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I/C NO: 961130-14-5738


This coursework task was given to me on 16th February 2016 by my Arts in Education
subject lecturers, Pn. Jurina binti Ibrahim and Tn. Haji Abdul Latif bin Mustanuddin. There
are 3 tasks that I was required to do which are the production of learning kit, a 30-minute
performance that will demonstrate and explain the usage of the learning kit that I have
designed and also my own critical reflection on my experiences in the process of producing
the project. So after the performance was done, I analyzed that there are some strengths
and weaknesses in my performance and the learning kit that my group members and I have

For the strengthness, I analyzed that I had possessed a great cooperation skills and
teamwork with my group members while completing this task, which requires me to have a
lot of interactions with them. While producing this project, I learned that accepting others’
opinions is one of the most vital things because I cannot simply use all of my ideas to
complete the task because it does not even reflect a group work project. Next, I analyzed
that I have actually designed a creative, brilliant and an interesting learning kit that can be
used to teach English Language for primary school pupils. We chose to produce a pop-out
puppets in a multipurpose box, and the topic that we had chose to teach is Colours. The
learning kit that we had designed involves variety of colours, which can actually help the
pupils to learn and understand better about this topic because as they are interested to the
learning kit, automatically I can attract their attention. Furthermore, according to Kidspot
Team (2014), the usage of arts and crafts activities can help the pupils to gain positive
emotional responses to learning and extending their thinking across multiple patterns of
intelligence. Other than that, the learning kit had also involved a good demonstration of
reinforcements and punishments for the pupils. This can be proven when the pupils can
answer and complete the task that I gave, each of them will receive a reward. This kind of
reinforcement actually follows the behaviourism learning theory that is identified by B.F.
Skinner. B.F. Skinner (1938) as stated in McLeod (2015) coined the term operant
conditioning which means roughly changing behaviour by the use of reinforcement which is
given after the desired response. So, by using this learning theory, reinforcement can
actually improve the pupils’ interest in learning.

Whereas for the weaknesses, I analyzed that I should actually involve more pupils in
demonstrating the learning kit. Active participation by the students can actually engages
them, provides the students and teachers feedback, encourages dialogue among and
between pupils and can also develop important speaking skills (Weimer, 2011). I also
analyzed that the activities and tasks that I had provided should actually be improvised. I can
provide tasks that are more challenging and require the pupils to have a critical thinking
skills. By improvising the activities, I can ensure that the pupils will have a better grasp on
that particular topic and the teaching and learning process can be done more effectively. Last
but not least, the most important thing that I should concern about is, I actually did not attend
enough practices for this learning kit’s performance. Because of this problem, there were
come clash happened among our group members while doing the performance. So, I should
really know the importances of having a lot of practices and rehearsals so that my
performace can be improved next time.

As a conclusion, this coursework task really helps me to have a good grasp on

Language Arts skills and it also helps me to equip myself, as a future teacher, with a lot of
knowledge on designing an appropriate and suitable learning kits in order to make sure that
the T&L process runs smoothly and pupils enjoy my lesson.


McLeod, S. (2015). Skinner- Operant Conditioning. Retrieved April 1, 2016, from Simply Psychology:

Kidspot Team (2014). Benefit of craft for kids. Retrieved April 1, 2016, from Kidspot:

Weimer, M. (2011, February 15). Benefits of getting students to participate in classroom discussions.
Retrieved April 1, 2016, from Faculty Focus:

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