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9 M A RC H 2 0 1 8 • V O LU M E 3 5 9 • I S S U E 6 3 8 0
Sailing for science


1086 Cardiovascular lineage decisions in

the mouse embryo are explored at
single-cell resolution
By R. G. Kelly and S. R. Sperling
▶ REPORT P. 1177


Membrane tubes can connect cancer
cells and drive tumor progression and
resistance By F. Winkler and W. Wick

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Stably inherited DNA hemimethylation
regulates chromatin interaction and
transcription By J. Sharif and H. Koseki
▶ REPORT P. 1166


Mission would firm up China’s status
A model study points to slow but
extensive nutrient removal from the
as a leader in x-ray astronomy surface ocean under long-term climate
By D. Normile change By C. Laufkötter and N. Gruber
▶ REPORT P. 1139
1076 News at a glance FEATURES
South Asia’s “vulture safe zones”
1080 LITHIUM-SULFUR BATTERIES POISED aim to preserve, and win respect for, A method based on heat denaturation
FOR LEAP a vital scavenger By W. Cornwall reveals how proteins interact in
Promising chemistry is starting to ▶ VIDEO different cells By X.-H. Li et al.


compete commercially with lithium-ion ▶ REPORT P. 1170
By R. F. Service 1090 FEVER DILEMMA
When malaria isn’t the cause, clinics 1106 PROTEOFORMS AS THE NEXT
1081 GERMANY’S NEW GOVERNMENT in the developing world often have PROTEOMICS CURRENCY
MAKES BIG PROMISES little to offer By G. Vogel Identifying precise molecular forms of
Coalition says it will hike research ▶ EDITORIAL P. 1075 proteins can improve our understanding
spending to 3.5% of gross domestic of function
product—but is that feasible?
By L. M. Smith and N. L. Kelleher
By G. Vogel
Robotic test in Pacific Ocean heralds
1094 THE SCIENCE OF FAKE NEWS An approachable introduction to
new way to monitor El Niño events
Addressing fake news requires a multi- structural engineering entertains
By P. Voosen
disciplinary effort By D. M. J. Lazer et al. and inspires By D. Riley
▶ REPORT P. 1146
PERSPECTIVES A careful history examines pivotal
Other groups still see evidence for
moments and the networks that made
lifelong neurogenesis By E. Underwood 1097 INTESTINAL BARRIERS PROTECT them possible By S. P. Cornelius
1084 SLOW COOLANT PHASEOUT COULD Leaky cell-cell junctions contribute to
inflammatory and autoimmune diseases
As countries crank up the AC, emissions By S. Citi 1110 THE SNOW LEOPARD’S
of potent greenhouse gases are likely to ▶ REPORTS PP. 1156 & 1161; C. A. THAISS ET AL. QUESTIONABLE COMEBACK
skyrocket By A. Reese 10.1126/science.aar3318 By S. B. Ale and C. Mishra

1072 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
1098 & 1177 1131
The developing heart Straining thin superlattices

SCIENTISTS SUFFER Ice-VII inclusions in diamonds: Evidence Defining the earliest step of
By W. G. Balogun and A. Seeni for aqueous fluid in Earth’s deep mantle cardiovascular lineage segregation
O. Tschauner et al. by single-cell RNA-seq
1111 POSSIBLE BROODING OF F. Lescroart et al.
Sustained climate warming drives
By L. A. Somma
declining marine biological productivity
J. K. Moore et al.
Synthetic Notch receptors expand the 1143 NEUROSCIENCE
therapeutic potential of engineered Local transformations of the hippocampal

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

T cells By K. T. Roybal cognitive map J. Krupic et al.


RESEARCH The spread of true and false news online
S. Vosoughi et al.
IN BRIEF 1151 MICROBIOTA Health security’s blind spot
Gut bacteria selectively promoted by By Seth Berkley
1114 From Science and other journals dietary fibers alleviate type 2 diabetes ▶ NEWS STORY P. 1090
L. Zhao et al.
1117 CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 1156 MICROBIOTA Why our ways parted
Chemically induced proximity in biology Translocation of a gut pathobiont drives By Maria Ter-Mikaelian
and medicine B. Z. Stanton et al. autoimmunity in mice and humans
REVIEW SUMMARY; FOR FULL TEXT: S. Manfredo Vieira et al.

C. A. THAISS ET AL. 10.1126/science.aar3318
RESEARCH ARTICLE Data visualization
1161 COLITIS showing the spread
1118 STEM CELLS C1orf106 is a colitis risk gene that of a false (orange)
Single-cell Wnt signaling niches and true (teal)
regulates stability of epithelial adherens
maintain stemness of alveolar type 2 news story through
junctions V. Mohanan et al.
cells A. N. Nabhan et al. Twitter. Longer lines
▶ PERSPECTIVE P. 1097; REPORT P. 1156;
C. A. THAISS ET AL. 10.1126/science.aar3318 represent longer
REPORTS retweet cascades,
Strong spin-photon coupling in silicon Nascent DNA methylome mapping greater breadth and depth at which false
reveals inheritance of hemimethylation news spreads. For further analysis on the
N. Samkharadze et al.
at CTCF/cohesin sites dissemination of false news in the digital
age, see pages 1094 and 1146. For more
1127 WATER STRUCTURE C. Xu and V. G. Corces
on the process behind the cover image,
A liquid-liquid transition in supercooled ▶ PERSPECTIVE P. 1102
see Image: Peter
aqueous solution related to the Beshai; Data: Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy,
HDA-LDA transition S. Woutersen et al. 1170 PROTEIN FOLDING
and Sinan Aral
Thermal proximity coaggregation
1131 NANOMATERIALS for system-wide profiling of
Coherent, atomically thin transition- protein complex dynamics in cells Science Staff ............................................ 1074
metal dichalcogenide superlattices with C. S. H. Tan et al. New Products ........................................... 1182
engineered strain S. Xie et al. ▶ PERSPECTIVE P. 1105 Science Careers ....................................... 1183

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SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1073

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1074 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Health security’s blind spot

he severity of this year’s influenza virus is a re- Reference Laboratory for confirmation. For the whole of
minder of the daunting task facing the global Africa there is just one such facility in Dakar, Senegal.
health community as it struggles to prevent in- Even under the best conditions, these lab tests are ex-
fectious diseases from sparking deadly epidem- pensive and take at least a month. What’s more, about
ics. Today, yellow fever and cholera continue to 40% of samples found to be positive by Nigerian national
spread in Africa, while Brazil is in the midst of a laboratories have tested negative in Senegal, creating
major yellow fever outbreak. It was only recently uncertainty about the reliability of the test. The United
that Zika virus and Ebola virus epidemics were in the States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Seth Berkley is
headlines. The world needs to harness every resource has historically played a major role in helping countries
chief executive
and tool in the battle to catch expand disease surveillance
officer of Gavi,
outbreaks before they catch and modernize laboratories,
the Vaccine

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

us. Prevention is always the particularly for new viruses
Alliance, Geneva,
first line of defense, and na- and drug-resistant bacteria.
tions must maintain vigilant But now it is feared that the Switzerland.
surveillance—and yet, effec- CDC may scale back its global
tive and affordable, quick health security work in 39
and definitive diagnostics developing countries. This
are absent in the countries prospect highlights the need
where they are most needed. for low-income countries to
This represents one of our create a sustainable program
most serious global health for their disease surveillance.
security blind spots. Ultimately, to achieve sus-
During the 2014 Ebola epi- tainable global epidemic pre-
demic in West Africa, the first paredness, we need to stim-
cases were initially misdiag- ulate the development of
nosed as cholera, and then cutting-edge diagnostic tech-
later as Lassa fever on the nologies—both for laborato-
basis of clinical symptoms. It ries and for use in the field in
took nearly 3 months before remote locations—and make
blood samples sent to Europe them available and afford-
finally identified the disease able in low-income countries.
as Ebola, during which time
“Early detection through…testing One approach is to provide

it was allowed to spread. is essential to stopping outbreaks incentives to industry by cre-

Similarly, in Nigeria, a lack of ating markets that may have
rapid diagnostics is making
before they spread.” seemed impossible. At Gavi,
it difficult to get ahead of the Vaccine Alliance, we
the current yellow fever outbreak with targeted vacci- have been doing this by working with industry to har-
nation. Throughout 2016 and the first 8 months of 2017, ness innovative refrigeration technologies to modern-
Nigerian laboratories were unable to carry out tests ize vaccine cold chains in poor countries. The global
on almost all suspected cases of yellow fever, owing to health community could look at how partnerships
a shortage of chemicals needed for those diagnostics. with industry can be applied to innovative diagnos-
When these reagents eventually became available last tic technologies. Early detection through reliable,
fall, yellow fever had spread to multiple states. As of available, and efficient testing is essential to stopping
last month, there were more than 350 suspected yellow outbreaks before they spread. With many diseases pre-
fever cases over 16 states and 45 deaths. The world’s senting similar first symptoms, it’s all too easy to get
poorest countries simply cannot equip and maintain a diagnosis wrong and potentially miss an outbreak.
their limited laboratory facilities. And given the ease and speed at which pathogens can
But the problem is not just how well-stocked laborato- now travel in the modern urban-dense global village,
ries are, it’s also about how quickly and reliably they can any delay in diagnosis will inevitably and increasingly
respond. For yellow fever, whenever lab tests are positive be measured in lives lost.
or inconclusive in Africa, samples are sent to a Regional –Seth Berkley


SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1075

Published by AAAS
Have the researchers

considered the possible unintended side effects?
Google engineer Blake Lemoine, about a new algorithm that could identify

gang crimes—but also might brand innocent people as gang members.

IN BRIEF Iranian leaders scrap over science

Edited by Jeffrey Brainard
| A long-
simmering dispute in Iran over how to put
ASTRONOMY an Islamic “stamp” on science has flared
up. In a speech last week, Iranian President
Space telescope faces cost overrun Hassan Rouhani blasted what he called
“wasteful” spending on efforts overseen by
the country’s hard-liners to define Islamic
versions of various science disciplines,
Iranian news agencies reported. “We have
no Islamic car industry, no Islamic phys-

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

ics or chemistry,” Rouhani said. “Science
is science; there is no difference.” Rouhani
also sought to counter a paranoia among
hard-liners that foreign researchers—
environmental scientists in particular—are
spying on Iran. “We will not make much
progress if we limit our relations with
the world,” he stated. Last month, Kavous
Seyed-Emami, a Canadian-Iranian socio-
logist who co-founded the Persian Wildlife
Heritage Foundation in Tehran and who
had been accused of spying, allegedly com-
mitted suicide in an Iranian prison.

Appeal in harassment case fails

WO R K P L AC E| Boston University (BU) has
Tests of a sunscreen that will protect the James Webb Space Telescope caused a project delay. denied geologist David Marchant’s appeal
of its decision to terminate him for sexual
harassment, the Massachusetts institution

roblems with assembly and testing of NASA’s James Webb Space
announced 27 February. Last November, BU
Telescope (JWST) are threatening to delay its scheduled launch moved to fire Marchant after an investiga-
in 2019 and bust its budget, the U.S. Government Accountability tion concluded that he harassed graduate
Office (GAO) said last week. The JWST is a bigger, better succes- student Jane Willenbring in Antarctica dur-
sor to the Hubble Space Telescope and could revolutionize our ing the 1999–2000 field season. Now that his
appeal has failed, Marchant has the right to
knowledge of the early universe, planets around other stars, and
have a faculty committee determine whether
much else. Last year, vibration testing threw up some unexpected re- termination is the appropriate sanction.
sults that took time to resolve, reducing the project’s schedule reserve, But J. Robb Dixon, who chairs BU’s Faculty
the GAO report says. Then, in October 2017, the first unfurling tests of Council, says he has not been approached
to constitute such a committee. Marchant
the spacecraft’s tennis court–size sunshield, made of five thin layers of
remains on paid administrative leave, says
metal-coated plastic, also fell behind schedule. “It took longer than pre- BU spokesperson Colin Riley. Marchant
dicted, but it’s about getting it right,” says Scott Willoughby, Northrop and his lawyer did not reply to emails
Grumman’s JWST program manager in Redondo Beach, California. requesting comment.
Final assembly, now underway, will likely cause more challenges, and

GAO says another launch delay is likely. With only 1.5 months of sched- Graduate students report anxiety
ule reserve left, any further delays are expected to push the JWST’s HIGHER EDUCATION | About 40% of gradu-
budget over the cap of $8 billion set by Congress, putting the project in ate students say they suffer from moderate
uncharted territory. to severe anxiety or depression, which is
six times the rate found in the general
population, according to a new study of

1076 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Researchers discovered a supercolony of Adélie

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penguins in Antarctica, including these on Comb Island.


Satellites reveal hidden refuge for 1.5 million penguins

he Adélie penguin, whose populations in western Antarctica University of New York in Stony Brook. Landing on the islands
are rapidly declining because sea ice is disappearing, may after their research ship managed to get through extensive
have a haven from climate change. Tipped off by evidence summer sea ice, she and her colleagues used drones and other
of guano in NASA Landsat images of the Danger Islands, methods to estimate the Adélie population there. It’s one of the
just off of northeastern Antarctica, researchers have now largest colonies of these seabirds, they reported on 2 March
confirmed that more than 750,000 breeding pairs live there. So in Scientific Reports. They argue that the waters around these
far, the Danger Islands are less affected by warming tempera- islands should be designated a marine protected area, adding to
tures, says Heather Lynch, a quantitative ecologist at the State reserves that would be created by treaties now being negotiated.

2279 master’s and Ph.D. candidates across Strength of evidence that policies afect outcomes thousands of studies and found only 62 that
26 countries. Of the students surveyed, Moderate Limited demonstrated a causal relationship between
40% were pursuing degrees in the physi- Inconclusive Increase gun policies and changes in outcomes, such
cal and biological sciences or engineering. None Decrease as mass shootings and other homicides and
About a third of male respondents reported suicides committed with firearms. Across
experiencing each condition, compared with MASS FIREARM FIREARM 13 classes of policies, the evidence that laws
approximately 40% of female participants GUN POLICIES SHOOTINGS SUICIDES HOMICIDES preventing children’s access to guns reduce
and more than half of transgender and Background suicides and accidental injuries and deaths
gender-nonconforming respondents. Having checks in youths was the strongest, the research-
supportive principal investigators and Prevent access ers found. This chart (left) shows other
healthy work-life balance correlated with by children selected findings from the report. Research
better mental health, concluded the survey, Prevent access by on the causes of gun violence fell markedly
the mentally ill
one of the largest of its kind, published in after Congress enacted a policy in 1996 that
the March issue of Nature Biotechnology. To “Stand your complicated the awarding of federal funds
ground” laws
head off problems, the authors recommend for these studies.
Minimum age
that institutions increase awareness of men- to buy gun *
tal health issues among students and their
advisers and provide better support.
carry law
Consumer test for cancer risk
Licensing and GENETIC TESTING | The U.S. Food and
permitting Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
A dearth of gun research Ban selling the first genetic test for breast cancer
P U B L I C H E A LT H | An expansive study assault weapons risk marketed directly to consumers. The
released last week points out how little is Waiting periods agency announced on 6 March that per-
known about whether and how U.S. federal sonal genomics company 23andMe can
and state firearm laws affect gun violence. Firearm sales now analyze DNA from customers’ saliva
The nonprofit RAND Corporation, based in to tell them whether they carry any of
Santa Monica, California, reviewed many * Firearm suicides among children only three mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1077

Published by AAAS


Canadian science gets a boost

anada’s new 5-year budget plan includes a major increase increase for interdisciplinary, “high-risk” research. Many research
for research spending. The plan, released 27 February, pro- advocates welcomed the increase, but noted it falls short of
vides an increase of 25%, or CA$925 million, for the nation’s recommendations made last year by an expert panel convened
three primary science grantmaking councils. In all, the by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government. And
plan calls for dedicating CA$3.8 billion to research through climate researchers were disappointed the plan doesn’t commit
2023, including CA$1.3 billion for new equipment and technol- to renewing funding for climate and atmospheric research in the
ogy at academic science centers, as well as a CA$275 million Arctic, which is scheduled to expire this year.

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

Funding for Arctic research facilities like this one
in Cambridge Bay, Canada, remains uncertain.

genes that increase the risk of breast and about radical changes. Smits says his exposed, unusual ocean-bottom life in an
ovarian cancer. But these are just a few new job, which he started on 1 March, is area along the eastern Antarctic Peninsula
of more than 1000 known BRCA muta- to “put open access high on the political that had not seen daylight in 120,000 years.
tions, the agency noted, and although agenda again, and motivate everyone to The opportunity arose last July when an
they’re present in about 2% of women of make the transition happen, and fast.” iceberg the size of Delaware snapped off
Ashkenazi Jewish descent, they’re exceed- the Larsen C Ice Shelf and drifted seaward,
ingly rare in the general population. In a opening a gap that a research ship could
2013 warning letter that forced 23andMe Italian election worries scientists navigate. A team led by the British Antarctic
to pull many of its health-related tests RESEARCH POLICY | Italian scientists Survey had hoped to find new species there
from the market, FDA specifically men- worry the stunning victory of national- and identify existing ones before opportu-
tioned concerns that an unreliable BRCA ist and populist parties in the 4 March nistic neighboring species moved in. But
test result could prompt women to opt for parliamentary elections may bode ill for the RRS James Clark Ross had to turn back
unnecessary prophylactic surgery. It’s now science in the country. Exactly where the because of slow progress through the ice in
urging customers and doctors not to two big winners—the populist Five Star the Weddell Sea. German scientists plan to
rely on the new test alone to make treat- Movement and the hard-right, anti- try again next year.
ment decisions. immigrant League—stand on research
policy and other science-related topics can
A champion for EU open access be hard to tell; their election platforms Vaccine graphic wins award
provide little information. But both par- The Society for News Design awarded
PUBLISHING | Dutchman Robert-Jan ties have come under fire for endorsing a silver medal to Science’s Interactive
Smits, formerly one of the most power- antivaccine viewpoints and for opposing Graphics Editor Jia You and News Writer
ful players in Brussels’s science policy animal testing. How the election results will Meredith Wadman for an infographic
circles, has been tasked with spurring translate into science policy now depends showing how rates of infectious dis-
progress on the European Union’s plans on what are expected to be protracted coali- eases fell sharply after vaccines were
to promote open-access publication. Smits tion talks. But Italy’s scientific community developed to prevent them. The graphic
was named a special adviser for open “will not allow an antiscience government,” was part of our Vaccine Wars package
access and innovation at the European says Maria Chiara Carrozza, a professor in (Science, 28 April 2017, p. 364). “At a
Political Strategy Centre, the European industrial bioengineering at the Sant’Anna time when this topic is hotly debated,”
Commission’s in-house think tank, after School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy,

the judges wrote, “the visual team

almost 8 years as the commission’s direc- and a former education and research minis- embraces a core journalistic mission:
tor general for research and innovation. ter. “We will make our voices heard.” Show people the truth so they can make
In May 2016, ministers of all EU member their own informed decisions.”
states committed to making all scientific
papers produced in the European Union Ice blocks Antarctic mission
freely accessible by 2020, but this optimis- | Sea ice last week forced
tic, nonbinding pledge has failed to bring researchers to delay plans to study newly Read more news from Science online.

1078 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
In 2014, Airbus’s Zephyr 7 drone
IN D EP TH relied on lithium-sulfur batteries
for an 11-day nonstop flight.


Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

Lithium-sulfur batteries poised for leap
Promising chemistry is starting to compete commercially with lithium-ion

By Robert F. Service that are also cheap, lightweight, small, and from a mix of different metal oxides. Here,
safe, she says. Improving one factor, she adds, the positive lithium ions in the electrolyte

ake that, Tesla. Researchers at Oxis often comes at the expense of others. “You snuggle up next to metal atoms that have
Energy, a startup company in Abing- can’t optimize all of them simultaneously.” taken up the traveling electrons. Charging
don, U.K., are building batteries with Lithium-ion batteries contain two elec- reverses this molecular shuffle as an external
a combination of lithium and sulfur trodes—an anode and a cathode—separated voltage pushes the lithium ions to ditch their
that store nearly twice as much en- by a liquid electrolyte that allows lithium metallic hosts and return to the anode.
ergy per kilogram as the lithium-ion ions to move back and forth during charg- Metal oxide cathodes are reliable. But the
batteries in electric cars today. The batter- ing cycles. At the anode, lithium atoms are metals—typically a combination of cobalt,
ies don’t last very long, conking out after wedged between layers of graphite, a highly nickel, and manganese—are expensive. And
100 or so charging cycles. But the company conductive type of carbon. As the battery dis- because it takes two metal atoms working
hopes that for applications such as aerial charges, the lithium atoms give up electrons together to hold a single electron, these
drones, submersibles, and power packs that and generate a current. The resulting posi- cathodes are heavy, which limits the capac-
could be shouldered by soldiers, weight will tively charged lithium ions move into the ity of these cells to about 200 watt-hours per
matter more than price or longevity. Oxis’s electrolyte. After powering anything from a kilogram (Wh/kg). Sulfur is much cheaper,
small pilot factory aims for an annual pro- cellphone to a Tesla, the electrons wind up and each sulfur atom can hold two elec-


duction of 10,000 to 20,000 batteries, which back at the cathode, which is typically made trons. Theoretically, a battery with a sulfur
sit in thin pouches the size of cellphones. cathode can store 500 Wh/kg or more.
The Gigafactory this is not—at least not But sulfur is anything but an ideal material
yet. But Chief Technology Officer David Powering up for an electrode. For starters, it’s insulating: It
Ainsworth says the company has its eye won’t pass electrons to lithium ions crossing
Lithium-sulfur batteries have the potential to be both
on a far bigger prize: the $100 billion electric smaller and lighter than lithium-ion batteries.
over from the anode. That was a deal breaker
vehicle market. “The next few years will be until 2009, when researchers led by Nazar
critical,” Ainsworth says. He and others see 500 showed that the sulfur could be embedded
Specifc energy (Watt-hours per kilogram)

lithium-sulfur as the heir apparent to lith- within a cathode that, like the anode, was

ium-ion as the dominant battery technology. Lithium-sulfur made of conductive carbon. It worked, but it
They are encouraged by a spate of recent Lithium-ion brought other problems. Forms of carbon like
reports suggesting that many of the technol- graphite are highly porous. That adds to the
ogy’s performance and durability challenges Projected overall size of the battery without boosting its
can be overcome. “You’re seeing advances storage capacity, and it means that more of
on a number of fronts,” says Brett Helms, 200 the expensive liquid electrolytes are needed
a chemist at Lawrence Berkeley National Demonstrated Tesla Model S to fill the pores. Even worse, when lithium
Laboratory in California. Others, like Linda 100 ions bind to sulfur atoms at the cathode,
Nazar, a chemist and lithium-sulfur pioneer Nissan Leaf they react to form soluble molecules called
at the University of Waterloo in Canada, polysulfides that float away, degrading the
remain cautious. “It’s a really tall order” to 0 100 200 300 400 500 cathode and limiting the number of charging
create high-capacity lithium-sulfur batteries Energy density (Watt-hours per liter) cycles. Polysulfides can also migrate to the

1080 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

anode, where they can wreak further havoc. EUROPE

Now, advances are coming on all fronts.
Three groups have made strides in solving
problems at the cathode. Last year, for ex-
ample, researchers led by Helms reported
Germany’s new government
in Nature Communications that they added
a polymer layer to a carbon-sulfur cathode, makes big promises
sealing in the polysulfides and enabling the
battery to survive 100 charging cycles. An- Coalition says it will hike research spending to 3.5%
other group, led by Arumugam Manthiram
at the University of Texas in Austin, replaced
of gross domestic product—but is that feasible?
the graphite in a cathode with highly con-
ductive graphene—graphite in sheets just a By Gretchen Vogel, in Berlin The government would also have to entice
single atom thick. As they reported in the the private sector, which accounts for two-

12 January issue of ACS Energy Letters, the early 6 months after it held federal thirds of current research spending, to spend
graphene cathodes held five times as much elections, Germany finally has a new more freely, Krull says, for instance through
sulfur as traditional graphite ones, thereby government—and some welcome tax breaks and matching funds. Still, says
boosting energy storage. And 2 weeks ago news for scientists. The new coali- Jörg Hacker, president of the German na-
researchers led by Nanfeng Zheng, a chem- tion, the fourth led by Chancellor tional academy of sciences, the Leopoldina,
ist at Xiamen University in China, reported Angela Merkel, has pledged to boost in Halle, the target is welcome. “One has to
in Joule that they had created an ultrathin overall R&D spending from 2.9% to 3.5% of have ambitious goals, or you don’t get any-

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

“separator” by topping a thin sheet of poly- the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) where,” he says.
propylene with nitrogen-doped carbon par- by 2025. That would make Germany a world In a stance that may be less popular
ticles. The separator sits atop the cathode, leader in research spending, behind only among researchers, the new government
traps polysulfides, and converts them to South Korea and Israel. “The signs … are favors a nationwide ban on planting geneti-
harmless lithium-sulfide particles. That in- really quite promising,” says Wilhelm Krull, cally modified crops. No such crops are cur-
creased the energy output of the cells and secretary general of the rently grown in Germany,
helped them survive 500 charging cycles. Volkswagen Foundation in but a complete ban would
Others are working to fix the polysulfide Hanover, Germany, a large be very restrictive, Hacker
problem by tweaking the electrolyte. In the private research funder. says. He says research lead-
25 May 2017 issue of ACS Central Science, But whether the govern- ers will continue to lobby
Nazar and her colleagues reported that they ment can deliver remains for gene technology regula-
had made an electrolyte that permits the to be seen; it’s not clear tions that focus on the ben-
passage of lithium ions but inhibits the cre- where the extra billions efits or drawbacks of the
ation of soluble polysulfides. would come from. Mean- end product, rather than
Many teams are also targeting the anode, while, researchers are on the technique used to
aiming to replace the lithium and graphite wondering what to expect make it.
combination with pure lithium metal. That from the new research and Meanwhile, climate activ-
could boost the capacity of lithium-ion bat- education minister, Anja The new German research and ists say the coalition’s goals
teries to 500 Wh/kg—enough to drive a car Karliczek, who trained as education minister, Anja Karliczek. aren’t nearly ambitious
nearly 500 kilometers between charges—and a banker and spent 2 de- enough. During the elec-
yield even bigger gains for lithium-sulfur cades running her family’s hotel. And some tion campaign, Merkel said Germany would
batteries. To date, however, pure lithium an- chafe at the new government’s positions on meet its target of reducing carbon emissions
odes have been stymied by problems during agricultural technology and climate. by 40% (from 1990 levels) by 2020, but the
charging, when lithium atoms migrate back Germany’s center-left Social Democratic parties now admit that won’t happen; cur-
from the cathode. They tend to pile up in one Party voted to approve the coalition with rent projections predict a 32% decrease. The
spot, creating spiky growths that can pierce Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic government promises to redouble efforts to
the battery and cause shorts and even fires. Union and its Bavarian sister party on meet the 2030 goal of cutting emissions by
Oxis Energy and another battery startup, 4 March. The three parties, which made up 55%, but it has not named a deadline for
Sion Power in Tucson, Arizona, say they have the previous government, all lost seats in the phasing out coal. Environmental groups say
developed proprietary barriers around the elections, leaving them reluctant to continue the parties are too protective of Germany’s
anode that prevent the spiky growths. And their collaboration. But after talks about a dif- auto and coal industries.
this week in Nature Energy, researchers at ferent coalition fell apart last November, the The biggest surprise was Merkel’s choice
Cornell University reported stabilizing their remaining options—a minority government of the little-known Karliczek, who has mostly
lithium anode with a tin alloy. or new elections—were even less appealing. worked on finance issues since her election
All of these advances will help push The three parties say a sharp rise in R&D to the German Bundestag in 2013. (Observers
lithium-sulfur batteries forward, says George budgets is necessary to keep Germany’s edge think the fact that she is young, female, and
Crabtree, who directs the Joint Center for in innovation, but don’t detail how to get conservative played a role.) Karliczek told

Energy Storage Research at Argonne Na- there. The agreement promises a yearly 3% German media that research leaders should
tional Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois. “It’s increase in federal funding for research or- expect her to ask lots of questions. Her back-
hard to tell whether these are the final ganizations such as the Max Planck Society ground in finance and management could be
breakthroughs that are going to make it,” he and the Helmholtz Association of German good preparation for many of her tasks as
says. “But I’m optimistic.” Electric car driv- Research Centres, but much more would be minister, Hacker says. “We look forward to
ers everywhere hope he’s right. j needed to reach the promised 3.5% of GDP. meeting with her as soon as possible.” j

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1081

Published by AAAS


Saildrone fleet could help replace aging buoys

Robotic test in Pacific Ocean heralds new way to monitor El Niño events

By Paul Voosen Its success led to similar arrays in the In- while, budget cuts and the soaring expense
dian and Atlantic oceans. of operating research ships meant few new

wo 7-meter-long sailboats are set to But earlier this decade, the TAO array buoys were deployed. “That was a wake-up
return next month to California, after had a near-death experience. The marine call for all of us,” says Christopher Sabine,
nearly 8 months tacking across the growth on buoys and their moorings are an oceanographer at the University of Ha-
Pacific Ocean. Puttering along at half- fish magnets, which makes them a magnet waii in Honolulu.
speed, they will be heavy with bar- for fishers as well, causing the distinctive Ultimately, Congress restored funding for
nacles and other growth. No captains TAO grid to appear on maps of global fish the TAO array, which costs about $10 mil-
will be at their helms. catches. As fishers dragged the buoys aside lion a year. But now Japan, which maintains
That is not because of a mutiny. These for easy pickings, they damaged them, and a complementary array in the western Pa-
sailboats, outfitted with sensors to probe maintenance work began to pile up. Mean- cific called the Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy
the ocean, are semiautonomous Network, has pulled out almost all
drones, developed by Saildrone, a of its buoys because of limited funds

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marine tech startup based in Al- San and a lack of ship time to main-
Winds of change Saildrone
ameda, California, in close collabo- 1005 tain them, degrading El Niño mea-
Two saildrones have
ration with the National Oceanic carried a suite of Saildrone surements once again. The crises
and Atmospheric Administration 15 sensors into the tropical 1006 prompted NOAA and others to look
(NOAA) in Washington, D.C. The Pacific Ocean and back, for a more sustainable system to de-
voyage is the longest test for the Hawaii liver El Niño warnings, which help
powered only by the Pacifc
drones and also the first science wind and sun. The data, Ocean agencies plan for the heavy rains
test in the Pacific—an important relayed by satellites, are and droughts that follow in its wake.
Sea surface
step in showing that they could being compared to read- temperature
“It’s an opportunity to look at exactly
replace an aging and expensive ar- ings gathered by buoys 0 1000 what the array is and its require-
ray of buoys that are the main way and ships. 13.6˚C 29.5˚C Km ments are,” says Meghan Cronin,
scientists sniff out signs of climate- an oceanographer at NOAA’s Pacific
disrupting El Niño events. Marine Environmental Laboratory
After World War II, most sea Tabbed tail (PMEL) in Seattle, Washington.
surface data were collected from Like a plane’s tail, Richard Jenkins, an engineer and
ships. Then came buoys and satel- a small tab keeps Saildrone’s founder, smelled an op-
lites. Now, NOAA scientists want Air conditions the drone pointed portunity. He had built a sailboat
to send in the drones. “We could The drone’s mast contains into the wind. on wheels called Greenbird that in
be making the next epochal ad- sensors to measure wind 2009 broke the land-speed record
speeds, air temperatures,
vancement in oceanography,” says and sunshine.
for a wind-powered vehicle, reaching
Craig McLean, NOAA’s assistant 202 kilometers per hour on a dry
administrator for oceanic and at- lake bed in Nevada. Afterward, he
mospheric research and acting helped two ocean-minded philan-
chief scientist. Within the next de- thropists, Eric and Wendy Schmidt,
cade, hundreds or even thousands outfit their research vessel, the R/V
of solar- and wind-powered drones Falkor, at a cost of $60 million. He
could roam the world’s oceans, us- Person for marveled at the expense and won-


ing satellites to relay information Sun seeker dered whether a smaller, seafaring
gathered from the sea surface and Panels provide version of Greenbird could gather
the air above. 30 watts of ocean data more cheaply. In theory,
The drones can’t come too power for up an ocean-going saildrone would need
to 100 kilograms
soon for scientists who study the no fuel for propulsion; solar panels
of payload.
El Niño–Southern Oscillation, a could power instruments and com-
set of shifting global temperature munications. Simply set waypoints
and rainfall patterns triggered by and the drone would ride the wind
warm surface waters that slosh there. The Schmidts gave Jenkins
back and forth across the equato- $2.5 million to get started; by 2013,
rial Pacific every few years. Since Subsurface a test craft had completed its first
the 1980s, NOAA has supported a A sonarlike Doppler voyage from California to Hawaii,
In addition to
grid of buoys, moored to the Pa- profler gauges ocean propelled by a 4.6-meter-tall carbon
currents up to
cific sea floor, called the Tropical 100 meters deep.
temperatures, sensors measure fiber composite sail.
Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array, to wave heights, carbon dioxide, Since then, Saildrone has worked
study and forecast these swings. oxygen, and salinity. with PMEL scientists to rig the

1082 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
boats with sensors and test their limits. In NEUROSCIENCE
2015, they survived 40-knot winds during
a 3-month foray into the Arctic to assess
marine life. That success encouraged scien-
tists to mull whether the drones could help
Study undercuts claims of
anchor observations in the Pacific. Conceiv-
ably, the drones could sail in circles around new neurons in adult brains
a virtual mooring point, or run other pre-
planned patterns, before returning to port Other groups still see evidence for lifelong neurogenesis
every year for cleaning—no ships necessary.
The drones could be cheaper, too. Saildrone By Emily Underwood maintain similar stem cell reserves: The
charges $2500 a day per drone to collect method involves “a lot of assumptions and

data, whereas ship time can cost $30,000 ver the past 20 years, evidence that steps in which there can be contamination
or more per day. Jenkins thinks his drones adult humans can produce hundreds or false positives,” he says.
can profit off that difference in the Pacific. of new neurons per day has fueled For the new analysis, his team spent
“We are anticipating a fleet to service that hope that ramping up cell birth could 5 years collecting brain tissue from 59 people
market exclusively,” he says. be therapeutic. Boosting neurogen- who had died or had such tissue removed
The first Pacific test started on 5 Sep- esis, researchers speculate, might pre- during surgery for epilepsy at different ages,
tember 2017, when two saildrones, 1005 and vent or treat depression, Alzheimer’s disease, ranging from before birth to 77 years of age.
1006, set out from San Francisco, California, and other brain disorders. But a controversial They used fluorescent antibodies to label
for equatorial waters. Satellites had spotted study in Nature this week threatens to dash proteins specific to cells at different states of

Downloaded from on March 9, 2018

cold tongues of surface water extending such hopes by suggesting that the production maturity. With an electron microscope, they
westward from the South American coast, of neurons declines sharply after early devel- also looked for the characteristic long, slen-
an indicator of a strong La Niña, El Niño’s opment and grinds to a halt by adulthood. der, simple shapes of young neurons.
opposite number. It was not all smooth sail- The results of the “exhaustive search” for The team found that people have large
ing. After arriving at the equator, the drones new neurons in adult human and monkey numbers of neural stem cells and progeni-
got stuck in the doldrums, a wind dead brains “will disappoint many,” says neuro- tors early in life—an average of 1618 young
zone. “We knew the tropics were going to be scientist Paul Frankland of the Hospital for neurons per square millimeter of brain
a challenge,” Cronin says. (In July, another Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. “It raises tissue at birth. But these cells did not go
saildrone will depart for the tropics with concern that levels of neurogenesis are too
a larger sail that Jenkins hopes will help it low to be functionally important” in humans,
through the doldrums.) adds another observer, René Hen, a neuro-
Eventually, the saildrones caught the scientist at Columbia University. But he and
wind and escaped. And as Cronin looked others suggest that the study left much room
back at the data from the cold tongues, for error. The way the tissue was handled,
she discovered a surprise: shifts in water the deceased patients’ psychiatric history, or
temperature by 1° in less than a kilometer. whether they had brain inflammation could
“Some of these fronts are much sharper all explain why the researchers failed to con-
than you would ever imagine,” Cronin says. firm earlier, encouraging studies, Hen says.
“That was shocking.” It is the type of de- The first evidence of neurogenesis in adult
tail a satellite’s lower resolution would humans came in 1998 from the brains of
smear out, and something a stationary deceased cancer patients who had received
buoy would have missed. Cronin says cur- injections of a chemical called bromode-
rent climate models don’t account for these oxyuridine while they were still alive. The
sharp gradients, which could churn the at- chemical labels newly divided cells, and in
mosphere above. their brain tissue, it showed up in a sprin-
In addition to temperature, wind, and kling of neurons in the hippocampus—a New neurons (green) were visible in a newborn’s
solar radiation data, the Pacific saildrones seahorse-shaped structure involved in mem- brain (top), but not in brain tissue from a 35-year-old
are measuring how the ocean and air ex- ory and learning. In 2013, Jonas Frisén’s lab man (bottom.)
change gases like carbon dioxide and at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm but-
oxygen, and they are using Doppler instru- tressed the case by carbon dating individual on to form a proliferating layer of neural
ments to gauge currents coursing up to neurons in brain tissue from 55 deceased stem cells, and production of new neurons
100 meters below the surface. These sen- people. From the cells’ ages, the group calcu- dropped 23-fold between 1 and 7 years of
sors could reveal patterns that help explain lated that every day, humans replace 700 of age, the team reports. By adulthood the sup-
why the tropical Pacific emits carbon diox- their neurons in the dentate gyrus, a sliver of ply of young neurons had petered out en-
ide, rather than absorbing it like most of hippocampus thought to encode memories. tirely. “We just don’t see what other people
the rest of ocean. Arrays like the TAO will Arturo Alvarez-Buylla of the University are claiming” in adults, Alvarez-Buylla says.
continue to be important, Cronin says. But of California, San Francisco, who has been Frisén counters that the antibody mark-
she foresees the emergence of a cheaper, studying the brain’s capacity to produce ers used are far from reliable, because back-

more resilient oceanographic backbone. new cells since the 1980s, was skeptical. He ground fluorescence can muddy the results.
The new age of saildrones “is not going to is known for showing how niches of neu- He adds that other teams using the same
solve all our problems,” Cronin says. “But ral stem cells constantly regenerate parts techniques have seen adult neurogenesis. “I
it’s really interesting to think about doing of the rodent brain. But the carbon-dating think this debate will rage on,” Frankland
oceanography without a ship.” j evidence did not persuade him that people says. “A lot rests on this.” j

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1083

Published by AAAS


Slow coolant phaseout could worsen warming

As countries crank up the AC, emissions of potent greenhouse gases are likely to skyrocket

By April Reese ditch them by 2020; developing countries ant emissions. An analysis done before the
have until 2030. HFC phase-down agreement predicted that

n the summer of 2016, temperatures in To meet those deadlines, manufacturers if no action were taken, HFC use in AC units
Phalodi, an old caravan town on a dry have turned to HFCs, which do not destroy would rise 2% a year in developed countries
plain in northwestern India, reached a ozone. But they are a serious climate threat. and 5.6% annually in the developing world
blistering 51°C—a record high during a The global warming potency of HFC-134a, through 2050. The agreement is unlikely to
heat wave that claimed more than 1600 commonly used in vehicle AC units, is 1300 thwart that rise anytime soon: A recent UN
lives across the country. Wider access times that of carbon dioxide. Clamping report, which summarized studies of HFC
to air conditioning (AC) could have pre- down on HFCs, a 2014 analysis found, could use in Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Ghana,
vented many deaths—but only 8% of India’s avoid a full 0.5°C of future warming. Indonesia, and Nigeria, found that use of
249 million households have AC, Saurabh As with the HCFC phaseout, developed HFCs will spike in all six countries in the
Diddi, director of India’s Bureau of Energy countries agreed to make the first move: coming years.
Efficiency in New Delhi, noted at the World They must begin abandoning the produc- Some climate experts are more hopeful,

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Sustainable Development Summit there tion and consumption of HFCs next year pointing out that developing countries have
last month. As the nation’s economy booms, and achieve an 85% reduction by 2036. In an opportunity to bypass HFCs altogether.
that figure could rise to 50% by 2050, he the United States, the transition is off to “The alternative when developed countries
said. And that presents a dilemma: phased out HCFCs was HFCs. But
As India expands access to a life- developing countries are in a dif-
saving technology, it must comply ferent position: They’re at the be-
with international mandates—the ginning of phasing out HCFCs and
most recent imposed just last can leap directly past HFCs” to
fall—to eliminate coolants that benign alternatives, says Nathan
harm stratospheric ozone or warm Borgford-Parnell, regional assess-
the atmosphere. ment initiative coordinator for the
“Growing populations and eco- UN’s Climate & Clean Air Coalition.
nomic development are exponen- India is crafting a National
tially increasing the demand for Cooling Action Plan that aims to
refrigeration and air conditioning,” do just that. It will include better
says Helena Molin Valdés, head of city planning and building design,
the United Nations’s (UN’s) Climate and it will embrace novel coolants,
& Clean Air Coalition Secretariat says Stephen Andersen of the In-
in Paris. “If we continue down this stitute for Governance & Sustain-
path,” she says, “we will put great able Development in Washington,
pressure on the climate system.” But D.C., who helped develop the plan.
a slow start to ridding appliances Meanwhile, six AC manufactur-
of the most damaging compounds, ers in India have already begun
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sug- “leapfrogging” to hydrocarbon-
gests that the pressure will continue Novel hydrocarbon-based coolants could enable India and other developing based coolants such as R-290—
to build. HFCs are now “the fastest- nations to embrace air conditioning while minimizing a climate threat. refrigerant-grade propane—that
growing [source of greenhouse gas] have lower warming potential,
emissions in every country on Earth,” Molin a rough start. Last August, a U.S. federal says Anjali Jaiswal, the San Francisco,
Valdés says. appeals court rejected an Environmental California–based director of the India Ini-
HFCs, already widely used in the United Protection Agency rule that would have re- tiative at the Natural Resources Defense
States and other developed countries, are quired manufacturers to replace HFCs with Council. Although R-290 is flammable and
up-and-coming replacements for hydro- more climate-friendly substitutes, saying requires installers to be specially trained,
chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) found today the agency lacks the regulatory authority to it is one of the most promising alterna-

in most AC units and refrigerators in India compel companies to make the switch. In tives, she adds.
and other developing nations. HCFCs are January, the court declined to revisit its Au- “I’m hopeful,” says A. R. Ravishankara,
themselves replacements for chlorofluoro- gust 2017 decision. an atmospheric chemist at Colorado State
carbons (CFCs), ozone-destroying chemicals In part because of rising demand for AC, University in Fort Collins. With many years
banned under the 1987 Montreal Protocol developing countries negotiated a later to make the switch to alternatives, he says,
on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. deadline for ditching HFCs: They are to “There’s enough time for the free market to
But HCFCs are potent greenhouse gases, as start phasing them down in 2029 and com- work and come up with various options.” j
well as a threat to ozone, and they are now plete the process by 2047, about a decade
being phased out under a 2007 amendment after developed countries. In the meantime, April Reese is a freelance journalist in
to the protocol. Developed countries are to the desire for cool air could drive up cool- Santa Fe.

1084 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The enhanced X-Ray Timing and Polarimetry mission,
planned for launch around 2025, would probe x-rays
from violent, fast-changing cosmic events.

load is absolutely unique,” Santangelo says.

Such data would provide clues to how
matter behaves when compressed to the ex-
treme densities thought to exist in the cores
of neutron stars, and could reveal whether
the stars really are made of neutrons or
whether the particles have disintegrated
into their constituent quarks or other ex-
otic states. eXTP could also measure how
matter behaves in the strong gravity close
to black holes. Albert Einstein’s general
theory of relativity, which describes grav-
ity, makes predictions, but these have never
been tested under such extreme conditions.
And eXTP’s suite of instruments would look
for evidence to support predictions about
SPACE SCIENCE how light and matter interact in the power-

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ful magnetic fields associated with certain

China hones plans for neutron stars.

The eXTP Wide Field Monitor, in the
meantime, would observe a large swath

ambitious x-ray probe of sky for flashes of x-rays from transient

events, for example from merging black
holes and neutron stars. Other eXTP instru-
Mission would firm up China’s status as a leader ments, as well as visible light and gravita-
in x-ray astronomy tional wave observatories on the ground,
could then train their sights on the object
of interest.
By Dennis Normile, in Shanghai, China Einstein Probe, a wide-field x-ray sentinel Europe and China had each contem-
for transient phenomena such as gamma plated going it alone on a next-generation

hina is raising the stakes in its bid to ray bursts and the titanic collisions of neu- x-ray satellite before opting to team up. A
become a major player in space sci- tron stars or black holes that generate grav- European consortium has pledged to build
ence. At a kick-off meeting in Beijing itational waves. “For years we have used two of the satellite’s four scientific instru-
last week, China’s National Space data from U.S. and European missions,” ments. And European and Chinese scien-
Science Center, part of the Chinese says eXTP Project Manager Lu Fangjun, an tists will provide electronics and detectors
Academy of Sciences (CAS), began astrophysicist at the CAS Institute of High for each other’s instruments. Europe could
detailed design studies for a satellite that Energy Physics in Beijing. Now, he says, “We ante up further hardware or even funding if
would round out an array of orbiting plat- want to contribute [observational data] to the European Space Agency (ESA) comes in
forms for probing x-rays from the most vio- the international community.” on the project, which Santangelo calls “des-
lent corners of the cosmos. The eXTP mission would fill a unique irable and probable.”
The enhanced X-Ray Timing and Polar- niche in x-ray astronomy. Two pioneering eXTP will be “a flagship mission for astro-
imetry (eXTP) mission would be China’s x-ray telescopes launched in 1999, NASA’s physics” until other observatories come
most ambitious space science satellite yet— Chandra X-ray Observatory and Europe’s online, Santangelo says. These include ESA’s
and its most expensive, with an estimated XMM-Newton, capture x-rays from the dis- Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astro-
price tag of $473 million. To pull it off, tant universe, gleaning clues to the forma- physics, which, if given a final go-ahead,
China is assembling a collaboration involv- tion and evolution of stars and galaxies. could be launched around 2028.
ing more than 200 scientists so far from eXTP will probe neutron stars and black NASA is also studying a proposal called
dozens of institutions in 20 countries. If holes closer to home. “The goal is to study Strobe-X, which has goals similar to those
the eXTP mission passes a final review next fundamental physics in the most extreme of eXTP. “eXTP will get good estimates of
year, it would launch around 2025. conditions in terms of density of matter, the radii of a few neutron stars, but re-
Chinese scientists “are becoming lead- magnetic fields and gravity that you cannot ally mapping out the parameter space na-

ers in the field of x-ray astrophysics,” says reproduce in labs,” Santangelo says. ture provides will require Strobe-X,” says
Andrea Santangelo, an astrophysicist at eXTP would be able to collect more pho- Strobe-X team member Thomas Maccarone
the University of Tübingen in Germany tons at a wider range of energies than pre- of Texas Tech University in Lubbock. A
and eXTP’s international coordinator. Last vious telescopes. Three of its instruments handful of U.S.-based scientists are help-
year, the National Space Science Center would simultaneously measure energy spec- ing define eXTP’s science objectives and
launched the Hard X-ray Modulation Tele- tra and polarization of x-rays from cosmic will likely analyze data, which Lu expects
scope, which is observing high-energy ob- sources, and track how emissions change to share openly. j
jects such as black holes and neutron stars. over microseconds to milliseconds as ob-
As early as 2021 it will be joined by the jects pulsate or rotate. “This powerful pay- With reporting by Daniel Clery.

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1085

Published by AAAS
Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

LOOKING FOR LOVE South Asia’s “vulture safe zones” aim to

preserve, and win respect for, a vital scavenger

By Warren Cornwall, in Vulture Safe Zone 1 in Bangladesh

1086 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Conservation eforts have helped stabilize some

populations of the endangered white-rumped vulture.

provide uncontaminated carcasses for the

vultures to eat, and with veterinarians to pre-
vent the use of the drugs that kill the birds.
The zone—one of two in Bangladesh,
which are modeled on a handful of similar
zones elsewhere in South Asia (see map,
p. 1088)—is just one part of a multifaceted
effort to pull the three vulture species back
from the brink of extinction. Over the past
decade, several Asian governments have
also banned one of the most problem-
atic drugs, and captive breeding centers
have begun hatching hundreds of chicks.
There are hints that such moves are help-
ing: Surveys suggest vulture declines have
slowed, and some populations might even
be increasing.
But a recent visit to Bangladesh’s Vul-

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ture Safe Zone 1 highlighted the sobering
difficulties that conservationists face in
achieving their goal. Banned drugs deadly
to vultures remain in ready supply. Then
there’s the image issue: Many Bangladeshis
still view vultures as things to be avoided—
not saved. In the past, people stayed clear
of scavengers circling overhead, fearing the
birds’ shadows would bring sickness. Some
have even beaten the birds with bamboo
sticks and pelted them with stones. Chang-
ing those attitudes, conservationists say,
will be key to building vital local support
for the drug bans and other vulture pro-
tection measures, especially in nations
where governments are short on money,
manpower, and enforcement. “They don’t
love [vultures] like tigers or elephants,”
says Alam, who helped set up Bangladesh’s
vulture zones. “This is a problem.”

THE PLUNGE of South Asia’s vulture popu-

lations began in the 1990s and progressed

t was a grisly but irresistible specta- vultures (Gyps bengalensis) now soar with stunning rapidity. Millions of birds
cle. In a forest clearing here last De- above Bangladesh, researchers estimate, disappeared, seemingly overnight. It wasn’t
cember, a wake, or feeding flock, of and about 10,000 remain in all of South until 2004 that scientists in Pakistan found
white-rumped vultures pranced about Asia—less than 1% of the population a few the culprit. Some vultures can’t metabolize
a dead cow, jostling for a chance to decades ago. Two other South Asian spe- diclofenac, a painkiller that became widely
grab a bite. One plucky bird repeat- cies, the Indian vulture (G. indicus) and used in the 1990s to treat fevers, udder in-
edly plunged its head deep into the the less common slender-billed vulture flammation, and other aches and pains in
carcass, tearing off bits of flesh. Oth- (G. tenuirostris), have also suffered cata- cattle. When the birds fed on tainted car-
ers gave up and lifted off, unfurling strophic declines. The cause: a drug that casses, uric acid crystallized in their kid-
2-meter wingspans as they headed for a veterinarians use to keep cattle healthy, neys. Kidney failure and death followed.
roost in a nearby tree. but that is deadly to vultures that eat the The disappearance of vultures meant
Watching the feast through a hole in the carcasses of treated livestock. the loss of one of nature’s tidiest ways of
wall of a nearby hut, Sarowar Alam, a con- The vultures don’t have to fear their food disposing of a dead body. A wake of vul-
servation biologist with the International here in the Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanc- tures can strip a dead cow to its bones
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) tuary, an 1800-hectare sliver of protected in less than an hour. In India, where
in Dhaka, was delighted. The white- forest near Bangladesh’s northeastern bor- the Hindu proscription on eating beef
rumped vulture, he said admiringly, “is a der with India. That’s because the preserve means cows tend to die in the fields, of-
majestic bird.” is at the heart of Vulture Safe Zone 1, a ficials have built rendering plants to dis-
Once common, it is also gravely endan- 200-kilometer-wide circle where conserva- pose of carcasses previously consumed
gered. Just a few hundred white-rumped tionists are working with local residents to by the birds. In Mumbai, followers of the

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1087

Published by AAAS

Zoroastrian religion, who traditionally put typically travel to find food. Zone 2 covers cal farmers—also become a source of drug-
their dead in open towers on remote hill- part of the Sundarbans mangrove forest in free meals at a so-called vulture restaurant
tops so that vultures could pick the bones the southwest. Zone 1 is centered on a vul- within the sanctuary. During breeding sea-
clean, erected solar ovens to burn off the ture hot spot in the Rema-Kalenga sanctuary. son from September to April, a steady sup-
flesh. A 2008 study warned that fewer Inside the zones, conservationists ply vet- ply of cattle—screened to make sure it isn’t
scavenging vultures could even lead to a erinarians with materials warning of drug contaminated—is slaughtered and dropped
rise in rabies, if feral dogs took their place. perils, as well as free stockpiles of meloxi- in a secluded clearing 50 meters downhill
Eventually, governments in the region cam, a vulture-safe painkiller. They are also from the small hut.
moved to save vultures by banning veteri- deploying undercover buyers to pharmacies, During one recent feeding, Alam and
nary uses of diclofenac. In India, which has to see whether they are selling contraband several guests watched through four small
the largest vulture populations and the best drugs. (In 2017, Bangladesh became the holes as a lone Himalayan griffon (G. hima-
tracking efforts, the restriction is credited first government to ban ketoprofen in ad- layensis), distinguished by its brown back
with enabling the white-rumped vulture dition to diclofenac, though only inside the and hulking size, stood guard over the re-
population to recover slightly, to about safe zones.) mains of a 2-day-old carcass. The griffon is
6000, and slowing the decline of Indian vul- Such efforts appear to be having an also vulnerable to painkillers, but its num-
tures, now down to fewer than 15,000. (The effect. In Nepal, undercover pharmacy bers have declined more slowly because the
population of slender-billed vultures in In- checks have shown a dramatic decline in birds spend much of their lives in moun-
dia, believed to be about 1500, is too small the availability of diclofenac since the na- tainous regions where the drugs aren’t
to reliably discern trends.) tion’s only zone was created in 2012, with widely used. This one was intent on pro-
Eradicating problematic drugs, however, none found inside the zone since 2014. tecting its meal from seven white-rumped
has proved difficult. After In- vultures that also had designs on

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dia imposed a ban on veterinary the carcass. As the griffon spread
forms of diclofenac, for example, Scavenger security its wings and menaced the other
drug companies there started sell- birds, Alam, an enthusiastic
South Asian nations have established 11 safe zones as part of a wider effort to
ing an extra-large dose, ostensibly birder, chortled from behind his
protect three highly endangered vulture species.
for human use, that was the same binoculars. “You are lucky to see
as the dose used on cattle. The the vultures at this forest,” he de-
government then issued a ban on clares. “My dream is in 20 years
the new formulation (which was our population definitely will be
upheld by an Indian court last BANGLADESH CHINA increased, and by 10 years our
year). But several of the most com- population remains stable.”
mon alternatives to diclofenac—
including ketoprofen, aceclof- Safe zone 1 ALAM IS WORRIED, however, by
enac, and nimesulide—are also signs that the use of problematic
toxic to vultures. And in most alternatives to diclofenac, such
places, veterinarians can still le- as ketoprofen, is on the rise—
gally use those drugs. MYANMAR even within safety zones. Just
Vulture range
The continuing contamina- INDIA 100 white-rumped vultures live
tion has slowed efforts to rear Slender-billed within Zone 1, he notes, and “If
endangered vultures in captiv- Indian these 100 feed on only two or three
ity and release them into the White-rumped cows with the harmful drugs, this
0 500
wild. Breeding centers in Nepal Km Safe zones CAMBODIA
will destroy the whole population.”
and India have raised more than A trip to the nearby town of
300 chicks, but most are still be- Gazipur confirms that Alam has
ing held in cages, because of fears they will In Bangladesh, surveys have found that reason to be concerned. In a cramped one-
wind up poisoned if released. A 2004 study nearly all pharmacies within the safe zones room office, Muhammad Ali Babul, a local


estimated that diclofenac contamination have stopped selling diclofenac. veterinarian, sets boxes of ketoprofen and
of as few as one in 760 cow carcasses is Then there are the measures to build meloxicam on his desk. He’s heard that ke-
enough to drive down vulture numbers. good will. In Zone 1, a school near the pre- toprofen is banned in the area and bad for
serve now sports a colorful mural depicting vultures, but he also finds it’s the best drug
SUCH WORRYING STATISTICS have helped vultures. And several residents help run for treating cows that are giving birth. So he
catalyze the creation of 11 safe zones across the vulture conservation program, serving strikes a balance by using the drug in just
vulture territory in South Asia, centered on as what amount to paid local ambassadors. 30% of the cases he sees. “It’s easy to get,” he
areas where relict populations are hanging IUCN also moved to foster pro-vulture says, and officials haven’t put much effort
on. The strategy, which is led by conserva- feelings by providing cows to 15 impover- into enforcing the ban. “That’s why we’re
tion groups, debuted in Nepal in 2012. It ished families living on a tea plantation ad- using it.”
mixes practical measures for protecting jacent to the Rema-Kalenga sanctuary. Later, A block down the potholed street,
vultures with public relations efforts aimed the group bought them back for 25,000 taka Nurul Alam, a veterinary technician with
at transforming vultures from symbols of each, equal to nearly a year’s wages for a the government’s Department of Livestock
doom to icons of the environment. plantation worker. The hope is the extra in- who advises locals on animal care, seems
In 2014, at the urging of Alam and others, come will dissuade the families from trying unaware that ketoprofen is banned in the
the Bangladeshi government designated two to earn money by foraging for wood in the zone. “I didn’t get any kind of order. And
“provisional” safety circles. Their 200-kilo- reserve, where the vultures nest. many, many [people] use ketoprofen,” he
meter width matches the distance vultures Those cows—and others bought from lo- says. “I don’t think the government bans it.

1088 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
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At a feeding station in Cambodia, a slender-billed vulture eyes a carcass that is free of harmful contaminants, while a wake of white-rumped vultures waits to feed.

When the government bans it, then compa- appear unwilling to ban an array of drugs or Bangaluru, India–based program manager
nies will not produce it.” force safety testing, his organization is now for Saving Asia’s Vultures from Extinction,
So far, the drug problem is confined studying how vultures react to a variety of a consortium of conservation groups and
largely to South Asia. Vulture species in the painkillers. Ultimately, he says, “We hope government agencies.
Americas appear immune. Africa is hav- we can find two or three drugs that we can In Nepal, conservation groups recently
ing its own vulture crisis, but it is driven promote along with meloxicam, and flood launched a test to see whether their na-
by other kinds of poisoning. Poachers, for the market with these safe drugs.” tion’s safe zone lives up to its name. Last
instance, lace carcasses with poison to kill In the meantime, conservationists are November, they released 17 white-rumped
vultures and other birds, but only because working to strengthen existing vulture vultures, each carrying a satellite tracking
scavenging flocks can alert antipoaching safe zones—and create new ones. “We hope tag, into the safe zone. If the birds, along
authorities to their presence. Farmers do to get initiatives like this all over the sub- with others released in the coming year,

the same to kill hyenas and other predators; continent, and they could all join together, survive until April 2020 without a drug-
vultures are unintended victims. and that would put pressure on the na- related fatality, the region will be officially
Still, conservationists worry that cattle tional governments to make the drug bans declared safe. To date, only one bird has
drugs could become a wider problem. The more effective,” says Chris Bowden, the died, and Galligan says the cause was a
conservation group BirdLife Interna- predator, not tainted meat. “So far,”
tional, headquartered in Cambridge, he says, “so good.”
U.K., has accused a Brazilian company Here in Bangladesh’s Vulture Safe
of aggressively marketing diclofenac in Zone 1, some advocates think they
Africa and exporting it to 15 countries are changing attitudes as well. Nirmal
there. And in 2013, Spain authorized Chandra Dev, a manager of the tea
the use of veterinary diclofenac, over plantation next to the Rema-Kalenga
the objections of bird conservationists. preserve, serves on a local conserva-
The country is home to three-quarters tion committee that he says is helping
of Europe’s griffon vultures (G. fulvus), spawn a new appreciation for vul-
and there are concerns that these birds tures. In the past, he recalls, people
could be sensitive to the drug. would chase the birds away from their
The proliferation of problem drugs houses. They “didn’t know that vul-
puts a premium on finding safer tures were becoming extinct,” he says.
alternatives, says Toby Galligan, a “Nowadays, they don’t believe vultures
conservation scientist at the United are bad luck. They become caring.” j
Kingdom’s Royal Society for the Pro-
tection of Birds in Bedfordshire. Be- This project was supported with a
cause governments sensitive to the Banned drugs, as well as vulture-safe products, are still available grant from the Pulitzer Center on
wishes of the pharmaceutical industry from veterinarians within Bangladesh’s vulture safe zones. Crisis Reporting.

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1089

Published by AAAS

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

When malaria isn’t the cause, clinics
in the developing world often have little to offer
By Gretchen Vogel

he toddler on her mother’s lap is Until recently, nearly every child with a due to the disease. In many places, that
listless, her eyes dull. She has a temperature above 38.5°C was treated for figure is 10% or less. In 2014, the World

fever, little appetite, and a cough. malaria in regions where the disease is en- Health Organization (WHO) estimated that
Her journey to the health clinic demic. It was one of the most common and 142 million suspected malaria cases tested
took an hour by bush taxi, and deadliest causes of fever, and there was no negative worldwide.
she had to wait two more hours easy way to rule it out: A definitive diag- Negative test results pose a dilemma for
to be examined. When it’s finally nosis required a microscope and a skilled health care workers, who in remote areas
her turn, the nurse practitioner technician—unavailable in many places. may be community volunteers with mini-
pricks her finger and blots a drop To be safe, health workers were trained to mal training. When their one diagnostic
of blood onto a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) treat most fevers with a dose of antimalarial test comes up negative, they are left empty-
for malaria. In 15 minutes the answer is medicine. Public health campaigns helped handed, with nothing to offer except some
clear: The child has malaria. She receives spread the word: If your child has a fever, advice: Return if the child gets sicker. But
antimalarial drugs, which will most likely get them treated for malaria! often the family lives hours from the near-
vanquish the parasites from her bloodstream In the past decade, malaria RDTs—which est clinic and even farther from a hospital.
within days, and she is sent home to recover. use antibodies to detect the parasite’s And patients, or their parents, expect to
If the test is negative, however, things proteins—have transformed the landscape. receive some sort of treatment. So health
get complicated. If malaria isn’t making The tests help reduce unnecessary prescrip- workers “usually give all the medicine they
her sick, what is? Is it pneumonia, typhoid, tions for malaria medicines, but they have have,” says Didier Ménard, a malaria expert
or Lassa fever? Meningitis? Or more than exposed a new problem: the previously hid- at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. That ap-
one infection at the same time? If she has den prevalence of “negative syndrome”— proach often means antibiotics.
bacterial meningitis, the right antibiotic feverish kids who don’t have malaria. Even Several research teams have documented
could save her life. If she has Lassa fever, in places with the highest rates of ma- dramatic increases in antibiotic prescrip-
antibiotics won’t help. laria, only about half of fevers are actually tions in places where malaria testing has

1090 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Downloaded from on March 10, 2018
A health worker examines a feverish child (left)
using a diagnostic app. A blood test (right)
can quickly diagnose malaria, but similar tests are
lacking for other diseases that cause fever.

been introduced (Science, 11 August 2017, fever diagnosis and management” as a pri- “What is a prominent cause of fever in Laos
p. 536), with some clinics giving the drugs to mary challenge for public health in malaria is not the same as in Tanzania,” says Sabine
almost all patients who test negative for ma- risk areas, says Heidi Hopkins, an infectious Dittrich, who heads the program on malaria
laria. At the same time, studies of the actual disease researcher at the London School of and fever at the Foundation for Innovative
causes of fever in places such as Tanzania Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). New Diagnostics (FIND), a nonprofit organi-
and Thailand suggest that only 5% to 10% To tackle the problem, researchers are zation in Geneva, Switzerland. In one region,
of patients have a bacterial infection that starting to gather data on the myriad causes herpesvirus, typhoid fever, and leptospirosis
antibiotics could help treat. Those un- of fever—no small challenge in regions might be the top culprits, whereas dengue,
necessary prescriptions can cause side where diagnostic labs are scarce. Several scrub typhus, and Japanese encephalitis
effects in patients and increase the risk that teams are working on robust RDTs that might be more common in another.
antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria will can be used without refrigeration or elec- “What we are really missing—desperately,
emerge and spread. tricity and can withstand many months desperately missing—is surveillance data”
Meanwhile, because there are few reli- of shipping and storage in tropical heat on the main pathogens in different regions
able rapid tests for infections other than and humidity. Others are developing elec- that make people sick with fever, says Teri
malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis, most tronic tools—diagnostic apps—that can Roberts, a diagnostics expert at the Doc-
nonmalarial fevers go undiagnosed and help identify the patients most in need of tors Without Borders Access Campaign in
untreated. Patients who have a fungal, additional treatment. Geneva. “If we were to ask a developer to-
parasitic, or viral infection and incorrectly Countless pathogens can trigger fever, one morrow to make a test for the top 20 patho-
receive antibiotics don’t get the drugs or of the body’s most basic immune reactions. gens you’d want to measure if someone has
supportive treatments that might actually help “Based on symptoms alone, there is no way to a febrile illness, we would not be able to tell
them recover. determine what is causing a fever,” Hopkins them what to test for.”
Public health advocates want to change says. Common illnesses vary widely from Without a clear diagnosis, simply know-
that. “People are moving from malaria to place to place and from season to season. ing whether the patient’s infection is bacte-

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1091

Published by AAAS

rial or viral can help. In wealthy countries, out whether a bacterial cause is likely, nya virus, and the potentially deadly bacte-
tests to distinguish between the two are in which case they receive antibiotics. If rial diseases leptospirosis, murine typhus,
fairly common. They detect biomarkers— a virus is more likely, the child receives melioidosis, and scrub typhus—which are
proteins or other molecules that the body inhaled salbutamol, a common asthma treatable but require the correct antibiotics.
produces in response to various infections. medicine that widens the airways. Fever- But even if such a test proves both reli-
For example, one key sign of inflamma- ish children without cough, vomiting, or able and durable enough to withstand tough
tion or infection is an increased level of other symptoms also have their CRP levels field conditions, it would not be a quick fix
C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood, and tested. Kids with levels above the cutoff for the problem of diagnosing fever. Often,
bacterial infections typically trigger higher receive antibiotics; those below probably says Clare Chandler, a medical anthropo-
levels of CRP than viral ones do. have a virus and don’t need medicine. logist at LSHTM, tests that seem mobile
However, such tests can be misleading in In a trial involving 3600 children in Dar and simple “aren’t really simple at all.” Even
poorer regions. Malnutrition, for example, es Salaam, Tanzania, the algorithm cut in the rapid malaria tests, for example, have
can suppress CRP levels, whereas para- half the rate of “clinical failures”—children several unexpected pitfalls, she and her col-
sitic infections can raise them. The tests who got significantly sicker or were still se- leagues found: They take 15 minutes to get
“are promising in Europe, but results, a strain for clinic work-
we don’t know enough about ers who might have dozens of
how they would work in areas When fever isn’t malaria people waiting to see them. The
where there are malaria and Researchers have estimated the percentage of fevers that are—and are lancets used to prick fingers
malnutrition,” Dittrich says. To not—due to malaria in parts of Africa where the disease is endemic. But data pose another problem. After one
better understand the advan- are sparse, especially in west and central Africa. use, they need to be disposed of.

