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Complete report of Human Anatomy and physiology practicum with title

“Substance Food Testing” that arranged by:
Name : Jeny Ayu Hardiah Ningrum
ID : 1114040162
Group : III (Three)
Class : ICP A
After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator so this report was

Makassar, July 2014
Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

( Firdaus S.Pd ) ( Firdaus S.Pd)



A. Background
The human digestive system is more complex than other animals.
Organs associated with the digestive tract include the salivary glands,
pancreas, liver and gallbladder. The main function of the salivary glands is
moistened and lubricate the oral mucosa and food intake, start the
digestion of carbohydrates and lipids (respectively, by amylase and lipase
tongue), as well as germicide secrete protective substances such as
immunoglobulin’s IgA, lysozyme, and lactoferrin. Saliva also serves as a
buffer and form a protective layer on the teeth by saliva protein proline-
rich calcium binding.
The food goes into the mouth usually still shaped pieces or cutouts
that have a relatively large size and cannot be directly absorbed by the
intestinal wall. Therefore, before it is readily absorbed by the intestinal
wall of the food must pass through the digestive system that consists of
several organs, namely the mouth, stomach, and intestine with the help of
the pancreas and bile. In the mouth the teeth chewed road destroys the
food mechanically. During this destruction takes place mechanically, there
are glands around the mouth secrete fluid called saliva or spit. Three
sublingual salivary glands are glands, glands sub maxillary, and parotid
gland. The sublingual gland is the smallest salivary gland, located under
the front of the tongue. Sub maxillary gland located behind the sublingual
glands and deeper.
After see the based theory, we think can not understand if only read
the theory. So, we can do experiment using salivary gland with the title is
“Substance Food Testing”

B. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the activity of the

digestive system in working hard on the food
C. Benefit
The Benefit of this experiment is we can determine the activity of
the digestive system in working hard on the food



Salivary glands are exocrine organs responsible for the production and
secretion of saliva. They comprise the three-paired major glands, the parotid,
submandibular and sublingual, and the minor glands. The latter are numerous and
are widely distributed throughout the mouth and oropharynx and similar glands
are present in the upper respiratory and sinonasal tracts, and the paranasal sinuses
(Eveson, 2014: 212).
Secretory acinus The functional unit of salivary glands is the secretory
acinus and related ducts, and myoepithelial cells. Acini may be serous, mucous or
mixed. Serous acini form wedge-shaped secretory cells with basal nuclei. They
surround a lumen that becomes the origin of the intercalated duct. The cytoplasm
of serous cells contains densely basophilic, refractile zymogen granules that are
periodic acid Schiff positive and diastase resistant. Their principle secretion is
amylase. Mucous acinar cells also have basally placed nuclei and their cytoplasm
is clear and contains vacuoles of sialomucin. The secretions of these cells pass
through the intercalated ducts. These are often inconspicuous in routine
histological sections. They are lined by what appears to be a single layer of
cuboidal cells with relatively large, central nuclei. They are continuous with the
much larger striated ducts (Eveson, 2014: 212).
The paired parotid glands are the largest of the major salivary glands and
weigh, on average, 15–30 g. Located in the preauricular region and a long
theposterior surface of the mandible, each parotid gland is divided by the facial
nerve into a superficial lobe and a deep lobe. The superficial lobe, overlying the
lateral surface of the masseter, is defined as the part of the gland lateral to the
facial nerve. The deep lobe is medial to the facial nerve and located between the
mastoid process of the temporal (Christopher, 2014: 2).
The parotid gland represents the largest salivary gland, averaging 5.8 cm
in the craniocaudal dimension, and 3.4 cm in the ventral-dorsal dimension. The
average weight of a Parotid gland is 14.28 g. It is irregular, wedge shaped, and
unilobular. The Parotid has been described as having 5 processes (3 superficial

