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Version 1.60
Last Update: May 15, 2002
Ver.0.99: John D. Prins gets bored again and wastes a lot of time.
Ver.1.00: People yell at me for getting stuff wrong. Manshoba manages to
alphabetise the whole mess.
Ver.1.10: Thanks to the NLC Sourcebook, the 'N's get a fair expansion.
Ver.1.20: The SR Leaguebook comes out adding 15 new acronyms.
Ver.1.21: John Buckmaster, after noting the list had not been updated in 4 years
gets stupid and volunteers to update the list.
Ver.1.30: John B. thinks that having the Vehicle Designations in the list would
be neat, adding more work to his insane workload.
Ver.1.40: John B. takes way too much time and updates the list, making it
somewhere near 490 acronyms.
Ver.1.50: John B. formats the list and posts it to the HGML for feedback.
Ver.1.55: John B. is notified of repetitions and stuff that he missed. Thanks,
Ver.1.60: John B. updates with acronyms up to Life on Utopia.
Ver.1.61: First tests of HTML FAQ's
This document was originally planned as a tool for the Heavy Gear Mailing list.
However, due to the astounding number of acronyms within the Heavy Gear
Universe, this edition is more of a tool for all Heavy Gear players and Game
If I missed anything, got anything wrong, or put something in that shouldn't be
in there, please e-mail me at:
Please include the Acronyms, the meaning, and if possible, the reference.
Care has been taken to keep 2 letter acronyms to a minimum. Only the 2 letter
acronyms listed in the Books were used.
1.) Standard Disclaimer.
3.) General Internet/E-Mail Acronyms.
4.) Heavy Gear Mailing List Specific Acronyms.
5.) Heavy Gear Book Specific Acronyms.
6.) Heavy Gear Universe Specific Acronyms.
7.) Heavy Gear vehicle Designations
8.) Heavy Gear Rules Specific Acronyms.
9.) Heavy Gear Weapons Specific Acronyms.
10.) Complete Acronym List.
11.) List of Contributors.
Heavy Gear, the Silhouette System, Terra Nova and all associated products
are trademarks of, and copyrighted by, Dream Pod 9. This document should in
no way be construed as a legal challenge to these trademarks or copyrights.
This document may be distributed freely without profit by anyone to anyone.
Though why anybody would want to charge money for a list of acronyms is beyond
Me(and me! -John B.).
These are acronyms used in real life, or what approximates it. They are listed
here as not all people know what they are.
AA - Anti Aircraft
AI - Artificial Intelligence
Ammo - Ammunition
AOS - Anti-Orbital Strike
APC - Armored Personnel Carrier
ASAT - Anti - Satellite
ATV - All Terrain Vehicle
AU - Astronomical Unit (distance from earth to the sun)
AWAC - Avanced (or Airborne) Warning and Control
AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave
C^3 - Command, Control, and Communications
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CM - Centimeter (linear distance approx .4 inches)
CPU - Central Processing Unit
HEAT - High Explosive/Energy Anti - Tank
HEO - Head Executive Officer
HLV - Heavy Lift Vehicle
IFV - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
KM - Kilometer (linear distance approx .64 miles)
LADAR - LAser Detecting And Ranging
LASER - Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LPU - Lift/Propulsion Unit
MASH - Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MBT - Main Battle Tank
MMU - Manned Maneuver Unit
MP (designation) - Military Police
NAI - Near Artificial Intelligence
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NCO - Non Commisioned Officer
NPC - Non - Player Character
OOP - Out Of Print/Production
PAM - Payload Assist Module
Rad - Roentgen Absorbed Dose (unit for measuring Radiation)
RADAR - RAdio Detecting And Ranging
Recon - Reconaissance
RPG - Role Playing Game (Mario)
RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade (Mario)
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
STOL - Short Take Off and Landing
VPR - Vehicle Postflight Revetment
VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing
WYSYWIG - What You See Is What You Get
The Internet, and E - Mail, has developed its own set of specific acronyms. Here
is just a small sample of the more common ones:
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
FYI - For Your Information
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IOW - In Other Words
ROTF - Rolling On The Floor (in laughter)
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
These are acronyms that you (probably) won't see anywhere else than the Heavy
Gear Mailing List. They're fairly infrequent, but worth mentioning.
DP9 - Dream Pod 9 (the nice folks you bring you Heavy Gear)
GCOOME - Gears Coming Out Of My Ears (a large collection of miniatures or units
in the game)
HGML - Heavy Gear Mailing List
LOTF - Lord Of The Flies - aka Prabal Nandy - aka Probe
RMOHO - Rip My Own Head Off (generally used to denote great excitement)
These are acronyms that refer to actual books. They may not necessarily
correspond to the actual title of the book, but usually do.
BotW - Blood on the Wind (Storyline Book 2)
BTFG - Black Talon Field Guide
CC - Character Compendium
CC1 - Character Compendium Book One (if you want to be specific)
CCS - Caprice Corporate Sourcebook
CoF - Crisis of Faith (Storyline Book 1)
DH - Duelist's Handbook
DH2 - Duelist's Handbook 2nd Ed.
EB1 - earth Book 1 (CEF Sorcebook)
ESELB - Eastern Sun Emerites LeagueBook)
GK - Gear Krieg (another Dream Pod 9 game - just so you know)
GMS - Game Master's Screen (comes with Gamemasters Guide: Mastering the Game)
HALB - Humanist Alliance LeagueBook
HG - Heavy Gear Rulebook - also Heavy Gear in general
HG2 - Heavy gear 2nd Ed.
HGDW - Heavy Gear design Works
HGEC - Equipment Catalog
HGRB - Heavy Gear Rulebook
HGRB2 - Heavy Gear Rule Book 2nd ed.