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tages and pitfalls, FIND and its “You need a sharps bin, which
partners are conducting clinical has been a huge issue,” she says.
trials using CRP and other bio- “We’ve seen people just throw-
marker tests to help diagnose ing them on the floor, or try-
fever in Thailand, Myanmar, ing to put them down latrines,
and Malawi. not really knowing how to
Identifying the sickest pa- destroy them.”
tients also can aid treatment “We need to learn from our
because they are the most experience with malaria tests”
likely to need either drugs or and consider the potential
more complex care at a hospi- downsides of new diagnostics,
tal. Valérie D’Acremont and her Hopkins agrees. Another prob-
colleagues at the Swiss Tropical lem: Because viruses are the
and Public Health Institute in most common cause of fever, the
Basel have found a way to help tests will often end up steering
do that: They developed an app health workers away from giv-
for a smartphone or tablet that Proportion of ing improper treatment—rather
fevers caused
builds on WHO guidelines for by malaria than toward something that can
treating sick children, adding help. “The tests are perceived
information from half a dozen as gatekeepers, to keep people
simple diagnostic tests. A moni- from things we don’t want them
tor that fits over a child’s fin- to have,” Chandler says. That
ger measures pulse and oxygen situation can frustrate both the
saturation in the blood, helping patients and the people car-
determine whether their breath- 0 1000 ing for them. In one study of
ing is seriously impaired and 0% Km RDTs, Chandler notes, patients
whether they are dehydrated. avoided the clinic that offered
A glucose test can flag acute hypoglycemia, riously ill a week after their initial visit. At the tests because they were less likely to re-
which is potentially deadly and easy to treat. the same time, the app dramatically reduced ceive medicine.
A hemoglobin test diagnoses severe anemia, the use of antibiotics: Only 11% of children Chandler and others say the only last- GRAPHIC: MALARIA ATLAS PROJECT ADAPTED BY J. YOU/SCIENCE
and an arm circumference test identifies treated according to the algorithm received ing solution to the fever dilemma is to
malnourished patients. Both conditions can antibiotics, compared with 95% of children build stronger health systems with highly
make infections more dangerous. If a child treated according to standard guidelines. qualified health workers, a reliable supply
is severely ill, the algorithm recommends Dittrich calls the work extremely promising. of essential medicines, and well-equipped
both immediate treatment and referral to a Other teams are developing tests that hospitals to treat severe disease. “In the
hospital or better-equipped clinic. could search for multiple causes of fever in end, it’s not just the tool that’s going to
For children who are not severely ill, a single blood sample. Chembio Diagnostic improve patient care and save lives. You
the algorithm uses the rate of breaths per Systems in Medford, New York, is work- need to reorganize the system,” says Lee
minute to distinguish between an upper ing with FIND to develop a test that would Schroeder, a pathologist and diagnostics ex-
respiratory tract infection, which usually detect some of the most common fever- pert at the University of Michigan in Ann
needs no further treatment, and a lower causing pathogens in the Asia-Pacific re- Arbor. That’s an effort that will take de-
respiratory tract infection, which can lead gion, based on antibodies or marker pro- cades. But in the meantime, knowing what
to pneumonia. Patients at risk of pneumo- teins. The test will cover four types of to offer a feverish child would make an
nia have their CRP levels tested to find malaria, dengue virus, Zika virus, chikungu- immeasurable difference. j

1092 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

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SOCIAL S CIENCE gated about topics such as vaccination, nu-

trition, and stock values. It is particularly

The science of fake news pernicious in that it is parasitic on standard

news outlets, simultaneously benefiting from
and undermining their credibility.
Addressing fake news requires a multidisciplinary effort Some—notably First Draft and Facebook—
favor the term “false news” because of the
use of fake news as a political weapon (1).
By David M. J. Lazer, Matthew A. Baum, and the mechanisms by which it spreads. We have retained it because of its value as a
Yochai Benkler, Adam J. Berinsky, Kelly Fake news has a long history, but we focus scientific construct, and because its politi-
M. Greenhill, Filippo Menczer, Miriam on unanswered scientific questions raised by cal salience draws attention to an impor-
J. Metzger, Brendan Nyhan, Gordon the proliferation of its most recent, politically tant subject.
Pennycook, David Rothschild, Michael oriented incarnation. Beyond selected refer-
Schudson, Steven A. Sloman, Cass R. ences in the text, suggested further reading THE HISTORICAL SETTING
Sunstein, Emily A. Thorson, Duncan J. can be found in the supplementary materials. Journalistic norms of objectivity and bal-
Watts, Jonathan L. Zittrain ance arose as a backlash among journalists
WHAT IS FAKE NEWS? against the widespread use of propaganda

he rise of fake news highlights the We define “fake news” to be fabricated in- in World War I (particularly their own role
erosion of long-standing institutional formation that mimics news media content in propagating it) and the rise of corporate
bulwarks against misinformation in in form but not in organizational process or public relations in the 1920s. Local and na-
the  internet age. Concern over the intent. Fake-news outlets, in turn, lack the tional oligopolies created by the dominant
problem is global. However, much news media’s editorial norms and processes 20th century technologies of information
remains unknown regarding the vul- for ensuring the accuracy and credibility of distribution (print and broadcast) sustained

nerabilities of individuals, institutions, and information. Fake news overlaps with other these norms. The internet has lowered the
society to manipulations by malicious actors. information disorders, such as misinforma- cost of entry to new competitors—many of
A new system of safeguards is needed. Below, tion (false or misleading information) and which have rejected those norms—and un-
we discuss extant social and computer sci- disinformation (false information that is pur- dermined the business models of traditional
ence research regarding belief in fake news posely spread to deceive people). news sources that had enjoyed high levels of
Fake news has primarily drawn recent at- public trust and credibility. General trust in
The list of author affiliations is provided in the supplementary tention in a political context but it also has the mass media collapsed to historic lows in
materials. Email: been documented in information promul- 2016, especially on the political right, with

1094 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
51% of Democrats and 14% of Republicans (8). Bots are also deployed to manipulate al- structural changes in our society. Individuals
expressing “a fair amount” or “a great deal” gorithms used to predict potential engage- tend not to question the credibility of infor-
of trust in mass media as a news source (2). ment with content by a wider population. mation unless it violates their preconceptions
The United States has undergone a par- Indeed, a Facebook white paper reports wide- or they are incentivized to do so. Otherwise,
allel geo- and sociopolitical evolution. Geo- spread efforts to carry out this sort of manip- they may accept information uncritically.
graphic polarization of partisan preferences ulation during the 2016 U.S. election (5). People also tend to align their beliefs with the
has dramatically increased over the past However, in the absence of methods to values of their community.
40 years, reducing opportunities for cross- derive representative samples of bots and Research also further demonstrates that
cutting political interaction. Homogeneous humans on a given platform, any point esti- people prefer information that confirms
social networks, in turn, reduce tolerance mates of bot prevalence must be interpreted their preexisting attitudes (selective expo-
for alternative views, amplify attitudinal po- cautiously. Bot detection will always be a sure), view information consistent with
larization, boost the likelihood of accepting cat-and-mouse game in which a large, but their preexisting beliefs as more persuasive
ideologically compatible news, and increase unknown, number of humanlike bots may go than dissonant information (confirmation
closure to new information. Dislike of the undetected. Any success at detection, in turn, bias), and are inclined to accept informa-
“other side” (affective polarization) has also will inspire future  countermeasures by bot tion that pleases them (desirability bias).
risen. These trends have created a context in producers. Identification of bots will there- Prior partisan and ideological beliefs might
which fake news can attract a mass audience. fore be a major ongoing research challenge. prevent acceptance of fact checking of a
We do know that, as with legitimate news, given fake news story.
PREVALENCE AND IMPACT fake news stories have gone viral on social Fact checking might even be counterpro-
How common is fake news, and what is media. However, knowing how many indi- ductive under certain circumstances. Re-

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its impact on individuals? There are sur- viduals encountered or shared a piece of fake search on fluency—the ease of information
prisingly few scientific answers to these ba- news is not the same as knowing how many recall—and familiarity bias in politics shows
sic questions. people read or were affected by it. Evalua- that people tend to remember information,
In evaluating the prevalence of fake tions of the medium-to-long–run impact on or how they feel about it, while forgetting the
news, we advocate focusing on the original political behavior of exposure to fake news context within which they encountered it.
sources—the publishers—rather than indi- (for example, whether and how to vote) are Moreover, they are more likely to accept fa-
vidual stories, because we view the defining essentially nonexistent in the literature. The miliar information as true (10). There is thus
element of fake news to be the intent and impact might be small—evidence suggests a risk that repeating false information, even
processes of the publisher. A focus on pub- that efforts by political campaigns to per- in a fact-checking context, may increase an
lishers also allows us to avoid the morass of suade individuals may have limited effects individual’s likelihood of accepting it as true.
trying to evaluate the accuracy of every single (9). However, mediation of much fake news The evidence on the effectiveness of claim
news story. via social media might accentuate its effect repetition in fact checking is mixed (11).
One study evaluating the dissemination of because of the implicit endorsement that Although experimental and survey re-
prominent fake news stories estimated that comes with sharing. Beyond electoral im- search have confirmed that the perception of
the average American encountered between pacts, what we know about the effects of me- truth increases when misinformation is re-
one and three stories from known publish- dia more generally suggests many potential peated, this may not occur if the misinforma-
ers of fake news during the month before pathways of influence, from increasing cyni- tion is paired with a valid retraction. Some
the 2016 election (3). This likely is a conser- cism and apathy to encouraging extremism. research suggests that repetition of the mis-
vative estimate because the study tracked There exists little evaluation of the impacts of information before its correction may even
only 156 fake news stories. Another study fake news in these regards. be beneficial. Further research is needed to
reported that false information on Twitter reconcile these contradictions and determine
is typically retweeted by many more people, POTENTIAL INTERVENTIONS the conditions under which fact-checking
and far more rapidly, than true informa- What interventions might be effective at interventions are most effective.
tion, especially when the topic is politics (4). stemming the flow and influence of fake Another, longer-run, approach seeks to
Facebook has estimated that manipulations news? We identify two categories of inter- improve individual evaluation of the quality
by malicious actors accounted for less than ventions: (i) those aimed at empowering of information sources through education.
one-tenth of 1% of civic content shared on the individuals to evaluate the fake news they There has been a proliferation of efforts to
platform (5), although it has not presented encounter, and (ii) structural changes aimed inject training of critical-information skills
details of its analysis. at preventing exposure of individuals to fake into primary and secondary schools (12).
By liking, sharing, and searching for infor- news in the first instance. However, it is uncertain whether such ef-
mation, social bots (automated accounts im- forts improve assessments of information
personating humans) can magnify the spread Empowering individuals credibility or if any such effects will persist
of fake news by orders of magnitude. By one There are many forms of fact checking, from over time. An emphasis on fake news might
recent estimate—that classified accounts websites that evaluate factual claims of news also have the unintended consequence of
based on observable features such as shar- reports, such as PolitiFact and Snopes, to reducing the perceived credibility of real-
ing behavior, number of ties, and linguistic evaluations of news reports by credible news news outlets. There is a great need for
features—between 9 and 15% of active Twit- media, such as the Washington Post and the rigorous program evaluation of different
ter accounts are bots (6). Facebook estimated Wall Street Journal, to contextual informa- educational interventions.
that as many as 60 million bots (7) may be tion regarding content inserted by interme-
infesting its platform. They were responsible diaries, such as those used by Facebook. Platform-based detection and intervention:
for a substantial portion of political content Despite the apparent elegance of fact Algorithms and bots
posted during the 2016 U.S. campaign, and checking, the science supporting its efficacy Internet platforms have become the most
some of the same bots were later used to at- is, at best, mixed. This may reflect broader important enablers and primary conduits of
tempt to influence the 2017 French election tendencies in collective cognition, as well as fake news. It is inexpensive to create a web-

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1095

Published by AAAS

site that has the trappings of a professional comprehensive data-collection system to should be—exercised and how to hold these
news organization. It has also been easy to provide a dynamic understanding of how massive companies to account.
monetize content through online ads and pervasive systems of fake news provision
social media dissemination. The internet are evolving. It is impossible to recreate the A FUTURE AGENDA
not only provides a medium for publishing Google of 2010. Google itself could not do so Our call is to promote interdisciplinary re-
fake news but offers tools to actively pro- even if it had the underlying code, because search to reduce the spread of fake news
mote dissemination. the patterns emerge from a complex interac- and to address the underlying pathologies
About 47% of Americans overall report get- tion among code, content, and users. How- it has revealed. Failures of the U.S. news me-
ting news from social media often or some- ever, it is possible to record what the Google dia in the early 20th century led to the rise
times, with Facebook as, by far, the dominant of 2018 is doing. More generally, researchers of journalistic norms and practices that, al-
source (13). Social media are key conduits for need to conduct a rigorous, ongoing audit of though imperfect, generally served us well by
fake news sites (3). Indeed, Russia success- how the major platforms filter information. striving to provide objective, credible infor-
fully manipulated all of the major platforms There are challenges to scientific collabo- mation. We must redesign our information
during the 2016 U.S. election, according to ration from the perspectives of industry and ecosystem in the 21st century. This effort
recent congressional testimony (7). academia. Yet, there is an ethical and social must be global in scope, as many countries,
How might the internet and social media responsibility, transcending market forces, some of which have never developed a robust
platforms help reduce the spread and impact for the platforms to contribute what data news ecosystem, face challenges around fake
of fake news? Google, Facebook, and Twitter they uniquely can to a science of fake news. and real news that are more acute than in the
are often mediators not only of our relation- The possible effectiveness of platform- United States. More broadly, we must answer
ship with the news media but also with our based policies would point to either gov- a fundamental question: How can we create

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friends and relatives. Generally, their busi- ernment regulation of the platforms or a news ecosystem and culture that values and
ness model relies on monetizing attention self-regulation. Direct government regula- promotes truth? j
through advertising. They use complex statis- tion of an area as sensitive as news carries
tical models to predict and maximize engage- its own risks, constitutional and otherwise.
1. C. Wardle, H. Derakhshan, “Information disorder: Toward
ment with content (14). It should be possible For instance, could regulators maintain (and, an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy
to adjust those models to increase emphasis as important, be seen as maintaining) im- making” [Council of Europe policy report DGI(2017)09,
Council of Europe, 2017];
on quality information. partiality in defining, imposing, and enforc- wp-content/uploads/2017/11/PREMS-162317-GBR-
The platforms could provide consumers ing any requirements? Generally, any direct 2018-Report-de%CC%81sinformation-1.pdf?x29719.
with signals of source quality that could be intervention by government or the platforms 2. A. Swift, Americans’ trust in mass media sinks to new low
(Gallup, 2016);
incorporated into the algorithmic rankings that prevents users from seeing content trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx.
of content. They could minimize raises concerns about either gov- 3. H. Allcott, M. Gentzkow, J. Econ. Perspect. 31, 211 (2017).
4. S. Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146 (2018).
the personalization of political in- ernment or corporate censorship. 5. J. Weedon et al., Information operations and Facebook
formation relative to other types An alternative to direct gov- (Facebook, 2017); https://fbnewsroomus.files.wordpress.
of content (reducing the creation “A new ernment regulation would be to com/2017/04/facebook-and-information-operations-v1.pdf.
6. O. Varol et al., in Proceedings of the 11th AAAI Conference on
of “echo chambers”). Functions
that emphasize currently trending
system of enable tort lawsuits alleging, for
example, defamation by those di-
Web and Social Media (Association for the Advancement of
Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, 2017), pp. 280–289.
content could seek to exclude bot safeguards rectly and concretely harmed by
7. Senate Judiciary Committee, Extremist content
and Russian disinformation online: Working with
activity from measures of what is is needed.” the spread of fake news. To the tech to find solutions (Committee on the Judiciary,
trending. More generally, the plat- extent that an online platform as- 2017);
forms could curb the automated sisted in the spreading of a mani- working-with-tech-to-find-solutions.
spread of news content by bots and cyborgs festly false (but still persuasive) story, there 8. E. Ferrara, First Monday 22, 2017 (2017).
9. J. L. Kalla, D. E. Broockman, Am. Polit. Sci. Rev. 112, 148 (2018).
(users who automatically share news from might be avenues for liability consistent with 10. B. Swire et al., J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn. 43, 1948
a set of sources, with or without reading existing constitutional law, which, in turn, (2017).
them), although for the foreseeable future, would pressure platforms to intervene more 11. U. K. H. Ecker et al., J. Appl. Res. Mem. Cogn. 6, 185 (2017).
12. C. Jones, Bill would help California schools teach about
bot producers will likely be able to design regularly. In the U.S. context, however, a pro- “fake news,” media literacy (EdSource, 2017); https://
effective countermeasures. vision of the 1996 Communications Decency
The platforms have attempted each of Act offers near-comprehensive immunity to 13. Gottfried, E. Shearer, News use across social
these steps and others (5, 15). Facebook an- platforms for false or otherwise actionable media platforms 2017, Pew Research Center, 7
nounced an intent to shift its algorithm to statements penned by others. Any change to September 2017;
account for “quality” in its content curation this legal regime would raise thorny issues 14. E. Bakshy et al., Science 348, 1130 (2015).
process. Twitter announced that it blocked about the extent to which platform content 15. C. Crowell, Our approach to bots & misinformation,
Twitter, 14 June 2017;
certain accounts linked to Russian misinfor- (and content-curation decisions) should be en_us/topics/company/2017/Our-Approach-Bots-
mation and informed users exposed to those subject to second-guessing by people alleging Misinformation.html.
accounts that they may have been duped. injury. The European “right to be forgotten” ACKNOWL EDGMENTS
However, the platforms have not provided in search engines is testing these issues. We acknowledge support from the Shorenstein Center at the
enough detail for evaluation by the research Structural interventions generally raise Harvard Kennedy School and the NULab for Texts, Maps, and
Networks at Northeastern University. D.M.J.L. acknowledges
community or subjected their findings to legitimate concerns about respecting private support by the Economic and Social Research Council ES/
peer review, making them problematic for enterprise and human agency. But just as the N012283/1. D.M.J.L. and M.A.B. contributed equally to this
use by policy-makers or the general public. media companies of the 20th century shaped article. Y.B. is on the advisory board of the Open Science
Foundation. C.R.S. has consulted for Facebook. K.M.G. acknowl-
We urge the platforms to collaborate with the information to which individuals were
edges support by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
independent academics on evaluating the exposed, the far-more-vast internet oligopo-
scope of the fake news issue and the design lies are already shaping human experience SUPP LEMENTARY MATE RIA LS
and effectiveness of interventions. There is on a global scale. The questions before us are
little research focused on fake news and no how those immense powers are being—and 10.1126/science.aao2998

1096 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Intestinal barriers protect against disease

Leaky cell-cell junctions contribute to inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

By Sandra Citi sue. The tight junction (TJ), which contains different physiological and pathological cues,
claudins, occludin, and tricellulin as the main including inflammatory cytokines (1–3, 8, 11).

ll body surfaces and cavities are lined transmembrane proteins, is the most apical Larger solutes permeate across the bar-
by layers of epithelial cells, which are junction along the lateral surface, and is di- rier through the “leak” pathway, which is
connected by cell-cell junctions. These rectly responsible for barrier function (8, 9). thought to result from temporary disconti-
junctions serve three main purposes: The zonula adhaerens (ZA), localized imme- nuities within TJ polymeric claudin strands,
adhesion, to maintain tissue integ- diately below TJs between adjoining epithe- mediated by occludin and tricellulin, and by
rity; creation of a barrier, to control lial cells, is an adhesive junction composed the contraction of the actomyosin cytoskel-
the passage of ions, water, molecules, cells, of cadherin and nectin transmembrane eton (1, 2, 12). Another mechanism of bar-
and pathogens across epithelial layers; and adhesion molecules connected to the actin rier regulation is endocytic internalization

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signaling, to receive and transmit cues that cytoskeleton. It regulates barrier function of junctional protein components, which can
affect cell behavior and tissue function. The indirectly, because it is required for TJ for- drive constitutive physiological remodeling
barrier function is crucial to maintaining tis- mation, and because the contractility of the of cell-cell junctions, as well as pathological
sue homeostasis. Breaking or even slightly perijunctional actomyosin ring associated weakening of the barrier (13). Both TJs and
perturbing epithelial barriers can lead to se- with its cytoplasmic surface modulates TJ ZAs are signaling hubs, recruiting and regu-
rious pathological consequences, including function (1) (see the figure). The TJ barrier lating proteins with different roles, includ-
infection and inflammation (1–3). The intesti- is made up of polymeric strands of proteins ing regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, gene
nal epithelial barrier is constantly being chal- of the claudin family, which form tiny para- expression, and response to growth factors
lenged by the gut microbiome, and is leaky cellular “pores” that either allow or block the and pathogens (14). Unrestricted passage of
in patients with inflammatory bowel disease passage of selected ions (8, 10, 11). Claudins pathogens and cells across epithelial layers
(IBD) (1, 3, 4). Three studies now character- are held in place by a cytoplasmic network occurs when the integrity of cell-cell junc-
ize how gut epithelial barrier dysfunction is of scaffolding molecules, linked to actin fila- tions is severely disrupted. Thus, diverse
involved in IBD, autoimmune disease, and ments (12). Thus, permeability of epithelial pathological states can ultimately affect bar-
systemic infection, respectively. On page layers to ions and water depends on the rier function, epithelial integrity, and tissue
1161 of this issue, Mohanan et al. (5) describe specific expression of one or more of the 27 repair by acting on one or a combination of
how inactivation of the IBD susceptibility claudin isoforms, which varies within and protein targets that are involved in the di-
gene, C1orf106 (chromosome 1 open reading between tissues, and is modulated by many verse functions of cell-cell junctions.
frame 106), leads to decreased intestinal bar-
rier function, thereby promoting intestinal
inflammation and thus IBD. Also, on page Cell-cell junctions create a barrier
1156 of this issue, Manfredo Vieira et al. (6) Junctions between epithelial cells form a barrier that maintains tissue homeostasis. The intestinal epithelial
show how pathogenic bacteria can induce barrier can become leaky as a result of genetic predisposition (such as C1orf106 mutation), intestinal pathogens,
intestinal barrier defects and translocate to and hyperglycemia resulting in IBD, autoimmunity, and systemic inflammation.
lymph nodes and liver, triggering systemic
Tight Zonula Actomyosin IBD: Patients with inactivating C1orf106 mutation exhibit hyperactive
autoimmune disease, such as systemic lupus junction adhaerens ring ARF6, which causes barrier breakdown.
erythematosus (SLE). Additionally, Thaiss et
al. (7) report that hyperglycemia (high blood ARF6 ARF6 • Cadherin
GDP GTP endocytosis
glucose concentration), which is common in
• Barrier breakdown
people with obesity, diabetes, and other met- C1orf106 Cytohesin
abolic syndromes, disrupts the intestinal bar- Autoimmune disease: Pathogenic bacteria cause barrier breakdown in
rier, leading to intestinal inflammation and Paracellular models predisposed to autoimmunity.
systemic infection complications. pathway
Epithelial barriers are formed by two types Antigen leak immune system
of circumferential junctions, which together through translocate to
Occludin/ paracellular lymph nodes
seal the apicolateral regions of neighboring Mucosal damage,
tricellulin Actin barrier and liver
cells, which have an apical pole facing a lu- barrier breakdown
men, lateral sides in contact with other cells, Claudin

and a basal face that contacts connective tis- Systemic infammation: Hyperglycemia can cause the intestinal barrier
to be leaky.
Cadherin Scafolding Transcriptional
• Susceptibility to
Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, and Institute protein reprogramming
GLUT2 enteric infection
of Genetics and Genomics of Geneva (iGE3), University of
Geneva, Switzerland 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet, 1205 Geneva, Barrier breakdown • Gut-related systemic
Switzerland. Email: infammation

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1097

Published by AAAS

The pathogenesis of IBD involves both en- lying molecular mechanism is known. For ex- DEVELOPMENT
vironmental factors (smoking, diet, exposure ample, in a mouse model of T cell–mediated
to pollution, and the commensal gut microbi-
ome) and a genetic predisposition, which has
been narrowed down to mutations in ~100
acute diarrhea, pharmacological control of
either actomyosin contractility or endocyto-
sis reverses the symptoms (15). Thus, stabiliz-
genes involved in pathways including epithe-
lial cell and barrier function, and immunity
ing C1orf106, as suggested by Mohanan et al.,
could be a strategy in the subset of IBD pa- roads to
(4). One of these genes is C1orf106. Mohanan
et al. show that the role of the C1orf106 pro-
tein is to maintain appropriate amounts of
tients that carry the mutation, provided that
no off-target toxicity results from such stabi-
lization. As additional information becomes
the heart
cytohesin 1 protein in mature epithelia, by
promoting its ubiquitination and subsequent
available about the molecular mechanisms
through which claudins, occludin, tricellulin,
Cardiovascular lineage
proteolytic degradation. Cytohesins are acti- cytoplasmic adaptor proteins, and signaling decisions in the mouse
vators of the Ras guanosine triphosphatase
(GTPase) ARF6 (ADP ribosylation factor 6),
proteins control the leak pathway, new po-
tential direct TJ targets could be identified.
embryo are explored at
which directs cytoskeletal remodeling and For example, claudin isoform expression single-cell resolution
endocytic internalization of cadherins. When changes following the differentiation of in-
epithelial cells form mature monolayers, testinal cells along the crypt-surface axis, and By Robert G. Kelly1 and Silke R. Sperling2,3,4
ARF6 activity must be down-regulated, to dietary components, including fiber, favors

maintain TJ stability. Experimental deple- differentiation and increased expression of TJ nsight into early cardiac lineage diversi-
tion of C1orf106, which mimics the down- proteins. Therefore, promoting intestinal cell fication is essential to unravel the ori-

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regulation of the mutant form that occurs differentiation could help to strengthen the gins of congenital heart defects, which
in IBD patients, leads to abnormally high otherwise leakier barrier of intestinal crypts. are among the most frequent birth
amounts of cytohesin, thus promoting exces- Another key strategy is to limit the in- anomalies. Congenital heart defects
sive ARF6 activation (see the figure). This in flammatory responses that occur once bac- commonly affect specific regions of the
turn causes increased cadherin endocytosis, terial products and bacteria have crossed heart or cardiac cell types (1). Moreover, di-
which results in higher TJ permeability to the epithelial barrier—for example, through rected differentiation of pluripotent stem
small molecules, without detectable changes immunosuppression and antibodies that tar- cells into specific cardiac lineages is a piv-
in TJ protein organization. The passage of get inflammatory cytokines (3). Conversely, otal step in modeling heart disease, drug
some small molecules, notably of bacterial because intestinal epithelial homeostasis testing, and regenerative therapies. On page
nanoparticles, debris, and other antigenic results from a balance between shedding of 1177 of this issue, Lescroart et al. (2) used
molecules, can induce an immune response damaged and old cells and their replacement single-cell RNA sequencing to generate two
and inflammation, potentially escalating bar- by new cells, prevention and therapy of IBD high-resolution snapshots of gene expres-
rier damage (1, 3). must also include the stimulation of mecha- sion in nascent cardiovascular mesoderm in
Manfredo Vieira et al. show that in organ- nisms that promote epithelial monolayer the early mouse embryo. Their findings cap-
isms predisposed to autoimmune disease, repair (3). Still, in the presence of massive ture the transcriptional complexity of pre-
exposure to pathogenic bacteria leads to a bacterial invasion through defective epithe- cardiac mesoderm and reveal how different
severe breakdown of the intestinal epithelial lial barriers in hosts with a compromised lineages contributing to the heart first arise
barrier, and eventually bacterial transloca- immune system, antibiotic therapy and vac- during embryogenesis.
tion to mesenteric lymph nodes and liver. cination may be the most effective approach, Understanding the regulatory mecha-
This exacerbates autoimmune reactions (see as shown by Manfredo Vieira et al., whereas nisms that drive cell fate choices during
the figure). Thaiss et al. suggest the control of glycemia as lineage diversification is a central goal of
Thaiss et al. show that chronic hyperglyce- another important factor to consider. Future developmental biology. Waddington’s epi-
mia can affect barrier function through meta- studies on the complex interplay between mi- genetic landscape provides a powerful met-
bolic and transcriptional reprogramming in crobiome, intestinal epithelium, and immune aphor for such decisions, in which a cell is
intestinal epithelial cells, which is mediated response will help to refine rational strategies represented by a ball rolling across a con-
by the glucose transporter GLUT2. This re- to maintain and repair intestinal barriers. j toured landscape signifying gene regulatory
sults in enhanced dissemination of bacterial space (3). By defining the transcriptional
products and intestinal and systemic inflam- 1. A. Buckley, J. R. Turner, Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol.
content of many individual cells scattered
mation, which is common in patients with 10, a029314 (2018). across the landscape, single-cell transcrip-
obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome 2. S. M. Krug et al., Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 36, 166 (2014). tomics heralds a revolution in our grasp of
3. A.-C. Luissint et al., Gastroenterology 151, 616 (2016).
(see the figure). However, the mechanism by 4. B. Khor et al., Nature 474, 307 (2011). how cell fate decisions take place (see the
which the intestinal barrier becomes leaky is 5. V. Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161 (2018). figure). This technique is transforming our
6. S. Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156 (2018).
unclear and requires further investigation. 7. C. A. Thaiss et al., Science 10.1126/science.aar3318
perception of biological complexity and
Because a defective intestinal barrier can (2018). has led to the discovery of new cell types
lead to leakage of either bacterial antigens or 8. C. M. Van Itallie, J. M. Anderson, Annu. Rev. Physiol. 68, 403 and regulatory mechanisms in homeostasis
bacteria into the underlying tissue as well as, 9. C. Zihni et al., Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 17, 564 (2016).
potentially, into blood and lymph vessels, it 10. S. Tsukita, M. Furuse, J. Cell Biol. 149, 13 (2000).
11. D. Günzel, A. S. L. Yu, Physiol. Rev. 93, 525 (2013). Aix-Marseille University, CNRS UMR 7288, Developmental
can both initiate and maintain inflammation 12. A. S. Fanning, J. M. Anderson, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1165, 113 Biology Institute of Marseille, Campus de Luminy Case 907,
and spread of infection. Thus, therapeutic (2009). Marseille Cedex 9, France. 2Department of Cardiovascular
strategies should address the integrity of the 13. A. I. Ivanov et al., Bioessays 27, 356 (2005). Genetics, Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Charité–
14. S. Citi et al., Small GTPases 5, e973760 (2014). Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 3Department of
TJ barrier. This can be done through small 15. D. R. Clayburgh et al., J. Clin. Invest. 115, 2702 (2005). Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin,
molecules that target proteins involved in the Berlin, Germany. 4Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany.
control of barrier function, when the under- 10.1126/science.aat0835 Email:

1098 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
and disease as well as during development been observed in Mesp1-labeled cardiac and in early mesoderm (13). As an example,
(4–7). Furthermore, approaches coupling pharyngeal muscle progenitor cells in the the authors identified Notch signaling as
transcriptomics with epigenomic studies at basal chordate Ciona intestinalis, suggest- a Mesp1-regulated pathway enriched early
single-cell resolution hold the promise of a ing that this is a conserved feature of cell in the endothelial versus myocardial tra-
holistic understanding of the gene regula- fate segregation in pharyngeal mesoderm jectory. Furthermore, transcriptome analy-
tory networks underlying cell fate decisions. (12). Cells within the core population may sis of single cells from mutant embryos
During embryonic development, cardiac thus constitute a transition state between showed that Mesp1 itself controls the tran-
progenitor cells transiently express the tran- different trajectories, within which extrin- sition from pluripotency to progenitor cell
scription factor mesoderm posterior protein sic signaling events influence lineage out- specification.
1 (Mesp1) at gastrulation (8). Nascent cardiac comes (5). Transcriptional heterogeneity in A major challenge of single-cell tran-
mesoderm migrates to the anterior lateral the core population would confer develop- scriptomic analysis is mapping cells to
region of the embryo, where progenitor cells mental plasticity and robustness in the face the tissue of origin. Using fluorescent in
of the first heart field give rise to the early of genetic or environmental perturbation, situ hybridization to track selected genes,
heart tube. Subsequently, late differentiat- potentially contributing to compensatory the authors showed that myocardial and
ing multipotent progenitor cells of the sec- mechanisms and phenotypic variability in endocardial progenitor cells could be spa-
ond heart field contribute to growth of the congenital heart defect patients. Mining tially distinguished in nascent mesoderm,
heart from adjacent pharyngeal mesoderm. the data set generated by Lescroart et al. as could anterior and posterior pharyngeal
Second heart field cells give rise to the ve- will contribute to systematic approaches to territories. Systematic methods have re-
nous and arterial poles of the heart, which defining the extrinsic and intrinsic regula- cently been developed to map single cells
are hotspots of congenital heart defects (1). tors controlling sequential fate decisions after RNA sequencing. These exploit high-
The first and second heart fields segregate resolution reference atlases generated from

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before Mesp1 is expressed (9, 10). in situ hybridization of a series of land-
Single-cell RNA sequencing has recently Early road map to the heart mark genes (14) or spatial transcriptomic
offered insights into the extent of transcrip- The transcriptional complexity of precardiac approaches, such as single-embryo spatial
tional diversity in different regions and mesoderm reveals early segregation of lineages RNA sequencing (15). The latter technique
cell types of the developing heart, provid- contributing to the heart. has been developed at a stage overlapping
ing valuable resources for discovering new with the work of Lescroart et al. and should
pathways and genes involved in cardiac The precardiac landscape permit topological mapping of this new
disease (6, 7). Lescroart et al. focused on Cardiovascular progenitor cells data set. This will allow identification of
distributed on Waddington's
Mesp1-expressing cells at the early time epigenetic landscape. the niches harboring progenitor cells on di-
points when this gene is expressed in first vergent trajectories and clarify our under-
and second heart field progenitor cells. standing of how future regions of the heart
The new data neatly fit a developmental and cardiac cell types are patterned in the
continuum between single-cell transcrip- progenitor population.
tomes from pregastrulation epiblast cells Another challenge of such high-through-
and later mesoderm, previously generated Gene expression topology put data sets concerns distinguishing bio-
by this group (11). Using a clustering algo- Distinct progenitor cell clusters emerge at the edge logical from experimental noise; analysis
rithm to visualize gene expression topology of a transcriptionally heterogeneous core of nascent of additional cells and time points is likely
cardiovascular mesoderm.
in these combined data sets, the authors to refine our view of the progenitor popu-
identified distinct progenitor cell subpopu- lation substructure. Integrating single-cell
lations indicative of early lineage diversifi- transcriptomic approaches at multiple time
cation. These comprise cardiomyocyte and points with single-cell epigenomic data
endothelial progenitor cells, presumably of sets and lineage history will provide a fine-
first heart field origin, as well as cells with grained map of the dynamic cardiovascular
a pharyngeal mesoderm genetic signature, progenitor cell landscape. This will guide
defined as posterior and anterior clusters of systematic exploration of the mechanisms
Contributions to heart development
second heart field cells, the latter including Distinct progenitor cell populations give rise to driving cardiac progenitor cell fate choices
head muscle progenitors. At later stages of diferent regions of the heart and cardiac cell types. in development and disease. j
development, posterior and anterior second
heart field cells contribute to the venous
1. J. A. Epstein, N. Engl. J. Med. 363, 1638 (2010).
and arterial poles of the heart, respectively. 2. F. Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177 (2018).
Of particular interest is the finding that the 3. C. H. Waddington, The Strategy of the Genes: A Discussion
different progenitor cell clusters emerge at of Some Aspects of Theoretical Biology (Allen & Unwin,
the edge of a core of molecularly heteroge- 4. C. Trapnell, Genome Res. 25, 1491 (2015).
neous cardiovascular progenitor cells. 5. N. Moris et al., Nat. Rev. Genet. 17, 693 (2016).
Lescroart et al. computed pseudotime 6. D. M. DeLaughter et al., Dev. Cell 39, 480 (2016).
7. G. Li et al., Dev. Cell 39, 491 (2016).
trajectories to track progress between plu- 8. Y. Saga et al., Trends Cardiovasc. Med. 10, 345 (2000).
ripotent epiblast and distinct progenitor Pluripotent Early myocardial 9. F. Lescroart et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 16, 829 (2014).

cell states based on transcriptional profiles. 10. W. P. Devine et al., eLife 3, e03848 (2014).
epiblast cells progenitor cells 11. A. Scialdone et al., Nature 535, 289 (2016).
This analysis revealed that anterior and 12. F. Razy-Krajka et al., Dev. Cell 29, 263 (2014).
posterior second heart field clusters diverge Cardiovascular Anterior second
13. K. M. Loh et al., Cell 166, 451 (2016).
progenitor cells heart feld cells
from common progenitor cells expressing 14. R. Satija et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 33, 495 (2015).
15. G. Peng et al., Dev. Cell 36, 681 (2016).
genes enriched in both lineages within the Endothelial Posterior second
central core. Such multilineage priming has progenitor cells heart feld cells 10.1126/science.aat0230

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1099

Published by AAAS


Harmful networks in the brain and beyond

Membrane tubes can connect cancer cells and drive tumor progression and resistance

By Frank Winkler and Wolfgang Wick that allow rapid communication, including works appear more prominent in malignant
exchange of organelles, vesicles, and mol- cells, are induced in tumor cells under con-

ommunication in networks is the basis ecules (3). These cytoplasmic bridges are ditions of physiological and metabolic stress,
of many social and biological func- open-ended, or they contain connexin gap and seem to be associated with invasiveness
tions. Recent findings have added an junction proteins, which allow only the ex- and resistance to chemotherapy in various
uncomfortable twist to this view: Tu- change of small molecules between cells, cancers (3–5). One considerable limitation
mors can function as communicating such as Ca2+, second messengers, and RNAs to understanding the function of TNTs was
networks, too. In several malignancies (up to 23 ribonucleotides). TNTs seem to be that TNTs had to be studied in cell culture
such as incurable brain tumors, long protru- a widespread phenomenon, not limited to because the delicacy of TNTs makes them dif-
sions extend from cancer cells, connecting particular cell types or tissues, and often in- ficult to preserve after fixation of tissues. This
them to a functional syncytium and coloniz- crease in frequency with pathological states. made skeptics question their relevance in
ing normal tissue. These invasive and net- TNTs have been involved in the spread of vivo, even their existence. Only recently, new

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work-building membrane tubes raise infections, the progression of neurodegen- confocal intravital imaging technologies al-
interesting questions about cancer biology. erative diseases, and cancer (3). Conceptually, low TNTs to be studied in live organisms (6).
During development and tissue repair, cell tubular networks that connect cells might be Similarly, an in vivo microscopy method
migration and pathfinding is closely associ- of special importance in tissues where direct made it possible to follow individual can-
ated with extension and retraction of long physical contact between cell bodies cannot cer cells and their protrusions in a growing
cellular protrusions (1). The discovery of a be established, which is regularly the case in patient-derived brain tumor in mice (7). This
new class of long, thin membrane protru- tumors where extracellular matrix and non- led to the discovery of long cellular protru-
sions called tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) that malignant cell types occur, as well as tissue- sions of glioblastoma cells at the invasive
connected cells of a pheochromocytoma (a invasive growth patterns, separating cancer edge of growing tumors, extending and re-
benign tumor that affects adrenal glands), cells from each other (4). tracting, akin to scanning the surrounding
forming a complex multicellular network, Until recently, the definitive function(s) of brain tissue. These protrusions were also
paved the way for a new area of research (2). TNT connections in tumor biology remained used for efficient brain colonization; after
TNTs are long-range intercellular conduits an open question. TNT-based cellular net- mitosis, daughter nuclei traveled in the mem-

Tubular networks connecting tumor cells TNT

Tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) and tumor microtubes (TMs) have been found in multiple cancers, where they connect tumor cells to a TM Cancer
multicellular syncitium. These tubular networks enable pathfinding, invasion, survival of stress, therapeutic resistance, and communication. cells

TNTs TMs Roles in tumor biology

Intercellular bridges involved in the spread of infections, Larger and longer-lived than TNTs, promote aggressiveness, Exchange of cytoplasmatic molecules and
progression of neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer invasion, and therapeutic resistance of brain cancer cells energy between tumor cells
Ca2+ signaling (intercellular Ca2+ waves) in
Minutes Days to
months the presence of CX43
Scanning and exploration of environment
Rich in F-actin and myosins
DNA and RNA exchange?
CX43+ CX43– If CX43 is interposed in tubes, transfer of
molecules is limited to <760 MW and 23
Exchange of organelles such as mitochon-
dria and cell surface molecules
Antitumor therapy Antitumor therapy
Nuclear translocation
Formed in a GAP43 and TTYH1-dependent

Mechanisms of resistance

TNT and TM connections increase in

response to therapy, which maintains
cellular homeostasis and and contributes
to therapeutic resistance.
Exchange of mitochondria
Detection of damage to members of the
Surgical lesion network and repair

1100 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
brane tubes rapidly to distant sites. As the tu- same fundamental biological process? Many A relevant question is whether TNTs or
mor progressed, the membrane tubes formed structural and functional similarities exist TMs in malignancies are associated with
a complex multicellular network, not unlike between the two: Both TNTs and TMs can cellular stemness, as demonstrated for
that described for TNTs, connecting about couple cells via Ca2+ signaling in the presence nanotubes of stem cells that guarantee main-
half the cancer cells to a functional syncy- of connexin-43 (CX43)–containing gap junc- tenance of cellular hierarchy in the Dro-
tium that communicates with waves of Ca2+ tions; have been associated with cancer cell sophila melanogaster testis (14). The higher
impulses, like those from other cell types of invasion; increase in number when tumor malignancy and resistance of cancer cell
the normal brain, such as astrocytes. Using cells experience stress; and are linked to bet- populations that produce TMs and TNTs (4,
this communication route, even single glio- ter tumor cell resistance against cytotoxic 7, 9) argue for this possibility. If verified, this
blastoma cells that invaded far into the nor- agents, probably because of a better cellular would link TNT and TM formation to func-
mal brain parenchyma were in contact with homeostasis within the TNT- and TM-con- tionally relevant tumor cell heterogeneity. In
other glioblastoma cells and the main tumor nected tumor cell networks (3, 4, 7, 9–11). this scenario, TNTs and TMs might be used
mass. Brain colonization by these cells was Nevertheless, it is likely that some functional by stem cell–like cancer cells to exert their
efficiently mastered by this previously un- differences remain. Most prominently, the ex- tumor-driving effects: by conveying hierar-
identified mechanism of collective network tensive exchange of cellular organelles such chical communication and by constituting
migration, adding to the known mechanisms as mitochondria via TNTs has not been de- the resistant cellular backbone that gives rise
by which tumor cells can invade tissue (8). scribed for TMs. This may not be possible be- to tumor relapse.
Glioblastoma membrane tubes share many cause gap junctions do not allow the passage Challenges remain. The ability to study
structural features with TNTs (1, 7), including of such large items. Conversely, recent data TNTs and TMs in clinical tumor samples re-
a high content of filamentous actin (F-actin), increasingly argue for molecular and func- quires reliable detection and 3D visualiza-

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but formal differences exist. Membrane tubes tional heterogeneity both of TNTs and of TMs tion methods. A specific staining method to
are thicker (1 to 2 µm), longer (some are >1 (10, 12), which underlines the importance to identify TNTs and TMs would help to bet-
mm), and longer-lived (hours to days, some ter understand their occurrence in differ-
>100 days) than the TNTs observed so far. It ent cancer entities, different organs, their
might be that these differences reflect im- correlation with tumor aggressiveness, and
proved structural stability in vivo compared “ uncomfortable twist... their potential role for primary and adap-
with the in vitro systems used to study TNTs. Tumors can function as tive therapeutic resistance. To better under-
Nonetheless, these TNT-like protrusions were stand the basic biology of TNTs and TMs
called tumor microtubes (TMs). communicating networks...” in cancer, advanced intravital microscopy
Importantly, TM-connected glioblastoma methods will most likely provide the great-
cell networks showed a remarkable function- better study the subtypes of membrane tube est gain (4, 6, 7, 9, 10). Regardless, cancer
ality: They were able to repair themselves cellular connections. Moreover, there is lim- research needs to stay open to thorough
when one cell in the network was ablated ited information about the molecular driv- morphological analyses of cells.
with a laser or when a larger surgical exci- ers involved. Interestingly, overexpression of It is increasingly clear that TNT and TM
sion was performed (7, 9). They also resisted GAP43 alone was sufficient for the outgrowth networks can play relevant functional roles
the adverse effects of radiotherapy and che- of TMs in non-neuronal nonmalignant cells for the malignant organ that constitutes
motherapy, which mainly killed unconnected (13), which could argue in favor of molecular a tumor. Because multicellular syncytia of
tumor cells. Mechanistically, an improved similarities that are still to be discovered. primarily unicellular organisms have been
buffering of transient Ca2+ dysregulation TNTs can connect different cell types with shown to master remarkable tasks that can
within the tumor cell network seemed to each other in normal organismal function appear as primitive forms of intelligence
play a role in this resistance (7). TM forma- and disease (3). Interestingly, it has been (15), it remains to be explored what level of
tion also correlated with increased tumor shown that TNTs can also interconnect ma- functionality such a tumor cell network can
aggressiveness in glioblastoma patients. Re- lignant cells with nonmalignant cells from actually reach. The findings in primary brain
markably, to extend TMs, glioblastoma cells the tumor stroma, which has been associ- tumors appear paradigmatic in this respect.
reuse pathways from neurodevelopment that ated with cancer cell survival and therapeu- New ideas of how to target tumor progres-
are critical for membrane tube extension, no- tic resistance (11). It will be important to sion and treatment resistance through the
tably growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) learn whether this applies to TMs, too, and development of anti-TNT or anti-TM thera-
and tweety homolog 1 (TTYH1) (7, 10) (see if so, which is the nonmalignant connection pies have already emerged (1, 3, 4) and should
the figure). By contrast, oligodendroglioma, partner(s), and what are the consequences be explored in the future. j
another type of glioma that has a better long- for tumor progression and resistance.
term prognosis, regularly lack TMs and the In normal development, long cellular pro-
1. M. Osswald et al., Neuro. Oncol. 18, 479 (2016).
molecular machinery to build them. Oligo- trusions that over time constitute a multi- 2. A. Rustom et al., Science 303, 1007 (2004).
dendrogliomas are characterized by loss of cellular network have been recognized as a 3. J. Ariazi et al., Front. Mol. Neurosci. 10, 333 (2017).
chromosomes 1p and 19q, where many genes feature of the evolving mesenchyme. Inter- 4. E. Lou et al., Trends Cancer 3, 678 (2017).
5. E. Lou et al., PLOS ONE 7, e33093 (2012).
relevant for the extension of these membrane estingly, the transition from an epithelial to 6. M. Rehberg et al., Small 12, 1882 (2016).
processes are located (7, 10). Because 1p and a mesenchymal state in tumor cells has been 7. M. Osswald et al., Nature 528, 93 (2015).
19q loss is specific for oligodendrogliomas, associated with extension of long cellular 8. V. te Boekhorst et al., Ann. Rev. Cell. Dev. Biol. 32, 491 (2016).
9. S. Weil et al., Neuro. Oncol. 19, 1316 (2017).
other cancer types may be able to produce protrusions, including TNTs (5), and recently 10. E. Jung et al., J. Neurosci. 37, 6837 (2017).
TMs, although this remains to be tested. also treatment resistance. Thus, might TNT 11. R. Polak et al., Blood 126, 2404 (2015).
Do both TNTs and TMs represent the and TM formation reflect a mesenchymal 12. X. Wang, H. H. Gerdes, Cell Death Differ. 22, 1181 (2015).
13. M. X. Zuber et al., Science 244, 1193 (1989).
cellular state? Notably, glioblastomas (which 14. M. Inaba et al., Nature 523, 329 (2015).
frequently express TMs) with a more mes- 15. T. Nakagaki, H. Yamada, A. Toth, Nature 407, 470 (2000).
Neurology Clinic, University Medical Center, and German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany. Email: enchymal gene expression profile have the worst prognosis of all. 10.1126/science.aar5555

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1101

Published by AAAS


Hemimethylation: DNA’s lasting odd couple

Stably inherited DNA hemimethylation regulates chromatin interaction and transcription

By Jafar Sharif and Haruhiko Koseki they found that hemimethylated sites are DNMT1 (4). DNMT3B-bound sites were
inherited over several cell divisions. This also enriched in nascent hemimethylated

NA methylation is an essential epi- challenges the prevailing view that hemi- DNA, representing DNMT3B-mediated de
genetic modification that regulates methylation is transient and suggests that novo methylation. These sites became sym-
gene transcription, embryonic de- this DNA modification could be maintained metrically methylated in the mature DNA,
velopment, and cell differentiation as a stable epigenetic state. indicating that DNMT3B stays bound to
in both animals and plants. In mam- At the replication fork, hemimethylated chromatin long enough to carry out sym-
mals, DNA methylation generally oc- DNA is bound by the reader protein UHRF1 metrical methylation. Similar to DNMT3B,
curs at CpG dinucleotides in a symmetric (ubiquitin-like PHD and RING finger do- DNMT3A bound nascent DNA that was
fashion (1), meaning that if a cytosine (C) mains 1), which is followed by recruitment enriched in hemimethylated CpGs. Some
residue on one CpG is methylated, the cor- of DNMT1 [DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltrans- of these DNMT3A-bound sites, however,
responding residue on the complementary ferase 1], reinstating the original symmet- remain hemimethylated even in postrep-
strand will be too. This pattern temporar- ric methylation pattern (4) (see the figure). lication DNA. Xu and Corces monitored

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ily breaks down during DNA replication, Generally, it is thought that DNMT1 pref- DNA methylation levels over successive cell
when the unmethylated daughter (nascent) erentially acts on hemimethylated DNA divisions to confirm persistent hemimeth-
strand and the methylated parent strand (5), whereas other members of the family, ylation at these loci. This indicates that a
create an asymmetrically methylated CpG DNMT3A and DNMT3B, methylate CpGs DNMT3A-dependent mechanism may regu-
dyad termed hemimethylated DNA. It was de novo (6). To investigate the link between late locus-specific hemimethylation, which
thought that the destiny of hemimethylated DNMTs and their substrate CpGs in vivo, Xu could then be inherited as a stable epigen-
DNA was to become fully methylated or un- and Corces labeled nascent replicating DNA etic modification.
methylated by replication-coupled dilution. or mature postreplication DNA in human This leads us to the question of how
However, about 10% of CpGs in embryonic ESCs and mapped the sequences bound by DNMT3A, and not DNMT3B, contributes to
stem cells (ESCs) (1) and trophoblast stem each DNMT to reveal the DNA methylation locus-specific hemimethylation, despite pos-
cells (2) remain hemimethylated. It is not status of target genomic loci bound by each. sessing similar domain structures and activi-
known if this unusual hemimethylation sig- As expected, DNMT1-bound nascent ties. Previous biochemical studies provide a
nature occurs by chance or by design. On DNA fragments were predominantly hemi- hint. It was reported that DNMT3A shows
page 1166 of this issue, Xu and Corces (3) methylated. In the mature DNA, the same high de novo activity to naked DNA, but not
reveal that some CpGs in the genome can loci were symmetrically methylated, show- toward DNA that is wrapped around nucleo-
be hemimethylated by design. Intriguingly, ing efficient maintenance methylation by somes (7). DNA is packed in nucleosomes af-
ter replication, which could inhibit DNMT3A
activity at specific CpGs, ensuring that these
The fate of hemimethylated DNA remain hemimethylated. Another important
After DNA replication, hemimethylated CpGs are converted to symmetrical methylation by DNMT1. question that remains to be clarified is the
De novo symmetric methylation by DNMT3B is possibly mediated by H3K36me binding. DNMT3A maintains mechanism by which DNMT3A is recruited
hemimethylated DNA at specific loci, potentially marked by CTCF-cohesin and MBD proteins. to target DNA sites. We know that DNMT1
loading to DNA replication forks depends
Maintenance De novo on UHRF1 (4) and that histone H3 lysine 36
methylation (H3K36me) could play a role in
DNMT3B recruitment to target sites (8). It
H3K36me CTCF? will be interesting to identify cofactors or


UHRF1 MBD histone modifications that recruit DNMT3A
proteins? Cohesin?
Unmethylated to mediate stable inheritance of hemimethyl-
Hemimethylation Unmethylated ated CpGs.
Generally, methylated DNA is associ-
ated with transcriptional repression and
Hemimethylation unmethylated DNA with transcriptional
Symmetric methylation Hemimethylation activation. So, what about hemimethylated
DNA? It has been shown that hemimeth-
Prolonged DNMT3B ylated DNA gives rise to robust transcrip-
Low activity on
binding to H3K36me? nucleosomal DNA? tion from long terminal repeat–containing
Transcriptional repression parasitic DNA elements called endogenous
Symmetric methylation
Methylated CpG
Developmental Genetics Group, Center for Integrative Medical
Unmethylated CpG
Sciences (IMS), RIKEN, 1-7-22 Suehiro, Tsurumi, Yokohama,
Parent strand Transcriptional activation Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan. Email:;
Daughter strand Transcriptional repression (e.g., gene body)

1102 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
retroviruses (2). Indeed, Xu and Corces find
that gene-body hemimethylation is associ-
ated with increased transcription. Notably,
a link between gene-body methylation and
transcription has been proposed (9). The
findings of Xu and Corces raise the possibil-
ity that gene-body hemimethylation, rather
that symmetrical methylation, could be an
indicator of transcriptional activity.
What parts of the genome are targeted
by DNMT3A for hemimethylation? The
authors show that genomic regions bound
by the transcriptional regulator CCCTC-
binding factor (CTCF) and cohesin (which
is involved in keeping replicated chro-
mosomes together) are enriched in hemi- A phytoplankton bloom in the Southern Ocean, observed by the NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite in January 2016.
methylation. Both CTCF and cohesin are
required for long-range chromatin inter- OCEANS
actions (10) and therefore may influence
gene expression. Consistent with this idea,
Xu and Corces found that in the absence of Will marine productivity wane?

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hemimethylation, such chromatin interac-
tions were disrupted. A model study points to slow but extensive nutrient removal
How does hemimethylated DNA regulate
chromatin interactions? The authors pro-
from the surface ocean under long-term climate change
pose that the MBD (methyl-CpG-binding
domain) proteins, such as MECP2 (methyl- By Charlotte Laufkötter1,2 and duction (the fraction of production that is
CpG-binding protein 2), could play a role Nicolas Gruber3 exported to depth). This is an astonishingly
in this process. They took advantage of ge- long-term impact of organisms that live, on

nome-wide binding data for MBD proteins f marine algae are impaired severely by average, for a few days to weeks only.
and, by performing computational analy- global climate change, the resulting re- The underlying mechanism is a self-ag-
ses, found that these proteins bound in the duction in marine primary production gravating interplay between warming-driven
same orientation to hemimethylated DNA. would strongly affect marine life and the shifts in ocean circulation and primary
In addition, in cells expressing a MECP2 ocean’s biological pump that sequesters production in the Southern Ocean (see the
loss-of-function mutant, chromatin interac- substantial amounts of atmospheric car- photo and figure). In the modern-day ocean,
tions emanating from the hemimethylated bon dioxide in the ocean’s interior. Most stud- nutrient-rich water upwells from great
regions were significantly reduced. These ies, including the latest generation of Earth depths at around 60°S and is partitioned
findings are curious, because MBD proteins system models, project only moderate global into northward and southward flowing
were originally isolated by their biochemi- decreases in biological production until 2100 branches (the Antarctic divergence). South-
cal affinity for symmetrically methylated (1, 2), suggesting that these concerns are un- ern Ocean algae are strongly iron- and light-
DNA (11). Further studies are therefore re- warranted. But on page 1139 of this issue, limited (4) and therefore cannot consume
quired to elucidate how MBD proteins bind Moore et al. (3) show that this conclusion all nutrients before the water is submerged
hemimethylated CpGs in vivo. might be shortsighted and that there may be again. As a result, the northward flowing
Intriguingly, Xu and Corces also reveal much larger long-term changes in ocean pro- branch subducts with high nutrient concen-
that hemimethylation in the genome dy- ductivity than previously appreciated. trations at around 50°S, forming a nutrient-
namically changes during early develop- The authors show that past 2100, interac- rich layer beneath the nutrient-depleted
ment of the mammalian embryo. It will be tions between changes in primary produc- subtropical gyres. These nutrients fuel about
interesting to see if such marks regulate tion and ocean circulation may reorganize 75% of the low-latitude productivity, making
mammalian embryogenesis by modulat- the global nutrient distribution, redirect- the Southern Ocean the gatekeeper of much
ing expression of critical genes, by means ing nutrients from the upper ocean to the of the global ocean productivity (5). The
of long-range chromatin interactions medi- deep ocean. From there, it would take many southward-flowing branch further cools and
ated by CTCF-cohesin and MBD proteins. j centuries for the nutrients to resurface eventually forms the Antarctic bottom water,

and become available again to fuel growth. which does not come in contact with the up-
The consequences for marine life are grim; per ocean for centuries.
1. L. Zhao et al., Genome Res. 24, 1296 (2014).
2. J. Sharif et al., Cell Stem Cell 19, 81 (2016). Moore et al. predict decreases in global pri- Using a global Earth system model, Moore
3. C. Xu, V. G. Corces, Science 359, 1166 (2018). mary production of up to 24% until 2300, et al. show that in a high-emission scenario,
4. J. Sharif et al., Nature 450, 908 (2007). leading to a 20% decrease in potential fish- the Antarctic divergence moves southward
5. E. Li et al., Cell 69, 915 (1992).
6. M. Okano et al., Cell 99, 247 (1999). ery yields and a 41% decrease in export pro- after 2100, and growth conditions for algae
7. H. Takeshima et al., J. Biochem. 139, 503 (2006). improve substantially in the Southern Ocean
8. T. Baubec et al., Nature 520, 243 (2015). 1 because of warmer temperatures, improved
Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute,
9. X. Yang et al., Cancer Cell 26, 577 (2014).
10. J. E. Phillips-Cremins et al., Cell 153, 1281 (2013).
University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland. 2Oeschger light conditions resulting from sea-ice re-
Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, treat and higher stratification, and higher
11. R. R. Meehan et al., Cell 58, 499 (1989).
3012 Bern, Switzerland. 3Environmental Physics, Institute of
Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ETH Zurich, 8092 iron availability. The increased growth leads
10.1126/science.aat0789 Zurich, Switzerland. Email: to the consumption of a large part of the up-

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1103

Published by AAAS

Ocean circulation and primary productivity in the Southern Ocean ter is subducted again. But neither algae
Today, the Southern Ocean plays a key role in the transport of nutrients to lower latitudes. A model study shows growth nor Southern Ocean circulation are
that this may change as a result of climate change. Under a high-emission scenario, nutrients will be trapped in the well understood in the present ocean. It is
Southern Ocean, reducing nutrient export to low latitudes. Hatching indicates elevated nutrient concentrations. thus not surprising that the current genera-
tion of ocean models struggle to correctly
Present day represent these processes, especially upper
Westerly Strong lateral export Upward Organic level stratification (7, 8).
wind of inorganic nutrients transport/ matter Iron supply, crucial for Southern Ocean
Sea ice to low latitudes mixing export
nutrient trapping, is also highly uncertain.
Model parameterization of sedimentary iron
is based on only a few measurements, glacial
iron sources are often not included in cur-
rent Earth system models, and dust inputs
differ widely between models (9). Further-
more, phytoplankton community composi-
tion and their specific stoichiometries may
matter because they determine not only the
NO3 and PO4 magnitude but also the stoichiometric ratios
of the exported nutrients (10, 5). The interac-
tion between these incompletely understood
physical and biological processes could lead

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to rather different outcomes. This may be
part of the reason why another recent study
(11) found rather different results under a
Future (2300) scenario of high emissions until 2100 but
More with climate mitigation after that; in this
Southward shift available Reduced Reduced case, the authors found a rapid increase in
Reduced of westerly wind lateral export primary
light net primary productivity above present-day
sea ice to low latitudes production
levels beyond 2100.
Notwithstanding these uncertainties,
the mere possibility of a future Southern
Ocean nutrient–trapping scenario is highly
Nutrient Enhanced depletion concerning, warranting dedicated efforts
trapping organic matter Reduced to further our understanding of the unique
export organic
matter role of the Southern Ocean in the global
export climate system. Emerging opportunities—
such as the advent of biogeochemical mea-
NO3 and PO4
surements on profiling floats (12), coupled
with dedicated field and modeling stud-
ies—could help to provide answers. Such an
approach is even more needed when con-
ANTARCTICA sidering the potential cascade of changes
in a range of biogeochemical processes set
60°S 45°S Equator
Southern Ocean Low latitudes
in motion by the Southern Ocean nutrient
trapping, such as a large-scale depletion of
oxygen in the deep waters. Regardless of
welled nutrients. As a result, nutrients are no global gatekeeper has been recognized be- future findings from such studies, one con-
longer transported northward but instead fore (5, 6), although without realizing that sequence is already obvious. In the politi-
exported downward in the form of particu- this process could play such a critical role in cal debate, long-term consequences beyond
late organic matter. When this matter remin- a future warm ocean. But how robust are the 2100 urgently need to be considered. j
eralizes in the water column, the associated results? Moore et al. make a compelling ar-
nutrients are recycled into upwelling waters gument that Southern Ocean nutrient trap-
1. C. Laufkötter et al., Biogeosciences 12, 6955 (2015).
and thereby trapped in the Southern Ocean. ping is almost inevitable under strong global 2. L. Kwiatkowski et al., Nature Clim. Change 7, 355 (2017).
In this way, today’s northward export of warming. Current Earth system models 3. J. K. Moore et al., Science 359, 1139 (2018).
4. M. P. Gall, R. Strzepek, M. Maldonado, P. W. Boyd, Deep Sea
nutrients is transformed into an enclosed agree on a southward shift of the westerlies Res. Part II 48, 2571 (2001).
circuit. At the same time, southward flow despite considerable differences in their at- 5. J. L. Sarmiento et al., Nature 427, 56 (2004).
continues to transport nutrients to the mospheric models. Likewise, a retreat of sea 6. I. Marinov et al., Nature 441, 964 (2006).
7. C. Heuzé, K. J. Heywood, D. P. Stevens, J. K. Ridley,
deep ocean. The net effect is a slow trans- ice with global warming is likely, and many Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 1409 (2013).

fer of nutrients from the intermediate oce- models project increasing Southern Ocean 8. J.-B. Sallée et al., J. Geophys. Res. 118, 1845 (2013).
9. A. Tagliabue et al., Glob. Biogeochem. Cyc. 30, 149 (2016).
anic layers to the deep ocean, depriving production by 2100 (1). 10. M. A. Brzezinski et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 5-1 (2002).
the entire upper ocean north of 50°S of However, substantial uncertainties re- 11. J. G. John, C. A. Stock, J. P. Dunne, Geophys. Res. Lett. 42,
the nutrients that are critical to sustaining main. The magnitude of the trapping is 9836 (2015).
biological production. highly sensitive to how fast marine algae
The key role of the Southern Ocean as a can consume the nutrients before the wa- 10.1126/science.aat0795

1104 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Capturing dynamic protein interactions

A method based on heat denaturation reveals how proteins interact in different cells

By Xiao-Han Li, Pavithra L. Chavali, Tan et al. adapt CETSA to observe the postlysis loss or gain of interactions and min-
M. Madan Babu dynamic changes in the interactome. Their imizes false discovery rates. For instance, the
technique, called thermal proximity coaggre- authors demonstrate the existence of two dis-

rotein-protein interactions form the gation (TPCA), is based on the assumption tinct subcomplexes of the kinetochore pro-
molecular basis for organismal devel- that proteins that interact with each other tein NDC80, which were not observed in cell
opment and function (1, 2). In cells, tend to coaggregate during denaturation lysates. These results highlight the impor-
protein interactions are dynamic and and will exhibit similar solubility at a given tance of preserving the integrity of the cel-
subject to spatiotemporal regulations temperature; they will hence display similar lular environment to reveal basic functional
that are specific to the cell type and melting curves (TPCA signature; see the fig- states of protein complexes, which dynami-
cell cycle phase. Mutations that abolish or ure). TPCA can be performed on intact cells cally change under different conditions.
rewire protein-protein interaction networks without specific treatment, allowing pro- How can TPCA advance our understand-
(the interactome) are often detrimental and teome-wide detection of interactions. ing of the dynamic interactome? TPCA can
manifest in developmental anomalies and By obtaining melting curves for 7693 hu- be used to track the dynamics of protein

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diseases (3, 4). Recent advances in quan- man proteins and investigating 111,776 pub- complexes in different cell cycle phases and
titative proteomics offer snapshots of cell lished interactions between these proteins, cell states to discover new core protein sub-
type–specific proteomes, but scientific un- the authors show that, as hypothesized, in- complexes. By comparing differential TPCA
derstanding of how protein-protein interac- teracting protein pairs tend to have more signatures of K562 cells (human leukemia
tions vary between physiological and disease similar melting curves than noninteracting cell line) that were synchronized to the DNA
conditions is limited. On page 1170 of this proteins. The use of intact cells circumvents replication phase (S phase) of the cell cycle
issue, Tan et al. report a technique for in- to those of K562 cells that were not synchro-
ferring dynamics of protein interactions nized, the authors identified 18 protein com-
by characterizing protein thermal stability How to monitor protein plexes implicated in S phase; three of these
upon heat denaturation (5). had not been previously reported.
Thermal stability is a key molecular finger-
interactions TPCA can also be used to monitor inter-
Interacting proteins tend to show similar melting
print of a protein and can be represented by profiles when compared to noninteracting proteins. actome differences across different cell lines
the melting curve generated from its stepwise and tissues. For example, Tan et al. show that
heat denaturation (6). Interactions  between across six different cell lines, there was only
proteins and their ligands can influence pro- Thermal proximity coaggregation (TPCA) 70% overlap of TPCA signatures among the
tein conformation and, hence, thermal  sta- detected protein complexes, indicative of cell
bility. The magnitude of change in thermal type–specific interactions. Notably, protein
stability correlates with interaction affinity complex stoichiometry and composition vary
Soluble fraction

and can thus be used to quantify the interac- TPCA even in fundamental and abundant com-
tions between proteins and other molecules. region plexes, such as the eukaryotic initiation fac-
This principle forms the basis of the cellular complex tor 3 (eIF3) core complex. Furthermore, using
thermal shift assay (CETSA), in which cells these data, the authors generated a TPCA-
are treated with a compound of interest, the Noninteracting
weighted interaction network and elucidated
cell lysates are denatured by heating to differ- protein dynamic interactions in different pathways.
ent temperatures, aggregates are separated Temperature
Thus, use of TPCA signatures could contrib-
from the soluble fraction, and the proteins in ute to the discovery of cell-specific interac-
the soluble fraction are quantified (7, 8). The tions and signaling pathways that have been
shifts in melting curves of proteins in the sol- Applications rewired, thereby revealing new biology.
uble fraction upon adding a drug represent TPCA can be used to monitor protein-interaction Finally, TPCA signatures can be used to
dynamics in a range of diferent contexts.
the changes in thermal stability as a result of infer the stoichiometry and/or abundance
protein-drug interaction. Cell cycle, cell line, or Core and subcomplex of subunits in a complex in a tissue-specific
Coupling this technique with mass spec- tissue-specifc interactions identifcation manner. With the convenience of using in-
trometry enables high-throughput character- tact cells, the authors show that mouse liver

ization of the melting curves for thousands of cells could be used as a source for comparing
proteins (9, 10). In this way, protein-drug in- TPCA signatures.
teractions can be characterized on a systems Although interacting proteins tend to
level, revealing unknown targets stabilized by show similar melting curves, similarity in
particular drugs and providing insights into melting curves cannot be interpreted directly
drug efficacy in normal and diseased tissues. as protein interactions. However, it should
Universal Core be possible to develop algorithms that use
interactions complex TPCA signatures to predict protein-protein
Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK. Email: xli@ Context-specifc Other interactions in different tissues or cell lines.; interactions subcomplex It should also be possible to adapt TPCA to

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1105

Published by AAAS

discover proteins that interact with DNA and PROTEOMICS

RNA in different cellular contexts. This could
provide an integrated description of how
DNA-, RNA-, and protein-protein interac-
tions govern cell physiology.
Proteoforms as the next
In a recent study, Leuenberger et al. used
proteome-wide heat denaturation to mea- proteomics currency
sure protein stability from cell lysates using
a different method called limited proteoly- Identifying precise molecular forms of proteins can
sis–coupled mass spectrometry (11). They improve our understanding of function
found that half of the detected proteins that
were computationally predicted to lack stable
tertiary structures (that is, intrinsically dis- By Lloyd M. Smith1 and Neil L. Kelleher2 provides invaluable information on protein
ordered) exhibited a two-state denaturation expression in complex systems. However, as

profile, which is indicative of a stable struc- roteoforms—the different forms of many different gene products, isoforms, and
ture. This seeming contradiction may now be proteins produced from the genome proteoforms can contain the same peptide,
interpreted in light of Tan et al.’s findings. Be- with a variety of sequence variations, direct information about the proteoforms
cause intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) splice isoforms, and myriad posttrans- present is lost (see the figure, bottom). This
interact with other structural partners, this lational modifications (1)—are critical issue is the proteomic analog of the problem
may result in a melting curve similar to that elements in all biological systems (see of “phasing” in genomics (5)—determining
seen for structured proteins. the figure, left). Yang et al. (2) recently showed whether multiple alleles are present on the

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Because of their lack of stable tertiary that the functions of proteins produced from same segment of DNA. The step of diges-
structure and their promiscuous interac- splice variants from a given gene—different tion into peptides is essential to the success
tions, IDPs are referred to as the dark pro- proteoforms—can be as different as those for and robustness of the bottom-up strategy, as
teome (12, 13). Techniques such as TPCA proteins encoded by entirely different genes. well-behaved peptides are more amenable to
Li et al. (3) showed that splice variants play a liquid chromatographic separation and MS
central role in modulating complex traits. analysis than are intact proteins. However,
However, the standard paradigm of pro- only inferences can be made as to the actual
“TPCA [thermal proximity teomic analysis, the “bottom-up” strategy pi- proteoform or proteoforms from which the
coaggregation] can be oneered by Eng and Yates some 20 years ago identified peptide was derived (6).
(4), does not directly identify proteoforms. An alternative approach is “top-down”
performed on intact cells… We argue that proteomic analysis needs to proteomics, in which whole proteins are
allowing proteome-wide provide the identities and abundances of the analyzed directly using tandem MS meth-
proteoforms themselves, rather than just ods (see the figure, top left). Although great
detection of interactions.” their peptide surrogates. Developing new strides have recently been made in the top-
proteome-wide strategies to accomplish this down analysis of high-mass proteins (7) and
could provide much-needed insights into goal presents a formidable but not insur- complex proteomic samples (8), limitations
protein-protein interactions involving IDPs mountable technological challenge that will remain to be addressed in the degree of se-
in a cellular context, and on a proteome- benefit the biomedical community. quence coverage and the ability to analyze
wide scale. This would be especially useful The function of proteins can be strongly low-abundance species. A complementary
considering the role of IDPs in modulating modulated by posttranslational modifications approach reported the proteome-wide iden-
protein interaction networks. By offering the (PTMs) such as phosphorylation (consider tification of proteoforms in yeast, based
possibility to decipher and interpret the dy- kinase cascades), acetylation, methylation primarily upon a high-accuracy determina-
namic interactome, techniques such as TPCA (consider histones), and many more of the tion of their intact mass, aided by a corol-
may be the key to determining how cellular >400 known PTMs in biology. These sources lary measurement of the number of lysine
function emerges from dynamic changes in of variation combine to create a complex and residues in the molecule (9). Comparison of
protein interaction networks. j largely uncharted world of natural proteins. the measured masses and lysine counts with
Knowledge of the identities and quantities of a theoretical database of possible yeast pro-
these proteoforms present in dynamic biolog- teoforms yielded proteoform identifications.
1. E. L. Huttlin et al., Cell 162, 425 (2015).
2. T. Rolland et al., Cell 159, 1212 (2014). ical systems is indispensable to development Further comparisons of all experimental
3. N. Sahni et al., Cell 161, 647 (2015). of a complete picture of functional regulation masses with one another revealed related
4. X. Wang et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 30, 159 (2012).
5. C. S. H. Tan et al., Science 359, 1170 (2018). at the protein level. proteoforms differing by common PTMs,
6. K. Ghosh, K. Dill, Biophys. J. 99, 3996 (2010). Conventional proteomics digests protein yielding more identifications. These pair-
7. R. Jafari et al., Nat. Protoc. 9, 2100 (2014). mixtures into peptides, some of which are wise relations (experimental:theoretical and
8. D. Martinez Molina et al., Science 341, 84 (2013).
9. M. M. Savitski et al., Science 346, 1255784 (2014). identified by tandem mass spectrometry experimental:experimental) were assembled
10. K. V. Huber et al., Nat. Methods 12, 1055 (2015). (MS). Each identified peptide acts as a sur- into “families” of related proteoforms (see the
11. P. Leuenberger et al., Science 355, eaai7825 (2017).
12. A. Bhowmick et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 9730 (2016). rogate for the presence of the protein mol- figure, top center).
13. ecule from which it is derived. This strategy Such “proteoform families” offer a new
what-is-the-dark-proteome/ and more detailed way of viewing the pro-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS teome (see the figure, top right). To extend
We thank G. Slodkowicz and M. M. Solano for reading the manu- 1
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, the strategy to mammalian genomes, RNA
script and the Medical Research Council (MC_U105185859) and 1101 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706-1396, USA.
European Research Council (ERC-COG-2015-682414; IDR-Seq) 2
sequencing can be used to construct sample-
Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
for financial support. and Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, specific proteoform databases that capture
10.1126/science.aat0576 Evanston, IL 60208, USA. Email: the genetic variation and extent of splicing

1106 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
patterns in the sample (10, 11). Integrating in a deep study of histone H4 proteoforms by fundamental workings of biological systems
such proteogenomic data with synergistic Coon and co-workers, only 74 were identified (see the figure, top right). Proteoforms should
information obtained from bottom-up (for (14). This stands in striking contrast to the also help identify key diagnostic markers
PTM identification and localization), top- ~3 million possibilities that are theoretically and therapeutic targets and thereby provide
down (for protein identification and PTM possible from the combinatorial explosion of greater statistical power for deciphering hu-
localization), and intact mass measurements known site-specific modifications (14). This man disease phenotypes. j
(for proteoform identification) can pro- difference may simply indicate that many
vide the comprehensive analysis needed to or most proteoforms are not detectable with
1. L. M. Smith et al., Nat. Methods 10, 186 (2013).
broadly identify and quantify proteoforms in current technology, and that we are only 2. X. Yang et al., Cell 164, 805 (2016).
complex samples. able to see at present the few of those that 3. Y. I. Li et al., Science 352, 600 (2016).
The question of how many proteoforms are most abundant. Alternatively, nature may 4. J. K. Eng, A. L. McCormack, J. R. Yates, J. Am. Soc. Mass
Spectrom. 5, 976 (1994).
exist in nature quickly arises in this discus- only make and use a small subset of the pro- 5. S. R. Browning, B. L. Browning, Nat. Rev. Genet. 12, 703
sion (12). This question may prove impossi- teoforms that are theoretically possible, as (2011).
ble to answer fully, as errors in transcription deduced from the combinatorial possibili- 6. A. I. Nesvizhskii, R. Aebersold, Mol. Cell. Proteomics 4, 1419
and translation can produce numerous low- ties offered by considering all of the various 7. X. Han, M. Jin, K. Breuker, F. W. McLafferty, Science 314,
abundance proteoforms, perhaps as few possible PTM combinations. Understanding 109 (2006).
as only a single molecule per cell, or even which of these explanations is correct, or per- 8. J. C. Tran et al., Nature 480, 254 (2011).
9. M. R. Shortreed et al., J. Proteome Res. 15, 1213 (2016).
a single molecule in a large population of haps a blend of both, will require improved 10. X. Wang et al., J. Proteome Res. 11, 1009 (2012).
cells. We currently can only detect proteo- technologies that can reveal proteoforms at 11. V. C. Evans et al., Nat. Methods. 9, 1207 (2012).
forms present at concentrations above the ever lower abundance. 12. R. Aebersold et al., Nat. Chem. Biol. 14, 206 (2018).
13. Z.-F. Yuan, A. M. Arnaudo, B. A. Garcia, Annu. Rev. Analyt.
instrumental detection limits of existing Proteoform analyses will become increas-

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Chem. 7, 113 (2014).
mass spectrometers, although the advent of ingly straightforward as information is ac- 14. D. Phanstiel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 4093
single-molecule nanopore or other strategies crued and archived on the proteoforms that (2008).
for proteoform identification may change actually exist in nature and can be observed.
that landscape in the future. Establishing a comprehensive atlas of identi-
We thank J. Loo, J. Chamot-Rooke, L. Pasa-Tolic, Y. Ge, and
However, the number and variety of pro- fied proteoforms for human and other spe- Y. Tsybin for their comments and suggestions and D. Walt for
teoforms expressed in biological systems cies has begun, and over time this atlas will pointing out the potential effects of errors in transcription and
appear to be far below the calculated com- begin to yield transformative insights into translation. The Proteoform Atlas is supported by a grant from the
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (http://repository.topdown-
binatorial possibilities (12). Garcia and co- the levels and roles of proteoform complex-; Award 11715). We thank the National Institute
workers have pioneered MS methods for ity present in biological systems. As proteo- of General Medical Sciences for their support under grants
histone proteoform analysis, finding much forms are tightly linked to the functioning 1R01GM114292 (L.M.S.) and P41 GM108569 (N.L.K.). The authors
are members of the Consortium for Top Down Proteomics.
smaller numbers of histone proteoform vari- of cells and tissues that underlie complex
ants than the maximal number of combinato- phenotypes, their identification and quanti-
rial possibilities would suggest (13). Similarly, fication will provide critical insights into the 10.1126/science.aat1884

Identifying proteoforms within their families and protein networks

Proteoforms underlie complex traits and molecular mechanisms in biology. Top-down (whole protein) and bottom-up (peptide) proteomics methods are compared.

Proteoforms Top-down proteomics Proteoform Protein networks

The genome expresses Proteoform fragments map to primary sequence (ends of blue fags A protein is family
diferent forms of a protein. point to termini) and localize amino acid modiCcations and variants. redeCned (8 members) The family
as a set of maps to
H2N... V K C S E P M proteoforms. networks.
Proteoform 1
Tandem mass K K N C K G N ... CO2H
of proteoforms
creates H2N... V K C S E P M
fragment ions. T F T R I D N Y
Proteoform 2 V D D A F Y V E
K K N C K G N ... CO2H
Bottom-up Unique proteoforms serve as
inference problem diagnostic markers and may
It is not generally unveil therapeutic strategies.
A, Ala; C, Cys; D, Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe;
G, Gly; I, Ile; K, Lys; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; possible to identify
Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr; V, Val; Y, Tyr. the proteoform or
proteoforms from
which the peptides
Bottom-up proteomics Identifed peptides are derived.
Protein digestion produces N
peptides that are identiCed by S
tandem mass spectrometry,
Glycosylation of Asn (N) allowing inference of proteins N
Phosphorylation of Ser (S) present. Complex
Expressed exon (KQAQ in 1 S traits
versus FTRI in 2)

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1107

Published by AAAS
Agrawal’s structural engineering expertise is on
display in her work on the iconic spire of The Shard.

cians, engineers and workers, her opinions

heeded and instructions followed, was in it-
self proof of her exceptional skills, in an age
when a woman’s presence on a construction
site was unheard of,” writes Agrawal.
With the force of her connection to Roe-
bling, one wonders why Agrawal did not hold
up a few more examples of women’s contribu-
tions to structural engineering. Women are
not so rare in the field: Elmina Wilson and
the Met Life Tower, Aine Brazil and the Hud-
son Yards development, Julia Morgan and
Hearst Castle, and Hi Sun Choi and We’ve the
Zenith in South Korea, to name a few.
B O OKS et al . Agrawal makes passing reference to
workplace gender discrimination: “It’s hard
to keep a straight face and conduct profes-
ENGINEERING sional conversations about finite element

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

modelling or soil strength profiles when

Behind the scenes I’m in a site office surrounded by pictures

of naked women.” Stark in their normalcy
and minimized as anomalies, her vignettes
of the built environment nonetheless may elicit a #metoo from many
readers, as they serve to remind us how far
we have yet to go.
An approachable introduction to structural engineering Agrawal is almost absolute in her tech-
entertains and inspires nological optimism: “The possibilities are
limited only by our imaginations—for what-
ever we can dream up, engineers can make
By Donna Riley new builds like The Shard in London with real.” She lauds Singapore’s desalination ef-
challenging restorative projects in urban fort as evidence that “engineering can solve

oma Agrawal’s Built is a full-throated underground infrastructure and tried-and- critical, real-world problems,” recognizing
celebration of structural engineering, true designs such as the Middle Eastern that “engineers and scientists across the
interspersed with clearly explained, water transport system known as the qanat. planet will have to confront the escalating
hand-illustrated lessons on engineer- There is something here for seasoned engi- challenges of locating this precious liquid,
ing fundamentals, including statics, neers and novices alike; classic narratives creating new pathways to channel it, and
fluids, and strength of ma- of the Brooklyn Bridge and the enhancing the science to purify it.”
terials. She is passionate about Hancock Tower are interspersed As Cape Town counts down to Day Zero in
her profession, and with carefully with more obscure examples, in- April, when running water will cease for some
curated and beautifully narrated cluding a lovely description of 4 million people, engineers and governments
historical and contemporary ex- spider silk as bridge material. need to do a much better job understanding
amples, she reveals the nuts and The book is organized into access to clean water as a sociotechnical sys-
bolts of engineering ingenuity. chapters with one-word titles tem. Whiz-bang technical feats alone cannot
Seamlessly weaving together the such as “Force,” “Clay,” and “Fire”; solve our water crises. This points to perhaps
technical and the social, Agrawal each is a stand-alone piece that the biggest shortcoming of the book: a miss-
quietly illustrates the value of en- can engage a busy professional or ing discussion of how public policy interfaces
The Hidden Stories
gineering skills related to cultural accompany engineering course with large engineering projects and the pro-
Behind Our Structures
context, aesthetics, user experi- Roma Agrawal material without overburdening cesses by which such projects are planned,
ence, communication, teaming, Bloomsbury, 2018. students. In-text citations would funded, administered, and maintained.
sustainability, safety, leadership, 308 pp. have been preferable to a source In all, Built is a welcome addition to the
and ethics. In doing so, she makes list in order to readily locate fur- library of accessible reads on engineering.
it clear that this is just what engineers do, ther reading or to trace back historical ac- It is globally inclusive, provides personal
part and parcel of professional practice. counts constructed from primary sources. insight into the life and achievements of

Agrawal uses her deep global knowledge In her touching tribute to Emily Roe- a broadly accomplished female structural
of engineering contributions to create a bling, who oversaw the completion of the engineer, and teaches key engineering con-
geographically inclusive celebration of engi- Brooklyn Bridge in the late 19th century, cepts in an approachable and engaging way.
neering feats. The book balances innovative one feels deeply the importance of this role It does all this while making visible and pal-
model. In the field of structural engineering, pable the passion and care engineers bring
women remain grossly underrepresented. in shaping our built environment. j
The reviewer is the Kamyar Haghighi Head of the School
of Engineering Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, “That she, as a woman, could traverse every
IN 47907, USA. Email: social circle, and was welcomed by politi- 10.1126/science.aas8717

1108 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

HISTORY OF SCIENCE The Square and the Tower

Networks and Power,

Who holds the power? from the Freemasons

to Facebook
Niall Ferguson
Penguin Press, 2018.
A careful history examines pivotal moments 607 pp.
and the networks that made them possible
By Sean P. Cornelius The study of networks can be traced to tool, but also one mandated by his thesis;
the work of 18th-century mathematician if history is indeed a tale of networks, then

hat was the cause of Donald Leonhard Euler. It was Euler who used the it cannot be fully understood through a
Trump’s stunning victory over mathematical language of graphs to solve a blinkered preoccupation with princes, pres-
Hillary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. puzzle that vexed the citizens of Königsberg: idents, and prime ministers. In this fashion,
presidential election? Was it the whether it was possible to walk through the we learn about Stalin’s ruthless subjugation
peculiarities of the electoral col- town crossing each of its seven bridges ex- of social networks from the vantage point of
lege? Voter resistance to three- actly once. (No.) the ill-fated poet Anna Akhmatova.
term rule by a single party? Anxiety about In the intervening centuries, the work of Among this cast, we also find familiar
illegal immigration? many scholars augmented our understand- faces from Ferguson’s other books, includ-
As Niall Ferguson explains in The Square ing of the interconnected world, notably the ing Henry Kissinger and the dynastic Roths-
and the Tower, the answer lies largely in one social scientists Stanley Milgram and Mark childs. Although hardly obscure, and indeed

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

word: networks. Specifically, without the Granovetter and the renowned mathemati- near the apex of power, these actors arrived
cyber infrastructure that facilitated Russian cian Paul Erdoʺs. Yet it was only in the late and thrived at these lofty heights by virtue
interference, the “alt-right” networks that 1990s that network science emerged as a for- of their favorable positions in the relevant
churned out memes and “fake news,” and mal, interdisciplinary field in its own right. social, political, and economic networks.
the social media that gave them At times, the book strains to
wing, history may have turned unite too much under its the-
out very differently. sis, abetted by the fact that if
Ferguson, a historian who has you squint hard enough, almost
held posts at Harvard and Stan- anything can be a hierarchy (or
ford, argues that historiography network). For example, should hi-
has traditionally been a top-heavy erarchy and its putative apotheo-
enterprise that focuses on hierar- sis—the modern “administrative
chies—the states, armies, and cor- state” (Ferguson’s pejorative)—re-
porations that stand astride the ally be scapegoated for its failure
world like colossi—while minimiz- to anticipate the global financial
ing less overt or well-documented crisis? One could equally well
power structures like the Freema- place the blame on networks and
sons and the salons of the Enlight- their Achilles’ Heel—vulnerability
enment. The Square and the Tower to cascading failure. This quibble
is Ferguson’s attempt to right this aside, Ferguson’s overall thesis is
imbalance, taking a fresh look at too compelling to dismiss.
some of history’s most pivotal mo- The Square and the Tower offers
ments through the lens of networks. A crowd celebrates the release of Bekele Gerba on 14 February 2018. an enthralling “reboot” of history
The book’s enigmatic title evokes from a novel perspective, span-
the heart of the archetypical medieval The Square and the Tower sets the stage ning antiquity to the present day. Ferguson,
town—the high tower of the state looming by summarizing some of the most impor- at once insightful and droll, builds his case
over the noisy public square below. It’s an tant discoveries of network science in the meticulously. And, like the best historians,
apt metaphor for Ferguson’s central point: past two decades. You may already be fa- he always pauses to learn from the past and
Networks have always been with us, and miliar with the idea that you are, at most, anticipate the future. If only for this reason,
their interaction with hierarchies has cata- six friendships away from any other per- the book is well worth a read.
lyzed some of the most momentous events son on the planet, as immortalized in the After all, we live in a time when networks
in history. game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Did you appear ascendant. Smartphone usage has
Effective networks can topple hierar- also know that your next job opportunity penetrated deep into the developing world,
chies, as shown in Luther’s Reformation will likely come from a cocktail party ac- Twitter has galvanized revolutions in Tuni-

against the Catholic church. But under the quaintance instead of a close friend (the sia and Egypt, and cryptocurrency has (at
right circumstances, the tower can cast its “strength of weak ties”)? These are network times) rivaled Fortune 500 companies in
shadow over the square anew. Look no fur- leitmotifs with profound historical conse- market capitalization. Surely this all signi-
ther than the age of empire and colonialism quences, explaining among other things fies the dawn of a new era, the inexorable,
that lasted from Napoleon’s defeat to the Paul Revere’s singular success in rallying final triumph of networks over the ossified
First World War. revolution and the intercontinental reach hierarchies of the past? If history is any
of the Black Death. guide, don’t count on it. j
The reviewer is at the Network Science Institute, Northeastern Ferguson weaves his narrative largely in
University, Boston, MA 02115, USA. Email: microcosm. This is an effective narrative 10.1126/science.aar8692

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1109

Published by AAAS

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Snow leopards have been
downgraded from endangered to
vulnerable, but some data suggest
that the change was premature.

