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• NMJToolbox | The Original Windows Editor for the Popcorn Hour NMJ!

Update: - 27/05/13

Right click on movies, TV and music has an option to open that entry's containing folder in Windows
Explorer. If a movie, series, season or album entry it will open the location of the first child node in the tree.
Added extra file naming format of SxE to identify TV series/season/episodes EG: Game of Thrones

Using <ctrl>up/down in some circumstances when no node is selected produces an exception.
Select Video Images window automatically closes when selecting on a movie where The internet has no
images for one of the image types (poster, thumbnail or wallpaper

Note for the new right click items in French you need to update the 'fr' DLL.

Panasonic TX-P55VT65B,
P55VT65B, Freesat, Popcorn Hour VTen, A
400, A300, Denon X2000 receiver, Kef Q
Series speakers all round QED cables, 1511+ 35TB NAS.
• May 30, 2013 at 10:48 AM


Active Member

How should I be organising multi-disc

disc VIDEO_TS movies when using NMJ Toolbox 2? I currently have a
main "Films" folder and I'm just putting the disc folders in the root of that, named "Film Name (year)
[Disc1]", "Film Name (year) [Disc2]" etc. Which seemed to work fine when I let the PCH do the indexing,
But this now seems to be creating multiple entries for each film, so when I browse in the iPad app I see
multiple copies of the film cover, one for each disc. Such I be creating a folder for each film and putting the
sub fiolders for each disc within that, or something else?

• May 30, 2013 at 11:21 AM



neilalford said: ↑
How should I be organising multi-disc
disc VIDEO_TS movies when using NMJ Toolbox 2? I currently have a
main "Films" folder and I'm just putting the disc folders in the root of that, named "Film Name (year)
[Disc1]", "Film Name (year) [Disc2]" etc. Which seemed to work fine when I let the PCH do the indexing,
But this now seems to be creating multiple entries for each film, so when I browse in the iPad app I see
multiple copies of the film cover, one for each disc. Such I be creating a folder for ea
ch film and putting the
sub fiolders for each disc within that, or something else?
Click to expand...
Firstly, disc rips need to keep their 'VIDEO_TS' folders in tact and they need to be contained in a folder with
the film name. Lets take The Lord of the Rings
R 2 disc as an example.

So you should have

<root>\The Lord of the Rings [Disc1]\VIDEO_TS

VIDEO_TS\blah blah


<root>\The Lord of the Rings [Disc2]\VIDEO_TS

VIDEO_TS\blah blah

With NMJToolbox2 the [DiscX] is not important as the scanner does not recognise multiple disc images - it
will always add as a separate movies (we will come to that later).

Once you have these two folders set up with your files in you have 2 options; Use the automatic scanner or
add manually....

Automatic scanner:
You will end up with 2 movieie entries for TheLord of the Rings. Once you have this, expand the entry for the
second disc and drag/drop the file entry (the one showing the path) onto the first disc entry.

This will set the movie up as one entry in 2 parts and you will see the type of
of entry change to 'Multiple File
Movie'. You will then only see one entry/cover in the NMJ and the files/discs will be played one after the

Manual adding:
Add the first disc as normal using the 'Add New Movie' option.

When added, right click the entry and select 'Add new file to this movie', browse and select the second disc.

The 2 files will then be in one entry as above.

Panasonic TX-P55VT65B,
P55VT65B, Freesat, Popcorn Hour VTen, A-400,
A 400, A300, Denon X2000 receiver, Kef Q
ries speakers all round QED cables, 1511+ 35TB NAS.
• May 30, 2013 at 11:26 AM


Active Member

Thanks, seems like my setup is right then, I just assumed the two discs would be combined automatically
during add, but easy enough to go through and do that myself.

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