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Professor of Aeronautical Engineering

Assistant Dean, Day Division

College of Engineering, New York University




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Associated Companies

Sir Isaac Pitman a Sons, Ltd.

London Melbourne Johannesburg

Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons (Canada), Ltd.


Printed in the United States of America

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Preface to the Fourth Edition

This book grew out of notes prepared for airplane design courses at the

Daniel Guggenheim School of Aeronautics, College of Engineering, New

York University more than twenty years ago. The field of airplane design

has undergone enormous changes in these years and will continue to do so.

Thus the book has been expanded to encompass recent developments,

thereby making it more effective and meaningful to the present-day


In addition, an attempt has been made in this revision to amplify the

analytical approach to design problems as well as the purely empirical

approach. The student of airplane design is in this way offered a deeper

appreciation of the interplay of aerodynamics, structural analysis, human

considerations, and other such factors.

Although practical necessity restricts the treatment that can be given

to each of the various fields, it is hoped that the student may be stimulated

to refer to literature that is available elsewhere.

The objectives of aircraft design work in the college classroom are:

(1) To offer an integration of or focal point for applying the various

principles included in aerodynamics, structural design, installation require-

ments, and application of materials. If time permits, economics, perform-

ance calculations, and allied problems continue the understanding of the

design concept.

(2) To afford a basis for stress analyses.

(3) To provide some drafting experience.

(4) To develop an "engineering sense" in the student, enabling him to

evaluate various requirements, judge the necessity of compromise, and

know the amount of time needed to achieve a given objective.

This book has been designed to aid both the teacher and student of

airplane design to effectively meet and fulfill these important goals.

Frederick K. TeichmaHn

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Preface to the Third Edition

Although airplane design has progressed tremendously since this book

was first published, the fundamental approach to the problem of airplane

design has not changed. However, the possibility of attaining transonic

and supersonic speeds with aircraft, a hope seemingly very remote only a

few years ago, has introduced additional considerations in designing even

the smallest detail. The student may not find all the needed answers in

the new edition but the way to his desired goal is indicated. It is up to

him to make the best use of material at hand, either in this book or col-

lateral reading.

The author greatly appreciates the work in redrawing and preparing

new sketches done by Messrs. Dong, Waxman, and Wood, his former


Frederick K. Teichmann

Preface to the First Edition

This book has been written to fill what appears to the author to be a

gap in aeronautical literature, an introduction to the art of airplane de-

sign, with the needs of the student, the young engineer, the draftsman and

the student working on his own especially in view. While aerodynamics,

stress analysis and other aspects of airplane design have been covered many

times, experience in dealing with senior aeronautical students has shown

that such men experience considerable difficulty in coordinating their

knowledge and efforts in approaching the difficult problem of actually

beginning the design of a new machine, and carrying on the work system-

atically. From time to time notes have been prepared for student use

and these have gradually evolved into the present work.

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In view of the rapid growth and complexity of the subject, it is too much

to hope that the entire field has been adequately covered; still teaching

experience indicates that such a manual is helpful to instructors and stu-

dents alike.

It is of course expected that the student shall supplement the present

text by investigations of his own, by studying the latest designs at the

airport, or from descriptions in the technical press, or by study of the

numerous research publications published by the Government Printing

Office and the great engineering societies, even though an attempt has

been made to make each chapter of the book as complete in itself as


The author wishes to thank the following companies (among others) for

permission to use illustrations: The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co., Pioneer

Instrument Co., R.C.A. Manufacturing Co., Inc., The Cleveland Pneu-

matic Tool Co., The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., The B. F. Goodrich

Rubber Co., The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Bendix Products Corpora-

tion, Harrison Radiator Corporation, Eclipse Aviation Corporation, Kolls-

man Instrument Co.

Thanks are also due to Mr. Robert Boyer and Mr. Leonard Mihalov-

sky, N.Y.U.'37, who kindly permitted the use of their class designs, and

to Professor Alexander Klemin, who established the course in airplane de-

sign in 1924, in a form which has stood the test of time, for many valuable

suggestions and criticisms.

Frederick K. Teichmann

June, 1939
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, Chapter I. Procedure in Design

Selecting Type of Airplane .

Power Plant

Payload and Crew

Performance Requirements

Step-by-Step Procedure .



i Chapter II. Types of Airplanes

The Biplane

The Sesquiplane

The Multiwing Airplane .

The High-Wing Monoplane .

The Low-Wing Monoplane

Special-Purpose Airplanes

Factors Affecting Choice


Landing-Gear Retraction .


Special Features

Sample Airplane Data Sheets

Empirical Data

Airplane Data

8 Chapter HI. Airfoil Selection .

The Airplane in Rectilinear Flight

Horizontal Flight

Gliding Flight

The Dive

The Climb


Other Airfoil Characteristics

Structural Considerations


Aspect Ratio Corrections

Aerodynamic Section Characteristics .

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Airfoil Construction

Sweepback for High-Speed Airplanes

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Laminar-Flow Airfoils .

Compressible-Flow Airfoils


Chapter IV. External Loads on an Airplane in Flight .... 50

Load Factor 50

The Airplane in a Maneuver 51

The Airplane in a Gust 52

Experimental Determination of the Load Factor .... 55

Airplane Categories 57

Empirical Load Factors 57

The Flight Envelope 58

Reference Axes 59

Generalized System of Forces 61

Other Dynamic Loads 63

Chapter V. Materials of Construction 64

Application of Available Materials 64

Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 65

Classification and Nomenclature 66

Sheet 67

Tubing 68

Extruded Shapes 68

Forgings 68

Castings 70

Wire, Rod, and Bar 70

Rivets and Screw-Machine Products 70

Airframe Fabrication 71

Cutting and Blanking 72

Forming 72

Magnesium Alloys 74

Castings 74

Forgings 74

Extrusions 74

Sheet 74

Steel 74

Titanium Alloys 75

Hardware and Other Items 76

Chapter VI. Detail Design Considerations 81

Design Philosophies 81

Margin of Safety 81
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Maintenance Requirements 82

Fool-Proof Operation 82
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The "Fail-Safe" Principle 82

Safety 82

The "One-Horse Shay" Principle 83

Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements 84

Structural Behavior . . 84

Stiffeners or Stringers 86

Panels under Load 88


Panel Sizes 89

Strength of Sheet-Stringer Combinations 92

Equivalent Structure 93

Cut-Outs '94

Riveted and Bolted Joints 95

Fittings 97

Determining Bolt Diameter 99

Determining Thickness of Fitting Lug 99

Determining Value of R 99

Checking whether Dimension R is Sufficient 99

Sandwich Materials 99

Flooring 100

Thermal Problems 102

Miscellaneous 103

Lightening Holes 105

Beading 105

Stiffeners 105

Chapter VII. The Three-View 113 >

Steps in Assembling Preliminary Data for Three-View .114

Estimation of Gross Weight 114

Estimation of Wing Area 116

Determining Length of Span 117

Drawing Up the Wing Planform 118

Determination of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord . .118

Determining Length of Airplane 118

Locating the Engines 119

Planform of Horizontal Tail Surfaces 120

Completing the Top View 120

Completing the Side View 121

Completing the Front View 121

General Notes for Three-View 121

Engineering Studies 122

Final Three-View 122

Chapter VIII. Preliminary Weight Estimate 124

General Procedure 124

Estimated Weights 126

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Calculated Weights .126

Actual Weights 127

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Alternate Loads 127

Estimating the Gross Weight 127

Estimation of Structural Weight 128

Recapitulations 128

Form for Preliminary Weight Estimate 128

Variables Affecting Weight Estimation 132

Wing Weight Estimates 132



Fuselage Weight Estimates 136

Control Surface Weight Estimates 137

Landing-Gear Weight Estimates 138

Power Plant and Power-Plant Nacelle Weight Estimates . . 138

Weight Data Sources 139

Design Control of Weight 139

Empirical Formulas and Data 139

Wing Weight 139

Tail Surfaces 141

Fuselage Weight 142

Landing Gear 143

Total Fabricated Components 145

Weight Empty 146

Engine Nacelles 146

Fuel Weight 147

Oil Weight 147

Power Plant Weights 147

Gross Weight 148

Miscellaneous Weights 149

Propeller Weights 149

Chapter IX. The Balance Diagram 155

General Procedure 155

Center of Gravity Location 157

Practical Solution 160

Center of Gravity Movement 160

The Fuselage and Its Contents 161

The Wing and the Landing Gear 164

Supplementary Calculations 168

Ballast 169

Centers of Gravity of Individual Items ....... 169

Center of Gravity Estimation 170

Error in Balance Calculations 171

Chapter X. The Cockpit 172

Suggested Procedure in Design 174

General Requirements 175

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Windows and Windshields 176

Characteristics of Glass 180

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Vision and Visibility 182

Canopies 183

Seating 183

Exits 186

Protection for the Pilot 186

Ejection Equipment 187

Parachutes 188

Controls 188

Instrument Board 189


Chapter XI. Instruments and Equipment 191

Instrument Board 193

Location 194

Grouping 194

Variety of Instruments 194

Selection of Instruments • 197

Electrical Equipment 198

Safety Equipment 199

De-Icing and Anti-Icing 199

Chapter XII. The Passenger Cabin 202

General Considerations 202

Comfort Factors 203

Cabin Dimensions 203

Passenger Seats 205

Seating Arrangements 206

Headroom for Small Airplanes 207

Headroom for Large Airplanes 209

Leg Room 209

Side-by-Side Arrangements 213

Staggered Arrangements 213

Back-to-Back Arrangements 213

Seating Facing Rearward 214

Vision 215

Seating Comfort 215

Seating Accessibility 215

Center of Gravity Considerations 216

Windows 216

Doors and Exits 217

Sleeping Accommodations 218

Lighting .218

Furnishings 218

Provision for Airsickness 218

Flooring 219

Toilets 219

Refreshments 220

Baggage Compartment 220

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Chapter XIII. Air Conditioning 221

Physiological and Psychological Considerations 221

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Air Movement for Comfort 222

Air Requirements 223

Pressure Considerations 224

Design Temperature Limits 226

Physical Conditions 226

Air Ducts 227

Boilers and Radiators 229


Heat Sources 229

Pressure Cabin Equipment 229

Calculations 230

Heating Surface 232

Air Conditioning Problems at High Speeds 233

Chapter XIV. Soundproofing 235

Measure of Noise 235

Sources of Noise 236

Effect of Frequency on Soundproofing 236

Soundproofing Materials 237

Application of Materials 237

Noise Due to Jet Engines 239

V Chapter XV. The Propeller 241

General Propeller Characteristics 241

Aerodynamic Effects of Propeller 243

Gyroscopic Effect 243

Propeller Pitch 244

Number of Blades 245

Propeller Influence on Aircraft Configuration 247

Propeller Clearance 247

Asymmetrical Conditions 249

Effect of Engine Torque 250

Tandem Engines 251

Pusher Installations 252

Tail Installation 253

Spinners and Cuffs 254

Propeller Selection 254

Empirical Formulas 258

Chapter XVI. The Power Plant 263

General Considerations 263

Location 264

Submerged Engines 264

Number of Engines 265

Engine Rating 267

Engine Selection 268

Engine Nacelles 268

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Fuel Consumption 268

Engine Mount—Non-Jet Engines 269

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Firewall 272

Cowling • 273

Exhaust Manifolds—Reciprocating Engines 276

Carburetor Scoop Design 277

Fuel Systems 278

Pumps 279

Tanks 279

Lubricating Systems 280

Tanks 281

Air Inlet System—Turboprop Engines 281

Induction System Configuration 281

Design Considerations 281

Inlet Losses during Ground Operations 286

Engine Inlet Anti-Icing Provision 286

Anti-Icing Water Runback into Engine Inlet 286

Air Inlet Systems—Turbo-Jet Engines 287

The Wing-Root Inlet 289

Nose Inlet in the Fuselage or Nacelle 290

The Nacelle or Pod-Type Installation 290

The Annular Inlet 292

The External Scoop 292

The Flush Inlet 294

Rockets .298

Chapter XVII. Design of the Wing 299 1

General Considerations 303

Wing Layout Procedure 304

Mean Geometric Chord 306

Planforms and Taper Ratios 310

Sweepback for High-Speed Airplanes 313

Effect of Wing Sweepback 317

Dihedral 317

Combination Dihedral and Sweepback 318

Angle of Incidence 319

Wing Loading 320

Aspect Ratios 320

Airfoil Thickness and Thickness Ratios 321

Wing-Fuselage Configurations 323

Metal Wing Construction 323

Spars and Their Location 327

Spanwise Stringers and Their Location • 330

Ribs and Their Location 331

Wing-Fuselage Attachments 334

Fabric-Covered Wing Construction 337

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Ailerons 341

Lift-Increase Devices and Spoilers 347

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Wing Fences 354

Effect of Wing Mass Distribution 354

Effect of Wing Loading 355

Flutter Prevention 355


Chapter XVIII. The Landing Gear 357

General Considerations 357

Dynamic Loads 358

Means for Landing-Speed Reduction 359

Dissipation of Energy 361

Shock Absorbers 362

Classification by Landing Contact 364

One-Point Contact 364

Two-Point Contact 364

Three-Point Contact 365

Four-Point Contact 365

Landing Gear—Tail-Wheel Type 365

Landing Gear—Nose-Wheel Type 367

Track-Type Landing Gear 370

Tandem Gear 371

Cross-Wind Landing Gear 371

Shimmy and Shimmy Dampers 373

Tread 375

Wheel and Tire Size 375

Size of Tail or Nose Wheel 376

Wheel Position 376

Retraction of Landing Gear 376

Special Problems 380

Chapter XIX. Tail Surfaces 382

Longitudinal Stability Considerations 382

Definitions 382

Preliminary Calculations for Static Longitudinal Stability . . 384

Adequacy of Static Stability 384

Flight Criteria for Stability and Controls 385

Longitudinal Stability and Control 385

General Requirements 386

Control Surfaces 387

Airfoil Sections 388

Aerodynamic Balance 389

Trailing-Edge Tabs and Other Devices 391

Static Balance 391

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Dynamic Balance 392

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Flutter Prevention 393

Construction 394

Horizontal Tail Surfaces 395

Location 395

Angular Deflection 397

Adjustable Stabilizer 397

Aspect Ratio 398

Angle of Incidence 398

Sweepback 400

Dihedral 401

Area 401

Construction 401

Planform .401

Other Solutions 402

Clearances 403

Vertical Tail Surfaces . . - 403

Directional Stability and Control 404

Location 405

Angular Deflection 406

Aspect Ratio 406

Area 407

Planform 408

Sweepback 408

Tail Length 409

Butterfly or Vee Tail 409

Chapter XX. Control Systems 412

Typical Systems 412

Pulleys 414

Cables 414

Fairleads 415

Stops 415

Differential Ailerons 419

Adjustable Stabilizer 419

Tab Controls 420

Flap Controls 420

Wing Flaps 422

Tabs 422

Hinges 422

Flap- and Tab-Control Loads 423

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems 423

Travel of Controls 425

Irreversible Controls 426

Detail Requirements 427

Controls 427

Engine Controls 427

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Electrical Systems 429

Chapter XXI. The Fuselage 430

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General Considerations 430

Wing-Fuselage Considerations 430

Shape of Fuselage 432

Fuselage Length 435

Determining Fuselage Lines 435

Use of the Mockup 436

Analytical Studies of Fuselage Structure 437



Frames and Their Location 440

Longitudinal Stringers and Their Location 444

Fuselage Skin 446

Windows 447

Pressurized Cabins 447

Flooring 449

Doors and Exits 449

Access Doors 449

Baggage Compartments 450

Twin Fuselages 450

Tail Booms 450

Alternate Type Structures 451

Effect of Fuselage Mass Distribution 453

Chapter XXII. Preliminary Performance Calculations. . 454

Source of Data 454

Calculations for Horsepower Required 455

Altitude Corrections 459

Arbitrary Standard Atmosphere 459

Parasite Resistance Data 460

The Engine 461

Horsepower Available 462

Maximum Speed 466

Rate of Climb 468

Absolute and Service Ceilings 468

Range 468

Performance Requirements 470

Take-off Performance with All Engines Functioning Normally . 470

Performance in Air with All Engines Functioning Normally . 471

Performance in Air with One Engine Dead 472

Landing 473

Empirical Formulas 474

Maximum Speed 474

Minimum or Stalling Speed 475

Rate of Climb at Sea Level 475

Absolute Ceiling 476

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Range 476

Index 479
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Procedure in Design

No task can be intelligently executed unless a definite goal has been set

and a line of attack or orderly form of procedure has been adopted. There

may be different ways of obtaining the same objective, but mistakes and

unnecessary work will be avoided if a definite plan is made before any real

work starts.

The responsibilities of the designer are many. Not only must he meet

the structural requirements, but also, by proper design, the operational

and performance specifications, and he must be able to produce an air-

plane that is economical and safe. For example, it is claimed that two

thirds of the responsibility for aircraft accident prevention lies within the

job of the aircraft designer. Such responsibilities require constant vig-

ilance in checking all phases of the design and in keeping abreast of all

the latest developments.


It is not sufficient to say "Let's build an airplane." The question is:

What kind of airplane—an open or a closed type, a sleek racing mono-

plane, or a large flying boat? The first thing to be done is to write down

a set of such definite specifications that any designer who receives them

may be able to design an airplane which meets the original design pro-

poser's intentions. The procedure is much the same as that of buying a

family car. The term "family car" immediately sets one specification:

the buyer knows that he is not going to get a truck, or a roadster, or a

racing car. The price that the buyer can meet will set another specifica-

tion automatically, and so it goes.

Specifications for an airplane are far more comprehensive. Consider,

for example, the type of airplane it may be. The airplane to be designed

may be one of two conventional types, a monoplane or a biplane. If it is

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a monoplane, the wing may be unsupported externally, in which case it

is known as a full cantilever monoplane; or the wing may be externally sup-

ported either by struts or by wires, in which case it is known as a semi-

cantilever monoplane. Moreover, the wing may be placed at the bottom

of the fuselage, when it is known as a low-wing monoplane; or the wing may

be placed halfway between the top and bottom of the fuselage, so that the

airplane is a midwing monoplane; or again, the wing may be at the top or

above the fuselage, in which case the airplane is known as a high-wing or a

parasol monoplane, respectively.

The same variables apply to a biplane. The two wings may not have

the same areas, or the same planform, or the same airfoil. There may be

large forward or positive stagger of the upper wing relative to the lower,

and perhaps more dihedral for one wing than for the other. The com-

binations are almost infinite especially when one considers that changes

may be made in structure, in materials, in planform, in stagger, in angle

of incidence, in airfoil sections, in decalage, in gap-chord ratios, in wing

placement relative to the fuselage, in distribution of wing areas, and a host

of other variables.

The variables just noted apply only to the wing. Consider the fuselage.

It may be round, oval, square, elliptical, rectangular, or a combination of

these cross sections. It may be shallow or deep; it may be wide or nar-

row; it may have an open cockpit or an enclosed cabin; it may be con-

structed of almost any material and in an infinite number of ways. For

each material and specific function, there is a definite, desirable shape of


The landing gear also offers enormous latitude in design. It may em-

ploy a landing gear having two wheels forward with a tail wheel rearward;

or the reverse order with a front or nose wheel and two wheels slightly

rearward, popularly known as the "tricycle" landing gear. The landing

gear may have a through-axle of the type used during the early period of

airplane design, or a split-axle type developed later. Moreover, it may

be nonretractable or retractable.

These are just a few indications of what the design trend might be.

Familiarity with different types of airplanes will help the potential designer

in determining the type best suited to a specific duty. The designer will
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find it decidedly advantageous to read as widely as possible in the various

technical aeronautical publications and to collect, study, and correlate

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design details. Thereby his facility in adaptation will be improved.


The power plant will be discussed in detail in a subsequent chapter.

However, a brief discussion of the place the power plant takes in the origi-

nal specifications may not be amiss here. In many cases, operating com-

panies of aircraft may specify the type and number of engines—either be-

cause of known fuel economy, or efficiency and dependability under certain

operating conditions, or because of possible interchangeability with exist-

ing equipment.

An airline accustomed to maintaining and operating radial air-cooled

engines will be loath to use turboprop engines, for example, since its

personnel may not be trained or sufficiently experienced to handle the

new type of engine.

The reasons for choosing a certain engine may be many, and the section

on power plants should be studied before writing the specifications. The'

specifications may designate a particular engine, although it is more likely

that the number of engines will be designated, for it is quite possible to

obtain one engine or two engines delivering the same total horsepower.


The payload includes all load from which revenue is obtained. It in-

cludes passengers, mail, baggage, and express. The crew includes pilot,

co-pilot, mechanics, navigators, radio men, stewards, and any other em-

ployee required for specialized work.

Military airplanes have a different type of payload, usually called fixed

equipment or disposable load, as the case may be. This consists of guns,

ammunition, bombs, and other military equipment. Special provision

must be made for these; therefore, these items have a definite bearing on

the airplane type as well as the weight permitted.

The gross weight of the airplane is largely dependent upon the require-

ments for payload and crew. It should be quite obvious that if a crew of

three (a pilot, a co-pilot and a radio man, for example) is required, some

provision must be made for it, and such provision will affect the size of

the cockpit as well as the fuselage and eventually the gross weight. Like-

wise, provision for mail and express will be entirely different from provi-

sion for passengers.

The larger the aircraft becomes, the larger the crew is likely to be.

Some indication of the eventual size of the airplane to be designed can be

gained by looking at the size of crew required. In the same way, the

number of passengers carried has a direct bearing on the size of the fuse-

lage and the gross weight: the greater the number of passengers to be car-
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ried, the larger and wider and higher the cabin, and therefore the fuselage

will be larger. Not only does the increased number of passengers increase
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the weight, but the structure will also weigh more because of increased size.

Actually, the gross weight of the airplane can be estimated if the weight

of the payload, crew, fuel, and oil are known since an analysis of a large

class of airplanes shows that there is a definite relationship between the

two weights.


It is very important to know as much as possible about the load the

airplane is to carry because these are the items for which the designer has

to make proper provision although he may have little or no control over

their weight, size, or location in the airplane.


Unless the airplane is designed for private use, the performance require-

ments are set by the ultimate purchaser. It takes but little thought to

realize that the keen competition among American airlines requires the

speed of the airplane to be as high as possible in order to obtain attractive

schedules. But where there is less competition, a far slower airplane

may be desirable because of the smaller horsepower and less fuel required

to carry practically the same load.

Likewise, an airplane operating over mountainous territory will need a

high service ceiling in order to clear the mountains, whereas a low service

ceiling would do over low level country.

The performance required for the airplane will have a direct bearing on

the number, type, and horsepower of the engines, as well as the type and

design of wing, fuselage, and perhaps landing gear. The ultimate criterion

of a good airplane is its performance in relation to the load carried and the

conditions to be met.


The foregoing discussion deals with specifications which are only part

of the work to be considered in designing the airplane. From the moment

a new design is contemplated until the final drawing leaves the drawing

board, a definite plan is followed in evolving the design. The individual

steps of the plan may not always be clear-cut, and sometimes several

phases are carried along in parallel sequence. The following procedure

may be gainfully employed.

1. Study of specifications to fix the more important items having im-

mediate import in the preliminary design steps.

2. Study of similar purpose airplanes to determine the possible types

which may be considered as meeting the over-all specifications.

3. Power plant survey for the selection of the likely engine or engines

to be used in the design.

4. Preliminary three-view, or views, to narrow down the number of

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possible solutions and to present a framework on which the work that fol-

lows will depend.

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5. Preliminary weight estimate based upon the data and information

obtained in the first four steps.

6. Airfoil selection to obtain the ultimate performance desired.


7. Balance diagram to fix the items of equipment and structure in

proper relation to each other for purposes of design, stability, and effec-


8. Inboard profile to check upon installation of equipment and to pro-

vide studies of interior arrangement.

9. Structural layout (work on the various units usually carried on

simultaneously in order to take proper care of the interrelation of the

component parts) somewhat in the following order.

(a) Wing with reference to fuselage.

(b) Landing gear with reference to wing or fuselage.

(c) Tail surfaces with reference to fuselage.

(d) Fuselage.

(e) Power plant with reference to wing or fuselage, or both.

10. Final three-view from data obtained in the course of working on

balance diagram, inboard profile, and structural layouts.

11. Preliminary longitudinal, directional, and lateral stability calcula-

tions performed at time of airfoil selection, balance calculations, and three-

view conception.

12. Preliminary control calculations made along with preliminary sta-

bility calculations.

13. PreUminary performance calculations carried along simultaneously

with other calculations.

14. Preliminary stress analysis according to military or civil require-


15. Revised structural drawings with added information for the prepa-

ration of detailed design drawings.

16. Check all parts of the design and revise where necessary.

These steps are discussed in considerable detail in subsequent chapters.

More familiarity with the problem of airplane design will often suggest

alternative procedures.

In practice, practically all these steps are carried along simultaneously

because a number of men may be employed on the project, but even so the

initial work is usually done by one man. In practice, too, a mock-up of

the proposed design is made so that many design studies may be made on

the mock-up rather than on paper. In the classroom, suitable compro-

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mises must be made.

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In any discussion, it is necessary to understand the words used. Ordi-

narily, it would be assumed that the student is familiar with the names of

all the parts of the airplane; certainly he should be reasonably well in-

formed on matters dealing with aerodynamics and the internal-combustion

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engine. However, it may be that he is not too well informed on names of

structural details. Figure 1-1 will be useful for reference and in establish-

ing some standardization of terms.


Much research and design material may be found in technical reports,

memoranda, and notes issued by the National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics (NACA) and published by the Government Printing Office

in Washington, D. C.

Young engineers should become familiar with the current literature to

be found in various trade journals of the industry and in the journals of

the several engineering societies.

Much of airplane design is empirical, at least in the project stage, so that

all the research that may be brought to bear on the design will be particu-

larly fruitful.
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Types of Airplanes

Many considerations enter into the selection of a particular type of

airplane to meet a given specification, and, therefore, it is well to know

the characteristics of each type before deciding definitely on any one type.

Airplanes may be classified in various ways, according to structure, meth-

od of construction, number of engines, type of landing gear, weight,

purpose, and any other variation which an airplane may have.

In the specific descriptions given here, it should be borne in mind that

the advantages and disadvantages indicated for the various types have to

be properly evaluated since, in all, certain compromises must be made.

In some cases the advantages, when properly considered, are more impor-

tant than any possible disadvantage. In many cases, the general "eye

appeal" is also a deciding factor in the selection of the final design. Any

statements made in the discussion that follows should not, therefore, be

applied immediately to any existing design.


Historically the multibay biplane was favored because the art of aero-

dynamics had not yet progressed to the point where the thick airfoil was

favored, much less visualized. Economical and light design indicated the

truss as the most convenient type of structure, although the multibay lift

truss eventually gave way to the single-bay lift truss. In a few cases, even

the bracing between the upper and lower wing became more and more sim-

plified so that either only the interplane strut remained or none at all.

The biplane lift truss makes for efficient structural design, small over-all

dimensions, and lends itself to a variety of solutions as well as permitting

the use of relatively thin airfoil sections.

Even though the braced biplane may permit use of thinner and lower

drag airfoils, still the resistance offered by the additional bracing and in-

terferences may more than offset the lesser wing drag.

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The biplane is open to an almost infinite number of variations since any

or all of the following geometric arrangements are possible.

1. Different airfoils for the upper and lower wings.

2. Varying decalage, that is, the upper wing at a different angle of in-

cidence than the lower.

3. Different dihedral for the upper and lower wings.

4. Different aspect ratios for the two wings.

5. Any degree of positive or negative stagger.

6. Varying gap-chord ratios.

7. Different planforms for the two wings.

8. Ailerons on either upper or lower wing, or on both.

9. Different sweepback for the two wings.

10. Various possible bracing arrangements.

Figure I1-1. A typical biplane is shown. The crossed single lines represent the

lift and landing wires. The over-all dimensions of the airplane are smaller than for

the monoplane and there are more design variables to consider. Generally, the biplane

has more parasite and interference drag than a monoplane designed for the same purpose

All these variations, however, can also introduce a great amount of

work in preparing the design and in the process of manufacture, so that

the more variations the design has, the more expensive it is likely to be.


A biplane that has a lower wing considerably smaller than the upper

is called a sesquiplane. The reverse order in the size of the two wings

has also been used. Such a design may be resorted to in order to provide

adequate landing-gear attachments and to afford an opportunity to in-

crease the tread of the wheels. Bracing between wings may be employed.

Such a design may be of particular usefulness in rugged terrain where

ground stability in landing and taxying is particularly important, and

where the high wing will be out of the way of underbrush and other



As the number of wings is increased, the less aerodynamically efficient

the airplane becomes. Although multiwing airplanes, such as triplanes,

have been built, they may be considered as curiosities rather than as sound

designs to be critically considered.

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The design that became popular after the biplane was the externally

braced high-wing monoplane. When externally braced, the wing is said

to be semicantilever. (See Figure II-2.) The lift strut supports the

wing and thereby reduces the bending moments sufficiently to make for a

lighter structure. A thin airfoil, although somewhat thicker than an air-

foil employed on a biplane, still offers less resistance and permits reason-

ably high-speed performance.

The struts are attached (as all external bracing should be) by a single

bolt at each end (with the head of the bolt facing forward), so that the

normal loads, acting either upward or downward, will impose bending

moments and shear on the wing structure proper but induce only axial

loads in the struts or wires.

Fig. II-2 Fiq. II-3

Figure II-2. A semicantilever high-wing monoplane braced by a V strut. This

arrangement permits a simplified fitting design at the apex of the V. The arrangements

of the struts may be varied. Such bracing permits use of thinner airfoils and efficient

structural configurations.

Figure I1-3. A full cantilever high-wing design with a power-plant installation in

the tail where the effect of propeller interference and slip stream do not affect the

aerodynamic qualities of the wing.

In order to reduce the column length of the external struts, so-called

jury struts are interposed between the wing and the lift strut, just below

the upper end of the lift strut. The juncture of the jury and the lift strut

is a hinge or pin joint, and the upper end of the jury strut is also a pin-

connected fitting attached to the wing spar.

The chord loads are applied to the internal drag structure of the wing

and are assumed not to act on the lift bracing.

The lift struts may be placed parallel to each other in the most common

arrangement, although carrying the lift struts down to the fuselage to

form a V is often done to eliminate one fitting and perhaps to offer better

access to the door which may be located at the rear strut.

The V may be so arranged also that the apex of the V is at the rear-

strut fitting instead of the front-strut fitting. There are also other pos-

sible variations with the struts both carried farther forward to a point of
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attachment on the fuselage. The advantage of this arrangement lies in

the possibility of combining lift-strut fittings with landing-gear strut fit-

tings, or in the possibility of applying reactions to the wing-drag truss to

counteract the chord force components exerted on the drag truss.

Fig. II-6 Fig. II-7

Fiqure II-4. A low-wing monoplane with a twin vertical tail surface arrangement

which may be used to reduce the over-all height of the airplane; or, to operate more

effectively in the slip stream of a twin-engine design; or, to avoid the "blanketing"

effect of the fuselage. Twin vertical tail surfaces may help to increase the "apparent"

aspect ratio of the horizontal tail surfaces.

Figure II-5. A midwing design with a jet-engine installation. The dihedral in-

corporated in the horizontal tail surfaces installation brings these surfaces into a more

uniform downwash distribution across the span. The air scoops of the jet engines are

in the jet engine nacelle, with the exhaust in the rear.

Fiqube II-6. A so-called butterfly tail combines the functions of the vertical and

horizontal tail surfaces in this midwing monoplane, thereby simplifying the empennage


Fiqube II-7. The inverted gull wing designed to raise the propeller axis of the

centrally located engine while still bringing the wing down to permit a landing gear

with short members suitable for retraction. Acute angles are also avoided at the inter-

section of the wing with the fuselage, thus eliminating need for fillets. The dotted lines

show the position of the wing when partially folded for stowage purposes.

The cross sections of these lift struts are usually symmetrical airfoils of

small thickness ratio and large fineness ratio. It is possible to envelop

both lift struts in an airfoil in order to add to the lift, but such additional

lift is comparatively small in usual designs.

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Figure II-8. A jet engine design

with air inlets along the fuselage. A

single nose inlet in the fuselage is also

used. The exhaust is in the extreme

end of the fuselage tail. The wing-tip

fuel tanks are droppable although their

expense may prohibit such procedure,

and are so located to reduce aerody-

namic resistance; they may affect the

stability of the airplane because of in-

creased moments of inertia about the

axes of the airplane.

Figure II-9. A high-wing mono-

plane with a pusher-type engine install-

ation designed to reduce noise in the

cabin, to obtain a more favorable center

of gravity location for certain designs,

and, perhaps primarily, to afford the

best possible view forward.

Figure 11-10. A small pusher air-

plane with twin booms supporting the

tail surfaces. The booms help to iso-

late the engine but are brought about

primarily by the engine location.

Figure 11-11. A canard pusher-

type airplane of unusual design with

the horizontal tail surfaces ahead of

the wing and the vertical tail surfaces

at the wing tips.

The high-wing monoplane affords excellent vision downward, which is

v especially useful in landing. Vision upward and toward the sides is, of

course, impeded.

It is difficult to obtain a wide tread for the landing gear unless a long

supporting strut is carried to the wing, or a sturdy structure is built to

support the landing gear.

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The retraction of the landing gear becomes particularly difficult in this

type of design because the wheels cannot easily be retracted into wells
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located in the fuselage. It is even more difficult if the landing gear is

retracted into the wings because the struts would have to be retracted as


The incorporation of flaps and, in general, various lift-increase devices

is made easier in the high-wing design since ground clearance with de-


Figure 11-12. A proposed design

with a jet actuated propeller. Since

the blade tips operate at rather high

speeds, a jet engine may attain a rea-

sonable efficiency at the propeller tip

location. The air scoops for the jet

engine are in the leading edge of the

root section of the wing.

Figure 11-13. A multi-engine

monoplane incorporating a triple ver-

tical tail surface arrangement in order

to obtain the necessary directional con-

trol, especially when one or more en-

gines fail.

Figure 11-14. This multi-engine

design uses a pusher installation in or-

der to obtain a more favorable center

of gravity location, to keep the plane

of propeller rotation clear of personnel

in the cabin, to simplify the engine

nacelle construction and engine ar-

rangement by placing the units in a

straight row, and to move the control

cabin as far forward as possible for


fleeted or extended flap does not become one of the primary design con-


As far as wing locations on the fuselage are considered, the high wing is

aercdynamically superior, for it has both greater lift and less aerodynamic

resistance than if the same wing were placed at the bottom of the fuselage.

While the internally braced wing or full cantilever wing is aerody-

namically better because of the absence of lift struts (see Figure 11-13), the

landing gear offers a special problem in obtaining an adequate tread and

suitable shock-absorbing qualities. A wide tread would mean long land-

ing-gear struts at a shallow angle to the ground so that the shock-absorbing

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medium is likely to function unsatisfactorily.

Struts may be carried from the landing gear to the wing to serve merely
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as a support for the gear in order to obtain a reasonably wide tread.

Another variation of the high-wing monoplane is the parasol type where

the open cabane is interposed between the fuselage and the wing. Such

an arrangement is particularly suitable for an open cockpit airplane where

vision forward for the pilot, especially if he happens to be seated quite far

back, is desired.

Open cockpit airplanes do not have the general all-weather utility that

enclosed cockpits have and so are seldom seen, although there is a place

for them for special purposes.



Fig. 11-15

Fig. 11-17

Fig. 11-16

Fig. 11-18

Figure 11-15. A cargo airplane with twin booms supporting the tail surfaces high

and clear of the rear loading area of the fuselage.

Figure 11-16. A twin fuselage monoplane which makes use of twin-engine nacelles

and twin booms. It also suggests the possibility of coupling two monoplanes. Such

a design permits separate functions in the two fuselages without interference.

Figure 11-17. A twin fuselage design with a special compartment for personnel.

Figure 11-18. A monoplane with an unusually wide fuselage of airfoil cross section

designed to obtain certain flying wing advantages with more or less conventional air-

plane design.

The low-wing monoplane has variations similar to the high-wing mono-

plane. The design is excellent for short landing-gear structures, and also

affords a ready means for landing-gear retraction. Vision upward and

toward the sides is excellent, but poor down at the sides. It is often

claimed that low-wing monoplanes are not so stable as high-wing mono-

planes, but a properly designed airplane always has sufficient stability.

Struts may be replaced by wires but this requires a set above and below

the wing. In some racing designs for low-horsepower engines, such de-

signs have been used since the use of thin airfoils would offset, to some

degree, the resistance of the wires which offer less resistance than struts

do. The wires, of course, cause complications in rigging and mainte-

nance, and, therefore, are not considered favorably by the private flyer.

In general, external bracing, whether used for a biplane or a monoplane,

should not form too acute an angle at the intersection with the top or bot-

tom surface of the wing since it not only offers more aerodynamic re-

sistance when so located, but also is likely to affect adversely the airflow


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over the wing and may, therefore, affect the longitudinal control and sta-

bility of the airplane.

To reduce the aerodynamic resistance resulting from the configuration

offered by the juncture of the wing and the fuselage, filleting is resorted to

in certain cases. However, filleting increases production complexity and

costs. Another solution to this problem is the so-called inverted gull


A gull-wing monoplane is one that has the root section of the wing

inclined at an angle to the fuselage so that the outer panels of the wing

are raised above the fuselage. (See Figure II-7 for example.)

The gull wing eliminates acute angles of intersection between the wing

and the fuselage and thus helps to reduce the parasite resistance. How-

ever, the design has some structural difficulties in that the construction

of the spars becomes complicated. Such a design improves the vision

upward and sideward over that of the conventional high-wing mono-

plane. In the case of multi-engine designs, when used for seaplanes and

flying boats, the wing is sufficiently raised to obtain propeller clearances.

For the low-wing monoplane, the inverted gull wing permits the fuselage

to be raised above the ground for a single-engine design in order to pro-

vide propeller clearance with the ground. This solution also has the

advantage of reducing the length of landing-gear supports so that re-

traction of the landing gear becomes unnecessary.

The midwing arrangement for the monoplane has definite aerodynamic

advantages in that its aerodynamic resistance is usually the lowest of the

various possible wing and fuselage arrangements. Structurally the design

offers complications because the spars should have "carry-through" mem-

bers in the fuselage. Such members interfere with the internal arrange-

ments. This design may also be braced externally, but because the

shallow angle between external struts and the wing causes large axial

loads in the spars, such bracing is usually not considered very desirable.


Recent efforts have been directed toward developing aircraft requiring

short take-off and landing runs. Such aircraft are known as VTOL (for

vertical take-off and landing) and STOL (short take-off and landing).

VTOL aircraft must get off the ground without any roll and clear a 50
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foot obstacle in 250 feet. STOL aircraft are allowed ground roll, but

must be able to clear a 50 foot obstacle 500 feet from the starting point.
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Designs known as convertiplanes employ such means as (1) the com-

bination of helicopter rotors and normal wings, (2) tiltable wings with

counter-rotating propellers, (3) multi- or "Venetian-blind" flaps and

powerful slipstream effects, and (4) multi-purpose wings which when



rotating act as a helicopter and when stationary act as ordinary wings.

There are special craft such as "piggy-back," parasite, drone, and

towing, the names of which designate their respective functions.


The discussion thus far has been primarily with reference to the lift truss

of the airplane because it is usually the first in the list of considerations in

choosing the type of airplane. However, the discussion has been general.

The student should not overlook the specific considerations entering in the

choice and in the design of the power plant, the landing gear, the fuselage

structure, the interior arrangements, and the wing. Each of these may

have a bearing on the whole.

In determining a suitable type of airplane, the factors affecting the final

design should be listed and then carefully considered with reference to per-

tinent parts of the airplane. Some of these factors will now be considered.


A high speed requires an aerodynamically "clean" airplane with the

minimum of struts and lifting surfaces. A monoplane seems to be the


A rapid-climbing airplane requires either a relatively lowipower or low-

> thrust loading, or wing loading, or both. If a low-power loading—

lected, then an externally-braced monoplane or biplane is desirable.

High ceiling may be obtained by a low-wing loading and a high aspect

ratio. A semicantilever monoplane may be the solution.

^ Low landing speeds may be obtained by means of low-wing loading or a

high maximum lift coefficient, or both. The lift coefficient may be con-

siderably increased by means of flaps or other lift-increase devices. A

high-wing monoplane can incorporate these better than a low-wing mono-

plane, but a low-wing monoplane may be a better solution in spite of that,

because of other considerations.

Landing-Gear Retraction

If the landing gear is to be retracted, an internally braced, low-wing de-

sign offers the best solution. The struts are shorter, the mechanisms sim-

pler, and in case of a forced landing due to impossibility of lowering the

landing gear caused by some mechanical difficulty, the low wing offers the

best protection.
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^ Some types of structures are better adapted to one kind of airplane than
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to another. A tubular steel fuselage is more efficient structurally for a

small airplane than for a very large one. A fabric covering may be satis-


factory for externally braced wings and for wings of airplanes whose top

speed is not much greater than 150 miles per hour.

Special Features

To help in deciding what type is best suited for your design, it is well to

list the special features the airplane may have, and then study them in the

light of a particular design being considered. Such features might be:


Air cooled or liquid cooled Pod installation

Radial or in-line Tractor or tandem

Single or multiple Cowled or concealed

Jet-propulsion type Maintenance requirements

Landing gear

Conventional or tricycle Fully cowled, partially cowled,

Retractable or nonretractable or uncowled

Full cantilever, split axle, or other Land or water type

Type of tires Maintenance requirements


Open cockpit or cabin Location of doors

Reinforced monocoque or tubular Type of cargo

steel Maintenance requirements


Performance requirements Space for landing gear

Fabric or metal covered Location of engine nacelles

Wood or metal spars High or low aspect ratio

Internally or externally braced Thickness ratio of airfoil

Lift-increase devices Maintenance requirements

Space for fuel tanks

Tail surfaces

Single or multiple surfaces Operating controls

Location above or below fuselage Maintenance Requirements

Tab controls


The design of airplanes is largely empirical. Thus it is advisable to

study as many airplanes as possible, catalog them under different cate-

gories, and collect as much data as possible on performance, weights,

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structure, power, and all other items that may be useful as reference

material in future work. Data collected for a number of airplanes in the

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same category may then be averaged to give empirical values for de-

termining ratios of power or thrust loadings, wing loadings, etc.

The following condensed airplane data sheet may be taken as a guide

to the type of information that should be collected. It may be expanded

to suit individual needs.

Airplane Data Sheet

Name of Company:

Name of Type:


1. Power Plant

Engine: Horsepower: Rev. per min.: Altitude:


Design of exhaust:

Other engine accessories:.

Fuel, gallons:.—

Oil, gallons: —

Location of tanks: -

Type of engine controls:





Number of blades:

Angular range:

2. Wing1

Airfoil section—Root:



Wing area (including ailerons), Sw:

Span, b:

Chord—Root, Cr\

'If biplane statistics are to be listed, repeat these entries for lower wing.
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Tip, CT: p

Taper ratio, RT:

Aspect ratio, AR:

Mean aerodynamic chord, MAC:






Length of cantilever tip:

Length of outer bay:

Length of inner bay:

Length of center section:

Location of wing spars in per cent of chord—Front:


Maximum rib spacing: —-

Aileron area, Sa:

Flap area, S/r.

Location of center of gravity when fully loaded, in per cent of mean

aerodynamic chord: .'

3. Tail surfaces

Stabilizer area, S,:

Elevator area, Sr:

Total horizontal tail surface area, Sh:

Distance from center of gravity loaded to elevator hinge:

Fin area, S/:

Rudder area, <Sr:

Total vertical tail surface area, Sv:

Distance from center of gravity loaded to rudder hinge: —

Equivalent fin area ahead of center of gravity loaded:

Stabilizer setting with reference to propeller axis:

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4. Passenger accommodations

Dimensions of cabin:


Seating (type and weight, size, spacing):....

Aisle width:

Aisle height:

Windows (type):

Doors and steps (emergency, etc.):




Baggage accommodation:


5. Pilot's cockpit

Single or dual controls:

Releasable controls:

Angles of vision—Upward:



Windows and their construction:.


Arrangement of seats:

Are seats adjustable?

Are rudder bars adjustable?

Instrument board:

Door (separate for pilot):

6. Auxiliary equipment and accessories

Night flying—radio:.

Direction finding:

Navigation instruments, etc.:

Special equipment:

7. Angles

Landing angle of airplane:

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Angle in side elevation between vertical through axle and line connect-

ing center of gravity and axle:.

Angle in front elevation between vertical and line joining the center of

gravity and the point of contact with the ground at the outer wheel:

Angle between the ground and a line from the point of tangency of the

wheel with the ground to the wing tip on the same side of the plane

of symmetry of the airplane as the wheel:

Angle between the ground and a line joining the point of contact with

the ground of the deflected tail skid to the tip of the horizontal tail


8. Performance Sea Level Rated Altitude

High speed in mph:

Cruising speed in mph:

Landing speed in mph:

Climb in fpm:

Climb to 10,000 ft in min:

Normal range in miles:

Service ceiling in ft:

Fuel capacity in gal:

Normal fuel consumption at

cruising speed gal per hr:

9. Miscellaneous

Distance from front or rear face of propeller flange to center of gravity

of airplane loaded:

Type of fuselage construction:

Nose or tail wheel construction:

Type of chassis construction:

Design load f actors—Gust:.



Special Conditions:.

10. Weights

Weight empty (lb) with liquid if liquid-cooled engine is used:

Payload (lb):.—

Disposable load (lb):

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Normal gross weight loaded (lb):

11. Over-all dimensions

Span, b:

Length, L:

Height, H:

Tread, T:

12. Ratios

Weight empty to gross weight (Wb/Wo) •

Payload to gross weight (Wp/Wo) : —

Disposable load to gross weight (Wd/Wo) •

Wing loading (WJSW):

Power loading (WJP):.


Thrust loading (WJT):

Aileron area to wing area (Sa/Sw):

Vertical tail surface area to wing area (Sv/Sw):

Fin to vertical tail surface area (S//Sv):

Horizontal tail surface area to wing area OS*/Sw):

Elevator area to horizontal tail area (Se/Sh):

Flap area to wing area 0S/i/jS„):

Tab area to aileron area (Si/Sa):

Tab area to rudder area (Si/ST):

Tab area to elevator area (St/Sc):

Tread to span (T/b):

Length to span (L/b):

Height to span (H/b):

Sometimes, it may be preferable to prepare a graph on which are plotted:

power and wing loadings versus gross weight; ratio of weight empty to gross

weight versus gross weight; ratio of control surface area to wing area versus

wing loading. From such graphs, the designer may select for his own de-

sign the information that will help him in developing the general details of

his design configuration and thus be reasonably assured of obtaining a

successful airplane. Of course, refinements are made after careful aero-

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dynamic, performance, structural, and other careful analyses have been


Fig. 11-21 Fig. 11-22

Figure 11-19. A design for a hypothetical 1,350 mph plane, prepared at NACA's

Flight Propulsion Laboratory. It relies on after-burner to double basic engine thrust,

thus allowing for small nacelles.

Figure 11-20. An aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing, converting to

horizontal flight when sufficient altitude has been reached. The landing gear, consisting

of four casters, is located at the tips of the delta wing and fins. A contra-rotating

propeller is used to eliminate engine torque effects upon the flight characteristics at

take-off. The static thrust of the power plant has to be greater than the weight of the

airplane for take-off and attaining climb.

Figure 11-21. A jet-powered flying wing design. The flaps act in the dual capacity

of a lift-increase device and elevators. The ailerons can function differentially as

ailerons, or nondifferentially as flaps or elevators. Where ailerons and elevators are

combined in function, they are called "elevans." The air inlet is located in the leading

edge of the wing at the root close to the fuselage.

Figure 11-22. A supersonic airplane. Note the wing fences used to prevent the

drifting of the boundary layer spanwise. Note also the application of the "area-rule"

to the fuselage configuration.

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The preceding Airplane Data Sheet has been used to list data on cur-

rent airplanes, and this information has been used to calculate the various

ratios which form part of the empirical data useful in projecting a new


The empirical data are used, for example, in arriving at a preliminary

weight estimate and subsequent values for areas and dimensions necessary

in drawing up the preliminary three-view, from which a corrected weight

estimate and initial structural drawings may be made.


Tables II-1 to II-4 list important data for a number of airplanes which

are identified merely by reference numbers. Many of these airplanes have

been in production, whereas a few are projected designs. The student

may derive his own empirical data by determining the average wing load-

ings, power loadings, and ratios of control surface areas to wing areas

which fall within each single category of airplane. Such averages are usu-

ally obtained for the same horsepower range: for example, for airplanes

powered with engines delivering horsepower from 65 to 100; another group

or category from 150 to 225; still another from 1500 to 2000.

Table II-1. Airplane data: power plant.

Airplane identification

Power plant






No. of







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of engines
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each, P






















Table II-2. Airplane data: dimensions and construction.


Landing gear








Hull or









21' 6"

9' 1"


6.00 X 6



20' 10"

9' 1"

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6.00 X 6

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28' 8"


7' 4"






8' 6"


6.00 X 6



20' 9"

5' 11"


6.00 X 6



Table II-4. Airplane performance data.
































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Airfoil Selection

In selecting a suitable airfoil or a combination of airfoils for the wing

of an airplane, it is necessary to study carefully both the aerodynamic

and structural characteristics required for the airplane. Typical aero-

dynamic data are shown in the curves presented. No attempt will be

made here to discuss in detail all the aerodynamic characteristics, but in

order to indicate the importance and the significance of some of these

characteristics in airplane design, elementary consideration of the airplane

in flight will be studied.


Figure III-JL shows the forces acting on the airplane along any flight

path through space in still air. The line of action of the relative wind is

along the flight path opposite to the direction of motion of the airplane.

Resolving forces perpendicular and parallel to the line of action of the

relative wind, the following equations result for the summation of forces,

since the airplane is in equilibrium.

For Sy = 0,

T sin (i + a) + Lw + Lt - W cos (8 = 0; (1)

For = 0,

-T cos (t + a) + Dp + Dw - W sin 0 = 0; (2)

For 2Me.„. = 0,

Ma.e. + LwViC sin a + LwXiC cos a — DwyiC sin a +

DwXiC sin a — L<x2C cos at — Lty2C sin a, —

TysC cos (i + a) + Tx»C sin (i + a) = 0. (3)

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j8 = angle between the line of flight and the horizon. (Still-air

conditions are always assumed.)

a — angle of attack; angle included between the line of flight and

the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing.

i = angle of incidence, angle included between the line of thrust,

and the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing.

at = angle of attack of the horizontal tail surfaces; usually Lt sin at

is considered negligible with reference to L„ sin a, so that this

term is neglected. Likewise, it may be assumed that

cos a, = 1.

L = MpCLSv* and D = MpCdSv*,

where L = lift, in pounds;

D = drag, in pounds;

p = mass density of air, in slugs per cubic foot, which is 0.002378

for standard air at sea level;

S = wing area in square feet;

e; = speed in feet per second along the flight path of the airplane;


Cl and Cd are nondimensional lift and drag coefficients.

Case 1. Horizontal Flight. In horizontal flight the angle /3 is zero, and

since in normal flight attitudes a is small, the sine of (i + a) may be con-

sidered equal to zero (for example, even for a = 16°, sin a is only 0.17),

so that equation (1) becomes

Lw + L• - W = 0. (la)

Usually the load on the horizontal tail surfaces is also small compared with

the load on the wing in horizontal flight, so that Lw = W. In other words,

the lift of wings in horizontal flight may be assumed to be equal to the

gross weight of the airplane. This is the relationship which is useful in

determining the speed in horizontal flight since

Lw = tCJ3 - W = WClS, (4)

so that


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Minimum speed is then fixed by Cl*., for a given wing loading, W/S.
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The higher the wing loading for a given Cl«„, the greater the minimum

or stalling speed. For all practical purposes this stalling speed is con-

sidered the landing speed. If the stalling speed is fixed and if the gross

weight of the airplane is fixed as well, then that airplane which had the

highest value of Cl^ would have the least wing area.



It is, therefore, desirable to compare values of Cl_, for a group of air-

foils. However, if lift-increase devices are used, then the maximum lift

coefficient of the basic airfoil is not so important since any airfoil with the

proper lift-increase device may attain the desired value of Ci^.,.

The maximum speed is determined by the maximum amount of horse-

power or thrust delivered by the propeller-engine combination or jet

engine at maximum speed. The horsepower required is equal to the

horsepower available..

The power required is

PT = (/>. + DP)00^; (5)

The power available is

Pa = 77BHP; (5a)

and since at maximum speed,

Pa = Pr (5b)


rjBHP = (Z>„ + DP)00^0 0 (5c)

This relationship can be obtained from equation (2), for, again assuming

(a + 1) small and |3 = 0, then

- T + Dp + Dw = 0, (2a)

°r' T = DP + Dw (2b)

and multiplying both sides by v/550,

But, TV/550 is the thrust horsepower available, or

«S> = "bhp (6a)

where r) is the efficiency of the propeller and BHP is the brake horsepower

of the engine delivered to the propeller at the given airplane speed, and

the power required is given in equation (5) as

Pr = (DP + IWJL,


Dw = yiPv2cDs

Dp = y2Pv2cDrs,

where Co is the drag coefficient of the wing,

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CDp is the parasite resistance coefficient of the airplane (less the

wing) referred to the wing area.


Pr = P0 = „BHP = (CD + GDp), (7) .

or, \

T = p-f- (CD + CDp), (7a) V

and for any given lift coefficient the speed v can be determined from equa-

tion (3), the corresponding Cd of the wing will be known and the Cd, for

the airplane may be calculated,1 so that the horsepower required of the

engine-propeller combination can be determined. Then, if the horsepower

available is a certain value, it is obvious that the maximum speed that can

be obtained for a given airplane (whose Cd, is fixed) is one whose wing air-

foil has a minimum value of Cd0 0 It is important, therefore, to compare

the minimum values of the drag coefficients of a series of airfoils.

Since the range of speeds obtainable is determined by the values of the

maximum value of Cl (minimum speed) and of the minimum value of Cd

(maximum speed), then the ratio of CLm., to Co,,, is of importance and is

known as the speed range ratio.

Case 2. Gliding Flight. Again, assuming that the lift on the horizon-

tal tail surfaces is small and the angle (a + i) small, but that 0 is not un-

appreciable, equation (1) becomes Lw = W cos 0, and equation (2) be-

comes Dt — T = W sin 0.

Dividing the first equation by the second,

^Ty = cOt 0, (8)

when there is no thrust (that is, when the engine fails)

cot 0 - ^. (8a)

or the angle of glide is a function of the aerodynamic characteristics of the

airplane. This relationship may be rewritten

Lw qClS Cl Cl . a ,suN ('

-d• = WnTs = c7, = cTfcZ = cot * (8b) A

Again, considering an airplane for which the parasite resistance can be

assumed constant for any angle of attack, the angle of glide /? will be

flattest for that airplane whose L/D for the airfoil alone is the largest.

1 See Chapter X XII, Preliminary Performance Calculations.

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Also, the circle determined from

K = ffcot0 = ff(^. (9)

where R is the radius of the circle, and H the altitude from which the

glide takes place, is largest for the largest value of cot 13. The airfoils

should, therefore, be compared on the basis of the maximum L/D.

Case 3. The Dive. In this case, the angle /3 becomes 90 degrees, so

that equation (1) now becomes Lw + Lt = 0, assuming (i + a) is small.

Equation (2) becomes

- T + Dp + Dw - W = 0

when there is no thrust,

Dt = W


DP + DW = Dt!


WCDJ5 = W,

from which


v V HpCdJS'

The maximum speed will then be obtained in the dive, unless the drag

coefficient is unusually large, and will be determined by the minimum

total drag coefficient of the airplane. This speed is of importance in con-

sidering local pressures on engine cowls and windshields which may be

pulled off the airplane by the "suction" pressure. The leading edge of

the wing would then be subjected to enormous pressure that would tend

to buckle it. Also, the highest load factor in flight is encountered when

pulling out of a dive. The higher the diving speed, the higher the load

factor encountered in the pull-out. (See Chapter IV, External Loads on

Airplane in Flight.) If the speed were to be limited, then means would

have to be provided to increase the drag.

Case 4. The Climb. In the case of the climb, equation (2), as derived

for the general case, is of importance. The angle /3 is now a negative

angle and the equation in question becomes, upon making the same as-

sumptions as to a and i,

T - Dt = W sin 0. (11)

But, sin /3 = a/v where v is the velocity along the flight path and a is
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the vertical component of this velocity, or the rate of climb in feet per

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Then, equation (11) becomes T — Dt = W(a/v), and by multiplying both

sides of the equation by v/550,

550 550 550' 1 J

But !Ty/550 = horsepower delivered by the propeller, or the horsepower

available = Pa. Therefore Tv/550 = 17 BHP where t] is the propeller effi-

ciency and BHP is the brake horsepower of the engine. Dtv/550 is the

horsepower required to overcome the total drag of the airplane at ve-

locity v and may be designated PT.

Rearranging terms

550(Pa - PT)

a= W'

W cos 0 = Lw = y2pv?SCL




y2pscL {10)

where ve is the velocity along the climb path.

Examination of equation (lib) indicates that the airplane which requires

the least amount of horsepower to overcome aerodynamic resistance will

have the greater climb. Since

Pr = (Dw + DP)(»/550),

then if the parasite resistance is kept constant, Pr is piimarily a function

of Dwv, but

Dwv = (y2PcDSv*)v = y2pcDSv\

and since

so that







also Cd/Cl*12 should be a minimum, or Clw/Cd a maximum in order to

maintain PT at a minimum. This ratio is sometimes called a "power co-

efficient" for the airfoil and is calculated for those angles of attack in the
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region where the minimum drag coefficient Cj> and the maximum L/D of

the airfoil occur.

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Case 5. Range. One of the simpler formulas for determining the range

of an airplane is the so-called Breguet's formula for weight with respect to

distance, which is derived from the differential expression,

dW = - TVc ± - WVc (13)

dt 375tj 375(L/D)i7'

which, integrated between the limits of Wo and W„ gives

4*to*.S (13a)


R, range in miles = 863 ^ - logw

L Cl Cl

D CD, Cd + Cdf

r) = average propeller efficiency at cruising,

c = average fuel consumption in pounds per brake horsepower per

hour for the average cruising rpm,

Wo = gross weight in pounds at start of flight,

We = weight at end of flight after fuel has been consumed.

It will be noted that, all other things being equal, the higher the value of

the L/D, the longer the range. Therefore, if the parasite resistance of the

airplane is constant, the maximum value of the L/D = Cl/Cd of the airfoil

would be of interest.

This formula can be made to apply to jet engines by dropping the term

7j for propeller efficiency and considering c as the average fuel consumption

in pounds per pound of thrust per hour for cruising conditions.

Other Airfoil Characteristics

The slope of the lift curve, dCiJda, is one of the more important quan-

tities to know since it has an important bearing on the stability of the


The angle at which zero lift curve occurs is also important since the

diving speed occurs very close to this angle.

The center of pressure movement over the normal flying range, between

the angle at which the minimum drag coefficients occur and the angle at

which the maximum lift coefficient occurs, is usually of interest since the

greater the movement the greater the load that will fall on the front spar

at high angle of attack, with very little load on the rear spar; the condi-

tions are reversed at low angle of attack.

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Some data may not include the center of pressure but may give the mo-

ment coefficient, Cm., about the aerodynamic center instead. In such a

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case a small value of Cm, is considered desirable, since

CP = a - ^

CV (14)









4 +.020






~2°— | | I I I | | I I | I

0 20 40 60 80 100

Per cent of chord




4 8 12 16 20

Anqle of attack

(in degrees)

1.4 o

1.2 \ .24


10 $.20





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ft 2

rag eoeffieiem


<» v.

, ft

-J Vi

Figure III-2. Representative curves of aerodynamic properties of an airfoil.

where CP = the center of pressure in fraction of the chord from the

leading edge,

a = the aerodynamic center expressed as a fraction of the chord

from the leading edge,

Cm. = the moment coefficient, a constant, about the aerodynamic

center, and

Cn = the normal force coefficient equal to (Cl cos a + Cd sin a)



and for small angles of attack, practically equivalent to CL.

Thus, for small values of Cm., the center of pressure will not vary much

from the aerodynamic center position.


In selecting a suitable airfoil for a given design it is necessary to consider

the structural and aerodynamic characteristics required for the airplane.

A racing airplane, for example, will have an entirely different wing from a

transport airplane.

A full-cantilever wing, with an aspect ratio from 6 to 10, requires a thick-

ness ratio of at least 18 per cent for the root section. The larger the aspect

ratio, the greater the thickness ratio of the root section should be. It is

not desirable to use the same thickness ratio from root to tip, but to de-

crease it linearly to not less than 9 per cent at the tip.

A semicantilever wing, with an aspect ratio from 6 to 8, requires a thick-

ness ratio of at least 12 per cent for the root section. Again, the larger the

aspect ratio for the wing, the greater must be the thickness ratio of the

root section. The wing should be decreased linearly to about 6 per cent

thickness ratio for the tip chord.

A biplane would probably use an airfoil of thickness ratio from 6 to 9

per cent and use the same airfoil from root to tip.

The student should refer to Chapter XVII, Design of the Wing, for

further information.


i When the thickness ratio for the airfoil has been tentatively established,

it is then desirable to compare a group of airfoils to determine which has

the best all-round characteristics.

Care should be taken when two airfoils are selected to choose two from

the same general family, since it may be difficult otherwise to avoid serious

double curvatures in the development of the skin. A concave lower sur-

face for one airfoil and a convex lower surface for another when used for a

wing of a tapered planform would usually not be desirable.

All comparisons should be made preferably for airfoils tested at the same

Reynolds or Mach numbers, in the same wind tunnel, and for the same

aspect ratio in order to eliminate, or at least reduce, certain experimental

variables. The characteristics of the airfoils to be compared have already

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been discussed briefly. Table III-1 is a recapitulation of the quantities

mentioned in the discussions above.

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With few exceptions, wind-tunnel tests of airfoils are presented for a

standard aspect ratio of infinity; but since the wing used for the design
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of the formula


Cb = Cd, + Cd{ = Cd, +

where Cj> is the total drag coefficient for the airfoil used, while Cd, is the

profile drag, independent of the aspect ratio and constant for the airfoil.

The induced drag is expressed

€..-%. . CM)

As an example, to calculate the drag coefficient for aspect ratio 8 when

the characteristics for aspect ratio 6 are known, the following formula may

be derived:

where R = 8. Corrections for low values of d may be ignored. The

angle of attack must be corrected also for aspect ratio

= (16)

where clr and ao are in radians; or

57.3 Cl/1

where aK and a6 are in degrees and the known characteristics are for aspect

ratio 6. If the known characteristics are for infinite aspect ratio, then 6

is replaced by oo and l/oo becomes equal to zero. The lift coefficient, the

center of pressure, and the corrected drag coefficient correspond to the

corrected angle of attack. Table III-2 has been set up to expedite the

aspect ratio calculations. The various terms are self-explanatory. The

calculations are usually carried out in the form of such a table.

When an airfoil section used for the tip of a wing is different from that

used at the root, it is necessary to make wind-tunnel tests on a model of

the actual wing. Reasonably close approximation for preliminary cal-

culations may be obtained by averaging the characteristics of the root and

tip airfoils.


At the present time, much of the airfoil data such as the lift, drag, and

moment coefficients, the angle of attack, and the center of pressure, are

presented corrected to infinite aspect ratio. Such data are referred to as

section coefficients for infinite aspect ratio. To distinguish them from

similar coefficients obtained or given for airfoils of finite aspect ratio, the
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coefficients are designated with lower-case letters (cj, ca, Cm..,., etc.) for

the infinite aspect ratio case and the upper-case letters (Cl, Cd, Cm...., Cd„

etc.) for finite aspect ratio.

These section characteristics are particularly useful in obtaining the

spanwise lift distribution as outlined in ANC-1 (1) Spanwise Airload

Distribution, a small volume obtainable from the U. S. Government Print-

ing Office, Washington, D. C. It is beyond the scope of this book to

discuss or to indicate the procedure in calculating the spanwise lift distri-

bution. However, for stress analysis purposes, and for more refined calcu-

lation of performance, the spanwise as well as the chordwise distribution

(the latter especially for wings equipped with flaps) should be carefully


To obtain the necessary data for preliminary design purposes, the fol-

lowing discussion will indicate a practical procedure. When the design

of the wing is well advanced, more elaborate and refined calculations as

set forth in a number of textbooks on aerodynamics should be made.

The pertinent data of use at this stage are the variation of the lift and

drag coefficients with the angle of attack, and the moment coefficient re-

ferred to the aerodynamic center of the mean aerodynamic chord. As

pointed out elsewhere, the mean geometric chord may be taken as the

mean aerodynamic chord for practical purposes.

A wing having no aerodynamic twist2 would have its section angles for

zero lift arranged so that all sections would have no lift when the root sec-

tion was at zero lift. If aerodynamic twist were not zero, then the angles

of zero lift for the various sections spanwise would not be the same as for

the root. The root section is usually selected for reference. In order to

obtain its position when the lift coefficient of the wing is zero, it will be

necessary to determine when

The section angles corresponding to the section lift coefficients will then

make it possible to find the value of am for the root section.

To simplify the discussion and the presentation, a wing of zero aero-

dynamic twist will be considered. It is a comparatively easy matter to

work out the procedure for a wing with aerodynamic twist.

The equation of the lift curve (Cl versus a) at low values of the lift co-

efficient is
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where the various terms have the significance indicated as follows:

Ci = the lift coefficient of the wing of finite aspect ratio, or may be

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assumed equal for a wing of zero aerodynamic twist, as the aver-

age of the section lift coefficients, for the tip and root airfoils,

* For definition of this term, see under Airfoil Construction in this chapter.

ZCiCdy = 0.


CL = a(aR — ecu),



a = the slope of the finite aspect-ratio wing,

«k = the angle of attack in degrees of the finite aspect-ratio wing at

which the lift coefficient Cl occurs,

c*lo — the angle of zero lift for the finite aspect-ratio wing; or may be

assumed equal to the average of the section zero-lift angles or

to the average for the root and tip airfoil; or may be determined

for the mean geometric chord assuming a linear variation span wise

of the section zero-lift angles.

The lift coefficient is usually considered the independent variable, and

the angle of attack as the dependent variable. It would, therefore, be

easier to use equation (18) in the form

aR = + (18a)

= KCL + «lo. (18b)

The slope a may be calculated from

a = i= 9.KB + 3)' (19)

where R is the aspect ratio of the wing and the other constants account for

planform and wing-tip corrections. These corrections vary for each type

of planform and wing tip, but the values given are sufficiently accurate

for preliminary work.

The maximum lift coefficient is not so easy to predict for the finite

aspect-ratio wing, but it may be assumed to be about the same as for in-

finite aspect ratio without incurring an error of more than from 3 to 7

per cent.

To determine the desired drag coefficient Cd for the corresponding lift

coefficient Cl, the following relationship is useful:


Cd = Cd° + «00«(lp.5 - 0.322) (20) v

= CD, + KiCi? (20a)

where Cb0 is the average spanwise of the section drag coefficients Cd, or,

for a wing of zero aerodynamic twist, may be assumed to be the average

of the section drag coefficients of the tip and root airfoils. To make the

calculated values agree with experiment, the factor (10.5 — 0.3i?) has

been introduced to allow for planform variation and for tip effects.

The moment coefficient about the aerodynamic center of the mean aero-

dynamic chord may be calculated by means of the following equation:

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Cm. = tt^ 2(cm.c2dy + ciXa.c.cdy), (21)

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where the various terms have the significance indicated as follows:

Cm.„. = theoretically, the mean aerodynamic chord, but for practical

purposes, the mean geometric chord (preferably stated in


S = wing area, in square inches if the linear dimensions are expressed

in inches;

C = chord, in inches, of the section under consideration;

dy = the span, in inches (usually one inch) of the section under con-


Ci = the section-lift coefficient;

xa.c. = the distance, in inches, of the aerodynamic center behind the

leading edge of the section.

Instead of the aerodynamic center, the quarter-point on the chord may

be used, in which case the moment coefficients are about the quarter-point

of the chord.

Table III-3.

Section characteristics

Airfoil (or wing) characteristics

Root section

Tip section

<*Lo - (<*lo) root uelion














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Table III-3 has been set up to illustrate the type of calculations required

for a wing having the wing-tip airfoil set at minus two degrees with refer-

ence to the root airfoil in order to obtain zero aerodynamic twist (assum-

ing linear span wise variation of all section characteristics).

Column 7 lists the average values of the section-lift coefficients given in

columns 2 and 5. Column 8 lists the average values of the section-drag

coefficients given in columns 3 and 6. Column 10 lists the values obtained

by adding values of column 9 to aLo. The angle ckb is referred to the root

airfoil in the calculations indicated, that is aa = (ttio) root sectionp The lift

coefficients in column 7, plotted against the values of aR in column 10, will

give the lift curve for the wing of finite aspect ratio R. Column 12 lists

the values of the drag coefficients of the wing obtained by adding the

values of KiC]}, listed in column 11, to the values of Ceo in column 8.

A summary of airfoil data is available in NACA Report No. 824. Subse-

quent reports should be consulted for airfoil data useful for transonic and

supersonic conditions. Some typical airfoil characteristics are shown in

Table III-4.

The wing characteristics are affected by the fuselage, engine nacelles,

and other aerodynamic bodies that may be attached to the wing. Such

effects will have to be accounted for if more precise calculations are


A small amount of wash-out, about 1 or 2 degrees, is usually desirable

to help in avoiding tip stall.

The ordinates of an airfoil are given in percentages of the chord so that

it is an easy matter to determine the depth of a section of a wing when the

airfoil and chord length are known.

When the wing employs a different airfoil at the tip than at the root, it

is possible to determine the ordinates of intermediate wing sections from

the known geometric relationships.

For example, it is desired to determine the ordinates of a section of a

wing, tapered in planform as well as in thickness, a distance x from the

root. (See Chapter XVII, Design of the Wing.) Corresponding stations

would then be connected by straight lines so that the ordinate for the

upper camber for chord C would be

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and the ordinate of the lower camber would be

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where hiu = upper ordinate for the root airfoil,

hu — lower ordinate for the root airfoil,

h2u = upper ordinate for the tip airfoil,

hu = lower ordinate for the tip airfoil,

b = distance in feet or inches between the root and tip airfoil,

y = distance in feet or inches between the root airfoil and the

airfoil at station y.

It is necessary to calculate the ordinate for each station along the chord

since the same relationship does not necessarily exist for all the stations

except in a few particular cases.

In general, it is undesirable to use a radically different airfoil at the tip

from that at the root because of the inherent structural difficulties.

Sweepback for High-Speed Airplanes

In a number of NACA technical notes (see TN 1032 and 1033) the plan-

forms of a number of wings designed for subsonic or supersonic speeds are

discussed. It is brought out that in case of an airfoil of infinite aspect

ratio moving at an angle of sideslip, the pressure distribution over the wing

is determined solely by the component of motion whose direction is normal

to the leading edge. From this fact it is further deduced that the pressure

drag of an airfoil may be reduced if the planforms utilize sweepback angles

greater than the Mach angle (the angle that the plane waves make with

the airfoil at sonic or supersonic speeds).

If j8 represents the angle of sweepback, then the velocity causing the

pressure distribution over the airfoil for an airplane flying at velocity V

would be V cos /J. If V cos /3 is less than the sound velocity Vc, then the

flow and distribution would be similar to those occurring in an incompres-

sible fluid or for subsonic speeds.

The section characteristics for the speeds where M% = [(V cos j8)/Fc]J

is less than 1 (that is, the lift, drag, and moment coefficients obtained for

low speeds) can be corrected to apply for speeds of V of the aircraft. The

following expressions permit calculating the corrections required:

ti .

VI - M2

to give the new lift coefficient;

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Vl - M2

to give the new slope of the lift curve. The subscript 0 refers to the sub-
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sonic tests.

The drag coefficient has to be found for an equivalent airfoil having a

change in the thickness and the camber. The new equivalent "thickness"

-" aajSas jp ađo[s '.tu = treisuj jp e00ojs .'g

'»OTO = «*

p00bj ^pađs« 00j wj«s !V0VN J° sauajuioqvj sjaij tefiuvj %v mu s^sa? HV «






























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00 OT

























I to

Vl - M2'

For a cambered airfoil, the camber changes by the same ratio 1/Vl — M2.

The pitching moment coefficient Cma.c also changes by the same ratio.

In order to obtain aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds which

compare favorably with those at subsonic velocities, it is desirable to in-

troduce sweepback for the wing.

The section characteristics for an airfoil operating at supersonic speed

may be approximated for small angles of attack from subsonic data as in-

dicated in the following equations.

Under supersonic conditions, the Mach number M of the free stream is

greater than 1, and the following relationships obtain:

C = 4a

'Vm2 - 1



Cd =

VM2 - 1

where a is small, is expressed in radians, and is measured with reference to

a line connecting the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil.

These equations may be applied to thin airfoils of moderate camber.

Laminar-Flow Airfoils

It can be shown (consult a good book on aerodynamics) that if the

boundary layer could be maintained as laminar (nonturbulent) flow over

the airfoil, then the drag coefficients of the airfoil would be lower than for

airfoils not designed for maintaining laminar flow. While, theoretically,

laminar flow can be maintained, practically difficulties arise due to surface

irregularities, cut-outs, gaps in front of ailerons and flaps, and propeller


The commonly used laminar-flow airfoils have been the NACA 24 series

(NACA 2409, 2412, etc.), the NACA 44 series (NACA 4409, 4415, 4418),

and the NACA 230 series (NACA 23009, 23015, etc.). For an excellent

compendium of airfoil data see NACA Report No. 824 entitled "Summary

of Airfoil Data."

Compressible-Flow Airfoils
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A series of airfoils were developed by NACA which attempted to prevent

local speeds of the airflow over the airfoil from exceeding the local speed
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of sound. These airfoils are the NACA 16 series (NACA 16-009, 16-109,

16-209, etc.). The mean camber lines of these airfoils were designed to

obtain uniform chordwise distribution. Then the thickness ordinates

were plotted perpendicular to the camber line.

The commonly used airfoils (NACA 24009, for example) had their maxi-

mum ordinate at about 30 per cent of the chord, whereas the NACA

16-009 had its maximum thickness at about 50 per cent of the chord.
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External Loads on an Airplane in Flight

The forces that normally act on the airplane—lift, thrust, drag, and

gravitational forces—are of importance in the calculation of the perform-

ance parameters of the airplane in rectilinear flight. However, these

forces are not of such magnitude that the structure would have to be

designed to withstand them; rather the structure is designed to with-

stand the loads incurred in accelerated flight. It is obvious, also, that

an airplane used for acrobatics will encounter greater loads than one

designed for cargo transportation. The designer must therefore be aware

of the nature and magnitude of such forces since the greater the forces

encountered, the greater the weight of the structure. It is not the pur-

pose of this book to give a full exposition of stress analysis methods or

the complete load determination required for such an analysis, but some

insight into the subject will be offered.


There are various ways of defining the load factor. It is the ratio of

the applied load to the weight of the airplane. More technically, it may

be described as the multiplying factor by which the steady flight forces

are multiplied to obtain equivalent static effect of dynamic forces acting

during the acceleration of the airplane. In common parlance, it is cus-

tomary to speak of the load factor as the number of <7's, where g refers to

the acceleration due to gravity.

The duration of the maximum dynamic loads on the airplane seldom

exceeds three seconds.

Strength requirements for aircraft stress analysis are specified in terms

of limit and ultimate loads. Limit loads are the maximum loads antici-

pated in service. Ultimate loads are equal to the limit loads multiplied

by the factor of safety.

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In considering dynamic loads on the airplane for flight conditions, it is

assumed that steady flight conditions prevailed just before the particular

maneuver or gust occurred. This assumption will then, usually, indicate

that some forces, such as thrust, will not have changed during the very

short time the critical condition is assumed to act. By the same token,

the speed of the aircraft will not have changed radically during the history

of a particular maneuver or gust condition.


Some of the most severe loads encountered by the airplane in flight

occur in maneuvers, such as coming out of even a shallow dive.

Theoretically, the worst load condition should occur when the airplane

comes out of a vertical dive instantaneously. During the maneuver, the

airplane would change its angle of attack from one at which the lift co-

efficient was practically zero to an angle of attack where the lift coefficient

was maximum. The pertinent equations of interest are:

l = w = y2PvKin cLmaz s,

in horizontal flight at maximum lift coefficient; in the vertical dive

d = w = y2Pv^cDmins.

