Freedom of Information Request Regarding Actions Vis-A-Vis The UK Labour Party and Its Leader by The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs

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‫ עו"ד‬,‫איתי מק‬

Eitay Mack, Advocate

‫ محام‬،‫ايتاي ِمك‬
02-5877744 ‫ פקס‬,02-5877766 '‫ ירושלים ■ טל‬,97 ‫ רח' יפו‬,745 ‫ משרד‬,‫מרכז כלל‬
■ Tel 02-5877766, Fax 02-5877744
Clal Center, Office 745, 97 Yaffo St., Jerusalem

19 August 2018

Mr. Zini Arie
FOIA Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Tzvika Einbinder

FOIA Department
Ministry of Strategic Affairs

Re: freedom of information request regarding actions vis-a-vis the UK Labour

Party and its leader by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli
Ministry of Strategic Affairs

1. This appeal is made on behalf of human rights activists Dr. Anat Matar, Dr.
Halleli Pinson, Dr. Neve Gordon, Buma Inbar, Shaul Tcherikover, Sahar Vardi,
Talya Ezrahi, Yael Agmon, Claudio Kogon, Nuni Tal, Amnon Lotan, Ofer
Neiman, Guy Hircefeld, Dr. Kobi Snitz, Amir Bitan, Mieko Galiko, Vered Bitan
and Guy Butavia.

2. Since the information regards both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
Ministry of Strategic Affairs, the request is submitted to both.

3. In the past two years, it has been revealed that the two ministries carry out
activities against critics of the State of Israel in the UK1. In addition, Prime
Minister and Foreign Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, has publicly confronted
Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, head of the UK Labour Party, on several occasions2.

4. In fact, Corbin is "Thorn in the side" of the Foreign Minister, the Foreign Affairs
Ministry and the Ministry of Strategic Affairs. While they have been highly

1 ; ; ; ; ;,7340,L-4797933,00.html ;
erdan ;
2,7340,L-5328132,00.html ;
successful in their relations with regimes that are responsible for mass murder
(e.g., South Sudan and the Philippines), regimes that are infected with anti-
Semitism (e.g., Hungary, Poland and Ukraine), regimes that use rape as a weapon
of war (e.g., Burma), and corrupt regimes (e.g., Guatemala and Honduras) – At
the helm of a large and veteran party in one of the most important countries in
Europe, there is a pro-Palestinian leader who supports human and civil rights and
social rights.

5. Mr. Corbyn has, among other things, thwarted attempts by the two ministries to
silence any critique of the State of Israel and the Netanyahu government, by
deeming such critique "The new anti-Semitism". Furthermore, Corbyn's staunch
opposition to despotic regimes which violate human rights around the world, has
weakened the State of Israel's legitimacy to sell arms to regimes which murder,
rape, torture and disappear citizens, in exchange for pro-Israel votes at the UN
and the promotion of economic interests.

6. In these circumstances, there is a need for public scrutiny of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, to verify that these play no
part in the de-legitimization waged in recent years on the UK Labour Party and
Mr. Corbyn. Therefore, the following information is requested, starting June
2015, when Mr. Corbyn announced his leadership bid (he was elected in
September 2015):

a. Information, documents and records as to correspondence by the two

ministries with NGOs, groups, individuals and journalists in the UK,
regarding the UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn.

b. Information, documents and records as to meetings held by the ministries or

their representatives in the UK (including the logs of the Israeli embassy in
London), with NGOs, groups, individuals and journalists, regarding the UK
Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn.

c. Information, documents and records as to the delivery of information to

journalists in the UK, regarding the UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn.

d. Information, documents and records as to public activities and lobbying by

the two ministries and their representatives in the UK (including the Israeli
embassy in London), regarding the UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn.

e. Information, documents and records as to budgets for the funding of public

activities in the UK (including the Israeli embassy in London), regarding the
UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn.

f. Information, documents and records of meetings and decisions at/by the two
ministries and their representatives (including the Israeli embassy in London)
regarding the UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn and what actions should be
taken vis-a-vis them.

g. Expert opinions written at or for the two Ministries regarding the UK Labour
Party and Mr. Corbyn.

h. Information, documents and records as to collaboration, assistance, meetings

and decisions on the part of the two ministries and their representatives
(including the Israeli embassy in London), with the following elements,
regarding the UK Labour Party and Mr. Corbyn:
 Board of Jewish Deputies;
 Community Security Trust;
 Labour Friends of Israel;
 The Conservative Friends of Israel;

7. It should go without saying that according to the instructions of the Freedom of

Information Law, you must consider positively the disclosure of partial
information (after the removal of classified parts), when full information cannot
be disclosed, while providing reasons for not disclosing the information in its

8. We would be thankful for your prompt response;

Eitay Mack, Advocate

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