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"Earnestlv contend tor the faith which was once delivered unto the saints!'-Jude 3.

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FROM DISTANT LANDS baptized with t h e Holy Ghost and has re-
How wonderful it is that today in dif- ceived wonderful power h a s thrown ope11
ferent parts of India, Russia, Norway, t h e ' d o o o r s of her beautiful mission honlc
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the. Lord, I will pour Sweden, England, Canada, Africa and and today is preaching the word with
.4merica, God's saints are enjoying the laL- power.
out of My Spirit upon all flesh."--Acts 2. 17. ter rain ?11d are being satisfied. Persecu- T h e missionaries are searching the Word.
The Revival in Portland. converse in tongues. Brother 'Tom' has tion is arising everywhere, but this is only T h e y find this movement is prophesied as
One of the rnig~ntiestrevivals that Port ncver lost the splrit of the A z p a . H e ;A a mark of tlie Lord's work, and makes us the forerunner o f Jesus, .and the precious
land ever knew has taken place In that city still fired u p the same as ever. Everywheie more sure we shall reign with Him whose souls a r e so glad t o receive the power; but
The devil raged, shots were fired, some 1 have traveled among our baptized souls. srlfferings we are privileged t o share. Bless
Ills .lame! T h e Lord is coming-our preci-
in India Bible teachers who know t h e Word
were arrested and brought up before the they seem to have such joy and freedom ous a r e not jumping at every new doctrine but
judges, but the Lord worked on and healed in the Holy Ghost."-Address "The Hav- King is coming soon. "Even so come a r e weighinfi everything b y t h e Word and
all n~arlner of diseases that were brouaht en," Zion City, 141s. I-ort! Jesus." Hallelujah. a r e being convinced of the truth.
baptized and saved .many precious souls. In Minneapolis, Minn. Salvation in Sweden T h e Lord gave one nlissionary a vision
In June a campmeeting was opened up O n e Suliday the power of God came up011 111 S t o c k h o l ~ i ~Sweden,
, many souls a r c of the Holy Ghost a s a chest of jewels, and
there, where roo souls were baptized witil us in the morning meeting and in the even- filleei with the Holy Ghost and have the she saw the Savior open the chest, and with
the Holy Ghost. IIinistess were brought ilig tlic Ppntecost began to fall, and b y Iiib!c evidence. T h e tidal wave is sweeD- a look of great love and satisfaction, un-
into the work. The Christian and hlissior;- 11:3o the next morning six had received 1 1 1 ~on, on to victory. Hundreds of souis roll gift after g i f t from t h e chest. I t has
ary Alliance in Portland came into the P y t e c o s t , "For they heard them speak are nt the feet of Jesus. not occurred t o many the joy that must
work in a body. God is working there in with tongues and magnify God." I t wac "'!'he work o f the Lord is spreading. 1.1 fill the heart o f t h e dear Lord, when Ffc
n i g h t y power today. llkc some scents in Azusa, all around lay Gotfenbcrfi-, the second city of Sweden, thc sees that His gifts are be in^ appreciated
One poor soul that had spent five years the slain, Methodists, Baptists, and Luther- T,orll has set many of His people free. fili- T h e Lord also gave Sister Garr a visiun
strapped t o her bed in an insaile asylum ans. Young people arose wlth shininq ing then1 with the Spirit of Christ. Some of Himself one night, while in Calcutcg
was healed. H e r brother, hearing of the faces speakirig in t h e power of the Holy are speaking with new tongues. I have Bro. and His hands were filled with golden
\i-onderful work wrought througlr this peo- Ghost in unknown tongues. Two elderly Eri.: Hollingsworth and his wife here with crowns ready t o place on heads. And the
ple went and got her and brought her t~ sisiers also spoke in tongues, magnify in^ me now in this city, and hope we shall have same eventng, H e gave her t h e messagtb
the Mission, and God wonderfully healed God. \/Ve have the happiest band of bap a I~ousclike Azusa A4ission. "Let no man take thy crown." A mission:
arid saved and sanctified her. H e r brother tized people you ever saw. Young Iadics "The cliurch in Skofde is growing. I a r y arose and said that on that day God
testitied that he did not believe in God and tl~a: were so timid, now clap their hands illink there a r e about 40 now who are bao- had spoken those words t o her, and sue
was an infidel. Now he is saved and has and shout Glory, all the time. tizcd with the Holy Ghost and speakinq did not know what it meant.
gone back t o live with his wife h e had left Another night when the meeting lasted an,! singing in new tongues there. H a l k - Reaching the missionaries is laying tht:
This Gospel surcly is building u p homes. till five o'cloclc in the mornina, one yoring l u j . ~ h ! In a meeting at Skofde ther? were axe at the root of the tree, f o r they know
A lady was instantly healed of lesion of man, n hlelliodist, came througll about one scycn young folks who were slnglng 111 all the customs of India and also t h e Ian
the muscles which the doctors have been a. ni. and spoke in tongues for two hours, tol~vuestorether. I t was a heavenly song, guages. T h e only way the nations can hc
working on for eleven years. T h e saints giving seine of the most blessed messages as Bro. Eric told me. reacliec! is b y ~ e t t i n gthe missionaries bap-
are leaving off their glasses and their eyed and interpreting: t h e burden was, "Jesus "In many uther cities and towns God tized with the Holy Ghost. Missionaries
arc being instantly healed. An old lady is coming soon, get ready t o meet Him." i ~ .working mightily. One place is on a n a r e receiving and praisina God for letting
well on to seventy years old had her eyes O n e little girl received her baptism and iy1:;nd between Sweden and Russia, and them hear this Gospel and rccewe this
completely restored while listening to a spoke beautifully in tongues, and thcn God is pourins out His Spirit. T o God be great outpouring of the Spirit.
brother preaching. spo1:e to some unconverted young Inen in al; tlie praise."--.4ndrew G. Johnson,
111 a school of x,soo native g ~ r l sand xw
When the plague i n Portland was takinq tongues and interpreted, which was a plca T3ramnregarde11, Hisingstad, Gottenberg, boys, besides European and n a t i t e teachel3
the children off at a fearful rate. the Lord for them to give their hearts to Jesus now Sweden.
/Since the last report, t w o Spirit-filled the head of the school has been tarrying
healed all the Pentecostal flock a s soon as as H e was soon comine; and they would b z a ~ l d the Comforter has come t o her and
i t pat in its appearance. Not one of them lost. The men were visably affected by thc si tcrs, Sister Anderson and Srster Jacob- also to her ddughter, a number of her
lost one of their family. T h e people were message. s m . have gone to help in the work 111
teachers, and 300 native girls. Hallelujah!
told to read the grst Psalm, stand on the Three baptismal services were held (up Swcden.] At Dhorld, a school of boys, numbers have
Word, and keep under the Blood, and fear to June 19th) at a suburban lake, a n d y Reports from England
were buried in the likeness of His deatl,. "Three have received the baptism with been saved, some: a r e speaking in tongues.
nothing. In Calcutta, one Missionary who was
TIT+- Portlnnd campmeeting opened a t Most of those w h o received tlie baptism I{.ible evidcnce here. When we hear thc
baptized in the meeting, went back to her
Twelfth and Division streets with r o w peo- in the Spirit are prostrated on the floor. J oly Ghost soeaking and singing throng-5 high. s c h ~ n o land in a short time forty-five
ple in attendance, qometimes hundreds Some received it while sitting in a c11dir tiiesc dear ones, it is so solemn and yet s o prcclous native girls were baptized in the
coulrl not get in. They had all things corn or standing on their feet. Some have re- IIxvenly :\lid deepens one's hunger."-J. H.
ceived it at home. Those who are prus- I 1. Akermnn Road, Brixton, London, S. MI Spirit. Then the matron of a Rescue E-Iome
illon at the camp, and such love and uni:y received her Pentecost and'shorllv the dear
exists. T h e poor saint could have a ten. trated, many of them tell of having a vis- From another part o f London where
girls who had been redeemed from such
a s well as the rich one afid all were free ion of heaven or of Jesus the Lord cr '!lere has been a tarrying meeting, word lives of sin, were learning how to glorify
t o eat at the tables. No collections taken, otherwise of having come into a full a n d that two have received the Pente-
Jesus and the H o l y Ghost was ~ i v e n . Mis-
and vet the needs were abundantly supplied. far deeper sense of God than ever t h o u a h t .+)st, anc! other hungry souls seeking. sionaries who have gone down t o their
T1.r work i s svreadinq. Snine canit from of before. A brother cqming out from . A; sister in Enuland who has received the
-.. - * , t0qtifilj.s: stations, write of the abiding Comforter
ballas and received {heir baptism 'and wetlt u~rclcr t i ~ ipulutr where ne b d u recclytl: and ~ ~ \ L TofS l ; v i . ~ gwat,er a r e flow~ng.
back and set that town on fire and startel revelations said, "The hand of God is cer- ' When all had retired that night, pa,t
a campmeeting there. tainly on this work, and those who sci,ff twelve o'clock, and f was left alone, praise False reports hsve been circulated of the
Sixty-seven were baptized in water oile and oppose ~t are likely to have the Lord's and adoration filled niy soul (for the words work in India. D o not believe them.--Ad-
day. People brought their dear ones from hand put on them in a terrible way." kept rineing in my ear that had been dress Bro, and Sister A. G. Garr, Bethany,
the asylum and God healed them. Three T h e papers published many false reports, spoken from, "Farthful is H e that calletil Slave Island, Colombo, Ceylon, India.
from the asylunl testified daily of the heal- and they were threatened with arrest and t a you, who also will do it.") T h e joy tvas
ing power of God. have the meetings stopped on the charge flowin.g--after months of inexpressibl" When Jesus comes, H e is going to reveal
A sanctified Nazarene preacher came ~z of disturbing the peace; but Bro. Pendleton yearntligs, ancl waiting upon God, T h a t to us, all the hidden love that H e had for
the meeting and got her baptism. Thret: announced that the meetings would con- night T seemed to lie down in His a l m i g h ~ y us all through the ages.
prezchers got through one day. T h e altars tinue for they must obey God. If tliev arms like a weary little child. T h e last
are packed. went to jail, they would have meeting.; cord that bound me to earth was broken
A sister writing from there said, "0 I there. and that was a little anxiety concerning Q I V I f your testimony is backed up b y the
wish you could hear these Holy Ghost peo- Some get to God in every meeting. T h e ; home and dear ones. I nave them up t o Blood of Christ in your heart, there is
ple testify. No straps on anyone. -Tile obtained a large hall that will set four o r Him, and just rested absolutely in Hini. power in it.
