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ertificación en


Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Ingeniería
Departamento de Sistemas

 Primitive Conversion
 Primitive Casting
 Object Reference Conversion
 Object Reference Casting

Determine the effect upon objects and primitive values of

passing variables into methods and performing assignments
or other modifying operations in that method
Explicit and Implicit Type Changes
You can explicitly change the type of a value by

To cast an expression to a new type, just prefix the

expression with the new type name in parenthesis

Button btn=(Button)(myVector.elementAt( 5 ));

There are situations in which the system implicitly
changes the type of an expression without you
explicitly performing a cast

myVector.addElement( mycolor );

Conversion: automatic non-explicit type change

All conversion rules are enforced at compile time

Most casting and conversion rules accord with

common sense
Primitives and conversion

Both primitive values and object references can be

converted and cast

Four general cases:

 Conversion of primitives
 Casting of primitives
 Conversion of object references
 Casting of object references
Primitives and conversion

Three contexts or situations:

 Method call
 Arithmetic promotion
Primitive Conversion: Assignment

happens when you assign a value to a variable of

different type from the original value

int i;
double d;
d=i; // assign an int to a double variable
double i;
short s;
s=d; // assign a double value to a short
// variable

“Incompatible type for =.”
Primitive assignment conversion rules

Source type Target type

1. boolean any other OK

2. non-boolean any non-boolean OK
widening conversion
3. non-boolean any non-boolean
narrowing conversion
Widening conversions

Source type Target type

1. byte short, int, long, float, double

2. short int, long, float, double
3. char int, long, float, double
4. int long, float, double
5. long float, double
6. float double
Widening conversion

xxxx ...

0 ... 0 xxxx ...

Widening conversions


int long float double

byte short
Narrowing conversions

Source type Target type

1. byte char
2. short byte, char
3. char byte, short
4. int byte, short , char
5. long byte, short , char, int
6. float byte, short , char, int, long
7. double byte, short, char, int, long, float
Primitive Conversion: Method call

happens when you pass a value of one type as an

argument to a method that expects a different

float frads;
double d;
d=Math.cos(frads); // pass float to method
// that expects double
double d=12.0;
Object ob=myVector.elementAt(d);

“Incompatible type for method. Explicit
cast needed to convert double to int”
Widening conversions



int long float double

byte short
Narrowing conversions
Primitive Conversion: Arithmetic Promotion

happens within arithmetic statements

1. short s=9;
2. int i=10;
3. float f=11.1f;
4. double d=12.2;
5. if (++s*i >= f/d)
6. System.out.println(“>>>>”);
7. else
8. System.out.println(“<<<<”);

values are “promoted” to wider types

Unary operators

Operand Conversion

• byte int
• short int
• char int

Binary operators

Rule conversion

if one of the operands is

• double then double
else if one of the operands is
• float then float
else if one of the operands is
• long then long
else both operands are converted to
Primitives and Casting
Casting: explicitly telling Java to make a conversion

a casting may widen or narrow its argument

To cast, just precede a value with the

parenthesized name of the desired type
int i=5;
double d=(double)i;

int i=5;
double d=i;

same result as above

short s=259;
byte b=s; // compiler error
System.out.println(“s=“+s+”, b= “+b);

“Explicit cast needed to convert short to byte”

short s=259;
byte b=(byte)s; // Explicit cast
System.out.println(”b= “+b);


Casting a value to a wider value is always permitted
but never required; if you omit the cast, an
implicit conversion will be performed on your

1. int i=2;
2. double radians;
. // hundreds of
. // lines of
. // code
600. radians=(double)i;

Explicit casting can make your code more readable

Rules that govern casting of primitive

source target

Can any non-boolean any non-boolean

Cannot boolean any other type
Cannot any other type boolean
Object Reference Conversion:

1. Assignment conversion
2. Method-call conversion
3. Casting

Takes place at compile time, this is not the case

for object casting
Object reference assignment
Happens when you assign an object reference to a
variable of different type

Classes of object reference type

1. Class type (e.g., Button, FileWriter)

2. Interface type (e.g., Cloneable, LayoutManager)
3. Array type (e.g., int[][], TextArea[])

Oldtype=new Oldtype();
Newtype y=x; // reference assignment
// conversion
Converting Oldtype to Newtype
Oldtype is a Oldtype is an Oldtype is an
class interface array

Newtype is Oldtype must Newtype must Newtype must be

a class be a subclass be Object Object
of Newtype

Newtype is Oldtype must Oldtype must Newtype must be

an interface implement be a Cloneable
interface subinterface of
Newtype Newtype

Newtype is Compiler error Compiler error Oldtype must be an

an array array of some object
reference type that
can be converted to
whatever Newtype
is an array of
Object reference conversion is permitted
when the direction of the conversion is
“up” the inheritance hierarchy
An interface type may only be converted to an
interface type or to Object. If the new type
is an interface, it must be a superinterface
of the old type

A class type may be converted to a class type

or to an interface type. If converting to a
class type, the new type must be a
superclass of the old type. If converting to
an interface type, the old class must
implement the interface
An array may be converted to the class Object,
to the interface Cloneable or Serializable, or
to an array. Only an array of object
reference types may be converted to an
array, and the old element type must be
convertible to the new element type



