Occidental Play On Words

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This essay is a result of me not being able to sleep Sunday night (too much coffee).

Occidental Play on Words

As has been the case throughout the history of the world, whoever controls the
present, controls how the people view the opponents of the controllers. Since the west
has a diabolical history that is only surpassed by their predecessor (Shaytan), they have
the most extent experience at character assassination. Their work becomes even easier
in the age of such simple-minded creatures as those that roam the earth these days. In
the past, empires would use baseless lies and different forms of slander to encourage
the people against their enemies. It is the complete opposite these days. These days
those same empires will stir hatred in the hearts of men by using terms that would in all
cases be praise for the people in question. However, with the low level of education,
these simple-minded creatures are raised to anger over praiseworthy characteristics.


What exactly does this word mean and what is understood by the imbeciles of the
world today? The word fundamentalist is derived from the word fundamental which
means basic. The fundamentals therefore are the basic concepts of any ideology or
methodology. When learning a language you have to understand the basic precepts of
grammatical structures and the basic words that make up the language. These are the
fundamentals and you therefore become a fundamentalist by recognizing the
importance of these fundamentals. In dealing with different systems of thought like
religion the word fundamental seems to take on a whole new meaning.

In Islam, the fundamentals are comprised of the Quran and the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allah. These two are the basis of our religion, and everything about our
religion stems from these two essential factors. Therefore, the person who follows
these two with true adherence to everything that they contain will be called a
fundamentalist. Is this not meant to be praise? Is this not what we are ordered by our
Lord to do? Nay, this is praise and this is the very purpose of our being placed on this
earth. However, the media now plays off the lack of mental capacity of a borderline
retarded public to make them look at this praiseworthy characteristic in a dark light.

It is a very simple task once the public has the lost the ability to function properly in
their own language to use basic psychological mind games to twist the meanings of
certain words. In this case you take a word like fundamentalist and say this word while
showing a picture of someone like Usama bin Laden. This causes a half-baked retarded
population with brains full of fluoride and aluminum to make a kind of psychological
word association between their concepts of who Usama bin Laden is and the
understanding of the word fundamentalist. Furthermore, in the future, every time
mister simple mind hears the word fundamentalist he forgets all that he studied in
English and automatically associates the word with terrorism and terrorists. This in turn
causes the person to completely shut off if he is in any situation and these words arise.
That keeps him from finding anything beneficial to his otherwise superficial existence.
Instead of listening to religious scholars, due to his baseless conception of the word
fundamental, he instead turns to other forms of brain torture like TV, movies, music,
trash novels or other forms of false brain stimulation he can find to make him feel like
he is actually progressing mentally. Oh you fool and how you have been duped! When
you reach the stage that you find difficulty listening to someone like Sheikh Uthaimeen
and feel more comfortable with TV sitcoms, you have definitely entered an endless
chasm that leads to an abyss of ignorance and doubt. Not that you weren’t full of doubt
and hypocrisy in the first place, because how could you have accepted such pompous
ideas from such idiots except that you were deeper in ignorance and hypocrisy than the
people that you take from.

This in turn will lead people to their next mistake. Once they get fed up with all the TV
is feeding them and they feel some zeal to become a bit religious, they start to search
out scholars that fit the profile that the west has set for them. Since he never heard
names such as Sheikh Bin Baaz, Sheikh Albaani, Sheikh Muqbil, Sheikh Uthaimeen,
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Jaami, Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzaan, Sheikh Muhammad Ameen
Mukhtaar Ash-Shinqeeti, and so forth on his favorite TV shows he has to search out
well-publicized scholars that he knows about from his dream box. This leads him to
ignorant hypocrites that will fill him full of religious emotionalism and zeal. He will
spend day after day crying like an emotional girl during her menses thinking that he is
truly progressing in the religion when in the end, he truly has learned nothing about the
FUNDAMENTALS of his religion because he was busy with false scholars pushing the
occidental agenda.