Holy Ghost works here. Saints filled so five hundred. where a permanent m i s s ~ o n "While praising Him I had a vision of
they can hardly talk jump LID quickly, say will be established. Jesus upon the cross. It was dark. H e ex-, God stands today to s,ave every sinner,
a few words and sit down. Such a humble Pentecost in Winnipeg, Manitoba tencJ;d H i s arms to me and said. Come 1,) to sanctify every believer, and to baptize
people. such love and unity I ncver saw. F o r more than a year here some of the Me. O h ! the unutterable love and com- every sanctified believer with the Holy Pcntecostsl Meeting. rwelitll saints tarried before God for an outpour- passion in His volce. I obeyed, and Ghost.
and Divisiot~ streets, Portland, Ore. ing of His Spirit upon all flesh, and especi- groaned in the spirit, seem in^ to suffcr
Tbe "Latter Rain" in Zion City. 111. ally for a revival of the Bible standard in wt11 Him. Then the darkness fled, and 1 W e are measuring everything b y the
God is doinc a mighty work in Zion City Winnipeg. God has heard prayers a n d i j was raised with Him in glory. I involuti Word, every experience must measure up
alnjng those heart-broken and crushed peo- repeating Pentecost. Praise H I S name. tarily threw up my arms t o praise Hini with the Bible. Some say that is going
ple. First they started meetings in tlrc T h e Holy Ghost first fell in a cottacc and suddenlv they seemed t o be charged too far, but if we have lived too close to
Erlina Hospice, now a faith home called meeting and three received their P e n t e - with electricity, and a power came upon the Word, we will settle that with- the Lord
"The. Haven." then they had the large au- cost with Bible evidence. An aned saint me and I praised Him in another tonsue. when we meet Him in the air.
dit,>rwm in t h ~ COII,~e d no% have the came in fro- Poplar Point. a small town H e immedia;!ely gave the ~nterpretatiofi
larpc tabernacle, about 40 miles distant, and the second af which was Glory t o Jesus-the bleedin&
One nlorninr in tlic tipper room of "The ternoon he got his Pentecost and says he Lamb." T h e next mornlng the Holy Some people build their houses o n the
I-Iavcn." the Holy Ghost fell, as t1ic.v were feels a lot younger. H e and others w e l ~ t Ghost came in mighty power, causing me sand, not on the experience o f the Blood
praying for Him to come and ~xanife't back and had tarrying meetings, and s1ni.r t o l a u ~ ha s I had never done in my liie in their hearts. T h e y say t!hey have not
I-1inise;f. First one began to drop and then then about twenty have received PenteccJs: (being very matter of fact and unemotion- got the witness, but a r e just go in^ b y faith.
another until the floor was covered. T1.e at that place. al), and speakina in four or five languages Well, everyone t h a t is born of God has t h t
tirst to speak in unknown toncues was a At the Pentecost Mission, while a brother sometimes riving t h e interpretation. F o r witness in himself. I John 5:ro.
younv men who spoke in Chinese, Italian. was speaking from Acts 1040-46, "Whiiz one and a half hours this continued. I was
nnJ 1~111.~hhic11were identified. Then it Peter yet spake these words, the I-loly quite ~ o w e r l e s s . T h e glory of God filleJ When we preach a sinless life. same peo-
tv:ts pot lona: till the flood of joy bevan a n d Gliost,,fell on all them which heard the m y soul, and sometimes t h e deepest an- ple say we a r e t o o strict. They say we
all over the room they were praising and Word, as he was speaking, the H o l y guish of heart at the cross. W h a t I felt will not get many to heaven t h a t way. Bu-t
glorifyinz God in different tongues. Somc Ghost fell on two sisters. One started and realized of the sorrow and love o f beloved, God cannot save contrary t o HIS
were justified a r ~ dsanctified. About twen- speaking right off in tongues, and another Jesus was beyond all expression, finding Word. All salvation contrary t o the Word
ty came through speaking in tongues. who had come a b o ~ i t loo miles to attend vent only in another "tongue." Glory t p 1s not saving salvation.
Gsd is usirln the children, young men and the meeting, fell under the power f o r a H i s Name!
youric women, in a marvelous manner. I t time and beaan to sinle in tongues. I t was "The s a m e evening I went to aqother
1s the most wonderful demonstration of the heavenly. Souls are being saved, believers -meeting in connection with the foregoinr; T h e baptism with the H o l y Ghost is the
power of God upon human hearts. De- sanctified and baptized with the H o l y special services, and the Spirit came upon Seal of the living God in your forehead.
nourlce it as they will. when thev see thesc Ghost while sitting in their seats. me again causing me to speak in three or God wants you t o wear this seal, and not
little zliildren under the power of the Holy Baptismal services took place on tlie four l a n g u n ~ e s with the interpretation."-- the badges of men and devils. H e does not
Spirit, preachina. singing and speaking In banks of the River Assirnboine at this placc From a tract puMiqhed in England by B r o want you t o be unequally yoked tovether
difFer~ntFaniruarres (which a r e many times 23 persons receiving baptism by immersion. A. A. Body, All Saints' Vicarage, Monk- with unbelievers,. but come o u t from among
identified by foreigners) thev will in our I t was a sacred occasion. T h e Holy Ghost wearmouth, Sunderland, England. the creeds and doctrines of men and devils.
nlee~ings confess that their fiahting has witnessed through t h e speaking in tongues The Work in India O u r ignorance in t h e past God winked at,
m m c to an etil, and say that they have of those who were baptized. There a r e at least five or six hundred wit- but that tlme is past. H e i s seek in^ for a
never seen anyiliing after this manner. Some wonderful cases of healing have nesses in India today, "earnestly contend- clean people, a people that have not de-
Brother Sewlnour when he was in Zior. occurred the past few weeks. A lady of ing for t h e faith once delivered unto the filed their garments. T h e priests that bore
C ~ t ywrote. "People here receive the bat*- some 60 years of a g e who had been a saints." the holy vessels had t o be clean, s o now
t;sni in their pews while the service is go- cripple from inflammatory rheumatism fur Some of the choicest spirits of India those that bear t h e messages of the Lord
in^ on ancl sometimes scores of them re- ten years o r more, was brotrght in a n jn- have been baptized with the Holy Gho,~, must be clean a n d holy.
ccrve I:. I t is the sweetest thing you w a i t valid chair acconipanied by her two dauglr- Tt is wonderful to hear one of these tell
to see. I t reminds me of old Azlisa ten ters. She was prayed for, and during tile. how for nine years she had hunted meet- John t h e Baptist lost his head because he
nin~rtlls ago. T h e people that receive tilt service was noticed t o stretch forth k r inas where she could receive the Holy preached a'gainst divorces. T h e r e are a
baptism seem so happy. they remind me of ailing limbs. which up t o this time h d Ghost, a n d how she has found Him whom f e w people today that are willina t o lose
our people a t home. There are little chil- been of little use t o her. She then rose her soul s o long has craved. She and her their heads f o r preaching against divorces.
dren f r o m six years and on u p who have from her chair under t h e power of the H o l y friend a r e missionaries from Colombo, Ce\- This Apostolic Faith stands f o r one wife
the haptism with the Holy Ghost, just as Gllost. 0 that men wonld praise tlie Lord Ion. One of them has been clearly healed a n d one !husband. O u r God i s going to
we have it in Los Angeles. Praise our God. f o r His ~ o o d n e s sand His wonderful works of a disease of several years standing. have a clean ~ e o p l e ,a geople that wlll
This is another Aztisa. It would do you to the children of men. Four witnesses have gone t o Darjeelinq stand for the whole counsel of God. Praise
good tg heat these peopIe speak under the H o m e & Foreign Mission, r5g Alexander India. God for a people that a r e will in^ to 8tmd
power of the Holy Ghost. Some of t h a n St., Winnipeg, van.. Can. A prominent missionary w h o has been f o r the Gospel a n d die for it if need be.
ure is in heaven. You a r e walking down
Pentecost just fifty days after Jesus wz$ THE MIRACLE OF
a r t Azusa Street here and trying t o win souls, to pass the offered o n t h e cross, to t h e very ,hour. Th? SPEAKING IN TONGUES
time away till Jesus comes. regular time of offering t h e lamb o f sacrt-

Published by
* * * fice was nine o'clock, and that was the Some people doubt the miracle of speak-
Go ye into all t h e world and preach the hour t h a t Jesus was crucified, t h e "third i n g in tongues. They. read it in t h e Bible
T H E APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION Gospel t o every creature, teaching them t o hour of the day." And the baptism of tkc but d o n o t believe i n miracles now-a-days.