Immediately upon coming out of the dive, as in a sharp pull-out, the

speed would not have diminished and the maximum lift coefficient could

be attained. The lift on the airplane under this condition may be ex-

pressed as:

U = nW = y2Pv? cLmax s.

From these three relationships, it can be deduced that the load factor n

can be expressed in terms of the following ratios:

L1 CLmaz

n = t — —

L V% mi„ Cd min

By assuming possible values for CLmax and Cx>mi„, we can gain some idea

of what magnitude such a load factor might have if other conditions did

not obtain. For example, 1.8 is a reasonable assumption for the value of

Cl max, and .025 is possible for the value of Cflm,„; then the load factor

under these circumstances could be:

» = S = 720

However, the value is obviously fantastic. In the first place, the pilot
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would probably not survive; and if the aircraft were designed for such a

load factor, it would be so heavy that, in all likelihood, it would never

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get off the ground.



In actuality, the inertia of the airplane, as well as the air resistance,

prevent instantaneous reaction. Furthermore, the pilot's delay, caused

by his own psychological reaction, would prevent such an abrupt pull-out.

It is desirable to have a stick load that tends to resist the pilot's attempts

at a quick elevator pull-up.

The system of forces and moments acting on the airplane when coming

out of a dive is illustrated in Figure IV-I.

Figure IV-1. Forces acting on an airplane as it comes out of a dive.


Another flight situation that may produce extreme loads on the air-

plane occurs when an airplane encounters a vertical gust while in hori-

zontal flight. There is an immediate increase in the angle of attack,

which means there is also an increase in the lift coefficient and therefore

the lift. The resultant airplane speed is also increased. Referring to

Figure IV-2, it may be seen that the lift would be:

Li = L + AL = y2pD? (CL + ACL) S

when the gust struck the airplane, and

l = w = yfat cL s
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just before the gust. Since even a vertical gust of about 50 per cent of

the aircraft speed would cause only a change of about 12 per cent in the

resultant velocity, vr may be assumed equal to v. Thus the load factor

expressed as the ratios of the two lifts would be:

Z,i L + AL _ CL + ACL _ ACL

X = -^- 1 + An—n CT~ = 1+ CT


Figure IV-2. Velocity and angle relationships at the time an airplane encounters

a vertical upward gust.

But since


L y2psv*

and tan a = a radians = —'

and ACl — mAa Ta&um»

where m is the slope of the lift curve, it follows that:

11/ i / W i i pmuv

n = 1 + m- Ty-sr> = 1 +

MpSv* a 1 2(W/S)

Since the gust encountered is seldom sharp-edged (i.e., the gust in-

tensity varies from a minimum to a maximum over a finite distance),

and since the aircraft is a flexible rather than a rigid structure, the gust

load factor is somewhat modified and may be written:


n = 1 ±

575 (W/S)
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(since the vertical gust may act in either direction)

where V is in miles per hour,

u is in feet per second,

K is a function of the wing loading (See Figure IV-3),

1.467p _ J_

2 575'





^ 0.6




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Wing loading- j?, lb/ft*

Fioubb IV-3. Graph for determining gust load factor.

Examination of the formula reveals that, all other factors remaining

the same, the load factor increases with:

1. increase in the aspect ratio of the wing,

2. increase in forward speed, V, of the aircraft,

3. intensity of the gust, u,

4. decrease in the wing loading, W/S.

Since for any given design, the slope of the lift curve is determined once

and for all upon selection of the airfoil and the aspect ratio, the wing

n * 1 + Ln

- / f KUVSm



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loading is also fixed. The load factor attained by an airplane would

then be dependent upon the factors u and V. In order not to reach

excessive load factors, the airplane would either have to avoid severe

gust disturbances, or slow down when a gust was expected, as when

flying through a line storm.

The relative intensities and the altitudes at which gusts have been

encountered may be appreciated by examining the data given below.1

Velocity of gust, in

feet per second

Altitude limit,

in feet

Line Squalls

and Thunderstorms

40 to 120

20,000 or more feet



10 to 30

varies with

type of




5 to 30


These gusts are usually vertical and may act either up or down, although

gusts may act in any direction, depending upon their provocation.


Load factors are usually presented in an empirical form, but the student

should know the bases for the determination of these factors. In order

to ensure the structural integrity of the design, it is necessary to know

the magnitude of the load factors encountered under various conditions of

flight. For this purpose, airplanes used for flight tests are equipped with

instruments designed to obtain the pertinent data that engineers evaluate

and synthesize for the designers.

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Smoked glass
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Figure IV-4. A schematic diagram of a mechanically-operated accelerometer.

'The figures are approximate.



Loads in flight are recorded by means of a special accelerometer—also

called a V-g recorder—which is shown schematically in Figure

This recorder keeps a record of the velocity and the acceleration, and

when supplemented by the pilot's record, supplies a full history. A

calibrated grid (see Figure IV-5) is placed over the smoked-glass record

so that values of g, or the acceleration, may be read for corresponding

velocities. When removed from the recorder, the smoke film is fixed

with a thin fixing lacquer that protects it from damages.

Figure IV-5. A sketch of the calibration grid placed over the smoked-glass target.

The full scale deflection is of the order of three quarters of an inch. The horizontal

scale is in miles per hour; the vertical is in number of g'a or load factor.

By studying the data acquired in this manner, it is possible from time

to time to adjust the empirical formulas so that reasonable load factors

can be calculated mathematically.

This V-g recorder is usually placed at the center of gravity of the air-

plane and measures the vertical component of the acceleration of the

airplane. The horizontal component could also be measured, if desired,

by another accelerometer in which the mass is restrained vertically but

not horizontally. The horizontal and vertical axes here referred to are

those of the airplane.

It is usually necessary to measure only one component—the vertical or

normal component of the acceleration—since, with this value known, the

horizontal component can be determined from the aerodynamic charac-

teristics of the airplane.

Correlation of the data will result in the necessary correction factor to

be applied in the theoretical formula evolved for the gust condition, for

example, or it may lead to either arbitrary assignment of load factors

for certain maneuvering conditions or even to empirical formulas using

various parameters such as. power loading, wing loading, or gross weight.
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Not every airplane must be designed for the same conditions since not

all airplanes are likely to be subjected to the same maneuvers. For the

purpose of stress analysis, airplanes are divided into certain categories.

The Civil Aeronautics Board establishes the regulations governing the

structural integrity as well as the airworthiness of the civil airplane.

These regulations may be obtained from the U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington 25, D. C.

The categories of airplanes are generally listed as follows:

1. Normal. Non-acrobatic, non-scheduled passenger, and non-sched-

uled cargo operation airplanes are included in this category.

2. Utility. This refers to airplanes used in normal operations and

limited acrobatic maneuvers such as steep turns, spins, stalls, lazy eights,

and chandelles, but not snap or inverted maneuvers, or whip stalls.

3. Acrobatic. These have no specific restrictions as to type of maneu-

ver unless flight tests indicate certain limitations. The specified load

factors are highest for this category.

4. Transport. These are airplanes to be used in scheduled passenger

and/or cargo operations.

5. Restricted. This includes any airplane not covered by any other

specified category.


The maneuvering load factor for the air-transport airplane may be

found from the following empirical formula. It applies to power loadings

between 12 and 24 pounds per horsepower, provided the value of the load

factor does not exceed 4.33 or is less than 1.5.

n = 1 + An

_ [ 32,000 1 / [ 3.25 1

71 |^U.77 + w + g200j I | 0.435 J

For the other categories, the maneuvering load factors are specified

as follows:

XT 1 Ol 1 24000

Normal n = 2.1 +

W + 10,000

but n need not be greater than 3.8, and shall not be less than 2.5;

Utility n = 4.4;
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Acrobatic n = 6.0.

The gust velocities of ±30 feet per second are specified for speeds up
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to cruising speed, and ±15 feet per second for speeds up to the design

dive speed.



-2 1

^4QV 80 120^160

|200 240 --28jp Speed,

in mph

Maneuver Gust

- Combined

Figure IV-6. A typical envelope for an airplane in the utility category. The con-

ditions indicated by the small circle are the ones usually investigated. In the illustration

shown, the gust conditions happen not to be critical.

The loads calculated for the maneuvering and gust load factors are

considered to be limit loads.


The flight envelope (V-n and V-g diagram are alternate names) estab-

lishes the relationships of limit load factors and airplane speeds. (See

Figure IV-6.) It represents, in empirical form, data similar to that

obtained in experimental flight tests from the record on the target plate

of the accelerometer.

While the limit load factor may be the same for several speeds and the

negative limit load factors may be numerically less, it must be remembered

that not only the magnitude of the applied forces, but their distribution


Figure IV-7. Aerodynamic coefficients (forces) referred from the wind axes to the

geometric axis.
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will affect the design of some part of the airplane structure. It is con-

ceivable that the front spar of the wing might be designed for one load

factor when the flaps, for example, are neutral, but the rear spar might

be designed for another but a lower load factor when the flaps are de-

flected. Again, while some flight loads may design no part of the wing,

certain parts of the fuselage or empennage may be affected by the

design loads.


For the aerodynamicist, it is usually convenient to use a set of so-called

"wind axes" where the line of action of the relative wind usually repre-

sents the abscissa. For the stress analyst, whose work concerns the

Table IV-1. Correcting aerodynamic coefficients for aspect ratio Ri.

1. Cl








2. a Ro

3. Aa = ^ K Cl

4. «Rl = (2) + (3)

5. CoiorRo

7. CdBi = (5) + (6)

8. cos a = cos (4)

9. sin a = sin (4)

10. Cl cos a = (1) x (8)

11. Cd sin a = (7) x (9)

12. Cn = (10) + (11)

13. Cl sin a = (1) x (9)

14. Cd cos a = (7) x (8)

15. Cc = (14) - (13)

16. Cm.
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K = - ir = W when Ro = 00

ill tt0 xli

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geometric configuration of the structure where the reference line may be

the chord line, the thrust line, an axis of symmetry, or some other, it is

more convenient to use a geometric set of axes.

It is not difficult to transfer a set of aerodynamic coefficients from one

set of axes to another. Referring to Figure IV-7, it may be seen that,

using the chord line as the abscissa of the new set of geometry axes,

Cn = Cl cos a + Cd sin a,


Cc = —Cl sin a + Cd cos a,

where Cn is referred to as the normal force coefficient or beam component,

and Cc as the chord force coefficient or chord component. The calcula-

tions may be carried out in tabular form, as in Table IV-1, and presented

graphically, as shown for a typical case in Figure IV-8.

It should be noted that except for low angles of attack, the chord force

is towards the leading edge, not the reverse. This does not mean that

the local pressures, as at the nose of the airfoil, are negative, for such is
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These forces may be either specified in terms of load factors or evaluated

from other relationships, as follows:

1. niW = applied limit load,

= qCrfS,

where ni is the specified vertical component of the limit load factor for

the appropriate gust or maneuvering condition for a given speed. CN

can therefore be calculated.

2. nxlW = qCJS,

where nxl is the horizontal component of the limit load factor. Cc cor-

responds to the same angle of attack as the Cn value above, so that when

Cn has been found, Cc can be found and nxl determined.

3. nx,W = -Tor - ^^-r-

where T or PT is the thrust or power required to fly at velocity V for which

the limit load factor has been specified.

4. n3W

is the tail balancing load and can be determined for the particular force


5. n2W and nxlW

are the components of the inertia forces required to satisfy the equilibrium

conditions and can now be calculated from the equations satisfying

SF = 0 and SX = 0.

Since the forces may act in various directions and may have any magni-

tude, depending upon the conditions to be considered, it is convenient

to consider all forces and moments acting in the positive direction. By

substitution of the known or specified values with the proper sign (plus

or negative as the case may be), the unknowns may then be accordingly

evaluated as to magnitude and sign.

Comparing the force diagram for the airplane in a maneuver (Figure

IV-1) with the generalized system of forces (Figure IV-9), it will be

noted that some assumptions have been made. These may be explained

as follows:

1. The drag of the tail surfaces, the fuselage, etc., is usually considered

negligible for smaller airplanes, but some allowances should be made for

these forces for large airplanes.

2. The moment of inertia due to the angular acceleration is omitted for

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many conditions since its magnitude is usually insignificant. If it is

specified, an additional term appears in the equation for SAf = 0.

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The term n is called a load factor, for which the specific definitions are:

The load factor or acceleration factor n is then the ratio of a load to the

design weight—generally the gross weight of the airplane. When the

load in question represents the net external load acting on the airplane

in a given direction, n represents the acceleration factor in that direction.

The limit load is a load (or load factor, or pressure) that, assumed

or known, may be safely experienced but may not be exceeded in opera-

tion. The factors wi and nxl are usually designated as the components

of the limit load factor.

The factors n2 and nxi are the components of the inertia load factor.

The factor n3 is known as the net tail load factor or tail balancing load.


The discussions so far have dealt primarily with flight loads. There

are many conditions, other than maneuvering or gust, that may impose

loads upon the structure.

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Materials of Construction


Many structural materials have been used for building airplanes. Early

designs were built up primarily of wood elements with steel fittings and

wires, and the whole covered with doped fabric. It was not long, how-

ever, before tubular steel was used for the truss-type fuselage and landing

gears. The wing construction, however, was made of wood and fabric.

As the airplanes became larger, the old methods of construction were

not very economical, and it also became difficult to get the material in the

large sizes required. Reinforced monocoque, making use of aluminum

alloy sheet, was a natural evolution and is the most common form of con-

struction today.

Small airplanes, carrying from 1 to 5 passengers, may still employ a

wing with wooden spars, aluminum alloy ribs, steel wire drag bracing, all

enveloped in a doped fabric covering to give the structure the final airfoil

shape. The fuselage of such airplanes is generally a tubular steel truss-

type, with possibly wooden former strips to fair the lines, and the whole

covered with doped fabric.

The larger the airplane becomes, the more likely that all the structure,

the wing, fuselage, and tail surfaces, is composed of aluminum alloy sheet

and extrusions.

Another material that may be extensively used, especially for very large

airplanes where sizes are determined by allowable stresses rather than by

minimums established by fabrication or maintenance practice, is stainless

steel. Comparatively few airplanes have been made of this material to


Wood, in the form of plywood, has been used for gliders and for air-

planes when strategic materials were lacking. However, the fabrication of

wooden structures of this type, while successful, still cause maintenance

and inspection difficulties so that deterioration due to extremes in tem-

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perature, bacteria, moisture, and the like have not encouraged extensive

exploitation of this material.

Magnesium alloy may be used in place of aluminum alloy to some extent,

but as yet its use has been limited.

Experimental designs using glass fibers held together with synthetic

resins and impregnated fibers have been built and test flown. Although

these materials have certain merits, the wide use of a material depends

largely upon:

1. Availability of the raw material.

2. Manufacturing facilities for fabricating sheet, extrusions, and billets.

3. Cost.

4. Ease in fabrication of the final structure with the specific material.

5. Reliability of the mechanical properties of the material.

6. Ease of maintenance of the final product.

7. Susceptibility to deterioration due to moisture, chemicals, tempera-

ture, etc.

Magnesium alloys are particularly suitable for instrument casings, en-

gine housings, and the like.

Chrome molybdenum and chrome vanadium steels, and some low-carbon

steels are used for fittings, struts, and some hardware.

Stainless steels are suitable for exhaust stacks, heating units, firewalls,

and other specialized uses.


The information listed here on aluminum and aluminum alloys is quoted

from various publications of the Aluminum Company of America.

Commercially pure aluminum has a minimum aluminum content of 99

per cent, the balance being other metals normally present, mainly iron

and silicon. It has a high degree of resistance to corrosion and can be

easily formed into intricate shapes. It is relatively low in strength, how-

ever, having a tensile strength of about 12,000 pounds per square inch in

its soft or annealed state. The pure metal, therefore, does not have the

strength required for structural airplane parts.

Higher strengths may be obtained by the process of alloying, that is, by

adding small amounts of one or more other metals to the aluminum. The

resulting alloys are less easily formed and, with some exceptions, they
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have lower resistance to corrosion than the commercially pure metal.

Alloying is not the only way of increasing the strength of aluminum.

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Like copper, brass, steel, and other metals, aluminum becomes stronger

and harder as it is rolled, formed, or otherwise cold-worked. Since the

hardness depends on the amount of cold work done, some of the wrought

aluminum alloys are available in several work-hardened tempers. As the



strengths are increased, there is some sacrifice in the metal's ability to be

worked easily and successfully into intricate commercial forms.

Heat treatment provides another means of increasing the strength of

some of the aluminum alloys. With but minor exceptions, the aluminum

alloys used for structural parts in aircraft are those which can be heat

treated to obtain higher strengths. When finally installed in the airplane,

such materials must be in the heat-treated condition.

Classification and Nomenclature

Aluminum alloys are obtainable in either cast or wrought forms. They

may be further classed as nonheat-treatable and heat-treatable alloys.

The different alloy compositions are distinguished by alloy numbers.

Wrought alloys are distinguished from cast alloys by the letter "S" fol-

lowing this number.

An alloy in the heat-treated temper (such as 24S-T) may be further

cold-worked, such as by rolling, to obtain still greater strengths. It is then

said to be in the "RT" temper. Although this further rolling reduces the

elongation and workability, 24S and Alclad 24S in the "RT" temper are

Table V-l. Temper designations.






Annealed condition


Heat treated and quenched but

not aged completely







Full heat-treated condition

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Heat treated and subsequently cold

worked a prescribed amount




Specific tempers attained by differ-

ent heat treatments are indi-

cated by number

T4, T6,




Annealed condition




Intermediate tempers produced by

cold working various amounts

#H Y2H.





Full hard temper obtained by max-

imum commercial degree of cold




No temper designation


regularly corrugated and formed into other aircraft parts. Temper

designations for alloys are shown in Table V-l.


A large percentage of the material in the modern airplane is aluminum

alloy sheet, used for the outer covering or skin and for various other struc-

tural parts. Since most of this sheet is subject to high stresses under some

flight conditions, high-strength alloy 24S-T is almost universally used.

(Since the war, most new designs are making use of 75S.) Nonstructural

parts are sometimes made from the alloys that are not heat-treated or

from one of the lower strength heat-treated alloys.

Approximately three-fourths of the 24S and 75S sheet used in aircraft is

in the form of Alclad sheet. This material has a high-strength core cov-

ered on each side with a coating of relatively pure aluminum which has a

high resistance to corrosion. This coating protects the core in two ways.

It not only covers most of the core and prevents contact with corrosive

agents, but also protects the core electrolytically. This electrolytic pro-

tection is given to the cut edges, to areas where the coating is abraded

away, and even to rivet heads.

Annealed coiled sheet is used for blanking out small parts which are

subsequently heat treated.

Table V-2. Flat sheet and plate (Alcoa standard sizes).





O and T

Alclad 24S


Alclad 75S

O and T



24 X

36 X

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36 X 144
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36 X


36 X


36 X 144


36 X 144

48 X


48 X


36 X 144


48 X 144

48 X


48 X


48 X 144


48 X 144

48 X


48 X


48 X 144


48 X 144

48 X




Tubing is used in aircraft construction for fuel, oil, and other liquid lines;

instrument lines; and structural parts, either in the airframe itself or in

places such as the control system or power plant.

Extruded Shapes

An extruded shape is produced by forcing hot (but not molten) metal

through a die in which there is an opening corresponding in shape to the

desired cross section. This process frequently provides more efficient

utilization of metal than rolled shapes, and it permits production of many

shapes that cannot be rolled.

Extruded shapes are used as stringers and other important structural

parts of the airframe, and provide easy assembly as well as maximum

structural usefulness. The alloy 14S, which has been used extensively

for several years in forgings, has lately become available for extrusions in

thicknesses of inch and greater. Extrusions of this alloy, in general,

are significantly stronger than those of 24S alloy, which has been most ex-

tensively used up to the present for structural members of airframes.

(Again, new designs are making use of 75S, which is the strongest alumi-

num alloy available.) Extruded shapes not requiring high strength are

sometimes made from 63S or 61S in a suitable temper, or from 2S or 3S.

These last two alloys are used in the "as-extruded" condition which is very

slightly work-hardened, and not in a specific temper.

Table V-3. (Refer to Figure V-l.)



Range of dimension,

Sheet Gage

in inches

in inches



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1 -3







1 -3



2 -5

2 -3^

R for all thick-



Forgings make up a relatively small percentage of the total weight of an

airframe, but they serve a most important function as structural and other

fittings in addition to their well-known uses for making engine parts and

propeller blades. Most forgings are made in dies on hammers, but some

Extruded sections
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Formed or drawn sections

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Figure V-l. Typical formed, drawn, and extruded sections used in the aircraft


are pressed rather than struck. These are called press forgings. The

latter require less "draft" than hammer forgings and permit somewhat

closer tolerances. Many forgings are made from alloy A51S-T, whereas

14S-T is usually employed for highly stressed forged fittings. Alloy

75S-T forgings are also available, and are being used in several new de-



Aluminum castings are more extensively used in the airplane engine and

for accessories than in the airframe itself. Depending on the quantities

and properties required, such castings are produced by one of three basic

methods: sand, permanent-mold, or die. Sand castings are adaptable to

a wide range of products from the smallest to the largest. Permanent-

mold castings are used in order to obtain higher mechanical properties,

better surfaces, or more accurate dimensions. Die castings find applica-

tion in cases where relatively large production of a given part is involved,

since this will distribute the die costs over a large number of units, and at

the same time reduce machining costs because of closer tolerances and

better finish.

Any shape which can be forged can also be produced as a casting. While

forgings are sometimes preferred because of their greater strength and

homogeneity, it may be necessary to produce complicated shapes as cast-

ings. Many castings are furnished "as-cast," but some alloys are heat-

treated to obtain increased strength.

Wire, Rod, and Bar

The products in the group known as "Wire, Rod, and Bar" find their

application in aircraft principally in the form of structural fittings ma-

chined from rod or bar, usually 24S-T or 75S-T. Other uses include

screw-machine products. Rivets are made from special rivet wire.

Rivets and Screw-Machine Products

The most widely used rivet alloy is A17S-T. Joints requiring higher

strength are made with 17S-T or 24S-T rivets.

Nuts, bolts, screws, and various special screw-machine products for air-

craft use are made almost exclusively from 24S-T and 17S-T.

Bolts, rivets, and other types of fasteners used in aircraft structures

have been standardized by the military services. The drawings and

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specifications for these parts are available in the AN Standard Aircraft

Parts book or in pertinent Federal Specifications. The designer may

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therefore call for any of the standard parts simply by listing the AN

number on his drawing, rather than having to detail each feature of the



AN bolts are coded for length by inches and eighths of an inch, and for

diameter by sixteenths of an inch. For all lengths below one inch, the

single figure means the number of eighths; above one inch, the firsi num-

ber of two digits indicates the number of inches and the second di^it the

number of eighths.

Example: Aluminum Alloy Bolt

AN 5 DD — 6 Indicates aluminum alloy aircraft bolt:

5/16 in. dia.; 6/8 in. long.

length in eighths of inches

aluminum alloy

diameter in sixteenths

Army and Navy Standard Part

When the letters DD are omitted, the bolt is made of heat-treated nickel

steel with a minimum tensile strength of 125,000 psi.

Rivets are similarly coded, as shown by the following example:

Example: Rivet

AN 426 D 6 — 14

length in sixteenths of an inch

diameter in thirty-seconds of an inch

alloy used

indicates type of head

Army and Navy standard part

Steel bolts smaller than %-inch diameter or aluminum alloy bolts

smaller than 34-inch diameter are not used in the primary structure of

an airplane.

In general, rivets, bolts, and other pins should be subjected primarily

to bearing and shear rather than tension; and pinned connections, whether

rivet, bolt, or other devices, should be designed to fail in shear of the pin.


Aluminum alloys can be fabricated on the machinery and equipment

normally employed for other metals. The details of methods, tools, and
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dies depend on the particular alloy and temper, the quantity of identical

parts involved, and the nature of the parts themselves.

Many of the manufacturing methods developed by the aircraft industry

have been the result of conditions peculiar to the industry itself, not to the

materials used. For example, aluminum alloys can be formed successfully

on the large mechanical presses which are so common in the automotive

field. However, the quantities involved in the aircraft industry have not.

until recently, warranted investment in the tools and dies required by

these presses.

Cutting and Blanking

One of the first fabricating operations involves the cutting of rectangular

sheets of metal into the sizes and shapes required for the individual parts

of the airframe. The methods used can be classified as shearing or cut-


Equipment for shearing includes guillotine shears (either power- or foot-

operated) for making straight cuts; roll shears for curves; male and female

blanking dies; and a variety of modifications of the foregoing. To obtain

sheared edges with a minimum of burr, the cutting edges must be smooth

and sharp and set with a clearance equal to about 7 per cent to 10 per cent

of the thickness of the metal being cut. The use of metal dies and rubber

pads for blanking sheet metal was very popular in the aircraft industry

before the present war because the tool cost was low and the small quanti-

ties did not justify the cost of male and female blanking dies.

Two types of cutting are used for sheet stock; sawing and milling (or

routing). Band saws are sometimes used for cutting stacks of sheet-metal

blanks, and of course, both band and circular saws are used for miscella-

neous work on sheet and extruded sections. High blade speeds (5000 feet

per minute for band saws and 10,000 feet per minute for circular saws) are

desirable for best results. Saw teeth should be fairly coarse with a slight

set.and front rake. A more recent method for cutting stacks of sheet-

metal blanks involves the use of routers. The cutter is a small-diameter

milling tool which turns at high speed on a vertical axis. It is guided by

a template clamped to the work and cuts a path all around the blanks

equal in width to the diameter of the cutter. This method leaves the

edges of the blanks in a smoother condition than when the metal is sawed.
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The versatility of these machines and the speed with which templates for

new or altered shapes can be provided have made routing the standard
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method for cutting dd-shaped blanks in many aircraft plants.


Most of the forming work in the aircraft industry is done on sheet. In

general, the equipment consists of basic machines that are fitted with spe-


cial tools or dies for each part they are to process. Thus a double-action

mechanical press (of which there is an increasing number in the aircraft

industry) is usually equipped with a number of sets of punches, dies, and

blankholders. The cost of such tools for large parts led the industry to

seek other methods prior to the war.

Single-action presses, usually hydraulic when large in size, are used ex-

tensively. The large hydraulic presses are usually fitted with a rubber

pad on the ram, both for blanking and forming. Because there is no tend-

ency to "iron" or draw out wrinkles when metal is formed over the edge

of a flat die (metal, wood, or synthetic material) with a rubber pad, it is

common practice to notch the flange and also to provide flutes or scallops

in the flange to use up the excess metal. Parts formed by this method

usually have a more or less flat surface surrounded by a flange (as, for

example, a curved channel), a wing rib, or a flanged bulkhead. Mechan-

ical presses equipped with metal dies are used for a number of forming

operations and simple draws, usually on small parts.

Drop hammers, using zinc or zinc alloy dies and lead punches cast in the

die cavity, are very extensively used. Many of the parts produced in this

manner could be drawn on a double-action press at a lower unit cost, but

a large number of parts is required to justify the higher cost of steel dies.

Sheet panels for wing tips, fins, and control surfaces as well as fairings and

fillets are made by this method.

Sheet panels having very slight double curvature are sometimes formed

by stretching them over a metal or hardwood form. The sheet is wrapped

over the form and is clamped along two opposite edges. The form is then

raised so that the sheet becomes tight over the higher parts. Further

motion of the form stretches the tight parts until the panel fits the form

at all points.

Apron brakes, folders, cornice presses, rolls, and draw-benches are used

in making the endless variety of parts requiring bends that are not curved.

These include corrugated sheet and sheet molding for structural uses in

the airframe. This equipment and its operation is typical of that used by

the better class sheet-metal shops fabricating other materials as well as


Considerable handwork is used in forming aircraft parts. Some of this

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work is done by skilled power-hammer men who form sheet panels to ob-

tain the necessary curvature or crown. Other parts are made by ham-
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mering over or into various wood forms. Even in production work where

tools have been provided, some hand straightening and adjusting may be

necessary. In general, larger quantities justify more nearly perfect tools

which, in turn, reduce or eliminate handwork. Experimental airplanes

sometimes warrant very little tooling.




Magnesium alloys have been found useful for a number of applications

in the aircraft structure. The following information has been obtained

from publications of the Dow Chemical Company.


Magnesium alloy castings are used where light weight, high strength,

resistance to shock, and good machinability are desired. Magnesium

castings find widespread usage in aircraft engines and aircraft landing

wheels. Magnesium alloy permanent-mold castings are being used for

such parts as nose pieces on aircraft engines, fittings, wheel flanges, pis

tons, brackets, and various types of instrument and accessory housings.


Magnesium alloy forgings include aircraft engine bearing-caps, bearing

housings, rocker arm supports, door and aileron hinges, engine mountings,

valve and pump bodies, hydraulic cylinders, miscellaneous control levers,

brackets, and fittings.


Magnesium extrusions include such applications as stiffener elements in

aircraft structures, floor beams, and moldings.


Magnesium sheet and plate have been used for such parts as aircraft

wings, wing tips, ailerons, fairings, fuel and oil tanks, cases, floor plates,

ducts, and seats.


The steel numbering system commonly used in the United States is that

of the Society of Automotive Engineers, which offers the following ex-

planation of the system:

A numeral index system is used to identify the compositions of the S.A.E.

steels, which make it possible to use numerals on shop drawings and blueprints

that are partially descriptive of the composition of material covered by such

numbers. The first digit indicates the type to which the steel belongs; thus

indicates a carbon steel; "2-" a nickel steel and "3-" a nickel chromium steel.

In the case of the simple alloy steels the second digit generally indicates the ap-

proximate percentage of the predominant alloying element. Usually the last two

or three digits indicate the average carbon content in "points," or hundredths of

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1 per cent. Thus "2340" indicates a nickel steel of approximately 3 per cent

nickel (3.25 to 3.75) and 0.40 per cent carbon (0.35 to 0.45); and "71360" indicates
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a tungsten steel of about 13 per cent tungsten (12 to 15) and 0.60 per cent carbon

(0.50 to 0.70).

In some instances, in order to avoid confusion it has been found necessary to

depart from this system of identifying the approximate alloy composition of a

steel by varying the second and third digits of the number. An instance of such
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The application of titanium and titanium alloys is being constantly

expanded as the knowledge and the development of the material increase.


There are many items which the airframe designer does not design, but

which he instead selects to meet specific design requirements. Every

design office has the detailed dimensions, weights, and other specifications

pertaining to these parts available in the catalogs of the suppliers. Among

the items that may be treated in this manner are large ones such as engines,

propellers, radio and radar equipment, wheels, tires, and seats, and also

smaller items consisting mostly of hardware such as rivets, bolts and

nuts, washers, pulleys, cables, bearings, etc. In selecting these, the

designer must consider weight, maintenance, space, strength, and a host

of other factors pertinent to the particular problem involved.

Table V-5.

USS 18-8 Half Hard


Yield Strength 110,000 psi

Tensile Strength 150,000 psi

Elongation in 2": Class


0.015" and under 9% 15%

0.016" to 0.030" inc.... 10% 18%

0.031" and over 10% 18%


Annealed, Pickled and Cold Rolled


Fire Walls and Angles




Air Intake Manifolds


Fuel Tanks

Oil Tanks

Shear Webs
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Fuselage Covering

Wing Cover and Wing Connection

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Wing Radiator

Water Tanks

Tail Surfaces

Bomb Racks

Bomb Shackles

Bomb Chutes

Feed and Ejection Chutes

Gun Blast Cowl

Window Guides


Stainless steels.

USS 18-8 Full Hard


Yield Strength 140,000 psi

Tensile Strength 185,000 psi

Elongation in 2": Class


0.015" and under 3% 8%

0.016" to 0.030" inc.... 4% 9%

0.031" and over 4% 9%


Annealed, Pickled and Cold Rolled


Stabilizer, Horizontal Frame Ribs


Wing Spar (complete all parts)

Fuselage Cover and Structure Parts,



Wing Cover

Aileron Struts and Covering



Table V-6. Steel and steel alloys in aircraft.




Bearings, Roller

Bolts, Eye and Wing Attach-



Clevis Pins

Engine Mount Structural Tub-


Engine Mount Steel Forgings,

Strut Ends

Fittings, Brackets, Hinges,


Fuselage Frame Tubing.



Racks, Bomb.
















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Seat Frames X-4130

Shackles for Cable 2330

Spring Parts 1065


Structural Tubing X-4130


Tail Group Tubing X-4340



Formed Shapes X-4130

Terminals 2330

Tie Rods 2330


Table V-7. Useful structural applications of nonferrous and ferrous alloys.







Use and limitations

28 (MH)

3S (HH)





Electrical conduit.

3S (HH)

3S (HH)





Welded fuel and oil tanks. Good weld, low fa-

tigue strength.

Tank flanges, bosses, etc.

On parts to be welded only.

24S (0)

248 (T)

248 (T)

248 (T)







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Structural—Heat treat after forming.

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Structural. Superseded by 75S.

General structural—Extrusions available.

Structural, 53ST and 61ST, may be used instead

for long columns. Although not commonly

carried in stock.

52S (MH)

52S (HH)

528 (0)





Cowling and fairing subject to vibration.

Spot Weld. Good on all 52S.

Fuel, oil, and instrument lines.



43 (Alcoa)

195 (T4 Alcoa)

220 (Alcoa)

356 (T4 Alcoa)









Nonstructural. May be cast in thin sections.

Pedals, gear boxes, camera hatches.


Table V-7. (Continued). Useful structural applications of nonferrous and ferrous alloys.







Use and limitations

SAE 1095





Aircraft flat springs.

In all coil springs.

SAE 2330



Aircraft bolts, eyes, forks and terminals.

SAE X-4130





Welded structural details. Purchased annealed.

High-strength welded. Wing and landing gear

fittings or machine parts under J4-inch thick.



Structural. Excellent weld. Purchased normal-


SAE 4140




Welded structural parts. Over H-inch thick.

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SAE 4340
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High-strength forged or machine parts. Over 2

inches in thickness.

SAE 6150




Gears. Purchased annealed.

All important springs.


18-8 (Annealed)

18-18 (}A Hard)





Good "spot weld," easily formed, nonmagnetic.

Good "spot weld," structural. Ammunition chutes

and boxes.

18-8 (Annealed)

18-8 (Annealed)





Good "spot weld." For exhaust system.

Carpenter No. 8 free machining. Cannot be heat





Table V-8. Decimal equivalents of gauges used on aircraft material.


Brown & Sharpe

Wire Gauge

Aluminum and its alloys;

U. S. Standard

(all tubing)

Magnesium and its alloys

Steel Sheet

in inches

Sheet, in inches

in inches























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(Note: On all materials, decimal equivalents of common fractions are generally used

for thicknesses over J00^-inch.)


Detail Design Considerations

There are many guiding principles in design that are equally applicable

to the design of the wing and the design of the fuselage. The student has

been exposed to many of these principles in his initial drawing course.

There have been further additions made to his store of technical knowl-

edge through various courses preparing him for his first attempt at a

design problem. Therefore, it is not the purpose of this chapter to re-

view all of the aspects of detail design, but rather to point out some

specific helpful hints on the subject.


The approach to a specific design problem may often be influenced by

the initial design philosophy.

Margin of Safety

Aircraft structures, for example, are generally designed to obtain the

lightest structure for a given set of conditions. In keeping with this

design philosophy, each member should be chosen so that its strength

margin of safety is zero. (Margin of safety is the difference between the

maximum load or stress a member can withstand without failing and the

maximum load or stress that is likely to be imposed under any condition

in the normal operation of the aircraft.) However, the smallest margin

of safety may not always mean the lightest member, as the illustration in

Table VI-1 shows. If one were to select a tubular member to withstand

a torsional moment of 10,500 inch-pounds, either the 1% X .049 tube

with an Fty = 85,000 psi or a 1^ X .065 tube with an Fty = 75,000

would be satisfactory; yet, the one with the slightly higher margin of

safety is considerably lighter.

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Table VT-1. Allowable torsional moment for SAE X 4130 steel tubes for length0


L/D* Ratio = 20





lbs/100 in.


Fty = 75,000 psi Ft, = 85,000 psi

\% x .049


10,180 in.-lb. 10,720 in.-lb.

IH x .065


10,650 in.-lb. 11,210 in.-lb.

IH x .095


10,870 in.-lb. 11,400 in.-lb.

*L = Length; D = Diameter

Maintenance Requirements

Sometimes maintenance may be an overriding consideration. It is

conceivable that a wheel brake assembly could be designed to withstand

the loads imposed upon it; but if it failed to stand up for more than 100

landings, it would not be considered an economical item and would,

therefore, be redesigned to meet certain maintenance requirements.

Fool-Proof Operation

A system that has to be operated must be designed so as to avoid dam-

age that may result from any deviation from correct operating procedure.

It is desirable also to avoid designs of assemblies in which it may be pos-

sible to interchange parts having similar outward appearances but different


The "Fail-Safe" Principle

A structure may be designed so as to be considered "fail-safe." In

other words, should one member of a complex structure fail, some other
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member would be called upon to carry the load. Such design does not

always require a 100 per cent margin of safety, but entails a certain type
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of structure or arrangement of members to compensate for the failure of

any one member.


Safety may require additional consideration in design. It may be

satisfactory, for most purposes, to have only one access to a cabin, but

in case of an emergency, this might be insufficient. A hydraulic system

to operate the retraction of a landing gear may be excellent, but if it fails

to function, can another system be used? Safety considerations should

always be taken into account by the designer to avoid situations which

may have unfortunate consequences. He must foresee certain prob-

lems—the movement of a control system chafing the insulation of an



electrical system; a foreign object falling into some mechanism and hinder-

ing its operation; excessive deflections causing the malfunction of another

part—and he must prevent them by a suitable and effective design.

Whatever structure is designed, stress analysis will be the final de-

terminant. One does not say that one structure is stronger than another,

but rather that one design is more efficient than another, meaning that

the material has been used more effectively. This efficiency refers not

only to individual elements but also to an assembly of elements.

The "One-Horse Shay" Principle

For optimum design, an assembly of elements (provided there is no

conflict with some other design philosophy) should be built according to

the principle of the "one-horse shay"—each part fails at the same time.

For example, in an assembly or panel, working stresses are so obtained

by the distribution of material between skin and stiffeners, that insta-

bility of the skin occurs simultaneously with the primary and secondary

instability of the stringers.

0.002 e-strain-inches per inch

Figure VI-1. Typical tensile stress-strain diagrams: (A) Material having a definite

yield point (such as plain low carbon steels); (B) Materials not having a definite yield

point (such as aluminum alloys-high carbon, alloy, and cold worked steels); (C) Alumi-

num-covered aluminum alloys.

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The strength properties of the most commonly used materials and ele-

ments in the aircraft industry may be found in a publication entitled

Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements, published by the U. S. Government

Printing Office.

Typical stress-strain curves are shown in Figure VI-1. It is generally

desirable to know the yield and the ultimate strength of materials, since

the basic allowable stress of a material should not exceed the yield. How-

ever, since the yield value is sometimes arbitrarily defined, the ultimate

stress may be used as a reference. Where this is done, the allowable

stress is assumed to equal the ultimate stress divided by the factor of

safety of 1.5. This may be stated as

where Fy = yield stress of the material, in tension or compression for


Fu = ultimate stress of the material, in tension or compression

for example,

Jy = safety factor = 1,

Ju — safety factor = 1.5.

The allowable stresses may vary from the mechanical properties of the

material since appropriate allowances must be made for column effects,

method of fabrication, form factors and conditions, stress concentration,

fatigue, and the like.

A knowledge of the behavior of the structure under load is important

(1) for obtaining the optimum efficiency of the structure as to its allowable

load and strength-weight ratio, and (2) for designing the structure so

that excessive deflections do not interfere with the safe operation of

equipment and control systems that may be attached to it.

Stress analysis covers the determination of the stress state in a member,

and the selection of a material or member with mechanical properties

that can withstand the likely maximum stress. It is necessary to know

the00loads imposed upon the structure as well as the structural configura-

tions and materials employed, for the stresses caused by the limit loads

must not exceed the allowable stress of the material. In order to avoid

permanent sets, the applied stress must fall below the yield point of the

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In building up a complex structure composed of many open sections

and much thin material, it is important to understand not only the types
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of failures possible in the complete structure, but also those to which




individual members are subject. Failures of these members are generally

a result of instability—either primary or local.

A column having a closed circular cross section may suffer a compres-

sion failure either through lateral deflection, usually at the middle of

the column (primary instability), or through collapse of the tube wall,

at a stress lower than that required to produce a general column failure

of the primary instability type.



Figure VI-2. Structural behavior.

Compression Bending

Efficient as a column

for slenderness ratios

less than 140.

Heavier than

round tube.


round tube.


Relatively efficient

as open section; bet-

ter when section is


Efficient for small

members and for D/t

ratios less than 50.

Better than a round

tube when bending

about the vertical



round tube.


Compares with

square tube when

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Efficient for small

members and for

D/t <70 and L/D


About equivalent

to a round tube.


round tube.

to a

Compares with

square tube when


Efficient when sup-

ported against lat-

eral deflection.

Buckles easily about

vertical axis when


Efficient when com-

pression side is sup-

ported. If unsup-

ported, inefficient

about vertical axis.

Somewhat ineffici-

ent in torsion.

Relatively inefficient

unless supported.

Buckles easily about

diagonal axis when



An I-beam may fail by sidewise deflection of the entire compression

flange extending over a comparatively large distance, or by local wrinkling

of one or both of the thin outstanding flanges.

In general, structural members should be investigated for (1) failure of

the material, (2) resistance to primary instability failure, and (3) re-

sistance to local instability failure. The type of failure that occurs at

the lowest stress should be used as the criterion in design.


The cross sections of the structural members by which sheet panels are

supported play an important role in the stability as well as in the strength

of the built-up structures. Such supports may be transverse ribs in a

wing, transverse frames in a fuselage, or longitudinal stringers (or stiffen-

ers) in either the wing or fuselage.

Some understanding of the behavior of these structures may be ob-

tained from the tabulation of representative cross sections of structural

members given in Figure VI-2. It will be noted that closed sections are

generally best, open symmetrical sections are next in line, and open un-

symmetrical sections are least efficient. However, local support, as

afforded by sheet covering, shear webs, or plates, increase the stability

and thus the maximum load-carrying ability of the individual members.

The effect of local supports and of the addition of a lip to a free edge is

shown comparatively in Figure VI-3. Open sections are generally pre-

ferred in reinforced monocoque stricture because of accessibility in rivet-

ing or bolting. The analysis is based upon the assumption that the

various component flanges of a structural member may be considered as

panels supported or free along the edges parallel to the direction of the

applied compressive load.


b „i, b

i j±t±L

5.2 4.3

Relative compressive strength

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Figure VI-3. Compressive strengths of stiffeners. Assumptions: all loaded edges

(perpendicular to figure) were considered simply supported; edges considered freely

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supported without lip; between simply and freely supported with lip; rivet line offers

condition between simple and clamped support condition.



To obtain an optimum design on the basis of strength-weight ratio, it

would be necessary to conduct a preliminary stress analysis for various

types of stringers. This would entail considering the different combina-

tions of skin thicknesses, stringer spacing and thicknesses, and transverse

frame or rib spacings. After obtaining such data, the next step would

be a comparison of the relative weights of the combinations. It would

be necessary to have stress data available on various cross sections of

stringers or stiffeners. With this, initial comparisons could be made on

the basis of crushing strength (defined as the end point of column curves,

projected to L/p = 0 drawn through data) obtained from tests on columns

of the section for a range of L/p values from 20 to 50, where L is the

length of the column, and p the radius of gyration.

In either the wing or the fuselage, much weight is often accumulated

by the addition of stringer splices. A closed section, for example, re-

quires heavier and more complicated splices than an open section to

^ =======a

Schematic representation

Possible deflection curves

Fixed or Free edges

clamped edges

Figure VI-4. Behavior of sheet under compression for different edge conditions.

Simply supported

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accomplish a satisfactory structure. It is therefore possible to save

weight with an open section, in spite of the fact that it can carry a lower

allowable stress.


The behavior of a panel subjected to compression depends upon the

degree of flexibility or rigidity of the supports to which the panel is at-

tached. A schematic representation of the behavior of various edge

conditions is given in Figure VI-4, which also shows the possible deflec-

tion curves that a single panel could take if considered alone.

Figure VI-5 indicates the behavior of a panel attached to a series of

stringers or stiffeners. The sketches illustrate a portion of a wing, a

tail surface, or a fuselage under compression. For an originally curved

surface, the behavior would be similar. While at first it would seem that

a rigidly supported system (Figure B or Figure D) should result in the

lightest structure, this is not always the case, since the rigid supports may

contribute an inordinate amount of weight. It would be necessary to

Figure VI-5. Relative behavior of different types of metal sheet-stringer construc-

tion when under compressive stress. (A) The torsionally flexible stringers rotate and

carry the attached thin sheet with them. The stringers in this case are considered to

offer only simple support for the sheet between the stringers. (B) The torsionally stiff

longitudinal stringers and shear webs prevent rotation and offer clamped edge conditions

for the sheet covering. (C) The torsionally rigid longitudinal stringers rotate only

slightly and thus offer a condition between the simple and clamped edge conditions.

(D) The sheet, considerably thicker relative to the integrally incorporated longitudinal

stringers, takes over. The stringers, in this case, tend to reduce the spanwise undulation

of the sheet covering.

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make comparative studies for specific design conditions to ascertain the

optimum design. Even then, other factors, such as fabrication and pro-

duction, may cause the reconsideration of a design which was otherwise

thought to be optimum.


The number of transverse frames or ribs can be determined in part by

the permissible dimensions of the skin panels of a given thickness.

The metal covering not only serves to give the aerodynamic form to the

wing, tail surfaces, or fuselage, but must do so under varying conditions.

It should not, for instance, develop wrinkles or an undulating surface

under normal air pressure as this would materially add to the aerodynamic

resistance. Furthermore, it should be strong enough to withstand the

stresses resulting from compression or shear. Usually, for preliminary

design, a stress analysis is either not available or is impossible to perform

without some idea of the likely configuration of the structure.

The dimensions recommended to prevent oil-canning provide a ready

means of determining not only the panel sizes, but also the spacing of

Figure VI-6. Chart for determining proportions of unsupported sheet covering for

exterior surfaces so as to prevent oil-canning and undesirable vibration leading to

fatigue cracking. R is the radius of curvature in inches. If the ratio of panel length

to panel width is greater than 3, either the panel width should be reduced from the

values obtained from the chart or the thickness of the sheet should be increased.
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Figure VI-7. Chart for determining proportions of unsupported sheet covering for

interior surfaces so as to prevent oil-canning and undesirable vibration leading to

fatigue cracking. R is the radius of curvature in inches. If the ratio of panel length

to panel width is greater than 3, either the panel width should be reduced from the

values obtained from the chart or the thickness of the panel sheet should be increased.

frames, ribs, stringers, or other supports. Figures VI-6 and VI-7 repre-

sent charts for determining suitable panel sizes. Although subsequent

stress analysis may indicate a change in the skin thickness, this does not

necessarily entail a change in the spacing of supports. For aircraft of

the utility category, a skin thickness of not less than .025 inches for

aluminum alloy is recommended. This is usually sufficiently thick for

the stresses encountered at most of the airplane surface. Where greater

bending moments are likely to occur, as at the root of the wing or the

central portion of the fuselage, a thickness of .032 to .040 inches may be

assumed. An examination of Figures VI-8 and VI-9, which show the

variation of the coefficient K with variations in panel size and edge con-

ditions, reveals that the ratio of the two sides of a rectangular panel should

be less than 1 for panels in compression, and 1 for panels subjected to

shear. However, while this is true from a strength point of view, having

many stringers, frames, or other supports may not always be best from

the standpoint of weight and construction complexity. The optimum

relationship of the dimensions of a panel depends to some extent upon

the individual problem.

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Ratio sf panel dimensisns a/b

Figure VT-8. Envelope of values of K in the formula given on the chart. The

following conditions are represented: (1) ends and sides of panels clamped; (2) ends

simply supported, sides clamped; (3) ends clamped, sides simply supported; (4) ends

and sides simply supported; (5) ends simply supported, one side free, one side clamped;

(6) ends simply supported, one side free, one side simply supported. The values at the

right of the chart are the asymptotic values for each of the six conditions.


- n . tu

r 11 j i

I u,00^—.——-,m

) ii U\


( \\[ (


.n T




h a â– 





Rath of long side to short side /+J

Figure VT-9. Graph for determining critical shear stress factor K,; a and 6 are

between adjacent skin supports, whether ribs, stringers, spars, or other supports.
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It will also be noted that for a ratio of panel dimensions of 3 or greater,

the value of the coefficient K in the appropriate formulas remains con-

stant. A ratio of the sides of about 3 would seem reasonable for most

of the cases encountered.

Figure VI-10. The solid line in the top illustration represents the distribution of

the compressive stress on a reinforced panel after the sheet has buckled. The equivalent

stress distribution used for calculation on the basis of "effective widths" of the sheet is

shown by the dashed lines.


When a combination sheet-stringer panel is subjected to compression,

the sheet will tend to buckle at a lower stress level than the stringer, and

will thereafter carry no more load. The stress distribution of such a

sheet-stringer combination is illustrated in Figure VI-10. The solid

line depicts the stress distribution chordwise at the time the C-stringers

have reached their maximum allowable stress. Since the sinusoidal

nature of the stress distribution is somewhat difficult to calculate, an

approximation is made by assuming a uniform stress distribution, as

shown by the dotted lines in the above figure. The extent of this uni-

form stress distribution is determined by the so-called "effective widths,"

as illustrated in Figure VI-11.

The effective widths may be calculated by means of the following

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»»2| "2

"2 | "2

"2 | "2







Fiodbe VI-11. The effective widths, u,i and tc2, are measured from the rivet center


where w = effective width, in inches,

Cv> = .60 for wi, as shown in Figure VI-11,

= .85 for w2, as shown in Figure VI-11,

t = thickness of sheet, in inches,

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E = modulus of elasticity, psi,

Fe = allowable column stress of the combination of the stringer

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and the effective widths of the sheet.

It will be noted from Figure VI-11 that the stringer or stiffener re-

quiring two rows of rivets makes more of the skin effective than does the

stringer requiring only a single row. Moreover, the stringer having a

closed section with the skin is itself a more effective compression member.

However, the greater cost of two rivet rows must be0 0 considered against

the strength advantages.

Unless the proportion of the load carried by the effective skin is ap-

preciable, it is often impractical to determine in preliminary design the

true effective width of skin. For a first approximation, therefore, it is

satisfactory to consider an effective width of skin of 30< on each side of

the rivet line.


In considering a wing or fuselage cross section as a cross section of beam

in bending, it is immediately apparent that the effective centroid of the

cross section is not the center of gravity, for less material is effective on

the compression side of the beam than on the tension side.

In designing any beam for bending, it is desirable to distribute the

material so that it is located as far from the neutral axis as possible. A

sheet-stringer combination, however, involves another factor, as each




Actual location of skin


Figure VI-12. (A) A typical sheet-stringer construction; (B) the equivalent effec-

tiveness under compression. The solid line represents the shear elements, and the

solid circles the bending or compression elements.

sheet-stringer element under compression acts as a column under com-

pression. Since the stringer is restrained from buckling in a direction

parallel to the metal sheet covering but is only slightly restrained in the

direction perpendicular to the skin, it is desirable to have a large moment

inertia for that axis to resist any buckling tendencies. The effect of this

is shown schematically in Figure VI-12.


Cut-outs caused by doors, windows, access or inspection plates, landing

gear retraction, and the like represent an interruption of the structural

integrity of the unit where they occur. Recourse to hydraulic analogy

(see Figure VI-13) indicates that high local stresses occur at the corners

of the cut-out, and that the structural elements ahead and behind the

cut-out are not carrying any stress unless some distortion takes place

elsewhere to transfer some of the load.

The condition of stress around a cut-out in a reinforced monocoque

structure is similar to that of a hole in plate, as illustrated in Figure VI-14.

Doors may be designed to carry loads through the structure if proper

provision is made for transmitting the loads. However, such factors as

loose fits and requirements for emergency operation prevent this from

being an easily-established condition.

Figure VI-13. Hydraulic analogy may offer an insight into the likely stress dis-

tribution around a cut-out. In the hydraulic analogy shown above, the obstruction in

the channel could represent a window in the side of a fuselage. The greatest stress con-

centration is at the corners. The flow ahead and behind the obstruction is practically

at a standstill. Translated to the structural counterpart, the structure ahead and

behind the cut-out is carrying no load or is not stressed.

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Figure VI-14.

jected to tension.

Stress distribution across the section through a hole in a plate sub-

Note the greater intensity adjacent to the hole.

Windows are not considered to carry loads through the structure. It is

true that pressure on them is transmitted, but the installation and the

material of the windows are such that they are not thought of as pro-

viding continuity to the structure for stress analysis purposes.

To enable the structure around the cut-out to adequately carry the

loads imposed upon it, provision must be made for reinforcements such

as additional doubler plates or rigid frames. Figures VI-15 and VI-16

show some possible solutions.


Should failure occur in riveted joints, it is generally better that it occur

by shearing of the connecting element, the rivet, rather than by bearing

and/or tearing of the sheet or plate.

Aluminum alloy rivets are available in Y%, % and % of an

inch diameters. The selection of the diameter size depends upon many

factors—the ease of upsetting the shop-head, the thicknesses to be joined,

the loads to be transmitted, and the size of rivet pattern possible. For

simple or straightforward sheet connections, a diameter approximately

equal to the total thicknesses of sheet to be joined may be assumed until

Figure VI-15. Treatment of cut-outs and openings. Rigid frames, rounded

corners, and doubler plates help to redistribute the stresses. The arrows indicate the

principal direction of stress.

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(a) (b)

Figure VI-16. Two possible treatments of cut-outs such as windows, doors, and

access holes. (A) is appropriate for a section subjected to relatively high shear and

compression loads. Doubler plates or increased skin thickness may be added where

the stress would otherwise be high. (B) is suitable, for example, near the neutral axis

of a fuselage where the stress is low. The frame around the cut-out may be subject to

induced loads.

the detail design has progressed far enough to allow a study of the effect

of a different rivet size.

Bolted joints are used where the thickness of the plates or material to

be joined is large enough to warrant their use.

Whatever the method employed of joining two or more members to-

gether by means of pinning, consideration has to be given to making the

parts accessible in the course of assembly and to providing the necessary

clearance between adjacent pins (whether rivet or bolt) so that the tools

used to upset the rivet head or to tighten the nut on the bolt clear all

adjacent interferences.

[! ^






!! c



Figure VI-17. Rivet patterns. Spacing for single and double rows expressed in

terms of rivet diameters.

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Figure VI-17 offers a guide to the development of a rivet row or rivet

pattern. Each manufacturer will have specific instructions available in a

drafting room manual or some similar reference. However for student

work, the simple instructions outlined in the figure should suffice.

The spacing of the rivets attaching the skin to the stiffener may often

determine the allowable load that the structural element consisting of

the stiffener and skin may carry (if buckling of any element determines

the upper design criterion) since buckling of the skin between rivets is

likely to occur first. The plastic buckling stress of the compressive skin

between the rivets may be obtained from the formula:

3.62 E•


where Fc = plastic buckling stress, psi,

Et = tangent modulus of the material,

p = rivet spacing or pitch, as measured between the center of ad-

jacent rivets, in inches,

t = thickness of skin in inches.

If the allowable stress should be considered too low, then obviously the

designer may change the value by either increasing the skin thickness or

changing the rivet spacing.


Points at which concentrated loads are transferred from one complex

structure (landing gear members, engine mount supports, wing spars, tail

surface spars) to another (the fuselage or the wing), require a special study

of methods of transferring the loads. This must be taken not only from

the point of view of stresses incurred, but also from the standpoint of

secondary effects that may result from slight misalignments, initial buck-

ling, or excessive deflection of the adjacent supporting structure.

It is poor design to attach a rigid fitting to a thin sheet such as a spar

web or fuselage skin because of the instability of the thin sheet and the

high concentration of stresses. Figures VI-18 and VI-19 illustrate a

few simple applications of fitting attachments and splices.

For preliminary design, the point of departure in designing a fitting is

to consider the pin or pins to be used for joining the two or more members

together. After the selection of the pin or bolt, the necessary dimensions
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for determining the configuration of the fitting become apparent.

It is advisable to have concentric fittings wherever possible. The

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simplest fitting of this type would involve one pin subjected to double

shear, as shown in Figure VI-20. The minimum dimensions of the male

lug may be found by the method outlined below.



Figure VI-18. Illustration of a spar fitting. The steps are introduced to avoid

sudden changes in cross section. A tapered tang could be used but spot-facing would

be necessary to assure proper seating of bolt heads and nuts.

Figure VI-19. Examples of splices. Splicing members may be riveted or bolted,

depending upon the method of connecting members in other parts of the same structure.

An internal wrenching bolt may be used for the tension splice shown in bottom figure

at the right.

Figure VI-20. Principal dimensions of a fitting lug. The dimension W should not

be less than 2R-d. Where the shank behind the bolt hole is long, additional calculations

should be made for bending stresses, especially those that may be introduced by eccen-

tric loads, whether due to misalignment or applied.

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Step 1. Determining Bolt Diameter.

where P. is allowable single shear strength of bolt obtained from Table

VI-1, and

P is tension or compression in pounds.

Step 2. Determining Thickness of Fitting Lug.

P = 2<F*,

where Ft* is allowable bearing stress of the plate. Select nearest stand-

ard thickness.

Step 3. Determining Value of R.

P = (2R - d)tFty.

Step 4. Checking whether Dimension R is Sufficient.

P = 2xtF„

where F, is the allowable shear stress of the plate and where x may be

assumed equal to R.

The illustration given should be helpful in determining proportions of

other fittings involving more bolts or plates.


Two metal sheets with a relatively thick low-density material placed

between them is generally called a "sandwich material." This type of

construction is used to increase the greater rigidity and stability of thin

sheet material under load.

The low-density material or core may be balsa wood, foam rubber,

fiberglass, or another synthetic compound of low density and high volume.

This material serves primarily to give added support to the metal sheet

and thus increase the allowable stress that the material may take, whether

it is in compression or shear. The. core, when properly bonded to the

exterior sheets, prevents panel flutters.

The sandwich core may also be comprised of relatively high density

materials such as resin-impregnated paper or thin sheet metal, when

these materials are fabricated in honeycomb or a similar configuration.

(See Figure VI-21.) When this type of core is employed, the sandwich

has an added strength or stability normal to the outside sheets, and it

therefore lends itself to flooring or any purpose where normal loads are

likely to be high.
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Figure VI-21. One form of sandwich construction is illustrated here. The core is

a honeycomb made of metal, fiber, or plastic. Such construction is used for flooring,

leading and trailing edges of tail surfaces and control surfaces.

The major disadvantages of sandwich construction are the difficulty of

bonding the faces to the core, the extensive tooling required by the compli-

cated configurations, and the local reinforcements and built-in fittings

necessitated by the application of concentrated loads.


Flooring, whether in the cabin, cockpit, or cargo compartment, requires

a type of structure that is rather rigid to the load normally applied to the

surface. For that reason, the cross section of the structure must have a

relatively high moment of inertia in order to reduce the deflections and

also a surface that is resistant to easy local penetration.

Consider, for example, a square plate of homogeneous material that is

simply supported along its edges (a conservative estimate) and subjected

to a uniformly distributed load of w pounds per square inch. The maxi-

mum deflection, occurring at the center, would be:

where b is the length of sides of the square,

t is the thickness of the plate, and

E is the modulus of elasticity.

For such a plate, it is obvious that steel would have approximately one

third of the deflection that aluminum alloy would have, in the ratio of

Eal. alloy/E^ai ,

but would weigh approximately three times more (in the ratio of specific

weight of steel to the specific weight of aluminum alloy). However, if

the thickness of the material used was increased, the deflections would
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'U U U U LT^1





0—u h—u u—u u—u u—u


Figure VI-22. Cross sections of several types of flooring are illustrated: (A) an

example of sandwich construction; (B) an integrally stiffened plate; (C) a "beaded"

plate; (D) a corrugated sheet attached to a flat sheet on one side or to a flat sheet on

both sides; (E) a built-up section for a heavily loaded floor; (F) relatively closely-spaced

C stiffeners. The assemblies may be riveted, spot-welded, or bonded.

vary as the cube of the thickness and thereby accomplish more. Chang-

ing the dimension b would be helpful, provided that the transverse supports

were not the determining influence in the over-all deflection of a floor

comprised of many individual squares.

In reducing the deflection of a plate, much can be accomplished through

the incorporation of beads or integral stiffeners. Still more may be done

by using sandwich construction with a relatively stiff core, or a flat sheet

backed up by corrugations. (Figure VI-22 shows some representative

cross sections of floors.)

Further insight into the desirable characteristics of flooring construc-

tion will be gained through a consideration of the deflection formula of a

beam of uniform cross section loaded uniformly:

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Obviously, the greater the moment of inertia of the cross section, the

smaller the deflection. Sandwich construction generally provides a ready

means of obtaining a high moment of inertia.

The requirement for floor loading depends in large part upon the type

of payload or cargo that is carried. For a distributed load, up to 40 or

more pounds per square foot is common; for concentrated loads, the

weight of a passenger over a square foot area may be assumed. For con-

centrated loads, such as is caused by a lady's high-heel shoe, the total

weight of the passenger over an area of one square inch would be ap-



In the internal combustion engine, the dissipation of excess heat was

accomplished either by liquid cooling and ultimate rejection of the heat

through the medium of air passing through the radiator through which

the liquid was circulated or, more directly, by using the circulating air to

absorb the heat directly, without a liquid intermediary. This type of

thermal problem is an ever-present one in any heat engine, and the engi-

neering means for alleviating it are readily available.

0l I I I I I I I

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Exposure temperature, degrees F

Figure VI-23. Typical graph of strength characteristics of Aluminum Alloy 75S-T6

extrusions at elevated temperatures. Not only is the strength less, but the creep char-

acteristics of material at elevated temperatures will cause displacements, misalignments,

and other distortions.

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Figure VI-24. Experimental structures for aircraft exposed to high-temperature-

producing conditions: (A) utilizes relatively closely spaced corrugated webs useful for

both heat dissipation and rigidity; (B) utilizes rigid trusses whose members serve to

drain the heat from the surface and function as a heat sink. In both figures, the top

skin has been removed to show the interior construction.

For short periods of excessive heating (as caused by braking), a tempo-

rary heat sink may be provided by the use of a large mass of material with

relatively high heat absorption. Since the time cycle of heating is short,

a considerable period may elapse afterwards for the cooling of the heat


A new thermal problem has presented itself with the attainment of

faster-than-sound speeds. At these high speeds, the aircraft surfaces

become heated due to aerodynamic friction. At Mach 2 (twice the speed

of sound), the metal sheet covering may reach a temperature of 275° F,

and at Mach 3, it may reach 650° F. At speeds as high as Mach 4 to 5,

the steady-state temperatures of airborne missiles may reach from 1000°

to 2000° F.

For internal spaces occupied by people and temperature-critical equip-

ment, air conditioners must be supplied. For the structure, materials

and methods of construction have to be used which:

1. retain their high strength characteristics at elevated temperatures,

such as titanium alloys (Figure VI-23 shows some typical strength charac-

teristics of a metal at various elevated temperatures), or

2. serve as a heat sink (requiring much material), or

3. allow dissipation of the heat by providing large surfaces about which

air may be circulated, under pressure if necessary.

Much research is presently being conducted to find an effective way of

meeting this new challenge. Figure VI-24 shows some possible solutions.


Various methods are employed to strengthen a structural member made

of a relatively large area of flat sheet.

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\N If


J/ V

♦1 if




A 4d

mm. mm.

j mm. B00B

Figure VI-25. Edge distances for lightening holes. All bend radii are at least

three times the thickness of the material (St). The dimension d is the diameter of the

rivet used to attach a member having lightening holes to another. The lip around the

lightening hole should be at least It in height.

~* A—>J






.. V5i

Figure VI-26. Minimum dimensions required for A = 3d for thicknesses of riveting

clearances sections less than .036"; A = Ad for thicknesses between .036" and .081".
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Lightening Holes

In a sense this is a misnomer, for the decrease in weight due to removal

of material is secondary. The primary purpose of a lightening hole is

either (1) to increase the in-plane stability by means of the raised Up

around the hole, or (2) to provide a passageway for control systems, wir-

ing, tubing, and the like, or (3) to provide an access to another portion

of an interior.

Ridges called beads or beading are used to increase the rigidity of an

otherwise flat plate.


Small, relatively short-length angles may be attached to an otherwise

large flat sheet to increase its shear carrying ability and to reduce or

eliminate any tin-canning tendencies.

Figube VI-28. Detail showing interconnection of a stiffener or any transverse

member and a heavier structural member. The section could represent the chord

member of a tension field spar or a heavy beam in a fuselage, with the stiffener

corresponding to a transverse frame.


min. min.

Figure VI-27. Recommended edge distances for bolts.

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Table VI-2. Typical mechanical properties of wrought aluminum alloys.











per cent in 2 in.






















(X in.


(H in.
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Table V00-00. Mechanical Ooserties of aluminum alloy.





i. 9,000,000000 0 000,000,000 »



36.. 93600,0000 0 000,000,000 >-



0.0000 lb/cu in. 0073 lb/cu ft

Clad 200O sheet and slate

Heat-treated by user






00,000 1 58,000

3O000 3O000

i 0 0 p7000 0 00000







i0 0 K00r






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0.0 -



























Bare 200O sheet and slate

Heat-t00ated by user

Table VI-5. Shear and tensile strengths of steel rivets, bolts and pins.


Heat-treated steel



Tensile strength, kips per


Standard AN bolts

sq. in.





Shear strength, kips per

sq. in.





AN Std. bolt



of rivet,

Allowable single shear strength,

Tension, lb

bolt or pin,

in pounds

(in thread)

in inches







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Table VI-8. Properties of round tubing.




















of inertia,









/, tn»

I/r, in'





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sq. in.
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Table VI-8. (Continued.) Properties of round tubing.





















of inertia,








/, in'

I/r, ,'„•





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sq. in.

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The Three-View

The three-view of a projected design is composed of the top or plan view,

the front view or front elevation, and the side view or side elevation. It

corresponds to the photographs that might be taken of the top, front, and

side view of the completed airplane.

After the designer has his set of specifications, he makes a few sketches

of what he believes his final design should look like. It helps bim to visu-

alize arrangements more readily and it forms the basis of his detailed

weight estimate and subsequent balance calculations.

An experienced designer will first make a hasty "thumb-nail" three-

view sketch. It is sufficiently detailed to convey the basic ideas of .the

design and no further three-view is then made until the design has been

almost completely decided upon as to dimensions, correlation of wing,

engine, landing gear, and tail surfaces.

However, even the experienced designer usually finds it desirable to

make several three-views—each one more accurate than its predecessor.

The "thumb-nail" sketch is excellent to determine the type, to initiate

the design, and to record particular features of exceptional nature that the

designer has in mind. However, the first design on which such work as

the weight estimate and balance diagram can be based is the preliminary


Unless the airplane is radical in design—departs wholly from conven-

tional design—the data obtained from existing airplanes are the best

guides in proportioning the new project, and the new or uninitiated de-

signer should avoid "radical" or new designs until he has first worked

through a conventional design. The fundamental principles of airplane

design always hold, and there is no better way to understand them than by

working through conventional designs. "Radical" designs are usually

"radical" because they disregard fundamental principles with the result

that the designer will eventually be disappointed.

The outline which follows shows how standard data on existing airplanes

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Figure VII-1. This illustrates how certain available data may be assembled in prep-

aration for the initial three-view. A represents the over-all length required for the

propeller hub, engine, engine accessories, etc., with sufficient clearance allowed for the

removal of the rearmost accessory; B the distance allowed for the pilot's cabin; C

the length of the cabin of about 30 (AT + 1) inches, where N represents the number of

rows of seats athwartship, and 30 inches the distance allowed between rows; D, equal

to about one-third over-all length, is the approximate location of the center of gravity

of the complete airplane in rear of the nose; E is equal to 2.5 to 3.0 times the mean

geometric chord length of the wing; F is allowance for desired headroom in cabin; G is

allowance for depth of the front-wing spar; L is the over-all length of the fuselage with

an engine located in its nose.

may be made of use in laying down the preliminary three-view. (See

Figure VII-1.)

In making a preliminary three-view, some knowledge of the installation

requirements of the power plant, cockpit and cabin is necessary. The

chapters on these subjects should be carefully studied before going too far

with the preliminary sketch, and chapters on wing design, landing gear,

power plants, and other parts should be referred to by the student.

The information necessary to draw up the first three-view can be as-

sembled easily, provided the specifications for the airplane have been given

and a study of existing airplanes which seem to meet the specifications is

made. From the information at hand, and a knowledge of the engine

specifications, it is usually simple to proceed along the following lines.

Table VII-1 presents important data to aid in drawing up the three-view.

Step 1. Estimation of Gross Weight.

The gross weight may be estimated in one of several ways:

(a) A first guess of the probable gross weight may be made, if the type

and number of engines are specified, from the engine power P which, mul-


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Table VII-1. Empirical data.

Wing Data

Area S, sq ft

Aspect ratio, R

Span 6, ft

Root chord Cr, ft

Tip chord Cr, ft_- —

Root airfoil

Tip airfoil

Mean geometric chord, MGC ft

Location of 25% of MGC projected on root chord, ft

Aileron area S„, sq ft

Aileron span &«, ft.

Aileron chord C, ft

Flap area S/„ sq ft

Flap span, b/„ ft

Flap chord C/„ ft

Aileron area to wing area Sa/S %

Flap area to wing area S/,/S %

General dimensions (in feet or in inches)

Over-all span 6 -

Over-all dimensions

Over-all height to over-all span* H/b

Wheel tread to over-all span* T/b

Over-all length to over-all span* L/b

Over-all height H ~

Wheel tread, T

Over-all length L

Distance between center of gravity and tail post

Tail Surfaces

Vertical tail surfaces to wing area,* ST/S , %

Horizontal tail surfaces to wing area,* Sk/S . %

Fin area to vertical tail surfaces,* S//S,

Rudder area to vertical tail surfaces,* <Sr/S, %

Elevator area to horizontal tail surfaces,* S,/iS» %

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Stabilizer area to horizontal tail surfaces,* S,/Si, %

Horizontal tail surface area

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Elevator area <S,

Stabilizer area S,

Aspect ratio of horizontal tail surfaces ft»

Span of horizontal tail surfaces 6»

Chord of horizontal tail surfaces C»

Vertical tail surface area Sv


* All obtained from averages of these same ratios compiled for existing airplanes of

similar type.

Table VII-1. (Continued).

Fin area S/

Rudder area Sr

Aspect ratio of vertical tail surfaces, R,

Span of vertical tail surfaces 6„, ft

Chord of vertical tail surfaces, C„ ft


Landing angle of airplane

Angle in side elevation between vertical through axle and line connecting

center of gravity, and line joining the center of gravity and the point

of contact with the ground at the outer wheel

Clearances with Ground

Propeller clearance, in.

Deflected elevator clearance, in.

Deflected flap clearance, in

tiplied by the average of power loading W/P for existing airplanes, will

give the value of the gross weight W.

(b) The gross weight of the proposed design may be calculated by de-

termining the disposable load as indicated by the specifications, and using

the known average ratios of disposable load to gross weight.

(c) A likely value of the gross weight may be arrived at by assembling

sufficient weight data, although this is usually difficult to do because the

three-view and its dimensions are required for such an estimate.

(d) If a design exists which meets the new specifications, then all the

necessary preliminary data may be obtained therefrom so that the subse-

quent steps outlined below become unnecessary.

Step 2. Estimation of Wing Area.

(a) The average ratios of wing loading are based upon the gross weight

and the actual wing area, which does not include that covered by the


The wing area may be determined if the wing loading is assumed from

the ratios calculated for existing airplanes, for:

S = WX^

where S = the wing area, to be found,

W = the gross weight, previously calculated,

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W . •

-g = the wing loading for airplanes of similar characteristics•

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(b) If the airfoil has been selected so that its characteristics are known,


and if the landing speed has been either specified or assumed, then the area

of the wing could be calculated by formula:

where V = the specified or assumed stalling speed in feet per second;

p = 0.002378 at sea level where the maximum density of the air

is usually encountered; otherwise, the density corresponding

to the highest altitude at which landing takes place should

be taken;

= the maximum lift coefficient for the wing either with or

without a lift-increase device, depending upon whether the

latter is used or not. Lift-increase devices, such as the

flap, are used primarily to reduce the necessary wing area

required to meet the specified landing speed. Chapter

XVII, Design of the Wing, should be referred to for informa-

tion on selection of airfoils and more accurate determina-

tion of wing area.

If different airfoils are used along the span, a weighted average may be

used unless actual wind-tunnel tests on the particular wing are available.

For airfoil characteristics, refer to pertinent NACA reports.

Step 3. Determining Length of Span.

The ratios of dimensions for airplanes are calculated in terms of the

span of the wing since it is a convenient reference dimension and also has

some justification in the fact that other characteristics such as stability

and control are functions of the span of the wing.

In order to determine the span, it is first necessary to decide on the

aspect ratio R. Usually it has a value not less than 6, although aspect

ratios of 14 have been used for special purpose airplanes. Aspect ratios

larger than 14 may be usefully employed for gliders.

The aspect ratio of a wing is determined by the formula:

D (span)2 b2.

It = —: = -fj)

wing area b

where the wing area here includes that area of the wing blanketed by the

fuselage, whereas in the calculation of the wing loading W/S, the actual

wing area was used for the value of S. An approximation of the wing area,

blanketed by the fuselage (that blanketed by engine nacelles may usually

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be neglected in these preliminary calculations), may be obtained by as-

suming a likely root chord for the wing and a likely width of the fuselage.
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The area so calculated should be added to the area calculated in Step 2.

Using this total area, the span may be calculated from:

62 = RS or 6 = V~RS. Tr


Step 4. Drawing Up the Wing Planform.

With the wing area decided upon and the aspect fatio determined, a

suitable planform may be selected. If the wing is rectangular, the matter

is easy. If the planform is tapered, the tip chord may vary from to

% of the root chord.

When the approximate dimensions of the chord have been determined,

then other items relating to the planform may be decided upon, such as

whether (a) the leading edge should be perpendicular to the longitudinal

plane of symmetry of the airplane, (b) the trailing edge should be per-

pendicular to the longitudinal plane of symmetry, (c) the front spar (which

is usually located at constant percentage from the leading edge) should be

perpendicular to the longitudinal plane of symmetry, or (d) the locus of

the mean aerodynamic centers should be perpendicular to the longitudinal

plane of symmetry. A study of various planforms is presented in Chap-

ter XVII, Design of the Wing.

Step 6. Determination of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord.

Another useful dimension in proportioning the airplane is the mean

aerodynamic chord (MAC) which is determined for each wing planform.

Usually the mean geometric chord (MGC) is used, since it is more easily

calculated. Discussion of these two terms and how the values and loca-

tion of these chords may be obtained will be found in Chapter XVII.

The final center of gravity of the airplane is usually located at about

25 per cent of the MGC. It is desirable, therefore, to know the size and

location of this chord.

Step 6. Determining Length of Airplane.

Once the 25 per cent point of the MGC has been located, it is easy to

locate the tail post of the airplane since it is usually 2Yi to 3 times the

length of the MAC behind the quarter point.

Then, from the average of the ratios of length to span (L/b) for existing

airplanes, the over-all length of the airplane can be found since the span

of the wing was calculated in Step 3. The length of the new design is

then found from:

Measuring a distance forward from the tail post equal to L, less an allow-

ance of 1 or 2 feet for the elevator chord, will locate the approximate posi-

tion of the nose of the airplane.

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L is to be determined,
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b is obtained from Step 3,

L/b is ratio obtained for existing airplanes.



Step 7. Locating the Engines.

For the purpose of discussion here, a twin-engine design will be con-

sidered. The diameter of the propeller to be used for each engine can be

found by formula (See Chapter XV, The Propeller). About a two-inch

clearance between the propeller tip and the side of the fuselage should be

allowed. If the nose of the fuselage is later faired even more, a greater

clearance will usually result, but this would not be undesirable. The

centerline of each engine would then be located outboard from the side of

Figure VII-2A. The top view of a three-view drawing of the airplane; 6» and 6„

represent span dimensions of horizontal tail surfaces and ailerons, respectively; other

dimensions that could be shown are length, L, and location of mean aerodynamic

chord, C, and propeller diameter, D.

fuselage, a distance equal to [(D/2) + 2] inches. The fore and aft po-

sition of the propeller is located by taking into consideration that the

propeller plane, and vertical planes intersecting this plane at 5 degrees

ahead or 5 degrees behind at the center of rotation, should not cut through

the fuselage where any personnel is located. Usually, the placement of

the pilot as far forward as possible in the nose of the fuselage will locate

the critical personnel.