HGTMR - Heavy Gear Tactical Miniature Rules
ITB - Into The Badlands
JC - Jovian Chronicles
LibSB - Liberti Sourcebook
LoC - Life on Caprice
LOTN - Life On Terra Nova
LoU - Life on Utopia
MDLB - Mekong Dominion LeaguBook
N1 - Northern Vehicles Book One OOP
N2 - Northern Vehicles Book Two OOP
NGAL - Northern Guard Army List
NLCLB - Northern Lights Confederacy LeagueBook
NVC1 - Northern Vehicle Compendium 1 (Gears and Striders)
NVC2 - Northern Vehicle Compendium 2 (Tanks & Artillery)
NVS - Northern Vehicle Sheets
O:JD - Operation: Jungle Drums (adventure module) OOP
O:JDR - Operation: Jungle Drums Redux (adventure module)
PG - Paxton Gambit
RtCE - Return to Cat's Eye (SB3)
S1 - Southern Vehicle Book One OOP
S2 - Southern Vehicle Book Two OOP
SB1 - Storyline Book 1: Crisis of Faith (CoF)
SB2 - Storyline Book 2: Blood on the Wind (BotW)
SB3 - Storyline Book 3: Return to Cat's Eye (RtCE)
SB4 - Storyline Book 4: Storm on the Horizon (SotH)
SB5 - Storyline Book 5: Distant Shores
SMAL - Southern MILICIA Army List
SotH - Storm on the Horizon (SB4)
SpVC - Spaceship Compendium
SpVC2 - Spaceship Compendium 2
SRAL - Southern Republic Army List
SRLB - Southern Republic LeagueBook
SVC1 - Southern Vehicle Compendium 1: Gears & Striders
SVC2 - Southern Vehicle Compendium 2: Tanks & Artillery
SVS - Southern Vehicle Sheets
T8 - Tribe 8 (another Dream Pod 9 game - just so you know)
TacAir - Tactical Air Support
TacField - Tactical Field Support
TacMin - Heavy Gear Tactical Miniature Rules
TacSpace - Tactical Space Support
TAS - Tactical Air Support
Tech2 - Technical Manual 2nd ed.
TFS - Tactical Field Support
TM - Technical Manual- usually just 'Techbook' rather than an Acronym
TMOU - The Making of a Universe (HGDW)
TN2 - Life on Terra Nova 2nd ed.
TSS - Tactical Space Support
UMFLB - United Mercantile Federation LeagueBook
WFPLB - Western Frontier Protectorate LeagueBook
Acronyms that deal with people, places, things and organizations in the Heavy
Gear universe. Note that some places like Port Arthur COULD be made into
acronyms, but are generally not. For the most part, it's better to avoid 2
letter acronyms to avoid confusion.
1DB - First Dominion Bank (MD Bank)
3D - Dominion Dueling Division
AAC - Ankara Architectural College
ADS - Banque Republicaine's Asset Distribution System
APES - Augmented Power Environmental Suit (Utopia)
ASI - Allied Southern Intelligence (AST group)
AST - Allied Southern Territories
AU - Autumn
Auto - Drone/computerised unit (Utopia)
AWU - Affiliated Worker's Union
BCA - Northern Petrochem's Board of Civic Affairs (NLC group)
BIFS - Border and Isolated facility Security (HA Organization)
BM - Black Mamba (a heavy gear)
BRF - Badlands Revolutionary Front (not BARF! : - )
CAP (Justina) - Crimes Against the People (SR personal crime)
CAYN (Justina) - Crimes Against Your Neighbour (SR national crime)
CCE - Caprician Corporate executive
CDC - Colonial Defense Corps (SR group)
CDC - Colonial Defense Corps (SRA)
CEF - Colonial Expeditionary Forces (NEC group)
CEN(N) - Cats Eye News Network (Caprice)
CIB - Criminal Intelligence Bureau (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group)
CID - Commonwealth Integrity Directorate (CEF)
CIS - Cause Implimentation Strategy (SR political system)
CIU - NorPol Counterintelligence Unit (NLC group)
CME - Caprician Mercantile Exchange
CMS - Costa moreia (Caprician Company)
CNCS - Confederated Northern City States
COR - the CORnillion consortium (Caprician company)
CPG - Crowd Pacification Group (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group)
CRA - Corporate Regulatory Authority (Caprice)
CREE - Coalition for Rightful Environmental Exploitation (SR group)
CSI - Caprice Ships Interstellar
CSRAC - Combined Southern Resource Advisory Committee
CWI - Confederation of Western Industry (WFP Organization)
DA - Department of Administration (HA Organization)
DDD - Dominion Dueling Division
DDL - Desert Dueling League
DETFA - Department of Economics, Trade, and Foreign Affairs (HA Organization)
DHM - Department of Health and Morality (HA Organization)
DM - Dominion MotorWerks (MD Company)
DSEC - Deep Space Exploration Corps (SR group)
DSEC - Deep Space Exploration Corps (SR)
DTC - Desert Trade Comission (CNCS group)
EDeC - Economic Development Commission (NLC group)
EGL - Elite Genome Labs (Caprice)
EPOS - Electronic Points of Sale
ESE - Eastern Sun Emirates
FAC - Federation Astronomer Corps (UMF)
FAD - Fine Arts Directorate of the Southern Republic
FHWTR - Fort Henry Weapons Testing Range (WFP place)
GA - Greenway Alliance (Utopia)
GCC - Gommorah Coordination Committee (Caprice)
GEC - Gallot Caprice (Caprician Company)
GES - General Espace Systems(SR Company)
GP - General Purpose (Squad/Cadre Designation)
GPP - Great Plains Police (SR group)
GREL - Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionnaire
GS - Gateship, added after acronym for league eg NLCGS
HA - Humanist Alliance
HAK - Hakkar (Caprician Company)
HAPF - Humanist Alliance Protectorate Force
HCS - Human Concordat Ship
HIRA - Humanist Insight and Regulatory Authority (HA group)
HMC - Hartmore Motor Company (NLC company)
IA - Immigration Authority (HA Organization)
ICP - International Consumer Products (MD Company)
ISK - Industrial State of Kogland (Utopia)
IWPB - Infant Welfare Protection Bureau (SR group)
JTSI- Joint Terranovan Space Initiative
KA - D - Khayr Ad - Din
KADA - Khayr ad - Din Army
KNZ - Kinzler Industries (Caprician Company)
KSM - Kalam - Sollers - Makhan (Caprician Company)
LabCon - Labor Congress (NLC group)
LB - League Book (used after League Acronym)
LC - Liberati Calender
LDP - Liberal Democratic Party (NLC group)
LN - Legion Noire (SR group)
LYI - Lysander - Inc (Earth Company)
MAMO - Modular Advanced Maintanance Outpost
MAS - Mekong Academy of Science
MD - Mekong Dominion