Headquarters, L o s Anseles observe all things whatsoever I have com- Spirit fell on the same hour, 50 days later, T h e r e was a woman on the carnpqround
Subscrip tion Free manded you," You who a r e baptized with for in t h e second chapter of Acts, we read t h a t doubted t h e miracle of s p e a k l n ~ in
fie Holy Ghost, this commission is written that Peter said to the multitude, "These a r e tonques. She understoood Russian and
over your heads, and will n o t be taken down not drunken a s ye suppose, seeing i t is but Polish, a n d t h e L o r d gave h e r a messaga
Please write your address very plainly.
till the angel stands with one foot on the
land and one on t h e sea and declares that
the third hovr of the day." T h e Pentecost
fell o n t h e Lord's day, the first day of the
in her native tongue, which n o o n e else
This is a free paper, a faith paper. time shall no longer be. week o r Sunday. I t has been kept by God's A boy arose t o testify and when his turn
tle with the Lord. * * * people ever since. S o Pentecost really came, and he opened him mouth, he could
0 beloved, our reigning time h a s not means a feast, praise God, we have Pente- not speak English, but the Spirit be an
Notify us of any change of your address come yet. W e a r e to be with t h e Babe cost in our souls today. t o speak in a n unknown language. #he
from the manger t o t8hethrone. O u r reigtr- T h e feast of Pentecost c-ame a t the time woman heard b o t h Russian a n d Polish and
Instead of sending in a list of names, ing time will come when Jesus comes in of the wheat harvest and ripening of the was thoroughly convinced. H e spoke ,about
why not send for a roll of papers, as many great power from the throne. Until then summer fruits. They were commanded t c ten minutes pivin the account of Jesus
as you need, and send them out yourself?
This will save work and ex ense a t the
main office. W e need your hefp, dear oner.
we are to be beaten, t o be spit upon, and
mocked. W e are t o be like His son.
* * * - leave some of the wheat and fruits in t h e
fields, n o t to glean it. S o when we get
the baptism with the Holy Ghost, we h a t e
walkin among t%e golden candlesticks
with t i e seven s t a r s In His r i ~ h t hand
a n d also the-first eight verses of t h e 3rd
I t means so much to keep the anointing overflowing love, we have rivers of salva- of Revelation where Jesus was exhortmg
This is the campmeeting number of t h ~ , upon o u r souls s o that we do not wither tion. Praise our God. t h e church that had a name to live a n d was
~ ~ ~ Faith,
~ at double~ l paper
i f~o r the away, after we get this baptism. There dead, to repent. T h e boy seemed t o b e
four months. W e hope t o send Out mole is a tendency for t h e enemy to come in and The Feast of Trumpets preaching and exhorting in g r e a t power.
of the papers and oftener, the Lord willing tell you that you are giving away t o this This is the feast of the full harvest. P a r t of the message was, "Jesus is coming
l f a y Geld make it a blessing t o every and that demonstration too much. God "When ye have gathered in the fruit of verv soon."
Some ask how to send money to he:li
wants us to let t h e H o l y Ghost have right
of way with us. I love the liberty of the
the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the
Lord seven days; on t h e first day shall
be a Sabbath and on t h e eighth day shall
he young man's name is Ralph Groenick
o f Hermon, Cal., a n d the woman's address
is Sister Rosenthal, corner 24th a n d Hoover
Holy Ghost, I love to see Him have right
the work. Money orders can be made Pay- oE way. When we received the baptism of be a Sabbath. And ye shall take you o n streets, Los Angeles.
able to the Apostolic Faith, o r YOU can the Holy Ghost, tkt: power came down in the first day the boughs of goodiy trees,
send United States Stamps. W e cannot use such a mighty way, and after a time people branches of palm trees, and t h e boughs of CHRIST ABIDES IN
foreign stamps. Some have sent bills. T h e began t o consider and got us t o taking thick trees, and willows of t h e brook; and
Lord takes care of the money f o r Hts thought. But what a r e we that will put ye shall rejy,ince before the L o r d your God SANCTIFICATION
work. None has been lost. straps and bands on the Holy Ghost, when seven days. Lev.. 23. 39, 40. I n this you When we receive Christ a s our sancii-
the Lord comes and finds and thrills us see a type o f baptlzed Holy Ghost people fier, H e comes in and we have t h e abiding
Important l with the Holy Ghost? Just because it is filled with divine love, and under the migh- anointing in our souls continually. W ~ e n
You may find enclosed in your paper a not our power shall we quench it and hold ty power of the Holy Spirit, praising God a man is sanctified, there is n o doubt as
slip. ~f you want your paper continued it down? Let us be free in the Holy Ghost and giving Him the glory. Hallelujah! t o his sanctification, for he has the witness
please fill it out with your name and ad- and let Him have right of way. This feast of Tabernacles is a type of a within. Christ abides, H e sits enthroned.
dress and send it to the Apostolic Faith. continual feast with Jesus. I t typifies the You are in the W o r d of God a n d ou get
T h e reason we d o this is because our mail- OLD T E S T A M E N T FEASTS F U L - coming and reigning of our Lord and Savior, a real witness from the throne of d d that
ing list is so large that we want to get i t FILLED I N O U R S O U L S TODAY Jesus Christ, when H e shall spread thc Christ is within. W h e n you call y o u r Be-
set up in print, and we do not want to tabernacle and feed us. loved, H e answers and says, H e r e I am.
print any names who do not really care I n the 23rd chapter o f Leviticus and 16th These types and shadows represent what I remember after I was converted, I said,
or the paper. of Deuteronomy, and all through t h e Old we are now r e c e i v i n ~in reality. Bless His H o w is this? M y Beloved comes t o m e
Testament we read of t h e feasts that God name. May we all seek all that God has a n d vistis me, but H e does n o t abide. I
TO THE BAPTISED SAINTS appointed to be kept in t h e worship t o Him. for us. knew I was a but I did n o t have
T h e Lord wants us t o keep that fresh There were four feasts, the Passover Feast, t h e real abiding anointing. W h e n I would
anointing, that sweet anointing that we Feast of First Fruits, Feast of Pentecost A HAPPY FAMILY get with Christians and sing o n e o r t w o
had when the Holy Ghost first fell upor1 us. (or Feast of Weeks), a n d Feast of Taber- hymns, my Beloved would come a n d visit
* * * nacles. They all typify what w e y r t O n e Sunday evening, the Lord impressed
me not to go t o meeting but to stay a t
m e ; but when I left, rt seemed He would
I t is one thing to receive the baplism through the cross now, justification, sancti- go. I said to Him, "I would like f o r you
fication, the baptism with the Holy Ghost home. W e all went into the parlor and to come and stay, not just aome and fill
and anotdher thing to keep the anointing. knelt down to pray, wife and I, and our
Wlhen workers go out wit% the real anoint- and then a continual feast. Together they three little children and one of the neigh- m e and afterwards take Your flight." But
ing, there are not places large enough to typify a complete redemption. bor's girls about 10 years old.
when I got m y Beloved sanctified in me,
hold the people. God wants a people t o T h e Passover Feast t.hen when I would call upon Him, H e
T h e Passover Feast is the very type of After wife and I prayed, the children would come a n d make m y soul laugh. You
go out and preach this Gospel, that will commenced praying. T h e little boy of, 13
stand for it. "These signs shall follow justification through t h e Blood of Jesus do not have to ask someone about it. If
was last t o pray. While he was praying,
them that believe," and if they do not fol- our Paschal Lamb. T h e night when they the two little commenced crying out
you lhave not received the abiding anoint-
olw, we do not. represent this Gospel. I t ate the Passover in Egypt was the type and such agony before God. I t was about
ing, you have a counterfeit sanctification.
is a blessed thing t o be able t o stand as of a sinner coming out of darkness, throufih seven o'clock In the evening, and kept on
As long as ybu live in the W o r d of God
a witness to Bhis Gospel. the Blood of Jesus. Hallelujah! T h e body H e will always be present. W e must con-
* * * of the Paschal Lamb is the type of the till about nine. They were lying on their
backs, sometimes praying and sometimes
tinue to obey Him, for there is n o way f o r
T h e Lord wants everything that is done body o f Christ, which is meat for us and crying out.
Christ t o abide in us, if we d o n o t obey
in a meeting to be done in the a n o i n t i r l ~ bread for us, and the sprinkled blood repre- Him.
of the Holy Ghost. T h e Holy Gh,ost comes sents salvation, a s H e said on that last Pass- T h e n Agnes said, "0 papa, I saw such a
into your body f o r service. H e a n o ~ n t s over night when H e was betrayed, "Taut beautiful l i g h t come sown from heaven. It CURED OF DOUBT AND FEARS
His niinisters afresh far every service. eat, this .is my body which is given tor shines so much brighter than the gas light."
