Ap Syllabus 18-19

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AP US History 

Mrs. Bryan 
jebryan@bcswan.net ​www.sbhsapush.weebly.com   ​remind code: ​@hh88ek 
Course Syllabus

Course Overview:​ ​ ​AP U.S. History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or
university U.S. history course. In AP U.S. History students investigate significant events, individuals,
developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Students
develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and
secondary sources; making historical comparisons; utilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, and
continuity and change over time; and developing historical arguments. The course also provides seven themes
that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in
different times and places: American and national identity; migration and settlement; politics and power; work,
exchange, and technology; America in the world; geography and the environment; and culture and society.
​ rom the College Board AP US History Course Overview​)

Required: ​Large 3 Ring Binder, black pens, small amount of college ruled notebook paper

Optional (but encouraged): ​AP US History Barron’s Flashcards 3rd edition, Post-It Notes, Dry Erase Marker &

Newman, John J., and John M. Schmalbach. ​United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination​. 1st
edition. Perfection Learning.

AP Course Demands:  
This is a rigorous and challenging course. Students should expect a workload similar to what they would have if they
were to complete this course at the college level. This includes extensive reading, active involvement in class discussions,
taking notes independently, and writing essays. Students should seek Mrs. Bryan’s assistance outside of class via e-mail
or during Monday/Wednesday after school tutoring sessions. ​ ​In order to earn college credit for the course students must
take and pass the AP US History exam with a level 3 or higher (different universities have different score requirements for
awarding credit). The AP US History exam will be on ​Friday, May 11th, 2019 at 8am​.

Tests​: 50% - Tests will include stimulus based MC questions and SAQs (short answer questions).

Essays/Projects​: 25​%​ - Document Based Questions, Long Essay Questions, Major Projects

Quizzes/Seminar Participation/Mini-Projects: ​15% - Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

Homework – ​10% Homework assignments will be graded using the following rubric:
✓+ = Exemplary effort (100) Assignment was completed with great detail and demonstrates critical
thinking. The student put significant effort into the assignment.
✓ = Satisfactory effort (80) Assignment was completed but lacked some detail and demonstration of
critical thinking. The student put some effort into the assignment.
✓ - = Unsatisfactory effort (60) Assignment completed with little to no detail or was partially
completed. The assignment was possibly copied directly from the text and displayed no critical thinking.
The student put little effort into completing the assignment.
0 = no effort. Assignment was not attempted or was plaigirized. 
Late Assignments and Make-Up Work​:
In the event of an absence, students should check the class website and calendar for any missed assignments. Upon
returning to class, students should check their classroom portfolios for any missed hand-outs. Students will have three
days to submit any missed work, however any assignments with previously established due dates are expected to be
turned in upon a student’s return to class (unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher). If a student misses a test,
quiz, or in-class writing assignment, the student is responsible for scheduling and completing the make up assessment. If
you know you will be absent or have any questions regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Classroom Expectations: In addition to the policies established by SBHS,  

1. RESPECT yourself, your peers, and your teachers.

​2​. ​Come to class prepared to actively learn everyday.

a. You must not be a passive observer in this classroom, but an active participant!

3. Keep all distractions to an absolute minimum.

a. Use the restroom before coming to class! Our time is precious!
b. Check in your phone when you arrive to class.
c. Only drinks with lids are allowed (no soda cans!). All food/drinks must be put away when we are using
devices. Even drinks with lids!

Success Contract 
I, _________________________, student, hereby agree to the following actions on my part to facilitate my success in AP
US History.
● I will commit myself to academic integrity and not plagiarize or take advantage of the work of other classmates.
Further, I understand that a violation of academic integrity will result in parent contact and a zero for the
● I will commit myself to spend an appropriate amount of time on each assignment.
● I will read the pages or articles assigned before class and complete reading guides as I read. Moreover, I will not
copy reading guides completed by other students.
● If I cannot understand a question or find an answer, I will not get mad or give up. I will continue to work on the
assigned activities, proactively seeking alternative resources and assistance until I get it!
● I know I can attend APUSH Study Hall after school on Mondays and Wednesdays until 3:30 for help.
● I will work cooperatively with other people in class in groups of varying size.
● I will try to help other students as well as seek help when I need it.
● I know it is my responsibility to complete make-up assignments and schedule make up assessments when I miss
● I understand that I am responsible for my learning and will advocate for my success.
● I know that in exchange for me fulfilling my end of the contract that Mrs. Bryan will do everything she can to
help me succeed in this course.

Date __________________ ________________________________________

Signed, Student

Date __________________ ________________________________________

Signed, Parent/Guardian

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. I’m looking forward to working with you this

Mrs. Bryan

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