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¹Hkkx IIµ[k.M 3(i)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.

k 121
connections shall be identical to other piping. Non-metallic pipe, tubing or hose shall not be used for
permanent connection to storage vessels.
(xv) All gaskets shall be of flexi-metallic type.
(M) Management and Operation of Auto LPG Dispensing Stations:-
The company intends to operate Auto LPG dispensing station shall meet the following criteria for
considering recognition by the Chief Controller, it shall -
(i) Be a registered company.
(ii) Possess requisite rating under Auto LPG Control Order.
(iii) Possess a background of operating and managing a business activity.
(iv) Have sufficient in-house specialists well conversant with-
(a) Knowledge and experience in installation of auto LPG equipments, their operations, maintenance
& in training of personnel.
(b) Auto LPG regulations and the hazards associated.
(c) Codes of practice relating to setting up auto LPG stations.
(d) Number of such personnel engaged by the company shall be related to the stations proposed to be
put up by the company.
(v) Have professional administration and organization with clear levels of responsibility.
(vi) Take responsibility for the professional skills of its personnel.
(vii) Have a firm arrangement with auto LPG supplier for un-interrupted supply of LPG of Auto LPG
specification to the company stations.
(viii) Have a firm arrangement with installer for installation and maintenance of its stations. The period of
such arrangement should be specified.
(ix) Have a well laid out policy with regard to selection and management of its dealers or franchisees.
(x) Take responsibility of operations, periodic maintenance and breakdown maintenance in the stations
and enters into a legal agreement with its dealers in this respect.
(xi) Take responsibility in selection and training of Managers and operators of Auto LPG dispensing
station of its franchisees/dealers and enter into a legal agreement with its dealers in this respect.
(N) Emergency Plan:
Every Auto LPG dispensing station shall have a written emergency plan in place to control the hazards
from serious auto LPG leakage or fire. The plan must be drawn in consultation with local authorities i.e. fire
services. This plan should contains instructions for emergency shutdown of the station, warning to
customers and other people in the surrounding, calls for assistance, usage of fire fighting equipments among
others. The plan shall be tested from time to time for evaluation of its adequacy and shall be updated and
modified as required.
[See rules 19(4), 21(9), 21(14) and 23(7)]
(Design, fabrication, installation, operation, maintenance and periodic inspections)
The Mounded vessel installations are categorised in the following categories:
(a) Category 1 : Upto 100 KL water capacity of each vessel
(b) Category 2 : Above 100 KL and upto 500 KL water capacity of each vessel
(c) Category 3 : Above 500 KL water capacity of each vessel

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