Every song and every testimony should be you; this do in remembrance of Me." He Glory! Hallelujah! T h e n she commenced T h e Blood of Jesus is the .only cure for
given under t h e anointing of the Holy also gave them the cup saying, "This IS speaking in tongues. I t sounded like the doubt and fears. I t takes sanctification t o
Ghost. Some have learned how to preach the new testament in My Blood, which is French language. Then the other little deliver from doubts and fears. W e always
but it is a good thing for you if you cannot shed for you. Luke 22, 20. If we accev: girl commenced crying out. Agnes went
and put her arms around her neck and find that people who are not sanctified art:
speak without the anointing of the Holy the Word o f God and accept Christ's body more or less troubled with doubts. But
Ghost. You can get down on your knees for l ~ e a l i n ~we . shall be healed, Bless His said, "O,, Huldah, I see there is light for
and ask the Lord to use you or set you holy name! you too. Then Huldah commenced speak- when they get sanctified they a r e filled wilh
aside, which ever H e wills, and to put :he So the Passover represents justlfica-tion ing in tongues. Then tlhey came and threw such love to God, that they a r e like little
anointing on you for service if H e wants and sanctification. T h e r e is a feast in every themselves in m y lap and talked in tongues babes, they believe every word of Jesus.
you to give a message. Pretty soo'n you believer that has accepted the Blood of for a n hour. T'hen they sanu a song in
will feel the power go in^ all over you. All Jesus Christ. I t is t h e first feast in his tongues, both sang the same words and Now Jesus had been with t h e disciples
you need to do is to yield to the will of soul. When a man gets justified, the Lord the same tune in perfect harmony. three and a half years, and had told them
God. puts a new song in his mouth, even praises T h e n the little boy began t o get hungry, all about the kingdom, and yet the d w b t s
* * * to our God that he iy saved and has peace and we went down and prayed for him and and fears came upon them. But in Luke
Tongues are one of the signs that go tvith God through the Blood of Jesus. about 1 2 o'clack he got his Pentecost.
with every baptized person, but it is not Feast of F i r s t Fruits T h e children were saved before that, z4:3r, we read, "And their eyes were open-
t h e real evidence of the baptism in t h e This is the very type o f consecrating our and t%e two girls had been praying to- ed and they knew Him." T h i s was after
every day life. Your life must measure lives, after we are justified, t o be sanctified gether that day. Agnes used to have a the resurrection. Their spirituaf eyes were
with the fruits 'of the Spirit. If you get "Whcn ye c o ~ n einto t h e land which I give very sharp temper but is different now. opelied to know Jesus. Our eyes must be
angry, or speak evil, o r backbite, I care ullto you, and shall reap the harvest there- Shortly after that, all three were baptized opened to see our inhenitance. N o one
not how many tongues you may have, you of, then ye shall bring a sheaf of t h e first with water. Little Clara, the baby, six can get the baptism till Christ anoints his
have not the baptism with the Holy Spirit. fruits of the harvests unto the priests. An! years old, is praying for her Pentecost. eyes and opens up his understanding
You have lost your salvation. You need he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord. Ever since that night, when we get down that he might understand t h e Scriptures.
the Blood in your soul. Lev. 23. 10, 11. Praise our God! Jesus to pray, nearly always the little ones begill In the 45th verse we read, "Then opened
* * * Christ is our high priest. He sanctifies to speak in tongues. T h e following Sun- H e their understanding that they might
Don't ever think because you have been a ~ l d cleanses us frm all sin through H1-j day evening, we left the children alone, and understand tthe Scriptures." Then they re-
sanctified and t h e old man crucified that Blood. Bless H i s holy name! when we returned and came t o the barn ceived the living W o r d into their- hearts
there is no danger of him getting up. H e "And the meat offering thereof shall be we heard such a noise in the house, and m y and their hearts burned within them, as H e
will get up if you do not live in the W o r d two tenth deals of fine flour mingled with wife wondered if the children were cryina. unfolded the Scriptures to them.
and let the Blood flow. But if you remain oil, an offeril~gmade b y fire unto t h e Lord W e found all three of the children werc Sanctification is a cure for unbelief,
in the Word, you will remain o n the cross. for a sweet savor; and the drink offering talking in tongues. doubts and fears. Jesus got all His dis-
0 beloved, let us remain o n t h e cross. thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part M. B. Froseth, ciples cured before H e went back t o glory.
* * * of an hin, And ye shall eat neither brea?. 938 E. 33rd St., Los Angeles W h a t do you call that but sanctification?
I t means something to consecrate, but nor parched corn, n o r green ears, u n t ~ l His Blood had been spilt for their sancti-
it means more to keep consecrated, morn- the selfsame day that ye have brought an A CHILDREN'S MEETING fication. H e had suffered without bhe gate
ing, noon, and night, to say, "Here am I . offering unto your God; it shall b e a statute A little girl eight years old who was re- to sanctify them. W e can see Jesus tau 11t
Lord, send me." Sometimes when His for ever throughout your generations in claimed and sanctified a t the children's the doctrine of sanctification before f i e
yoice comes, D o this or that, we think ~t all your dwellings." Lev. 23. 12, !4. This tabernacle i n the campmeeting was left was crucified, for H e had prayed that they
1s imagination; but if we will just ask is the very type of a fully sancllfred life. at home one morning t o take care of t h e might be saflctified in the 17th of John.
God, "Is that You?" H e will withness by W e should not live off the experience a i d little children, while her mother went t o H e stayed w ~ t hthem on earth forty days,
t h e Blood that H e is speaking. I t is by blessitlgs of justification, but w e should the meeting. She was a good girl with t h e opened their understanding, opened their
obedience &at w e have power with God hasten to God a s soon as we a r e justified children, and the Lord gave them a won- eyes and cleansed them of doubts.
and increase in power. and consecrate our whole soul t o God dr derful meeting at home. Rebecca who was The last o n e t o be cured of doubts was
* * * a sacrifice, and receive the sanctifying gracz. seeking the baptism with t h e Holy Ghost, Thomas. T h e y were trying t o preach t h e
Many may start in this salvation, and yet T h e 15th verse foreshadows t h e 50 days her cousin who had been saved that morn- resurrection t o Thomas, but h e said, "No.
if they do not watch and keep under the from the Cross to Pentecost. "And ye ing in family worship and the little s ~ s t e r , I will not believe it until I put m y hand
Blood, they will lose the Spirit of Jesus shall count unto you, from the morrow af- all had a little meeting. T h e y sang, prayed into H i s side a n d m y finger into t h e prints
which is divine love, and have only gifts t e r the Sabbath, f r o m t h e d a y that y c and testified and then had a n .altar call. of the hails." Satan was tryinn to rob
which will be a s sounding brass and a brought the sheaf of th4 wave offering; Little Mary was saved, and while praying and fool T h o m a s out of bhe glorious truth
tinkling cymbal, and sooner o r later these seven sabbaths shall y e complete; even unto with her Vivian was sanctified. After they of the resurrection. Jesus knew all about
will be taken away. If you want t o live the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall closed t h e meeting, Rebecca sat o n t h e it. H e called Thomas and said t o him,
in the Spirit, live in t h e fruits of the Spirit y e nulnber fifty days; and ye shall offer lounge sewing and t o t up to start a fire, (Don't you s e e how Jesus hates infidelity
every day. a new meat offering unto t h e Lord." This when the power of od came o n her. S h c and utrbelief) "Reach hither t h y finger and
* * * makes seven weeks o r 49 days that you have says, I fell on my knees s o suddenly t h a t behold My hands and, reacb hither t h y
"He a n o i n t ~ t hm y head with oil, m y cup enjoyed the sweet sanctified life through it surprised me. I said, "0 Father, baptize hand and behold My side, and be n o t
runneth over. T h e oil <of t h e H o l y Ghost t h e Blood; a n d on t h e 50th d a y which m e with t h e Holy Ghost a n d fife, a2d nive faithless but beliving." Jesus wants us t o
is poured upon our heads, and when we get represents the new Sabbath, .our Lord's me t h e w ~ t n e s sthat I a m baptized. I n a walk by faith a n d believe every word that
filled, it will run over, that w e may help Day, comes t h e Pentecost, w h c h we now few minutes she began t o s ~ n gin an un- proceedeth o u t of His mou!h.
others. I f our c u p is but full, it will ;imply receive under t h e new testament, t h e bap- known language. Then t h e Lord impressed W e believe t h a t the dlsc~pleswere sanc-
b e a benediction t o ourselves; b a t when t h e tism with the Holy Ghost. her t o g o and f a y hands on her cousin, and tified and ready f o r the baptism with the
oil of the H o l y Ghost overflows, i t will The Feast of Pentecost she fell under the power and lay for some H o l y Ghost. They had obedience and
saturate and thrill a n d fill with the power T h e Feast of Pentecost i s the very t time and came out from under the power faith in their hearts, and w e r e continually
of God other souls.