Lemon Tangelo Grapefruit

Tangelo tange=new Tangelo();
Citrus cit=tange;

This code is fine

Citrus cit= new Citrus();

Tangelo tange=cit;

Compiler Error!!
Grapefruit g=new Grapefruit();
Squeezable squee=g; // No problem
Grapefruit g2=squee; // Error

Fruit fruits[];
Lemon lemons[];
Citrus citruses[]=new Citrus[10];
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
citruses[i]=new Citrus();
Fruits=citruses; // No problem
lemons=citruses; // Error
Object Method-Call Conversion:

Same as the rules described above for

assignment conversion of objects
• An array may be converted to the class
Object, to the interface Cloneable or
Serializable, or to an array. Only an array of
object reference types may be converted to
an array, and the old element type must be
convertible to the new element type
An interface type may only be converted to an
interface type or to Object. If the new type
is an interface, it must be a superinterface
of the old type

A class type may be converted to a class type

or to an interface type. If converting to a
class type, the new type must be a
superclass of the old type. If converting to
an interface type, the old class must
implement the interface
An array may be converted to the class Object,
to the interface Cloneable or Serializable, or
to an array. Only an array of object
reference types may be converted to an
array, and the old element type must be
convertible to the new element type
Vector myVec=new Vector ();
Tangelo tange=new Tangelo();

Tange will be automatically converted to

type Object
Object Reference Casting:
 By using a cast, you convince the compiler to
let you do a conversion that otherwise might
not be allowed
 Any kind of conversion that is allowed for
assignments or method calls is allowed for
explicit casting
 The power of casting appears when you
explicitly cast to a type that is not allowed by
the rules of implicit conversion

Lemon lem=new Lemon();

Citrus cit=(Citrus)lem;

Legal cast but not needed

 Java programs do not deal with objects. They
deal with references to objects.

Color purple=new Color(222, 0, 255)

purple IS NOT an object; it is a REFERENCE TO

an object (the address of the object)
Reference and Object

1011 ... 0110

Object of type Blob

resides in memory at 1011 ... 0110
Object reference variable types can be

1. classes
2. interfaces, or
3. arrays
While an object’s class is unchanging, it may be
referenced by variables of many different

Object obj; Vector vec; Stack stk; Serializable s;

1001 ... 0110 1001 ... 0110 1001 ... 0110 1001 ... 0110

Object of type Blob

resides in memory at 1011 ... 0110
 The type of reference variable is obvious at
compile time
 The class of an object referenced by such a
variable cannot be known until runtime
 The rules for casting are broader than for
 Some rules can be enforced at compile time;
other rules can only be enforced during
Possibilities for the old and new type

1. non-final class
2. final class
3. interface
4. array
Compile-time rules
Oldtype is a Oldtype is a Oldtype is an Oldtype is an array
non-final final class interface

Newtype Oldtype Oldtype must Always OK Newtype must be

is a non- must extend Object
final class extend Newtype
Newtype or
Newtype Newtype Oldtype and Newtype Compiler error
is a final must Newtype must
class extend must be the implement
Oldtype same class interface
Newtype Always OK Oldtype must Almost Newtype must be
is an implement always OK Cloneable
interface interface

Newtype Oldtype Compiler Compiler Oldtype must be an

is an must be error error array of some reference
array object type that can be cast to
whatever Newtype is
an array of
Assuming that a desired cast survives
compilation, second check must occur at

The second check determines whether the two

classes are compatible (i.e., the class can be
converted according to the conversion rules)
Rules of thumb
 When both Oldtype and Newtype are classes,
one class must be a sublcass of the other

 When both Oldtype and Newtype are arrays,

both arrays must contain reference types (NOT
PRIMITIVES), and it must be legal to cast an
element of Oldtype to an element of Newtype

 You can ALWAYS cast between an interface

and a non-final object
Rules of thumb
 If Newtype is a class, the class of the
expression being converted must be Newtype
or must inherit from Newtype

 If Newtype is an interface, the class of the

expression being converted must implement



Lemon Tangelo Grapefruit

1. Grapefruit g, g1;
2. Citrus c;
3. Tangelo t;
4. g=new Grapefruit(); // class is Grapefruit
5. c=g; // Legal assignment conversion,
6. // no cast needed
7. g1=(Grapefruit)c; // Legal cast
8. t=(Tangelo)c; // Illegal cast
9. // (throws an exception)
1. Grapefruit g, g1;
2. Squeezable s;
3. Tangelo t;
4. g=new Grapefruit();
5. s=g; // Convert Grapefruit to Squeezable
6. // (OK)
7. g1=s; // Convert Squeezable to Grapefruit
8. //(Compiler error)

Implicitly converting an interface to a class is

never allowed; you HAVE to use an explicit cast

7. g1=(Grapefruit)s; // Convert Squeezable to

8. //Grapefruit
1. Grapefruit g[];
2. Squeezable s[];
3. Citrus c[];
4. g=new Grapefruit[500];
5. s=g; // Convert Grapefruit array to
6. // Squeezable array (OK)
7. c=(Citrus[])s; // Cast Squeezable array to
8. // Citrus array (OK)

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