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Anti carnapping act

Section 14. Penalty for Carnapping. Any person who is found guilty of carnapping, as this term is defined in
Section two of this Act, shall, irrespective of the value of motor vehicle taken, be punished by
imprisonment for not less than fourteen years and eight months and not more than seventeen years and
four months, when the carnapping is committed without violence or intimidation of persons, or force upon
things; and by imprisonment for not less than seventeen years and four months and not more than thirty
years, when the carnapping is committed by means of violence against or intimidation of any person, or
force upon things; and the penalty of life imprisonment to death shall be imposed when the owner, driver
or occupant of the carnapped motor vehicle is killed in the commission of the carnapping.

Anti child abuse law

Section 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. – Children, whether male or female, who for money,
profit, or any other consideration or due to the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group,
indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution and
other sexual abuse.
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the
(a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child prostitution which include, but are
not limited to, the following:
(1) Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;
(2) Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute by means of written or oral
advertisements or other similar means;
(3) Taking advantage of influence or relationship to procure a child as prostitute;
(4) Threatening or using violence towards a child to engage him as a prostitute; or
(5) Giving monetary consideration goods or other pecuniary benefit to a child with
intent to engage such child in prostitution.
(b) Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse of lascivious conduct with a child exploited
in prostitution or subject to other sexual abuse; Provided, That when the victims is under
twelve (12) years of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 3,
for rape and Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal Code, for rape or
lascivious conduct, as the case may be: Provided, That the penalty for lascivious conduct when
the victim is under twelve (12) years of age shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period;
(c) Those who derive profit or advantage therefrom, whether as manager or owner of the
establishment where the prostitution takes place, or of the sauna, disco, bar, resort, place of
entertainment or establishment serving as a cover or which engages in prostitution in addition to
the activity for which the license has been issued to said establishment.

Anti graft and corrupt practices act

Section 3. Corrupt practices of public officers. In addition to acts or omissions of public officers already
penalized by existing law, the following shall constitute corrupt practices of any public officer and are
hereby declared to be unlawful:

(e) Causing any undue injury to any party, including the Government, or giving any private party any
unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in the discharge of his official administrative or judicial
functions through manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence. This provision shall
apply to officers and employees of offices or government corporations charged with the grant of licenses
or permits or other concessions.

Anti trafficking in persons law

Section 3. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act:

(a) Trafficking in Persons - refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer or harboring, or
receipt of persons with or without the victim's consent or knowledge, within or across national
borders by means of threat or use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud,
deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or,
the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control
over another person for the purpose of exploitation which includes at a minimum, the
exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or
services, slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of organs.
The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a child for the purpose of
exploitation shall also be considered as "trafficking in persons" even if it does not involve any of
the means set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Section 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. - The following are considered as qualified trafficking:
(a) When the trafficked person is a child;
(b) When the adoption is effected through Republic Act No. 8043, otherwise known as the "Inter-
Country Adoption Act of 1995" and said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution, pornography,
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;
(c) When the crime is committed by a syndicate, or in large scale. Trafficking is deemed
committed by a syndicate if carried out by a group of three (3) or more persons conspiring or
confederating with one another. It is deemed committed in large scale if committed against three
(3) or more persons, individually or as a group;
(d) When the offender is an ascendant, parent, sibling, guardian or a person who exercises
authority over the trafficked person or when the offense is committed by a public officer or
(e) When the trafficked person is recruited to engage in prostitution with any member of the
military or law enforcement agencies;
(f) When the offender is a member of the military or law enforcement agencies; and
(g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking in persons, the offended party dies,
becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or
the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


(c) "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and behavioral
symptoms found in women living in battering relationships as a result of cumulative abuse.

SECTION 26. Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense. – Victim-survivors who are found by the courts to
be suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding
the absence of any of the elements for justifying circumstances of self-defense under the Revised Penal
In the determination of the state of mind of the woman who was suffering from battered woman
syndrome at the time of the commission of the crime, the courts shall be assisted by expert psychiatrists/
SECTION 28. Custody of children. – The woman victim of violence shall be entitled to the custody and
support of her child/children. Children below seven (7) years old older but with mental or physical
disabilities shall automatically be given to the mother, with right to support, unless the court finds
compelling reasons to order otherwise.
A victim who is suffering from battered woman syndrome shall not be disqualified from having custody of
her children. In no case shall custody of minor children be given to the perpetrator of a woman who is
suffering from Battered woman syndrome.