* * * of t h e baptism $1:
with t h e Holy Ghost.
word Pentecost signifies 50 days, T h e first
singing in an t~nlcnown language. W h e n
the mother came home, Rebecca ran a n d
praising and blessinn God in t h e temple.
until the Pentecost fell, Acts 2. If we will
T h e time has come when w e must sepa- Pentecost the Jews h a d was at M o u n t Sinai told her the good news, and she said s h e all get a clearly sanctified experience as
r a t e ourseIves from this old world. Every- 50 days after t h e F e a s t of Passover. Tlre had been praying for t h e L o r d t o take care they had, w e will have no trobule in re-
thing: must b'e second t o Jesus. Your treas- baptism with t h e H o l y Ghost also fell o : ~ of the children, and indeed He had. ceiving tlhe baptism,
clones, and fire could not harm them; but power in the Blood of Jesus Christ to righteousness, and He says they are bless-
THE HOLY SPIRIT cleanse from all sin and all dread diseases. ed. So if there is a hunger and thirst in
BISHOP OF THE CHURCH we see them blown down by storms and our souls for righteousness, we are blest
burned down. But, through the precious Two days before I received your l~tter. I
It 1S the office work of the Holy Spirit was made well and my shoulder went up of Him. Praise His dear name!
Blood of Christ, this church that He plants Yours in Christ,
to preside over the entire work of G<;>d on in our souls will stand throughout eternity. into its place. All I can say is, Praise the
earth.-John IO:3. Jesus was our BIshop. The first thing 'in every assembly is to Lord for ever and ever."-John Waterson, W. J. S.
while on earth but now He has sent the see that He, the Holy Ghost, is installed as Knowlesville.
Holy Ghost, A~en, to take His place, ~ot the chairman. The reason why we ha,,\! THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER AND
men.-John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7-14. PraIse so many dried up missions and churches LETTER TO ONE SEEKING SPEAKING WITH TONGUES
His holy namel today is because they have not the Holy THE HOLY GHOST IN CHICAGO.
The Holy Ghost is to infuse with divine Ghost as the chairman. They have some Dear Beloved in Christ Jesus;-
power and to invest with heavenly author- man in His place. Man is all right itl his The Lord Jesus has said in His precious In our previous ar~ides upon the above
ity. No religious a.ssembly is ,le~al with- place, that is when he is filled with .the Word, HBlessed are they which do hunger subject. we defined the definite conclusions
out His presence and His transaciton. We power of the Holy Ghost, for it is not man and thirst after rig.hteotlsness, for they at which we had arrived; and now after
should recognize Him as the Teacher of that does the work, but the Holy Ghost shall be filled." Mlatt. 5, 6. God's promis~s
from the glory land, sent by Jesus to work six months further study, we have -little
teachers. are true and sure. We can rest upon HIS
The reason why there are so many of through this tabernacle of clay. Wherever promises. He says, "Blessed are the pure to change as to our opinion of the move-
God's people without divine power today you find the Holy Ghost as the chai rman Ill. heart, for they shall see God. Matt. 5, ment. Last January we said we were
without experimental salvation, wrought in any assembly, you will find a fruitful as- 8. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for satisfied that God had visited His people
out in their hearts by the Blood, by the sembly, you will find children being born theirs is the kingdom of heaven:' Matt.
power of the blessed Holy Spirit, is be- unto God. and that many were greatly blessed whde
cause they have not accepted Rim as their Just as it takes a father and a mother S, 3· others seemed puffed up and injured by
Teacher, as their Leader. as their Com- to bring forth children of this natural life The Lord Jesus is always ready to fill
the hungry, thirsty soul, for He said in His their experien'ce. We also stated that the
forter. Jesus said in His precious Word so it takes the Word and the Spirit to bring Gospel Tabernacle as a church had set
that if He went away He would send us forth children of the spiritual birth. There precious Word. "He that believeth on Me
another Comforter. The need of men and must be a father and t!here must be a as the scripture hath said, out of his inlier- aside one evening of each week to pray
women today in their lives, is a Comforter mother. God chooses human instruments most being shall flow rivers of livhl~ especially that we might receive all that
Praise our God I We have received this to preach the Word unto the people. anJ water. (But this spake He of the Spirit
which they that believe on Him shaull God was willing to bestow; and also that
blessed Comforter, and it is heaven in our the Holy Ghost gives birth to everyone
who receives the Word of Christ, which receive: for the H oJy Ghost was not yet we might be delivered from all the decep-
souls. We can sing with all our hearts:
"What matter where on earth we dwell meanS the new birth. Praise our God. given; be.~ause that Jesus was not J:et tions of Satan, and the workings of the
On mountain top, or in the dell, Where a Holy Ghost man preaches the glorified.) John 7, 38. 39. But, praIse ffesh.
In cottage or a mansion fair, Word of God, the Lord will bring forth God, He is given to us today.
The result so far has been moost sati~·
Where Jesus is, 'tis heaven there." sons and daughters unto his administra- All we have' to do it to obey tIle first
Bless His holy name! May God help tion. chapter of Acts. and wait for the promise factory. God has met us and answered our
everyone of His Blood bought children to Jesus Christ is the archbishop of these of the Father upon our. souls. The Lord prayers. On the 12th of June at the dose
receive this blessed Comforter. Glory to assemblies, and He must be recognized. Jesus said in His precious Word. "Behold of our regular mid-week prayer meeting,
His name! Hallelujahl Hosannah to His Also we must recognize the Holy Spirit in r send' the promise of My Father upon nine of uS tarried for a special season of
omninotent name! Oh, He is reigning in all of His office worle. He takes the mem- you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem
my souJ t Hallelujah t I just feel like the bers into the church, which is the body of until ye be endued with power from on waiting upon God. Vole had not proceeded
song which says: Christ. Through repentance to God, and high. (Luke 24. 49.) For John truly bap- far when one of our number (our dass
"Oh, spread the tidings round faith in Jesus, t11ey become the members oC tized with water; but ye shall be baptized leader, a man of undoubted rehabitity and
Wherever man is found, the church of Christ. And they remain with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. Christian experience), was praying with
Wherever human hearts members as long as they live free from sin. '" '" * Y e shall receive power after tha t UllUSi.lal earnestness amounting to intense
And human woes abound, 'When they commence sinning, the Holy the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye
Let every Christian tongue Ghost, the chairman and bishop, the presid- shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jeru- sl1ppticatio',l, when suddenly the Spirh
Proclaim the joyful sound, ing elder, turns them out, and they know salem and in all Judea, and in Samaria and seemed to faU upOn us "as at the begin-
The Comforter has come!" when they are turned out of this church. unto the uttermost 1?art of the earth." Acts ning;" for several were strongly convulsed,
Many people today think we need new They don't have to go and ask their pastor I. 5, 8. They tarned until they received while the brother referred to began t'J
churches, (that is to say church buildings,) or their preacher, for they feel within their the mighty power of the baptism with the speak in "unknown tongues" and "magnify
stone structures, brick structures, modern own soul that the glory has left them-the Holy Spirit upon their souls. Then God God" with a loud voice. This altogether
improvements, new choirs, trained singers joy. the peace, the rest and comfort. Then put the credentials in their hearts, and put new experience made a deep impression ,In
right from the conservatories, paying from when they feel the lack in rheir souls, if the ring of authority on their finger, and all present, as it could not possibly be at-
seven to fifteen hundred dollars a year for they wilt confess their sins, God, the Holy sealed them in the forehead with the trib:Jted to hysteria or any hypnotic in-
singing. fine pews, fine chandeliers, every- Ghost, will accept them back into the Father's name. and wrote on their heal·t fluellce. So great waS the downpour of the
thing that could attract the human heart to church. the name of the New Jerusalem, and put Spirit that titis strong man paced the Boor
win souls to the meeting house is used in Oh, thank God for this holy way. I am in their hand the stone with the name writ- glorifying God for full v an hour. By this
this twentieth century. We find that they so glad that sham battles are over. Men ten that no man knoweth save he that re- time the sense of God's presence was so
have reached the climax, but all of that has and women must live straight, holy, pure ceiveth it. Praise the Lord. for His mercy great that another of our church officers
failed to bring divine power and salvation lives, free from sin, or else they have no endureth forever. Let us stand upon His said that he believed it was God's will to
to precious souls. Sinners have gone to part with Christ Jesus. When men and promises. They are sure, they will not bestow upon him a like enduement. This
the meeting house, heard a nice, fine, elo- women are filled with the Holy Ghost, break. brought us once more to our knees. where
quent oration on Jesus. or on some particu· everywhere they go, living waters will The Lord Jesus says, "Behold, I give you we had not long remained when the Spir:t
lar church. or on some noted man. The flow. The Lord promised that out of our power to tread on serpents and scorpions, again feU upon tis. and this brother like-
people have been made glad to go because innermost being living rivers of watel' and over alJ tohe power of the enemy; and wise burst into intense supplication. and
they have seen great wealth, they have should flow. This is the Holy Ghost. nothing shall by any means hurt you." a little later began to speak "in tongues"
seen people in the very latest styles, in dif- Amen! The mighty Pison, the Gihon, the Luke 10, 19. Dear loved one, the Lord and glorify God, as the first brother had
ferent costumes. and loaded dQwn with Hiddekel, tIhe Euphrates of Our soul will Jesus when He rose from the dead, said done. This so impressed us that we ba~an
jewelry, decorated from head to foot with flow, representing the rivers of salvation. ''.~11 power is Riven unto Me in heaven and to think that it was the will of God to V1S:t