MDC - Mercantile Dueling Circuit - also Mekong Development Corporation
MDC - Mekong Development Corporation (MD Company)
MIB - Military Intelligence Brance (SR group)
MILICIA - MILitary Counter Insurgency Army (AST group)
MPR - Mounted Patrol Rangers (HA Organization)
MSERA - Mercantile Stock Exchange Regulatory Authority (UMF organization)
MSP - Medicins Sans Politique
NADO - Northern Alliance Defense Organization
NAF - Norlight Armed Forces
NAF/OMI - Norlight Armed Forces Office of Military Intelligence
NCDC - Northern Confederate Dueling Championship
NDL - Northern Dueling League
NEC - New Earth Commonwealth
NEC - New Eurasion Commonwealth (precursor to New Earth Commonwealth)
NECAF - New Eurasion Commonwealth Armed Forces
NG - Northern Guard (CNCS group)
NG&M - Nemmelworth's Gear and Merchandise (Mekong Company)
NGIS - Northern Guard Intelligence Service (CNCS group)
NGSS- Northern Guard Space Service
NISA - Norlight Intelligence and Security Agency (NLC group)
NLC - Northern Lights Confederacy
NNet - Neural Net
NorPol - Norlight National Police (NLC group)
NRB - National Reconstruction Board (NLC group)
NuCoal - New Coalition
NZR - Norlight Zephyr Rail (NLC group)
ODC - Orbital Defense Corps (SRA)
OLC - Overland Cruise Lines (NLC)
OMS - Open Mind Society (SR group)
ONNet - Optical Neural Net
PAK - Port Arthur Korps
PARD - Paxton Arms Research & Development
PaxSec - Paxton Security Service
PBL - Puffy Blue Iguana (SR student politics group)
PEP - Personal Equity Plan (UMF thingy)
PIM - Parachutistes d'Infantrie Marine (SR group)
PIN - Portfolio Identification Number (MD )
PIU - Public Interaction Unit (SRID)
POC - Peace Officer Corps (Paxton Group)
POP - Public Order Protectorate (HA Organization)
PRDF - Peace River Defense Force
PX - PX Couriers (short form rather than acronym)
QRT - Quick Response Team
RA - Regular Army (CEF)
RFD - Republican Federation of Duelists
RHI - Republican Heavy Industries (SR Company)
RST - Republican Space Technologies (SR Company)
RWS - Riley Weapons Systems (WFP Compny)
SAP - Social Action Party (NLC group)
SAU - Sonic Analisis Unit (MD equipment)
SDB - Space Defense Branch (SRA)
SDC - Space Defense Corps (UMF)
SEB - Space Exploration Bureau (SR)
SED - Stellar Exploration Directorate (UMF)
SETS - Sevigny Economic and Taxation System (SR)
SIU - Special Intervention Unit (MILICIA group)
SLEDGE - Second Line Elite Division GREL Experiment
Sna.. - Snakeye Black Mamba (spoken in fear)
SNS - Satellite News Service
SORCOMD - SOuthern Republic COMmunications Directorate (SR group)
SP - Spring
SPFI - Saragossa People's Front for Independance
SPP - Siwan Progress Party (SR group)
SR - Southern Republic
SRA - Southern Republican Army
SRAD - Southern Republic Aerospace Directorate (SR group)
SRGS - Southern Republic Gate Ship
SRID - Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate (SR group)
STSL - Southern Territories Soccer League
SU - Summer
SWOS - Special Weapons Operation Squad (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group)
TA - Territorial Army (CEF)
TCA - Tershaw Cooperative Alliance (defunct arctic nation)
TN- Terra Nova (often in used in date/timekeeping)
TNTR - TerraNovan TransRail
TRG - Tactical Response Group (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group)
UC - Utopian Calendar
UEG - United Earth Government
UMF - United Mercantile Federation
UMFGS - UMF Gateship
URS - United Republic of Steelgate (Utopia)
UUM - Utopian Unification Movement
VDSS - Violent Deviance Security Specialists (HA Organization)
V-Eng - V-Engine
VLA - Valeria Legal Academy
WACS - Walker Armored Combat System (strider)
WDC - Western Dueling Conference
WFP - Western Frontier Protectorate
WFPA - Western Frontier Protectorate Army
WI- Winter
WIA - Western Intellegence Angency (WFP Organization)
WOTA - WotA - War of the Alliance
YMC - Yele Medical Center
ZeeTran - Zephyr Transport (NLC group)
7.) Vehicle designation Acronyms
These are acronyms and designations that make up the vehicle designation code.
They are printed here to give a sense of completeness and an easy reference to
those wishing to design vehicles. Currently only the North and South are in the
list, but as more information becomes available, I will add the designations for
other forces.
AMPH - Amphibious (Northern Designation)
ART - Artillery (Designation)
AS - Assault (Southern Designation)
AST - Assault (Northern Designation)
C - Commander (Northern Designation)
CST - Customized(Southern Designation)
DST - Desert Specialist (Southern Designation)
DT - Desert Specialist (Northern Designation)
ENG - Engineering (Designation)
FS - Fire Support (Northern Designation)
HACS - Humanoid Armored Combat System (gear)
HC - Heavy Commando (Northern Designation)
HG - Heavy Gear (Northern Designation)
HMVS - Humanoid Multi Vehicle System (gear; civilian)
LG - Light Gear (Northern designation)
MG - Medium Gear (Northern Designation)
MP - Mass Produced (Northern Designation)
MPS - Mass Produced Soldier (Northern Designation)
NT - Northern Tank (vehicle designation acronym)
OACS - Oversized Anthropomorphic Combat System (gear)
OAVS - Oversized Anthropomorphic Vehicle System (gear; civilian)
OU - Officer Use(Southern Designation)
OWCS - Oversized Walker Combat System (strider)
PARA - Airdroppable (Northern Designation)
PT - Paratrooper/airlifted (Southern Designation)
SC - Scout (Southern Designation)
SCT - Scout (Northern designation)
SEC - Military Police (Northern Designation)
SNP - Sniper (Northern Designation)
ST - Southern Tank (vehicle designation acronym)
STH - Stealth (Northern Designation)
STR - Strike (Southern Designation)
SU - Soldat Use (Southern Designation)
SW - Swamp (Southern Designation)
TE - Fire Support (High Precision) (Southern Designation)
TR - Trainer (Northern Designation)
These acronyms deal specifically with the rules of the game.