May Allah guide us all to what is right and correct. May Allah guide us to actions that
are pleasing to Him. May Allah protect us from all those evil hypocrites wearing the
clothes of scholars and speaking our language but the whole time only lead people

Moral and Ethical

Here are two more words that have taken on a whole new connotation in our new
atheistic world. In the English language we have three words that deal with behavior in
different situations these are: morals, manners and ethics. Even though the contextual
meanings are the same, connotations will denote different meanings for different
settings with different intentions.

First, morals deal with the behavior of a person in accordance with religious concepts.
If a person does something because it is obligatory in his religion or abstains from
something because it is prohibited in his religion, these are good morals. However, if a
person refuses to do something that is prohibited in his religion because he does not
want people to talk about him, you would not say that he has good morals. In fact, he
has bad morals because he is leaving off an act that Allah prohibited for the people and
not for Allah.

Second, manners deal with the way you present yourself in the presence of others. If
you are at the table with people and you eat in a civilized manner, they will say you have
good manners. If you are in a discussion with people and you speak politely and you
don’t interrupt the speech of others, they will say you have good manners.

Third, ethics deal with how you interact and deal with people. If you are a
businessman and you deal with people in an honest way, they will say you have good
business ethics. If you are at your job and you do your job correctly and respect your
co-workers, they will say you have good work ethic.

Of course this discourse is not going to be about the meanings of these words after
they are understood, however, it will be about how the two words ‘morals’ and ‘ethics’
have purposely been misconstrued in the media.

The word ‘morals’ has sort of become a taboo word in the English language. This all
began during the latter part of the 1960s and really took effect in the 1970s. This came
as humanism started taking control of the content of basic education given in schools.
This began with the ‘Humanist Manifesto’ and ended with teachers being prohibited
from using the word God in the classroom.

The main dogma that is followed by humanists is that of atheism. Being atheist, and
having control of the public school system, they believed that religion was a personal
choice and children should be allowed to choose whatever religion they want to follow
without influence from peers or teachers. This came about with the secular concept
that religion is only for places of worship; not the streets or public places. People in the
west then became shy about expressing any of their religious beliefs in public. As this
shyness continued amongst the general masses schools just followed suit.

This continued up until the 1980s when it was close to impossible for a teacher to
mention anything about any religious concepts. With this change in the people, there
became no immediate need for the use of the word ‘morals’. If the word was used, it
was generally used out of context. A good example of that was the issue of abortion
that plagued the country during the late 80s and into the 90s. This issued caused the
people to be split into two camps: the anti-abortionists and the freedom of choice
advocates. The anti-abortionists were in most cases fundamentalist Christians who
believed that nobody had the right to kill the baby after God had given it life. The other
camp was mostly comprised of irreligious morons who believed that we descended from
apes and the world was the result of the big bang. Now look how the media performed
their infamous play on words. When they spoke about the anti-abortionists and their
beliefs they would always use the words unethical. You can’t kill a baby because it is
unethical. Of course when the anti-abortionists started to be made to look like
terrorists, the word immoral started to emerge. On the other hand, when the freedom
of choice idiots spoke, they would use the term ‘moral decision’ and other terms that
match that connotation.

This continued even in the textbooks of schools. If the topic of animal rights came up,
they would always use the term ethical and unethical to express people’s beliefs
towards the treatment of animals. This is all to take any religious connotation of the
word ‘moral’ and ‘immoral’ out of the common vernacular. Then when the word is
reintroduced into the language, in the absence of religion, it is reintroduced as a
synonym for the word ‘ethical’ in the affirmative and ‘unethical’ in the negative.

So if you look at how the common understanding of these words has changed due to
the manipulation of the language through media and public education, you will be
astounded. In the past, in America, if somebody said that something was immoral, they
would automatically assume that there was some verse in the bible prohibiting that
action. Compare the past to now and you will see a vast contrast.

*This should also raise a lot of flags about these hypocrites now in the Muslim world
who tell people that religion has no place in the classroom. These fools are only
puppets for their western masters and should not be listened to. May Allah punish the
people that call people to separation of religion from education with a severe
punishment! May Allah debase them in this life and the next! These hypocrites are the
worst disease spreading in the Muslim world. May Allah raise them up on the Day of
Judgment with those whom they follow!

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