Once the propeller has been located, the rest of the engine nacelle can

be sketched in easily.
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* Propeller clearance, d

Figure VII-2B. The side view of a three-view drawing of an airplane. L represents

the length of the airplane; d, the propeller clearance. The over-all height of the air-

plane, the distance between front and rear wheels, as well as the angle of incidence of

the root chord, and the position of the mean aerodynamic chord could also be shown

in this view.

Step 8. Planfonn of Horizontal Tail Surfaces.

The hinge line of the horizontal tail surfaces is usually located close to

the tail post. The approximate area of the horizontal tail surfaces may

be determined from the average ratios of horizontal tail surface area to

wing area (that is, Sh/S) and since the wing area has already been deter-

mined, the horizontal tail surface area can be calculated. Reference to

Chapter XIX, Tail Surfaces, will indicate the necessary procedure in

laying out a desirable planform.

Step 9. Completing the Top View.

The top view of the airplane can be completed by sketching in the miss-

ing lines. The width and length of that portion of the fuselage containing

personnel can be obtained from consideration of the data given for seating

in Chapters X and XII, The Cockpit and The Passenger Cabin.

Figure VII-2C. The front view of a three-view drawing of an airplane. A represents

the span; B, the wheel tread; C, the dihedral angle. The dihedral angle of the tail

surfaces and the propeller diameter could also be indicated in this drawing.

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Step 10. Completing the Side View.

The top view furnishes the necessary information as far as lengths are

concerned. The depth of the fuselage is determined from consideration

of personnel requirements. The depth of the engine nacelles is dependent

on the dimensions of the side view of the engine used.

The wheels are chosen on the basis of the static load placed on them,

and their placement in relation to the fuselage and the wing can be ob-

tained according to the design considerations given in Chapter XVIII,

The Landing Gear.

Step 11. Completing the Front View.

Most of the essential dimensions are now determined so that the front

view is easily completed.


The propeller should have a minimum ground clearance of 9 inches

when the airplane is in the horizontal or level landing position with the

shock absorbers and tires deflected as they would be under the normal

gross weight of the airplane. For all normal considerations, the shock

absorber may be assumed to be deflected about two-thirds of its normal

travel and the tires about one-quarter of their normal travel. Proper

allowance must be made for the configuration of the landing gear when

the members are so disposed that the deflection of the shock absorber may

cause a greater deflection of the landing gear. Generally, it is not wise

to allow more than 9 inches of clearance for the propeller since this will

tend to increase the length of the landing-gear members and thereby

increase the weight of the landing-gear structure.

Propellers on seaplanes should clear the water by at least 18 inches

when the seaplane is at rest.

A clearance of at least two inches between the tips of propellers or any

part of the structure should be allowed also.

The elevators should clear the ground by at least 2 or 3 inches when the

airplane is in the three-point landing position or at rest.

For the location of the various parts such as the wing, tail surfaces and

landing gear, which are placed in relation to the center of gravity, it is

desirable to assume the center of gravity location. For a low-wing mono-

plane, the center of gravity is from 2 to 6 inches below the thrust line; for
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a high-wing monoplane, it is about 2 to 4 inches above the thrust line for

airplanes up to about 20,000 pounds gross weight. In lieu of more accu-

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rate information obtained from a balance diagram, such a location is suffi-

ciently accurate to assume for the purposes to be served by the preliminary




While the thumb-nail, three-view sketch will convey the type of air-

plane the designer desires to build, it is necessary in more complex designs

to make a series of subordinate studies first.

In a retractable landing-gear design, a careful study of the wing struc-

ture, recessing well, strut attachments, gasoline-tank location, control

systems, and the like should be carefully laid out because the wing design

may be considerably changed just by slight variations in the conception

and location of items incorporated within the wing, or attached to it. Not

only the wing but also the preliminary kinematic layout of the retractable

landing gear must be studied carefully. When copies are made of exist-

ing designs, the problem is not a difficult one, but a new conception re-

quires much attention to the details of operation and how they affect the


When production consideration is paramount, the method of attach-

ment of the wings to the fuselage may be very important, and the internal

structure of the fuselage is certainly dependent upon the method in which

loads are being transferred from one part of the structure to the other.

The fuselage structure affects window spacing, for example, and window

spacing affects the final appearance of the airplane.

In the case of large passenger and cargo arrangements, a preliminary

internal view is desirable even before the side view of the airplane is

sketched up.

Different types of lift-increase devices will affect the position of the wing

with relation to the fuselage. If the wing is placed at the bottom of the

fuselage, deflection of the flap may be limited by ground clearances; aero-

dynamic twist of the wing, or the incorporation of varying dihedral span-

wise, may cause difficulties in the mechanical operation of the lift-increase


These are only a few representative cases of engineering studies that

are necessary and desirable to assure a well coordinated design. These

studies should be made before detailed structural designs are considered.

Cursory readings of subsequent chapters on wing design, fuselage, land-

ing gear, power plant, and other pertinent chapters may also be helpful

in crystallizing ideas.
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The final three-view is based upon more accurate information than the
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preliminary three-view since the weight estimate has been more accurately

determined and the final balance diagram has been completed. Both the

balance diagram and the final three-view depend in some degree on the

structural layout of the wing, landing gear, and fuselage, but once these


difficulties in structural arrangements and the like have been ironed out,

it is possible to go ahead with the final three-view.

It may be found that the balance diagram has made changes in the fol-


1. Position of the wing.

2. Location of the landing gear.

3. Location of the tail surfaces.

4. Location of the center of gravity.

The structural layouts may have caused changes in:

1. Planform of the wing, perhaps because the spar intersected the fuse-

lage where a bulkhead was found to be undesirable.

2. Arrangement of landing-gear members due to changes in spar loca-


3. Placement of tail surfaces with respect to planes of symmetry.

4. Vertical position of engine due to installation and vision require-


Only after all points have been considered should the final three-view

be made. Usually, it is desirable to wait until the control surfaces and

landing gear, as well as cabin installations, have been made in order to

incorporate the latest correction.

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Preliminary Weight Estimate

Unless the beginner is copying an existing design, the first data that he

will need to begin his design after he has been given or has written his own

specifications are various estimates of the approximate gross weight of the

airplane. For on this gross weight will depend the wing area required to

meet the specified landing speed.


Once the wing area has been determined, the length of the fuselage and

the areas of the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces can be obtained, since

modern airplanes have definite relationships of areas and dimensions of

fuselages, tail surfaces, and even the landing-gear tread, in terms of the

span and area of the wing. Subsequent aerodynamic studies and wind-

tunnel tests will have to be made to determine the governing proportions


When the length of the fuselage is known, its weight can be estimated;

likewise, if the areas of the tail surfaces are known, their weight may be

estimated; and so on until all data are accumulated.

When an approximate figure for the gross weight has been decided upon,

the size and weights of the landing gear may be found, and so more and

more data accumulate until the structural weight of the complete airplane

has been determined. It may be only approximate, but a series of refine-

ments will finally give a weight estimate. When each part has been built

and weighed, this so-called estimate will be found to be surprisingly accu-


The methods by which the weight is estimated are empirical, on the

whole, and every bit of information that can be gleaned from the specifi-

cations and from existing similar designs will be helpful.

An experienced designer needs only to look at that portion of the speci-

fications which sets forth the payload and performance requirements in

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order to be able to estimate within a very few pounds what the gross weight

of the airplane is likely to be, as well as what type of wing design is likely

to be most suitable. He is able to do this because he has studied similar

airplanes. Even then, his preliminary estimate must be broken down

into as many components as possible, because an intelligent designer can-

not afford to make any estimates without reasonable research to back up

those data.

It is necessary to make weight estimates as accurately as possible, for

if the airplane should weigh more than estimated, the performance might

be seriously affected by the greater weight. If this should happen, and

the weight is greater than estimated, it might be necessary to cut down on

the amount of payload, which certainly is not economical; or to cut down

on the fuel load which, in turn, will cut down the range.

The question may well be asked: "Why cut down on the payload or fuel

load if the airplane is overweight; isn't the airplane better if it carries more

load than that for which it was originally designed?" No, that is not the

case. In any given design, such items as the payload, crew, fuel and oil

are fixed in weight; that is, they have been set by the original specification

so that any increase in weight is undoubtedly due to the structure, which

has been either underestimated in weight or improperly designed. In both

cases the result is that the airplane will cost more to construct, and the

increased cost is undesirable. Moreover, the size of the wing is deter-

mined by the gross weight and is designed to be strong enough to carry

that load. Any increase in weight will mean also, since the wing area

cannot be changed, that the airplane will have to land faster. The faster

the landing speed, the harder it may be for the pilot to handle the airplane.

Too high a gross weight for the given wing area, airfoil section, and power

will also mean that the airplane will have to travel faster and longer along

the ground before it can take off. Unless the runways of the airport are

long enough, the airplane may not be able to take off at all. Also, the

heavier the airplane is for the given wing area and the horsepower of the

engines, the more difficult it will be to reach a high enough altitude to

clear high mountains.

Thus, when an airplane is overweight, in order to land slowly enough

and take off quickly enough, overloading must be reduced in some way.

The only way left to do this after the airplane has been built is to cut down
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the amount of payload or the amount of fuel.

There is another serious factor regarding the overweight of an airplane.

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When the structure is being designed, each part is designed to withstand

a certain load imposed on it under various flying and landing conditions,

but if the airplane is overweight some of these parts may fail.

Suppose an airplane has been estimated to weigh 10,000 pounds. The

landing gear (taking just one part of the airplane for illustration) is de-


signed to withstand this load without failure when landing. Suppose,

however, when the airplane is finally built, that it is found to weigh 11,000

pounds. Not all of this addition in weight may be due to improper struc-

tural design, perhaps, for the designer may have also decided to double

the mail or express load after the design was started. The landing gear,

originally designed to stand up under 10,000 pounds on landing, must now

stand up under 11,000 pounds. Will it do it? It may not.

Suppose the landing gear is designed originally to stand up under 11,000

pounds instead of 10,000 pounds, so that if the airplane does weigh more

it will be safe. Unfortunately, this is no remedy because it means design-

ing a structure which, even if not overweight, will be unnecessarily over-

strong. Overstrength of parts means fundamentally poor and very costly


The estimates may be exceeded by a small percentage. A 5 per cent

increase in one item may be more than offset by a decrease in weight of

another item. In general, it is not desirable to exceed the estimate gross

weight by more than 2 or 3 per cent. When an entirely new type of air-

plane is being designed, the final gross weight may be very much larger

than the estimate, primarily because insufficient data were available to

make it possible to estimate more closely. An airplane designed to carry

250,000 pounds, for example, may weigh well in excess of the allowable

3 per cent, but suppose ten or twelve of these large airplanes were built

in a series and flown extensively for a few years so that all its character-

istics were known. Then the next designer to build an airplane of similar

size would have some data available and his design would meet the origi-

nal specification far more closely than the first prototype did.

The weight estimate goes through a series of trials until the added re-

finements indicate that it is sufficiently accurate for all subsequent cal-

culations. The weight estimate does not become really "final" until the

airplane has been built and each part weighed.


To arrive at any basis for subsequent calculation, design, and develop-

ment, weights are determined by allotting certain weights to wing groups

per unit of wing area, to gas tanks per gallon capacity, to landing gear as

percentage of gross weight, etc. In such cases the weights are said to be
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estimated and their accuracy depends upon the knowledge gained from

previous designs.
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The weights of parts rray be found by calculation of volumes, length,

and areas of parts after the design has been sufficiently developed so that

definite sizes can be determined. Such calculated weights are used for


subsequent weight estimation and for setting up the final weight table and

balance diagram for the actual airplane.


After the parts or assemblies under consideration have been constructed,

they are weighed, as a matter of record, and also to check on estimated

weights previously arrived at. Very often this procedure helps in discov-

ering errors in methods of construction, or in methods of computation.

In either case, sometimes it becomes necessary, especially if the weights

are far out of line, to redesign the part or assembly in order to get closer

to the estimated or allotted weight.


Some designs may incorporate different engines having different weights,

or different fuel and oil loads with accompanying varying cargo. In such

a case alternate data should be included for calculating the weights.


The gross weight, before a more detailed weight breakdown has been

made, can first be estimated by means of rule-of-thumb methods.

One method is to determine the probable gross weight on the basis of the

power loading since the specifications for the design usually state a rated

engine horsepower. Since

, ,. gross weight W.

power loading = • . , —;—q—2 = 77 ,

total engine horsepower P

then assuming a value for the power loading, and knowing the total rated

engine horsepower, a reasonable figure for the gross weight may be ob-


Another method is to estimate as closely as possible the detailed weights

for the

1. Power plant,

2. Crew and payload,

3. Combustible load,

4. Furnishings and equipment.

These four items constitute from 65 to 70 per cent of the gross weight,

or in equation form

. sum of items 1, 2, 3, and 4

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gross weight = 0 7

Therefore, a second gross weight can be obtained, and then the difference
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between the gross weight thus calculated and these four items will give the

amount allotted for the structural weight.




It is necessary to figure a likely value for the gross weight of the air-

plane in order to determine

1. The wing area and consequently the wing weight,

2. The size and weight of the landing gear,

3. The size and weight of the tail surfaces (once the wing area is tenta-

tively determined, the area of tail surfaces are likewise tentatively deter-


4. Fuselage length.

Manufacturers' ratings for wheels, tires, shock absorbers, and the like

are in terms of the static weight on these parts. Therefore, if the gross

weight of the airplane has been calculated, the static weight per wheel is

then one-half the gross weight of the airplane. The static weight on the

tail wheel varies from one-tenth to one-twelfth the gross weight of the

airplane. For these static weights, the sizes of the wheels and tires can

be found by consulting the catalogues of the manufacturers.

Once the wing area has been calculated tentatively, a tentative span

length can be set, and since the fuselage length varies from 60 to 70 per

cent of the span, the fuselage dimensions can be worked out readily. Just

as soon as the fuselage dimensions are at least tentatively established, the

weight can be estimated.


After the structural weights have been listed, the weights are totaled to

give another gross weight which may vary considerably from the previous

values determined by rule-of-thumb methods. This gross weight will

change the wing and tail surface area and therefore the weights of these

items. The weight of the landing gear usually remains the same since the

difference in gross weight is usually not so large as to affect the ratings of

the landing gear components.

These corrections in the structural weight are continued with every new

total for the gross weight caused by these corrections until the changes are

sufficiently small to make further corrections unnecessary.


For convenience, the weights of the airplane are grouped as indicated in

the worksheet which follows. This form is shown in its preliminary stage.
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It may be considerably expanded, and it is usually desirable to do so, espe-

cially in presenting the final weight estimate.

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In setting up a weight table, group classifications are used because group

components are more easily weighed, and often a very detailed weight esti-

mate is not possible.


Table VTII-1. Weight control.

Power Plant

Engines, dry weight .?..13.

Per cent of power plant weight

Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight

Propellers and hubs



Engine instruments

Engine controls

Fuel pumps




Deflectors .


Fire walls

Engine mounts

Exhaust manifolds

Fuel tanks

Fuel system

Oil tanks

Oil system


Total power plant...

Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight ..

Combustible load

Gasoline ........

Oil ill:.

Total combustible load

Per cent of disposable load

Per cent of gross weight


Pilot and co-pilot

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Total crew

Per cent of disposable load

Per cent of gross weight ....


Passengers and baggage



Total payload

Per cent of disposable load

Per cent of gross weight ....


Table VIII-1. (Continued).

• :.-.••00•.} <. I ~

Furnishings and equipment

Flooring .

Surface controls and wires . .

Seats and cushions

Safety belts LL*.â„¢..



Lighting .

Radio equipment




Heating and ventilating.

First aid



Total furnishings and equipment...

Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight


Wing group

Wing panels



Aileron controls —

Flap controls


Spoiler controls




Total wing group

Pounds per square foot of wing area

Per cent of structure weight

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Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight

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Empennage group .


Trimmers or tabs for elevators



Trimmers or tabs for rudders

Fins —


Control systems

Static balances

Total tail group

Per cent of structure weight

Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight


Table VIII-1. (Continued).

Body group

Fuselage, including covering




Total body group

Per cent of structure weight

Per cent of weight empty ....

Per cent of gross weight

Landing gear group




Shock absorber struts

Additional struts

Retracting mechanism

Cowlings .

Tail wheel

Tail tire

Tail shock absorber strut ....

Retracting mechanisms

Total landing gear group .

Per cent of structure weight

Per cent of weight empty

Per cent of gross weight


The following abbreviations and definitions are useful:

WE = weight empty = structure plus power plant plus furnishings.

UL = useful load = crew plus combustible load plus payload.

CL = combustible load = gasoline plus oil.

GW = gross weight = weight empty plus useful load.

DL = disposable load = crew plus easily removable equipment and

furnishings plus combustible l(jad.

Fittings, attaching bolts, built-in supports, and the like should be

charged to the group to which they are permanently fastened. Bolts

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sometimes present a problem, but in most cases their weights are negli-

gible with respect to the whole, so that little difference will be caused if
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they are included in one or another group.

In the case of a retractable landing gear the matter becomes somewhat

more involved since, undoubtedly, additional structure is necessary in the

wing (if the landing gear is to be retracted in it). If so, an attempt should

be made to obtain a reasonable distribution between the landing gear and

the wing.

When stubs of wings or tail surfaces are built integrally with the fuse-

lage the weights of such items should be included with the wings or tail

surfaces since it is obvious that the purposes which these parts serve should


be the criteria. In weighing up assemblies, however, it may be difficult to

ascertain the weights of such parts. One of the reasons for trying to keep

the various groups segregated is that subsequent comparisons with similar

planes, but with slightly different structural details, become easier.

Where difficulty is experienced in actual practice, the weight may be in-

cluded in the group to which it is attached but a special note should be

made of such a case for future reference.


As design practices change, and new materials and methods of construc-

tion are introduced, the weights of component parts of the airplane may

change considerably. It is, therefore, particularly important to re-evalu-

ate any formulas, and to re-examine any specialized methods in arriving

at certain weight estimates, in order to be sure that they still apply.

Wing Weight Estimates

To illustrate how the weight estimate of a wing might change, let us

consider a cantilever wing of a given area. It would be found that the

weight of this wing would be a function of the following parameters:

1. Wing loading W/S: The higher the wing loading, the greater the

shear and bending moments, and therefore the more material required to

meet the requirements for the allowable stress.

2. Aspect ratio R: The greater the aspect ratio for a given wing area,

the greater the span, and therefore the greater the bending moments;

again more material is required.

3. Another factor, which might be used in place of or in conjunction

with the aspect ratio factor, is the span loading W/b (the gross weight di-

vided by the span) since obviously the greater the span loading, the greater

the bending moment, and therefore the more material required.

4. Airfoil section used, or more specifically, thickness ratio t/C of the

airfoil used: Since the bending stress ft, = My/I, the maximum stress is

directly proportional to the section modulus I/y. For a symmetrical de-

sign (assumed for ease in illustrating the point to be made) y would be

one-half the depth of the wing section; I varies as the third power of the

depth so that the stress would vary inversely, all other factors being equal,

as the square of the depth of the wing; therefore, the smaller the depth,

the greater the stress so that more material would be required in order that
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the allowable stress would not be exceeded.

5. Material used, or more properly, allowable ultimate stress permitted

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for the material used: If one material has three-fourths the allowable ulti-

mate stress, Fu, of another, then four-thirds of the one material, a 33J^ per

cent increase, would be needed for the one over the other.

6. Limit load factor n for which the wing was designed: It should be


obvious that the greater the load factor, the greater the loads imposed,

and, therefore, the more material required.

7. Mass distribution of the wing component, since flight loads would be

counteracted by the inertia loads: If the weight of the gas tanks, engine

nacelles, bomb loads, and other items of equipment are distributed over

the span, the resultant loads in flight could be reduced materially. How-

ever, it might mean that landing conditions could become critical in the

design of the wing. For future reference, the mass distribution of the

wing may be considered proportional to wi/b where wi is the weight of

the wing assembly and b its span.

8. Taper ratio, Ctip/Croot = Ct/Cr, since the greater the taper ratio, for

the same aspect ratio and area of the wing, the more load would be con-

centrated near the root of the wing, and therefore the smaller the bending


9. Amount 'of sweepback, A: High-speed airplanes, flying at speeds ap-

proaching that of sound, employ large angles of sweepback for the wing

with the result that large torsional moments are introduced. Any struc-

ture subjected to torsional moments in addition to bending moments will

be heavier than one not subjected to torsional moments.

From the factors just considered, it should be possible to obtain an ex-

pression for the wing weight similar to the one that follows:

Such a formula might be considered as a purely theoretical formula, and

it would be necessary to obtain the exponents empirically by weighing as

many wings as possible where the various parameters were sufficiently dif-

ferent to permit an evaluation. In practice, however, such work would

not be done because of various difficulties that would be encountered.

The line of investigation suggested is useful nevertheless since it should

impress the student with the fact that there are many variables having an

effect upon the estimates to be made.

In addition to the various parameters mentioned, other factors enter

into the use of any formulas which would have to be restricted to certain

types of wings. The following factors also have some bearing on the wing


1. Type of construction: Just examining the historical development of

wing construction throws some light on this factor. Fabric-covered, two-

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spar (perhaps of wood) wings were commonly employed. These were fol-

or possibly,
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lowed by plywood-covered, two-spar wings where more of the load was

carried by the covering. Then the metal-covered (with the covering or

skin supported at intervals by stiffening members) wing with two metal

spars followed. As the wing and span loadings increased, more metal

spars were introduced. Now, for exceptionally high-speed airplanes, sand-

wich construction (wherein two thin metal faces with a soft core of organic

or synthetic material) and thick metal plates for skin with longitudinal

ribs and no longitudinal spars are being employed. The changes have

brought about the transfer of material from spars to the covering, and

should, therefore, affect the weight. Likewise, the change of covering

from fabric to plywood, to thin sheet metal, to thick plate, and to sand-

wich construction affect the wing weight since certain portions of the wing,

like the trailing edge, bear relatively light loads.

2. Use of lift-increase devices, whether they be nose or trailing-edge

flaps, boundary layer control, or other devices: These devices introduce

variations in the local pressure distribution; they add to the structural

weight by virtue of their control systems; they increase the torsional and

bending moments, particularly in the chordwise direction; they increase

the weight by virtue of rigidity requirements, quite apart from pure

strength considerations. Although a flat percentage increase may be

used when such lift-increase devices are used, yet the weight contributed

by such devices depends upon, among others, the following factors: their

size, conditions under which they operate, variation caused in local pres-

sure distribution, control forces and moments encountered, and rigidity

and strength requirements.

3. Use of anti-icing systems: While the proportion of weight caused by

wing and wing-control surface anti-icing and de-icing systems very often

can be allocated directly to these systems, there are certain items which

might be accounted for either under wing weight or anti-icing system


4. Introduction of ducts, cutouts for retractable landing gears, etc.,

will affect the wing weight: Sometimes these can be accounted for sepa-

rately and allocated against the items causing the additional weight.

5. Type and size of lateral control surfaces: Normally, when the con-

ventional aileron is used, its area is considered part of the wing area. If
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the aileron has to be modified because of lift-increase devices, the change is

usually reflected in a change in weight. The change may be small. For

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high-speed airplanes which employ a high degree of sweepback, the lateral-

control devices present a problem. Their design may have a different

effect on wing design than the conventional case.

6. Incorporation of jettisonable portions for the wing: Highly maneu-

verable military airplanes have used the device of making the outer wing-

tip portion quickly detachable (through failure at a critical section) when


the airplane encounters loads greater than that for which the major portion

of the airplane has been designed. While this stratagem is useful for

military airplanes, it might be uneconomical for commercial airplanes.

However, it is a factor to consider at the appropriate time.

7. Method of supporting .the wing; that is, whether internally or ex-

ternally braced; if externally braced, whether fixed or pinned at the fuse-

lage; if externally braced, the amount of wing-tip overhang: These factors

affect the moment distribution axial loads, and material distribution.

8. Purpose for which the airplane was designed: Climatic conditions

might affect detail design of component parts. Certainly, such a factor

would be difficult to incorporate in any formula.

9. Requirements for inspection and maintenance: If many inspection

points are necessary for inspection and maintenance purposes, the struc-

ture will have to be modified accordingly. Likewise, if requirements for

maintenance are such that it should be reduced to a minimum, especially

when the aircraft is to be located in certain areas of the globe, it may be

advisable "to beef up" certain parts of the structure.

10. Requirements for painting, anticorrosion protection, and the like:

The effect of these should be obvious. It may be accounted for in the

wing weight, or arrived at independently.

11. Relative distribution of structural material subject to normal

stresses with respect to the structural material used for transfer of shearing

forces; also the relative distribution of the primary structure, or load-

carrying material, as against the secondary structure, or nonload carrying

material provided to maintain the shape, or to cut off one section from

another, and the like.

12. Actual size of the aircraft: Relatively small airplanes (for example,

the lowest-powered airplanes) have a great part of their structure deter-

mined by practical considerations such as: availability of material, the

minimum size or dimensions of materials desirable for maintenance rea-

sons, the minimum sizes available for commercial reasons.

When the aircraft reaches a size outside the immediate knowledge of the

designing fraternity, then the question of weight estimation becomes even

more difficult since certain parts of the structure may not increase in weight

at the same rate as another part. For this reason any final formula

would be of the form:

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Wi = w' + w" + w'" + w"" + •••

where w', w", w'", ..., etc., represent weights of different portions of the
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wing whose estimation would be arrived at by different routes.

By analyzing the various factors involved, it would be possible, there-

fore, to arrive at an expression for determining the weight which could

cover all cases. It is more practical to obtain simple empirical formulas



for weight estimation. If those are lacking, or if they are suspect, then

the problem is reduced to fundamentals. This means estimating weights

by as many methods as are available, scrutinizing each assumption made,

and then building the airplane upon such assumptions, subject to any

corrections that later stress analysis may reveal and basing subsequent

weight analyses on the information gained in building the original pro-


Fuselage Weight Estimates

Many of the factors discussed in the analysis of wing-weight estimates

apply to any consideration of fuselage weight estimates. It may be worth

while to examine a few of the factors pertinent to the fuselage. The fol-

lowing factors would affect the fuselage weight:

1. Diameter D, or ratio of depth to width d/b, of the fuselage: Usually

this is taken at the median section and is proportional to the volume of

the fuselage. The greater this ratio, or the larger the diameter, the more

material involved.

2. Length L of the fuselage, since a long fuselage would indicate either

larger bending moments, or greater weight because of more material: Usu-

ally the parameter used is the ratio of the fuselage length to wing span, or


3. Tail length, or distance between the center of gravity of the airplane

and the center of pressure of the tail surfaces: The parameter of interest

here would be the ratio of the tail length Lt to the mean aerodynamic

chord C, or Lt/C. If the value of this ratio is small, it is an indication

that the loads on the horizontal tail surfaces are large so that the trans-

verse shear may be greater than when the tail length is relatively large.

4. Center of gravity movement, since a relatively large movement usu-

ally means that the aircraft has to be designed for a number of flight

conditions and usually calls for increased weight: The center of gravity

movement is usually expressed in terms of the mean aerodynamic chord,

that is, xC.

5. Design load factors for both flight and landing conditions: No one

load factor or condition is usually critical for the entire fuselage so that a

problem is presented here. However, there is no doubt that the fuselage

weight is a function of some load factor, n.

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6. Mass distribution, particularly of local concentrated weights caused

by cargo: This mass distribution could be represented as some function of

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the average mass distribution and may be considered proportional to the

ratio oiv)//L where w/ is the fuselage weight and L the fuselage length.


The resulting formula, considering the factors mentioned, would be of

the order

However, there are other factors which would make necessary the

evaluation of such an expression so that it would apply to a certain cate-

gory, and thus a number of formulas would be necessary. For example,

the following categories are indicative:

1. Type of fuselage: whether tubular steel, reinforced monocoque,

sandwich construction; whether cabin or open cockpit; whether cargo, or

passenger; all would vary the weight.

2. Type of wing attachment: whether for an internally or an externally

braced wing, and if the latter, whether the wing is fixed or pinned at the


3. Type of landing gear and its configuration.

4. Extent of pressurization, if any.

5. Any special requirements as doors, exits, windows, windshields.

As for the wing, the weight of the fuselage can be broken down into

component parts, but here again, some estimate must first be made of the

weight, to proceed with the more detailed design. It is only after the more

detailed design has progressed to a certain point that it is possible to get the

required information as to dimensions, etc., so that the weight estimate

can be revised.

Control Surface Weight Estimates

Since the aileron is customarily regarded as part of the wing structure,

this discussion will apply primarily to the vertical and horizontal tail sur-

faces although some of the factors concerning them apply with equal force

in the consideration of the ailerons. Likewise, some of the factors affect-

ing estimation of the wing weight apply to control surfaces as well.

The weight of these tail surfaces would be affected by:

1. Aspect ratio R.

2. Proportion of movable surface area Se to the fixed Sf, or to the com-

plete surface area St, that is, Sc/S/, or Sc/St.

3. The ratio of the aerodynamic balance area <S», ahead of the hinge

line to the movable surface, or Sh/Sc.

4. Proportion of the trimming tab surface Sta to movable surface Sc,

or SJSC.
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5. Mass distribution, especially where static and dynamic balancing is

required: This distribution could be considered proportional to the average

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unit weight of the tail surfaces or Wc/Sc where Wc represents the weight

of the movable portion of the tail surfaces and Se is its area.



6. Permissible hinge moment in terms of the stick or control wheel force:

This factor could be represented by Cc*.

7. Tail length Lt of the airplane, since the farther back, in terms of the

mean aerodynamic chord C, the tail surfaces are from the center of gravity

of the airplane, the lower the load on the tail surfaces.

The resulting formula would be similar to the following:

Such a formula could be broken down separately for the fixed and mov-

able portions of the control surfaces.

Landing-Gear Weight Estimates

The landing gear, perhaps more than any other structural assembly

with the exception of the power plant group, consists of a number of units

whose weight is not determined by the airplane designer so that the struc-

tural weight of those items depends primarily upon availability, although

they are designed to meet the conditions for which they are used.

Wheels, brakes, tires, and to some degree, the shock absorber, are de-

signed to satisfy the requirements of airplanes with a relative wide range

of gross weights. In the main, they are designed for a given gross weight

W and a given load factor n. However, their selection is simplified by

the manufacturers by rating them according to the static weight they are

supposed to carry.

The weights of rest of the structure, consisting of struts, including the

shock absorber member, and the retracting mechanism, depend upon a

number of factors such as:

1. Gross weight of the airplane;

2. Loads applied to the structure which depend upon the type of land-

ing gear, such as whether it is a conventional landing gear, or a tricycle


3. Configuration of the members; that is, whether several members are

used to form a tripod, for example, or a pure cantilever single-member

type, etc.;

4. Length of the members;

5. Materials used.

Power Plant and Power-Plant Nacelle Weight Estimates

The estimation of the power-plant weight is relatively simple since once

the engine is selected, the remainder is comparatively easy. The weight

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of the power-plant nacelle, consisting of the engine mount, cowling, ducts,

etc., is a function of:

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1. Weight of the power plant,


2. Maximum load factor to be experienced by the airplane,

3. Position with relation to the fuselage or the leading edge of the wing,

4. Other factors such as landing-gear attachments, inspection provision,

disconnect features.

Weight Data Sources

To obtain a realistic weight estimate, it is necessary to know the various

sources from which such data may be obtained.

1. Accessories, power plant, hardware, wheels, etc. are usually of stand-

ard manufacture, and their weights are obtained from manufacturers'


2. AVeights of fabricated assemblies must be obtained from:

(a) published materials,

(b) data available from past experience, and

(c) actual weighings of dismantled or junked airplanes.

'A. Preliminary studies of structural design based upon empirical and/or

theoretical approaches.

Design Control of Weight

The aircraft designer has little control over the weight of such items

as accessories, power plant, and hardware, except insofar as he states

the original specifications for performance, material, or size.

The fabricated portion of the airplane may not amount to more than

15 to 35% of the gross weight. Even if the designer were able to devise

structures having weight differences of 40%, the final result would affect

the gross weight not more than about 10%. Nevertheless, he should

make every attempt to obtain the lightest structure possible, and his

selection of the component parts must always be considered in the light

of the possible saving of weight.


Some empirical formulas based upon various parameters are presented

here. The student may choose the ones he deems appropriate or use

several for comparison purposes.

Wing Weight

1. One formula for wing-weight estimation which may be used for air-

craft weighing up to about 50,000 pounds is stated as follows:

Ww = ^ (0.18756 + 53.50),

where Ww = weight of the wing, in pounds,

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n = design load factor (see Chapter IV for a likely applicable

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b = span of the wing, in feet,

W„ = gross weight of the airplane, in pounds.

The limitations of the formula should be immediately apparent. The

gross weight W„ is itself an estimate at this stage; the load factor n is a

function of the aircraft weight and its performance (both still in their

formative stages); the span 6 of the wing is a function of the gross weight

(still an estimate) and of the airfoil characteristics, assuming that the

aspect ratio is known. The indications, therefore, are that any complex

formula derived will give values that are still unproved.

2. For commercial aircraft gross weights between 1,500 and 5,000


3. For military airplanes (propeller-engine type) of gross weights be-

tween 10,000 and 100,000 pounds:

4. For commercial airplanes of gross weights between 20,000 to 70,000


5. For gross weights between 70,000 and 150,000 pounds for commercial


6. For military airplanes of gross weights between 100,000 and 300,000


7. Wing = 15% gross weight.

8. Weight may be obtained for metal wings by plotting (per inch of

span) the weight calculated from the formula

where n = highest design flight-load factor, and

C = chord in inches,

assuming that the wing is constructed of aluminum alloy.

9. Metal wings internally braced, no flaps: 1.6 lb to 2.6 lb per ft2.

Ww = .0763 W„ + 50.

W = 0.00002 (n) (C2),

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10. Metal wings internally braced, with flaps and retracting mechanism:

2.6 to 4.6 lb per sq ft, with the higher value for wings incorporating high-

lift devices such as the Fowler flap.

11. Fabric-covered wings: 1.4 to 2.5 lb per ft2.

12. For many transonic and supersonic designs, elevators, as well as

the usual flaps and ailerons (either or both of which may have dual func-

tions), are incorporated into the trailing edge of the wing. The weights

of these wings tend to average on the high side per square foot compared

with the internally-braced wing of greater aspect ratio.

13. Ww = 0.00591 -

where W„ = gross weight, in pounds,

n = limit load factor, maximum positive,

b = wing span, in feet,

S = wing area, in square feet,

t = maximum thickness of root section, in feet.

Tail Surfaces

Empirical formulas applying to tail-surface weight estimation are:

1. (a) For rudders:

(b) For elevators:

(c) For fins:

WR = J^(S, + 340);

WB = ^(S* + 340);

Wf = Jb(s" + 490);

(d) For stabilizers:

Ws = OS*+ 475);

where WR, We, Wf, Ws represent the weights of the rudder, elevator,

fin, and stabilizer, respectively, and ST, S„ Sf, S„ S„ Sh represent the areas

of the rudder, elevator, fin, stabilizer, vertical tail surfaces, and horizontal

tail surfaces, respectively.

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2. For commercial aircraft of 1,500 to 5,000 pounds gross weight:

WTa = .0163 Wg + 10,

for vertical and horizontal tail surfaces combined.

3. For commercial aircraft from 20,000 to 60,000 pounds gross weight:

w" - [M35 - S]w-

4. For commercial aircraft from 60,000 to 150,000 pounds gross weight:

w- - H - tsSst] w-

5. For military aircraft between 10,000 and 35,000 pounds gross weight:



L 100,000.

6. For military aircraft between 35,000 and 70,000 pounds gross weight:

WTS = |.0280 - 008 W>



7. For military aircraft between 70,000 and 90,000 pounds gross weight:

8. For military aircraft between 90,000 and 300,000 pounds gross


w» = [°246 - mk]w-

9. Vary from 1.0 to 2 lb per sq ft

(a) Near the lower figures for externally-braced tail surfaces.

(b) Figure allows for bracing.

(c) Near the higher figure for full-cantilever tail surfaces.

(d) Static balances increase weights.

Fuselage Weight

1. A reasonable empirical formula with which the fuselage weight can

be estimated in terms of the gross weight is given here for airplanes weigh-

ing up to about 100,000 pounds:

F 12

where WF is the fuselage weight, and

Wg is the gross weight of the airplane.

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Such a formula is perhaps too simple, since it would indicate that the

fuselage weight for all airplanes is a little more than eight per cent of the

gross weight of the airplane. However, the value obtained is useful for

a first approximation.

2. Welded tubular type: 0.70 to 1.80 lb per in. of length. The length

of the fuselage is considered to be the distance from the fire wall to the

tail post.

3. Reinforced monocoque: 0.60 to 1.70 lb per in. of length.

4. Reinforced monocoque weight is obtained by the formula:

0.791 X (length) X (circumference of median section),

dimensions in feet.

5. For an airplane weighing about 8,500 pounds, a typical bare fuselage

weight (for a reinforced monocoque construction) is 650 pounds, including

firewall, stringers, covering, fittings, built-in supports, doors, and door


6. For commercial aircraft between 1,500 and 5,000 pounds gross weight:

WF = .205 Wg - 140.

7. For commercial aircraft of gross weights between 20,000 and 150,000


WF = .073 W„.

8. For military aircraft between 10,000 and 55,000 pounds:

w Tims 0309 Wj\ w

Wf = L1013 — lopoo"J W-

9. For military aircraft between 55,000 and 100,000 pounds:

.004 w;

WF = .0853 -


10. For military aircraft between 100,000 and 300,000 pounds:


w' -10833 - mm]w-

Landing Gear

1. An empirical formula which may be used is:

WLG = ^ (35 + 0.1 L),

where Wlo represents the landing-gear weight,

Wg represents the gross weight of the airplane, and

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L represents the length, in feet, of the longest lartding-gear member.

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Where there are several landing-gear assemblies (for example, a nose wheel

and the main landing gear), an approximation of L may be obtained by

averaging the lengths of the several assemblies involved.

2. The landing gear (including retraction mechanism) may be assumed

to be 5 to 6H% of the gross weight.

3. Wheels and tires are rated according to static weights imposed.

The static weight per wheel and tire is one half of the gross weight. The

static weight per tail wheel is from one tenth to one twelfth of the gross

weight. For tricycle landing gear, assume one sixth to one eighth on the

front wheel, the remainder on the rear wheel. With the static load

rating known, the required wheel size and corresponding weight may be


4. For commercial aircraft between 1,500 and 5,000 pounds gross


Wlg = .0521 W„ + 5.

5. For military aircraft between 10,000 and 30,000 pounds:

w» = [000817 - Siw-

6. For military aircraft between 30,000 and 60,000 pounds:

7. For military aircraft between 60,000 and 150,000 pounds:

w» = [000567 — mM w-

8. For military aircraft between 150,000 and 300,000 pounds:

T «,s., 000028 W„~] T„

9. For commercial aircraft between 20,000 and 60,000 pounds:

„. T .0383 W„l „

w» = L 077 — lopoo J w"

10. For commercial aircraft between 60,000 and 150,000 pounds:

w» = [06°— mM w*

11. Wheel, tire, and tube weight in pounds:

W = 10 + 00010 Wg.
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12. Brake weight in pounds:

W = 10 + (7.2 X 10-5) (W>) (j^y

13. Shock absorber and axle assembly in pounds:

W = 5 + (2 X 10-4) (W„) (L),

where L is length of shock absorber strut, in inches.

Total Fabricated Components

A check on the calculation of the weights for the wing, tail surfaces,

fuselage, and landing gear may be made with the aid of the following


1. For commercial aircraft of gross weights between 1,500 and 5,000


WST = .368 W, - 100.

2. For commercial aircraft of gross weights between 20,000 and 50,000


.12 W„




3. For commercial aircraft weighing between 50,000 and 200,000 pounds:

WST = .27 Wg.

4. For military aircraft weighing from 10,000 to 50,000 pounds:

w» = [AU ~ mk]w-

5. For military aircraft weighing from 50,000 to 110,000 pounds:

6. For military aircraft weighing between 110,000 and 300,000 pounds:

w* = [0032 - mki\w-

7. For jet aircraft, the structural weight is about the same, being only

about Yi percent less. The above estimates may therefore be used for

preliminary calculations for jet-powered aircraft.

8. For turboprop airplanes equipped with Fowler flaps, wing aspect

ratios of 14 or less, wing loadings between 20 to 100 pounds per square

foot, the weight empty, and the structural (or airframe) weight may be

estimated as follows:
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.054 - 0.003 4r W,




178 w {W

Weight Empty

Some idea of the reasonability of weight estimates for the structure,

power plant, and fixed equipment may be gained by comparing the total

with the values obtained for the weight empty from the appropriate

empirical formulas below, which are based on commercial airplane data.

1. For gross weights between 1,500 and 5,000 pounds:

Engine Nacelles

1. For power plant installations of the radial-type aircraft engine, a

reasonable estimate of the nacelle weight may be obtained from:

where W„a represents the nacelle weight, and

Wen represents the engine weight,

For other types of propulsion devices, such as jet-propulsion engines,

gas turbines, and similar power plants, the data on weights of the power-

plant housing in the airplane are still too meager to permit the derivation

of any reliable relationships.

2. The following formulas may be found useful:

(a) For aircraft weighing between 20,000 and 60,000 pounds, having

2 or 4 engine nacelles:

(b) For aircraft weighing between 60,000 and 150,000 pounds, having

4, 6, or 8 engine nacelles:

WB = &*Wg - 450.

2. For gross weights between 20,000 and 60,000 pounds:

3. Gross weights between 60,000 and 150,000 pounds:

W„ = 2 (WM)«*.
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3. For jet installations, the weight of the power plant plus the nacelles

is from 7 to 8 per cent of the gross weight less.

4. Nacelles in the wings of small airplanes are from 1.5 to 2% of the

gross weight.

Fuel Weight

1. The specific fuel consumption (e) of propeller-operated engines is

usually given in terms of the number of pounds per horsepower per hour.

For jet engines, it is given in terms of number of pounds per pound of

thrust per hour. There may be considerable variation through the

operating regime of the engine, but for weight calculations, the specific

fuel consumption at cruising power is generally selected. The power for

cruising speed is usually 2/3 of the rated power rating. The following

formula, applicable to any type engine, may be used conveniently:

w _ (e) (2/3 rated power) (range in miles)

/ cruising speed in miles per hour

2. The weight of one gallon of gasoline is 6 pounds.

Oil Weight

1. This weight may be determined: by a formula similar to that for

fuel; or by allowing at least 1 gallon of oil for every 16 gallons of fuel; or

by allowing 10 gallons of oil plus an additional gallon for every 20 gallons

of fuel. The volume of one gallon is 231 in.8.

2. The weight of one gallon of oil is 8 pounds.

Power Plant Weights

1. Engine weights may be found in Chapter XVI, The Power Plant.

2. Engine controls for a single engine up to 500 hp. = 10-15 lb.

3. Engine mount up to 500 hp, including rubber bushings, bolts, etc.,

= 32-40 lb.

4. Engine mount = 3 to 3^% of gross weight.

5. Exhaust manifolds:

(a) short stacks = 12-18 lb;

(b) collectors = 30-50 lb;

(c) (700 hp capacity) = 33M lb to 49 lb.

6. Firewall = 7-10 lb.

7. Fuel system: piping, clips, etc. = 20-30 lb per engine.

8. Pumps (hand) = 2.5 lb.

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9. Tanks (welded, riveted aluminum, or aluminum alloy): for oil or

gasoline 10-to 50-gal capacity = 9-30 lb (varies linearly);

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50- to 100-gal capacity = 30-50 lb (varies linearly);

100- to 200-gal capacity = 50-80 lb (varies linearly).



10. Recommended sizes for fuel lines:


diam. (in.)



min. (in.)


Fuel to be delivered


From tank to fuel pumps

Up to 60 gal/hr

From 60 to 100 gal/hr

From 100 to 150 gal/hr



(1) Pumps to carburetor,

Up to 30 gal/hr

From 30 to 60 gal/hr

From 60 to 100 gal/hr

From 100 to 150 gal/hr



(2) Carburetor to overflow



Fuel pumps, relief lines

Same as for item 1


Primer tubing
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11. Some representative weights for oil coolers:

Rating, hp Approximate tveight, lb

100 4.50

100-350 6.65

350-450 8.00

450-550 9.50

550 up 12.10 up

12. Power plant weights for commercial transport airplanes of gross

weights between 20,000 and 100,000 pounds:

w" = [lâ„¢-wmw-]w-

13. For military airplanes of gross weights between 20,000 and 60,000


w» - [325— mm w>]w*

14. For military airplanes of gross weights between 60,000 and 140,000



15. For military airplanes of gross weights between 140,000 and 300,000


w" = [â„¢-mmw-]w*

Gross Weight

In order to obtain some idea of the magnitude of the gross weight of an

airplane before a detailed breakdown is made of the weights of the various

components, an estimation on the basis of power loading (W/P) or thrust


loading (W/T) is often advisable. Multiplying the appropriate ratio by

the rated horsepower or the static thrust rating yields an approximate

value of the gross weight.

1. Personal and business airplanes have power loadings as follows:

(a) Single-engine planes with horsepower ratings of between 65 and

450 have power loadings (W/P) of between 10 and 16 pounds

per horsepower.

(b) Twin-engine airplanes with total horsepower of between 290 and

900 have power loadings of between 10 and 12 pounds per horse-

power. These airplanes usually have higher top speeds and

higher rates of climb than single-engine airplanes.

2. Civil and military transport airplanes with 2 or 4 engines, each

having between 1475 to 3500 horsepower, have power loadings of between

10 to 12.5 pounds per horsepower.

3. Private airplanes with single jet units, operating at speeds less than

500 miles per hour, have thrust loadings (W/T) of between 3.5 to 6.25

pounds of gross weight per pound of thrust.

4. Fighters and interceptors with single jet units, operating between

000 and 700 miles per hour, have thrust loadings (W/T) of between 2.5

and 3.85, with the majority at about 3.

5. Transport and bombers with two jet units, operating at speeds of

about 650 miles per hour, have weight-thrust ratios of between 3.5 and 3.85.

6. Transports and bombers with 4, 6, or 8 jet units, operating at speeds

around 650 miles per hour, have weight-thrust ratios of between 4 and


7. Research aircraft operating at speeds between 650 and 1,650 miles

per hour or greater, whether utilizing one or two jet units, have had

weight-thrust ratios of between 2 and 3.

Miscellaneous Weights

Weights of equipment will vary with type and quantity. See Table

VIII-2 for some data on representative items.

Propeller Weights

For weights of propellers see Chapter XV, The Propeller.

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Table VIII-2. Miscellaneous weights.







Ash trays, coat and hat racks00,

service call systems, etc., per

passenger 2.5

Axe, hand 2.0

Baggage, usual allowance per

passenger 40.0

Belts, safety 0.75 to 1.1

Berth equipment:

Bedsheet 0.5

Blanket 2.7

Mattress 4.8

Pillow 1.8

Pillowcase 0.2

Mattress slip 1.4

Upper-berth shock cords 0.1

Lower-berth curtain 1.0

Coat hanger 0.1

Lower-berth support rail 1.1

Upper-berth step 2.2

Table 4.0

Case, aircraft data 1.5

Case, airplane mooring 1.3

Case contents, airplane mooring

(quantity in parentheses):

Arrow, mooring anchor (18). . 0.2

Bag, mooring (1) 1.5

Eye assembly, mooring anchor

rod (3) 0.1

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Pin, mooring ground breaking

(1) 0.7
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Rod, mooring anchor (1) 1.2

Rod, mooring anchor (6) 0.3

Case, map: 1.09

Chairs, seats (upholstered):

Al. Alloy-reclining (single seat) 12.0

Al. Alloy-reclining (double

seat) 24.5

Steel tubing (nonreclining)... 8.5

Steel tubing (reclining) 13.0

Wicker (settee) 10.1

Wicker 14.4

Steward's seat 9.0

Combustion heaters 17.0

Cockpit enclosure and fairing

(small airplane) 80-100

Control system, including dual

rudder, pedals, dual wheel

control, stabilizer adjust-

ment mechansism, cables,

rods, pulleys, and supports

(small airplane) 110-120

Crew and passengers (each per-

son) 170

Curtain 1.25

Cushion, life preserver 2.00

Cushion, rubber inflated

(17x19 in.) 1.39

Cushion, rubber inflated

(17x29 in.) 2.14

Cylinders, Oxygen

Volume Over-all length


Table V11I-2. (Continued). Miscellaneous weights.

Item Weight


Flashlight 1.75

Flit and spray gun 2.5

Floors, metal (per ft2) 1-1^

Floors, wood (per ft2) 1-1 Vi

Heating and ventilating system,

including cabin ducts (per

passenger) 0.5-10

Holder, flight report 0.86

Holder, paper cup 2.0

Holder, paper towel 2.0

Holder, magazines 4.0

Hydraulic operating system for

landing gear and wing flaps

(for airplane of gross weight

of 19,000 lb) 120

Ladder, entrance , 9.0

Lavatory and equipment 45.0

Machete 2.5

Magazine holders 4.0

Mail or express (allow at least

12V£ cu ft for mail to be car-

ried for each) 200

Mail bag (with brass padlock) for

registered mail 6.5

Mail bag, iron locked 2.5

Mirror (7 x 10 inches) 1.3

Pail (10 quarts), metal 2.0


Irving, 24-ft lap type 18.0

Irving, 24-ft slat type 19.5

Irving, 24-ft back type 17.5

Irving, 28-ft back type 24.0

Pilot's seat cushion type 23.5

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Russell, with cushion and back

pad 21.0
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Switlik (weights in pounds; in-

clude complete equipment):




Pack Type



Seat (fixed)


Seat (quick attachable)


23 H

Back (fixed)



Item Weight


Back (quick attach-

able) 19 21

Chair chute 16^ 18

Chest 20 22


Engine-driven fuel 3.0

Engine-driven gear type 5.9

Engine-driven vacuum 5.1

Engine-driven vane type 3.5

Gear-type hydraulic 5.9

Hand-operated hydraulic 3.8

1.50 cubic-inch hand hydraulic 3.3

2.00 cubic-inch hand hydraulic 3.7



Table VIII-3.

High pressure landing-wheel and tail-wheel tires.

Size tire

and wheel










Wt in pounds•

subject to

change with-

out notice





Dimensions (in.)










Landing-Wheel Tires



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Table VIII-3. (Continued).

Low-profile nose-wheel tires.

Wt in pounds,

subject to

Size tire

and wheel








change with-

out notice

Dimensions (in.)



















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Table VIII-5. Fabricated components—Floats.

Estimated Added Weight

Gross Weight of Original of Floats Replacing

Land00plane (lb) Landing Gear (lb)

1,125 106

1,620 180

1,965 200

2,425 230

2,880 260

3,610 313

4,210 363

4,910 397

5,680 417

6,560 437

Table VIII-6. Hydraulic equipment.

Weight (lb)

Actuating Cylinders: .


Strohe(in.) Pressure (psi)

Landing gear 50068 1,500 8

Landing gear 10.80 1,500 9

Wing flap 4.25 1,500 3.75

WngflaJ 4.75 1,500 8.75

Door operating 4.30 1,500 3.06

Pin pulling 2.69 150 3

Nose wheel — l>700 8du

Length (in.)

Extended Retracted

47 28 1,000 28

57 31 1.000 5

49 21.75 1,100 13

11.5 3 1,250 5.5

17.75 11.5 1,250 4.5

33 19.75 1,000 5.5

41.5 26.5 1,000 17.5

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32 18 1,500 4.75

17 12 1,000 5.25
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29.5 18.5 1,500 15

17.75 11.5 1,250 6

20 13.5 1,250 5.25

17.75 11.5 1,250 6.5


9 in. dia., 240 in.» J*

10 in. dia., 532 in.»

5 in. dia., 69 in.» 3 50

Pump, metering....... . • • • •....... :•

Pump, hand (1,350 in.-lb at 1,500 psi less handle) 2.20


The Balance Diagram

The balance diagram shows the location of the centers of gravity of the

components of the airplane as well as its contents. These centers of

gravity are usually indicated by reference to suitable horizontal and ver-

tical datum planes which may fall outside the drawing of the airplane

structure itself. For ease in calculation, these reference planes are so

chosen that all moment arms are of the same sign. For use in the field,

however, the balance diagram is redrawn to show the location of the cen-

ters of gravity with reference to a point (usually the leading edge of the

wing at the root) which may be easily located on the airplane.


To be sure that the centers of gravity are located correctly, it is desir-

able to draw or refer to an inboard profile drawing showing the location of

all the main items drawn to scale.

Along with the balance diagram, there is a balance table listing all the

items contained in the weight estimate, with their weights and center of

gravity locations, as well as the vertical and horizontal moments. Calcu-

lations for various possible centers of gravity for the complete airplane

are included.

In an airplane the center of gravity, or "balance point," may change

while in flight. For example, the fuel and oil are being used up at a con-

stant rate and, therefore, some of the weight disappears so that the center

of gravity may change. Another case may occur when the balance is cor-

rect with the passenger cabin filled. What happens when there are no

passengers, or only a few? Suppose again, that there are only a few pas-

sengers in a large cabin and when the flight starts, they sit in the forward

portion of the cabin, but later decide to sit in the rear?

These possible changes caused by what may be called the "disposable

load" (although rightly the crew is included ordinarily in the term) have

to be considered when the design of an airplane is contemplated.

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The balance diagram is such a study. It starts as a preliminary instal-

lation diagram, and therefore the fuselage becomes the first object in air-

plane design since it normally houses all the items that may change in

character, number, or location.

In a single-engine passenger airplane, for example, with the engine in

the nose of the fuselage, the procedure in obtaining a likely balance dia-

gram is to draw the engine and engine accessories accurately to scale, then

the firewall, then the pilot's cockpit, then the passenger cabin, in the order

in which they normally occur. They are arranged according to the de-

signer's wishes and drawn accurately to scale.

This arrangement or installation serves several purposes. It is similar

to the designing of a house by an architect who knows that he has to place

the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, and the like to provide the maximum

of comfort and convenience. At the same time these arrangements help

to determine certain dimensions of the house. This principle applies also

to airplane design. The placement of the engine compartment, the pilot's

cockpit, and the passenger cabin will affect the length of the fuselage, its

size, and weight.

After the interior arrangements have been placed more or less as they

are wanted, a preliminary investigation is made to find out how much the

center of gravity of the fuselage and its contents vary when a certain num-

ber of passengers are removed. It may be found that because of first dic-

tates for passenger comfort, too much space has been allotted between

seats so that when the rear seats of the cabin are empty the center of

gravity is too far forward; or the reverse is true when the front passenger

seats are empty. Thus the seats should be a little closer so that having a

few seats empty will not make so great a difference.

Very often, the designer is overgenerous in allowing for passenger com-

fort and finds that giving too much fore and aft room makes for poor bal-

ance for the various possible flight-loading conditions. Likewise, allow-

ing too much height for the passengers may increase the cross-sectional

area of the fuselage so much that performance eventually will be impaired.

The top view is usually left to the last, unless the passenger accommo-

dations are not in rows.

It is usually wise not to give too much space for the engine compartment,
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the pilot's cockpit, or the passenger cabin. Especially in the first solution

is it desirable to keep to minimum dimensions to avoid grief. Unfortu-

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nately, generosity is denied the designer. He must learn to take advan-

tage of many small factors instead of a few large ones. To the uninitiated,

the balance diagram may seem simple, but it is really the crux of the entire

design. If the rules laid down subsequently in this chapter are obeyed,

there is comparatively easy sailing ahead.

After the preliminary three-view and preliminary weight estimate one



proceeds to the preliminary balance diagram. This includes part of the

installation diagram or inboard profile as well, because arrangements have

to be substantially correct to assure a balance diagram of reasonable



The center of gravity location along the chord of the wing determines

the pitching moments of the airplane. In order to get the airplane to trim

at a given angle of attack, it is necessary to have the sum of the pitching

moments equal to zero at that angle of attack. In the conventional air-

plane, the pitciiing moments produced by the aerodynamic forces acting

on the wing are counterbalanced by the pitching moments of the tail sur-

faces. The pitching moments produced by the fuselage usually play but

a small part.

The forces and moments acting on a typical low-wing monoplane are

shown in the figure given in Chapter III, Airfoil Selection. The resultant

of the parasite resistance, which includes the drag of the tail surfaces, is

assumed to act through the center of gravity, primarily to simplify the

calculations to be made (although it is partially justified by wind-tunnel

measurements). For further simplification the thrust is assumed to act

through the center of gravity.

The pitching moments about the center of gravity may then be expressed

as follows:

MC.B. = Ma.c. + LwyiC sin a + LwXiC cos a — DwyiC sin a +

DuXiC sin a — LtXzC cos at — Lty2C sin at

qCSCif,.,. = qCSCM.p. + qCSCL(.Xi cos a + j/i sin a) + qCSCD (x sin a

— j/i cos a) — qCSCi.,St/8 cos at y2 sin at),

and simplifying further:

Cm.*. — Cm.*. + Xi(Cl cos a + Cd sin a) + j/i(Ct sin a —

CD cos a) — y2CuStia

where cos at has been considered equal to 1, sin at negligible, and the drag

of the tail surfaces included in the parasite drag, and where:

q =y*pv\

v = speed of the airplane at the trim angle in feet per second,

S = wing area in square feet,

C = mean aerodynamic chord in feet,

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Cl, Cd, and Cm.... = aerodynamic characteristics of the wing,

Cl, = lift coefficient of the horizontal tail surfaces,

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Cm.*. = moment coefficient of the wing airfoil about its aerodynamic



Cm.*. =

Lw —

Da =

DP =

Ma.c. =

Me.,. =


pitching moment coefficient of the airplane about its center of







7 moment arms of force vectors about center of gravity.

J Fig. III-l.


To account for the fact that the air velocity over the tail surfaces may

not be so great as that over the wing, the quantity in is usually










â– 'i<

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• —r




Complete N

Wing nlane*^





12' 16°

Figure IX-1. Wing pitching moments—the effect of moving the center of gravity

along a line parallel to the wing chord and through the aerodynamic center.


multiplied by a factor, often assumed as 0.8 to account for a decreased

velocity of about 0.9 over the wing.

The pitching moments due to the aerodynamic forces on the wing alone

have been calculated for a number of center of gravity locations and have

been plotted in Figures IX-1 and IX-2. It will be noted that moving the

center of gravity longitudinally along the chord has a greater effect upon

the pitching moments than moving the center of gravity perpendicularly

to the chord.

Superimposed upon these curves is another representing the desired

slope and angle of trim for the pitching moment curves for the complete

airplane. The difference in pitching moments for the complete airplane

and for the wing alone represents the pitching moments that would have

to be supplied by the horizontal tail surfaces.

Since the pitching moments of the horizontal tail surfaces are propor-

tional to XtCjJSt, it can be seen immediately that the larger the tail mo-

ment required, the larger either the tail length x2C should be, or the

greater the horizontal tail area St should be, or the combination of both.

Further, the slope of the pitching moment curve is a function of the slope


16* 20°

Figure IX-2. Wing pitching moments—the effect of moving the center of gravity

perpendicular to the wing chord and through the aerodynamic center.

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dd/da of the lift curve of the tail surfaces. This slope is determined by

the aspect ratio of the tail surfaces and the larger the aspect ratio, the

greater the slope.

Practical Solution

In order to obtain the right degree of stability with the necessary amoun t

of control, the center of gravity of the airplane is placed usually as close to

the aerodynamic center of the wing as possible while the horizontal tail

surfaces are placed from to 3 times the mean aerodynamic chord be-

hind the aerodynamic center of the wing.

Center of Gravity Movement

Since the airplane has to carry a variable payload from time to time, it

is necessary to know how much movement may be tolerated in the location

of the airplane center of gravity. An investigation can be carried out for

the given design by calculating the pitching moments for the complete

airplane for different center of gravity locations.

If the center of gravity is moved ahead of its design position, the air-

plane will be more stable, but will trim with the same horizontal tail sur-

face configuration as for the original center of gravity position at a smaller

angle of attack. This condition is referred to sometimes as the "nose-

heavy" condition. If the center of gravity is moved rearward, the air-

plane will be less stable and, with the same tail surface configuration, will

trim at a higher angle of attack. This is known as the "tail-heavy" con-


The general rule is that the center of gravity of the completed airplane

should not change more than 10 to 14 per cent of the mean geometric

chord of the wing between the fully loaded condition and a condition

corresponding to the most rearward or most forward position of the center

of gravity (not necessarily the fully empty condition). The center of

gravity travel could be restricted to about 7% of the chord ahead of the

center of gravity, and to about 7% of the chord behind the center of

gravity. For tailless designs the center of gravity movement is limited

to about 5 or 6 per cent of the mean aerodynamic chord. This means

that for an airplane weighing 10,000 pounds, fully loaded, which has a

mean geometric chord of 100 inches, the movement for a condition less

than fully loaded should not be more than 8 inches. When the fuselage
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and its contents are considered alone (as they would be in preliminary

calculations) this movement for the same airplane may be greater, say
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12 per cent, or 12 inches in this case.

For preliminary design, an eight per cent travel in the center of gravity

movement is used. If the airplane were highly stable for the fully-loaded

condition, then an eight per cent movement forward would increase the


stability and would therefore be undesirable. Similarly, if the airplane

had the minimum stability for the loaded condition, then an eight per

cent movement rearward would decrease the longitudinal stability.

Therefore, in order to determine whether the airplane has sufficient

stability, it is incumbent upon the designer to carefully analyze the design

after the balance diagram and the general configuration have been set.

After detailed static longitudinal calculations have been made for the

fully loaded airplane, some restrictions can be set on the movement of the

center of gravity location for variously loaded conditions.

1. If longitudinal stability is more than adequate, the center of gravity

movement should be primarily to the rear.

2. If longitudinal stability is less than adequate, the center of gravity

movement should be forward.

3. If longitudinal stability is just adequate, the center of gravity move-

ment may be equally forward and rearward.


Starting with the fuselage and its contents, each item from the nose of

the fuselage rearward is placed carefully to scale.

When the fuselage and its contents are located, the center of gravity of

the fuselage and its contents are determined. In the calculations to de-

cide upon the center of gravity, the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces

should be included as factors.

To determine the center of gravity, two datum lines are chosen: one

through the center of the propeller in case of a single-engine airplane, or

tangent to the foremost point on the airplane for the. horizontal arms of

the individual items; another, usually the ground line, for the vertical

arms. It is desirable to choose these datum lines so that the arms are all

of the same signs, thus avoiding possible errors in addition.

Sometimes a number of diagrams are made until the final center of

gravity of the whole group is located where the designer wants it. Figure

IX-3 shows one way in which a diagram may be presented.

The calculations should be set up in the form of a table, listing all items

included in the fuselage and its contents. Table IX-1 has been set up

as a guide for the balance calculations to be made.

It should be noted that it is convenient to lump together small items

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located at about the same spot and determine the center of gravity of the

group by inspection. Otherwise, determination of the center of gravity

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of the airplane becomes a series of tedious calculations. The error that

may be caused by such a method is certainly not large, as a few simple

calculations will demonstrate to the most skeptical.

Even in multi-engine designs, where the engines are attached to the

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Table IX-1. Typical balance calculation data.















in lb







2. Engine


X Hotspot


9. Oil

11. Pilot

12. Co-pilot

13. Pilots' seats

14. Controls

16. Two seats

^STTwo seats

10. Two seats

20.' Two seats

24. Two passengers

28. Radio equipment

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,29^ Lighting

31. Fuselage structure

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32. Vertical tail surfaces

33. Horizontal tail surfaces

34. Tail wheel and gear...

^ Fuel tanks

37. Fuel



Column 1 = sum of all weight items;

Column 3 = sum of all horizontal moment calculations;

Column 2 = H

ZM/r totals in column 3

XW totals in column l'

Column 5 = sum of all vertical moment calculations;

„ . , Tr tMy totals in column 5

Column 4 = 7= ——0 0 = — .

2JV totals in column 1

wings, it is usually desirable to treat the engines with the fuselage as a unit,

since the fore and aft position of the engines is determined by the location

of the plane of rotation of the propeller with reference to the occupants of

the fuselage. The supporting structure making up the engine nacelle will

then be 00constructed later when the wing has been placed in its correct


The reason that it is generally more desirable to follow this procedure

is that the wing planf orm and spar locations may undergo several revisions

in order to get suitable attachment points for the spars at the fuselage that

will not interfere with any internal arrangements. With each spar loca-

tion or wing planform, however, the original position of the engines re-

mains the same.

The mean aerodynamic chord is fixed with relation to the center of

gravity of the complete airplane, but any wing planform having the same

length and location of the mean aerodynamic chord may be used. (See

Figure IX-4.) The terms mean geometric chord and mean aerodynamic

chord are often used interchangeably.

Likewise, the engine is more or less fixed, either because of center of

gravity location requirements for the complete airplane or, more likely,

because the pilot and the primary-control units (excluding cables and

control rods) should be so located that none lies in the region between the

plane of rotation of the propeller and the surface generated by a line pass-

ing at an angle of 5 degrees through the axis of propeller rotation.


It is usually easier to treat next the wing and the landing gear as a unit.

Since both the wing and the landing-gear positions are critical with refer-
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ence to the final location of the center of gravity, it is appropriate to start

with a final center of gravity location. Figure IX-5 shows the complete
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airplane, but in preliminary work it is unnecessary to treat more than the

wing and the landing gear.

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tion of the propeller. The vertical position will have to be assumed. For

a low-wing monoplane, the center of gravity may be assumed at about

seat level; for a high-wing monoplane, at about shoulder level. Should

this assumption be found later to be a few inches off, it will usually not

affect the final configuration of the wing and landing gear.

A line drawn forward at an angle between 13 and 17 degrees with the

vertical drawn through the center of gravity will intersect the ground line

at the point of tangency of the wheel with the ground. Thus the wheel

is located.

The quarter point of the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing falls di-

rectly below (in the case of a low-wing monoplane) or directly above (in

the case of a high-wing monoplane) the final center of gravity. Therefore,

this requirement is observed by placing^the wing accordingly.

The centers of gravity of these component parts are easily established,

and the center of gravity of the group is then determined. Refer to

Figure IX-5 and Table IX-2.

Table IX-2.








Item designation

arm, y

moment, Wy





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Landing-gear struts



Y _ Wlyi + W,y, + Wty, + Wtyt

Wl + Wt + W, +

It is now necessary to locate the horizontal position of the center of

gravity of this group. Refer to Figure IX-6 and Table IX-3.

Table IX-3.








Item designation

arm, x

moment, Wx








Figube IX-tt. A simplified planview of the previous figure, showing horizontal

moment arms of the wing and landing-gear groups. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 refer

to data shown in Table IX-2.

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When these calculations are finished, the group may be located on the

fuselage. In Figure IX-7, 1 indicates the center of gravity of the fuselage

and its contents. Its horizontal movement is known and may be found

from Table IX-1, considering all except the last four items. The 2 indi-

cates the center of gravity of the wing and landing-gear group which has

just been determined. Its distance d behind the quarter point on the

mean geometric chord C is also known since

d = X - \iC.

The final position of the center of gravity of the complete airplane must

be in the plane y-y through the quarter point just mentioned. Let:

Wi = weight of fuselage and its contents,

Wt = weight of wing and landing gear group.

Since the horizontal moment of the complete airplane equals the sum of

the horizontal moment of the component parts, it follows that:

(JFi + W,) (L + x) = WJj + [W, (L + x + d)],

from which Wix = W^i is obtained so that the value of


*= FT*

gives the necessary information to locate the wing on the fuselage.

If the engines and engine nacelles in a multi-engine design were consid-

ered with the wing and landing-gear group in these calculations instead of

with the fuselage group, it would be possible for the center of gravity of

the group (wing, engines, fuel tanks, landing gear, etc.) to fall ahead of the

quarter point of the mean aerodynamic chord. Corrections in the above

derivations can be made accordingly.

Before proceeding with the final form of the balance diagram, check the

following items for ground clearance:

1. Depressed elevator.

2. Depressed flap.

3. Propeller.

Also check the distance between the tail post and the center of gravity

in terms of the mean geometric chord. All weight items appearing in the

original weight estimate should appear in the balance table.

When the balance diagram has been made in its final form, the balance

table given in Table IX-1 should then be corrected accordingly.

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Before the balance data are accepted, supplementary calculations are

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necessary to determine the positions of the center of gravity for various

possible loading conditions—fully loaded, and partially or all empty. The



extreme movement of the center of gravity should be limited. A total

horizontal movement of about 8 per cent of the mean geometric chord is

permissible and, if possible, half of this movement should be ahead and

half behind the center of gravity for the fully loaded position. A greater

movement may be permitted if static stability calculations for the various

locations of the center of gravity show that the airplane has sufficient


If the movement is extreme, rearrangement of variable, not fixed, items

such as passengers, baggage, fuel (but excluding the pilot in these calcu-

lations) may be made to reduce the movement. Should the center of

gravity movement still be beyond the desirable limits, ballast should be



Suggestions for the use of ballast:

Ballast may be used to enable aircraft to comply with the flight-test

requirements for longitudinal stability, balance, and landing, with the

following provisions:

(a) Ballast should not be used for this purpose in aircraft having a

gross weight of less than 5000 pounds, nor in aircraft providing a

total seating capacity of less than 7 persons.

(b) It should be demonstrated by the manufacturer that the specific

aircraft can be landed safely without ballast, passengers, or


(c) The place or places for carrying ballast should be properly de-

signed and installed• and plainly marked.

(d) The loading schedule which accompanies each license issued for

an aircraft may require that special loading of this type shall be

conspicuously posted either in the pilot's compartment or adja-

cent to the ballast compartments. Strict compliance should be

required of the aircraft operator.

These suggestions should be carefully checked against current govern-

mental regulations.


The centers of gravity of, the individual items may be determined by in-

spection, or rough calculations, or from known locations.

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The following list will give some indication of the procedure to be fol-

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At centerline

Given by manufacturer



Person seated At bottom vest button

Seat Seat level, forward of back

Furnishings, soundproofing At geometric center of cabin

Flooring At geometric centroid

Doors At geometric centroid

Windows At geometric centroid

Tail surfaces Center of gravity of each chord section is about

30-35% of chord

Wing At 40-42% of each chord section; make allow-

ance for flaps

Fuel and oil tanks At geometric centroid

Landing gear By inspection

If the wing is assumed to weigh the same per square foot from root to

tip, and if the center of gravity of each chord is located from 25 to 40 per

cent behind the leading edge, the center of gravity of the entire wing

would be at 25 or 40 per cent of the mean geometric chord, as the case may

be. Its vertical position may be assumed halfway between the top and

bottom camber at the mean chord, taking into account the location of the

mean chord due to dihedral and other structural factors.

If tail surfaces have irregular planforms, sufficient accuracy will be

obtained by resolving the areas in equivalent rectangles and triangles.

Fuel tanks, filled with fuel, of irregular cross section from one end to

the other may be resolved into a series of volumes whose centers of gravity

can be determined readily, and it is an easy matter to find the center of

gravity of the complete unit. The center of gravity of the empty tank,

unless more accurate data are available, may be assumed to coincide with

the center of gravity of the tank when filled.


One may occasionally be required to determine the center of gravity of

an object with which one is not familiar and for which there is no pertinent

information at hand. That would be the time to use some extra imagina-

tion and common sense.

Let us take a fuselage as an example. Where might one expect to find

the location of the center of gravity of the bare fuselage structure? A good

method of procedure would be to assume a cylinder of equal length and

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uniform weight; then it is obvious that the center of gravity would be

located at the center. The center of gravity of the fuselage must then
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lie ahead rather than behind the midpoint, unless some unusual condition

exists. The larger cross section ahead of the midpoint, the greater con-

centration of load, and the many more complexities of the structure caused

by windows and doors all indicate a center of gravity at about the mid-

point of this front half section alone, or at 25% of the total length. The

center of gravity of the complete fuselage structure would then lie some-

where between 25 and 50% of its length. As a first approximation, 35 to

40% would be a reasonable value.



While such an approach assumes that the structure has some degree of

homogeneity, it still yields useful results for a first approximation. Later,

when more data is available as to location of frames, doors, floors, and

the like, a more careful and precise determination of the center of gravity

can be made.


Slight errors in estimating the exact location of the center of gravity

are not serious. Suppose, for example, that the center of gravity of an

item weighing 50 pounds was wrongly located by two inches, making for

a total error of 100 inch-pounds in moment. If the gross weight of the

airplane was 2000 pounds, then the center of gravity location would be off

by 100/2000, or one twentieth of an inch—certainly not a large error, and

perhaps compensated for by other similar errors. The wrong location of

the center of gravity of the individual items may be more serious, how-

ever, when the local effects under dynamic conditions are considered.

It is certainly desirable to have data available that is as accurate as

possible, but the absence of such data, especially for non-critical items,

should not delay the progress of preliminary design.

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The Cockpit

The cockpit may be considered the most vital part of the airplane, for

in it all functions of the airplane and its power plant are coordinated and

directed by the pilot and his aides.

All control systems terminate in the cockpit; all operational and navi-

gational instruments are located here; all decisions regarding the flight of

the airplane, with the very few exceptions when the airplane is about to

take off and land, are determined here. As the airplane grows larger, the

cockpit assumes even greater importance. At present it is even more im-

portant than the captain's bridge of an ocean liner.

Since the pilot and his aides, such as the co-pilot or the navigational

officer or some other member of the crew, spend their entire time on a

flight in the cockpit, it is absolutely necessary that every means for com-

fort, for ease of operation of controls, for co-ordination of instruments, for

vision, and a host of other odds and ends which contribute to the efficiency

and well-being of the crew, be carefully planned and arranged. Too often

an airplane, otherwise satisfactory, cannot overcome the enormous sales

resistance caused by a poorly designed or arranged cockpit. The pilot

may find that he has not been given enough leg room or enough headroom

so that even on moderately short flights, he is easily tired due to a cramped

position. Or, he may find that his vision forward, sideward, upward, and

downward is very poor so that when he takes off from an airport or wants

to land, he must guess instead of being able to see how or where he is tak-

ing off or landing.

Another difficulty may be that the instruments are not arranged prop-

erly: that he cannot quickly see the instruments which he needs to guide

him in the proper operation of the engines and in the proper execution of

his flight maneuvers.

In some cases minor faults may be corrected to suit the flying personnel

but, for example, if there is insufficient headroom in the cockpit it may

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not be possible to make changes unless the airplane is completely rede-


Naturally, the thought arises: Why not standardize the cockpit in its

dimensions, appointments, and general arrangements? In other words,

design a satisfactory cockpit once and for all. Unfortunately it is not

possible to standardize cockpit design wholly until all the parts and equip-

ment located in the cockpit have been standardized.

New instruments are designed daily that record or indicate additional

data not measured before. Or, new equipment is designed that will take

care of some additional functions, but which may not wholly replace other

equipment of almost but not quite similar functions. The additions to

the available list of instruments and equipment are necessary in order to

lighten the burdens of the operating personnel, but their placement may

well upset the planned installation of the standardized cockpit. Each

new cockpit, therefore, offers its own problems.

However, there is standardization to some degree and this helps enor-

mously in reducing the many problems attendant in cockpit arrangement.

The military services are attempting to standardize cockpit designs for

certain types of airplanes.

The description below* is presented to give some idea and understand-

ing of the cockpit arrangements and procedures that a pilot or student

must follow, for example, in a jet trainer.

The side-by-side seating arrangement is favored for a trainer for two


(1) Student confidence builder. With instructor alongside, student can be more

easily indoctrinated with jet techniques and procedures.

(2) Ease of instruction. Instructor can observe student at all times, be "ahead" of

him in all phases of flight training without having to resort to guesswork.

The general arrangement of instruments and controls are such that, with the student

sitting on left side, the instructor on the right, the navigation and flight instruments are

positioned on student's side, the engine instruments above throttle pedestal. The radio

controls are in front of the instructor, but are within reach of the student.

Positioned on the left, on student's side, are navigational and flight instruments

including directional and altitude indicators, altimeter, turn and slip, rate of climb and

airspeed indicators, course indicator (omni), and clock. Engine instruments, set over
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the center quadrant, include tachometers, exhaust temperature indicators, fuel flow

indicators, oil pressure gages, loadmeters, accelerometer and fuel quantity indicator.
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In front of the instructor, on the right but within reach of student, are radio controls,

circuit breaker and instrument panel, a.c. fuses, plus airspeed and turn and slip indicators

and altimeter.

Controls are easily accessible from either side of cockpit. Stick grips and throttle

quadrants are fighter type. Four throttles are provided, two for each quadrant.