ACC - Accuracy
AD - Armed Damage (RPG stat)
AE - Area of Effect
AGL - Agility (RPG stat)
AOE - Area Of Effect
AP - Armor Piercing
APP - Appearance (RPG stat)
AUX - AUXiliary system
BLD - Build (RPG stat)
BP - Burn Points
BR - Base Range
CBS - Counter Battery Sensor
Com(m) - Communications
CP - Command Points
CRE - Creativity (RPG stat)
DM - Damage Multiplier
DTV - Defensive Threat Value
ECCM - Electronic Counter - Counter Measures
ECM - Electronic Counter Measures
EW - Electronic Warfare
F/FWD - Forward (firing arc)
FC - Fire Control
FF - Fixed Forward (firing arc)
FireCon - Fire Control
FIT - Fitness (RPG stat)
FR - Fixed Rear (firing arc)
HEA - Health (RPG stat)
ICP - Initiative Command Point
IF - Indirect Fire
INF - Influence (RPG stat)
KNO - Knowledge (RPG stat)
L/LFT - Left (firing arc)
LOS - Line Of Sight
Man. - Maneuver Value
MOF - Margin of Failure
MOS - Margin of Success
MP - Movement Points
MTV - Miscellaneous Threat Value
MV - Maneuver Value
NL - Non - Lethal
OTV - Offensive Threat Value
PER - Perception (RPG stat)
PP - Processing Power (computer stat from LoU)
PSY - Psyche (RPG stat)
R/Rt - Right (firing arc)
ROF - Rate Of Fire
RR - Rear
RSF - Radiation Sheilding Factor
S/M/L/E - Short/Medium/Long/Extreme (weapon ranges)
SB - Slow Burn Characteristic
Sens - Sensors
Sil - Silhouette (the game system)
SMS - Secondary Movement System
STA - Stamina (RPG stat)
STR - Strength (RPG stat)
SZ - Size
T - Turret (firing arc)
Tac- Tactical
TCP - Tactical Command Point
TV - Threat Value
UD - Unarmed Damage (RPG stat)
VCS - Vehicle Construction System
WA - Weapon Accuracy
WIL - Willpower (RPG stat)
XP - eXperience Points
Guns, bombs, artillery, etc., etc., etc. The fun stuff.
DC - Digging Cannon
DPG - Deployable Pack Gun
FGC - Fragmentation Cannon
HAAC - Heavy Anti - Aircraft Cannon
HAC - Heavy Autocannon
HAG - Heavy Artillery Gun
HFG - Heavy Field Gun
HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
HRF - Heavy Rifle
LAAC - Light Anti - Aircraft Cannon
LAC - Light Autocannon
LAG - Light Artillery Gun
LFG - Light Field Gun
LMG - Light Machine Gun
LRF - Light Rifle
MAAC - Medium Anti - Aircraft Cannon
MAC - Medium Autocannon
MAG - Medium Artillery Gun
MRF - Medium Rifle
SC - Snub Cannon
VHAC - Very Heavy Autocannon
VHAG - Very Heavy Artillery Gun
VHFG - Very Heavy Field Gun
VLAC - Very Light Autocannon
VLFG - Very Light Field Gun
VLMG - Very Light Machine Gun
VLRF - Very Light Rifle
APM - Anti - Personnel Mortar
HFM - Heavy Field Mortar
HGM - Heavy Guided Mortar
LFM - Light Field Mortar
LGM - Light Guided Mortar
MFM - Medium Field Mortar
HIRP - Heavy Incendiary Rocket Pack
HRP - Heavy Rocket Pack
IRP - Incendiary Rocket Pack
LRP - Light Rocket Pack
MRP - Medium Rocket Pack
VLRP - Very Light Rocket Pack
AAGM - Anti Armor Guided Missile (infantry weapon)
AAM - Anti Aircraft Missile
ABM - Airburst Missile
AGM - Anti Gear Missile
ATM - Anti Tank Missile
HAM - Heavy Artillery Missile
HATM - Heavy Anti Tank Missile
LAM - Light Artillery Missile
MAM - Medium Artillery Missile
VHAM - Very Heavy Artillery Missile
CB - Cluster Bomb Rack
FAB - Fuel Air Bomb Rack
HB - Heavy Bomb Rack
HCB - Heavy Cluster Bomb Rack
LB - Light Bomb Rack
MB - Medium Bomb Rack
HBZK - Heavy Bazooka
LBZK - Light Bazooka
MBZK - Medium Bazooka
RFB - Rapid Fire Bazooka
APGL - Anti Personnel Grenade Launcher
HG - Hand Grenade
HGL - Heavy Grenade Launcher
HHG - Heavy Hand Grenade
HWG - Haywire Grenade
LGL - Light Grenade Launcher
SDG - Self Destruct Grenade
HPZ - Heavy Panzerfaust
LPZ - Light Panzerfaust
MPZ - Medium Panzerfaust
HRG - Heavy Railgun
LRG - Light Railgun
Beam Weapons:
HGLC - Gatling Laser Cannon
HLC - Heavy Laser Cannon
HPA - Heavy Particle Accelerator
HPLC - Heavy Pulse Laser Cannon
LLC - Light Laser Cannon
LPA - Light Particle Accelerator
LPLC - Light Pulse Laser Cannon
SLC - Sniper Laser Cannon
HFL - Heavy Flamer
LFL - Light Flamer
MFL - Medium Flamer
Melee Weapons:
CR - Chassis Reinforcement
CS - Chain Sword
ELN - Explosive Lance
HLN - Heavy Lance
HSKG - Heavy Spike Gun
HWLN - Haywire Lance
HWP - Haywire Whip
LN - Lance
MC - Mace
MF - Mauler Fist
MS - Morningstar
NG - Net Gun
PP - Piston Punch
SKG - Spike Gun
VA - Vibroaxe
VB - Vibroblade
VC - Vibroclaws
VR - Vibrorapier
WP - Whip
Don't know which list you should be searching to find that acronym? Well,
they're ALL here in alphabetical order. The format is:
Acronym - Meaning - Type
1DB - First Dominion Bank (MD Bank) - Universe
3D - Dominion Dueling Division - Universe
AA - Anti Aircraft - General Use
AAC - Ankara Architectural College - Universe
AAGM - Anti Armor Guided Missile (infantry weapon) - Tac Weapon: Missile
AAM - Anti Aircraft Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
ABM - Airburst Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
ACC - Accuracy - Rules
AD - Armed Damage (RPG stat) - Rules
ADS - Banque Republicaine's Asset Distribution System - Universe
AE - Area of Effect - Rules
AFAIK - As Far As I Know - Internet/e - mail
AGL - Agility (RPG stat) - Rules
AGM - Anti Gear Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
AI - Artificial Intelligence - General Use
Ammo - Ammunition - General Use
AMPH - Amphibious (Northern Designation) - Designation
AOE - Area Of Effect - Rules
AOS - Anti-Orbital Strike - General Use
AP - Armor Piercing - Rules
APC - Armored Personnel Carrier - General Use
APES - Augmented Power Environmental Suit (Utopia) - Universe
APGL - Anti Personnel Grenade Launcher - Tac Weapon: Grenade
APM - Anti - Personnel Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
APP - Appearance (RPG stat) - Rules
ART - Artillery (Designation) - Designation
