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In the quest to achieve accelerated improvement in service

delivery for sustainable economic development and growth, His
Excellency, the Ag. President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON
issued on 18th May, 2017, three Executive Orders namely;
i. EO-001, 2017 on the Promotion of Transparency and
Efficiency in the Business Environment;
ii. EO-002, 2017 on Submission of Annual Budgetary Estimates
by all Statutory and non-Statutory Agencies, including
Incorporated Companies wholly owned by the Federal
Government of Nigeria; and
iii. EO-003, 2017 on Support for Local Content in Public
Procurement by MDAs of the Federal Government.

2. To achieve broad based awareness and buy-in on the

implementation of the Executive Orders particularly the EO-001,
His Excellency, the Ag. President held an interactive session with a
cross section of Public/Civil Servants on Grade Level 8-14, the
first time of such an interaction by highest level of Government
with middle level Public Servants. This is a clear testament of the
high regards that the Administration holds the Service and a
testimony of the strategic role of the Civil Service in the
implementation of government policies.

3. While the Executive Orders are all geared towards the socio-
economic development of the nation, the successful
implementation of Executive Order 001, 2017 on the Promotion of
Transparency and Efficiency in Business Environment will
significantly improve service delivery and the image of the
Public/Civil Service. The implementation of EO-001, 2017 will also
serve as a road-map towards the desired “Citizen-Centred Service
Delivery” that we all desire.

4. As part of the requirements of the implementation of the EO-

001, MDAs are to develop Service Level Agreements (SLAs) which
serves as barometer to gauge the performance of MDAs and
constitutes a contract between a service provider (either internal
or external) and the end user and defines the level of service
expected from the service Provider.

5. The importance attached to the implementation of the EO-01

is vividly captured in the address of the Ag. President at the
interactive session with middle level officers where he stated that
“great economies and great nations, prosperity and abundance of
nations and communities are created by men and not spirits. No
matter how much you pray or fast, our country cannot grow without
some of us deciding to do the hard work that makes nations work”
He reminded us all that “every time that we delay or frustrate what
we can do today leaving it till tomorrow, we hold back the future”.
He therefore urged the Service not to “see this as a government
policy. Understand it as a personal policy’ as he noted that “every
generation of people owes the next generation a debt. That debt is
paid by ensuring that we provide for the means for the next
generation to survive. Or at least we have a duty to ensure that we
do not destroy the means of survival and prosperity of the next
generation. But there are some people in every generation, who
have a special burden, a more important role than others in
preparing for present prosperity and future abundance. This group
of people is called public servants…..the power house of the
economy”. He then cautioned, “every time that a public officer is an
obstacle to business in any way, he attacks the prosperity of our
economy and he attacks our future because it means our children
cannot find jobs”.

6. These expressions called for sober reflection by everyone and

to note that our actions, individually and collectively determines
the prosperity and greatness of this nation.

Head of the Civil Service of the Federation

14th August, 2017.

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