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Proceeding of 3rd International Conference of Transdisciplinary Research on

Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia (TREPSEA2018)

This is an example of TREPSEA 2018 title “Full Paper” with

MS Word Times New Roman 18pt, bold, aligned center, less
than 100 characters
Author and affiliation with ‘aligned center’, font 12 pt, number format 1,2 (superscript), etc after
author last name.

Affiliation is given below the name of author and co-author accord with the number.
* Corresponding Author: Email (Name)

Abstract: Here is where you put your summary. If you click ONCE on and select this paragraph, you will
replace this text with your own text and it will be automatically formatted for you. All styles for this template
are formatted for you. copy and paste of your submitted abstract before (no more than 300 words). The
paragraph format is Times New Roman with 11 pt and spacing 1,15 pt.

Keywords: Here is where you put your keywords, separated with semicolon(;).

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