Throttle movement mechanically actuates each engine fuel control by means of push-

pull rods and torque tubes.

Lift-type idle detents are included on instructor's quadrant to prevent inadvertent

positioning of either set of throttles from idle to cut-off. There is no de-icing equipment,

* Aviation Week, April 1, 1057, pp. 48-55.



but an engine ice-warning light, on instrument panel, will illuminate when ice forms over

the ice-detect probe in left engine air inlet duct.

Two automatic press-breathing, diluter-demand oxygen regulators for both student

and instructor are located on lower left and right side of instrument panel.

The trainer incorporates a simple cockpit check. Airplane can be started on its own

battery or external starter. Six to 10 starts can be made on former. Standard starting

procedure is: Battery and inverter on, fuel pump on, open fuel shut-off valve for left

engine, push up on starter switch and hold at 5% rpm, push up on ignition switch and

hold, bring throttle forward to idle, release starter and ignition switches at 22% rpm

Engine will idle at 35%. Same procedure is used to start right engine.

Power steering is activated by button on stick, and slight rudder pressure steers air-

plane neatly and quickly. Nose wheel will steer on free swivel to 50 deg. Large

transparent canopy allows excellent visibility during taxi and flight.

Before take-off there are two safety pins for the student to pull and one for the instruc-

tor. One of the pins is for canopy jettison and one for student's ejection seat. The

instructor's pin is for his ejection seat. Before aircraft is entered, ground crew removes

a fourth jettison pin for canopy behind and beyond reach of pilots.

A "hot" mike, geared to the helmet, enables instructor and student to talk—without

button pushing—from time electrical power is turned on until engines are shut down.


Since the pilot is the most important item in the design of his headquar-

ters, the cockpit is planned around him. To obtain a better conception

of his requirements, a celluloid figure with joints is made to scale to which

the cockpit installation is to be drawn. This jointed figure can then be

placed in various postures to see whether the pilot's seat is far enough up

from the floor, that the legs are not outstretched too far for comfort, and

that the control stick or wheel is not too far ahead so that it is awkward

to operate. Of course, slight adjustments are obtainable in raising or low-

ering the seat, or in moving it forward or rearward.

If there is insufficient headroom for the pilot to stand up in the cockpit,

then there should be at least enough room above his head so that he can

lean forward or back, or raise himself up slightly from the seat without

fear of bumping his head.

Once the pilot has been comfortably seated—and it is desirable that his

legs make an angle of not greater than 45 degrees with the floor to assure
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comfort in flight—it is necessary to locate the seat so that he may have

sufficient vision in all possible directions, with special attention to for-

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ward, upward, downward, and sideward vision. When this has been done,

the windshield may be located. It should not be too far forward since the

ceiling will come too far ahead of the pilot and interfere with his line of

vision. Likewise, the windshield should not be curved in more than two

directions because distortion of the scene may result.



Next, the instruments and equipment must be considered. Instru-

mentation is discussed in detail in a subsequent chapter, but reference to

a few required features may well be made here. All switches and controls

ivhich the pilot must operate should be located as close to him as possible

so that it will be unnecessary for him to stretch. Stretching reduces the

pilot's ability to operate the airplane properly at any time and especially

in an emergency. On the other hand, those instruments which do not

have to be operated manually may be farther away, but they must be

grouped according to functions. The more important functional group is

located in front of him. Others are slightly out of his prevailing line of

direct vision.

When the arrangements for distances and clearances have been settled

above and below the pilot, as well as behind and ahead of him, some atten-

tion should be given to "elbow" room. Here again, he should be given as

much room as possible. If there is a co-pilot, the width should be doubled

and an appreciable allowance made for the aisle between the two. These

allowances often determine the width of the fuselage unless the airplane is

very large. The result is that designers tend to skimp on width allowances

because the greater the width, the greater the eventual effect upon the

speed performance of the airplane. However, a difference of 2 or 3 inches

will be enormous as far as the comfort of the pilot is concerned and will

hardly affect the speed characteristics of the airplane.

In new designs it is usually the custom to lay out the pilot's cockpit on

paper, as discussed before, with the aid of additional information given

hereafter, and then to construct a "mockup" which is a full-scale represen-

tation of the actual installation in wood, metal, and cardboard that is

nailed, bolted, or screwed together. In the mockup, a man may sit in the

cockpit and test the arrangements before the airplane is constructed.

Changes are made until everything is as satisfactory as accompanying

conditions permit. The final solution is then drawn up and incorporated

into the final design.


The following items must be considered in the design and study of ar-

rangements for the cockpit:

1. Windshield outline and construction.

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2. Angles and field of vision.

3. Instruments and their location.

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4. Power-plant controls and their location.

5. Pilot's and co-pilot's seats.

6. Primary control systems.

7. Brake systems.

8. Hydraulic controls for brakes, flaps, tabs, etc.



9. Automatic-pilot equipment.

10. Radio equipment.

11. Lighting.

12. Heating and ventilating.

13. De-icing equipment and controls.

14. Oxygen equipment.

15. Accessibility; emergency exits.

The cockpit for an airplane should be constructed to give the maximum

possible comfort, adequate vision, and accessibility to all controls. In a

cabin plane, consideration must be given to headroom, ventilation, and


The cockpit and primary control units, excluding cables and control

rods, should be so located with respect to the propellers that the pilot or

controls are not in the region between the plane of rotation of any propeller

and the surface generated by a line passing through the center of the pro-

peller hub and making an angle of 5 degrees forward or tfft of the plane of

rotation of the propeller.

Unless the airplane carries less than five passengers, the pilot or pilots

are located in a compartment separated from the cabin. Entrance to the

cockpit from the cabin is permitted, but passage through the cockpit

should not be considered as an emergency exit for the passengers.

When the pilot is entirely separated from the passengers, suitable means

for communication between the pilot or pilots and the passengers should

be provided.

Oxygen supply or a supercharged cabin should be provided for the crew

and the passengers above 18,000 feet altitude, or when operations are for

more than 15 minutes above an altitude of 14,000 feet.

The arrangement of controls, provision for adequate vision, and seating

arrangements, as well as numerous other problems, are best solved by con-

structing a mockup in which every item is represented.


The general requirements for windows and windshields of the pilot's

compartment cover the following items:

1. Satisfactory forward vision under all conditions.

2. Suitable protection under all conditions.

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3. Windshields should be easily opened in flight.

4. Windshields should be so arranged that the air stream and snow or

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rain are deflected across the opening when the windshields are open.

5. The compartment should be so arranged that glare and reflection are


6. Leakage into the compartment during rain or snow should be avoided.



Figure X-l. Two windshield arrangements

for military airplanes. The top windshield simi-

lar to that of the Fairchild "Cornell" may be

built in sections that slide rearward, one section

telescoping over the other. The bottom wind-

shield, similar to that of the North American

XF-JI, is an example of the bubble canopy,

which has practically no visual obstructions but

may have some optical distortions.

Figure X-2. Windshield

configurations for large trans-

port airplane. The top arrange-

ment may offer less aerodynamic

resistance while the lower may

give the better visibility.

For best vision, the windshield should be placed vertically although this

materially increases aerodynamic resistance. Hence, the rearward-slop-

ing windshield which tends to keep the streamline shape of the fuselage

is the best.

It has been proposed that in order to obtain a streamlined fuselage for

an airplane designed for greatest aerodynamic efficiency, the cockpit could

be made to retract into the fuselage just after take-off. This could be

done only with great complication.

For unusually large airplanes, it is possible to locate the pilot's cockpit

in the nose of the fuselage where, due to the enormous size, flat panes in-

serted in the surface hardly affect the smooth contour of the streamlined


Windshields should be so installed that they may be cleaned or opened

easily in flight. Unless the windshields are such that rain, snow, or ice

will not stick to the surface and impede vision, they should be arranged so

that the air stream and snow or rain are deflected across the opening.
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Figure X-3. Other possible

solutions to the windshield prob-

lem. These offer relatively little

aerodynamic resistance, but do

not offer the highest degree of

visibility to the pilots.

Figure X-4. Windshield

treatments for high-speed trans-

port airplanes. A special, so-

called retractable, windshield

covers the main windshield in

the lower solution. For take-

off and landing, the outer wind-

shield is retracted.

Figure X-5. This windshield arrangement provides better visibility for the pilot,

but offers greater aerodynamic resistance than any of the previous solutions shown.
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Figure X-6. A typical nose-treatment for high-speed aircraft. Note the careful

streamlining of the windshield into the fuselage lines. The use of a periscope for the

landing operation has been proposed, with radar serving for the other situations of visual

observation. The nose section can be constructed in the form of a jettisonable capsule,

as indicated by the solid outlines.

Figure X-7. A pilot's canopy that hinges at the rear and is held up by a hydraulic-

ally-operated center jack. When in place, further engagement is obtained by means

of the three lugs on each side, through which pins are passed. All connections can be

released in time for the ejection of the pilot with his seat.

Figure X-8. One way of obtaining ice-free windshields.

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Windshields fronting on the sides of the cabin may be kept free of ice by

means of a rotary windshield wiper that operates at relatively high speed.

One of the airlines has devised a double windshield, consisting of J^-inch

safety-glass pane in front and a J^-inch transparent plastic rear pane with

a J^-inch air space separating the two. Air, heated to 170° F, from the

cabin heating system, is forced through between the panes at a rate of

about 60 cubic feet per minute.

The windshield arrangement should be such as to give minimum interior

reflections and glare which might interfere with the pilot's vision, particu-

larly at night.

In a mockup, the windows may be represented by mirrors that show the

parts of the cockpit which may be reflected. By suitable rearrangement

of the windshield, these areas may be avoided or provision made to reduce

the reflection. Glare may be investigated by means of an outside source

of light that can be moved with respect to the cockpit.

By means of Figure X-9, the thickness of the glass for the windshield

may be determined. The safe pressure or load that may be sustained by

the glass may be calculated approximately by means of the formula

P = 21,000 fl/Af

where P = unit pressure in pounds per square inch (or square foot)

(assume P = ^pV2mox in lb/ft2),

t = thickness of glass in inches,

A — area in square inches (or square feet),

/ = safety factor, assumed equal to 10.

Characteristics of Glass

Coefficient of expansion of plate glass between —70° F to +100° F is

approximately 0.00000823 per degree centigrade or 0.00000457 per degree


Compression 36,000 lb per in.2 Modulus of elasticity 10 X 106 to

Tension 6,500 lb per in.2 11 X 106 lb per in.2

Modulus of rup- 3,500 lb per in.2 Weight 3.29 lb per ft2 (M inch

ture thickness)

All the windows in the windshield should be made to open quickly, and

be removable, if desired. The glass should not lie too flat. An angle be-

tween 0 and 45 degrees between the vertical and plane of the glass when
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the airplane is horizontal is recommended. If the glass lies too flat, dis-

tortion of vision or undesirable reflections from the sky above may result.
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The thickness of the glass depends upon the type and size of plane.

In general, nonshatterable glass, at least % inch thick should be used.

Anything thinner is subject to accidental breakage or warping.

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The cockpit in jet-propelled aircraft can usually be placed well forward

in the fuselage, thus affording pilots a type of visibility during landing

approach that is not possible with propeller-driven aircraft. Downward

visibility of 17° or00more over the nose can be obtained, whereas the other

type of airplane permits as little as 3° and seldom more than 5°.

Downward visibility is limited by the type of equipment installed

ahead of the pilot.

The pilot at high altitudes, in addition to his other problems, is faced

with an inversion of the normal brightness direction. The sky and the

clouds at or near the earth's surface are normally brighter than the ter-

rain. Thus, at high altitude the pilot is covered with a black sky, while

the haze and clouds in the atmosphere below him are extremely bright.

Human beings are designed with eyes recessed under the frontal region of

the skull and with eyebrows superimposed. This is to protect the eyes

from brightness from above; but there is no protection from brightness

coming from below—a distinct handicap for the pilot.

Unobstructed forward vision for the pilot under all conditions is most

desirable. For easy landing, it should be possible to see the wheels at the

moment of contact. It is customary to allow an angle of not less than 5

degrees subtended by the eye below the horizontal to permit adequate

vision forward.

Figure X-10. The closer the obstruction to the eye, the greater the angle subtended

for impeding vision.

The twin-engine designs can usually provide for excellent vision forward

and sideways owing to the absence of such obstructions as the engine


A wing with sweepback usually does not permit as good a view of the

landing gear as a wing that does not incorporate a sweepback.

Obstructions such as posts to support the windshield do not offer as

much of a "blind spot" when located relatively far from the pilot's eyes.

Preliminary studies should be made to determine the most desirable

location of such supports as far as vision is concerned.

A larger field of vision is available to the pilot if the windshield or

windows are relatively close to the pilot's face. The type of windshield
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that slopes rearward from top to bottom (Figure X-5) does not afford
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Figure X-12. Windshield arrangement for

a two-seater low-wing monoplane (top) simi-

lar to that of the Aeronca "Chum," and for a

small flying boat, (bottom) similar to that of

the Republic "Sea Bee."

much vision upward or sideways since the pilot is required to seat himself

farther back than if the windshield sloped the other way.


The cleaner aerodynamic lines required at transonic and supersonic

speeds, as well as the difficulty of providing large transparent areas of

high-heat-resistant material may lead to the elimination of canopies.

One airplane now being built incorporates a periscope.


The pilot should be comfortably seated. His seat should be adjustable

vertically, as well as fore and aft, and angularly. The back of the seat

should not be too high.

The seat should be provided with arms, so designed that the inside arm

can be swung out of the way when getting in or out of the seat.

When two seats in a side-by-side arrangement are provided in the pilot's

compartments, it is desirable to have equal access to the controls and in-

struments; where this is not possible, the left-hand seat should be favored.

This is known as the first pilot's seat, and the right-hand one is termed

the second pilot's seat.

When a wheel control is used, the height of the wheel should be such that
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28 inches; across each knee, 6 to 8 inches; and above knees and thighs, 26

inches. For the occupant of the private airplane with an operational ceil-

ing below 10,000 feet and with provision of a reasonable heating system,

necessary clothing is not so heavy nor thick so that the dimensions speci-

fied in the listing may be reduced in some cases.

Before cockpit design has progressed to the mockup stage, it is desir-

able to construct a two-dimensional reduced scale model of the supposed

pilot. For this purpose, the dimensions of a man who is 6 feet tall are

presented in Figure X-14 as a practical compromise between the 5-foot

3-inch pilot and the 6-foot 3-inch pilot.


If the cockpit is not accessible from the cabin, a separate door should be

provided for the cockpit. It is generally desirable to have an emergency

exit as well. If the windshield is large enough when opened, it may serve

as an emergency exit; otherwise, one should be provided.

When the airplane is not equipped to carry passengers, the pilot's com-

partment may be either open or equipped with a hatch of such size that it

can be used for an emergency exit for the crew with parachutes.

An opening for an emergency exit should be at least 17 X 24 inches

when rectangular in shape, or 24 inches in diameter if circular. Such

openings are generally not large enough, however, for a man equipped with

a parachute, and are usually intended for emergency exit on the ground.


Without a shoulder harness to hold the pilot in his seat, severe or fatal

injury is probable in a landing accident as a result of his head striking

the instrument panel. The danger can be avoided by making the space

in front of the occupant free of obstacles for a distance approximately

equal to the length of the torso from the hips to the top of the head,

plus seat-belt elongation. This would necessitate a 31 to 45 inch space

clear of any solid or unyielding protuberances which might injure not

only the head but also other parts of the body.

The pilot's head would be critically injured in a crash against a flat,

rigid surface at an average impact energy of about 600 in./lb. If low

density, energy-absorbing materials are used to pad the crash surfaces,

the head can take impacts five times greater.

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In order to lessen or prevent injury, surfaces against which the pilot

might hit his head in a crash should have the following characteristics:
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1. They should be flat or have large radii for curvature;

2. They should be rigid enough to help support the head but should

deflect under contact;



3. They should be smooth, with no sharp edges to cause local high

pressure intensity;

4. The contact surface should be as large as possible for distributing

contact pressures;

5. Provision should be made for absorbing a relatively large amount

of impact or kinetic energy.


At low speeds, the customary method for a pilot to leave an airplane

under emergency conditions is to jump over the side. This method is

reasonably safe for aircraft speeds up to Mach 0.5. Beyond this limit,

various escape methods have been proposed and possible solutions arc

still being investigated.

It has been suggested that between speeds of Mach 0.5 and 1.5, an

escape chute located in the bottom of the fuselage may be suitable. Ejec-

tion of the pilot, complete with seat and head and face protection gear, is

another alternative.

From about Mach 1.0 up, a capsule holding the pilot's cockpit would

be detached from the rest of the aircraft structure by pneumatic or rocket


Such problems as aerodynamic heating, stability in descent, and dy-

namic loads encountered make the design of suitable ejection equipment

and methods as challenging as the design of the entire aircraft.

Some appreciation of the difficulties encountered may be gained when

it is considered that from altitudes of 30,000 and above, tumbling and

spinning are serious hazards. Experiments with human subjects have

shown that a spin of 160 rpm for 12 seconds will produce unconsciousness,

and that visual, mental, and physical disorientation will take place at 90

rpm, or even less. Rotation at 200 rpm for two minutes has proved

fatal for animal subjects. Therefore, means will have to be provided to

make any self-contained system free from tumbling and spinning char-


It is believed that a streamlined capsule containing all of the cockpit

equipment would have greater mass and better streamlining than a body

in an ejection seat. Thus, it could reduce deceleration to within human

tolerance and give protection from tumbling, wind blast, extreme temper-
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atures, and lack of oxygen. At altitudes outside the normal atmosphere,

the capsule would also protect the pilot from such conditions as dynamic
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heating and sudden decelerations, which make re-entry into the normal

atmosphere quite dangerous. Furthermore, such a capsule would provide

an artificial environment capable of supporting the pilot for considerable




It is not customary to provide the crew with parachutes when passen-

gers are carried. When the airplane does not carry passengers, pilots

should be equipped with parachutes. Figure X-15 shows seating pro-

visions to be made for different type parachutes.


All controls should be readily accessible.

The distance from a control wheel in its rearmost position to the back of

Figure X-16. Suggested configurations for the pilot's control wheel.

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the pilot should be at least 12 inches. The height of the wheel should

clear the pilot's legs with the seat in its highest position.

The maximum movement of the

controls should correspond to the

maximum movement of the con-

trol surfaces.

In a small airplane, seating 2

to 5 passengers, for example, it is

sometimes customary to place a

passenger alongside the pilot. In

such a case, the control column or

stick should not be located between

the pilot and passenger unless the

"throw-over" type of wheel con-

trol is incorporated.

The controls should be so arranged or constructed that neither the pas-

sengers, crew, nor cargo will interfere with the operation of such controls

during the course of flight of the airplane. Further, all controls must be

so located and designed that the pilot or co-pilot will not bump them when

moving in or out of his seat, or in and around the cockpit. Latest designs

of control handles simulate the mechanism which the handle operates.

This makes for faster action by the pilot and minimizes error in selecting

the proper control.

Figure X-17. Control levers are being

equipped with handles suggesting the mech-

anism each handle operates. (left) Landing

gear retraction• (right) Flap lever.


There is no agreement as to the best arrangement of the instrument

board. It is customary to place the automatic pilot in the top center of

the instrument board, with the flight instruments and power-plant instru-

ments in front of the pilot. The controls and switches should be readily

accessible, and in case of pilot and co-pilot arrangements, the engine con-

trols should be located between the two.

In a twin-engine airplane there are some 16 controls for the power plant
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alone, about 11 flight-control instruments in addition to the flying controls,

landing-gear retraction, lights, heating and ventilating control, radio, and

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brakes, as well as flaps and tab controls, for which provision must be made

on the instrument board or in the cockpit.

The instrument board should have sufficient room behind it to provide

easy access even to the largest instrument. It may be made of any mate-

rial, although aluminum alloy is commonly used.

In order to take additional factors into account, further reference should

be made to Chapters XI, XVI, and XX, entitled Instruments and Equip-

ment, The Power Plant, and Control Systems, respectively.



Figure X-18. Side and plan views of controls and instrument board for prone

position of pilot, which permits smaller cross section of fuselage for high-speed airplanes.
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Instruments and Equipment

From the first flight of the Wright brothers, and practically up to about

1928, pilots flew by feel and intuition. Today they cannot trust their own

senses at high altitudes or in fogs or in cross-country flights or in blind fly-

ing, since airplanes are becoming faster and more complicated with each

new design. Fogs, high altitudes, and night flying obliterate landmarks.

High headwinds, sleet, snow, and rain interfere with the intuitive senses

of the pilots. They must rely, for safety's sake, almost entirely on radio

communication, radio beacons, range compass findings, gyroscopic com-

passes, automatic pilots, turn and bank indicators, and at least 25 other

dials and gadgets essential to the safe operation of the airplane in all kinds

of weather.

In transoceanic flying the job becomes even more complicated. The

captain of a transoceanic flying boat must be also a first-class seaman, a

master mariner, a radio expert, an aeronautical engineer, an engine and

airplane mechanic, a celestial navigator, and a host of other things. But

no matter how well qualified the pilot may be along these lines, he would

be entirely helpless unless there were instruments or equipment to show

how the engines were performing, what speed the airplane was making, at

what altitude he was flying (so as to clear mountains), or what course he

was following, and the innumerable other indicators required.

This wide variety of information has to be given by reliable instruments,

and due to the diverse nature of information, the instruments, gadgets,

and mechanical aids become so numerous• that the ideal arrangement of

the various instruments, for example, on the aircraft instrument board has

been the subject of considerable controversy among pilots since the pilot's

needs also vary with the type of flying he has to do. To this day, it has

been impossible for pilots to agree upon a definite location of even a few

instruments. This state of affairs may be better understood when it is

considered that the use of various instruments differs considerably for each

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particular flying problem; certain instruments, for example, necessary to

make instrument landings (that is, making landings aided by instruments

only and not by actual view of the airport on which landing is taking place)

are rarely, if ever, used in normal landing. The best instrument board,

therefore, is the best compromise that has been worked out for the par-

ticular conditions the airplane has to meet.

Of course there are difficulties. It would be highly desirable for a pilot

to be able to step into a strange airplane and feel reasonably sure that he

will be able to locate any particular instrument in the usual place on the

instrument board. Such standardization, in addition to the reasons al-

ready pointed out, is also difficult owing to space and structural limita-

tions, as well as the size and shape of various airplanes. Some degree of

standardization is possible if the majority of the more important instru-

ments are placed in the same general location on the panel.

The military services prescribe some specifications, and the various air-

lines are accustomed to setting forth their own. Manufacturers of air-

craft are able to follow these in most instances except for the relatively

small airplane where some elasticity is necessary because of the small area

of the instrument board usually available.

The standardization, so far made, calls for the following arrangement.

The primary flight group is immediately in front of the pilot and near the

top of the panel. This group consists of the Sperry turn indicator and the

Sperry flight indicator, both on the same level. Below these is the second-

ary flight group consisting of the airspeed, bank and turn indicator com-

bined, and the rate of climb instruments. To the left, either in the same

row or as close as possible, the sensitive altimeter is located. In addition,

it is customary to locate the magnetic and radio compasses as conveniently

close to the other flight instruments as possible.

The engine instruments are usually grouped in the same general pattern,

depending upon their number, with the tachometer as close as possible to

the flight instruments.

There is often a series of other instruments placed according to the best

location available as well as the particular purpose for which the instru-

ments were designed.

It is estimated that in a subsonic jet fighter, the military pilot will

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have checked his instruments at a rate of nearly 200 per minute. In

the presence of rain, air turbulence, and darkness, he will have inter-
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preted these readings and applied control forces for definite corrections

in flight path and attitude at a rate of about 50 per minute. He will

have responded to, actuated, or concerned himself with over 200 cockpit

instruments, indicators, levers, and switches. At the point when he

stops his aircraft and clears the runway, he will have made more than

1,000 major and minor decisions and 2,000 lever, switch, and control

actuations or deflections—all compressed within an uninterruptable

segment of time.

While the commercial pilot may not have quite so many operations,

with the increase in the speed of aircraft, the time for split decisions

decreases and the number of operations increases.

Q—*- Aircraft in focus in visual field -«—O

O—*- Lag in perception - 0.1 second •*—O

O—*• Time for recognition -0.5 second -*-O

O"*- Decision accomplished-0.1 second -*—O

0~*~Human reaction time-0.4 second-*—O

Machine reaction time plus time to

[ \)

deviate from flight path-2.0 seconds

q Flight path without countering action q

Time in seconds

4 3 2 10 12 3 4

3520 2640 1760 880 0 880 1760 2640 3520

Distance in feet

Figure XI-1. Estimated man-machine time-distance relationships of two aircraft

traveling a 180-degree collision course at a speed of 600 mph. An increase in the

amount of time spent in any phase of the time-response sequence would result in a

collision. Similarly, a marked increase in the relative aircraft speeds would make

avoidance impossible. From a distance of 20,000 feet, an airplane with a 100-foot

wing span would be visible as a point. Two 900-mph airplanes approaching head-on

would cover this distance in about 7.5 seconds.


The instrument board may be of any convenient material although

aluminum or aluminum alloy is most commonly used. For small instru-

ment panels, plywood may be used. Instrument boards of 17ST or 24ST

aluminum alloy sheet are made in thicknesses varying from J^j; to }/$ inch.

Formica or bakelite instrument boards are from Y%\,o}/i inch thick.

The instrument board should be fully accessible from the rear so that

any instrument may be removed readily. Special attention should be

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paid to the depth of the instrument, space required for removal, and extra

space for access to connections and the like.

Since instruments should not be subjected to vibration, the board should

be mounted on either felt or sponge rubber. Elastic stop nuts are excel-

lent for fastening down bolts which do not need extra lock washers. As

the board with the instruments has sufficient weight of its own to acquire

a vigorous vibration, both it and the individual instruments should be

mounted carefully with respect to vibration. The compass, particularly,

should be mounted as independently as possible.


Instruments should be located far enough away from the pilot to permit

him to see all the instruments at a glance. If there are a great many in-

struments, the more important ones should be grouped so that they may

be seen readily.

The instrument board location is usually determined by cockpit limita-

tions, control stick clearances, and the like.


The grouping of instruments depends upon the functions they perform.

Instruments relating to engine operation should usually be close to-

gether and preferably right in the line of sight of the pilot. Likewise,

instruments used for navigation, instruments used for communications,

and instruments and accessories used for heating and ventilating and

similar occasional operational functions should be grouped together.

Authorities differ as to the desirable arrangement of instruments in a par-

ticular group.

Variety of Instruments

The variety of instruments that may be included in the modern airplane

can best be realized from the following incomplete list.

1. Air distance recorder—records the number of air miles.

2. Air speed indicator—registers the actual air speed, referred to stand-

ard air, at all times.

3. Altimeter—a visual registering (but not recording) barometer, except

that instead of indicating the atmospheric pressure in equivalent inches of

mercury, the dial is graduated to read the altitude in feet corresponding to

the pressure.
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4. Accelerometer—may not be incorporated in the instrument board lay-

out. It is used to determine the maximum loads imposed upon the air-
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plane in gusts or in landing. It is often carried to give research workers

additional data, but is not required or used by the pilot for his information.

5. Ammeters and voltmeters—measure the electrical power used for vari-


ous instruments or equipment such as radios, telephones, and electrically

operated retraction gear.

6. Automatic pilot—a device manufactured by the Sperry Company

and used to operate the control surfaces to maintain an even keel without

the intervention of the pilot. The automatic pilot relieves the pilot of

much strain of constantly "flying" the airplane so that he can devote more

attention to the behavior of the power plant and other equipment.

7. Bank indicator—a visual indicating device for registering the angle

of bank.

8. Climb indicator—registers the rate of climb in feet per minute, so

that the pilot has a ready means of determining whether he is climbing fast

enough. If it registers zero, the airplane is flying level; if it registers nega-

tively, the airplane is descending. The dial is marked to read "Up" and


9. Clock—is very important for navigation and maintaining schedules.

10. Compass—may be one of two types, magnetic or radio. Both are

usually used for cross-checking purposes. For private airplanes, a compass

is required when the range is 100 or more miles, or when operating over

large bodies of water beyond sight of land.

11. Drift indicator—an instrument which measures the angle between

the actual flight path of the airplane and the longitudinal axis of the air-

plane (which indicates the direction in which the airplane is headed).

12. Fuel level gauge—a long-distance indicating gauge for registering the

actual fuel level in the fuel tank. If there are several fuel tanks, a sepa-

rate gauge for each tank is required.

13. Fuel pressure gauge—indicates the fuel pressure in the fuel line,

necessary for determining whether the fuel is brought to the engine in the

proper quantities.

14. Flap control—either a manually operated device for controlling the

flap or an electric switch for starting electric control. It may also be a

hydraulic pump handle.

15. Generators—attached to the engine at locations provided for them.

These generators generate the power required for lighting and for motor-

driven appliances.

16. Manifold pressure gauge—registers the actual pressures in the engine

manifolds. Nowadays a close check is kept on the manifold pressures

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which are changed from time to time by the pilot to give the necessary

power for take-off and cruising.

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17. Octant—used for celestial navigation. The instrument measures the

vertical angle between the horizon and a celestial body.

18. Oxygen equipment—consists of various regulators and indicators as

well as tanks and distributing units. Airplanes flying above 14,000 feet

for any great length of time are required to carry this equipment.


19. Propeller controls and indicators—Propellers of today are usually of

the controllable pitch. Whether automatically, manually, or semi-auto-

matically controlled, there are certain control instruments and pitch indi-

cators present. These vary according to the type of propeller.

20. Pumps—Fuel pumps are either hand operated or engine driven;

there may be pumps for the hydraulic systems, and in some cases, oil

pumps may also be required. Pumps operated by hand, or used for in-

termittent duty only, are usually operated from the instrument board.

21. Radio—Safe flying is dependent upon radio and telephone com-

munication. This equipment has a number of switches, dials, and con-

trols which must be located so as to be easily accessible to the co-pilot or


22. Suction gauges—indicate the suction pressure in the lines leading to

the automatic pilot and other instruments depending upon suction for

their operation.

23. Sperry artificial horizon—a• visual indicating device used to indicate

the "horizon" when the actual horizon is obscured. It is of particular

importance in all blind flying operations when the intuitive sense of man

is decidedly unreliable.

24. Switches—ignition switches, radio switches, light switches, electrical

appliance and equipment switches in any number, found in the cockpit.

25. Starters—Control for the operation of the engine starter may be

found in the cockpit unless the airplane is small.

26. Tachometer—It is very important that the crankshaft speeds of the

engines be known at all times. Any sudden change is a warning that

something must be wrong. The revolutions per minute indicated by the

tachometer also serve as some indication of the actual power developed by

the engines on take-off; the indicated rpm is high since more power is re-

quired for the take-off than at any other time. During cruising, the rpm

of the engine is lower than for high speed since less power is required and

better fuel and oil consumptions are obtained at lower engine speeds.

27. Thermometers—used to register oil temperatures; to register the

temperature of the coolant in case of liquid-cooled engines; to register

cabin temperatures for heating and ventilating purposes; to register the

outside temperatures (especially important when icing conditions are

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likely to be present).

28. Turn indicator—often combined with the bank indicator; when the
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two are used in conjunction with each other they are considered among

the most important flight-control instruments and should be located on

the instrument board in the direct and unobstructed forward view of the

pilot in the center of what is called the "primary flight group" consisting

of the airspeed indicator, the turn-and-bank, and the rate-of-climb indi-


29. Warning units—may be special lights that flash on and off; or buzz-

ing signals; or any similar devices. Very often the positions of the hands

on the various indicating dials are sufficient warning signals. Since the

dials may be rotated, some instruments are so arranged that during the

most common flying regime, such as cruising, dial hands or pointers of all

the most important instruments point in the same general direction. If

one is out of alignment, it may be an indication that either the instrument

is not functioning or that the particular piece of apparatus with which it

is used is not functioning properly. Both cases are likely to be present.

Selection of Instruments

Instruments and equipment required or desirable for an airplane de-

pends greatly upon the purpose, and whether visual contact or instrument

flying is required. Recent airplane airworthiness regulations require

some or all of the following instruments and indicators for nonpassenger-

carrying airplanes.

1 airspeed indicator,

1 altimeter,

1 tachometer for each engine,

1 oil-pressure gauge when an oil-pressure system is used,

1 water thermometer for each water-cooled engine used,

^00t~oil thermometer for each air-cooled engine used,

1 manifold-pressure gauge, or equivalent, for each altitude engine,

1 fuel quantity gauge,

1 landing-gear position indicator for retractable main landing gear,

1 device for measuring or indicating the amount of oil in the tanks,

1 magnetic compass (for airplanes flying visual-contact, distance

greater than 100 miles).

For night visual-contact flying, the following should be added:

position lights,

landing lights,

landing flank,

storage battery for lights and radio,

radio range and weather broadcast receiver,

a set of spare fuses.

If instrument flying is contemplated, the following are added:

1 gyroscopic rate-of-turn indicator,

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1 bank indicator,

1 sensitive altimeter,
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1 clock with a sweep-second hand,

1 generator,

1 rate-of-climb indicator.


For airplanes carrying passengers, the following may be additional instru-

ments and equipment required, or may replace some of similar category

listed already:

1 electrically heated pitot tube, or equivalent for airspeed indicator,

1 additional portable fire extinguisher,

1 fixed fire extinguishing system for each engine compartment,

1 noncontinuous manual means for providing vision through windshield

in case of rain during take-offs and landings, instrument lights,

cabin lights in all passenger cabins and compartments,

1 gyroscopic direction finder,

1 free air thermometer of the distance type,

1 icing indicator.


The electrical equipment and system of a large transport airplane is per-

haps more complex and larger than many reasonably sized communities.

All the storage and generation of the electrical power supply must be car-

ried by the airplane. Special precautions must be taken to protect the

electrical system from fuel, oil, water, and any other damaging substances.

Moreover, adequate clearances must be provided between the wiring and

such installations as oil and fuel tanks and systems, carburetors, exhaust

piping, and moving parts.

Storage batteries should be easily accessible, preferably from outside of

the airplane, and adequately isolated from fuel, oil, and ignition systems.

Suitable ventilation and isolation must be provided for each battery.

Fuses are a required protective feature, so installed to protect all elec-

trically operated equipment, and made readily accessible in flight.

In estimating the size of the generating system required, the engine-

driven generator should be designed to carry the running load with a

stand-by system if feasible. The running load comprises the electrical

consumption by all lights, radio equipment including radio-range signal re-

ceivers, and any other equipment which exacts a constant load. Radio

broadcasting equipment, landing lights, and electrically operated landing

gears and flaps are considered as causing only intermittent use. Landing

lights should be so installed on multi-engine aircraft so that at least one

light is not less than 10 feet either right or left of the first pilot's seat and
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beyond the swept disk of the outermost propellers.

Instrument lights should provide sufficient illumination and should be

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equipped with rheostat control for dimming unless the nondimming light

can be shown to be satisfactory.

Position lights are required for airplanes operating at night. In normal

flying position, the red forward-position light on the left and the green

forward-position light on the right should be spaced as far apart as possible


on the wing. Each should show unbroken light between two vertical

planes whose dihedral angle is 110 degrees when measured to the left and

right, respectively, of the airplane from dead ahead.

One rear-position light, either continuous white or alternate red and

white flashes (depending upon whether the airplane is a carrier or noncar-

rier type) should be placed as far back as possible. It should emit light

throughout a dihedral angle of 140 degrees bisected by a vertical plane

through the longitudinal axis of the airplane.

A master switch has to be provided in the cockpit for the entire elec-

trical equipment.


Every airplane is required to have some safety equipment, such as safety

belts for pilot, crew, and passengers. Private airplanes may carry a para-

chute for each occupant, but this item becomes a considerable weight fac-

tor where the number of passengers is reasonably large. Since the majority

of accidents, when they do occur, happen at altitudes where parachutes

are of no value, the presence of parachutes is more psychological than


Fire extinguishers are either portable or fixed installation type. At

least one portable fire extinguisher should be accessible to the passengers,

and another accessible to the crew. Airplanes carrying no passengers

need carry only one fire extinguisher.

Landing flares for use in emergencies should be releasable from the pilot's

compartment. Airplanes designed only for contact flying need carry no

landing flares.


Included in the safety equipment which is required for transport air-

planes are de-icers for all the surfaces and some form of de-icing means for

the propeller. One of the positive methods of breaking up dry ice forma-

tion on the leading edges of the wing and tail surfaces are rubber overshoes

containing tubes that are inflated and deflated alternately to break up

any ice formation.

Heating the leading edge surfaces by conducting heat either from the

engine exhaust pipes or from especially designed heaters is also employed

on larger airplanes to prevent ice formation. This method is often referred

to as anti-icing.
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The formation of ice on propellers may be avoided by suitable anti-icing

fluid which is distributed by slinger rings at the hub.

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Some significant features suggested for an aircraft heating and thermal

anti-icing system, as proposed by the Stewart-Warner Corporation, are

indicated in the general description given here.



The safety features of the heater include a complete segregation of the

combustion and ventilating systems, with the combustion air being ob-

tained from a source separate from the ventilating air; the enclosure of the

heater fuel system so that no fuel connections are exposed within the

ventilating air stream; and, the construction of the heater so that all flame

and combustion gases are contained within a one-piece, hermetically

sealed, all-welded stainless steel assembly.

This heater is also constructed in such a manner that, if installed with

a 3-inch diameter exhaust pipe and with ventilating air ducts of the proper

restriction on the downstream side of the heater, the static pressure in the

ventilating air stream in the heater will be greater than the static pressure

in the combustion passages. Then, even in the event of a rupture of the

normally hermetically sealed heat exchanger, there will be no leakage of

combustion gases and fuel vapors into the ventilating air stream. Instead,

there will be a flow of air from the ventilating air passages into the com-

bustion chamber.

Instantaneous starting at altitudes as high as 41,000 feet, and greater,

can be obtained. Performance runs in which the heater is controlled by

rapid "cycling," as well as starting trials in which the heater is first turned

off and permitted to cool to ambient temperature condition, are part of

the qualifying tests usually specified.

One heater is intended to be mounted horizontally with the exhaust out-

let down so that the exhaust tube may act also as a drain. For that rea-

son, the tube should be installed so that its entire length slopes downward

from the outlet of the heater to the point where it discharges overboard.

Unless the exhaust tube is very short, some provision such as a flexible,

lined, stainless-steel bellows section should be provided to permit expan-

sion of the tube. The entire exhaust system should be designed to handle

exhaust gases at temperatures up to approximately 1000° F.

A combustion air regulator valve is needed only if the heaters are re-

quired to operate over a very wide range of air speeds and altitudes.

Usually, when the combustion chamber and fuel system are completely

enclosed, the heater may be installed with ventilating air flowing in either

direction (parallel flow or counter flow).

Heaters are designed for operation on a constant fuel pressure of ap-

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proximately 15 pounds per square inch. If it is possible to obtain fuel at

that pressure from the main engine fuel pumps, the weight and potential
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service troubles of a separate heater pump can be avoided. Moreover,

the heaters then benefit from all the high-altitude provisions made in the

engine fuel system to ensure delivery to the engine of fuel that is free of air

and vapor bubbles. If it is not possible to obtain fuel from the main engine

pumps, and if the heaters will be required to operate at altitudes in excess

of 15,000 feet, the inlet of the heater pump must be connected to a fuel


source downstream of the booster pump (customarily located at the fuel

tank) to remove vapor from the main fuel system. Whatever source is

provided, it must be capable of supplying a maximum fuel flow.

Controls include: an air pressure switch to prevent operation of the

heaters in the absence at the heater inlet of a static pressure sufficient to

provide an adequate air flow; a "cycling" thermal switch to maintain outlet

air temperatures at approximately 300° F by controlling a pair of fuel

shut-off valves at the heater; and, an overheat switch to close these valves

in the event outlet air temperatures reach 350° F. Since the "cycling"

switch normally prevents outlet air temperatures much in excess of 300° F,

the overheat switch is not called upon to operate except in the event of

malfunctioning of the "cycling" switch. It is, in short, a safety switch.

Two shut-off valves, arranged electrically in parallel and hydraulically

in series, are used at each group of heaters to provide a double precaution

in the event of sticking of one of the valves.

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The Passenger Cabin

It would seem to be an easy matter to design the passenger cabin, to pro-

vide proper seating arrangement, heating and ventilating, and vision out-

ward. After all, there are only a few rows of chairs placed rather closely

together and usually a window beside each chair. But, as in all parts of

the airplane, numerous considerations enter into the final solution which

is the result of many compromises of arrangement, structure, and balance,

as well as weight.


From the passenger's viewpoint, as much room as possible is desirable,

but if this consideration were given full weight the size of the cabin might

become unwieldy for the type of airplane to be built. Moreover, if all the

seats are not occupied, the center of gravity will not coincide with its posi-

tion for the fully loaded condition, and just as soon as the center of gravity

has moved too far from a given position, the pilot will find it difficult to

balance, and so to fly, the airplane. This has been discussed earlier, to

some extent, when the balance diagram was considered.

Therefore, to avoid a too-large cabin, it is best to start with the question:

"What is the minimum allowance for spacing of seats, for aisle widths,

and for headroom?" A student measured the distance between backs of

two church pews, one behind the other, and found it to be 28 inches, but

also reported that the spacing was not conducive to comfort. However,

one may say that distance is the absolute minimum spacing possible. Any

additional allowance adds to the comfort, but discretion must be used. If

there is a central fuselage with the engines located in the wings, greater

leeway may be permitted for both fully loaded and empty conditions and

still good balance obtained, because the movable or variable load may be

placed with its center of gravity coinciding with the center of gravity of

the complete airplane. For a single-engine airplane with the engine in

the nose, it is not usually possible to get this happy solution and so less

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allowance must be given to the spacing of seats than absolute comfort may


There should be no obstructions overhead or on the floor. Sometimes,

to avoid too deep a fuselage, a designer will locate the wing spars so that

they extend above the floor level. Usually, in such a case, there is a mini-

mum of headroom so that the passenger is likely to stoop to avoid hitting

his head and while worrying about that matter, he is more than likely to

forget about the floor obstructions. If floor obstructions are necessary

(and that is debatable), a wall with a door in the center may be a good

solution since passengers usually expect to step high over a sill, especially

if in some way their attention is drawn to it.

Obstructions, even on the side walls, should be prohibited unless the

cabin is large enough to permit incorporation of compartments so that side-

wall obstructions can be hidden in the dividing partitions.


The interior treatment of the cabin often may give an impression of

spaciousness without being actually large. White or light-colored ceilings

give an impression of height, so that the cabin may be made narrower or

shorter without affecting the passengers unfavorably. There is at present

much interest in interior decoration of aircraft cabins, particularly in the

psychological effects of various treatments.

The major factors affecting the comfort of passengers are:

1. Roominess, which has to be provided through proper seating; as large

cubical capacity per passenger as possible; and, a reasonable amount of

leg room, elbow room, and headroom.

2. Proper heating and ventilating, which is the subject of a subsequent


3. Soundproofing, which is of great importance even for airplanes flying

for relatively short periods of time and much more so for transcontinental

and transoceanic airplanes which are in the air for many hours.

4. Vision outward so that the passengers may see the country over which

they are flying. Although on long flights the passengers may find the

scenery monotonous after a short while, there is a soothing effect produced

by being able to see below.

5. Conveniences such as toilet facilities, refreshments, reading material,

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writing desks, and other small items, which make traveling more appeal-

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The notes that follow will help the designer in planning the cabin layout.


The cabin dimensions depend upon the type of chair, the number of

passengers, and the constructor's conceptions of comfort requirements.

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Two rows of chairs with a center aisle are common practice. Two seats

on one side and one on the other helps to concentrate the variable load and

is therefore better for stability and trim for empty and full conditions.

The latter arrangement requires a wider fuselage that may affect the per-

formance of the airplane by increasing the parasite resistance.

The main requirements for a comfortable cabin are:

1. An aisle wide enough to permit passengers to walk up and down with-

out disturbing passengers in seats. Aisle widths vary from 12 to 24 inches

with an average width of 16 inches.

2. An aisle ceiling high enough to permit a tall man with a hat on to

walk its length without stooping. Aisle heights vary from 51 inches for

the minimum value up to 75 inches maximum. Except for possible private

use, a passenger-carrying airplane should have an aisle height of at least

72 inches. Elsewhere it is not necessary to have such height as to permit

standing erect, but the use of members over the seats that may be struck

by a passenger rising should be avoided.

3. A minimum width for a cabin seating two passengers should be 66

inches with an additional 25 inches for each additional passenger across

the width of the plane. Cabin widths for two rows of passengers vary

from 52 inches for small cabins up to 66 inches for cabins seating 14 or

more passengers.

A wide aisle gives the impression of spaciousness and may permit some

reduction in the allowance for headroom.

The cabin should be free from structural members. If these are un-

avoidable, separate compartments provided for groups of passengers may

overcome this objection.


Passenger seats should incorporate the following features:

1. Seats should be adjustable with respect to the angle of the seat with

the floor and the angle of the back of the seat to the vertical.

2. Seats should be reversible to permit the passengers to face each

other if they care to.

3. Seat adjustments should be made easily and quickly by the passen-


4. A foot rest should be provided in the form of an apron or shelf, pref-

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erably adjustable, attached to the seat ahead.

5. Seats should be permitted to swivel for easy egress if cabin clear-

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ances and weight allowances permit. Placing the chair at a slight angle

to the fore and aft axis of the cabin accomplishes practically the same



6. Easy egress may be obtained also if the outside arm of the seat can

be dropped.

7. Cushions on seat bottom should be deep and provided with springs

as well as padding to reduce effects of bumps on landing and in the air.

8. Direct metallic contact of the seat with the structure may be avoided

by means of suitable rubber shock-absorbing connections.

9. Width of each seat should be at least 24 inches, with 1-inch clear-

ance between seat and inner lining of the cabin. A minimum width of 19

inches may be permitted.

10. For a narrow cabin, the backs of the seats should be tapered toward

the top, especially those paralleling the aisle. This design permits more

room for passengers going down the aisle.

11. Seats should not weigh more than 20 pounds. Seat weights vary

from about 12 to 20 pounds.

12. Seats may be made convertible into berths by lowering back to

form bottom of berth.

13. Ample leg room should be provided. Seats are spaced from 30 to

40 inches apart, with an average of 36-inch spacing for cabin passenger

capacities of less than 12 persons.

14. All passenger seats should be identical.


The optimum seating arrangement for the occupants of an airplane may

be considered from several points of view, namely: (1) passenger comfort,

(2) minimum effect upon the center of gravity of the airplane as a whole

when one or more passengers are removed, (3) minimum frontal area of

the structure required to house the enclosed group, (4) ready access to the

seats and to the available means of ingress and egress. To these may be

added: (5) minimum over-all dimensions, (6) possible effect upon struc-

tural design, and (7) safety considerations. There are probably other

factors such as: (8) ease in providing suitable vision panels, (9) baggage

space requirements, and (10) multipurpose use of the airplane which

might be studied in relation to passenger seating. Obviously, all these

factors would affect the decision as to the seating arrangement finally

chosen. However, not all these factors can be given the same weight,

since all airplane design is the result of a series of compromises, and it

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would be extremely difficult to set up a general method of evaluation sat-

isfactory to every one.

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The seating arrangements are dependent upon the size of its occupants.

Of course, where space is limited for engineering reasons, it would be de-

sirable to know the most likely heights and weights one might expect

among the people who do the most flying. Figures XII-2 and XII-3 show


to as

1 XTv^v

Figure XII-2. Various seating arrangements across the aisle for passenger airplanes.

various seating arrangements and measurements. But just as one would

not expect the average bed to accommodate comfortably a man 7 feet tall,

so one should not expect the cabin of a light airplane to provide headroom,

however measured, for the exceptionally tall person. The average dimen-

sions for a man 6 feet tall were assumed and all discussion hereafter will

be based upon this size.

Headroom for Small Airplanes

The first part of the problem resolves itself into consideration of head-
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bers either while moving about or in sudden jolts as in a rough landing or

in gusty air, a few more inches should be allowed (certainly not less than

2 inches) so that the total headroom required is about 39 to 40 inches.

This headroom could be reduced if the occupant of a seat could maneuver

into position either by crouching down and crawling in, or by sliding in

from the side. If the back of the seat were inclined so that the occupant

could recline as much as 45 degrees, a saving in headroom of 30 per cent

could be obtained, or for the figures cited, a total of 12 inches.

If there is an overhead canopy or opening, the passenger could drop into

his seat, and after adjusting himself into position, he could close the over-

head cover.

It is questionable whether passengers would care to remain for any great

length of time in such a reclined position, but such a position should cer-

tainly not be ruled out.

But even if one were to toy with the idea of reducing the headroom by

reclining the occupants, one must not forget that the pilot cannot conven-

iently operate the airplane in a reclined position. He must be able to sit

upright at times, at least. In order to provide the necessary headroom, a

special canopy could be designed to enclose the cockpit portion of the

airplane. While the frontal area of the fuselage might not be reduced

materially, still such a solution would offer less skin friction, and permit

better streamlining than if equal headroom had to be allowed for the pas-


A progressive inclining of the backs of the seats rearward as shown in

Figure XI1-4 might be considered, where a number of passengers may be

seated one behind the other, in order to permit a gradual reduction in the

fuselage depth toward the tail of the airplane.

Headroom for Large Airplanes

For large airplanes, where one of the prime criteria for design is passen-

ger comfort, headroom for a standing person should be required. The

minimum headroom for a standing person would be 2 inches, so that the

distance between the floor and the ceiling in the aisle for a 6-foot man

would be 74 inches. Six inches would be more desirable. For those

seated next to the wall, the headroom over the seats may be reduced to a

value perhaps halfway between that provided for in the aisle and that
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provided for the seated person.

Leg Room
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In addition to the headroom as previously denned, there would be added

an amount to allow for the placement of the legs and feet. For every inch

increase in the height of the seat from the floor, there would be a corre-

sponding increase in the height between the ceiling and the floor.
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could be closed up about 33 inches; that is, two passengers would require

only 51 inches in length instead of 84 inches when the legs are kept together

due to the fact that the seat position of each person is some 8 inches less

when the legs are spread about 70 degrees apart, in addition to permitting

the legs of one man to overlap the seated position of the man in front of

him by some 17 inches. With the passengers seated thus, the feet would

be some 48 inches apart, so that the width of the fuselage would have to

have a minimum interior width of 48 inches. Therefore, what was ob-

tained in reducing the required length was gained somewhat at the expense

of the width required.

If elbow room is allowed each passenger, then a width of 24 to 26 inches

Fig. XII-6 Fig. XII-7

Figure XII-6. With the pilot seated normally, length of cabin space could be re-

duced by the passengers sitting on the floor as indicated, more or less toboggan fashion.

Figure X [1-7. Normal side-by-side seating.

is desirable. Seating passengers side by side, with no aisle width, would

require a width of from 48 to 52 inches, just about what would be required

for the toboggan method of seating. On the other hand, the width of the

fuselage could be kept to a minimum interior width of about 26 inches if

the wing root joining the fuselage at floor level had sufficient depth to pro-

vide the foot room for the "toboggan" seating arrangement.

In the three seating arrangements just considered, the seat level was

assumed to be the floor level so that the minimum distance between the

ceiling and the floor was somewhat less than 40 inches. Suppose the seat

level were raised. Then the possible available leg room would lie some-

what between the two extremes of having the legs and thighs extending

horizontally out from the body and that of having the lower legs perpen-
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dicular to, and the feet in contact with, the floor. Two configurations

are possible for this seated position: (1) with the knees of one passenger

touching the back of the scat of the passenger ahead of him; and, (2) with

the knees spread apart, so that the passenger in back would straddle the

seat of the passenger in front. In both cases the height between the ceil-

ing and the floor would be a minimum of 59 inches. If the knees of one

touched the back of the seat of the other, a bare minimum of 24-inch spac-

ing would be required for each passenger; the passengers could be brought

together another 7 inches for the "pick-a-back" seating disposition and

therefore would require an average of about 17 inches for each man.

This latter arrangement might be considered for a combination of pilot

and one passenger, or instructor-pilot and student arrangement, where

communication between the two could be improved and whereby a com-

paratively small airplane, especially in so far as the length of the fuselage

is considered, could be designed.

Both of these arrangements do not provide the most comfortable posi-

tions for the passengers. If the legs are stretched out, then more room is

required. With the leg at a 45-degree angle, and the thigh horizontal or

nearly so, then two men would require 69 inches spacing and each passen-

ger after that an additional 28 inches.

Again, moving the passengers 7 inches forward by spreading the legs

apart would reduce the 28-inch spacing to about 21-inch spacing for each

passenger after the first one.

Figure XII-8. "Pick-a-back" seating arrangement.

Extending the legs out at about a 45-degree angle permits a lowering of

the seat level of about 63^ inches and, therefore, brings the ceiling height

down a corresponding amount.

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Side-by-Side Arrangements

In all these seating dispositions, a single-row tandem arrangement was

assumed side-by-side. The main value of doubling the number across

the width of the airplane is that the weight of

the passengers is kept near the center of gravity

of the airplane as a whole so that the condi-

tions of fully loaded and partially or all empty

do not affect the center of gravity location

materially. If the passengers are seated

shoulder-to-shoulder, a minimum interior

width of 52 inches would be required, with some

reduction if a sacrifice in comfort were made.

A possible alternative to the side-by-side

seating would be to reverse the position of one

of the passengers with one looking forward and

the other rearward. The allowance for the

width of the seat would be between 18 to 20

inches for each person with normal clothing,

so that a minimum interior width of about

46 inches (allowing an extra 6 inches for the

shoulders) might be obtained, or a reduction

of about 6 inches; perhaps not much in mag-

FiGuwt XII-9. Staggered nitude but still important enough to consider

seat arrangement. in some designs.

Another side-by-side arrangement might be

considered with the seating extending the length of the fuselage instead

of across the width. Allowing 26 inches for each person, a reduction of

2 inches might be obtained over that of the usual tandem arrangement.

However, the legs and feet have to be placed somewhere, with the result

that a minimum interior width from about 30 to 48 inches is required,

depending upon whether the legs are kept vertical or extended to some

Staggered Arrangements

A variation of the side-by-side arrangements is the staggered placement

of the seats, either across the width of the airplane or lengthwise. (See

Figure XII-9.) There is some reduction in the dimensions required but

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not at the expense of comfort. As a matter of fact there may be greater

freedom of movement since there is freedom for the legs and arms in the
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single-row arrangement.

Back-to-Back Arrangements

Instead of the "pick-a-back" suggestion, another alternative for keeping



the weight of the pilot and one passenger close together would be a possible

back-to-back arrangement, where each person would require a minimum

of 41 inches for the normal seating position, but where the centers of grav-

ity of the two would be about 25 inches apart instead of about 28 inches,

as in the tandem arrangement. Not much would be gained by such an

Figure XII-10. Back-to-back seat arrangement.

arrangement; however, for a two-seater, a back-to-back arrangement

would require sufficient headroom or a shorter length of the fuselage, so

that a better streamlining of the fuselage may be possible. See arrange-

ment in Figure XII-10.

Seating Facing Rearward

Recent investigations indicate that seating the passengers so that they

face rearward would be desirable as far as safety in even a minor crash is

concerned, since the acceleration of the passengers is forward in such a

case. If they were facing forward, the impact would be on the relatively

small area of the safety belts, or if no safety belts were used at the time,

they would be catapulted out of the seat. But, if the passengers were

seated the other way, the pressure would be against the back of the seats,

a very much greater area, and there would be relatively little danger of

being catapulted out of the seat unless there were some acceleration in a

vertical direction relative to the seat.

While there may be many people who object to riding backwards in sur-

face transportation, there should be no pressing reason other than custom

why this objection should hold in aircraft seating. The accelerations in

flight are normally not of the same order as in an automobile or a train,

nor of the same frequency of occurrence. Moreover, since flying is done

at relatively high altitudes (at least relative to the height of objects on the

ground) the same sensations of objects passing past the window do not pre-

vail. There might be objections to reversing the usual seating arrange-

ments when taking off or landing and in climbing or gliding steeply.

In trying to obtain minimum frontal area, care should be taken that the

passengers are not enclosed in the structure like mummies, for such designs
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build up sales resistance not only because of a feeling of claustrophobia but

also because of minor accidents that will constantly occur in bumping one's

Figure XII-11. Normal tandem seating arrangement.

head against the structure. Normal tandem seating is shown in Figure



In any of the tandem arrangements where the passenger faces either

forward or rearward, there should be no great difficulty in providing win-

dows for looking out, but where the passengers are seated athwartship,

the individual either has to look through the window on the opposite side

or has to crane his head to look out of a window in back of him. For large

airplanes, vision considerations are not so important as for the small air-

craft. (See Chapter X, The Cockpit.)


The degree of discomfort that may be tolerated is intimately tied up

with duration. A passenger may be willing to accept some discomfort for

a quarter of an hour, whereas he would be decidedly unhappy if he had to

be uncomfortable for an hour.

In general, any seating on the floor would not be acceptable in an air-

plane which stayed in the air any great length of time. It would be ques-

tionable whether such a position on the floor would be liked by passengers

in a highly maneuverable airplane subjected to even mild aerobatics.

The "pick-a-back" arrangement in a personal airplane would be decid-

edly disliked by a man who did not like someone breathing down his neck.

It would be permissible for a training airplane and perhaps moderately

acceptable in a normal single-seater personal airplane which needed pro-

vision for the occasional passenger.


One of the greatest problems in trying to crowd several passengers into

a small place is the matter of getting each passenger settled in his place
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with the least fuss and bother. Crowded seating arrangements require

jig-saw handling in that usually a particular order in filling and emptying

the seats is required, especially where the number of seats exceed two or

three. The more passengers the airplane is to hold and the more crowded

the seating is, the larger the door should be for getting into and out of the

airplane. (See also section on Doors and Exits.)


The closer the passengers can be brought together, the less will be the

effect upon the center of gravity between the fully loaded, partially empty,

or empty condition.

h 26" H

Fig. XII-12 Fig. XII-13

Figure XII-12. Average dimensions for seating when the leg is vertical.

Figure XII-13. Average dimensions for seating when the lower leg is 45 degrees ts

the vertical.

The single-engine airplane with the engine in the nose of the airplane

will require closer spacing for the tandem arranged seats since this design

usually has the center of gravity so placed that the variable load (the pas-

sengers) is behind the center of gravity.


A window should be located at each seat with the bottom of the window

at about shoulder level of the passenger when seated. The window should

also be slightly forward, that is, the right side of the window as one faces
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In addition to this door, closed aircraft cabins carrying more than 5 pas-

sengers, but not in excess of 15, require at least one emergency exit whose

minimum dimensions are tangent to a 19 X 26 ellipse, on the side opposite

the main door. When more than 15 passengers are carried, an emergency

exit for every additional 7 passengers should be provided. Not more than

4 exits are necessary, and they may be located either in the top or side.

Doors may replace exits if desired. (See also section on Accessibility.)


Separate compartments are desirable when sleeping accommodations

are to be provided.

Berths vary in width from 28 to 32 inches with 30 inches a good average

value. The length of the berth varies from 72 to 76 inches with a prefer-

ence shown for the higher value.

Mattresses, blankets, pillows, and bed linen for a berth weigh from 12

to 18 pounds.


Individual lights usually placed slightly overhead are provided for each

passenger. They should be subject to control by the passenger but a mas-

ter switch should be located in the pilot's cockpit so that the pilot may

shut off the light when necessary.


The walls of the cabin are usually treated for soundproofing. The in-

terior may be finished in Fabrikoid, painted and doped aircraft cotton, or

some suitable upholstering material.

Inspection panels (in the case of fabrics, Talon fasteners are suitable)

must be provided to permit ready access to the structure underneath for

inspection purposes.

Curtains for windows should be installed so as to permit their removal

and replacement in one minute or less.

For larger transport airplanes, provision for attachment for small tables

for playing bridge or holding a typewriter should be made.

Since many trips are long, any device used to entertain the passengers

will be welcome. Airspeed indicators, altimeter, and probably a compass

located on the front wall of the cabin will draw attention. An illustrated

map of the country being traversed will add to the general interest of the
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Paper bags are usually found in a pocket attached to the back of the

seat. Washroom facilities are provided, of course. The steward or stew-

ardess is also prepared to take care of such cases.




The cabin flooring varies in treatment in various designs. It should be

light and soundproof, as well as sound and vibration damped. A free-

floating flooring made possible by the use of rubber or felt between the

floor and the primary structure is desirable.

A thickness of balsa wood between thin-face plies of birch or aluminum

alloy makes a very effective flooring which will take considerable local

loads. The floor may be further treated with a thin cork tile or "battle-

ship" linoleum for appearance and wear.

Floor panels should be provided with means for quick and easy access

to the structure below for inspection purposes.

No obstructions such as spars should extend above the floor level. It is

customary to rest the floor on the spars. Inasmuch as the airplane may

take any flight attitude, it is difficult to state what constitutes a "level"

floor. A good method is to select the angle at which the cruising speed of

the airplane occurs and make the floor level for this condition. A varia-

tion of a few degrees will not be serious.

Passenger airplanes are equipped with toilet and washroom facilities in

a compartment separated from, and usually in the rear of, the cabin.

The toilet (see Figure XlI-15) consists of a metal container with a water-

proof liner of sufficient capacity with a suitable chemical preparation. It

should be simply designed and easily cleaned.

Wash basins are small but useful. The water supply should be placed

in a tank so located that it can be filled readily from the outside, but should

be protected against freezing.


Figure XII-15. Toilet seating.

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A water allowance of 2 to 3 pounds per passenger, depending upon the

range of travel, is ample for both drinking and washing purposes.


Since flying schedules do not permit stops at intermediate landing fields,

it is customary to provide passengers with a light lunch, often made up in

boxes. A weight allowance of to 3^ pound per person is ample for the

food, container, paper napkins, etc. On larger and newer equipment of

passenger airlines, a greater allowance may be made to permit furnishing

light, hot lunches in flight.


Since only coats and hats which the passengers are wearing are permitted

in the cabin, suitable baggage compartments must be provided. These

compartments are not accessible in flight.

To expedite the removal of luggage, mail, or express, these baggage com-

partments must be accessible from the outside by means of separate bag-

gage doors.

Usually, two or more baggage compartments are provided in the fuselage

to permit the limiting of center of gravity movement for the various load-

ing conditions possible. The baggage door carries a schedule giving the

load capacities of each baggage compartment and for fully loaded and

partially empty conditions of the airplane.

Luggage varies in size so that it is difficult to recommend exact cubical

capacities of baggage compartments. A standard suitcase measures

9 X 17 X 31 inches.

Mail compartments should allow 12J^ cubic feet for each 200 pounds of

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Air Conditioning

The importance of heating in an airplane cabin for aircraft operating

at high subsonic speeds can be gauged easily when it is realized that the

temperature of the outside air decreases rapidly with altitude. When it

is some 60° F on the ground, it may be — 50° F at 30,000 feet. In these

days of substratosphere and stratosphere flying, the change in tempera-

ture that an airplane encounters from the moment it leaves the ground

until it reaches its required altitude only a few moments later is enormous.

A difference in temperature may also be experienced as the airplane flies

from a warm country to a cold country. While this change may not occur

in a few minutes as in the case above, it does occur during the same flight

so that a heating system has to be provided whether flying is during the

summer months or not.

It is not the heating alone, however, that has to be considered, but the

ventilation as well.


The objects of ventilation are of course:

1. To supply oxygen,

2. To remove odors,

3. To remove toxic or poisonous substances,

4. To remove body heat, moisture, and heat from other sources.

At present there are no ready means available for controlling the hu-

midity of the air. It is generally believed that the relative humidity should

be about 40 per cent for good health conditions. However, the movement

of the air has some effect. In still air, the body is enveloped in a layer of

moist air so that even a moderate air movement tends to create the effect

of a draft.

Care should be taken to avoid possible overheating of the cabin. The

general effects of overheating may be summarized as follows:

1. Increased heart beat and blood flow.

2. Increased respiration.

3. Increased sweating with attack of cramps.

4. General lassitude and dizziness.

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Poisonous ozone, which injures a man's lungs, corrodes metal, and rapidly

rots rubber, adds to the hazards of flying at altitudes from 80,000 to 95,000

feet. At higher and lower altitudes the ozone concentration is so low as

to be unimportant. As altitudes approach 120,000 feet, cosmic rays in

the atmosphere may become a factor in human flight. The heavy nuclei

of these rays can penetrate through a man without seriously injuring him,

but an unlucky hit on a critical nerve center could be serious.

Table XIII-1. Human requirements and performance limitations at various altitudes.

(Courtesy of Flight Safely Foundation, Inc.)

5,000 feet—Maximum for normal night vision without supplemental oxygen.

8,000 feet—Altitude at which supplemental oxygen should be used for routine flights.

10,000 feet—Maximum without routine use of oxygen.

18,000 feet—Maximum for emergency without use of oxygen.

20,000 feet—Altitude at which consideration should be given to use of pressurized cabins.

23,000 feet—Altitude at which there is evidence of depressurization sickness.

25,000 feet—Approximate time of consciousness without oxygen is 116 seconds.

28,000 feet—Maximum to avoid depressurization sickness. Approximate time of con-

sciousness without oxygen is 69 seconds.

30,000 feet—Altitude above which slight positive pressure breathing should supplement

demand oxygen to avoid air leaks into oxygen mask. Approximate time

of consciousness without oxygen is 54 seconds.

35,000 feet—Maximum for routine use of demand oxygen system. Approximate time

of consciousness without oxygen is 32 seconds.

40,000 feet—Approximate time of consciousness without oxygen is 23 seconds.

42,000 feet—Maximum for routine use of pressure breathing.

43,000 feet—Maximum for emergency use of demand oxygen.

45,000 feet—Bombardment aircraft having combat ceilings above this altitude require

provisions for use of partial pressure suit.

48,000 feet—Fighter aircraft having combat ceilings above this altitude require pro-

visions for use of partial pressure suit.

50,000 feet—Maximum for emergency use of pressure breathing demand oxygen.


The air movement in the cabin should be such as to avoid the feeling of

drafts. To this end it is desirable, although not always possible, to meet

the following conditions:

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1. Limit the maximum air velocity to about 2 feet per second for persons

at rest.
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2. High-velocity currents of air should not be directed downward on

the occupants, nor strike them from behind at about neck level, nor come

up at about floor level.

3. The air should not be admitted to the cabin below the normal cabin


The natural movement of the air within the cabin is usually from rear

to front. However, for various reasons it is desirable to reverse this flow.



Figure XIII-1. A schematic diagram of the ventilating system of a flying boat

(Grumman Mallard). Fresh air is forced by ram pressure while in flight and by a

blower while on the ground. The heater (A) heats the air which is uniformly dis-

tributed through floor ducts, to windshield, and pilot's cockpit.

Normally, this reversal is accomplished easily by locating the exhaust at

the top rear and thus, due to the forced draft produced by the incoming

air and forced exhausting system usually provided, the air flow can be

easily controlled. Figure XIII-1 shows a schematic diagram of a venti-

lating system.

The circulation of air in a supercharged cabin is a problem not only of

maintaining a predetermined pressure but also of heating or cooling, and

ventilating. For hot weather, a separate cold-air system may be in-

corporated, although a by-pass for the heating unit in the system would

still permit use of the blower system as a pressure ventilator. The fresh

air is brought in through a duct, passed through a centrifugal rain separator

and then into the cabin when the heating system is by-passed; otherwise

the air is passed through a heating system, as described elsewhere, before

being carried into the cabin. For high speeds, where heating due to high

ram pressures appreciably raises the temperature of incoming air, cooling

has to be provided.

The toilet room should be made as airtight as possible, and a very posi-

tive system of ventilating should be provided for this room independent of

the cabin.

It has been found that cool air is most effective in keeping a passenger

comfortable in hot weather if an individual ventilator is located above and

in front of the seat.

All incoming air should be controlled by the pilot at its source. Win-

dows should not be used for ventilating purposes.


For a uniform CO2 content in the air to be breathed, about 1 cubic foot

of air per passenger per minute is necessary, although 5 cubic feet per pas-

senger per minute is desirable when the air is recirculated, while 10 cubic

feet per passenger per minute without recirculation is ideal.

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A person breathes on the average about 16 times per minute while at

rest on the ground for a total of 1J^ to 4 cubic feet per minute. This

amount would be increased, depending upon the activities of the individual

and the altitude at which he was working. To provide adequate ventila-

tion, the needs of each person in the cabin would have to be considered.

Normal air contains about 21 per cent of oxygen by volume, and 4 per cent

is removed by a person each time he breathes, so that the air could be

breathed about twice before it would reach the 12 per cent minimum

desirable. Recirculation of the air would, therefore, be possible provided

that odors can be removed and the necessary sanitary precautions can be


Aircraft cabins provide from 10 to 40 cubic feet per person per minute,

depending upon the individual aircraft, as well as the means employed in

circulating the air within the cabin.

Since the volume available per passenger in an aircraft cabin probably

varies from 40 to 60 cubic feet, regardless of the length of time the passen-

ger remains in the cabin, it is necessary to bring air into the cabin con-

stantly to replenish the supply. Some air will filter through seams and

cracks, but such air will have the temperature of the outside air which may

be very cold. It is necessary therefore to be able to bring air in from one

central inlet under control, and to remove it by suitable and positive


This change of air every few minutes complicates the heating problem.

In a room there are steam radiators which will heat the air, and since the

air is removed very slowly by natural infiltration outward through win-

dows, doors, and cracks in the walls, it is a comparatively easy matter to

maintain a constant temperature. In an aircraft cabin, steam radiators

would be useless unless the walls, ceiling, and floors were radiators. It is

therefore necessary to heat the incoming air before it actually enters the



Both the oxygen supply and air pressure must be increased for high-alti-

tude flying. Above 35,000 to 40,000 feet, a mask supplying pure oxygen

is required, and the outside pressure must be increased to provide enough

lung pressure to permit breathing. At these extreme altitudes, pressure-

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equipped or pressurized cabins are the most feasible solution for large com-

mercial airplanes. For small planes, pressurized suits and helmets are
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It has been found, experimentally, that if his oxygen supply is cut off at

20,000 feet, a man will pass out in 10 minutes; at 25,000 feet in 3 minutes.

Pressure is necessary to guard against "aeroembolism," the equivalent

of "diver's bends."


No attempt is made to keep the cabin at sea-level pressure at all times.

In one installation, pressures vary up to the 8,000-foot level in accordance

with the usual atmospheric pressure relationships. From 8,000 to 14,700

feet the pressure within the cabin is maintained at the level normally exist-

ing at 8,000 feet altitude. Beyond 14,700 feet, a differential of 2.5 pounds

per square inch between the outside and the inside of the cabin is main-

tained with the result that the apparent altitude at 16,000 feet altitude is

about 9,000 feet; at 18,000 feet it is 10,600: and at 20,000 feet it is approxi-

mately 12,300 feet. (See Figure XIII-2.)

Indicated airplane altitude in thousands of feet

Figure XIII-2. Cabin pressure altitudes maintained by various pressure differ-

entials AP. The normal operating regime for pressurized cabins is from 6,000 to

12,000 feet equivalent altitudes.

Without supercharging, an altitude of 14,000 feet is assumed to be the

upper level for normal but limited commercial passenger flight.

Design for differential pressure depends upon structural limitations as

well as other considerations. If a pressure differential of 6.5 pounds per

square inch is used as the basis for structural design, and a safety factor of

2 is to be used, then the cabin would normally not be operated at pressures

exceeding 3.25 pounds per square inch.

The oxygen content of the air is the same up to usual altitudes at which

flights are made so that the air under pressure will have the necessary

oxygen supply.
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The temperature limits that the designer has to consider in dealing with

heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment are:

1. 100° F for human endurance at 50% humidity;

2. from 125° to 130° F for the engine accessory compartment;

from 150° to 160° F for hydraulic equipment;

4. from 175° to 185° F for electrical and electronic equipment.


Summer temperatures greater than 100° F are seldom encountered even

in the warmest climates. Heating and ventilating systems have not yet

incorporated systems for cooling the

air except the cooling of cabins of

aircraft by means of an outside re-

frigerating system before take-off.

This cooling of the cabin disappears

within a short time after take-off.

By proper ventilation, moderate

temperatures above normal room

temperatures of 72° F are not un-


At the lower-temperature limit

the heating system must be designed

to keep both the passenger cabin and

the pilot's cockpit warm at a temper-

ature of 70° F when the outside

temperature is about — 20°, F. When

the airplane is used near the Arctic

or in other cold regions, the heating

system should be designed for air en-

tering at a temperature of —40° F.

The heating system should be designed to take care of these extremes in

temperature within five minutes after the engine is started, for warming

up, and must be readily controllable to take care of sudden changes in out-

side air temperatures encountered either in climbing or in passing from one

locality to another.
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The incoming air should not be lower in temperature than that main-

tained in the cabin.

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In order to regulate the temperature reasonably it is necessary, at times,

to deflect a sufficient amount of the incoming air from entering the cabin

by means of a diffusing or butterfly valve operated either by an electrically

driven gear box through a thermostat, or by manual operation. Either

method has a certain amount of time lag that is not possible to overcome.

Figure XIII-3. A cross section of

cabin showing the use of radiant heating for

keeping the interior uniformly heated.

A is the supply duct for the heated air,

and B is the exhaust duct.



Water separation must also be provided in the system in case of rain in

the incoming air. Snow usually offers no problem since it is vaporized

easily in the heater system.

A dust separator is especially desirable when the airplane is to operate

from dusty airports.

As an additional means of keeping down temperatures of interiors, the

tops of fuselages are often painted white. For a normal skin temperature

of 152° F, painting the surface white reduces the temperature to 124° F,

with a possible reduction in cabin temperature of 15° F. White-painted

tops are most effective under high temperatures, zero wind conditions,

although some reduction can even be expected during flight. Zinc chromate

primer and du Pont White DeLux 83-508 is the treatment given the



Air inlets should be so located as to be free from contamination of oil

fumes or other engine gases. Since the ducts should have as few bends as

possible to permit the normal air pressure in flight to force the air into the

cabin, the location of these inlet ports may offer difficulties.

In a single-engine plane, a duct

carried between the cowling and the

engine ahead of the collector ring

has been found satisfactory.

For a central fuselage having no

engine in its nose, the foremost point

on the fuselage is an excellent loca-

tion for this inlet port.

The leading edge of a wing in the

pressure region and within the pro-

peller slipstream, if possible, but

well outside the region of possible

contamination from oil or exhaust

gases, has also been found suitable.

The inlet ducts for leading the air

to the heater vary in cross section

from 3 to 5 inches in diameter. It

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must be remembered that all open-

ings of this kind add to the aero-

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dynamic resistance so that choice of

cross section should be guided by

the type of airplane; the larger the

craft, the larger these openings may

be permitted.

The ducts leading to the heater

Cabin wall





— ^

1 Floor

1 Fan



Figure XIII-4. A cross section of an

inlet air duct showing treatment for sound-

and dust-proofing. Filter has fine-mesh

screen. Conduits made of doped fabric,

lined with felt, held in place with coarse-

mesh aluminum screen. Individual fans

are located in each outlet. Louvres are

controllable for regulating volume of air.



are made either of aluminum, aluminum alloy, or stainless steel of a mini-

mum thickness of 0.025 inch.

The ducts leading away from the heater may be of metal, but usually

only for a short distance. The longer lengths of the ducts, after the metal

section, may be made of doped aircraft fabric. To prevent too rapid cool-

ing of the air while being transmitted to the cabin, and to aid in sound-

proofing, the fabric (or metal) ducts are lined with about 3^-inch thick felt

held in place by a light-mesh aluminum alloy screen. The outside diam-

eters of these ducts are about the same as the inlet ducts, but their inside

diameters become less when the felt has been applied.

Individual ducts are led to each seat. Since the amount of air leaving

each opening should be the same, it may be necessary to vary the opening

by inserting obstructions. Once the airflow has been regulated for each

opening, no changes need be made.

For warm weather, when the air at existing temperature is brought into

the cabin, relief for the passengers may best be obtained by diverting air

into an overhead duct in the ceiling of the cabin and forcing the air through

overhead grills and individual ventilators. At other times, it is more de-

sirable to have the air enter the cabin along the sides near floor level.

n ii

Figure XIII-5. Cross section of a Figure XIII-6. Cross section through

manually-operated swiveling nozzle to a conventional air scoop for auxiliary air

regulate individual cold-air supply. supply.

The air is taken out of the cabin through outlets located in the floor

although they may be located along the roof and exhaust near the top rear.

In some cases it may be more desirable to exhaust at intervals along the

side of the fuselage; however, each additional opening adds to the sound-

proofing problem.

A separate exhaust system should be provided for the toilet.