Edited by Jennifer Sills IUCN assessments use estimates of risks (11) should be rejected in favor of
mature individuals: If there are fewer rigorous field-based scientific evidence.
The snow leopard’s than 2500, the species is considered
“endangered”; if there are more than
S. B. Ale1* and C. Mishra2
Department of Biological Sciences, University of

questionable comeback 2500, the species is deemed “vulner-

able.” This figure depends on population
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA. 2Snow
Leopard Trust and Nature Conservation Foundation,
Mysore, 570002, India.
Elusive snow leopards were recently pro- size and the age at which animals first *Corresponding author. Email:
nounced abundant enough to be removed reproduce. Larger population and lower
from the IUCN’s endangered species list, reproductive age yield higher numbers.
1. T. McCarthy, D. Mallon, R. Jackson, P. Zahler, K. McCarthy,
after 45 years, and categorized as vulner- Radio telemetry studies in the wild “Panthera uncia” (The IUCN Red List of Threatened
able (1). Amid gloomy reports of habitat showed no leopard reproduction at age 2 Species, 2017).
loss and poaching [over 450 cats killed (6), and snow leopards in zoos reproduce 2. K. Nowell, J. Li, M. Paltsyn, R. K. Sharma, “An Ounce of
Prevention: Snow Leopard Crime Revisited” (TRAFFIC, UK,
annually since 2008 (2)], the news should just under 5 years old (7). Records show 2016).
be welcome. Instead, it split scientists, just 3 of 344 captive leopards bred at 2 3. Global Snow Leopard & Ecosystem Protection Program,
and all 12 range-country governments years old (8). Yet, the IUCN assessment “Statement of Concern Regarding the Status of the Snow
Leopard on the IUCN Red List” (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic,
rejected the decision (3). (1) used ages 2 to 3 as the age of maturity, 2017)
New estimates placed snow leopards and presumed that 25% of 2-year-olds 4. T. McCarthy, D. Mallon, E. W. Sanderson, P. Zahler, K. Fisher,
at 4678 to 8745 in 44% of their range (4), would breed. This classification inflated Snow Leopards (Elsevier, New York, 2016), pp. 23–42.
5. Snow Leopard Network, “Snow Leopard Survival Strategy:
implying a much higher figure than previ- the number of “mature” individuals above Revised 2014 Version” (Snow Leopard Network, Seattle,
ous estimates. However, the new, higher the 2500 threshold (1). WA, 2014).
figures come from small study areas, Recent surveys also contradict the 6. Ö. Johansson, J. Malmsten, C. Mishra, P. Lkhagvajav, T.
McCarthy, J. Wildl. Dis. 49, 338 (2013).
located in the best habitats, and those IUCN’s findings. Bhutan camera-trap
7. C. Lynch, J. Tetzloff, L. Tupa, “Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia)
unrepresentative numbers have been studies revealed fewer leopards (96) AZA Species Survival Plan® Yellow Program: Population
extrapolated to a vast range half the size nationwide than earlier estimates (100 to Analysis and Breeding & Transfer Plan” (AZA Population
of Europe (5). For 63 of 69 study samples, 200) (9). Surveys from Pakistan were even Management Center, Chicago, 2015).
8. L. Blomqvist, International Pedigree Book for Snow
opinions and sign surveys yielded new more dire: Only 23 leopards were found leopards, Vol 9 (Helsinki Zoo, 2008).
numbers, whereas studies using scien- in the country’s best habitats, compared 9. DoFPS,“National Snow Leopard Survey of Bhutan 2014
tifically valid techniques such as camera to 300 to 420 a decade ago (10). Snow – 2016 (Phase II): Camera Trap Survey for Population

Estimation” (Department of Forests and Park Services,

traps and genetics barely covered 2% of leopards might have decreased rather Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan, 2016).
the range (5). When the new estimate than increased. 10. M. N. Ali, S. Hameed, “Research Update 2008-2014 Snow
received scrutiny, another estimate (7463 Downlisting affects protection. Snow leopard program: Report prepared for Snow Leopard Red
List Assessment Team” (Pakistan, 2015).
to 7980 range-wide), based on similarly leopard assessment deserves a precaution- 11. D. P. Mallon, R. M. Jackson, Oryx 51, 605 (2017).
questionable methods, was submitted in ary approach. Desk-based announcements
justification of downlisting (1). and celebrations of reduced extinction 10.1126/science.aas9893

1110 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Nigeria’s new GDP 2. World Bank, “Lower middle income” (
These assertions ignore evidence of brood-
ing reptilian parents in a wide variety of
3. N. Keteku, “Nigeria: How will the economic downturn
means scientists suffer affect outbound student mobility?” World Education
News and Reviews (2017);
extant lineages of lizards and snakes in
which mothers coil around or completely
In 2014, Nigeria’s government rebased nigeria-why-the-recent-recession-hasnt-dampened- cover their ectohydric eggs, using their
Nigeria’s gross domestic product (GDP), outbound-student-mobility. own bodies as nests or partial nests (1, 2).
4. Hindawi, “Waiver Policy”
adjusting the number from US$270 billion Some relevant examples include vari-
to US$510 billion to account for emerg- 5. E. W. Lempinen, “A new list of TWAS target ous species of pythonid snakes—obligate
ing industries such as telecommunication countries” (2017); brooders that coil around their unburied
and entertainment that were not captured new-list-twas-target-countries. developing eggs, providing either mater-
in previous calculations (1). The new nal thermogenic heat, protection from
GDP propels Nigeria over South Africa as ambient hydric extremes, or a combina-
Africa’s biggest economy (1) and makes tion of both brooding functions (2–5).
the country the 26th biggest economy in
the world (1). In response to the adjusted
Possible brooding of Although the discoveries of Wang et al.
and others (6) provide some suggestive
GDP, the World Bank recategorized
Nigeria as a lower middle-income country
pterosaur parents evidence of posthatching care of neona-
tal pterosaurs, the conditions of these
(2), even though 62% of the population In his Perspective “How pterosaurs bred” fossilized nests do not allow determina-
live in poverty (3). Changing the GDP to (1 December 2017, p. 1124), D. C. Deeming tion of the presence of brooding parents
a more accurate number is a step in the discussed the remarkable fossils of eggs covering or partially covering their eggs.
and developing embryos of the pterosaur If pterosaur parents had the ability to use

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

right direction and seemed like an avenue
for new opportunities for politicians and reptile Hamipterus tianshanensis, discov- a body posture or nest construction that
economists. However, the decision has ered by X. Wang et al. (“Egg accumulation prevented them from crushing their eggs
unintended consequences, especially for with 3D embryos provides insight into with their own weight, they conceivably
Nigerian scientists. the life history of a pterosaur,” Report, 1 could have adjusted brooding postures
Because of Nigeria’s reclassification December 2017, p. 1197). Deeming asserts to regulate the amount of water lost or
as a middle-income country, Nigerian that the thin and flexible-shelled gained by the embryo. More speculatively,
scientists will no longer benefit from (“parchment-shelled”) ectohydric eggs of if brooding pterosaurs were endothermic
a variety of aid previously available to lizards (and presumably other (warm-blooded), a physiology supported
them. Nigeria has been removed from the by equivocal fossil evidence (7), they
list of countries eligible for fee waivers could have regulated the incubation
from publishing houses such as Hindawi temperatures of their developing embryos,
and BioMed Central (4), which will affect further controlling growth, mortality,
the output of scientific papers. Young and perhaps hatchling sex ratios. A more
Nigerian scientists who look to interna- accurate understanding of the nesting
tional not-for-profit organizations for behaviors of pterosaurs awaits further
grants and fellowships will find that discoveries of more complete fossil nests
Nigeria’s new status means that they are under conditions that allow more detailed
no longer eligible for such awards from interpretation of the positions of eggs and
organizations such as Organization for attending parents. Current fossil evidence
Women in Science for the Developing based on eggshell morphology does not
World (OWSD) and The World Academy exclude the possibility that pterosaur
of Science (TWAS) (5). parents brooded their eggs.
The Nigerian government must provide Louis A. Somma
funding for its scientists to make up for Division of Herpetology, Florida Museum of Natural
History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611,
the benefits they are losing and support
USA. Email:
them going forward. The government
should also engage scientists and other REFERENCES
stakeholders in the decision-making 1. R. Shine, in Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 16: Ecology B:
process before enacting new policies. By Defense and Life History, C. Gans, R. B. Huey, Eds.
Nesting behaviors of pterosaur parents may have (Alan R. Liss, 1988 [1987]), pp. 275–329.
providing Nigerians the opportunity to 2. L. A. Somma, Parental Behavior in Lepidosaurian and
convey concerns and propose solutions, included brooding their eggs.
Testudinian Reptiles: A Literature Survey (Krieger
the government can address the full cost Publishing Co., 2003).
of policy decisions and mitigate unin- reptiles with similar eggshell morpholo- 3. O. Lourdais, T. C. M. Hoffman, D. F. DeNardo, J. Comp.
gies) must be buried and covered in a Physiol. B 177, 569 (2007).
tended consequences.
4. Z. R. Stahlschmidt, D. F. DeNardo, J. Exp. Biol. 213,
Wasiu Gbolahan Balogun* and
moist substrate to prevent desiccation and
1691 (2010).
Azman Seeni
embryonic death. Moreover, he suggests 5. Z. R. Stahlschmidt, D. F. DeNardo, in Reproductive Biology
that all such developing embryos must

Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti and Phylogeny. Vol. 9: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny
Sains Malaysia, 13200, Bertam, Penang, Malaysia. rely on ambient environmental sources, of Snakes, R. D. Aldridge, D. M. Sever, Eds. (Science
*Corresponding author. Publishers, Inc., 2011), pp. 673–702.
presumably the nest material, for heat. He
Email: 6. L. M. Chiappe, L. Codorniú, G. Grellet-Tinner, D. Rivarola,
concludes that these constraints preclude Nature 432, 571 (2004).
REFERENCES contact of the clutch with incubating 7. A. Clarke, H.-O. Pörtner, Biol. Rev. 85, 703 (2010).
1. O. N. Awojobi, J. Ayakpat, O. D. Adisa, Int. J. Educ. Res. 2, pterosaur parents because their eggs
301 (2014). share this flexible-shelled morphology. 10.1126/science.aas9153

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1111

Published by AAAS
T lymphocyte cells (pink) attach to a prostate cancer
cell in this electron micrograph.

Notch receptor, we found that both the ex-

tracellular ligand-binding domain and the
intracellular domain of Notch can be readily
exchanged, such that synthetic versions of
the receptor can be built with a user-defined
ligand-binding module (e.g., a single-chain
variable fragment or nanobody to a tissue-
PRIZE ES SAY or disease-related antigen) and an orthogo-
nal intracellular transcriptional regulator (to
control a custom genetic program) (1).
REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Synthetic Notch (synNotch) receptors
have proven to be a versatile platform for cel-

Refining cell therapy lular environmental sensing coupled to pre-

cise gene regulation. The cellular machinery
required for Notch activation is ubiquitously
Synthetic Notch receptors expand the therapeutic expressed, meaning that we can engineer
a spectrum of cell types with therapeutic
potential of engineered T cells

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

synNotch receptor circuits. For example,
a stem cell could be engineered with a
By Kole T. Roybal inflammation has led to severe adverse ef- synNotch receptor circuit that senses dam-
fects in some patients. Treatment of solid aged tissue and coordinates tissue repair by

e are in the midst of a major shift tumors with T cell therapies has been largely locally secreting growth factors.
in how we think about treating ineffective due to problems with infiltration
disease and the regeneration of and immunosuppressive tumor microenvi- A LA CARTE CELL THERAPY
damaged tissues. Although small- ronments. With these common pitfalls of T Many of the therapeutics that aid in cancer
molecule and protein therapeu- cell therapies in mind, I sought to develop a clearance are genetically encodable (e.g., cy-
tics are the dominant forms of new class of synthetic receptors that would tokines, antibodies, and toxins) and could
treatment today, we are now at the point allow cells to initiate more customized, con- benefit from more targeted delivery because
where we can engineer our own body’s cells trolled, and localized therapeutic activity. they are ineffective or toxic when adminis-
to detect and treat disease. Using the cut- Although CARs can retarget T cells to tu- tered systemically. We have established that
ting-edge tools of synthetic biology, we may mors, in doing so, they elicit the full T cell re- synNotch receptor circuits in T cells can drive
one day be able to build smart therapeutic sponse that includes elements that are both a la carte secretion of cytokines, biased T cell
cells that reside in the body for life, poised differentiation, and local delivery of non-na-
to respond to diseases that would otherwise tive therapeutic payloads, such as antibodies,
thwart our natural immune system. in response to tumor antigens (2).
My colleagues and I envision cell thera- SynNotch receptors are also able to im-
pies that act as microscopic “physicians,” prove the specificity of engineered T cells
capable of detecting, diagnosing, and di- for tumors when they are combined with
rectly eradicating disease via a multifaceted CARs (3). T cells engineered with synNotch
mechanism that is difficult to resist and cir- therapeutic and toxic. To develop a new class receptors and CARs require a combination
cumvent. This therapeutic vision contrasts of receptors for more precise control over of antigens to activate instead of a single
with more traditional drug therapies, which cellular behavior, I teamed up with a fellow tumor antigen. These dual-antigen-targeted
often require chronic administration and postdoctoral researcher, Leonardo Morsut, synNotch/CAR T cells initially only express
generally target individual disease mecha- and looked to the Notch receptor, a classic re- the synNotch receptor targeted to a primary
nisms that are easily bypassed, resulting in ceptor involved in development and a myriad tumor antigen. Upon recognition of that an-
disease recurrence. of other biological processes. tigen, the receptor drives the expression of
a CAR to a second tumor antigen. The con-
The promise of engineered cell therapy is The Notch receptor is mechanistically direct, synNotch receptor effectively confines T cell
beginning to be realized with the remarkable in that ligand binding leads to proteolytic activity to the tumor.

success of T cell therapies for cancer. T cells cleavage of the cytoplasmic domain, which is Given that single, highly specific tumor
engineered to express chimeric antigen re- then transported into the nucleus, where it antigens are rare, combinatorial antigen
ceptors (CARs)—synthetic receptors consist- acts as a transcriptional regulator. Notch re- sensing by cells is a powerful approach to
ing of a tumor-specific extracellular antibody ceptors do not initiate the activation of com- enhance the discrimination of tumors from
fragment fused to the signaling chain from plex kinase cascades like most other receptor off-target tissue. We have recently identified
the native T cell receptor—can target and families. Thus, we reasoned that Notch could clinically relevant combinatorial tumor anti-
eliminate difficult-to-treat B cell malignan- be a perfect platform on which to build gen signatures and have built synNotch/CAR
cies that have few therapeutic alternatives. custom environmental sensors that detect
While exciting, these therapies suffer from disease- or tissue-specific cues and initiate a
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of
some challenges. The inability to control CAR more streamlined custom therapy. California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA.
T cells, off-target tissue damage, and uecked By engineering chimeric versions of the Email:

1112 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Kole Roybal
Kole Roybal is an assistant professor in the Department of Microbiology and
Immunology at the University of California, San Francisco, a member of the
Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, and a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
Investigator. His laboratory harnesses the tools of synthetic and chemical
biology to engineer the immune cell therapies for cancer and autoimmunity
of the future. He received his doctorate from the University of Texas South-
western Medical Center at Dallas. There he studied the fundamental cellular and biochemical
mechanisms required for immune cell activation and clearance of infections. While a Jane Coffin
Childs Postdoctoral Fellow in Wendell Lim’s laboratory at UCSF, he developed a new class of syn-
thetic receptors, which provide unprecedented customization of therapeutic cells for treatment
of a broad range of diseases.

Shruti Naik
Shruti Naik received her B.S. in cell and molecular biology from the Uni-
versity of Maryland and her Ph.D. in immunology from the University of
Pennsylvania–National Institutes of Health Graduate Partnership Program.
During her graduate training, she discovered that normal bacteria living

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

on our skin educate the immune system and help protect us from harmful
pathogens, opening the door for microbiota-based therapies in the skin.
She is currently at Rockefeller University, where she is studying the interactions between im-
mune cells and stem cells in an effort to develop stem cell–based therapies for inflammatory
disorders. She is also a strong advocate for women in science.

Fotios Sampaziotis
Fotios Sampaziotis graduated from the University of Athens in Greece with
a degree in medicine. He obtained a Ph.D. in stem cell biology from the Uni-
versity of Cambridge. During his doctoral research, he pioneered the use
of bile duct organoids to model diseases of the biliary system, test multiple
drugs, and identify new therapeutic agents. Currently, Fotios continues his

research at the interface between basic science and clinical medicine as a

clinical lecturer in hepatology at the University of Cambridge with clinical commitments in Ad-
denbrooke’s Hospital. His scientific work focuses on combining organoids, bioengineering, and
animal studies to regenerate damaged bile ducts in the liver as an alternative therapy to liver

Will McLean
As an undergraduate, Will McLean studied biology at Tufts University before
going on to attain a Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
within the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology. While
at MIT, his doctoral research elucidated the distinct progenitor cell types
that exist within the inner ear and their capacity to form sensory cells and
neural cell types. As a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School,
he investigated manipulation of signaling pathways to enable otherwise senescent progeni-
tor cells of the cochlea to divide and form new sensory cells. He is currently vice president of
biology and regenerative medicine at Frequency Therapeutics. Frequency is currently using
McLean’s insights to develop a drug to treat hearing loss by regenerating lost sensory cells.

circuits capable of recognizing them, with the improve the efficacy of T cell therapies for
hope of rapidly moving this new cell ther- solid tumors. We also hope to go beyond the
apy to the clinic. treatment of cancer and develop synNotch
SynNotch receptors provide unprec- engineered T cells that can detect and sup-
edented control and customization of cell press autoinflammatory disease.
activity and have far-reaching implications
for cancer, autoimmunity, and regenera-
1. L. Morsut et al., Cell 164, 780 (2016).
tive medicine. In the future, we hope to use 2. K. T. Roybal et al., Cell 167, 419 (2016).
synNotch T cells to remodel immunosup- 3. K. T. Roybal et al., Cell 164, 770 (2016).
pressive tumor microenvironments and 10.1126/science.aat0962


Published by AAAS


The healing power of
Shruti Naik
Shruti Naik re-
ceived her B.S. in
painful memories
cell and molecu- Epidermal stem cells “remember” inflammation,
lar biology from
the University
accelerating subsequent wound repair
of Maryland and
her Ph.D. in immunology from the
By Shruti Naik and increased cell death, but nevertheless
University of Pennsylvania–National
returned to baseline upon resolution.
Institutes of Health Graduate Partner-

ship Program. During her graduate
ur body’s epithelia are barriers that
training, she discovered that normal interface with the terrestrial envi- INFLAMMATION-EXPERIENCED
bacteria living on our skin educate ronment and routinely experience SKIN HEALS FASTER
the immune system and help protect inflammation. Although a vast Tissue repair is a cardinal function of
us from harmful pathogens, open- majority of these inflammatory re- stem cells (6). Therefore, we sought to
ing the door for microbiota-based actions resolve, they imprint the tis- determine how a previous immune re-

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

therapies in the skin. She is currently sue with a memory. Cells of the immune sponse would alter stem cells’ ability to
at Rockefeller University, where she system are traditionally thought to be the cope with a secondary challenge and sub-
is studying the interactions between bearers of this memory, allowing them to jected post-inflamed skin to wounds.
immune cells and stem cells in an react faster to subsequent inflammatory
effort to develop stem cell–based pressures (1, 2). Yet, barrier tissues are
therapies for inflammatory disorders. composites of epithelial, mesenchymal,
She is also a strong advocate for nervous, vascular, and immunological net-
women in science. www.sciencemag. works working in unison to sustain opti-
org/content/359/6380/1113.1 mal function in health and disease. The
question of whether tissue-resident cells,
distinct from the immune system, are en- Remarkably, wounds in post-inflamed epi-
trained in response to a perturbation re- dermis healed 2.5 times as fast as wounds in
mains to be addressed. naïve controls (7). Accelerated wound repair
was also observed 180 days after the initial
TRACKING TISSUE STEM CELLS challenge and in response to a variety of
IN INFLAMMATION acute stimuli, including a primary wound,
Somatic stem cells are responsible for main- a fungal infection, a model of atopic derma-
taining tissues throughout an organism’s titis, and another model of hyperplasia, all
lifetime (3). Thus, I teamed up with a group of which underscore the generality of our
of tissue stem cell and chromatin biologists findings and the long-lasting duration of the
to understand the enduring consequences of effect. Although EpSC proliferation was com-
inflammation on stem cells of the epidermis. parable between control and post-inflamed
Throughout the course of our research, we wounds, inflammation-experienced EpSCs
discovered that stem cells have a remarkable exhibited a significant increase in their mi-
capacity to “remember” inflammation, which gratory capacity.
ultimately and consequently enhances their We next sought to determine the upstream
regenerative potential. regulators of the observed enhancement. To
To induce an acute response, we em- this end, we excluded a role for circulating
ployed a well-defined and self-resolving factors in controlling wound repair post-
model of inflammation by applying a TLR7 inflammation, because wounds distal to the
agonist, imiquimod (IMQ), to mouse skin initial inflammatory site did not exhibit any
(4). Inducible-marker–based fate mapping boost in healing. Additionally, we established
(5) of skin epithelial stem cells and differ- that enhanced wound repair after inflamma-
entiated progeny revealed that basal skin tion occurred independently of skin-resident
epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) not only ex- macrophages and lingering Rorc+ immune
panded during inflammation but also per- cells. These results directed our focus to the
sisted for more than 180 days. At the peak possibility of a sustained change within the

of the response, EpSCs expressed all the EpSC compartment that may occur as a re-
hallmarks of IMQ inflammation, includ- sult of inflammation.
ing hyperproliferation, activated STAT3,
Laboratory of Mammalian Cell Biology and Development, The
Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA. Sustained epigenetic changes in innate im-
Email: mune cells were recently shown to alter

1113-A 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
their responsiveness to subsequent stimuli INFLAMMATION-TRAINED STEM CELLS aptation are always beneficial or if they may
(1). To determine whether EpSCs similarly EXPRESS TISSUE DAMAGE SENSORS exert detrimental effects such as recurrent
encoded a memory of previous inflamma- If these accessible chromatin elements were inflammatory disease, tumor formation, or
tion, we evaluated alterations in chromatin in fact conferring memory, we would ex- premature aging.
accessibility of epidermal stem cells during pect that a secondary insult would result in Intriguingly, impaired wound responses
and after inflammation. augmented transcription of their associated in aging are associated with dysregulated
Although the initial inflammatory re- genes. Strikingly, transcriptional profiles of skin immunity (10). Accumulating epigene-
sponse resulted in dramatic alterations inflammation-experienced EpSCs shortly tic alterations (11) resulting from recurrent
to chromatin accessibility within EpSCs after secondary wounding revealed that 140 stressors could contribute to the dimin-
(>40,000 regions), a vast majority of in- genes were rapidly up-regulated. More than ished regenerative capacity of aged stem
flammation-induced accessible regions 50% of these genes were associated with cells. Thus, understanding how memory is
reverted upon restoration of homeostasis sustained open chromatin domains post- established within an EpSC—whether it is
(7). Remarkably, however, a small subset inflammation (7). passed on to differentiating progeny and
of open chromatin domains were retained Enriched among the transcriptional whether it can be reversed—will be impor-
(9561 peaks), ~2000 of which had been ac- changes was the inflammasome signaling tant for fine-tuning the remarkable ability
quired during the primary response. Genes pathway, including the double-stranded of stem cells to regenerate tissues.
associated with these acquired peaks were DNA sensor, Absence in Melanoma 2 Our work indicates that inflammatory
enriched for apoptosis signaling, interleu- (AIM2), which is known to detect tissue reprogramming can have a lasting im-
kin signaling, the oxidative stress response, damage (9). Remarkably, Aim2-deficient pact on the tissue’s healing capacity. Un-
Ras, and PI3 kinase pathways. stem cells lost the wound repair advantage derstanding the factors that rewire stem

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Intriguingly, transcription factor MO- endowed by inflammation, and elevating cells to remember inflammation may
TIF analysis revealed that inflammation- Aim2 expression in EpSCs was sufficient ultimately enable the development of
instilled chromatin domains were enriched to recapitulate the phenotype (7). Further therapies aimed at honing the stem cells’
for EpSC homeostatic transcription factors probing revealed that a downstream ef- regenerative potential.
such as p63, KLF5, and AP-1, as well as in- fector of the AIM2 inflammasome, IL-1β,
flammatory transcription factors such as mediated this effect. In summary, in-
1. M. G. Netea, J. Quintin, J. W. M. van der Meer, Cell Host
STAT1/3 and NF-κB. STAT3, a major me- flammatory cues were able to tune EpSC Microbe 9, 355 (2011).
diator of IMQ response (8), was phosphory- function, enabling their adaptation to sub- 2. S. N. Mueller, L. K. Mackay, Nat. Rev. Immunol. 16, 79
lated and activated specifically during both sequent stressors. (2016).
3. C. Blanpain, E. Fuchs, Ann. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 22, 339
the primary (IMQ) and secondary (wound- (2006).
ing) stimulus, but not in the interim (7). MANIPULATING MEMORY 4. L. van der Fits et al., J. Immunol. 182, 5836 (2009).
Our data thus revealed a model in which These findings reveal that inflammatory 5. M. P. Alcolea, P. H. Jones, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives
in Medicine 4, a015206 (2014).
memory chromatin domains serve as acces- memory is not exclusive to the immune sys-
6. C. Blanpain, E. Fuchs, Science 344, 1242281 (2014).
sible platforms for accelerated reactivation tem but also exists in long-lived tissue stem 7. S. Naik, et al. Nature 550, 7677 (2017).
after a secondary challenge. Indeed, using cells. However, it remains to be determined 8. B. Flutter, F. O. Nestle, Eur. J. Immunol. 43, 3138 (2013).
fluorescent reporters driven by memory whether memory occurs only in response to 9. K. L. DeYoung et al., Oncogene 15, 453 (1997).
10. B. E. Keyes et al., Cell 167, 1323 (2016).
chromatin domains, we found that these inflammation or whether a stem cell can re- 11. I. Beerman, D. J. Rossi, Cell Stem Cell 16, 613 (2015).
sustained open regions were functional in member all of its past stressors. Moreover, it
sensing inflammatory stress. is unclear whether these mechanisms of ad- 10.1126/science.aat0963

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1113-A

Published by AAAS


Building better bile ducts
Fotios An organoid-based model promises to improve our
Fotios Sampazi- understanding of bile duct disorders
otis graduated
from the Univer- By Fotios Sampaziotis mensional culture, demonstrating small
sity of Athens in cystic or tubular structures with a central
Greece with a

he bile ducts form a network of tubes lumen (1, 2). The structure of the evolving
degree in medicine. He obtained a
within the liver and transfer bile pro- organoid around a lumen resembled native
Ph.D. in stem cell biology from the
duced in the liver to the bowel. In bili- bile ducts and was associated with both im-
University of Cambridge. During his
ary disorders, this transport system proved cholangiocyte function and faster
doctoral research, he pioneered the
use of bile duct organoids to model
fails, leading to the accumulation of growth of hIPSC-derived cholangiocytes.
diseases of the biliary system, test toxic bile in the liver, damage, and This approach also enabled the growth of
multiple drugs, and identify new permanent scarring (cirrhosis), which can human primary cholangiocytes isolated
therapeutic agents. Currently, Fotios ultimately be treated only through liver from excised bile ducts or gallbladders in
continues his research at the inter- transplantation. Indeed, bile duct diseases abundance for the first time (3).

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face between basic science and clini- (cholangiopathies) are the leading disorder To confirm that the organoid platform
cal medicine as a clinical lecturer in treated (70%) by pediatric liver transplanta- provided a growth advantage, while re-
hepatology at the University of Cam- tion and account for a third of adult trans- taining normal cholangiocyte function, I
bridge with clinical commitments in planted livers. compared the physiological and functional
Addenbrooke’s Hospital. His scien- Despite the impact of these conditions, characteristics of cholangiocytes derived
tific work focuses on combining or- our insight into bile duct disease patho- from hIPSC or primary culture with hu-
ganoids, bioengineering, and animal genesis is very limited due to the lack of
studies to regenerate damaged bile effective laboratory models and difficulties
ducts in the liver as an alternative in growing bile duct cells (cholangiocytes)
therapy to liver transplantation. in vitro. Furthermore, treatment options remain limited, with few effective drugs
content/359/6380/1113.2 and a lack of healthy cells and tissue suit-
able for surgical reconstruction or replace-
ment of diseased segments of bile ducts. man bile duct cells in vivo. These experi-
My research has focused on addressing ments allowed me to conclude that the
these challenges. organoid culture-generated cholangiocytes
More specifically, my aim has been to de- resembled their in vivo counterparts, pro-
velop a system that will allow the growth of viding the most accurate in vitro cholan-
human cholangiocytes outside of the body; giocyte platform to date.
to use these cells to model cholangiopathies
in vitro; and to use the in vitro models to MODELING CHOLANGIOPATHIES IN VITRO
screen, test, and identify new drugs for bile I then hypothesized that cholangiocytes
duct disorders. I have also sought to use from patients with bile duct disorders will
healthy cells to generate a bioengineered reproduce key features of these disorders
bile duct and demonstrate its potential for when cultured in vitro. I tested this hy-
surgical reconstruction or replacement of pothesis using cholangiocytes from patients
the biliary tree in an animal model. with Alagille syndrome (AGS), polycystic
liver disease (PLD), and cystic fibrosis (CF).
CULTURING HUMAN CHOLANGIOCYTES In all cases, the disease phenotype was re-
Two major limitations have hindered cul- produced in the lab (AGS, a lack of lumen
ture of human cholangiocytes: access to formation; PLD, cyst formation; CF, defec-
bile duct tissue without surgery and loss tive chloride transfer in the organoid lu-
of function during primary cholangiocyte men), providing the first in vitro bile duct
culture. To circumvent access issues, I de- models for these disorders (1).
veloped a protocol for generating cholan-
giocytes from human induced pluripotent DRUG SCREENING
stem cells (hIPSCs), which can be easily I subsequently used my disease models to
derived from patient skin samples. screen known (octreotide) and new thera-
To preserve the function and character- peutic compounds and demonstrated that

istics of human cholangiocytes in vitro, I an experimental therapeutic compound

grew the cells as “organoids” in three-di- (VX809) initially developed for CF lung
disease could be repurposed for the preven-
Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge tion of CF liver disease (1). This finding is
CB2 1TN, UK. Email: particularly important because VX809 is

1113-B 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
already used in phase 2 clinical trials and properties, marker, and function (alkaline pathogenesis and represent transferrable
could potentially be tested for the treat- phosphatase and gamma glutamyl transfer- technology that can be used to benefit
ment of CF liver disease imminently. These ase activity) of a human bile duct. multiple groups working in the same field.
results provide one of the first successful The bioengineered ducts were trans- Furthermore, this system can be used as
applications of in vitro drug screening for planted into immunodeficient mice, suc- the first drug screening platform for bili-
cholangiopathies. cessfully replacing the native bile duct. ary disease, and I have demonstrated proof
Furthermore, the mice receiving the artifi- of principle for the potential of this system
GENERATING AND TRANSPLANTING BIOEN- cial organ exhibited normal liver function for drug discovery in a field where the only
GINEERED BILE DUCTS and prolonged survival. To my knowledge, treatment option is liver transplantation.
In some cases, such as biliary atresia— this is the first demonstration of organ en- Finally, through the generation of an en-
which constitutes the leading cause for pe- gineering in the biliary system and the first gineered bile duct, I have provided proof
diatric liver transplantation—the common report of the generation of a bioengineered of principle for regenerative medicine as
outflow of the biliary tree (common bile organ using organoids. a therapeutic approach for biliary disease
duct) is obliterated, and the only possible and advanced the field of organ reconstruc-
treatment is surgery. In this context, the use CONCLUSION tion by developing techniques that can be
of a bioengineered bile duct could provide My research has generated a series of tools applied for the regeneration of a variety of
an alternative to liver transplantation. with unique translational applications for different organs and tissues.
To achieve this goal, I developed a method the field of cholangiopathies. I have dem-
for generating bioengineered biliary tissue onstrated that my cholangiocyte organoid
1. F. Sampaziotis et al., Nat. Biotech 33, 845 (2015).
and bioengineered bile ducts using healthy system can be used to generate the first in 2. F. Sampaziotis et al., Nat. Protocols 12, 814 (2017).

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cholangiocytes (3). The bioengineered or- vitro models for bile duct disorders. These 3. F. Sampaziotis et al., Nat. Med. 23, 954 (2017).
gan retained the architecture, structural models can increase our insight in disease 10.1126/science.aat0964

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1113-B

Published by AAAS


Toward a true cure for
Will McLean
As an undergrad-
uate, Will McLean
hearing impairment
studied biology The regenerative power of progenitor cells holds
at Tufts Univer-
sity before going promise for reversing hearing loss
on to attain a
Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute
By Will McLean versal stem cell that was pluripotent. This
of Technology within the Harvard-
was particularly surprising given the inner
MIT Division of Health Sciences and

ive percent of the human population ear’s limited ability to repair itself.
Technology. While at MIT, his doc-
toral research elucidated the distinct
(360 million people) experience some My research showed that instead of having
progenitor cell types that exist within form of hearing impairment. Patients a universal stem cell, the inner ear contains
the inner ear and their capacity to with hearing loss often describe the distinct populations of progenitor cells (2).
form sensory cells and neural cell experience as socially isolating, and One such population expresses the leucine-
types. As a postdoctoral researcher recent research has shown a signifi- rich repeat–containing G protein–coupled

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at Harvard Medical School, he in- cant correlation with hearing loss and later receptor (Lgr5), a stem cell marker origi-
vestigated maniuplation of signaling onset of dementia. nally identified in the intestine (3). Later,
pathways to enable otherwise senes- Each of us is born with 15,000 sound- it was found that Lgr5 cells also serve as
cent progenitor cells of the cochlea sensing cells per ear. Hearing loss occurs
to divide and form new sensory cells. when these cells (called hair cells) die from
He is currently vice president of biol- noise exposure, certain medications, and
ogy and regenerative medicine at other environmental factors. Unlike birds,
Frequency Therapeutics. Frequency fish, and amphibians, mammals lack the
is currently using McLean’s insights ability to regenerate these cells.
to develop a drug to treat hearing Currently, the only way to treat hear-
loss by regenerating lost sensory ing loss is with palliative devices such as hair cell precursors during cochlear devel-
cells. hearing aids. Although these technologies opment (4, 5). We found that even after de-
improve hearing performance for many pa- velopment, these cells could form new hair
tients, the benefit is limited because only cells that had protein and gene expression
the residual hair cells can be stimulated. profiles like native hair cells. When tested
Thus, a large unmet need exists for a thera- physiologically, these newly formed hair
peutic solution to restore hair cells. cells resembled those found in the mature
Because other species regenerate hair organ.
cells, and other mammalian tissues regen- I also showed that the balance organs
erate, my colleagues and I reasoned that have progenitor cells that could form fully
there must be a way to induce hair cell re- functioning hair cells. Interestingly, the
generation in mammals. We just needed to cochlea and vestibular system could only
find the key to unlock this ability. form hair cells from their native organ,
suggesting that these two populations of
DEFINING THE LIMITATIONS OF INNER progenitor cells are distinct.
EAR PROGENITOR CELLS Whereas previous work showed that
The inner ear contains the hearing organ neurons could be obtained from inner ear
(cochlea) and balance organs (vestibular stem cells (1), presumably from the univer-
system), and both contain their own spe- sal stem cell, my research showed that neu-
cialized hair cell types. Hearing and bal- ral cell types specifically arise from glial
ance dysfunction can arise from hair cell cells within the inner ear that express my-
loss or damage to the neurons that con- elination proteolipid protein 1 (Plp1) (2).
nect to these hair cells (or a combination In addition to identifying a new popu-
of the two). lation of progenitors, we also showed that
Although the hair cells of the inner ear the Plp1 cells have greater plasticity than
cannot regenerate, it has been suggested cochlear or vestibular progenitor cells be-

that the inner ear contains stem cells that cause they could form cell types outside of
can form hair cells and neurons in cell their native environment. In fact, the Plp1
culture (1). However, it was thought that progenitors formed neurons and glial cells
this capability was all due to a single uni- from both the peripheral and central ner-
vous system.
Together, this work demonstrated that
Cofounder and vice president, Biology and Regenerative
Medicine, Frequency Therapeutics, Woburn, MA 01801, USA. different progenitor types exist within the
Email: ear that have defined capacities to form

1113-C 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
specific cell types. Thus, tailoring a treat- cells to divide by reprogramming them elicit similar effects in multiple tissues
ment for hearing loss, balance ailments, to a more plastic state (7). These drugs throughout the body.
or neural damage may require targeting produced over 2000-fold more Lgr5 cells
mechanisms that are unique to each pro- compared with methods used before, and TRANSLATING DISCOVERIES INTO
genitor cell type. the cells could be subsequently converted POTENTIAL TREATMENTS
into nearly pure populations of hair cells. Since publishing proof-of-concept results to
UNLOCKING THE REGENERATIVE Further, these drugs proved to be effective regenerate hair cells in damaged tissue (7), re-
POTENTIAL OF PROGENITORS with cells from adult mouse, nonhuman cent experiments have shown that local treat-
Although it was shown that progenitor primate, and human. This breakthrough ment to the ear can elicit a functional hearing
cells are present in the inner ear after effectively relieved a bottleneck in the field improvement in animals with hearing loss.
organ development is complete, it was and created the first large-scale drug-dis- Based on these results, Frequency Therapeu-
evident that such cells fail to divide and covery platform for hearing loss. tics has expanded development for thera-
differentiate to repair the surrounding tis- From this initial discovery with single peutic application in humans and recently
sue. In addition to preventing hearing re- cells, it was further shown that treating completed a first-in-human phase I safety
pair, this has also impeded drug discovery damaged mouse cochleae with molecules study that met all end points. Therefore, this
because it is difficult to obtain adequate that proliferate Lgr5 cells in cell culture work could one day provide patients with a
numbers of primary cochlear cells for could effectively induce progenitor cells to regenerative therapy to restore their hearing.
therapeutic screening. divide and regenerate lost hair cells in situ.
To overcome this lack of regenerative be- This technology, referred to as Progenitor
1. K. Oshima et al., J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 8, 18 (2007).
havior in the ear, studies of how intestinal Cell Activation (PCA), was the catalyst for 2. W. J. McLean, D. T. McLean, R. A. Eatock, A. S. Edge,

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Lgr5 cells regenerate served as inspiration forming Frequency Therapeutics, a start- Development 143, 4381 (2016).
(6). This particular stem cell is responsible up that I cofounded with Bob Langer and 3. N. Barker et al., Nature 449, 1003 (2007).
for completely renewing your gut epithe- Jeff Karp, that seeks to treat hearing loss 4. R. Chai et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 8167 (2012).
5. F. Shi, J. S. Kempfle, A. S. Edge, J. Neurosci. 32, 9639
lium every 5 to 7 days. Using insights from and other ailments by using drugs to acti- (2012).
pathways and signals that drive this pro- vate the body’s progenitor cells to initiate 6. X. Yin et al., Nat. Meth. 11, 106 (2014).
cess, a drug combination was identified repair. To date, PCA has been successfully 7. W. J. McLean et al., Cell Rep. 18, 1917 (2017).
that stimulates inner ear Lgr5 progenitor used to identify drug combinations that 10.1126/science.aat0966

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1113-C

Published by AAAS
Systematic analysis of
chemically induced proximity
Stanton et al., p. 1117

IN S CIENCE JOURNAL S Edited by Stella Hurtley

a high-fiber diet promoted the

Stylized illustration growth of SCFA-producing
of coupled electron organisms in diabetic humans.
spin and light The high-fiber diet induced
changes in the entire gut microbe
community and correlated with
elevated levels of glucagon-like
peptide-1, a decline in acetylated
hemoglobin levels, and improved
blood-glucose regulation. —CA
Science, this issue p. 1151


Unscientific hunt
management plans
Governments often claim, and
society often believes, that sci-
ence guides policy for natural
resource management, includ-
ing hunting policies across the
United States and Canada. But
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS no standard exists for what
science-based management
Coupling light to single spins entails. Artelle et al. identified
four fundamental hallmarks of

o help develop quantum circuits, much effort has been directed toward achieving the science for natural resource
strong-coupling regime by using gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots. Potentially, the management. Fewer than half
magnetic dipole, or spin, of a single electron for use as a qubit has advantages over charge- were present in most hunt
photon coupling owing to its longer lifetime. Samkharadze et al. hybridized the electron management plans surveyed
spin with the electron charge in a double silicon quantum dot. This approach yielded strong across U.S. states and Canadian
coupling between the single electron spin and a single microwave photon, providing a route to provinces and territories. Broader
scalable quantum circuits with spin qubits. —ISO application of a science-based
Science, this issue p. 1123 framework could improve policies


and mitigate risks. —AC
Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.aao0167
CLIMATE CHANGE effect of these changes will be MICROBIOTA (2018).
a dramatic decrease in marine
Starving ocean biological productivity (see the
Microbial modulation of
productivity Perspective by Laufkötter and diabetes MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Projected increases in green- Gruber). This decrease will result Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
house gas emissions could from a global-scale redistribution are produced by various human
Hemimethylation drives
suppress marine biological of nutrients, with a net transfer gut microbes. SCFAs act as an chromatin assembly
productivity for a thousand years to the deep ocean. By 2300, this energy source to the colonic Cytosine DNA methylation
or more. As the climate warms, could drive declines in fisheries epithelium and are also sensed is a heritable and essential
westerly winds in the Southern yields by more than 20% globally by host signaling pathways that epigenetic mark. During DNA
Hemisphere will strengthen and and by nearly 60% in the North modulate appetite and inflamma- replication, cytosines on mother
shift poleward, surface waters will Atlantic. —HJS tion. Deficiency of gut SCFAs is strands remain methylated, but
warm, and sea ice will disappear. Science, this issue p. 1139; associated with type 2 diabetes. those on daughter strands are
Moore et al. suggest that one see also p. 1103 Zhao et al. found that adopting initially unmethylated. These SCIENCE
1114 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380

Published by AAAS
hemimethylated sites are rapidly this was associated with worse Edited by Sacha Vignieri
methylated to maintain faithful pregnancy outcomes. Conversely, IN OTHER JOURNALS and Jesse Smith
methylation patterns. Xu and L-arginine supplementation in a
Corces mapped genome-wide mouse model of malaria in preg-
strand-specific DNA methyla- nancy improved fetal weight and
tion sites on nascent chromatin, viability. —YN
confirming such maintenance Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaan6007 (2018).
in the vast majority of the DNA
methylome (see the Perspective
by Sharif and Koseki). However, GEOCHEMISTRY
they also identified a small
fraction of sites that were stably
Encapsulating Earth’s
hemimethylated and showed deep water filter
their inheritance at CTCF Small inclusions in diamonds
(CCCTC-binding factor)/cohesin brought up from the mantle
binding sites. These inherited provide valuable clues to the
hemimethylation sites were mineralogy and chemistry of
required for CTCF and cohesin parts of Earth that we cannot
to establish proper chromatin otherwise sample. Tschauner et
interactions. —SYM al. found inclusions of the high-
Science, this issue p. 1166; pressure form of water called
see also p. 1102 ice-VII in diamonds sourced from
between 410 and 660 km depth,
the part of the mantle known as
MALARIA the transition zone. The transition
zone is a region where the stable
Malaria relief, minerals have high water storage
one amino acid at a time capacity. The inclusions suggest
Malaria infection during preg- that local aqueous pockets form
nancy can disrupt placental at the transition zone boundary Poly-GA aggregate
vasculature and cause complica- owing to the release of chemically PROTEOSTASIS within a neuron
tions. Nitric oxide plays a key role bound water as rock cycles in and
in placental vascular function, out of this region. —BG Gumming up the works
and its synthesis requires Science, this issue p. 1136

L-arginine. L-arginine and nitric myotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenera-
oxide are both depleted during tive disorder that has been linked to toxic aggregates of
malaria-induced hemolysis, and SOCIAL SCIENCE poly-Gly-Ala (poly-GA) peptides generated by aberrant
many people in malaria-endemic translation of an expanded nucleotide repeat sequence.
areas lack sufficient L-arginine
Lies spread faster than Proteasomes are cytosolic molecular machines involved
in their diets. McDonald et al. the truth in the degradation of misfolded and aggregated proteins.
examined the effects of dietary There is worldwide concern over Guo et al. used cryo–electron tomography to examine the
L-arginine supplementation. In false news and the possibility molecular architecture of poly-GA aggregates in situ in intact
a cohort of pregnant women in that it can influence political, neurons. The peptide aggregates formed twisted ribbons that

Malawi, the blood of patients with economic, and social well-being. clumped together and that were surrounded by proteasomes
malaria had less L-arginine, and To understand how false news trapped in their normally transient substrate-processing
spreads, Vosoughi et al. used conformation. The extent of proteasome accumulation was
a data set of rumor cascades such that the ability of the remaining proteasomes within
on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. the neuron to perform their normal housekeeping functions
About 126,000 rumors were was likely to be impaired, potentially explaining the neuronal
spread by ~3 million people. pathologies observed in ALS. —SMH
False news reached more Cell 172, 696 (2018).
people than the truth; the top
1% of false news cascades
diffused to between 1000 and
100,000 people, whereas the NEUROSCIENCE There are long-range GABAergic
truth rarely diffused to more projections between these
than 1000 people. Falsehood
Speed representation in two brain regions. Some of
also diffused faster than the the brain these inputs originate from
truth. The degree of novelty Speed- and direction-respon- parvalbumin-expressing inhibi-
and the emotional reactions of sive neurons in the medial tory neurons. However, it has
recipients may be responsible entorhinal cortex and the not been shown whether the
for the differences observed. hippocampus form a major parvalbumin cells projecting
Malaria-infected pregnant women in —BJ component of the mammalian to the hippocampus are speed
Malawi lack L-arginine. Science, this issue p. 1146 space representation system. cells. Ye et al. used extracellular

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1115

Published by AAAS

ALSO IN SCIENCE JOURNALS Edited by Stella Hurtley

CHEMICAL BIOLOGY limit of heterostructures that Perspective by Citi). Molecular and enhances barrier defense
enable technologies such as signatures of gut barrier disinte- (see the Perspective by Citi).
Regulating molecule strain-engineered multiferroics gration and pathogenic T helper IBD-associated mutations in
proximity and quantum-cascade lasers. cells were evident in the gut, C1orf106 lead to greater cyto-
The physical distance, or proxim- Xie et al. were able to produce liver, and lymphoid organs during hesin-1 protein levels, changes
ity, between molecules often monolayer superlattices of colonization with the pathobiont. in E-cadherin localization, and
directs biological events. The transition metal dichalcogenides The ensuing pathology could be enhanced susceptibility to intes-
development of membrane- (WS2 and WSe2) with full lattice reversed by vancomycin treat- tinal pathogens. Modulation of
permeable small molecules that coherence, despite a 4% lattice ment and by vaccination against C1orf106 may thus hold promise
reversibly regulate proximity mismatch. They used a modu- E. gallinarum. The same bug was for treating colitis and other
has enabled advances in fields lated metal-organic chemical also found in liver biopsies of IBDs. —PNK
such as synthetic biology, signal vapor deposition process that autoimmune patients, but not in Science, this issue p. 1161;
transduction, transcription, precisely controlled each precur- healthy controls. —CA see also p. 1097
protein degradation, epigenetic sor. Furthermore, the authors Science, this issue p. 1156;
memory, and chromatin dynam- could strain-engineer the optical see also p. 1097
ics. This “induced proximity” can properties of the superlattices HEART DEVELOPMENT
also be applied to the devel- to observe out-of-plane rippling.
opment of new therapeutics. —PDS NEUROSCIENCE
Committing the heart
Stanton et al. review the wide The heart is a complex organ
range of advances and speculate
Science, this issue p. 1131
The mechanisms behind composed of multiple cell
on future applications of this grid cell changes types such as cardiomyo-
fundamental approach. —BAP WATER STRUCTURE When grid cells were first dis- cytes and endothelial cells.
covered in the brain, the grids Cardiovascular cells arise from
Science, this issue p. 1117
Unmasking supercooled were considered to have rigid Mesp1-expressing progenitor
water transitions coordinates beyond the borders cells. Lescroart et al. performed
STEM CELLS The unusual thermodynamic of the testing environments. single-cell RNA-sequencing
properties of water suggest that However, recent findings suggest analysis of mouse wild-type and
Fibroblasts as when supercooled, a second that the grid cell pattern can be Mesp1-deficient cardiovascular
lung stem cell niche critical point should exist altered easily by changing the progenitor cells at early gastrula-
Each breath that we take pro- between two liquid phases that space of the enclosure. But how? tion (see the Perspective by
vides oxygen to the bloodstream differ in density. Pure water crys- Krupic et al. discovered that local Kelly and Sperling). When Mesp1
via tiny sacs in the lung called tallizes before such conditions changes in the geometry of the was eliminated, embryonic cells
alveoli. AT1 cells line the alveoli can be reached. Woutersen et al. environment shifted individual remained pluripotent and could
and mediate gas exchange, studied hydrazinium trifluoroac- neighboring grid fields, while not differentiate into cardio-
whereas AT2 cells secrete lung etate solutions that have similar more distant fields remained vascular progenitors. During
surfactant. A subset of AT2s also hydrogen bonding to that of unchanged. Thus, changes to gastrulation, the different Mesp1
serve as stem cells that slowly water. They observed a liquid- the grid structure are localized. progenitors rapidly became
generate new alveolar cells liquid transition near 190 K by Stable landmarks continue to committed to a particular cell
throughout adult life. Nabhan et using infrared spectroscopy and exert an effect on most grid fate and heart region. Notch1
al. show that the rare AT2 stem calorimetry. The liquid states cells, whereas the ones close to expression marked the earliest
cells have a special niche next to were analogous to the predicted changed borders are modified. step of cardiovascular lineage
a fibroblast secreting Wnts. This high- and low-density amor- —PRS segregation. —BAP
Wnt activity is needed to select phous phases of water. —PDS Science, this issue p. 1143 Science, this issue p. 1177;
and maintain the stem cells. Science, this issue p. 1127 see also p. 1098
Injury expands the stem cell pool
by transiently inducing autocrine COLITIS
Wnts in other surfactant-secret- MICROBIOTA PROTEIN FOLDING
ing alveolar cells. This simple but
Overcoming a barrier to
expandable niche sustains oxy-
Bacterial involvement in IBD Taking the heat together
gen delivery, and it is co-opted in autoimmunity Inflammatory bowel disease Many of the processes in living
lung cancer. —BAP The composition of the com- (IBD) is a group of disorders cells are mediated by protein
Science, this issue p. 1118 mensal microbiota is known to linked to inflammation of the complexes that dynamically
influence autoimmune disease gastrointestinal tract. Colitis is assemble and dissociate
development and persistence. a type of IBD that affects the depending on cellular needs. Tan
NANOMATERIALS Manfredo-Vieira et al. identified inner lining of the colon and has et al. developed a method called
a gut microbe, Enterococcus gal- been linked to a gene known thermal proximity coaggregation
Coherent strained linarum, that translocates from as C1orf106. Mohanan et al. (TPCA) to monitor the dynam-
superlattices the gut into the organs of mice found that C1orf106 encodes ics of native protein complexes
Two-dimensional superlattices with a genetic predisposition to a protein that stabilizes the inside cells (see the Perspective
represent the atomic-thickness lupus-like autoimmunity (see the integrity of epithelial junctions by Li et al.). The method is based

1116-B 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
on the idea that proteins within facilitated JNK activity and the
a complex will coaggregate perpetuation of inflammatory
upon heat denaturation. It uses cytokine production. Inhibitors
a previously described cellular of the upstream kinase TAK1
shift assay to determine melting curbed the activity of both
curves for thousands of proteins the p38 and JNK pathways in
and assigns a TPCA signature on synovial fibroblasts cells. Such
the basis of similarity between inhibitors might thus be effective
the curves. The method was in treating rheumatoid arthritis.
validated by detection of many —LKF
known protein complexes. It Sci. Signal. 11, eaal1601 (2018).
identified cell-specific interac-
tions in six cell lines, highlighting
the potential for identifying
protein complexes that are
modulated by disease. —VV
Science, this issue p. 1170;
see also p. 1105


Curbing ILC2 enthusiasm

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic
disease driven by type 2 immune
responses in the skin. Malhotra
et al. studied mouse models of
dermatitis. They identified the
TNF (tumor necrosis factor)
family cytokine TL1A (TNF
ligand–related molecule 1) and
its receptor DR3 (death receptor
3) as being critical in regulating
cross-talk between skin-resident
T regulatory cells (Tregs) and type
2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s)
that drive skin inflammation.
RORa (retinoid-related orphan
receptor a) drove expression
of DR3 in Tregs. Upon deletion
of RORa, skin-resident Tregs
were unable to sequester TL1A,
which drives effector functions
of ILC2s. Thus, targeting the
TL1A-DR3 axis may provide a
route to treating dermatitis and
other skin allergies. —AB
Sci. Immunol. 3, eaao6923 (2018).


Kinase networks in
Although inflammation in
rheumatoid arthritis is driven
by the increased activity of p38,
inhibitors of this kinase are inef-
fective in patients. Using synovial
fibroblasts and fluid from rheu-
matoid arthritis patients, Jones
et al. found that p38 mediated
negative cross-talk to the related
kinase JNK. Thus, inhibiting p38

SCIENCE 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 1116-C

Published by AAAS

to science education. However,

the relationship between these
two constructs remains largely
unknown. Dowd et al. examined
this issue by investigating how
students’ critical thinking skills
related to scientific reasoning
in the context of undergradu-
ate thesis writing. The authors
used the BioTAP rubric to
assess scientific reasoning and
the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test to assess critical
thinking. Results support the
GLASS TRANSITION role of inference in scientific
reasoning in writing, while
A simple theory for simple glass also revealing other aspects of
scientific reasoning (epis-

lasses have many important industrial applications, yet understanding the changes temological considerations
that occur over the wide range of time and length scales of the glass transition remains and writing conventions) not
a challenge. Hansen et al. performed simultaneous neutron scattering and dielectric related to critical thinking. In
spectroscopy measurements that allowed dynamic observations to be made over an considering future implications
impressive 14 orders of magnitude. Unexpectedly, for van der Waals fluids, they found for instruction, the authors
identical dynamics across this massive time scale at different state points in the phase dia- suggest that further research
gram. This finding dramatically simplifies the theory that describes these fluids, which include into the impact of interventions
technologically important materials such as metallic glasses. —BG focused on specific critical
Nat. Commun. 10.1038/s41467-017-02324-3 (2018). thinking skills (i.e., inference)
for improved science reasoning
A microscopic image of glass made from a metallic alloy in writing is needed. —MMc
CBE Life Sci. Educ. 10.1187/cbe.17-03-
0052 (2018).
recording, optogenetic tagging, RIP2 acts in the innate immune produce a current. A good elec-
and immunohistochemistry system to signal the detec- trolyte thus should have high
to investigate whether, and tion of bacterial infection. The ionic conductivity and good FRAMEWORK MORPHOLOGY
how, speed-responsive cells authors found that inhibitors of thermal and electrochemical
in the entorhinal cortex and RIP2’s protein kinase activ- stability, although many in use
hippocampus are functionally ity prevented signaling not by do not have all these attributes. morphogenesis
connected. The majority of reducing autophosphorylation For example, solid electrolytes Control of the formation of
medial entorhinal speed cells (no other substrates for the can show greater stability, but mesoscale crystals of metal-
were fast-spiking, the hippo- kinase are known) but rather they are often poorer conduc- organic framework (MOF)
campus received direct input by inhibiting interaction of RIP2 tors. Joos et al. consider a deep compounds can offer ways
from such cells, and GABAergic with the ubiquitin ligase XIAP eutectic solvent, in which the to control their reactivity and
long-range projections to the (x-linked inhibitor of apopto- combination of two compounds sorption properties and create
hippocampus originated almost sis). Ubiquitination of RIP2 by radically lowers the melting more elaborate structures.
exclusively from parvalbumin- XIAP was in turn required for temperature, immobilized Hwang et al. show that a
positive neurons. This indicates proper signaling. This unusual within a silica matrix to form copolymer with two hydro-
that hippocampus-projecting mechanism, whereby dimeriza- a gel. This material was easily philic blocks—polyethylene
speed cells are part of this sub- tion of RIP2 appears to alter processed, had decent ionic oxide and polymethylmeth-
population. —PRS protein interactions rather than conductivity acrylate—modulates the
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 10.1073/ kinase activity to propagate a and thermal stability up to crystal formation of a MOF in
pnas.1720855115 (2018). signal, could provide a thera- 130°C, and was successfully which zinc cations and bdc
peutic target for inflammatory cycled in a Li/LiFePO4 cell. (benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid)
diseases in which such signal- —MSL linkers form two-dimensional
SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION ing is inappropriately activated. Chem. Mater. 10.1021/acs. sheets connected by a second
—LBR ligand that act as pillars. The
Protein kinase signaling Mol. Cell 10.1016/j.molcel.2018.01.016
chemmater.7b03736 (2018).
copolymer kinetically favors
without phosphorylation (2018). metastable hexagonal crystal
Protein kinases usually propa- EDUCATION polymorphs. After partial

gate signals by phosphorylating removal of the copolymer with

substrate molecules. Goncharov
BATTERIES Scientific reasoning methanol soaking, the crystals
et al. find a different mechanism A solid electrolyte on paper transform into more stable
for the protein kinase RIP2 In an electrochemical cell, Helping students develop skills tetragonal crystals. —PDS
(receptor interacting protein the electrolyte has the role of in both critical thinking and sci- J. Am. Chem. Soc. 10.1021/
2) in inflammatory signaling. separating and shuttling ions to entific reasoning is fundamental jacs7b12633 (2018).

1116 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

◥ ensuing order of events with precise temporal

REVIEW SUMMARY control. The rapid reversibility of induced prox-
imity has enabled precise analysis of cellular
and epigenetic memory and enabled the con-
struction of synthetic regulatory circuits. Inte-
gration of CRISPR-Cas technologies into CIP
Chemically induced proximity strategies has broadened the scope of these
techniques to study gene regulation on time

in biology and medicine scales of minutes, at any locus, in any genetic

context. Furthermore, CIPs have been used to

dissect the mechanisms
Benjamin Z. Stanton,* Emma J. Chory,* Gerald R. Crabtree† ON OUR WEBSITE governing seemingly well-
Read the full article understood processes, rang-
BACKGROUND: Nature has evolved elegant which have informed active areas of research in at http://dx.doi. ing from transport of
mechanisms to regulate the physical distance biology ranging from basic advances to the de- org/10.1126/ proteins between the Golgi
between molecules, or proximity, for a wide velopment of cellular and molecular therapeutics. science.aao5902 and endoplasmic retic-
variety of purposes. Whether it is activation of ulum to synaptic vesicle
cell-membrane receptors, neuronal transmis- ADVANCES: Until the 1990s, it was unclear transmission. Recent advances in proximity-
sion across the synapse, or quorum sensing whether proximity was sufficient to initiate induced apoptosis, inhibition of aggregation,
in bacterial biofilms, proximity is a ubiquitous signaling events or drive their effect on tran- and selective degradation of endogenous pro-
teins will likely yield new classes of drugs in

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

regulatory mechanism in biology. Over the past scription. Synthetic small molecule–induced
two decades, chemically induced proximity has dimerization of the T cell receptor provided the near future.
revealed that many essential features and pro- the first evidence that proximity could be used
cesses, including protein structure, chromosomal to understand signal transduction. A distin- OUTLOOK: We review fundamental concep-
architecture, chromatin accessibility, transcript- guishing feature of small-molecule induced- tual advances enabled by synthetic proximity
ion, and cellular signaling, are governed by the proximity systems (compared to canonical as well as emerging CIP-based therapeutic ap-
proximity of molecules. We review the critical knockdown or knockout methods) is the abil- proaches. Gene therapy with precise regulation
advances in chemical inducers of proximity (CIPs), ity to initiate a process midway and discern the and fully humanized systems are now possible.
Integration of proximity-based apoptosis through
caspase activation with chimeric antigen re-
ceptor (CAR) T cell therapies provides a safety
switch, enabling mitigation of complications
from engineered immune cells, such as graft-
versus-host disease and B cell aplasia. Further-
more, this integration facilitates the potential
for repopulation of a patient’s cells after suc-
cessful transplantation. With the recent approv-
al of CTL019, a CAR T cell therapeutic from
Novartis, integrated strategies involving the
use of CIP-based safety switches are emerg-
ing. Innovative exemplars include BPX-601
(NCT02744287) and BPX-701 (NCT02743611),
which are now in phase 1 clinical trials. By using
a similar proximity-based approach, condition-
al small-molecule protein degraders are also
expected to have broad clinical utility. This
approach uses bifunctional small molecules
to degrade pathogenic proteins by dimerizing
with E3 ubiquitin ligases. Degradation-by-
dimerization strategies are particularly ground-
breaking, because they afford the ability to
repurpose any chemical probe that binds
tightly with its pathogenic protein but which
may not have previously provided a direct
therapeutic effect. We anticipate that the
translation of CIP methodology through both
Chemically induced proximity. (Top) Left: Small molecules (hexagons) bind proteins of interest humanized gene therapies and degradation-
(crescents), dimerizing them to increase the effective molarity of reactions. [A] monomeric protein and by-dimerization approaches will have far-
[AB*] dimer concentrations; arrows, position coordinates. Middle: Synthetic dimerizers tag proteins
(blue circles) for proteasomal degradation (red rods). Right: Homodimerizing molecules form kill
reaching clinical impact.

switches for apoptosis. (Bottom) CIPs mimic cellular processes. Left: Protein transport mechanisms— The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
nuclear import and export, membrane fusion, and protein folding. Middle: Regulation of gene activation *These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email:
by binding to DNA or chromatin (spheres with white strands), through recruitment of transcriptional Cite this article as B. Z. Stanton et al., Science 359,
activators or repressors (blue and red arrows). Right: Signal transduction pathways. eaao5902 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aao5902

Stanton et al., Science 359, 1117 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 1


◥ own benefit. For example, FK506 binds FKBP12

REVIEW on one of its sides and calcineurin, a phospha-
tase essential for immunologic activation, on the
other side (Fig. 1), illustrating how induced prox-
CHEMICAL BIOLOGY imity and inhibition of calcineurin by FKBP12
functions in immunosuppression. Other examples

Chemically induced proximity of naturally induced proximity include cyclospo-

rine A (Fig. 1), which also inhibits calcineurin by
recruiting cyclophilin to its active site (8), thereby
in biology and medicine inhibiting phosphatase activity and nuclear local-
ization of NFATc (nuclear factor of activated T cells)
family members (9). Rapamycin, an immunosup-
Benjamin Z. Stanton,1,2* Emma J. Chory,1,3* Gerald R. Crabtree1,4†
pressant structurally related to FK506, also shares
the primary target FKBP and acts through for-
Proximity, or the physical closeness of molecules, is a pervasive regulatory mechanism in
mation of a ternary complex (Fig. 1) with the
biology. For example, most posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation,
FKBP12-rapamycin-binding (FRB) domain of tar-
methylation, and acetylation promote proximity of molecules to play deterministic roles in
get of rapamycin (TOR) kinases (10, 11).
cellular processes. To understand the role of proximity in biologic mechanisms, chemical
In plants, induced proximity with abscisic acid
inducers of proximity (CIPs) were developed to synthetically model biologically regulated
(Fig. 1) blocks germination and also induces
recruitment. Chemically induced proximity allows for precise temporal control of
leaves to abscise in the fall. It functions by induc-
transcription, signaling cascades, chromatin regulation, protein folding, localization, and
ing proximity of the monomeric receptor Pyl to
degradation, as well as a host of other biologic processes. A systematic analysis of CIPs in
the protein phosphatase ABI1 (12, 13). This mol-

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

basic research, coupled with recent technological advances utilizing CRISPR, distinguishes
ecule is present at high concentrations in our diets
roles of causality from coincidence and allows for mathematical modeling in synthetic
and is not toxic in humans. Similarly, gibberellin
biology. Recently, induced proximity has provided new avenues of gene therapy and
(Fig. 1), which promotes germination and stem
emerging advances in cancer treatment.
elongation in plants, functions by induced prox-

imity of the receptor GID1 and hormone GA1 (14).
iochemical processes are often regulated responses. How does one separate the consequen-
by the physical distance, or proximity, be- ces of these processes? Dynamics of chemically induced proximity
tween molecules to initiate an effect. Prox- The effects of proximity were first distinguished Over the past 20 years, CIP technology has ad-
imity plays both a ubiquitous and essential from allosteric or alternative effects by the syn- vanced from its origins to afford methods to un-
role in biology, whether it relates to indi- thesis of a bivalent molecule, FK1012, that bound derstand signaling, transcription, and protein
vidual cells, as in confining enzymes within dense- its ligands with no detectable allosteric changes. localization on rapid time scales. Much of the
ly packed organelles, or whole populations, as The nontoxic molecule simultaneously binds two progress hinges on the ability to initiate biologic
with quorum sensing in bacteria. The importance FK binding proteins (FKBPs), each of which is a processes midpathway in vivo, such as downstream
of utilizing small molecules to induce proximity 108–amino acid prolyl isomerase. FK1012 was first of a signal-activation event, and then discern the
of proteins was recognized upon the discovery used to homodimerize the intracellular domain of order of reactions after induced activation. The
that the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of tyro- the T cell receptor (TCR) zeta chain (Fig. 1), pro- power of this approach arises from the fact that
sine kinases mediates signal transduction by ducing signaling events that reproduce trans- temporally ordering events places rigorous limits
binding phosphotyrosine in the absence of ca- membrane signaling by the TCR (3). This first on causality.
talysis (1). Later research showed that acetylation, demonstration that chemically induced proxim- Paradoxically, the responses from chemically
methylation, ubiquitination, and a host of other ity (also referred to as chemically induced dimeri- induced proximity are often more robust than
transient or stable protein modifications recruit zation) could activate signaling was followed by those from rigid protein fusions, especially in
proteins that influence many processes, such as similar approaches with Ras signaling (4), death cases where a protein fusion can result in steric
gene regulation and protein degradation. The receptor signaling (5), and transcriptional activa- hindrances that prevent functionality. Further-
realization that these changes in localization tion (6), among others. Each case supported a more, chemically induced proximity provides
could produce distinct cell-fate decisions led to causative role of simple proximity in qualitative minute-by-minute kinetic analysis, allowing pre-
a fundamental question, “How does a quanti- cellular changes. Although the role of proximity cise mathematical modeling. The fundamental
tative change in localization produce discrete in the absence of allostery is still debated (7), concept of effective molarity—that a localized
biologic responses?” The answer appears to lie we will focus this review on the emerging use of concentration within solution may differ from
in the simple fact that the probability of an induced proximity with small molecules in re- the bulk concentration—underlies the rationale and
effective collision between two molecules is a solving complex biologic questions and designing practicality of using chemically induced proximity to
third-order function of distance (2). This simple new therapeutic strategies. study complex biologic mechanisms. Proximity be-
relation allows steep concentration gradients to comes a critical regulator of cellular processes by
produce qualitative changes, such as cell lineage Tool kits to explore proximity in biology the fact that the probability of an effective inter-
commitment. Yet, mechanisms other than prox- The first chemical inducer of proximity (CIP), action between two molecules is a function of the
imity, like allostery, might mediate these biologic FK1012 (3), a homodimer of FK506, was followed distance between them. This phenomenon can be
by many others (Fig. 1). These molecules have observed by considering the scaling relationships
the common feature of binding two peptide tags between physical distance and reaction probability.
Departments of Pathology and Developmental Biology, on either side of each molecule. Given that in- In most relevant cases, reaction rate scales with
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305,
USA. 2Division of Preclinical Innovation, National Center for
duced proximity is observed within minutes, one concentration (the inverse cubed root of particle
Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of can study the immediate, primary effects of ac- density), which scales with mean interparticle
Health, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. 3Department of Chemical tivating a specific molecule without concern for distance, i.e., the closeness of molecules (2).
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. delayed toxic effects of the dimerizer on prolifera- The contributions of effective molarity are read-
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University
School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
tion, transcription, or other much slower processes. ily observed in natural processes such as protein
*These authors contributed equally to this work. Often these molecules are naturally occurring and compartmentalization within organelles, mem-
†Corresponding author. Email: illustrate how biology regulates proximity to its brane localization, and protein scaffolds. Molecular

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 9


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Fig. 1. The evolution of systems for CIPs. Protein targets and separately as individual structures. Gray shading of the chemical
chemical ligands are shown for CIP systems. Proteins are represented structures is divided to annotate specific structural moieties associated
as ribbon diagrams from available crystal structures, with endogenous with molecular recognition of annotated protein targets. CIP systems
monomeric functions indicated. Chemical ligands are represented in are represented from left to right in approximate order of development.
bound conformations docked with protein targets and also represented Me, methyl group; R, linker moiety.

scaffolds increase effective molarity in biochem- [AB*], with a maximum concentration at the re- mizes the relative configurational entropy of the
ical processes such as transcription, translation, cruitment site (Fig. 2A). system by reducing the possible collision angles
and biosynthetic pathways. Protein scaffolds can The reaction-diffusion equation is as follows: relative to freely diffusing molecules. As a result,
enhance the speed of enzymatic reactions by sev- the CIP provides both kinetic and thermodynamic
eral thousandfold (15, 16). Organelles sequester @uðx; tÞ @ 2 uðx; tÞ advantages by increasing the probability of inter-
¼D þ kuðx; tÞ
critical reaction components through compart- @t @x2 actions through effective concentration and by
mentalization to increase the effective molarity minimizing translational or rotational entropy.
of relevant substrates. From Fick’s laws of diffusion, the flux of the Despite the early characterization of binary-
Previously, mathematical models of reaction- substance at position (x) is proportional to the complex equilibria in 1916 by Irving Langmuir
diffusion systems have been used to describe dy- concentration gradient, and the change in con- (19), a mathematical description of a three-body
namic biologic processes that correspond to a centration with respect to time (@u/@t) is related system, for example, FKBP-rapamycin-FRB, in
through the differential equation @dxu2 . The rate of
change in concentration with respect to space, equilibria (Fig. 2D) has only recently been de-
time, and changing substances (reactions). Some concentration changes (@u/@t) is also impacted by scribed (20). Spiegel and others developed a
examples of reaction-diffusion models in biology the reaction rate, ku(x, t). In the absence of a chem- mathematical framework for ternary-complex
include those that explain the improved enzyme ical dimerizer, dimerizing proteins [A] and [B] formation that used measurable parameters
catalytic efficiency resulting from compartmen- have little-to-no binding affinity for each other (analogous to total concentration and dissoci-
talization (17) and those that describe the im- (Fig. 2B). Although they freely collide, their rate of ation constants) to define the maximum concen-
proved kinetics of push-pull networks in which diffusion dominates over the binding rate. By con- tration of dimerized complexes, [AB*]max (20).
two enzymes control signal transduction path- trast, in the presence of a CIP (Fig. 2B), reaction is Their framework was extended to several biologic
ways in an antagonistic manner (18). Similarly, faster than diffusion. As a result, the concentration systems and cooperative ternary complexes,
the effective concentration increase at a CIP re- of bound [AB*] near the recruitment site is far including the TCR. For systems such as FKBP-
cruitment site can be understood by considering greater than the freely diffusing condition, which rapamycin-FRB, where the dissociation constant
any dimerization event as a reaction occurring in creates a virtual cloud of molecules to amplify the Kd values have been rigorously defined (21), more
a classic reaction-diffusion system (Fig. 2A) (be- effects of proximity while relieving steric constraints. complete descriptions of the kinetics of ternary
cause equilibrium models cannot describe steep Although it is tempting to solely credit the systems may prove useful when characterizing
concentration gradients). In a chemically induced– superiority of chemical dimerization to pure the fundamental processes governed by proximity.
proximity event, one member of a ternary com- kinetics, the thermodynamic contributions of
plex, [A], is freely diffusing, while the other, [B], the system should not be understated (Fig. 2C). Using induced proximity to explore
is localized (at the cell membrane, on chromatin, By increasing the effective molarity of a sub- biologic mechanisms: Biologic mimicry
etc.). The addition of a chemical dimerizer creates strate, the cell is relieving the cost of translational Arguably the major contribution of chemically
a concentration gradient of the complete complex, (x, y, z) entropy (Fig. 2C). The use of a CIP mini- induced proximity is the ability to rapidly initiate

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 9


ing. Simultaneous Ras and Ca2+ signals were essen-

tial for NFAT-dependent transcription and provided
a check on inappropriate gene activation (24).
The role of proximity in transcriptional regu-
lation became clear with the early understanding
of the spatial organization of promoters and the
proteins bound by them. However, chemically in-
duced dimerization allowed the examination of
the in vivo kinetics in yeast, flies, and mammals.
Chemical recruitment of transcriptional activators
led to the finding that transcriptional activation
can be accomplished through proximity on time
scales of minutes, rather than hours or days
(Fig. 3B) (6), helping investigators to temporally
order events in the complex sequence leading to
transcriptional activation.
An important feature of a CIP is its rapid re-
versibility (by small-molecule washout with com-
petitive inhibitors), which enables the study of
molecular memory in cells. To enhance revers-
ibility, nontoxic FK506 analogs were developed

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

to competitively wash out synthetic dimerizers.
The first competitive inhibitor of dimerization
(FK506M) (3) was used to demonstrate that
dimerizer-mediated transcription was rapidly re-
versible and induced no stable memory (Fig. 3B).
However, developing a system for carrying out
order-of-addition and co-occupancy of activators
Fig. 2. Modeling reaction kinetics associated with systems of induced proximity. (A) The and repressors lead to the discovery that tran-
differential concentration with respect to time is explained by the changes in the rate of diffusion and scription could persist in certain contexts in yeast
the binding kinetics of the dimerizer system. (B) Changes in concentrations of monomeric and even after the activator was released (26). This
dimeric complexes are dependent on rate of reaction and rate of diffusion, defined by the distance to indicated that memory was hardwired into
the site of recruitment. With no chemical induction or high Kd, formation of ternary complexes is these systems, by virtue of repressor resistance.
determined by the rate of diffusion, as ku(x, t) approaches zero. With chemical induction and low More-refined analysis of transcriptional memory
Kd, induced ternary-complex formation is strongly dependent on the rate of the reaction ku(x,t), emerged from later studies of epigenetic regu-
which dominates the rate of diffusion. Direct-fusion systems are exclusively localized at the site of lators (see section “Chromatin regulation” below
recruitment as the reaction rate approaches infinity and dominates the rate of diffusion. In and Fig. 3E).
protein-dimerizer interactions, these complexes are designated by *. (C) Thermodynamic contributions Induced proximity has also been pivotal for
to chemically induced dimerization include minimizing translational and rotational entropy. Multistate understanding the kinetics of transcriptional reg-
binding equilibria associated with initial binding of a bifunctional dimerizer molecule (hexagons) to ulation in individual cells. In both yeast and
respective targets by forming unstable binary complexes that form composite surfaces and rapidly human cells, transcription at a single allele was
assemble ternary complexes. Arrows show direction of movement or rotation. (D) Kinetics of induced in an all-or-none quantal manner (6, 27).
ternary-complex assembly can be described by three-body binding equilibria.
CRISPR and CIP-regulated transcription
Recent advances with CRISPR-Cas9 (28) have
and track the minute-by-minute consequences of (22, 23). In addition, recruiting the guanine nu- ushered in a new era of CIP transcriptional reg-
a biochemical process in living cells. This allows cleotide exchange factor Sos to the membrane ulation (29, 30). Zhang and others developed a
precise kinetic studies, construction of synthetic revealed that Sos proximity could induce Ras rapamycin-inducible assembly of enzymatically
regulatory circuits, and analysis of cellular mem- signaling and that a major role of the linking dead Cas9 (dCas9) and locus-specific guide RNAs
ory and places stringent limitations on causality molecule Grb-2 was to increase effective local (Fig. 3B) (31). Recently, other dCas9 fusions
within genetic and biochemical networks. concentration (24). (Fig. 3B) were found to be highly compatible
Temporal analysis of the biochemical conse- with a variety of CIP systems (32, 33).
Induced proximity in signal transduction quences of proximity defined the order of com- The dCas9-based dimerizer systems allow com-
and transcription plex signaling mechanisms using both linear and binatorial recruitment as well as ordered recruit-
Chemically induced proximity fueled conceptual parallel steps in a pathway. Membrane-induced ment of activators and repressors, which have
advances in understanding signaling, including proximity of zeta chain–associated protein kinase enabled studies of synergy and antagonism. For
the role of proximity, the ordering of biochemical (ZAP70) helped place its function in the TCR example, proximity-induced formation of repres-
events, and the intersection with transcription. signaling cascade, as did similar approaches for sive transcriptional states by recruiting a KRAB
By using molecules that did not show allosteric signal components downstream of death and repression domain had a deterministic silencing
effects upon binding their ligands by crystallog- growth factor receptors (25). Activation of indi- effect on transcription, even with co-recruitment
raphy, it was found that receptor signaling could vidual signaling molecules, not possible with lig- of an activator (32).
be induced by chemically mediated proximity ands that induce several pathways, unveiled the
(Fig. 3A), initially at the TCR (3) and later for a “AND gate” function of several transcription fac- Protein folding and localization
host of different receptors. Dimerizing TCR- tors, including NFAT, meaning that two signaling Regulated compartmentalization of molecules is
signaling components at the membrane with inputs are required for a robust transcriptional a common biological process easily mimicked
FK1012 revealed that dimerization was suffi- output. For example, isolated Ras activation could by CIPs. Schreiber and others used a synthetic
cient to initiate downstream TCR signaling events not activate NFAT nor could isolated Ca2+ signal- heterodimer, FKCsA (Fig. 1) (34), which targeted

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 9


strated that a CIP could both simultaneously

cleave FKBP and, by resolving the aggregation,
induce protein secretion (40). Furthermore, these
ligands induced insulin secretion in hypergly-
cemic, FKBP(F36M)-FCS-insulin transgenic mice.
This study showcased the clinical potential of
CIPs for gene therapy applications, in addition to
providing new insights into the secretory pathway.
Chemical dimerizers were further utilized to
investigate how Golgi membranes associate with
the ER during cell division (41). To investigate
secretory mechanisms of Golgi-ER interaction
during the cell cycle, the authors expressed fu-
sions of FKBP-GFP with sialyltransferase (ST;
Golgi specific), and FRAP-HA with the human
invariant-chain protein (li; ER specific) (41).
When coexpressed in COS-7 cells, the proteins
remained associated within their respective cel-
lular compartments as monomers, even upon
the addition of chemical dimerizer. Notably, when
treated with brefeldin A, a small molecule that

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

induces Golgi-ER membrane fusion, the authors
observed rapamycin-dependent colocalization of
ST and li. This unexpected finding, that the Golgi
and ER exhibit spatial independence during cell
division, demonstrates how CIPs continue to re-
veal previously unknown aspects of seemingly
well-characterized biologic mechanisms.
Svoboda and others developed an ingenious
CIP approach to tether synaptic vesicle proteins.
This allowed for inducible and reversible activa-
tion of synaptic transmission in neurons (Fig. 3C)
(42). In motor neurons expressing vesicle-associated
membrane protein (VAMP) or synaptobrevin-
FKBP(F36V), the authors inhibited 50 to 100% of
synaptic transmission in minutes using the syn-
thetic dimerizer AP20187 (Fig. 1). This system was
extended to both cultured neurons ex vivo and
Fig. 3. Chemical induction of proximity is sufficient for the regulation of diverse cellular motor neurons in vivo. Furthermore, in Purkinje
processes. Induced proximity has been shown to regulate initiation of transcription, signaling cascades, neurons of living mice, dimerization of VAMP–
chromatin dynamics, proteasomal degradation, and subcellular localization. (A) Induced proximity Syb-FKBP(F36V) with AP20187 induced function-
has been systematically explored to bypass Tcell antigen receptor activation and for synthetic induction al ataxia during learned balancing tasks (42). This
of a variety of signaling cascades. (B) CIPs have been developed for rapid induction of transcriptional study highlights the potential for CIPs in under-
activation (VP16) and repression (KRAB or HP1) using DNA binding domains (DBDs) as well as CIP of standing neuron function and complements in-
split–CRISPR-Cas proteins or CIP recruitment of activators or repressors through CRISPR-Cas9 vasive optogenetic systems.
systems. (C) CIP has been used for rapid protein localization, including nuclear import and export, The mechanism of Ca2+ entry was probed by
localization to components of the secretory pathway, synaptic vesicles, and mitochondria. (D) Rapid Lewis and others through stromal interaction
proximity-based protein degradation is achieved through bifunctional molecule–mediated recruitment molecule 1 (STIM1) oligomerization (43). The
of E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes (complex composed of E2, ROC1, CUL4A, DDB1, and CRBN). With a authors demonstrated that the rapalogue AP21967
related approach, auxin can induce ubiquitin-mediated degradation through recruitment of the TIR1-Cul1 could rapidly oligomerize STIM1-FKBP and FRB-
complex. (E) Induced proximity has been used for rapid induction of activated chromatin states through STIM1 and localize the complex to the cell pe-
recruitment of ATP-dependent remodeling complexes and induction of repressive chromatin states riphery. This activated CRAC (Ca2+ release–activated
through HP1-mediated heterochromatin formation. Ca2+) channel currents and revealed that induced
oligomerization of STIM1 was sufficient for cal-
FKBP and prolyl isomerase CyP without binding By expanding CIP localization beyond the cium entry via CRAC channels.
calcineurin, to rapidly induce nuclear translocation nucleus to other organelles, Rivera and colleagues The expanded chemical repertoire (includ-
of CyP-tagged green fluorescent protein (GFP) sought to activate specific secretory pathways in ing new orthogonal rapalogs that were specifi-
with a nuclear-localized NLS-FKBP. A CIP was the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for therapeutic cally tuned to FRB mutants) heavily influenced
also used to rapidly export proteins from the purposes, building upon two critical advances the multiplex ability of subcellular-localization
nucleus, thereby reversibly inactivating them (40). First, a multimer-forming, conditional aggre- studies (44). First, a triple-mutant FRB [residue
(35). Furthermore, this approach proved highly gator of FKBP12(F36M) was found to be retained Lys2095→Pro2095 (Lys2095Pro), Thr2098Leu,
effective in yeast for inactivating nuclear pro- in the ER (Fig. 3C) in the absence of chemical Trp2101Phe], denoted FRB*, was developed to
teins by shuttling them out of the nucleus using ligands (AP22542, APAP21998). Second, a Golgi- selectively form a ternary complex with FKBP
the “anchor-away” system (36–39). Anchor away specific protease (furin) was harnessed to target and C20-methallylrapamycin (C20-MaRap) (45).
is now frequently used to rapidly inactivate and a cleavage site (FCS) engineered into fusion pro- Through utilization of a CIP transcriptional-
reactivate nuclear proteins to understand their teins with human growth hormone or insulin. reporter screen, it was found that by introducing
direct actions. By coupling these two advances, it was demon- rapalogs and respective FRB mutants, precise

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 9


Fig. 4. Ubiquitin ligase

complexes rapidly degrade
oncogenic protein targets.
(A) The CBRN-CUL4A ubiq-
uitin ligase complex can be
recruited to BCR-ABL and
BRD4 with thalidomide
conjugated to bosutinib and
JQ1, respectively. Induced
proximity rapidly degrades
these targets, which are
known to drive chronic mye-
logenous leukemia (BCR-
ABL) and acute myeloid leu-
kemia (BRD4). (B) The VHL
ligand fused to desatinib
or JQ1 can efficiently recruit
the VHL-Cullin2 ubiquitin
ligase complex to ABL and
BRD4, respectively. In each
case, rapid degradation of
the oncogenic targets results

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in inhibition of cancer growth.

measurements could be made to define new pat- protein, allowing the accumulation of compen- (AID*) was developed to expand the utility of the
terns of specificity. By using these new orthogonal satory and indirect responses clouding mechanis- auxin system (52). The auxin-degron (AID*) sys-
dimerizers, simultaneous expression of nuclear tic interpretation. CIP-regulated protein stability tem has been used to regulate kinases and es-
exporting FRB*(LT) and nuclear localizing FRB* was developed to circumvent these classic prob- sential genes that lack selective inhibitors. The
(LW) provided a platform for push-pull control of lems. By using C20-MaRap, it was determined essential Plk4 kinase, which is associated with
FKBP–GSK3b (glycogen synthase kinase 3b), which that the stability of FRB* fusions (44, 45) was de- tumor suppression (53, 54), was degraded with
was modulated by treatment with the appropri- pendent on formation of the FRB*–C20-MaRap– AID-fusion transgenes (55) and homozygous
ate orthogonal rapalog (44). FKBP ternary complex. To investigate the function knockins (56) to reveal that Plk4 positively reg-
Modulating protein structure is another critical of GSK3b in developing mice, FRB* was knocked ulates centriole duplication in a reversible and
component of posttranslational modification that into the endogenous GSK3b gene. Because expres- dosage-dependent manner. The auxin system has
has been explored through proximity-based ap- sed GSK3b could only be stabilized in the pres- enabled rapid degradation of a wide variety of
proaches. Muir and others developed a facile ap- ence of C20-MaRap and was otherwise degraded, targets across many species (55, 57–59). Recently,
proach to conditional protein structural variation. dosing for short periods allowed the authors to auxin-mediated degradation of the transcription
Using rapamycin, they were able to mimic natural define separate, discrete periods of development factor CTCF (60) has differentiated its roles in local
protein splicing with proximity-based intein during which the gene executed its function in topologically associating domain (TAD) structure
cleavage (46). skeletogenesis and palate development (49). from chromosomal-compartment architecture.
Recently, Ballister and colleagues developed a Wandless and others found that double-mutant
clever light-induced proximity system—defining FKBP(Phe36Val, Leu106Pro) could also be used as Chromatin regulation
a photon as the smallest dimerizer (47). Modify- a conditionally stabilizing allele, which allowed The immense complexity of chromatin, with its
ing a previous bifunctional bis-methotrexate for rapid in vitro degradation of target proteins many developmentally specific histone modifica-
dimerization system (48), the authors labeled the (21). The synthetic dimerizer (Shield-1) used in tions, topology, long-range interactions, variegated
dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) ligand with a these studies was degraded in minutes in cell cul- DNA methylation, and uncharacterized chromatin
photocleavable moiety, which blocked the requi- ture, allowing rapid reversal of the reaction. components, has proven to be a formidable target
site DHFR-interacting surfaces in the absence of To regulate proteasome-mediated degradation, for investigation. The limitations encountered
irradiation. Tagging the photocleavable moiety CIP systems were developed to target chimeric E3 in formation of chromatin in vitro have become
with a HaloTag linker formed an irreversible ligase complexes. The TIR1 receptor–auxin (Fig. 1) apparent (61). To circumvent these challenges, a
adduct with a Haloenzyme allowing for selective, degradation pathway in Arabidopsis, which utilizes CIP technique (CiA, chromatin in vivo assay) was
light-inducible Halo-tagging and subcellular re- the dimerizer indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; auxin), in- developed to study chromatin in all its topolog-
localization of DHFR upon irradiation. Further- duces dimerization of the TIR1-SCF E3 ubiquitin ical, biochemical, and developmental diversity
more, photoinduced DHFR relocalization was ligase complex with an auxin-inducible degron (62). With CiA, one can “chemically pipette” a
extended to the centromere, kinetochore, cen- (AID) (50, 51). In nonplant systems, TIR1 was suc- chromatin regulator of interest into essentially
trosome, and mitochondria with CENP-Halo, Nuf2- cessfully reconstituted into endogenous E3 ligase any locus in the genome of any cell type (Fig. 3E).
Halo, AKAP9-Halo, and ActA-Halo, respectively. complexes to selectively recruit AID-fusion pro- The CiA system was first used to study chromatin-
teins to the Cul1 complex (50). This resulted in based memory. Recruiting heterochromatin pro-
Protein degradation auxin-mediated ubiquitination of the AID fusion tein 1a (HP1a) to the active Oct4 (transcription
Loss-of-function studies have been the mainstay and rapid proteasomal degradation (Fig. 3D). Later, factor) locus in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs),
of genetics but are plagued by the slow loss of a short 44–amino acid tag referred to as IAA17 resulted in an expanding domain of repression

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 9


decatenation is essential for the regulation of


Chromosomal dynamics
To assess the mechanisms of DNA association
with the cohesin complex during cell division,
Nasmyth and others used dimerizers to “lock”
the Smc1-Smc3 complex in place during specific
windows of the cell cycle in yeast (70). By releasing
yeast from G1 (prereplicative phase) arrest, with
or without the conditional dimerization of Smc1
and Smc3, it was discovered that the Smc1-Smc3
complex must open during mitosis and that this
was necessary for chromatid cohesion.
A similar CIP-based approach was used to
understand the role of Scc1 in sister chromatin
association. Relocalization and inhibition of Scc1-
FRB by rapamycin with ribosomal protein anchor
RPL13A-FKBP demonstrated that 30% of sister
chromatid association was disrupted by anchor-
ing away Scc1 in yeast (36).