and 2 deep), thus making it very difficult to surgically removal all parotid tissue. It
lies in the parotid compartment, a triangular space which also contains CN VII
and its branches, sensory and autonomic nerves, the External Carotid artery and
its branches, the Retromandibular (Posterior Facial) vein, and Parotid lymphatics.
(Byron, 2001: 2)
According to Byron, (2001: 2) The following lists the boundaries of the
parotid compartment:
1. Superior border – Zygoma
2. Posterior border – External Auditory Canal
3. Inferior border – Styloid Process, Styloid Process musculature, Internal
Carotid Artery, Jugular Veins
4. Anterior border – a diagonal line drawn from the Zygomatic root to the EAC
80% of the gland overlies the Masseter and mandible. The remaining 20%
of the gland (the retromandibular portion) extends medially through the
stylomandibular tunnel formed by the posterior edge of the mandibular ramus
(ventral), SCM and posterior belly of the Digastric (dorsal), and the
stylomandibular ligament (deep and dorsal). In addition, the Stylomandibular
ligament separates the Parotid from the Submandibular gland. This portion of the
gland lies in the Prestyloid Compartment of the Parapharyngeal space. Thus, a
deep parotid tumor can push the tonsillar fossa and soft palate anteromedially. The
isthmus of the Parotid gland runs between the mandibular ramus and the posterior
belly of the Digastric to connect the retromandibular portion to the remainder of
the gland (Byron, 2001: 2)
Saliva is the mixed glandular secretion which constantly bathes the teeth
and the oral mucosa. It is constituted by the secretions of the three paired major
salivary glands; the parotid, submandibular and sublingual. It also contains the
secretions of the minor salivary glands, of which there are hundreds contained
within the submucosa of the oral mucosa and some gingival crevicular fluid. The
presence of saliva is vital to the maintenance of healthy hard (teeth) and soft
(mucosa) oral tissues (Whelton, 2014: 1).

Severe reduction of salivary output not only results in a rapid deterioration

in oral health but also has a detrimental impact on the quality of life for the
sufferer. Patients suffering from dry mouth can experience difficulty with eating,
swallowing, speech, the wearing of dentures, trauma to and ulceration of the oral
mucosa, taste alteration, poor oral hygiene, a burning sensation of the mucosa,
oral infections including Candida and rapidly progressing dental caries
(Whelton, 2014: 1).
The sensation of dry mouth or xerostomia is becoming increasingly
common in developed countries where adults are living longer. Polypharmacy is
very common among the older adult population and many commonly prescribed
drugs cause a reduction in salivary flow. Xerostomia also occurs in Sjögren’s
syndrome, which is not an uncommon condition. In addition to specific diseases
of the salivary glands, salivary flow is usually severely impaired following
radiotherapy in the head and neck area for cancer treatment in both children and
adults of all ages. Clearly oral dryness is a problem which faces an increasingly
large proportion of the population. An understanding of saliva and its role in oral
health will help to promote awareness among health care workers of the problems
arising when the quantity or quality of saliva is decreased; this awareness and
understanding is important to the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of the
condition. There is an extensive body of research on saliva as a diagnostic fluid. It
has been used to indicate an individual’s caries susceptibility; it has also been used
to reflect systemic physiological and pathological changes which are mirrored in
saliva (Whelton, 2014: 1).



A. Time and Place

Day / Date : Tuesday /June 24th 2014
Time : 11.20 A.M until 01.00 P.M
Place : Biology laboratory 3th floor at FMIPA UNM
B. Tools and Material
1. Tools
a. Test Tube
b. Drop pipette
c. Becker glass
d. Bunsen
e. Tripod
f. Wire gauze
2. Materials
a. Salivary
b. Aquadest
c. Fehling A and Fehling B
d. NaOH 1 N
e. Hcl 1 N
f. Iodine solution
C. Work procedure
1. Activity 1
a. Took 5 ml saliva and enter into test tube and measuring the pH
b. Added 2 drops asetat acid and measuring its pH, observe precipitation
that occurs
2. Activity 2
a. Took 5 ml saliva and enter into test tube
b. Added 1 ml HCL, boiled a long 10 minutes observe the color change in
the test tube
c. Neutralize with 1 ml NaOH and then test it with glucose reduction
testing and add intoreaction tube 10ml fehling A and B solution and
boil along 10 minutes, observe the color change in test tube
3. Activity 3
a. Took 5 ml starch solution (1%) and enter into test tube