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The pressure of the incoming air and the slight suction that is usually

present on the top surface of the fuselage are enough to force exhaust of

the air. If the rate of exhaust is not fast enough, an exhausting fan may

be necessary.

A grill-work made of fine mesh wire should cover each opening so that

nothing may fall in the duct.


The safest type of system is one in which the exhaust gases heat a liquid

that is vaporized or circulated through a radiator. The air is forced

through the radiator and then led into the cabin. It is not feasible to

supply actual radiators for each passenger in the cabin since the volume of

air brought in must be heated quickly and effectively.

The liquids used in the boilers may be commercial ethylene glycol which

boils at 310° F to 340° F, specific heat of about 0.70; quenching oils of high

boiling points; or a mixture of water and alcohol. The requirements for

such liquids are that they boil at about 300° F, do not freeze or congeal at

the lowest temperature likely to be encountered, and have a flashpoint

high enough so as not to offer a fire hazard in case of a leak.

The radiators normally used are the cartridge type, or similar to the oil

coolers. It is desirable that the air be in contact with the radiator suffi-

ciently long to be heated, that the heat transfer of the radiator be very

rapid, and that the airflow speed be maintained. (See also discussion

under Calculations.) •


The exhaust gases of the engine supply the main source for moderate-

size airplanes for heating the air, whether directly or through intermediate

means. In the case of the liquid-cooled engines, auxiliary radiators may

be used for heating the air. In any case, it is desirable to have a very hot

source if a light, efficient, and instantaneous system is to be obtained.

An aircraft engine operating at 500 hp rejects about 1,500,000 Btu of

heat per hour through the exhaust.

Because gas turbine engines provide great quantities of hot air, com-

bustion heaters are not used where such a hot air supply is available.

Electric "blankets" for the cabin side walls and certain areas of the

floor, and electric heaters in the cabin air-ventilation ducts may be used
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for cabin heating systems in large airplanes.


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The equipment for pressurizing cabins is still undergoing extensive re-

search and design. In general, the necessary equipment for maintaining

passenger cabins at a desired pressure differential consists of:



1. A centrifugal air compressor, usually mounted on the rear of the fire

wall, driven either by a flexible shaft connected to the generator drive of

the engine, or by auxiliary power. This compressor incorporates an inte-

gral gear box and usually a weight-flow control as well as a valve permit-

ting the maintenance of an internal cabin pressure higher than the external


2. A blower relief or surge valve, located in the air duct to the cabin. If

the pressure in the duct builds up due to a throttling down of the control

valve unit, the air is by-passed to the outside atmosphere and so prevents

surging or overheating of the blower. Such procedure would also be de-

sirable at low altitudes and in warm weather, although the blower may

also operate at low altitudes where it acts as a ventilating fan.

3. A supercharging control unit incorporating the air-inflow valves and

the spent-air discharge valves. The cabin pressure is regulated by chang-

ing the opening of the outlet valve. This valve is controlled by pressure-

sensitive mechanisms responsive to absolute pressure and to differential


4. A valve opening inward which will not permit higher pressures to

exist outside the cabin than inside.


A typical example will be given here to indicate the type of calculations

that may be made.

Temperature of incoming air —20° F

Temperature to be maintained 70° F

Number of passengers to be supplied with air 10

Volume of air per passenger to be supplied 25 cu ft per min

Volume of cabin 400 cu ft

Ethylene glycol for liquid-type system.

The number of changes required will be (10 X 25)/400 per minute, or

one change every 1.6 minutes.

Assuming 10 separate outlets, one for each passenger for the incoming

air, then air flows through each duct at the rate of 25 cubic feet per minute.

Restricting the air velocity to 2 feet per second, the area <S of each inlet

duct would be

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d = 0.515 feet, approximately 6.18 inches.



For relatively small airplanes, such as the problem cited, the practical

diameter of the inlet duct to the cabin would be about 3 inches. To re-

duce the velocity of the airflow, it would be desirable to increase the num-

ber of openings. The duct leading up to the actual outlet into the cabin

is often larger and is provided with a valve for regulating the airflow.

The heat balance equation may be written as

Q = Qi + Q* - Qs,

where Q = heat required to raise 250 cubic feet of air per minute from

—20° F to an average of 70° F within the cabin, and

Qi = heat required to raise incoming air to maintain temperature

in cabin at 70° F, if there were no losses; then

Qi - WC,(h - <i),

where W — weight of air,

C,, = specific heat of air = 0.2375 at 70° F,

h = temperature of incoming air,

<i = outside temperature,

Q2 = heat lost by radiation from cabin through windows, fabric,

flooring, and the like,

Q3 = heat generated by the passengers. (This is usually neglected.)

The heat lost by radiation is difficult to ascertain accurately. With

well soundproofed and hermetically sealed cabins, this loss may be quite

negligible. A loss of 100 Btu per minute will be assumed.

Weight of 250 cu ft of air at 70° F = 250 X 0.076 = 19 lb,

Qi = 19(0.2375) (70 + 20) = 406 Btu/min,

Q2 = 100 Btu/min,

Q = 406 + 100 = 506 Btu/min to be supplied.

The temperature of the incoming air would then be

506 = 19(0.2375) (f, + 20),

U = 95° F, approximately.

This relatively high temperature indicates that the heat lost due to

radiation is high in proportion to the heat supplied. This heat loss should

be reduced if possible. If this is not practical, then the incoming heated

air should be so diffused that no passenger is located in a direct blast. In

cases where the incoming air is too hot, a compromise in the temperature

level to be maintained is desirable. By lowering the temperature level

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within the cabin, and directing the warm air at the passenger at about

knee level, a reasonable degree of comfort may be obtained.

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When a liquid system is used, a pump is required to circulate the liquid.

The capacity of the pump can be calculated from:

Q = WCp(t2 - h).


Assume a 50-degree drop through the radiator. The quantity of ethy-

lene glycol (Prestone) to be circulated is then

506 = TT(0.7) (300 - 250°),

W = 14.4 lb/min.

The weight of the liquid at 300° F is 9.3 pounds per gallon. Therefore,

the capacity of the pump would be 14.4/9.3 = 1.55 gallons per minute.

(See also discussion under Air Ducts.)


The heating surface required for the boiler can be calculated from the


Skdt = total heat to be supplied = Q,

where S = heating surface in square feet required,

k = mean coefficient of heat transmission,

dt = mean temperature difference between the liquid and the

exhaust gas.

In the last problem, 506 Btu were to be supplied per minute. The mean

coefficient of heat transmission may be obtained experimentally. For a

first approximation some value between 10 and 15 Btu per square foot per

hour may be assumed.

m - ta ~ U

~ log.tfo/*,)'

where to = the initial temperature difference between the liquid and the


tf = the final temperature difference between the liquid and the gas.

Assuming the initial temperature differences to be 1000° F, and the final

temperature difference between the liquid and the gases to be 850° F:

_ 1000 - 850 150 =

log. (1000/850) 0.162 ~ yZ0 r'


S = ^ = (12 X5925)/60 = 20073 ft2,Say3-00ft0

If the exhaust pipe used for heating the liquid were 4 inches in diameter

the heater would have to be (3 X 144)/47r inches or about 35 inches long.

In a similar manner, the heat transfer surface of the radiator may be

calculated. The liquid temperatures and the air temperatures would be

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used in the latter case in the above formulas, and calculations continued

as before.
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As aircraft speeds increase, heat is the inevitable result. Just below

the speed of sound, the temperature of the pilot's compartment may

reach 150° F—without air conditioning—when the outside air tempera-

ture is zero. At Mach 2 (about 1600 mph) it may reach 280° F; at Mach

5, it is probably likely to reach 2000° F.










Aircraft Skin Temperatures

At sea level

At 10,000 feet0

At 20,000 feet 0

At 30,000 feet

At 35,000 feet-

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

True airspeed in miles per hour

1600 1800

Figure XIII-7. The aircraft skin temperature gives an indication of the interior

temperature likely to occur if no cooling is provided. To the heat at these temperatures

might be added the heat developed by the power plant, by the electrical equipment,

and by the human occupants pf the craft.

Air conditioning at these speeds requires more attention to cooling

problems than to heating problems. For the jet engine, various methods

are being explored and are still subject to further development and im-


For the airplane equipped with a jet engine, high-pressure air may be
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taken from the engine at a temperature much higher than the "ram" air

around the aircraft. The ram air can thus be used as the all-important
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"heat sink" to which heat can be conducted. A heat exchange similar

to an automobile radiator transfers the heat from the engine bleed air to

the ram air. This cooled high-pressure air is then expanded through a


special air-cycle turbine, where the temperature is further reduced to well

below the ram air temperature by giving up energy in the form of work.

This work energy is used by the turbine to drive a fan that pulls air

through the heat exchanger. The cold air from the turbine is then em-

ployed to cool the aircraft's cabin and its occupants.

Gas-cycle refrigeration using Freon as the gas (similar to household

refrigeration units) has been used for cooling systems in airplanes.

When airplanes start flying regularly at altitudes where there is virtually

no air, it will no longer be practicable to bleed air from the jet compressor

in the large quantities required for pressurization.

Perhaps the pilot will carry his own air and pressurization supply—

possibly using compressed air kept in specially-designed storage tanks

within the airplane's structure, or the liquid oxygen breathing system

as a source of pressurization. Cockpit air would be recirculated through

an air-purifying dessicant canister to remove water vapor and odors.

Compressor air would be needed for cooling only, thus greatly reducing

bleed requirements. The air would pass through an air-cycle turbine,

the exhaust of which would go through a heat exchanger and then be

dumped overboard.

Air conditioning experts believe vapor-cycle cooling systems will be

used in very high-speed aircraft, mainly as auxiliary coolers, absorbing

cabin heat and giving it up to a heat sink—water or fuel on its way to

the engines.

Future cooling possibilities include extensive boiling of water and

boiling of ammonia in various mixtures. Another possibility is the use of

liquid oxygen—commonly called "Lox"—as a stored coolant. It is pro-

posed, in one system, to spray Lox directly into the cabin to provide not

only cooling, but a breathable atmosphere and pressure level as well.

Under consideration for advanced aircraft is the drastic solution of having

the outer portion and leading edge of the airframe and airfoils made of a

fusible material that will melt at extremely high temperatures and thus

absorb some of the heat generated.

Where the top speed and altitude portions of a flight are of short dura-

tion, insulation can do much to prevent heat from reaching the critical

areas of the aircraft. This can be combined with reflective coating on

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the inside of the cabin to provide further protection. Such measures can

bring reductions in the total weight of the cooling system required. Even
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slight weight savings are vital, since in some cases a pound of such equip-

ment removed may permit as much as 100 pounds' reduction in the total

weight of the aircraft.



The increasing demand for more passenger comfort has brought sound-

proofing very much to the fore, and no airplane passenger cabin has been

correctly designed unless every effort has been made to reduce noise to the

practical minimum.

The problem of soundproofing an auditorium is entirely different from

that of soundproofing an airplane cabin because, in the former, the source

of noise is inside so that the noise has to be absorbed and materials must

be chosen that will not only absorb the noise but also avoid reverberation.

In an airplane cabin the greatest portion of the noise comes from outside

so that the transmission of sound must be overcome. A very thick wall

is an excellent soundproofing medium but weight is important in an air-

plane so that materials must be chosen which will weigh the least for the

greatest amount of noise reduction.


The measure of noise level is the decibel. In equation form it is ex-

pressed as:

, . energy input in watts

N = 10 logw -—f—7-0 0 rr0

energy output in watts

The acoustical energy is transformed into electrical energy by some suit-

able device, generally the "noise meter" or the "decibel meter." Since

the decibel is a logarithmic relationship, it can be shown easily that if an

airplane engine makes a noise equal to 100 decibels, two such engines

would cause a noise level of only 103 decibels. Therefore, to reduce the

sound level from 100 decibels to 70 decibels, for example, requires very

careful soundproofing.

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The primary sources of noise encountered in the airplane are:

1. Engine exhaust.

2. Propeller.

3. Moving mechanical parts, such as gears.

4. Structural vibration.

5. Wall vibration or "drumming."

6. Whistling sounds caused by interferences.

7. Clatter due to loose structure, machinery, etc.

8. Conversation.

The noises which soundproofing attempts to alleviate are, primarily,

engine-exhaust noises, propeller noises, and wall vibration. The first two

cause the greatest disturbances by far.

A comparison of the noise of geared and ungeared airplanes is shown

in Table XIV-1.

Table XIV-1. Comparison of noise of geared and ungeared engines.

Location Geared Ungeared

Propeller tip speed (ft/sec) 830 685

Propeller diameter (ft) 9.75 10.75

Pitch (ft) 5.7 8.7

Airspeed (mph) 90-100 90-95

Average noise level above threshold in plane of propellers (db) 107 91

Average noise level above threshold in rear of cabin 95 85

These tests indicate that the reducing of the propeller-tip speed helps

appreciably in noise reduction. A reduction of 100 feet per second in tip

speed is supposed to give as much as a 10-decibel reduction in noise level.

It is not always practical to reduce the propeller-tip speed unless it is

already in the critical region (very close to the velocity of sound) when a

reduction in propeller-tip speed would also increase the propeller efficiency

as well as reduce noise.

Mufflers help in reducing exhaust noises, but the level is usually not suffi-

ciently reduced because so many other noises are present. Moreover,

mufflers may seriously reduce the engine horsepower and are not economi-

cal from that viewpoint.


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Experimentation with various materials reveals that all are not equally

effective in reducing the incoming noise. Thus it is necessary first to

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analyze the frequency of the incoming noises.



Table XIV-2. Frequency distribution of noise.


Causes of noise cycles per second

Propeller unbalance range 20-25

Engine unbalance range 30-40

Propeller beating against fuselage 60-80

Exhaust and engine explosions and vibration transmitted through

structure 200-270

After the range of frequency has been determined, sufficient materials

may be chosen to form a composite blanket or wall to reduce incoming

noises materially.


A variety of materials is used for soundproofing. Choice is determined


1. Location 7. Adaptability

2. Strength 8. Cost

3. Durability 9. Other qualities such as heat

4. Vermin-proof transmission, fire-resistance,

5. Availability hygroscopy, etc.

6. Compactness

The following materials have been used for soundproofing purposes:

"Dry Zero" airplane blanket Compressed cork

"Seapak" Linoleum

Balsam wool Micarta

Felt Wood

Asbestos Metal

Bakelite Doped fabric

Leather Upholstering material

Balsa wood Plywood

Rubberized hair Kapok fibers

The fibrous materials, in general, seem to be the best from the point of

view of noise reduction to weight ratio. It is not desirable to use metal

because of possible "drumming" and reverberation.


Soundproofing materials are usually employed in the following applica-

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1. Cabin walls. Alternate layers of fibrous material with air spaces

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approximately three times the thickness of the material are used. One

layer of the material should be attached to the outer metal skin. The

inner layer may be faced with any suitable upholstery material.



Figure XIV-1. Suggested soundproofing treatments of cabin wall interiors. A, air

space; F, floating blanket; G, fiber glass; M, metal skin; O, organic material; H, organic

material, horizontal corrugated; V, organic material, vertical corrugated; T, cabin trim;

W, wire lacing.

Any fibrous material which is not very good in tension, or is likely to

pull apart due to its own weight when bung, may be reinforced by muslin

covers, preferably glued on in order to eliminate stitching holes as much

as possible.

1 fâ„¢!


Figure XIV-2. Suggested treatment of individual structural members to reduce

"drumming" and resonance effects. Unsupported panels may be similarly treated.

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Since all materials come in standard sizes, either in 36- or 72-inch widths,

wall seams in the three alternate layers should not be directly behind one


2. Windows. One sheet instead of double panes of window glass is

sufficient since the windows are far better sound insulators than any

soundproofed portion of the cabin. The glass should be set in felt-cornered

window stripping and should be supported firmly over the entire perimeter.

3. Flooring. A fibrous material placed over the metal floor and then

covered with micarta or "battleship" linoleum forms a very effective floor-

ing. Micarta-covered panels may be made removable for inspection of

control cables and structure by means of cowl fastener attachments.

4. Doors, removable bulkheads, baggage compartments. Doors and re-

movable bulkheads may be covered with felt or some fibrous material and

then protected against ordinary wear by a doped and painted, aircraft-

linen cover. Large panels of metal in other parts of the airplane that are

subjected to drumming may be treated with small squares of fibrous mate-

rials cemented on. These are usually located in the center of the panels.

5. Control cables. Control cables should be carried through a duct, pref-

erably felt-lined. Inspection may be made by inserting suitable micarta

panels at intervals.

6. Ventilating system. Since the ventilating ducts are exposed to the

open atmosphere, special attention must be paid to them. Where the fire

hazard is negligible, the ducts may be made of doped fabric. The entire

lengths of the ducts, whether of metal or fabric construction, should be

lined with about 3^-inch layer of felt held in place by a lightweight, coarse-

mesh aluminum screen.

7. General. Additional precautions to take in keeping down the noise

level are:

(a) Placement of the exhaust stack exit below the wing, for example,

in a low-wing monoplane, so that the wing may act as a sound


(b) Making the gap between the propeller tip and the fuselage structure

as large as possible to avoid any possible dirunming effect.

(c) Avoiding all unobstructed holes, no matter how small. Even

stitching holes are undesirable.

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Table XIV-3 is of interest in connection with the allocation of various

materials used for soundproofing.

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Since at take-off power 100% of all noise of the order of 116 to 120

decibels produced by a jet engine is generated behind the engine, all

muffling schemes are concerned with this noise, and any sound created

within the engine itself is discounted.



Table XIV-3.



(per cent)

Fibrous soundproofing materials

Interior fabric and dope

Sound deadening paint

Cement for attaching soundproofing material

Special reinforcements along walls at floor level

Cabin door

Talon fasteners (for inspection, removal, and replacements)

Moulding strips, screws, stiffeners, etc

Total soundproofing weight allowance






Noise power produced in the exhaust of a jet engine fitted with con-

ventional circular tail pipe varies with the 8th power of the exit velocity

of the exhaust gas. However, any slight increase in the tail pipe's perim-

eter transverse to the axis of the engine will result in an appreciable

reduction in noise because of the lowered velocity gradient between

exhaust and ambient air. The ideal way to increase the tail pipe's

perimeter is to flatten it into a long, thin orifice—a "slit exhaust"—or

make it rectangular in shape. Depending on the design, tail pipe noise

suppressors may be expected to cut jet engine noise by about 6 to 18

decibles. The disadvantages of noise suppressors are that they will

impose a certain weight penalty and will create thrust losses ranging from

1 to 5%. No adequate jet exhaust muffler yet exists.

It will take about twice as much soundproofing (in terms of weight)

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to quiet the roar in a commercial jet's cabin than is required for a piston-

engine plane of equivalent power.

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The Propeller

The aircraft designer is not likely to be concerned with the detailed

design of the propeller itself, but he is interested in obtaining the type of

propeller most suitable for his design from the point of view of eventual

performance of the aircraft, compatibility with the engine that operates

it, and the possible influence on the configuration of the aircraft.


The thrust of any propeller, as well as the power required to operate

it, may be determined analytically. The mathematical expressions ob-

tained are:

T - | CmW*,

Q = | CQnW*,


\ CpnW;


P = 2iroQ;

where T = thrust in pounds,

Ct = non-dimensional thrust coefficient,

p = air density in slugs per cubic foot,

Q = torque in foot-pounds,

Cq = torque coefficient,

n = revolutions per second,

D = diameter of propeller in feet,

P = work in foot-pounds,

Cp = non-dimensional power coefficient.

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While these equations are not normally of direct interest to the aircraft

engineer, they are helpful in achieving an understanding of the operation

of the propeller under certain circumstances. In plotting the thrust and

power coefficients for a typical propeller (Figure XV-1), it can be seen that

the propeller can operate as: a positive-thrust mechanism, or as a pro-

peller; or as a negative-thrust mechanism with power required to operate

it, and used therefore as a brake; or as a power-producing mechanism, or

as a windmill, with the negative thrust as an undesirable by-product.

Figure XV-1. Various operating states of the propeller made possible by varying

the pitch of the propeller blades.

Through efficient design, these different states can be extended so that

the propeller can be used as a positive-thrust mechanism for high speed

and climb, and as an air brake in the landing approach and upon landing.

Some designs may permit disengaging the propeller and rotating the indi-

vidual blades so that the entire propeller may windmill with the minimum

amount of negative thrust or drag and, at the same time, transmit no

power to the engine. Other designs may incorporate a brake on the

propeller blade when transmitting no power so that it offers the least

drag. (See Table XV-1.)

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Table XV-1. Relative drag of propeller under different conditions.

Condition Order of resistance

Stopped 1.00

Idling (no thrust) .73

Windmilling .44

Fully feathered .08

Instead of the equations for the propeller listed above, it is customary

to use a so-called "speed-power" relationship, derivable from the follow-

ing equation for power: 1/5

Ls — (bhp)i/5(Arrjm)2/5'

where C, is known as the speed-power coefficient.


The propeller, as viewed from behind, rotates toward the right. The

reaction of the forces acting on the propeller tends to turn the engine and

the airplane in an opposite direction. To counteract this, there must be

provided an increase in lift to produce an opposite rolling moment. This

may be done by establishing a difference in the angle of incidence between

the left and right wing so that more lift is produced on the left than on

the right. Another method is to rig the ailerons differentially or to in-

duce a differential action with thfe addition of a fixed or controllable tab

inset in one of the ailerons. \

Naturally, a difference in lift will also produce a difference in drag

which produces a yawing moment. To counteract the yawing moment

with its tendency to turn the airplane to the left, (1) a slight right rudder

may be employed, or (2) a slight right rudder may be rigged by use of a

tab, or (3) the vertical tail surfaces may employ an unsymmetrical air-

foil, or (4) the fin may be offset slightly from the plane of symmetry.

Propeller slipstream increases the air velocity over the wing and thereby

contributes to increased lift as well as drag. However, at high speeds

the effect of slipstream is considered negligible. At low speeds, the effect

may be appreciable and therefore has been given attention in converti-

planes, where the slipstream over the wing with its lift-increase devices

may become very important.

The propeller slipstream is of importance in the cooling of aircraft

engines while the plane is on the ground.

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When the airplane rotates about its vertical axis, gyroscopic forces are
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brought into play. The moment about the propeller shaft may be ex-

pressed by the following formula:

T = o>Mh ~ h),


where coi = angular velocity of the airplane in the turn,

0)2 = angular velocity of the rotating propeller,

7i = mass polar moment of inertia of the propeller about its thrust


7 2 = mass polar moment of inertia of the propeller about an axis

parallel to the airplane's turning axis.

The effect of the gyroscopic couple is to force the airplane into a left-

hand turn when the airplane is pitched down from a horizontal path; or,

if the airplane is making a left-hand turn, the airplane will tend to pitch

up. The opposite effect is obtained when the airplane is controlled in

the reverse directions.

This gyroscopic couple not only affects the behavior of the craft, but

also introduces additional stresses in the propeller shaft and the aircraft.

For the normal propeller, the loads and consequent stresses produced

upon the aircraft are considered negligible.


The geometric pitch of a propeller may be defined as (1) the advance

in a solid medium, or (2) as the tangent of the blade angle, measured be-

tween the chord of the airfoil section and the plane of rotation of the

propeller. Since the propeller blades have different blade angles from

root to tip, the geometric pitch is usually specified at three quarters of

'the radius.

The individual blade can be designed so that it can be rotated about its

axis, either manually or automatically, to change the blade angles. Since

variations are possible, several types will be briefly defined here.

1. A fixed-pitch propeller does not permit any rotation of the individual

blade after the propeller has been built. Such propellers are lighter than

any other type because of the simplicity of construction.

2. An adjustable-pitch propeller permits manual adjustment on the

ground so that the blade angle is changed to suit certain operating condi-

tions. After each such setting, the propeller operates as a fixed-pitch


Both the fixed-pitch and adjustable-pitch propellers are used for rela-

tively low-horsepower engines, where the weight of the propeller becomes

an important factor in design considerations.

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3. A variable- or controllable-pitch propeller is usually thought of as one

in which the blades may be rotated in flight. There are several possible
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variations of this type of propeller:

(a) It may have a limited angular range and therefore not require as

complicated an operating mechanism as some others.

(b) It may permit a variety of blade angles so that the engine may


operate at a constant number of revolutions per minute regardless ofthe_

path speed of the aircraft.

To reduce the resistance of a windmilling propeller after an engine has

ceased to deliver power, the propeller blades may be rotated and stopped

so that the engine itself may not be harmed and the drag of the propeller

may be reduced to a minimum.

To offer more resistance and thereby help to reduce the speed of the

aircraft, especially on landing, the blades may be sufficiently rotated to

act as a brake. See Table XV-2 for the effect of reversing propellers on

the length of the landing run.

Table XV-2. Effect of reversing propellers on a 4-engine airplane.

Number of

propellers reversed


Use of brakes

Landing run








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Both the feathering and braking features may be incorporated in a

constant-speed propeller. The effect of the various types of propellers

upon the airplane's performance is illustrated in Figure XV-2.


The determination of the number of blades for a propeller requires the -

consideration of a variety of factors. Theoretically, a one-blade propeller

should have the highest propulsive efficiency since propeller blades inter-

fere with each other aerodynamically. However, while such a propeller /

can and has been manufactured, most propellers are produced with 2, 3,

or 4 blades, with combinations of 6 or 8 for dual-rotating propellers.

With the increase in the number of blades, the over-all efficiency de-

creases. However, as the amount of power to be absorbed by a two-

blade propeller, for example, increases, it would be necessary to increase

its diameter until either the physical dimensions would be too great for



oi I I I I I I I

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280

Airplane speed, miles per hour

Figure XV-2. The effect of different types of propellers on the performance of the


1. Fixed-pitch propeller.

2. Limited controllable-pitch propeller.

3. Constant-speed (rpm) propeller.

4. Theoretical curve for a constant speed, variable-diameter propeller.

All propellers deliver the same power for the design speed—in this case, the maximum.

installation in a reasonable airplane design configuration or the tip speed

would approach a velocity equal to that of sound, where the efficiency

would be adversely affected.

For the absorption of rather large horsepowers, rather than increasing

the number of blades on a single propeller, a better compromise may be

made with two counter-rotating propellers. The over-all diameter of

two counter-rotating propellers is likely to be considerably less than an

equally efficient multi-bladed propeller.

A large-diameter propeller will affect the height of the landing gear, for

example, or may require placement of the engine nacelles farther out-

board on the wing. Either or both would lead to structural complications

and consequent added weight. However, since the area swept out by

the propeller near its hub is not very efficient aerodynamically, especially

when the propeller is placed in front of a blunt body, the propeller of the

larger diameter is to be preferred over the smaller diameter. A large-

diameter propeller is generally considered good for a high rate of climb,

with consequent higher service and absolute ceilings, whereas the smaller-

diameter propeller is considered better for the high-speed capabilities of

the airplane. The metal propeller usually has good operating character-

istics throughout the entire performance range of the aircraft.

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Increasing the number of blades will increase the weight of the propeller

and will have some effect upon the airplane's performance.

Because of the different factors affecting the choice of a propeller, it is

particularly desirable to make a careful analysis of several types of pro-

pellers, if they happen to be available, in order to obtain the best engi-

neering compromise.


In order that the propeller may operate at its maximum efficiency, it is

desirable that it be placed as far ahead of a thick body as possible to avoid

the "blanketing" of the propeller itself and the resulting reduction in its

effective working radius.

The propeller would give its best performance if it were placed at the

front end of a well-streamlined long shaft. Obviously, such an installa-

tion is not always possible, since it would make difficult the proper mount-

ing of the shaft and increase the over-all weight of the installation.

Where the propeller tip operates close to a structure (at the side of the

fuselage, for example), allowance should be made for sufficient clearance

between the propeller tip and the structure. One to two inches usually

seems effective. However, the clearance is a function of the propeller-tip

speed and the power absorbed by the propeller blade. Too little clearance

causes "drumming" of the structure and possible vibration of the pro-

peller or the structure or both. The structure in the region of the pro-

peller tip should be reinforced in any case.


Nacelles are located outboard as far as allowance for propeller clearance

of at least 2 inches with the side of the fuselage and the tip of the propeller

will require, but usually no farther.

It may be desirable to place the axis of the nacelles at an angle to the

longitudinal axis for any of several reasons; the nacelle may be brought

closer to the fuselage if the thrust line is outward; or the plane of rotation

of the propeller may thus be made to pass through the fuselage ahead of

the cockpit. In some cases, it has been thought preferable to place the

nacelles at a slight outward angle to assure the slipstream effect over the

vertical tail surfaces when one engine quits, for then it is necessary to coun-

teract the yawing moment produced by the thrust of the other engine.
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Any such angle incorporated in the design of the nacelle does not affect

the efficiency of the engine as far as forward thrust is concerned since the
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cosine of an angle of 5 degrees would reduce the effective thrust forward

by less than Yi per cent. (See Figure XV-3.)

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4. Surfaces near the propeller tips should be suitably stiffened against


5. The pilot and the primary control units, excluding cables and control

rods, should not be located in the region between the plane of rotation

of any propeller and the surface generated by a line passing through the

center of the propeller hub and making an angle of 5 degrees fore or aft

of the plane of rotation of the propeller.

6. Likewise, no passenger door should be located in the same region.


The propeller in a conventional installation, in the course of its rotation,

does not encounter the same airflow as it would if it were located at the

end of a long symmetrical shaft with no interferences behind it.

For example, in the propeller of a single-engine airplane, each blade

would pass by each half of the wing and the landing-gear members. (See

Figure XV-^t.) These interferences would set up vibrations in the pro-

peller. The frequency of the vibration may be found from the formula:

/ = nBc,

where / = frequency of the vibration,

B = number of blades,

n = number of revolutions per second of the propeller,

c = number of interferences.

Figure XV-4. This propeller has six interferences for each blade to set up vibration


If the natural frequency of the propeller were the same as the inducing

vibration frequency, resonance would occur, and the propeller would

operate roughly and would, in time, even disintegrate. Similarly, the

natural frequency of the propeller should not be in the realm of the fre-

quencies of engine explosions. Each propeller is therefore designed to

operate with specific engines.

Another asymmetrical condition may arise in multi-engine designs

when the airflow through one propeller disk interferes with the airflow
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Figure XV-5. Flow interferences through the propeller disks lead to asymmetrical

conditions from which vibration in the propeller blades may result.

through an adjacent propeller disk (where the propeller disk is defined as

the area swept out in one rotation of the propeller blades). See Figure

When undesirable conditions arise which may be traced to asym-

metrical conditions, the solution may be found in a different propeller of

a different natural frequency obtained by either different blade design,

different diameter, or an increase in number of blades.

The normal propeller-engine combination imposes a torque upon the

airplane that gives it a tendency to turn about the longitudinal axis.

On the ground, the rotation of the airplane is prevented by the ground

reacting against the wheels. (See Figure XV-6.) As the airplane takes

off the ground, a countering torque or rolling moment must be produced

by the aileroTfST The airplane therefore has to have sufficient air speed

to obtain the necessary rolling moment. As the power used for the pro-

peller-type engine tends to become greater and the spans of the airplane

tend to become smaller, the air speed has to be quite appreciable at take-

off to prevent possible disaster, since engine torque is usually greater at

take-off than in normal flight.



Figure XV-6. Effect of engine torque on ground reactions.

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The torque present in the propeller-engine combination might be over-

come in multi-engine designs in several ways:

1. An equal number of left-hand and right-hand rotations of propellers

could be used. This solution is impractical, primarily from the standpoint

of economics.

2. The engines could be arranged in tandem. Such an arrangement

is seldom desirable due to the structural complications involved.

3. The use of counter-rotating propellers is the most practical solution

and the one that is most commonly employed.

For relatively high-speed airplanes using large-horsepower engines, the

counter-rotating or dual-rotation propeller is certainly necessary.

Another necessary application is for the vertical take-off airplane, since

there, the axis about which the torque would act is vertical. No easy

solution would be available in the design of the landing gear for counter-

ing the torque on the ground. The transition from the moment of take-

off to the time when sufficient air speed past ailerons was obtained would

include a period during which the aircraft rotated about its vertical axis,

unless secondary propellers were employed purely for the purpose of pro-

ducing a torque to counteract the engine torque.


Tandem arrangements of engines are little used in multi-engine designs

although the increase in power of individual units may make such a solu-

tion preferable to some others. The advantage of the tandem setup is

that in case of one engine failure there is not so great a yawing moment

produced by the excess thrust on one side as would be the case if the outer-

most engine in a multi-engine design failed.

Auxiliary cooling, usually special blowers, must be provided for the rear

engine since the front engine partially blankets it. This could be over-

come by providing larger airscoops in the leading edge of the wing for ob-

taining the necessary cooling air.

The tandem arrangement may reduce aerodynamic resistance although

this may be open to question since scoops for cooling air will add to the

resistance. In designing the nacelle, a symmetrical airfoil shape with its

maximum thickness located approximately in the plane of the cylinders

(for radial engines) of the front engine is a good first solution. Slight alter-
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ations may then be made as design conditions warrant.

The propeller for the rear engine, since it operates in the slipstream of
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the front engine, may be designed with a smaller diameter than the front-

engine propeller. However, some difficulty may arise from vibration

caused by the irregular airflow.

For airplanes with the conventional type of landing gear, the propeller

clearance requirement (9 inches between the propeller tip and the ground)


will either force the placing of the engine nacelle comparatively far above

the normal position or require an increase in landing-gear length.

The torque of the tractor engine will be offset by the torque of the

pusher engine, so that aerodynamic means do not have to be resorted to

for providing the offsetting rolling moment.

The pusher propeller in a tandem design would be smaller than the

tractor propeller and also somewhat different from it since it works in the

slipstream of the latter. However, it may be blanketed to some extent•

by the structure ahead of it.


When the propeller operates in the rear of the engine, relative to the

forward flight of the aircraft, it is known as a "pusher." Like any other

configuration, such an installation has certain advantages and disad-

vantages resulting not only from the placement of the propeller, but also

from the location of the engine.

In general, a pusher installation, since it is often located aft of the

trailing edge of the wing, will also be located aft of the center of gravity

of the airplane. Cargo and passenger items, then, are usually situated

ahead of the engine in order to get the proper location of the center of

gravity of the airplane in relation to the mean aerodynamic chord.

Some of the advantages of the pusher installation are:

1. Passengers and crew obtain unimpeded vision forward since there

are likely to be no obstructions ahead and below.

2. The installation is likely not to be as noisy as a tractor installation.

3. The pusher installation is likely to offer less aerodynamic inter-

ference to the wing, therefore enabling the wing to be more efficient.

4. With the power plant aft of the center of gravity, a longer fuselage

may be possible to house personnel and equipment since the power plant

represents a relatively heavy concentration of weight.

Figure XV-7. The pusher propeller may cause a higher location of the power plant

in order to allow for propeller-tip clearance in the three-point landing attitude.

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Against these advantages, the following disadvantages should be


1. Propeller clearance with the ground may necessitate a higher landing

gear or a higher location for the power plant since the three-point landing

attitude will govern the location of the propeller.

2. The propeller may be badly blanketed by the engine. See Figure


3. Doors and escape hatches may be located in the rear. In an emer-

gency exit in flight, such a location is considered to have an unfavorable

psychological effect as it may cause the people emerging to fear that they

may fall into the propeller.

4. A power plant behind the passengers is considered psychologically

unsound since passengers may fear that the heavy engines will crash in

on them in case of a bad landing.

5. The structure needed to absorb the energy caused in a crash by a

pusher installation may have to be sturdier than the structure needed

to absorb the energy of the cargo and crew in a tractor installation, where

there is no structure ahead of the power plant.

6. The pusher installation, especially for a single-engine design, is

likely to complicate the tail structure since booms may be required to

carry the tail surfaces and to protect the passengers from walking into

the propeller when embarking.


Desgins have been proposed and built with the propeller located di-

rectly aft of the tail surfaces and operating as a pusher. The engine is

connected to the propeller by an extended shaft.

In order to protect the propeller in landing, the vertical tail surfaces

are located below instead of above the horizontal tail surfaces, and

usually the tail wheel is attached to the rudder post.

Since the air is rotated with the propeller, the air hitting the vertical

tail surfaces on one side below the longitudinal axis of the airplane will

produce an aerodynamic torque or rolling moment which will, to some

degree, offset the engine torque.

In an installation of this kind, more than in the normal tractor installa-

tion, the gyroscopic couple may play an important part in the handling
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behavior of the airplane in a turn. In any case, the moment of inertia

of the airplane about the vertical axis will be materially changed, so that
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the response of the airplane may not be quite as quick as in the conven-

ventional designs.

Both the engine torque and the gyroscopic effects can be overcome by

the dual-rotating propeller.




To streamline the propeller hub into the engine nacelle, a nose spinner

is designed to conform with the contour of the nacelle. The maximum

diameter of these spinners (generally located at the base of the spinning

cone) should not extend beyond the aerodynamically inoperative blade


In addition to spinners, cuffs of an airfoil cross section are designed to

cover the shank of the propeller blades. The propeller blades, especially

those that are removable from the propeller hub, end in round shanks

at the root. These cuffs help to increase the thrust of the propeller and

improve the airflow in the region of the propeller hub. Since the aero-

dynamic loads and centrifugal forces on these cuffs are not appreciable,

they may be formed from sheet metal of suitable thickness.

Table XV-3. Propeller spinners.





Weight (lb)*

01 d Jacies












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* On basis of per inch of diameter = 1 to 1.25 lb.


In selecting a propeller, the maximum speed as well as the rated horse-





0 600


1 400


Trial 2

Trial l<



p !j

0 40 80 120 160 200 240

Airplane speed, miles per hour

Figure XV-8. The proper selection of a propeller requires a number of trial and

error calculations to determine the point at which horsepower available is equal to the

horsepower required.

Example. The horsepower required for corresponding speeds has been

calculated for a given design and plotted as shown in Figure XV-8. The

engine chosen will deliver 850 horsepower at 2450 revolutions per minute

(crankshaft speed) at sea-level conditions. The propeller is geared at

3 to 2 ratio, so that the propeller speed is % of the crankshaft speed, or

will rotate at 1634 revolutions per minute. The brake horsepower is

given for the geared engine so that it is unnecessary to allow for the 2 or 3

per cent reduction in power due to gearing.

First, assume propeller efficiency at maximum speed equals 80 per cent.

This gives a thrust horsepower of 850 X ^0,8 = 680 horsepower. For a

required horsepower of 680, the speed in horizontal flight would be 222

miles per hour at sea level.

Next, the value of C, for the propeller is calculated. It is a convenient

"speed-power coefficient" which is used in an equation not involving the

propeller diameter.

= 2.14 Vmph </-

°' (bhp)1'6 (Nrpm)116 P0

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For the conditions set forth:

c'= (^Zm^^^^ = °00008611F-*0

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For 222 miles per hour:

C. = 1.91.
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V/nD at point C is 1.18. Since V and n are known, the diameter of the

propeller, D, may be solved for as follows:

X 1 io (227 X 1.467)

nD (1634/60)2>'

where D = 10.35 feet (say, 10 feet, 6 inches). The blade angle at 75 per

cent of the radius is about 30 degrees.

The critical propeller-tip speed is about 1000 feet per second and it

should not be exceeded if serious reduction in propeller efficiency is to be

avoided. The critical propeller-tip speed, Vc, may be calculated from

the following formula: & - 6 lf"

v. - VC^r25)' + ^

For the propeller diameter just calculated Ve becomes equal to

- (1000^1634) 2 + (227 X 1.467)2 = 960 feet per second.

The propeller should, therefore, give excellent performance at sea-level

conditions. If best cruising speed is desired at another altitude, say that

to which the engine is supercharged, then the corresponding values of

brake horsepower and air density must be substituted in the equation

given for calculating the value of the power coefficient C,.

Figure XV-9 represents propeller characteristics when the propeller

is placed in front of a cowled radial engine located in the leading edge of a

moderately thick wing. These characteristics depend upon obstructions

in the propeller slipstream. If more accurate values for efficiency and

blade angles are desired, pertinent NACA reports should be consulted.

If a 2-bladed propeller has too large a diameter so that the tip speed is

too high, or there is insufficient ground clearance, or other factors prevail-

ing which make it necessary to choose a smaller diameter, a 3-bladed pro-

peller may be required.

For the conditions set forth, again assuming an initial efficiency of 80

per cent:

c- - (mi%w»*°^* = °000086Fp.

For 222 miles per hour:

C, = 1.91.

The corresponding maximum efficiency as found before was 86 per cent.

This efficiency is for a 2-bladed propeller whereas a 3-bladed propeller is

to be used, the maximum efficiency of which would be reduced from 86 to

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83 per cent, which is still higher than initially assumed.

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After successive trials, it is found that maximum speed is closer to 224

miles an hour, for which the value of C, = 1.92, and the propeller efficiency

for a 2-bladed propeller is about 86 per cent, or 83 per cent for a 3-bladed


For this value of C„ the corresponding V/nD, determined as before, is


V— _ 224 X 100467

nD ~ (1634/60)Z)'

/ evaluating D = 10.47 (say, 10 feet, 6 inches). The blade angle at 75

/ per cent of the radius is approximately 29.5 degrees. Again this value

\ is for a 2-bladed propeller since all values have been based upon those

) obtained from Figure XV-9, which is for a 2-bladed propeller. However,

i these same values may be used, and the diameter so found may be re-

duced 7 per cent to obtain the corresponding diameter of a 3-bladed

propeller, if pertinent data for a 3-bladed propeller is not at hand. The

diameter of the 3-bladed propeller is then 10.5 feet less 7 per cent, or 9 feet

1^ 9 inches, roughly.

Alternative Method of Determining Propeller Diameter. The diameter

required for the 2-bladed propeller may be calculated directly by means

of the formula:

propeller diameter

For the example cited:

The same formula may be used to calculate the 3-bladed propeller by

using only 70 per cent of the value for the brake horsepower in the formula.


Various empirical formulas may be devised, based on various parameters,

for the determination of propeller diameters. In all cases, D is the di-

ameter in feet, P is the rated horsepower, V is the maximum speed in

miles per hour, and N is the number of revolutions per minute of the


K = 67 for a two-bladed propeller,

K = 47 for a three-bladed propeller.

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_l I Z-i I I L

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

Airplane Mach number

Figure XV-10. Propellers for turboprop engines.

2. For a single- or twin-engine design:

2 blades.

3. For a 4-engine design:

3 blades.

40 0 ° = V(l^) (OTo) Xl^)'

2 or 3 blades.


Figure XV-11. Typical propeller-blade shapes for high-speed applications.

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100 h

Figure XV-12. Variation of the propulsive efficiency of a propeller with airplane

Mach number. Further reductions for the various Mach numbers may be expected due

to installation, number of blades, and other possible variations.

5. For horsepowers between 2,000 and 0,000:

K = 11.5 for 3-bladed propeller,

K = 9.5 for 4-bladed propeller,

K = 8.0 for G-bladed propeller.


For wooden propellers:

K = 48 for 2 blades,

K = 51 for 3 blades,

K = 49 for 4 blades.

For metal propellers:

K = (34 for 2 blades,

K = 01 for 3 blades,

X = 57 for 4 blades.

7. For horsepowers up to 3,000:

D = 480

2 or 3 blades.
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Table XV-4. Propeller data.










of blades



in inches








1. Wood





2. Wood





3. Al. Allov
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4. Wood






5. Wood





6. Wood &Plastic






7. Wood







Table XV-4. (Continued). Propeller data.










of blades



in inches








49. Al. Alloy






50. Steel


150 to 181



51. Al. Alloy

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114 to 180



52. Al. Alloy







53. Al. Alloy






54. Hollow Steel






55. Hollow Steel






The Power Plant

The power plant consists of the engine, propeller, starting system, cool-

ing system, fuel and oil systems, cowling, engine mount, and miscellaneous

accessories. Each item requires a considerable amount of design study, for

the ultimate success of the airplane depends upon the proper selection and

proper functioning of every part of the power plant.


Suppose an engine is to be selected. There are air-cooled and liquid-

cooled engines, either radial or in-line, or inverted in-line, or Vee, as well

as a few others. If the horsepower required is rather large, the elimination

of a few types may be possible since there may be engines having a partic-

ular cylinder arrangement that do not develop the required horsepower.

Again, the air-cooled type may be preferred to a liquid-cooled type due to

less complications in the installation since no cooling system is required

for the former, yet the liquid-cooled engine may be preferred for its lesser

frontal area or greater reliability. The line of demarcation in considering

the advantages between air-cooled and liquid-cooled engines may be fine,

and one cannot say arbitrarily that one engine is better than the other

until all the facts have been considered.

The different possible arrangements of engines are to be considered also,

so that a complete book instead of this short chapter could be written on

the power plant alone. The engines may be tractors or pushers; that is,

they may be placed with the propeller in front of the engine, meeting the

air before the engine; or the propeller may be placed behind the engine.

Such arrangements are sometimes desired for compactness and, as in the

case of tailless airplanes, to obtain a center of gravity location reasonably

far back and relative to the fuselage length.

There are also tandem arrangements, or combinations of tractor and

pusher arrangements. These are to be considered especially when the

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number of engines becomes so large that it may be desirable to concentrate

the engines as much as possible in order to reduce the length and complica-

tion of fuel, oil, and control lines.

The selection of the engine and the arrangement of a group of engines by

no means ends the problem, for even the best engine cannot function prop-

erly unless attention has been paid to proper installation of the cooling

system (whether it be the NACA cowl for air-cooled engines, or radiators

and pipe lines for liquid-cooled engines); to the correct installation of the

fuel and oil systems with special reference to the size of pipes or tubing; to

the location of pumps and relief valves; and, to the numerous little items

that go to make up the whole.

In the preceding paragraphs a brief survey of a few of the factors affect-

ing the power plant selection and design has been made. The following

material outlines the considerations to be taken into account in greater



.> To affect least the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing, it would be

desirable to locate the nacelle below the wing. To reduce torsional loads

imposed on the wing structure by the eccentric thrust-line position, it

would be desirable to locate the nacelle more or less with its axis in line

with the chord line. Usually, however, the governing condition for the

low-wing monoplane is the required propeller clearance with the ground.

For jet engines, the pod installation is preferred in this country. Since

the fuel is carried in the wing, the location of the jet pod below the wing

is a primary safety consideration. The torsional moment imposed on the

wing is desirable to offset the wash-out of the wing occurring at high

angles of attack and under accelerating conditions.

Unless the spar structure is cut away, the most rearward position usu-

ally possible is to have the engine as close to the front face of the front

spar as clearances for accessories will permit.


Considerable attention has been devoted to enclosing engines within

the wing structure or within the fuselage. The chief reason for wanting

to enclose the engine within the wing is aerodynamic. Although this

arrangement eliminates the engine nacelle, which interferes with the air-
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flow around the wing, there is still the possibility of increased resistance

caused by ducts within the wing. For the propeller-type engine, this
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increased resistance may be partially offset by extending the propeller

shaft. Then, the propeller may work more efficiently because it is not

operating directly in front of a thick body. Such extensions, however,

have inherent disadvantages such as increased weight and vibration.



Engines located within the fuselage permit the placing of the pilot ahead

of the engine, giving the best possible vision forward. It is also possible

to obtain a better structural arrangement and center of gravity location.

Adequate air intakes may be provided by means of ducts whose open-

ings are located just at the leading edge of the wing where their position

causes the least effect upon the aerodynamic qualities of the wing, espe-

cially at very high speeds.


Assuming that a certain horsepower is required for a given design, should

this horsepower be provided by one or more engines? Obviously, it is

simpler and cheaper to have only one engine since there is only one set of

controls, one engine mount; in short, one installation and all that it entails.

However, the one engine centrally located in the nose of the fuselage is a

source of undesirable noise, heat, and reduced vision. Moreover, in case

of engine failure due to any reason, the airplane must land immediately.

The other alternatives are two, three, or four engines, so that in case of

one engine quitting, the flight may be continued, provided that this is pos-

sible with the remaining engine or engines.

If flight is to be maintained with one engine in a twin-engine design,

there may be some penalty in allowable gross weight that the airplane

may carry because it is usually, although not always, difficult to maintain

rectilinear flight when the thrust vectors are not symmetrical and espe-

cially if the horsepower loading for the two engines is already initially

heavy. It may be possible to dump the fuel load in order to lighten the

load, but if the airplane is over rugged terrain it may not be advisable to

do so since the required landing might be dangerous if attempted immedi-

ately (as the loss of fuel would dictate).

The three-engine design, then, has the advantage over the twin-engine

design in such a case, since, with one engine not operating, it is usually still

possible to maintain rectilinear flight without loss of altitude with two

engines functioning. Moreover the power loading is increased only 50

per cent instead of 100 per cent.

The use of four or more engines may be necessary for large airplanes,

especially when the number of large capacity engines is limited.

Opposed to the safety factor of multi-engine design in possible engine

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failure it is to be remembered that multi-engines offer many more com-

plications and require at least one co-pilot, in addition to the chief pilot,
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to operate. In many cases, additional members are required in the crew

that is responsible for power plant operation.

In attempting to work out the best combination of engines from the

point of view of maintaining flight with one or more engines not operating,


it is possible to arrive at a mathematical analysis by means of the prob-

ability theory. If the probability of any engine failure is independent of

any other and is the same for every engine (as would be likely when the

engines have the same manufacturing and operating characteristics) then

the relative probability of 0, 1, 2 • • • failures is given by the successive

terms of the binomial

(5 + P)\

where p = the probability of a failure,

q — 1 — p, where q is the probability that this failure will not occur,

k = the number of engines involved.

The value of p may be assumed if no data are available, or may be based

upon existing flight data, and may then be calculated as follows:

/number of failures in annual number\ ,average j th of x

of miles flown H individual trips /

\ annual number of miles flown /

For example, if it is assumed that there were 10 single-engine failures in

1,000,000 miles flown and that the average trip length was 2,000 miles,

then from these data.

'= (imm)2'000 = 002'

q = l - p = l - 0.02 = 0.98.

An example will help to illustrate the calculation procedure and to inter-

pret the algebraic terms involved: for a three-engine airplane, expanding

(q + p)8 yields q* + Zq2j>1 + 3 g'p2 + P30 0 Each term of the expanded

binomial indicates the nonfailing and failing engine combination of the

three engines; for example, the exponent of q indicates the number of non-

failing engines of that combination and the exponent of p indicates the

number of failing engines in that combination. The term dqpp1 indicates

the number of failing and nonfailing combinations when any one of the

three engines may fail. The calculations for the three-engine design for

the values of p and q as determined, are tabulated in Table XVI-1.

Table XVI-1.


Term of binomial

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Number of possible en-

gine failures


Number of no engine



Evaluation of binomial

term (Probability of

number of no engine

failures indicated in

10,000 trips)

9,411.92 X 10-*

576.24 X 10—<

11.76 X lO—4

0.08 X 10-«


Table XVI-2. Probable number of chances of failing and nonfailing engines in

10,000 trips.

Number of engine failures

of engines



















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From the calculations of possible engine failures it is possible to estimate

the possible number of successful nights if the flight of the airplane can be

maintained and controlled with one or more engines not operating. Refer

to Table XVI-3.

Table XVI-3. Probable total number of successful nights* in 10,000 trips.

With the following number of engines not operating




These ratings may be for different altitudes for the same engine, depend-

ing upon the certain design characteristics.


Unless engines are specified in the original design specification, a study

of available engines should be made, keeping the following considerations

in mind for the propeller-type engine:


Horsepower range


Economy of fuel consump-


Supercharged or not super-




Economy of oil consumption


Critical altitudes of super-


Original cost

charged engine


Ease of maintenance


Normal revolutions per minute


Type of cylinder arrangement


Propeller gearing


Over-all dimensions


Weight per horsepower


Method of cooling
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Department of Commerce ap-






It is comparatively easy to determine the approximate maximum horse-

power required on the basis of horsepower loading and the estimated gross

weight of the airplane to be designed and built for the required horsepower

equals the ratio of gross weight to horsepower loading.

Some of the considerations listed may be difficult to ascertain, especially

for the student, and may be safely disregarded. It is well to keep these

various considerations in mind, however, for possible future use.

Similar considerations are applied in the selection of the jet-type engine.


In multi-engine design, the power plant is located in a nacelle attached

to the wing. The engine mount and engine cowling, installation of acces-

sories, and the like are the same as before. The nacelle construction is

similar to a shortened fuselage. The main attachment of the nacelle is to

the front spar, with bracing or supports going back to the rear spar.


The fuel consumption of an engine is one of the important criteria to

consider in engine selection. Just from simple considerations alone, it is

evident that the engine having the lowest fuel consumption would be the

desirable one to select. One of the useful formulas, the so-called Breguet

formula, may be used to indicate the importance of fuel consumption in

determining the range of an airplane. For the derivation of the formula

see page 36.

R (range in miles) = 863 If002 log,„ |P,

D c W,


where c = specific fuel consumption in pounds per brake horsepower

per hour.

Tj = propeller efficiency. (For pure jet-type engines, this term

disappears from the equation.)

L/D = lift-drag ratio of the complete airplane at speed V.

Wo = gross weight in pounds at start of flight.

We = W0 less oil and fuel weight.

For long ranges, it would be necessary to employ a step-by-step integra-

tion using successive values for Wo and We, in order to obtain more ac-

curate results.

It is not always possible to so coordinate the aerodynamic characteristics

of the airplane and the best operating efficiency of the power plant.

It should be noted that any appreciable change in the fuel consumption

has a greater effect than a change in propeller efficiency. Thus, choosing

an engine with a low fuel consumption is highly desirable and more ef-

fective than trying to improve the propeller efficiency. These observa-

tions apply to the non-propeller-type engine as well, as far as the fuel

consumption is concerned.

The engine-mount supports virtually the entire power plant in the usual

case, although for engines of very large horsepower, the engine mount

proper does not extend more than a few inches beyond the rearmost acces-

sory. It is a better engineering design to use tubular steel supports which

may be enclosed with a suitable cowling because of the necessity of gaining

access to various parts of the engine and its accessories.

Figure XVI-1. Engine mount for a radial engine of relatively low horsepower

capacity. The engine is attached to the ring by bolts through corresponding lugs on

engine mounting-plate and engine mount-ring.


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Figure XVI-2. An engine mount for large-horsepower radial engine. A detail of

the rubber-type vibration mount is shown on the right.

Tubular steel is used customarily for the entire mount whether the air-

plane is to be reinforced monocoque or not. The sizes of the members are

determined by stress analysis, although lj^-in. or lj^-in. outside diameter

tubing for engines of horsepower between 500 to 1500 may be used for

preliminary design until a stress analysis has been made.

The engine mount should be so constructed that the entire power plant,

including the oil-system cowling and manifold, may be readily detached

for replacement.

Figure XVI-3. Additional details of rubber mounts located at the points of attach-

ment of engine mount to the firewall frame station.

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Figure XVI-8. A series of wind-tunnel tests on engine cowlings (see NACA TR

662) indicate that arrangement (2) is better than (1); (4) is better than (3).

6. It is important that the fire bulkhead fit closely to the cowling all

around the section of the fuselage.


1. The type of cowl developed by the NACA for radial engines has met

with general favor by the industry. In designing the contours of any type

of engine cowling, special care should be exercised to avoid all abruptness

or reversal in curvature. A well-rounded contour will help effectively in

reducing parasite resistance. (See Figures XVI-8 and XVI-9.)

(8) (9)

Figure XVI-9. Tests indicated the exit slot of the cowling was too close to the

wing in (5), (7) was an improvement over the cowl in (6), and (9) was better than (8).

(See NACA TR 662.)

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Figure XVI-10. A few governing dimensions are given in this illustration. Dimen-

sion A — 1 inch, B — 3 inches, C = 75 per cent of engine diameter (although 65% of

engine diameter may be permissible), D = 2 inches, and E = }4 inch.

2. The correct proportioning of the engine cowls depends much upon

the particular engine, engine nacelle, past experience, likely operating

conditions, etc.

3. Engine cowling should be fastened to the mount, and not to the

fuselage, and in such a fashion that the major portion may be removed in

a few minutes for maintenance, inspection, and minor repairs. Refer to

Figures XVI-10, XVI-11, and XVI-12.

4. The cowling may be made of aluminum alloy 450, 2S or 52S, vary-

ing in thickness from 0.032 to 0.050 with the larger thickness usually re-

Figure XVI-12. This attachment of

Figure XVI-11. Attachment of engine cowling permits adjustment in

cowling to engine crankcase by means flight that may be necessary to keep cowl-

of a vibration mount whose cross sec- ing in alignment and to reduce excessive

tion is shown. stresses.

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served for the cowl ring proper and the smaller, or some intermediate thick-

ness, for the rest of the cowling.

5. The engine cowling should be suitably ventilated to prevent accu-

mulation of gases. Refer to Figure XVI-13.

Figure XVI-13. A typical cooling system for a horizontally opposed engine with

a wet sump oiling system.

6. All cowling around the power plant and on the engine side of the

firewall should be made of metal and so designed that any accumulations

of dirt, waste, or fuel may be observed without complete removal of the


7. The cowling must fit tightly to the firewall, but openings may be

provided if the airplane surface within 15 inches is protected with metal

or other suitable material.

8. Unless small units of the cowling may be removed easily for inspec-

tion and repair purposes, it is desirable to provide properly secured, small

access doors in the cowling at suitable points.

9. The cowling should be completely drained in all attitudes of flight

and on the ground, with separate drains provided for the parts of the fuel

system liable to leakage.

10. All drains should be so located as to prevent fuel or oil from dripping

onto the exhaust manifold or any parts of the aircraft, or permeating any

cellular material.

11. Carburetor air intakes must open entirely outside of the cowling,

unless the emergence of back-fire flames is positively prevented. The air

intakes should be suitably drained.

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The exhaust manifold carries the exhaust gases of the cylinders to some

point outside of the power-plant section. Usually it is circular in cross

Figure XVI-14. A typical exhaust and induction system for a downdraft radial


section and, since the volume of exhaust gases increases as the number of

cylinders are added, it becomes necessary to vary the cross section of the

exhaust manifold so that the product of velocity times the pressure remains


An empirical formula for the design of exhaust manifold is given by

A = (0.04) (P) |,

where A = minimum cross-sectional area required for the section under


P = maximum engine horsepower at which the engine may be


n = number of cylinders exhausting into the manifold up to the

section under consideration, and

AT = total number of engine cylinders.

The number of outlets varies; there may be one or two. It is possible also

to have individual outlets which are comparatively short but are0 0 also dan-

gerous because the hot exhaust gases are not carried far enough away.

Manifolds with a single right-hand outlet with all gas flowing in a counter-

clockwise direction (that is, opposite to the engines firing order) are also

used in the belief that back pressures are reduced.

The following considerations enter into the design and installation of

the exhaust manifolds:

1. The exhaust manifolds, stacks, or collectors preferably should be

made of interchangeable sections, usually of 18-8 corrosion resisting steel

(Iconel) or carbon steel. The wall thicknesses vary from 0.035 to 0.049
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inch with the greater thickness reserved for high-powered engines, partic-

ularly those using high-octane fuel.

2. The diameters of the manifolds vary from 2 to 4 inches, and may be

bent with an inside radius as small as 2 diameters, although a larger radius

is customarily used for ease in fabrication as well as to reduce undesired

back pressures. The cross-sectional area of the exhaust manifolds should

gradually increase until the cross section at the last cylinder is at least 50

per cent of the total exhaust-port area of the particular engine for which

the manifold is being designed.

3. The "downwind" clearance of the open end of the exhaust pipe should

be at least 4 feet. Any exhaust pipe which is not exposed to the outside

air should be either water- or air-cooled by a special cooling system sur-

rounding the unexposed pipe.

4. The exhaust pipe should be kept at least 3 inches away from any in-

flammable part of the airplane, and the exhaust end should be at least 5

inches away from any inflammable part.

5. Expansion joints should be provided for and such joints should be

capable of articulation to a certain degree to permit changes not only in

length but also in angle of alignment due to expansion.

6. Gases should be discharged clear of the airplane structure so that

they will not blow back on the carburetor air intake, the pilot or passen-

gers, nor cause a glare ahead of the pilot at night.


Engine performance depends greatly upon the carburetor air-induction

system, especially those using the pressure-type carburetor. These often

incorporate a 90-degree elbow relatively close to the entrance flange of the


Figure XVI-15. Governing dimensions for an air scoop. The figure on the left

shows an example of poor scoop design; the one on the right an improved scoop design.
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Figure XVI-15 indicates both poor and good scoop design. The dimen-

sions may be obtained from the following information:

1. The length L of the straight portion of the pipe should be as long as

practical up to 4 diameters.

2. The radius r should be a minimum, preferably not over % inch and

may even be sharp.

3. The radius R should be as large as possible, up to such a value that

R/D = 2 when r is greater than % inch.

4. The ratio of W/D should approach 6 as the upper limit, although

generally it is more practical to keep W equal to the width of the carburetor

flange. When the length L is comparatively short, good distribution can

be obtained by introducing vanes in the elbow to direct the flow.


The fuel system consists of tanks, piping exterior to the engine, pumps

not integral with the engine, strainers, gauges, pipe fittings, and valves

and cocks.

The primer is operated from the instrument panel board in the pilot's

cockpit. A shut-off cock is located in the primer line.

For starting the flow of fuel, it is necessary to use the hand or "wobble"

pump which should be as far below the fuel tank as possible so that it is

flooded at all times. As soon as the engine is started, the engine-driven

gear pump will continue the pumping of fuel. The hand or wobble pump

is so arranged that fuel will flow through it even when it is not being oper-

ated. If its location is at some distance from the cockpit it may be oper-

ated through a suitable linkage system to a crank near at hand to the pilot.

The engine-driven gear pump has a by-pass so that, in case of failure,

the hand or wobble pump becomes the emergency pump and will force the

fuel past the gear pump through the by-pass.

In case the pump supplies the fuel at a greater pressure than the car-

buretors are designed to take, the adjustable relief valve permits the fuel

to flow back into the tank.

All tanks must be vented in order to prevent partial vacuums from form-

ing since these may reduce or prevent proper fuel flow. This vent is usu-

ally located at the topmost point, usually the filler unit of the gasoline tank.

A strainer must be included in any fuel line and is usually located at the
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lowest possible point in the line and in a place where it is easily accessible;

for, the strainer collects the water, grit, and dirt which may have collected
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in the fuel system even with the best of precautions.

The three-port, two-way cock is operated from the cockpit.

A pressure gauge is used in all fuel systems in order to indicate constantly

the pressure in the fuel lines just ahead of the carburetors. If the pressure


should fall below a predetermined value it is usually a sure sign of danger

—either the line is clogged or the fuel has given out.


1. If a mechanical pump is used, an emergency hand pump is also re-


2. Hand pumps may be used for pumping fuel from an auxiliary to a

main tank.

3. The hand or wobble pump should be placed at least 50 per cent be-

low the top of the main fuel supply. In some cases, it may be desirable

to place it as far below the fuel system as the design will permit. Opera-

tion of the pumps may be done from the cockpit by means of a suitable

push-pull operating system.

4. The hand-operated pump must be so installed as to be operated

readily from the cockpit without requiring any opening of valves or cocks

in the system.


1. Fuel tanks should be capable of withstanding an internal test pres-

sure of ZYi pounds per square inch without failure or leakage. Fuel tanks

that have a maximum fuel depth greater than 2 feet should be investigated

for the pressure developed during the maximum applied acceleration with

full tanks.

2. No fuel tank may be closer to the engine than the remote side of the


3. Surfaces of the tank or tanks should be so ventilated that the fuel

fumes cannot accumulate in case of leakage. At least inch of air space

should be allowed between the tank and the firewall.

4. Each tank must be suitably vented from the top portion of the air

space. Such air vents should be arranged so as to minimize the possibility

of stoppage by ice formation.

5. If two or more tanks have their outlets interconnected, the air space

in the tanks should also be interconnected. This will prevent the flow of

fuel between tanks that is often caused by differences in pressure at air

vents of each tank of sufficient magnitude.

6. Where large fuel tanks are used, the size of the vent tubes should be

so proportioned as to permit rapid changes in internal air pressure,

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thereby preventing collapse of the tanks in a steep glide or dive.

7. Each fuel tank should be provided with a pump and a drain located
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at the lowest point when the airplane is in the normal position on the

ground. The main fuel supply shall not be drawn from the bottom of this

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shut-off cocks, and strainers. Typical oil systems are shown in Figures

XVI-16 and XVI-17.


1. The oil capacity of the system should be at least 1 gallon for every

16 gallons of fuel but should not be less than the minimum specified for

safe operation of engine. Commercial operators use the formula: oil re-

quired equals 10 gallons plus 1 gallon of oil for every 20 gallons of fuel.

2. The oil tank should allow for at least 10 per cent volume over that

required for the oil alone to provide for expansion space.

3. Oil tanks must be capable of withstanding an internal test pressure

of 5 pounds per square inch without failure or leakage.

4. Oil tanks are made of the same materials as those used for the fuel

tanks—2S, 3S, or 52S aluminum alloy with wall thicknesses varying from

0.040 to 0.065 inch.


The following discussion offers a number of design considerations

applicable to all turboprop-engine installations and gives an insight into

similar problems for other jet engines.

The induction system for the turboprop engine should be designed to

obtain the most uniform pressure distribution possible and the maximum

pressure recovery possible at the inlet to the compressor. Engine power

output and fuel consumption are affected by both of these factors, and

engine performance will suffer if the inlet distribution is poor, or the

pressure recovery is low.

Induction System Configuration

There are a number of general induction system arrangements which

may be considered for the turboprop engine. The more common ones are:

1. Hollow or ducted spinner arrangement, Figure XVI-18A.

2. Conventional cowl with a conventional spinner installed over the

propeller hub to provide an annular nose inlet, Figures XVI-18B, C,

and D.

3. Undercowl scoop and plenum chamber, Figure XVI-18E.

Design Considerations

1. Hollow or Ducted Spinner. The ducted spinner is believed to be the

best inlet design for the turboprop engine as far as internal airflow and
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aerodynamic characteristics are concerned. Pressure recoveries of over

95 per cent and very uniform inlet pressure distributions have been ob-
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tained in wind-tunnel and flight tests with ducted spinner configurations

designed specifically for the engine.

1 Information presented in this section is based upon material in the Installation

Handbook for the PTSG Turboprop Engine, by permission of Pratt and PPhitney Aircraft.

See text for

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discussion. (Courtesy Pratt and Whitney Aircraft.) •

Figure XVI-18A, B, C, D, and E. Air inlets for turboprop engines.


The ducted spinner has some disadvantages, however, which must be

considered. It is necessarily heavier than most of the other designs and

may be difficult to maintain in service. Also, suitable spinner de-icing

systems must be developed for this design. The decision as to whether

to use the ducted spinner for a given installation should be made by weigh-

ing the engine performance gains which will be obtained against the me-

chanical difficulties which may be encountered.

2. Conventional Propeller Spinner. The conventional propeller spinner

configuration is not as good as the ducted spinner from an airflow and

pressure recovery standpoint. It is usually considered to be mechanically

superior, however, because it" is lighter, simpler to construct and main-

tain, and easier to de-ice. The pressure recoveries which can be achieved

with a conventional spinner arrangement will vary, depending upon such

design factors as: the spinner contour; the propeller cuff thickness; the

width of the gap between the spinner surface and the bottom of the pro-

peller cuff; the distance from the trailing edge of the propeller cuff to the

cowl'inlet; and the ratio of the area at the cowl inlet to the area at the

compressor inlet. Wind-tunnel tests indicate that recoveries as high as

85 to 90% of the dynamic pressure can be obtained with a good design.

(a) Spinner Contour. A large percentage of the pressure losses which

occur ahead of the cowl inlet with a conventional propeller spinner occur

as the air flows through the propeller shanks or propeller cuffs. These

losses may be appreciably increased if a serious adverse pressure gradient

is encountered in the region of the propeller cuffs or if any serious separa-

tion occurs at the surface of the spinner. For this reason, care should be

taken to choose a spinner design which will make provision for the preven-

tion of these disturbing conditions. Wind-tunnel design information

(such as that supplied by the NACA or similar agencies) should be utilized

in choosing the spinner shape to help insure that the desired spinner con-

tour is satisfactory in this respect.

There are three principle spinner configurations which may be con-


(1) The conical design, Figure XVI-18B.

(2) The elliptical or streamline designs such as those recommended by

the NACA, Figure XVI-18C. .

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(3) The modified conical spinner with the shortened and rounded nose,

Figure XVI-18D.
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For high-speed subsonic airplane applications, it is essential that the

cowl, spinner, and propeller shanks be designed for high critical Mach

numbers. In this respect, it is necessary to keep local velocities over the

spinner and propeller cuff platforms as low as possible.

From an aerodynamic standpoint, the conical-type spinner is slightly



better in certain respects than the streamline or elliptical spinner. The

principal advantages of the conical spinner are that (1) it can be operated

with somewhat lower cowl inlet-velocity ratios than the elliptical spinner

before serious separation occurs, and (2) the design of the conical spinner

is somewhat less critical than the elliptical type.

The elliptical or streamline spinner is usually preferred, however, since

it is difficult to design a conical spinner that will clear the propeller hub

without detracting from some other feature. Experience indicates that

when a conical design is used, in order to avoid interference with the

propeller hub, it is generally necessary to use either a low cone angle and

make the spinner quite long, or a high cone angle and make the cowl

diameter large. It is possible to avoid this difficulty by using a modified

conical spinner consisting of a low-cone-angle conical spinner cut short at

some point forward of the propeller blades and fitted with a rounded nose.

Limited wind-tunnel tests indicated that some loss in pressure recovery

will result from the nose of a conical spinner being shortened and rounded;

but these tests were very limited, and it is possible that this loss could be

avoided with an improved design. Any modified conical spinner design

should be based on wind-tunnel tests to be sure that the rounded nose

does not cause separation.

Wind-tunnel experience indicates that there is little difference in the

pressure recoveries obtained with streamline- and conical-type spinners

throughout most of the operating range, providing the contour of the

streamline spinner is properly chosen for the conditions involved. The

recoveries obtained with the streamline spinner will be low, however, if

the contour permits separation. Whatever the spinner contour chosen,

it is recommended that the design be based on wind-tunnel information,

and that the final design be checked by wind-tunnel tests whenever


(b) Inlet-Velocity Ratio. For any given cowl and spinner design,

there is an optimum inlet-velocity ratio, Vi/v0 (ratio of velocity at cowl

inlet to airplane velocity), at which maximum pressure recovery will be

obtained at the engine inlet. When the inlet-velocity ratio is increased

above the optimum, the inlet-duct losses increase, and the pressure re-

covery decreases. When the inlet-velocity ratio is decreased below the

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optimum, the diffusion and separation losses ahead of the inlet increase,

causing a decrease in pressure recovery at the engine inlet. In working

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out the inlet design, it is necessary to investigate the inlet-velocity ratios

at which the inlet will operate under all important flight conditions, and

to choose the inlet area and cowl and spinner design so as to obtain the

best possible performance compromise for the various operating condi-

tions. It is usually considered desirable to design the inlet for maximum

pressure recovery at the high-speed or normal-cruise condition (which-



ever is more important for the particular airplane involved) and to accept

some loss at climb conditions.

For any given design there is usually a critical inlet-velocity ratio below

which separation losses ahead of the inlet become quite severe and pres-

sure recoveries become relatively low. Care should be taken to design

the system in such a manner that this critical inlet-velocity range is not

encountered at any flight condition.

The engine air-consumption data needed to compute inlet-velocity ratios

may be obtained from the engine performance curves.

In designing the spinner inlet configuration for the engine, the following

points should be noted.

1. Wind-tunnel tests have shown that the optimum cone angle for a

conical spinner is about 40 degrees. This angle is not unduly critical and

may be varied plus or minus 10 to 15 degrees with only small losses in


2. When a conical spinner is used, the cone should be continued all the

way into the cowl inlet. The surface should not be curved ahead of the

cowl inlet as separation may occur and pressure recoveries will be reduced.

3. Pressure recovery is decreased as the propeller cuff or shank thick-

ness ratio is increased, particularly at high-speed conditions. The pro-

peller shank or cuff should be made as thin as practicable.

4. Round propeller shanks ahead of the cowl inlet are undesirable.

Pressure recoveries at critical Mach numbers will be lower with round

shanks than with faired shanks. Cuffs or fairings should be used.

5. The gap which is required between the spinner surface and the lower

edge of the propeller cuff to permit the blade to turn through its normal

pitch range has an adverse effect on pressure recovery which may become

quite serious when large gaps are used at high speeds. These adverse

effects may be minimized by attaching short fixed cuff sections to the

spinner surface to move the junction between the fixed and movable

portions of the propeller blades radially outward away from the boundary

layer area so that the wake from the junction does not enter the cowl

inlet under any design condition. Tests indicate that this allows good

pressure recoveries to be obtained even at relatively high air speeds.

For best results, the clearance gap between the platform and the base of
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the propeller blade should be kept as small as possible.

6. Whenever possible, the cowl inlet area should be as large as or slightly

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larger than the engine inlet area, i.e., a constant area or contracting duct

should be used between the cowl and engine inlets. A diffusing duct

should be avoided, as duct losses tend to be greater with diffusing systems.

For some applications, it may be necessary to make the cowl inlet smaller


than the engine inlet in order to keep inlet velocity ratios within the de-

sired range under high-speed conditions. Where this is necessary, good

diffuser design practice should be followed in this duct.

3. Undercowl Scoop and Plenum Chamber. There has been no experi-

ence with the undercowl scoop and plenum chamber type of induction

system with the engine. In general, it is believed that this type of system

would not be very satisfactory for this engine because the distance be-

tween the propeller and engine inlet is too short to permit a good duct

configuration, and, as a result, there are high internal losses. The inlet

flow conditions should be good with this design since the air which enters

the inlet does not flow through the propeller shanks, but it is difficult to

obtain good internal flow with this type of system.

Inlet Losses during Ground Operation

In designing an inlet for the turboprop induction system, care should

be taken to design the cowl lips to avoid separation and excessive inlet

losses during static ground operation. For some applications, it may be

difficult to design a cowl lip which will be satisfactory for both static and

high-speed operation. Static ground losses are important and should not

be overlooked since the power available for take-off will be reduced if

these losses are excessive. Present indications are that this problem is

not serious with good ducted-spinner or good conventional-spinner con-


Engine Inlet Anti-Icing Provision

In order to prevent icing of the engine air inlet section, provisions are

made for bleeding compressor discharge air through passages in the com-

pressor inlet guide vanes and the four upper air inlet struts. The two

lower inlet struts are not subject to icing since oil circulates through

these during engine operation.

When icing conditions are anticipated, the anti-icing valve, located in

the bleed duct at the right of the compressor section, should be opened to

permit flow from the compressor discharge. The rate of flow is limited

to the amount sufficient for anti-icing purposes. The four anti-icing

air-discharge ports are located at the outer ends of the four air inlet

case struts.

Anti-Icing Water Runback into Engine Inlet

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In considering an operative engine in flight icing conditions with engine

and airplane anti-icing system in operation, attention must be given to the

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likelihood of a small amount of water runback into the engine inlet.

Engine testing on this has been confined to simulated icing conditions at

low temperatures of about 10° to 15° F. Results of such tests indicated



that no ice formation was evident on the inlet-passage outer wall between

struts or from struts aft to the inlet guide vanes; this was with engines

being run with no cowling. With an actual installation in an airplane,

some additional heat from within the nacelle will be available to this

outer wall. Anti-ice heat in engine struts and inlet guide vanes easily

prevented any buildup at these points. There was evidence of consider-

able heat transfer from the hot air and oil in struts to case areas between

and aft of the struts. Anti-icing of the inner passage wall was satis-

factory with transfer of heat from the propeller reduction gearing.

Simulated icing in these tests utilized a very high water-air concentra-

tion and, as noted above, no ice buildup was experienced. This con-

centration was considered to be greater than that which might be experi-

enced in actual flying during a rain at freezing temperatures, when the

ice accretion rate is at one of its highest values.

The aircraft manufacturer must take the responsibility for providing

anti-icing systems for the spinner, cowl, propeller equipment struts, and

propeller. De-icing systems wherein the ice is alternately allowed to

build up to a certain degree and then broken off should not be used for

these components since some of the ice particles may enter the engine

inlet and cause damage to the compressor blades.


The advent of the various types of jet engines requiring such enormous

amounts of air has increased the importance of the design of the induction

systems. Not only have important gains been made in obtaining good

ram recovery, but there has also been a marked impact on the amount

of drag (in relation to the entire design) that may be accepted.

Airplanes powered with jet engines obviously require well-coordinated

and integrated aerodynamic, thermodynamic, and structural designs.

