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Josephine’s Internship Meeting

August 3, 2018 | 1:00 – 1:20 PM | Meeting called by Mary Sass

Members in Attendance Location: Phone

Alysha Henderson and Mary Sass

Time Item

5 minutes Progress update on projects

5 minutes Discuss successes and challenges/concerns

5 minutes Outline plan for the rest of our internship

5 minutes Discuss questions related to the course

Progress Update 5 Minutes- Alysha reported on how their individual projects have progressed since
the last meeting. Alysha’s next step was to make a meeting with Sam to go over the employee

Successes and Challenges 5 Minutes- Alysha did not had any challenges at this point

Outline Plan 5 Minutes- Alysha next step was to meet with Sam to go over the first draft of the
employee handbook. Alysha would continue working with to create a second draft of his handbook.

Questions 5 Minutes- Alysha asked Mary about the legality of the document and about other things
to consider like an org chart and job descriptions.

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