AS - Assault (Southern Designation) - Designation
ASAT - Anti - Satellite - General Use
ASI - Allied Southern Intelligence (AST group) - Universe
AST - Assault (Northern Designation) - Designation
AST - Allied Southern Territories - Universe
ATM - Anti Tank Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
ATV - All terrain vehicle - General Use
AU - Autumn - Universe
AU - Astronomical Unit (distance from earth to the sun) - General Use
Auto - Drone/computerised unit (Utopia) - Universe
AUX - AUXiliary system - Rules
AWAC - Avanced (or Airborne) Warning and Control - General Use
AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave - General Use
AWU - Affiliated Worker's Union - Universe
BCA - Northern Petrochem's Board of Civic Affairs (NLC group) - Universe
BIFS - Border and Isolated facility Security (HA Organization) - Universe
BLD - Build (RPG stat) - Rules
BM - Black Mamba (a heavy gear) - Universe
BotW - Blood on the Wind (Storyline Book 2) - Book
BP - Burn Points - Rules
BR - Base Range - Rules
BRF - Badlands Revolutionary Front (not BARF! : - ) - Universe
BTFG - Black Talon Field Guide - Book
C - Commander (Northern Designation) - Designation
C^3 - Command, Control, and Communications - General Use
CAP (Justina) - Crimes Against the People (SR personal crime) - Universe
CAYN (Justina) - Crimes Against Your Neighbour (SR national crime) - Universe
CB - Cluster Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
CBS - Counter Battery Sensor - Rules
CC - Character Compendium - Book
CC1 - Character Compendium Book One (if you want to be specific) - Book
CCE - Caprician Corporate executive - Universe
CCS - Caprice Corporate Sourcebook - Book
CDC - Colonial Defense Corps (SR group) - Universe
CDC - Colonial Defense Corps (SRA) - Universe
CEF - Colonial Expeditionary Forces (NEC group) - Universe
CEN(N) - Cats Eye News Network (Caprice) - Universe
CEO - Chief Executive Officer - General Use
CIB - Criminal Intelligence Bureau (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group) - Universe
CID - Commonwealth Integrity Directorate (CEF) - Universe
CIS - Cause Implimentation Strategy (SR political system) - Universe
CIU - NorPol Counterintelligence Unit (NLC group) - Universe
CM - Centimeter (linear distance approx .4 inches) - General Use
CME - Caprician Mercantile Exchange - Universe
CMS - Costa moreia (Caprician Company) - Universe
CNCS - Confederated Northern City States - Universe
CoF - Crisis of Faith (Storyline Book 1) - Book
Com(m) - Communications - Rules
COR - the CORnillion consortium (Caprician company) - Universe
CP - Command Points - Rules
CPG - Crowd Pacification Group (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group) - Universe
CPU - Central Processing Unit - General Use
CR - Chassis Reinforcement - Tac Weapon: Melee
CRA - Corporate Regulatory Authority (Caprice) - Universe
CRE - Creativity (RPG stat) - Rules
CREE - Coalition for Rightful Environmental Exploitation (SR group) - Universe
CS - Chain Sword - Tac Weapon: Melee
CSI - Caprice Ships Interstellar - Universe
CSRAC - Combined Southern Resource Advisory Committee - Universe
CST - Customized(Southern Designation) - Designation
CWI - Confederation of Western Industry (WFP Organization) - Universe
DA - Department of Administration (HA Organization) - Universe
DC - Digging Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
DDD - Dominion Dueling Division - Universe
DDL - Desert Dueling League - Universe
DETFA - Department of Economics, Trade, and Foreign Affairs (HA Organization) -
DH - Duelist's Handbook - Book
DH2 - Duelist's Handbook 2nd Ed. - Book
DHM - Department of Health and Morality (HA Organization) - Universe
DM - Damage Multiplier - Rules
DM - Dominion MotorWerks (MD Company) - Universe
DP9 - Dream Pod 9 (the nice folks you bring you Heavy Gear) - HGML Acronym
DPG - Deployable Pack Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
DSEC - Deep Space Exploration Corps (SR group) - Universe
DSEC - Deep Space Exploration Corps (SR) - Universe
DST - Desert Specialist (Southern Designation) - Designation
DT - Desert Specialist (Northern Designation) - Designation
DTC - Desert Trade Comission (CNCS group) - Universe
DTV - Defensive Threat Value - Rules
EB1 - earth Book 1 (CEF Sorcebook) - Book
ECCM - Electronic Counter - Counter Measures - Rules
ECM - Electronic Counter Measures - Rules
EDeC - Economic Development Commission (NLC group) - Universe
EGL - Elite Genome Labs (Caprice) - Universe
ELN - Explosive Lance - Tac Weapon: Melee
ENG - Engineering (Designation) - Designation
EPOS - Electronic Points of Sale - Universe
ESE - Eastern Sun Emirates - Universe
ESELB - Eastern Sun Emerites LeagueBook - Book
EW - Electronic Warfare - Rules
F / FWD - Forward (firing arc) - Rules
FAB - Fuel Air Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
FAC - Federation Astronomer Corps (UMF) - Universe
FAD - Fine Arts Directorate of the Southern Republic - Universe
FC - Fire Control - Rules
FF - Fixed Forward (firing arc) - Rules
FGC - Fragmentation Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
FHWTR - Fort Henry Weapons Testing Range (WFP place) - Universe
FireCon - Fire Control - Rules
FIT - Fitness (RPG stat) - Rules
FR - Fixed Rear (firing arc) - Rules
FS - Fire Support (Northern Designation) - Designation
FYI - For Your Information - Internet/e - mail
GA - Greenway Alliance (Utopia) - Universe
GCC - Gommorah Coordination Committee (Caprice) - Universe
GCOOME - Gears Coming Out Of My Ears (a large collection of miniatures or units
in the game) - HGML Acronym
GEC - Gallot Caprice (Carician Company) - Universe