From an aerodynamic standpoint, an ideal induction system would

deliver air to the jet engine:

1. Without reduction in available energy;

2. Without increasing the over-all aerodynamic resistance of the air-

craft and so detracting from the high-speed characteristics of the airplane;

3. Without interfering with a uniform air distribution at the point of

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The induction system performance may be adversely affected by any

or all of the following factors:

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1. Separation of the airflow over the duct lips, due to stalling, through

a relatively wide range of angles of attack;

2. Local induced velocities approaching critical Mach numbers;

3. Thickening of the boundary layer, leading to an inherent total pres-



sure loss (a positive pressure gradient ahead of the inlet and continuing

throughout the length of the diffuser will result in an increasing thickness

of the boundary layer and may induce separation along the duct walls);

4. Changes in the direction of flow throughout the system;

5. Non-uniform flow, or cross-flow, or alternate pulsating flow caused

by more than one duct feeding into the system;

6. Unusual conditions leading to increased skin friction.

Inlets may be classified as:

1. Nose inlets, located in the nose of a fuselage or power plant, pod, or


2. Wing inlets, located along the leading edge of the wing, usually at

the root for single-engine installations;

3. Annular inlets, encircling, in whole or in part, the fuselage or power

plant, pod, or nacelle;

4. Scoop inlets, which project beyond the immediate surface of the

fuselage or nacelle;

5. Flush inlets, which are recessed in the side of a fuselage or nacelle.

For supersonic induction systems, additional classification may be

made, such as:

1. The external compression type, using either a ramp or a conical


2. The internal compression type, employing either the so-called two-

dimensional or three-dimensional design.

The amount of air required for a jet power plant will he specified for

the engine and is a function of the amount of fuel consumed as well as

the amount of cooling air required.

For aircraft speeds up to about sonic, the air velocity in the induction

system varies from three tenths to nine tenths of the aircraft speed or

Vi _ air scoop inlet velocity ^

V„ airplane velocity

This ratio is known as the inlet-velocity ratio, and for preliminary design

purposes may be assumed to be about 0.5. For fighter aircraft, the ratio

is between 0.6 and 0.7.

To determine the quantity of air by volume required, the following

relationships are helpful:

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V -Q

where Vi = air scoop inlet velocity, ft/sec,

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Q = induction airflow, cu ft/sec,

A = air scoop inlet area, sq ft.



where Q



, cu ft/sec,

W = induction airflow, lb/sec,

p = inlet air density, slugs/cu ft,

g = acceleration of gravity, 32.2 ft/sec2.

W may be estimated from the following approximate air-consumption

values for the non-jet reciprocating type engines:

7.0 to 7.2 lb of air per horsepower hour for best economy mix-


6.1 to 0.8 lb of air per horsepower hour for best power mixtures,

G.6 to 7.0 lb of air per horsepower hour for rich best power


For the jet-type engine, the specific air consumption can be calculated

on the basis of the air-fuel ratio, which for complete combustion is about

15 to 1 by weight. The total weight of air required for combustion can

then be calculated:

where e is the specific fuel consumption (SFC) per pound of thrust or

equivalent shaft horsepower (eshp), as specified by the manufacturer.

It is given either as lbs/lb of thrust/hr or lbs/eshp/hr, depending upon

the type of engine used.

Some comments should be made on various types of air inlets for turbo-

jet engine installations in aircraft operating at less than supersonic speeds

in order to indicate the extent of the engineering compromises that have

to be made.

The Wing-Root Inlet

Advantages claimed for this type of installation are:

1. Excellent energy recoveries may be obtained through a satisfactory

range of angles of attack.

2. The critical Mach number for the inlet can be made as high as for

the wing.

3. Boundary-layer removal can be accomplished relatively easily.

4. The fuselage remains uncluttered by ducts and therefore allows

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greater room for radar and cockpit installations.

5. There is practically no form drag added to the airplane.

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W = 15(e) (T or P),

W = total weight of air in pounds required per hour,

T = thrust rating of jet engine,

P = eshp of the turboprop engine.



Figure XVI-19. The wing-root inlet.

Some of the unfavorable aspects of this type of installation are:

1. The wing structure is quite complicated, especially since the wing-

root section is a critical structural design problem even without ducts.

2. Unless engines are installed in the wing root, resulting bends in the

duct may lead to high energy losses.

3. Retraction space for the landing gear may be made less available

by the presence of the ducts.

Nose Inlet in the Fuselage or Nacelle

The apparent favorable features of this type are:

1. It is free of boundary layer effects.

2. Except for large angles of attack, there are few flow complications.

3. Excellent energy recoveries are possible.

4. High critical Mach numbers may be obtained.

5. It is considered an optimum design insofar as inlet aerodynamic

characteristics are concerned.

6. It is ideal for nacelle installation, especially when nacelles are below

the wing.

The disadvantages of this type of installation are:

1. The duct system may be excessively long.

2. The duct system may be of an undesirable shape.

3. The design may lead to excessive weight.

4. The design may lead to structural complications.

5. If it is used in the nose of a fuselage, vision is restricted since a more

aft location of the cockpit and wider nose of fuselage are usually required.

6. Radar equipment cannot be located in the fuselage.

The Nacelle or Pod-Type Installation

1. It is ideal, but there is more drag for the nacelle.

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Figure XVI-20. Nose inlet in fuselage or nacelle. The nacelle or pod installation

is favored for multi-engine designs because it is considered less of a fire hazard, and

also keeps the exhaust heat away from the wing structure.

Figure XVI-21. The annular inlet. Such inlets may extend circumferentially only

partially or entirely around the fuselage.

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2. Wing-nacelle interference is more difficult to change than air in-

duction, and therefore other means of introducing air may be better.

3. It makes it difficult to achieve high critical Mach numbers.

4. Angle of attack effects.2

The total pressure distribution at the inlet of the engine is usually very uniform with

a pod-type installation under normal level flight conditions. However, the distance

from the inlet to the engine is usually so short that disturbances generated at the inlet

by high angle of attack or yaw operation are not damped out before they reach the

engine, and relatively large disturbances can occur at high angles of attack. As a

general rule airplanes which use pod-type installations are not normally designed to

operate at extreme angles of attack so this problem may not be serious. However, in

designing pod installation it should be recognized that pressure distributions at the

engine inlet can be affected seriously by high angle of attack operation.

Every effort should be made to be sure that pressure distribution is satisfactory up

to the maximum angle at which the airplane will operate during maneuvers. The

adverse effect of angle of attack on inlet distribution can be reduced by using relatively

thick lips on the lower part of the inlet although this may be objectionable on high speed

aircraft because of drag penalties. In some cases it may be necessary to compromise

on lip design, even where some drag penalty is involved, in order to insure satisfactory

power plant operation during maneuver conditions.

The adverse effect of angle of attack on pressure distribution at the engine inlet also

can be minimized by making the distance from the cowl inlet to the face of the engine

long enough to permit distrubances created at the inlet to be damped out before reaching

the engine.

The Annular Inlet

Here, the advantages, especially when compared with the nose type, are:

1. Good energy recoveries are possible.

2. A high critical Mach number for the inlet may be achieved.

3. The boundary layer offers little trouble.

4. Visibility may be better than for the nose inlet.

5. Placement of equipment in the nose of the fuselage is not inter-

fered with.

The disadvantages considered are:

1. The design may lead to long and complicated duct configurations.

2. There are certain structural penalties.

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3. More aerodynamic drag usually results.

4. Rearward location along the fuselage may be critical.

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The External Scoop

The apparent advantages are:

1. May produce the lightest design.

2. May least affect internal arrangements and structure.

3. May be desirable for installations where speeds below transonic are

likely to be encountered.

2 Quoted from Pratt & Whitney JT3 Installation Handbook.


Figure XVI-22. The external scoop. Such a scoop may also be located on top or

bottom of the wing surface for multi-engine designs.

4. Can be located outside of the boundary layer of the structure to

which it may be attached.

The disadvantages encountered are:

1. An increase in form drag,

2. A relatively low critical Mach number.

3. Due to the changes in bends, high duct losses may be expected.

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Figure XVI-23. The flush inlet. In order to suck away the boundary layer ahead

of the main inlet, a small secondary inlet is used, as shown in the schematic sketch in

Figure B.

The Flush Inlet

If properly installed, it may have these advantages:

1. Relatively low weight.

2. Structural simplicity.

3. Low form drag.

4. Relatively straightforward ducts.

The disadvantages are due primarily to:

1. Location in a region of thickened boundary layer, necessitating some

boundary layer control, or

2. Location outside of the normal air stream so that duct bends may

lead to energy losses and lower critical Mach numbers.

Matching the air inlet system of the airframe to the turbo-jet engine

requirements presents a more difficult problem as speeds move into the

supersonic region. Some of the problems encountered are:

1. Need for high inlet pressure recovery.

2. Undesirable flow instability at Mach numbers over 1.5.

3. Flow pattern distortions caused by the forward part of the induc-

tion system.

4. Duct rumble due to flow separation ahead of side inlets at low air

flows, separation at inlet lips at high angles of attack.

5. Excessive spillage.

6. Reasonable efficiency of airflow and energy recovery over a relatively

small portion of the operating range.

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Research is still progressing in this area, and the following are some of

the suggestions which have been offered:

1. A freely rotating blade can be installed, under certain conditions, to

improve severe velocity gradients in an annulus at the compressor face.

The rotating blade transfers energy from regions of high axial velocity to

those where the velocity is low.

2. Screens placed across the inlet also are effective in reducing dis-

tortion, but the relatively large energy losses may make screens a last-

resort method for solving the problem.

3. A diffuser, when followed by a section producing a rapid accelera-

tion, reduces the distortion at the compressor face. Effectiveness appears

Table XVI-4. Representative reciprocating engines.






Ratio of

No. of
















to horse-
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Horiz. Op.







Horiz. Op.







Horiz. Op.







Table XVI-5. Representative gas turbine (jet) engines.


Fuel con-




thrust, in





























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Jet engines with thrusts up to 25,000 lbs or more are available.

to depend partly upon the mixing process, although it involves energy.

In addition to the diffusion process, losses and space available for a dif-

fuser are usually limited.

4. A relatively straight cylindrical section of the duct, when placed

ahead of the compressor face, results in suitable mixing in the duct, thus

reducing distortion. Here again, space limitation is a factor in the

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The rocket does not depend upon the surrounding air for its operation,

but carries its own, usually as a component of an unstable compound or

as a readily releasable element of a compound. The burned fuel pro-

duces high-velocity exhaust, producing thrust which increases with alti-

tude. It is considered the most effective of the extremely long-range and

high-altitude power plants.

For aircraft, it is used for the additional power required to take off

(and called "Rato," for Rocket-assisted take-off), as well as for other

short-duration booster requirements. As higher speeds are desired, the

limitations on high speed, all other factors being equal, may be the take-off

speed and take-off run, since there is a definite relationship for any given

design between the take-off speed and the high speed. Additional power

at take-off would be one way of decreasing the take-off distance and

attaining the necessary take-off speed in a very short space of time.

For each additional 1000 pounds of thrust at 60 miles per hour, there is

an additional 160 horsepower available for take-off. This is equivalent to

more than 200 brake horsepower for a propeller-operated aircraft, when

it is considered that the propeller efficiency is of the order of 80%.

There are two types of rocket—one using a solid propellant, the other a

liquid propellant.

The solid-propellant type rocket is simple in construction and operation.

A solid fuel is contained in a steel bottle having an igniter such as black

powder for the pyrotechnic agent that furnishes hot gases and solid

particles to cause the solid fuel or propellant to ignite. The combustion

then proceeds at a controlled rate, governed by the area of the exposed

burning surface and the nozzle throat. The nozzle is used to control the

proper working pressure and to provide the rate of expansion of the hot

exhaust gases to the atmosphere.

This type of rocket is simple in construction since it has no moving

mechanical parts, but once in operation, it cannot be throttled or shut off

when desired.

The liquid-fuel rocket motor is more efficient but more complex in its

construction and operation. Two fuel systems are used—the mono-

propellant and the multipropellant.

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A monopropellant, such as nitromethane or hydrogen peroxide, is in-

jected into the combustion chamber. These fuels are unstable, hard to
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handle, and have relatively low performance characteristics.

In the multipropellant system, an oxidant and a fuel react in a com-

bustion chamber. For repeated operations, hyperbolic or self-igniting

liquids are preferred—such as hydrogen peroxide with a calcium per-

manganate catalyst, or red fuming nitric acid with aniline. Non-hyper-

bolic fuel systems are liquid oxygen and alcohol, or gasoline and an acid.
Design of the Wing


Qln spite of its seeming simplicity, the wing of an airplane requires the y

most careful study in its design for it is the vital part of the airplane which

contributes to the lift. ) A slight change in any one of the factors affecting

the wing design is so critical that only one slight difference in two other-

wise identical designs would be apparent. These differences might be in

performance, such as the top speed, or landing speed, or in the rate of

climb. Again, there might be differences in stability00—one might be more

stable longitudinally, directionally, or laterally; or there might be differ-

ences in maneuverability.

Pilots who fly externally braced biplanes will attest to the fact that rig-

ging the wings differently by tightening lift wires or adjusting struts often

will change an otherwise beautifully maneuverable airplane to one that is

"logy." The change of rigging may have altered the angle of incidence

of the wings, and therefore the decalage, so that entirely different charac-

teristics of the combination are obtained.

From the foregoing statements, it should be apparent that it is not the

wing alone that should be considered but its relationship to the rest of the

airplane in combination with the fuselage and tail surfaces.

The aerodynamicist is concerned with the ultimate performance of the

airplane in flight, and therefore he is particularly interested in the aero-

dynamic characteristics of the wing. The structural designer of the wing

is concerned with the design of a structure that can meet the aerody-

namicist's requirements as well as withstand the loads imposed upon it.

It is therefore important to consider some general design aspects before

any specific structural details are studied.

The wing is essentially a beam that is subjected to shear, bending, and

torsion imposed upon it by aerodynamic and inertia loads. Figures

XVII-1 and XVII-2 indicate typical spanwise loadings and moments

imposed on the wing by the normal and chord components of these forces.

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CN, Ce, or

Figure XVII-1. Reference diagram for the development of equations for bending

and torsional moments for a typical wing.

In Figure XVII-1,


AF„ = qCN

AF„ = q




if dx = 1 inch, and represents the load at any station x inches from the

tip of the wing. Similarly,


AFC = qCc

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AMac = qCmaCz2

in inch-pounds.

The spanwise loads AFn, and AFC cause shears and bending or torsional

moments which may be expressed as follows for any station n:

y=n v=n y=n

y=i=o y=i=o y=i=o

y~n y=n y=n

y=i=o y=i=o y=i=o

y=n y=n

Mz = ^(AFn)y = ^ ^CNCyydy;

y=i=o y=t = o

y-n y=n

M, = ^(AFc)y = j^^CcCvydy;

y=t=o y=i=o

y=n y=n

y=i=o y=i=o

Due to sweepback, the normal forces cause a torsional moment which

may be expressed as follows:

MJ = — ^\ &Fnxin = — AF„yin tan A = -Mx tan A.

|f—i—o y=t=o

Due to dihedral, the chord forces cause a torsional moment which may

be expressed as:

y-n y=n

» = ^AFCZ<„ =^^AFcyin tan r = M, tanr.

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z or normal axis

Figure XVII-2. Representation of shears and moments, shown as positive, at any

spanwise station of the wing. The aerodynamic center is taken as the point of origin

of the system of axes shown. The subscripts of the moments are determined by the

designation of the axis about which the individual moment acts.

In Figure XVII-2, M,' is the total of all these torsional moments or:

M,' = M„ + MJ + Mac", or

M/ = Mac - Mx tan A + M, tan V,

for the configuration shown. Similar formulas may be derived for the

inertia load components.

It should be noted that the bending moments Mx and Mz are inde-

pendent of sweepback, dihedral, or the locus of the aerodynamic or elastic

centers of the wing.

The bending stress caused by the moments Mx and Mz at any station

may be found from the formula:

, (MJ„ - MJZ\ (M.I„ - MJ.\

fb = { u. - ij )x + { uu -1j ) *.

For purposes of subsequent discussion, let it be assumed that Mz is

insignificant with respect to Mx (which is usually the case, as can be seen

by comparing the numerical value of Cc with CV), and that the principal

axes of the cross section of the beam are known. Then, the above formula

becomes the simple bending formula:

t - Mxz

f" = —f

In a complex beam, such as the wing structure presents,

Ix = I0 + pLAz? = -£Az?,
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Chord line

-Original or real location of skin



Figure XVII-3. (A) shows the principal components of a wing structure. (B)

represents the equivalent wing structure where the solid line segments represent the

shear elements and the solid circles the bending elements required to resist the transverse

and torsional shear and the bending moments.

from which it may be noted that all the longitudinal stringers, as well as

the chord members of the spars, will contribute to the strength of the

wing. The skin, if suitably supported so as to be able to sustain com-

pressive stresses, can be very effective in adding to the beam strength.

Figure XVII-3 gives a typical representation of the structural elements

important in the design of a suitable wing.

The torsional moments are likely to be quite severe for a swept-back

wing. If the wing has a negative dihedral, then the torsional moments

are all of the same sign and therefore of considerable magnitude. The

wing envelope must sustain these torsional moments.

In general, the bending and torsional moments are the design deter

minants for the wing structure.



The first three-view, the preliminary weight estimate, and the arrange-

ment of the balance diagram are the necessary steps in furnishing the data

for the type of wing for the position relative to the fuselage, and for its

size. The preliminary three-view has more or less set the shape of the

wing and determined whether it is to be a monoplane, a full cantilever or

an externally braced wing, or, for example, a biplane with wings of differ-

ent proportions.

The preliminary weight estimate is instrumental in determining the

approximate wing area needed, so that with at least this established, it

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becomes a comparatively easy matter to select a suitable aspect ratio and

thus be able to fix the governing dimensions of span, chord, and taper.

The balance diagram is necessary to locate the wing relative to the cen-

ter of gravity; otherwise, difficulty might be experienced later in obtaining

suitable static longitudinal stability.

The wing planform may be changed considerably owing to certain re-

quirements of landing-gear retraction, flap attachments, and the like.

Suppose it is desired to retract the landing gear straight inboard towards

the fuselage without the necessity of swinging it back first and then in-

board in order to retract the gear fully into the wing without interfering

with the front spar? Such retraction requires that the root portion of

the wing be somewhat forward of the leading edge of the mean geometric

chord; or, in other words, the wing should have the leading edge swept

back so that the root chord will come forward along the fuselage. The

reason for this is that there are two original conditions that must be met

by the wing and the landing gear. (The wing, for example, should be placed

so that the 25 per cent point of the mean geometric chord falls directly

under the center of gravity. ^^The landing gear, if a rear tail-wheel type

is used, on the other hand, must be placed at a certain angle ahead of the

center of gravity to prevent nosing over] These conditions for the wing

and landing gear must be kept, and, unfortunately, these conditions may

play havoc with original ideas of wing planform and simple landing-gear


The incorporation of flaps and ailerons often affects wing planform.

For simpler operating mechanisms, it may be desirable to have the hinge

lines perpendicular to the plane of symmetry of the airplane, or perhaps it

may be desirable to have a constant chord flap whose spanwise axis is per-

pendicular to the plane of symmetry. Both of these more or less arbitrary

conditions will affect the ultimate planform of the wing. It is a good plan,

therefore, to list at first all the various ideas that the designer wants to

incorporate, and then, perhaps, make preliminary sketches of possible

solutions to determine whether the various ideas are compatible.

Before the design of the wmg may be begun it is necessary to study

various features which affect its final design. The more important fea-

tures are considered here although it is impossible to point out all the pos-
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sible effects of miscellaneous items such as landing lights, engine nacelles,

landing gear, and fuel tanks.

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Since the wing design has to allow for so many factors—planform, spar

and stringer location, landing-gear attachment and retraction, power plant,

ailerons, flaps, and a host of others—it is desirable to make preliminary

studies to make sure that every design feature has been properly in-


corporated. The following suggestions may be followed to advantage.

The instructions are for a two-spar wing and may be modified for any

other type of design.


1. Draw planform of wing with the necessary dimensions, to scale, to

satisfy aspect ratio, area, and sweepback.

2. Determine the mean geometric chord and check that the relation

of the wing to the fuselage is such that the center of gravity lies in the

lateral plane perpendicular to the mean geometric chord at the mean

aerodynamic center.

3. Locate the front spar at a constant percentage of the chord, from

root to tip. The front spar is located at between 12 to 17 per cent of the

chord. Note that the constant percentage line of the chord is not parallel

to the leading edge of the wing. Indicate the spar location by its center


4. Locate the rear spar similarly. The rear spar is located at from 65

to 75% of the chord—usually 70% to accommodate a 25 per cent chord


Neither the front nor rear spar need extend to the extreme wing tip,

since the extreme wing-tip structure is inherently rigid and capable of

transmitting tip loads to the spars and adjacent structure.

5. Mark out the aileron. The leading edge of the aileron may be

parallel to the rear spar centerline. If the rear spar is located at 70 per

cent of the chord, then the aileron chord cannot exceed about 27 per cent

of the chord, since some allowance must be made for rear spar width,

aileron gap, and the like.

6. If a flap is used for a lift-increase device, it may extend the entire

distance inboard of the aileron. Here some additional study may be

necessary if a considerable flap area is desired. In that case, the aileron

chord might be increased, even if such an aileron has some adverse charac-

teristics. Increasing the aileron chord may necessitate moving the rear

spar slightly forward to give sufficient clearances. The flap chord is

usually less than the aileron chord—perhaps 15 to 20% of the wing chord.

A false spar, needed to support the flap hinges, may have to be added to

the wing structure.

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7. The wing rib spacing may be spotted in next. There are certainly

likely to be ribs located at each aileron and flap hinge (unless a piano-type
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hinge is possible). The aileron must have at least three hinges for sup-

port. The rib-spacing distance is determined from panel-size considera-

tions, to which reference should be made. Some adjustments in the rib

spacings may be desirable to get hinge-rib locations to coincide with the

rib stations. Reinforced ribs are also called for for engine-mount attach-

ments, landing-gear-member attachments, and fuel-tank supports. Also,



such ribs may suggest relocations of the other ribs in order to obtain a

more pleasing pattern.

8. Spanwise stringers may be located. These may be placed parallel

to each other or at constant percentages of the wing chord. These span-

wise stringers are not normally carried out to the tip, but are rather

discontinued at intervals inboard of the tip so that fewer and fewer stringers

are left from the mid-span outboard.

9. The main elements of the wing structure have now been located. If

the layout is considered satisfactory, other details may now be added.

Some of them may cause reconsideration of the structure locally. For

example, the well for the retraction of the landing gear may necessitate

some re-design.

10. The layout outlined above is shown primarily in outline form by

means of centerlines, with subsidiary sketches showing structural details.

Until the stress analysis is completed, such dimensions as thicknesses,

limiting dimensions, and the like should be omitted. After the stress

analysis is completed, a more detailed drawing is possible.

Before the structural layout has progressed too far, it may be wise to

check on the effect of the spar and spanwise stringer location on the

fuselage structure. If the front spar necessitates the installation of a

double frame just where the pilot has to be provided with the best vision,

it may be wise to relocate the spar, or even change the wing planform.

If the wing fuel tanks interfere with the landing-gear retraction, some

re-design considerations are in order.

In considering the wing layout, it is necessary to keep the requirements

of the fuselage, the power plant, and the landing gear constantly in mind.


The center of gravity of the complete airplane is placed, usually, at the

maximum forward position of the center of pressure on the mean aero-

dynamic chord in order to get the desired stability.

The mean aerodynamic chord is difficult to determine unless the pressure

distribution for the wing being designed is definitely known. Moreover,

the pressure distribution varies with the angle of attack. It is customary,

therefore, to use the mean geometric chord of the wing instead.

The mean aerodynamic chord, or the mean geometric chord, is deter-

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mined for only one-half of the wing, either up to the side of the fuselage

for a wing whose center portion is blanketed by the fuselage, or up to the

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plane of symmetry as in the case of a parasol monoplane.

The mean geometric chord of a rectangular wing is located just halfway

out along the semispan out from the fuselage.

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Figure XVII-6. Geometric determination of the mean geometric chord for a simple

trapezoidal wing.

If the tip of the wing is tapered or rounded off, an equivalent semispan

can be determined such that the area included in the equivalent semispan

is equal to the area excluded.

A geometrical method for finding the mean geometric chord of a trape-

zoidal planform wing is shown in Figure XVII-6.

The length of the mean geometric chord may also be calculated by

means of the formula:

The distance out from the side of the fuselage or plane of symmetry may

be calculated from

_ b (C + 2CQ

X ~ 3 (C + CO'

where b is the dimension as shown in Figure XVII-5, and the distance in

rear of the leading edge of the root chord

_ yi (C + 2d)

y ~ 3 (C + Ci)"
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When the wing is made up of a rectangular and a tapered portion, the

procedure is to

1. Determine the mean geometric chord of the trapezoidal and the

rectangular section separately.

\ r* yn



—r <o




Figure XVII-7. Geometric determination of the mean geometric chord for a com-

bined rectangular and trapezoidal planform. If the wing is elliptical in planform, an

equivalent trapezoid may be used.

2. If the area of the rectangle is A, and the trapezoid A2 then the mean

geometric chord of the combination is

„ _ CR At + Ci A,

t2~ Al + A2'

Its distance from the mean geometric chord of the rectangular section is

If the root section is not rectangular, the method is similar.

The mean aerodynamic chord may be determined also by the elemental

strip method. The location of the chord out from the side of the fuselage

or plane of symmetry may be expressed mathematically:

fCixds _ fCixCdx _ 2(CixC)

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fddS fCiCdx 2(C,C)'

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h X -|

Figure XVII-8. Reference diagram for mathematical calculation of the mean aero-

dynamic chord.

The integration is best done mathematically by choosing an elemental

strip of width dx = unity. If the airfoil used is the same from root to tip,

and the angle of incidence of each strip is the same, Cl will cancel in the

numerator and the denominator. C is the chord at the distance x from

the reference plane.


The taper ratio of wings varies greatly, depending upon the speed range,

span, aspect ratio and other similar parameters. For structural con-

siderations, it should be obvious that if no other factors need to be con-

sidered, a triangular planform assuming a uniform lift distribution per

square foot from root to tip would cause less bending moment at the root

than a rectangular wing of equal area. A triangular planform has an

aspect ratio of 26/C, where b is the span and C is the chord at the longi-

tudinal plane of symmetry; its geometric chord is equal to 2/3 C. To

obtain good performance for subsonic airplanes, an aspect ratio of at

least 6 is to be expected. Thus the result here would be a root chord of

one third the span—an unusually large chord at the root which brings

into its wake several problems of structural arrangement control and

stability. Certainly, in the conventional airplane using the conventional

horizontal and vertical tail surface arrangements, the aircraft would be-

come unusually large.

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Leading edge of wing

perpendicular to plane

of symmetry.

Trailing edge perpendicular to

plane of symmetry.

Front spar perpendicular

to plane of symmetry

Locus of aerodynamic centers

perpendicular to plane of


Rear spar perpendicular to

plane of symmetry

Figure XVII-9. Variation in wing planforms due to specified initial conditions.

Figure XVII-10. A wing planform employing two different angles of sweepback to

reduce the effect of tip stall.

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Figure XVII-11. A double delta-wing design for obtaining optimum relative posi-

tions of the aerodynamic center and the center of gravity. Inner delta incorporates air

duct for jet engines. A low thickness ratio can be employed for the outer delta. In

spite of the low aspect ratio and small thickness ratio, the delta wing, because of its large

root chord, offers a relatively large volume and depth for ducts, structure, and retraction

of landing gear.

J Ideally, the wing planform should be planned so as to give an elliptical

1 lift distribution at subsonic speeds. All other things being equal, an

elliptical planform would therefore be in order. However, because of the

structural problems presented by such a planform, it is seldom used, except

for some fabric-covered wings. The closest compromise to the elliptical

planform for aerodynamic reasons, and to the triangular planform for

structural reasons is, then, the trapezoidal planform.

Figure XVII-12. Three planforms of wings with pronounced sweepback.

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Typical taper ratios of root chord to tip chord are 2 to 1, 3 to 1, and

3 to 2, with intermediate values. Rectangular planforms are also in the


To help solve some of the different aerodynamic problems posed by very

high-speed aircraft, triangular planforms and inverse taper ratios have

been proposed and used. Some of these are discussed under "Sweepback."

Some unusual planforms are illustrated in this chapter. See also Figures

XVII-9, 10, 11, 12.


For aircraft operating at high subsonic speeds, the use of the sweepback

in the planform of the wing is favored in order to increase the critical

Mach number of the wing. Since the thickness ratio t/C is measured for

the section parallel to the plane of symmetry, it can be made smaller.

If, for example, a rectangular wing planform of chord C and thickness t

were swept back an angle A, the apparent thickness ratio, instead of t/C,

would now be </(C/cos A) or t cos A/C. For a tapered wing planform,

the apparent thickness ratio would be even less. Therefore, by sweeping

the wing back, the critical Mach number—which is a function of the

thickness ratio—can be increased, while still maintaining a reasonable

thickness or depth for structural considerations.

However, unless steps are taken in the design of the wing, a highly

swept-back wing is liable to experience tip-stalling effects. As the angle

Figure XVII-13. Suggested design limits for aspect-ratio determination based upon

effect of sweepback angle on tip-stall tendencies.

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of attack of the swept-back wing is increased, the wing will stall at the

tips first, thereby reducing the lift at the tips. Since the lift on the swept-

back tip has a large moment arm from the center of gravity, the pitching

moment is materially reduced so that a "pitch-up" occurs, increasing the

angle of attack still further. In addition to stalling the entire wing, the

tip of the wing losing the lift first will drop, and a spiral dive will ensue.

Sweeping the wing back produces two aerodynamic results. For the

ordinary non-swept wing, the pressure distribution spanwise drops off

towards the tip, whereas for the swept wing, the reverse is true. The

increased pressure distribution indicates that the lift coefficient is greater

at the tip than inboard, and therefore the tip of the wing will stall before

the inboard section.

Concomitant with the pressure distribution, there is an outflow from

the longitudinal plane of symmetry or a drift of the boundary layer to-

wards the tip that tends to further complicate the problem of lift dis-


The tip-stalling tendency seems to be more pronounced with high-

aspect-ratio wings than with low. Figure XVII-13 presents some design


Various compromises are incorporated in the wing design to ameliorate

the tip-stall tendency. Such compromises may include (1) low aspect

ratio with large angle of sweepback, which leads to poor performance, (2)

wing fences on the top wing surface to reduce or prevent the outflow of

the boundary layer, (3) wash-out of the wirig tip, (4) choice of special

airfoils, (5) design of wing-fuselage combinations to promote stalling of

the wing near the root rather than at the tip, and (6) special planforms

and aero-elastic designs such as the inversely-tapered planforms, the

"crescent" wing and the "isoclinic" wing, and the "cranked" wing.

Figure XVII-14. A variable-sweep wing would employ a normal, partially-swept

configuration for low subsonic-speed operations and a more swept-back version for higher

speeds. The aerodynamic center of the mean geometric chord would be used as the

approximate pivot point. A root cuff to accommodate the various positions of the wing

would be used to streamline the section. A complicated spar mechanism would have

to be constructed to permit variable sweep and to sustain the loads imposed upon the

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Figure XVII-15. A wing planform incorporating reversed taper as well as sweep-


To obtain better control, stability, and performance throughout the

flight range, designs have incorporated a variable sweep, making it possible

to attain anything from a wing planform with no sweepback to a planform

with the maximum sweepback. This compensates for shifts in center of

gravity and presents the optimum configuration for performance through-

out the flight regime. A forward position is desirable for take-offs and

landings, while a rearward position is best for high-speed flight. Figure

XVII-14 is a schematic illustration of the variable swept-back wing.

Figure XVII-15 demonstrates that an inversely-tapered wing counter-

acts the reduction in lift distribution spanwise by committing more area

Figure XVII-16. The "crescent" wing.

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Locus of aerodynamic centers

Locus of elastic centers of beam

of high torsional rigidity

Locus of elastic centers of /

beam of low torsional A

Figure XVII-17. The "aero-isoclinic" wing.

to the tip section and by increasing the chord length at the tip to increase

the Reynold's number for a better lift coefficient. The distribution of

the lift farther outboard and the decreased depth of structure at the root

do involve some structural penalties. With the inversely-tapered wing,

there is less fuselage-wing interference at the root.

Figure XVII-16 illustrates the "crescent" design developed in England.

It employs three sections having different sweepback angles: 50° at the

leading edge for the root section; 40° for the middle section; 30° for the

tip section. The wash-out due to bending in the middle section is offset

by the wash-in due to torsion caused by the loads on the tip section. Be-

cause of the smaller sweep of the tip section, the possibility of aileron

reversal is minimized, since the torsion of that section alone is less.

Figure XVII-17, shows the so-called "aero-isoclinic" wing. It is similar

to the "crescent" wing except that the different sections of the wing

incorporate varying degrees of torsional rigidity in order to counteract

or reduce the wash-out effects produced by the torsional moments imposed

upon the wing due to sweepback and particularly tip-stalls.

Figure XVII-18. A "cranked" wing design proposed to counteract effects of "tip-

stall" and consequent "pitch-ups."

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Effect of Wing Sweepback

Some discussion of sweepback has already taken place in considering

effective dihedral. In general, it may be said that sweeping of the wing

back decreases the maneuverability of the airplane since aileron control

is impaired and the damping moments in roll are impaired.

The effects of wing and fuselage mass distributions, wing loading, and

wing incidence and sweepback are increasingly important for high-speed

airplanes approaching or exceeding sonic speeds. They are also impor-

tant, although to a lesser degree, for lower-speed airplanes.


The amount of dihedral that must be given to a wing must ultimately

be determined by wind-tunnel tests.

A wing equipped with flaps will probably require more dihedral than

one without since the span is relatively shorter for the former than for the

latter. However, it is not a question of lateral stability alone but of the

relation of lateral to directional stability as well.

It is customary to give at least 3 degrees up to as much as 6 degrees

dihedral to the wing. This may be given to the entire wing from the

fuselage outward or from the stub wing outward. Again, in the latter

case more dihedral would be required than for the former case.

It is difficult to determine what the effective dihedral is for a wing ta-

pered in planform and thickness. The angle measured between the plane,

passed through the mean aerodynamic chord and parallel to the locus of

the aerodynamic centers of the airfoils, and the horizontal plane, will give

the accepted value.

In Figure XVII-19, (A) illustrates a negative dihedral angle often used

to counteract the effect of a high degree of sweepback. Some airplanes

Figure XVII-19. Various configurations showing dihedral. The angles have been

exaggerated in magnitude to show contrast. The dihedral angle is measured between

the horizontal plane and a plane through the locus of the aerodynamic centers of the

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show this droop appearance because of the aerodynamic twist of the wing

rather than the dihedral. The usual negative dihedral varies from 3

to 6 degrees.

(B) combines a negative dihedral for the root section and a positive

dihedral for the tip section. Such an arrangement may be employed to

obtain shorter landing-gear members or sufficient clearance for a nose

propeller. The positive angle of the dihedral in such a design is greater

than in a wing that is entirely at a dihedral angle. This serves both to

counteract the negative dihedral and to provide sufficient effectiveness for

the smaller portion of the wing affected. The positive dihedral would

vary from 5 to 10 degrees, depending upon the conditions involved.

(C) shows no provision for dihedral for the root section, but greater

dihedral for the tip section. Such a design might be employed to obtain

suitable space in the root section for landing-gear retraction or cargo,

fuel, or several of these.

(D) represents the dihedral angle applied to the full wing span. The

angle varies from 3 to 8 degrees.


For high-speed designs whose maximum speeds are approaching the

velocity of sound, extreme sweepback is used to obtain lower effective

Mach numbers, as noted in Chapter III. The extreme sweepback of the

wings has necessitated a decrease in built-in dihedral so that in some cases

negative dihedral is required. The incorporation of a negative dihedral

gives the front view of an airplane a "droop wing" effect.

/ The dihedral for a conventional airplane improves the lateral stability

since in an asymmetrical gust, the airplane is rolled over into a sideslip

with the descending wing operating at a higher angle of attack, and there-

fore, greater lift than the ascending wing. The effectiveness of the dihe-

dral for a given airplane is measured by the rate of change of the rolling-

moment coefficient with the angle of sideslip.

When the wing is swept back, the effective dihedral increases rapidly

with change in the lift coefficient of the wing so that the effectiveness is

excessive. To decrease this, negative dihedral has to be employed in

combination with large sweepback angles. The combination results in

practically no effective dihedral at low angles of attack or high-speed flight

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and reasonably effective dihedral at high angles of attack or low speed, or

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The effect on directional stability of the airplane (measured by the rate

of change with angle of sideslip) of increased negative dihedral is improved

with increasing angle of attack, while practically no effect is obtained on

directional stability by increasing positive dihedral when the wing incor-

porates sweepback.


Moreover, as far as pitching moments are concerned, increasing positive

dihedral with swept-back wings tends towards longitudinal instability,

while increasing the negative dihedral with a swept-back wing tends to

increase the longitudinal stability.


Theoretically, an airplane designed for high speed should have its wing

set at such an angle to the fuselage that the combination will give the least

possible drag. This setting is difficult to determine without wind-tunnel

tests, due to unknown interference effects.

.^fa good compromise is to set the wing at an angle to the longitudinal axis

of the fuselage corresponding to the angle at which minimum drag occurs.

Other considerations may be the deciding factors such as flap clearance

in the deflected position, or the inconvenient ground angle for the fuselage

when in the three-point landing position. The former case usually requires

a smaller fixed angle of wing setting while the latter requires a larger angle

of incidence.

To obtain a desired lift distribution of the wing especially near the tip

where premature stalling is undesirable, as well as to change the stalling

characteristics of different sections, the various airfoil sections are given

different angles of incidence which result in the so-called aerodynamic

twist. Formerly, wash-in and wash-out was resorted to for the wing-tip

section only, but it is now customary to study every section along the

wing and to develop the change of angles of incidence carefully so that cer-

tain specific results may be obtained.

A wing is said to have zero aerodynamic twist when the zero lift lines

of all airfoils from the root of the wing outboard are parallel.

High-speed aircraft require low drag of the wing-fuselage combination,

especially at cruising speed at high altitude, with the result that the angle

of incidence of the wing with relation to the fuselage axis is relatively large.

The resulting angle happens to be useful in simplifying the landing-gear

design since the fuselage ground angle is reduced as well.

However, the large angle of incidence of the wing causes the airplane

fuselage to fly "nose-down" at high speeds. This negative inclination of

the fuselage tends to reduce the damping of oscillations resulting from a

sideslip, while the reverse is true when the inclination of the fuselage is
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positive. The difference in the fuselage axis and the wing chord axis

causes coupling of inertia forces in such a manner that a rolling accelera-

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tion produces a yawing moment and a yawing moment produces a rolling


For high-speed flight at high altitude, the thin wings have a relatively

larger angle of attack than might be expected for the subsonic designs.

In order to reduce the over-all drag of the wing and the fuselage, the wing


is set at a relatively larger angle of incidence to the fuselage so that at

high speeds the combination will present the optimum configuration.

The angle of incidence is dependent upon the airfoil chosen and the aspect

ratio of the wing. Whereas for subsonic designs, the angle of incidence

of the root chord to the wing is of the order of 1, 2, or 3 degrees, for tran-

sonic and supersonic designs, the angle of incidence is about twice those



For high rates of climb and high service ceiling, relatively low wing

loadings (W/S) are required, especially for the subsonic range.

If no lift-increase device is employed, the limitations on the wing load-

> ing are (1) the maximum lift coefficient obtainable, and (2) the permissible

landing speed, which is likely to be about the same as the stalling speed.

The personal or small executive airplane is likely to dispense with lift-

increase devices because of the additional cost and the reduction in the

margin left for cargo and pay load. These aircraft are likely to have

wing loadings between 10 and 18 pounds per square foot.

For commercial airplanes, high speed—if any one performance charac-

teristic can be singled out—is probably the determining factor in design.

Assuming the power or thrust is available, then in order to achieve the

high speed, relatively high wing loadings are necessary. Thus, for this

class of airplanes, one may expect to find wing loadings of from 18 to 80

pounds per square foot. To obtain reasonable landing speeds, lift-

increase devices—most of which are more commonly known as wing

brakes—have to be incorporated into the wing design.

Military airplanes in the predominantly high-speed category are not

necessarily limited in landing speeds—certainly not to speeds of the order

of magnitude of 65 to miles per hour. To obtain high top speeds, it is

also necessary to raise the landing speeds. Here, the wing loadings are

likely to be exceptionally high—although lift-increase devices will prob-

ably not be used—so that values between 45 and 70 pounds per square

foot are to be expected. Wing loadings up to 150 pounds per square

foot are not uncommon.


Aspect ratios for wings operating at subsonic speeds vary from 6 to 12,
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) with the higher aspect ratio usually indicated for turboprop-powered

aircraft operating at high altitudes. In order to make large aircraft

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economical, relatively high wing loadings are required, resulting in rela-

tively small wetted surface for the lifting surface as compared with the

fuselage and engine nacelles. To offset the larger proportion of the

parasitic drag, the induced drag can be materially reduced by incorpora-



tion of the high aspect ratio. Increasing the aspect ratio from 6 to 12

cuts the induced drag in half. A better lift over drag ratio (L/D) for the

complete airplane may be expected throughout the entire flying range,

and therefore better performance is a result.

For the personal or private business airplane, aspect ratios between 5

and 8 are common.

Aspect ratios for high-speed airplanes operating at transonic or greater

speeds vary with the designs. Some idea of the selection of the aspect

ratio may be obtained from Figure XVII-13 which indicates the relation-

ship between aspect ratio and sweepback angle. Based on data for

American transport airplanes, with gross weights between 5,000 and

150,000 pounds and operating at wing loadings between 18 and 80 pounds

per square foot, the aspect ratios vary between 6.5 and 12, with the higher

aspect ratios for the higher wing loadings. The following linear relation-

ship gives a reasonable approximation:

For speeds between 500 and 650 miles per hour, foreign fighter airplanes

have aspect ratios ranging between 4 and 7 for wing loadings between

44 and 72 pounds per square foot. The relationship between them may

be expressed as:

^ = 10.4 AR.

For aircraft operating at speeds between 400 and 800 mph, the follow-

ing empirical formula based on thrust loading seems reasonable:

AR = 3 + 1.175 ~


In considering the relative suitability of an airfoil for locating the front

and rear spars of a two-spar system, the thickness ratios at various sta-

tions along the chord with reference to the maximum thickness ratio

may be examined.


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/ « bds,

where d/2 is the distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber of

the section under consideration, where in this case d is the depth of the

airfoil at station under consideration,


f ~L

h d2

A "measure" may be devised by obtaining the ratio of d2 at any station

to the value of d2 for the maximum thickness of the airfoil.

Table XVII-1. Data calculated for a few representative airfoils.













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A discussion of various wing-fuselage configurations has been given in

Chapter II, Types of Airplanes. There is also some discussion of this

subject in Chapter XXI, The Fuselage. Every configuration has certain

advantages and disadvantages which the designer must evaluate.

In the delta-wing designs, the fuselage becomes an integral portion of

the wing structure over the entire root-chord length since a multi-spar

design is usually employed. Moreover, due to the length of the root

chord, the depth of the wing becomes appreciable and easily accommodates

the fuselage requirements.


Since the wing (considered as a structural unit) is essentially a beam,

different solutions are theoretically possible for a suitable internal struc-

ture. Figure XVII-20 presents a number of these likely solutions, ar-

ranged in order of increasing complexity of configuration.

Figure A may be used for high-speed aircraft employing relatively thin

wings. Its advantages are:

1. Distribution of material as far away from the neutral axis as possible.

2. May be tapered in cross section span wise, either through milling to

the proper thicknesses or through building up of excessive layers properly

bonded to each other.

3. Especially suitable for lifting surfaces having no attachments or

movable control surfaces.

The disadvantages may be listed as:

1. Difficulty in disposing control rods, cables, and the like in the interior.

2. High weight, which may be attributed to the small depth available,

since this type of construction would probably not be utilized for deeper

wing sections.

Figure B is a modification of Figure A. The spanwise stiffeners are

integrally incorporated with the skin. This type of construction may be

utilized for deeper wing sections where the skin may be somewhat less,

but may need spanwise support.

Figure C is a design long considered. Variations of it have been used,

particularly for gliders.

Its advantages are:

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1. The vertical shear-web spar may be located at the chord station of

greatest depth rather than at a station of less depth and may therefore
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sustain the bending moment most efficiently.

2. The torsional moment may be taken care of by the wing envelope.

3. The number of individual units is small.


Figure XVII-20. Different methods of wing construction.

The disadvantages of the type of construction shown in Figure C may be

enumerated as:

1. The addition of aileron and flaps necessitate a supporting spar which,

for optimum design, might as well work in conjunction with the main

spar. Thus, the ultimate design of this type of structure would lead to a

two-spar structure.

2. The wing envelope has to be attached to the fuselage side in order to

avoid transferring torsional moments to the spar, which, unless it is itself

of box construction, would be an inefficient torsional member. The skin

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is of no benefit in carrying the wing bending moment. There may be

handling difficulties with thin skins.

3. The skin may form wrinkles when the spar bends and thus present a

poor aerodynamic form.

4. The skin is of no benefit for sustaining any bending moments, and

may therefore be a contributor of inefficient material leading to excess


Figure D is a two-spar or multi-rib design with the chordwise ribs spaced

relatively close together. There are no spanwise stringers or stiffeners,

and the skin is subject to torsional stresses only.

The favorable aspects of this structural configuration are:

1. No stringer cut-outs in ribs, thereby reducing fabrication difficulties

and the number of individual parts.

2. Minimum thicknesses, and therefore minimum weight of the sheet


3. Minimum weight penalty for cut-outs because the skin is less highly

stressed than in other forms of construction where it has to withstand

both shear and compression or shear and tension stresses.

4. Simplicity of construction of a two-spar system with load concentra-

tion in the spar chords leads to simpler fittings, whether for attachment

to the fuselage or a wing folding joint, or for landing-gear attachments.

There are some disadvantages, such as:

1. Relatively smaller effective depth for the spars, which are usually

located at about 15% and 70% of the chord.

2. Closer rib spacing is needed to carry the air loads into the spars

which are the main bending moment resistant members.

3. Undesirable wrinkling between ribs, leading to poor aerodynamic


4. Possible handling difficulties with thin skin unless the skin thickness

is increased to enable it to carry some compressive stress.

Figure E illustrates one of the more popular types of construction used

in reinforced monocoque designs. Its advantages are:

1. Utilization of the skin in bending as well as in torsion.

2. Readily available means for resisting wrinkling or buckling of the

skin by supporting it in smaller panel sizes.

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3. Relatively fewer ribs or formers and correspondingly fewer fabrica-

tion difficulties.
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4. Greater opportunity for distributing stresses caused by cut-outs,

attachments, and local loads.

5. Rugged construction leading to easy maintenance and handling.

No structure is without some attendant disadvantages. For Figure

E, these are:


1. Tie-in with fuselage structure offers difficulties.

2. More riveting and bolting required than for other types.

Figure F depicts a multi-spar type which has these advantages:

1. Unusually rugged construction suitable for rather large aircraft.

2. Relative ease in taking care of cut-outs, attachments, and the like.

3. Possible "fail-safe" design since a local failure can be completely


4. Wing deflections are less than for any other type shown.

5. Wrinkling of skin is minimized.

6. Number of former ribs may be reduced.

Among the disadvantages are:

1. More fabrication.

2. Less accessibility to the interior due to greater compartmentization.

3. Possible greater structural weight due to inefficient use of material.

The final structure of the wing is dependent upon its final arrangement

on the location of the aileron, the flap, the fuel tanks, the retractable land-

ing gear, and any other items peculiar to the particular design.

Figure XVII-21. A cutaway sketch showing one type of metal wing construction.

In order to save weight, tapering of the wing cover as a function of the

loading must be considered for the thin wings operating at transonic or

supersonic speeds. Some of the recent designs have had thicknesses of

1% inches and more at the root section. For missile designs, such wing

covers may be cast from a magnesium alloy. However cast wing covers

are not used for manned aircraft receiving repeated use, primarily because

of the relatively low strength characteristics and relatively poor resistance

to vibration.
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Figure XVII-24. The "tension-field" spar on the left, or modifications thereof,

are in common use. The one on the right shows a "shear-type" spar with lightening

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the action of the limit load, the spar or beam would be considered a normal

shear-resistant beam; if allowed to buckle, it would be considered a ten-

sion-field beam. A pure tension-field beam is difficult to obtain, and

most airplane-spars fall in the semi-tension-field category.

Since the dimensions of a spar obviously depend upon the loads im-

posed and the depth of the wing available, it is difficult to give many

guiding dimensions. However in general, a tension-field beam would have

a shear web made of sheet material at least 0.025 inches thick and chord

members with thicknesses two or more times that of the sheet. For a

shear-resistant beam, extruded sections are common where the thickness

of the web is about the same order of magnitude as the chord members.

Truss-type spars (See Figure XVII-25) have been used only rarely in

recent designs. For small aircraft, the truss-type spar has some merit as

far as weight is concerned.

For a mono-spar wing, the spar would be located at the maximum

depth of the airfoil.

Figure XVII-25. Suggested truss-type spar construction. Trusses are used rela-

tively infrequently.

For a two-spar system, the front spar is located at from 12 to 17 per

cent of the chord, with the rear spar located at from 65 to 75 per cent of

the wing chord. While analyses could be made to determine the optimum

spacing of a two-spar system on the basis of center of pressure travel in

the normal flight regime and the load factors encountered at low and high

angles of attack (since not only the magnitude but also the distribution of
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Figure XVII-26. A bolted fitting holding two sections of a spar together.

the loads has to be considered), the above percentages of chord locations

are common.

For a multi-spar design, it would be desirable to have the shear center

of the structural system coincide with the center of pressure. Since the

center of pressure of the wing varies with the angle of attack and there-

fore may vary as much as 25 per cent of the chord (more with trailing

edge flaps), it is difficult to pinpoint the desirable location of the shear


Combination of spars and stringers, as well as the wing envelope, make

up the more common type of wing structures where the spars lose their

identity to some extent and are more commonly referred to as shear webs.

The spars vary not only in depth for the tapered wing, but also in the

cross-sectional area of the spar chords. If the spar chords are milled or

forged, the variation in cross-sectional area can be made without serious

discontinuities. In the built-up spar chords, plates may be added at the

root, and then discontinued at suitable intervals along the span. Since

the spar members will most likely have to be spliced, a reduction in thick-

ness can be made for the adjacent outboard member. If two angles back

to back form a Tee section for the inboard section of the spar, one of the

angles may be discontinued for the outboard section. In case of any

changes, special precautions must be taken to make sure that the dis-

continuities in cross-sectional area are not too abrupt; otherwise fatigue

failures may result.


In an earlier chapter, cross sections of typical spanwise stringers are

shown. In the discussion on "Metal Wing Construction," it is brought

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out that spanwise stringers serve to add to the bending strength of the >


The spacing chordwise of these stringers is arrived at—as it is for the ribs

—by the optimum proportions of the wing-skin panels, which may be

determined from oil-canning considerations before the stress analysis of

the wing has been completed.

The stringers may be located at a constant percentage loci or spaced

equidistantly apart. Not all the stringers are carried out to the extreme

tip since the wing-tip portion is relatively more rigid—even for the mini-

mum structure—than the inboard sections. Carrying out all the stringers

to the extreme tip would result in an unnecessarily strong wing portion

in that area. Accordingly, the spanwise stringers are discontinued, a

few at a station, from about the mid-span outboard so as to avoid extreme

discontinuities in cross-sectional area. When stringers are discontinued,

they should have their ends attached to a transverse rib.

Usually the positive load factor will cause greater compressive loads on

the top surface of the wing than the negative load factor will cause on the

bottom. Therefore the stringers on the bottom surface can be lighter in \•

gauge or fewer in number.


The primary functions of the ribs in the wing are (1) to maintain the ~\

chordwise shape of the airfoil, (2) to act as supports for the panels of the

wing skin or envelope, and (3) to transmit the pressures on the wing to the

o V ^ V ^ \/

Figure XVII-27. Cross sections of a metal wing. In the top illustration, corru-

gated sheet with a smooth skin on the outside, serves the same function as spanwise

stringers. In the bottom illustration, truss-type ribs, spanwise C-sections, and tension

field spars show one type of metal wing construction. Plain transverse former ribs of

C-sections may be employed without resorting to any of the truss-type bracing.

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spanwise bending members. In some cases, they also serve to act as the

supporting members to which landing-gear members or engine-mount

members are attached, or as supports for fuel tanks, control systems, and

localized loads. In turn, such ribs transmit the loads to the spanwise


The spacing of ribs may be determined by the need to prevent oil-

canning of the skin or by the optimum panel proportions, as discussed in

/ an earlier chapter. For preliminary considerations, rib spacings from 6

( to 18 inches may be assumed.

Ribs are located at or near centerlines of aileron and flap hinges of fitting

attachments and other supports.

Figures XVII-27, 28, 29 show some rib constructions. It is customary

to assemble the ribs in three sections—the nose section, the center, and

the trailing edge sections—in order to avoid any cut-outs of the spars.

The ribs are notched for the spanwise stringers, which should also be con-

tinuous members.

Unless the transverse ribs have to transmit concentrated loads, the

thickness of the sheet used in their construction may be one gauge lighter

than the skin covering of the wing.

Where concentrated loads are applied to transverse ribs, the rib struc-

ture has to be carefully designed to take the shears and bending moments

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Figure XVII-29. Various metal rib configurations. Flat sheet, beaded and light-

ening holes add to the rigidity of the wing. Truss-type ribs utilize U-sections for

added column strengths for the diagonals. Former ribs, top and bottom, are simplest

in form and are generally satisfactory for wings utilizing occasional ribs of the more

rigid type. The ribs shown are center-section ribs; the nose and tail portions are of

similar construction or utilize methods of other ribs shown for their construction. Ribs

are riveted, by means of integral flanges or separate brackets, to the faces of the spars

or shear webs. The top three ribs show cut-outs for transverse stringers. The skin

covering offers continuity of structure since it is riveted to the ribs and the spanwise

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V--""' (a)


The problem of providing attachments for the wing structure to the

fuselage merits considerable attention and detailed study, except for

the flying wing or some delta-wing designs where the fuselage becomes

practically an integral part of the wing structure.

If no other considerations but the structural were involved, it would

be desirable to support a wing not only at the fuselage, but at some point

outboard. The two-spar wing lends itself most conveniently to the ex-

ternal support.

The effects of different methods of wing support are illustrated in Figure


Figure A shows two external configurations for the same wing spar—

one full cantilever when the lift strut, shown dotted, is supplied.

Figure B illustrates a spanwise lift loading, making no allowance for tip

losses which would be the same regardless of the wing support.

Figures C, D, and• E present the spanwise distribution of the bending

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moment when (in C) the wing is full cantilever; when (in D) the wing is

externally supported and pinned at the fuselage; when (in E) the wing is

externally supported and fixed at the fuselage. The pinned condition is

obtained by the use of a single pin placed parallel to the wing chord. For

a pinned connection, no bending moment can be transmitted to the ad-

jacent structure. For a fixed condition, two or more horizontal pins

placed parallel to the chord are common. A vertical pin accomplishes the

same result—a many-riveted or bolted connection tying the wing spar to

the fuselage structure. In all cases where the lift struts are employed,

pin connections are used at the ends, with the pin parallel to the wing

chord or line of flight so that only axial loads are imposed upon the struts.

Schematic diagrams of various externally-supported wing configurations

are shown in Figure XVII-31.

Figure XVII-31. Various external support arrangements for a semi-cantilever wing.

The primary advantage of supporting a wing externally is that the re-

duction in bending moments imposed produces a lighter structure. If a

smaller bending moment is imposed, a thinner wing, (i.e., a wing of a lower

thickness ratio) could be used. If the wing can be pin-connected to the

fuselage, that structure will be subjected to axial or direct loads only,

and there will therefore be fewer complications in the design of the fuselage

structure at that point. Any gains in the wing construction may be

offset by the additional supporting structure.

Schematic diagrams of full cantilever wing attachments to the fuselage

are given in Figure XVII-32 and are described as follows:

Figure A. The fuselage transverse frame and wing spar assembled as

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These spars are spaced at a constant percentage span00wise, although they

may be equally spaced provided the taper ratio of the wing planform is not

too great. In the latter case, equidistant spacing may cause relatively

too close spacing near the root and too large spacing near the tip for

economical design.

In some wings of tapered planform, the spars are not placed either

equidistant or at a constant percentage from the leading edge in order to

obtain some particular structural feature, such as suitable spar attach-

ments at the fuselage or to obtain enough space for a retractable landing-

gear well.

When spars are equidistant, it is possible to slip the ribs over the spars

from the tip end, but modern construction of ribs usually calls for three

sections—nose, center, and trailing edge section so that another assembly

method may be used.

Wood or metal may be used for either the spars or ribs or both. Spars

and ribs may be made of the same material.

The ribs are spaced from about 6 to 14 inches apart depending upon the

speed of the airplane. Recommendations for rib spacing for fabric-covered

wings may be obtained from Figure XVII-37.

This spacing is based upon the gliding (or diving) speed and may be

assumed to be about V/i times the maximum speed attained (or expected)

Figure XVII-36. Samples of wooden rib construction for two-spar wings. These

could be made of metal with a little modification, as shown, for example, in the third

illustration from the top.

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in horizontal flight. The chord line of the ribs is placed parallel to the

axis of symmetry (longitudinal axis) of the airplane. The ribs are usually

parallel to the longitudinal vertical plane of symmetry of the airplane.

A piece of sheet metal or plywood covers the nose section so that the

doped fabric maintains its shape properly. Where rib spacing is quite

large compared to the thickness of the nose covering, extra nose ribs be-

tween the standard ribs may be inserted.

Wherever compression ribs or members are located in the drag truss, or

where there are hinge connections, concentrated loads are applied to the

spar, so that local reinforcements are required. In the case of wood spars,

extra plies are glued to the sides, or a solid block is inserted in the box-type

spar. Metal spars have extra plates riveted or bolted to the sides to trans-

mit the load properly.

For fabric-covered wings, the maximum spacing of rib lacing may be

determined from the accompanying graph. These values are based on

wing designs incorporating leading-edge supports such as plywood, metal,

or subribs.

Figure XVII-37. Graph for determining spacing of fabric attachment. Va is the

design dive speed or design glide speed. (Adapted from C.A.M. 04.)
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In the slipstream, use 75 per cent factor for lacing and rib spacings, ex-

cept that lacing spacing need not be less than 1 inch; aft of 30 per cent

chord point, when aft portion only is fabric covered, lacing and rib spac-

ings may be increased by 25 per cent. The lacing should be carried to

leading edge when velocity exceeds 275 miles per hour.

An externally braced wing could be either pin-ended or fixed-ended at

the juncture of the wing spar with the fuselage. For pin-type ends, a

male and female fitting with a single horizontal bolt is the usual solution.

No vertical bending moments can be transmitted through such a joint, a

necessary condition for a pin joint. For fixed ends, a male and female fit-

ting with a single vertical bolt or tapered pin for alignment purposes is a

common solution where the bearing loads are not excessive. Another

solution is the use of two horizontal bolts. For transmitting large bend-

ing moments (that is, fixed ends), continuity may be obtained by a series

of bolts, or rivets, or other pin connections.

The lift struts supporting externally braced wings are pin-connected

at their ends with one horizontal bolt parallel to the plane of symmetry at

each end of the strut. No bending moment from the wing should be

transmitted from the wing to the strut.


Figure XVII-38 shows a few possible planforms (A to F) for ailerons,

and some aileron sections (G to T). Figure A of this group shows an

aileron which diminishes in effectiveness at high angles of attack, although

very effective at low angles. Figure B shows the aileron slightly too far

inboard which is particularly undesirable when the maximum span for a

flap as a lift-increase device is required.

Figure C is a bad combination of a relatively good aileron and a bad

wing tip in that the same effect is obtained as for Figure A.

Figures D, E, and F show generally desirable planforms. An aileron

preferably should be not more than 25 per cent of the chord although 30

per cent is common when flaps are used for increased lift.

Figure G is a plain aerodynamic balanced aileron. Figure H shows a

balanced aileron of the Frise type, and Figure I a modified Frise type.

Figure J is the Handley-Page balanced type Figure K is a balanced

aileron with a deflector plate. Figures L and M, both shown in neutral

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position, are distinguished respectively by variable and constant slot

widths. Figure N is the piano-hinged type. Figure 0 shows the slot-tip

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type. Figure P illustrates the retractable-spoiler type, Figure Q the

floating wing-tip type, Figure R another retractable-spoiler type. Figure

S is a conventional narrow-chord aileron with the flap ahead of it. Figure

T is an upper-surface aileron.
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The next question that arises is whether the aileron should be aerody-

namically balanced. For relatively slow-speed airplanes and possibly

for high-speed airplanes utilizing auxiliary mechanical, electrical, or hy-,

draulic aid, unbalanced ailerons may be used.

The leading edge preferably should not project beyond the normal con-

tour of the wing when deflected, since ice may form on the leading edge of

the control surface.

In order to reduce the manual effort to operate ailerons, a type of servo-

control has been devised whereby a small surface is deflected in order to

move a larger surface.

For control purposes, these trailing-edge flaps or tabs should have as

high an aspect ratio as possible and about 10 to 12 per cent of the total

movable area. A smaller percentage is sufficient when the tab is intended

for trim purposes. Reference to Chapter XIX, Tail Surfaces, should be

made for further explanations.

The aileron's primary function is to rotate the airplane about its longi-

tudinal axis. In general, any method that would increase or decrease the

lift on one side relative to the other would meet the objective. Various

devices have been invented and applied to flying designs. A few may be

briefly mentioned here.

1. The spoiler. A small slat usually raised near the top surface of the

wing near the leading edge. This is still used in conjunction with the flap-

type aileron.

2. Opening ports on one side to destroy the lift. Such a scheme is highly

effective for high angles of attack or low speeds, but ineffective at high

speeds. Moreover, the control system is not a continuous one in that the

control stick would have to disengage the control system for one side be-

fore engaging that of the other side.

3. Floating ailerons which are extensions spanwise at the wing tips

These smalf wings of symmetrical cross section are permitted to float at

zero lift, regardless of the wing's angle of attack, and are therefore effective

for any angle of attack. Such ailerons require relatively more area than

the flap type, and while they may increase the apparent aspect ratio of

the wing, this gain is offset by the parasite resistance of these surfaces.

4. The differentially-operated flap, which is the most commonly used

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5. Other devices can easily be envisaged that would meet the require-
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ments for rotating the airplane.

The aerodynamic characteristics of the flap-type aileron are defined by

the following equations for:

1. Rolling moments

L = CiSwbq;


2. Yawing moments

N = ChSwbq;

3. Hinge moments

H = ChSaCaq;

where L, N, and H are moments expressed in foot-pounds,

C(, C„, and Ch are, respectively, the non-dimensional rolling, yawing,

and hinge-moment coefficients for the aileron,

Sw is the wing area in square feet,

Sa is the aileron area in square feet,

b is the wing span in feet,

q is the dynamic pressure, in pounds per square foot, at the velocity,

V, of the airplane, and

Ca is the aileron chord.

/ Ideally, the rolling-moment characteristics of the ailerons or equivalent

devices should be high, the yawing moment should be relatively small or

zero, and the hinge moments should be within the normal capacities of

the control system.

To explain further, it is obvious than efficient or most effective aileron

system is one that requires a relatively small proportion of the wing area.

The measure of effectiveness is gained in flight tests, and for the subsonic

region, combined lateral stability and control are usually specified as


With the rudder locked, and the stick or control wheel thrown hard over,

the airplane should:

1. Reach its maximum rolling velocity in not more than 0.2 seconds

later; *

2. Should attain a rolling velocity such that

g > 0.07,

where p is the maximum rolling velocity in radians per second,

b is the span of the wing, in feet, and

V is the true forward airspeed of the airplane in feet per second;

3. At any speed below 80 per cent of maximum level flight speed, should

attain the desired value of pb/2V without exceeding control forces of 80

pounds for the wheel, or 30 pounds for the stick-type of control.

With the rudder held fixed, and the airplane flying at 110 per cent of its
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minimum speed, the craft should not sideslip more than 20 degrees due to

the yaw created by fully deflected ailerons.

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In a sideslip:

1. The rolling moment obtained should vary smoothly with the sideslip


2. Aileron control should always be necessary to depress the leading

wing as sideslip is increased;

3. The tendency of the aileron to return to its trim position should in-

crease with increase of sideslip.

To obtain the desired lateral stability, low-wing monoplanes usually

require 4 to 8 degrees more dihedral than high-wing monoplanes.

The greater the lateral stability induced by the dihedral and/or sweep-

back effect of the wing, the larger the aileron area has to be to counteract

such effects.

Ailerons of the flap type produce an adverse yawing moment—adverse

because the moment tends to turn the airplane out of its designated turn.

Variable aileron types produce different magnitudes of such yawing mo-

ments. Differentially-operated ailerons are those whereby the down-going

aileron travels through a greater angle than the up-going aileron.

Figure XVII-39 shows a typical case of the effectiveness of the aileron

changes with the angle of attack.

Figure XVII-39. Typical rolling and moment variation with anuglar deflection of

the ailerons and the angle of attack of the wing.

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The hinge moments have to be overcome by the pilot at the control

stick or wheel. If they are too large, auxiliary boosting systems actuat-

ing hydraulic or electrical mechanisms have to be employed. Since the

greater the ratio of flap chord to wing chord, the greater the hinge moments

produced, the general compromise is not to exceed an aileron-chord to wing-

chord ratio of 25 per cent. The hinge moments may be reduced in magni-

tude either by forward aerodynamic balancing of the surface or by aero-

dynamic balancing through the use of trailing-edge tabs. The systems

employed for elevators and rudders are applicable here, and reference

should be made to Chapter XIX, Tail Surfaces, for further information

on this subject.

Aileron areas vary from 8 to 12 per cent of the total wing area (including

the aileron area, which is considered as part of the wing area).

Figure XVII-40 gives some guiding dimensions for determining the

cross section of an aileron located in the trailing edge of a wing. The

dimensions may have to be modified since the depth of airfoils vary.

0.005 C

0.1 C J

0.005 C

-M —0.25 C

- c-

Radius R variable

Figure XVII-40. Typical aileron (or flap) dimensions. The aerodynamic balance

may vary between 15 and 35 per cent of the aileron chord.

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For delta-wing designs, particularly, the aileron function is combined

with the function of the elevators so that the control surfaces combining

both functions are known as "elevons." The control system has to be so

arranged that the surfaces can be operated differentially as ailerons, and

together in the same direction as elevators.


Figure XVII-41A represents a so-called plain flap of the type commonly

used for ailerons. An aileron-flap combination could be employed whereby

the aileron function would take place from any flap position.

In Figure B, a specially-designed slot has been incorporated just ahead

of the flap leading edge to provide a less turbulent airflow over the flap in

the deflected position.

In Figure C, a second slot has been incorporated in the design in order

to obtain a higher lift coefficient and less turbulent airflow aft of the flap.

In Figure D, the Handley-Page slot and flap are shown. This combina-

tion offers a number of possibilities. The slot can be brought out into

position automatically by virtue of the suction pressure at the leading

edge at high angles of attack. If the slot is connected to the flap by a

suitable linkage mechanism, the flap can be depressed at the same time.

The design must ensure fool-proof mechanical operation, since the front

slot, because of its shallow dimensions, is difficult to make reasonably

rigid. Under icing conditions it would have to be heated, lest ice interfere

with its operation.

In Figure E, the Wragg flap or external airfoil flap not only increases the

lift due to flap action, but also increases the effective wing area.

Figure F is a split flap in which the recessed portion may be deflected

downward while the top half remains fixed in place. A variation uses a

movable top split flap as well. This flap, moving up while the other

moves down, acts primarily as a spoiler to create more drag and is there-

fore useful in the landing approach.

Figure G is a split flap which moves rearwardly and down, thus increas-

ing the wing area and providing additional lift action when deflected.

The famous Fowler flap employs a recessed airfoil section for such a flap.

This type gives the highest increase in the maximum lift coefficient ob-

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There are other devices for increasing lift which are not shown. There

has been some study on a series of smaller recessed airfoils which when
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extended give a "Venetian-blind" appearance.

Boundary layer control offers much promise both in increasing the

maximum lift coefficient and in decreasing the drag coefficients. The

advent of the turbo-jet engine promises to solve some of the problems

involved in getting enough air of sufficient pressure from a reliable source.

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Table XVII-2. Maximum lift coefficients for various lift-increase devices.

(See Figure XVII-41 for reference.)

o, de-


Description or














Clark Y airfoil

Basic airfoil .






Plain flap (Figure A)

Chord .30 Cw






deflected 45°

Slotted flap (Figure

Chord .30 Cw
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deflected 45°

Handley-Page auto-






matic slot

Handley - Page slot

Chord .30 Cw






and flap (Figure D)

deflected 45°

Handley - Page slot

Chord .40 Cw





TN459 v.

and Fowler flap

deflected 45°

Split flap (Figure F)



speed, with the result that the horizontal tail surfaces do not operate

under favorable conditions.

• Since the center of pressure moves rearward along the chord, the ef-

fective tail moment arm is decreased and the moment coefficient about

the original aerodynamic center is increased. The ratio of the horizontal

tail surfaces to the basic wing area is therefore greater for an airplane

using the flaps than for an airplane not using them. Accordingly, the

degree of static stability is different. An airplane designed to have ade-

quate stability when flaps are employed will have more than adequate

static longitudinal stability when the flaps are not in use.

Pertinent NACA reports should be referred to for a list of likely values

to be obtained for the lift, drag, and hinge moment coefficients. These

are given for full-span flaps on test models under two-dimensional testing

conditions. In the actual application, the flaps seldom extend over the

full span of the wing, nor is the wing likely to be identical with that used

in the test. Some qualifications in the data used are therefore always

necessary, but reasonable estimates are still possible until particular tests

are made.

In general, it may be said that the maximum lift coefficient obtainable

for a given flap configuration is possible for any airfoil, regardless of what

its maximum lift coefficient may be when no flap is used. Therefore, an


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Flap deflection, in degrees

Figure XVII-42. Typical curve showing rate of increase of maximum lift coefficient

with flap deflection. Curve shown is for a split flap with a chord of 20 per cent of the

wing chord, Cw'.

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For an airplane equipped with conventional size ailerons, and with flaps

devoted to the rest of the span not covered by the ailerons, the maximum

lift coefficient for the entire wing area is often arbitrarily assumed to have

been increased 40 per cent.

A more analytical method is to calculate the "effective" maximum lift

coefficient (refer to Figure XVII-44), as follows:

[(CLmaz)(areas A + D) +' (1.7 CLmax)(areas B+ C) + (0.1 CLmax)(area E)\

h- [areas (A + B + C + £>)] = effective CLmax,

where 1.7 Cimai represents a 70 per cent increase in lift due to the flap.

The area covered by the fuselage is normally not included in the wing

area, but if a flap is made continuous across the bottom of the fuselage,

additional lift results, depending upon the type of fuselage. This addi-

tion has been estimated at one-tenth of the maximum lift coefficient in

the empirical formula just given.

A recent development of a lift-increase device has been a so-called nose

flap or "droop snoot" whereby the forward portion of the wing nose is

rotated downward as much as 60 degrees. Several illustrations are shown

in Figure XVII-45. Wind-tunnel investigations of a laminar-flow air-

foil equipped with such a nose indicated that the lift coefficient could be

increased by about 30 per cent, and almost 60 per cent in conjunction

with a trailing-edge flap.

Figure XVII-45. Nose slats and flaps.

the wing chord.

The chord is usually about 10 per cent of

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The nose flap also increases the angle of attack at which the maximum

lift coefficient is obtained over that for the basic airfoil, evidently because

the nose flap aligns the airflow better at the stall. However, even so, the

position of the flap is critical.

Another good feature of the nose flap is that the additional pitching

moment created by the nose flap is not so great, at least at low angles of

attack, as by the trailing-edge flap; at high angles of attack, the effective

pitching moment tends to decrease, thereby maintaining approximately

the same longitudinal stability for the airplane without the use of the nose


Figure XVII-48. "Wing fences" used to prevent drift of boundary layer towards

the tip. Note the "wing fences" on the vertical tail surfaces.

Wing fences have been employed for the transonic and supersonic air-

planes to prevent the outward flow of the boundary layer. These fences

consist of essentially simple vertical surfaces, about 4 inches or less in

height, attached to the top surface of the wing and extending from the

leading edge of the wing to the leading edge of the flap or aileron. Usually

two such fences are used on each half of the wing, sectioning the wing

semi-span into about three equal lengths. (See Figure XVII-48.)

The addition of engines, fuel, bombs, and other similar concentrated

weights along the wing of the airplane increases the rolling and yawing

moments of inertia so that the normal size ailerons provide reduced rolling



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accelerations and thereby require a longer time to attain a given angle of

bank. Likewise, the increased moments of inertia reduce the desired

oscillatory stability, and increase the time for the airplane to damp out

oscillations. It has been found that this effect was small for low values

of effective dihedral but became increasingly undesirable for high values

of effective dihedral, especially when the ratio of vertical tail surface area

to the wing area is small. The solution for high moment of inertia would

be either increased vertical tail surface area with relation to the wing, or

low effective or negative dihedral, or both. Gusts or turbulent air do not

affect an airplane with a high value of moment of inertia as much as one

with a low value of the moment of inertia; but due to poor damping, steady

flight is hard to obtain and rough rides may result.


While ordinarily the wing loading is given as the ratio of the gross weight

of the airplane to the wing area, it has recently been pointed out that the

relative density of the airplane (that is, the density of the airplane divided

by the density of the surrounding air) would be more appropriate. The

general effect of increasing the airplane relative density either by increas-

ing the wing loading at sea level or flying it at high altitudes where the air

density is less is the same. In both cases the degree of the lateral stability

is decreased.

The solution would be to increase the ratio of the vertical tail area to

the wing area in order to obtain an equivalent value of effective dihedral.


Precautions must be taken in the design of the wing to prevent flutter.

Some recommendations are:

(a) Structural stiffness.

(b) Elimination of all play in hinges and control system joints.

(c) Rigid interconnection between ailerons.

(d) A relatively high degree of weight balance of control surfaces.

(e) A relatively low amount of aerodynamic balance.

(f) High frictional damping of control system.

(g) Adequate fillets.

(h) Proper fairing.

Features tending to create aerodynamic disturbance, such as sharp lead-

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ing edges on movable surfaces, should be avoided. (These are also prone

to collect ice.)
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When ailerons are attached to internally braced wings, they should be

statically balanced about their hinge lines. If a balancing weight is used,

it is usually more effective when located near the outboard end of the


Partial static balance may be satisfactory when an irreversible and ex-

ceptionally rigid control system is used.

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The Landing Gear

The lac ding gear consists of the wheels, tires, brakes, shock absorbers,

struts, cowlings and, if retractable, the retracting mechanism. With only

minor exceptions, most of the items making up the landing gear are not

designed by the airplane designer but by the accessory manufacturer.

However, their selection and their relationship are determined by the air-

plane designer so that it is important for him to know the various condi-

tions which the landing gear must meet and the purpose for which each

part has been designed.


The landing of the airplane may be considered in terms of:

1. The approach glide. This is assumed to be a steady or uniform

rectilinear motion along a flight path, making an angle with the horizontal.

2. The transition from steady gliding flight to substantially level flight

before the point of contact. During this operation the rate of descent is

slowed to practically zero at contact; also the flight path speed along the

flight path is decelerated to substantially the stalling speed at contact.

3. The ground run during which the airplane is decelerated horizontally

from the contact speed to zero.

The landing gear is brought into the picture from the moment of contact

with the ground until the airplane comes to rest.

The landing gear must, of course, take the shocks when landing or when

going over an obstruction, and so it incorporates two means of absorbing

shock loads—the tire which absorbs minor shocks, and the shock absorber

which absorbs hard and sudden shocks. Not only must the landing gear

be able to take these shocks, but it must also be so arranged that the air-

plane will be prevented from nosing over when landing.

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The proper design of the landing gear requires possibly as much or more

attention than any other component of the aircraft, even though the use

of the landing gear contributes such a very small proportion of the useful

life of the aircraft.

In coming in for a landing, there are generally three distinct phases:

the initial or steady-approach glide path; a transition phase of either a

"dead-stick landing" or a flared landing path; and the final ground run.

These are depicted in Figure XVIII-1.

Figure XVIII-1. Various stages in the landing approach of an airplane.

