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Factors That Affect Skin Aging

A Cohort-Based Survey on Twins
Kathryn J. Martires, BA; Pingfu Fu, PhD; Amy M. Polster, MD; Kevin D. Cooper, MD; Elma D. Baron, MD

Objective: To identify environmental factors that cor- Main Outcome Measure: Skin aging was assessed using
relate with skin photoaging, controlling for genetic sus- a validated photographic scale of photodamage, graded by
ceptibility by using a questionnaire administered to such characteristics as wrinkling and pigmentation change.
Results: Photodamage scores among twins of a pair,
Design: The survey collected information about each par- whether MZ or DZ, were highly correlated (P=.92). Fac-
ticipant’s Fitzpatrick type, history of skin cancer, smok- tors found to predict higher photodamage include history
ing and drinking habits, and weight from a cohort of twins. of skin cancer (P ⬍ .001), zygosity status (MZ vs DZ)
Clinicians then assigned a clinical photodamage score to (P=.001), weight (P=.02), and cigarette smoking (P=.046).
each participant. Alcohol consumption was significantly associated with
lower photodamage scores (P=.003).
Setting: The annual Twins Days Festival in Twins-
burg, Ohio. Conclusions: The study of twins provides a unique op-
portunity to control for genetic susceptibility in order to
Participants: A voluntary cohort of twins from the gen- elucidate environmental influences on skin aging. The re-
eral community, mostly from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and lationships found between smoking, weight, sunscreen use,
the northeastern United States. The survey was com- skin cancer, and photodamage in these twin pairs may help
pleted on a voluntary basis by sets of monozygotic (MZ) to motivate the reduction of risky behaviors.
and dizygotic (DZ) twins. A total of 130 surveys taken
by 65 complete twin pairs were analyzed. Arch Dermatol. 2009;145(12):1375-1379

GING IS ATTRIBUTED TO BOTH The study of twins provides the oppor-
intrinsic and extrinsic pro- tunity to control for genetic susceptibil-
cesses.1 Photoaging—the ity.18 Few epidemiological studies of twins
most recognized form of have adequately examined associations be-
extrinsic aging of the skin— tween environmental factors and aging. The
describes changes brought about by long- objective of this study is to determine the
term sun exposure, resulting in photodam- environmental factors that correlate with
age.2 Photodamage, therefore, refers to the photoaging by obtaining a history (ques-
physical and morphologic alterations sec- tionnaire format) and performing a skin ex-
ondary to solar UV exposure and is the main amination on a cohort of monozygotic (MZ)
component of photoaging.3 Intrinsic ag- and dizygotic (DZ) twins. Photoaging was
ing of the skin is characterized by finely assessed using a validated, photographic
wrinkled skin, cherry hemangiomas, and photodamage scale, examining such char-
seborrheic keratoses.4 Photodamage, how- acteristics as wrinkling and pigmentation
ever, includes other characteristics, such as changes.19 Variables collected from the
coarsely wrinkled skin, hyperpigmenta- questionnaire (Table) were compared with
tion, hypopigmentation, and telangiectas- photodamage scores, and statistical analy-
ia,1,5,6 and has been associated with the de- ses were used to determine correlations.
velopment of malignant neoplasms.2
Up to 40% of changes that contribute to METHODS
the aged appearance are the result of non-
Author Affiliations: genetic factors.7,8 Studies have implicated
Departments of Dermatology, smoking and sun exposure as contribu- STUDY DESIGN
University Hospitals Case
tory,9-12 whereas avoidance of UV2,13 and use
Medical Center, Case Western A questionnaire was administered at the annual
Reserve School of Medicine
of protective clothing and sunscreens14-16 Twins Days Festival, August 2-3, 2002, in Twins-
(Ms Martires and Drs Fu, have been shown to be protective. Some fac- burg, Ohio, to 130 adult (ages ⱖ18 years) par-
Cooper, and Baron), and tors remain controversial. For example, ticipants (65 twin pairs). The questions and re-
Cleveland Clinic Foundation some studies show that smoking had little sponses from the survey are included in the Table.
(Dr Polster), Cleveland, Ohio. or no contribution to skin wrinkling.17 Each twin completed the survey separately in the