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Induced proximity in medicine
Degrading or inactivating pathogenic
The above studies, directed primarily at dissect-
ing biologic mechanisms, demonstrate how widely
this methodology can be used. However, the ap-
plication to the treatment of disease had been
hampered by the requirement that proteins must
be tagged with dimerizing peptides. Graef and
Fig. 5. CAR T cell therapeutic applications of CIPs. (A) Engineered safety switches using others reasoned that induced proximity of en-
ATTAC systems with AP1903. (B) An inactive engineered CAR T cell receptor and (C) an active dogenous, unmodified proteins would be wide-
engineered CAR T cell receptor binding its cognate antigen. (D) AP1903-induced caspase ly useful. To make a potential therapeutic for
dimerization and activation allows for rapid apoptosis of CAR T cells to prevent complications Alzheimer’s disease, they synthesized a molecule
that may arise from transplant. that bound both FKBP (SLF, synthetic ligand of
FKBP) and the pathogenic b-amyloid (Ab) peptide
(CR, Congo red) (71). Their two-sided molecule
that silenced Oct4. By washing out the CIP, it or BAF (Brahma/Brg associated factor) complex (SLF-CR) showed activity in in vitro assays of
was observed that H3K9me3 (trimethylated was recruited to a polycomb-repressed promoter Ab aggregation but was too toxic to be used as a
histone H3 on lysine 9) islands are stable for with the CiA system (65, 66). PRC1 eviction oc- therapeutic. A similar approach also extended the
days after rapamycin washout but that the curred in minutes, followed by PRC2 eviction. half-life of an HIV protease inhibitor by causing it
effect could be rapidly reversed by initiating The rapid action of BAF complexes led to the to remain intracellular and protected (72).
transcription by plant hormone abscisic acid finding that they directly bind and release PRC1 Although neither of these bifunctional mole-
(ABA)–mediated recruitment of the transcriptional by an ATP-dependent mechanism (65, 66). Fur- cules had good pharmacologic characteristics,
factor VP-16 (62). Furthermore, the ability to thermore, heterozygous expression of cancer muta- this conceptual advance precipitated a wave of
rapidly control H3K9me3-based heterochromatin tions of Brg, the regulatory adenosine triphosphatase efforts to extend proximity-inducing molecules
permitted mathematical modeling, which put (ATPase) of BAF, lead to polycomb accumulation, to many other medical problems. One of the first
forth a “balanced intrinsic reaction rate” mod- extending the CiA results to the genome. New of these was designed to stabilize the pathogenic
el for the propagation of H3K9me3 repression CIP-dCas9 systems for manipulating chromatin aggregation of proteins. Transthyretin (TTR) can
on the basis of kinetic parameters (62, 63). In architecture (33, 67) will likely prove critical in produce aggregating amyloid fibrils and causes
this model, rates of addition and removal de- uncovering chromatin regulatory mechanisms in amyloidoses, including cardiomyopathies such
termine the propagation rate of H3K9me3 and a host of genomic contexts. as senile system amyloidoses, familial amyloid
accurately predict 99% of the H3K9 domains CIPs provided additional insights into the cardiomyopathy, and familial amyloid poly-
over the murine ESC genome. dissolution and formation of heterochromatin neuropathy. The development of bifunctional
One of the most persistent problems in epi- by the observation that recruitment of the BAF stabilizers of TTR, such as AG10 by Graef and
genetics has been understanding the placement complex lead to accumulation of TopoIIa bind- others (73), provides a promising candidate in pre-
and stability of polycomb repressive complexes ing at the recruitment site, as suggested from an venting the progression of diseases associated
(PRCs). In 1988, mutations in the Brahma gene, earlier study (68). Unexpectedly, TopoIIa function with amyloid aggregation.
which encodes an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)– was found to be essential for both the dissolution In many diseases, pathogenic proteins arise
dependent chromatin remodeler, were found to of heterochromatin after recruiting BAF and the from mutation, recombination, or stable alloste-
repress mutations in the PRC1 complex, indicat- formation of heterochromatin after releasing ric modification. What if these culprits could be
ing that these two chromatin regulators opposed BAF (69). Remarkably, the strand-cleaved reaction degraded by induced proximity? In 2010, CRBN,
one another (64). The mechanism was elusive be- intermediate was found at the precise time and a component of the DDBI-CRBN E3 ubiquitin
cause of the inability to form PRC-repressed het- position of heterochromatin formation and dis- ligase complex (Fig. 3D), was found to be the
erochromatin in vitro. To understand this problem, solution. These studies, using rapid reversible co- primary molecular target of thalidomide and
the SWI/SNF (switch-sucrose nonfermentable) recruitment of TopoIIa and BAF, indicated that related molecules (IMiDs, immunomodulatory

Stanton et al., Science 359, eaao5902 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 9


drugs) (74). Several years later, elegant struc- carcinoma, and HIV (76, 81, 82). Concomitantly, ATTAC system attenuated the progression of age-
tural studies for IKAROS family transcription Crews and others, aware of the limitations of related diseases (94, 95).
factors (IKZF1, IKZF3) indicated that ubiquitin peptide-based degradation strategies, indepen- Cellular therapies remain one of the most
binding and targeting was IMiD dependent (75). dently identified potent, small molecules target- hopeful strategies; however, concerns remain
These insights, coupled with the knowledge that ing VHL E3 ubiquitin ligase (83). By utilizing this around potential off-target damage or possible
thalidomide differed from analogs lenalidomide VHL-targeting strategy, dimeric ligands have malignancy that may result from genomic inte-
and pomalidomide through a single C-4 aniline selectively degraded ERRa RIPK2, which is in- gration of an introduced gene. Although allogenic
substitution (75), provided a clear path to con- volved in nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) and mitogen- transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells is an
jugate new ligands for the purposes of proximity- activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation, and effective leukemia treatment, positive benefits
based protein degradation. BRD4 (79, 84, 85). Furthermore, proximity-induced of this therapy are often counteracted by graft-
To investigate the potential applications of degradation provides a platform for rapid iteration versus-host disease (GVHD). To circumvent this,
CRBN-IMiDs, the Bradner and Crews labs de- through combination. Crews and others recently a CIP “safety switch” was developed to selectively
veloped strategies to conjugate BRD4-targeting demonstrated that by varying the E3 ligase target induce apoptosis in hematopoietic transplants in
cell-permeable small molecule JQ1 (76) with thalid- and the functional protein-targeting warhead, the the case that severe GVHD arises in patients (96).
omide and investigated its potential as an induc- selectivity of known tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) In a small clinical trial, patients with GVHD were
ible proximity-based ubiquitinase (Fig. 4) (77, 78). could be improved (85). By modulating known treated with AP1903 (Fig. 1), a bioinert analog of
These studies were precipitated by the observa- TKIs—imatinib, dasatinib, or bosutinib—and the FK1012 (97). AP1903 selectively eliminated 90% of
tion that IMiDs could bind directly to CRBN E3 ligase target, these small molecules degraded the modified T cells within 30 min and eliminated
without inhibiting the associated ubiquitin ligase both c-ABL and the oncogenic BCR-ABL (Fig. 4), GVHD without recurrence (96). Subsequent studies
complex. In the first study, the phthalimide-JQ1 with varying degrees of specificity (85). Even though further demonstrated the usefulness of this safety
conjugate (dBET1) induced ubiquitin-mediated TKIs have proven to be immensely successful in switch in long-term GVHD complications (98, 99).

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degradation of BRD4 on a time scale of hours, the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia, CIP safety switches may also prove to be a
with a mechanism analogous to auxin-based deg- it remains a lifelong condition. One hypothesis promising strategy for mitigating side effects of
radation systems (without requiring genetic ma- for persistent leukemic cells is that the patho- cancer immunotherapy treatments. In a recent
nipulations). The same C-4 phthalimide linkage genesis is not entirely dependent on kinase ac- study in humanized mice, T cells were simulta-
was used to construct thalidomide-SLF conjugates tivity and that BCR-ABL may play a scaffolding neously modified with a chimeric antigen re-
(d-FKBP-1) for rapid and selective ubiquitin- role in signaling (86). As such, proximity-induced ceptor (CAR) and the iCaspase9 safety switch
mediated degradation of FKBP12. This demon- degradation may not only provide a mechanism (Fig. 5, B to D). Despite the effectiveness of CAR
strated that these bifunctional conjugates were for inhibition of oncogenic proteins [with efficacy T cell therapies for treating B cell malignancies
highly selective and had activity in human cells. comparable to RNA interference (RNAi) or CRISPR, (including acute lymphoblastic leukemia and
By using a longer polyethylene glycol (PEG)– but without the immunogenicity of Cas9] but lymphomas) (100, 101), possible side effects can
based linker attached to phthalimide, Crews and may also provide cures for diseases for which pre- be severe. Treating mice with a CD19–FKBP-
others simultaneously found that BRD4 could be sent catalytic inhibitors are inadequate. This strat- iCaspase9 T cell therapy provided two advan-
degraded using both CRBN and von Hippel– egy may revive the imperfect chemical probes that tages. First, induced dimerization of the caspase
Lindau tumor suppressor (VHL) ubiquitin ligase– bound the protein of interest but failed to deliver 9 protein provides a built-in temporally controlled
targeting ligands with their strategy termed cures for critical therapeutic targets. mechanism to ablate harsh side effects in patients,
proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) (Fig. 4). such as cytokine release syndrome or B cell apla-
Their bifunctional PROTACs were capable of rap- Induced proximity in cellular therapies sia. Second, selective apoptosis provides a mech-
idly recruiting the VHL-associated ubiquitin li- Gene therapies require the delivery of precise anism to eliminate transplanted T cells in a
gase complexes by using ligands specific to both amounts of therapeutic proteins at specific times controlled manner that allows for patient-specific
estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRa) and the as well as a humanized system to prevent im- responses in the clinic, along with the ability to
serine-threonine protein kinase RIPK2 with no- mune rejection of the engineered cells. On the repopulate a patient’s own immunity (102).
tably high selectivity and activity in live mice (79). basis of earlier FK1012-mediated transcriptional
In an important follow-up study, Bradner and activation studies (6), Clackson and others devel- Summary
others identified ENL, bearing a YEATS acetylated- oped a completely humanized delivery system The application of chemically induced proximity
lysine reader domain, as the product of an essen- that provides long-term, regulated expression to elucidate biologic mechanisms continues to grow
tial gene in a human acute myeloid leukemia in primates (87–89). A major challenge for any with recent advances in understanding epigenetic
(AML) model system with a mixed-lineage leu- method of regulated gene expression is the steep regulation, chromosomal dynamics, and topology.
kemia (MLL)–AF4 translocation (MV4;11) (80). dose-response curve induced by rapamycin. The However, the use of this mechanism in treatment
To understand the function of ENL as a poten- use of nontoxic dimerizers such as abscisic acid of disease is still in its embryonic form. Bifunc-
tial driver in AML, the authors expressed the provide a more graded dose response (13) and tional molecules that use induced proximity for the
ENL-FKBP12(F36V) protein in an ENL-deficient could be useful for precise dosage control. elimination of pathogenic proteins and aggregated
(ENL−/−) MV4;11 cell line and used SLF (with no Certain therapeutic strategies require removal proteins and to control subcellular localization
calcineurin or mTOR inhibition) conjugated to of pathogenic cell types. Early studies demon- are likely to make a substantial impact on the
phthalimide (dTAG-13). Selective degradation of strated that dimerizing the intracellular domain treatment of disease in the near future. The de-
ENL with dTAG-13 resulted in decreased expres- of the Fas receptor or other death-signaling mol- velopment of totally humanized systems for gene
sion of AML drivers, including MYC, HOXA10, ecules could accomplish this goal (90–93). By using and cellular therapy is now under clinical inves-
and MYB, and substantial reduction in elongation a technique called apoptosis through targeted ac- tigation and showing promise. Small molecules
factors AFF9 and CDK9. This revealed that ENL tivation of caspase 8 (ATTAC) (Fig. 5A), an animal that capture the universal biologic regulatory
may drive leukemogenesis through binding and model was developed to study obesity and glucose- mechanism of induced proximity will likely have
elongation of canonical AML targets and dem- stimulated insulin secretion. This CIP “suicide- many other unanticipated uses and provide a
onstrated a creative use of degrading-CIPs with switch” strategy was extended to a senescent playground for our imaginations.
therapeutic potential. cell–clearing mouse to study age-related path-
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◥ After three daily tamoxifen injections to induce

RESEARCH ARTICLE Cre-ERT2 at age 2 months, fluorescence-activated
cell sorting (FACS) showed 1% of purified AT2
cells expressed the green fluorescent protein (GFP)
STEM CELLS reporter (Fig. 1D). Immunostaining for GFP and
canonical AT2 marker SftpC showed labeled

Single-cell Wnt signaling niches AT2 cells distributed sporadically throughout the
alveolar region (Fig. 1, A to C). Multiplexed single-
molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization [prox-
maintain stemness of alveolar imity ligation in situ hybridization (PLISH) (19)]
confirmed a distributed population of Axin2-

type 2 cells expressing AT2 cells (fig. S1). Axin2+ AT2 cells
represent a stable subpopulation because the
percentage of labeled AT2 cells did not increase
Ahmad N. Nabhan,1,2 Douglas G. Brownfield,1,2 Pehr B. Harbury,1 when tamoxifen injections were repeated 1 and
Mark A. Krasnow,1,2* Tushar J. Desai3* 2 weeks after the initial induction, and the per-
centage was similar among animals induced at
Alveoli, the lung’s respiratory units, are tiny sacs where oxygen enters the bloodstream. They different ages (Fig. 1G). This subpopulation ex-
are lined by flat alveolar type 1 (AT1) cells, which mediate gas exchange, and AT2 cells, which pressed all AT2 markers, including surfactant
secrete surfactant. Rare AT2s also function as alveolar stem cells. We show that AT2 lung proteins and lipids (fig. S2), suggesting that the
stem cells display active Wnt signaling, and many of them are near single, Wnt-expressing cells are physiologically functional. No AT1 or

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fibroblasts. Blocking Wnt secretion depletes these stem cells. Daughter cells leaving the Wnt airway epithelial cells were marked under these
niche transdifferentiate into AT1s: Maintaining Wnt signaling prevents transdifferentiation, “pulse-labeling” conditions (>1000 AT1 cells scored
whereas abrogating Wnt signaling promotes it. Injury induces AT2 autocrine Wnts, recruiting in each of three mice), although other (non-
“bulk”AT2s as progenitors.Thus, individual AT2 stem cells reside in single-cell fibroblast niches epithelial) alveolar cells were. Thus, Axin2+ AT2
providing juxtacrine Wnts that maintain them, whereas injury induces autocrine Wnts that cells represent a rare, stable subpopulation of
transiently expand the progenitor pool. This simple niche maintains the gas exchange surface mature AT2 cells.
and is coopted in cancer.
Axin2+ AT2 cells have alveolar stem
cell activity

lthough there has been great progress is maintained by rare “bifunctional” alveolar type 2 The fate of the labeled AT2 cells was examined a
identifying tissue stem cells, much less is (AT2) cells, cuboidal epithelial cells that retain half or 1 year later (half or full year “chase”) (Fig. 1,
known about their niches and how niche the surfactant biosynthetic function of standard E to I). Labeled cells exhibited three features of
signals control stem cell function and in- (“bulk”) AT2 cells (12) but also serve as stem cells stem cells. First, unlike most AT2 cells, which
fluence daughter cell fate (1, 2). The best (13, 14). Their intermittent activation gives rise are quiescent (20), 79% of Axin2+ AT2 cells gen-
understood examples come from genetic sys- to AT1 cells—exquisitely thin epithelial cells that erated small clones of labeled cells (Fig. 1, H to J).
tems (3) such as the Drosophila testis niche, mediate gas exchange—and generates slowly ex- Daughter cells remained local (Fig. 1I), with some
where 10 to 15 cells (“the hub”) provide three panding clonal “renewal foci” that together create found as doublets (fig. S3B), indicating recent
short-range signals to the 5 to 10 stem cells they ~7% new alveoli per year (13). Dying cells are division; on occasion, an Axin2+ AT2 cell was
contact (4). These signals promote stem cell ad- proposed to provide a mitogenic signal trans- seen dividing (fig. S3A), an intermediate that we
hesion to the niche and inhibit differentiation, duced by the epidermal growth factor receptor never observed for bulk AT2 cells in normal
but after polarized division, a daughter cell leaves (EGFR)–KRAS pathway that triggers stem cell lungs. Second, lineage-labeled AT2 cells expanded
the niche, escaping the inhibitory signals and division (13). However, it is unclear how stem sixfold relative to unlabeled cells during a 1-year
initiating sperm differentiation. In mammalian cells are selected from bulk AT2 cells, how they chase (Fig. 1G). Third, labeled cells gave rise to
systems, stem cells and their niches are typically are maintained, and how the fate of daughter another alveolar cell type, shown by appearance
more complex, with more cells and more com- cells—stem cell renewal versus reprogramming of AT1 cells expressing the lineage label (Fig. 1F).
plex cell dynamics. Even in the best-studied tis- to AT1 identity—is controlled. Like AT2 daughter cells, daughter AT1 cells were
sues (5–8), there is incomplete understanding Here, we molecularly identify alveolar stem typically found in close association with the pre-
of niche cells, signals, and the specific aspects cells as a rare subpopulation of AT2 cells with sumed founder Axin2+ AT2 cell. Thus, Axin2+
of stem cell behavior each signal controls. Here, constitutive Wnt pathway activity and show that cells constitute a rare AT2 subpopulation with
we describe an exquisitely simple stem cell niche a single fibroblast near each stem cell comprises stem cell activity, which slowly (about once every
and control program that maintains the lung’s gas a Wnt signaling niche that maintains the stem 4 months) self-renew and produce new AT2 and
exchange surface. cell and controls daughter cell fate. Severe in- AT1 cells.
Mouse genetic studies have identified a hier- jury recruits ancillary stem cells by transiently
archy of stem cells that replenish the alveolar inducing autocrine Wnt signaling in “bulk” Fibroblasts provide short-range Wnt
surface (9), some of which are active only after AT2 cells. signals to neighboring AT2 stem cells
massive injury (10, 11). Normally, the epithelium Wnts are local signals with a typical range of
Results just one or two cells (21). Fibroblasts were an
Wnt pathway gene Axin2 is expressed in excellent candidate for the Wnt source because
Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of a rare subpopulation of AT2 cells some contact AT2 cells (22), such as Pdgfra-
Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-5307, USA. 2Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Canonical Wnt signaling activity marks stem expressing fibroblasts that support surfactant
Stanford, CA 94305-5307, USA. 3Department of Internal cells in various tissues (8), and the Wnt pathway production and formation of alveolospheres
Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, and is active in developing alveolar progenitors in culture (14, 23, 24). Transmembrane pro-
Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, (15–17 ). To determine whether AT2 cells in adult tein Porcupine, which acylates and promotes
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-
5307, USA.
mice show Wnt activity, we examined expression of secretion of Wnts (25) and marks Wnt signal-
*Corresponding author. Email: (T.J.D.); Wnt target Axin2 (18) using an Axin2-Cre-ERT2 ing centers (26), was expressed in rare alveolar (M.A.K.) knock-in allele crossed to Cre reporter Rosa26mTmG. stromal cells (fig. S4A), most of which were

Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 6


Pdgfra-expressing fibroblasts (fig. S4C) and some Axin2+ AT2 cell (Fig. 2, E to H). Although Wnt5a pathway activity, in mature AT2 cells by using
were closely associated with AT2 cells (fig. S4B). is sufficient to induce Axin2 in AT2 cells (Fig. 2H), Lyz2-Cre or SftpC-CreERT2 while simultaneously
Serial dosing of Porcupine Porcn inhibitor C59 it is not the only Wnt operative in vivo because marking recombined cells by using Rosa26mTmG.
reduced the pool of Axin2+ AT2 cells by 68% others can also induce Axin2 (Fig. 2I), and We reasoned that only cells with active Wnt sig-
(Fig. 2A). Targeted deletion in lung mesenchyme deletion of Wnt5a with Tbx4LME-Cre reduced naling (Axin2+ AT2 cells) would be affected. The
(by using Tbx4LME-Cre) or fibroblasts (Pdgfra- Axin2+ AT2 cells in vivo by 15%, and the effect number of AT1 cells expressing the AT2 lineage
Cre-ER) of Wntless, another transmembrane pro- did not reach significance (P = 0.12). We con- mark tripled, while preserving the percentage of
tein required for Wnt secretion (27), also reduced clude that Wnt5a and other Wnts expressed by lineage-labeled AT2 cells (85 ± 3% of AT2 cells
the pool (Fig. 2, B and C). The remaining Axin2+ the fibroblasts activate the canonical Wnt path- versus 82 ± 3% in wild-type b-catenin controls,
AT2 cells could be due to incomplete deletion way in neighboring AT2 cells. This signal is short n = 500 AT2 scored in three biological replicates)
or perdurance of Wntless in PDGFRa+ fibroblasts range because AT1 cells derived from Axin2+ AT2 and alveolar structure (Fig. 3, A, B, and D; and
or to another Wnt source. cells do not express Axin2 (n > 1000 cells scored fig. S7, A, B, and D). Of the AT2-lineage-marked
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of al- in three lungs at age 4 months), implying that AT1 cells in this experiment (48 of 172 scored
veolar fibroblasts revealed a subset expressing they do not maintain Axin2 expression once they cells in three animals), 27% were not physically
Wnt5a, most of which (74%) also expressed Pdgfra move away from the Wnt source. Some Wnt- associated with a marked founder AT2 cell (Fig. 3,
(Fig. 2D). Many Wnt5a+ fibroblasts also expressed expressing fibroblasts themselves expressed Axin2 E and F), implying that the stem cell had directly
low levels of one or two other Wnts—including (Fig. 2D and fig. S6), suggesting that they can converted into an AT1 cell, which was rare in
Wnt2, Wnt2b, Wnt4, and Wnt9a—as did other also provide an autocrine signal. control lungs (4%; n = 145 scored cells in three
smaller subpopulations of fibroblasts (Fig. 2D). AT2 biological replicates). Thus, abrogation of con-
cells did not express Porcupine (fig. S4) or any Wnt Wnt signaling prevents reprogramming stitutive Wnt signaling promotes transdiffer-
genes (fig. S5) under normal conditions. Wnt5a- of alveolar stem cells into AT1 cells entiation of Axin2+ AT2 cells into AT1 cells.

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

expressing fibroblasts (fig. S6) were scattered To investigate the function of Wnt signaling, we We also prevented AT2 cells from down-
throughout the alveolar region, most near an deleted b-catenin, a transducer of canonical Wnt regulating Wnt signaling by expressing a stabilized

Axin2-CreERa lineage (3d pulse)

pulse “Bulk” AT2 cell (Axin2 -) Wnt-active AT2 cell (Axin2+)

4 active
SftpC Axin2>GFP SftpC Axin2>GFP 3
c 10
2 AT2

0 200 400 600 800

Forward scatter
SftpC Axin2>GFP DAPI DAPI Merge DAPI Merge

Axin2-CreER lineage (1yr chase) AT1 generation AT2 expansion Axin2-CreER Rainbow clones
1wk chase 6m chase
%AT2 cells Axin2 lineage+

8 1-cell
*** clone clone ***
6 Cells in clone 4

SftpC Axin2>GFP 3
2 1

0 0
Pulse 3d 3w 3d 1yr 1wk 6m
Age 2m 2m 4m chase Chase
SftpC Axin2>GFP DAPI RAGE(AT1) Merge mOrange SftpC

Fig. 1. Axin2 marks rare AT2 cells with stem cell activity. (A to C) lung as in (E), showing Axin2+ lineage-labeled AT1 cells (arrows). RAGE,
Alveoli of adult (2 months) Axin2-CreERT2;Rosa26mTmG mouse lung AT1 membrane marker; arrowhead, AT2 cell. (G) Quantification of Axin2-
immunostained for Cre reporter mGFP (membrane-bound form of GFP), lineage labeled AT2 cells immediately after 3-day or 3-week pulse (3-day
AT2 marker pro-surfactant protein C (SftpC), and 4′,6-diamidino-2- pulse each week) at age 2 months, 3-day pulse at 4 months, or after 3-day
phenylindole (DAPI) 5 days after three daily injections of 3 mg tamoxifen pulse at 2 months plus 1-year chase. Mean ± SD (n = 3500 AT2 cells
(3-day pulse) to lineage-label Axin2-expressing (Axin2+) cells (Axin2>GFP). scored in two to four biological replicates). (H and I) Alveoli of Axin2-
Close-ups show (B) Axin2– bulk AT2 cell and (C) rare Axin2+ AT2, CreERT2;Rosa26Rainbow mice given limiting dose of tamoxifen (2 mg) at
indicating Wnt pathway activation. (D) FACS of AT2 cells in (A) to (C) 2 months to sparsely label Axin2+ cells (H) with different fluorescent clone
shows 1.0 ± 0.5% (n = 3 biological replicates) express Axin2>GFP. (E) Alveoli markers [mOrange in (H) and (I)], and immunostained for SftpC 1 week
labeled as in (A) to (C), harvested 1 year later (1-year chase). There are (H) or 6 months (I) later to detect AT2 clones. (J) Quantification of AT2
increased Axin2-lineage AT2 cells (arrowheads) and labeled AT1 cells and clone sizes 1 week and 6 months after labeling. ***P < 0.001 (Student’s t test).
fibroblasts (arrows), the latter from another Axin2+ lineage. (F) Close-up of Scale bars, 25 mm (A) and (E); 5mm (C) and (F); and 20 mm (I).

Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 6


Fig. 2. Single, Wnt-secreting

fibroblasts comprise the
stem cell niche. (A) Effect
of five daily doses of Wnt
secretion [Porcupine
(PORCN)] inhibitor C59 (+)
or vehicle control (–) on
Axin2 expression in AT2 cells
at age 2 months, measured
with PLISH for Axin2 and
Sftpc. Mean ± SD (n = 900
AT2 cells scored in three
biological replicates). ***P =
0.001 (Student’s t test).
(B and C) Effect on Axin2-
expresssion in AT2 cells
of inhibiting fibroblast Wnt
secretion by deleting Wntless
with (B) Tbx4LME-Cre or (C)
Pdgfra-CreERT2 induced with
3 mg tamoxifen 3 days before

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analysis. *P = 0.02; ***P =
0.003 (Student’s t test).
(D) Expression of Wnts, fibro-
blast markers (Pdgfra and
Col1a2), Axin2, and ubiquitous controls (Ubc, Ppla, and Actb) in 47 alveolar (mean ± SD) of AT2 cells, located far (>15 mm, n = 132 cells from three
fibroblasts (columns) from B6 adult lungs analyzed by means of scRNA-seq. biological replicates) or near (<15 mm, n = 150 cells) a Wnt5a source,
(E) Wnt5a, Axin2, and SftpC mRNA detected with PLISH of adult that express Axin2. ***P < 0.0001 (Student’s t test). (I) Axin2 expression
(2 months) alveoli. Blue, DAPI. Shown is a rare Wnt5a-expressing cell in AT2 cells isolated from adult Axin2-lacZ mice and cultured (5 days)
(dotted box “g”). (F and G) Close-ups showing AT2 cells (F) far from or with indicated Wnts at 0.1 mg/mL or antagonist Dickkopf 3 at 1 mg/mL,
(G) near a Wnt5a-expressing cell. (Insets) Axin2 channel of AT2 cell. AT2 then assayed (Spider-gal) for LacZ. ***P < 0.0001 (Student’s t test).
near Wnt5a source expresses Axin2. (H) Quantification showing percent Scale bars, 10 mm (E) and 5 mm (G).

b-catenin (b-cateninEx3). This did not induce pro- AT2 cells are recruited as ancillary progenitors jury (75% oxygen) to induce alveolar repair (fig.
liferation (fig. S8) or other obvious effects on AT2 during repair; similar recruitment of bulk AT2 S12A) (31). This allowed us to mark and genet-
cells but reduced lineage-marked AT1 cells 63% cells was observed after hyperoxic injury (see below) ically manipulate alveolar cells through endo-
(Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S7, C and D). (31, 32). Most AT2 cells (73%) expressed Axin2 after tracheal delivery of an adeno-associated virus
Under culture conditions that maintain AT2 DT-triggered injury, indicating that canonical Wnt encoding Cre (AAV9-Cre) into lungs of mice
identity (28), Wnt antagonist Dickkopf 3 (29) in- signaling is broadly induced in ancillary stem carrying a Cre-dependent reporter and conditional
creased the percentage of cells that reprogrammed cells (Fig. 4, B and C, and fig. S10C). Inhibition of Wnt pathway alleles. Quantitative polymerase
to AT1 fate 3.8-fold (2.5 ± 1.5% versus 9.5 ± Wnt signaling with C59 abrogated AT2 prolifera- chain reaction (PCR) analysis of FACS-purified,
0.1%) (Fig. 3, G and H). Conversely, under con- tion and blocked repair (Fig. 4C and fig. S9D). lineage-labeled AT2 cells (fig. S12, B and C)
ditions that promote differentiation to AT1 fate Thus, Wnt signaling recruits ancillary AT2 cells showed hyperoxic injury induced AT2 expression
(28), Wnt5a inhibited this transdifferentiation with progenitor capacity after severe injury. of Wnt7b and six other Wnt genes by 3- to 12-fold
2.6-fold (21 ± 1% versus 8 ± 1%) (Fig. 3I). CHIR99021, and similarly induced Axin2 (fivefold) and Lef1
a pharmacological activator of canonical Wnt Injury induces autocrine signaling (sevenfold), indicating autocrine activation of the
signaling, had a similar effect (Fig. 3I). in AT2 cells canonical Wnt pathway (Fig. 5A). The suite of
Thus, canonical Wnt signaling maintains the There was no change in Wnt5a expression (fig. induced Wnts did not include most Wnts ex-
AT2 stem cell pool by preventing their repro- S10C) or stromal expression of Porcupine (fig. S11, pressed by the fibroblast niche, including Wnt5a
gramming to AT1 identity, both in vivo and in vitro. A and B) after DT-triggered injury. By contrast, (Fig. 5A). AAV9-Cre–mediated mosaic deletion
Although Wnt signaling alone had little effect Porcupine was broadly induced in AT2 cells (figs. of Wntless in ~50% of alveolar epithelial cells
on AT2 proliferation (Fig. 3, J and K, and fig. S8), S10C and S11, A to C), suggesting that injury ac- (fig. S12, D to F) decreased AT2 proliferation
it enhanced EGF’s mitogenic activity (Fig. 3, J tivates autocrine Wnt secretion. We found Wnt7b, after injury (Fig. 5, B and C). The effect was
and K). expressed in alveolar progenitors during devel- cell-autonomous because AT2 cells expressing
opment (16) but not healthy adult AT2 cells Cre-GFP, but not neighboring AT2 cells, showed
Wnt signaling is induced in “ancillary” (fig. S5), was broadly induced in AT2 cells after diminished proliferation (Fig. 5, B and C). This
AT2 stem cells after epithelial injury DT-triggered injury (Fig. 4, D and E). AT2 ex- autocrine effect is mediated by multiple Wnts
To investigate stem cell activity after injury, we pression of Wnt7b and Porcupine and activation because deletion of just one induced Wnt (Wnt7b)
established a genetic system (30) to ablate alveolar of canonical Wnt signaling were induced within did not diminish proliferation. Thus, epithelial
epithelial cells. Diphtheria toxin receptor was ex- 24 hours of injury (Fig. 4, D and E, and fig. S10C). injury induces AT2 expression of a suite of auto-
pressed throughout the lung epithelium of adult AT2 proliferation initiated over the next 2 days, crine Wnts, which transiently endow bulk AT2
mice by using Shh-Cre. Diphtheria toxin (DT) peaking at day 5 as epithelial integrity was re- cells with progenitor function and proliferative
(150 ng) triggered apoptosis in ~40% of alveolar stored, after which AT2 proliferation and gene capacity.
epithelial cells (fig. S9, A and B) but spared expression returned toward baseline and new
enough for repair (fig. S9C) and survival. Nearly AT1 cells appeared (fig. S10, B and C). Discussion
all remaining AT2 cells (85%) began proliferating To explore the generality of injury-induced We molecularly identified a rare subset of AT2
after injury (Fig. 4, A and C), indicating that bulk autocrine Wnt signaling, we used hyperoxic in- cells with stem cell function (AT2stem) scattered

Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 6


Lyz2-Cre and AT2 lineage trace *** ***


% GFP+ AT1 cells w/o AT2*

Loss of Constitutive 30

% alveoli labeled
Wnt activity Wnt activity

by AT2 trace
β−catenin+/+ β−cateninfl/fl β−cateninEx3/+ 20

* * * 10

SftpC (AT2) GFP (AT2 lineage) +/+ fl/fl +/Ex3 0
β +/+
SftpC AT2 lineage Merge β
AT2-maintaining culture conditions AT1-promoting conditions AT2 proliferation
Control 12 ** *** 40 ***
% differentiated to AT1 25
% differentiated to AT1

% AT2 cells EdU+

20 30
15 Wnt5a
6 20 *
+Dkk3 10 n.s.

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

EGF 10
2 5

0 0 0



t3+ F
Wn l

t5a GF












SftpC Pdpn





Fig. 3. Wnt signaling prevents reprogramming to AT1 fate. (A to C) (G to I) AT2 cells from B6 adult mouse lungs cultured in Matrigel
Alveoli of adult (8 months) (A) Lyz2-Cre;Rosa26mTmG, (B) Lyz2-Cre; [AT2-maintaining conditions, (G) and (H)] or on poly-lysine–coated glass
Rosa26mTmG b-cateninfl/fl and (C) Lyz2-Cre;Rosa26mTmG;b-cateninEx3/+ [AT1-promoting conditions (I)] without (control) or with indicated Wnt
mice immunostained for SftpC and Lyz2-Cre (AT2) lineage trace (mGFP). pathway antagonist (1 mg/ml Dkk3) or agonists (100 ng/ml Wnt5a or 10nM
Dashed circles indicate alveolar renewal foci identified through squamous CHIR99201). After 4 days, cells were immunostained for SftpC and
AT1 expressing AT2 lineage trace. Scale bar, 50 mm. (D) Quantification Podoplanin (Pdpn) (G), and percent (mean ± SD) of AT2 (cuboidal SftpC+;
showing percent (mean ± SD) alveoli with AT2 lineage-labeled AT1 cells arrowheads) and AT1 cells (large, squamous, Podoplanin+; arrow) were
(n = 25 100-mm z-stacks scored in two or three biological replicates). quantified (n = 500 cells from three biological replicates) [(H) and (I)]
***P = 0.002 (Kruskal-Wallis test). (E) Close up of renewal foci as above in **P = 0.002; ***P < 0.001 (Student’s t test). (J) AT2 cells isolated from
control (Lyz2-Cre;b-catenin+/+, top) or b-catenin conditional deletion adult (2 months) Sftpc-CreER;Rosa26mTmG mice were cultured in
(Lyz2-Cre;b-cateninfl/fl, bottom). Shown are AT1 (arrows) and its AT2 Matrigel as above without (control) or with indicated Wnts (100 ng/ml) and
parent (arrowheads) in control, but absence of AT2 parent (asterisk) in EGF (50 ng/ml), then proliferation was assayed by means of EdU
b-catenin deletion, implying loss of stem cell by reprogramming to AT1 incorporation. (K) Quantification (n = 400 cells scored, four biological
fate. (F) Quantification shows percent (mean ± SD) AT1 cells from AT2 replicates). *P = 0.007; ***P < 0.001 (Student’s t test). n.s., not significant.
lineage (GFP+) lacking AT2 parent. ***P = 0.0004 (Student’s t test). Scale bars, 50 mm (C) and (G), 10 mm (E), and 5 mm (J).

*** *** Wnt7b cinduction in AT2 cells

AT2 proliferation Wnt activity 100
%AT2 cells Ki67+

75 100

%AT2 cells Wnt7b+


50 80

25 60

0 40
*** ***
%AT2 cells Axin2+

75 20

50 0
0 1 5 8
25 Days after
SftpC Ki67 DAPI SftpCAxin2 DAPI Axin2 Ablation - + + Wnt7b SftpCDAPI Wnt7b
C59 - - +
Fig. 4. Genetically targeted epithelial injury induces Wnt signaling and or Axin2 (mean ± SD). Ablation induces proliferation and Wnt signaling in
proliferation of bulk AT2 cells. (A and B) Alveoli of Shh-Cre;Rosa26LSL- most AT2 cells, both abrogated by Wnt secretion inhibitor C59. ***P < 0.001
DTR (Diphtheria toxin receptor) animals injected with vehicle (control, top) or (Student’s t test). (D) Alveoli as (A) and (B) probed with PLISH for Wnt7b
limiting dose (150 ng) of Diphtheria toxin (DT) to induce sporadic epithelial and SftpC mRNA 1 day after vehicle (control) or DT injection (ablation).
cell ablation (bottom) then (A) immunostained 5 days later for SftpC and Ki67 (E) Kinetics of Wnt7b induction after ablation (n = 300 AT2 cells scored per
or (B) probed with PLISH for SftpC and Axin2 expression. (C) Quantification animal, four biological replicates per time point, mean ± SD). **P = 0.005
(n = 250 cells in four animals) of percent AT2 cells expressing Ki67 (mean ± SD) (Kruskal-Wallis). Scale bars, 10 mm (A), 5 mm (B) and (D).

Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 6


Fig. 5. Hyperoxic Hyperoxia + mosaic Wntless focus of new alveoli is clonal, derived from a single
injury induces auto- deletion by AAV-Cre-GFP AT2stem that typically remains associated with
crine Wnt signaling
the growing focus (13). Although our model posits
in bulk AT2 cells. Wnt2b Muc1 that the niche cell selects the stem cell, it remains
(A) Expression of Wnt Wnt3 DAPI 40 uncertain how the scattered niche cells are se-
lected. Some niche cells themselves are Axin2+

% of AT2 cells Ki67+

genes and targets
Wnt5a (Fig. 2D and fig. S6) (24), suggesting that auto-
(Axin2 and Lef1) Cre-
Wnt7a crine Wnt signaling might maintain the niche
measured with quan- Wnt7b GFP All as juxtacrine signaling maintains the stem cell
titative reverse Wnt9a 20 AT2
transcription PCR of Wnt9b
within it.
FACS-sorted, lineage- Wnt10a Our results also reveal a transient expansion of
10 GFP+
labeled bulk AT2 cells Wnt10b Ki67 AT2 the alveolar progenitor population after epithe-
from mice 2 days
Wnt11 lial injury, when the rare AT2stem are insufficient.
Wnt16 0 Many normally quiescent bulk AT2 cells turn on
after hyperoxic alveo- + fl/fl fl/fl
lar injury (5 days at 0 5 10 15 Axin2 and serve as ancillary progenitors that
Merge Wntless
75% O2) (fig. S12B), Fold induction in AT2 cells rapidly proliferate and regenerate lost alveolar
by hyperoxic injury cells (Fig. 6). This widespread recruitment of AT2
normalized to values
before hyperoxic
cells to AT2stem function is not achieved through
injury (mean ± SD, n = 3 mice per condition). Red, Wnts expressed by fibroblast niche (Fig. 2D). *P < 0.05,
expansion of the fibroblast Wnt niche. Rather,
***P < 0.001 (Student’s t test). (B) Alveoli immunostained as indicated from adult (age 2 months)
injury induces Porcupine and another suite of
Wntlessfl/fl mouse with alveolar epithelium infected with AAV9-GFP-Cre virus (fig. S12, D to F) to mosaically
Wnts, including Wnt7b, in AT2 cells. This switch

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

delete Wntless 1 week before hyperoxic injury. Shown is injury-induced proliferation (Ki67 staining) of
to autocrine control of stem cell identity obviates
AT2 cells (Muc1 apical marker) (fig. S12A), except AT2 infected with AAV-Cre-GFP to delete Wntless.
dependence on the stromal niche. As the epi-
(C) Quantification showing percent AT2 cells Ki67+ after hyperoxic injury of AAV9-Cre-GFP–infected
thelium is restored, Wnt expression subsides in
control (Wntless+/+) and Wntlessfl/fl mice, scored for all or just GFP+ (AAV9-Cre-GFP–infected) AT2 cells.
ancillary AT2stem, and they cease proliferating
Mean ± SD (n = 500 total AT2 cells scored per mouse, three mice per condition, including 52 GFP+
and begin differentiating into AT1 cells or re-
cells). Scale bar, 10 mm.
turning to bulk AT2 identity. The Wnt pathway
is broadly active during alveolar development
(16, 17) and cancer, where most cells proliferate,
Fig. 6. Model of so it may have a general role in maintaining
Alveolar Activated
alveolar stem Resolution alveolar stem or progenitor states.
stem cell stem cell
cells and their Our data suggest that Wnt signaling, whether

Niche Wnt5a
niches. (Top) (juxtacrine fibroblast
juxtacrine Wnts from a fibroblast or autocrine
(Left) During Wnts) Wnts induced by injury, endows AT2 cells with
homeostasis, the AT2* AT2* two stem cell properties. One is AT2stem gene ex-
niche is a single Mitogenic pression and identity, preventing reprogramming
signal New
fibroblast AT1 AT1 to AT1 (and presumably bulk AT2) fate (Fig. 3).
constitutively The other is an ability to proliferate extensively,
expressing Wnt5a Ancillary stem as observed after injury when ancillary AT2stem
and/or other Wnts Bulk AT2 cell Resolution divide rapidly to restore the epithelium (Fig. 6).
cell recruitment
Severe injury

that provide Thus, Wnt signaling confers stem cell identity

“juxtacrine” signal Autocrine (“stemness”) on AT2 cells but does not itself ac-
(arrow) to the tivate the stem cells (Fig. 3, J and K, and fig. S8).
neighboring AT2 Proliferation is controlled by EGFR/KRAS signal-
cell (green cyto- New New ing (Fig. 3, J and K) (13), presumably activated by
AT1 AT1 EGF ligand(s) from dying cells (33). We propose
plasm, lineage
trace; black that Wnt and EGFR/KRAS pathways function in
nucleus, Wnt pathway active), selecting/maintaining it as a stem cell. (Middle) Upon receiving a parallel to select and activate alveolar stem cells,
mitogenic signal from the dying AT1 cell, the activated stem cell proliferates. Daughter cells (green) respectively, explaining their synergy (Fig. 3, J
compete for the niche. (Right) One remains in the niche as a stem cell; the other leaves the niche, and K).
losing Wnt signal and transdifferentiating into a new AT1 cell. (Bottom) After severe injury, bulk AT2 The above findings have implications for lung
are recruited as “ancillary” stem cells through induction of autocrine Wnts, allowing unlimited adenocarcinoma, the leading cancer killer (34)
proliferation in response to mitogens. Autocrine Wnts diminish as injury resolves. initiated by oncogenic mutations that activate
EGFR/KRAS signaling in AT2 cells (13, 35, 36).
throughout the mouse lung in specialized niches modating one AT2stem cell, and this short-range Although most AT2 cells show a limited prolifera-
that renew the alveolar epithelium throughout (“juxtacrine”) signal selects and maintains AT2stem tive response, a rare subset proliferates indefinitely,
adult life. AT2stem cells express Wnt target Axin2, identity (Fig. 6). When an AT2stem cell divides, forming deadly tumors (13): The tumor-initiating
and many lie near single fibroblasts expressing daughter cells compete for the niche. The one cells could be AT2stem. Indeed, a subpopulation
Wnt5a and other Wnt genes that serve as a sig- that remains in the niche retains AT2stem identity; of adenocarcinoma cells was recently found to
naling niche (Fig. 6). AT2stem cells divide intermit- the other leaves the Wnt niche, escaping the sig- have Wnt pathway activity and function as tumor
tently, self-renewing and giving rise to daughter nal and reprogramming to AT1 fate. Cells leaving stem cells, with associated cells serving as their
AT1 cells that lose Wnt activity when they exit the niche can also become standard AT2 cells, Wnt signaling niche (26). As oncogenic EGFR/
the niche. Maintaining canonical Wnt signaling presumably if they land near a signaling center KRAS drives stem cell proliferation, Wnt sig-
blocked transdifferentiation to AT1 identity, that selects bulk AT2 fate. This streamlined niche, naling would maintain their identity; this ex-
whereas loss of Wnt signaling promoted it. comprising just a single Wnt-expressing fibroblast plains why Wnt signaling has little proliferative
Our results support a model in which each and stem cell, minimizes niche impact on alveolar effect on its own but potentiates KRASG12D and
Wnt-expressing fibroblast defines a niche accom- gas exchange. It also explains why each expanding BRAFV600E mouse models of lung carcinogenesis

Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 6


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nals, it should be possible to isolate and expand 25. M. D. Resh, Prog. Lipid Res. 63, 120–131 (2016). adult AT2 cells. Competing interests: T.J.D. and P.B.H. are
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Nabhan et al., Science 359, 1118–1123 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 6


◥ lenging, but also more desirable, is the strong

REPORT coupling to a spin qubit (15, 16). Compared with the
electron charge, the electron spin has far superior
coherence properties, but its direct interaction
QUANTUM ELECTRONICS with the cavity magnetic field is exceedingly small
(17). Therefore, one must resort to indirect inter-

Strong spin-photon coupling action of the electron spin with the cavity elec-
tric field by hybridization of the spin with the
electron charge degree of freedom, without com-
in silicon promising spin coherence too severely in the
process (18–23). For a single spin, spin-charge
hybridization can be achieved in a controlled
N. Samkharadze,1* G. Zheng,1* N. Kalhor,1 D. Brousse,2 A. Sammak,2 U. C. Mendes,3
way through a transverse magnetic field gradient
A. Blais,3,4 G. Scappucci,1 L. M. K. Vandersypen1† (23–28).
We report the observation of vacuum Rabi
Long coherence times of single spins in silicon quantum dots make these systems highly splitting of a single electron spin resonant with
attractive for quantum computation, but how to scale up spin qubit systems remains an open an on-chip microwave cavity, the telltale sign of
question. As a first step to address this issue, we demonstrate the strong coupling of a strong coupling. The spin-photon coupling strength
single electron spin and a single microwave photon. The electron spin is trapped in a silicon is controlled by the charge qubit settings, and
double quantum dot, and the microwave photon is stored in an on-chip high-impedance we can extract all the relevant coupling strengths
superconducting resonator.The electric field component of the cavity photon couples directly and decay rates. At a spin-photon coupling strength
to the charge dipole of the electron in the double dot, and indirectly to the electron spin,

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of 10 MHz, we observe cavity decay and spin de-
through a strong local magnetic field gradient from a nearby micromagnet. Our results provide phasing rates of 4.1 and 1.8 MHz, respectively.
a route to realizing large networks of quantum dot–based spin qubit registers. The superconducting cavity consists of a NbTiN

half-wavelength coplanar resonator with a nar-
n cavity quantum electrodynamics, a photon indirectly couple well-separated atoms coherently, row center conductor and remote ground planes
is stored in a cavity so that its interaction with offering a path to scalable quantum computing. (Fig. 1, A and B), capacitively coupled to a feed line.
a resonant atom (or other two-level system) This prospect has motivated extensive theo- The cavity resonator is wrapped in a square shape,
in the cavity is enhanced to the point where retical and experimental work to achieve the
a single quantum of energy is exchanged co- strong-coupling regime with gate-defined semi-
herently between the cavity photon mode and the conductor quantum dots, one of the leading plat- QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University
of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, Netherlands.
atom (1). This regime of strong coupling has been forms for the realization of quantum circuits 2
QuTech and Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific
achieved across a wide range of experimental (8–11). Recently, strong coupling has been re- Research (TNO), Stieltjesweg 1, 2628 CK Delft, Netherlands.
platforms, from atoms to superconducting qubits ported between a microwave photon and a charge Institut Quantique and Département de Physique, Université
and self-assembled quantum dots, using either qubit formed in a double quantum dot (DQD), de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1, Canada.
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario,
optical or microwave photons (2–7). Given that an impressive achievement given the small elec- Canada.
cavities extend over macroscopic distances, the tric dipole of a double dot and the short-lived *These authors contributed equally to this work.
coherent cavity-atom interaction can be used to charge qubit coherence (12–14). Even more chal- †Corresponding author. Email:

Fig. 1. Device images and schematic. (A) Scan-

ning electron micrograph of a segment of the
NbTiN resonator center conductor. (B) Optical
micrograph of the resonator (square shape
delineated by narrow black line) adjacent to the
feed line (top) and double dot (right). The yellow
square in the center is a bond pad to bias gate B.
(C) Scanning electron micrograph showing the
gates used to form the double quantum dot
(DQD; white dotted circles indicate dot posi-
tions). The purple- and red-colored gates are
connected to the resonator ends. White squares
with X’s, Fermi reservoirs connected to ohmic
contacts; RP and LP, plunger gates used to control
chemical potentials of the dots. (D) Schematic
cross section of the DQD along the red dashed line
in (C), showing the Si quantum well, with SiGe
buffer and spacer layers, and the Al2O3 and SiNx
dielectrics separating the substrate from the Al
gates and Co micromagnets. In the experiment, a
single electron moves in the double dot potential
landscape (gray line) in response to the resonator
electric field Er. A magnetic field is applied in the
plane of the quantum well. The Co micromagnets create an additional mag- bonding and antibonding states that define a charge qubit (34). Each of the
netic field component (red curves with arrows), with a different orientation DQD levels is split by the Zeeman energy. The micromagnets cause spin
between the two dots. (E) The DQD energy levels as a function of DQD and orbital levels to hybridize as well, as reflected in the color gradients near
misalignment e. Near e = 0, the left and right dot levels hybridize, forming e = 0 for the middle two energy levels.

Samkharadze et al., Science 359, 1123–1127 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 4


and its two ends are connected to two Al gates plane magnetic fields of up to 6 T (29). The negative bias repels electrons (fig. S1D). An ex-
that extend over the quantum dot locations. The DQD is formed electrostatically in an undoped ternal in-plane magnetic field Bext induces a
resonator’s material and dimensions give it a Si/SiGe quantum well (natural isotopic abun- Zeeman splitting on an electron in the DQD.
high characteristic impedance of about 1 kilohm dance), using a single layer of Al gates (30) (Fig. Two cobalt micromagnets placed near the quan-
that enhances the coupling gc to the double dot 1C). A positive bias on a gate accumulates elec- tum dots (fig. S1, B and C) produce an additional
charge dipole (13, 29) and make it resilient to in- trons in the quantum well underneath, and a local in-plane magnetic field, as well as a trans-
verse magnetic field gradient. As a result, when
an electron oscillates between the two dots, it
experiences an oscillating transverse magnetic
field, providing the necessary (indirect) spin-
charge hybridization that allows an electric field
to couple to the spin (24–26) (Fig. 1E).
We apply a probe tone to the feed line at fre-
quency fp and record the transmission through
the feed line (unless indicated, all transmission
plots show the normalized amplitude of the
transmission through the feed line). With the
DQD tuned to keep the electron fixed in one
of the dots, the transmission shows a dip for
fp near 6.051 GHz, the bare resonance frequency
fr of the NbTiN resonator (Fig. 2B, square symbol).

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From the linewidth, we find the bare resonator
decay rate kr/2p = 2.7 MHz, with an internal loss
rate kint/2p = 1.5 MHz (fig. S5). We monitor the trans-
mission through the feed line at low probe power
(below –125 dBm, corresponding to <1 photon in
the resonator) to tune up the DQD, characterize
the charge-photon interaction, and study spin-
photon coupling.
To characterize the charge-photon interaction,
we tune the DQD to a regime where the electron
can move back and forth between the two dots
in response to the cavity electric field, setting
Bext = 110 mT, well above the spin-photon reso-
nance condition. Such motion is possible when-
ever the electrochemical potentials of the two dots
are aligned—i.e., where it costs equal energy for an
electron to be in either dot. This occurs for spe-
cific combinations of gate voltages, seen as the
short bright lines in Fig. 2A, where the charge-
photon interaction modifies the transmission
(31). We focus on the lower left line, which cor-
responds to the last electron in the DQD.
To place the charge-photon interaction in the
dispersive regime, the gate voltages are adjusted
to set 2tc /h in the range of 8 top15 GHz, so that the
charge qubit splitting hfc ¼ 4tc2 þ e2 is always
well above hfr (tc, interdot tunnel coupling; h,
Planck’s constant). We measure fc using two-tone
spectroscopy. In the dispersive regime, the charge-
Fig. 2. Strong spin-photon coupling. (A) Normalized amplitude S21 of the transmission through photon interaction results in a frequency shift
the feed line, probed at fp = 6.051 GHz. At the four short bright lines, the electron can move between of the resonator (Fig. 2F). In Fig. 2B, the char-
the dots. The dashed lines connecting the short lines indicate alignment of a dot with a reservoir acteristic dependence of this dispersive shift on
electrochemical potential. Labels indicate the electron number in the two dots. The DQD misalignment the DQD misalignment e is apparent. At e = 0,
e is varied along the direction of the white arrow, causing an inconsequential uniform shift in the the electron can most easily move between the
DQD potential as well. (B) Transmission as a function of e and fp. At large |e|, we measure the bare dots; hence, the electrical susceptibility is the
resonator transmission (square). Near e = 0, the DQD charge qubit interacts dispersively with the highest, and the dispersive shift the largest (tri-
cavity frequency, leading to a characteristic frequency shift (triangle). (C) Transmission as a function of angle). At e = 0, the magnitude of the dispersive
Bext and fp. When Bext makes the spin splitting resonant with the resonator frequency (star), a clear shift is approximated by (gc/2p)2/(fc – fr), where
avoided crossing occurs, which we attribute to the strong coupling of a single spin and a single photon. the charge-photon coupling strength gc is mostly
The white dotted line shows the expected spin splitting for a spin in silicon. (D) Line cut through (C) at fixed by design, and the detuning between fc and
the position of the green dashed vertical line (red data points) and line cut at 110 mT (blue points). fr can be adjusted. From a fit based on input-
The red data show clear vacuum Rabi splitting. (E) Similar to (C), but with the DQD misaligned, output theory (32), a charge-photon coupling
so the electron cannot move between the two dots. The spin-photon coupling is no longer visible. strength gc/2p of ~200 MHz is extracted.
(F) Schematic representation of the transmission resonance of the superconducting cavity. The bare To probe coherent spin-photon coupling, the
transmission resonance (square) is shifted dispersively by its interaction with the charge qubit charge sector parameters are kept constant so
(triangle) and splits when it is resonant with the spin qubit (star). that the interaction with charge remains dispersive.

Samkharadze et al., Science 359, 1123–1127 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 4


By varying Bext, the spin splitting is controlled a function of the strength of Bext (the total field independent of Bext at large spin-resonator de-
so that the interaction with the spin goes from is the vector sum of the external field and the tuning. When the spin splitting approaches res-
dispersive to resonant. On resonance, spin and micromagnet stray field) and the probe frequen- onance with the resonator frequency, we observe
photon hybridize (Fig. 2F, star). In Fig. 2C, the cy fp applied to the feed line. As expected, the a strong response in the form of an anticrossing
transmission through the feed line is shown as cavity resonance seen in transmission is (nearly) (Fig. 2C, star). The slope fp/Bext of the slanted

Fig. 3. Two-tone spectroscopy of the charge

and spin qubit. (A) Transmission at fp = 6.041
GHz as a function of DQD misalignment e and
the frequency fs of a second tone (pump
frequency) that is applied to gate LP. When the
second tone
is in resonance with the charge qubit splitting
(white dashed line), the steady-state
occupation of the charge qubit is changed, and,
owing to the charge-photon coupling, this is
reflected in a modified dispersive shift of the
resonator. (B) Line cut at e = 0, from which we
extract a charge qubit dephasing rate of 52 MHz.
(C) Transmission (phase response) at fp = 6.043
GHz as a function of Bext and the pump

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frequency applied to
gate LP. When the pump frequency is in
resonance with the spin qubit splitting, the
steady-state occupation of the spin qubit
is changed, and, owing to the spin-photon
coupling, this is reflected in a modified response
of the resonator. The slope of the response
corresponds to a spin with gL ≈ 2. (D) Line cut at
Bext = 100.1 mT, from which we extract a spin
qubit dephasing rate
of 1.4 MHz.

Fig. 4. Control of the spin-photon coupling. (A)

The dependence on DQD tunnel coupling of gs, k,
and gs (upper panel)
and of the ratio of peak splitting to linewidth 2gs/
(gs + k/2) (lower panel) for e = 0. Although all
three separate quantities increase with lower tc,
the ratio 2gs/(gs + k/2), which is the most relevant
quantity, shows an optimum value around fc = 9.5
GHz. The black dashed line shows gs approxi-
mated as 41 gc gL mB DBx =ð2tc =h  fr Þ (28), taking DBx
= 20 mT (which translates to an estimated
interdot distance of 45 nm, given the 0.45 mT/nm
simulated transverse gradient). (B to D) Similar
data to
Fig. 2C for three different values of DQD tunnel
coupling, as indicated. The small differences in the
resonant magnetic
field are mostly due to different magnetic field
sweep histories and hysteresis in
the micromagnet. (E) Transmission as a function
of Bext and e for 2tc/h = 10.3 GHz and fp = 6.040
GHz. Where the blue band
is interrupted, the Zeeman splitting is
resonant with the (dispersively shifted) resonator.

Samkharadze et al., Science 359, 1123–1127 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 4


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to charge noise, which affects spin coherence conducting resonator. Given the large dimen- AC KNOWLED GME NTS
through the magnetic field gradient (23, 27, 28). sions of resonators compared with those of We thank J. Taylor, P. Scarlino, A. Yacoby, J. Kroll, A. Bruno,
The spin-photon hybridization can be controlled double dots, multiple spin qubits can interact and members of the spin qubit team at QuTech for useful
with gate voltages. By moving away from e = 0, with and through the same resonator, enabling discussions and L. Kouwenhoven and his team for access to
the photon and charge no longer hybridize, and scalable networks of interconnected spin qubit NbTiN films. This research was undertaken thanks in part to
funding from the European Research Council (ERC Synergy
the spin-photon coupling vanishes (Fig. 2E). Further- registers (33). Importantly, the spin-photon cou- Quantum Computer Lab), the Netherlands Organisation for
more, at e = 0, the spin-photon coupling strength pling can be switched on or off on nanosecond Scientific Research (NWO/OCW) as part of the Frontiers of
can be approximated as gs ¼ 41 gc gL mB DBx =ð2tc = time scales by using gate voltage pulses that con- Nanoscience (NanoFront) program, Intel Corporation, the
h  fr Þ (provided the magnetic field profile is trol the double dot misalignment and tunnel Canada First Research Excellence Fund, and the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Data
symmetric relative to the DQD) (23, 27, 28). coupling, facilitating on-demand coupling of one reported in this paper are archived at
Here, DBx is the difference in the transverse or more spins to a common resonator. uuid:1483c28e-c1d5-45d5-971c-8e660f01f768.
field between the two dots. Starting from large
tc, reducing tc increases spin-charge admixing— RE FERENCES AND NOTES

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Samkharadze et al., Science 359, 1123–1127 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 4


WATER STRUCTURE molecule and water molecule–water molecule

interactions are not distinguishable from the
point of view of thermodynamics, so that thermo-
A liquid-liquid transition in dynamically the water molecules will continue
to behave in waterlike ways, one of which is to

supercooled aqueous solution related undergo a phase transition in the absence of

ice crystallization. Although we investigate ideal
solutions here, we note that the arguments of
to the HDA-LDA transition Anisimov (6) and of Biddle et al. (7) for the dis-
placement of the critical point to lower temper-
Sander Woutersen,1* Bernd Ensing,1,2 Michiel Hilbers,1
atures and pressures also hold in nonideal solutions
and are consistent with computer simulation
Zuofeng Zhao,3 C. Austen Angell3*
findings for NaCl-water solutions (14, 15).
Figure 1 shows the thermodynamic behavior
Simulations and theory suggest that the thermodynamic anomalies of water may be related
that is revealed when cooling an ideal aqueous
to a phase transition between two supercooled liquid states, but so far this phase transition
solution. Instead of salt addition leading to a
has not been observed experimentally because of preemptive ice crystallization. We used
replacement of the pure water anomaly with a
calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations to investigate a
decreasing solution molar heat capacity (Cp) and
water-rich hydrazinium trifluoroacetate solution in which the local hydrogen bond structure
finally a glass transition [as shown for the familiar
surrounding a water molecule resembles that in neat water at elevated pressure, but which does
case of an 11.4 mole percent (mol %) LiCl solution
not crystallize upon cooling. Instead, this solution underwent a sharp, reversible phase
(9)], we saw an almost first-order–like spike in
transition between two homogeneous liquid states. The hydrogen-bond structures of these two

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

heat capacity in the case of solutions of ionic
states are similar to those established for high- and low-density amorphous (HDA and LDA)
liquid hydrazinium trifluoroacetate (N2H5TFA),
water. Such structural similarity supports theories that predict a similar sharp transition in pure
although the salt content was higher for the latter
water under pressure if ice crystallization could be suppressed.
case. The “spike anomaly” was fully reversible

upon reheating; it was followed, at higher tem-
he divergent behavior of pure-water thermo- into the binary solution. Unfortunately, most ionic perature, by crystallization of ice Ih. In (12), it was
dynamic properties during deep supercooling (8–10) and many molecular (11) second com- noted that the onset of the heat capacity anomaly
was interpreted by Poole et al. (1) in terms ponents destroy the water anomalies more rapidly was preceded by a density anomaly—a flattening
of the existence of a nearby second critical than they block the nucleation of ice. out of the density decrease with decreasing tem-
point at which two liquid phases, differing Recently, however, a class of ionic solutes has perature. Against the background of linearly de-
in density, become identical. A thermodynamic been discovered for which the latter discouraging creasing density with decreasing T, the flattening
model, a variant of the van der Waals equation scenario is reversed; that is, they permit super- corresponds to an anomalous density decrease
of state, was devised by Poole et al. (2), to show cooling to the point of vitrification without de- approaching the Cp maximum. Unfortunately, at
how the two critical points could be related through struction of the liquid-state anomalies. Rather, the highest water content, 84.4 mol %, where the
the splitting of the familiar van der Waals co- they seem to displace the second critical point to sharp transition of the present work occurs, the
existence domain into two segments. Poole et al. lower pressures and temperatures, as described density anomaly could not be observed. The
(2) argued that this splitting would result if a by Anisimov and colleagues (6, 7), in such a way reasons are straightforwardly related to the sam-
liquid structure of low coordination number that the ambient-temperature cooling leads the ple size required for the density measurement (16).
could be stabilized, by directional bonding, at a system to cross a liquid-liquid coexistence line A related phenomenon has been reported by
density that is intermediate between gas and before any ice crystallization can occur (12). Thus, Murata and Tanaka (17) using glycerol as the
close-packed liquid, as occurs in ice and in random the “crystallization curtain” can be lifted. solute, but in that case, the formation of the sec-
tetrahedral network models of water (3). The solutions in which these observations have ond liquid phase was accompanied by ice for-
However, for studies of pure water in the been made obey the ideal-solution laws for de- mation and so was irreversible. The problem
laboratory, none of this latter scenario can be pression of the ice melting point (12, 13). Such then becomes one of identifying the participating
established by direct experimentation because behavior indicates that the solute ion–water structures in the new, almost first-order transition.
of the preempting crystallization of ice Ih (ordinary
ice) that forms by homogeneous nucleation and
Fig. 1. Contrasting thermal behavior
growth in a pattern that closely follows the pattern
of ideal and nonideal aqueous
of divergences of the thermodynamic suscep-
solutions during supercooling. Com-
tibilities (4). The addition of second components
positions are identified on the plots.
(salts or other liquids) can depress crystallization
Apparent values of Cp were determined
rates (i.e., act as antifreeze) and permit formation
of glassy phases. This approach can act as a proxy during cooling scans at 20 K min−1
in each case. Data for pure H2O are a
for pressure increases for mapping out the phase
compendium of reported results [see
diagram. Theory (5–7) indicates the possibility of
(12)]. Data for the LiCl solution are
obtaining information on hidden critical phe-
from (9).
nomena in single-component systems by virtue
of critical lines emanating from the pure solvent

Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of
Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2),
CSIC and Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Campus
UAB, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Spain. 3School of Molecular
Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: (S.W.); (C.A.A.)

Woutersen et al., Science 359, 1127–1131 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 4


As a probe, the decoupled vibration frequency of Fig. 2. Liquid-liquid

the OH oscillator is ideal because its frequency is transition in aqueous
very sensitive to the OH···O H-bond strength. solution. (A) Droplet of
We prepared aqueous solutions of N2H5TFA (N2HD4/N2D5)TFA solu-
with molar water fractions xwater ranging from tion in HDO/D2O (H/D
0.50 to 0.84 (16). The small sample volume (~1 ml, fraction ~3%) with xwater =
kept between two CaF2 windows separated by 0.84, between two CaF2
~25 mm; Fig. 2A) allowed for comparatively slow windows, during cooling
temperature scans without crystallization. Water and subsequent reheat-
volumes of this size (>1019 molecules) behave ther- ing. All temperatures
modynamically like bulk water (16). We used di- given in the figures and
lute H/D isotopic mixtures (H:D fraction ~0.03) to text are those of a ther-
prevent coupling between the OH-stretch modes mocouple close to the
(18). This choice ensured that the center frequency liquid layer (16). The circle
and width of the OH-stretch absorption peak is the optical exit of the
reflected the H-bond structure. The thermody- sample holder. The cir-
namics of H2O and D2O are essentially the same, cumference of the droplet
once a correction for the zero-point motion is is visible as the sharp
taken into account (19, 20). Figure 2B shows the squiggly line. During
infrared (IR) absorption spectrum of an xwater = reheating, crystallization
0.84 solution at room temperature (red curve) occurs (rightmost panel),
and down to 140 K during cooling at 7 K min−1

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but only after the liquid-
(spectra are shown at 2.2 K temperature intervals). liquid transition. (B) IR
At 25°C, the OH/NH-stretch region contained spectra of the same
a broad intense band centered at 3420 cm−1 and solution. Upon decreasing
a much weaker peak at 3300 cm−1. The latter was the temperature (at
absent from the spectrum of an NaTFA solution 7 K min−1), the OH-
with the same xwater value (fig. S1) (16), which stretch peak showed a
showed that the 3420 cm−1 peak arose from the gradual redshift. At
OH-stretch mode of water (HDO), whereas the ~190 K, an intense,
3300 cm−1 peak arose from the NH-stretch mode broad low-frequency OH-
of hydrazinium (N2HD4+). This assignment was stretch mode appeared,
confirmed by the change in relative intensities of indicating a discrete
the two peaks upon changing the water fraction change in H-bond struc-
(Fig. 2E). The absorption spectrum of the fully ture. (C) Upon reheating,
deuterated solution showed negligible absorp- this phenomenon was
tion in the investigated frequency region (fig. S4) reversed and the low-
(16). We attribute the striking jump in IR absorp- frequency peak disap-
tion observed in Fig. 2B in the lower temperature peared again. (D) Upon
range (about 190 K) to the liquid-liquid transi- further reheating, the
tion, as discussed below. water crystallized, result-
The OH-stretch mode of the solution has a ing in a narrow low-
center frequency and width [245 cm−1 full frequency OH-stretch
width at half maximum (FWHM)] comparable peak (assigned to ice)
to those of liquid HDO:D2O (21), and in both superimposed on a broad
cases the line shapes are approximately Gaussian. OH/NH-stretch back-
These similarities indicate that even at the high ground caused by the
concentration of ions in the solution, the H-bond surrounding liquid. (E) In a
local structure surrounding a water molecule solution with a water
resembles that in neat water, as is reflected at fraction x = 0.60, no
the macroscopic level by the ideal-solution be- structural transition
havior already mentioned. Hydrazinium contains occurred, only a gradual
five H-bond–donating groups, and trifluoroacetate lowering of the OH-stretch
has five H-bond acceptor sites, so that N2H5TFA frequency with decreasing
formed an H-bond network resembling that temperature. (F) IR
of water. This bonding motif has been shown absorbance at 3300 cm−1
previously for the similar ionic liquid ethyl versus temperature dur-
ammonium nitrate (22). Thus, N2H5TFA fit re- ing cooling and reheating
markably well into the three-dimensional water as indicated by the arrows.
H-bond network and left it essentially un- Each point indicates a
perturbed, as was demonstrated by the OH-stretch measured IR spectrum. At
spectrum consisting of a single absorption band a lower cooling and
at the same frequency as that of neat HDO:D2O. reheating rate, the hyster-
The macroscopic ideal mixing behavior could thus esis was much less.
be described as an ideal mixing of the structures. (G) Close-up showing the
This structural description was confirmed by reduced hysteresis at a
molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the lower cooling rate.

