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Digital Assignment 1, August 2018

B.Tech. (BCE,BCH,BCL,BCM,BEC,BEE,BEI,BME), Fall-2018-19
Class Nbr. : VL2018191004032
Course Code : CHE1011 Duration : 90 Minutes.
Course Name : Optimization of Chemical Processes Max. Marks : 50
Faculty-In-Charge: Dr. Jaykumar B. Bhasarkar Slot : D1+TD1

Que 1. Give a list of variables required to optimize a heat exchanger

Que 2. Why proper selection of decision variables is required for optimization process?

Que. 3. How do you classify the optimization methods based on various aspects?

Que. 4. Find all local optima of the function f(x) = x 1/3 (x-1)

Que. 5 Explain the convex and concave function?

Que 6. A rectangular tank has been made for biological treatment of wastewater (Batch
process). The side and bottom of the tank cost, respectively, Rs. 1200 and Rs. 2500 per m2
area. The operating cost for the tank is Rs. 500 for each batch of water treatment. A
maintenance cost of Rs. 100 for every 10 batch is required. Assuming that the tank will have
no salvage value, find the minimum cost for treatment of 1000 m3 of wastewater. Assume the
salvage value of the tank is zero after 1000 m3 of wastewater treatment.

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