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Table. Questionnaire Including Responses by 130 Twins
r(MZ + DZ) = 0.90 (P < .001)
r(MZ) = 0.94 (P < .001)
Question and Response a No. (%) r(DZ) = 0.91 (P < .001)

You and your twin are 8

Fraternal 104 (80)

Photodamage Scores for DZ Twins (B)

Identical 20 (15)
Don’t know 6 (5) 6
Does your skin burn when you are in the sun
without sunscreen?
Always burns, never tans 25 (19) 4
Always burns, tans a little 63 (48)
Burns some, tans gradually 32 (24)
Burns a little, always tans well 7 (5) 2
Rarely burns, tans a lot 3 (2)
Never burns 0
Have you ever had any kind of skin cancer? 0
No 119 (92)
0 2 4 6 8
Yes 11 (8)
Photodamage Scores for MZ Twins (A)
Have you ever smoked 100 cigarettes in your life?
Yes 46 (36)
No 83 (64) Figure 1. Scatterplot of photodamage scores of twins (where 0 means no
Do you currently smoke every day, on some days, damage; 9, severe photodamage). The figure shows a strong relationship of
or not at all? photodamage between twins (overall) and within twin pairs of each type (A,
Everyday 11 (11) Twin A of the pair and B, twin B of the pair). There was no significant
Some days 6 (6) difference of correlation between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins
Not at all 81 (83) (P = .60). The circles represent the photodamage scores from MZ twins, and
A drink of alcohol is 1 can or bottle of beer, 1 glass the triangles represent the scores from DZ twins. The scatterplot is based on
data from 65 intact twin pairs.
of wine, a can or bottle of wine cooler, 1 cocktail,
or 1 shot. During the past 30 days, on how many
days did you have ⱖ1 drink of alcohol per day?
the generalized estimating equations (GEE) model was used for
0 38 (30)
1-2 25 (19)
inference.20 When examining the correlations in photodamage
3-5 20 (16) between twins of a pair, Fisher z transformation was used to test
6-9 25 (19) for equality of 2 population correlations (the correlation of DZ
10-19 10 (8) twin pairs vs the correlation of MZ twin pairs). This method ex-
20-29 8 (6) amined correlations in photodamage between twins of a pair. This
All 30 1 (0) was compared between MZ and DZ twins. All tests were 2-sided,
How do you describe your weight? and P⬍.05 was considered statistically significant.
Very underweight 1 (0)
Slightly underweight 6 (5)
About the right weight 61 (47) RESULTS
Slightly overweight 54 (42)
Very overweight 7 (5) A total of 130 questionnaires were included in this study.
a Questions
Missing information was excluded from analysis. Par-
that were not answered were excluded from the analysis.
ticipants ranged in age from 18 to 77 years and repre-
sented all regions of the United States, although most
presence of dermatology clinical faculty and residents. Specific hailed from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the northeastern
questions from the survey are presented in the Table. Each twin states. Dizygotic twins comprised 52 twin pairs, MZ twins
also received a Fitzpatrick skin type score and clinical photodam-
comprised 10, and 3 twin pairs marked “don’t know” with
age score (range, 0 to 9, with a score of “0” meaning no damage
and “9” indicating severe photodamage). The scale was based on regard to their zygosity status. The correlation in pho-
the photoaging classification system developed and validated by todamage between twins of a pair was tested by using
Griffiths et al.19 Scores were completed by 5 clinicians conduct- Fisher z transformation, comparing MZ vs DZ cohorts
ing the survey, and each score was overseen by 1 clinician (A.M.P.). vs the entire cohort. As shown in Figure 1, the corre-
lation between MZ twins was higher (r=0.94) than that
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS between DZ twins (r=0.90), although the difference was
not significant (P = .53). Overall, the correlation be-
Statistical analyses examined associations between several fac- tween twins of any pair was high (r=0.92).
tors surveyed and the outcome variable, photodamage score, using In the univariate analysis, age, frequency of alcohol con-
both univariate and multivariate methods. In the univariate analy- sumption, and self-reported weight related significantly to
sis, the association of individual ordinal factors, including age, photodamage score. Advanced age was strongly associ-
alcohol consumption, and weight, with photodamage was esti- ated with higher photodamage scores, with r = 0.78
mated using the Spearman correlation coefficient. Use of the
(P ⬍ .001), as was weight, with r = 0.21 (P = .02). How-
Kruskal-Wallis test examined the median difference of scores of
photodamage between or among the level of other variables such ever, more frequent consumption of alcohol was nega-
as smoking, type of twins, and skin cancer. In the multivariate tively associated with higher photodamage scores, with
analysis, multivariable linear regression with the forward model r=−0.26 (P=.003). Sunscreen use (r=−0.06) and Fitzpat-
selection procedure was used. To take into account the possible rick type (r=−0.06) were also negatively correlated with
correlation of photodamage outcome between each pair of twins, photodamage. The influence of weight and alcohol con-