The difference in the landing load factor between the "dead-stick"

landing approach and the flared-path approach is insignificant. However,

the attitude of the airplane may affect the distribution of the loads, mak-

ing it necessary to investigate various conditions to make sure that the

landing-gear members are sufficiently strong. Such components as

wheels, tires, and brakes are not investigated by the airframe designer

since their selection on the basis of static load assures that strength re-

quirements have been amply met.

For the tail-wheel type of landing gear, the basic landing conditions

cover (1) the level landing attitude with inclined reactions at the main

wheels, and (2) the tail-down landing with vertical reactions at the wheels.

In addition (3) a brake-roll condition, and (4) a side-load condition are

investigated to cover the use of brakes and the landing occurring from a



Normal or "flared" landing path

Ground run
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For the nose-wheel type of landing gear, the basic landing conditions

are (1) level landing with inclined reactions at the nose and main wheels,

(2) level landing with inclined reactions at the main wheels, and the nose

wheel just off the ground, (3) the tail-down landing. Subsidiary condi-

tions take care of (4) braked landing, (5) obstruction load, and (6) side

loads, as well as several supplementary conditions for the nose wheel only.

The maximum load factor encountered in landing depends upon the

landing-gear characteristics and the method of landing. For the typical

commercial airplane, the limit vertical inertia load factor is one obtained

with a descent velocity, in feet per second, of

V = 4.4 (W7<S)1'«,

but need not exceed 10 feet per second nor be less than 6 feet per second.

Other restrictions may be imposed, such as that the inertia load factor

used for design purposes should not be less than 2.67. Since the aircraft

designer does not necessarily desire a load factor greater than 2.67, he

attempts to design the landing gear so that the load factor is not likely

to exceed the minimum specified value.

In the main, the load factor is determined by the rate of energy dissipa-

tion. To keep the load factor as low as possible, the designer would

ideally favor a long stroke for the shock absorber. The action of the

shock absorber is similar to that of catching a ball: in order to soften the

impact of the ball hitting his hand at a relatively high speed, the catcher

draws back his hand while catching the ball.

Compromises in the design of the shock-absorber stroke are inevitable.

If it is unusually long, the extended landing gear offers difficulties in re-

traction. Moreover, the motion of the airplane upon landing might be

uncomfortable for the passengers. Therefore, the stroke of the shock

absorber is generally limited to between 6 and 8 inches for normal air-

craft, and from 8 to 12 inches, or sometimes more, for helicopters.


It would be desirable to reduce the approach speed and the landing-

run speed, thereby correspondingly reducing the kinetic energy and, in

turn, the work of the shock absorber and the wheel brakes. Some of the

means utilized to accomplish a possible reduction are:

1. Aerodynamic. To reduce the sinking velocity, high lift-increase

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devices may be employed just before the landing run starts. Not only

is the sinking speed changed, but the drag is increased, thereby reducing
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forward speed. High lift-increase devices, when employed in this manner,

are often referred to as air brakes.

It is also possible to increase the drag by having flaps added to the



fuselage or by splitting the vertical tail surfaces and opening them up to

present a greater flat-plate surface.

Boundary layer control methods are being extensively investigated for

possible use in obtaining high lift coefficients to reduce the approach


Various suggestions regarding the use of jet compressors for obtaining

high-volume, high-velocity air, available either as vertical thrust and thus

lift or for boundary layer control, seem to offer great possibilities for re-

ducing landing speeds to manageable proportions.

2. Reversible Propellers. Discussion of the use of reversible propellers

may be found in Chapter XV, The Propeller.

3. Drag Chute. For high-speed airplanes, primarily military aircraft,

a drag chute released from the tail of the airplane works effectively as a

braking device. The reasons for using a drag chute may be summarized

as follows:

(a) To provide positive decelerating forces under all conditions and

thus permit landing on a given field, regardless of the runway conditions.

(b) To provide emergency braking in case of the breakdown of landing


(c) To augment the normal braking system, thereby making possible

the use of shorter runways.

(d) To save tire wear.

The following data provide a specific example of the advantages in-

volved in the utilization of a drag chute in a landing operation.

Length of landing run utilized

Condition of runway: Dry Icy

Wheel brakes alone 100% 300%

Wheel brakes and drag chute 53% 113%

4. Jet Thrust Reversers. There have been various designs devoted to

applying the principle of thrust reversal to jet engines. These thrust

reversers are essentially cups placed in the exhaust jet stream to reverse

the direction of the exhaust gases and thereby produce a reverse thrust or

drag. It has been proposed that it might be worth while to employ small

jet engines, which would direct the thrust in a direction opposite to that

of the motion of the aircraft.

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5. Rockets. Short-lived rockets, operating to produce a reverse thrust,

may also be employed to reduce the landing run.

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6. Expendable Skids. Expendable skids or skis extended below the

fuselage to make contact with the ground at about the same level as the

wheels constitute another possible means of reducing the landing run.

7. Barriers. Barriers at the end of the landing run that make contact

with the wing, fuselage, and landing gear have been used to advantage


in stopping the airplane. Such a device would not be desirable in pro-

peller-driven aircraft.

8. Cables. These are picked up by a landing hook. They have been

used on aircraft carriers and can be adapted for land use.


The normal airplane upon landing has both a sinking and a forward

velocity. The kinetic energy of the airplane from the time the aircraft

first makes contact with the landing area—be it an airport, a ship's deck,

or a water surface—until it comes to rest must be absorbed in some man-

ner. The various devices employed to accomplish this are termed shock


Since the airplane may glide to contact with the ground in landing, the

vertical and horizontal component of the landing speed can be determined.

(See Figure XVIII-2 and also Chapter III.)

Lw = W cos 0 = Y2pvgCLS,

v = ^jW cos (3

vg sin j3,


vg = gliding speed,

v, — sinking speed

Vh = Vg cos /3.

The energy of the airplane due to the sinking speed v, has to be absorbed

by the shock absorbers. The energy

of the airplane due to v>> is usually ab-

sorbed by the brakes of the airplane,

although air resistance also helps.

Therefore, when the airplane is about

ready to contact the ground, the pilot

brings it up to the maximum lift co-

efficient so that the speed may be

decreased by the high lift coefficient

and the large drag. In order to attain

this lift coefficient, the landing gear

must be so designed as to obtain the corresponding angle.

This energy may be dissipated in any one or a combination of the

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following ways:

1. Hysteresis of a material. Rubber shock cords in tension or rubber

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disks in compression dissipate energy by hysteresis. Steel in the form of

a coiled spring or a cantilever beam may also be used for the same purpose.

Figure XVIII-2. The velocity vec-

tor diagram for the airplane in the glide.



However, since such materials also store up some energy, "bouncing"

results, and landing with these shock absorbers may therefore be rough.

Light airplanes or single-place gliders may employ such means with

weight-saving results.

2. Friction

(a) Brake friction is the usual accepted method. Here the result

is heat, necessitating provision for adequate heat sinks.

(b) Fluid friction, whereby a fluid is forced through one or more

orifices, is the standard principle of the so-called hydraulic shock absorbers.

(c) Friction between adjacent leaves of a spring may also be employed

where the energy to be dissipated is not too great.

3. Compression of a gas. The usual aircraft shock absorber employs

both a fluid-friction device and the compression of air. The adiabatic

compression of the air represents a portion of the work done, and some of

the energy is therefore dissipated by this work. The amount of energy

thus dissipated is relatively small, but the compressed air acts as a spring.

Since the air is forced into the absorber under pressure, it tends to keep

the shock absorber (consisting of a piston and a cylinder) extended when-

ever the load is relieved.

A combination of these energy-dissipating media is present in every

airplane. The craft itself is a flexible structure, so that it may absorb

some of the energy. The wheels and tires are also shock-absorbing


There has been some experimentation with starting landing wheels in

rotation before contact is made with the ground. In this way, the initial

landing shock could be lessened and the wear and tear on the tire reduced.

Such rotation has been accomplished by means of flaps attached to the

side of the tire acting like a wind-mill or by means of direct application of

power from a small electric motor.

Higher wing loadings generally result in faster landings, creating a need

for stronger struts and wheels, tires that can withstand higher ground-

impact loads and spin-up speeds, and brakes to absorb and dissipate

increasing amounts of kinetic energy and heat. Since high-speed air-

planes require high wing loadings to attain the desired speeds, the landing

speeds become correspondingly greater unless additional devices or means

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are used to decrease the approach speed. Such devices and means would

be auxiliary and would usually serve only one specific purpose—to reduce
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the approach speed.


All landing gears must be equipped with some shock-absorbing device in



Inflation valve

Compressed air

Friction material

Rubber spring

Compression tube

order to avoid sudden shocks to the

passengers, and to avoid the enor-

mously high stresses that would be

caused even in a normal landing if

no shock absorbers were used.

There are various types of shock

absorbers. At the present time, the

popular type of shock absorber is

one that utilizes an oil which is made

to pass from one chamber to another

through one or more orifices. Com-

pressed air is used as a spring to

keep the shock absorber extended.

Shock absorbers usually have to

be designed for a particular airplane

although it is possible to obtain

some stock sizes.

These shock absorbers are de-

signed to absorb the energy created

by a free drop, in inches, of 0.36

times the calculated stalling speed

in miles per hour (but not greater

than 18 inches total for conventional

airplanes) and in doing so, should

not exceed the design load factors

for the landing conditions.

In designing shock absorbers it is usually necessary to consider the fol-


1. Gross weight of airplane.

2. Static load on shock absorber.

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3. Design load factors.

4. Design load for the principal landing conditions.

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5. Required height of free drop in inches equal to 0.36 (stalling speed

in mph) but not greater than 18 inches.

6. Weight of chassis.

7^ Vertical movement of wheel center.

8. Maximum tire deflection.

9. Tire size.

10. Tire inflation.

11. Shock-absorber strut travel desired.

12. Required length of shock-absorber strut under static load in level-

landing and three-point landing position.

Figure XVIII-3. A shock absorber

developed by Firestone. The illustration

shows a suggested installation.



13. Minimum or maximum length, or both, required for fully com-

pressed condition.

14. Minimum or maximum length, or both, required for fully extended


It is often desirable to draw up a three-view line drawing of the landing

gear to show the configuration of the various members.

It is not generally desirable to place the shock absorbers at too great an

angle to the vertical for the best results. A limiting angle of 45 degrees

may be assumed although not more than half that would be more desirable.


The landing gear could be initially classified according to the number of

contacts made by the wheels. Since variations are possible, it will be

helpful to discuss them briefly. Whatever the arrangement of wheels,

the primary goals are usually a minimum of weight installation difficulties

and of retraction complexities.

One-Point Contact

A single wheel has been used primarily for relatively light gliders or to

obtain an amphibious gear. In either case, the wheel is usually partially

recessed in the fuselage or in the keel of the flying boat hull. To obtain

stability on the ground and to protect the rest of the structure, a tail or

nose skid and wing skids are used. When the aircraft is under way,

either in landing or taking off, contact with the ground is made only

with the wheel.

Some modifications of this principle are possible through the use of a

dual-wheel installation (side by side), which would give the craft some

lateral stability on the ground; a tandem arrangement, which would give

some longitudinal stability of the craft on the ground; either a triangular

three-wheel or a rectangular four-wheel arrangement, which would give

both lateral and longitudinal stability on the ground and thus eliminate


Two-Point Contact

Two main wheels having a reasonable tread (distance between wheels

in the lateral direction) may be employed with the aid of a nose or tail

skid. Since this imposes some importance on the skids, there may be a

question as to whether such an arrangement really may be termed as

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having two points of contact. This arrangement was used for relatively

light airplanes, but objections were raised against the wear and tear
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caused by the skids.

A tandem arrangement of two wheels with an appreciable distance be-

tween them could be considered. Wing skids would have to be provided



for lateral balance unless there was a dual installation of wheels at either

the forward or rearward location or both.

Three-Point Contact

This arrangement consists of two main wheels plus either a nose or tail

wheel and is described in greater detail elsewhere in this chapter It is

generally thought of as offering the best all-round compromise for weight,

ground stability, and control.

Four-Point Contact

This arrangement, simulating the arrangement of conventional surface

vehicles, has been proposed and used. While ground stability is excep-

tional, other aspects such as control, weight, and installation complexity

(especially retraction) are generally unfavorably affected.


The tail-wheel type landing gear consists of (1) two main wheels or

their equivalent, placed slightly ahead of the center of gravity, and (2)

a tail wheel or skid at some distance aft of the center of gravity.

While it may be desirable to have the main wheels reasonably far

ahead of the center of gravity of the airplane, if placed too far forward

there would be difficulty in taking off. In taking off, the tail of the air-

plane must be raised until the longitudinal axis of the airplane is practically

horizontal. In this position, the airplane accelerates quickly until it

reaches a climbing speed and is ready to take off. But, in order to reach

this horizontal attitude, there must be a lift on the horizontal tail surfaces

produced by the relative wind on these tail surfaces caused by the pro-

peller slipstream and the forward acceleration of the craft. This lift, mul-

tiplied by the distance from the center of pressure on the horizontal tail

surfaces to the point of contact of the wheel with the ground, is the mo-

ment which must be just equal to the moment produced by the weight of

the airplane times the distance from the center of gravity of the airplane

to the point of wheel and ground contact. When these two moments are

equal, the airplane will be in a horizontal attitude. As soon as the airplane

starts to accelerate, the elevators, which have been depressed up to this

time, are gradually neutralized. Otherwise, too much lift would be

created and the airplane would nose over.

If the front wheels were quite far ahead of the center of gravity of the
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airplane, a greater moment would have to be produced by the horizontal

tail surfaces. Since the lift on the tail surfaces is proportional to the
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square of the speed, it would be necessary to increase the speed to obtain

the necessary lift. However, it takes time to start at zero speed and ac-

celerate up to a particular speed, and the longer it takes to accelerate, the

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to dig in at low angles of attack. By raising the nose of the airplane the

load on the nose wheel is relieved.

5. With increase in propeller thrust, the load on the nose wheel increases

since the propeller thrust line is above the nose wheel. Unless the nose

wheel is equipped with a larger "oleo" travel and a stronger structure,

severe shock loads are likely to be transmitted to the airplane structure,

for the "oleo" or shock absorber may be compressed long before any seri-

ous loads are imposed.

6. Difficulty may be encountered with the nose wheel in riding over

obstacles. The tail wheel seems to behave better under such circum-


7. The tail wheel has the advantage of protecting the tail surfaces. Un-

less a skid or special crash pad is provided for the rear portion of the fuse-

lage when the nose-wheel type of landing gear is used, the rear portion of

the fuselage may be damaged in case of an unusual "tail low" landing.

8. The nose wheel causes more difficulty in retraction because of its

location in the forward portion of the fuselage and because of its longer

shock-absorber travel.


Track-type landing gears have received serious consideration for large

transport planes.

The advantages of the track-type landing gear are:

1. Ability to operate from sand, dirt, and sod, since the track-type

gear sink is less than one third as much as the tires.

2. Ability of heaviest planes to operate from existing runways since

the aircraft load is spread over approximately 250 per cent greater run-

way surface.

3. "Bounce" eliminated from hot landings; the gear holds to the ground

after touch-down.

4. Virtual elimination of ground-loop dangers.

5. Elimination of possibility of blowouts and punctures.

6. Compactness enables retraction into smaller wing or nacelle well.

7. Greater stability when striking ground obstacles.

8. More efficient braking through larger ground-contact area; better

cooling of brakes through better heat dissipation.

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9. Belt runs cooler than a tire so wears less; also, low unit ground

pressure of belt upon landing allows sufficient slippage at first contact to

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practically eliminate wear as a factor in longevity.

The apparent disadvantages are:

1. Heavier installation.

2. May be very bulky and hard to retract. (See 6 above)



3. At present, relatively easy to put out of commission with rocks and

sand. (See 5 above.)

4. Requires more maintenance. (See 9 above.)

Many of these disadvantages must be viewed in the light of the early

stage of development of track-type landing gear at present. Probably, with

more time, study, and ideas, most of these unfavorable aspects can be

lessened or even eliminated.


In place of the track-type landing gear, tandem wheel trains have been

devised, using either two wheels in tandem in place of the main wheel, or

two sets of dual wheels in tandem. These arrangements have been sug-

gested in order to:

1. Reduce the over-all size of the individual wheels and thus encourage


2. Reduce the "foot-print" pressures of the tires by increasing their

contact area.

3. Obtain some of the favorable characteristics of the track-type land-

ing gear without the concomitant mechanical difficulties.

Some of the disadvantages encountered in such a landing gear are:

1. The speed range in which smooth landings can be made is more

limited. The airplane cannot be landed at a speed much higher than

that required for simultaneous contact of both gears. Touching the

front gear first with an appreciable rate of descent will result in an up-

ward bounce or will at least prevent sufficient load being applied to the

wheel to pemit effective braking.

2. Due to the large fore and aft spread of the tandem gears, the pilot

has virtually no control over the attitude on the ground. However, this

arrangement has been found satisfactory as it prevents the pilot from

varying the unstick speed improperly. The ground attitude is selected

for optimum take-off speed.


In a cross-wind landing, the pilot approaches the airport with the air-

plane at a slight angle to the runway in order to counteract the drifting

force produced by the cross-wind. If his judgment is wrong, he may align

the airplane with the runway either too early or too late, thus imposing
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severe loads on the landing gear that make ground-looping possible.

The cross-wind landing gear incorporates wheel installations that may

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allow the wheels to swivel and to line up the airplane not with its longi-

tudinal axis, but in the direction of its inertia forces.



Several types of cross-wind landing gear have been proposed both here

and abroad.

One type provides for an assembly of wheel and wheel fork permitted

to swivel any amount under control of the pilot but locked by him in a

predetermined position. Where such a landing gear is employed, the

pilot must make a free run over the field to decide the amount of wind

correction needed.

The advantages claimed for this type are:

1. The pilot has accurate steering at all times. The airplane will taxi

just as with the normal configuration except that the longitudinal axis

of the airplane may not coincide with the direction of travel.

2. As the gear is locked at the desired angle of swivel, resistance to side

loads due to taxiing, propeller thrust, etc., will be exerted, regardless of the

position of the wheels.

3. As only a wheel-positioning attachment is needed, no changes in the

wheel, axle, and shock-absorber strut assembly are required.

4. A shimmy damper is not necessary.

5. The arrangement requires a minimum of added weight.

The disadvantages may be summarized as:

1. Additional operation required of the pilot.

2. Difficulty in exactly determining surface winds or in forecasting

gusts. The amount of locked-in swivel is therefore hard to gauge and

in any case cannot be accurately predetermined without practice.

Another type cross-wind landing gear is automatic in operation since

it employs the use of casterable wheels. Shimmy dampers would be


The favorable aspects of this type may be listed as the following:

1. The pilot does not have to actuate the gear to the desired swivel


2. As the mechanism is simple, there is less chance of failure.

3. Fool-proof landings can be made if the runways are sufficiently wide.

The disadvantages involved in this type are:

1. The wheels are somewhat difficult to steer since the longitudinal axis

of the airplane must be turned through the entire swivel range of the

wheel (unless a strap is engaged) before the wheel starts to turn and the
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direction of travel is changed.

2. There is the possible danger of wheel shimmy unless an adequate

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shimmy damper is employed.

3. As the longitudinal axis of the airplane may vary greatly from the

direction of travel, instrument take-offs and landings may be difficult for

pilot-operated airplanes.


4. If used on an aircraft with dual wheels, a device must be provided

to prevent any uncontrolled swivelling resulting from the unbalanced

moments caused by tire blowouts. To avoid this difficulty, each wheel

of a dual-wheel (side-by-side) arrangement would have to be independently


5. It is estimated that the weight increase in the landing gear for this

type of installation may be as much as 50 per cent above the normal


Use of the cross-wind gear should shorten take-off runs in most cases

since during cross-wind operation there is an alleviation both of the early

separation of the flow over the down-wind wing in the region near the

root and the condition of boundary layer wash-out. This is especially

true for swept-wing designs.

shows how the wheels would operate in a crosswind landing. The wheels line up with

the direction of the inertia of the airplane, not with the longitudinal axis of the airplane.

The swivelling wheel, fork, and shock-absorber member may be preset in flight, and

then locked, to give the pilot steering control of the wheel; or wheel may be given a

slight trail (point of contact is behind the swivel axis) so as to give each wheel inde-

pendent and automatic castering ability.

Shimmy is a phenomenon commonly encountered in landing-gear


When castering rubber-tired nose or tail wheels are used, there is a

tendency for the wheel to oscillate violently about the spindle axis. This

phenomenon is popularly termed 'shimmy'. It may be corrected by (1)

the application of friction at the spindles of the tail wheels, (2) locking

the wheels while taxiing at high speeds, and (3) incorporation of shimmy


Shimmy is common with the large nose wheels used in tricycle landing

gears. Because it is impossible to lock the wheels, friction for the spindle

has been the sole means of correction; but the larger the wheel and the

The illustration


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greater the load carried by the wheel, the larger the amount of spindle

friction necessary to prevent shimmy. Friction devices absorb energy by

clamping together two dissimilar materials. The resultant damping

action is maximum at zero velocity and decreases with motion, depend-

ing upon the materials and type of rubbing surfaces. Moreover, the damp-

Figure XVIII-10. A shimmy-damper installation. The wheel and fork assembly

may rotate in the upper bearing. The rotation is limited by the shimmy-damper

installation shown above and to the right of the axis of the fork strut. The shock

absorber is shown inclined upward to the right. The "scissors" or "nut-cracker"

attachment allows for only axial motion of the piston inside the shock-absorber cylinder.

The shimmy could be incorporated within the lower end of the shock-absorber strut.

The distance between the vertical through the axle center and the axis of rotation of

the wheel fork, at ground contact, is known as the caster length.

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ing is likely to fluctuate and to be undependable. The structure, further-

more, is large and unwieldy. Since friction damping is maximum at low

velocities, the nose wheel does not respond to steering and to finding its

true castering position.

Hydraulic damping means, on the other hand, have very little resistance

for slow wheel movements. However, as wheel motion due to shimmying

increases, the damping action increases also, since hydraulic energy ab-

sorption is proportional to the square of the velocity.

Hydraulic shimmy dampers may be of two types—the piston and the

vane type.

The piston damper is similar to the common hydraulic shock absorber.

The piston is connected by suitable means to the wheel fork and operates

in a cylinder attached to the shock strut. Through a system of torque

scissors and sliding collar, the wheel movements are transmitted to the

movement of the piston. The piston, in turn, reciprocates within the

cylinder and forces a fluid through appropriate orifices for energy ab-


One vane-type damper consists of an oscillatory pair of vanes connected

to a shaft, plus a stationary pair of vanes connected to the housing or

stationary cylinder. This combination forms two pairs of diametrically-

opposite pressure chambers. Displacement of fluid and consequent re-

sistance are obtained by the movable vanes turning toward or in relation

to the stationary vanes. The fluid is passed through a valve orifice from

the chamber of decreasing volume to the adjacent chamber of increasing

volume. The fluids used are the same as for the shock absorber.


The wheel tread is a function of (a) the height of the center of gravity

above the ground, (b) the wing span, and (c) the distance between the

front wheels and the tail wheel. As these dimensions increase in size, the

larger the wheel tread should be for good ground behavior.


The size of the wheels and tires in the conventional landing gear is de-

termined by the static weight equal to half the gross weight of the airplane

per wheel. It is not necessary to determine the load factors and loads im-

posed by various landing conditions since the wheels and tires are origi-
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nally designed with ample margins of safety.

The size of the wheels for a tricycle landing gear depends upon their
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position relative to the center of gravity. The two rear wheels may have


from 85 to almost 100 per cent of the load while the front wheel may have

from 10 to 25 per cent of the gross weight of the airplane as the static load.

The weight of the tail wheel for preliminary weight estimate and balance

determination can be estimated by assuming a static load of about one-fifth

to one-twelfth the gross weight of the airplane and then choosing the re-

quired nose or tail wheel, with the larger fraction for the nose wheel.

After the center of gravity has been found, the weight and size of the

nose or tail wheel may be corrected by finding the correct static load on

the wheel as follows:

Examination of the landing gears reveals that the wheel without any

load on it, as incorporated in the normal landing gear, may toe-in; or the

vertical centerline when viewed from the front is at an angle of several de-

grees from the vertical, commonly known as camber. These two features

are of course accentuated when the landing gear is in the fully extended

position due to the configuration of the particular members of a landing

gear. The condition for which to design is the static-loaded condition,

either in the level-landing position or the three-point landing position.

The wheels are given no toe-in for the normal condition unless the con-

figuration of the landing gear should be such as to cause an appreciable

toeing-out in the fully contracted position.

The camber given the wheels may be 1 or 2 degrees outward unless,

again, the configuration of the landing gear is such as to give an undesir-

able camber when in the fully contracted position.

Too much leeway either way may cause the tire to roll off when landing.

The position of the wheels with relation to the center of gravity is shown

in the illustration for the conventional landing gear and the tricycle land-

ing gear.


Refer to Figure XVIII-4 and Figure XVIII-7.



No high-speed airplane should have a nonretracting gear if the best pos-

sible performance is desired.

The simplest form of retraction is one that employs only one motion,
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either in a plane parallel to the

line of flight or in a plane per-

pendicular to the line of flight.

For moderately small airplanes

of the single-engine type, retrac-

tion sideways is best since suf-

ficient room is available in the

root of the wing whereas retrac-

tion rearward will still leave at

least half of the wheel exposed.

The student should study the

schematic sketches of retractable

landing gear here presented in Figure XVIII-11. A landing gear re-

Figures XVIII-11, XVIII-12, tracted sideways into the fuselage•

and XVIII-13, in order to get a

good conception of the various methods that may be employed for re-


In manually operated retracting mechanisms, the force to operate the

crank or lever should not exceed 15 or 20 pounds. About sixty 12-inch

strokes per minute is a practical maximum. Large and heavy landing-

gear retraction systems incorporate a bungee.

To prevent creeping, the usual reduction ratios of screw and nut, or

Fiocbb XVIII-12. The landing gear is retracted directly rearward into the wing

between the front and rear spars. Similar linkages could be employed to retract the

gear sideways.
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Figure XVIII-13. Another retractable landing gear design where space between

the front and rear wing spars is limited.

worm and wormwheel combinations, will insure irreversibility although

some positive stop device should be incorporated to assure safety.

Special attention should be paid to limit switches, valves, cable installa-

tion, latches, indicating systems, universal joints, and pressure devices to

reduce maintenance problems.

Table XVIII-1. Minimum radius of bend for hydraulic lines. Aluminum alloy or

stainless steel tubing.

Outside diameter of

Minimum bend radius

tube, in inches

measured to tube centerline



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Figure XVIII-14. A simple brake installation. The arrows indicate the direction of

linkage when applying full brake. The brake pedal system is suspended from the

rudder bar.

Figure XVIII-15. A detail drawing of the landing gear used on the Ercoupe.
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Figure XVIII-16. Representative proportions of a typical shock absorber are

shown in this figure. The piston has the smaller diameter.

Table XVIII-2. Representative dimensions of hydraulic-type shock absorbers.

Static load, in pounds,


Piston diameter,


per strut

in inches

in inches

in inches

500- 1000



1000- 1500



1500- 2000



2000- 2500



2500- 3000



3000- 4000


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4000- 5000

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5000- 6000



6000- 8000













Speeds approaching hypersonic flight are posing special problems in the

design of landing gear and associated equipment. It is possible that

these equipment items will someday all but disappear.

Wings for transonic and supersonic flight are already too thin for

stowing complicated retractable landing gear. It is also difficult to find

room for the gear in the crowded fuselage, which must carry increasing

quantities of avionics, fuel, cooling systems, and other equipment. As

planes fly deeper into the thermal region, the landing-gear wheel well's


Figure XVIII-17. Minimum clearance between wheel and supporting structure is

approximately 1/25 to 1/30 of the wheel diameter. There should be increasing allow-

ance away from the entrance point.

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Tail Surfaces

The tail surfaces serve two functions. The fixed portions of the tail

surfaces, together with the movable, provide stability vhile the movable

portion in conjunction with the fixed portion provides a means for control.


Imagine an airplane flying along in horizontal flight at constant speed

struck by a sudden gust of wind, either on the wing or on the tail surfaces,

so that the airplane is forced suddenly nose upward or nose downward.

Without any control exerted by the pilot, or any change made in the

throttle setting, the airplane should return to its original angle of attack

after cessation of the gust and continue to fly in its original direction. It

may not return to its original angle of attack instantaneously, but may

oscillate back and forth, with the oscillations gradually diminishing.


Stability is that property which tends to return an airplane to its orig-

inal condition of equilibrium or line of motion when it has been disturbed

from that condition. This deviation from equilibrium or steady motion

may be caused by an external force, such as a gust, or it may be caused by

the pilot when he depresses the elevator and then returns it to its original

position almost immediately. When the airplane regains equilibrium or

line of motion (flies at a given angle of attack at constant speed) due to

forces and moments developed inherently and of such character as to

counteract the disturbing force or moments, it demonstrates this property

of stability. An example of longitudinal stability has been cited in the

previous paragraph. There are similar cases of stability about the longi-

tudinal axis, or lateral stability, and about the vertical or normal axis, or

directional stability.
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There are two distinct types of stability, aside from their relationships

to particular axes. An airplane, for example, is so designed that at one

angle of attack the resulting moment of all forces about the center of

jrravity will be zero. This satisfies the condition of equilibrium together

with the fact that the sum of all forces along the 3 axes equals zero, but

this is known as static longitudinal stability. It was mentioned earlier

that the airplane does not come back to its original condition of equilibrium

immediately but continues to oscillate. This oscillation is a manifestation

of dynamic longitudinal stability.

There are also three different states of static stability and of dynamic

stability, whether applied to longitudinal stability, to lateral stability, or

to directional stability.

-4° 0° 4° 8° 12° 16° 20°

Figtob XIX-1. Pitching moment coefficients about the center of gravity plotted

for the wing, the tail, and the complete airplane. The diagram shows how and where

the slope of the pitching moment curve should be measured.

For example, an airplane may be neutrally stable. It may be disturbed

from its original attitude, and instead of coming back to it, will continue

in its new attitude.

Or, the airplane may be unstable: When disturbed from its original atti-
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tude, instead of coming back to it, it will go farther and farther, not re-

maining at any attitude.

If the airplane does come back to its original attitude, then it is said to

be stable.

These three examples are cases of static stability. Similar cases of

dynamic stability would be:

1. Stable when the oscillations of the airplane gradually decrease to zero

after they are once started.

2. Neutral when the oscillations do not decrease or increase in amplitude

when once the oscillations have been set up.

3. Unstable when the oscillations increase with time after they have

been once set up.

Preliminary Calculations for Static Longitudinal Stability

Static longitudinal stability of an airplane may be determined with

reasonable accuracy by calculating the pitching moments about the center

of gravity of the fully loaded airplane. See Figure XIX-1.

The equation for the pitching moments has been derived in Chapter IX

and reads as follows:

Cm„. = Cm„. + Xi(CL cos a + CD sin a) + j/i(Ci sin a — Cd cos a) —

0.8y2 CL, f*. (1)

or simply,

Cm,.,. = Cm. + Cm,. (la)

This equation may be used for the initial calculations to determine whether

stability is adequate. When the designer is reasonably satisfied with his

design configuration, then a more accurate equation may be derived to

take into consideration effect of fuselage, landing gear, and the like.

The student may set up his own tables, which are always desirable where

repetitive calculations are called for, to evaluate numerically the various

values of the equation

Cm,.,. = Cm. + Cm,0


To determine whether or not the longitudinal stability is adequate, the

degree of stability is determined by calculating the value of the so-called

Diehl's stability coefficient:

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If, therefore, the value of Cm.*• is found for a series of angles of attack 0,

and plotted as the ordinate with values of a as the abscissa, then the value

of the slope of the resulting curve, particularly in the region in the angle

of trim will give the value of dCM..,./da. This value divided by the wing

loading W/S for the airplane will give the value of the stability coefficient.

For commercial airplanes of the passenger transport type, the value for

dCit„./da of the stability coefficient lies between —0.0005 and —0.0010.


The designer attempts to build into the airplane such characteristics as

will insure adequate stability and control. The particular recommenda-

tions and procedures outlined in this book are relatively brief and are in-

tended to point out the high lights. They are believed to be all that a

student can cover in a reasonable time. The practicing engineer, how-

ever, has to make a careful study of all existing reports and research papers

in order to be able to select those features necessary to achieve the quali-

ties desired for a given design.

To give an idea of some of the free flight characteristics desired for air-

planes, the following synopsis based upon NACA reports (for example,

NACA Wartime Report L-276) may be useful.

Longitudinal Stability and Control

When the elevator is held in a given position, the airplane should main-

tain the attitude assumed:

1. With engines idling, flaps up or down, at all speeds above the stall;

2. With engines at cruising, flaps down, landing gear down, as for land-

ing approach, at all speeds above the stall;

3. With engines at full power, flaps up, at all speeds above 120 per cent

of the stalling speed;

4. At maximum and minimum speeds in level flight.

The elevator should be designed to

1. Obtain control forces such that "pull forces" are required at all

speeds below the trim speed, and "push forces" at all speeds above;

2. Obtain control forces always sufficient to return the airplane to its

trim position;

3. Obtain the allowable load factor (G's) of the airplane as well as the

maximum lift coefficient of the airplane by use of the elevator alone;

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4. Obtain at least 4 inches of rearward movement of the stick for a

highly maneuverable airplane, such as a fighter, for a change in lift co-

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efficient from 0.2 to the maximum lift coefficient of the wing;



5. Obtain control forces varying not more than 50 pounds for every G

attained in steady turning flight for heavy transports, but less than 6

pounds per G for highly maneuverable types, and at least 30 pounds of

stick force for every type to attain the allowable load factor;

6. Hold the airplane off the ground until the minimum speed of the air-

plane has been reached with the control force not exceeding 50 pounds on

control wheels, and 35 pounds on control sticks;

7. Hold the airplane level after one-half of the take-off speed has been


8. Be capable of trimming the airplane, after it has been trimmed in

level flight with zero stick forces, without obtaining forces greater than 50

pounds for the wheel and 35 pounds for the stick, regardless of the changes

in power or flap settings.

Elevator trim tabs must be capable of reducing stick forces to zero under

the following conditions:

1. Cruising condition at any speed between high speed and 120 per cent

of the stalling speed of the airplane;

2. In the landing condition at any speed between 120 to 140 per cent of

the landing speed;

3. Must maintain a given setting for an indefinite period of time.

Stick-free damping may be examined in flight by moving the stick sud-

denly and releasing it with the airplane in steady and level flight. The

resulting pitching of the airplane and movement of the elevator must dis-

appear completely after 1 cycle in order to insure stability in rough air

without aggravating the pitching of the airplane and thereby incurring

loss of control. Short period damping depends on:

1. Elevator hinge moment coefficients,

2. Mass balance of the control system,

3. Moment of inertia of the control system.


It is very important that these tail surfaces be so located that they are

not blanketed by the fuselage. If the fuselage has a relatively large cross

section for the greater part of its length and then tapers suddenly near the

tail post, it is very likely that the horizontal tail surfaces will be blanketed

unless the aspect ratio of these surfaces is high.

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The vertical tail surfaces are most likely to be blanketed not only by

the fuselage but also by the horizontal tail surfaces, especially when the
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airplane is at a high angle of attack. In order to minimize this effect, it

would be desirable to get some of the vertical tail surfaces below the hori-

zontal tail surfaces.



Aerodynamically, it would be nice to have a large aspect ratio for both

the vertical and horizontal tail surfaces, but unfortunately the greater the

aspect ratio the more difficult it becomes to get an efficient structure that

will be rigid. Since the movable surfaces are a reasonably large propor-

tion of the total area, the fixed portion, which supports the movable sur-

faces, must contain all the necessary structure. If the aspect ratio is too

great for the area, there is relatively little depth with the result that

the fixed surfaces may deflect so much under a load that the hinges of

the movable surfaces bind.

The proportion of the movable surfaces to the whole depends upon the

degree of control desired. A large movable surface, for example, needs

less angular deflection than a smaller-sized surface. If the airplane is to

be very maneuverable, it is desirable to have relatively large movable sur-

faces. In any case it is necessary to have sufficient control at the slowest

and at the highest speeds the airplane will attain.

The elevator should be able to trim the airplane at the lowest, or stall

speed, at which time the elevator will usually have its maximum angular

deflection upward. The elevator should also be able to trim the airplane

practically at zero lift, at which time the elevator may have its maximum

angular deflection downward.

Control, however, is not measured only by the change in angle of trim

of the airplane caused by a definite angular deflection of the elevator (and

the discussion here applies equally to the vertical tail surfaces) but also by

the hinge moments produced. If for the same angular deflection of the

movable surface one has greater hinge moments than another, it should

be obvious that the one with the smaller hinge moments can be actuated

far more quickly, and the response of the entire airplane will be quicker



Typically, control surfaces are flapped surfaces located at the trailing

edge of a stationary surface. Therefore an aileron, a rudder, an elevator,

a tab, or a combination of these are control surfaces of the flap variety.

They are designed to change the lift of the entire surface (whether wing,

or horizontal or vertical tail surface) and thereby create a moment about

one of three axes of the airplane for motion or control about that axis.
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Some discussion on flaps and ailerons in Chapter XVII, Design of the

Wing, dealt with increase in lift versus flap deflection and with hinge
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moments. The student is referred to that discussion since it is equally

applicable to tail surfaces.

The magnitude of these hinge moments is becoming an increasingly im-

portant problem. There are several solutions available. In some cases,

(for example, the aileron) it helps materially in reducing the hinge mo-

merits to have a smaller chord so that the ratio of the chord of the movable

surface to that of the entire surface is 15 to 20 per cent. This necessitates

a larger span in order to get the same total control but, unfortunately, the

rudder or elevator seldom has the ratio of its chord to the chord of the com-

plete surface less than 45 or 50 per cent. In order to reduce the hinge

moments, the surfaces may be partially aerodynamically balanced either

by having the hinge line of the movable surface somewhat in rear of its

leading edge, or by having a small movable surface or tab attached near

the trailing edge of the main movable surface. This small surface has an

angular deflection opposite to that required for the main movable surface.

If the tab is small or its setting fixed and changed only when the load

conditions change the center of gravity, then its purpose is for trim only,

and is known as a trimming tab. It takes the place of the adjustable


If the tab can be controlled from the cockpit, it may be used to operate

the larger surface and is then called a control tab or a servotab.

Aerodynamic balance is generally used, even if trailing-edge tabs are

present. The design of this balance is very critical and is still the subject

of much experimental work. For greater effectiveness, a slot in front of

the leading edge of the balance is provided. Although this slot helps to

increase the effectiveness of the movable surfaces, yet, more often than

not, the relatively large gap caused by the slot increases the parasite drag.

Great care should be taken in designing the leading edge of the aero-

dynamic balance so that it is not too sharp and does not project too far

above the upper or lower contour of the fixed surface when the movable

surface is deflected. Such projections collect ice very quickly under icing

conditions and may lead to unbalance of the control surface, or jamming

of the controls.

Design details of the tail surfaces are given under the various paragraph

heads immediately following.

For high-speed aircraft at or near transonic speeds, flaps for controls

produce an appreciable increase in drag, known as trim drag. For that

reason, instead of flapped surfaces, the entire surface is sometimes moved

(as on the Wright Brothers'original airplane).


Symmetrical airfoils are usually used for tail surfaces so that equal effec-
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tiveness per degree of deflection may be obtained for both up and down

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The airfoil section used should have a thickness ratio of from 6 to 9 per

cent and not more than 12 per cent. Unless the tail surfaces are ex-

ceptionally large, the same airfoil is used from tip to root. The NACA

0006, 0009 and 0012 series are recommended.


Figure XIX-2. Three forms of aerodynamic balance for movable surfaces. (A) is

called an unshielded horn balance; (B) is a shielded horn type; (C) shows the more

commonly used aerodynamic balance. All have a certain amount of area ahead of the

hinge pin.


When the flap or control surface is deflected, the center of pressure or

the aerodynamic forces on the flapped surface is behind the hinge line,

producing hinge moments. These hinge moments divided by the lever

arm of the control arm in the cockpit give rise to the stick force that the

pilot has to exert in order to move the control surface.

Figures XIX-2 and XIX-3 show a number of means for obtaining

aerodynamic balance, each of which has special merits of its own. There

are various NACA reports which should be consulted for aerodynamic


The ratio of aerodynamic balance area to the movable surface usually

is from .15 to .20 for the rudder and the elevator. It is generally not

desirable to overbalance the movable surface since it is considered psycho-

logically sound to have the stick forces that are to be overcome increase

with the angular deflection of the surface.

Figure XIX-3. The balancing tab reduces the hinge moments. The hinge moment,

H, for the illustration, is equal to Pia " PJ>.

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Fig. XIX-* Fig. XIX-5

Figure XIX-4. Bulge contour for control surfaces. These tend to float, and

thereby to reduce the control forces.

Figure XIX-5. Pressure diaphragm balance, shown schematically. A flexible

membrane is used for the diaphragm.

Fig. XIX-6 Fig. XIX-7

Figure XIX-6. Cord or bead along the trailing edges of control surfaces may be

used in place of trimming tabs.

Figure XIX-7. Wedge or bevel contour for control surfaces may be used in place

of trim tabs.

Figure XIX-8. Different arrangements for the operation of trim tabs. The top

two diagrams illustrate fixed trim tabs adjustable, by trial and error, to the proper

degree on the ground, while the two lower diagrams show arrangements which may be

operated from the cockpit.

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Figure XIX-9. Different arrangements of servo-control and boost-type tabs.

Trailing-Edge Tabs and Other Devices

Trailing-edge tabs on movable surfaces are another means of obtaining

aerodynamic balance.

A tab on the aileron is used to overcome engine torque. It may be used

with the rudder for the same purpose as the offset fin and on the elevator

for the same purpose as the adjustable stabilizer.

Trimming tabs have a chord varying from 5 to 10 per cent of the mov-

able surface chord and approaching 25 per cent of the chord if used as

servocontrol tabs. The aspect ratio should be as high as possible, varying

usually from as low as 5 to as high as 20.

A control surface is said to be statically balanced when the center of

gravity of the plane containing the hinge line acts through that hinge

line. Static balance is one of the design features required to avoid flutter


For low-speed aircraft having maximum speeds below about 200 miles,

static balances are generally not necessary. For greater speeds, static

balance for movable surfaces becomes a necessity.

For a surface that has its hinge line at the leading edge, static balance

can be obtained only with a concentrated weight ahead of the hinge line

to counterbalance the weight of the movable surface.

For the surface having its hinge line at some distance to the rear of the

leading edge, the structural weight can be so distributed that the center of

gravity falls on the hinge line. Usually, however, this is more easily ac-

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Figure XIX-10. Three different ways by which static balance of a movable surface

could be obtained. By proper positioning of the added weight ahead of the hinge line,

dynamic balance may also be achieved.

complished with a fabric-covered surface than with one that is metal

covered. For the latter, some counterbalancing of the nose section may

become necessary.


For a movable control surface to be fully balanced dynamically, the

principal mass axes of the surface in the plane containing the hinge line

must coincide with the hinge axis and an axis perpendicular to the hinge

line about which angular deflection could take place when subjected to

aerodynamic or inertia loads. For the rudder and elevator, this per-

pendicular axis would be the neutral or longitudinal axis of the fuselage.

For airplanes with a speed greater than 150 miles per hour, it is de-

sirable to have the rudder and elevator dynamically balanced. The

criterion for such balancing is a dynamic balance coefficient of not more

than 0.08.

The dynamic balance coefficient is nondimensional, which may be ex-

pressed by the formula:

iff p xydxdy) 4- (Sf p dxdy)

= Cdb0

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Figure XIX-11. Designation of quadrants for rudder dynamic-balance calculations.

The hinge line is the F-axis, while the neutral axis of the fuselage is the X-axis.

Figure XIX-11 shows a typical surface with the axes designated and

the terms indicated for the equation above, in which the numerator is the

resultant product of inertia of the control surface, and the denominator

is the product of the mass and the aerodynamic area of the control sur-

face. In the formula expressed, p is the unit weight or mass referred to

the surface area, x is the distance between the center of gravity of the

mass and the F-axis, y is the distance between the center of gravity of

the mass and the X-axis, and dx dy is the area of the mass under con-

sideration, S = X dxdy.

The products of inertia in the first and third quadrants are considered

positive; the products of inertia in the second and fourth quadrants are

considered negative. For movable surfaces the hinge line is one axis,

and the principal or longitudinal axis the other.


The Department of Commerce at one time suggested the following gen-

eral principles to be observed for flutter prevention on all airplanes in the

design of control surfaces and control systems.

1. Structural stiffness.

2. Elimination of all play in hinges and control-system joints.

3. Rigid interconnections between elevators.

4. A relatively low amount of aerodynamic balance.

5. High frictional damping.

6. Adequate wing fillets and fairing.

7. Sharp leading edges on movable surfaces should be avoided.

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The following features are considered essential for flutter prevention.

8. When separate elevators are used, the interconnecting structure that

is required must be as stiff in torsion as practicable.

9. Trailing-edge controls should be irreversible, relatively rigid, and

the tab installation should be designed to prevent any development of free

motion of the tab. When the tabs are completely statically balanced,

irreversible controls are not required, provided that the tab control system

cannot be manipulated abruptly through a large range. A small amount

of overbalance of the tab, obtained by putting its center of gravity ahead

'of the hinge line, will help to offset harmful effects of any possible looseness

or tab-control system flexibility.

10. When trailing-edge tabs are used to assist in moving the main sur-

face, the areas and relative movements must be so proportioned that the

main surface is not aerodynamically overbalanced at any time.

11. Experimental determination of the natural frequency of vibration

of certain components of the airplane may be desirable in cases where dan-

gerously low frequencies or the coincidence of the natural frequencies of

two or more structural components exist. Where such cases do occur, re-

design is necessary to change such natural frequencies.

Figure XIX-12. Layout of the principal elements of the tail-surface structure.

Unlike the wing, the spars of the tail surfaces need not be located at a constant

percentage of the chord.

The structural details of the vertical and horizontal tail surfaces are

similar to a simplified version of the wing tip which includes the aileron.

A spar at or near the hinge line is desirable for the elevator or rudder.

This spar is supported by at least three hinge brackets, which in turn

are supported by the rear spar of the fixed surface, which usually has

another spar located at about 10 or 15 per cent of the chord.

Figure XIX-12 shows a schematic layout of the primary structure of

the tail surface. While spars in the wing are located at or close to a

constant percentage of the chord spanwise, such is not the case for tail

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Figure XIX-13. The box structure at the hinge of this movable surface carries the

torsional moment around the hinge cut-out of the leading edge D-spar.

surfaces. Here, the location of the spars is dictated by other considera-

tions, such as hinge-bracket distances, location of attachment to the

fuselage, and rigidity requirements.

For aircraft operating at speeds less than 350 miles per hour or there-

abouts, the movable surfaces are usually fabric covered in order to obtain

a saving in weight and to reduce difficulties in static and dynamic balanc-

ing of the surface.



The horizontal tail surfaces should be so located that any blanketing by

the wing or the fuselage is avoided. Partial blanketing usually exists,

however, but certain features may be incorporated to limit the effect of


In some cases, the location of the horizontal tail surfaces is determined

by clearance requirements for the elevator, as shown in Figure XIX-14,

when the elevator is deflected downward through its total angular range

and with the tail-wheel assembly fully deflected.

Conventional airplanes j>f today locate the tail surfaces about to 3

chord lengths (mean geometric chord of the wing) behind the center of

gravity so that the observance of this rule will assure reasonable static

longitudinal stability.

The horizontal tail surfaces may be ahead of or behind the vertical tail

surface or somewhere between these two extreme positions, as shown in

Figure XIX-15.
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Figure XIX-14. Layout of the horizontal tail surfaces showing cut-out of elevators

to prevent interference with the movement of the rudder. Each movable surface should

be supported by at least three hinges.

For the small airplane, because of structural and dimensional considera-

tions, the rear stabilizer spar and the rear fin spar usually intersect and

are built in integrally with the fuselage frame at that station unless either

or both the fin and stabilizer are adjustable in flight or on the ground.

A position of the horizontal tail surfaces ahead of the vertical tail

surfaces may be considered if it results in less complication of the control

system. One disadvantage of such a location is the blanketing of the

vertical tail surfaces at high angles of attack.

Figure XIX-15. Location of horizontal tail surfaces. They may be located ahead

or behind the vertical tail surfaces. or located vertically anywhere between the two

extremes of the vertical tail surfaces at the bottom of the fuselage or at the top of the

vertical tail surfaces.

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A position of the horizontal tail surfaces behind the vertical tail surfaces

would clear both, so that neither would be blanketed by the other.

Vertically there may also be some choice of location. The lowest

position would probably be determined by the ground clearance of the

deflected elevator, whether or not the nose-wheel or tail-wheel type landing

gear is used.

The location of the horizontal tail surfaces where they can be securely

attached to the fuselage structure is advantageous from the structural

point of view.

For the higher-speed airplanes, especially those having the exhaust

duct or ducts of the jet engines in .the tail of the fuselage, the horizontal

tail surfaces have to be located above the fuselage. Thus the horizontal

surfaces have to be secured to the vertical tail surfaces. Under asym-

metrical conditions, the aerodynamic load on the horizontal tail surfaces

produces a torsional moment upon the vertical tail surfaces. It there-

fore becomes necessary for those surfaces to be constructed more rigidly,

thereby entailing greater weight.

Consideration has been given to the use of a biplane set of horizontal

tail surfaces, whereby the smaller elevator could, in its operation, be used

as a booster control for the larger surface through suitable linkage.

A design used occasionally is the so-called canard type, which locates

the horizontal tail surfaces ahead of the wing. In that position, the

surfaces are acting in the up-wash, rather than the down-wash of the

wing. For this reason, the horizontal tail surfaces are apt to stall before

the wing, so that sufficient control may not be available at a critical time.

However, this feature has been considered an advantage since the tail

surfaces could act as a stall-warning for the wing. The location of the

tail surfaces ahead of the wing may interfere with the vision forward.

It is considered psychologically bad to be able to see the deflection of the

surfaces at practically all times. Another advantage, in addition to the

stall-warning device, is that the arrangement of the surfaces forward may

serve as a suitable crash-absorber in case of an accident.

Angular Deflection

Elevators are designed to have an equal angular movement up and

down from neutral. About 30-degree movement is considered maximum,

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and, with efficient design, a 25-degree deflection up and a 25-degree

deflection down should be sufficient.

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Adjustable Stabilizer

The stabilizer may be adjusted through a small angular displacement

either on the ground or in the air from the cockpit (usually the latter, if at

all, since trimming tabs are displacing adjustable stabilizers).



If an adjustable stabilizer is used, a total of 6- to 8-degree movement

(about 5 degrees up and 3 degrees down) is usually used.

The adjustable stabilizer is used to change the trim angle of the air-

plane without displacing the elevator. The elevator can then operate

from the new neutral position determined by the stabilizer. In the first

prototype to be flown, the range of angles provided may be greater than

is absolutely necessary until flight tests have determined the desirable


For high-speed airplanes operating through the transonic regime, the

adjustable stabilizer is preferred over the elevator trim tab, since the trim

drag is becoming an important factor in the performance of the airplane.

Where power operation has been provided, a one-degree-per-second rate

of change through 11-degree travel has been used.

On small airplanes it has been customary to make the stabilizer adjust-

able through a limited angular range, about 3 degrees up and 3 degrees

down. This adjustment has been possible either on the ground or in the

air by means of a control located in the pilot's cockpit. The adjustment

in the air is preferable. On the large transport airplanes, variations in

trim (the object of the adjustable stabilizer) are obtained by means of

trailing-edge tabs.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of the tail surfaces should be as high as possible (usually

from 3 to 5) in order to avoid blanketing of the structure to which they

are attached. Aspect ratios greater than 6 are seldom used unless ttyey

can be adequately braced.

In proportioning the tail surfaces, it is not desirable to start with the

aspect ratio because the fuselage section increases the span of the tail sur-

faces seemingly beyond the desirable limit.

For correcting airfoil data from the given aspect ratio to that of the tail

surfaces, the aspect ratio is calculated on the basis of the square of the span

length from tip to tip divided by the area including that covered by the

fuselage. In other words, exactly the same procedure is followed as in

calculating the aspect ratio of the wing.

Angle of Incidence

The incidence of the horizontal tail surfaces is determined by the amount

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of downwash from the wing, its relative location with respect to the wing,

and the moment required to obtain the required trim angle.

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The angle of trim of the airplane is denned at that angle at which the

sum of the pitching moments about the center of gravity of the airplane is

zero. Normally, it is expected that the elevator be in the neutral position,

that is, undeflected for that attitude of the airplane or angle of trim for


which the flying time is the greatest. This attitude is usually for cruising.

In order to determine this angle, it would be desirable to have calculated

the preliminary performance. In lieu of the necessary data from such

calculations, it may be assumed that the desired angle of trim lies between

the angle of the wing at which the minimum drag coefficient occurs, and

the angle at which the maximum ratio of lift to drag occurs.

Once the angle of trim has been decided upon, the angle of incidence (or

setting) of the horizontal tail surfaces can be determined for at trim by:

Cjfw. = 0 = Cm. + Cm a or Cm, = —Cm.;



-0.8yi CL, f*.

— Cm.

— -0.8yASt/SK)&ttTim> (2)

where Cm. has been calculated for that angle of attack of the airplane cor-

responding to the angle of trim.

Once the lift coefficient of the tail surfaces at trim condition has been

determined, the required angle of attack of the tail surfaces can be deter-

mined from the aerodynamic characteristics of the tail surface airfoil.

Since the tail surfaces are affected by the downwash of the wing, correc-

tion for this downwash must be made not only to determine the angle of

incidence of the tail surfaces, but to determine the angle of attack of the

tail surfaces corresponding to the angle of attack of the wing.

The downwash angle is given sufficiently accurately by the following

modified Diehl's equation:

e = ^a^»ir*» (3)

where e is the downwash angle in degrees,

Cl is the lift coefficient of the wing,

R is the aspect ratio of the wing, "u0

x is the number of mean aerodynamic wing-chord lengths that

V the 20 per cent pomt of the mean geometric chord of the hori-

zontal tail surfaces is behind the aerodynamic center of the

wing, and

y is, similarly, the number of chord lengths the horizontal tail

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surfaces are above or below the mean aerodynamic chord of the

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For any given design, equation (3) could be written in terms of the angle

of attack of the wing since Cl — aa*, where aa is so measured that a = 0

when Cl = 0, and a is the slope of the lift curve. By further evaluation,

the formula would finally take the form


e = kaa, (3a)



£-0.25 y-0.7I_

Then, if the wing has an angle of incidence measured with relation to a

fixed reference line on the fuselage, the effective angle of downwash meas-

ured with relation to this reference line would be e + iw. The angle of

Figure XIX-16. Reference diagram for angles referred to in equation (4a).

attack of the horizontal tail surfaces, when placed at zero angle of incidence

to the fuselage reference line, would be — (« + ij). Should the horizontal

tail surfaces have an angle of incidence of its own, the angle of attack of

the horizontal tail surfaces would be it — (« + i«).


at = -(« + (4)


OLt = it — (e + im), (4a)

depending upon whether the horizontal tail surfaces have an angle of inci-

dence or not. This angle of incidence can now be determined for the re-

quired at, for Cl [as obtained from equation (2)] at trim gives the neces-

sary information. For subsequent calculations, it would be desirable to

determine at from a modified form of equation (4a) such as at = fca„ —

i* + it0


Normally, any sweepback that the horizontal tail surfaces may have is

due to the trapezoidal planform. However, just as sweepback has been

employed for the wing as speeds approach M = 1, so sweepback has to be

applied to the horizontal tail surfaces. The discussion relating to sweep-

back in Chapter XVII, Design of the Wing, is applicable to the design of

the horizontal tail surfaces.

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In order to obtain relatively uniform down-wash conditions on the

horizontal tail surfaces, some sweepback may be employed to compensate

for the sweepback of the wing.


Normally horizontal tail surfaces are not given any dihedral, but it has

been found that the effectiveness of the horizontal tail surfaces can be in-

creased considerably, particularly at high angles of attack, by incorporat-

ing some dihedral in the horizontal tail surfaces. How large the dihedral

angle should be depends upon the down wash of the wing; for purposes of

symmetry, the span line of the tail surfaces may be made parallel to the

span line of the wings.


Examination of airplanes of all sizes reveals that the jpatio of the hori-

zontal tail surfaces to the effective wing area varies from'20xo 25 per cent.

The greater the tail length is, in terms of the wing chord, the smaller per-

centage area is required. Wings equipped with lift-increase device usually

require that the percentage area of the horizontal tail surfaces be greater

than if the wings were not so equipped.

The elevator area varies from 35 to 45 per cent of the horizontal tail sur-

face area.


For ease in assembly and disassembly, the horizontal tail surfaces are

attached to the top of the fuselage, especially if tubular steel construction

is used for both the tail surfaces and the fuselage. When reinforced metal

monocoque construction is used, the horizontal tail surfaces may be located

nearer the longitudinal centerline of the rear portion of the fuselage and

still obtain the necessary rigidity.


Some indication of planforms used for horizontal tail surfaces may be

obtained from those shown in Figure XIX-17. Since the aspect ratios

are about the same for the horizontal tail surfaces as for the wing, and

some other considerations of design are similar, the planforms of the

horizontal tail surfaces look very similar to the wing planforms. Some

modification may be made due to the greater role that the movable sur-

face, which takes up almost half of the total area, plays in the design of
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the structure.
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Figure XIX-17. Typical planforms of horizontal tail surfaces. Only one half of

the surfaces are shown. Vertical tail surface planforms are similar.

Other Solutions

For some aircraft, especially those of the flying-wing type, the horizontal

tail surfaces disappear as separate entities, but their function is taken

over by trailing-edge flaps or wing-tip surfaces. The high-speed transonic

and supersonic designs employing the delta wing should be studied, es-

pecially with reference to the means employed in obtaining longitudinal

stability and control through flaps and other similar devices.

For other high-speed designs, there may be no elevator as such, but the

entire horizontal tail surface may be deflected angularly in order to elim-

inate the increase in drag caused by the deflected flap.

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Figube XIX-18. Two illustrations showing the application of moveable wing tips

that, freely floating, would operate as an aileron on a normal wing, as in (A); or, for a

tailless airplane the tip surfaces could be operated differentially for aileron action or

unidirectionally for elevator action, as shown in (B).


When the horizontal tail surfaces have been positioned on the fuselage

or some other component of the airplane structure, the student should

check allowable clearances with the ground when the elevator is deflected,

and with the vertical tail surfaces, especially the rudder.


The vertical tail surfaces consist of the fixed surfaces (the rudder), the

movable surface (the elevator), and the trim tab.

The function of these surfaces is to obtain the necessary directional

stability and control in flight.

Figure XIX-19. A "canard-type" airplane with the horizontal tail surfaces located

ahead of the center of gravity. The vertical tail surfaces are located at the wing tip.
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Directional Stability and Control

Straight flight should be attainable at any speed above 140 per cent of

the minimum speed by sideslipping without the use of the rudder and with

a single engine (of a multi-engine design) being inoperative.

The yawing moment in a sideslip should be such that right-rudder de-

flection would be required for a sideslip toward the left, and left-rudder

deflection toward the right. For small angles of sideslip, the sideslip angle

should be proportional to the rudder angle.

The airplane should always tend to return from a sideslip without the

use of the rudder regardless of the angle of the sideslip.

Rudder control should be such that:

1. A control force of not more than 180 pounds is required to maintain

the airplane in rectilinear flight with one engine inoperative and the other

or others at full rated power at all speeds above the minimum take-off


2. To meet the spin recovery requirements of the airplane;

3. To overcome the adverse yawing moment caused by aileron deflec-

tions at any speed.

When all controls are released in flight, lateral oscillations of the air-

plane should always damp to one half amplitude within two complete

cycles. When the ailerons or rudder are moved and released quickly,

they should return to their neutral position and damp any oscillations of

the airplane in one cycle.

Both rudder and aileron may employ trimming systems. They should


1. Used if the control forces for level flight are 10 per cent greater than

80 pounds for the aileron control wheel or 30 pounds for the aileron control

stick, or 180 pounds for the rudder pedals for any speed between the maxi-

mum speed and 120 per cent of the minimum speed;

2. Powerful enough to maintain rectilinear flight with one engine inop-

erative (for a multi-engine airplane) at speeds 140 per cent of the minimum

or above.

Further, the approaching stall of the airplane should develop gradually

and make itself felt by increasing "pull force" on the control column, and

by evidence of buffeting of the airplane. Recovery, after complete stall

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has been attained, should be possible by normal use of the controls.

Rolling or yawing moments of the airplane at less than 2 degrees above

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the attitude required for a 3-point landing should not cause the airplane to



From the flight criteria mentioned, the designer is able to work back to

the detail design so that the airplane will incorporate the characteristics

desired. Many features are arrived at through past experience or from

examination of existing designs. Other features are subject to research

in the wind tunnel, for there may be a number of variables that require

proper proportions to obtain the desired effect.


The location of the vertical tail surfaces depends upon the type and

speed range of the aircraft. For the small, single-engine private airplane,

the vertical tail surfaces are, almost without exception, located above the

horizontal tail surfaces in order to centralize control systems and simplify

the supporting structure contained in the fuselage.

It is desirable to locate about half of the rudder below the axis of sym-

metry of the fuselage, but this may not be possible because of required

clearance with the ground.

Large airplanes employ multiple vertical tail surfaces (see Figure

XIX-20) for several reasons, although the primary one is to obtain the

advantage of slipstream effect over one of the surfaces when an engine of a

multi-engine design quits. The increased slipstream velocity helps in pro-

viding the greater yawing moment necessary to overcome that produced

by the offset thrust.

In large designs, it is often difficult to

prevent blanketing of the vertical tail

surfaces by the large fuselage so that

dividing the area into several smaller

ones and placing them at the ends of the

horizontal tail surfaces increases their

relative efficiency.

Where the required area is very large,

three instead of two sets of vertical tail

surfaces are used. This reduces the tor- Figure XIX-20. Arrangements

sional load imposed by the outrigger type of twin vertical tail surfaces.

of vertical tail surfaces which also complicates the control-system design.

The extension of the fin area ahead of the middle fin in triple vertical

tail-surface design has often been added after flight tests indicated that
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additional vertical tail area was necessary. While inefficient aerodynami-

cally, such extensions do not impose very much additional torsion on the
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To a less extent, multiple vertical tail surfaces are used in order to re-

duce the over-all height of the aircraft structure, especially in those designs

for which hangar door clearances are the determining factors.



For high-speed aircraft, the vertical tail surfaces may be displaced at

the wing tips of the swept-back wing, where they obtain a sufficiently long

moment arm to produce a satisfactory yawing moment.

The placing of the vertical tail surfaces at the end of the horizontal tail

surfaces helps, although to a very small degree, to increase the effective

aspect ratio of the horizontal tail surfaces.

In some cases the vertical tail surfaces are slightly tilted from the ver-

tical. This is usually the result of the dihedral incorporated in the hori-

zontal tail-surface design where dihedral is employed to account for the

downwash of the wing.

Angular Deflection

The rudder has an angular movement of a maximum of 30 degrees each

side of neutral. It is generally desirable to have all primary control

surfaces operate through the same angular range so that a pilot transferring

from one airplane to another is at least likely to be familiar with the

amount of control to be expected for the control-stick or rudder-pedal


The fin may be adjustable to offset the yawing moment induced by the

means used to produce a rolling moment of the wing to offset the torque

of the reciprocating engine.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of the vertical tail surfaces may be somewhat restricted

by the possible torsional moment imposed upon the fuselage structure

since the vertical tail surfaces are usually asymmetrical about the longi-

tudinal axis. Since the tail surfaces are at zero angle of attack throughout

the flight regime, aspect-ratio effects play a very small part, if any, in

Figure XIX-21. For aspect-ratio calculations, the surface area represented by the

side of the fuselage aft of the dotted line is included in the total area; but it is not con-

sidered as part of the vertical tail surface area in the evaluation of the ratios of tail

surface area to wing area—which ratio may vary from .08 to .12.
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the over-all aerodynamic drag of the airplane. The main consideration

for the vertical tail surface is to locate it so that it is not made ineffective

by blanketing of the fuselage or horizontal tail surfaces. To minimize

such blanketing, a higher aspect ratio for the vertical tail surfaces often

becomes necessary.

The aspect ratio of the vertical tail surfaces should be between 2 and 4.

It is difficult to state exactly what the aspect ratio of the vertical tail sur-

faces may be, because the rear portion of the fuselage influences the vertical

tail surface effectiveness.


The size of the tail surfaces is dependent upon the location; the greater

the distance between the center of gravity of the airplane and the center

of pressur^of the vertical tail surfaces in terms of the mean^ierodynamic

chord^ofThe wing^the smaller the area needs to be. Where the vertical

tail surfaces are attached to the wing tips, the relative distance is likely

to be smaller, so that the area would have to be proportionately greater

in order to obtain the same degree of directional stability and control.

The area of the vertical tail surfaces ranges from !10jto 15 per cent of

the wing area, with about 30 to 50 per cent of the area devoted to the

rudder. An exception is provided by those designs where dorsal or

ventral fins are employed, in which case the movable portion of the vertical

tail surfaces is likely to be no more than 30 per cent of the total area.

The dorsal fin (see Figure XIX-22) may be used to increase the fin area

in order to (1) increase the directional stability if the original surface

Figure XIX-22. The dotted lines show various ways of increasing the fin area.

The top diagram illustrates a dorsal fin, while the two bottom diagrams illustrate the

vertical-type fin.
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proves inadequate, (2) transmit the loads on the fin to a greater number

of fuselage frames, (3) reduce the torsional moment about the longitudinal

fuselage axis, (4) reduce the over-all height dimensions of the vertical tail

surfaces, and (5) obtain a possible weight saving, although the total fin

area is likely to be greater for a dorsal fin than for a normal fin-type


The ventral fin (See Figure XIX-22) is another solution to increasing

the fin area. Since it is located below the fuselage, it is not blanketed

by any of the aircraft structure and is likely to be even more effective

than the dorsal fin.


The vertical tail surfaces have a variety of planforms, depending some-

what upon their location. A few likely designs are illustrated in Figure


Figure XIX-23. Typical planforms of vertical tail surfaces.


For transonic and supersonic designs, the vertical tail surfaces must

incorporate sweepback. For lower-speed aircraft, on the other hand,

the sweepback observed in the design of the vertical tail surfaces is a result

of other design considerations such as planform, appearance, and position

of the fin-post.
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Tail Length

For subsonic designs of conventional layout, the tail surfaces have been

so located that the distance from the center of gravity of the airplane to

the estimated center of pressure of the horizontal or vertical tail surfaces

is from 2.5 to 3.25 times the mean geometric chord of the wing.

As speeds approach the supersonic, the "trim drag", especially with

deflected surfaces, becomes an appreciable portion of the total drag of

the airplane. To ameliorate this condition, the tail length is made as

long as possible, so that smaller areas may be employed for the tail sur-

faces and relatively little deflection is necessary for the desired amount

of control. Both are attempts to reduce the drag. However, there is a

point of diminishing return in that a longer fuselage also implies a greater

skin drag, and thus a gain in one may be offset by a loss in the other.

|- A M

Figure XIX-24. The distance A for conventional airplanes should be from to 3

times the mean aerodynamic chord of the wing. The angle B, corresponding to the

maximum deflection of the elevator, should permit the tailing edge of the elevator to

clear the ground comfortably.


This type of tail surface combines the vertical and horizontal tail

surfaces in one, as shown in Figure XIX-25. The vertical component of

the lift corresponds to the normal tail-surface load, while the horizontal

Figure XIX-25. A "Vee" or "Butterfly" tail.

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component of lift when both halves of the surfaces are neutral is zero,

unless both surfaces are at an angle to the normal direction of flight

when the horizontal component of lift produces the necessary yawing

moment to weather-cock the airplane.

The movable trailing-edge flaps act as elevators when both are deflected

in the same direction, and as rudders when operated in the opposite

direction. It is also possible to operate them in a combination of the two

motions so that simultaneous pitching and yawing moments are obtained.

The movable surfaces are called either ruddervaters or elerudders.

The cockpit controls are the same as for the normal type of rudders and

elevators, although the control mechanism from the cockpit to the tail

surfaces is a little more complicated.

The advantages claimed for such an arrangement are:

1. A saving in weight due to its simplicity of construction, its fewer

elements, and the smaller total area possible.

2. Higher maximum speed, due to less area and consequently less pro-

file drag as well as less interference drag.

3. Better spin recovery due to less blanketing of the tail surfaces.

The detailed design information is to be found in an NACA report.

For preliminary design purposes, the following relationships may be


The effective horizontal tail surface area

SH = S cos 0; (1)



) O O Oil




— i



1= \

Figure XIX-26. Dive brakes are used to reduce speed of aircraft and may be used
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as spoilers for additional aileron or directional control, depending upon the number

used and their location. When not in use, they recess—flush—into the top surface of
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the wing.


The effective vertical tail surface area

Sv = S sin 0. (2)

Dividing (2) by (1),

tan /3 =

so that using the proportion of areas needed for the conventional vertical

and horizontal tail surfaces, the value of tan /J can be determined where /3

is the dihedral angle for the tail surfaces. Once the value of /3 has been

found, the total area of the Vee tail can be calculated from either equation

(1) or equation (2).

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Control Systems

The control system incorporates all the operating mechanisms located

in the cockpit, the connections between these mechanisms, and the control



The systems commonly employed are:

1. The push-pull system (Figure XX-1) consists of tubes which may

take tension and compression and whose direction may be conveniently

changed by suitable mechanical devices, usually bell-cranks.

The push-pull system is likely to be heavy since any member subjected

to compression is larger than one subjected to tension. Where the struc-

ture, as the wing for example, has large deflections, the push-pull control

system may be bent with the wing causing difficulty of operation. It may

be used for part of the system in combination with others, and for engine

controls, and rudder and elevator controls. Its advantage is that it has

no appreciable stretch to cause lag in operation of the movable controls.

2. The cable system, most extensively employed because deflections of

the structure to which it is attached do not affect its operation, consists of

a continuous system of cables operating over pulleys and through fairleads.

Since cables have a tendency to stretch, they are prestretched before in-

stallation to about 60 per cent of their rated strength; some manufacturers

install them with an initial tension of 100 to 150 pounds. Long cables,

particularly, may have a large amount of stretch unless these special

precautions are taken to limit it.

3. The torque-tube system, which converts lineal motion into rotary mo-

tion, has relatively few members and usually its installation is compara-

tively simple structurally. Long members under torsion have consider-

able angular deflection which is liable to cause a time lag in operation of

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controls or, if stops are provided in the system, the angular deflections

may be large enough to reduce seriously the angular depression of the con-

trol surface it is to operate. To limit the angular deflections, relatively

rigid members (offering greater weight) have to be employed.

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In designing control systems, especial care should be given to assure

that there is no binding, change in tension, or interference of the various

components comprising the system as well as possible interference with

the attaching structure. Extreme weather conditions require considera-

tion of thermal expansion and contraction.

Adjustable stabilizer-elevator combinations, especially when the stabi-

lizer is adjusted to its extreme position, may cause either interference with

other parts of the control system or excessive tension in the rigging of the

surfaces or in the control system.


Cables passing over pulleys are kept in place by guards. These should

be close-fitting to prevent jamming or to prevent cables from slipping off

when they slacken due to temperature variations.

Figure XX-2. Schematic diagram of the tension cable system for control surface

operation. Motion caused by rotation of control wheel for aileron, and by fore and

aft motion of the control column. Rudder operation is obtained by another control

system employing a cross-bar or a pedal assembly actuated by the foot.

The pulleys should be located in such a way that the plane of rotation

of the pulley lies in the plane determined by the cables. There should be

no rubbing of the cable against the side of the pulley flanges.


Control cables are designated by the number of strands such as 6 X 19

or 7 X 19 extra flexible. These are generally preferred because of their

greater sturdiness, but 6 X 7 or 7 X 7 flexible cable of ^2-inch diameter

may be used where especial care is taken to provide against wear. Cable

smaller than %a-inch diameter may not be used in the primary control
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system except for tab-control systems, provided the airplane may still be

controlled should such cables fail.

In general, cable sizes are determined by considerations of control-system

deflections previously discussed as well as by strength requirements.

Table XX-1 shows weights and lengths of cables.


Cable systems, or chains, or connecting links of the control system

should be supported at inter-

vals to prevent chafing of the

system against adjacent struc-

ture or possible interference

with other components of the

same system. For such pur-

poses, fairleads are employed.

These should not be used to

change the direction of the

cable, although for relatively

low cable loads, a change up to

3 degrees is permitted.

Wherever guards or fair-

leads are used, means should

be available for easy inspec-

tion and maintenance.

Figure XX-3. A fairlead block attached to

a metal bracket to prevent chafing of the metal

control cable.

In "open" systems for the

aileron-control system where

the balance cable between the

ailerons is the only system for returning the ailerons to neutral, the effects

of opposite loads on the wheels or sticks of a dual-control system may

cause such deflections (stretch) in the control cables or chains that jamming

may occur unless close-fitting fairleads or guards are used.


Adjustable stabilizers require stops at their extreme limits in case the

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adjusting mechanism should fail. Elevator trailing-edge tab systems also

should be provided with stops to limit the travel. It is generally wise to

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incorporate some form of stops on all movable surfaces to avoid interfer-

ence with the adjacent structure. It is also desirable to have additional

stops located close to the operating force in order to avoid a "springy"




03 g

° 8




C »H

S5 S



Weight ser


feet (lb)




strength (lb)




i-T pa to to oo" o cf h--



'$ '% 'g k 'S '§ k p§ > 'St '% f E >

Weight ser


feet Ob)

m « « « n .* xoo n «o e« m • s«»



strength (lb)


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Weight ser
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feet Qb)

»-H l-( N



strength Oh)

S- <n «f ^- oo~ of e£



£ g

.a I

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Figure XX-5. Aileron control unit. The mechanism employed here may be used

with equal effectiveness for the operation of any movable surface. (Courtesy Convair.)
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time. Positive means should also be incorporated for providing positive

retention of the flap in the fully retracted position.


In addition to the usual air loads acting upon the deflected wing flaps,

high local loads may also be caused by the impact of water, especially

when low-wing airplanes are operated from wet fields or water. For these

reasons, it is desirable to make the flaps sturdy. When the piano-type

hinge is used, a series of short sections rather than one long section should

be used not only for ease of maintenance but also for better operation.

Ground clearance of the flap for low-wing installation should be carefully

considered, especially in the initial design stages because subsequent flight

tests may indicate that a greater angular deflection of the flap may be de-

sirable. The ground clearance is least for the largest angular depression

of the flap. For a start, 12 inches of ground clearance is assumed reason-



Tabs for control surfaces should be rigid and well anchored to prevent

damage or misalignment from handling. For small airplanes, such tabs

usually consist of thin sheets attached to the trailing edge. In this case,

care should be taken that successive bendings of these tabs do not interfere

with the performance of the main surface or do not damage the tab itself.


Hinges for control surfaces need careful study. It is usually desirable

to provide at least three hinges for control surfaces to assure operation

of the surfaces. The deflections of the surfaces and the structure to which

they are attached should be studied.

Usually it is desirable to so space these hinges that the load for each

hinge is the same. However, a study of deflections may indicate another

disposition. For initial design, hinges may be spaced equidistant since

subsequent stress analysis is necessary to indicate likely deflections.

Bearings usually allow a few degrees for misalignment, but if deflections

cause too much misalignment, the surface cannot be deflected at all.

Closed piano-type hinges are acceptable when they are positively at-

tached (other than wood screws) as close to the hinge line as possible.

Several sections should be used to reduce inspection and maintenance

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problems and they should not be located near the control horns where the

load is concentrated.
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Strap-type hinges are generally not desirable since the wear is appre-

ciable, and their repair relatively difficult.

Provision for lubrication should be provided wherever self-lubrication

methods or sealed bearings are not used.




For the upper limit, a torque of 133 inch-pounds applied to the control

knob in "twist" controls may be considered a design factor. Where con-

trol wheels, cranks, levers, or handwheels with a well-defined rim are used,

a torque of T = 100 R (where R is the radius of the wheel) should be con-



Hydraulic and pneumatic systems are increasingly used to replace

manual operation of all devices which are changed from one position or

condition to another for which the time element may not be important

and where rapid reversals of such motions are not required.

The widest application so far has been for cases requiring lineal motion

although rotary motion can also be obtained through the use of hydraulic

motors employing a variable-volume hydraulic pump as a pressure source.