GES - General Espace Systems(SR Company) - Universe
GK - Gear Krieg (another Dream Pod 9 game - just so you know) - Book
GMS - Game Master's Screen (comes with Gamemasters Guide: Mastering the Game) -
GP - General Purpose (Squad/Cadre Designation) - Universe
GPP - Great Plains Police (SR group) - Universe
GREL - Genetically Recombined Experimental Legionnaire - Universe
GS - Gateship - added after acronym for league eg NLCGS - Universe
HA - Humanist Alliance - Universe
HAAC - Heavy Anti - Aircraft Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HAC - Heavy Autocannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HACS - Humanoid Armored Combat System (gear) - Designation
HAG - Heavy Artillery Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HAK - Hakkar (Caprician Company) - Universe
HALB - Humanist Alliance LeagueBook - Book
HAM - Heavy Artillery Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
HAPF - Humanist Alliance Protectorate Force - Universe
HATM - Heavy Anti Tank Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
HB - Heavy Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
HBZK - Heavy Bazooka - Tac Weapon: Bazooka
HC - Heavy Commando (Northern Designation) - Designation
HCB - Heavy Cluster Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
HCS - Human Concordat Ship - Universe
HEA - Health (RPG stat) - Rules
HEAT - High Explosive/Energy Anti - Tank - General Use
HEO - Head Executive Officer - General Use
HFG - Heavy Field Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HFL - Heavy Flamer - Tac Weapon: Flamer
HFM - Heavy Field Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
HG - Heavy Gear Rulebook - also Heavy Gear in general - Book
HG - Heavy Gear (Northern Designation) - Designation
HG - Hand Grenade - Tac Weapon: Grenade
HG2 - Heavy gear 2nd Ed. - Book
HGDW - Heavy Gear design Works - Book
HGEC - Equipment Catalog - Book
HGL - Heavy Grenade Launcher - Tac Weapon: Grenade
HGLC - Gatling Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
HGM - Heavy Guided Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
HGML - Heavy Gear Mailing List - HGML Acronym
HGRB - Heavy Gear Rulebook - Book
HGRB2 - Heavy Gear Rule Book 2nd ed. - Book
HGTMR - Heavy Gear Tactical Miniature Rules - Book
HHG - Heavy Hand Grenade - Tac Weapon: Grenade
HIRA - Humanist Insight and Regulatory Authority (HA group) - Universe
HIRP - Heavy Incendiary Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
HLC - Heavy Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
HLN - Heavy Lance - Tac Weapon: Melee
HLV - Heavy Lift Vehicle - General Use
HMC - Hartmore Motor Company (NLC company) - Universe
HMG - Heavy Machine Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HMVS - Humanoid Multi Vehicle System (gear; civilian) - Designation
HPA - Heavy Particle Accelerator - Tac Weapon: Beam
HPLC - Heavy Pulse Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
HPZ - Heavy Panzerfaust - Tac Weapon: Panzerfaust
HRF - Heavy Rifle - Tac Weapon: Cannon
HRG - Heavy Railgun - Tac Weapon: Railgun
HRP - Heavy Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
HSKG - Heavy Spike Gun - Tac Weapon: Melee
HWG - Haywire Grenade - Tac Weapon: Grenade
HWLN - Haywire Lance - Tac Weapon: Melee
HWP - Haywire Whip - Tac Weapon: Melee
IA - Immigration Authority (HA Organization) - Universe
ICP - Initiative Command Point - Rules
ICP - International Consumer Products (MD Company) - Universe
IF - Indirect Fire - Rules
IFV - Infantry Fighting Vehicle - General Use
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly - Internet/e - mail
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion - Internet/e - mail
IMO - In My Opinion - Internet/e - mail
INF - Influence (RPG stat) - Rules
IOW - In Other Words - Internet/e - mail
IRP - Incendiary Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
ISK - Industrial State of Kogland (Utopia)- Universe
ITB - Into The Badlands - Book
IWPB - Infant Welfare Protection Bureau (SR group) - Universe
JC - Jovian Chronicles - Book
JTSI- Joint Terranovan Space Initiative - Universe
KA - D - Khayr Ad - Din - Universe
KADA - Khayr ad - Din Army - Universe
KM - Kilometer (linear distance approx .64 miles) - General Use
KNO - Knowledge (RPG stat) - Rules
KNZ - Kinzler Industries (Caprician Company) - Universe
KSM - Kalam - Sollers - Makhan (Caprician Company) - Universe
L / LFT - Left (firing arc) - Rules
LAAC - Light Anti - Aircraft Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LabCon - Labor Congress (NLC group) - Universe
LAC - Light Autocannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LADAR - LAser Detecting And Ranging - General Use
LAG - Light Artillery Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LAM - Light Artillery Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
LASER - Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation - General
LB - Light Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
LB - League Book (used after League Acronym) - Universe
LBZK - Light Bazooka - Tac Weapon: Bazooka
LC - Liberati Calender - Universe
LDP - Liberal Democratic Party (NLC group) - Universe
LFG - Light Field Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LFL - Light Flamer - Tac Weapon: Flamer
LFM - Light Field Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
LG - Light Gear (Northern designation) - Designation
LGL - Light Grenade Launcher - Tac Weapon: Grenade
LGM - Light Guided Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
LibSB - Liberti Sourcebook - Book
LLC - Light Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
LMG - Light Machine Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LN - Lance - Tac Weapon: Melee