Comprehensive dangerous drugs act

Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs. - The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging
from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed
upon any person, who, unless authorized by law, shall possess any dangerous drug in the following
quantities, regardless of the degree of purity thereof:
(1) 10 grams or more of opium;
(2) 10 grams or more of morphine;
(3) 10 grams or more of heroin;
(4) 10 grams or more of cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride;
(5) 50 grams or more of methamphetamine hydrochloride or "shabu";
(6) 10 grams or more of marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil;
(7) 500 grams or more of marijuana; and
(8) 10 grams or more of other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited to,
methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDA) or "ecstasy", paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA),
trimethoxyamphetamine (TMA), lysergic acid diethylamine (LSD), gamma hydroxyamphetamine
(GHB), and those similarly designed or newly introduced drugs and their derivatives, without
having any therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed is far beyond therapeutic requirements,
as determined and promulgated by the Board in accordance to Section 93, Article XI of this Act.
Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than the foregoing quantities, the penalties shall be graduated as
(1) Life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00), if the quantity of methamphetamine hydrochloride or
"shabu" is ten (10) grams or more but less than fifty (50) grams;
(2) Imprisonment of twenty (20) years and one (1) day to life imprisonment and a fine ranging
from Four hundred thousand pesos (P400,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00),
if the quantities of dangerous drugs are five (5) grams or more but less than ten (10) grams of
opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana resin
oil, methamphetamine hydrochloride or "shabu", or other dangerous drugs such as, but not
limited to, MDMA or "ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those similarly designed or newly
introduced drugs and their derivatives, without having any therapeutic value or if the quantity
possessed is far beyond therapeutic requirements; or three hundred (300) grams or more but less
than five (hundred) 500) grams of marijuana; and
(3) Imprisonment of twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine ranging
from Three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) to Four hundred thousand pesos
(P400,000.00), if the quantities of dangerous drugs are less than five (5) grams of opium,
morphine, heroin, cocaine or cocaine hydrochloride, marijuana resin or marijuana resin oil,
methamphetamine hydrochloride or "shabu", or other dangerous drugs such as, but not limited
to, MDMA or "ecstasy", PMA, TMA, LSD, GHB, and those similarly designed or newly introduced
drugs and their derivatives, without having any therapeutic value or if the quantity possessed is
far beyond therapeutic requirements; or less than three hundred (300) grams of marijuana.

Section 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs. – A person apprehended or arrested, who is found to be positive for
use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test, shall be imposed a penalty of a minimum of six (6)
months rehabilitation in a government center for the first offense, subject to the provisions of Article VIII of
this Act. If apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second time, he/she shall suffer the penalty of
imprisonment ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years and a fine ranging from Fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00): Provided, That this Section
shall not be applicable where the person tested is also found to have in his/her possession such quantity of
any dangerous drug provided for under Section 11 of this Act, in which case the provisions stated therein
shall apply.

Section 98. Limited Applicability of the Revised Penal Code. – Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to
the contrary, the provisions of the Revised Penal Code (Act No. 3814), as amended, shall not apply to the
provisions of this Act, except in the case of minor offenders. Where the offender is a minor, the penalty for
acts punishable by life imprisonment to death provided herein shall be reclusion perpetua to death.

Illegal possession of firearms

Section 29. Use of Loose Firearm in the Commission of a Crime. – The use of a loose firearm, when inherent
in the commission of a crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws, shall be
considered as an aggravating circumstance: Provided, That if the crime committed with the use of a loose
firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum penalty which is lower than that prescribed in the
preceding section for illegal possession of firearm, the penalty for illegal possession of firearm shall be
imposed in lieu of the penalty for the crime charged: Provided, further, That if the crime committed with
the use of a loose firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum penalty which is equal to that imposed
under the preceding section for illegal possession of firearms, the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum
period shall be imposed in addition to the penalty for the crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code
or other special laws of which he/she is found guilty.
If the violation of this Act is in furtherance of, or incident to, or in connection with the crime of rebellion of
insurrection, or attempted coup d’ etat, such violation shall be absorbed as an element of the crime of
rebellion or insurrection, or attempted coup d’ etat.
If the crime is committed by the person without using the loose firearm, the violation of this Act shall be
considered as a distinct and separate offense.

Anti hazing

Section 1. Hazing, as used in this Act, is an initiation rite or practice as a prerequisite for admission into
membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some
embarrassing or humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar tasks
or activities or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury.