Woutersen et al., Science 359, 1127–1131 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 4


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Fig. 3. MD simulations of the investigated solution. (A) Snapshot of in N2H5TFA solution (D), showing the distribution of different H-bond
the classical MD simulation. (B) Radial distribution functions (RDFs) donor and acceptor atoms. Color code for isosurfaces: red, water O atom;
of different H-bond donor and acceptor atoms in the solution around gray, water H atom; orange, TFA O atom; blue, hydrazinium H atom;
water atoms, obtained from the classical (solid lines) and DFT (dashed green, hydrazinium N atom. (E to G) Three-dimensional structural
lines) MD simulations. In the top panel, radial distributions of the density plots of the H-bond acceptor atoms (water O, TFA O, and
water O and H atoms are compared to these functions in bulk water hydrazinium N) in the first and second coordination shells of a water
(dotted lines). (C and D) Three-dimensional structural density plots of molecule (in the center) in neat water at 1 bar (E), in neat water at
the first coordination shell of a water molecule, in neat water (C) and 6 kbar (F), and in N2H5TFA solution at 1 bar (G).

N2H5TFA solution (Fig. 3). We performed both Finally, we investigated the second coordina- started to form (Fig. 2A, rightmost panel). The
classical and ab initio simulations and found that tion shell of the water molecules. The structure presence of ice appeared distinctly in the IR
the latter confirmed the former very well. The of the solution (Fig. 3G) differed somewhat from spectrum (Fig. 2D) as a narrow peak at 3295 cm−1
simulations showed that the ions fit well into that of neat water at ambient pressure (Fig. 3E). with a width of 50 cm−1. These numbers agreed
the H-bond network of water (Fig. 3). The radial However, the second solvation shell structure of well with the center frequency and width of the
distribution functions (Fig. 3B) showed that in our solution is virtually identical to that of neat OH-stretch mode of HDO:D2O ice at this temper-
the first coordination shell of the water molecules water at high pressure, which was determined ature (21). The complete absence of the ice peak
in the solution, the H and N/O atoms of the solute previously from combined neutron-diffraction in the earlier stages of the temperature scan
partly replaced the water H and O atoms as experiments and simulations (23, 24) and which demonstrated that no ice formed during the
H-bond donor and acceptor atoms. The N/O···H we reproduced when performing a simulation of structural transition associated with the heat
and N/O···O distance distributions in the solution neat water at high pressure (6 kbar in Fig. 3F; capacity spike, neither during cooling nor during
were very similar to the O···H and O···O distribu- intermediate pressures in fig. S8) (16). This sim- reheating. Crystallization occurred at a temper-
tions in neat water. This similarity can be quan- ilarity confirms the experiments by Leberman ature above that of the heat capacity spike, and
tified by comparing the average H-bond coordination and Soper (25), demonstrating that adding salt only during reheating, not during cooling. This is
number of a water molecule in our ionic solution modifies the water structure in the same way because crystallization requires both nucleation
and in neat water, for which we found values of as increasing the pressure. and growth, and the rate of the latter is generally
4.3 and 3.8, respectively (table S1) (16). Upon cooling the solution (Fig. 2B), the fre- much smaller than that of the former, which also
Because H-bond directionality is an important quency of the OH-stretch frequency initially de- peaks at a much lower temperature (27). Consequent-
structural characteristic of water, we also calcu- creased gradually, in a fashion similar to neat ly, some nuclei (but no crystals) can be formed at
lated the orientational distribution of the H-bond supercooled water (26). However, at a temper- the very lowest temperatures accessed during our
donor and acceptor atoms around water. These ature close to that of the heat capacity spike experiment, but these nuclei can turn into crystals
orientational distributions are again very sim- (~190 K), a discontinuous change occurred: A only at high temperatures (well above that of the heat
ilar in the solution and in neat water (Fig. 3, new OH-stretch mode appeared at 3300 cm−1 capacity spike) where the growth rate is sufficient.
C and D): The hydrazinium H atoms partly re- and the initial OH-stretch mode vanished. Upon The discontinuous nature of the observed
placed water H atoms as H-bond donors, and the further cooling, this new OH-stretch mode also structural transition was visible when monitor-
hydrazinium N and TFA O atoms partly replaced gradually decreased in frequency. The transition ing the absorbance at 3300 cm−1 during cooling
water O atoms as H-bond acceptors (the spatial was reversible (Fig. 2C): Upon reheating the and reheating (Fig. 2F). When cooling at a rate of
distributions of the H atoms of hydrazinium and sample, the low-frequency OH-stretch mode 7 K min−1 (red points), the appearance (during
water overlap so closely that the intersection of disappeared and the original high-frequency cooling) and disappearance (during reheating)
their isosurfaces in Fig. 3D is determined mostly OH-stretch mode reappeared. of the 3300 cm−1 peak occurred at temperatures
by the noise in the simulations). The same holds The sample remained transparent during cool- that differed by about 10 K. However, when cooling
for the hydrazinium N and water O atoms, and ing, as well as during subsequent reheating to at a rate of 1 K min−1 (blue points in Fig. 2F), the
for the TFA O and water O atoms. ~204 K. At that temperature, ice crystallites difference was only 3 K (28).

Woutersen et al., Science 359, 1127–1131 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 4


The discontinuous change in the OH-stretch 0.7 6. M. A. Anisimov, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. B 6, 861–867 (2012).
= 0.84, 210 K 7. J. W. Biddle, V. Holten, M. A. Anisimov, J. Chem. Phys. 141,
spectrum indicated that the heat capacity spike 0.6 water
160 K 074504 (2014).
involves an abrupt change in the H-bond structure. 0.5 8. D. G. Archer, R. W. Carter, J. Phys. Chem. B 104, 8563–8584
Thus, this transition cannot be a glass transition, (2000).
which is an arrest—not a change—of structure 9. C. A. Angell, Science 319, 582–587 (2008).
(caused by the structural equilibration time scale 0.3 10. J. Riemenschneider, R. Ludwig, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 117101
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11. M. Oguni, C. A. Angell, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 1948–1954 (1980).
The difference is well illustrated by a measurement 0.1

12. Z. Zhao, C. A. Angell, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 2474–2477
on a sample with a water fraction of 0.60, which 0 (2016).
exhibited a glass transition, visible in differential 13. W. J. Moore, Physical Chemistry (Prentice-Hall, ed. 4, 1972).
HDA water, 11 K
scanning calorimetry as a step decrease in the 1 14. D. Corradini, M. Rovere, P. Gallo, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 134508
LDA water, 80 K
heat capacity (like that seen in Fig. 1 for the LiCl (2010).
0.8 15. D. Corradini, M. Rovere, P. Gallo, J. Phys. Chem. B 115,
solution, but at higher temperature). In the IR
1461–1468 (2011).
spectrum, however, we observed only a gradual 0.6
16. See supplementary materials.
shift and no discontinuity of the OH-stretch mode 0.4 17. K. Murata, H. Tanaka, Nat. Mater. 11, 436–443 (2012).
(Fig. 2E and gray points in Fig. 2F; note that 18. M. Yang, J. L. Skinner, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 982–991
the xwater = 0.84 and xwater = 0.60 data were ob- (2010).
19. A. K. Wyczalkowska, K. S. Abdulkadirova, M. A. Anisimov,
tained with the same cooling rate). 0
3200 3300 3400 3500 J. V. Sengers, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 4985–5002 (2000).
On the basis of the IR spectra, we can ex- 20. C. A. Angell, E. J. Sare, J. Donnella, D. R. MacFarlane,
clude the possibility that the heat capacity spike frequency (cm -1) J. Phys. Chem. 85, 1461–1464 (1981).
was caused by ice formation or by a glass transi- 21. T. A. Ford, M. Falk, Can. J. Chem. 46, 3579–3586 (1968).
Fig. 4. IR absorption spectra of the two liquid 22. K. Fumino, A. Wulf, R. Ludwig, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48,

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

tion. Rather, the observed change in H-bond struc-
phases and amorphous water. (A) High- 3184–3186 (2009).
ture indicates that the heat capacity spike can be
temperature and low-temperature liquid phases 23. P. G. Debenedetti, H. E. Stanley, Phys. Today 56, 40–46
associated with a phase transition involving a (2003).
observed in our experiment. (B) Low-density and
change in the H-bond structure. The OH-stretch 24. A. K. Soper, M. A. Ricci, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2881–2884
(vapor-deposited) high-density amorphous water;
spectrum provided direct information on the dif- (2000).
data were measured as described in (30, 31) and 25. R. Leberman, A. K. Soper, Nature 378, 364–366 (1995).
ferences in H-bond structures between the high-
provided by the authors of those papers. In (B), the 26. F. Perakis, P. Hamm, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 5289–5293
temperature and low-temperature liquid phases (2011).
LDA spectrum was normalized to its maximum,
(Fig. 4): The lower center frequency implies stronger 27. H. Senapati, K. K. Kadiyala, C. A. Angell, J. Phys. Chem. 95,
and the HDA spectrum was normalized so as to
(shorter) H bonds in the low-temperature liquid 7050–7054 (1991).
have the same frequency-integrated absorption as
(relative to the high-temperature liquid), whereas 28. This small difference probably originated mainly from the
the LDA spectrum.
the smaller width (~180 cm−1 FWHM) indicates sample temperature lagging behind the temperature of
the thermocouple (see fig. S3), which was not immersed in
that the H-bond structure is more ordered. the liquid but attached to the brass holder keeping the CaF2
The spectral changes (redshift, narrowing, need not require the usual nonideal positive windows together.
asymmetry) during the transition from the high- heat of mixing in the binary solution but can 29. O. Mishima, Y. Suzuki, Nature 419, 599–603 (2002).
to the low-temperature phase were similar to the arise purely as a consequence of an anomalous 30. A. Shalit, F. Perakis, P. Hamm, J. Phys. Chem. B 117,
15512–15518 (2013).
changes when going from low-density amorphous tendency to liquid-liquid unmixing (i.e., polya-
31. A. Shalit, F. Perakis, P. Hamm, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 151102
(LDA) to high-density amorphous (HDA) water morphism) in the pure solvent. The liquid-liquid (2014).
(29–31) (Fig. 4). The spectra of our solutions transition we observed in our crystallization- 32. P. Gallo et al., Chem. Rev. 116, 7463–7500 (2016).
have somewhat larger widths, indicating more resistant aqueous solution has all of the features 33. P. Gallo, H. E. Stanley, Science 358, 1543–1544 (2017).
disorder, probably because of the presence of predicted for the latter source of first-order solution 34. K. H. Kim et al., Science 358, 1589–1593 (2017).
the ions. The similarity of these spectra strongly transition and would seem to provide direct
suggests that the liquid-liquid transition observed evidence for the existence of a liquid-liquid AC KNOWLED GME NTS
here is directly connected to the HDA-LDA transi- transition behind the “crystallization curtain” We thank H. Sanders for preparing the samples and A. Shalit and
P. Hamm for providing the data shown in Fig. 4B. Funding:
tion in water. The equivalence of high ionic con- in pure water. Our IR measurements and MD
Supported by the John van Geuns Foundation (S.W.) and NSF
centrations with the application of high pressure simulations both indicate that the structures of grant CHE 12-13265 (C.A.A.). Author contributions: C.A.A. and
(22), as confirmed by our simulations, strongly the two liquid phases are very similar to those S.W. conceived the experiments; Z.Z. and C.A.A. performed and
suggests that a liquid-liquid transition also exists of the liquid phases to be expected in neat water analyzed the calorimetric measurements; M.H. and S.W. performed
and analyzed the cryogenic IR measurements; B.E. performed
in neat water, as was predicted by Poole (1) and at high pressure; thus, they provide forceful
and analyzed the MD simulations; and C.A.A., S.W., and B.E. jointly
others (32) and indicated by recent evaporative arguments for the occurrence of a liquid-liquid wrote the manuscript. Competing interests: None declared.
cooling experiments (33, 34). We hope that our transition (similar to the one observed here) in Data and materials availability: All data are reported in the main
studies will stimulate further work to confirm this neat water at elevated pressure. In this case, our text and supplement and are also publicly available at the
University of Amsterdam’s Figshare (doi: 10.21942/uva.5808366).
implication—for instance, by studying the effect findings would provide a unifying explanation for
of pressure (by increasing the pressure in the the thermodynamic anomalies of liquid water.
low-temperature phase, it should be possible to SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
recross the liquid-liquid phase line), ionic con-
1. P. H. Poole, F. Sciortino, U. Essmann, H. E. Stanley, Nature Materials and Methods
centration, and isotope composition [to inves- 360, 324–328 (1992). Supplementary Text
tigate the role of nuclear quantum effects (34)]. 2. P. H. Poole, F. Sciortino, T. Grande, H. E. Stanley, C. A. Angell, Figs. S1 to S8
A solid theoretical basis for this scenario Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1632–1635 (1994). Table S1
3. M. G. Sceats, S. A. Rice, in Water: A Comprehensive Treatise, References (35–44)
has been provided by the groups of Anisimov F. Franks, Ed. (Plenum, 1982), vol. 7, pp. 83–211.
(7) and Debenedetti (5), who have shown that 4. H. Kanno, C. A. Angell, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 4008–4016 (1979). 27 September 2017; accepted 24 January 2018
a liquid-liquid transition in a binary mixture 5. S. Chatterjee, P. G. Debenedetti, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 154503 (2006). 10.1126/science.aao7049

Woutersen et al., Science 359, 1127–1131 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 4


NANOMATERIALS the larger lattice constant. In scanning electron

microscope (SEM) images of three representative
WS2/WSe2 heterostructures with controlled super-
Coherent, atomically thin cell dimensions (Fig. 1C), dark (bright) regions
correspond to WS2 (WSe2) monolayers. Every

transition-metal dichalcogenide triangular unit of WS2 and WSe2 shows a highly

symmetric, equilateral triangular shape of uni-
form width, each defined by straight, parallel
superlattices with engineered strain heterointerfaces, that could be directly controlled
with nanoscale precision. These widths could
Saien Xie,1,2 Lijie Tu,1* Yimo Han,1* Lujie Huang,3 Kibum Kang,2 Ka Un Lao,3
be as narrow as 20 nm (Fig. 1C, center) and
periodically modulated to form superlattices
Preeti Poddar,2 Chibeom Park,2 David A. Muller,1,4
with different dimensions, represented by the
Robert A. DiStasio Jr.,3 Jiwoong Park2,3†
two widths {dWS2 and dWSe2}. Two examples of
superlattices are shown, one primarily composed
Epitaxy forms the basis of modern electronics and optoelectronics. We report coherent
of WS2 (dWS2 >> dWSe2) (Fig. 1C, left) and the
atomically thin superlattices in which different transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers—
other by WSe2 (dWS2 << dWSe2) (Fig. 1C, right).
despite large lattice mismatches—are repeated and laterally integrated without dislocations
Heterostructures consisting of different metal
within the monolayer plane. Grown by an omnidirectional epitaxy, these superlattices display
and chalcogen elements could also be synthesized
fully matched lattice constants across heterointerfaces while maintaining an isotropic lattice
with a similar level of control (see fig. S1C for an
structure and triangular symmetry. This strong epitaxial strain is precisely engineered via
example of a WSe2/MoS2/WS2 heterostructure).
the nanoscale supercell dimensions, thereby enabling broad tuning of the optical properties and

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These crystalline TMD superlattices were syn-
producing photoluminescence peak shifts as large as 250 millielectron volts. We present
thesized by a modulated metal-organic chemical
theoretical models to explain this coherent growth and the energetic interplay governing the
vapor deposition (MOCVD) (22) process (see
ripple formation in these strained monolayers. Such coherent superlattices provide building
Fig. 1, supplementary materials, and fig. S1),
blocks with targeted functionalities at the atomically thin limit.
with two distinctive features compared with

previous approaches (13–21). First, the con-
pitaxial structures with coherent hetero- of their optical properties. We used WS2 and centration of each precursor was individually
interfaces, in which lattices of dissimilar WSe2 as the two main TMDs for our hetero- and precisely controlled, which allowed the
materials are matched without dislocations, structures and superlattices (Fig. 1A, inset), where direct tuning of the supercell dimensions. The
enable advanced scientific and technological the repeat direction of the superlattice is in the composition of TMD could be switched, for ex-
applications, including multiferroic oxides growth plane of a monolayer, rather than the ample, from WS2 to WSe2 and vice versa, by
with engineered strain and symmetry (1, 2), high- out-of-plane direction of conventional thin-film simply changing the chalcogen precursors. The
performance quantum cascade lasers (3), and superlattices. These TMDs have a substantial width of each component was determined by
high-efficiency light-emitting diodes (4). Two- lattice mismatch (D) of ~4%, with WSe2 having controlling the timing of the switch, according
dimensional (2D) coherent heterostructures and
superlattices (Fig. 1, A and B) can serve as ultrathin
building blocks for advanced stacking and hetero-
integration with other materials (5–7) and provide
opportunities not available with their 3D analogs.
Realizing this goal would require the integration
of various 2D materials whose properties can be
tuned by the strain required for coherent lattice
matching, as well as a method for precisely con-
trolling the superlattice dimensions while main-
taining lattice coherence over the entire structure.
Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
(TMDs), many of which share similar crystal
structures, provide an ideal material platform
with diverse electrical, optical (8, 9), piezoelectric
(10, 11), and valley properties (12). However, re-
cent studies on TMD heterostructure synthesis
have shown only limited capabilities toward
realizing coherent 2D superlattices (13–21).
We report coherent monolayer TMD super-
lattices with precisely controlled supercell di-
mensions and lattice coherence maintained over
the entire structure, which result in broad tuning

School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, Institute for
Molecular Engineering, and James Franck Institute, University of
Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 3Department of Chemistry
and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Cornell
Fig. 1. 2D monolayer TMD superlattices. (A) Schematic of 2D superlattices based on monolayer
University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. TMDs. (B) Schematic of incoherent and coherent epitaxy, with the epitaxy direction represented by the
†Corresponding author. Email: outlined arrow. (C) SEM images of three monolayer WS2/WSe2 superlattices. Scale bars, 200 nm.

Xie et al., Science 359, 1131–1136 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 5


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Fig. 2. Lattice coherence of WS2/WSe2 superlattices. (A) An ADF-STEM Spatial maps of normalized lattice constants a//, a⊥, and lattice rotation
image at the heterointerface area between WS2 and WSe2 (epitaxy direction map of superlattice {75 and 60 nm}. Scale bar, 500 nm. (H) Histograms of
represented by the arrow; same for all). Scale bar, 2 nm. (B) Inverse FFT of an a// and a⊥ from experiment [for region a in (F)] and theory [for the superlattice
ADF-STEM image from a larger area near the heterointerface, based on the depicted in (J)]. (I) Schematic of the isotropic expansion of the WS2 lattice
circled spots in its FFT (inset). Scale bar, 5 nm. (C) SAED pattern of in an omnidirectional coherent WS2/WSe2 heterostructure. (J) Composite
superlattice {50 and 40 nm}, taken from an area with a diameter of 280 nm. maps of a// (left) and a⊥ (right) of a superlattice with ratio dWS2/dWSe2 = 1.25,
(D) Enlarged diffraction spots as indicated in (C). (E) The same diffraction computed from a coarse-grained theoretical simulation (see fig. S7 and
spots as in (D) from an incoherent WS2/WSe2 heterostructure. (F and G) supplementary materials).

to a simple linear dependence between the width tween WS2 (lower) and WSe2 (upper). The ADF- (a//,1 + a//,2)]. Diffraction data corresponding to
and the growth time (see supplementary ma- STEM data taken from a larger area (Fig. 2B) a// (circles in Fig. 2C, enlarged in Fig. 2D) showed
terials, table S1, and fig. S1). shows continuous lines of atoms with no misfit a single diffraction spot with no separation, con-
Second, the growth environment was main- dislocations near the heterointerface across ~160 firming perfect lattice matching (d// = 0). Dif-
tained constant throughout the synthesis regard- unit cells [shown after the inverse fast Fourier fraction data corresponding to a⊥ (squares in Fig.
less of the specific TMD composition, which was transform (FFT)]. One dislocation is expected 2C, enlarged in Fig. 2D) also showed similar
crucial for producing coherent heterointerfaces. every 25 unit cells on average for incoherent het- lattice constants; although two spots were ob-
For example, both WS2 and WSe2 were grown erointerfaces with D ≈ 4%, so these images are served, each originating from the WS2 and WSe2
under constant temperature, pressure, and over- consistent with our superlattice forming coherent regions (see below), the mismatch d⊥ = 1.2% was
all flow rate, with the only difference being the heterointerfaces. much smaller than D. In contrast, the same dif-
chalcogen precursors. In our experiment, dif- Second, our superlattices displayed lattice con- fraction spots measured from an incoherent WS2/
ferent components of our superlattices were stants that were uniform over the entire structure. WSe2 heterostructure displayed a 4% concentric
grown with a slow growth rate (ranging between Figure 2C shows selective-area electron diffraction separation, with d// = d⊥ = D (Fig. 2E; see fig. S3
20 and 60 nm/min) near thermodynamic equi- (SAED) data measured from a representative for original SAED patterns).
librium and exhibited straight heterointerfaces superlattice {50 and 40 nm} within a region with Lattice coherence was directly confirmed with
with the most stable W-zigzag edges (fig. S2) a single epitaxy direction (denoted by the ar- nanoscale resolution over the entire WS2/WSe2
(23, 24). row). These data exhibited a single-crystal–like superlattice. We used our newly developed
Our WS2/WSe2 superlattices maintained lattice pattern with sharp and isotropic diffraction spots. electron microscope pixel array detector (EMPAD),
coherence over the entire crystal (Fig. 2). First, We used their positions to measure the lattice which measures local diffraction maps pixel by
the superlattices were free of misfit dislocations. constants along the directions parallel (a//) or pixel, providing structural information for imag-
Figure 2A shows an annular dark-field scanning perpendicular (a⊥) to the heterointerfaces (sche- ing with nanoscale resolution (see supplementary
transmission electron microscope (ADF-STEM) matic, Fig. 1B), as well as the lattice mismatch materials) (25). Figure 2, F and G, shows three
image near a heterointerface (dashed line) be- along each direction [e.g., d// = 2|a//,1 – a//,2|/ maps generated based on EMPAD data taken

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Fig. 3. Strain engineering of PL of WS2/WSe2 superlattices. (A) Plot of DWS2 and the WSe2 peak blue-shifted by DWSe2. (D) Plot of DWSe2-DWS2 for WS2/
WS2/WSe2 superlattices I to V with different ratios r = dWS2/dWSe2 (values WSe2 superlattices with different supercell dimensions. (E) (Left) SEM
shown in parentheses). (Insets) Schematic of supercell dimension-dependent image of a narrow WS2 stripe embedded in WSe2. (Right) PL image of a
strain magnitude in the superlattice. (B) False-color SEM images of super- heterostructure similar to the left, taken at photon energy of 1.75 eV.
lattices I to V. Scale bars, 200 nm. (C) Normalized PL spectra of WS2 for (F) PL images of two WS2/WSe2 superlattices at photon energies near
intrinsic WS2 (dashed line) and superlattices I to V. (Inset) A representative PL their WS2 peak positions (left and middle, at 1.82 eV and 1.91 eV, respectively)
spectrum of a WS2/WSe2 superlattice showing the WS2 peak red-shifted by and an intrinsic monolayer WS2 (right, at 2.00 eV). Scale bars, 1 mm.

from another superlattice {75 and 60 nm}, each confirm (i) nearly identical and isotropic unit superlattices with finite bulk and shear moduli
plotting a//, a⊥, and lattice rotation. The super- cell dimensions for both the WS2 and WSe2 re- values, where the final structure will minimize
lattice consists of three regions (a, b, and g, as gions; (ii) that the lattice orientation in our the total elastic strain energy. In this case, the
outlined in Fig. 2F), with heterointerface orienta- EMPAD map (Fig. 2G) was highly uniform lattice would deviate from having identical a⊥
tions rotated by 120° from each other. The orienta- (standard deviation < 1 mrad), consistent with values for WS2 and WSe2, resulting in 0 ≲ d⊥ < D,
tions of a// and a⊥ are different for a, b, and g and the observed sharp and isotropic TEM diffrac- as seen from our data.
are defined relative to the heterointerfaces in tion spots (Fig. 2, C and D); and (iii) that the These observations were quantitatively pre-
each region. The a// map (Fig. 2F, left) showed superlattice is triangular with straight edges and dicted by coarse-grained simulations of these
little contrast between WS2 and WSe2, generat- heterointerfaces. This result is in sharp contrast superlattices that account for both bond and angle
ing a single histogram peak as shown in Fig. 2H, to the lattice anisotropy expected from conven- interactions on an appropriate footing (Fig. 2H,
left (region a; see fig. S4 for b and g histograms). tional unidirectional epitaxy, where a// is matched right, and 2J). In this regard, it is the inclusion
The a⊥ map showed a small contrast between for the epilayers and a⊥ is free from any con- of angular interactions, in particular, that ac-
the WS2 and WSe2 regions, generating two peaks straints, causing the superlattice to have a dif- counts for the shear stiffness inside the TMD
(Fig. 2H, left) centered 0.4% below (correspond- ferent symmetry from that of the original crystal. superlattice and thereby introduces local frustration
ing to WS2) and 0.8% above (corresponding Instead, our superlattice grew with coherent (analogous to the antiferromagnetic triangular-
to WSe2) the a// peak, resulting in d⊥ = 1.2%, omnidirectional epitaxy (see supplementary lattice Ising model) that is key to predicting
as seen in Fig. 2D. Third, the lattice rotation text and fig. S6), where regions of different epitaxy coherent omnidirectional epitaxy across the en-
map resolved only one dislocation clearly (arrow) directions (a, b, and g) coherently connect with tire lattice, as well as a small but nonvanishing
within the entire superlattice (lateral size ~3.2 mm), each other while maintaining the same symmetry d⊥ (see fig. S7 and supplementary materials).
suggesting the existence of a dislocation-free, of the original crystal. The lattice coherence further allows for high-
coherent lattice everywhere, including the bound- The perfect symmetry in our coherent super- performance p-n diodes showing high rectifica-
ary regions between the a, b, and g regions. In lattices imposes an additional constraint that tion ratios (>106) and electroluminescence, as
contrast, incoherent heterostructures showed requires identical values of a⊥ for both WS2 and well as double heterostructure transistors, which
arrays of dislocations at heterointerfaces (fig. S5). WSe2. This feature is further illustrated in Fig. 2I: we successfully fabricated using our heterostruc-
Figure 2 shows that d// = 0 everywhere, con- When a triangular WSe2 unit was replaced by tures (see figs. S8 and S9 and supplementary text).
firming coherent heterointerfaces in our super- WS2, the latter needed to expand by the same This lattice coherence also resulted in a tensile
lattice. In addition, the lattice isotropy and amount in all directions (i.e., larger a// and a⊥) (compressive) strain within the WS2 (WSe2) re-
rotational symmetry were maintained over the to coherently bridge the inner and outer triangular gion in our superlattices, the magnitude of which
entire superlattice. Our TEM and EMPAD data WSe2 units. This ideal picture changes in real varied depending on the supercell dimensions.

Xie et al., Science 359, 1131–1136 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 5


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Fig. 4. Formation of out-of-plane ripples in WSe2. (A) Theoretically cal- of rippled WSe2 and flat WS2, where the ripple wavelength (l), A, and
culated elastic strain energy (Eel), interlayer van der Waals binding energy dWSe2 are indicated. (C) AFM height image of a representative WS2/WSe2
(EvdW), and total energy (Etot) per WSe2 as a function of WSe2 ripple superlattice. Scale bar, 500 nm. (D) Enlarged AFM image of the boxed
height (A) (Eel and EvdW shifted by –32 meV and 53 meV, respectively, for area in (C) and height profile along the dashed line. Scale bar, 100 nm.
clarity). (Inset) Schematic of the rippled WSe2 on substrate. (B) Schematic (E) l of superlattices with different dWSe2.

Figure 3A illustrates such strain control. For ex- These PL characteristics were consistent with lattice and the underlying growth substrate (5, 33)
ample, a smaller dWS2 or larger dWSe2 (with a small the strain engineered by the superlattice design. (SiO2 in our experiment), which keep the 2D
ratio r = dWS2/dWSe2) increased the tensile strain The positive values for both DWS2 and DWSe2 con- superlattice flat. Figure 4A plots the theoretically
in WS2 and decreased the compressive strain in firmed the tensile (compressive) strain in WS2 calculated total energy (Etot, circles) per WSe2 of
WSe2 as it brought a// and a⊥ closer to the intrinsic (WSe2). Their magnitudes showed a negative cor- a strained WSe2 monolayer on SiO2 as a function
values for WSe2. In addition, the band structure of relation, which is consistent with their expected of the out-of-plane ripple height (A, measured
both WS2 and WSe2 was sensitive to the applied negatively correlated strain magnitude (Fig. 3A). from peak to valley; see schematic in Fig. 4B). Etot
strain; the size of the direct band gap decreased The largest DWS2 of 250 meV, corresponding to a consists of the elastic strain energy (Eel, triangles),
(increased) when subjected to tensile (compressive) 3.4% uniaxial strain or a 1.4% isotropic biaxial computed using a macroscopic elastic energy
strain (26–29). strain (26), was consistent with the large tensile model (that accounts for both stretching and
This strain-dependent band structure allowed strain expected from superlattice V with a small bending energy components in an ultrathin film),
for broad tuning of the optical properties by r = 0.1. Moreover, the PL image (Fig. 3E, right; and the interlayer vdW binding energy between
superlattice design. Figure 3B shows the false- taken at 1.75 eV) confirmed that the highly red- the WSe2 and SiO2 (EvdW, squares), computed
color SEM images of five representative WS2 shifted WS2 PL peak indeed originated from the using an all-atom quantum-mechanical vdW
(blue)/WSe2 (yellow) coherent superlattices I to strained WS2 region (SEM image of a similarly energy model (see supplementary text and fig.
V with different r (dimensions plotted in Fig. grown sample shown in Fig. 3E, left). In general, S11). Although the rippled state (A ≈ 3 nm) that
3A). The resulting photoluminescence (PL) spectra superlattices with supercell dimensions below relaxes the compressive strain is lowest in energy,
showed two peaks, with one corresponding to the diffraction limit (Fig. 3F, left and middle) the energetic profile shows another minimum at
WS2 and the other to WSe2 (Fig. 3C, inset). How- showed uniform PL intensities at their respec- A = 0 nm, corresponding to the flat state. These
ever, the WS2 peak was red-shifted from the in- tive peak energies over the entire structure, with two states have similar energies because the
trinsic peak energy of 1.97 eV by DWS2, whereas a similar uniformity compared with intrinsic reduction in Eel roughly equals the increase in
the WSe2 peak was blue-shifted from the in- WS2 (Fig. 3F, right). EvdW for the rippled state.
trinsic value of 1.61 eV by DWSe2. Figure 3C com- Strained thin films relax through out-of-plane The rippled and flat states are separated by
pares the normalized WS2 peaks measured from deformations such as wrinkles and ripples, which an energetic barrier (with an activation energy
superlattices I to V (each extracted from the full makes these films nonflat and their edges curved of 10 to 20 meV per WSe2), because the increase in
PL spectra) to the intrinsic WS2 peak (dashed (30–32). However, our ultrathin superlattices A in the regime 0 < A < 1 nm rapidly destabilizes
curve). Superlattices with smaller r showed larger maintained lattice coherence and symmetry, EvdW without substantially stabilizing Eel. Figure
DWS2, as large as 250 meV (see fig. S10 for rep- despite being highly strained and their edges 4A thus predicts that the attractive vdW force
resentative original PL spectra). Figure 3D further being under alternating compressive and tensile from the substrate keeps WSe2 flat and that the
plots DWS2 versus DWSe2 for additional super- stress during growth, because of strong van der transition from the flat to rippled state can only
lattices with different supercell dimensions. Waals (vdW) interactions between the super- occur in the presence of a substantial perturbation.

Xie et al., Science 359, 1131–1136 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 5


As a result, these theoretical findings suggest (35). A full explanation for such a long coherence 30. Y. Klein, E. Efrati, E. Sharon, Science 315, 1116–1120 (2007).
that the synthesis conditions in our experiment, length would require a general theory optimized 31. B. Davidovitch, R. D. Schroll, D. Vella, M. Adda-Bedia,
E. A. Cerda, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 18227–18232
which maintained a constant growth environment for 2D, which is currently lacking. However, we (2011).
with no strong perturbations, allowed the super- expect that our stable superlattice growth con- 32. D. Nandwana, E. Ertekin, Nano Lett. 15, 1468–1475 (2015).
lattice to remain flat and the growth edge straight ditions and a larger energetic barrier for dis- 33. A. Ambrosetti, N. Ferri, R. A. DiStasio Jr., A. Tkatchenko,
during growth. location formation in 2D systems may account Science 351, 1171–1176 (2016).
34. J. W. Matthews, A. E. Blakeslee, J. Cryst. Growth 27, 118–125
The superlattices reported here were subjected for the long coherence length. For example, there (1974).
to a cool-down process after growth, from a rel- are limited configurations of covalent bonding 35. R. People, J. C. Bean, Appl. Phys. Lett. 47, 322–324
atively high growth temperature (600°C) to room for dislocations in 2D systems and no screw dis- (1985).
temperature. This process could perturb the sam- locations. Our demonstration of omnidirectional 36. S. Najmaei et al., Nat. Mater. 12, 754–759 (2013).
37. D. Dumcenco et al., ACS Nano 9, 4611–4620 (2015).
ples (e.g., thermal expansion/contraction of the coherent 2D superlattices not only presents a 38. D. Ruzmetov et al., ACS Nano 10, 3580–3588 (2016).
superlattice and SiO2) and induce ripples in WSe2, powerful framework for the epitaxial synthesis
which is what we observed in our samples. The of nanomaterials and the engineering of their AC KNOWLED GME NTS
atomic force microscope (AFM) height image of a properties but also opens up the possibility of a We thank S. Nagel, T. Witten, and A. Tkatchenko for helpful discussions.
representative WS2/WSe2 superlattice (Fig. 4C) new interdisciplinary research direction because We thank J.-U. Lee for help with EL measurements. Funding: This work
was primarily supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
shows out-of-plane ripples in WSe2 (schematically our coherent superlattice is crystalline yet highly (FA9550-16-1-0031, FA9550-16-1-0347, and FA2386-13-1-4118) and
illustrated in Fig. 4B). These ripples ran con- deformable. Generation of ordered arrays of co- the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Cornell Center for
tinuously across the WSe2 stripes only and were herent superlattices would further accelerate their Materials Research with funding from the NSF Materials Research
periodic along the heterointerfaces, as shown electronic and optoelectronic applications, which Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) program (DMR-1719875),
the University of Chicago MRSEC (NSF DMR-1420709), and the
in the enlarged AFM image (Fig. 4D, top). The may be achieved with improved spatial control Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of
peak-to-valley height (A) was between 1 and 2 nm of nucleation (36) and superlattice orientation Interface Materials (PARADIM; DMR-1539918). Additional funding was
(37, 38).

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(measured from the AFM profile shown in Fig. provided by the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. Material
4D, bottom). This value is surprisingly near that characterizations including electron microscopy were supported by
the Cornell Center for Materials Research (NSF DMR-1719875)
of A for the lowest energy state in Fig. 4A, despite RE FERENCES AND NOTES
and the MRSEC Shared User Facilities at the University of Chicago
the use of a simple energetic model and an ideal- 1. J. Wang et al., Science 299, 1719–1722 (2003). (NSF DMR-1420709). L.T., K.U.L., and R.D. acknowledge partial
ized superlattice geometry. We also observed 2. D. G. Schlom et al., MRS Bull. 39, 118–130 (2014). support from Cornell University through start-up funding. This
3. J. Faist et al., Science 264, 553–556 (1994). research used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing
that the ripple wavelengths (l) for superlattices 4. S. Nakamura, Science 281, 955–961 (1998). Facility at Argonne National Laboratory, which is supported by the
with different dWSe2 remained relatively constant 5. A. K. Geim, I. V. Grigorieva, Nature 499, 419–425 (2013). Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract
(near 30 nm, as shown in Fig. 4E), with little 6. D. Jariwala, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam, Nat. Mater. 16, 170–181 no. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and resources of the National Energy
dependence on dWSe2 over one order of magni- (2017). Research Scientific Computing Center, which is supported by the
7. D. Sarkar et al., Nature 526, 91–95 (2015). Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract
tude (ranging from 20 to 320 nm). This result 8. Q. H. Wang, K. Kalantar-Zadeh, A. Kis, J. N. Coleman, no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Author contributions: S.X. and J.P.
suggests that the presence of WS2/WSe2 inter- M. S. Strano, Nat. Nanotechnol. 7, 699–712 (2012). conceived the experiments. S.X. developed the superlattice
faces had minimal effect on the energetics of the 9. X. Xu, W. Yao, D. Xiao, T. F. Heinz, Nat. Phys. 10, 343–350 synthesis and performed DF-TEM, electron diffraction, and optical
ripple formation in this regime and that the con- (2014). measurements. Y.H. and D.A.M. conducted the atomic-resolution
10. W. Wu et al., Nature 514, 470–474 (2014). STEM imaging and EMPAD characterizations. L.T., K.U.L., and R.A.D.
stant compressive strain in WSe2 (even up to
11. H. Zhu et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, 151–155 (2015). developed and conducted the coarse-grained simulations and vdW
dWSe2 = 320 nm) was released through rippling. 12. K. F. Mak, J. Shan, Nat. Photonics 10, 216–226 (2016). calculations. S.X., K.K., and C.P. carried out AFM and SEM
This finding also explains the smaller range of 13. X. Duan et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 9, 1024–1030 (2014). characterizations, and S.X., L.H., and P.P. performed the device
DWSe2 shown in Fig. 3D. 14. Y. Gong et al., Nat. Mater. 13, 1135–1142 (2014). fabrication and measurements. S.X., R.A.D., and J.P. wrote the
For superlattices with dWSe2 > 320 nm, how- 15. C. Huang et al., Nat. Mater. 13, 1096–1101 (2014). manuscript. All authors discussed and commented on the
16. M.-Y. Li et al., Science 349, 524–528 (2015). manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare no
ever, the periodic ripples were no longer contin- competing financial interests. A provisional U.S. patent has been
17. K. Chen et al., ACS Nano 9, 9868–9876 (2015).
uous across the WSe2 area (see fig. S12). This 18. Y. Gong et al., Nano Lett. 15, 6135–6141 (2015). filed based on this work. Data and materials availability: All data
difference indicates the presence of an alternative 19. X. Q. Zhang, C. H. Lin, Y. W. Tseng, K. H. Huang, Y. H. Lee, are reported in the main text and supplementary materials.
strain relaxation mechanism, including the for- Nano Lett. 15, 410–415 (2015).
mation of misfit dislocations and a coherence 20. H. Heo et al., Adv. Mater. 27, 3803–3810 (2015). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
21. K. Bogaert et al., Nano Lett. 16, 5129–5134 (2016).
length of ~320 nm for our WS2/WSe2 super- 22. K. Kang et al., Nature 520, 656–660 (2015).
lattices. This coherence length was substantially Materials and Methods
23. S. Helveg et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 951–954 (2000).
Supplementary Text
greater than the critical thickness of 2 nm for the 24. J. V. Lauritsen et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 2, 53–58 (2007).
Figs. S1 to S13
Si/Ge system with a similar D ~ 4% (34), as well 25. M. W. Tate et al., Microsc. Microanal. 22, 237–249 (2016).
Table S1
26. P. Johari, V. B. Shenoy, ACS Nano 6, 5449–5456 (2012).
as the critical thickness for the WS2/WSe2 system 27. Y. Wang et al., Nano Res. 8, 2562–2572 (2015).
References (39–61)
estimated using the People-Bean model (below 28. R. Schmidt et al., 2D Mater. 3, 021011 (2016). 9 August 2017; accepted 22 January 2018
20 nm) (see supplementary materials and fig. S13) 29. R. Frisenda et al., npj 2D Mater. Appl. 1, 10 (2017). 10.1126/science.aao5360

Xie et al., Science 359, 1131–1136 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 5


GEOCHEMISTRY on the basis of x-ray diffraction data that are

presented here (Fig. 1). Ice-VII is a high-pressure
form of water ice that is stable above 2.4 GPa
Ice-VII inclusions in diamonds: (18). As we show, ice-VII (along with magnesian
calcite, ilmenite, and halite) sensitively records

Evidence for aqueous fluid high remnant pressures, which then also constrain
the pressure and temperature where it has been
encapsulated in the host diamond crystal, similar
in Earth’s deep mantle to other micrometer-scale inclusions of soft molec-
ular materials such as CO2, CO2-H2O, and N2 in
O. Tschauner,1* S. Huang,1 E. Greenberg,2 V. B. Prakapenka,2 C. Ma,3 G. R. Rossman,3
diamond (19–23).
By retaining high pressures, ice-VII inclusions
A. H. Shen,4 D. Zhang,2,5 M. Newville,2 A. Lanzirotti,2 K. Tait6
monitor the former presence of H2O-rich fluid
at different depths in the diamond-bearing man-
Water-rich regions in Earth’s deeper mantle are suspected to play a key role in the global
tle. Remnants of former fluids and melts have
water budget and the mobility of heat-generating elements. We show that ice-VII occurs
been found as inclusions in many diamonds
as inclusions in natural diamond and serves as an indicator for such water-rich regions.
through infrared (IR) spectroscopy and micro-
Ice-VII, the residue of aqueous fluid present during growth of diamond, crystallizes upon
chemical analysis (19, 22). On the basis of IR
ascent of the host diamonds but remains at pressures as high as 24 gigapascals; it is
spectroscopy, a lower-pressure ice phase, VI, has
now recognized as a mineral by the International Mineralogical Association. In particular,
been reported as an inclusion in diamond (24),
ice-VII in diamonds points toward fluid-rich locations in the upper transition zone and
but the fact that aqueous fluid has been trapped
around the 660-kilometer boundary.

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in the TZ or LM and crystallized as ice-VII was

previously unknown.
he water content of Earth’s mantle is a U. Previous models have proposed that upwell- Diamonds from southern Africa (Orapa, Nama-
key parameter of Earth’s water budget (1). ing mantle releases water while crossing the TZ- qualand), China (Shandong), Zaire, and Sierra
Global recycling of water in Earth drives UM boundary and generates a buoyant layer of Leone were examined by diffraction with hard
important forms of volcanism such as is- a comparatively water-rich melt that accounts x-rays (0.3344 Å) and a beam focused to 2 mm × 3 mm
land arcs (2, 3), controls upper-mantle rhe- for much of Earth’s budget of heat-generating at the undulator beamline 13-IDD (GSECARS,
ology (4), and plays a role in the evolution of elements (11). Further, downward-moving mate- Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab-
mantle plumes (5). Subducted oceanic crust de- rial that crosses the TZ-LM boundary may lose oratory). A PILATUS 3X CdTe1M pixel array de-
hydrates at shallow depth (2, 3), whereas faster its chemically bound water upon transformation tector was used for collecting diffraction data.
and colder slabs can carry water much deeper into the LM minerals bridgmanite and periclase, Diffraction from ice-VII was observed in dia-
(6). Average water abundance in the mantle thus triggering mantle metasomatism around monds from southern Africa and China as isolated
changes markedly across the boundary between the 660-km boundary (10, 11). arrays within the diamond matrix of dimensions
the upper mantle (UM) and the transition zone The actual water content of different mantle ranging from 3 mm × 10 mm to less than 2 mm ×
(TZ), as well as across the boundary between the regions depends not only on thermodynamic lim- 3 mm. Ice-VII was observed as isolated inclusions
TZ and the lower mantle (LM). These boundaries its on water solubility but also on the mechanism tens of micrometers afar from other inclusions,
originate in the pressure-driven phase trans- in real Earth that carries water to beyond 410 km in proximity to small amounts of nickeliferous
formations of mantle rock minerals—in partic- depth (1). The question of water abundance in carbonaceous iron (Fig. 1), similar to metal in-
ular, the transformations of olivine to wadsleyite the deeper mantle can therefore only be decided clusions reported in earlier studies on diamond
at 410 km and from ringwoodite to bridgmanite on the basis of actual samples from these re- (24), to ilmenite, and, in one case, to alkali halides.
and periclase at 660 km depth. The UM contains gions whose mineralogical or petrographic record Many inclusions, such as silicates, carbonates,
only modest amounts of water on average (7), is placed in context with geochemical and geo- oxides, and halides, were observed through x-ray
whereas the average water content in the TZ has physical observations, such as seismic wave at- fluorescence mapping, some of which could be
been estimated at ~0.1 weight percent (8), or more tenuation and electrical conductivity (1, 4, 8), clearly identified through diffraction or micro-
than 10 times that of the UM. The abundance of and by using experimentally obtained thermo- chemical analysis (Table 1). The observation of
water in the LM is unknown, but its constituent dynamic properties. Diamond is the main source olivine with 94 to 97 mol % forsterite compo-
minerals appear to have much lower solubility of of minerals from the deeper mantle: A mineral- nent (Fo 94-97) places the origin of the hosting
water than the minerals of the TZ (9, 10). The ogical record from depths as great as 660 km or diamonds in mantle peridotite rather than ec-
average abundance of chemically bound water even beyond has been identified as inclusions logite, whereas ilmenite is indicative of meta-
in these different regions of Earth, as well as pos- in natural diamonds (12, 13). Pearson et al. (14) somatized mantle (15).
sible occurrences of smaller layers or loci of water- reported an inclusion of hydrous ringwoodite in In all cases, the diffraction pattern of ice-VII
rich rock or melt, are central to our understanding diamond from below 520 km depth whose for- is powderlike with no visible granularity (Fig. 1,
of Earth’s water budget over extended geologic mation implies a much more hydrous environ- inset). The patterns were unambiguously iden-
time. Furthermore, fluids and water-assisted ment than the UM average. Generally, peridotitic tified by Rietveld refinement as those of ice-VII
partial melting mobilize mantle-incompatible diamonds mark regions of mantle metasoma- (Table 1 and Fig. 1) (26) and correlate with IR
elements, including heat-generating K, Th, and tism (15). Over long geologic time, metasoma- absorption bands of O-H stretching vibrations
tism is almost pervasive, at least in Earth’s UM. (26). The high quality of some of the diffraction
Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Diamonds conserve important information about data resulted in noticeable proton contributions
Vegas, NV 89154, USA. 2Center of Advanced Radiation these important processes (16). to the patterns (Fig. 1). Aqueous fluid in Earth’s
Sources, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
Division of Geology and Planetary Science, California
Here, we provide evidence for the presence of mantle is expected to be saline (22) and ice-VII
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. aqueous fluid in regions of the TZ and around can dissolve at least up to ~2 mole percent (mol %)
Gemological Institute, China University of Geosciences, the TZ-LM boundary by showing the presence of alkali halides (27, 28). For structure analysis
Wuhan 430074, China. 5School of Ocean and Earth of ice-VII as inclusions in diamonds from these and for the assessment of pressure, dissolution
Science and Technology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa,
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. 6Royal Ontario Museum,
regions of the mantle. Ice-VII has recently been of (Na,K)Cl has been taken into consideration.
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada. recognized as a mineral by the International We provide details about the crystallography of
*Corresponding author. Email: Mineralogical Association [2017-029 (17)] (Table 1) natural ice-VII in (26); here, we focus on the

Tschauner et al., Science 359, 1136–1139 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 4


petrologic implications. We note that, with one These inclusions also contain high amounts of phases that have been encapsulated at the same
exception (Table 1), the total salinity of the ob- silicate or carbonate (22). Many inclusions of sili- depth are precipitates from one complex fluid.
served inclusions (ice-VII plus coexisting phases) cates, carbonates, oxides, and halides are found We propose that a complex aqueous fluid was
is much lower than the alkali halide content of within distances of several tens to 100 mm from entrapped as separate inclusions that crystal-
fluid inclusions commonly observed in diamonds. the ice-VII inclusions. Plausibly, some of these lized as ice-VII, carbonate, halide, and silicate
rather than mimicking the bulk fluid composi-
tion in each inclusion (26).
Fig. 1. Diffraction pat- Because of their confinement by the rigid
tern of ice-VII in dia- diamond host crystal, the inclusions of ice-VII
mond M57666 from remain at high pressure, allowing us to use the
Orapa. Black crosses equation of state of ice-VII to determine mini-
are data points; the mum pressures for formation of the surround-
Rietveld refinement ing diamond (Table 1). We found pressures of
based on this pattern about 6 GPa and 9 ± 1.6 GPa for diamonds from
of the type material Orapa, Botswana. We determined a pressure of
(blue curve) converged 12 ± 2 GPa for a diamond from Shandong,
to a weighted profile China, and 24 to 25 (±3) GPa for a specimen
refinement parameter from Namaqualand. In the fibrous rim of one
Rwp of 5.72% with a diamond, we found a NaCl hydrate at a pressure
profile refinement of at least 1 GPa, rather than ice-VII (Table 1).
parameter Rp of 4.57% We note that this sample was found at the same
and with c2 = 1.71 for

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locality as three of the samples with inclusions
1398 observations. The around 6 and 9 GPa (Orapa, Botswana). Thus,
structure factor–based ice-bearing diamonds from one location are not
refinement parameter from the same source region or underwent ad-
RF was 4.0% (see table ditional growth at shallow depth. However, dia-
S3). The green line monds from geologically different locations such
indicates the residual as China and southern Africa contain ice inclu-
of fit. Blue tick marks sions that reside at high pressures of 9 to 12 GPa
denote symmetry-allowed reflections of ice-VII; olive tick marks denote allowed reflections of (Table 1). Differences in nitrogen aggregation
(Fe,Ni,C). (Fe,Ni,C) contributes 0.75 ± 0.05 volume percent to the pattern. The equation of state (27) also indicate markedly different geologic ages
allows estimation of the current pressure of this inclusion of ice-VII as 9.2 ± 1.6 GPa. The inset is a or temperatures of the host diamonds and overall
diffraction image of ice-VII. A diffraction image of ice-free diamond ~20 mm afar was used as a low nitrogen aggregation (26). Of 13 occurren-
background image. Remaining single-crystal reflections are from the hosting diamond. ces of ice-VII, eight fall into a narrow pressure

Fig. 2. Pressures of occurrences of ice-VII in natural diamonds. the intersection of fluid H2O isochores and mantle adiabats. We
(A) Current residual pressures (black squares; error bars denote SD). consider the current average mantle geotherm (25) and two adiabats
These residual pressures also represent lower bounds of the that are 300 K hotter and cooler as a reference frame. The intersection
pressures of entrapment. Thirteen inclusions have been identified with of the isochores with these adiabats gives ranges of pressure of
pressures ranging from >1 to 25 (±3) GPa. The majority of inclusions encapsulation of the aqueous fluid in growing diamond. We also
have residual pressures around 9 GPa. Red lines indicate the transitions show the entrapment path of ilmenite (black diamonds; error bars
between UM and TZ and between TZ and LM. (B) Reconstruction of denote SD) with a residual pressure of 11 to 12 GPa that was found in
entrapment conditions. We used the equations of state of diamond and ice-bearing diamond GRR1507 (Table 1). Simultaneous entrapment
fluid H2O (26) to estimate plausible entrapment conditions. Current of ilmenite and fluid H2O occurred at a pressure-temperature regime of
pressures were corrected for elastic relaxation of surrounding diamond 450 to 550 km depth and 1400 to 1900 K. The melting curve of ice-VII
(33). Within uncertainties, entrapment conditions can be estimated by (26) is given for reference.

Tschauner et al., Science 359, 1136–1139 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 4


Table 1. Occurrences of ice-VII inclusions in diamond, number of occur- depth was taken as an average of the two measured dimensions. A volume
rences, current pressure, and other observed inclusions. The assess- of 40 mm3 corresponds to occurrences in single patterns. For weak single
ment of pressure and its correction for elastic relaxation (Pcor) is described patterns, we assume a volume much smaller than 40 mm3. Coexisting
in (26). (Na,K)Cl·5H2O has an ice-VII–like structure with Na + K + Cl residing phases are defined as those observed in the same patterns as ice-VII; the
on sites 2a and 4b (26). Volumes (mm3) are approximate values based on phases may not be hosted by the same cavity. Errors in the last significant
integrated diffraction signal over the two-dimensional sampling grid; the digit(s) are shown in parentheses.

O-H stretch
Ice-VII (Na,K)Cl Volume
Specimen P (GPa) Pcor (GPa) and combination Coexisting phases Other phases
volume (Å3) (mol %) −1 (mm3)
bands (cm )

GRR1518 88.0(1) 16.8 ≥1 — 3220(20) <40 (Na,K)Cl, (Na,K)Cl·5H2O

GRR1507 33.689(8) 3(1) 6(1) 7(2) 3210(20) <<40 Ilmenite† 85% Olivine (Fo94-97),‡ calcite, sellaite
GRR1507 32.40(1) <5 7.9(1.4) 9(2) — <40 Ilmenite† 81%
GRR1521 31.647(5) <0.1 9.2(1.6) 11(2) 3000 to 3100 <40 — Garnet, olivine
M57666* 31.653(4) 4.4(6) 9.2(1.6) 11(2) 2950 to 3100 3000 (Fe,Ni,C) 0.75%
GRR1521 31.632(5) 2.4(6) 9.3(1.6) 11(2) — 500 (Fe,Ni,C) 59.7%
GRR1521 31.658(8) 1.8(1) 9.2(1.6) 11(2) — 500 (Fe,Ni,C) 0.7%
GRR1521 31.641(5) <0.1 9.3(1.6) 11(2) — <40 (Fe,Ni,C) 1.0%
GRR1521 31.671(5) 3.6(4) 9.2(1.6) 11(2) — <40 (Fe,Ni,C) 1.3%

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GRR1521 31.6705(9) <0.1 9.2(1.6) 11(2) — 3000 —
Balas-1 26.38(4) 3(1) 24(3) 28(5) 3140(20), 4500(50) <40 — Calcite, halite, sellaite,‡ chromite
Balas-3 26.25(9) 3(2) 25(3) 28(5) — <<40 —
SM548 30.284(9) 2 to 5 12.0(2.0) 14(2) 3100(50) <40 — Calcite,§ halite,§ olivine

*Ice-VII type specimen. †(Ilm92-97 Geik3-8), a = b = 5.0161(6) Å, c = 13.686(4) Å. ‡Sellaite, MgF2, olivine composition was measured by SEM-EDS from four
different locations. §(Ca0.75(2)Mg0.25(2))CO3, a = b = 4.803(2), c = 15.98(1) Å, which corresponds to 8 to 9 GPa (26); halite, a = 5.231 Å, which corresponds to
10(1) GPa (26).

interval around 8 to 12 GPa (Fig. 2A and Table 1). We argue that within given uncertainties of ther- The much lower compatibility of H2O in the
This pronounced clustering of sustained pres- moelastic properties, the pressure range of en- LM relative to the TZ (9, 10) has been suggested
sures and the observation of ice inclusions at trapment is constrained by the intersection of to cause mantle metasomatism when slabs or
24 to 25 GPa have geologic implications: They these adiabats, with pressure-temperature paths surrounding mantle are sinking to below the
point toward regions in the deep mantle where of the inclusions approximated as isochores 660-km boundary: H2O that cannot be chem-
aqueous fluid was present during growth of (19, 20) (Fig. 2B); see (26) for details. We note ically bound by the bridgmanite-periclase phase
diamond. We note that the sustained pressures that our estimation of entrapment conditions for assembly of the lower mantle is released and
of ice-VII inclusions match those of inclusions ice-VII and ilmenite overlap in the depth of the interacts with surrounding mantle (10, 11). Our
of ilmenite, magnesian calcite, and halite in the shallower TZ (Fig. 2B). observation of ice and its plausible origin from a
same host diamonds (Table 1) (26), indicating Two main conclusions can be drawn: (i) The free aqueous fluid below 610 km depth (Fig. 2B)
growth at similar depth. aqueous inclusions were entrapped as fluid rath- is consistent with this hypothesis and connects
We can attempt to go a step further and esti- er than solid ice (32). Crystallization into ice-VII the experimental and geodynamic work with ob-
mate the pressure under which the inclusions has occurred at much shallower depth during servations from nature. More generally, natural
were trapped by correcting for the thermal con- ascent. (ii) Despite marked uncertainties in the ice-VII, magnesian calcite, and halite provide new
tribution to pressure and volume caused by the equations of state, the entrapment pressures for indicators for the presence of water-bearing and
high temperatures in the deeper mantle. This the ice inclusions that are currently at ~8 to 12 GPa carbonaceous fluid in actual deep Earth samples,
requires reconstruction of plausible paths that turn out to be sufficiently narrow to permit a which can be linked to geochemical and geo-
connect the current residual pressure of these statement of the depth of their source regions physical information obtained from the same re-
inclusions with the pressures and temperatures (Fig. 2B): They range from 400 to 550 km depth. gions in Earth. Ice-VII and other micro-inclusions
of their possible host regions in the deep Earth. For the inclusions at 24 to 25 GPa, the source (Table 1) provide, through their residual density,
That temperature can be along the current region is less narrowly estimated at 610 to 800 km an accurate minimal pressure of formation, al-
average mantle geotherm, a possibly higher depth; 620 km is the depth of entrapment esti- though the reconstruction of the entrapment
geothermal temperature in the geologic past, or mated for dense N2 inclusions in diamond (20). pressure at mantle temperatures is currently lim-
a cooler regime in the vicinity of subducted Overall, the ice-VII inclusions show directly that ited by the available thermoelastic data on aque-
slabs or within harzburgitic restites. There- water-rich fluid occurs in regions within the TZ ous (saline) fluid.
fore, we encompass these different possible and around the 660-km boundary, or possibly
temperature-depth regimes by a reference frame in the shallow LM (Fig. 2B). Taken together with REFERENCES AND NOTES

defined through three adiabats whose temper- the occurrence of magnesian calcite and halite at 1. S. Karato, in Treatise on Geophysics, G. Schubert, Ed. (Elsevier,
2015), pp. 105–144.
atures include possible cool and hot regimes similar pressures, we can infer the presence of 2. T. L. Grove, C. B. Till, E. Lev, N. Chatterjee, E. Médard, Nature
(25, 29–32): the modern average mantle geotherm complex aqueous, saline, and carbonaceous fluid 459, 694–697 (2009).
(25) plus two adiabats 300 K below and above at those depths. At present, we cannot assess the 3. S. G. Nielsen, H. R. Marschall, Sci. Adv. 3, e1602402 (2017).
this geotherm. This does not imply that the ice- extent of these fluid-rich regions, although it is 4. H. Jung, S. Karato, Science 293, 1460–1463 (2001).
5. N. Métrich et al., J. Petrol. 55, 377–393 (2014).
bearing diamonds formed in a convecting mantle; plausible that they were constrained both in 6. L. H. Rupke, J. P. Morgan, M. Hort, J. A. D. Connolly, Earth
rather, it defines a temperature-pressure range space and time before evolving into less hydrous Planet. Sci. Lett. 223, 17–34 (2004).
that includes different plausible source regions. partial melts. 7. D. R. Bell, G. R. Rossman, Science 255, 1391–1397 (1992).

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8. S. Karato, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 301, 413–423 (2011). 25. J. M. Brown, T. J. Shankland, Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 66, contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. The Advanced Light Source is
9. T. Inoue, T. Wada, R. Sasaki, H. Yurimoto, Phys. Eartheart 579–596 (1981). supported through contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. Author
Planet. Inter. 183, 245–251 (2010). 26. See supplementary materials. contributions: O.T. participated in design, interpretation, data
10. B. Schmandt, S. D. Jacobsen, T. W. Becker, Z. Liu, K. G. Dueker, 27. M. R. Frank, E. Aarestad, H. P. Scott, V. B. Prakapenka, collection, and analysis of the reported results, and in drafting
Science 344, 1265–1268 (2014). Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 215, 12–20 (2013). and revising the manuscript; S.H. participated in interpretation of
11. D. Bercovici, S. Karato, Nature 425, 39–44 (2003). 28. L. E. Bové et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 8216–8220 (2015). the results and in drafting and revising the manuscript; E.G.,
12. F. E. Brenker, T. Stachel, J. W. Harris, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 29. C. Herzberg, K. Condie, J. Korenaga, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. V.B.P., C.M., G.R.R., A.H.S., D.Z., and K.T. participated in data
198, 1–9 (2002). 292, 79–88 (2010). collection and revising the manuscript; and M.N. and A.L.
13. T. Stachel, J. W. Harris, G. P. Brey, W. Joswig, Contrib. Mineral. 30. C. T. A. Lee, P. Luffi, T. Plank, H. Dalton, W. P. Leeman, participated in data collection. Competing interests: The
Petrol. 140, 16–27 (2000). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 279, 20–33 (2009). authors have no competing interests. Availability of data and
14. D. G. Pearson et al., Nature 507, 221–224 (2014). 31. C. A. Dalton, C. H. Langmuir, A. Gale, Science 344, 80–83 (2014). materials: Additional chemical and crystallographic information
15. N. V. Sobolev et al., Lithos 39, 135–157 (1997). 32. C. R. Bina, A. Navrotsky, Nature 408, 844–847 (2000). about ice-VII is provided as supplementary material. Raw
16. S. B. Shirey et al., Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 75, 355–421 (2013). data are deposited at Dryad (doi:10.5061/dryad.7145v).
33. R. J. Angel, M. L. Mazzucchelli, M. Alvaro, P. Nimis, F. Nestola,
17. O. Tschauner, E. Greenberg, V. Prakapenka, C. Ma, K. Tait, Crystallographic and chemical information on type material
Am. Mineral. 99, 2146–2149 (2014).
Mineral. Mag. 81, 1033–1038 (2017). ice-VII are deposited with the ICSD database.
18. V. F. Petrenko, R. W. Whitworth, Physics of Ice (Oxford Univ.
Press, 1999), p. 253. ACKN OWLED GMEN TS
19. O. Navon, Nature 353, 746–748 (1991). We thank four anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments,
20. O. Navon et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 464, 237–247 (2017). and H. A. Bechtel for support at the Advanced Light Source.
Materials and Methods
21. E. S. Izraeli, J. W. Harris, O. Navon, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 187, Funding: This work was supported by U.S. Department of
Figs. S1 to S4
323–332 (2001). Energy (DOE) awards DESC0005278, DE-FG02-94ER14466,
Tables S1 to S3
22. Y. Weiss, I. Kiflawi, O. Navon, in Proceedings of 10th International and DE-NA0001974, and by NSF grants EAR-1634415,
References (34–59)
Kimberlite Conference (Springer, 2013), pp. 271–280. EAR-1128799, EAR-1322082, EAR-0318518, and DMR-0080065.
23. H. Kagi et al., Mineral. Mag. 64, 1089–1097 (2000). The Advanced Photon Source, a DOE Office of Science User 5 July 2017; accepted 19 January 2018
24. E. M. Smith et al., Science 354, 1403–1405 (2016). Facility, is operated by Argonne National Laboratory under 10.1126/science.aao3030

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Tschauner et al., Science 359, 1136–1139 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 4


CLIMATE CHANGE ly initiating coastal upwelling along Antarctica,

in areas with downwelling today (Fig. 1 and figs. S1
and S2). Ocean heat content and stratification
Sustained climate warming increase globally, and deep mixing in the North
Atlantic collapses, reducing North Atlantic Deep

drives declining marine Water (NADW) formation from 30 to 5 sverdrups

by 2200 (1 sverdrup = 106 m3 s−1) (21, 22). Global
sea surface temperature and stratification (0 to
biological productivity 500 m) peak by 2200 (22). Deeper down, the ocean
is still warming in 2300, increasing stratification
J. Keith Moore,1* Weiwei Fu,1* Francois Primeau,1 Gregory L. Britten,1
between intermediate depths and the deep ocean.
Density differences between 500 and 1500 m and
Keith Lindsay,2 Matthew Long,2 Scott C. Doney,3 Natalie Mahowald,4
between 1000 and 2000 m more than double pre-
Forrest Hoffman,5 James T. Randerson1
industrial differences by 2300, with most (>80%)
of the change occurring after 2100 (table S1).
Climate change projections to the year 2100 may miss physical-biogeochemical feedbacks
Vertical exchange with cold, deep waters contrib-
that emerge later from the cumulative effects of climate warming. In a coupled climate
utes to a slower warming trend in the Southern
simulation to the year 2300, the westerly winds strengthen and shift poleward, surface
Ocean at depth, though surface waters warm
waters warm, and sea ice disappears, leading to intense nutrient trapping in the Southern
considerably (Fig. 1 and fig. S4).
Ocean. The trapping drives a global-scale nutrient redistribution, with net transfer to the
Biological export in the Southern Ocean in-
deep ocean. Ensuing surface nutrient reductions north of 30°S drive steady declines in
creases by 2100 but declines at lower latitudes
primary production and carbon export (decreases of 24 and 41%, respectively, by 2300).

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and in the high-latitude North Atlantic (table S1).
Potential fishery yields, constrained by lower–trophic-level productivity, decrease by
Both patterns intensify after 2100, leading to nu-
more than 20% globally and by nearly 60% in the North Atlantic. Continued high levels of
trient trapping, with subsurface nutrient concen-
greenhouse gas emissions could suppress marine biological productivity for a millennium.
trations near Antarctica increasing substantially

by 2300 (Fig. 2, fig. S3, and table S2). Concentra-
he Southern Ocean strongly influences increases in Southern Ocean productivity, can tions of macronutrients (phosphate, nitrate, and
Earth’s climate and biogeochemistry (1, 2). develop nutrient trapping that boosts Southern silicic acid) decrease in the northward-subducting
Deep ocean waters upwell to the surface at Ocean nutrient concentrations and decreases waters, decreasing thermocline concentrations
the Antarctic Divergence. Subantarctic Mode northward lateral nutrient transport, reducing and depressing low-latitude NPP and export
and Antarctic Intermediate waters form as subsurface nutrient concentrations and decreas- (Fig. 2, figs. S3 and S4, and tables S1 to S3). Low-
northward-drifting surface waters sink and con- ing biological productivity at low latitudes (9–16). latitude productivity steadily drops as stratifica-
tinue northward at mid-depths, transporting Southern Ocean nutrient trapping, modulated tion increases and both surface and subsurface
nutrients into the low-latitude thermocline. The by circulation, can potentially transfer nutrients nutrient concentrations decline (Fig. 2, fig. S3,
Southern Ocean increasingly dominates ocean from the upper ocean to the deep ocean (12, 15). and tables S1 and S3). The equatorial upwelling
uptake of heat and CO2 with strong climate warm- We found intense Southern Ocean nutrient flux of phosphate declines sharply (41%), even
ing because of a poleward shift and intensifica- trapping as a result of climate warming in a fully though the mean equatorial upwelling rate de-
tion of the mid-latitude westerly winds (3–5). coupled simulation to the year 2300, with the clines modestly (3%). The sharp drop in nutrient
Earth system models (ESMs) in the fifth phase Community Earth System Model forced with rep- flux is due to the decrease in subsurface nutrients
of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project resentative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) after 2100, driven by reduced lateral transport
(CMIP5) show consistent declines in global ma- and extended concentration pathway 8.5 scenar- from the Southern Ocean (Fig. 3, fig. S3, and
rine net primary production (NPP) during the ios. The prescribed atmospheric CO2 concentra- tables S1 and S3).
21st century in scenarios with high fossil fuel tions increase to 1960 parts per million by 2250, The nutrients stripped out of surface waters
emissions, often with increasing Southern Ocean before leveling off (17, 18). We previously used by enhanced productivity in the Southern Ocean
NPP (4, 6–8). this ESM to examine marine biogeochemistry to are redistributed through the deep ocean by large-
Biological export of organic matter transfers the year 2100 (19–21) and century-by-century scale circulation (Fig. 4). Nutrient concentrations
nutrients vertically as sinking particles decom- changes in the climate-carbon feedback to 2300 steadily increase in the Southern Ocean and the
pose, releasing nutrients. Where surface currents (22). Southern Ocean nutrient trapping has not global deep ocean after 2100, while declining
diverge (and subsurface currents converge), been simulated previously without imposed NPP everywhere to the north, from the surface down
nutrients are transported upward, but some of increases (arbitrarily modifying biological or phys- to the depth of Antarctic Intermediate Water
the nutrients subsequently rain down as a result ical forcings). In our simulation, nutrient trapp- (~1500 m) (Fig. 4). We found similar global re-
of biological export, instead of being advected ing develops naturally after centuries of climate distribution patterns for nitrate and silicic acid
away laterally at the surface. If the time scale warming. This nutrient trapping drives a global but not for iron (figs. S5 to S7), because iron is
for downward transfer by sinking particles is reorganization of nutrient distributions, with a removed on time scales too short to permit long-
fast relative to the flushing time, nutrients be- net transfer to the deep ocean, leading to a steady range transport (23, 24) (supplementary materials).
come trapped, increasing concentrations locally decline in global-scale marine biological produc- Three distinct processes drive the transfer of
and reducing lateral transport of nutrients out of tivity. This climate-biogeochemistry interaction nutrients to the deep ocean. First, Southern Ocean
the area. Idealized model studies, with imposed amplifies the declines in productivity due to in- nutrient trapping lowers the nutrient flux from
creasing stratification projected previously for the deep ocean to the upper ocean within the
Department of Earth System Science, University of California, the 21st century, and its negative effects on pro- northward-subducting Antarctic Intermediate
Irvine, CA, USA. 2Climate and Global Dynamics Division,
Natural Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA.
ductivity eventually exceed those of increasing and Subantarctic Mode waters. This is the pri-
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of stratification (6–8). mary pathway for nutrients to return to the upper
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA. 4Department of Earth and The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds ocean (12, 15). Second, increasing stratification
Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. strengthen and shift poleward with climate warm- globally decreases vertical mixing and exchange
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy,
Oak Ridge, TN, USA.
ing, approaching Antarctica by 2300 (Fig. 1 and between the upper and deep ocean (table S1).
*Corresponding author. Email: (J.K.M.); fig. S1). The Antarctic Divergence upwelling zone Third, reduced vertical mixing and reduced (W.F.) also strengthens and shifts poleward (1), ultimate- NADW formation (21, 22) decrease the main

Moore et al., Science 359, 1139–1143 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 4


source of lower-nutrient waters to the deep ocean maximum phytoplankton growth rates by 52% concentrations increase by 34% south of 60°S by
(12), driving nutrient declines that are larger in (table S2 and supplementary materials). The 2300, with particularly high subsurface concen-
the Atlantic basin and high northern latitudes mean surface mixed-layer depth shoals with in- trations near Antarctica (table S2 and figs. S7 and
than in other regions (Fig. 4, figs. S5 to S7, and creasing stratification, declining from 75 m in 1850 S10). Volumetric upwelling rates remain ~25%
supplementary materials). to 40 m by 2300 (table S2). Sea ice cover reduces above preindustrial levels after 2150, and the up-
Increasing NPP in the Southern Ocean (south radiation to the contemporary Southern Ocean, welling phosphate flux follows this temporal pat-
of 60°S) is driven by the poleward shift of the but this shielding is weakened considerably by tern, boosted modestly by the nutrient trapping
westerlies, warming surface waters, and vanish- 2300 because the ice-covered area declines by effect (table S2 and supplementary materials).
ing sea ice, all of which enhance phytoplankton 96% (fig. S9 and tables S1 and S2). Mean light In contrast, the iron upwelling flux continues to
growth. Initially, the rise in NPP is driven by the levels in the surface mixed layer increase 245% rise to the year 2300, increasing 276% relative to
shifting westerlies, with upwelling rates increas- by 2300 as a consequence of near-complete sea preindustrial levels (Fig. 3 and table S2). This
ing to the year 2150 before leveling off (Fig. 3A). ice loss and shoaling mixed-layer depths (table S2 large increase is due to the southward shift in
Surface stratification intensifies to the year 2300, and supplementary materials). the upwelling zone, which entrains more margin-
driven by strong surface warming and decreases Iron availability modulates phytoplankton ca- influenced, high-iron waters, further boosting pro-
in surface salinity (Fig. 3, fig. S3, and table S2). pacity to take advantage of improving light and ductivity (Fig. 2; figs. S2, S3, and S9 to S12; and
The 6°C warming of polar surface waters increases temperature growth conditions. Subsurface iron supplementary materials).

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Fig. 1. Climate change shifts surface winds and
warms sea surface temperatures. (A) Mean zonal wind
speed vectors (arrows) for the 1990s are plotted over
the mean sea surface temperatures. Colors represent
temperatures in degrees Celsius as indicated by the color
bar. (B and C) Changes in zonal wind speeds and sea
surface temperatures in comparisons of the 2090s with
the 1990s and the 2290s with the 1990s, respectively.
Colors in (C) represent changes in temperature
(in degrees Celsius) as indicated by the color bar.

Fig. 2. Climate change effects on

biological export and nutrient
distributions. Global maps of
(A) particulate organic carbon (POC)
flux at a depth of 100 m (expressed
in grams of carbon per square meter
per year) and (B) mean phosphate
concentrations at depths of 200
to 1000 m (expressed as micromolar
concentrations). The left column
shows 1990s means, the middle
column shows the difference
between the 2090s and the 1990s,
and the right column shows the
difference between the 2290s and
the 1990s. Phosphate concentrations
increase around the Antarctic by 2300 because of nutrient trapping.

Moore et al., Science 359, 1139–1143 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 4


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Fig. 3. Regional time series of ocean physical forcing and biogeochemical response. Fig. 4. Southern Ocean nutrient trapping
(A) Evolution of biogeochemical and physical variables over time (1850 to 2300) for the Southern transfers phosphate to the deep ocean. Zonal
Ocean and the tropics. The mean upwelling rate increases in the Southern Ocean but slows in mean phosphate concentrations (micromolar)
the tropics, as surface stratification increases in both regions. (B) Upwelling rates for phosphate are shown for the 1990s (A), along with the
(expressed as the micromolar concentration per meter of upwelled water per day) and dissolved iron differences in zonal phosphate concentrations
(expressed as the nanomolar concentration per meter of upwelled water per day), (C) changes in in comparisons of the 1990s with the 2090s
temperature and salinity [in parts per thousand (ppt)], (D) surface (0 to 100 m) and intermediate- (B) and the 1990s with the 2290s (C). Phosphate
depth (200 to 1000 m) phosphate concentrations, and (E) sinking POC flux and NPP [both in concentrations increase over time in the high-
petagrams of carbon per year (Pg C/yr)]. The fractional sea ice cover is overlain in (C) (left column). latitude Southern Ocean (at all depths south
Upwelling flux was averaged for 10°S to 10°N for the tropical time series, and stratification was of 60°S) and in the global deep ocean (below
estimated from the density difference between the surface and 200 m for both regions. 2000 m and north of 60°S) (D).

