae ‘anal: nace ova sn ee ty arin} Cor Ha, DIT CGC, Mine TM; Yoo: Nee ME Tea Shetty at meaner sh et 5 fp ie mg de ogame ine ooo saat At Gh I ‘hg cma i 1 £0 nm Re hen pct tnmicrteie ER Ae ge Treas ‘ef an stam a) A ak orien in secre WE Si ner ty nr Cane pt Preemie no ine Se Ch Ape Pes. eg. cn ‘AM Nee eevee Cane Ea utah el ete ans naan eet So wkgaene te tent tow ainaaaeentoneecs a geen Aas mae Sicaecn ere area emanstencendon eta wl oeentimnspytmce gomaetnuteesa ere Beis ecieemnntmc wechcruatanaanerten ieee rate onsen PERS he umeeeemen eect eee mt mcmnempucntis Sima omit

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