diamonds, gold and silver. The music ill Amenl ill earth. Go ye therefore. and teach all na the entire company. None of the othera,
the church has been sweet, and it is found W. J. S. tions, baptizing them in the name of the however, were visited at this time, and al
that a good many of the church people Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy three o'clock in the morning we left the
sc!em to be full of love. but tltere has al- HEALED BY THE LORD Ghost. (Matt. 28, 19) He that believeth church. Again the following Friday even-
ways been a lack of power. We wonder HI feel led by the Holy Spirit to testify and is baptized shall be saved; but he that ing as a company kneeled at the altar the
why sinners are not being converted. and to the glory of God what He has done for believeth not shall be da.mned. And these Spirit fell upon one of our sisters; and
why it is that the church is always making me and my wife. The Lord has wonder- signs shall follow tItem that believe; in My again the followin!1; Sunday evening, upon
improvements, and failing to do the work fully healed me from catarrh of nine years name shall they cast out devils: they shall one of the elders of the church. In each
that Christ called her to do. It is because standing. Glory! glory! glory! glory be to speak with new tongues; they shan take instance the recipient had the same ex
men have taken the place of Christ and the my dear Redeemer's name! Soon as I re- UP serpents; and if they drink any deadly perience as the first two. These thinll!'s
Holy Spirit. ceived the handkerchief, or as soon as I thing. it shall not hurt them; they shall have made stich an impression upon Ollf
The church had the rh,ht idea that we opened the letter, such power went through lay hands Cln the sick and they shall rc- people that the church has been greatly
need bishops and elders, but they must be my whole being as I have never felt be- covt'r." 'Mark 16: 16-18. And they went quickened, Those who speak in tongues
given authority by our ,Lord and Savior rare, and I praise Him. I feel the healing forth and preached everywhere, the LorJ seem to live in another world. The ex-
Jesus Christ, and their guaIifications for balm just now go through soul and body. working with them. and confirming the perience they have entered into corres-
these offices must be the enduement of the Glory to King Jesus, the great Physician Word with signs following. Praise His pond.:; exactly with that which is described
power of the Holy Ghost. Jesus, after of soul and body. A few weeks before this, dear name, for He is just the same today. in i:he 10th chapter of the Acts. The
choosing His disciples, said, in John 15:16 my wife was very sick, as near death as I The first thing in order to receive this they speak in do not »eem to be
"Ye have not chosen me, bu t I have chosen have ever seen a human being. Her ears precious and wonderful baptism with the intended as a means of communication be·
yOll and ordained you, that ye should go were getting cold and strength gone so Holy Spirit, we want to have a clear knowl- tw('cn themselves and others, as on the
and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit that she could only whisper, but glory to edge of justification by faith according to Day of ·Pentccost, but corresponds more
should remain. that whatsoever ye shall ask God for His mercy and love. we got some the Bible. Rom. 5:1. "Therefore being closely with that deSCribed in the 14th of
of the Father, in my name, He may give of the saints to pray for her. and He WOIl- justified by faith, we have peace with God 1. Corinthians, 2nd verse, and seems to br
it YOll." Praise our God! The Lord Jesus derfully came and healed her. About a through our Lord Jesus Christ," faith that a means of communication between tile
ordained His disciples with His own year ago, God for Christ's sake saved and all our actual sins may be washed away. sOlll and God. They QO not speak in
blessed hands, before going back to glory, sanctified her, and revealed to her not to Actual sin means committed sin. tongues in the assembly, but when in
but He put the credentials in their hearts trust in the arm of flesh. So she pitched And then the second step is to have a prayer; they become intense in their sup-
on the day of Pentecost, when they were her medicine out once for all and 'took real knowledge of sanctification, which plication; they are apt to break out in the
baptize~ with the Holy Ghost and fire. Jesus for her only Doctor. He is surely frees us frolT! original sin-the sin that we unknown tongue. which is invariably fol-
HallelllJah! This was the authority that the only one that can help us under all cir- wert! born with. which we inherited from lowed by ascriptions of praise and adora-
made them His witnesses unto the utter- cumstances."-E. W. Johnson, Stockholm, our father Adam. We ·were not responsible lion which are well nigh unutterable. The
most parts of,the earth. -for without the Sask. Canada. for that sin un ti1 we received light, for we writer has about concluded that it is the
blessed Holy Spirit, in all of His fullness. "The Lord graciously gave me the bap- could not repent of a sin that we did not "new tongues" spoken of in Mark xvi. 17
we are not able to witness unto the utter- ·tism with the Holy Ghost and fire on commit. When we came to the Lord as as olle of the signs which are to follow
most parts of the earth. We must be co~ April 29th, and there have 35 received their a sinner, we repented to God of our actual them that believe, rather than the "Rift of
workers with Him, partakers of the Holy Pentecost at Readan, Wash., where I was. sins, and God for Christ's sake pardoned us tongues" which all evidently did not
Ghost. Then, when He is in us, in alI of One dear sister was healed of curvature of and washed our sin and pollution away, possess. \Ve feel our spirits hushed into
His fullness, He will manifest Himself. the spine in answer to our prayers in half and planted eternal life in our souls. Af- silence before God, at this wonderful
Signs and miracles will follow. This is an hour after receiving her baptism. and her terwards we saw in the Word of God. manifestation of His presence in our midst.
the office work of the Holy Spirit in the back straightened like a piece of rubber "This is the will of God, even your sancti- \Ve have announced no extra meetinR'S it'l
churches. Amen. Praise to our God. She has been called fication." I Thess. 4:3, also John 17:15-19. the church, but every night prostrate formJ
I pray God tha t Jl11 Christ's people and to go to India."-Mlary Law, Rte 8, Spo- We consecrated ourselves to God, and thc may be seen waiting in silence before Him
ministers everywhere will please stop by kane. Wash. Lord Jesus sanctified Our souls, and made who baptizes with the Holy Ghost. There
the headquarters, the Jerusalem before "A few of us here believe in this HfaHh tiS every whit clean. is 110 shadow of doubt left in our minds
God, for their credentials. Then they are once delivered unto the' saints" and Some Then after we were clearly sanctified, we as to the Scripturalness of the experience,
entitled to receive credentials from the are speaking in tongues. One sister sang prayed to God for the baptism with the and we feel sure that no honest heart could
visible church. But the main credential is beautiful songs with such marvelous power, Holy Spirit. So He sent the Holy Spirit find anything to criticize.
to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. In- beauty and sweetness, and oIt how blest to our hearts and filled us with His b'essed There are other cases at other points in
stead of new preachers from the theological we were. Fifteen dear young men were Spirit, and He gave us the Bible evidence, our Chicago work equally satisfactory, and
schools and academies, 'the same old saved, also several others. I wish to tell according to the 2nd chapter of Acts it is this more than any other thing that
preachers, baptized with the Holy Ghost of a miracle which God did on my dear verses I to 4, speaking with other tongucs has influenced us in the selection of the
and fire, tne same old deacons. the same mother, healing her of a growth or press- as the Spirit gives utterance. Free Methodist Camp Grounds, as the
old plain church buildings wiIJ do. When ing of the bones on the brain, caused by a Praise our God, He is the same yester- place for o~r next annual meeting.-The
the Holy Ghost comes in He will cleanse bad fall on a sharp rock. She had suffered day, today, and forever. Receive Him just Christian Missionary Alliance.
ottt dead forn~s and ceremonies, and will two years, and last summer was fast be- now and He will fill you. Amen. Don',
give life and power to His ministers and coming insane from the pressure on her get discouraged but pray until you are Of the 500 disciples that heard Jesus say.
preachers, in the same old chureh build- brain. I told her one night we would pray filled, for the Lord says, "Men ought al- "Tarry ye in the (>ity of Jerusalem," how
ings. But without the Holy Ghost they for her at the church where we met. 'A'e ways to pray and not to faint." Don't many tarried? Just nO. 0 it is not all
are simply tombstones. were only two, a brother and myself. and stop because you do. not receive the bap- that are going to obey bhe voice of Jesus.
We must always recognize tbat a meeting we claimed the promise, IIWhere two of tism with the Holy Ghos-t at the first, but We know that Mary Magdalene was there
house is simply a place, where Christ's people you are agreed." Praise God, my mother continue until you are filled. The Lord and Mary the mother of Jesus, and they
gather to worshjp~ and not the church. The was healed sitting at home in a chair Jesus told His disciples to tarry until they received the power along with the men.
church is planted in our hearts, through asleep. She said that she sprang up in were endued with .power from on high. Glory to Jesus. God says, "In the latter
the Blood of Jesus Christ, for Christ said.,. alarm, wondering why her head felt so Many people today are willing to tarry just days, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all
in Matthew 16:16. "Upon this rpck will I light and good. Then she remembered we so long, and then they give up and fail to f1esl1"~not onlv upon the servants but on
build my church. and the !1;ates of hell shall were praying for her, and realized that she receive their personal Pente-cost that would the handmaidens also, So we women have
not prevail against it." We see, if these was healed. and thank God she is well and measure with the Bible. The Lord Jesus a part in this Gospel. Hallelujah to· my
meetmg houses and such buildings were happy today."-Eben Lind. Moline. Ill. says,. tty e shall be filled." He says that to God! He is the fairest of ten thousand
really churches of Christ, the storms, cy- ItI can testify tb this wbrld that there is the person th'at hungers and thirsts dter to my soul.


