Imf Executive Board Discussion of The Outlook, OCTOBER 2017

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The following remarks were made by the Chair at the conclusion of the Executive Board’s discussion of the
Fiscal Monitor, Global Financial Stability Report, and World Economic Outlook on September 21, 2017.

xecutive Directors broadly shared the assess- cross-border spillovers. Common challenges include
ment of global economic prospects and maintaining the rules-based, open trading system;
risks. They observed that global activity has preserving the resilience of the global financial system;
strengthened further and is expected to rise avoiding competitive races to the bottom in taxation
steadily into next year. The pickup is broad based and financial regulation; and further strengthening the
across countries, driven by investment and trade. Nev- global financial safety net. Multilateral cooperation is
ertheless, the recovery is not complete, with medium- also essential to tackle various noneconomic challenges,
term global growth remaining modest, especially among which are refugee flows, cyberthreats and, as
in advanced economies and fuel exporters. In most most Directors highlighted, mitigating and adapting
advanced economies, inflation remains subdued amid to climate change. Concerted effort is also needed to
weak wage growth, while slow productivity growth and reduce excess global imbalances, through a recalibra-
worsening demographic profiles weigh on medium- tion of policies with a view to achieving their domestic
term prospects. Meanwhile, several emerging markets objectives as well as strengthening prospects for strong,
and developing economies continue to adjust to a sustainable, and balanced global growth. In this con-
range of factors, including lower commodity revenues. text, as a few Directors emphasized, the IMF also has a
Directors noted that, while risks are broadly bal- role to play by continuing to strengthen its multilateral
anced in the near term, medium-term risks remain analysis of external imbalances and exchange rates.
skewed to the downside, with rising financial vulnera- Directors agreed that continued accommodative
bilities. These include the possibility of a sudden tight- monetary policy is still needed in countries with low
ening of global financial conditions, a rapid increase in core inflation, consistent with central banks’ mandates.
private sector debt in key emerging market economies, Fiscal policy should gear toward long-term sustain-
low bank profitability and pockets of still-elevated non- ability, avoid procyclicality, and promote inclusive
performing loan ratios, and policy uncertainty about growth. At the same time, fiscal policy should be as
financial deregulation. Directors also pointed to risks growth friendly as possible, using space, where avail-
associated with inward-looking policies, rising geopo- able, to support productivity and growth-enhancing
litical tensions, and weather-related factors. structural reforms. In many cases, policymakers should
Given this landscape, Directors underscored the prioritize rebuilding buffers, improving medium-term
continued importance of employing a range of policy debt dynamics, and enhancing resilience. Efforts to
tools, in a comprehensive, consistent, and well-​ raise potential output should be prioritized based on
communicated manner, to secure the recovery and country-specific circumstances, including increasing
improve medium-term prospects. They recognized that the supply of labor, upgrading skills and human capi-
major central banks have made every effort to commu- tal, investing in infrastructure, and lowering product
nicate their monetary normalization policies to markets. and labor market distortions. Social safety nets remain
The cyclical upturn in economic activity provides a important to protect those adversely affected by tech-
window of opportunity to accelerate critical structural nological progress and other structural transformation.
reforms, increase resilience, and promote inclusiveness. Directors noted that income disparities among
Directors stressed that a cooperative multilateral countries have narrowed, but inequality has increased
framework remains vital for amplifying the mutual in some economies. They saw a role that well-designed
benefits of national policies and minimizing any fiscal policies can play in achieving redistributive

International Monetary Fund | October 2017 113


objectives without necessarily undermining growth and Directors observed that the global financial system
incentives to work. Directors generally concurred that continues to strengthen, and market confidence has
there may be scope for strengthening means-testing improved generally. They recognized the substan-
of transfers in many countries and for increasing the tial progress made in resolving weak banks in many
progressivity of taxation in some others. Most Direc- advanced economies, while a majority of systemic
tors noted that any consideration of a universal basic institutions are adjusting business models and restoring
income would have to be weighed carefully against a profitability. However, a prolonged period of monetary
host of country-specific factors—including existing accommodation could lead to further increases in asset
social safety schemes, financing modalities, fiscal cost, valuations and a buildup of leverage in the nonfi-
and social preferences, as well as its impact on incen- nancial sector that could signal higher risks to finan-
tives to work—which, in the view of many Directors, cial stability. These developments call for continued
raised questions about its attractiveness and practical- vigilance about household debt ratios and investors’
ity. Directors emphasized that improving education exposure to market and credit risks. In this context,
and health care is key to reducing inequality and Directors stressed the need to calibrate the path of nor-
enhancing social mobility over time. malization of monetary policies carefully, implement
Directors underlined the continued need for emerg- macro- and microprudential measures as needed, and
ing market and developing economies to bolster address remaining legacy problems.
economic and financial resilience to external shocks, Directors noted a generally subdued outlook for
including through enhanced macroprudential policy commodity prices. They encouraged low-income
frameworks and exchange rate flexibility. They noted developing countries that are commodity export-
that a common challenge across these economies is how ers to continue improving revenue mobilization and
to speed up their convergence toward living standards in strengthening debt management, while safeguarding
advanced economies. While priorities differ across coun- social outlays and capital expenditures. Countries with
tries, many need to improve governance, infrastructure, more diversified export bases should further strengthen
education, and access to health care. In several countries, fiscal positions and foreign exchange buffers. Across all
policies should also facilitate greater labor force partici- low-income developing countries, an overarching chal-
pation, reduce barriers to entry into product markets, lenge is to maintain progress toward their Sustainable
and enhance the efficiency of credit allocation. Development Goals.

114 International Monetary Fund | October 2017

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