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Structure Orientation Pattern

Clause: N + V + ?  Provides orientation as to  Syntactic frames in which
when something happened words operate:
Noun Phrase: (give + N + N)
Det + Adj + N Determiners
N+?  ‘the’, ‘an’ and ‘any’  It + be + easy + to + verb
orientation as to identifying
Verb Phrase: person or thing we are The + idea + of + -ing
Modal + aspect + verb talking about
Might have gone
Might have been going Information organization
 grammatical devices (e.g.
passive voice, new or old
information, clefting) enable
us to organize text to make it
easy for reader or listener


- Grouping of words which are linked by the way they behave and patterns in which they occur.
- Words which belong to same class can normally be divided into words which are similar in meaning
and function
- Give + N + N = send, bring, sell


Lexical Phrases/frames Collocation Words

- Items made up of more - Words likely to occur - Theoretically possible to

than word together list all words one knows.
- Carried as individual word - Predictable collocations - Words not known
in memory - Strong coffee individually
As a matter of fact - Learnt collocations - Words  range of
- Rancid butter associated words and
- Frames + variable gaps - Closely related in mind  patterns
word  triggers 
From an economical collocates
TASK 1 – Complete the following sentences by putting it or there in the appropriate place.
1. I’m tired. Is nearly midnight.
2. Be careful. Has been an accident.
3. Is some money in the drawer.
4. Is dangerous to drive too fast.

 Translate them back to your language. What happens?

TASK 2 – How many different sentences can you write using the following words?

Wife – work – garden – weekend

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