TESTIMONY AND PRAISE TO GOD Jesus and Him only."-Rosa Harmon, 351 the roar of the mighty waters is hearj o it is so easy to fonow the Spirit '.f
"0 I feel the coming of our Lord and W. 40th St., New York City, en-route' to frum afar. Many of the babbltng brookJ God if you have been born of the Spitir
Africa. at the time of their conviction and conVerSlOll it is so easy to manifest the Spirit if the
Savi~us Jesus Christ drawing nigh. Halle-
lujah I Glory to His n!lme I I a~ so gla.d have in the last few months become swift Svirit of God is within you. I t is hnpos-
"We. had a wonderful campmeeting in rUllning slreams of power for holy living, sible for both good and impure water to
that the Lord is holdmg the wmds untIl
the angel has sealed all of the saints uf
Fairmont, Minn., I put myself on record and service 111 soul-saving. both come from the same spring, and ju~t
as a seeker from the beginning. As I kept vVe do not ueed to worry over these man- as !turely as the Blood of Jesus Christ has
the living God in their forehead~, t.he baD' humbling myself before Him day after day ifcEt3tions, nor seek to suppress them. IT
tism of the Holy Ghost. The mldnI.ght cry been applied to the soul. you witl not only
His power and love began going all IS FRUIT IN THE LIFE AND SERVo know it but your neighbors will know it
will soon be made, when the .mornIng and through me. At one meeting a number
the night shall come. It wIll be m.orn. ICE THAT \VE WANT TO SEE. These and the men that are workjng in the shop
were singing the heavenly chorus and I n.anifestatiolls do not hinder fruit-bearing \·.. ith you will know it. It means so much
ing in our souls, to those that are walFl11g found my heart in tune with it. Hal1elu-
for His coming; but the awf.ul black nIght but we have seen over and over again dur- to have the Blood of Jesus Chnst applied
jah, so that I was able to take part. I had ing the past fifteen months, that where to your soul. Dead forms and ceremonlt:f>
of tribulation as the black llIght of not then spoken any in unknown tongues Christian workers have suppressed thesp. art! done away and every sin must be wash-
will- come upon all. the w?~ld. ¥ay G01 hut was still pressing up for the baptism manifestations, the Holy Spirit has been ed away by the Blood of Jesus. It is not
hel~ all of Hi~ 'preclou~ waltmg brIde to be in the Holy Ghost. grieved, the work has stopped, and no frui~
watching, waltmg untIl our Lord shall tomorrow in .sin and today out of sin, but
A night or two after that, I sang again of holy lives has resulted. Who are W(' if the Blood of Jesus Christ has atoned for
come. with a number of others, and soon after the to dictate to an all-wise God as to how He you it has atoned for you once for all.
"Oh, I am so thankful that I can. wor.k tent was filled with God and my heart shall \",ork in anyone? When the Spirit
for my Christ and my God. The tIme IS was filted with holy laughter. Then sud- is pOllrcd out upon anyone in strong COli· Jesus wants a clean people, a ' sanctifif~d
short when our blessed Jesus sh.all df!nly several peculiar moves took place victioll, why should we tell them that it :s people, a holy people, washed through His
to this earth, and snatch away HIs w:l.1tmp; around my jaw bones, and from away with- ,\'rOllg' tu cry? Because among idolators own precious Blood. Hallelujah! We read
bride. After six thousand years of tOIl and in, without my having any part in it, I lhe devii imitates the trmebling caused by in Eph. 5 that beautiful sermon that Paul
labor, we are going to have one thou~and spoke words that I was not accountable the Holy S?iril when He comes in so as preached on sanctification and purily of Lhl'
years of rest with our Lo~d and Savlou~; for. With this there was great, inexpress- to (J\'crpower the physical, why should WI! bride of Christ, "Christ so loved the church
Jesus Christ. Glory to HIs holy name! ihle joy in my soul, so much that ' I was say lhat tile person has worked it up or is that He gave Himself 'for it, that He might
Bro. Seymour, 312 Azusa St., Los Angeles. unable to keep still. pus5cs:,;cd by an evil spirit? The writt'r 5anctify and cleanse it with the washin,.{
One girl of about 18 years from Sioux testi:ic3 that sIte has in the silence of the of water by the Word, that He might pre-
"I ~an't forget how, kneeling at .the dear City sang several verses in a South African midnight hour, alone in her room without sent it to Himself a gloriolls church. not
old board in Azusa street, I promIsed God dialect, words which were so near like a sound in the house, been shaken from 'having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing;
I would go where He wanted me to go the Zulu dialect that some were familiar her intcrmost being', until her whole bod,,· but that it should be holy and witho·Jt
and stay where He wanted me to stay, anj to me. Sister Ladd from Des Moines was convulsed, and filled with joy and con, blemish." Giory, glory, glory to our Go,,\!
be what He wanted me to be. I meallt spoke several sentences in the Arabic sciousness that the Holy Spirit had takcn Hailelujah! 0 it is so sweet to live this
every word of it and God has taken me at which I could understand, though the pos!1cssioll of every part of her being. No sanctified experience, living in the presence
my Word. How His glory is flooding my Arabic in Morocco is different from the onc had greater prejudice against religious of Christ and His Blood flowing, washing
soul. 0 how I worship His preciou~ namel pure Arabic spoken in Palestine."-Fred excitemC:l1t than she, but every time she Pltt and putting away our sins every moment
I have to stoo and wonder how God can Weiss. Thurman, la., retnrned Africa ML· her hands upon the work at Mukti to sup- of our lives. Jesus is our model. 'Ao e
bless the Word through me. To think He sionary. press joy or strong conviction, or reprovcri !'hould be ideal nlen and women of thi3
has saved me when all my family were perSt\l1S being strongly wrought upon ill hlessed and precious truth. Glory to Go~!
infidels and everything that would drive rr.e RAISED FROM THE DEAD praycr, the work of revival stopped, and she The sweetest thing in this world is to ha\'e
from God. No one can ever know. how I :\Jis$ Eula Wilson, a girl of fifLeen if' had to confess her fault before it went UI1 Jesus in our hearts and the Blood flowing
feel for the way God has dealt WIth ml! \\- ichita. Kans., had bcen given. up lo Jie again. "Ve have learned that God's ways in every part of our souls.
o how I love Jesus. It thr11ls my very by the doctors. She secmed to dIe and wa~ arc past finding out, as far above ours <;5
being to think of the Blood. It has done tilC heavens are above the earth.-From The blessed Holy Ghost is receiving th~
laid out for burial. Hours afterward she same treatment as given the Son. Hc.w
so much for me. I am filled with w~nder suddenly raised up and said, "0 Mamma published report of the Mission at Mukd,
Kedgaon, India. much is written of Him. How many talk
love and praise that God would permIt m<!
to s~e the workings of His rryighty power
I h,1 ve been in heaven and Jesus has healed
;lIe and told me to cat, drink, and walk"
------- of His indwelling. It reminds us of the
"fncarnation." No doubt all Jewish wotne'l
in these last days. 0 to think we have She was completely healed and has not TYPE OF THE COMING OF JESUS
lonr,ed lc be the mothcr of the Messiah;
lived to see the return of the apostolic pow- been sick at all since. but how few. when the actual fact was
er' and to see the gifts restored back .to When the flood came, the ark rose on
She says she was taken to heaven in a t he bosom of the water. In this is a beau- faced, wculd have paid the price. So wit.h
the church. I find we cannot comprOml51! cloud accompanied by two angels and her Him, the Third Person in the Trinity. LIte
tiful type of the coming of Jesus. Just
with anything or anybody. 0 we mu~t l>rothc. who lwei died two ~ears ?efo!,,,,, as when the flood arose, the people of cost is so great, and yet, praise m}' Kin,:;,
stand for all the light we have received, Heavcn, tohe said, was sparkltng WIth In· God were lifted by the ark toward the sky, hungry, waiting hearts are receiving Him
and having done all to stand.-Florence describable heauty and glory. She met sO when Jeslls Christ, w,ho -is our Ark, and proving that all that was said of Him
Crawford. J ('sus who bade her enter through the shall appear, we shall also appear with 15 true.
gate ~)f pearl, saying, "Peace. peace." .H~ Him in R'lory. Then as the ark came back
"This is, without doubt, God's last ,=all led hcr and her brother to a most beautIful and res fed on Mt. Arrarat, so when the Satall is making his last dreadful fight
to His people just previous to the conllnR' str'eam (If watcr sparkling like myriads of Lord Jeslls comes back, we shall stand with 1'01' he knows his time IS short. Hc wouhl
of our blessed Redeemer and Master. 0, diamonds. Shc was not a~le to see acr?5>s llim Ull ;\It. Olivet. Christ comes and ge~c; deceive the ..... el y clect if it weie possible
how our hearts long to see Himl How \ve lhe stream nOi to the heights of the cIty. His saints before the great tribulation, bllt thank God, It is not possible.
