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AP Art History

Matrix Grading Rubric

Edited August 23, 2018

Matrix grade rubric:

5 = 95%
• detailed and complete response to all sections – points are
comprehensive and consistently supported with evidence
• well written – content-supporting and descriptive words
used throughout all sections; intended meaning of the
student (author) is clear
• All information is in proper sections
• all writing is original; any quotes are properly cited

4 = 85%
• answers, though complete and informative, are not
responded to throughout all sections.
• Well written but has some areas of confusion-lack of
supporting information; meaning isn’t clear
• All information is in proper sections
• all writing is original; any quotes are properly cited

3 = 75%
• answers respond to the prompt but aren’t always clear –
meaning is vague; incomplete supporting evidence
• Uneven writing -some key points for prompts are missing;
some incomplete sentences
• information (though may be accurate) not placed in correct
• writing is not obviously original i.e. quotes not cited

2 = 65%
• Not all sections are answered; information is either
missing, not accurate or obviously lacking in detail,
supporting evidence, or relevance
• quotes not cited

1 = 55%
• numerous missing/completely blank sections
• minimal responses to prompts – complete lack of content,
lack of proper sentence structure, information unrelated to
the prompt is included
AP Art History
Matrix Grading Rubric

The following are terms and abbreviations that I will use when
reading and grading your matrix assignments:

abbreviations in red and their definitions are in black

Part #1: Identification (ID)

• (MP) = missing a required component

Part #2: Form (FM).

• (ME) = missing element of art
• (MPD) = missing principle of design

Part #3: Content (CO)

• (MD) = more detail needed overall
• (PM) = main parts of image not described

Part #4: Context (CT)

• (MCI) = missing cultural influence(s)
• (MHI) = missing historical influence(s)

Overall comments
• (MFS) = need to write in full sentences
• (C) = confusing, point not clearly made

Most commonly used editing abbreviations:

• (D) = descriptive word(s) or phrases

= point is supported with specific evidence

• (*) = specific point of information

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