Sec. 4. If the person subjected to hazing or other forms of initiation rites suffers any physical injury or dies
as a result thereof, the officers and members of the fraternity, sorority or organization who actually
participated in the infliction of physical harm shall be liable as principals. The person or persons who
participated in the hazing shall suffer:
1. The penalty of reclusion perpetua (life imprisonment) if death, rape, sodomy or mutilation results there
2. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period (17 years, 4 months and 1 day to 20 years) if in
consequence of the hazing the victim shall become insane, imbecile, impotent or blind.
3. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period (14 years, 8 months and one day to 17 years and
4 months) if in consequence of the hazing the victim shall have lost the use of speech or the power to hear
or to smell, or shall have lost an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm or a leg or shall have lost the use of any such
member shall have become incapacitated for the activity or work in which he was habitually engaged.
4. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its minimum period (12 years and one day to 14 years and 8
months) if in consequence of the hazing the victim shall become deformed or shall have lost any other part
of his body, or shall have lost the use thereof, or shall have been ill or incapacitated for the performance on
the activity or work in which he was habitually engaged for a period of more than ninety (90) days.
5. The penalty of prison mayor in its maximum period (10 years and one day to 12 years) if in consequence
of the hazing the victim shall have been ill or incapacitated for the performance on the activity or work in
which he was habitually engaged for a period of more than thirty (30) days.
6. The penalty of prison mayor in its medium period (8 years and one day to 10 years) if in consequence of
the hazing the victim shall have been ill or incapacitated for the performance on the activity or work in
which he was habitually engaged for a period of ten (10) days or more, or that the injury sustained shall
require medical assistance for the same period.
7. The penalty of prison mayor in its minimum period (6 years and one day to 8 years) if in consequence of
the hazing the victim shall have been ill or incapacitated for the performance on the activity or work in
which he was habitually engaged from one (1) to nine (9) days, or that the injury sustained shall require
medical assistance for the same period.
8. The penalty of prison correccional in its maximum period (4 years, 2 months and one day to 6 years) if in
consequence of the hazing the victim sustained physical injuries which do not prevent him from engaging
in his habitual activity or work nor require medical attendance.
The responsible officials of the school or of the police, military or citizen's army training organization, may
impose the appropriate administrative sanctions on the person or the persons charged under this provision
even before their conviction. The maximum penalty herein provided shall be imposed in any of the
following instances:
(a) when the recruitment is accompanied by force, violence, threat, intimidation or deceit on the person of
the recruit who refuses to join;
(b) when the recruit, neophyte or applicant initially consents to join but upon learning that hazing will be
committed on his person, is prevented from quitting;
(c) when the recruit, neophyte or applicant having undergone hazing is prevented from reporting the
unlawful act to his parents or guardians, to the proper school authorities, or to the police authorities,
through force, violence, threat or intimidation;
(d) when the hazing is committed outside of the school or institution; or
(e) when the victim is below twelve (12) years of age at the time of the hazing.
The owner of the place where hazing is conducted shall be liable as an accomplice, when he has actual
knowledge of the hazing conducted therein but failed to take any action to prevent the same from
occurring. If the hazing is held in the home of one of the officers or members of the fraternity, group, or
organization, the parents shall be held liable as principals when they have actual knowledge of the hazing
conducted therein but failed to take any action to prevent the same from occurring.
The school authorities including faculty members who consent to the hazing or who have actual knowledge
thereof, but failed to take any action to prevent the same from occurring shall be punished as accomplices
for the acts of hazing committed by the perpetrators.
The officers, former officers, or alumni of the organization, group, fraternity or sorority who actually
planned the hazing although not present when the acts constituting the hazing were committed shall be
liable as principals. A fraternity or sorority's adviser who is present when the acts constituting the hazing
were committed and failed to take action to prevent the same from occurring shall be liable as principal.
The presence of any person during the hazing is prima facie evidence of participation therein as principal
unless he prevented the commission of the acts punishable herein.
Any person charged under this provision shall not be entitled to the mitigating circumstance that there was
no intention to commit so grave a wrong.
This section shall apply to the president, manager, director or other responsible officer of a corporation
engaged in hazing as a requirement for employment in the manner provided herein.

Probation law

“SEC. 4. Grant of Probation. — Subject to the provisions of this Decree, the trial court may, after it shall
have convicted and sentenced a defendant for a probationable penalty and upon application by said
defendant within the period for perfecting an appeal, suspend the execution of the sentence and place the
defendant on probation for such period and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem best. No
application for probation shall be entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal from
the judgment of conviction: Provided, That when a judgment of conviction imposing a non-probationable
penalty is appealed or reviewed, and such judgment is modified through the imposition of a probationable
penalty, the defendant shall be allowed to apply for probation based on the modified decision before such
decision becomes final. The application for probation based on the modified decision shall be filed in the
trial court where the judgment of conviction imposing a non-probationable penalty was rendered, or in the
trial court where such case has since been re-raffled. In a case involving several defendants where some
have taken further appeal, the other defendants may apply for probation by submitting a written
application and attaching thereto a certified true copy of the judgment of conviction.
“The trial court shall, upon receipt of the application filed, suspend the execution of the sentence imposed
in the judgment.
“This notwithstanding, the accused shall lose the benefit of probation should he seek a review of the
modified decision which already imposes a probationable penalty.
“Probation may be granted whether the sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or a fine only. The filing
of the application shall be deemed a waiver of the right to appeal.
“An order granting or denying probation shall not be appealable.”


Sec. 2. This Act shall not apply to persons convicted of offenses punished with death penalty or life-
imprisonment; to those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to commit treason; to those convicted
of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition or espionage; to those convicted of piracy; to those who are
habitual delinquents; to those who have escaped from confinement or evaded sentence; to those who
having been granted conditional pardon by the Chief Executive shall have violated the terms thereof; to
those whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one year, not to those already sentenced by
final judgment at the time of approval of this Act, except as provided in Section 5 hereof.

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