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Emanuel King-Billy ventura-thalys

1-espelho d’água

Diz uma lenda que um dia em acapella nasceu um menino chamado Emanuel ..

Emanuel era o mais belo e forte e habilidoso com a espada.

E tinha duas prometidas a menina cisne e a menina presente

Havia uma festa onde se encontravam Emanuel era o super man

Seu melhor amigo Daigaro sempre lhe acompanhava indo comer empadas de frango.

Mau sabia Emanuel que logo sua historia e vitoria se tornariam uma lenda ...

Emanuel King-Billy ventura-thalys 1-water mirror Legend has it that one day a child
was born a boy named Emanuel .. Emanuel was the lowest and strong and skilled with
the sword. And had two promised the swan girl and the present gift It was a party
where I met Emanuel was the super man Your best friend Daigaro ette the
accompaniments come eating chicken pies. Emanuel knew that the logo of his history
and victory would become a legend in the city...

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