Phytoplankton biomass and community com- stantial recycled production, changes in export in NPP (−15%) and export (−30%) by 2300 (figs.
position do not change greatly, but growth rates more directly reflect the decreased flux of nu- S12 and S13 and table S1). The declines above 30°S
increase and the growing season is longer, lead- trients to surface waters (8) (tables S1 to S3 and are 24% for NPP and 41% for particulate organic
ing to a doubling of the annual biological surface supplementary materials). The smallest phyto- carbon export (tables S1 to S3). The largest re-
phosphate drawdown by 2300 (table S2). Addi- plankton benefit most from increasing temper- ductions occur in the North Atlantic, western
tional productivity increases are possible with atures and nutrient depletion in surface waters Pacific, and southern Indian oceans, with zoo-
additional iron input, because surface phosphate (27), outcompeting larger phytoplankton and plankton productivity closely tracking phyto-
concentrations are far from depleted. One pos- reducing the efficiency of biological export (8, 28). plankton (figs. S12 and S13 and tables S1 to S4).
sible iron source (not included in our simulation) Loss of the sea ice biome at both poles will Production at higher trophic levels (including
is from Antarctic glaciers (25). The strong climate considerably modify biological communities, potential fishery yield) is limited by lower–trophic-
warming would greatly increase glacial discharge with reduced competitiveness and, potentially, level production and trophic transfer efficiency
(26), increasing iron inputs, allowing for even extinction of some polar-adapted, ice-dependent (30–32). To estimate how changing zooplankton
more efficient nutrient trapping, and modifying organisms, including the Antarctic krill central productivity influences higher trophic levels and
freshwater dynamic forcing of the oceans. to Southern Ocean food webs (29) (supplemen- maximum potential fishery yields, we used an
Marine food webs will shift with increasing nu- tary materials). empirical model with optimized transfer efficien-
trient stress outside the Southern Ocean. Relative Decreasing NPP and biological export north of cies, constrained by fishery data sets (32) (supple-
changes in biological export are larger than those 30°S more than offset productivity increases in mentary materials). We found that for higher
in NPP (table S1); because NPP can include sub- the Southern Ocean, driving global-scale declines trophic levels, production declines by more than

Moore et al., Science 359, 1139–1143 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 4


20% globally and by nearly 60% in the North peratures, and iron limitation depress biological 9. J. L. Sarmiento, N. Gruber, M. A. Brzezinski, J. P. Dunne, Nature
Atlantic (fig. S14 and table S5). Spatial patterns production in this region. Warming of surface 427, 56–60 (2004).
10. S. Dutkiewicz, M. Follows, P. Parekh, Global Biogeochem.
are similar to zooplankton production shifts but waters and removal of sea ice greatly improve Cycles 19, (2005).
are modified by decreasing transfer efficiency phytoplankton growth conditions, inducing 11. I. Marinov, A. Gnanadesikan, J. R. Toggweiler, J. L. Sarmiento,
where the warm-water biome expands (32) (figs. strong regional nutrient trapping that further Nature 441, 964–967 (2006).
12. I. Marinov et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 22, GB3007 (2008).
S13 to S15). boosts productivity. If the climate warms enough 13. A. Oschlies, W. Koeve, W. Rickels, K. Rehdanz, Biogeosciences
The processes leading to the climate-driven to remove Southern Ocean sea ice, the nutrient 7, 4017–4035 (2010).
transfer of nutrients to the deep ocean are scarce- redistribution and depression of global-scale 14. M. Holzer, F. W. Primeau, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 118,
ly apparent by 2100 but dominate ocean bio- productivity outlined here seem inevitable. Thus, 1775–1796 (2013).
15. F. W. Primeau, M. Holzer, T. DeVries, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans
geochemistry by 2300. Little macronutrient the loss of Southern Ocean sea ice marks a crit- 118, 2547–2564 (2013).
accumulation occurs in the upper ocean around ical biogeochemical tipping point in the Earth 16. B. Bronselaer, L. Zanna, D. R. Munday, J. Lowe, Global
Antarctica by 2100 (Fig. 2 and figs. S3, S5, and system. More research is needed on the physical Biogeochem. Cycles 30, 844–858 (2016).
17. D. P. van Vuuren et al., Clim. Change 109, 5–31 (2011).
S6). This trend is consistent with the finding of forcings and the degree of warming necessary 18. Materials and methods are available as supplementary materials.
only a modest increase in biological carbon stor- for removal of southern sea ice cover and the ini- 19. K. Lindsay et al., J. Clim. 27, 8981–9005 (2014).
age in the Southern Ocean across multiple CMIP5 tiation of Southern Ocean nutrient trapping, in- 20. M. C. Long, K. Lindsay, S. Peacock, J. K. Moore, S. C. Doney,
models in 2100, driven by a slowdown of the deep cluding simulations with more moderate future J. Clim. 26, 6775–6800 (2013).
21. J. K. Moore, K. Lindsay, S. C. Doney, M. C. Long, K. Misumi,
circulation rather than by nutrient trapping (4). trajectories of fossil fuel emissions. Rapid southern J. Clim. 26, 9291–9312 (2013).
In 2300, tropical subsurface phosphate concen- sea ice decline begins in about the year 2050 in 22. J. T. Randerson et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 29, 744–759
tration is still declining and the deep ocean phos- our simulation, when mean surface air temper- (2015).
23. J. K. Moore, O. Braucher, Biogeosciences 5, 631–656 (2008).
phate level is still increasing linearly (Figs. 3 and ature has risen by ~2.5°C, with near-complete re- 24. A. Tagliabue et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 30, 149–174 (2016).
4). Thus, the transfer of nutrients to the deep moval of sea ice by 2200 (Fig. 3 and fig. S9). This 25. L. J. A. Gerringa et al., Deep-Sea Res. II 71, 16–31 (2012).

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

ocean will continue well past 2300, further de- sea ice trend and the biogeochemical responses 26. J. Hansen et al., PLOS ONE 8, e81648 (2013).
pressing upper-ocean nutrient concentrations documented here support emission reduction tar- 27. P. Flombaum et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110,
9824–9829 (2013).
and global-scale productivity. ESM simulations gets that keep climate warming below 2°C (26). 28. C. Laufkötter et al., Biogeosciences 13, 4023–4047 (2016).
must extend well past 2100 to capture key ocean The ongoing depletion of upper-ocean nutri- 29. A. J. Constable et al., Global Change Biol. 20, 3004–3025 (2014).
physical and biogeochemical responses to multi- ents in 2300 will not reverse until the climate 30. K. M. Brander, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, 19709–19714
century climate warming. cools and sea ice returns to the Southern Ocean, (2007).
31. K. D. Friedland et al., PLOS ONE 7, e28945 (2012).
Southern Ocean nutrient trapping appears to depressing high-latitude productivity and enhanc- 32. C. A. Stock et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114,
be a robust response to multicentury warming. ing northward lateral nutrient transfer. Southern E1441–E1449 (2017).
All CMIP5 models project southward shift and in- Ocean dynamics will dominate this climate- 33. J. Caesar et al., J. Clim. 26, 3275–3284 (2013).
tensification of the westerlies over the 21st century cooling time scale, because the Southern Ocean 34. M. A. Giorgetta et al., J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. 5, 572–597
under the RCP8.5 scenario, despite considerable will dominate ocean uptake of CO2 by 2300 (figs. 35. S. Solomon, G. K. Plattner, R. Knutti, P. Friedlingstein,
differences in the structure and performance of S17 and S18 and supplementary materials). The Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 1704–1709 (2009).
atmospheric models (5). Most CMIP5 models pre- long time scales associated with ocean uptake
dict increasing Southern Ocean export by 2100, and storage of anthropogenic CO2 (35) and the AC KNOWLED GME NTS

despite large differences in plankton and bio- subsequent time necessary for the circulation We received support from the Reducing Uncertainty in
Biogeochemical Interactions through Synthesis and Computation
geochemical models (4, 6–8, 24, 28). We found to return depleted nutrients to the upper ocean (RUBISCO) Scientific Focus Area (SFA) in the Regional and
that the same climate-driven nutrient redistri- (12) ensure that NPP will be depressed for a Global Climate Modeling Program in the Climate and Environmental
bution occurs in two other ESMs [the Hadley thousand years or more. This puts the climate Sciences Division of the Biological and Environmental Research
Centre Global Environmental Model, version 2 change impacts on marine biogeochemistry and (BER) Division of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of
Science (as well as DOE BER Earth System Modeling Program grants
(HadGEM2) (33), and the Max-Planck-Institute productivity on the same time scale as continen- ER65358 and DE-SC0016539 to J.K.M. and F.P.). Some authors
Earth System Model (MPI-ESM) (34)] that con- tal ice sheets, with cumulative, catastrophic effects received additional support from the NSF. The Coupled Model
ducted RCP8.5 simulations to the year 2300 (fig. that will be increasingly difficult to avoid with de- Intercomparison Project received support from the World Climate
S16). Both models show nutrient increases in layed reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (26). Research Programme and the DOE Program for Climate Model
Diagnosis and Intercomparison. The National Center for Atmospheric
the Southern Ocean and in the deep ocean, ac- Research (NCAR) provided computational and other support.
companied by nutrient reductions in the upper RE FERENCES AND NOTES NCAR is sponsored by the NSF.
ocean. Thus, our results are not dependent on 1. J. L. Russell, K. W. Dixon, A. Gnanadesikan, R. J. Stouffer,
the model details of atmosphere-ocean circula- J. R. Toggweiler, J. Clim. 19, 6382–6390 (2006). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
tion, plankton dynamics, or biogeochemistry, but 2. T. L. Frölicher et al., J. Clim. 28, 862–886 (2015).
3. T. Ito et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 42, 4516–4522 (2015). Materials and Methods
rather seem to represent a robust Earth system 4. J. Hauck et al., Global Biogeochem. Cycles 29, 1451–1470 (2015). Supplementary Text
response to multicentury climate warming. 5. T. J. Bracegirdle et al., J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118, 547–562 Figs. S1 to S18
Relatively modest increases in export are suf- (2013). Tables S1 to S5
6. L. Bopp et al., Biogeosciences 10, 6225–6245 (2013). References (36–47)
ficient to induce nutrient trapping if they occur 7. A. Cabré, I. Marinov, S. Leung, Clim. Dyn. 45, 1253–1280 (2015).
in the critical location above the Antarctic Diver- 8. W. W. Fu, J. T. Randerson, J. K. Moore, Biogeosciences 13, 10 August 2017; accepted 5 February 2018
gence. Currently, heavy sea ice cover, cold tem- 5151–5170 (2016). 10.1126/science.aao6379

Moore et al., Science 359, 1139–1143 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 4


NEUROSCIENCE pected by chance (as measured in repeated trials

in the same enclosure, 5.7 cm) (see the supplemen-
tary materials). The amount of shift was inversely
Local transformations of the correlated with the distance to the slanting wall
(rx = 0.93, P < 10−5; ry = 0.88, P = 0.004, linear

hippocampal cognitive map regression) (Fig. 1C), whereas the direction of shift
was predominantly vertical, horizontal, or perpen-
dicular to the slanting wall (Fig. 1D). Four head
Julija Krupic,1,2* Marius Bauza,2,3 Stephen Burton,2,3 John O’Keefe2,3 direction cells (three rats) recorded during such
transformations showed little systematic change
Grid cells are neurons active in multiple fields arranged in a hexagonal lattice and are thought (fig. S4). The grid deformation was present for
to represent the “universal metric for space.” However, they become nonhomogeneously as long as we could record [>39 days in the rat
distorted in polarized enclosures, which challenges this view. We found that local changes (R2405) with the longest grid cell recordings]
to the configuration of the enclosure induce individual grid fields to shift in a manner inversely (fig. S5).
related to their distance from the reconfigured boundary. The grid remained primarily We next looked for the mechanism that could
anchored to the unchanged stable walls and showed a nonuniform rescaling. Shifts in explain such grid deformations. First, we con-
simultaneously recorded colocalized grid fields were strongly correlated, which suggests firmed that the field movements did not result
that the readout of the animal’s position might still be intact. Similar field shifts were from changes in the animal’s behavior in differ-
also observed in place and boundary cells—albeit of greater magnitude and more ent geometric enclosures (figs. S6 and S7). Next,
pronounced closer to the reconfigured boundary—which suggests that there is no simple we ruled out the appealing hypothesis that the
one-to-one relationship between these three different cell types. local shifts reflected purely short-range deforma-
tions resulting from individual “noninteracting”

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

lace (1), head-direction (2), boundary (3–5), remained largely unchanged [the minimum grid fields maintaining fixed distances of 30 (the
and grid cells (6) constitute the major units (0.6 cm) and median (3.3 cm) field shifts in the typical border cell width), 50, or 70 cm to the
of the hippocampal cognitive map that same rectangle to poly 145° transformation], sug- walls (fig. S8). Finally, we investigated whether
forms the basis of our ability to navigate and gesting that the grid was influenced by the moving the field shifts could result from a global change
form episodic memories (7). Based on the wall segment while remaining primarily anchored in grid scale with the offset fixed only to the sta-
grid cell periodic firing pattern and presumed to the stable east (or north) wall (Fig. 1 and fig. S3). tionary east (or north) wall (fig. S9). The average
invariance, the predominant hypothesis of grid Fields as far as 78 cm in the x direction from the grid rescaling was significantly different in con-
cell function states that they represent the spa- slanting wall (Fig. 1C, top) shifted more than ex- tracting versus expanding enclosures (–2.0 ± 1.1%
tial metric system of the brain (8). According to
the major computational models, place and border Fig. 1. Local grid defor- A 11.1 B
cells act predominantly to stabilize the grid with- mations. (A) A repre-
out determining its hexagonality (9–12). However, sentative grid cell
it has been recently shown that boundaries can (R2338) where a single
profoundly reshape grid cell symmetry (13, 14), field adjacent to the
but the nature of this influence, as well as its re- slanting wall shifts, with 129°
lation to other spatial cells, remains unknown. lesser displacements in
To study the effect of boundaries on grid cell some farther fields and * *
structure, we recorded from 347 spatially peri- none in distant fields.
odic cells (15) in the medial entorhinal cortex (Top left) Peak firing
(seven rats) (fig. S1A). The firing pattern of the rates. Blue arrows indi- 145°
majority (63%) exhibited hexagonal symmetry in cate moving fields, 18.6
at least one of our four enclosures (grid cells), * indicates a newly
whereas that of other cells was more elliptical emerged field, and red *
and irregular or had too few fields and did not arc, the slanting angle.
pass the hexagonality criterion (fig. S2). Record- Dashed line outlines C 10 p<10-5 D 12

ings were made while rats foraged for food in grid structure in the 160° exp
0 ρ=-0.93
four familiar polygonal enclosures (presented in rectangle. (B) Mean 6 0 22.5
random order) that varied in shape from a left vector fields of all the 0
* 0 90 270

trapezoid (poly 129°) to a rectangle (poly 180°), recorded grid cells indi- angle (deg)
with two intermediate shapes being irregular cating average field 16

pentagons created by increasing the angle of the shifts between pairs of 26.0 cont
west-slanting wall of the trapezoid from 129° to successive (but not
180° 0.5m 0
either 145° or 160° (Fig. 1A). necessarily immediately 0 90 270
We found that individual grid fields close to following each other) angle (deg)
the slanting wall underwent average shifts as geometrical enclosures;
large as 41.6 cm (the largest in the rectangle to the vector tail specifies field position in the first enclosure. The first and the second enclosures are
poly 145° transformation), whereas distant fields shown in dashed and solid lines, respectively. (C) (Top and left) Mean field shift across all
transformations was inversely correlated with the distance to the slanting wall in x (top) and y (left)
directions (rx = 0.93, P < 10−5; ry = 0.88, P = 0.004); color-coded maps show the mean range of
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, grid field shifts in poly 129° to rectangle (top) and rectangle to poly 129° transformations (bottom).
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EG, UK. (Top left) Peak shift in cm. (D) Directional changes of fields in expanding (exp) and contracting
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University (cont) enclosures. (Top) Black solid and dashed lines represent transformations to poly 160° and
College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 3Sainsbury
rectangular enclosures, respectively. (Bottom) Black solid and dashed lines represent trans-
Wellcome Centre, University College London, London W1T
4JG, UK. formations to poly 129° and poly 145°, respectively. Dashed red lines show directions perpendicular
*Corresponding author. Email: to the slanting walls, as well as vertical and horizontal walls.

Krupic et al., Science 359, 1143–1146 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 3


and 5.5 ± 1.2%, respectively; P = 5.5 × 10−6; t554 = have also shown that colocalized grid fields re- by the readout system to estimate the metric (23).
4.59; two-sample t test) (Fig. 2, A and B). In most mained in register across all grid cells, including Perhaps more likely, the transformed grids could
transformations, rescaling was nonuniform across ones from different grid modules, suggesting that lead to a misperception of self-location in the room
the enclosure (Fig. 2, C to E and supplementary in principle these distortions could be corrected frame of reference.
materials). Importantly, the maximum field shift
Fig. 2. Uni-
did not significantly correlate with grid scale and
form versus
was comparable across all the recorded grid mod-
ules (Fig. 3, A to C) (r = 0.19, P = 0.72, linear regres-
grid rescaling.
sion; six grid cell modules with scales ranging from
(A) A typical
29 to 86 cm in five rats), indicating that the ratio
grid cell with
of scales between neighboring grid modules is not
larger changes
constant [also see (16)]. Furthermore, simultaneous-
close to the
ly recorded grid cells from different—as well as the
slanting wall.
same—grid modules showed a significant correla-
Dashed lines
tion between the magnitudes and directions of
colocalized field shifts (Fig. 3, C to D). This indi-
matched suc-
cates that the animal’s position can be accurately
cessive incre-
decoded after a compensation for grid transfor-
ments from
mation; in contrast, uncoupled grid transforma-
right to left
tions could not be compensated and would result
in exposed
in reduced accuracy (Fig. 3E, fig. S10). The decod-
areas for

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

ing error is also more pronounced close to the
homogeneity analysis. (B) Average grid rescaling in different transformations. Different colors
slanting wall for the nonlinear grid transformation
represent different transformations specified in (C). (C) Average grid rescaling in x direction. (D and
compared to the linear, with the reversed tendency
E) Simulated grid rescaling with nonuniform (D) and uniform (E) grid rescaling.
close to the stable wall (Fig. 3F).
What could underlie this nonhomogeneous
grid rescaling? Previously, we suggested that com-
peting place cells might constitute the basic build-
ing blocks of grid cells (17). In this model, a shift in
one place-field position influences the positions
of adjacent place fields, with the interaction force
steeply decreasing as a function of the distance
between fields. To test this idea, we recorded from
382 CA1 place cells (six rats) (fig. S1B) in the same
enclosures. Like grids, place fields in close prox-
imity to the slanting wall shifted with the wall,
whereas the rest remained largely unaffected
(Fig. 4). However, overall maximum place-field
shift was significantly larger than that of the com-
parable colocalized grid fields (average difference
across all transformations: 2.8 ± 0.24 cm, P = 10−27,
t722 = 11.6, two-sample t test). The shifts between
simultaneously recorded colocalized grid cells (53)
and place cells (101) (59 transformations, three rats)
(fig. S11) were not significantly correlated (magni-
tudes and directions: 0.12 ± 0.07 and 0.08 ± 0.07,
respectively, 11 transformations; P = 0.25, bino-
mial test), although in some cases the correlation
showed a trend toward significance (fig. S11).
This could indicate that some place cells may be
in register with grid cells and others not, possibly
related to different spatial influences, such as
those from border cells. Fig. 3. Simultaneous changes in grid field positions. (A) Twenty-four corecorded grid cells (R2405)
We found that individual grid fields shift by from two different modules (ratio ~1.6). (Top left) Peak firing rate. (B) Maximum average field shifts
different amounts in response to local changes in versus grid scale of six different grid modules (five rats). Individual animals are shown with different
enclosure geometry and that the magnitude of colors (green, R2405). (C) Vector fields of cells in (A). (Top and bottom) Smaller and larger modules,
the shift is inversely correlated with the distance respectively. Different colors correspond to different cells. Diamonds and open circles indicate fields that
from the movable wall. Importantly, the grid re- disappeared in poly 129°. (D) Similarity matrices of field shift directions (left) and magnitudes (right)
mains primarily anchored to the stable wall of between corecorded grid cells from five rats combined (R2405, R2383, R2338, R2375, and R2298). All
the enclosure, consistent with previous studies transformations from poly 129° to a rectangle (and vice versa) and poly 145° to a rectangle (and vice
on other spatial cells and behavior, showing that versa) were included. GC-GC direction and magnitude similarity thresholds: 0.20 and 0.16, respectively.
the extent of cue control depends on its perceived (E) Position decoding error decreases with the number of cells and is smaller in grids nonuniformly
stability (18–20). These results suggest that the transformed in register (blue) compared with uncoupled ones (red). Black indicates decoding in the
local geometry of the enclosure plays a key role absence of any transformation; + indicates decoding accuracy of our largest data set (50 simultaneously
in constructing the grid as indicated by previous recorded grid cells). (F) Systematic position decoding error is larger in nonuniformly (violet)
behavioral observations that rats relied on local compared with uniformly (brown) transformed grid cells close to the slanting wall. The tendency
geometry to find a reward location (21, 22). We reverses close to the stable east wall.

Krupic et al., Science 359, 1143–1146 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 3


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(bottom) directions
27. M. P. Brandon, J. Koenig, J. K. Leutgeb, S. Leutgeb, Neuron 82,
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place cells compared to grid
cells, with the difference AC KNOWLED GME NTS

larger close to the slanting We thank E. Spokaite and D. Macikenas for helpful discussions and
L. Kukovska for help with single-unit isolation. Funding: The research
wall. (E) Color-coded map was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust grants 090843/
showing the range of vector directions. C/09/Z, 090843/D/09/Z, and 100154/Z/12/A and the Gatsby
Charitable Foundation grants GAT3212 and GAT3531. J.K. is a
Wellcome Trust/Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow (grant 206682/
Z/17/Z) and is supported by Kavli Foundation Dream Team project
Finally, we found that grid cells could undergo erties may be formed by different underlying RG93383 and Isaac Newton Trust 17.37(t). J.O’K. is a Wellcome Trust
Principal Research Fellow grant 203020/Z/16/Z. Author
nonuniform transformations that might be imple- mechanisms. contributions: J.K., M.B., and J.O’K. designed and implemented the
mented either by the Field-Boundary Interaction study and wrote the manuscript. S.B., M.B. and J.K. performed
model (17) or by the Boundary Vector Cell model the experiments. J.K. planned the analysis. J.K. and M.B. analyzed the
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overall they shift by larger amounts. Previously it 420–435 (1990). financial interests. Data and materials availability: All data and code
has been shown that place cells can be formed 3. T. Solstad, C. N. Boccara, E. Kropff, M.-B. Moser, E. I. Moser, is available at
even in the absence of grid cells (26). Here, we Science 322, 1865–1868 (2008).
4. C. Lever, S. Burton, A. Jeewajee, J. O’Keefe, N. Burgess, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
demonstrate that they can undergo a different J. Neurosci. 29, 9771–9777 (2009).
degree of transformation in response to the same 5. F. Savelli, D. Yoganarasimha, J. J. Knierim, Hippocampus 18, Materials and Methods
geometric manipulation, suggesting that some 1270–1282 (2008). Figs. S1 to S11
6. T. Hafting, M. Fyhn, S. Molden, M.-B. Moser, E. I. Moser, Nature
place cells may be interacting with grid cells while References (28–33)
436, 801–806 (2005).
others interact with border cells, as previously 7. J. O’Keefe, L. Nadel, The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map 27 July 2017; accepted 12 January 2018
suggested (27), or alternatively their spatial prop- (Oxford Univ. Press, 1978). 10.1126/science.aao4960

Krupic et al., Science 359, 1143–1146 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 3


SOCIAL SCIENCE support their positions as unreliable or fake news,

whereas sources that support their positions are
labeled reliable or not fake, the term has lost all
The spread of true and false connection to the actual veracity of the informa-
tion presented, rendering it meaningless for use

news online in academic classification. We have therefore ex-

plicitly avoided the term fake news throughout
this paper and instead use the more objectively
Soroush Vosoughi,1 Deb Roy,1 Sinan Aral2* verifiable terms “true” or “false” news. Although
the terms fake news and misinformation also
We investigated the differential diffusion of all of the verified true and false news stories imply a willful distortion of the truth, we do not
distributed on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. The data comprise ~126,000 stories tweeted by make any claims about the intent of the purveyors
~3 million people more than 4.5 million times. We classified news as true or false using of the information in our analyses. We instead
information from six independent fact-checking organizations that exhibited 95 to 98% focus our attention on veracity and stories that
agreement on the classifications. Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and have been verified as true or false.
more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more We also purposefully adopt a broad definition
pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, of the term news. Rather than defining what
science, urban legends, or financial information. We found that false news was more novel than constitutes news on the basis of the institutional
true news, which suggests that people were more likely to share novel information. Whereas source of the assertions in a story, we refer to any
false stories inspired fear, disgust, and surprise in replies, true stories inspired anticipation, asserted claim made on Twitter as news (we de-
sadness, joy, and trust. Contrary to conventional wisdom, robots accelerated the spread fend this decision in the supplementary materials

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of true and false news at the same rate, implying that false news spreads more than the truth section on “reliable sources,” section S1.2). We
because humans, not robots, are more likely to spread it. define news as any story or claim with an asser-

tion in it and a rumor as the social phenomena
oundational theories of decision-making Current work analyzes the spread of single of a news story or claim spreading or diffusing
(1–3), cooperation (4), communication (5), rumors, like the discovery of the Higgs boson through the Twitter network. That is, rumors are
and markets (6) all view some concep- (13) or the Haitian earthquake of 2010 (14), and inherently social and involve the sharing of claims
tualization of truth or accuracy as central multiple rumors from a single disaster event, like between people. News, on the other hand, is an
to the functioning of nearly every human the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 (10), or it assertion with claims, whether it is shared or not.
endeavor. Yet, both true and false information develops theoretical models of rumor diffusion A rumor cascade begins on Twitter when a
spreads rapidly through online media. Defining (15), methods for rumor detection (16), credibility user makes an assertion about a topic in a tweet,
what is true and false has become a common evaluation (17, 18), or interventions to curtail the which could include written text, photos, or links
political strategy, replacing debates based on spread of rumors (19). But almost no studies com- to articles online. Others then propagate the
a mutually agreed on set of facts. Our economies prehensively evaluate differences in the spread rumor by retweeting it. A rumor’s diffusion pro-
are not immune to the spread of falsity either. of truth and falsity across topics or examine cess can be characterized as having one or more
False rumors have affected stock prices and the why false news may spread differently than the cascades, which we define as instances of a rumor-
motivation for large-scale investments, for ex- truth. For example, although Del Vicario et al. spreading pattern that exhibit an unbroken re-
ample, wiping out $130 billion in stock value (20) and Bessi et al. (21) studied the spread of tweet chain with a common, singular origin. For
after a false tweet claimed that Barack Obama scientific and conspiracy-theory stories, they example, an individual could start a rumor cas-
was injured in an explosion (7). Indeed, our re- did not evaluate their veracity. Scientific and cade by tweeting a story or claim with an assertion
sponses to everything from natural disasters conspiracy-theory stories can both be either true in it, and another individual could independently
(8, 9) to terrorist attacks (10) have been disrupted or false, and they differ on stylistic dimensions start a second cascade of the same rumor (per-
by the spread of false news online. that are important to their spread but orthogonal taining to the same story or claim) that is com-
New social technologies, which facilitate rapid to their veracity. To understand the spread of pletely independent of the first cascade, except
information sharing and large-scale information false news, it is necessary to examine diffusion that it pertains to the same story or claim. If they
cascades, can enable the spread of misinformation after differentiating true and false scientific stories remain independent, they represent two cascades
(i.e., information that is inaccurate or misleading). and true and false conspiracy-theory stories and of the same rumor. Cascades can be as small as size
But although more and more of our access to controlling for the topical and stylistic differences one (meaning no one retweeted the original tweet).
information and news is guided by these new between the categories themselves. The only study The number of cascades that make up a rumor is
technologies (11), we know little about their con- to date that segments rumors by veracity is that of equal to the number of times the story or claim was
tribution to the spread of falsity online. Though Friggeri et al. (19), who analyzed ~4000 rumors independently tweeted by a user (not retweeted).
considerable attention has been paid to anecdotal spreading on Facebook and focused more on how So, if a rumor “A” is tweeted by 10 people separate-
analyses of the spread of false news by the media fact checking affects rumor propagation than on ly, but not retweeted, it would have 10 cascades,
(12), there are few large-scale empirical investiga- how falsity diffuses differently than the truth (22). each of size one. Conversely, if a second rumor
tions of the diffusion of misinformation or its social In our current political climate and in the “B” is independently tweeted by two people and
origins. Studies of the spread of misinformation academic literature, a fluid terminology has arisen each of those two tweets is retweeted 100 times,
are currently limited to analyses of small, ad hoc around “fake news,” foreign interventions in the rumor would consist of two cascades, each
samples that ignore two of the most important U.S. politics through social media, and our under- of size 100.
scientific questions: How do truth and falsity standing of what constitutes news, fake news, Here we investigate the differential diffusion
diffuse differently, and what factors of human false news, rumors, rumor cascades, and other of true, false, and mixed (partially true, partially
judgment explain these differences? related terms. Although, at one time, it may have false) news stories using a comprehensive data
been appropriate to think of fake news as refer- set of all of the fact-checked rumor cascades that
ring to the veracity of a news story, we now spread on Twitter from its inception in 2006 to
believe that this phrase has been irredeemably 2017. The data include ~126,000 rumor cascades
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Media Lab,
E14-526, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. 2MIT,
polarized in our current political and media cli- spread by ~3 million people more than 4.5 million
E62-364, 100 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA. mate. As politicians have implemented a political times. We sampled all rumor cascades investigated
*Corresponding author. Email: strategy of labeling news sources that do not by six independent fact-checking organizations

Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146–1151 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 6


(,,, truthor- depth (the number of retweet hops from the end of 2016, corresponding to the last U.S. presi-,, and urbanlegends. origin tweet over time, where a hop is a retweet dential election (Fig. 1C). The data also show by parsing the title, body, and verdict by a new unique user), size (the number of users clear increases in the total number of false polit-
(true, false, or mixed) of each rumor investigation involved in the cascade over time), maximum ical rumors during the 2012 and 2016 U.S. presi-
reported on their websites and automatically breadth (the maximum number of users involved dential elections (Fig. 1E) and a spike in rumors
collecting the cascades corresponding to those in the cascade at any depth), and structural vi- that contained partially true and partially false
rumors on Twitter. The result was a sample of rality (23) (a measure that interpolates between information during the Russian annexation of
rumor cascades whose veracity had been agreed content spread through a single, large broadcast Crimea in 2014 (Fig. 1E). Politics was the largest
on by these organizations between 95 and 98% of and that which spreads through multiple gen- rumor category in our data, with ~45,000 cas-
the time. We cataloged the diffusion of the rumor erations, with any one individual directly respon- cades, followed by urban legends, business, terror-
cascades by collecting all English-language replies sible for only a fraction of the total spread) (see ism, science, entertainment, and natural disasters
to tweets that contained a link to any of the the supplementary materials for more detail on (Fig. 1F).
aforementioned websites from 2006 to 2017 and the measurement of rumor diffusion). When we analyzed the diffusion dynamics of
used optical character recognition to extract text As a rumor is retweeted, the depth, size, max- true and false rumors, we found that falsehood
from images where needed. For each reply tweet, imum breadth, and structural virality of the cas- diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and
we extracted the original tweet being replied to cade increase (Fig. 1A). A greater fraction of false more broadly than the truth in all categories of
and all the retweets of the original tweet. Each rumors experienced between 1 and 1000 cascades, information [Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests are
retweet cascade represents a rumor propagating whereas a greater fraction of true rumors experi- reported in tables S3 to S10]. A significantly greater
on Twitter that has been verified as true or false enced more than 1000 cascades (Fig. 1B); this was fraction of false cascades than true cascades
by the fact-checking organizations (see the sup- also true for rumors based on political news (Fig. exceeded a depth of 10, and the top 0.01% of false
plementary materials for more details on cascade 1D). The total number of false rumors peaked at cascades diffused eight hops deeper into the

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construction). We then quantified the cascades’ the end of both 2013 and 2015 and again at the Twittersphere than the truth, diffusing to depths

Fig. 1. Rumor cascades. (A) An example rumor cascade collected by our that diffused on Twitter between 2006 and 2017, annotated with example rumors
method as well as its depth, size, maximum breadth, and structural virality over in each category. (D) The CCDFs of true, false, and mixed political cascades.
time. “Nodes” are users. (B) The complementary cumulative distribution (E) Quarterly counts of all true, false, and mixed political rumor cascades that
functions (CCDFs) of true, false, and mixed (partially true and partially false) diffused on Twitter between 2006 and 2017, annotated with example rumors in
cascades, measuring the fraction of rumors that exhibit a given number of each category. (F) A histogram of the total number of rumor cascades in our
cascades. (C) Quarterly counts of all true, false, and mixed rumor cascades data across the seven most frequent topical categories.

Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146–1151 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 6


Fig. 2. Complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs) of users reached at every depth and (H) the mean breadth of true and

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true and false rumor cascades. (A) Depth. (B) Size. (C) Maximum false rumor cascades at every depth. In (H), plot is lognormal. Standard
breadth. (D) Structural virality. (E and F) The number of minutes it errors were clustered at the rumor level (i.e., cascades belonging to
takes for true and false rumor cascades to reach any (E) depth and (F) the same rumor were clustered together; see supplementary materials
number of unique Twitter users. (G) The number of unique Twitter for additional details).

Fig. 3. Complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs) of any (E) depth and (F) number of unique Twitter users. (G) The number
false political and other types of rumor cascades. (A) Depth. (B) Size. of unique Twitter users reached at every depth and (H) the mean breadth
(C) Maximum breadth. (D) Structural virality. (E and F) The number of of these false rumor cascades at every depth. In (H), plot is lognormal.
minutes it takes for false political and other false news cascades to reach Standard errors were clustered at the rumor level.

greater than 19 hops from the origin tweet (Fig. It took the truth about six times as long as litical news also diffused deeper more quickly
2A). Falsehood also reached far more people than falsehood to reach 1500 people (Fig. 2F) and (Fig. 3E) and reached more than 20,000 people
the truth. Whereas the truth rarely diffused to 20 times as long as falsehood to reach a cascade nearly three times faster than all other types of
more than 1000 people, the top 1% of false-news depth of 10 (Fig. 2E). As the truth never diffused false news reached 10,000 people (Fig. 3F). Al-
cascades routinely diffused to between 1000 and beyond a depth of 10, we saw that falsehood though the other categories of false news reached
100,000 people (Fig. 2B). Falsehood reached more reached a depth of 19 nearly 10 times faster than about the same number of unique users at depths
people at every depth of a cascade than the truth, the truth reached a depth of 10 (Fig. 2E). Falsehood between 1 and 10, false political news routinely
meaning that many more people retweeted false- also diffused significantly more broadly (Fig. 2H) reached the most unique users at depths greater
hood than they did the truth (Fig. 2C). The spread and was retweeted by more unique users than the than 10 (Fig. 3G). Although all other categories
of falsehood was aided by its virality, meaning truth at every cascade depth (Fig. 2G). of false news traveled slightly more broadly at
that falsehood did not simply spread through False political news (Fig. 1D) traveled deeper shallower depths, false political news traveled
broadcast dynamics but rather through peer-to- (Fig. 3A) and more broadly (Fig. 3C), reached more more broadly at greater depths, indicating that
peer diffusion characterized by a viral branching people (Fig. 3B), and was more viral than any other more-popular false political news items exhibited
process (Fig. 2D). category of false information (Fig. 3D). False po- broader and more-accelerated diffusion dynamics

Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146–1151 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 6


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Fig. 4. Models estimating correlates of news diffusion, the novelty of content of replies to true (green) and false (red) rumor tweets across
true and false news, and the emotional content of replies to news. seven dimensions categorized by the NRC. (E) Mean and variance
(A) Descriptive statistics on users who participated in true and false rumor of the IU, KL, and BD of true and false rumor tweets compared to the
cascades as well as K-S tests of the differences in the distributions of these corpus of prior tweets the user has seen in the 60 days before seeing the
measures across true and false rumor cascades. (B) Results of a logistic rumor tweet as well as K-S tests of their differences across true and false
regression model estimating users’ likelihood of retweeting a rumor as a rumors. (F) Mean and variance of the emotional content of replies to
function of variables shown at the left. coeff, logit coefficient; z, z score. true and false rumor tweets across seven dimensions categorized
(C) Differences in the information uniqueness (IU), scaled Bhattacharyya by the NRC as well as K-S tests of their differences across true and
distance (BD), and K-L divergence (KL) of true (green) and false (red) false rumors. All standard errors are clustered at the rumor level,
rumor tweets compared to the corpus of prior tweets the user was exposed and all models are estimated with cluster-robust standard errors at
to in the 60 days before retweeting the rumor tweet. (D) The emotional the rumor level.

(Fig. 3H). Analysis of all news categories showed diffused farther and faster than the truth despite cial status on one that is “in the know” or has
that news about politics, urban legends, and science these differences, not because of them. access to unique “inside” information (26)]. We
spread to the most people, whereas news about When we estimated a model of the likelihood therefore tested whether falsity was more novel
politics and urban legends spread the fastest of retweeting, we found that falsehoods were than the truth and whether Twitter users were
and were the most viral in terms of their struc- 70% more likely to be retweeted than the truth more likely to retweet information that was
tural virality (see fig. S11 for detailed comparisons (Wald chi-square test, P ~ 0.0), even when con- more novel.
across all topics). trolling for the account age, activity level, and To assess novelty, we randomly selected ~5000
One might suspect that structural elements of number of followers and followees of the origi- users who propagated true and false rumors and
the network or individual characteristics of the nal tweeter, as well as whether the original tweet- extracted a random sample of ~25,000 tweets
users involved in the cascades explain why falsity er was a verified user (Fig. 4B). Because user that they were exposed to in the 60 days prior
travels with greater velocity than the truth. Per- characteristics and network structure could not to their decision to retweet a rumor. We then
haps those who spread falsity “followed” more explain the differential diffusion of truth and specified a latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic model
people, had more followers, tweeted more often, falsity, we sought alternative explanations for (27), with 200 topics and trained on 10 million
were more often “verified” users, or had been on the differences in their diffusion dynamics. English-language tweets, to calculate the in-
Twitter longer. But when we compared users in- One alternative explanation emerges from in- formation distance between the rumor tweets
volved in true and false rumor cascades, we formation theory and Bayesian decision theory. and all the prior tweets that users were exposed
found that the opposite was true in every case. Novelty attracts human attention (24), con- to before retweeting the rumor tweets. This
Users who spread false news had significant- tributes to productive decision-making (25), and generated a probability distribution over the
ly fewer followers (K-S test = 0.104, P ~ 0.0), encourages information sharing (26) because 200 topics for each tweet in our data set. We then
followed significantly fewer people (K-S test = novelty updates our understanding of the world. measured how novel the information in the true
0.136, P ~ 0.0), were significantly less active on When information is novel, it is not only surpris- and false rumors was by comparing the topic
Twitter (K-S test = 0.054, P ~ 0.0), were verified ing, but also more valuable, both from an infor- distributions of the rumor tweets with the topic
significantly less often (K-S test = 0.004, P < 0.001), mation theoretic perspective [in that it provides distributions of the tweets to which users were
and had been on Twitter for significantly less time the greatest aid to decision-making (25)] and exposed in the 60 days before their retweet. We
(K-S test = 0.125, P ~ 0.0) (Fig. 4A). Falsehood from a social perspective [in that it conveys so- found that false rumors were significantly more

Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146–1151 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 6


novel than the truth across all novelty metrics, Second, a selection bias may arise from the news spreads farther, faster, deeper, and more
displaying significantly higher information restriction of our sample to tweets fact checked broadly than the truth because humans, not ro-
uniqueness (K-S test = 0.457, P ~ 0.0) (28), by the six organizations we relied on. Fact checking bots, are more likely to spread it.
Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence (K-S test = may select certain types of rumors or draw addi- Finally, more research on the behavioral ex-
0.433, P ~ 0.0) (29), and Bhattacharyya distance tional attention to them. To validate the robust- planations of differences in the diffusion of true
(K-S test = 0.415, P ~ 0.0) (which is similar to the ness of our analysis to this selection and the and false news is clearly warranted. In par-
Hellinger distance) (30). The last two metrics generalizability of our results to all true and false ticular, more robust identification of the factors
measure differences between probability distri- rumor cascades, we independently verified a sec- of human judgment that drive the spread of true
butions representing the topical content of the ond sample of rumor cascades that were not ver- and false news online requires more direct inter-
incoming tweet and the corpus of previous tweets ified by any fact-checking organization. These action with users through interviews, surveys, lab
to which users were exposed. rumors were fact checked by three undergrad- experiments, and even neuroimaging. We encour-
Although false rumors were measurably more uate students at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- age these and other approaches to the investiga-
novel than true rumors, users may not have per- nology (MIT) and Wellesley College. We trained tion of the factors of human judgment that drive
ceived them as such. We therefore assessed users’ the students to detect and investigate rumors with the spread of true and false news in future work.
perceptions of the information contained in true our automated rumor-detection algorithm run- False news can drive the misallocation of re-
and false rumors by comparing the emotional ning on 3 million English-language tweets from sources during terror attacks and natural disas-
content of replies to true and false rumors. We 2016 (34). The undergraduate annotators inves- ters, the misalignment of business investments,
categorized the emotion in the replies by using tigated the veracity of the detected rumors using and misinformed elections. Unfortunately, although
the leading lexicon curated by the National Re- simple search queries on the web. We asked them the amount of false news online is clearly in-
search Council Canada (NRC), which provides a to label the rumors as true, false, or mixed on the creasing (Fig. 1, C and E), the scientific under-
comprehensive list of ~140,000 English words basis of their research and to discard all rumors standing of how and why false news spreads is

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and their associations with eight emotions based previously investigated by one of the fact-checking currently based on ad hoc rather than large-scale
on Plutchik’s (31) work on basic emotion—anger, organizations. The annotators, who worked in- systematic analyses. Our analysis of all the ver-
fear, anticipation, trust, surprise, sadness, joy, dependently and were not aware of one another, ified true and false rumors that spread on Twitter
and disgust (32)—and a list of ~32,000 Twitter agreed on the veracity of 90% of the 13,240 rumor confirms that false news spreads more pervasively
hashtags and their weighted associations with cascades that they investigated and achieved a than the truth online. It also overturns conven-
the same emotions (33). We removed stop words Fleiss’ kappa of 0.88. When we compared the tional wisdom about how false news spreads.
and URLs from the reply tweets and calculated diffusion dynamics of the true and false rumors Though one might expect network structure
the fraction of words in the tweets that related to that the annotators agreed on, we found results and individual characteristics of spreaders to
each of the eight emotions, creating a vector of nearly identical to those estimated with our favor and promote false news, the opposite is
emotion weights for each reply that summed to main data set (see fig. S17). False rumors in the true. The greater likelihood of people to re-
one across the emotions. We found that false robustness data set had greater depth (K-S test = tweet falsity more than the truth is what drives
rumors inspired replies expressing greater sur- 0.139, P ~ 0.0), size (K-S test = 0.131, P ~ 0.0), max- the spread of false news, despite network and
prise (K-S test = 0.205, P ~ 0.0), corroborating the imum breadth (K-S test = 0.139, P ~ 0.0), structural individual factors that favor the truth. Further-
novelty hypothesis, and greater disgust (K-S test = virality (K-S test = 0.066, P ~ 0.0), and speed more, although recent testimony before con-
0.102, P ~ 0.0), whereas the truth inspired replies (fig. S17) and a greater number of unique users gressional committees on misinformation in the
that expressed greater sadness (K-S test = 0.037, at each depth (fig. S17). When we broadened the United States has focused on the role of bots in
P ~ 0.0), anticipation (K-S test = 0.038, P ~ 0.0), analysis to include majority-rule labeling, rather spreading false news (36), we conclude that
joy (K-S test = 0.061, P ~ 0.0), and trust (K-S test = than unanimity, we again found the same results human behavior contributes more to the differ-
0.060, P ~ 0.0) (Fig. 4, D and F). The emotions (see supplementary materials for results using ential spread of falsity and truth than automated
expressed in reply to falsehoods may illuminate majority-rule labeling). robots do. This implies that misinformation-
additional factors, beyond novelty, that inspire Third, although the differential diffusion of containment policies should also emphasize be-
people to share false news. Although we cannot truth and falsity is interesting with or without havioral interventions, like labeling and incentives
claim that novelty causes retweets or that novel- robot, or bot, activity, one may worry that our to dissuade the spread of misinformation, rather
ty is the only reason why false news is retweeted conclusions about human judgment may be than focusing exclusively on curtailing bots. Un-
more often, we do find that false news is more biased by the presence of bots in our analysis. derstanding how false news spreads is the first
novel and that novel information is more likely We therefore used a sophisticated bot-detection step toward containing it. We hope our work in-
to be retweeted. algorithm (35) to identify and remove all bots spires more large-scale research into the causes
Numerous diagnostic statistics and manipula- before running the analysis. When we added and consequences of the spread of false news as
tion checks validated our results and confirmed bot traffic back into the analysis, we found that well as its potential cures.
their robustness. First, as there were multiple none of our main conclusions changed—false
cascades for every true and false rumor, the var- news still spread farther, faster, deeper, and more
iance of and error terms associated with cascades broadly than the truth in all categories of infor-
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by the MIT institutional review board. The analysis code is freely
on Information Systems, ICIS, paper 231, 2010). 28. S. Aral, P. Dhillon, “Unpacking novelty: The anatomy of vision
available at The entire
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data set is also available, from the same link, upon signing an
of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web Management, Cambridge, MA, 22 June 2016; https://papers.
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Vosoughi et al., Science 359, 1146–1151 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 6


MICROBIOTA reducing its digestion and making it more available

as fermentable carbohydrate in the colon (15). By
design, the W group had a significantly higher
Gut bacteria selectively promoted by intake of dietary fibers with diverse structures
than the U group, but the daily energy and macro-

dietary fibers alleviate type 2 diabetes nutrient intakes were similar across groups (table
S2). The level of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), our
primary outcome measure, decreased significantly
Liping Zhao,1,2*† Feng Zhang,1* Xiaoying Ding,3* Guojun Wu,1* Yan Y. Lam,2* from baseline in a time-dependent manner in both
Xuejiao Wang,3 Huaqing Fu,1 Xinhe Xue,1 Chunhua Lu,4 Jilin Ma,4 Lihua Yu,4 groups; from day 28 onward, however, there was a
Chengmei Xu,4 Zhongying Ren,4 Ying Xu,5 Songmei Xu,5 Hongli Shen,5 Xiuli Zhu,5 greater reduction in the W group (Fig. 1A). The
Yu Shi,6 Qingyun Shen,6 Weiping Dong,3 Rui Liu,1 Yunxia Ling,3 Yue Zeng,7 proportion of participants who achieved adequate
Xingpeng Wang,7 Qianpeng Zhang,1 Jing Wang,1 Linghua Wang,1 Yanqiu Wu,1 glycemic control (HbA1c < 7%) at the end of the
Benhua Zeng,8 Hong Wei,8 Menghui Zhang,1 Yongde Peng,3† Chenhong Zhang1† intervention was also significantly higher in the W
group (89% versus 50% in the U group) (Fig. 1B).
The gut microbiota benefits humans via short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production from There was a temporal difference in fasting blood
carbohydrate fermentation, and deficiency in SCFA production is associated with type 2 glucose levels—only the W group achieved a sig-
diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We conducted a randomized clinical study of specifically nificant reduction by day 28, although at the end of
designed isoenergetic diets, together with fecal shotgun metagenomics, to show that a the intervention there was no difference between
select group of SCFA-producing strains was promoted by dietary fibers and that most groups (Fig. 1C)—and a similar trend was observed
other potential producers were either diminished or unchanged in patients with T2DM. for postprandial glucose (Fig. 1D). The W group

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When the fiber-promoted SCFA producers were present in greater diversity and abundance, also showed greater reduction in body weight
participants had better improvement in hemoglobin A1c levels, partly via increased and better blood lipid profiles than the U group
glucagon-like peptide-1 production. Promotion of these positive responders diminished (table S3). Our clinical data indicate that increased
producers of metabolically detrimental compounds such as indole and hydrogen sulfide. availability of nondigestible but fermentable car-
Targeted restoration of these SCFA producers may present a novel ecological approach bohydrates is sufficient to induce clinically relevant
for managing T2DM. metabolic improvements in patients with T2DM,
as demonstrated by the response to increasing un-

digested starch with acarbose in the U group. We
he gut microbiota is a complex microbial across many taxa share the genes for ferment- observed more significant and faster improvement
ecosystem, and maintaining a mutualistic ing carbohydrates into SCFAs (11). Strains of the in clinical outcomes in the W group when more
relationship with it is critical for human same SCFA-producing species also show differ- diverse carbohydrates were provided as added
health (1). A notable example of such a re- ent responses to increased availability of dietary fibers in the diet.
lationship is the production of short-chain fibers (12, 13). To improve the clinical efficacy of To determine causality between the gut mi-
fatty acids (SCFAs) through bacterial fermen- dietary fiber interventions, it is critical to un- crobiota and fiber-induced improvement of host
tation of carbohydrates: The human host diet derstand how members of the gut ecosystem glycemic control, we transplanted the pre- and
provides nondigestible carbohydrates to sup- respond as individual strains as well as how they postintervention gut microbiota from the same
port bacterial growth, and in return, the bacteria interact with one another as functional groups participants into germ-free C57BL/6J mice. The
generate SCFAs that provide an energy substrate when exposed to increased carbohydrates as a mice that received pre- or postintervention micro-
to colonocytes, mitigate inflammation, and regu- new environmental resource. In this study, we biota showed more similarity in gut microbiota
late satiety, etc. (2, 3). Deficiency in SCFA produc- used exposure to a large amount of diverse fibers to their donors than to each other (fig. S2). Mice
tion has been associated with diseases, including from dietary sources to perturb the gut ecosys- transplanted with the postintervention microbiota
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (4–7). In clin- tem. We then applied a strain-level, microbiome- from either the W or U group showed better
ical trials, increased intake of nondigestible but wide association approach to characterize the metabolic health parameters than those with the
fermentable carbohydrates (dietary fibers) alle- dynamics of the gut microbiota and its impact preintervention microbiota from the correspond-
viated the disease phenotypes of T2DM but was on glucose homeostasis in patients with T2DM. ing group. Mice that received postintervention
associated with vastly different treatment re- This strategy has led to the identification of a microbiota from the W group had the lowest fast-
sponses (8–10). Hundreds of gut bacterial species specific group of SCFA producers that alleviate ing and postprandial blood glucose levels among
T2DM by increasing SCFA production. This in- all gnotobiotic mice (Fig. 1E and fig. S3), a result
State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism and Ministry creased SCFA production restores a mutualistic that mirrored the better metabolic outcomes in
of Education Key Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine, School relationship with the human host and diminishes participants of the W group than in those of the U
of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong producers of metabolically detrimental compounds. group. The transferable effects of our treatments
University, Shanghai 200240, China. 2Department of
Biochemistry and Microbiology and New Jersey Institute for
We randomized patients with clinically diag- via microbial transplantation provide evidence for
Food, Nutrition, and Health, School of Environmental and nosed T2DM to receive either the usual care [pa- a causative contribution of the gut microbiota,
Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, NJ 08901, USA. tient education and dietary recommendations modulated by dietary fibers, to improved glucose
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai based on the 2013 Chinese Diabetes Society homeostasis in patients with T2DM.
General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of
Medicine, Shanghai 200080, China. 4Sijing Community
guidelines for T2DM (14)] as the control group Next we determined how the increased di-
Health Service Center of Songjiang District, Shanghai (U group; n = 16 patients) or a high-fiber diet etary fibers altered the global structure of the
201601, China. 5Sijing Hospital of Songjiang District, composed of whole grains, traditional Chinese gut microbiota. Shotgun metagenomic sequenc-
Shanghai 201601, China. 6Department of Endocrinology and medicinal foods, and prebiotics (the WTP diet; ing was performed on 172 fecal samples collected
Metabolism, Qidong People’s Hospital, Jiangsu 226200,
China. 7Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai General
see materials and methods and table S1 in the at four time points (days 0, 28, 56, and 84) (table
Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, supplementary materials) as the treatment group S4), which led to a catalog of 4,893,833 nonredun-
Shanghai 200080, China. 8Department of Laboratory Animal (W group; n = 27 patients) in an open-label, parallel- dant microbial genes. Both groups had a notable
Science, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Army Medical group study designated the GUT2D study (fig. S1). reduction in gene richness (the number of genes
University, Chongqing 400038, China.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Both groups received acarbose (an amylase inhibi- identified per sample) from day 0 to day 28,
†Corresponding author. Email: (L.Z.); tor) as the standardized medication. Acarbose trans- along with significant clinical improvements, (Y.P.); (C.Z.) forms part of the starch in the diet into a “fiber” by with no further changes afterward (Fig. 1F). Our

Zhao et al., Science 359, 1151–1156 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 6


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Fig. 1. A high-fiber diet alters the gut microbiota and improves glu- mice receiving transplanted material in each of the W-Pre, W-Post, and
cose homeostasis in participants with T2DM. Changes in (A) HbA1c, U-Pre groups, and n = 4 mice receiving transplanted material in the U-Post
(B) the percentage of participants with adequate glycemic control, (C) group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 by one-way ANOVA with
fasting blood glucose, and (D) the glucose area under the curve (AUC) in a Tukey’s post hoc test for intra- and intergroup comparisons. (F) Gut
meal tolerance test (MTT) for participants during the intervention are microbiota diversity (gene richness). The change in gene counts was
shown. Data are presented as percent changes from day 0 (± SE). A two- adjusted to 31 million mapped reads per sample. Boxes show the medians
way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post and the interquartile ranges (IQRs), the whiskers denote the lowest and
hoc test was used for intra- and intergroup comparisons. *P < 0.05, **P < highest values that were within 1.5 times the IQR from the first and third
0.01, and ***P < 0.001 for comparison with the day 0 value for the same quartiles, and outliers are shown as individual points. Wilcoxon matched-
group; #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, and ###P < 0.001 for comparison with the pair signed-rank tests (two tailed) were used to analyze each pairwise
U group value at the same time point. n = 27 patients in the W group and comparison within each group. A Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze
16 patients in the U group for all analyses except the MTT in (D), where n = differences between the W and U groups at the same time point. **P <
15 patients in the U group. (E) Oral glucose tolerance test (2 weeks after 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 [adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
transplantation) of mice receiving transplanted pre- and postintervention (35)]. (G) Overall gut microbial structure. Principal coordinates analysis
human gut microbiota. The transplant material was derived from was performed on the basis of the Bray-Curtis distance for 422 bacterial
representative donors, one from the W group and one from the U group, genomes [co-abundance gene groups (CAGs)]. PC1, principal coordinate 1;
both before (Pre; day 0) and after (Post; day 84) the intervention. n = 5 PC2, principal coordinate 2.

data challenged the current notion that greater tional changes in the gut microbiota that might degradation was observed only in the W group.
overall diversity implies better health (16). How- contribute to improved host clinical outcomes Our data suggest that it is not global gene rich-
ever, gene richness tended to be higher in the W (fig. S7). Both the WTP diet and acarbose in- ness per se but the abundance distribution of spe-
group than in the U group after day 28, and this creased the availability of fermentable carbo- cific functional genes such as those for CAZys
trend was associated with better clinical out- hydrates, which led us to focus on genes for that is more relevant for identifying health-related
comes in the W group (Fig. 1F). Individual genes carbohydrate utilization (18). A total of 192,236 changes in the gut microbiota.
were binned into co-abundance gene groups carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZy)–encoding Pursuing our central hypothesis that SCFAs
(CAGs) with a canopy-based algorithm (17). A genes were identified and grouped into 315 CAZy from increased intake of dietary fibers are one
total of 422 CAGs containing >700 genes were gene families. The richness of CAZy genes fol- of the key mediators of the observed effects of
inferred to represent the genomes of ecological- lowed a pattern similar to that of the total gene the microbiota on host glucose homeostasis, we
ly distinct bacterial populations (fig. S4). On the richness; that is, both decreased compared with specifically examined the genes involved in the
basis of Bray-Curtis distances from the 422 CAGs, the baseline but remained higher in the W group production of these metabolites. We used the
the overall structure of the gut microbiota showed than in the U group after day 28 (fig. S8). We abundance of genes that encode key enzymes to
significant alteration from day 0 to day 28 in observed significant segregation between the indicate the enrichment of production pathways—
both groups, with no further changes afterward pre- and all postintervention samples on the basis e.g., fhs for acetate and but for butyrate formation
(Fig. 1G and fig. S5). At the end of the interven- of the CAZy family profile (Fig. 2A and fig. S8). (19). In both W and U groups, the production
tion (day 84), significant differences between Among the CAZy genes for metabolizing differ- pathways for acetic acid were significantly en-
the W and U groups reflected a distinct mod- ent carbohydrate substrates, those contributing riched (Fig. 2B). Four distinct pathways con-
ulatory effect of the high-fiber intervention on to starch and inulin degradation were signif- tribute to butyric acid production (20), and the
the gut microbiota. A Procrustes analysis with all icantly enriched, whereas those related to the use most abundant of these (with but as the terminal
bioclinical variables combined and the 422 bac- of pectin and mucin were depleted in both the W gene) in the human gut increased significantly
terial CAGs showed that compositional changes and U groups (fig. S8). There were intervention- only in the W group after the intervention (Fig. 2C
in the gut microbiota were associated with im- specific effects on the capacity for carbohydrate and fig. S9). Genes encoding other SCFA pro-
provements in clinical outcomes (fig. S6). metabolism (fig. S8); for instance, enrichment duction pathways were unchanged or significantly
We then conducted a gene-centric analysis of of genes encoding cohesin and dockerin as part reduced (fig. S9). The shifts in the abundance of
the metagenomic data sets to explore the func- of a multienzyme complex for plant cell wall genes encoding the SCFA production pathways

Zhao et al., Science 359, 1151–1156 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 6


Fig. 2. A high-fiber diet alters gut bacterial fermentation of carbohy- was used to analyze differences between the W and U groups at the same
drates in participants with T2DM. (A) Changes in the abundance of time point. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 [adjusted by the

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZy) family genes. Principal components Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (35)]. (D and E) Changes in fecal concen-
analysis was conducted on the abundance (log transformed) of all 192,236 trations of (D) acetic acid and (E) butyric acid. SCFAs were measured using
CAZy genes. PC1, principal component 1; PC2, principal component 2. gas chromatography, and amounts are expressed as milligrams per gram of dry
(B and C) Changes in the abundance of genes that encode the key enzymes in feces (± SE). (F and G) Changes in (F) fecal water pH and (G) the glucagon-
(B) acetic acid production (formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase) and (C) butyric like peptide-1 (GLP-1) AUC in a meal tolerance test (± SE). For (D) to (G),
acid production [butyryl–coenzyme A (butyryl-CoA):acetate CoA transferase, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test was used for
represented by but]. Boxes, whiskers, and outliers denote values as described intra- and intergroup comparisons. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 for
for Fig. 1F. Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank tests (two tailed) were used comparison with day 0; #P < 0.05 for comparison with the U group at the
to analyze each pairwise comparison within each group. A Mann-Whitney test same time point. n = 27 patients in the W group and 16 patients in the U group.

were largely consistent with the measured fecal SCFA-producing genes respond to the increased (table S6). In the W group, all 15 positive responders
SCFA content (Fig. 2, D and E, and fig. S10). Acetic availability of fermentable carbohydrates. From harbored genes for acetate production, and 5 also
acid concentrations were essentially similar in 180 bacterial CAGs that were shared by >20% of possessed the capacity for butyrate production
both groups throughout the study, increasing to our samples, we assembled 154 high-quality draft (Fig. 3B). In the U group, only 3 acetate producers
day 28 and decreasing afterward to levels mar- genomes of prevalent bacteria (57% ± 11% total among the 15 positive responders were promoted
ginally higher than baseline (Fig. 2D), whereas reads per sample were mapped) (table S5) that (Fig. 3C), which was likely a response to acarbose-
butyric acid concentrations increased significant- met at least five of the six reference genome crite- induced starch delivery to the colon (15). These
ly only in the W group (Fig. 2E). Both groups ria from the NIH Human Microbiome Project genome-level data were consistent with the en-
had a significant reduction in fecal pH at day 28 ( richment of the acetic acid production pathways
(6.36 ± 0.11 versus 6.82 ± 0.07 at baseline for the php). These high-quality draft genomes of preva- and a trend toward higher fecal acetate in both
W group and 6.21 ± 0.18 versus 6.79 ± 0.09 at lent gut bacteria allowed us to examine composi- groups (Fig. 2, B and D). However, an effect of
baseline for the U group), and the pH remained tional changes at the strain level, with functional the high-fiber diet on promoting the butyrate
at similar levels for the rest of the study (Fig. 2F). annotation of each strain. We annotated 141 ge- production pathway and inducing butyrate pro-
This pH change indicates increased SCFA pro- nomes as SCFA producers, as they harbored at duction was observed only in the W group (Fig. 2,
duction and an acidified gut lumen. Acetate least one of the key genes for SCFA production C and E). The 15 positive responders to the in-
and butyrate have been shown to improve glu- (table S6). Among those genomes, 79 belonged creased availability of diverse fermentable carbo-
cose homeostasis by inducing gut production of to bacterial strains that were nonresponders to hydrates are the major active producers for SCFA
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY the high-fiber intervention (i.e., they remained production in the context of high-fiber inter-
(PYY), which in turn stimulate insulin secretion unchanged during the study); 47 belonged to vention for T2DM. They are most likely the main
(21–24). The trend of increased fecal acetate and negative responders (i.e., they were significantly drivers of the fiber-induced increase in SCFAs that
butyrate concentrations in the W group coin- reduced); and 15 belonged to positive respond- contributes to improved host metabolic outcomes.
cided with a significantly greater postprandial ers (i.e., they were significantly promoted by the We then explored the relationships among
GLP-1 area under the curve (AUC) (Fig. 2G) and high-fiber diet) (table S6 and fig. S11). The en- these 15 positive responders and other members
a higher level of fasting PYY (fig. S10) for the W richment of these 15 positive responders mostly of the gut ecosystem. In the W group, correlation
group than for the U group at the end of the peaked at day 28 (Fig. 3A) and remained stable analysis revealed that each of the 15 positive re-
intervention. This finding, together with the afterward, consistent with the pattern we ob- sponders had at least one significant inverse
trend for the high-fiber intake to increase post- served in the overall gut microbiota structure correlation with the negative responders (Fig. 3B
prandial insulin (table S3), supports the notion (Fig. 1F). These 15 strains are from three differ- and table S7). Similarly, the positive and nega-
of an SCFA-driven effect on the gut hormone- ent phyla; some (e.g., Lachnospiraceae bacterium tive responders in the U group were inversely
insulin secretion cascade that improves glucose CAG0409 and Clostridiales bacterium CAG0023) correlated (Fig. 3C and table S7). Higher genetic
regulation. are poorly characterized, whereas others are from capacity for using starch, inulin, and arabinox-
The different responses of SCFA-related func- well-known beneficial species. The response, how- ylan (fig. S12); more efficient energy and SCFA
tional genes to the high-fiber intervention prompted ever, was strain specific: only one of the six strains production from the same amount of ferment-
us to ask how individual bacteria that harbor the of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii was promoted able substrates; and greater tolerance to a low

Zhao et al., Science 359, 1151–1156 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 6


Fig. 3. A high-fiber diet selec-

tively promotes a group of SCFA
producers as the major active
producers. (A) Time-course
changes in the abundance of the
active producers. The sizes and
colors of the circles indicate
the average abundance and the
coefficient of variance (CV) of the
abundance of the strains, respec-
tively. Network plots highlight
correlations between positive and
negative responders at all time
points in (B) the W group and
(C) the U group. The correlation
coefficients between CAGs were
calculated using the method
described by Bland and Altman
(36). Lines between nodes repre-
sent correlations between the
connected nodes, with linewidth
indicating the correlation magnitude.

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For clarity, only lines corresponding
to correlations with magnitudes
of >0.4 were drawn. Fhs, formate-
tetrahydrofolate ligase; But, butyryl-
CoA:acetate CoA transferase;
AtoA, acetoacetate CoA transferase
alpha subunits; AtoD, acetoacetate
CoA transferase beta subunits; 4Hbt,
butyryl-CoA:4-hydroxybutyrate CoA
transferase; Buk, butyrate kinase;
PcoAt, propionate CoA-transferase/propionyl-CoA:succinate-CoA transferase.

gut luminal pH may explain why these 15 positive drate fermentation. When these SCFA producers a group, we derived an active SCFA producer
responders have a competitive edge over other are maintained at a certain population level, (ASP) index based on the abundance and diver-
potential SCFA producers (25, 26). A well-known their metabolic activities create environmental sity [Heip evenness (32)] of the 15 high-fiber–
example is Bifidobacterium spp., which, via their conditions—e.g., lower gut luminal pH, higher promoted SCFA producers (fig. S16). The ASP
“bifid shunt” pathway, are able to produce more concentration of butyrate, and a stronger “com- index was higher for the W group throughout
adenosine triphosphate and acetate with a given petitive exclusion” effect (26, 30, 31)—that inhibit the study, mirroring better clinical outcomes, and
amount of carbohydrates (25). For the negative pathogenic or detrimental gut bacteria and sup- followed similar temporal trajectories for the W
responders, a preference for using animal carbo- port optimal host health (26). and U groups (Fig. 4C); that is, it increased from
hydrates and a lower tolerance for an acidified gut In regard to the relationship with host disease baseline and plateaued from day 28 onward de-
environment may partially explain why they were phenotypes, seven positive responders in the W spite continued decrease in HbA1c over the course
outcompeted in response to the high-fiber diet. group showed at least one significant correlation of the intervention (Fig. 1A). The ASP index was
For example, >20% of CAZy genes in Bacteroides with clinical parameters (Fig. 4A). Lachnospiraceae negatively correlated with HbA1c when the data
spp. are associated with mucin metabolism (fig. bacterium CAG0409 showed negative correlations points at baseline and the end of the interven-
S12), and many of these bacteria are known to with 13 clinical parameters in the W group. Howev- tion were analyzed together (Fig. 4D). This rela-
be less tolerant to lower pH (26). Some negative er, this bacterium was a nonresponder to acarbose tionship between the ASP index and HbA1c was
responders also harbor genes that encode trypto- and showed no correlations with any clinical pa- also observed in another independent trial (de-
phanase or hydrogen sulfite reductase, which are rameters in the U group. The acetate-producing signated QIDONG) in which a T2DM cohort re-
involved in producing metabolically detrimental Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum was one of the ceived a similar high-fiber intervention (table S8
indole and hydrogen sulfide, respectively (Fig. 3, most significantly promoted SCFA producers in and fig. S17). These findings confirm the physio-
B and C). The physiological relevance of the de- this study. Inoculation with B. pseudocatenulatum logical importance of this group of SCFA pro-
cline of these bacteria is supported by reduced strain C95 significantly reduced weight gain, body ducers in T2DM, at least in the context of largely
gene abundance in the indole and hydrogen fat, fasting glucose, and insulin resistance; im- similar regimens of fermentable carbohydrate sup-
sulfide production pathways and reduced fecal proved the postprandial glycemic response; and plementation. The ASP index reached a plateau
amounts of these metabolites (fig. S13). Such increased the cecum acetate content in mice at day 28 and remained unchanged throughout
changes may contribute to improved host glu- with high-fat diet–induced obesity (Fig. 4B and the rest of the intervention. When plotting the
cose homeostasis, given the known inhibitory fig. S14). In a separate gnotobiotic mouse cohort ASP index at baseline and day 28 with HbA1c at
effects of these metabolites on GLP-1 and/or PYY that received the baseline gut microbiota from baseline and day 84, we observed a significant
production (27–29). Our data thus support a pos- a participant in the W group, a similar effect of negative correlation similar to that observed
sible role for these positive responders in struc- B. pseudocatenulatum C95 inoculation in lower- with day 84 as the end point for the ASP index,
turing a healthier gut ecosystem via production ing the fasting blood glucose level was observed indicating that changes in this group of bacteria
of SCFAs, which modify the gut environment to (fig. S15). To further understand how the posi- at an early time point (day 28) may be informative
inhibit the detrimental bacteria, from carbohy- tive responders affect host metabolic health as for later (day 84) treatment outcomes (Fig. 4E).

Zhao et al., Science 359, 1151–1156 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 6


Fig. 4. The group of

active producers for
SCFA production corre-
lates with metabolic out-
comes in participants
with T2DM. (A) In the
heat map, asterisks de-
note correlations between
the abundance of individ-
ual active SCFA producers
and clinical outcomes.
GSP, glycated serum pro-
tein; FBG, fasting blood
glucose; HOMA-IR,
(fasting glucose level ×
fasting insulin level)/22.5;
BW, body weight; WC,
waist circumference; SBP,
systolic blood pressure;
DBP, diastolic blood pres-
sure; TC, total cholesterol;
Trig, triglycerides; LDL,

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low-density lipoprotein;
HDL, high-density lipo-   X15 
protein; WBC, white blood cell count; LBP, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein; ln Heipevenness  1010  A , where Ai is the abundance of
i¼1 i
TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor–a. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
(B) B. pseudocatenulatum C95 alleviates high-fat diet–induced dysregulation active SCFA producer i. (D) Correlation between the ASP index (day 0
of glucose homeostasis in mice. Data are presented as the means ± SEM and day 84) and HbA1c (day 0 and day 84). n = 43 patients. R,
(n = 19 to 20 mice for each group). NC, normal chow diet; HFD, high-fat correlation coefficient. (E) Correlation between the ASP index (day 0
diet; HFD+C95, high-fat diet with B. pseudocatenulatum C95. Data were and day 28) and HbA1c (day 0 and day 84). n = 43 patients. The
analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. correlation coefficients in (A), (D), and (E) were calculated using the
***P < 0.001; n.s., not significant. (C) Time-course changes in the ASP index method described by Bland and Altman (36).

The bloom of the positive responders preceded similarity, but they co-occur when adapting to the gut microbiota to manage T2DM and potentially
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Such temporal difference, i.e., the gut microbiota responders are from three different phyla, but
quickly responding and reaching a plateau while they act as a guild to augment deficient SCFA
the host metabolism “played catch-up” with new production from the gut ecosystem by respond-
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Zhao et al., Science 359, 1151–1156 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 6


MICROBIOTA In humans, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

is a multifactorial autoimmune disease that is as-
sociated with marked morbidity and mortality,
Translocation of a gut pathobiont especially in antiphospholipid antibody–positive
patients. Besides the major histocompatibility

drives autoimmunity in mice complex locus, SLE is associated with several

genetic risk loci for excessive signaling of RNA-
sensing Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and type I
and humans interferons (IFNs) (13). In normal animals, exog-
enous viral infections and retroviruses contribute
S. Manfredo Vieira,1 M. Hiltensperger,1 V. Kumar,2 D. Zegarra-Ruiz,1 C. Dehner,1
to these immune responses and interact with the
microbiota (14–19). In the specific pathogen-free
N. Khan,1 F. R. C. Costa,1* E. Tiniakou,1† T. Greiling,1‡ W. Ruff,1 A. Barbieri,3
(NZW × BXSB)F1 hybrid mouse, responses to
C. Kriegel,1 S. S. Mehta,4 J. R. Knight,4 D. Jain,3 A. L. Goodman,5 M. A. Kriegel1,2§
endogenous retrovirus glycoprotein 70 (ERV gp70)
have been shown to drive lupus kidney disease via
Despite multiple associations between the microbiota and immune diseases, their role in
TLR7 (20, 21). These mice eventually succumb to
autoimmunity is poorly understood. We found that translocation of a gut pathobiont,
progressive autoimmune thrombi mediated by
Enterococcus gallinarum, to the liver and other systemic tissues triggers autoimmune
pathogenic antiphospholipid [b2-glycoprotein I
responses in a genetic background predisposing to autoimmunity. Antibiotic treatment
(b2GPI)] antibodies. We asked whether, in ani-
prevented mortality in this model, suppressed growth of E. gallinarum in tissues, and eliminated
mals predisposed to autoimmune responses, trans-
pathogenic autoantibodies and T cells. Hepatocyte–E. gallinarum cocultures induced
location of gut commensals drives IFN and
autoimmune-promoting factors. Pathobiont translocation in monocolonized and autoimmune-

Downloaded from on March 9, 2018

anti–double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), anti–ERV gp70,
prone mice induced autoantibodies and caused mortality, which could be prevented by an
and anti-b2GPI responses. Consequently, we inves-
intramuscular vaccine targeting the pathobiont. E. gallinarum–specific DNA was recovered from
tigated whether pathological immune responses
liver biopsies of autoimmune patients, and cocultures with human hepatocytes replicated the
could be alleviated by therapeutic strategies such
murine findings; hence, similar processes apparently occur in susceptible humans. These
as antibiotic treatment or vaccination.
discoveries show that a gut pathobiont can translocate and promote autoimmunity in
Mortality, lupus-related autoantibodies, and
genetically predisposed hosts.
autoimmune manifestations were relieved in

he gut microbiota are implicated in the resent further “firewalls” against commensal 1
Department of Immunobiology, Yale School of Medicine, New
pathogenesis of multiple gut and systemic bacteria that escape the gut (2, 4, 7). Such mech- Haven, CT, USA. 2Department of Medicine, Yale School of
autoimmune diseases (1). The integrity of anisms occur only during intestinal or vascular Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 3Department of Pathology, Yale
the gut barrier is essential to prevent the pathology, during chemotherapy, or in the ab- School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 4Yale Center for
Genome Analysis, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
microbiota of a healthy individual from sence of a functional innate immune system 5
Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Microbial Sciences
triggering adaptive immune responses (2–7). (2, 6, 8–11). Although recent studies show Institute, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
When intact commensals or pathogens escape that gut commensals can reside within gastro- *Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Immunology,
the gut barrier, several defense mechanisms intestinal-associated lymphoid tissues of unma- Ribeirao Preto Medical School, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil. †Present
address: Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of
impede bacterial access to the systemic circu- nipulated, healthy hosts, it is unclear whether Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. ‡Present address: Department of
lation. However, if these mechanisms fail, the pathobiont translocation is involved in systemic Dermatology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR, USA.
mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) and liver rep- autoimmunity (12). §Corresponding author. Email:

Fig. 1. Effect of antibiotics on autoimmunity

and E. gallinarum translocation to the liver.
(A) Vancomycin (VANC), ampicillin (AMP),
metronidazole (METR), neomycin (NEO), or
control water (CTRL) were provided in the
drinking water of (NZW × BXSB)F1 mice starting
at 6 weeks of age (n = 15 each). Mice were
followed for 30 weeks or until death from
autoimmunity. (B and C) Serum anti-dsDNA (B)
and anti-RNA (C) IgG at 16 weeks of age.
(D) Serum levels of orally administered
FITC-dextran as an indicator of gut barrier
leakiness (n = 8 each). (E to G) Cultures of
tissues from 16-week-old mice showed a
selective growth of E. gallinarum in the
mesenteric veins (E), MLN (F), and liver (G)
(n = 7 each). (H) An E. gallinarum–specific FISH
probe detects E. gallinarum in liver (scale bars,
30 mm) of E. gallinarum–monocolonized C57BL/6
mice 3 weeks after colonization in comparison
to germ-free mice. One representative section
from one mouse is shown from multiple sections
with E. gallinarum signals within the tissues, representative of three mice in total. Data are presented as mean ± SD in
(B) to (G); *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001; log-rank test and Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon test in (A), analysis of variance (ANOVA)
followed by Bonferroni multiple-comparisons test in (B) to (G).

Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156–1161 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 5


(NZW × BXSB)F1 hybrid mice after oral admin-

istration of vancomycin or ampicillin, implicat-
ing involvement of Gram-positive pathobionts in
disease (Fig. 1, A to C, and fig. S1). In addition to
anti-dsDNA and anti-RNA autoantibodies (Fig. 1,
B and C), anti-b2GPI immunoglobulin G (IgG),
hepatic and serum ERV gp70, and anti–ERV gp70
immune complexes (ICs) were all suppressed by
vancomycin treatment (fig. S2, A to L). Uptake
of orally fed fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)–
dextran into the systemic circulation of (NZW ×
BXSB)F1 hybrid mice indicated grossly impaired
gut barrier function relative to nonautoimmune
C57BL/6 mice (Fig. 1D). At 16 weeks of age, we
were able to detect marked bacterial growth
in the mesenteric veins, MLNs, and liver, and
2 weeks later also in the spleen but not kidneys,
which are affected by deposition of circulating
immune complexes (Fig. 1, E to G, and fig. S2M).
Translocation of microbiota was suppressed by
vancomycin or ampicillin, both of which pre-

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vented mortality; neomycin was less effective at
inhibiting translocation relative to vancomycin
(Fig. 1, E to G).
Full-length 16S rDNA sequencing of single
colonies from aerobic and anaerobic MLN, liv-
er, and spleen cultures detected Enterococcus
gallinarum, a Gram-positive gut commensal of
animals and humans, in the mesenteric veins of
82% of (NZW × BXSB)F1 hybrid mice. E. gallinarum
was visualized in situ in MLNs and livers by
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (Fig. 1H
and fig. S2N). C57BL/6 control mice showed no
systemic bacterial growth. Taxa identified by lon-
gitudinal fecal 16S rDNA sequencing revealed that
Enterococcus spp. were enriched only in some
fecal samples (fig. S3, A to C, and fig. S4). Species-
specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) did not
detect E. gallinarum DNA in stool samples from
human or murine autoimmune hosts (fig. S5, A
to D); however, fecal or mucosal tissue culture
followed by species-specific PCR consistently re-
vealed E. gallinarum in the feces and small in-
testine, as well as in the liver, of (NZW × BXSB)F1
mice (fig. S6, A to C). We also found E. gallinarum
translocation to livers of (NZW × BXSB)F1 mice
in two other animal facilities at Yale after transfer
of newly weaned animals equilibrated to different
microbiomes (fig. S6, D and E).
To test whether E. gallinarum induces pro-
inflammatory pathways and alters gut barrier–
related molecules in small intestinal tissue during
translocation into internal organs, we performed Fig. 2. RNA expression profiling and plasmacytoid dendritic cell frequencies in small intestine
RNA expression profiling of E. gallinarum– from germ-free mice monocolonized with E. gallinarum, E. faecalis, or B. thetaiotaomicron.
monocolonized C57BL/6 mice and compared these Germ-free C57BL/6 mice were monocolonized with E. gallinarum (EG), E. faecalis (EF), or
data with those from Enterococcus faecalis– and B. thetaiotaomicron (BT) for RNA-seq and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analyses
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron–monocolonized mice of the small intestine. (A) RNA-seq was performed with ileal tissue isolated from 14-week-old
(Fig. 2, A to J, and figs. S7 and S8). The presence monocolonized mice (n = 3 each). Heat map shows transcripts differentially expressed in the ileum
of E. gallinarum down-regulated ileal molecules 8 hours after commensal delivery. (B to J) Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR)
related to barrier function (e.g., occludin, claudins, analysis of ileum RNA (n = 6 each) as described in (A). (K) Plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDC) and
Plvap, Axin2), the mucus layer (e.g., Mucin-2), conventional dendritic cell (cDC) frequencies in the small intestinal lamina propria of 12-week-old
and antimicrobial defense (e.g., Reg3b, Defa2) germ-free mice (n = 4 each) were evaluated 3 weeks after monocolonization by FACS analysis.
and up-regulated those related to inflamma- (L) Confocal imaging of gut tissues was performed as described in the supplementary materials.
tion (e.g., Cxcr2, AhR/Cyp1a1, Enpp3). Enpp3 is Localizations of TJ proteins are shown in green for occludin, JAM-A, claudin-3, and claudin-5.
known to increase numbers of plasmacytoid den- Images are representative of six different mice. DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Scale bars,
dritic cells (pDCs) (22), which are key cells con- 40 mm. Data are presented as mean ± SD in (B) to (K); *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001;
tributing to the IFN signature in human SLE (13) ANOVA followed by Bonferroni multiple-comparisons test in (B) to (K).

Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156–1161 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 5


and which were induced by E. gallinarum mono- Liver-resident E. gallinarum possibly induces found to be up-regulated (Fig. 3, D to F). Further-
colonization (Fig. 2K). hepatic overexpression of ERV gp70 that fuels more, whole-genome sequencing revealed that
We used confocal microscopy to visualize the anti-ERV immune complex formation and systemic E. gallinarum encodes the shikimate pathway,
gut epithelial, vascular, and lymphatic barrier autoimmunity (fig. S2). We found that (NZW × which generates AhR ligands (fig. S14 and table S1)
molecule changes we detected by RNA. Intesti- BXSB)F1–derived hepatocytes cocultured with (26). We tested whether E. gallinarum–immune
nal epithelial and endothelial cells have tight junc- E. gallinarum isolated from an (NZW × BXSB) interactions, possibly mediated by the AhR
tions formed by occludin, zonula occludens–1 F1 liver induced multiple autoimmune-promoting pathway, induced Th17 and T follicular helper
(ZO-1), cingulin, and junctional adhesion molecule– factors, including the autoantigens ERV gp70 (Tfh) cells in vivo that are crucial for systemic
A (JAM-A) (23). These cells also have adherent and b2GPI, which were potently induced by autoantibody production (28, 29). Broad-spectrum
junctions formed by vascular endothelial cadherin E. gallinarum or E. gallinarum RNA (a potential antibiotic or vancomycin treatment in (NZW ×
(VE-cadherin) and b-catenin. A loss of expression TLR7/8 ligand) relative to E. faecalis (Fig. 3, BXSB)F1 mice reduced levels of Th17 cells, Tfh
of these junctional proteins was seen in gnotobiotic A and B). In hepatocytes and dendritic cells, cells, and their cytokine signatures (fig. S15, A to
C57BL/6 mice monocolonized with E. gallinarum, E. gallinarum RNA also induced expression of C). Vancomycin had no direct influence on im-
except for ZO-1 and VE-cadherin (Fig. 2L and type I IFN and other proinflammatory cytokines mune cells in vitro (fig. S15D). The in vivo ef-
figs. S9 to S11). Claudin-2, -3, and -5 are expressed (Fig. 3C and fig. S13). fects of vancomycin on T cells correlated with
in lymphatic endothelial tight junctions, but in Tryptophan-derived indoles are bacterial ligands reduced E. gallinarum translocation, less im-
E. gallinarum–monocolonized mice they were for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), which munopathology, and fewer autoantibodies in
weakly expressed relative to germ-free controls, activates the AhR-CYP1A1 pathway, a known innate these mice, as well as suppression of serum and
except for pore-forming claudin-2 (Fig. 2L and antimicrobial defense mechanism and inducer hepatic levels of the ERV gp70 autoantigen and
fig. S12). of T helper 17 (Th17) cells (24–27) that we also anti–ERV gp70 immune complexes (Fig. 1 and

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Fig. 3. Induction of hepatic AhR by
E. gallinarum, AhR antagonism in
(NZW × BXSB)F1 mice, and Th17
and autoantibody induction in
E. gallinarum–monocolonized C57BL/
6 mice. (A to F) E. gallinarum, E. faecalis,
and B. thetaiotaomicron lysates or
isolated RNA were cocultured with hep-
atocytes from 14-week-old (NZW × BXSB)
F1 mice (n = 3 each), and expression of
ERV gp70, the autoantigen b2GPI, IFN-a,
and AhR was measured 6 hours later.
(G and H) Serum anti-RNA (G) and anti-
dsDNA (H) IgG of 16-week-old
(NZWxBXSB)F1 mice (n = 4 each) gav-
aged with vehicle or EG and treated with
AhR antagonist CH223191 or mock, as
described in the supplementary mate-
rials. (I to L) C57BL/6 germ-free (GF) mice
were monocolonized with E. gallinarum,
E. faecalis, and B. thetaiotaomicron at
12 weeks of age (n = 6 to 10 mice) and
evaluated 3 weeks later for integrity of
the gut barrier with FITC-dextran (I),
and for translocation to the mesen-
teric veins (J), MLNs (K), and liver (L).
(M and N) C57BL/6 germ-free mice
(n = 4 to 10 mice) were monocolonized
as in (I), and anti-RNA (M) and anti-
dsDNA (N) IgG autoantibodies were
measured 8 weeks later. (O and P) Th17
cells and Th1 cell frequencies were
determined by intracellular FACS anal-
ysis of IL-17A and IFN-g in small intes-
tinal lamina propria (O) and MLN (P)
CD45+ CD4+ CD44+ T cells from germ-
free and monocolonized mice (n = 5
each). Data are presented as mean ± SD
in (A) to (P); *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001; ANOVA
followed by Bonferroni multiple-
comparisons test.

Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156–1161 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 5


fig. S2). Administration of an AhR-selective antago-

nist abrogated the Th17- and autoantibody-inducing
effects of E. gallinarum in (NZW × BXSB)F1 mice
in vivo (Fig. 3, G and H, and fig. S16); this find-
ing indicates that AhR signaling is involved in
E. gallinarum–induced autoimmunity.
Because E. gallinarum has the potential for
translocation in (NZW × BXSB)F1 mice but not in
C57BL/6 mice under specific pathogen-free condi-
tions, we tested translocation in germ-free C57BL/
6 mice monocolonized with E. gallinarum. In the
absence of competing microbiota, E. gallinarum
induced barrier leakage, autoantibodies, and trans-
location to mesenteric veins, MLNs, and livers
of nonautoimmune C57BL/6 mice (Fig. 3, I to
N). Autoantibody induction in C57BL/6 mice
was not seen during monocolonization with
other bacteria that either remain in the gut
(B. thetaiotaomicron) or translocate to tissues
(E. faecalis) (Fig. 3, I to N). Monocolonization with
E. gallinarum induced Th17 cells in the small

Downloaded from on March 9, 2018

intestinal lamina propria and MLNs of C57BL/6
mice (Fig. 3, O and P), consistent with the finding
that Th17 cells are abundant in (NZW × BXSB)F1
mice and were depleted after vancomycin treatment
(fig. S15). Experiments with antibiotic-pretreated
(NZW × BXSB)F1 hybrid mice gavaged with a trans-
locating pathogen, Salmonella typhimurium, did
not induce autoantibodies (fig. S17). By contrast,
gavage of antibiotic-pretreated (NZW × BXSB)F1
hybrid mice with E. gallinarum caused systemic
autoimmune pathology (fig. S17D and fig. S18,
control group).
To deplete the pathobiont selectively, we de-
veloped an intramuscular vaccination strategy
using heat-killed E. gallinarum (fig. S18A). Vac-
cination against E. gallinarum, but not against
E. faecalis nor B. thetaiotaomicron, reduced levels
of serum autoantibodies and prolonged survival
in (NZW × BXSB)F1 mice (fig. S18, B to F). Vac-
cination also prevented translocation, as no growth
of E. gallinarum was observed in internal organs
(fig. S18G). Thus, pathobiont-specific treatment
can abrogate host autoimmune processes with-
out needing to suppress the immune system, which
can lead to systemic adverse events in current
clinical practice.
Longitudinal stool analyses from SLE patients
revealed evidence for impaired gut barrier func- Fig. 4. Gut barrier function and E. gallinarum in liver biopsies of autoimmune patients
tion with increased fecal albumin and calpro- with anti–E. gallinarum serum reactivities. (A and B) Feces from patients with SLE (n = 9)
tectin (Fig. 4, A and B). We thus tested for were screened for increased albumin (A) and calprotectin (B) as signs of an impaired gut
E. gallinarum translocation to human livers in barrier. NHD, normal healthy donors (n = 9). (C) Multiplex PCR for eubacterial [1383 base
patients with SLE and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) pairs (bp)], Enterococcus genus (112 bp), and E. gallinarum (173 bp) DNA on sterilely
who display serologic features of lupus, including obtained and processed liver biopsies from cadaveric liver transplant donors (CTRL) or
antinuclear antibodies and anti-dsDNA IgG (table SLE patients. Lanes 10 to 12, bacterial strains as indicated; lane 13, water. (D) 16S rDNA
S2) (30). Liver biopsies from three SLE patients sequencing of controls as in (C), autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) patients, and non-AIH cirrhosis
were positive for E. gallinarum (Fig. 4C); of six (CIR) patients. (E) Liver biopsies from CTRL, AIH, and CIR patients (n = 5 to 6 each) were
controls obtained from healthy liver transplant tested for E. gallinarum (EG) DNA by qPCR and normalized to any eubacterial (EUB) signal.
donors with normal liver histology, four were (F to J) RT-qPCR of human primary hepatocytes (n = 3 each) stimulated with E. gallinarum,
positive for the presence of other Enterococcus E. faecalis, or B. thetaiotaomicron as in Fig. 3. (K and L) SLE (n = 15) and AIH (n = 17) sera were
species but not E. gallinarum. Sterilely obtained screened for anti–E. gallinarum RNA IgG (K) and anti-human RNA IgG (L) by enzyme-linked
human liver tissues from the same control patients, immunosorbent assay (ELISA). (M) SLE and AIH serum IgG levels against human, E. gallinarum,
AIH patients, and cirrhosis patients [who are E. faecalis, or B. thetaiotaomicron RNA normalized to NHD sera. (N and O) Correlation
known to have grossly impaired gut barriers (31)] between anti–E. gallinarum RNA IgG and autoantibodies in SLE (N) and AIH (O) patients.
were subjected to 16S rDNA sequencing; the Data are presented as mean ± SD; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001; Student
results show that Enterococcus spp. predominated t test in (A) and (B), ANOVA followed by Bonferroni multiple-comparisons test in (E) to (M),
in diseased tissues (Fig. 4D). Note that the majority and Pearson correlation in (N) and (O).

Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156–1161 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 5


of AIH liver biopsies, but not the healthy control 8. F. R. Costa et al., J. Exp. Med. 213, 1223–1239 (2016). vaccination to treat autoimmunity (U.S. Provisional Patent
livers, were positive for E. gallinarum (Fig. 4E). 9. G. F. Sonnenberg et al., Science 336, 1321–1325 (2012). Application 62/448,510). Supported by NIH grants K08AI095318,
10. D. Stanley et al., Nat. Med. 22, 1277–1284 (2016). R01AI118855, T32AI07019, and T32DK007017-39; Yale
Similar to the effects seen with murine hepato- Rheumatic Diseases Research Core (NIH grant P30 AR053495);
11. S. Viaud et al., Science 342, 971–976 (2013).
cytes (Fig. 3, A to F), primary human hepatocytes 12. T. C. Fung et al., Immunity 44, 634–646 (2016). the Yale Liver Center (NIH grant P30 DK34989); Women’s Health
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induced b2GPI, type I interferon, and AHR/CYP1A1 14. M. C. Abt et al., Immunity 37, 158–170 (2012). P30DK079310); the Arthritis National Research Foundation;
the Arthritis Foundation; and the Lupus Research Institute.
(Fig. 4, F to J). Consistent with enhanced adapt- 15. T. Ichinohe et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 5354–5359
Author contributions: S.M.V. designed, performed, and analyzed
ive immune responses to E. gallinarum, the (2011).
all murine, gnotobiotic, and human experiments; M.H., D.Z.R.,
16. M. Kane et al., Science 334, 245–249 (2011).
majority of SLE and AIH patients also showed 17. S. K. Kuss et al., Science 334, 249–252 (2011).
N.K., F.R.C.C., E.T., T.G., and C.K. assisted in murine experiments
increased serum antibody titers against E. gallinarum 18. S. M. Vieira, O. E. Pagovich, M. A. Kriegel, Lupus 23, 518–526
including gnotobiotics; S.M.V., F.R.C.C., and D.Z.R. performed
translocation and barrier function experiments; V.K., C.D., and
and particularly its RNA, which can act as a po- (2014).
T.G. were involved in consenting, recruiting, and sampling
tential TLR7/8 stimulus and cross-reactive trigger 19. G. R. Young et al., Nature 491, 774–778 (2012).
human study subjects; V.K., A.B., and D.J. obtained all liver
20. L. Baudino, K. Yoshinobu, N. Morito, M. L. Santiago-Raber,
(Fig. 4, K to O, and fig. S19). Comparison of anti– S. Izui, Autoimmun. Rev. 10, 27–34 (2010).
biopsy samples; S.M.V. processed and analyzed data related to
human RNA IgG autoantibody titers in SLE and human material; S.M.V., V.K., C.D., A.B., and D.J. performed
21. N. Tabata et al., J. Virol. 74, 4116–4126 (2000).
histopathologic studies and scoring; S.M.V. and C.D. performed
AIH patients with anti–E. gallinarum RNA IgG 22. Y. Furuta et al., PLOS ONE 12, e0172509 (2017).
FISH, immunofluorescence staining, and confocal microscopy;
showed that both were equally elevated, by con- 23. A. C. Luissint, C. A. Parkos, A. Nusrat, Gastroenterology 151,
S.M.V., V.K., and W.R. performed 16S rDNA sequencing, data
616–632 (2016).
trast to anti–E. faecalis and anti–B. thetaiotaomicron processing, and analysis; A.L.G. assisted in microbiologic studies
24. P. Moura-Alves et al., Nature 512, 387–392 (2014).
RNA antibodies (Fig. 4, K to O). and bioinformatics related to 16S rDNA sequencing; S.M.V. and
25. C. Schiering et al., Nature 542, 242–245 (2017).
S.S.M. processed and analyzed the RNA sequencing data; S.S.M.
Our findings show that the Gram-positive gut 26. B. Stockinger, P. Di Meglio, M. Gialitakis, J. H. Duarte, Annu.
and J.R.K. assembled the bacterial genome; S.M.V. and S.S.M.
pathobiont E. gallinarum translocates, as a result Rev. Immunol. 32, 403–432 (2014).
analyzed the genome; S.M.V. produced the chemical structures
27. M. Veldhoen et al., Nature 453, 106–109 (2008).
of gut barrier breakdown, into systemic organs in drawing and biochemical pathway; S.M.V. and M.A.K. wrote the
28. L. Campisi et al., Nat. Immunol. 17, 1084–1092 (2016).
manuscript with input from all authors; M.A.K. conceived the

Downloaded from on March 9, 2018

autoimmune-prone hosts to drive autoimmune 29. J. E. Craft, Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. 8, 337–347 (2012).
study and supervised the project; and S.M.V. and M.A.K.
pathogenesis (fig. S20). Translocating bacteria 30. H. I. Fallatah, H. O. Akbar, Autoimmune Dis. 2012, 312817
participated in design and interpretation of all experiments. All
may not only skew T helper cell differentiation (2012).
data to understand and assess the conclusions of this research are
31. I. Cirera et al., J. Hepatol. 34, 32–37 (2001).
but may also directly act on colonized tissues, such available in the main text and supplementary materials, as well
as the liver, to induce autoantigens, ERV proteins, as via the following repositories: Whole-genome shotgun
sequences have been deposited at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under
cytokines, and other autoimmune-promoting fac- We thank all patients enrolled under the IRB protocols 1408014402 accession number PPHK00000000. The version described in this
tors. If the complexity of host tissue–microbiota and 1602017150 ( identifier NCT02394964) paper is version PPHK01000000. RNA-seq and 16S rRNA
interactions is considered in chronic autoim- who have participated in this study, as well as K. DeFrancesco and sequences have been deposited with the European Bioinformatics
I. Matos for patient recruitment at the Yale Center for Clinical Institute under accession numbers PRJEB24586 and PRJEB24587,
munity, it may offer new therapeutic avenues for Investigation, which is supported by CTSA grant UL1 RR024139 respectively.
these debilitating and potentially lethal diseases. from the National Center for Research Resources, the National
Center for Advancing Translational Science, and the NIH Roadmap
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES for Medical Research. We also thank D. Assis, J. Boyer, and the SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
1. W. E. Ruff, M. A. Kriegel, Trends Mol. Med. 21, 233–244 Yale Liver Center for contributions of liver biopsy material; J. Galan
(2015). for provision of S. typhimurium; J. Sterpka for technical assistance;
Materials and Methods
2. M. L. Balmer et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 237ra66 (2014). O. Pagovich for initial antibiotics experiments; J. Weinstein for Figs. S1 to S20
3. T. W. Hand et al., Science 337, 1553–1556 (2012). assistance with Tfh studies; N. Palm for use of an anaerobic
Tables S1 and S2
4. A. J. Macpherson, T. Uhr, Science 303, 1662–1665 (2004). chamber; M. Tokuyama and A. Iwasaki for contributing ERV
References (32–50)
5. N. G. Sandler, D. C. Douek, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 10, 655–666 anti-gp70 antibodies for ERV and ERV IC ELISAs; and E. Meffre,
(2012). J. Craft, and G. Eberl for critically reading the manuscript.
6. E. Slack et al., Science 325, 617–620 (2009). S.M.V. and M.A.K. are inventors on a patent application filed by 11 December 2017; accepted 1 February 2018
7. I. Spadoni et al., Science 350, 830–834 (2015). Yale University related to the use of antibiotics and commensal 10.1126/science.aar7201

Manfredo Vieira et al., Science 359, 1156–1161 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 5


COLITIS mice were consistently increased 1.5- to 2-fold com-

pared with those in cells isolated from C1orf106 +/+

C1orf106 is a colitis risk gene that

mice (Fig. 1F). Consistent with these findings,
C1orf106 –/– epithelial monolayers derived from
colonic organoids also exhibited increased levels

regulates stability of epithelial of cytohesin-1 protein in both membrane and cy-

tosolic protein fractions (Fig. 1G), despite no dif-
ference in cytohesin-1 mRNA levels (fig. S3A). These
adherens junctions data suggest that the increase in cytohesin-1 is
posttranscriptionally regulated and is not due
Vishnu Mohanan,1,2 Toru Nakata,1,2 A. Nicole Desch,1,2 Chloé Lévesque,3
to differential localization of the protein in the
membrane versus in the cytoplasmic compart-
Angela Boroughs,2 Gaelen Guzman,1 Zhifang Cao,2 Elizabeth Creasey,2 Junmei Yao,2
ments of the cells. Consistent with this hypoth-
Gabrielle Boucher,3 Guy Charron,3 Atul K. Bhan,4,5 Monica Schenone,1 Steven A. Carr,1
esis, increasing C1orf106 expression significantly
Hans–Christian Reinecker,5,6 Mark J. Daly,1,5,7 John D. Rioux,3,8
decreased the levels of either overexpressed or
Kara G. Lassen,1,2* Ramnik J. Xavier1,2,5,6,9* endogenous cytohesin-1, indicating that C1orf106
expression is sufficient to regulate the steady-
Polymorphisms in C1orf106 are associated with increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease
state levels of cytohesin-1 (Fig. 1H and fig. S3B).
(IBD). However, the function of C1orf106 and the consequences of disease-associated
Similar results were observed with cytohesin-2
polymorphisms are unknown. Here we demonstrate that C1orf106 regulates adherens (fig. S3C). These data suggest that expression of
junction stability by regulating the degradation of cytohesin-1, a guanine nucleotide exchange C1orf106 limits the steady-state levels of cytohesins.
factor that controls activation of ARF6. By limiting cytohesin-1–dependent ARF6 activation,

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We next investigated whether cytohesin-1 levels
C1orf106 stabilizes adherens junctions. Consistent with this model, C1orf106–/– mice exhibit were regulated by ubiquitination and proteasomal
defects in the intestinal epithelial cell barrier, a phenotype observed in IBD patients that degradation. Treatment of cells with MG132, a
confers increased susceptibility to intestinal pathogens. Furthermore, the IBD risk variant proteasome inhibitor, increased the steady-state
increases C1orf106 ubiquitination and turnover with consequent functional impairments.
levels of cytohesin-1, suggesting that cytohesin-1 is
These findings delineate a mechanism by which a genetic polymorphism fine-tunes intestinal degraded by the proteasome (fig. S4A). Over-
epithelial barrier integrity and elucidate a fundamental mechanism of cellular junctional control. expression of C1orf106 was sufficient to increase

the levels of ubiquitinated cytohesin-1 (Fig. 2A).
ntestinal epithelial cells are required for gut tional integrity, suggesting a means by which this Analysis of colonic intestinal epithelial cells dem-
homeostasis and are involved in numerous variant increases susceptibility to IBD. onstrated that C1orf106 –/– cells have reduced
physiologic processes including nutrient ab- C1orf106 is highly expressed in the human in- levels of ubiquitinated cytohesin-1 at steady state
sorption, protection against microbes, and testine and intestinal epithelial cell lines but ex- (Fig. 2B). These data suggest a model whereby
intestinal restoration following insult (1). pressed at low levels in myeloid cells and mouse C1orf106 expression limits cytohesin-1 levels
Abnormal intestinal permeability has been ob- bone marrow–derived macrophages (fig. S1, A to through ubiquitin-mediated degradation.
served in patients with inflammatory bowel dis- C). In Caco-2 cells, a human colorectal cell line, C1orf106 has one putative domain of unknown
ease (IBD), a chronic inflammatory condition of C1orf106 protein expression increased as cells dif- function, DUF3338, which is predicted to be in-
the gastrointestinal tract (2). Healthy family mem- ferentiated and formed a polarized epithelial mono- volved in protein-protein interactions but lacks
bers of some IBD patients have been reported layer, a characteristic feature of the intestinal enzymatic activity. Therefore, we hypothesized
to have changes to the intestinal barrier, suggest- epithelium (Fig. 1A). To decipher the function of that C1orf106 acts as a cofactor for ubiquitin
ing that host genetics can underlie cell-intrinsic C1orf106, we sought to identify C1orf106-interacting ligases to ubiquitinate cytohesins. To understand
barrier defects, although the underlying mecha- proteins by tandem mass spectrometry–based af- the mechanism of C1orf106-mediated control of
nisms are as yet undefined (3). C1orf106 was finity proteomics, using epitope-tagged C1orf106 cytohesin-1 protein levels, we identified C1orf106-
identified as an IBD susceptibility gene through immunoprecipitated from human embryonic kid- binding proteins in our proteomics data that
genome-wide association studies, and follow-up ney (HEK) 293T cells. Cytohesin-1 and cytohesin-2 have the potential to mediate ubiquitination.
exome sequencing revealed that a coding variant were two of the top interactors (Fig. 1B, fig. S1D, Importantly, each subunit of the SKP1–CUL1–F-
in C1orf106 (*333F) increased risk of IBD (4–6). and table S1). Cytohesin-1 is one of the guanine box (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex and two
Here we elucidate the function of C1orf106 and exchange factors (GEFs) that control the activa- F-box substrate adaptors, BTRC1 and FBXW11,
find a role for it in epithelial homeostasis. We tion of ARF6 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) were identified as C1orf106 interactors (Fig. 1B,
report a mechanism whereby the C1orf106 IBD- (7). Depending on the GEF involved, ARF6 func- fig. S1D, and table S1). SCF ubiquitin ligase com-
associated risk variant decreases cellular junc- tions to control the recycling of proteins from the plexes play important roles in regulating the
plasma membrane (8). Coimmunoprecipitation ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of
The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA
experiments confirmed the interaction between specific substrate proteins (9, 10). We performed
02142, USA. 2Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, C1orf106 and cytohesin-1 and -2 by overexpres- coimmunoprecipitation experiments to deter-
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, USA. sion in HEK293T cells and with endogenous pro- mine which proteins from the SCF complex in-
Montreal Heart Institute Research Center, Montreal, Quebec teins in Caco-2 cells (Fig. 1, C and D, and fig. S1E). teract specifically with C1orf106 (Fig. 2, C and D,
H1T 1C8, Canada. 4Pathology Department, Massachusetts
General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Domain-mapping experiments further indicated and fig. S4, B and C); we found that the substrate
02114, USA. 5Center for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel that the N-terminal domain of C1orf106 inter- adapters BTRC1 and FBXW11 do so, suggesting
Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, acts specifically with the N-terminal domain of that C1orf106 may serve as a substrate cofactor
USA. 6Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, cytohesin-1 (Fig. 1, C and E). (Fig. 2, C and D).
Boston, MA 02114, USA. 7Analytic and Translational Genetics
Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical
To investigate the functional interaction be- To test the hypothesis that the SCF complex
School, Boston, MA 02114, USA. 8Department of Medicine, tween these proteins in a physiologically relevant mediates the ubiquitination of cytohesin-1, we
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec H1T 1C8, Canada. model, we generated C1orf106 –/– mice (fig. S2, knocked down expression of BTRC1 and FBXW11
Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics, A and B) and examined the steady-state levels and evaluated cytohesin-1 expression levels. Cells
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
02139, USA.
of cytohesin-1 in this model system. We found treated with FBXW11 small interfering RNA
*Corresponding author. Email: (K.G.L.); that cytohesin-1 protein levels in colon and small (siRNA) showed significantly increased levels (R.J.X.) intestine epithelial cells isolated from C1orf106 –/– of cytohesin-1 (Fig. 2E and fig. S5), suggesting

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 6


that the SCF complex containing FBXW11, but thelial cell function. Cytohesin-1 acts as a GEF to tion in these cells. Immunostaining confirmed
not BTRC1, regulates the stability of cytohesin-1. regulate the activity of ARF6, a GTPase that con- increased levels of ARF6 at the plasma membrane
We next tested the effect of MLN4924, a small- trols the rate of membrane receptor recycling in C1orf106 –/– epithelial monolayers (Fig. 3B).
molecule inhibitor of a NEDD8-activating enzyme and mediates signaling pathways that control Analysis of insoluble membrane fractions from
that is required for neddylation and activation of actin remodeling (12). We therefore hypothe- C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– epithelial monolayers
cullin-RING ubiquitin E3 ligases, including the sized that increased levels of cytohesin-1 protein demonstrated increased levels of ARF6 in the
SCF complex. Treatment of human colon HT-29 in C1orf106 –/– cells would increase levels of ARF6 membrane fraction in C1orf106 –/– cells, further
cells with MLN4924 resulted in a dose-dependent activation. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the supporting the finding of increased levels of
increase in endogenous levels of cytohesin-1 (Fig. 2F) levels of activated ARF6 (ARF6-GTP) in organoid- membrane-associated ARF6-GTP in these cells
(11). Taken together, these results indicate that derived intestinal epithelial monolayers, finding (fig. S6A).
cytohesin-1 levels are dynamically regulated by that ARF6-GTP levels were 1.5 times as high in ARF6 plays a key role in regulating surface levels
ubiquitination by the SCF ubiquitin ligase com- C1orf106 –/– cells as in C1orf106 +/+ cells, despite of critical adherens junction proteins, and ARF6
plex and subsequent proteasomal degradation. comparable total levels of ARF6 (Fig. 3A). Given activation in epithelial cells is known to increase
We next sought to understand how C1orf106- that activated ARF6-GTP localizes to the plasma internalization of E-cadherin (8, 13). We there-
mediated degradation of cytohesin-1 alters epi- membrane (8), we next analyzed ARF6 localiza- fore hypothesized that increased cytohesin-1 and

FLAG-StrepII vector + - - -
Median normalized log2 enriched peptides
Days in culture 2 4 8 12 16 20 2.0 FLAG-StrepII-CYTH1 FL - + - -
C1orf106 isoform 1 FLAG-StrepII-CYTH1 N-term - - + -
C1orf106 isoform 2 FLAG-StrepII-CYTH1 C-term - - - +
1.5 C1orf106 C1orf106 (Isoform2) HA-C1orf106 + + + +
Replicate 2 (WT/EV)

Cyth3 Fbxw11 Fbxw11 HA

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Cyth1 (C1orf106)
Rbx1 Cyth2Skp1
Relative band intensity

2.5 1.0 Cul1 IP: StrepII 50


2.0 37 FLAG
Nedd8 (CYTH1)
1.5 20
1.0 Total HA
lysate (C1orf106)
0.5 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 HEK293T
0 5 10 15 20 25 Median normalized log2 enriched peptides
Days Replicate 1 (WT/EV)
Colon Small intestine
C1orf106 +/+ C1orf106 -/- C1orf106 +/+ C1orf106 -/-
Anti- FLAG-StrepII vector + - - -
IgG C1orf106 FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106 FL - + - - CYTH1
CYTH1 FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106 N-term - - + -
IP: FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106 C-term - - - +
C1orf106 C1orf106 HA-CYTH1 + + + + β-actin
Total CYTH1 HA
Relative band intensity

lysate (CYTH1) Colon Small intestine


IP: StrepII 2.5 2.5 ***

100 *
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
50 0.5 0.5
Total HA 0.0 0.0
lysate (CYTH1) +/+ -/- +/+ -/-
C1orf106 C1orf106
Cytosolic Membrane
C1orf106 +/+ -/- +/+ -/- V5 vector + - + -
Relative band intensity

Cytosolic Membrane
Relative band intensity

C1orf106-V5 - + - +
CYTH1 ** CYTH1-FLAG-StrepII + + + +

2.5 2.0 1.5 **


2.0 1.5 FLAG
β-actin 1.5 (CYTH1) 1.0
1.0 V5 0.5
Na+/K+ pump 0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0 0.0
+/+ -/- +/+ -/- β-actin V5 C1orf106
C1orf106 C1orf106 vector -V5

Fig. 1. C1orf106 modulates cytohesin-1 (CYTH1) levels. (A) C1orf106 and HA (C1orf106). (D) Caco-2 cell lysates were immunoprecipitated
protein levels were assessed during Caco-2 cell differentiation by with anti-IgG or anti-C1orf106 and probed for CYTH1 and C1orf106.
immunoblot. Relative band intensity of C1orf106 isoform 1 at each (E) HEK293T cells were transiently transfected with HA-CYTH1 and either
time point was quantified and normalized to GAPDH (glyceraldehyde- empty vector, full-length FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106, or the N- or C-terminal
3-phosphate dehydrogenase). Each value represents the mean of two domains of C1orf106. Samples were immunoprecipitated with anti-StrepII
independent experiments ± SEM. (B) Log2 ratios of proteins enriched and probed for FLAG (C1orf106) and HA (CYTH1). (F) Immunoblot analysis
by FLAG antibody in HEK293T cells expressing FLAG-tagged C1orf106 of intestinal epithelial cells isolated from the colon or small intestine
(wild type, WT) to those enriched in cells transfected with an empty vector of C1orf106+/+ and C1orf106–/– mice. Shown are samples from individual
(EV); two replicates (one on each axis of the scatter plot) are shown. mice. (G) Immunoblot analysis of monolayers grown from colonic
Each dot represents the log2 ratio for a protein. Red dots, bait; blue dots, organoids from C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– mice. (H) Immunoblot
members of the SCF complex; green dots, cytohesins. (C) HEK293T cells analysis of HEK293T cells cotransfected with CYTH1-FLAG-StrepII and
were transiently transfected with HA (hemagglutinin)–C1orf106 and empty vector or C1orf106-V5. Two biologic replicates are shown. In (F) to
either empty vector, full-length (FL) FLAG-StrepII-CYTH1, or the N- or (H), graphs show normalized CYTH1:actin ratios from three independent
C-terminal domains of CYTH1 (Strep, streptavidin). Samples were experiments, as quantified by densitometry. Error bars, SD. *P < 0.05;
immunoprecipitated (IP) with anti-StrepII and probed for FLAG (CYTH1) **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 (two-tailed Student’s t test).

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 6


ARF6-GTP levels in C1orf106 –/– intestinal epithe- cells, which further supports a role for altered (15). To further confirm this finding, we measured
lial cells would result in decreased surface levels ARF6 dynamics in these cells (fig. S7B). To con- transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) to as-
of E-cadherin. As predicted, immunostaining firm decreased localization of E-cadherin along sess barrier function in C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/–
for E-cadherin in C1orf106 –/– intestinal epithelial the cell surface, we performed biotinylation of monolayers derived from organoids and Caco-2
monolayers revealed more than a threefold in- extracellular membrane-bound proteins followed cells with stable knockdown of C1orf106. Maxi-
crease in the proportion of cells containing in- by immunoblot analysis of biotinylated E-cadherin mal TEER was significantly reduced in C1orf106-
tracellular E-cadherin puncta compared with in freshly isolated colonic intestinal epithelial deficient cells compared with control cells,
the proportion among C1orf106 +/+ cells (Fig. 3C). cells and organoid-derived monolayers from indicating impaired epithelial barrier integrity
An increase in intracellular E-cadherin puncta C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– mice. Despite similar (fig. S8, A and B).
was also observed in colonic tissue sections total expression of E-cadherin, we found more To test whether changes in E-cadherin re-
from C1orf106 –/– mice (Fig. 3D). We detected no than a twofold decrease in surface E-cadherin cycling altered the ability of C1orf106 –/– cells to
differences in the localization of epithelial tight in C1orf106 –/– cells compared with C1orf106 +/+ repair epithelial junctions after injury, we sub-
junction proteins occludin, ZO-1, claudin1, or cells (Fig. 3, E and F). These data suggest a jected organoid-derived monolayers to a calcium
claudin2 and no differences in mRNA or protein critical role for C1orf106 in maintaining adherens switch assay by treating cells with EGTA to disrupt
levels (Fig. 3, B to D, and fig. S6, B to E). These junctions by limiting ARF6 activation through extracellular E-cadherin interactions, followed
data confirm that the effect was specific for regulated cytohesin degradation. by treatment with normal media; in this assay,
E-cadherin. The staining pattern of E-cadherin Epithelial junction integrity is important in we monitored E-cadherin staining to evaluate the
in C1orf106 –/– colonic organoids was disorganized intestinal homeostasis, as well as tissue repair reformation of junctions after 2 hours of recovery
along the junctions and revealed increased punc- after damage (14). We next monitored epithelial time (16). Whereas both C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/–
ta formation in the cytosol (fig. S6F). Moreover, barrier integrity by testing the ability of fluo- monolayers were similarly disrupted by EGTA
disorganized E-cadherin was also observed af- rescently labeled molecules to pass through the treatment, C1orf106–/– monolayers displayed a
intestinal barrier. C1orf106 –/– and C1orf106 +/+ mice

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

ter knockdown of C1orf106 in differentiated lack of reorganization compared with C1orf106 +/+
human Caco-2 cells (fig. S6G). Additionally, in- exhibited similar permeability to FITC (fluores- monolayers after 2 hours of recovery (fig. S8C).
ternalized E-cadherin colocalized with intra- cein isothiocyanate)–dextran (4 KDa) (Fig. 3G). TEER was also measured after calcium switch
cellular ARF6 puncta, consistent with a role for However, C1orf106 –/– colon tissue showed sig- during the recovery phase. C1orf106 –/– mono-
ARF6 in E-cadherin internalization (fig. S7A). nificantly increased permeability to a smaller layers displayed decreased TEER compared with
ARF6 is known to regulate actin dynamics. We compound, Lucifer yellow (0.4 KDa) (Fig. 3H). C1orf106 +/+ monolayers at baseline and during
observed prominent vesicular staining for actin Together, these data suggest that loss of C1orf106 the recovery phase (fig. S8D). Selective knock-
along the inner cell membrane in C1orf106 –/– confers increased permeability to smaller solutes down of cytohesin-1 was sufficient to rescue

Fig. 2. C1orf106 regulates V5 vector + -

C1orf106-V5 - C1orf106
the ubiquitination of +
CYTH1-FLAG-StrepII + + +/+ -/- FLAG-StrepII vector + -
CYTH1 through the SCF Myc-Ubiquitin + + FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106 - +
BTRC-Myc + +
Relative band intensity

ubiquitin ligase complex.


(A) HEK293T cells were FK2
1.5 ** (BTRC)
transfected with ubiquitin- (ubiquitin) 1.0 IP: StrepII
Myc and CYTH1-FLAG- 0.5 (C1orf106)
StrepII with or without (ubiquitin) 0.0 Total Myc
C1orf106-V5. Samples were +/+ -/- lysate (BTRC)
IP: StrepII C1orf106
immunoprecipitated with CYTH1
anti-StrepII and probed Total
for FLAG (CYTH1), V5 lysate

(C1orf106), and Myc FLAG IEC

FLAG-StrepII vector + -
(ubiquitin). (B) Endogenous FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106 - +
V5 FBXW11-HA + +
CYTH1 was immunoprecip- (C1orf106) HA
itated from C1orf106 +/+
Ctrl si + + - - - - - - - -
and C1orf106 –/– intestinal FBXW11 si1 - - + + - - - - - -
FBXW11 si2 - - - - + + - - - - IP: FLAG
epithelial cell (IEC) BTRC1 si1 - - - - - - + + - - FLAG
BTRC1 si2 - - - - - - - - + + (C1orf106)
monolayers and probed for
CYTH1 and ubiquitin
(FK2). The graph shows Total β-actin Total HA
lysate Myc lysate (FBXW11)
Relative band intensity

CYTH1:ubiquitinated 2.0 **

CYTH1 ratios from three 1.5 MLN4924 (µM)

independent experiments, as 1.0 0 1 0.5 0.25 0.125
quantified by densitometry. 0.5
Error bars, SEM. **P < 0.01 0.0
(two-tailed Student’s t test). β-actin
Ctrl si si1 si2 si1 si2
(C) HEK293T cells were
transiently transfected with
BTRC-Myc and either empty vector or full-length FLAG-StrepII-C1orf106. replicates are shown. The graph shows normalized CYTH1:actin ratios from
Samples were immunoprecipitated with anti-StrepII and probed for FLAG three independent experiments, as quantified by densitometry. Error bars,
(C1orf106) and Myc (BTRC). (D) HEK293Tcells were transfected with FLAG- SEM. **P < 0.01 (two-tailed Student’s t test). (F) Immunoblot analysis of
StrepII-C1orf106 and FBXW11-HA and immunoprecipitated as in (C). HT-29 cells treated with DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) or MLN4924 and
(E) Immunoblot analysis of HEK293T cells transfected with siRNAs against probed for CYTH1. Actin served as a loading control. Data are representative
BTRC or FBXW11 and probed for CYTH1. Samples from two biologic of three independent experiments.

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 6


baseline TEER in C1orf106 –/– monolayers, dem- IBD (17). To determine whether C1orf106 –/– mice at day 5 (Fig. 4A). Although C1orf106 –/– mice were
onstrating that cytohesin-1 is a key mediator of have compromised epithelial barrier integrity re- able to control C. rodentium infection by day 12
the observed barrier phenotype in C1orf106 –/– cells sulting in increased bacterial dissemination, we postinfection, they exhibited significantly shortened
(Fig. 3I and fig. S9, A and B). challenged C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– mice colon length compared with C1orf106 +/+ mice
In organoid-derived epithelial monolayers, with the extracellular intestinal murine pathogen and more severe histopathology, including crypt
C1orf106 –/– cells had a significantly increased mi- Citrobacter rodentium, which induces colonic damage (Fig. 4, B to D, and fig. S11A). Cytokine
gratory rate at baseline and during hepatocyte lesions, similarly to the clinical enteropathogenic response was not impaired in C1orf106 –/– mice
growth factor–induced cell migration compared Escherichia coli strains associated with Crohn’s 12 days postinfection (fig. S11, B and C). Addi-
with C1orf106 +/+ cells (fig. S10). These findings disease (18). Additionally, epithelial defenses are tionally, levels of immune cell types such as T
suggest that loss of C1orf106 decreases junc- critical in limiting C. rodentium early after in- and B lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells,
tional integrity, resulting in increased cellular fection. C1orf106 –/– mice exhibited significantly and innate lymphoid cells were unchanged at
migration at steady state, and that growth factor increased bacterial loads of C. rodentium at day 5 baseline (fig. S12A). Levels of interleukin-22,
stimulation cannot compensate for this defect. (Fig. 4A). Notably, translocation of C. rodentium lipocalin-2, fecal immunoglobulin A (IgA), fecal
Increased susceptibility to microbial patho- to the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen was albumin, and antimicrobial peptides were also
gens and dysbiosis is commonly associated with also significantly increased in C1orf106 –/– mice unaltered at baseline, suggesting that these do

C1orf106 Fig. 3. C1orf106 controls surface E-cadherin

+/+ -/- ARF6 Occludin DAPI Merge
levels through ARF6 activation. (A) IEC mono-
layers from C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– mice
C1orf106 +/+

Total were immunoprecipitated with GGA3-PBD beads


Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

and probed with ARF6 antibody. Immunoblot
is representative of three independent
Relative band intensity

Active ARF6
2.0 *
experiments. The graph shows total ARF6:ARF6-

1.5 GTP ratios from three independent experiments,

1.0 as quantified by densitometry. Error bars, SD.
C1orf106 -/-

0.5 (B) Confocal images of colonic organoid–derived

+/+ -/- monolayers stained for ARF6, occludin, and
C1orf106 nuclei (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, DAPI).
Data are representative of three independent
E-cadherin Occludin DAPI Merge experiments. Arrowheads indicate ARF6 at
the plasma membrane. Scale bars, 10 mm.
Proportion of cells with
> 10 puncta per cell

0.8 (C) Confocal images of colonic organoid–derived
C1orf106 +/+

0.6 monolayers stained for E-cadherin, occludin,

0.4 and nuclei (DAPI). Scale bars, 30 mm. The graph
shows quantification from three independent
+/+ -/- experiments of the percentage of cells that
C1orf106 contained >10 intracellular E-cadherin puncta.
Error bars, SEM. (D) Confocal immuno-
C1orf106 -/-

+/+ -/- fluorescence images of sections from
IP: Strep E-cadherin C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/– mouse colon
stained for E-cadherin, ZO-1, and nuclei (DAPI).
E-cadherin Scale bars, 30 mm. (E and F) Freshly isolated
IEC IECs (E) and organoid-derived monolayers (F)
Relative band intensity

E-cadherin ZO-1 DAPI Merge from C1orf106+/+ and C1orf106 –/– mice were

** biotinylated to label surface proteins and immu-
C1orf106 +/+

0.5 noprecipitated with streptavidin beads. Total

0.0 lysate and immunoprecipitated lysate were
+/+ -/-
C1orf106 probed for E-cadherin. Graphs show quantifica-
tion from three independent experiments. Error
C1orf106 bars, SD. (G) FITC-dextran levels in serum
+/+ -/- 3 hours postgavage in C1orf106 +/+ and
IP: Strep E-cadherin C1orf106 –/– mice. Error bars, SEM (n = 3 mice).
C1orf106 -/-

Total Data are representative of three independent

lysate experiments. (H) Lucifer yellow permeability
measurement from colon and small intestine
Relative band intensity

epithelial tissues of C1orf106 +/+ and C1orf106 –/–


2.5 1.5 * mice. Error bars, SEM from three independent

Relative difference in
Lucifer Yellow permeability

* 1.0
Serum FITC-dextran

ns 15 2.0 experiments. (I) Relative difference in trans-

250 ** 0.5
epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) of colonic
(x 10 -6 cm/s)


+/+ -/-
C1orf106 –/– monolayers transduced with control
100 5 0.5 vector (shCtrl) or shRNA against CYTH1
0 0.0 (shCYTH1) (sh, short hairpin). Data are repre-
0 shCtrl shCYTH1
+/+ -/- +/+ -/-
sentative of three independent experiments.
C1orf106 C1orf106 C1orf106
Error bars, SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P <
0.001; ns, not significant [two-tailed Student’s
t test for (A), (C), and (E) to (I)].

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 6


Day 5
C1orf106 +/+ C1orf106 -/-
Stool Spleen MLN **
10 5 *

ColonLength (cm)
10 10 10 4 *
** 8

Pathology Score
10 3

6 7

10 09 10 4

10 2 4

10 08 10 3 5
10 1 2
10 07 10 0 10 2 0
+/+ -/-
+/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- +/+ -/- C1orf106
C1orf106 C1orf106 C1orf106 C1orf106


Relative band intensity

+/+ -/- HA-WT HA-*333F
FS-C1orf106 WT + -
FS vector + - -
FS-C1orf106 *333F - + 2.0
FS-C1orf106 WT - + - C1orf106

FLAG (C1orf106) FS-C1orf106 *333F - - + 1.5
β-actin Myc-Ubiquitin + + +
MG132 + + + 1.0

* tubulin 0.0

IP: Strep ll
C1orf106 C1orf106 *333F
* * Myc
+/+ -/- WT *333F
Maximal TEER

(Ohm) x cm2

+/+ -/-
C1orf106 C1orf106 HA-C1orf106*333F

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

400 HA-WTC1orf106
-/- WT *333F (C1orf106)
E-cadherin DAPI

Fig. 4. C1orf106 maintains intestinal barrier

Total lysate

function in vivo, and the IBD risk variant alters Myc

C1orf106 stability. (A) Colony-forming unit (CFU) DAPI

quantification of C. rodentium in the indicated organs on

day 5. MLN, mesenteric lymph node. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01
(two-tailed Student’s t test). Bars, means ± SEM (n = 8
mice per genotype in three independent experiments). (C1orf106)
(B) Colonic histopathology at day 12 of C. rodentium
infection. *P < 0.05. Bars, means ± SEM (n = 6 mice per
genotype in two independent experiments). (C) Representative hematoxylin HA–C1orf106 WT, and HA–C1orf106 *333F organoid-derived monolayers
and eosin–stained sections of colon from C1orf106+/+ and C1orf106 –/– probed for C1orf106 or CYTH1. b-actin and tubulin served as loading
mice infected for 5 days with C. rodentium. (D) Colon length from C1orf106 +/+ controls. Error bars, SD. Data representative of three independent
and C1orf106 –/– mice at day 12 of C. rodentium infection. **P < 0.01 experiments. (H) Maximal TEER of monolayers from C1orf106 –/–,
(Student’s t test). Bars, means ± SEM (n = 6 mice per genotype in HA–C1orf106 WT, and HA–C1orf106 *333F organoids. *P < 0.05 (Student’s
two independent experiments). (E) Immunoblot analysis of HEK293T cells t test). Error bars, SEM. Data are representative of at least three
transfected with FLAG–StrepII–C1orf106 WT or FLAG–StrepII–C1orf106 independent experiments. (I) Confocal immunofluorescence images
*333F (FS, FLAG-StrepII). (F) HEK293T cells were transfected with (XZ and YZ planes) of LS174T cells stably overexpressing the indicated
Myc-ubiquitin and either empty vector, FLAG–StrepII–C1orf106 WT, or C1orf106 allele. Cells were stained for E-cadherin and nuclei (DAPI).
FLAG–StrepII–C1orf106 *333F. Lysates from cells treated with 10 mM MG132 (J) Confocal images of colonic organoid–derived monolayers from C1orf106 +/+,
were immunoprecipitated with StrepII and probed for FLAG (C1orf106) and C1orf106 –/–, HA–C1orf106 WT, and HA–C1orf106 *333F, stained for
Myc (ubiquitin). (G) Immuboblot analysis of colonic C1orf106 +/+, C1orf106 –/–, E-cadherin and nuclei (DAPI). Scale bars, 10 mm.

not contribute to the early impairment in bac- tion and degradation by the proteasome, we dation of cytohesin-1, or increase the TEER in
terial defense (fig. S12, B to F). C1orf106 –/– mice treated cells with MG132; treatment with this C1orf106 –/– monolayers (Fig. 4, G and H). Expres-
also exhibited impaired recovery from dextran proteasome inhibitor restored C1orf106 *333F sion of C1orf106 *333F disrupted E-cadherin and
sodium sulfate–induced colitis, as evidenced by protein to WT levels (Fig. 4F). We also observed actin organization and staining in monolayer-
greater body weight loss, reduced colon length, increased ubiquitination of C1orf106 *333F com- derived intestinal epithelial cells and human in-
and more severe histopathology, consistent with pared with WT, suggesting that the IBD risk testinal cells (Fig. 4, I and J, and fig. S15). Taken
an impaired ability to recover from intestinal polymorphism increases protein turnover of together, these data suggest a mechanism by which
insults (fig. S13, A to D). C1orf106, resulting in decreased expression of the *333F polymorphism decreases C1orf106 protein
Deep exon sequencing has identified a coding functional protein (Fig. 4F). Consistent with these stability and thus confers increased susceptibility
variant in C1orf106, *333F, which is associated results, we found that C1orf106 *333F had a half- to IBD by compromising gut epithelial integrity
with increased risk of IBD. Expression of C1orf106 life of 10.2 hours, compared with the C1orf106 WT through impaired turnover and degradation of
*333F was reproducibly decreased during tran- half-life of almost 17 hours, using a cyclohexamide cytohesin-1.
sient transfection compared with that of wild- assay in LS174T cells (fig. S14B). To study the Our findings define a critical function for
type C1orf106 (C1orf106 WT), despite comparable phenotypic effects of the decreased half-life of C1orf106 in IBD by regulating the integrity of in-
levels of mRNA, suggesting that the risk variant C1orf106 *333F, C1orf106 –/– organoids were trans- testinal epithelial cells. We have shown that
is poorly expressed or unstable (Fig. 4E and fig. duced with either C1orf106 WT or C1orf106 *333F. C1orf106 functions as a molecular rheostat to
S14A). To test whether the decreased levels of Expression of C1orf106 *333F was not sufficient limit cytohesin levels through SCF complex–
C1orf106 *333F protein were due to ubiquitina- to restore WT levels of C1orf106, mediate degra- dependent degradation and thereby modulates

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 6


barrier integrity. The finding that C1orf106 reg- 13. F. Palacios, L. Price, J. Schweitzer, J. G. Collard, V.M., G.G., A.B., A.N.D., C.L., G.B., G.C., T.N., E.C., J.Y., and Z.C.
ulates the surface levels of E-cadherin is notable C. D’Souza-Schorey, EMBO J. 20, 4973–4986 (2001). performed experiments. V.M., M.S., G.G., A.B., A.N.D., C.L., G.B.,
14. T. J. Harris, U. Tepass, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 11, 502–514 (2010). G.C., T.N., and A.K.B. analyzed data. V.M., M.S., M.D., A.N.D., C.L.,
given that polymorphisms in both C1orf106 and 15. L. Shen, C. R. Weber, D. R. Raleigh, D. Yu, J. R. Turner, G.B., G.C., H–C.R., T.N., J.D.R., K.G.L., and R.J.X. designed the
CDH1 (E-cadherin) are associated with increased Annu. Rev. Physiol. 73, 283–309 (2011). research. V.M., M.S., S.A.C., M.J.D., H–C.R., J.D.R., K.G.L., and R.J.X.
risk of ulcerative colitis, a form of IBD (19). In- 16. G. Swaminathan, C. A. Cartwright, Oncogene 31, 376–389 (2012). provided intellectual contributions throughout the project. V.M.,
17. D. Knights, K. G. Lassen, R. J. Xavier, Gut 62, 1505–1510 (2013). R.J.X., and K.G.L. wrote the paper. Competing interests: The
creasing the stability of C1orf106 may be a poten- 18. S. Nell, S. Suerbaum, C. Josenhans, Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 8, authors declare no competing financial interests. Data and
tial therapeutic strategy to increase the integrity 564–577 (2010). materials availability: Data in this paper are tabulated in the main
of the epithelial barrier for the treatment of IBD. 19. UK IBD Genetics Consortium, Wellcome Trust Case Control text and supplementary materials. The original mass spectra can
Consortium 2, Nat. Genet. 41, 1330–1334 (2009). be downloaded from MassIVE (Mass Spectrometry Interactive
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES Virtual Environment; using the identifier
1. B. Khor, A. Gardet, R. J. Xavier, Nature 474, 307–317 (2011). ACKN OWLED GMEN TS MSV000081941. The data are directly accessible at ftp://massive.
2. J. Mankertz, J. D. Schulzke, Curr. Opin. Gastroenterol. 23, We thank the members of the Xavier laboratory for helpful
379–383 (2007). discussions, N. Nedelsky and T. Reimels for editorial and graphics
3. D. Hollander et al., Ann. Intern. Med. 105, 883–885 (1986). assistance, and J. Rush for comments. We thank the Center
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369–381 (2013). NIH grant DK064869 to J.D.R. This project also benefited from Accepted 21 January 2018
11. T. A. Soucy et al., Nature 458, 732–736 (2009). infrastructure supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation Published online 1 February 2018

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12. W. Kolanus, Immunol. Rev. 218, 102–113 (2007). (grants 202695, 218944, and 20415; J.D.R.). Author contributions: 10.1126/science.aan0814

Mohanan et al., Science 359, 1161–1166 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 6


MOLECULAR BIOLOGY duplex (fig. S3C). The methylation frequency of

dCs was globally maintained in both pulse and
chase irrespective of the nature of the genomic
Nascent DNA methylome mapping features investigated (fig. S3D). These results
suggest that the vast majority of the DNA methyl-

reveals inheritance of hemimethylation ome is maintained within 20 min after passage

of replication forks and thereafter.
Despite the high correlation of methylation
at CTCF/cohesin sites frequency between pC and dC, the two Cs in
many CpGs showed differential methylation fre-
Chenhuan Xu and Victor G. Corces*
quency (Fig. 1B and fig. S4A), suggesting the
existence of hemiCpGs with a spectrum of fre-
The faithful inheritance of the epigenome is critical for cells to maintain gene expression quencies (fig. S4B). The strand-specific nascent
programs and cellular identity across cell divisions. We mapped strand-specific DNA DNA methylome enables the resolution of dif-
methylation after replication forks and show maintenance of the vast majority of the DNA ferent types of hemiCpGs with respect to the
methylome within 20 minutes of replication and inheritance of some hemimethylated
parent-daughter axis. Using a highly stringent
CpG dinucleotides (hemiCpGs). Mapping the nascent DNA methylome targeted by each of the cutoff for differences in 5-methylcytosine (mC)
three DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) reveals interactions between DNMTs and substrate [DmC ≤ –75%, or ≥75%, DmC = m(pC − dC)], we
daughter cytosines en route to maintenance methylation or hemimethylation. Finally, we show obtained a list of 23,305 CpGs with at least one
the inheritance of hemiCpGs at short regions flanking CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)/cohesin
dyad showing hemimethylation either in pulse
binding sites in pluripotent cells. Elimination of hemimethylation causes reduced frequency of or chase (Fig. 1C). The vast majority (96%) of

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

chromatin interactions emanating from these sites, suggesting a role for hemimethylation them were hemimethylated in only one dyad
as a stable epigenetic mark regulating CTCF-mediated chromatin interactions.
and failed to reproduce the methylation pattern
in the other condition (fig. S4, C to F), suggesting

that they may represent the rapid DNA methyla-
ytosine DNA methylation in mammals is to 24 million parent-daughter CpG dyads (pdCpGs) tion turnover events abundant in pluripotent
maintained mainly by the canonical DNA from either pulse or chase (fig. S2C). The methyla- cells (14). In contrast, the methylation pattern of
maintenance methyltransferase DNMT1 tion frequency was highly reproducible between the remaining 4% CpGs hemimethylated in both
during each cell cycle (1, 2). By interacting replicates for each library (fig. S2D). Methylation dyads in a concordant way (Cs on either two
with proliferating cell nuclear antigen frequency between parental Cs (pC) and daughter Watson or two Crick strands are methylated)
(PCNA) and ubiquitin-like–containing PHD and Cs (dC) in the same pdCpGs (Fig. 1A and fig. S3A), was highly consistent between pulse and chase
RING finger domains 1 (UHRF1) during DNA and between the same Cs in pulse and chase (fig. (Fig. 1D), suggesting that concordant hemiCpGs
replication, DNMT1 is recruited to replication foci S3B), were highly correlated. Although Cs in the were stably inherited through S phase. By con-
and loaded onto hemiCpGs to methylate the nas- context of CH are not symmetrically methylated catenating the data from pulse and chase (see
cent cytosines (Cs) (3–5). Although the onset of in mammals (13), their methylation was also main- supplementary materials), we expanded the cat-
this process is closely coupled with the entry into tained on the dCs in the other nascent DNA egory of concordant hemiCpGs to include 2467
S phase, the kinetics of maintenance methylation
and the content of the nascent DNA methyl-
ome have never been studied quantitatively on
a genome-wide scale (6). Furthermore, although
various biochemical (7, 8) and genetic perturba-
tion experiments (6, 9–12) have strongly suggested
the involvement of the de novo methyltransferase
DNMT3A/3B in maintenance methylation, direct
evidence of in vivo interaction between DNMTs
and hemiCpGs is missing.
To gain insights into these key aspects of
maintenance methylation, we used nascent DNA
bisulfite sequencing (nasBS-seq) to measure cyto-
sine methylation frequency strand-specifically on
nascent chromatin across the genome (fig. S1, A
and B, and supplementary materials). We first
labeled H9 human embryonic stem cells (H9-hESCs)
with the nucleotide analog ethynyl-deoxyuridine
(EdU) for 20 min as a pulse condition. Libraries
for a chase condition were also made by labeling
the cells with EdU for 20 min and growing them
for another 8 hours in the absence of EdU to
monitor the maintenance methylation at a later
time point within the cell cycle. We obtained 357
to 544 million uniquely mapped and deduplicated Fig. 1. The vast majority of the DNA methylome is maintained 20 min after replication.
alignments from libraries for each strand, covering (A) Correlation of methylation frequency between pCs and dCs within the same pdCpGs in pulse.
5.6 to 9.8 billion Cs (fig. S2, A and B), converging (B) Count of pdCpGs in pulse with differential DmC values. (C) Different types of hemiCpGs with all
four Cs mapped at least four times. (D) For concordant hemiCpGs in pulse, the distribution of
methylation frequency of four Cs in chase is shown (left), and vice versa (right). (E) All concordant
Department of Biology, Emory University, 1510 Clifton Road
NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. hemiCpGs were intersected with WGBS data sets from other human cells. The distribution of DmC
*Corresponding author. Email: values is shown for each data set.

Xu et al., Science 359, 1166–1170 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 4


CpGs and confirmed their stable inheritance ac- depleted at transcription start sites (TSSs) (Fig. 2D). transient interactions and would help identify
ross up to six passages (>12 cell divisions) (fig. S4, Murine intracisternal A-particle (IAP) retrotrans- cognate substrate CpGs maintained by a certain
G and H). The DmC values of these CpGs were posons are resistant to demethylation during early DNMT. Hence, we used chromatin immuno-
compared with several whole-genome BS-seq embryogenesis (15). Indeed, in inner cell mass precipitation on nascent chromatin followed
(WGBS) data sets in various human cells. Un- (ICM) cells, intraCpGme accounts for 47% of the by bisulfite sequencing (nasChIP-BS-seq) to
expectedly, the majority of them are conserved DNA methylome in IAPs versus 14% genome- specifically map the nascent DNA methylome
in other pluripotent cells but are absent in non- wide, whereas intraCpGhemi accounts for 17 versus targeted by DNMT1, DNMT3A, or DNMT3B in
pluripotent cells (Fig. 1E), suggesting that hemi- 16% genome-wide. Notably, ICM cells have the both pulse and chase (fig. S6, A and B). Un-
methylation could be cell type–specific and well highest frequency of hemiCpGs on gene bodies, expectedly, in pulse but not in chase, all three
conserved across related cell lineages. where it correlates slightly with transcription DNMT-targeted methylomes of the two daughter
WGBS only reports the independent meth- level, although it anticorrelates with transcription strands showed incomplete methylation, which
ylation frequency of two Cs in the same CpGs. at promoters (fig. S5B), suggesting a pleiotropic was most apparent at centers of alignments,
To obtain methylation status of CpGs per se, we role of hemiCpGs on gene expression. iSA was indicative of the precise location of DNMTs (fig.
developed a computational method called in silico also used to resolve WGBS and Tet-assisted bi- S6C). Analysis of the data using iSA revealed
strand annealing (iSA) to resolve the nasBS-seq sulfite sequencing (TAB-seq) data sets in H1- that ~42, 46, and 44% of all DNMT1-, DNMT3A-
data and identify pairs of alignments sharing hESCs (fig. S5C) (16) and showed that although and DNMT3B-targeted CpGs in pulse were intra-
exactly the same two ends between strands of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) preferentially CpGhemi-pC, respectively, whereas the same category
parentWatson and daughterCrick and between exists in hemimethylated form (fig. S5D), the vast only contributed 7, 6, and 5% in chase, respec-
daughterWatson and parentCrick (Fig. 2A and sup- majority of hemiCpGs discovered by nasBS-seq/ tively (Fig. 3A and fig. S6D).
plementary materials). We employed a “moving- WGBS is contributed by mC (fig. S5E). The DmC Furthermore, binding sites for all three DNMTs
ends” statistical test to justify that most of these values from WGBS highly correlate with the fre- showed an enrichment of CpGs over flanking

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

pairs (26- to 111-fold enrichment over random quency of hemiCpGs resolved by iSA (fig. S5F), sug- sequences in pulse (fig. S6E). In chase, the en-
pairing) represent distinct nascent double-stranded gesting that DmC values from WGBS can serve as a richment diminished for DNMT1 and DNMT3B,
DNA (dsDNA) fragments (fig. S5A). iSA enabled proxy for the frequency of hemimethylation. whereas DNMT3A showed an enrichment of meth-
us to call intramolecule CpGs (intraCpGs) from The use of 20-min EdU labeling achieved a ylated CpGs (fig. S6E), suggesting that DNMTs
single dsDNA fragments and to determine their synchronization of genomic fragments by their may have differential occupancy preferences on
methylation state to be one of four types: methyl- replicative “age” of 10 min on average (0 to 20 min nascent and mature chromatin (17, 18). When
ation (intraCpGme), unmethylation (intraCpGunme) after passage of the local replication fork). The viewed through the pulse nasBS-seq, the vast
or pC- or dC- hemimethylation (intraCpGhemi-pC same frequency of hemiCpGs in pulse and chase majority of DNMT-targeted intraCpGhemi-pC were
or intraCpGhemi-dC). About 4.5 and 2.1 million suggests that the maintenance methylation re- fully methylated (Fig. 3B), suggesting that they
intraCpGs were called from all replicates in pulse action happens in a subminute scale (a 1-min-long were methylated shortly after the binding events.
and chase, respectively (Fig. 2B). The two con- methylation reaction would result in the pulse In DNMT1 knockout (KO) cells (12), both DNMT1-
ditions showed nearly identical fractions for all sample having 5% more hemiCpGs than chase), targeted intraCpGhemi-pC and intraCpGme showed
four types, including a surprisingly high and con- preventing nasBS-seq from revealing the rich higher than average reduction of methylation,
sistent 14% combined fraction of intraCpGhemi. plethora of pC-methylated hemiCpGs en route suggesting that their methylation state is main-
Next, we used iSA to resolve published WGBS to maintenance methylation. We thus postulated tained by DNMT1 (Fig. 3C). Under DNMT3A/3B
data sets in mouse early embryonic stages (15) that an enrichment of binding events between double KO (12), both DNMT3A- and 3B-targeted
and showed that hemiCpGs account for 4 to 18% DNMTs and nascent chromatin would achieve intraCpGhemi-pC showed significantly higher reduc-
of the DNA methylome (Fig. 2C) and is relatively both spatial and temporal enrichment of such tion of methylation than the targeted intraCpGme

Fig. 2. HemiCpG is an important component of the DNA methylome. combined) at different mouse embryonic stages. ICM, inner cell mass;
(A) Schematic representation of the principles underlying the iSA method. MEF, mouse embryonic fibroblast; mPGC/fPGC, male/female primordial
(B) The fraction of all four types of intraCpGs in pulse and chase. (C) The germ cell. (D) The frequency of three types of intraCpGs at genic regions
frequency of three types of intraCpGs (with two types of intraCpGshemi at different mouse embryonic stages.

Xu et al., Science 359, 1166–1170 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 4


(Fig. 3C), suggesting that these intraCpGhemi-pC are different regulation (fig. S6F). We next asked if methylation. In both cases, the yet-to-be-methylated
better candidates for DNMT3-maintained CpG nasChIP-BS-seq can also capture the substrate state dCs showed extensive hypomethylation in DNMT3A/
than the targeted intraCpGme. Indeed, these two of dCs en route to de novo methylation by ex- 3B nasChIP-BS-seq but not in nasBS-seq (Fig. 3D
types of CpGs showed mutually exclusive dis- amining the methylation state of targeted dCs and fig. S6G). These results suggest that nasChIP-
tribution, suggesting that they are subject to in either inherited hemiCpGs or maintained CH BS-seq can visualize the transient interactions

Downloaded from on March 8, 2018

Fig. 3. Transient interactions between DNMTs and substrate dCs double KO (late) is shown for all CpGs, DNMT-targeted intraCpGshemi-pC,
in both maintenance and de novo methylation. (A) The fraction of all and intraCpGsme in pulse and chase and unmapped CpGs. ***P < 0.001.
four types of DNMT-targeted intraCpGs in pulse and chase. (B) Counts NS, not significant. (D) Distribution of methylation frequency of the
of all DNMT-targeted intraCpGshemi-pC in pulse allocated to the appropriate four Cs in concordant hemiCpGs viewed through nasBS-seq and
cells according to their methylation frequency in pulse nasBS-seq. DNMT3A/3B nasChIP-BS-seq. The asterisks mark the two Cs inspected
(C) Reduction of methylation under DNMT1 KO (24 hours) or DNMT3A/3B in each panel.

Fig. 4. Inherited hemiCpGs flanking CTCF/cohesin sites may regulate from two flanking regions in (B) were retrieved. Methylation frequency of
chromatin interactions. (A) Frequency of motif or opposite strand- the two Cs in the other dyad in pulse (left) or the same dyad in chase (right)
methylated (same me or oppo me) intraCpGshemi around oriented CTCF motifs are shown. ***P < 0.001. NS, not significant. (D) The hemi-index of CTCF
co-occupied by CTCF/SMC1A from the two nascent DNA duplexes. motifs showing HI > 50 in the pooled data were compared between two dyads,
Frequency of hairpinCpGhemi from CTCF ChIP-hairpinBS-seq is also shown. from pulse to chase, and across five passages. (E) Occupancy of WT and
(B) All CTCF motifs co-occupied by CTCF/SMC1A in pulse were ranked R133C mutant MeCP2 in WT mESC, and MeCP2 in DNMT1/3A/3B triple KO
by their hemi-index. DmC of CpGs from the two nascent DNA duplexes and (TKO) mESCs was profiled around CTCF motifs showing upstream- or
reads per million (RPM) for CTCF and SMC1A nasChIP-seq within a 1-kb downstream-only hemimethylation in mESCs. (F) The ratio between interaction
window surrounding the motifs are shown. Black in the DmC heat maps contacts from Hi-ChIP in WT and DNMT3B-KO HUES64 hESCs emanating
represents missing data points. (C) All hemiCpGs (DmC ≥ 67% or ≤ –67%) from occupied CTCF motifs and extending up to ±1-Mb window is shown.

Xu et al., Science 359, 1166–1170 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 4


between a certain DNMT and substrate dCs in both occupancy of MBD proteins at CTCF motifs show- which may facilitate timely assembly of the inter-
maintenance and de novo methylation (fig. S6H). ing inherited hemimethylation either upstream- action complex, possibly with the involvement
To identify chromatin features associated with only or downstream-only. Indeed, MeCP2, Mbd1a, of MBD proteins, to ensure the proper inheritance
hemiCpGs, we examined the frequency of different Mbd1b, Mbd2a, and Mbd2t all showed orientation- of chromatin interactome and gene expression
types of intraCpG at different genomic features in specific colocalization with hemimethylation (Fig. programs.
H1-hESC. CTCF binding sites showed a very high 4E and fig. S9). An MeCP2 mutant in the MBD
ratio of intraCpGhemi over intraCpGme (fig. S7A). domain (R133C) prominent in Rett syndrome
1. R. Holliday, J. E. Pugh, Science 187, 226–232 (1975).
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nasChIP-seq to map the binding landscape of orientation-specific occupancy with no changes 6. G. Liang et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 480–491 (2002).
CTCF and SMC1A (a cohesin subunit) on nascent in occupancy level (Fig. 4E), whereas all other 7. H. Gowher, A. Jeltsch, J. Mol. Biol. 309, 1201–1208 (2001).
chromatin in H9-hESC (fig. S7, B to E). By ex- MBD proteins show reduced occupancy (fig. S9), 8. A. Aoki et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 29, 3506–3512 (2001).
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amining the average methylation profiles of the suggesting that binding of MeCP2 shifts from a 5594–5605 (2003).
strands harboring the CTCF motif and the op- hemiCpG-dependent mode to a methylation- 10. A. Tsumura et al., Genes Cells 11, 805–814 (2006).
posite strands around oriented CTCF motifs, we independent mode in the absence of DNA methyl- 11. J. Arand et al., PLOS Genet. 8, e1002750 (2012).
found two short regions flanking occupied CTCF ation. MeCP2 physically interacts with cohesin 12. J. Liao et al., Nat. Genet. 47, 469–478 (2015).
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motifs exhibiting an apparent spectrum of DmC and regulates chromatin looping (24–26), compell- (2015).
with opposing orientation on the two sides (fig. ing us to investigate the relationship between 14. Z. Shipony et al., Nature 513, 115–119 (2014).
S8A). The same pattern exists in H1-hESC, naïve hemimethylation and CTCF-mediated chromatin 15. L. Wang et al., Cell 157, 979–991 (2014).
H9-hESC, mouse ESC (mESC) (fig. S8A), and interactions. We first determined that hemi- 16. M. Yu et al., Cell 149, 1368–1380 (2012).
17. S. Jeong et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 29, 5366–5376 (2009).