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8 8

6 6
Photodamage Score

Photodamage Score
4 4

2 2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 40 60 80
Level of Weight Range Age, y

Figure 2. Scatterplot of weight and photodamage. Increased weight Figure 4. Scatterplot of age and photodamage. Age was strongly linked to
significantly correlated with higher photodamage scores (where 0 means no increased photodamage score (where 0 means no damage; 9, severe
damage; 9, severe photodamage) overall with r=0.21 (P=.02). On the x-axis, 1 photodamage) with a correlation coefficient of 0.78 (P ⬍ .001), implicating a
represents “very underweight”; 2, “slightly underweight”; 3, “about the right strong role for intrinsic aging in photoaging assessment. Age as a covariate
weight”; 4, “slightly overweight”; and 5, “very overweight.” Each open circle in the multivariate analysis was excluded because of the problem of
represents a data point (ie, the photodamage score for a certain weight). multicollinearity. Each open circle represents a data point (ie, photodamage
score for a certain age).


6 P = .002
Photodamage Score

Photodamage Score

4 4

2 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No Skin Cancer, MZ No Skin Cancer, DZ Skin Cancer, DZ
Level of Drinking

Figure 3. Box plot of photodamage by history of skin cancer as a function of

twin type. Participants with a personal history of skin cancer had higher Figure 5. Scatterplot of drinking level and photodamage. Less alcohol
photodamage scores (where 0 means no damage; 9, severe photodamage) consumption significantly correlated with more photodamage with r=−0.26
than those who had no history of skin cancer. There was a significant (P = .003) (where 0 means no damage; 9, severe photodamage). The level of
difference between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins with no skin alcohol consumption ranged from 0 days to all 30 days in the past 30 days.
cancer (P = .002). On the x-axis, 0 represents “no drinking”; 1, “drinking 1 day”; 3, “drinking 3
to 5 days”; 4, “drinking 6 to 9 days”; 5, “drinking 10 to 19 days”; 6, “drinking
20 to 29 days”; and 7, “drinking all 30 days.” Each open circle represents a
data point (ie, the photodamage score for a certain level of drinking alcohol).
sumption on photoaging was examined after stratifying age
groups. For participants older than 54 years, higher weight
predicted significantly lower photodamage scores than those Factors significantly associated from the univariate
who weighed less (r=−0.03; P=.08) (Figure 2). The find- analyses were further examined using multivariable lin-
ing for alcohol consumption in participants older than 54 ear regression with the forward model selection proce-
years was consistent with the rest of the data in that more dure. Covariates included in the multiple linear regres-
frequent consumption was negatively associated with pho- sion were skin cancer history, Fitzpatrick type, weight,
todamage. Differences of photodamage between or among and alcohol consumption. The type of twins (MZ vs DZ)
the level of other factors using the Kruskal-Wallis test found was also controlled for in the analysis. Factors found to
significant associations of skin cancer and type of twins (MZ predict photodamage include skin cancer, type of twins,
vs DZ) with photodamage score, and a significant associa- and alcohol consumption. Participants with a history of
tion for quantity of cigarettes smoked (P⬍.12). A history skin cancer had photodamage scores that were an aver-
of skin cancer (P⬍.001) and cigarette smoking (P=.12) age of 1.39 points (P=.08) higher than scores of those
positively correlated with higher photodamage scores. Di- who had never had skin cancer. Dizygotic twins had pho-
zygotic twins were found to have more photodamage than todamage scores that were an average of 1.41 higher than
MZ twins (P=.001). Among 11 incidences of skin cancer, those of MZ twins (P=.005), and those with more fre-
all were in DZ twins, and 8 of them were in 4 intact twin quent alcohol consumption had scores that were 0.22
pairs. Box plots and scatterplots for factors with signifi- points lower than those with less frequent consumption
cant associations with photodamage are shown in (P =.06). Age as a covariate in the multivariate analysis
Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. was excluded because of the problem of multicollinear-