Hydraulic systems have been used extensively for actuating:


Retractable landing gears


Fuel dump valves


Wheel brakes


Tail wheels


Automatic pilot


Hydraulic motors for starting


Trailing-edge wing flaps

auxiliary engines


Engine-cowling flaps


Remotely-mounted fuel

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Windshield wipers

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Full-feathering hydromatic


Folding wings or wing tips.


All these could also be operated by electrical means and for military pur-

poses. Such means would be preferable because of the vulnerability of

the hydraulic systems. However, weight saving is always an important

matter in commercial design and the hydraulic systems are considerably

lighter than a comparable electrical system.

Hydraulic systems are generally preferred because of:

1. Flexibility of control permitting immediate and positive starting and

stopping of operating mechanisms.

2. Simple variation of output by modification of bore and stroke.

3. Ease of installation.

4. Ease of inspection and maintenance—both of which are done by any

mechanic more quickly than for the equivalent electrical system.

5. Reserve power available (when pressure accumulators are used)

when the engine quits.

In large airplanes several hydraulic systems may be required since pres-

sure and fluid requirements vary. Usually one system is installed for use

with engine oil for operation of full-feathering hydromatic propeller, and



another for use with Lockheed hydraulic fluid for operating brakes, re-

tractable mechanisms, flaps, and the like.

Hydraulic systems for aircraft may operate from 1000 to 1500 pounds

per square inch for which 52SO aluminum alloy tubing is usually employed.

Occasionally the systems may be required to operate at 3000 pounds per

square inch or higher, for which stainless-steel tubing may be employed.







Figure XX-10.


Actuating cylinder

Sketch showing one method of installing a hydraulic actuating

The diameter of the tubing is selected on the basis of fluid flow required.

The wall thickness is determined on the basis of allowable stress, required

load factor, and commercial thickness available. The average fluid flow

for certain tubing sizes is listed here.

Nominal Tubing,

Outside Diameter (in.)


Average Flow Desired

(gal per min)







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Barlow's formula for wall thickness is

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where /

= wall thickness in inches,

= safety factor required (usually about 5),

= nominal operating pressure, pounds per square inch,

= outside diameter of tube in inches,

= ultimate tensile stress of the material.

Pneumatic systems, because of the availability of a large air supply and

the absence of extreme changes in viscosity, are used for aircraft powered

with jet engines.

Above 70,000 feet, air compressors will probably not be used since the

ambient air is too thin to compress efficiently. Furthermore, the turbo-

jet engine will need all the air it can get, leaving none for such functions

as cabin pressurization or operation of controls.

A pneumatic source will probably still be necessary, but the use of air

will most likely be restricted to emergency operations such as canopy or

stores jettisoning. Seals and joints of the entire operating system would

have to be completely leak-free. The power or supply source may be

high-pressure air bottles or specially designed compressed-air storage

areas within the aircraft structure.

Another source of pneumatic povrer could be nitrogen or another gas in

liquid form. This would require an insulated, high-strength container.

"Pseudo-pneumatics"—still another source of power—makes use of

the expanding gases produced by the firing of explosive cartridges to

operate certain pneumatic components, such as starters, and could be

adapted for other functions requiring reliability and instantaneous action.


It is generally desirable to standardize on the travel allowed for the

various controls so that a pilot, in transferring from one type of airplane

Figure XX-11. A schematic diagram of a simple irreversible control mechanism.

(See also detail in Figure XX-5 for irreversible control.)

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to another, does not have to become accustomed to a new set of controls

and lose much valuable time in the learning process. The travel of pri-

mary control elements seems to be dependent to a great degree on the size

Figure XX-12. Pulleys guiding and supporting control cables. Pulleys are also

used to change the angular direction of the cables.

of the aircraft. Stick travel at the grip may vary 18 inches fore and aft,

and 18 inches side to side, to somewhat smaller dimensions for the light

airplane. Angular travel of the control wheel from neutral may vary cor-

respondingly from 270 degrees to 90 degrees. The usual pedal travel

amounts to a total of 6 inches.

Adjustment in the controls, especially in the rudder controls, seems 'to

be preferred to fore and aft adjustment of the pilot's seat.

Irreversible Controls

In subsonic designs where the control forces caused by hinge moments

are not too severe, irreversible controls are used primarily for reducing

the chances of flutter. For higher-speed designs, especially those employ-

ing boost controls, irreversible controls are required.

Above Mach 0.8, effectiveness of the control surfaces drops off since

the upstream surfaces are no longer influenced by the control surface

deflections. However, the stick forces, and the hinge moments that

cause them, increase rapidly as the speed of the aircraft increases. Ir-

reversible power controls are therefore required for such craft. An

artificial feel corresponding to the actual pressures exerted is usually

introduced in such systems so that the pilot may also have some psycho-

logical response to the increased forces.

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Detail requirements specified for a design may be of interest.


1. A dual set of controls should be readily removable. All controls not

duplicated should be so located as to be conveniently accessible to the

co-pilot but no control should be so

located as to constitute a hazard when

the front seat is occupied by a pas-


2. All control surfaces should be

adequately balanced.

3. Adequate controllable trimming

tabs should be fitted to the elevator

and rudder.

4. Ball- or roller-bearing hinges

should be used throughout.

5. The rudder pedals should be ad-

justable fore and aft.

6. The rudder pedals should con-

trol the differential action of the

brakes. (Note: The brake controls

preferably should be mounted on the

rudder pedals and provided with ad-

ditional parking brake lock.)

7. A suitable parking brake ca-

pable of holding the plane against

maximum thrust should be provided.

8. Full operation of high-lift de-

vices should not require an independ-

ent readjustment of the trim control

for trim.

9. Electric, hydraulic, or mechan-

ical operation of high-lift devices and

retractable landing gear, if provided,

is required and full operation in either direction should not require more
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than one minute.

Figure XX-13. A detail of the con-

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trol wheel: 1-2 elevator up cables; 3-4

elevator down cables; 5-6 aileron cables.

Engine Controls

1. Engine controls consist of all mechanisms exterior to the engine

required for controlling spark, throttle and mixture adjustments, as well

as cowling shutter controls, and the like.



Figure XX-14. Extruded components of a piano hinge (A); machined (B);

assembled (C). The bottom figures show the top view and cross section of such a hinge.

2. Engine controls should be placed at the left of the pilot's seat, except

for side-by-side seating of pilots, when they should be located between the

pilots' seats.

3. All engine controls should be marked plainly to show their function

and method of operation.

4. Throttle control and ignition switches should be easily accessible to

the pilot and so arranged as to afford a positive means of controlling all

engines separately or simultaneously.

5. A positive means for shutting off all ignition must be readily acces-

sible to the pilot.

6. Throttle controls may be operated by an approved positive-action

cable or wire control system.

7. The controls should be positively operated and springs should not

be relied upon to actuate the controls in either direction. Push-and-pull

rods should be used wherever possible.

8. Engine controls should be so designed as to avoid the undoing of a

large number of bolts or unions to take the rods apart.

9. Ball-bearing supports should be provided wherever possible.

10. Each control system should have one lever of adjustable length.

11. All rod lengths should be adjustable and stiff enough to take 70

pounds on the control handle without failure.

12. Adjustable stops should be provided.

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Figure XX-15. Piano hinge, unbalanced control surface.


By use of motors and suitable linkages, and mechanisms, the hydraulic

system may be completely replaced by an electrical system.

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The Fuselage

Even though comparatively little thought seems to have been given to

the size, shape, and structure of the fuselage up to now, it has been practi-

cally designed in most of its major elements while the pilot's cockpit, the

passenger cabin, the placement of the wing, and the balance diagram were

under consideration.


For conventional designs, the fuselage and its contents usually represent

the largest concentration of mass items. Under acceleration, the relative

effect of loads due to inertia forces is therefore greatest on this structure.

Furthermore, the conventional fuselage is the connecting link for the

various appendages that transmit the aerodynamic and landing loads to

it. Because of these loads of significant proportions, the structure must

be strong and efficiently designed.

The fuselage serves another important function: it represents the most

basic- part of the airplane, for it houses the crew, cargo, instrumentation,

etc. This serves to present problems in such important areas as heating,

ventilating, and air supply.

The fuselage design therefore requires the consideration of a great many

factors and the adaptation of many compromises. In arriving at a final

design, it is advisable to prepare a large number of detail designs before

the final compromise is accepted. Once a likely arrangement of struc-

tural members, openings, and attachments has been agreed upon, a more

detailed study of the component parts is possible.


In discussing various aspects of wing design, the matter of wing-fuselage

configurations was included in some detail, primarily from the standpoint

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of the wing structure. However, the suggestions brought forth there

should be referred to again when considering the design of the fuselage.

For airplane speeds of less than 350 miles per hour, the problem of

reducing the drag of wing-fuselage configurations has been met primarily

by careful streamlining. In general, a fuselage that by itself represents

a minimum drag form, when combined with the wing produces an optimum

combination. Filleting at the juncture of the wing and the fuselage helps

to reduce the drag.

NACA TR 540 entitled "Interference of Wing and Fuselage" covers

extensive wind-tunnel tests made on various wing and fuselage combina-

tions. Parasol arrangements with round fuselages seemed to be best if

drag of supporting struts were neglected; otherwise, a slightly higher than

midwing arrangement was next best; forward positions of the wing with

respect to the fuselage seemed favorable; low-wing positions are unfavor-

able, except by means of adequate filleting. Efficient airfoils of moderate

thickness and low camber are most susceptible to adverse interference


In general, acute angles included between the fuselage and attaching

wing or tail surfaces should be avoided.

When multi-engine designs are considered, care has to be taken that

the nacelle shape—particularly if it is long and of a cross section comparable

in magnitude to the fuselage cross section—does not cause interference

effects when the nacelle is placed too close to the fuselage or to another

nacelle. Wind-tunnel tests are necessary to determine the optimum

configuration. The interference effects are manifested not only in a drag

that is higher than would be expected from consideration of the drag

characteristics of the individual components alone, but also in longitudinal

and directional stability problems.

With transonic speeds, the problem of wing-fuselage integration becomes

more acute. For the large delta wing, the fuselage practically disappears

within the contour of the root airfoil and therefore presents no serious

problem. For other designs, a more careful study must be made of the

spanwise cross-sectional area distribution along the longitudinal axis of

the airplane according to what is known as the Whitcomb's Area Rule.

The method is illustrated in Figure XXI-1. The side and top views of a
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proposed design are shown in the top two figures. The cross-sectional

areas normal to the line of flight are plotted against the longitudinal axis
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of the airplane, as shown in the bottom figure. Curve ABCEF represents

the cross-sectional area of the fuselage and the tail surfaces. Curve BDE

is the cross-sectional area of the fuselage normal to the longitudinal axis

of the airplane, plotted on top of the fuselage curve. An "ideal" com-

posite curve, approximating that of a volume of revolution with good

transonic (and speeds beyond) drag characteristics, is shown in curve



Figure XXI-1. Application of Whitcomb's Area Rule.

ACDG. The station where the pilot's cockpit would be located was taken

as the determining diameter. As a result of this "ideal" curve, for the

cross-sectional area distribution, it would be necessary to reduce the cross-

sectional area of the fuselage by the amount indicated by the cross-hatched

portion of the curve ABDCA, and to increase the cross-sectional area of

the rear portion of the fuselage as indicated by the cross-hatched portion

of curve DGFE.

Since the fuselage has to be reduced in cross-sectional area in the region

of the wing and power-plant nacelles, it is likely that for airplanes flying

at transonic or supersonic speeds and required to carry many passengers,

the fuselage may become very long in order to have the cargo and pas-

sengers ahead of the wing. To compensate for the large mass ahead of

the center of gravity, the power plant will be carried somewhat aft of the

center of gravity.

The student should study the latest NACA reports on this subject in

order to obtain a further insight into the basic aerodynamic problems

involved in the design. Design of high-speed aircraft today requires

careful integration of the aerodynamic, structural, and power plant



The length of the fuselage is determined by the cockpit and cabin con-

siderations in the front and the location of the tail surfaces and the tail

wheel at the rear; the over-all depth and width by cabin requirements.
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For efficient structural design, a circular cross section is desired, but this

shape is inefficient for accommodating a rectangular cross section required

by the cabin so that the natural compromise is an oval, perhaps with greater

width at the top than at the bottom. Figure XXI-2 shows three basic

fuselage shapes.

The various cross sections of the fuselage may vary from a circular sec-

tion at the engine mount to an oval section and finally to a circle or a rec-

tangle at the tail post. It is, therefore, very important to fair one section

into another very carefully, and to avoid double curvatures (two curvatures

at an angle to each other) wherever possible. Circular cross section for

the fuselage offers theoretically greater strength for shell structures, but

the inscribed rectangle indicates the available useful space. Rectangular

cross section permits the most economical use of the space but is not suit-

able for shell structures. Oval or elliptical outline for the reinforced

monocoque or shell-type fuselage is the best compromise between the cir-

cular and rectangular cross section.

The fuselage structure is determined gradually, and often, when it is

not possible to compromise, radical changes in the wing planform or in

the interior arrangement may result. For example, it may be desirable

to have the front-spar double frame intersect the fuselage at the front

cabin wall; but in order to do so, the wing has to be given an appreciable

sweepback in order to satisfy not only the particular condition just men-

tioned but also to obtain the proper location of the mean geometric chord

with respect to the center of gravity.

Figure XXI-3. Cross sections of two fuselage shapes designed for large volume

capacity. The two intersecting circular shapes lend themselves to two compartments

without too great an increase in structural wieght.

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Since all these items affect the size and shape of the fuselage, it is obvious

that the arrangement and general dimensions of the pilot's cockpit and

the passenger cabin are the primary considerations. Only after all this is

done should the contours of the fuselage be settled. The cross sections of

the fuselage will vary from circular at the nose to slightly elliptical at the

pilot's cockpit, and then to an elliptical section somewhat modified by the

intersection of the root of the wing, and then to an elliptical or oval section,

sometimes even rectangular (with the long side vertical) at the tail post.

The object of approaching the elliptical section is that it represents the

best compromise between the square or rectangular section which is most

efficient for space utilization (as cabins, cockpits, etc.) and the circular

section which is most efficient from a structural point of view for reinforced

monocoque structure, and for aerodynamic reasons.

If the fuselage is to be designed for a single-engine airplane, the type of

engine and its cowling determine the nose treatment of the fuselage. The

pilot's cockpit governs the development of the windshield and that section

of the fuselage directly behind the engine. If there is no nose engine, as

in multi-engine designs, the pilot's cockpit has even a greater influence on

the development of the front section of the fuselage.

The main section of the fuselage is built around the passenger cabin, and

then the rear portion of the fuselage is gradually tapered back to the tail


Other considerations affecting fuselage shapes have been referred to

under "Wing-Fuselage Considerations."

For a preliminary approach, the student will find the following pro-

cedures useful in arriving at a reasonable solution.

1. Lay out the cockpit to scale, showing the important items to assure

that proper clearances have been provided. Since the relationship of the

cockpit to the cabin may vary, it is helpful to draw the layout of the

cockpit separately, so that it may readily be moved up or down or forward

or rearward, as the case may be, before being traced on the fuselage


2. Lay out the cabin and cargo areas to scale so that the limiting interior

dimensions can be ascertained. This layout, too, should be a separate

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3. Draw the root airfoil at the fuselage intersection as a separate draw-

ing, indicating the principal structural members which will subsequently

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point out the location of the frames.

4. Draw the empennage, if there is one, as a separate drawing.

5. These separate drawings can now be assembled, by tracing, in a

final drawing of the fuselage interior, and an inboard profile can be ob-

tained. If the immediate goal is to obtain the fuselage shape, many of




(a) (b)

Figure XXI-4. Rear fuselage cross sections just ahead of the tail surfaces often

look like this. If the cross section in (A) is used, the horizontal and vertical tail surfaces

are more likely to be blanketed than if the cross section in (B) is used.

the interior arrangements may now be omitted, since the immediate

purpose was to determine the limiting interior dimensions.


For subsonic airplanes having wings of aspect ratios between 6 and 14,

the ratio of fuselage length to wing span is from .60 to .70; for supersonic

airplanes having a wing aspect ratio varying from 2.5 to 4.5, the ratio of

fuselage length to wing span becomes materially greater, not only because

of the shorter wing span but also because the fuselage must be longer.

In general, there is as much or more of the fuselage length ahead of the

wing as there is behind it, and ratio of fuselage length to wing span varies

from 1.2 to 2.5.

The optimum fineness ratio (length to maximum diameter) is 16, with

the volume of revolution such that both ends are pointed. However,

"boat-tail" bodies are the practical compromises.


The contour of a fuselage has to satisfy not only certain aerodynamic

minimums, but also production requirements. These vary with each

design. In any case, the development of the fuselage lines entails the

establishment of second-degree curves. Various methods available for

determining fuselage lines are:

1. The mockup, from which the lines may be transferred to suitable

templates. These pose problems in storing and handling but are never-

theless necessary, even in conjunction with other methods.

2. Lofting of curves requiring full-size layouts on large metal sheets

painted a dull white. This method has been adopted from the marine

field, where it is common practice to lay out the lines on a large lofting
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floor. In this method, curves are laid in by long flexible splines and are

faired by eye. To determine the agreement of curve sections, different

angles through the body have to be taken to determine how well the

curves faired; the method is long and tedious. Again, permanent records

require large steel plates which have to be filed.

3. Mathematical techniques have been developed to achieve a more

uniform and accurate result—one that is easily reproducible and where

storage presents no problem. The second-degree curve technique based

on curves defined analytically by an equation of the form

Ax* + Bxy + Cy* + Dx + Ey + F = 0

is the one most often used. By properly assigning values to the con-

stants A, B, C, D, E, and F, any useful curve can be defined.


Since it is difficult to visualize a structure as complex as the fuselage

and the arrangement of its interior, it is customary to build a full-scale

mockup, usually made of materials at hand that require little fabrication.

In such a mockup the transverse rings may be represented by plywood

forms that may be easily sawn to shape and to which attachments may be

easily nailed, bolted, or screwed.

The covering may be represented by thin plywood sheets or even heavy

cardboard. Where double curvatures exist, thin sheet metal, properly

formed, may be inserted. Seats, equipment, instrumentation, and such

may be represented by the actual prototypes or reasonable facsimiles.

The mockup can be used to determine external line, even if a more

analytical approach may have been used in determining the lines of the

fuselage, since some solutions are arrived at only by trial and error methods.

By building a mockup, a fuselage form may be evolved which may use

flat sheet material without resorting to double curvatures, and so help in

materially reducing the production costs. If the covering has a curvature

in one direction only, a flat sheet may be used. If, however, there is a

curvature at an angle to the main radius of curvature, the covering has

what is known as a double curvature which must be produced by forming

the sheet either by gradual "bumping" or by hydraulic presses over special


The mockup also helps to indicate whether any other modifications in

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arrangements are desirable. This method is a simple and inexpensive way

to solve many problems usually too intricate for the drafting board, and it
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also helps to visualize a design far better than a series of drawings could

possibly do.
Figure XXI-5. The fuselage structure, consisting of the skin and longitudinal

stringers, has to withstand the bending moment caused by the inertia and tail loads.

The above diagram illustrates the bending moment distribution for a fuselage to which

a two-spar wing is attached. To best sustain the bending moment, the fuselage, con-

sidered as a beam, has to be deep with bending elements as far away from the neutral

axis as practicable.


Assuming, then, that the outside contour has been definitely established,

the next step is to locate the structure. Wherever concentrated loads

have to be transmitted to the fuselage (as from the wing spars, or landing

gear members, or tail surface spars), a double or reinforced frame has to be

located. For example, there would be double frames at the front and rear

spar locations of the wing. Between these double frames, single frames

would be located. The spacing of these frames may be governed by the

window locations. How often do the front spar frames intersect a window

which has been painstakingly placed so as to give the passenger the

proper vision! It is generally not desirable to break or distort these main

frames just to accommodate a window. In such a case the difficulty

may be adjusted by relocating the window, or relocating the spar so that

the frames may be changed.

Naturally there will be frames at each side of the door, for such frames

will provide convenient hinge supports as well as door frame supports.

The front and rear cabin wall will determine another station where frames

should be located to provide anchorage for the cabin. Such considerations

gradually "build up" the structure until a few intermediate frames are

added just to cut down the unsupported length between frames. Similar

considerations determine the location of the longitudinal members.

Some insight may be gained into the desirable sheet, stringer, and

frame-spacing combinations by investigating, for bending stresses, a

fuselage section close to the rear wing spar or shear web. The approxi-

mate bending moment at this station could be found from previously-

determined tail load and from the inertia loads of the structure and items

of equipment that the tail portion of the fuselage contains.

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The investigation may be carried out in the following steps:

1. Select one or more longitudinal stringer sections that are considered

to have good crushing-strength characteristics. A closed section may be

desirable at times, but production considerations may make an open

section more fitting.

2. Determine the bending stresses for a number of combinations of skin

thicknesses, frame spacings (which determine stringer column lengths), and

stringer spacings. Reject any combinations for which the applied stress

exceeds the allowable stress.

3. Compare the weights of the various combinations investigated.

4. Check the more promising combinations for stresses imposed by the

transverse shear and torsion.

Such studies can result in optimum designs for the combinations chosen.

They would have to be modified by other considerations in the most highly-

used section of the fuselage, where cut-outs, floors, equipment, cargo, and

the like impose other problems.

The main portion of the fuselage structure, aside from the frames just

discussed, is the skin and supporting longitudinal structure. Much de-

pends upon the proper proportioning of the frames and stringers.

For example, if the fuselage is without any reinforcement longitudinally,

the wall thickness of the shell would have to be considerably greater to

avoid local buckling. Such a fuselage structure could be employed with

profit for small, light airplanes where the thickness, originally determined

by maintenance considerations, would be strong enough.

If the skin is partially reinforced longitudinally by a few members, the

skin contributes little to the strength of the fuselage.

When enough longitudinal members are used, the skin will add mate-

rially to the bending strength. Proper balance between stringers and skin

will provide the best combination from a strength-weight ratio.

Instead of stringers, corrugated sheet covered with flat sheet will give a

very rigid structure but, unfortunately, somewhat unsuitable where double

curvatures are required.

A unique form of construction is the so-called geodetic structure which,

essentially, employs stringers that wind around the fuselage contour.

Figure XXI-6. The fuselage structure may "sit" on top of the wing structure with
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connections at the wing spars (see chapter on Design of the Wing). The leading and

trailing edge portions of the wing are discontinued at the side of the fuselage.
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Figure XXI-7. Longitudinal stringers may be omitted at the bow or nose section

of a fuselage since the curvature of the skin enhances the pressure-supporting ability of

the structure. Simple frames, such as shown above, are sufficient to maintain the

cylindrical shape. Similarly, in the tail section of the fuselage, the longitudinal stringers

may be omitted so that rigidity is obtained through the curved skin and the transverse


Figure XXI-8. Where transverse frames allow the longitudinal stringers by suitable

cut-outs, additional rigidity may be obtained by small brackets riveted to both the

stringer and the frame. A frame like the one above may support brackets or attachment

fittings for control systems, electrical conducts, and other light equipment.
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Just as for the ribs in the wing structure, the primary functions of the

transverse fuselage frames are (1) to maintain the shape of the fuselage,

(2) to sustain concentrated loads imposed, (3) to serve as attachments for

equipment, flooring, and the like, and (4) to transmit the loads to ad-

jacent structural members. The frames may therefore be roughly classi-

fied into three categories:

1. The frames which serve merely to maintain the shape of the fuselage.

These will not be subjected to stress unless distortion of the entire ad-

jacent structure has taken place. They are often just one gauge thinner

than the metal sheet covering, and the developed width of the frame,

formed out of sheet material, varies from 2 to 4 inches for aircraft weighing

from 2000 pounds to 50,000 pounds. It should be realized that in addi-

tion to the developed width, the other variable available is the thickness of

the sheet from which the frame is fashioned. For purposes of later

identification, these forms will be referred to as simple frames.

2. The frames which serve to act as anchorage for medium-weight

equipment, control systems, and the like. These are similar to the simple,

single-member, transverse frame, but must be reinforced locally to carry

the load and reduce deflections to a minimum. Such frames are subjected

to severe loads only locally and therefore may differ little from the simple

frames. Additional brackets may have to be introduced and tied in with

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Figure XXI-10. Transverse frames located where additional rigidity is desired or

where the depth of the fuselage is comparatively large may add to the rigidity of the

fuselage either by the larger depth of the frame ring around its entire circumference or

by the added depth of the bottom half of the frame as shown in the sketch above.

Figure XXI-11. Certain frames may be modified to incorporate a beam for the

support of flooring or as a continuation of the wing spar. In the latter case, two frames

may be placed back to back, as the cross section indicates. If the flooring alone is to

be supported, one frame may suffice. Longitudinal stringers may pass through the

frame and be tied into the frame structure more securely by special brackets.
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Figure XXI-12. In order to make the spanwise stringers of the wing effective, such

stringers would have to tie into the frame structure of the fuselage either through

separate fittings or through the aid of local reinforcements or gusset plates. The span-

wise stringers, furthermore, could be riveted or bolted to the longitudinal stringers of the

fuselage through intermediate gusset plates or fittings. Only the spars, not the stringers

of the wing structure, would pass through from one side of the fuselage to the other.

the longitudinal stringers as well as the frames. For purposes of later

identification, these will be referred to as intermediate frames.

3. The primary frames, to which large external loads are supplied

through the landing gear, power plant, or wing structure. These are

usually two in number, spaced a small distance apart, and designed so as

to take fittings to serve as carry-through members and, in short, act as

the main transverse load carrying members. For purposes of later

identification, these will be referred to as main frames.

Figures XXI-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 show some sketches of typical

frames serving different functions.

Figure XXI-13. For a two-spar wing, the spars could pass through the fuselage and

be supported by two transverse frames, back to back. The spars may be at an angle

to the perpendicular to the wing chord if the inclination will permit the frames to clear

the windshield of the cockpit or cabin. The wing profile and the structure other than

the two spars stop at the side of the fuselage.

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Figure XXI-14. The transverse frames of the fuselage are perpendicular to the

longitudinal axis of the airplane even though the spars are at an angle to that axis.

The frames, whether circular rings or reinforced frames, are located

from 10 to 24 inches apart with the closer spacing near the cabin and cock-

pit and gradually increasing towards the tail post.

The frames may rest on the longitudinal members or on the outside

covering with cutouts for the longitudinal members.

Reinforced frames are located wherever concentrated loads are applied

as at attachment of wing spars or landing-gear members. In order to

reduce structural weight, it is decidedly advisable to locate several external

attachment points on the same frame wherever possible.

In general, the locating of frames will be determined first by the location

of spars, landing gear, doors, and windows. Reinforced frames are re-

quired at every one of these locations of external attachments in order to

distribute the loads into the metal covering evenly. After these reinforced

frames have been placed, the intermediate frames can be placed at proper


Reinforced frames may be similar to intermediate frames in construction

except for the thicker material or local reinforcements; or they may be two

frames, back to back, but spaced a few inches apart, with tying members

between them to obtain rigidity and continuity of structure.

The spacing of the simple and intermediate frames is dependent to some

extent on (1) tin-canning of the sheet covering, (2) the allowable shear

stresses of the covering, and (3) the allowable column compressive stress

of the longitudinal stringers and adjacent effective widths of the covering.

The discussion on selecting panel dimensions in an earlier chapter should

be referred to.
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Figure XXI-15. Main frames, to which external loads and bending moments are

applied, have transverse shear, axial load, and bending moment varying in intensity all

along the centerline of the frame. The representation above illustrates the mathe-

matical approach to the solution of the stresses in the indeterminate frame. Because

these frames have to withstand severe stresses, their construction is somewhat different

from the non-load-carrying frames.

The main frames are subjected to a variety of concentrated loads and

require a stress analysis for the determination of dimensions. Figure

XXI-15 illustrates the stress-analysis problem that is involved. It will

be noted that the frame is subjected to shear, axial load, and bending

moments, making it necessary to provide an adequate structure for these



Since the fuselage is essentially a beam, the longitudinal stringers serve

an important function in that they, along with the effective width of sheet

covering, are the main bending elements of the structure.

For small aircraft of gross weights of about 2500 pounds or less and

fuselage depths of less than 48 inches, relatively few stringers are neces-

sary, since the minimum thickness of sheet—0.025 inches—selected for

handling and maintenance reasons, usually contributes markedly to the

bending strength. The curvature of the sheet adds to the allowable

compressive strength of the sheet as well.

The cross sections of the longitudinal stringers are the same as for the


The stringer spacing is determined by the number required for the

loads imposed. An analytical approach is possible to determine the light-

est combination of stringer-sheet combination.

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Figure XXI-16. Figure (A) shows a partially reinforced monocoque construction

where the skin contributes little to the strength. Figure (B) shows a pure monocoque

structure where the skin is made sufficiently thick to avoid local buckling.

Since the fuselage shape is not likely to be very regular, the spacing

from frame to frame is apt to vary. A pattern of stringer spacing when

projected upon the plane for symmetry may show parallel lines. Further

examination, however, may show that the longitudinal stringers have to

be twisted about their longitudinal axis to achieve such a pattern. It

might therefore be better to obtain a location at which the stringers would

Figure XXI-17. Figure (A) shows an increase in longitudinal stiffening members

so that the skin is amply supported and contributes materially to the fuselage strength.

The longitudinal members have been replaced by corrugated sheet, as shown in Figure

(B), to form a very rigid structure but causing difficulties in production.

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have little twist but would follow a faired line. Another method would

be to use proportional distances for the spacing from frame to frame—i.e.,

the larger spacing at the largest cross section—and to reduce the spacing

for the smaller cross sections in proportion to the radius.

Since openings have to be reinforced along the edges, it is desirable to

have the top and bottom of all frames for such openings rest on longi-

tudinal stringers. It is customary to spot in these stringers first* in order

to avoid unnecessarily close spacings, should the desired stringer spacing

and the required stringer spacings not coincide.

Longitudinal members are spaced from 6 to 12 inches apart around the

periphery of the largest cross section. Since the cross sections gradually

diminish in size, the spacing is closer towards the tail post so that alternate

members may be stopped at a forward frame. It is desirable not to end

all longitudinal members at the same frame.

To assure a continuous structure, it is customary to make the longitu-

dinal members continuous rather than breaking them at every frame.

Since the nose of the fuselage is not heavily subjected to bending mo-

ments, some of the longitudinal stringers may be discontinued in that

section by ending a few stringers at each frame starting at a frame for-

ward of the front spar.

The same procedure would be in order in the rear portion of the fuselage,

where the bending moments are less severe and where the available circum-

ferential space is likely to be very limited.

In general, since the stringers are the main bending elements, they

should be continuous and therefore pass through the transverse frames.

Where local stresses are likely to be high, brackets tying the frames and

stringers together are added for greater rigidity and load-carrying capa-



The gauge of metal sheet used for the fuselage will vary according to

the region of application. The normal pressures likely to be encountered

are not apt to be too critical. Where the structure is more or less normal

to the line of flight, such as the windshield and fuselage nose, the posi-

tive pressures, even at 800 miles an hour, may be of the order of 350 to

600 pounds per square inch; whereas curved surfaces along the top
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bottom, or sides of the fuselage may have normal negative pressures vary-

ing from 60 to 300 pounds per square inch. At lower speeds, the pres-
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sures may be assumed to vary as the square of the speed. Obviously,

in the region of high pressures, the skin thickness will have to be relatively

greater in order to avoid tin-canning of the surface.



In the region of propeller-tip passage, as in multi-engine designs, the

skin thickness is often increased to reduce the noise caused by drumming

and to avoid fatigue failures resulting from the induced vibration.

In areas where rough handling is likely to occur (e.g., around doors and

cargo compartments), again, a heavier gauge is probably necessary.

The smallest gauge of aluminum alloy sheet or aluminum-coated

aluminum alloy sheet is 0.025 inches, since a thinner sheet is easily punc-

tured and is rather hard to handle. For airplanes of less than 10,000

pounds gross weight, the predominant gauge thicknesses are 0.025 and

0.032 inches. For heavier aircraft, the thicknesses are proportionately


In regions such as jet exhausts, where excessive heat is likely to be en-

countered, nickel steel or titanium alloys replace the aluminum alloy sheet.


Since windows are not considered part of the primary structure, they

are not designed to serve as carry-through members for the transmission

of stresses in the primary structure. Therefore they are carried by a

rigid frame, which must bear the stresses around the cut-outs caused

by the windows.

The normal pressures are likely to be high for the material used, espe-

cially for pressurized cabins. A differential pressure of 8.15 pounds per

square inch at an altitude of 20,000 feet is a common design value.

For generous vision, the proportions of the window should be reason-

ably large. However, since windows have been known to fail in flight,

there is a tendency to make the openings smaller. In this way, in case

of failure resulting in explosive decompression, a passenger seated next

to the window would not be blown out.

For additional safety, window materials are shatterproof and windows

for pressurized cabins are three layers thick, with each layer constructed

of two or more plies.

The student should also refer to Chapter XII, The Passenger Cabin.


To avoid the use of individual oxygen supplies, the passenger cabins of

today's transport airplanes are pressurized. To simplify the control of

pressurization, to avoid structural interferences, and to reduce leaks, it is

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common to provide a separate structure for the pressurized cabin.

For optimum weight, it is desirable to construct the pressurized cabin

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as a cylinder with hemispherical ends. The stresses imposed by the



differential pressure can then be calculated by means of the standard


Jt 2t

The pressurized cabin floats inside the fuselage on flexible mounts so

that the stresses and distortions of the fuselage are not transmitted to the


Structurally, the pressurized cabin is similar to the fuselage in that

frames and stringers are used.

Since the cabin is not subjected to the airstream, stringers and other

structural members may be used either on the inside or the outside of the

skin or metal envelope.

To make cabins pressure-tight, special attention must be paid to all

seams, openings such as windows and doors, and control-system operation

through nominally airtight openings.

Skin seams of the main structure may be sealed effectively by inserting

flannel tape impregnated with a sealing compound (much the same as for

water-tightening a metal float or hull) between the seam laps prior to rivet-

ing. In addition, the rivets are spaced from 4 to 6 diameters apart to form

a double row of staggered rivets.

Soft rubber gaskets, so arranged that they are pressed together when

subject to internal pressure, are used to seal all doors and hatches. Win-

dows are sealed in rubber channels. Sliding windows are best mounted

in steel frames seated against rubber seals.

Control cables, passing through the pressurized section, should pass

through a special gland which reduces air leakage to a minimum.

A spherical shape is ideal for a structure designed to withstand internal

pressure most efficiently. In the case of the fuselage, a spherical shape

has to be modified. A cylinder with partly spherical ends is the best com-


Unless the airplane is very large, so that the weight involved becomes

negligible, the pressure cabin forms an integral part of the fuselage.

Where weight considerations are not so vital, the pressure cabin is a sepa-

rate compartment "floating" inside the fuselage. Airtight openings for

control systems and the like are not a serious problem in such cases.

Cabin windows should be double with a dead air space between, or pro-
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vision may be made to heat and circulate the heated air at high altitudes,

because the moisture in the air within the cabin has a tendency to frost
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the windows.



A general analytical approach to the design of flooring is given in the

chapter on Detail Design Considerations.

Flooring may float: it may not be structurally tied to frames and string-

ers. In this way, loads on the fuselage structure are not transmitted to

the flooring. However, the loads on the flooring may be transmitted to

the rest of the structure through flexible spring or rubber supports. In

other words the floating floor may be shock-mounted. The primary

advantages of such a type of support is that vibration is not transmitted

to the flooring. Since the flooring is not an integral part of the main

structure, it may be altered without worrying about the structural in-

tegrity of the primary structure.

Flooring may be tied in with the primary structure and so become part

of it. The advantage is likely to be a saving of weight since the flooring

would serve a dual purpose. Whether or not the flooring is tied into the

main structure will to some extent determine its detailed construction.

The flooring would extend only over that section of the fuselage where

the presence of passengers, crew, and cargo make it necessary. The

floors in the various compartments need not all be placed at the same

level, nor necessarily at the same angle.

Since the flooring will transmit loads to the fuselage structure, it should

rest on longitudinal stringers, which may have to be larger than those

that are not so loaded. Usually the transverse frames brought up to the

floor level will help to support the flooring as well.

Reference should be made to Chapter XII, The Passenger Cabin, which

contains some additional discussion on this subject.


The number of doors and exits included in an airplane will depend upon

the number of persons it must carry. It is desirable to have separate

exits for the crew and for the passengers, although the main entrance to

the cockpit may be through the passenger cabin. (See Chapter XII.)

The closures for doors and exits are usually rigid in construction so as

to avoid possible distortions that would lead to interference in opening

the doors; yet they are seldom designed to act as part of the primary

structure of the fuselage unless the locking device can be depended upon
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to provide a continuous type structure.

Access Doors
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Where access from the outside is required, readily removable access

doors, which usually employ some form of cowl fastener for quick opening,

should be provided in the fuselage design.



Batteries should be removable from the outside and not from the inside

of the cabin or cockpit; likewise, the water tank should be finable from

the outside. Since these two items are not removable and access is not

required at every landing, the access doors do not have to be as easily

opened as the doors to the baggage compartments.

Baggage Compartments

Baggage compartments and the like are lined with a secondary structure

of metal sheet, either flat or corrugated (may be covered with canvas or

felt for soundproofing purposes). This secondary structure is attached

to the frames or longitudinal members at appropriate points.

To avoid the added complexity and higher costs involved in the design

of a larger fuselage, the use of twin fuselage designs has been proposed.

This suggestion may be worth while provided that different functions

are assigned to each fuselage. It could also prove effective in cases where

the heavy concentrated load of the larger fuselage would hinder the ful-

fillment of center of gravity requirements. It must be recognized, how-

ever, that the maneuverability of such a craft might be curtailed by the

increased moment of inertia resulting from the dispersion of large units.

The design considerations for the tail booms are very similar to those

for the aft section of a fuselage. The boom is subjected primarily to



Figure XXI-18. A twin fuselage airplane.

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bending and torsional moments, with very little transverse shear. For

this reason, a cross section that is fundamentally circular in form is the

most efficient one.

For the nose-wheel type of landing gear, the tail boom or booms would

seem to have considerable merit for the small airplane design.

For a pusher-propeller installation, twin tail booms—one on each side

of the engine—serve as protection from the propeller.

There is some weight penalty involved with twin tail booms. On the

basis of skin alone, it can be seen that 2 ir di > v d, where di is the di-

ameter of each of the twin booms, and d is the diameter required for a

single boom. The single-boom diameter would be a little larger than the

twin-boom diameter.

Figure XXI-19. A centerline sketch of a truss-type fuselage for an in-line engine in

the nose. Only the top and front side trusses are shown. The Pratt truss is shown for

the top and rear portion of the fuselage, and the Warren truss for the front side. The

side trusses may be either Pratt or Warren, or a combination of the two, while the top

and bottom trusses are always Pratt type since they tie in the side trusses, which are

usually symmetrical with each other.


The use of truss-type structures, especially for small airplanes, should

not be ruled out entirely. In some cases, a desirable solution is found in

composite structure utilizing a reinforced monocoque structure for the

cockpit and cabin section and a steel truss structure for the tail section,

or vice versa.

Some of the truss arrangements are shown in Figures XXI-19 and

XXI-20. The two truss types employed are (1) the Warren truss, in

which three adjacent members in the side truss are placed to resemble a

letter W, and (2) the Howe truss, in which every two members in the side

truss are parallel to each other.

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Figure XXI-20. Possible arrangements for structural members around a door for a

truss-type fuselage.

In general, the truss structures are easily produced. The stress analysis

of such a structure is also relatively uncomplicated. No prototype struc-

ture has to be tested statically, as in a reinforced monocoque structure,

since the structural analysis is well authenticated.

In order to provide a streamlined fuselage, a fairing structure is built

around the trusses. Although this satisfies the aerodynamic requirements,

the structural weight may be high since separate structures are used—one

for primary purposes to carry the load, the other for secondary purposes

only; whereas in the reinforced monocoque structure, the two purposes or

functions are combined in one.

Another design approach is to use one or more keel beams to serve the

needs of the primary structure. The remainder of the structure, consist-

ing of transverse frames, stringers, and covering, would serve a secondary


Such a structure would be particularly useful in situations in which

local concentrated loads were extremely high, such as carrying heavy

machinery or driving tractors or tanks into the cargo compartment.

The structure has been proposed for small airplanes in which the seats

and control systems would be attached to the longitudinal fuselage beam.

The structural advantages of using one or more beams of this kind are (1)

that they are easily stress-analyzed, (2) they are easy to manufacture, and

(3) their deflections and distortions are reasonably easy to predict.

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When the mass is distributed primarily in the fuselage of the airplane,

the moment of inertia about the normal axis of the airplane is increased.

It was found that in extreme cases, as long as the principal or longitudinal

axis was kept inclined at a positive angle of attack to the flight path, the

oscillatory stability was improved, but at zero angle of attack, there was

a decrease in this stability.

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Preliminary Performance Calculations

Performance calculations are necessary at several stages of the design to

determine whether or not the original specifications set forth for the design

are being met. The first set of preliminary performance calculations is

based upon empirical formulae that have been established on the basis of

past performance of similar airplanes and which are predicated upon simi-

lar power and wing loadings, gross weights, and general design. These

calculations are wholly rule-of-thumb and are used by the engineer for his

general information and to decide whether his design is likely to meet the

performance specifications at all.


The second form of preliminary performance calculations is set forth

briefly in this chapter. The data for determining the horsepower required

to fly in horizontal flight may be obtained in several ways:

1. From scattered wind-tunnel tests made by various testing agencies.

2. From wind-tunnel tests on individual components of the design.

3. From wind-tunnel tests on the complete design.

4. From wind-tunnel tests and full flight corrections obtained on similar

previous designs.

These calculations can be considered only as preliminary since their

accuracy depends upon the judgment of the engineer using the particular

data. Performance data must be obtained finally from actual full flight


Preliminary performance estimates for minimum or stalling speed,

maximum speed, maximum rate of climb, service and absolute ceiling,

and range may be obtained by a series of calculations for horsepower re-

quired at various speeds and the corresponding horsepower available.

These calculations are given here in briefest form, and their accuracy de-

pends upon the accuracy of the various assumptions made. However,

they may be considered sufficiently accurate until extensive wind-tunnel

tests on the design have been made.

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The horsepower required at different speeds in horizontal flight is calcu-

lated by means of the equation:

Pr = (D. + D,) X,

where D„ = wing drag in pounds at speed V,

Dp = sum of parasite and interference drag in pounds at speed V


V = speed in feet per second of the airplane in horizontal flight

at the corresponding angle of attack.

The wing-drag coefficients are usually obtainable for an infinite aspect

ratio and must be corrected for the aspect ratio used. These corrections

are outlined in Chapter III, Airfoil Selection.

The parasite resistance includes all the resistance caused by the fuselage,

tail surfaces, surface irregularities, landing gear, supports and the like, and

all parts of the airplane except the wing proper.

Parasite-resistance coefficients are obtainable from various sources and

are often referred to unit length as in the case of struts; or, per unit as in

the case of wheels; or, per square foot of maximum cross section in the case

of the fuselage. It is usually desirable to obtain the total drag for a speed

of 1 foot per second and then obtain a new coefficient referred to the wing

area by dividing by the wing area.

The interference drag is more difficult to appraise. Usually it is ac-

counted for in the calculations by arbitrarily increasing the parasite re-

sistance by a small percentage. An airplane with a fuselage well faired

into the wing, with landing gear retracted, offers far less interference drag

than one not so well faired. The arbitrary factor may be as much as 5

per cent.

These calculations are best carried out by means of a table, such as

Table XXII-1.

Table XXII-1.





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D, X 1.05






Computations Derived from Table XXII-1.

Column 1. Here are entered the angles of attack of the airplane or the

wing, whichever is chosen for reference. The angular range should start

slightly above the angle at which zero lift of the wing occurs and should

stop at a few angles beyond that at which maximum lift of the wing occurs.

It is usually satisfactory to use 2-degree intervals.

Column 2. Record here the total drag, at 1 foot per second, of the fuse-

lage. The fuselage drag usually varies with angle of attack. If this

change is considered small, it may be neglected and thus be assumed con-

stant for all angles of attack.

Column S. The total drag of the landing gear, at 1 foot per second, of

the wheels, struts, and cowling. This drag usually remains constant for

all angles of attack.

Column 40 0 The vertical tail surfaces do not change their angle of attack

as the airplane changes its angle of attack; therefore, the drag remains

constant for all angles of attack. Any blanketing effect of the fuselage on

the vertical tail surfaces is neglected. The drag of the vertical tail sur-

faces at 1 foot per second is therefore constant.

Column 6. The drag of the horizontal tail surfaces changes with angle

of attack so that the drag at 1 foot per second varies with increasing angle

of attack of the airplane. The drag coefficients of the horizontal tail sur-

faces must be corrected for aspect ratio. These corrections are outlined

in Chapter III. Usually no account is taken of difference in the drag of

the horizontal tail surfaces due to downwash of wing.

Column 6. If columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 account for all items (outside of

the wing) contributing to the parasite drag, then the addition of these col-

umns for each angle of attack will give the total parasite resistance, desig-

nated Dp, at 1 foot per second.

Column 7. As previously explained, the interference drag may be ac-

counted for by multiplying the parasite resistance by a factor varying

from 1.00 to 1.05. This may be called a "bogey factor" by which any

omissions in the calculation of parasite resistance may readily be accounted

for if so desired.

Column 8. The value of Cd„ the parasite and interference resistance co-

efficient in the absolute system referred to the wing area, may be found by
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dividing the values found in column 6 by Yi p Su v2 where Sw represents

the wing area; since v = 1 foot per second (the speed for which calculations
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were made, or if desired, calculations may be made for 100 feet per second)

the expression becomes p Sa (or 5000 pS„).

Column 9. Here are recorded the drag coefficients of the wing corrected

for aspect ratio, of the airfoil used in the design corresponding to the angles

of attack listed in column 1.

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Table XXII-2. Standard atmospheres.

































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where D and corresponding v are found in columns 13 and 12, respectively.

This procedure comprises the calculations for horsepower required. It

is customary to plot the values of horsepower versus corresponding speed

(usually given in miles per hour); then, with the aid of horsepower avail-

able curves, almost all the performance figures required may be calculated

readily. Refer to Figure XXII-1.

The calculations outlined are usually calculated for sea-level conditions.

They may be extended to include calculations for other altitudes by mul-

tiplying the square roots of the relative densities by both the velocity and

horsepower found at another altitude as follows:

where vi represents the new speed at the density pi at the new altitude,

vo represents the originally calculated speed at the density po,

hpi represents the new horsepower corresponding to Vi, and

hpo represents the originally calculated horsepower corresponding

The density relationships of any altitude to that of sea level may be

found in Table XXII-2.

The table for standard atmosphere, as normally presented, gives the

density relationships of air at any altitude at 45 degrees latitude. This

table does not usually extend beyond the stratosphere, or above 50,000

feet. Additional data has been made available for use in extreme high-

altitude considerations. The information presented in Tables XXII-3

and XXII-4 covers upper atmosphere characteristics under the most

probable conditions and the arbitrary standard atmosphere, and may be

of interest even though it may not be of immediate use to the student.

Aside from performance calculations, a number of other problems are

introduced by increase in altitude. Under special conditions, people can

live in altitudes up to 18,000 feet without the need of oxygen, but oxygen

has to be supplied beyond that altitude. Pressure has to be supplied, as

well, for the human system to absorb the required oxygen, but if no other

difficulties arose, it would be found that the human blood would boil at its

own temperature at 63,000 feet altitude. One hundred per cent oxygen

would be required from altitudes above 40,000 feet.


tO V0.


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Table XXII-3. Upper atmosphere characteristics.*





Weight of air

(lb/cu ft)

Mean free path

between mole-

cules (in.)


(per in.*)




43 X 10"





25 X 10"





15 X 10"



0.2 X 10-»


84 X 10"



2.6 X 10—7


48 X 10"
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t2.9 X 10-*

5.8 X 10-*

27 X 10"



1.6 X 10-»

1.0 x io-«

16 X 10"



9.5 X 10-*

1.7 X 10-'

96 X 10"




2.7 X 10—«

62 X 10"




3.6 X 10-*

47 X 1018



3.5 X 10-*

44 X 10"

* From "Developments in High Speed Aircraft," by E. H. Heinemann, Mechanical

Engineering, October 1947.

f This is another way of saying 2.9 pounds per million cubic foot.

Table XXII-4. Arbitrary standard atmosphere.*




Vertical tail surface cantilever per square foot. If the minimum drag

coefficient of the vertical tail surfaces is known, this value may be

used with an increase of about 25 per cent to account for gap at hinges.

If the surfaces are externally braced, increase the drag by about 50

per cent.

Horizontal tail surfaces, cantilever, use drag coefficients, corrected for

aspect ratio, for each angle of attack. Add about 25 per cent for

gap at hinges. If horizontal tail surfaces are externally braced, in-

crease the drag coefficients by about 50 per cent. If the external

bracings are struts of streamlined tubing, allow additional foot for

each end fitting, and estimate drag of bracing on basis of projected

length of these struts when thrust line is horizontal.

Fuselage plus cowled engine per square foot of projected maximum frontal

area. If the fineness ratio (ratio of length to depth) is rather small,

use high figure. The variation of fuselage drag (for approximately

elliptical cross section) may be obtained by means of the formula

Da = D0 + 0.0015 Do a1

where Do = value given (for angle of attack a = 0 degrees).


The horsepower available at different speeds of the airplane in horizon-

tal flight is determined from the brake horsepower curves of the engine

used for the design, and the propeller characteristics.

The brake horsepower, usually plotted against corresponding revolu-

tions per minute of the engine is generally furnished by the manufacturer.

This power curve is given for sea-level conditions unless the engine happens

to be supercharged when the power curve corresponds to the rated altitude

limit of the supercharger. See Figure XVIII-6.

The brake horsepower of nonsupercharged engines and of supercharged

engines above the rated altitude limit of the supercharger varies with the

altitude. This variation may be determined easily from the following


P = P„ (p/po)1 \

where P = brake horsepower at altitude considered,

Po = brake horsepower at sea level or at limiting supercharged alti-

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p = density at altitude under consideration,

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po = density at sea level or at limiting supercharged altitude.

The following should be borne in mind also when the engine horsepower

is desired for other than the usual standard for the engine in question.

1. Propeller gearing will reduce the engine brake horsepower 2 or 3 per


2. For engines equipped with turbo supercharger, the power decreases

Full scale drag

in pounds at

100 mph



to about 80 per cent of the normal sea-level power of the unsupercharged


3. For direct-drive superchargers, the power at the limiting altitude of

the supercharger is the same as the normal sea-level power developed by

the unsupercharged engine.

A typical power curve for an engine is shown in Figure XXII-2.


I 800

* 700


5 600


1400 1600 1800 2000 2200

Revolutions per minute

Figure XXII-2. Variation of brake horsepower of the engine with the propeller

shaft speed in revolutions per minute.

Horsepower Available

The modern constant-speed propellers are so designed as to keep the

same revolutions per minute regardless of the forward speed of the air-

plane, at least within the permissable angular range of the propeller blades.

It is easy, therefore, to determine the horsepower available by calculating

the value of C, and determining the corresponding efficiency and blade

angle. It is desirable to determine the blade angle also, since the con-

stant-speed propellers are usually limited to 8 to 10 degrees in angular

range. The method of determining the horsepower available may be

illustrated best by the results of calculations presented in Table XXII-5.

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Table XXII-5. Determining horsepower available. Design speed 224 mph; pro-

peller diameter 9.75, 3 blades; engine 850 horsepower at 2450 rpm; sea level = 0.002378;

gear ratio 2:3.































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40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Per cent of design airplane speed

Figure XXII-4. The variation of engine power with change in aircraft speed when

a fixed-pitch propeller is used.

Column 40 0 The blade angles at 75 per cent of the radius are determined

for the values of C, given in column 3. See Chapter XV, The Propeller.

Column 5. The propeller efficiency and blade angle corresponding to

the calculated values of C, are determined with the aid of curves such as

those to be found in Chapter XV.

Column 6. Since the efficiencies tabulated in column 5 are for 2-bladed

propellers, a subtraction of 3 per cent is made from those values to give the

efficiencies for a 3-bladed propeller. See column 6.

Columns 7 and 8. Since the controllable-pitch propeller is a constant-

speed propeller, the engine brake horsepower and corresponding revolu-

tions per minute remain constant throughout the angular range.

Column 9. Values of brake horsepower given in column 8, multiplied by

the corresponding propeller efficiencies given in column 6, give the horse-

power available at full throttle at the speed listed in column 1. These

values are plotted in Figure XXII-3.

In case of a fixed-pitch propeller, the calculations are slightly different

since the engine revolutions per minute and power do not remain the same.

Refer to Figure XXII-4. Suppose the controllable-pitch propeller used

could not change its pitch angle below 20.0 degrees so that the propeller

would be, in reality, a fixed-pitch propeller at speeds below 140 miles per

hour. The calculations are set forth in Table XXII-6.

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Table XXII-6.


































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by the corresponding efficiencies 1/1 in column 10 will give the values of

horsepower available in column 11.

The calculations for other altitudes are similar to those given for sea-

level conditions. The horsepower-available values for the critical alti-

tude of the supercharged engine are tabulated in Table XXII-7.

The upper limit of the controllable-pitch propeller of 29.5 degrees has

been determined by the design sea-level condition and therefore remains

the same.

Table XXII-7. Horsepower—available values for critical altitude. Design speed

238 mph; altitude 7000p = 0.001928; engine 850 horsepower at 2450 rpm; propeller

diameter 9.75 feet, 3 blades; gear ratio 2:3.























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^ 80



£ 60

< 40





00 ft/

OO ft.'


- /£,0<


0 4 8 12 16

Altitude above critical altitude of

supercharged engine (thousand ft.)

Figure XXII-5. Variation of brake horsepower of a normal supercharged engine

above the critical altitude.




HP i



OO ft. a




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: excess

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HP ret

at 1O,t


700 ft.

? 40 80 120 1t

iO 200 2*


Speed, miles per hour

Figure XXII-6. Available and required horsepower curves obtained for an altitude

of 10,000 feet for the supercharged engine whose critical altitude was 7000 feet.


airplane. In Figure XXII-1, the maximum speed at sea level is 224 miles

per hour. Figure XXII-3 indicates that the maximum speed at 7000

feet is 238 miles per hour, and Figure XXII-6 indicates that the maximum

speed at 10,000 feet is 237 miles per hour.


The rate of climb is calculated by means of the formula

»,.,.-. . ± 33,000 (excess horsepower)

rate of climb in feet per minute = —1 —. , • . c—-,——

gross weight in pounds

The maximum difference between the curves of the horsepower available

and the horsepower required at the same speed along the flight path will

determine the maximum rate of climb at the particular altitude for which

the calculations are made.

In Figure XXII-1, the maximum excess power is 435 horsepower; the

rate of climb is then

435 X 33,000 , , .

^ — = 1436 feet per minute

at sea level. Similarly, the rate of climb at 7000 feet is 1419 feet per min-

ute, and at 10,000 feet the maximum rate of climb is 1270 feet per minute.

Refer to Figure XXII-7.


The absolute ceiling is that altitude at which the rate of climb Ja zero

feet per minute. The service ceiling is that altitude at which the rate of

Islimb is 100 feet per minute^ ~~~~ . —

The absolute and service ceilings may be obtained graphically by deter-

mining the rates of climb for two different altitudes (outside of the super-

charged region and extending the straight line drawn through these points

to intersect the zero ordinate).

This has been done in Figure XXII-7. The service and absolute

ceilings, of course, also could have been calculated by means of trig-

onometric relationships for two different altitudes. Actually, the rate of

climb does not vary directly with the change in altitude but the assump-

tion is sufficiently close for all practical purposes.


The range may be calculated on the basis of the known horsepower, fuel
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consumption, and speed. This method is likely to give too conservative

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?rvice c







7 feel

U-l 1

400 800 1200 1600 2000

Rate of climb (feetper minj

Figure XXII-7. A typical rate-of-climb curve for an airplane equipped with a

supercharged engine.

values although more refined formulae are available. Breguet's formula

is also used:

R = range in miles = 863 (J^J ^ logw (^r^)'

where L/D = maximum over-all effectiveness of the complete airplane,

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rj = average propeller efficiency at cruising,

c = average fuel consumption in pounds per brake horsepower

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per hour at cruising,

Wo = gross weight of airplane at start of flight, and

W, = Wo less oil and fuel weight.

Extensive flight tests are made on the prototype airplane to establish

the necessary data on the basis of which the usefulness of the airplane for

certain operations can be evaluated. The outline presented here gives an

indication of the type of data desired.




With fixed equipment as listed in the following text, and a useful load

consisting of

1 pilot 170 lb

5 passengers 850 lb

baggage 200 lb

cargo 200 lb

fuel and oil sufficient for a cruising

range of 500 miles at any altitude

between sea level and 5000 feet,

the minimum performance acceptable when using fuel of not more than

80 octane will be:

1. * High speed in level flight 175 mph

2. f Landing speed with power off 65 mph

3. Ceiling (one engine dead) 6000 ft

4. Distance from start to clear 50-foot obstacle 1500 ft

5. Distance to stop after clearing 50-foot obstacle 1000 ft

* At any altitude from sea level to 5000 feet altitude (standard air),

t Standard air.

Take-off performance with all engines functioning normally.

1. Ground run to minimum take-off speed.


Min take-off

speed (mph)





pressure (in.)



Max gross


2. Horizontal distance required for acceleration from standing start to

minimum speed required for level flight with one engine dead.
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dead engine

speed (mph)





pressure (in.)



Max gross



3. Horizontal distance required for acceleration from standing start to

speed of best angle of climb.



pressure (in.)


Best climbing

speed (mph)






4. Best angle of climb.



Engine manifold

pressure (in.)




Performance in air with all engines functioning normally.

1. High speed in level flight (at maximum gross weight).



• High speed


Engine manifold

pressure (in.)



Sea level

5,000 ft

Critical altitude of engine

2. Service ceiling (where best climb is 100 feet per minute).

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Engine manifold

pressure (in.)
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Ceiling (ft)

Max. gross at start



3. Cruising speed (approximately 70 per cent rated power, dependent

upon operating instructions, maximum gross weight only).

Altitude (ft)

Cruising speed


Engine manifold

pressure (in.)



Sea level

Critical altitude of engine

4. Fuel and oil consumption at cruising speed, maximum gross weight.

Fuel consumption (gals per hr) Oil consumption (gals per hr)

5. Minimum level flight speed.

Speed with flaps

retracted (mph)

Speed with flaps

extended (mph)

Engine manifold

pressure (in.)



Performance in air with one engine dead.

1. Service ceiling (where best climb is 100 feet per minute).

Engine manifold

pressure (in.)




Ceiling (ft)

Max. gross

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2. High speed in level flight with engines at maximum power authorized

for continuous operation, maximum gross weight only.

Engine manifold

pressure (in.)




Speed (mph)

(a) Sea level

(b) Engine ceiling....

3. Fuel and oil consumption for conditions 2a and 2b.

Fuel consumption (gals per hr) Oil consumption (gals per hr)

4. Best angle of climb.



Engine manifold

pressure (in.)




Max cross



1. Steepest gliding angle practicable for landing approach, flaps ex-

tended, maximum gross weight, no power.

Angle (degrees)

Speed (mph)
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2. Length of ground roll from 3-point landing, maximum gross weight

only, brakes used, landing for conditions as in 1.

Flap position Distance (ft) Landing speed (mpb)


It is sometimes desirable to calculate performance data from a few basic

assumptions, such as wing loading and power or thrust loading, in order to

determine whether a set of proposed performance requirements is realistic

and can be reasonably met.

The formulas listed below have been based upon published data and

can be used to determine reasonable values.

Maximum Speed

1. Maximum speed, in miles per hour, in level flight at critical altitude

of power plant for power loadings (W/P) between 5 and 12 and wing

loadings (W/S) between 20 and 90 may be found from the formula:

'—» + *(?)(?).

This equation holds for propeller-equipped aircraft for speeds between

200 and 400 mph.

2. For aircraft powered with jet engines, with speeds of between 450

and 700 miles an hour, the following formulas have reasonable validity:

V^, - 450 + 1.28 (^r)(y): (a)

V— = 780 - 1.28 (b)

For the upper values of speed, the following formula gives closer values:

Vmax = 820 - 1.28 (jf)0 0 (c)

The available data for jet-powered airplanes are still too sparse to en-

able one to determine reliable values for the constants in these empirical

equations. Therefore, any such formulas should be checked with existing

data and the constants should be re-evaluated.

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3. For aircraft powered with reciprocating engines, the following

formula may be used:

where K has a value from 135 to 145 for small personal aircraft employing

fixed-pitch propellers;

K has a value from 125 to 135 for small flying boats and amphibians;

K has a value from 200 to 225 for transport airplanes employing

constant-speed propellers.

4. Another formula that may be usefully employed in determining

maximum speed reads as follows:

for which K may be evaluated from existing values of Vmaz, Vm,„, and

power loading, (W/P).

5. When enough data become available for specific categories of air-

planes equipped with jet power, an empirical formula such as the following

can be used:

Minimum or Stalling Speed

The following formula may be used with good results to determine the

minimum or stalling speed in miles per hour:

where K varies from 15 to 18 for small airplanes without the use of lift-

increase devices and with fixed-pitch propellers, for wing loadings (W/S),

between 5 and 25,

K varies from 10 to 13 for transport airplanes equipped with partial

span flaps and constant-speed propellers for W/S values from 30 to 80.

Rate of Climb at Sea Level

The rate of climb, in feet per minute, may be calculated from the fol-

lowing empirical formulas:

R = 18,000 ~ - 45 ^-
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for personal airplanes equipped with fixed-pitch propellers, and power

loadings (W/P) varying from 15 to 25;


Rc = 18,000 w- 10 -^

for aircraft using constant-speed propellers with wing loadings (W/8)

from 30 to 80, and power loadings (W/P) from 5 to 15.

Absolute Ceiling

1. The theoretical formula for reciprocating-engine-powered airplanes is

H = 40,000 logio (jr)<

where Pao is the horsepower available at sea level, and

Pr„ is the horsepower required to fly at speed V at sea level.

2. From the formula above, an empirical formula such as the following

may be derived:

H = 40,000 log,o ,^v* y


where K may have a value from 105 to 120 for

• jw

values ranging from 45 to 55 for personal airplanes with unsupercharged


3. For supercharged reciprocating engines, the formula takes the form

H = Hc + 40,000 logio

where Hc is the critical altitude to which the engine is supercharged, and

K has a value between 215 and 230, for values for W/PVW/S from 40

to 90.

4. Turbo-jet-powered aircraft have a practical ceiling between 50,000

and 75,000 since the number of stages of the turbo-supercharger deter-

mines the practical limits of air compression.


1. Brequet's formula is the customary range formula used for re-

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ciprocating engines. When applied for successive increments of decreas-

ing gross weights, it will lead to results that are quite reasonable.

2. A modification of the formula for personal aircraft with fixed-pitch

propellers reads as follows:

where W0 = initial gross weight,

We = weight without fuel, and

K varies from 10,500 to 12,000.

3. For aircraft employing controllable-pitch propellers and reciprocating


where K\ varies from 50 to 70 and K2 varies from 12,000 to 13,000.

R = K logio j^2'
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Absorbers, shock, 359-361, 362-364

dimensions, 380

energy considerations, 361-362

proportions, 380

types, 361-362

Aerodynamic twist, 319

Ailerons, 341-347, 387-388, 417-

419, 420

Air, arbitrary standard, 458

inlet systems, 281-296

movement, 222-223

requirements, 223-224

standard atmosphere, 458, 459-


upper atmosphere, 460

Air conditioning, air ducts, 227-

229, 281-296

air movement, 222-223

air requirements, 222, 223-224

boilers, 229

calculations, 230-232

equipment, 229-230

heat sources, 200-201, 229, 232

high speeds, 233-234

importance, 221-223

physical conditions, 226-227

pressure considerations, 224-225

radiators, 229

schematic system, 223, 226

soundproofing, 227

temperature limits, 226

Air ducts, 227-229, 281-296 (See

also Air induction systems)

Airfoil, aspect ratio corrections, 38,


characteristics, 36, 37, 47

compressible flow, 48-49

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computation table, 40

construction, 45-46
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criteria, 39

laminar flow, 48

ordinates, 45-46

power coefficient, 35

section characteristics, 41-45

selection, 29-49

structural considerations, 38

supersonic speed, 46-48

tail surfaces, 388-389

thickness, 321-322

thickness ratios, 38, 45

Air induction systems, annular inlet,


anti-icing, 284-285

conventional spinner, 283-284

ducted spinner, 281-283

flush inlet, 294-296

inlet-velocity ratio, 284-286, 288-


losses, 286

nose inlet, 290-292

requirements, 287-289

scoop, 292-293

undercowl scoop, 286

wing-root inlet, 289-290

Airplanes, choice, 18-25

data, 26-28

forces in flight, 30

front view, 120

length, 118

performance, 28


Airplanes (Continued):

rectilinear flight, 29-36

side view, 120-121

three-quarter view, 8

three-view, 113-123

top view, 120

types, 10-28

Airsickness, cabin provisions, 218

Aisle dimensions, 205

Aluminum alloy, (See Materials of


Angle, aerodynamic twist, 319

dihedral, horizontal tail, 401

dihedral, wing, 317-319

downwash, 399-400

incidence, horizontal tail, 398-


incidence, wing, 319-320

sweepback, horizontal tail, 400-


sweepback, wing, 313-317, 318-


trim, 399

Anti-icing (See also De-icing)

engine inlet, 286-287

equipment, 199-201

Areas, control surfaces, 401, 407-


wing, 116-117

Aspect ratio, corrections, 38-41

tail surfaces, 398, 406

wing, 320-321

Axes, reference, 59-61

Baggage compartment, 220

Balance, aerodynamic, 389-391

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ballast, 169

calculations, 163, 168-169

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center of gravity, 157-171

clearances, 168

defined, 155

diagram, 155-157

dynamic, 392-393

fuselage, 161-164

power plant, 164

procedures, 155-157

static, 391-392

wing, 164-167

worksheet, 163

Ballast, 169

Beading, 105

Berths, cabin, 206, 217, 218

weights, 151

Biplane, 10-11

Boilers, 229

Bolts, 109

Brake, installation, 379

Cabin, airsickness, 218

aisles, 205

baggage compartment, 220

berths, 206, 217, 218

center of gravity, 216

comfort, 203

considerations, 202-203

dimensions, 203-205

doors, 217-218

exits, 217-218

flooring, 219

furnishings, 218


Cables (Continued):

strengths, 416

supports, 415, 426

weights, 150, 416

Canopies, 183

Castings, aluminum, 70

magnesium, 74

Center of gravity, error, 171

estimation, 170-171

fuselage, 161

individual items, 169-170

movement, 160

seating, 170-216

Chord, mean aerodynamic, 306-310

mean geometric, 306-310

Clearances, flap, 351

landing gear, 369, 381

propeller, 247-249

Cockpit, canopies, 179, 183

considerations, 172-174

controls, 188-189

design, 174-176

dimensions, 184

exits, 186

instrument board, 189

parachutes, 188

pilot dimensions, 185

prone seating, 190

requirements, 175-176

seating, 183-186

vision and visibility, 182-183

windows, (See Windshields)

windshields, 176-181

Comfort, air movement (See Air

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factors, 203

seating (See Seats and seating)

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Compartments, baggage, 220

soundproofing, 239

Compressible flow, airfoils, 48-49

Control surfaces, areas, 387-388

travel, 425

Control systems, 412-428

adjustable stabilizer, 414, 419

aileron control, 420, 421

boost system, 419

cable, 412, 414-415, 416

control travel, 425-426

engine, 427-428

fairleads, 415

flap, 189, 420, 422

hinges, 422, 428, 429

hydraulic, 423-425

irreversible, 425, 426

pneumatic, 423-425

pulleys, 414, 426

push-pull, 412, 413

requirements, 427-428

stops, 415

tabs, 420, 422

torque tube, 412

weights, 150

wheels, 188

Controls, cockpit, 188-189

engine, 427-428

wheel, 188

Cooling, at high speeds, 233-234

engine, 274-275


Electrical equipment, 198-199

heat sources, 229

Engines (See also Power plants)

carburetor scoop, 277-278

controls, 427-428

cooling system, 274-275

cowling, 273-275

firewall, 272-273

fuel consumption, 268-269

fuel systems, 278-279

installations, 251-253

jet types, 296

location, 119, 264

lubricating systems, 280-281

manifolds, 276-277

mount, 269-272, 297

nacelles, 268

number, 265-267

piston, 295

power rating, 267-268, 295

probability theory, 265-267

pusher installation, 252-253

rating, 267-268

selection, 268

submerged, 264-265

tandem, 251-252

thrust ratings, 296

weights, 295-296

Equipment, electrical, 198-199

hydraulic, 419, 423-425

safety, 199

Exits, cabin, 217-218, 449

cockpit, 186

Extrusions, 68, 74, 78

Fabricated components, weights,

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Fabrication, 71-73
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blanking, 72

cutting, 72

forming, 72-73

Fail-safe, 82

Fairleads, 415

Fool-proof, 82

Firewall, 272-273

Fittings, 97-99

Flaps, (See also Lift-increase de-


clearance, 351

controls, 420

wing, 422

Flight, climbing, 34-35

diving, 34

envelope, 58-59

gliding, 33-34

horizontal, 31-33

range, 36

Floats, weights, 153

Flooring, 100-102

cabin, 219, 449

soundproofing, 219

Flutter, prevention, 355-356, 393-


Forgings, 68-70

Frames, fabrication 439-442

spacing, 440-442

Fuel, consumption, 268-269

pumps, 279

systems, 278-279


Fuselage (Continued):

shape, 432-435

skin thickness, 90, 446-447

stringers, 439, 442, 444-446

structure, 451-452

tail boom, 450-451

twin, 450

weight, 136-137, 142-143

windows, 447

wing configuration, 323, 430-432

Gauges, metal sheet, 80

tubing, 111-112

Headroom, cabin, 207-209

Heating, calculations, 230-232

sources, 229

surface, 232

Hinges, 422

Hydraulic equipment, 419, 423-425

actuating cylinders weight, 154

bend radii, 378

Instrument board, 189, 193-194

Instruments, cockpit, 191-201

grouping, 194

importance, 191

location, 194

selection, 197-198

variety, 194-197

Jet engines (See Power plant)

Joints, bolted and riveted, 95-97

Landing gear, brakes, 359-361

clearances, 381

considerations, 304, 357-358

cross-wind, 371-373

description, 357

dynamic loads, 358-359

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energy dissipation, 361-362

engine torque, 250-251

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landing contact, 364-365

location, 364-371

nose-wheel type, 367-370

retraction, 376-378

shimmy, 373-375

shock absorbers, 362-364

special problems, 380

speed reduction, 359-361

tail-wheel type, 365-367

tandem, 371

tire size, 152-153

track type, 370-371

tread, 375

weights, 138, 143-145

wheel position, 376

wheel size, 375-376

Legroom, cabin, 206, 209-215

cockpit, 184

Lift-increase devices, 347-354

Lighting, 218

Lightening holes, 105

Load factor, definition, 50-51

determination, 55-56

empirical, 57-58

gust, 52-55

maneuver, 51-52

Loads, 50-63

dynamic, 50-53

factors, 50-58

generalized system, 61-63

gust, 52-55


Materials (Continued):

aluminum alloys, 65-71

application, 64-65, 76-79

considerations, 65

fabricated, 71-73

magnesium alloys, 74

mechanical properties, 106-110

steel, 74-75

titanium alloys, 75-76

Mechanical properties, 106-110

Mockup, cockpit, 175

fuselage, 436

Noise, engine, 236, 239-240

frequency, 236-237

measure, 235

soundproofing, 235-240

sources, 236, 239-240

Oxygen, requirements, 221-224

cylinder weights, 150

Panels, sizes, 89-92

under load, 88-89

Parachutes, 188

weights, 151

Payload, 129

Performance, absolute ceiling, 468,


altitude corrections, 459

calculations, 455-459, 462, 469

data, sources, 454, 460-461

empirical formulas, 474-477

engine, 461-462

landing run, 245, 359-361

maximum speed, 466-468, 474-


parasite resistance, 460-461

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power available, 246, 462-466

power required, 455-459

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propeller characteristics, 242-243

propeller selection, 254-260

range, 268-269, 468-469, 476-477

rate of climb, 468, 475

requirements, 470-474

service ceiling, 468, 471

stalling speed, 475

take-off, 470-J71

Pilot, average dimensions, 185

ejection equipment, 187

protection, 186-187

seating, 183-186

Power plants, (See also Engines)

air inlet systems, 281-296

defined, 263

fuel systems, 278-280

general considerations, 263-264

lubricating systems, 280-281

weights, 138-139, 146, 147-148

Pressurization, cabin equipment,


considerations, 224-226

structure, 447-448

Propeller, aerodynamic effects, 243

asymmetrical conditions, 249-250

characteristics, 241-243

clearances, 247-249

cuffs, 254

diameter, 254-262

gyroscopic effect, 243-244

influence, 247


Rockets, 298

Safety, design philosophy, 82

equipment, 199

margin, 81

Scoop, carburetor, 277-278

Seating, accessibility, 215-216

arrangements, 206-207

back-to-back, 213, 214

canoe, 210

cockpit, 183-186

dimensions, 204, 207

pick-a-back, 212

prone, 190

rearward, 214-215

side-by-side, 211, 213

staggered, 213

tandem, 215

toboggan, 210-211

Seats, dimensions, 184, 208

passenger, 205-206

Sheet, sizes, 67, 74, 78

Sheet-stringer, 92-93

Shock absorbers (See Absorbers,


Soundproofing (See also Noise)

application, 237-239

choice, 237

flooring, 219

materials, 227-230

noise measure, 235

weights, 151

Span (See Wing)

Spar, fittings, 334-337

wing, 327-331

Spinners, propeller hub, 254

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Spoilers (<See Lift-increase devices)

Stability, criteria, 385

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directional, 404-405

longitudinal, 382-386

mass distribution, 453

Stabilizer, adjustable, 419

Steel, 74-75, 77, 78, 79

Stiffeners, 86-88, 105, 330-331

Stops, 415

Stringers, 86-88, 330-331

with sheet, 92-93

Sweepback, 313-316

high-speed airplanes, 46-48

stability effects, 317

wing, 46

Tabs, tail surface, 391, 420, 422, 423

Tail surfaces, 382-411

airfoils, 388-389

areas, 401, 407-408

aspect ratio, 398, 406-407

balance, 389-393

butterfly, 409-411

clearances, 403

construction, 394-395, 401

control, 385-386, 404, 405

control surfaces, 387-388

dihedral, 401

dive brakes, 410

flutter prevention, 393-394

horizontal, 395-403

incidence, 398-400

location, 395-397, 405-406

movement, 397-398, 406



Three-view, engineering studies, 122

final, 122-123

front view, 121

general notes, 121

side view, 121

steps in assembly, 114-116

top view, 120

Tires, weights, 152-153

Toilets, 219

Tubing, round, 111-112

weights, 111-112

Ventilation (See Air conditioning)

Vision and visibility, cabin, 215

cockpit, 182-183

Weights, actual, 127

alternate, 127

calculated, 126

control surfaces, 137-138

empty, 146

engines (See Power plant), 295-


estimates, 114-116, 126, 128-132

fabricated components, 145-146

floats, 154

fuel, 147

fuselage, 136-137, 142-143

general procedure, 124-126

gross, 127, 148-149

hydraulic equipment, 154

landing gear, 138, 143-145

miscellaneous, 150-154

nacelles, 146-147

oil, 147

oil coolers, 148

power plants, 138-139, 146-148

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propeller, 261-262

sources, 139
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spinners, 254

structural, 128

tail surfaces, 141-142

tires, 152-153

variables, 132-139

wheels, 152-153

wing, 132-136, 139-141

worksheets, 129-131

Wheels, camber, 376

position, 376

size, 375-376

toe-in, 376

weights, 152-153

Windows, 176-181,216-217, 447

Windshields, 176-181

Wing (See also Airfoil)

aerodynamic twist, 319

aero-isoclinic, 316

ailerons, 341-347, 387-388

area, 116-117

balance calculations, 164-167

bending moments, 301

construction, 327

cranked, 316

crescent, 315-316

design, 299-356

dihedral, 317-319

fabric-covered, 337-341

fences, 354

flap construction, 353-422

flutter prevention, 355-356



Wing (Continued):

ribs, 331-334, 339

rib spacing, 332, 341

skin thickness, 90

span, 117

spar construction, 327-331

spar fittings, 334-337

spoilers, 347-354

stringers, 330-331

structural considerations, 327

sweepback, 313-317, 318-319

taper ratio, 310-317

torsion, 301-302

weight, 132-136, 139-141

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