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MS./ MR.

Dear Ms. / Mr. ,

_______(company)_____, with principal office at (address), hereby employs you as a
project employee under the following terms and conditions:

1. THE PROJECT- Your services are engaged solely in connection with

the_____________as______________. Your appointment shall be co-
terminus with the needs of the Project or specific phase of work of the Project
to which you are assigned until the completion thereof or termination of this
Agreement, subject to the conditions provided in paragraph 2 hereof.

2. TERM - The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of commencement
of work on the Project (___________________) and shall automatically expire
upon the completion of the Project or upon the expiration of the period of
three (3) months from the effectivity of this Agreement, whichever comes first,
unless sooner terminated for causes provided herein and other grounds for
severance of employment under the Labor Code.

3. COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT - Estimated completion date of the Project

shall be by(______________________________________). You shall be duly
notified is there is a need to extend the Project Completion date and this
contract shall be deemed extended for such duration until the task is
completed or unless otherwise advised.

4. COMPENSATION - For all services rendered, the Company shall pay you a
daily salary of:

Basic Salary P512.00

- -

payable every two (2) weeks, subject to the required government/legal

deductions and applicable taxes.

5. DUTIES - You are engaged to perform the duties and responsibilities as

identified by your immediate manager and such other duties and
responsibilities that may be assigned to you by the Company.

6. EMPLOYMENT STATUS - During the effectivity of this Agreement, the

Company considers you a project employee. No presumption of regularity is
created with respect to your present employment with the Company. Upon
the completion of the Project or upon sooner termination of this Agreement,
you are not entitled to any separation pay.

Furthermore, you have been made aware that the Company, as an

independent contractor, enters into various service agreement and job
contracting with its clients. It is understood that you may be assigned to work
at the work location of the Company’s clients in the performance of the
obligations of the Company under the various service agreements or job
contracts, however, it is made clear to you that during the effectivity of this
Contract, you are and will not be an employee of the Company’s clients, and
will remain an employee of the Company.

7. HOURS OF WORK - You are required to render a minimum of Forty-Eight

(48) hours per week, unless otherwise required by the Company.

8. OVERTIME WORK - Upon the request of management, you will render

overtime work. Prior to rendering any overtime work, you must seek the prior
written approval of management.

9. DISCIPLINE - You agree to comply with all existing policies, rules and
regulations of the Company of which you have been aware, as well as those
which may hereafter be issued. You are expected to maintain the minimum
standards and criteria for continued employment with the Company. These
standards are based, among others, on the following criteria: dependability,
efficiency, effectivity, initiative, attitude towards work, the Company, its officers
and other colleagues, integration with the Company culture, cooperation, client
response, judgment, ability to meet quotas, punctuality, quality, and quantity of
work produced, and professionalism. The Company reserves its right to discuss
other standards and criteria that is specific to the position that you will hold
during your orientation and the duration of your employment. Furthermore,
you are required to abide by the rules of the Company's clients with respect to
the undertaking of the project.

10. LOSS & DAMAGE - You shall be solely responsible and accountable for any
loss of, or damage to, any materials, tools, equipment, document, files, etc.,
issued to you in the course of your employment or in relation to the Project. For
this purpose, this Agreement likewise serves as your authorization to the
Company to deduct from your salary the amount corresponding to any loss of,
or damage to, any materials, tools, equipment, document, files, etc., issued to
you in the course of your employment or in relation to the Project.

11. CONFIDENTIALITY - You are required to handle all official documents of

the Company and its clients with utmost care and discretion. You agree not to use,

Project Employment Agreement_Namexxxx 2


other than for the benefit of the Company, and to keep confidential at all time during
the term of your employment and thereafter, all information about the Company and
its clients, including but not limited to information about software programs, designs,
marketing plans, marketing techniques, technical methods, processes, client
information, distribution networks, and possible new products or services
(“Confidential Information”). You shall not, except, in the performance of your duties
hereunder, at any time (even after severance of employment with the Company for
whatever reason), directly, or indirectly, without the prior written express consent of
the Company, use or disclose to any third party any Confidential information.

12. PROHIBITION ON PIRATING - During the terms and your employment and
for a period of three (3) months thereafter, you undertake that you will not
directly or indirectly attempt in any manner to (a) persuade any customer,
potential customer or supplier of the Company to cease to do business with the
Company, (b) employ, solicit for employment, or advise or recommend to any
other person that they employ or solicit employment, any employee of the
Company of affiliates; (c) offer to enter into association, partnership or joint
venture with any employee of this Company or its affiliates; or (d) accept
employment with the Company’s client or the project wherein you have been

13. PENALTY CLAUSE - In the event that you violate the above-mentioned
undertakings, especially the non-pirating and/ or the confidentiality/non-
disclosure clause of this Agreement, you agree that the Company may bring
such legal actions against you as may be allowed by law. You likewise agree to
pay the Company liquidated damages in the amount equivalent to no less than
the monetary value of your compensation package for 6 months without
prejudice and in addition to the other damages incurred, directly or indirectly,
by the Company arising from your violation of the non-compete/ exclusivity
clauses and/ or the confidentiality/non-disclosure clause of this Agreement,
regardless if such violation was committed through negligence or intentionally.

14. RESERVATION - The Company reserves the right, after compliance with the
required procedural due process, to terminate or cancel this Agreement prior
to the completion or termination of the Project for which you are specifically
hired for just or valid causes, based on grounds enumerated in the Labor Code
of the Philippines and/or other causes provided in the Company Rules and
Regulations and policies, currently implemented, and/or may hereafter be
issued. Furthermore, should the Company receive any complaint from the
client of your conduct, performance, or otherwise, the Company reserves the
right to out your employment on suspension or impose the corresponding
penalty in the event of any infraction.

15. RESIGNATION - In case you intend to resign from the Company prior to the
expiration of your Contract, you are required to a) submit a thirty (30)-day
written notice prior to the effectivity of such resignation, b) accomplish the
proper turn-over of work, c) return all Company property in your possession

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and d) secure the necessary clearance in accordance with Company policy;

otherwise, failure on your part to do so will render you liable for damages. In
the event of any termination, separation, or resignation, you hereby authorize
the Company to deduct from your last pay any unpaid obligation to the
Company or a third party.

16. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT - It is further understood that

upon completion of the Project, your employment with the Company is
likewise deemed automatically terminated, notwithstanding the period
provided in paragraph 2 hereof and this letter shall serve as a notice of such
termination of your services.

Should you find the foregoing terms acceptable, kindly signify your conformity by
affixing your signature on the space provided below.

Very truly yours,

HR & Admin Officer


I confirm and acknowledge that the foregoing, its contents and consequences has
been explained to me and that I freely and voluntarily enter into the same and agree
to the above-stated terms and conditions.

Employee’s Name: ________________________

Date Signed:

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