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A r = 0.2 (P = .30) B r = 0.65 (P = .004)
8 8
Photodamage Score
6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

C r = 0.11 (P = .54) D r = –0.27 (P = .08)

8 8
Photodamage Score

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of Weight Range Level of Weight Range

Figure 6. Scatterplots of weight and photodamage, stratified by age group. A, Age older than 18 years but not older than 30 years; B, age older than 30 years but
not older than 42 years; C, age older than 42 years but not older than 54 years; and D, age older than 54 years. Increased weight significantly correlated with
higher photodamage scores (where 0 means no damage; 9, severe photodamage) for participants aged 30 to 42 years, with r= 0.65 (P = .004). For participants
older than 54 years, increased weight was correlated with a decreased photodamage score, with r = −0.27 (P = .08). On the x-axis, 1 represents “very underweight”;
2, “slightly underweight”; 3, “about the right weight”; 4, “slightly overweight”; and 5, “very overweight.” Each open circle represents a data point (ie, the
photodamage score for a certain weight).

ity. However, when age was included in the multivari- nent, UV plays an important role in inducing DNA muta-
ate regression, age (P⬍.001) and type of twins (P=.003) tions and suppressing cellular antitumor immune re-
were significantly correlated with photodamage. sponses.32 Mitochondrial DNA is particularly susceptible
to damage by UV owing to its small size and higher expo-
COMMENT sure to reactive oxygen species.33,34 Some studies treat skin
cancer as a component of photoaging. However, this study
We examined environmental factors associated with skin addresses skin cancer as an independent factor. The per-
photoaging. The Twins Days Festival provides a rare op- sistent strength of correlation between the 2 thus con-
portunity to study a large number of twin pairs to control firms this relationship, implicating environmental and ge-
for genetic susceptibility. Among the most important re- netic factors that affect photoaging as components in the
sults is that a history of skin cancer and photodamage are development of skin cancer.
highly associated in a population that shares genetic com- Self-reportedweightwasfoundtopositivelycorrelatewith
monalities. The relationship between differences in MZ vs photoaging score, contrast to the study of Danish twins by
DZ photodamage (as examined by the GEE logistic model), Rexbye et al,18 which reported body mass index to negatively
revealed similar correlation between twins of a pair, whether correlatewithfacialaging.Previousanimalexperimentshave
MZ or DZ. suggested that high fat intake may increase skin sensitivity
Genetic and environmental factors are considered co- to UV damage and photocarcinogenesis.35 However, the re-
contributory in the development of melanoma and non- lationship between fat intake and NMSC is complex, and
melanoma skin cancer, as investigated by recent stud- lipids may potentially have an antioxidant and, thus, pro-
ies.21,22 However, analyses of the relative contributions of tective action.36 For participants 54 years or older, weight
genetic and environmental factors have been limited.23 Lind- correlatednegativelywithphotoaging,implyingthatalthough
ström et al24 estimated the genetic components for mela- excess fat may increase skin’s susceptibility to damage, it may
noma and squamous cell cancer to be 18% and 8%, re- help mask the appearance of wrinkles in older age.
spectively. For melanoma, it has been documented that Drinking alcohol was found to be negatively correlated
first-degree relatives of patients have an increased risk of with photodamage. In their study of Danish twins, Rex-
developing melanoma,25 but the degree of genetic contri- bye et al18 found no significant correlation between drink-
bution remains unclear. The cell cycle regulator CDKN2A ing and photodamage in either direction.18 Although our
is implicated in the genetic component to melanoma,26,27 survey did not specify what type of alcohol was con-
while PTCH28,29 and p5330,31 are involved in nonmelanoma sumed, it is known that certain alcoholic beverages (eg, red
skin cancers (NMSCs). As for the environmental compo- wine) contain polyphenols such as resveratrol, which is an


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