LN - Legion Noire (SR group) - Universe
LoC - Life on Caprice - Book
LOS - Line Of Sight - Rules
LOTF - Lord Of The Flies - aka Prabal Nandy - aka Probe - HGML Acronym
LOTN - Life On Terra Nova - Book
LoU - Life on Utopia - Book
LPA - Light Particle Accelerator - Tac Weapon: Beam
LPLC - Light Pulse Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
LPU - Lift/Propulsion Unit - General Use
LPZ - Light Panzerfaust - Tac Weapon: Panzerfaust
LRF - Light Rifle - Tac Weapon: Cannon
LRG - Light Railgun - Tac Weapon: Railgun
LRP - Light Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
LYI - Lysander - Inc (Earth Company) - Universe
MAAC - Medium Anti - Aircraft Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
MAC - Medium Autocannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
MAG - Medium Artillery Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
MAM - Medium Artillery Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
MAMO - Modular Advanced Maintanance Outpost - Universe
Man. - Maneuver Value - Rules
MAS - Mekong Academy of Science - Universe
MASH - Mobile Army Surgical Hospital - General Use
MB - Medium Bomb Rack - Tac Weapon: Bomb
MBT - Main Battle Tank - General Use
MBZK - Medium Bazooka - Tac Weapon: Bazooka
MC - Mace - Tac Weapon: Melee
MD - Mekong Dominion - Universe
MDC - Mercantile Dueling Circuit - also Mekong Development Corporation -
MDC - Mekong Development Corporation (MD Company) - Universe
MDLB - Mekong Dominion LeaguBook - Book
MF - Mauler Fist - Tac Weapon: Melee
MFL - Medium Flamer - Tac Weapon: Flamer
MFM - Medium Field Mortar - Tac Weapon: Mortar
MG - Medium Gear (Northern Designation) - Designation
MIB - Military Intelligence Branch (SR group) - Universe
MILICIA - MILitary Counter Insurgency Army (AST group) - Universe
MMU - Manned Maneuver Unit - General Use
MOF - Margin of Failure - Rules
MOS - Margin of Success - Rules
MP - Mass Produced (Northern Designation) - Designation
MP - Movement Points - Rules
MP (designation) - Military Police - General Use
MPR - Mounted Patrol Rangers (HA Organization) - Universe
MPS - Mass Produced Soldier (Northern Designation) - Designation
MPZ - Medium Panzerfaust - Tac Weapon: Panzerfaust
MRF - Medium Rifle - Tac Weapon: Cannon
MRP - Medium Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
MS - Morningstar - Tac Weapon: Melee
MSERA - Mercantile Stock Exchange Regulatory Authority (UMF organization) -
MSP - Medicins Sans Politique - Universe
MTV - Miscellaneous Threat Value - Rules
MV - Maneuver Value - Rules
N1 - Northern Vehicles Book One OOP - Book
N2 - Northern Vehicles Book Two OOP - Book
NADO - Northern Alliance Defense Organization - Universe
NAI - Near Artificial Intelligence - General Use
NAF - Norlight Armed Forces - Universe
NAF/OMI - Norlight Armed Forces Office of Military Intelligence - Universe
NBC - Nuclear - Biological - Chemical - General Use
NCDC - Northern Confederate Dueling Championship - Universe
NCO - Non Commisioned Officer - General Use
NDL - Northern Dueling League - Universe
NEC - New Earth Commonwealth - Universe
NEC - New Eurasion Commonwealth (precursor to New Earth Commonwealth) - Universe
NECAF - New Eurasion Commonwealth Armed Forces - Universe
NG - Net Gun - Tac Weapon: Melee
NG - Northern Guard (CNCS group) - Universe
NG&M - Nemmelworth's Gear and Merchandise (Mekong Company) - Universe
NGAL - Northern Guard Army List - Book
NGIS - Northern Guard Intelligence Service (CNCS group) - Universe
NGSS- Northern Guard Space Service - Universe
NISA - Norlight Intelligence and Security Agency (NLC group) - Universe
NL - Non - Lethal - Rules
NLC - Northern Lights Confederacy - Universe
NLCLB - Northern Lights Confederacy LeagueBook - Book
NNet - Neural Net - Universe
NorPol - Norlight National Police (NLC group) - Universe
NPC - Non - Player Character - General Use
NRB - National Reconstruction Board (NLC group) - Universe
NT - Northern Tank (vehicle designation acronym) - Designation
NuCoal - New Coalition - Universe
NVC1 - Northern Vehicle Compendium 1 (Gears and Striders) - Book
NVC2 - Northern Vehicle Compendium 2 (Tanks & Artillery) - Book
NVS - Northern Vehicle Sheets - Book
NZR - Norlight Zephyr Rail (NLC group) - Universe
O:JD - Operation: Jungle Drums (adventure module) OOP - Book
O:JDR - Operation: Jungle Drums Redux (adventure module)- Book
OACS - Oversized Anthropomorphic Combat System (gear) - Designation
OAVS - Oversized Anthropomorphic Vehicle System (gear; civilian) - Designation
ODC - Orbital Defense Corps (SRA) - Universe
OLC - Overland Cruise Lines (NLC) - Universe
OMS - Open Mind Society (SR group) - Universe
ONNet - Optical Neural Net - Universe
OOP - Out Of Print/Production - General Use
OTV - Offensive Threat Value - Rules
OU - Officer Use(Southern Designation) - Designation
OWCS - Oversized Walker Combat System (strider) - Designation
PAK - Port Arthur Korps - Universe
PAM - Payload Assist Module - General Use
PARA - Airdroppable (Northern Designation) - Designation
PARD - Paxton Arms Research & Development - Universe
PaxSec - Paxton Security Service - Universe
PBL - Puffy Blue Iguana (SR student politics group) - Universe
PEP - Personal Equity Plan (UMF thingy) - Universe
PER - Perception (RPG stat) - Rules
PG - Paxton Gambit - Book
PIM - Parachutistes d'Infantrie Marine (SR group) - Universe
PIN - Portfolio Identification Number (MD ) - Universe
PIU - Public Interaction Unit (SRID) - Universe
POC - Peace Officer Corps (Paxton Group) - Universe
POP - Public Order Protectorate (HA Organization) - Universe
PP - Piston Punch - Tac Weapon: Melee