b. Added 2 ml saliva and stir to blended with starch solution , wait along 3
c. Took it and put and drop plat that previously already etched eith q drop
iodin. Observe the color change in drop plate
d. Took 5 ml saliva and starch solution and enter to test tube, added 10 ml
of fehling A and B solution and boil along 3 minutes, observe the color


A. Observation result
1. Activity 1
Sample pH Viscosities
Salivary 8 Viscous
2. Activity 2

Sample Color of solution

2 ml salivary + 1 ml HCL Transparent with sediment
2 ml salivary + 1 ml HCL + 1 ml Pink- transparent- yellowish
NaOH after boiled
2 ml salivary + 1 ml HCL + 1 ml Dark blue
NaOH + 10 ml Fehling A and B
3. Activity 3
Testing with iodine solution

Solution Minutes Color

5 ml starch 1% + 2 ml saliva + iodine 3 To be lighter
Adding of Fehling A and B (glucose testing)

5 ml starch 1% + 2 ml saliva + 5 ml starch 1% + 2 ml saliva + 10 ml

10 ml Fehling A and Fehling B Fehling A and Fehling B after Boiled

Sample Color
5 ml starch 1% + 2 ml saliva + 10 ml Fehling Blue
A and Fehling B
5 ml starch 1% + 2 ml saliva + 10 ml Fehling Brown – orange- green-
A and Fehling B after Boiled old green- white

B. Discussion
Based on observation we used salivary from probandus, we used three
treatment. In activity 1, we tested the salivary pH is 8 pH, its means there are
no problems in the digestive system, especially the amylase enzyme because
the pH approached neutral pH, where the enzyme can work optimally on the
digestive system, besides that it have normal viscosity is thick. According to
the (Everson,2014) Saliva is a liquid that is viscous more than water and
contains the amylase enzyme. This is consistent with observations, which
showed that saliva has a specific gravity greater than water.

The second activity, the salivary added with 1 ml HCL and we get the
transparent color with a sediment, and the sediment is a mucus, then added
NaOH after boiled. So, we get the pink color to transparent to yellowish, and
added 10 ml Fehling A and B so we get Dark blue, its mean there is a
polysaccharide, if the solution dark after added fehling A and B its mean many
polysaccharide that contain in the solution. According to Abdi (2012), iodine
test to determine the starch contained in the saliva. A positive reaction (blue
color) is specific to the starch. This is caused the starch solution is a glucose
units that form helical chains, bond with the configuration on each unit of
The third activity, tested with iodine solution we added 5 ml starch 1%, 2
ml saliva, and iodine during 3 minutes, then the solution change to be lighter,
tested add Fehling A and B, we get dark blue, and if the Fehling A and B added
after boiled the color change from brown, orange, green, old green and white,
after boiled change to disaccharide or monosaccharide, the color after boiled
not scraggly caused by the heat that accept not scraggly.


A. Conclusion
After doing in this experiment, we can determine the activity of the
digestive system in working hard on the food,
B. Suggestion
1. Suggestion for Assistant
I hope assistant can give information and directive about experiment
2. Suggestion for the all friends
I hope all friend can hear and seriously if doing experiment


Byron J. Bailey. 2001. Anatomy and Physiology of the Salivary Glands. UTMB,
Dept. of Otolaryngology
Christopher, F, Holsinger, 2014. Anatomy, Function, and Evaluation of the
Salivary Glands. Boston: Medical Publishers
Eveson, J. 2014. Tumors of the salivary gland. Nederland: TNM
Whelton, Helen, 2014. The anatomy and physiology of salivary glands.
Pharmacol: molecular regulation to clinical

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