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mouse embryos as early as the eight-cell stage methylation is not significantly altered under 18. S. Sharma, D. D. De Carvalho, S. Jeong, P. A. Jones, G. Liang,
(fig. S8B). Two independent methods, iSA and an acute and near-complete loss of CTCF protein PLOS Genet. 7, e1001286 (2011).
ChIP-hairpinBS-seq, confirmed at the single- (fig. S10, A and B) (27), suggesting that the in- 19. C. T. Ong, V. G. Corces, Nat. Rev. Genet. 15, 234–246 (2014).
molecule level that this spectrum of DmC indeed heritance of hemimethylation is CTCF-independent. 20. ENCODE Project Consortium, Nature 489, 57–74 (2012).
21. R. R. Meehan, J. D. Lewis, S. McKay, E. L. Kleiner, A. P. Bird,
reflects an enrichment of hemiCpGs (Fig. 4A and In hESC, DNMT3B-KO alone is sufficient to Cell 58, 499–507 (1989).
fig. S8, C and D). The flanking hemiCpGs adopt a eliminate most of the inherited hemimethylation 22. H. W. Gabel et al., Nature 522, 89–93 (2015).
conformation of rotational symmetry with respect at CTCF motifs with minimal impact on sur- 23. T. Baubec, R. Ivánek, F. Lienert, D. Schübeler, Cell 153,
to CTCF motifs (fig. S8E), enabling us to search rounding DNA methylation (fig. S10C) (12). ChIP- 480–492 (2013).
24. K. D. Kernohan et al., Dev. Cell 18, 191–202 (2010).
for the same pattern by screening the published seq revealed that DNMT3B-KO led to no changes 25. K. D. Kernohan, D. Vernimmen, G. B. Gloor, N. G. Bérubé,
ChIP-seq data sets of 60 chromatin-binding pro- in RAD21 occupancy and a mild increase (~1.3- Nucleic Acids Res. 42, 8356–8368 (2014).
teins in H1-hESC (20). This pattern is only ex- fold) in CTCF occupancy at CTCF motifs (fig. S10, 26. S. Horike, S. Cai, M. Miyano, J. F. Cheng, T. Kohwi-Shigematsu,
hibited by sites co-occupied by CTCF and RAD21 D and E). We then performed RAD21 HiChIP Nat. Genet. 37, 31–40 (2005).
(a cohesin subunit) (fig. S8F). We also deter- (protein-centric chromatin conformation capture) 27. E. P. Nora et al., Cell 169, 930–944.e22 (2017).
28. C. D. Laird et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101, 204–209
mined that this pattern is contributed by 5mC in both wild-type (WT) and DNMT3B-KO hESC (2004).
more than by 5hmC (fig. S8G) (16). Next, we built and found that loss of DNMT3B causes reduced 29. L. Zhao et al., Genome Res. 24, 1296–1307 (2014).
a hemi-index (HI) to quantitatively rank all CTCF interactions emanating from these CTCF motifs,
motifs by the degree to which they associate with extending up to 1 Mb apart (Fig. 4F), with no AC KNOWLED GME NTS
this pattern (see supplementary materials). The changes in interaction directionality bias (fig. We thank members of the Corces laboratory for critical feedback
and discussion, A. Meissner for providing the WT and DNMT3B-KO
CTCF motifs from the two nascent DNA duplexes S10D). This suggests that loss of hemimethyla- hESC, and E. P. Nora for providing the CTCF-AID mESC. We
are highly concordant in HI (Fig. 4B), suggesting tion renders the CTCF/cohesin complex to a less also thank A. Jones and the Genomic Services Laboratory at the
that these hemiCpGs were inherited during DNA productive state, possibly through an altered HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology for their help in
replication. To confirm this, the methylation fre- mechanism of physical interaction with MeCP2. performing Illumina sequencing of samples. Funding: This work
was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Award 5P01
quency was compared between the two dyads Our results provide temporal and strand res- GM085354. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors
in pulse and between the same dyads in pulse olution of the nascent DNA methylome, identify- and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
and chase. The inheritance of DmC was observed ing hemiCpGs with distinct methylation kinetics National Institutes of Health. Author contributions: C.X. and
in both cases, only from the enriched type of during DNA replication. Several studies have ob- V.G.C. conceived the project; C.X. designed and performed the
experiments and analyzed the data; C.X. and V.G.C. wrote the
hemiCpGs (Fig. 4C). We also confirmed the in- served hemiCpGs in cells under heterogeneous manuscript. Competing interests: No competing interests.
heritance at the level of CTCF motifs by com- cell cycle conditions using a hairpin adaptor-based Data and materials availability: All sequence data have been
paring their HI between (i) two dyads, (ii) pulse strategy (11, 28, 29). Our study adds the resolution deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus under accession
and chase, and (iii) two cell populations with of the parent-daughter axis and the dimension number GSE97394.
>10 cell divisions apart (Fig. 4D). of replication timing, and integrates a single-
Methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins molecule perspective to the understanding of SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
can bind to both mCpG and mCA (21, 22), sug- hemimethylation. The efficient reoccupancy by
gesting that their binding to mC is not selective CTCF/cohesin and inheritance of flanking hemi- Materials and Methods
for the methylation state of the other strand. To methylation during DNA replication, and the co- Figs. S1 to S10
References (30–42)
investigate their putative association with hemi- localization with MBD proteins, support a model
CpGs, we analyzed published WGBS and MBD suggesting that CTCF sites actively engaged in 28 April 2017; resubmitted 15 December 2017
ChIP-seq in mESC (23). To overcome the in- chromatin interactions are marked by hemiCpGs Accepted 16 January 2018
sufficient resolution of ChIP-seq, we profiled the shortly after passage of the local replication forks, 10.1126/science.aan5480

Xu et al., Science 359, 1166–1170 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 4


PROTEIN FOLDING test, Fig. 1D). This similarity is more pronounced

for interactions reported by multiple publica-
tions (Fig. 1D and fig. S2). We also observed
Thermal proximity coaggregation for high curve similarity for interactions from two
recent large-scale studies (5, 6) using yeast two-

system-wide profiling of protein hybrid (Y2H) and affinity purification (AP)–

MS/MS, and for subunit pairs of complexes in
the CORUM database (Fig. 1E) (17). Thus, it is
complex dynamics in cells unlikely that the observed TPCA signatures arose
from ascertainment bias and the experimental
Chris Soon Heng Tan,1,2* Ka Diam Go,3 Xavier Bisteau,1 Lingyun Dai,3
methods used.
We computed the average curve similarity
Chern Han Yong,4,5 Nayana Prabhu,3 Mert Burak Ozturk,1,6 Yan Ting Lim,3
among all subunit pairs of each protein complex
Lekshmy Sreekumar,3 Johan Lengqvist,7 Vinay Tergaonkar,1,6,8 Philipp Kaldis,1,6
and assessed TPCA signatures at the protein
Radoslaw M. Sobota,1,2 Pär Nordlund3,1,7*
complex level. For the 558 nonredundant human
complexes having at least three subunits with
Proteins differentially interact with each other across cellular states and conditions, but an
melting curves, 160 exhibited nonrandom TPCA
efficient proteome-wide strategy to monitor them is lacking. We report the application of
signatures among subunits collectively (P < 0.05,
thermal proximity coaggregation (TPCA) for high-throughput intracellular monitoring of
table S3, Fig. 1F, and fig. S3). Next, we obtained
protein complex dynamics. Significant TPCA signatures observed among well-validated
MS-CETSA data from the K562 cell lysate that
protein-protein interactions correlate positively with interaction stoichiometry and are
was depleted of low–molecular weight (LMW)
statistically observable in more than 350 annotated human protein complexes. Using

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

ligands by desalting (table S4). We observed de-
TPCA, we identified many complexes without detectable differential protein expression,
creased average curve similarity for most protein
including chromatin-associated complexes, modulated in S phase of the cell cycle.
complexes (~88%, fig. S4A and table S5), suggest-
Comparison of six cell lines by TPCA revealed cell-specific interactions even in
ing that LMW ligand depletion caused increased
fundamental cellular processes. TPCA constitutes an approach for system-wide studies
complex dissociation. However, we observed mul-
of protein complexes in nonengineered cells and tissues and might be used to identify
tiple protein complexes with negligible changes
protein complexes that are modulated in diseases.
in TPCA but with melting curves of all subunits

shifted similarly, such as the PA700 proteasome
living cell arises from a myriad of biomol- Here, we explored the cellular thermal shift subcomplex that could be due to adenosine
ecule interactions occurring in time and assay (CETSA) for the study of protein complex 5´-triphosphate (ATP) depletion (Fig. 2A and fig.
space among proteins, nucleic acids, metab- dynamics (10). By using protein mass spectrometry S5). Thus, whole-protein complexes can remain
olites, and lipids. Central to this intricate (MS) with multiplexed quantification for CETSA intact yet thermally destabilized by LMW ligand
biological network are protein complexes (MS-CETSA or thermal proteome profiling), melt- depletion. In comparison, MS-CETSA data from
that mediate the biochemical processes and the ing curves are generated for thousands of proteins a new batch of K562 lysate shared good repro-
structural organization of the cell. They assemble (11–13). In this work, we analyzed MS-CETSA data ducibility with the previous lysate (Pearson’s R =
and dissociate dynamically according to cellular generated from samples without exogenous 0.88, fig. S3B). We observed a higher reproduci-
needs and are implicated in many different dis- ligands. We validated thermal proximity coag- bility (fig. S4C) for proteins with at least three
eases (1, 2). gregation (TPCA) as an approach for system- quantified peptides in each data set, and thus
Large-scale studies using specific cell lines wide intracellular monitoring of protein complex combined existing and new data sets for subse-
(3–9), complemented by focused efforts, have dynamics. quent analysis (table S6).
contributed to a large protein-protein interaction TPCA is based on the hypothesis that interact- Six MS-CETSA experiments were performed
network depicting the plausible cellular wiring ing proteins coaggregate upon heat denaturation, on intact K562 cells (table S7). We observed melt-
and functional organization of the human pro- leading to similar solubility across different tem- ing curves of all protein pairs to be statistically
teome. However, the conservation of the assembled peratures (Fig. 1A). We first investigated TPCA more similar in the lysate data (Fig. 2B), whereas
protein network and identified protein complexes with the well-characterized Cdk2–cyclin E1 com- those for interacting protein pairs are statisti-
across cell types, physiological states, and diseased plex, deriving the melting curves using immuno- cally more similar in intact cell data (Fig. 2B).
conditions is unclear. Methods that permit effi- blots for both proteins overexpressed in human We also observed that protein complexes have
cient, system-wide, and hypothesis-free identifi- embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells (fig. S1, A better average curve similarity among subunits
cation of differentiated protein complexes in and B). Individually expressed cyclin E1–V5 and in intact cell data than in lysate data (figs. S6, A
nonengineered and diseased cells will expedite Cdk2-HA (hemagglutinin) display distinct melt- to D, and S7). Overall, intact cell data reveal more
biological studies. ing curves, but they interact and are stabilized protein complexes with nonrandom TPCA sig-
with similar melting curves when coexpressed natures than the lysate data (Fig. 2C; fig. S6, E
(Fig. 1B and fig. S1A), consistent with the TPCA and F; and table S8).
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), A*STAR hypothesis. TPCA-significant protein complexes in stress
(Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore. To evaluate the generality of TPCA, we ob- response, cell cycle, and DNA processing path-
Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), A*STAR (Agency for
Science, Technology and Research), Singapore. 3School of
tained the melting curves for 7693 human pro- ways are statistically enriched in intact cell data
Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, teins (table S1) collated from eight MS-CETSA over lysate data (fig. S6G). Many DNA-chromatin–
Singapore. 4Program in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, experiments of the same K562 lysate (Fig. 1C). associated complexes and membrane-associated
Duke–National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School, We assembled 111,776 protein-protein interac- complexes—as exemplified by the Nup 107-160 nu-
Singapore. 5Centre for Computational Biology, Duke–NUS
Medical School, Singapore. 6Department of Biochemistry,
tions annotated in BioGRID (14), InAct (15), and clear pore subcomplex and the origin recognition
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of MINT (16) databases occurring among the 7693 complex, respectively (Fig. 2D)—exhibit signif-
Singapore, Singapore. 7Department of Oncology-Pathology, proteins (table S2). Using Euclidean distance as icant TPCA signatures only in intact cells, pre-
Cancer Center Karolinska, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, an inverse measure of curve similarity, we ob- sumably due to disruption of DNA-chromatin
Sweden. 8Centre for Cancer Biology (University of South
Australia and SA Pathology), Adelaide, Australia.
served that interacting protein pairs generally and native membranes in cell lysate. Our analysis
*Corresponding author. Email: have higher curve similarity than all protein suggests that the replication factor complex C
(C.S.H.T.); (P.N.) pairs (P < 2.2 × 10−16, one-tailed Mann-Whitney (RFC) remains assembled in both intact cell and

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 7


lysate (Fig. 2E, top) but that the whole complex We observed many instances in which sub- plexes each have subunits with similar curves
is thermally destabilized in lysate (Fig. 2E, top complexes exhibit distinct TPCA signatures that shifted closer to the other subcomplex in
left), presumably due to the absence of DNA- between intact cell and lysate data sets. For ex- intact cell data (Fig. 2F), presumably because
chromatin. ample, the 40S and 60S ribosomal subcom- more fully assembled ribosomes are translating

1 1
Fraction of Soluble Protein

Fraction of Soluble Protein

Fraction of Soluble Protein

100% 100% 100%
soluble soluble soluble

50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 0.4

100% CDK2-HA
100% insoluble 0.2 Cyclin E1-V5
insoluble insoluble co-aggregate
aggregate aggregate 100%
CDK2-HA (+ Cyclin E1-V5)
Cyclin E1-V5 (+ CDK2-HA)
0 0 0.0
Temperature Temperature
37°C 37°C 40 45 50 55 60
Temperature (°C)

Distribution of Euclidean Distance Among Protein Pairs

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

All Pairs

Protein Pairs

Cells cell lysis
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
higher pairwise curve similarity
Protein A
Fraction of Soluble Protein


1 reporter ions Distribution of Euclidean Distance Among Protein Pairs

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
m/z All Pairs
Protein B
reporter ions (TMT labelling) Y2H


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
higher pairwise curve similarity

20S proteasome ESCRT−II complex Arp2/3 protein complex BAF complex

1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

P−value < 0.0001 P−value < 0.0001 P−value < 0.0001 P−value < 0.0001
Soluble Fraction

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65

BLOC−1 (biogenesis of lysosome− Conserved oligomeric Golgi

Anaphase−promoting complex related organelles complex 1) (COG) complex Multisynthetase complex
1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Soluble Fraction

P−value < 0.0001 P−value < 0.0001 1.00

P−value < 0.0001 P−value < 0.0001
1.00 1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 1. Interacting protein pairs exhibit strong TPCA signature. (A) overview of MS-CETSA experiment. m/z, mass/charge ratio; TMT, tandem
Principle of TPCA for monitoring protein-protein interactions: Coaggregation mass tags. (D) Distribution of melting curve similarities between known
and precipitation among interacting proteins result in similar protein solubility interacting protein pairs according to number of reporting publications: PMID,
across different denaturing temperatures. (B) Cointeracting cyclin E1 and PubMed identifier. Red dots indicate the median of all protein pairs of each
Cdk2 exhibit similar melting curves: HEK 293T cells were transfected with respective protein subset. (E) Distribution of melting curve similarities of
plasmids encoding V5-tagged cyclin E1 and/or HA-tagged Cdk2, followed by the known interacting protein pairs reported in Rolland et al. (6), Huttlin et al. (5),
intact cell CETSA experiment. Data are from immunoblots of three biological and CORUM. (F) Protein melting curves of selected protein complexes: red
replicates (mean ± SD) and are fitted with a three-parameter log-logistic lines, complex subunits. For the leftmost plot, the solubility curves of ~4000
function. Representative immunoblots are shown in fig. S1B. (C) Schematic other proteins are plotted in gray.

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 7


mRNA in cells than in lysate. Another example is subunit groups correspond to the two stable These observations suggest that TPCA can reveal
the NDC80 kinetochore complex with two distinct heterodimers that are associated with each other fundamental differences in protein complex or-
subunit groups based on melting curves that are through a short tetramerization protein region ganization and their functional states.
more similar to each other in intact cell data than (Fig. 2G) (18, 19). TPCA analysis suggests that the The stoichiometry of interaction and abundance
in lysate data (Fig. 2E, bottom). The two distinct two subcomplexes had dissociated in lysate. between subunits in a complex can potentially

Distribution of Euclidean Distance Among Protein Pairs

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Median Melting Curves PA700 complex
All Pairs

Protein-Protein Interactions
Original Lysate Original Lysate
Desalted Lysate Desalted Lysate
Soluble Fraction




40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Temperature (°C) LYSATE CELL

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

200 1.25
BRD4-RFC Complex
Number of Protein Complex
meeting P-value Threshold


150 RFC1 RFC1
0.75 RFC4 RFC4

50 0.25
Soluble Fraction

<10-4 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 NDC80 Kinetochore
P-value Threshold LYSATE CELL

Nup 107-160 Subcomplex 1.00

1.25 NDC80 NDC80
0.75 SPC24
1.00 SPC25 SPC25

0.75 0.50

Soluble Fraction

40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65
Origin Recognition Complex Temperature (°C)
1.00 40S Ribosomal Subunit / 60S Ribosomal Subunit

0.50 1.00
Soluble Fraction

0.25 0.75

40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 0.50
Temperature (°C)
Ndc80 Spc24 0.00
Nuf2 Spc25 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 2. TPCA signature is stronger in data from intact cells. (A) Effect respective protein subset. (C) Number of CORUM protein complexes with
of desalting cell lysate on subunit melting curves of PA700 proteasome nonrandom TPCA behavior at different statistical thresholds. (D) Example
subcomplex. (B) Distribution of melting curve similarities among known of DNA-chromatin– and membrane-associated complexes. (E and F) Examples
interacting protein pairs computed from cell lysate and intact cell data, of subcomplexes that differ in cell and in lysate. (G) Schematics of
respectively. Red dots indicate the median of all protein pairs of each structure for NDC80 kinetochore.

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 7


influence its TPCA signature. We analyzed such BAF (Fig. 3G, top right), LARC, and BRG1-SIN3A with nonrandom TPCA signatures (tables S24 to
data for the interacting protein pairs reported (27), consistent with the expected remodeling of S26 and figs. S21 and S22). Thus, TPCA is ob-
with highest confidence in Hein et al. (9) and chromatin during the S phase. Histone mRNAs servable across multiple cell lines and from tissue
observed positive correlation of the TPCA signa- were up-regulated prior to S phase but were rapidly samples. Many protein complexes exhibit strong
ture with interaction stoichiometry (Spearman’s degraded with halted DNA replication (28). We TPCA behavior across the six cell lines (fig. S23),
R = –0.22, P < 0.001, Fig. 3A and fig. S8A) and identified three modulated protein complexes— but we also found many complexes with high
abundance stoichiometry (Spearman’s R = –0.21, the mRNA decay complex, the exosome, and the quality but distinct curves across cell lines (figs.
P < 0.001, Fig. 3B and fig. S8B). The protein pairs integrator complex—that are involved in his- S24 and S25). This suggests plausible variation
with both interaction stoichiometry and abun- tone mRNA degradation. Deletion of RRP6, a sub- in protein complex stoichiometry and composi-
dance stoichiometry greater than 80% exhibit unit of exosome, was reported to increase histone tion among cell lines, even for fundamental and
much stronger TPCA signatures than those meet- mRNA HTB1 during S phase (29), thus high- abundant protein complexes, that could arise
ing the two criteria separately (Fig. 3C). In com- lighting the role of this complex during S from changes in interaction stoichiometry and/
parison, proteins paired solely by similar abundance phase. Integrator complex was implicated in or protein abundance.
do not exhibit strong TPCA signatures [fig. S9, A the processing of replication-dependent his- Subsequently, we generated weighted networks
to C, and table S9 (20)]. Accordingly, multiplying tone mRNAs (30). of reported interactions among proteins iden-
interaction stoichiometry with abundance stoi- Two of the three identified complexes not known tified in all the six cell lines with TPCA-derived
chiometry results in values that correlate better to be implicated in S phase are the MDC1-MRN- z-scores (table S26). A basal network averaging
with TPCA signature (Spearman’s R = –0.27, P < ATM-FANCD2 and the DNA ligase III–XRCC– the z-scores, after removing the highest and
0.001, Fig. 3D and fig. S8C). Thus, interaction PNK–polymerase III complexes. However, they the lowest z-scores for each interaction, is also
and abundance stoichiometry between interact- are involved in the DNA damage response in constructed. Comparing the basal network with
ing proteins are intrinsically captured by TPCA, accordance with the known DNA-damaging ef- cell-specific TPCA-weighted networks facilitates

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

albeit semiquantitatively. fect of methotrexate (31). The third complex not identifying potentially differentiated interac-
Under the core-attachment model, subsets of implicated in S phase is the tumor necrosis factor– tions, pathways, and functional modules (table
proteins form the stable core of protein com- a (TNF-a)–nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) signaling S27). Focusing on HCT116, we found that the
plexes that are differentially or temporally bound complex (Fig. 3G). We validated that methotrexate RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway contains many inter-
by other proteins (21, 22). We investigated this increases the assembly of the associated IkBa- actions with highly differentiated TPCA signatures
model with TPCA, comparing melting curves of p65-p50 protein complex by suppressing activation (Fig. 4B). Retrospectively, we observed marked sim-
protein pairs from the complex core to curves of the NF-kB signaling pathway, in both the pres- ilarity in melting curves of BRAF and RAF1 pro-
for pairs between the core and the attachment ence and absence of TNF, through inhibiting teins in HCT116 cells compared to other cell lines
subunits (Fig. 3E). We identified the core-core pairs phosphorylation of the IkB kinase a/b (IKKa/b) (Fig. 4C), consistent with expected dimerization
in each complex as those found in two or more complex, IkBa, and p65 in K562 cells (Fig. 3, H of BRAF and RAF1 driven by active KRASG13D in
other CORUM complexes and core-attachment and I). We subsequently combined data from both HCT116. TPCA analysis also suggests that BRAF-
pairs as those found in that complex only. For replicates—the better data coverage and precision CRAF interaction with MEK is up-regulated in
most of the complexes, the TPCA signature of (table S15) allowed us to uncover more complexes HCT116 cells but is down-regulated in A375 cells,
core-core pairs is either similar to or much stronger that are differentially modulated between S phase which express BRAFV600E (Fig. 4B). This is in line
than that of the core-attachment pairs (Fig. 3F). and unsynchronized cells (table S16 and fig. S11). with the recent finding that the interaction is up-
This is in accordance with the core-attachment The enhanced TPCA signature of identified regulated in cells expressing mutant KRAS and
model in which core-attachment interactions complexes largely arose from curve convergence wild-type BRAF but suppressed in cells with
generally occur at lower stoichiometry. Thus, of most subunits (Fig. 4A). Nevertheless, this could mutant BRAF (32). Thus, TPCA could potentially
TPCA signature potentially encapsulates the tem- arise from synchronized changes in protein expres- capture cell-specific interactions and pathways.
poral and core-attachment organization of many sion. Thus, we quantified relative protein abundance Lastly, we validated that known and poten-
complexes. between the DMSO- and methotrexate-treated tially previously unknown protein complexes can
Next, we explored TPCA for system-wide mon- cells using MS. We observed high reproducibility be identified from the existing human interac-
itoring of protein complex dynamics between cell in relative abundance (Pearson’s R = 0.87, fig. S12 tome map using graph or network clustering
states. We obtained intact cell MS-CETSA data and table S17) across biological replicates and algorithms (22, 33–36) with TPCA-based scoring
from K562 cells arrested in the S phase of the cell identified only five subunits (P < 0.05, or nine at of interactions (Fig. 4D, figs. S26 and S27, and
cycle using methotrexate (fig. S10) and from di- P < 0.1) with differential protein expression (Fig. supplementary text). The best performance was
methyl sulfoxide (DMSO)–treated unsynchron- 4A and table S18) that are mostly parts of the obtained with the COACH algorithm, which in-
ized cells (tables S10 and S11). We assessed mediator and integrator megacomplexes. Thus, corporates the core-attachment model of protein
statistical significance for enhanced TPCA (i.e., most subunits exhibit enhanced TPCA signature complexes (22). Using this algorithm and TPCA-
higher average curve similarity) observed for any with each other without differential protein ex- based scoring of interactions gives a performance
CORUM complex (see materials and methods). pression (Fig. 4A). comparable to that of published interaction re-
We identified 18 protein complexes, some con- Next, we analyzed TPCA signature across multi- liability scores that incorporate publication count
taining overlapping subunits, that have statis- ple cell lines. We generated MS-CETSA data from and functional similarity (37). We also observed
tically enhanced TPCA signature across both HEK 293T, A375, HCT116, MCF7, and HL60 intact that TPCA profiling in its current format carries
biological replicates in S phase–synchronized cells. Combining data from two biological repli- predictive power for protein-protein interactions,
cells (tables S12 to S14). cates, each with two technical MS runs (average with the area under the curve ranging from 0.62
All but three identified modulated protein Pearson’s R = 0.92 between biological replicates, to 0.79 depending on the interaction data sets
complexes had previously been implicated in the fig. S13), we obtained melting curves for ~7600 (Fig. 4, E and F), which collectively suggests that
S phase. They include the CAF-1 complex (Fig. proteins on average for each cell line (fig. S14A TPCA profiles could also serve to discover new
3G), which forms and localizes to the replication and tables S19 to S23). On average, 33.8% of the interactions and protein complexes in combina-
fork during S phase (23); the TREX-THO com- qualified CORUM complexes exhibit a nonrandom tion with other approaches.
plex (Fig. 3G, bottom right) required for repli- TPCA signature (P < 0.05) in each cell line (figs. TPCA enables the intracellular study of the
cation fork progression (24, 25); and the TRAP S14B and S15 to S20), with ~70% overlap between dynamics of multiple protein complexes simulta-
complex required for S phase progression (26). cell lines. We also obtained data from mouse liver neously in intact nonengineered cells and tissues.
We also identified many chromatin-nucleosome and observed ~37.7% of qualified protein com- About one-third of the qualified CORUM com-
remodeling and associated complexes such as plexes (three or more subunits with melting curves) plexes in each cell line exhibit nonrandom TPCA

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 7


Core Complex


Euclidean Distance between

Euclidean Distance between

Interacting Protein Pairs

Interacting Protein Pairs

5056 protein pairs

5056 protein pairs







Complex A Complex B


Unique Core-

un < 0.8

0. t.
Ab > 0. .8

. > In

In d. S .8

Ab toi i.>

oi &
oi <


St i.
t. to

St d.
t. to
Pa ten

Pa ten

Pa ten

In d. S


















































Interaction Stoichiometry Abundance Stoichiometry Abund. Stoi. × Int. Stoi.

Average Eucl. Distance between
Protein Pairs in Each Complex IKBα

C T M T+M p65
p-IKKα/β Input
Unique Core-Attachment

p-IKBα Hsp90


Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

IP: p65 IP: p50 IP: IgG

p-p65 IB: IKBα IB: IKBα


n=239 Hsp90 IB: p65 IB: p50


0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 IB: p65


Chromatin Assembly Complex (CAF-1) BAF Complex

1.25 1.25
Vehicle Methotrexate Vehicle Methotrexate

1.00 1.00
Soluble Fraction

Soluble Fraction

0.75 0.75 SMARCC1 SMARCC1

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
TNFα/NFκB signaling complex
1.25 1.25
Vehicle Methotrexate Vehicle Methotrexate
1.00 KPNA3 KPNA3 1.00 THOC2 THOC2
Soluble Fraction

Soluble Fraction


0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3. TPCA signature interaction stoichiometry and abundance (G) Melting curves for subunits of the chromatin assembly complex 1 (CAF-1),
stoichiometry between interacting proteins. Correlation of TPCA signature the chromatin-remodeling BAF complex, the NF-kB complex, and the THO
(intact cell MS-CETSA data) with (A) protein interaction stoichiometry and complex from methotrexate-treated and vehicle-treated K562 cells.
(B) protein abundance stoichiometry of interacting protein pairs reported in (H) Assessment of the NF-kB signaling pathway upon methotrexate treatment
Hein et al. (9). (C) Protein pairs with high stoichiometry in both parameters in K562 cells. Western blotting analysis of canonical NF-kB signaling pathway
exhibiting the highest TPCA signature. (D) Multiplication of interaction and members in whole-cell lysate. (I) Immunoprecipitation of NF-kB p65 and
abundance stoichiometry correlates better with TPCA signature. (E) Core- p50 showing increased interaction with IkBa upon methotrexate treatment.
attachment model for functional organization of protein complexes. (F) Core- C, control (DMSO); T, TNF-a; M, methotrexate; T+M, TNF-a+methotrexate.
attachment protein pairs of a complex generally exhibit weaker TPCA signature IP, immunoprecipitation; IB, immunoblotting; IgG, immunoglobulin G. Hsp90
than core-core protein pairs. Each dot represents a protein complex. served as a loading control.

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 7


THOC3 Mediator & associated

TREX/THO complexes
complex THOC6 MED8 PCNA-CHL12-RFC2-5
THOC1 MED30 complex
Chromatin remodeling & MED13L
associated complexes RBBP4 CDK9
SMARCD1 MED10 mRNA decay
SMARCD2 DCP2 XRN1 complex
INTS6 signaling complex

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Integrator-RNAPII GRB2-associated
ATM complex
complex signaling complexes


Soluble Fraction


1.00 AUC

True positive rate


0.75 0.69





40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 Euclidean
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Pearson’s R
HEK293T K562 HL60

CRAF MEK1 ERK1 p38α MK2 MEK1 ERK1 p38α MK2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Soluble Fraction

1.00 False Positive Rate

TPCA-derived Z-Score

-2 -1 0 1 2 0.50 1.0 ROC curves

True positive rate

1.0 1.0 0.62

0.8 0.8 0.79 n=2
40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65 40 45 50 55 60 65

Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 Publication Count Protein pairs occurring

Publication Count in at least n CORUM complexes

0 0 + Function Similarity 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 0.1 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Recall False Positive Rate

Fig. 4. TPCA signature reveals cell-specific interactions and is predic- comparison of TPCA signatures across cell lines. A higher z-score implies
tive of protein complexes. (A) Network view of protein complexes with increased interactions. (C) Melting curves of BRAF and RAF1 across the six cell
nonrandom increase in TPCA behavior in methotrexate-treated K562 cells. lines. (D) Prediction of CORUM protein complexes using graph or network
Subunits of protein complexes are visualized as nodes with the edge clustering algorithms on protein interaction network weighted with publication
connecting every pair of subunits within a complex. A red node indicates that count, reliability score (publication count + function similarity) (33), and
the protein has greater stability in methotrexate-treated cells than in vehicle- TPCA-based scoring. Precision and recall were evaluated against CORUM
treated cells, whereas a blue node indicates the reverse. Color intensity reference complexes (of size >3) with Jaccard similarity ≥ 0.5 considered as
correlates linearly with difference in stability. A red line or edge between two match. (E) Predictability of interacting protein pairs (table S2) reported by two
nodes indicates that melting curves of the two proteins are more similar in or more publications using TPCA. (F) Predictability of co-complex pairs using
methotrexate-treated cells, and a blue line or edge indicates the reverse. Line TPCA. Melting curve data of intact K562 cells (table S7) are used. Euclidean
or edge width correlates linearly with difference in melting curve similarity. distance between all protein pairs with melting curve is computed and ranked
Differentially expressed proteins are indicated in red (P < 0.10) and bold type by ascending order (lower Euclidean distance first). All protein pairs are
(P < 0.05). (B) TPCA analysis reports differentiated interactions in RAF-MEK- considered as negative data except those known to interact (table S2) or
ERK pathway in HCT116. TPCA-derived z-scores are used to facilitate annotated as part of CORUM complexes.

Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 6 of 7


signatures, with 58% of the complexes exhibiting tissue samples, for prognosis of disease progres- 34. T. Nepusz, H. Yu, A. Paccanaro, Nat. Methods 9, 471–472 (2012).
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amenable to the protocol adopted in this work RE FERENCES AND NOTES 37. H. N. Chua, W. K. Sung, L. Wong, Bioinformatics 22, 1623–1630
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ing suggests that many complexes can remain 6. T. Rolland et al., Cell 159, 1212–1226 (2014). Funding: This research was funded directly by Young Investigator
7. R. M. Ewing et al., Mol. Syst. Biol. 3, 89 (2007). Grant (1610151038) awarded to C.S.H.T. by the Biomedical
intact yet thermally destabilized in the absence 8. U. Stelzl et al., Cell 122, 957–968 (2005). Research Council of the Agency for Science, Technology and
of interaction with DNA and LMW ligands such 9. M. Y. Hein et al., Cell 163, 712–723 (2015). Research (A*STAR). Support for this research was provided by a
as ATP (Fig. 2, A and E). We observed many mito- 10. D. Martinez Molina, P. Nordlund, Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. startup grant from Nanyang Technological University and grants
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resistant in intact cells, as observed previously 12. K. V. Huber et al., Nat. Methods 12, 1055–1057 (2015). by National Medical Research Council (NMRC) grant
(11). It is unclear whether TPCA is intrinsic and 13. F. B. Reinhard et al., Nat. Methods 12, 1129–1131 (2015). MOHIAFCAT2/004/2015 to P.N. and R.M.S. Research in the lab of
captured by the recent limited proteolysis and 14. A. Chatr-Aryamontri et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D470–D478 V.T. is supported by grant NRF2016NRF-CRP001-024 from the
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15. H. Hermjakob et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 32, D452–D455 (2004). supported by the Biomedical Research Council, A*STAR, and
We observed many more complexes with sig- 16. L. Licata et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 40, D857–D861 (2012). NMRC-CBRG14nov086 grants. Authors contributions: P.N.
nificant TPCA signature in cells than in lysates, 17. A. Ruepp et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 38 (suppl. 1), D497–D501 initiated the study; C.S.H.T. conceptualized TPCA and designed
suggesting that TPCA could potentially aid the (2010). and implemented associated algorithms; C.S.H.T, X.B., P.K., V.T.,

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

intracellular studies of weak or transient protein- 18. C. Ciferri et al., Cell 133, 427–439 (2008). R.M.S., and P.N. designed and supervised experiments; C.S.H.T.
19. H. W. Wang et al., J. Mol. Biol. 383, 894–903 (2008). and C.H.Y. performed computational analysis; K.D.G., C.S.H.T.,
protein interactions that are not preserved in 20. J. R. Wiśniewski, M. Y. Hein, J. Cox, M. Mann, Mol. Cell. X.B., M.B.O., L.D., N.P., Y.T.L., and L.S. performed experiments;
lysate, including protein complexes that depend Proteomics 13, 3497–3506 (2014). R.M.S. and J.L. supervised MS analysis; C.S.H.T. wrote the original
on the integrity of chromatin-DNA, membrane, 21. Z. Dezso, Z. N. Oltvai, A. L. Barabási, Genome Res. 13, manuscript; and C.S.H.T. and P.N. reviewed and edited the
and associated structures for stability. TPCA could 2450–2454 (2003). manuscript. Competing interests: P.N. is the inventor of a patent
22. M. Wu, X. Li, C. K. Kwoh, S. K. Ng, BMC Bioinformatics 10, 169 controlled by Pelago Biosciences AB and Evitra Proteoma AB
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proteome-wide methodologies and help in their 23. M. Hoek, B. Stillman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, Pelago Biosciences AB for MS analysis. All other coauthors declare
functional characterization across different cell 12183–12188 (2003). no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data
states and conditions. TPCA also permits study- 24. B. Gómez-González, I. Felipe-Abrio, A. Aguilera, Mol. Cell. Biol. are available in the supplementary materials.
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Tan et al., Science 359, 1170–1177 (2018) 9 March 2018 7 of 7


HEART DEVELOPMENT transcriptional priming, or early lineage and re-

gional segregation.
To investigate the molecular and cellular basis
Defining the earliest step of of the earliest stages of CP specification and di-
versification, we performed single-cell RNA se-

cardiovascular lineage segregation quencing (scRNA-seq) of Mesp1 CPs at E6.75

and E7.25. To this end, Mesp1-rtTA/tetO-H2B–GFP
(green fluorescent protein) mice were treated with
by single-cell RNA-seq doxycycline at different time points after fertiliza-
tion in order to label only early Mesp1-expressing
Fabienne Lescroart,1* Xiaonan Wang,2,3* Xionghui Lin,1* Benjamin Swedlund,1
cells and no somitic derivatives (Fig. 1A), em-
bryos were dissociated into single cells, and
Souhir Gargouri,1 Adriana Sànchez-Dànes,1 Victoria Moignard,2,3 Christine Dubois,1
H2B-GFP–positive CPs were isolated by means
Catherine Paulissen,1 Sarah Kinston,2,3 Berthold Göttgens,2,3†‡ Cédric Blanpain1,4†‡
of fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)
(fig. S1). A total of 172 and 341 Mesp1 CPs at E6.75
Mouse heart development arises from Mesp1-expressing cardiovascular progenitors
and E7.25, respectively, were sequenced and ana-
(CPs) that are specified during gastrulation. The molecular processes that control early
lyzed further after passing through a stringent
regional and lineage segregation of CPs have been unclear. We performed single-cell
quality control pipeline (supplementary mate-
RNA sequencing of wild-type and Mesp1-null CPs in mice. We showed that populations of
rials, materials and methods). We recently re-
Mesp1 CPs are molecularly distinct and span the continuum between epiblast and later
ported single-cell transcriptomes for E6.5 epiblast
mesodermal cells, including hematopoietic progenitors. Single-cell transcriptome analysis
cells, as well as E7.25/7.5 Flk1-expressing progeni-
of Mesp1-deficient CPs showed that Mesp1 is required for the exit from the pluripotent

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

tors (8). Visualization by use of dimensionality
state and the induction of the cardiovascular gene expression program. We identified
reduction techniques allowed us to order the
distinct populations of Mesp1 CPs that correspond to progenitors committed to different
cells along developmental progression and as-
cell lineages and regions of the heart, identifying the molecular features associated
sign a time stamp to each cell, demonstrating
with early lineage restriction and regional segregation of the heart at the early stage of
that the Mesp1+ CPs at E6.75 and E7.25 likely
mouse gastrulation.
represent a continuum of differentiation (Fig. 1,

B and C, and fig. S2) (8).
he mammalian heart is composed of dif- CPs within the PS, whereas a day later, Mesp1 is To determine the role of Mesp1 in regulating
ferent regions (ventricles, atria, and great expressed in the somites (2, 3). Mesp1+ cells give the cardiovascular differentiation program and
vessels) and cell types, including cardio- rise to all heart cells, ECs of the aorta and brain, the heterogeneity of early CPs, we performed
myocytes (CMs), endocardial cells (ECs), some muscles of the head and neck, as well as scRNA-seq of FACS-isolated Mesp1-expressing
smooth muscle cells (SMCs), and epicar- to few somitic derivatives and liver cells from its cells in Mesp1 knockout (KO) context (fig. S3)
dial cells (EPs) (1). Heart development begins at later expression (2, 4–6). Temporally inducible (2). We sequenced transcriptomes of 85 single
gastrulation, during which CPs leave the prim- Mesp1 lineage tracing shows that at E6.5, Mesp1+ Mesp1-null cells isolated at E6.75, before the ap-
itive streak (PS) and migrate toward the antero- cells mark left ventricle (LV) progenitors, where- pearance of the developmental defect associated
lateral pole of the embryo (2). From embryonic as the right ventricle, atria, outflow, and inflow with Mesp1 deficiency (Fig. 2A). Pseudotime anal-
day 6.25 (E6.25) to E7.25, Mesp1 marks the early tracts and head muscles arise from Mesp1+ cells ysis revealed that Mesp1 KO cells presented a
at E7.25, which correspond respectively to the developmental block, being stuck in the gene
first and second heart fields (FHF and SHF, re- expression program of epiblast cells (Fig. 2B).
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Laboratory of Stem Cells and spectively). No somitic or liver derivatives were Principal components analysis showed that
Cancer, Brussels B-1070, Belgium. 2Department of Haematology,
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of
labeled at these early time points (4, 5, 7). In principal component 2 captured expression dif-
Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK. 3Wellcome and Medical addition, most of the Mesp1 CPs differentiate ferences between wild-type (WT) and Mesp1 KO
Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University into either CMs or ECs, suggesting that lineage cells (fig. S4), with 206 down-regulated and 136
of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 4WELBIO, Université Libre de segregation occurs early during gastrulation up-regulated genes (table S1). We found a highly
Bruxelles, Brussels B-1070, Belgium.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †These authors
(4, 5). It remains unknown whether molecular significant overlap for genes differentially ex-
contributed equally to this work. ‡Corresponding author. Email: heterogeneity between E6.5 and E7.25 Mesp1+ pressed between WT and Mesp1 KO cells in vivo (B.G.); (C.B.) CPs reflects stochasticity in gene expression, and genes that are down- or up-regulated after



Extra 1.00
Normalised PT

PS E6.5_Scia 0.50
E6.75 0.25

Embryo E7.25
mesoderm 0.00
E6.75 E7.25 500 600 700 800 900 500 600 700 800 900
Component1 Component1

Fig. 1. scRNA-seq of Mesp1 + CPs fills the gap between E6.5 Mesp1 CPs at E6.75 and E7.25 and the published epiblast cells
epiblast cells and E7.5 mesodermal cells. (A) Scheme of the (E6.5_Scia) and E7.5 Flk1 + progenitors (E7.5_Scia) with read
experimental strategy used for isolating Mesp1-expressing CPs in count of Mesp1 > 0. (C) SPRING plot colored by the inferred
vivo. Scale bar, 200 mm. (B) SPRING plot of 892 cells showing pseudotime time for all 892 cells.

Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177–1181 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 5


Mesp1-induced gain of function in embryonic stem mark Mesp1 CPs in human and mouse ESC B and C; fig. S7; and table S2). This analysis
cells (ESCs) in vitro (9), many of which are direct differentiation in vitro and during mouse gas- identified both known and previously unrecog-
Mesp1 target genes (Fig. 2C, fig. S5, and table S1). trulation in vivo (5, 12, 13) were much reduced nized genes associated with cardiovascular de-
Several well-known regulators of pluripotency— in Mesp1 KO cells, supporting the absence of velopment. DCT1 was enriched among others in
including Nanog, Eras, Pou5f1/Oct4 (10), and CP specification (fig. S6). Sox7, Etv2, and Tal1 transcripts, which are markers
markers of the epiblast, including E-Cadherin/ SPRING analysis, which allows visualizing of the endothelial or endocardial lineage (15, 16).
Cdh1, Epcam, Cldn6, and Cldn7—were up-regulated high-dimensional single-cell expression data (14), DCT2 was marked by the expression of Hand1,
in single Mesp1 KO cells (Fig. 2, D to F, and table of WT Mesp1-expressing cells at E6.75 and E7.25 Bmp4, Tnnc1, Tbx3, Hand2, Tbx20, Gata4, Myl4,
S1), which is consistent with the defect of exiting identified five distinct destination cell types and Mef2c, which are well-known CM markers
the pluripotent epiblast stage. By contrast, the (DCTs) protruding from a core of intermingled (Fig. 3C, fig. S7, and table S2) (7, 17). Bmp4 pro-
genes down-regulated in Mesp1 KO cells were cells (Fig. 3, A and B). All cells present within motes CM differentiation (18). Moreover, Hand1
greatly enriched for Mesp1 target genes con- the DCTs came from E7.25 embryos, which is lineage tracing showed that Hand1-expressing
trolling epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) consistent with cell fate diversification of Mesp1- cells contribute to the LV and to the myocardial
(Snai1 and Zeb2), migration (Rasgrp3), and derived lineages during the late stages of gastru- and epicardial lineages, with no contribution
cardiovascular commitment (Etv2, Hand1, Myl7, lation. To further define the nature of the five to the endocardium (17). These data suggest
Gata4, Flk1, and Pdgfra) (Fig. 2, F and G, and DCTs, we identified genes with specifically ele- that DCT2 corresponds to CPs committed to the
fig. S5) (9, 11). Pdgfra/Flk1–expressing cells that vated expression in each of the five groups (Fig. 3, CM lineage. In situ hybridization of Sox7 (EC



−FC (scRNAseq Mesp1 KO)

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

55 probes

(43 genes)

0.075 p=6.94e−35



0.050 KO



−6 −4 −2
E6.5_Scia 17 probes

(15 genes)
E7.5_Scia 0.000 p=3.38e−12
500 600 700 800 900 20 40 60 −10 0 10 20
Component1 Pseudotime FC (Microarray Mesp1 GOF−ES)
p-value (-log10)
0 -2 -4 -6 -8
Nanog Eras
log2 Normalised Counts

positive regulation of transcription 10.0

Gene Ontology

developmental protein 7.5

Epithelial to Mesenchymal transition 7.5
positive regulation of cell proliferation 5.0
positive regulation of migration 5.0

heart looping 2.5

heart development
outflow tract morphogenesis 0.0 0.0
WT Mesp1-KO WT Mesp1-KO
E-Cadherin / Cdh1 Snai1 Gata4 Etv2 Myl7
log2 Normalised Counts

7.5 8 9 7.5

5.0 6
4 5.0

2.5 3
0 2.5

0.0 −5 0

WT Mesp1-KO WT Mesp1-KO WT Mesp1-KO WT Mesp1-KO WT Mesp1-KO

Fig. 2. Mesp1 controls the exit from pluripotency, EMT, and cardio- discovery rates of <0.1 were highlighted in red. The significance of the
vascular specification. (A) SPRING plot of all 892 cells, including Mesp1 overlap was calculated by means of hypergeometric test using the phyper
KO cells colored by cell types. (B) Pseudotime time distribution for WT function in R. (D) Gene ontology enrichment for genes down-regulated
and Mesp1 KO cells at E6.75. (C) Comparison of the genes differentially in Mesp1 KO cells. (E to G) Violin plots showing the mean and variance
expressed in scRNA-seq experiments between control and Mesp1 KO cells difference between WT and Mesp1 KO cells of (E) genes regulating
and the genes regulated by Mesp1 gain of function (GOF) in ESCs. The pluripotency (Nanog and Eras), (F) EMT (Cdh1 and Snai1), and (G) cardio-
58 genes in agreement with the scRNA-seq experiment with false vascular fate (Gata4, Etv2, and Myl7).

Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177–1181 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 5



Sox7 (DCT1)
Component 2


E6.5 DCT 2
E6.75 DCT 3
E7.25 DCT 5 H2B-GFP
E7.5 start
Foxc2 (DCT3)
−900 −850 −800 −750 −700 −650 −600 −900 −850 −800 −750 −700 −650 −600
Component 1 Component 1 Wnt2b (DCT4)

Sox7 (DCT1) Bmp4 (DCT2)

−200 Condition

−300 ECs E10.5
CMs E10.5

Expression value (log10)

−400 Condition

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

−500 3
Foxc2 (DCT3)
2 2 Wnt2b (DCT4) epi
Foxc2 (DCT3) Vim
Wnt2b (DCT4)

Row Z−score
1 Emcn 1
−200 Nebl
Nid1 0

−300 Gata2
Rdx −1
−400 −2
−500 Cdh5
−900 −800 −700 −600 −900 −800 −700 −600 ECs E10.5 CMs E10.5


Fig. 3. Mesp1 single-cell analysis identifies different progenitors Mesp1-rtTA/tetO-H2B-GFP embryos at E7.25. (E) Heatmap of DCT1 and
committed to different fates and heart regions. (A) SPRING analysis of DCT2 end point cells based on unsupervised clustering of the expression
the 807 WT Mesp1-H2B-GFP+ cells at E6.75 and E7.25 and Mesp1+ Scia of CM and EC marker genes identified at E10.5 (24) combined with newly
cells. (B) The five end points revealed by means of SPRING analysis were identified genes enriched in DCT1 or DCT2. (F and G). RNA-FISH of Foxc2 and
considered as five distinct cell types (DCT1-5). (C) Expression of key genes Wnt2b on sections of Mesp1-rtTA/tetO-H2B-GFP embryos at E7.25. Higher
specific for DCT1-4. (D) RNA-FISH of Sox7 and Bmp4 on sections of magnification is found in (G). Scale bar, 50 mm.

marker) and Bmp4 (CM marker) on Mesp1- CPs committed to the anterior and posterior SHFs. On the basis of the cumulative evidence that
rtTA/tetO-H2B-GFP embryos showed that these RNA–fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) ex- suggested our scRNA-seq captures the develop-
two markers did not colocalize in Mesp1-H2B- periments further showed that Foxc2 (DCT3) and mental progression from epiblast to early cardio-
GFP–expressing cells at E7.25, which is consistent Wnt2b (DCT4) were largely nonoverlapping, with vascular lineage segregation, we next investigated
with the notion that DCT1 and DCT2 mark two Wnt2b localized closer to the PS, whereas Foxc2- the expression of genes with known biological
distinct Mesp1 populations committed to EC and expressing cells were found more anterolaterally function, which revealed specific expression of
CM differentiation (Fig. 3D). Unsupervised hier- at E7.25 (Fig. 3, F and G). A subset of SHF pro- cardiovascular, mesodermal, and other genes
archical clustering of DCT1 and DCT2 markers genitors, called cranio-pharyngeal progenitors, regulating signaling pathways across the various
with CM and EC markers identified by means of express Tcf21 and contribute to the formation of DCT populations (fig. S9). Analysis of genes dy-
scRNA-seq of more mature mouse hearts at E10.5 some head muscles (23). RNA-FISH showed that namically expressed during the trajectory toward
(19) further showed that DCT1 and DCT2 cells Tcf21 is preferentially expressed in a subset of DCT1 and DCT2 revealed the existence of gene
clustered respectively with EC and CM lineage DCT3 Mesp1 H2B-GFP expressing Foxc2, whereas clusters peaking in expression at sequential points
(Fig. 3E). little overlap was observed between DCT4 pro- along the pseudotemporal ordering. These gene
DCT3 and DCT4 are enriched in genes ex- genitors expressing Wnt2b and Tcf 21 (fig. S8). clusters showed enrichment for gene ontology
pressed and regulating SHF development (Tbx1, Consistent with the notion that DCT3 marks categories associated with developmental pro-
Foxc2, Hoxb1, and Hoxa1) (Fig. 3C, fig. S7, and cranio-pharyngeal progenitors, the “pharyngeal” gression in which the predicted trajectory pro-
table S2) (20–22). Lineage tracing experiments cluster found in our previous Flk1+ scRNA-seq (8) vided consistency between the pseudotime and
have previously shown that Tbx1 (DCT3) marks are closest to DCT3 (fig. S7). DCT5 expressed en- the real developmental time (fig. S10 and table
anterior SHF progenitors, whereas Hoxb1 and doderm markers such as Sox17 and Foxa2 and S3). Moreover, cells coexpressing genes enriched
Hoxa1 (DCT4) mark posterior SHF (20, 22), sug- may have no relation with cardiac development in both DCT3 and DCT4 presented early pseudo-
gesting that DCT3 and DCT4 correspond to Mesp1 (fig. S7 and table S2). time values than either DCT3 or DCT4 cells,

Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177–1181 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 5


(normalized on the % of each cell type)

tdTOMATO 10%
Normalised Counts

Notch1 CreER EPs


% of total tdTOMATO+ cells

40 CMs

20 tdTomato * * 84%
Rosa lumen *
+ Tam E6.5
Notch1 tdTOMATO

(normalized on the % of each cell type)

RA endoglin
* 7%
* EPs
lumen * * 17%

% of total tdTOMATO+ cells


Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

* atria
* *

Fig. 4. Notch1 marks Mesp1 progenitors committed to the endocardial tdTomato heart sections at E12.5. (D) Lower magnification. Scale bar, 500 mm.
fate. (A) Violin plot of Notch1 expression in DCT1 and DCT2 cells. (B) Notch1 Higher magnifications of the (E) LV and (G) RA showed that most tdTomato+
RNA-FISH on a section of an E7.25 Mesp1-rtTA/tetO-H2B-GFP embryo. Scale cells are ECs, although rare CMs are also marked (asterisks). Scale bars, 200 mm.
bar, 50 mm. (C) Experimental strategy used for tracing Notch1-expressing (H and I) Percentage of tdTomato+ cells in ECs, CMs, and EPs in (H) the
cells at E6.5. (D to G) Confocal analysis of immunostaining for [(D) to (F)] ventricles (7804 cells counted; n = 6 embryos from three different litters)
endoglin (EC marker) and (G) cTNT (CM marker) of Notch1-CreERT2/Rosa- and (I) the atria (4819 cells counted; n = 7 embryos from three different litters).

which is consistent with the presence of imma- double-positive CPs committed to the EC fate. ital diseases and heart malformations. Last, our
ture progenitors that undergo multilineage prim- In the atria, Notch1-CreERT2 marked preferen- results will be important to design new strat-
ing before making cell fate decision into either tially the ECs (76.9% ± 2.9), although a smaller egies to direct the differentiation of ESC into a
DCT3 or DCT4 lineages (fig. S11). contribution to the CM lineage was also observed specific cardiovascular lineage.
To more clearly differentiate between the pu- (16.6% ± 2.7) (Fig. 4I), which is consistent with a
tative differentiation paths to the DCT1/EC and lower expression of Notch1 in DCT2 cluster. In REFERENCES AND NOTES
DCT2/CM progenitors, we determined the genes addition to marking ECs of the heart, Notch1- 1. S. Martin-Puig, Z. Wang, K. R. Chien, Cell Stem Cell 2, 320–331
involved in embryonic development that are CreERT2, similar to Mesp1-Cre, also marked, at (2008).
specifically up- or down-regulated in a given DCT the early stage of gastrulation, ECs of the aorta, 2. Y. Saga et al., Development 126, 3437–3447 (1999).
(fig. S12). Of particular interest, DCT2 cells showed intersomitic, and brain vessels (fig. S14). 3. A. Bondue, C. Blanpain, Circ. Res. 107, 1414–1427 (2010).
4. W. P. Devine, J. D. Wythe, M. George, K. Koshiba-Takeuchi,
reduced Notch1 expression (Fig. 4A). Different Altogether, our single-cell profiling of early CPs B. G. Bruneau, eLife 3, e03848 (2014).
studies have shown the importance of Notch1 in shows that Mesp1 CPs segregate rapidly from the 5. F. Lescroart et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 16, 829–840 (2014).
the latter stages of cardiovascular development, epiblast into distinct cardiovascular lineages. The 6. I. Harel et al., Dev. Cell 16, 822–832 (2009).
7. M. Buckingham, S. Meilhac, S. Zaffran, Nat. Rev. Genet. 6,
in regulating endocardium, valve formation, tra- analysis of Mesp1 KO cells showed that Mesp1 is 826–835 (2005).
beculation, and myocardium compaction (24). required to exit the pluripotent state of the epi- 8. A. Scialdone et al., Nature 535, 289–293 (2016).
However, a role for Notch in the early steps of blast and promotes EMT, migration, and cardio- 9. A. Bondue et al., Cell Stem Cell 3, 69–84 (2008).
10. G. Martello, A. Smith, Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 30, 647–675
cardiovascular lineage commitment during gas- vascular specification in vivo. Consistent with (2014).
trulation has not been previously described. RNA- the early regional and lineage segregation found 11. R. C. Lindsley et al., Cell Stem Cell 3, 55–68 (2008).
FISH and immunostaining showed that Notch1 with clonal analysis (4, 5), our scRNA-seq demon- 12. A. Bondue et al., J. Cell Biol. 192, 751–765 (2011).
13. S. J. Kattman et al., Cell Stem Cell 8, 228–240 (2011).
was indeed expressed and active in a subset of strates that Mesp1 CPs are also molecularly het- 14. C. Weinreb, S. Wolock, A. Klein, Bioinformatics 10.1093/
Mesp1-H2B-GFP+ cells (Fig. 4B and fig. S13). To erogeneous, as previously suggested by scRNA-seq bioinformatics/btx792 (2017).
determine whether Notch1 expression in DCT1 during in vitro ESC differentiation (26), and iden- 15. T. Behrens et al., BMC Cancer 16, 395 (2016).
16. S. Palencia-Desai et al., Development 138, 4721–4732 (2011).
cluster marks Mesp1+ CPs committed to the EC tifies temporally and spatially distinct Mesp1 17. R. M. Barnes, B. A. Firulli, S. J. Conway, J. W. Vincentz,
fate, we induced lineage tracing by administrat- subpopulations that likely correspond to CPs com- A. B. Firulli, Dev. Dyn. 239, 3086–3097 (2010).
ing tamoxifen to Notch1-CreERT2/Rosa-tdTomato mitted to the different cardiovascular lineages 18. T. M. Schultheiss, J. B. Burch, A. B. Lassar, Genes Dev. 11,
mice at E6.5 (25) and assessed the fate of marked and regions of the heart at the early stages of 451–462 (1997).
19. D. M. DeLaughter et al., Dev. Cell 39, 480–490 (2016).
cells at E12.5 (Fig. 4, C to G). td Tomato+ cells in gastrulation (fig. S15). Future studies will be re- 20. T. Huynh, L. Chen, P. Terrell, A. Baldini, Genesis 45, 470–475
the ventricles were almost exclusively found in quired to determine whether the early cardio- (2007).
the EC (83.9 ± 3.0%), with minor contribution vascular lineage segregation uncovered here is 21. T. Kume, H. Jiang, J. M. Topczewska, B. L. Hogan, Genes Dev.
15, 2470–2482 (2001).
to the CM (6.0 ± 1.4%) and to the EPs (10.2 ± also occurring for the other mesodermal and 22. N. Bertrand et al., Dev. Biol. 353, 266–274 (2011).
2.1%) (Fig. 4H), which is consistent with the endodermal cells and whether defects in the early 23. I. Harel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 18839–18844
notion that DCT1 marks early Mesp1/Notch1 commitment steps are associated with congen- (2012).

Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177–1181 (2018) 9 March 2018 4 of 5


24. D. MacGrogan, M. Nus, J. L. de la Pompa, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. long-term fellowship, and the Leducq Fondation. Work in SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
92, 333–365 (2010). the Gottgens laboratory is supported by grants from the
25. S. Fre et al., PLOS ONE 6, e25785 (2011). Wellcome, Bloodwise, Cancer Research UK, National Institute Materials and Methods
26. S. S. Chan, H. H. W. Chan, M. Kyba, Biochem. Biophys. Res. of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and core
Figs. S1 to S15
Commun. 474, 469–475 (2016). support grants by the Wellcome to the Wellcome–Medical
Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. C.B. is an Tables S1 to S4
investigator of WELBIO. Work in C.B.’s laboratory was supported References (27–50)
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS by the FNRS, the Université Libre de Bruxelles Foundation,
We thank the Light Microscopy Facility for help with confocal the European Research Council, the Bettencourt Schueller
imaging and F. Hamey for help with SPRING analysis. F.L. Foundation (C.B. and F.L.), and the Leducq Fondation as 18 July 2017; accepted 11 January 2018
has been supported by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique part of the network “22q11.2 deletion syndrome: Novel approaches Published online 25 January 2018
(FNRS), the European Molecular Biology Organization to understand cardiopharyngeal pathogenesis.” 10.1126/science.aao4174

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Lescroart et al., Science 359, 1177–1181 (2018) 9 March 2018 5 of 5


◥ that paper, and the average of the listed cranial

T E C H N I C A L CO M M E N T capacities should have been 1468.7 cc, not 1494 cc.
Additionally, using values from Holloway et al. (7)
for those Neandertals would result in an average
PALEOANTHROPOLOGY cranial capacity of 1438.3 cc. A third value of 1498 cc,
based on Holloway et al., is used to generate the

Comment on “The growth pattern consensus average (1). In Holloway et al., an aver-
age for Homo sapiens neanderthalensis is reported
as 1487.5 ml in appendix I and 1427.2 ml in
of Neandertals, reconstructed appendix II. The 1427.2-ml value is almost identical
(1428 ml) to the average of reported adult values in

from a juvenile skeleton from the text of Holloway et al. However, Holloway et al.
also attribute fossils typically assigned to Homo
sapiens [Jebel Ihroud (n = 2) and Skhul (n = 4)] to
El Sidrón (Spain)” Neandertals. When these are removed, the average
Neandertal adult cranial capacity in Holloway et al.
Jeremy M. DeSilva is 1414.8 ml. Given these problems with the values
used to generate the consensus average of cranial
Rosas et al. (Reports, 22 September 2017, p. 1282) calculate El Sidrón J1 to have capacity in adult Neandertals, it is necessary to
reached only 87.5% of its adult brain size. This finding is based on an overestimation recalculate the likely percentage of adult brain
of Neandertal brain size. Pairwise comparisons with a larger sample of Neandertal size achieved by the El Sidrón juvenile.

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

fossils reveal that it is unlikely that the brain of El Sidrón would have grown When all adult crania assigned to Neandertals
appreciably larger. (n = 26) are used (Table 1), the average adult
brain size is 1388 cc, and the El Sidrón juvenile

had reached 97.4 ± 12.6% of its full growth. When
osas et al. (1) are to be congratulated for examining whether evidence for occipital remodel- those crania listed specifically in table S32 of (1)
their discovery and whole-body analysis ing is present in juvenile modern humans or are used, the average adult Neandertal brain is
of El Sidrón J1—an important addition to Neandertals who are >8 years old (e.g., Teshik- 1438 cc and the El Sidrón juvenile had reached
our understanding of Neandertal paleo- Tash, Le Moustier 1) and have reached adult 94 ± 12.6% of its adult cranial capacity. To ac-
biology, growth, and development. Although brain volume will be informative. The authors count for temporal changes in Neandertal cranial
Rosas et al. present a rich, whole-body treatment propose that only 87.5% of full brain capacity capacity (Fig. 1), it is reasonable to only use crania
of El Sidrón J1, an emphasis was made in the had been reached in El Sidrón J1 on the basis of from the later (<115,000 years ago) Würm Nean-
paper—and widely reported by the science media a Neandertal adult brain volume of 1520 cc (1). dertals, which average 1459 cc. Using this value,
(2)—that at 7.7 years of age, this individual had This adult value is an overestimate. the El Sidrón juvenile had achieved 92.5 ± 12.0%
only achieved 87.5% of its total brain volume and The use of 1520 cc for adult Neandertal brain of its full growth. However, because the dimen-
was therefore still growing its brain. This finding size is explained as an average of five different sions of Krapina 1 are used to help reconstruct
would be quite extraordinary, given that 95% of studies [table S32 of (1)]. The largest adult cranial the El Sidrón J1 cranium (1), it would make sense
brain growth is achieved in modern human chil- capacity average used to create this consensus to include the Krapina fossils as well, in which
dren by the age of 6 to 7 years (3, 4). value (5) is an average of only six adult Nean- case the average Neandertal adult brain was
The cranial capacity estimated for El Sidrón J1 dertal crania (Amud, Shanidar 5, La Ferrassie, 1437 cc and El Sidrón J1 had reached 93.9 ± 11.8%
is 1330 cc (1). Careful and clever analysis of La Chapelle, Spy 2, Tabun C1), which also happen of its brain growth.
bone surface remodeling on the J1 occipital dem- to possess some of the largest brain sizes of the Note that in every case, El Sidrón J1 is within
onstrates that this region of the skull was still known Neandertals (Table 1). The lowest of the the 95% confidence interval of the mean for 100%
osteogenic, consistent with the juvenile status of average Neandertal cranial capacities (1494 cc)
the individual. The relationship between occip- used to create the consensus average derives from
ital remodeling and the magnitude of remaining a source that restricts its analysis to nine Würm Department of Anthropology, Dartmouth College, Hanover,
brain growth is unknown, however. Future work Neandertals (6). However, there is a math error in NH, USA. Email:

Fig. 1. Neandertal brain size evolution.

Adult cranial capacity is known for 26 Neandertals
(blue circles). Notice that there is a slight but
statistically significant (r = 0.49, P = 0.006)
increase in brain size over the course of Neandertal
evolution. El Sidrón J1 (red ×) falls comfortably
within the range of adult cranial capacities in late
Würm Neandertals.

DeSilva, Science 359, eaar3611 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 3


brain growth (Fig. 2). The only statistically sup-

Table 1. Neandertal cranial capacities. Würm Neandertals (living <115,000 years ago) are in italics. ported way in which the El Sidrón juvenile could
Cranial capacities are from (1, 7, 11–13). be used as evidence for continued brain growth
in a 7.7-year-old Neandertal is if his cranial ca-
Specimen Cranial capacity Developmental age Percent of El Sidrón pacity (1330 cc) is compared exclusively with the
juvenile cranial capacity largest half of the Würm Neandertals. Accurately
identifying the sex of Neandertal crania is fraught
Saccopastore 1 1174 Adult 113.3
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... with challenges, and using just the largest-brained
Saccopastore 2 1300 Adult 102.3
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Neandertals as a comparative male sample biases
Reilingen 1430 Adult 93.0
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... the results and borders on circular reasoning. Given
Biache 1200 Adult 110.8
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... both spatial and temporal variation in Nean-
Apidima 2 1454 Adult 91.5
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... dertal brain size, I would recommend caution
Fontechevade II 1350 Adult 98.5
in inferring Neandertal brain ontogeny from
La Chaise 1065 Adult 124.9
El Sidrón J1 until the average adult brain size
Lazaret 1250 Subadult 106.4
in this specific population of Neandertals at El
Krapina 1 1293 6 to 8 years — Sidrón is better understood.
Krapina 2 1450 Subadult 91.7 There is inherent error in using isolated speci-
Krapina 3 1255 Adult 106.0 mens and cross-sectional data to infer longitudi-
Krapina 5 1535 Adult 86.6 nal patterns. Therefore, attempts to reconstruct
Krapina 6 1205 Adult 110.4 the pattern of Neandertal brain growth should
Tabun C1 1271 Adult 104.6
incorporate all of the available data. Consider, for

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

instance, that the ~3-year-olds (8) Roc de Marsal
Subalyuk 1187 3.2 years —
(1325 cc) and Engis 2 (1362 cc) have brain sizes
Ganovce 1320 Adult 100.8
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... similar to, or slightly larger than, El Sidrón J1.
Teshik-Tash 1525 ~9 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The 4.6-year-old Devil’s Tower child (8) has a
Roc de Marsal 1325 3 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... cranial capacity of 1400 cc, exceeding that found
La Ferrassie 1640 Adult 81.1
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... in the developmentally older El Sidrón J1. These
Spy I 1305 Adult 101.9
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... specimens should not be used to argue for early
Spy II 1553 Adult 85.6
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... cessation of Neandertal brain growth any more
La Quina 5 1172 Adult 113.5
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... than El Sidrón J1 can be used for extended brain
La Quina 18 1200 6 to 8 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... growth. Instead, when all of the currently avail-
Mezmaiskaya 429 Infant —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... able data are plotted (Fig. 3), Neandertals and
Engis 2 1362 3.2 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... modern humans present very similar brain growth
Shanidar 1 1600 Adult 83.1
curves. Neandertals therefore probably did experi-
Shanidar 5 1550 Adult 85.8
ence human-like extended brain ontogeny [(9), but
Monte Circeo 1360 Adult 97.8
see (10)]. On the basis of the evidence currently
Gibraltar–Devil’s Tower 1400 4.6 years — available, it is quite likely that El Sidrón J1 had very
Gibraltar–Forbes Quarry 1200 Adult 110.8 nearly reached his full brain volume.
La Chapelle 1625 Adult 81.9
El Sidrón J1 1330 7.7 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... REFERENCES
Dederiyeh 1 1096 1.55 years —
1. A. Rosas et al., Science 357, 1282–1287 (2017).
Dederiyeh 2 1089 2.0 years — 2. N. St. Fleur, “For Neanderthals, growing big brains took more
time.” New York Times (21 September 2017).
Pech de l’Aze 1135 2.5 years —
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. A. S. Dekaban, D. Sadowsky, Ann. Neurol. 4, 345–356
Amud 1740 Adult 76.4
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (1978).
Le Moustier 1 1565 Subadult 85.0
4. R. K. Lenroot, J. N. Giedd, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 30,
Le Moustier 2 418 Infant — 718–729 (2006).
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. J. L. Arsuaga et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112,
Feldhofer 1525 Adult 87.2
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11524–11529 (2015).
6. J. D. Hawks, M. H. Wolpoff, Evolution 55, 1474–1485 (2001).

Fig. 2. El Sidrón J1 relative brain size. The cranial capacity of El Sidrón

(1330 cc) was divided by all adult Neandertal cranial capacities to
calculate a percentage of adult brain size achieved by the age of the
individual’s death (7.7 years). The mean value (black square) is plotted
along with the 95% confidence interval of the mean (gray bars). Note that
the percentage of brain size achieved at death in a similarly aged modern
human (95 to 100%; green highlighted range) either encompasses the
mean (for all Neandertals) or very nearly does. These data suggest that
El Sidrón J1 had achieved significantly more of its adult cranial capacity than
the 87.5% reported by Rosas et al. (1), and likely had little remaining brain growth.

DeSilva, Science 359, eaar3611 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 3


7. R. L. Holloway, D. C. Broadfield, M. S. Yuan, The Human Fossil

Record, Volume 3: Brain Endocasts—The Paleoneurological
Evidence (Wiley, 2004).
8. H. Coqueugniot, J. J. Hublin, Period. Biol. 109, 379–385
9. M. S. Ponce de León, T. Bienvenu, T. Akazawa,
C. P. E. Zollikofer, Curr. Biol. 26, R665–R666 (2016).
10. P. Gunz, S. Neubauer, B. Maureille, J.-J. Hublin, Curr. Biol. 20,
R921–R922 (2010).
11. K. Harvati, C. Stringer, P. Karkanas, J. Hum. Evol. 60, 246–250
12. R. Caspari, J. Radovcić, Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 130, 294–307
13. M. S. Ponce de León et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105,
13764–13768 (2008).
14. T. M. Smith et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107,
20923–20928 (2010).
15. F. Marchand, Über das Hirngewicht des Menschen
(Teubner, Leipzig, 1902).

30 October 2017; accepted 17 January 2018


Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Fig. 3. Neandertal brain ontogeny. El Sidrón J1 is one of 13 known juvenile Neandertal crania
(Table 1). Developmental ages of these individuals were based on data in (1, 8, 13, 14). These
juvenile cranial capacities were each divided by the 18 Würm + Krapina adult cranial capacities to
calculate a Neandertal brain growth curve. Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval of the
mean of the percentage of brain growth achieved by that chronological age in Neandertals and
modern humans. Human data were drawn from (15). Notice the similarities between human
and Neandertal brain development [see also (9)]. Although El Sidrón J1 is slightly smaller than
expected, in this broader context it appears best interpreted as normal variation in Neandertals.
Accepting the premise that El Sidrón J1 (at age 7.7 years) is evidence for extended brain growth
in the Neandertals would also necessitate accepting that Neandertals essentially ceased brain
growth between the ages of 3 and 7.7 years, only to resume again.

DeSilva, Science 359, eaar3611 (2018) 9 March 2018 3 of 3


◥ about the rate and duration of EV growth in

TECHNICAL RESPONSE Neandertal ontogeny (3, 4). Variation in sample
size, accuracy, and comparability of different
measurement techniques of EV remains an issue
PALEOANTHROPOLOGY in all comparative studies of Neandertals. For the
sake of clarity, we address the questions raised

Response to Comment on “The growth by DeSilva using only the values of EV provided
by him (1). DeSilva presents successive different
combinations of specimens in order to provide
pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed Neandertal averages. It is interesting to note that
as we restrict the initial Neandertal sample ac-

from a juvenile skeleton from cordingly to fit the characteristics of the El Sidrón
sample, the percentage of adult EV attained by
El Sidrón J1 decreases, as shown in Table 1. When
El Sidrón (Spain)” the five male Würm Neandertal specimens are
considered, the percentage of adult EV attained
Antonio Rosas,1*† Luis Ríos,1,2† Almudena Estalrrich,1,3 Helen Liversidge,4 by El Sidrón J1 would be 81.79%. According to
DeSilva, to restrict the comparison to adult male
Antonio García-Tabernero,1 Rosa Huguet,5 Hugo Cardoso,6 Markus Bastir,1
Neandertals is questionable because of problems
Carles Lalueza-Fox,7 Marco de la Rasilla,8 Christopher Dean9
with sex estimation, and although we agree with
this general concern in paleoanthropology, we
The comment by DeSilva challenges our suggestion that brain growth of the El Sidrón J1

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

offer this comparison in order to present the
Neandertal was still incomplete at 7.7 years of age. Evidence suggests that endocranial
whole range of possible estimations. We also
volume is likely to represent less than 90% adult size at El Sidrón as well as Neandertal male
agree with DeSilva that the Krapina fossils could
plus Krapina samples, in line with further evidence from endocranial surface histology
be included in the reference sample for meth-
and dural sinus groove size.
odological reasons, and in this case (Würm males

and Krapina adults), the percentage of adult
eSilva (1) challenges one of several con- cally, we do not agree that undue emphasis was EV attained by El Sidrón J1 would be 87.7%. If we
clusions we drew from the analysis of the made in the paper regarding an extended period consider all the comparisons included in Table 1,
El Sidrón J1 skeleton (2)—namely, the of brain growth in Neandertals based on the es- the average of percentage adult size attained by
suggestion that the brain of this juvenile timation of the endocranial volume (EV), which El Sidrón J1 is 90.67%.
Neandertal was still growing at the time is the variable studied by DeSilva. We studied the In addition to this debate focused on direct
of his death (7.7 years old). The main objective pattern of growth and maturation of the teeth, estimations of EV, in our report we also included
of our research on the El Sidrón J1 skeleton was postcranium, spine, body, and cranium. For the a second method for estimating the EV derived
to present a study of growth and maturation of latter, we considered three types of information: from the isolated occipital bone, which we briefly
a Neandertal juvenile from an organismic per- surface histology, the size of the dural sinus grooves, summarize here. A significant lineal relationship
spective, rather than focusing on one specific and the EV. What we really emphasized were the was found between the size of the occipital bone
region or system such as the dentition or crani- following points: (i) The growth and maturation (geometric morphometric centroid size) and the
um. DeSilva (1) seems to agree that we presented of the dentition and postcranium fell well within endocranial volume in modern humans (n = 20;
a “rich, whole-body treatment of El Sidrón J1,” the modern human range, and thus we did not y = 104.8581x – 243.6349; P = 0.0016; r = 0.6736;
although he then writes that “an emphasis was observe a fundamental difference in the overall r2 = 0.4537). The fitted lineal function in seven
made in the paper—and widely reported by the pace of growth in comparison with modern hu- mostly male Würm Neandertals (y = 153.56x –
science media (2)—that at 7.7 years of age, this mans. (ii) One divergent aspect of ontogeny is the 953.5652; P = 0.0598; r = 0.7350; r2 = 0.5403;
individual had only achieved 87.5% of its total timing of maturation of the spine. (iii) On the table S33 in our report) yields a Neandertal
brain volume, and was therefore still growing basis of the three types of aforementioned ob- adult mean ± 2SD of 1499 ± 270 cm3. The pre-
its brain.” servations, the brain of El Sidrón J1 could still dicted value of 1253.2 cm3 for El Sidrón J1 (spec-
We would prefer to limit our response to the be growing. (iv) The maturation of the spine, imen SD-2300) lies at the lower end of this
findings and interpretations that we presented together with ongoing brain growth, could point interval (1228.6 to 1769.4 cm3), whereas the value
in the report, without reference to the remarks to an extended period of growth and maturation of 1448 cm3 for El Sidrón adult occipital SD-1219
expressed and emphasized in the media. Basi- of the neuraxis. is close to the mean. The EV of El Sidrón J1 esti-
The review of EV estimations in Neandertals mated by this method represents 86.5% of the
by DeSilva contributes to the ongoing debate adult occipital from El Sidrón (SD-1219). With
Paleoanthropology Group, Department of Paleobiology, Museo
Nacional de Ciencias Naturales–CSIC, 28006 Madrid, Spain.
Department of Physical Anthropology, Aranzadi Society of
Sciences, 20014 Donostia–San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain.
Department of Paleoanthropology, Senckenberg Research Table 1. Neandertal endocranial volumes and percentage of adult size attained by El Sidrón J1.
Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, 60325 All values come from DeSilva (1).
Frankfurt, Germany. 4Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary
University of London, London E1 2AD, UK. 5Institut Català de
Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES)–Unidad Sample EV (cm3) Percentage of El Sidrón J1
Asociada al CSIC, Campus Sescelades (Edifici W3), Universitat
Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. 6Department of DeSilva table 1 1388 97.4
Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British
Rosas et al. table S32 with DeSilva values 1438 94
Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada. 7Institute of Evolutionary Biology ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
(CSIC-UPF), 08003 Barcelona, Spain. 8Área de Prehistoria Würm 1459 92.5
Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Oviedo, 33011 Würm and Krapina 1437 93.9
Oviedo, Spain. 9Department of Cell and Developmental Biology,
Male Würm 1626 81.79
University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
*Corresponding author. Email: Male Würm and Krapina 1515 87.7
†These authors contributed equally to this work.

Rosas et al., Science 359, eaar3820 (2018) 9 March 2018 1 of 2


the data used, the predicted value for J1 would brain growth. When considered together with tential differences with certainty will probably
be unlikely for an adult Neandertal male, al- the observations on spine maturation, we sug- require the complete analysis of many Neandertal
though it is clear that predictions derived from gested that Neandertal neural growth and mat- subadult skeletons, both known and yet to be
this method must be considered as relative esti- uration might be extended in comparison with discovered.
mations of EV. modern humans.
As mentioned, beyond the discussion on EV, We agree that using isolated specimens and
1. J. DeSilva, Science 359, eaar3611 (2018).
we supported our suggestion of ongoing brain cross-sectional data is not the best methodology 2. A. Rosas et al., Science 357, 1282–1287 (2017).
growth with other observations. The presence in to infer growth and maturation—a problem that 3. M. S. Ponce de León, T. Bienvenu, T. Akazawa, C. P. E. Zollikofer,
El Sidrón J1 of inner occipital resorption areas, pervades paleoanthropology. Our study surely is Curr. Biol. 26, R665–R666 (2016).
the smallest widths of the dural sinuses in a large a first step toward a more comprehensive un- 4. P. Gunz, S. Neubauer, B. Maureille, J.-J. Hublin, Curr. Biol. 20,
R921–R922 (2010).
hominin sample, and extremely fresh neural re- derstanding of the absence or presence of onto-
lieves are not conclusive by themselves, but they genetic differences between two Homo species 15 November 2017; accepted 17 January 2018
support our interpretation of potential continued that successfully interbred. Detecting any po- 10.1126/science.aar3820

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Rosas et al., Science 359, eaar3820 (2018) 9 March 2018 2 of 2


Waseda University pushes forward

with global academic network
Innovative programs and prioritized funding have propelled Waseda University to record highs in world
university rankings, underscoring the university’s reputation for openness, dynamism, and diversity.

Borderless education and research “Importantly, our new personnel

hiring policies have enabled ‘joint
for energy solutions appointments’ of researchers from
—Energy and Nanomaterials countries such as Italy, Sweden,
and the United States, who teach

I n order to nurture students who will play leading roles in addressing major
issues related to energy—its production, storage, and sustainable use—
Hiroyuki Nishide, head of Energy and Nanomaterials Unit, has initiated
at Waseda and conduct research
with our students,” adds Nishide.
This approach has resulted in joint
major changes to internationalize administrative, education, and research Nishide research and publications, as well as
policies at Waseda University. a joint appointment faculty member
“Energy problems cannot be resolved by any one country or individual who obtained a tenured position.
institute,” says Nishide. “The Top Global University (TGU) Project ofers the Such an open approach underscores Waseda University’s commitment
perfect opportunity to launch borderless education and research programs to maintaining global standards of education and research. These initiatives
at Waseda University to educate the energy experts of the future.” have also led to more joint publications and higher citations—important
The Joint Supervision Program (JSP), the frst to be established at Waseda, factors in assessing international competitiveness.
and Joint Appointment (JA), a new personnel system, lie at the heart of the Recent research in the unit includes the development of innovative
new global education and research programs initiated by Nishide. nanomaterials for storing hydrogen using so-called ketone polymers.1
Students in JSP receive guidance from advisors at both Waseda and “These fndings enable the safe and robust transport of hydrogen,” says
one of its partner universities: Monash University, Korea University, or the Nishide. “You can carry hydrogen in your pocket!”
University of Bonn. A certifcate from both universities is awarded upon
completion of the program. “The frst three graduates from this program R. Kato et al., Nat. Comm. 7, 13032 (2016), doi: 10.1038/ncomms13032.

have found excellent jobs at blue chip companies with good salaries,”
Energy and Nanomaterials Unit
Nishide says. Waseda is now expanding this framework to universities in
Sweden and the United States. and-energy-devices

and people between institutes. Ultimately, we want to create an

Japanese culture from a global international model for Japanese Studies.”
perspective Other recent activities by the unit include creating bilingual publications,
—Global Japanese Studies such as Censorship, Media and Literary Culture in Japan: From Edo to Postwar,
running a double-degree program with Columbia University’s Department of
East Asian Languages and Cultures, and launching English-based undergradu-
W aseda University has built on
its tradition of disseminating
research on Japanese arts and culture,
ate and graduate programs: the Global Studies in Japanese Cultures Program
(JCulP), and Global Japanese Literary and Cultural Studies (Global-J).
as demonstrated by alumnus Ryusaku Additionally, a partnership between Waseda, UCLA, and the Tadashi Yanai
Tsunoda (1877–1964), who played a Initiative for Globalizing Japanese Humanities used innovative technology to
major role in introducing Japanese develop an application for teaching nonstandard Japanese hentaigana char-
culture to the world during his tenure acters. The application is expected to have lasting impact, both domestically
Hirokazu at Columbia University. and abroad, on scholars of Japanese literature.
Toeda “Inspired by such fgures, our unit “We have also recently organized a series of events at UCLA, celebrating
reexamines Japanese culture from the traditional Japanese performing art of kyogen,” Toeda says. “We hope
a genuinely global perspective by developing institutional hubs,” says to continue contributing to cultural diversity in the world by sharing what
Hirokazu Toeda, head of the Global Japanese Studies Unit. Currently, Japanese arts and culture has to o!er.”
we are working with Columbia University and the University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA) to establish the World Academia Alliance in Japanese Global Japanese Studies Unit
Studies (WAAJS), which will enable the smooth exchange of knowledge

Look out for more news from Waseda University in the March 16 and 23 issues of Science.
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By Maria Ter-Mikaelian

Why our ways parted

y father has been a scientist for almost 40 years. I hadn’t planned to follow in his footsteps, but to
my surprise, I found myself drawn to research as an undergraduate. I went on to earn a Ph.D. in
neuroscience, but I grew disillusioned and ultimately changed careers to become a science writer.
Recently, I sat down with my father, who is currently a senior scientist at the Ontario Forest Re-
search Institute in Canada, to reflect on what influenced his decision to stay in academia and mine
to leave it. Our conversation has been translated from Russian and edited for brevity and clarity.

Downloaded from on March 10, 2018

Michael Ter-Mikaelian: When and effort, and the effort of other
I started doing research, it people who were reading my work.
captivated me. While I was Michael: Quite a while ago, I
working on my first mathemati- came to the conclusion that
cal problem, I would ponder it that’s how science works. There
for hours while walking with you are lots of people, each doing
in the stroller—and suddenly, I their own little thing, like ants
solved it! I was so excited that I laying little bricks. There is
couldn’t sleep that night. Having not much use or progress from
once experienced that, you want any of it. Then, someone comes
to keep doing it. I’ve never felt along who synthesizes it all and
the same elation again, but there makes a leap. Even then, some
is definitely still enjoyment. To of the bricks will turn out to be
a large extent that’s what drives completely useless. That’s how
what I do. it has to be. I accepted the fact
Maria Ter-Mikaelian: When I that I probably won’t be that
started doing research, I had the synthesizer, and that’s OK. I still
feeling that the people around believe that the work of those
me were such idealists. They just “What influenced his decision little bricklayers is important.
wanted to know the truth about It’s necessary.
how the world works, and they to stay in academia and mine Maria: Maybe you stayed in
would have done it for free. One
of the things that disillusioned
to leave it?” science because you believe in
that more than I do—that our
me later, during my Ph.D., was petty little activities are neces-
the impression that to stay afloat in academic research, sary in the grand scheme of things. I just felt that I
you have to constantly think about what will be “sexy” was going to be the bricklayer who was doing something
and what your brand is. silly off to the side that wasn’t even going to be part
Michael: I know what you mean. A certain pragmatism of the building.
is definitely necessary. But still, the people I know don’t Michael: It’s not that I believe it more than you do. It
choose their research direction based on what is sexy. might be that it’s enough for me, but not enough for you.
That was my downfall, in a way. I got interested in some- Maria: Particularly when I was finishing my Ph.D., there
thing; I did one project on it. All my life, I jumped from weren’t many people who I could talk to and see that big
one topic to another. Mostly, I do it for my own enjoy- picture. The grad students and postdocs I was friends
ment and for the respect of the small circle of people with all had the view that academia is hopeless, and they

whose opinions matter to me. They certainly aren’t were all very disillusioned in research as a career.
pragmatists. They do what they think is interesting. If my Michael: What you were exposed to, that’s what you
goal had been international recognition of my brand, then I based your conclusions on. Life is not always a result
would have been constantly disappointed. of a conscious decision. You look back and think, “It
Maria: When I was finishing my Ph.D., I had the feeling could have turned out completely differently.” ■
that I was just mucking around. The problems I was
working on were so narrow and esoteric, and they were Maria Ter-Mikaelian is a science writer based in New York
using up so many resources—if not money, then my time City. Send your story to

1186 9 MARCH 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6380 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

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