rejoice at the hope, each day bringing to She saw an inrllllllerable company, a I~r~e which corresponds with the flood. And
us a deeper experience and a brighter as· pr"- lportioll of whom V:'cre infants and 1.I~tle the Word says that as it was in the da},!. G(JG requires the prayers of all Hi"
surance that we, ourselves, shall nevcr children, :tnd recognlzcd many. relatnes of Noah, so will it be in the days of the precious Holy Ghost people for the spread
see the grave! His approach is so nigh at but was clisappointed at not seemg-. some coming' of the Son of Man. (Matt. 24, 37.) of the Gospel in this land and all over tile
hand, onc almost thinks they can hear the who had died as it was supposed 111 the We see the same conditions now that pre- world. Those of us who cannot fl:O must
songs of the angels who are to accomparlY triumphs of the Christian faith. . vailed then. so we know the time draws write letters and send papers and tracts
Him in His coming. Without a shadow She says, "Everybody loo~ed so beaull- thal the precious souls may get this Gospel.
of a doubt, we are living in the latter days f111 aud natural. except a glOriOUS and heav-
and that "Latter Rain" is being pourcl1 rilly !i~ht in their eyes ".n<l 011 t~elr far.c,,~
upon us; yet we are but benealh ils .drop:, They were all dresscd alIke wll1tc Jesus is Coming.
pinJ";s,' the full shower has not yet arnved. fobes, without any yoke amI WIth loo!>e
T. i'~. A, 0.AV.8.
-Bro. Tom Hezmalhalch, "The Havep" flo\',ing sleeves and .all ba!efooted, B':ZalA.L1l4LCn.

Zion City, Ills.

\Vhen the Comforter first came mv

with a halo of glory enclrchng lhen' head~ .
There was no carth. bllt all was pure go!c
yet llluch more bcautiful" than ou.r gOld,
.~.~. l=t~~S~fB=!-~L1~.i
.-.-. - j~.-~~.- - li-'-
13-- tl
heart was so overflowing with the JOY. I and seeming transparent. The bght of
heaven was Rlorintls and came from the 1. e - BUS is com-ingl yes, com - ing for mlel Je - sus is com - iogl His
had not time to prove thereality, the blessed 2. Je - sus is com-iog! 0 glo - ry di -vinel Je - sus is com - ingl the
·reality of the experience received in dear thronc of God, Near the strca.m of w.ater
were leafless trees. yet filled With .lusclOus 3. Je - flUS is com-iugl lIe's not far a - wayl Je - sus is corn - ing! we'll
old Azusa Street Mission, but as persecu- 4. Je - sus is com-ingl the just shall a - risel Je-suswl!osecorn-ing, we'll
tion arose in India I llave proved day by fruit havilll! neither pit nor. peelmg-. but

l~:;~;·z-~I~~qiif; ~~~W;o~~~~~:
day. hour by hour that He abides and ~e­ be,ll1tifnl likc the snrroundtngs. . Whut
veals Jesus to my soul in wondcrful way:.; plu cked ofT. it immedi<ltely ~rcw ag-;un. The
How conscioU'5 have I becn of His pre"-
ence giving "songs of deliverance" anll
people drank of thc stream and ate of the
frl\it. bilt Jesus told Ellla 110t t~ eat or ~-4=1~ · -· p-.-II-=t.. ~-- ~:=t:=/+-----v--~=tI-==t=:1;l~
'--______ _~ _ . =:3
speakinR' through me to my own comfort drink hut to return to earth agaIn, warn
the' {leo pl!;" of the ir sins. and tell them (.f

~ ~=1:;==~~
=-. ~ --~~.~~~=~~t.- -~I~~-=-.~
and deliJ.!ht. Praise Him. There are se\'-
eral hundrcd natives baptized with the thi<; IW:! lI liful flbr(' and th<ll He was comlllg
Holy Ghost and speakinR' in tongues to gOOI1 fn r thrill to be rcady. .
· t- -- i - i=$=
-~'- -~--
-.--~ -
• . - --. - - - ~=t::::=8~_~
-~ --­
day in India. I want to add, that th.: , Sh~ c1 irl not wa nt to come back. fearln,!
Ih;;t she would have to endure th~ sam~ glo - ry I'll see; The clouds are His chariots, The an - gels Ris guard;
blessed Comforter does indeed reveal the Lordwho is mine; Yes, com - jng in tri - umpb With shout and with song;
perfect life of the Savior. nol alone in the suffcring. hut Jesus said to her, "1 wdl he:d
you so that YOll will not have to suffe,; any care n1t to stay; The cloudll as our chariots I The an - gels our guard;
oil of joy. ("Thou hast loved rillhteousneois greet in the skies; The world will not see us, With Je - sus we 've ~one.
and hated iniquity; therefore God even Thy morc' and I will g-i vc you stren tgh. l:l
fllllill'lllcnt of this she ha.s be.w conquered our foe; In vic - t'ry we'll meet Him; In tri - uruph we' II nsel
God. hath anointed Thee with the oil of ./I.,. -fII-. .fl-. .~.I'- ...

gladness above Thy fellows"), but the othcr able to speak to larg-c au<iJences and IS .g.atn-
side of this 'precious life. ("The man of sur- ing in strel1Q'th every day . The phYSlcl:n,s
rows and acquainted with grief.") And we cannot aCCOl1nt for it. She had been SICi<
can say we have not longed for the JOY for seven months and had had a Ion!! dealh
strl1Q'g1e. The doctors agre.e that she wa"
side alone, but to "stiffer with Him that
we might reign with Him." He longs for
a bride who shares both His suffering ami
joy. I want to enter into His own hean
and feel as He felt, letting His joy be my
totaily blind in one eve . whIch was sunkCll
and turned backward in the ~ocket: but she
1S now perfcctly restored .. mc.ludmg her
eyesight. This acco,~mt I~ given by the
"Naza.rene Messenger, havmg been care ..
~ --;- ~~
Je - 8US is
,.--.- -
com-ingl how plain are His words.
joy, His sorrow my sorrOw. He hai put Je - sus is com - ingl the time is not long.
groanings into my heart which cannot be' fully comoiled from witnesses and press Je - sus is com - ingl this truth is His word. Com-ing a-gain, com-ing a-
uttereci ov~r a lost world and thobe who reoorts which all establi~h the evidence. Sing - ing for - ev - er the ~Iad chorus song.
This is simplv another wItness to liS th~t
do not understand His workings in the
the Lord is showing si~ns and wc:nders 1Il Je-8UShI\S~~kies. ~
earth at this time. How I praise Him fo-

a love for my enemies that is not natural these last days, as a loud call to HIS people
but divine. Haile1ujah. fO prepare for His coming'.
V'ie long to see all power ref>tored that
the heathen can 110 more say to the mis MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SPIRIT
siona.ries: "Where is their God." Joel 2:17
"The Lord will be jealous for His land and
pity His people."
Our hearts are knit with the dear Saints
Tn Assam alld India. ~tnder th~
power of conviction, loud crymR' In pra~er,
the pouring forth to God in 10\ld ~onfessl(Jn gain, Je - BUS is com - ing, is com· tng to reign, The clouds are His
at AZllsa street and we think with love of
ail. How often I think of the times th<':
Spirit sang through Sister Crawford and
the sins of a lifetime, sudden fal1m~ on t.he
ground. writhing, being twisted and v.'<?- ~ :tt.
lenty thrown down when an unclean sp~rtt
me: had been cast out as tht; person has CrIed
"Jesus, Savior, pilot me for de!:veranc'e, have been freque!lt scenes.
Over life's tempestuous sea." JOY unspeakable fi11infl: fa~es. wIth. R'lo.ry,
That testified to my own heart that much has been manifested by. smgll1~, .clapPlng
would arise for which the Spirit was pre- the hands, shouting praIses, da~cmg, . ~nd
paring me. He, abides, the blessed Com- 10sinQ.' strength as under an exceedll1i{
forter.~Mrs. Liltian Garr, Bethany, Slave weiltht of J!'lory." Intercessory praye!,
Island, Colombo, Ceylon. which has been a marked feature of th's
revival, is so intense . that often th~ person
becomes unconsciot.lsof all others, IS sway~
"I am not going to Africa for name or ed back and forth, or tremble~vi<?lentl~" 6 Jesus is coming I OBaints~ do rejoice I 7 Jesus is comingllet anthems arisa:
fame, but for the saving of precioussoi.tls so that one taking hold of hIm IS a.l so Jesns i, coming I BO lift up your voice; Jesus is comingl our God s loving prize,
that Jesus gave His life for, that they shaken, Some become unconsciou~ , and Theclouda are His chariots, The world',B great Redeemer,
should e~joy this blessed salvation as we. fall. and the visage of many under, .. ntense The an~!B His guard; .· The Savior of men
Glory to . His name . . How I worship my soul.travail become uTlcomelY, and . lIke tl1at Sing of His coming and tett of His word. JesushasconquE.'redfBe·s coming wreip.
Savior. Ca,n say from the very depths of ' of Daniel is turned into corruption: . . Deev COD't'rirhted In 1007, by 'I'hOB, XellUUlalch.
mv hf'~rt -that this world with ·. all its .;It- waters runsp1ooth . e~cep~ where tJley .run
tractions . has charms . forme. 'It :d 9vera . river-bed lik~the Ni~gara.. Theil

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