PP - Processing Power (computer stat from LoU) - Rules
PRDF - Peace River Defense Force - Universe
PSY - Psyche (RPG stat) - Rules
PT - Paratrooper/airlifted (Southern Designation) - Designation
PX - PX Couriers (short form rather than acronym) - Universe
QRT - Quick Response Team - Universe
R /Rt - Right (firing arc) - Rules
RA - Regular Army (CEF) - Universe
Rad - Roentgen Absorbed Dose (unit for measuring Radiation) - General Use
RADAR - RAdio Detecting And Ranging - General Use
Recon - Reconaissance - General Use
RFB - Rapid Fire Bazooka - Tac Weapon: Bazooka
RFD - Republican Federation of Duelists - Universe
RHI - Republican Heavy Industries (SR Company) - Universe
RMOHO - Rip My Own Head Off (generally used to denote great excitement) - HGML
ROF - Rate Of Fire - Rules
ROTF - Rolling On The Floor (in laughter) - Internet/e - mail
RPG - Role Playing Game (Mario)- General Use
RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade (Mario)- General Use
RR - Rear - Rules
RSF - Radiation Sheilding Factor - Rules
RST - Republican Space Technologies (SR Company) - Universe
RtCE - Return to Cat's Eye (SB3) - Book
RWS - Riley Weapons Systems (WFP Compny) - Universe
S/M/L/E - Short/Medium/Long/Extreme (weapon ranges) - Rules
S1 - Southern Vehicle Book One OOP - Book
S2 - Southern Vehicle Book Two OOP - Book
SAP - Social Action Party (NLC group) - Universe
SAU - Sonic Analisis Unit (MD equipment) - Universe
SB - Slow Burn Characteristic - Rules
SB1 - Storyline Book 1: Crisis of Faith (CoF)- Book
SB2 - Storyline Book 2: Blood on the Wind (BotW) - Book
SB3 - Storyline Book 3: Return To Cat's Eye (RtCE)- Book
SB4 - Storyline Book 4: Storm on the Horizon (SotH)- Book
SB5 - Storyline Book 5: Distant Shores - Book
SC - Scout (Southern Designation) - Designation
SC - Snub Cannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
SCT - Scout (Northern designation) - Designation
SDB - Space Defense Branch (SRA) - Universe
SDC - Space Defense Corps (UMF) - Universe
SDG - Self Destruct Grenade - Tac Weapon: Grenade
SEB - Space Exploration Bureau (SR) - Universe
SEC - Military Police (Northern Designation) - Designation
SED - Stellar Exploration Directorate (UMF) - Universe
Sens - Sensors - Rules
SETS - Sevigny Economic and Taxation System (SR) - Universe
Sil - Silhouette (the game system) - Rules
SIU - Special Intervention Unit (MILICIA group) - Universe
SKG - Spike Gun - Tac Weapon: Melee
SLC - Sniper Laser Cannon - Tac Weapon: Beam
SLEDGE - Second Line Elite Division GREL Experiment - Universe
SMAL - Southern MILICIA Army List - Book
SMS - Secondary Movement System - Rules
Sna.. - Snakeye Black Mamba (spoken in fear) - Universe
SNP - Sniper (Northern Designation) - Designation
SNS - Satellite News Service - Universe
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure - General Use
SORCOMD - SOuthern Republic COMmunications Directorate (SR group) - Universe
SotH - Storm on the Horizon (SB4) - Book
SP - Spring - Universe
SPFI - Saragossa People's Front for Independance - Universe
SPP - Siwan Progress Party (SR group) - Universe
SpVC - Spaceship Compendium - Book
SpVC2 - Spaceship Compendium 2 - Book
SR - Southern Republic - Universe
SRA - Southern Republican Army - Universe
SRAD - Southern Republic Aerospace Directorate (SR group) - Universe
SRAL - Southern Republic Army List - Book
SRGS - Southern republic Gate Ship - Universe
SRID - Southern Republic Intelligence Directorate (SR group) - Universe
SRLB - Southern Republic LeagueBook - Book
ST - Southern Tank (vehicle designation acronym) - Designation
STA - Stamina (RPG stat) - Rules
STH - Stealth (Northern Designation) - Designation
STOL - Short Take Off and Landing - General Use
STR - Strike (Southern Designation) - Designation
STR - Strength (RPG stat) - Rules
STSL - Southern Territories Soccer League - Universe
SU - Soldat Use (Southern Designation) - Designation
SU - Summer - Universe
SVC1 - Southern Vehicle Compendium 1: Gears & Striders - Book
SVC2 - Southern Vehicle Compendium 2: Tanks & Artillery - Book
SVS - Southern Vehicle Sheets - Book
SW - Swamp (Southern Designation) - Designation
SWOS - Special Weapons Operation Squad (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group) -
SZ - Size - Rules
T - Turret (firing arc) - Rules
T8 - Tribe 8 (another Dream Pod 9 game - just so you know) - Book
TA - Territorial Army (CEF) - Universe
Tac- Tactical - Rules
TacAir - Tactical Air Support - Book
TacField - Tactical Field Support - Book
TacMin - Heavy Gear Tactical Miniature Rules - Book
TacSpace - Tactical Space Support - Book
TAS - Tactical Air Support - Book
TCA - Tershaw Cooperative Alliance (defunct arctic nation) - Universe
TCP - Tactical Command Point - Rules
TE - Fire Support (High Precision) (Southern Designation) - Designation
Tech2 - Technical Manual 2nd ed. - Book
TFS - Tactical Field Support - Book
TM - Technical Manual- usually just 'Techbook' rather than an Acronym - Book
TMOU - The Making of a Universe (HGDW) - Book
TN- Terra Nova (often in used in date/timekeeping) - Universe
TN2 - Life on Terra Nova 2nd ed. - Book
TNTR - TerraNovan TransRail - Universe
TR - Trainer (Northern Designation) - Designation
TRG - Tactical Response Group (POC Special Unit)(Paxton Group) - Universe
TSS - Tactical Space Support - Book
TV - Threat Value - Rules
UC - Utopian Calendar - Universe
UD - Unarmed Damage (RPG stat) - Rules
UEG - United Earth Government - Universe
UMF - United Mercantile Federation - Universe
UMFA - UMF Army - Universe
UMFGS - UMF Gateship - Universe
UMFLB - United Mercantile Federation LeagueBook - Book
URS - United Republic of Steelgate (Utopia) - Universe
UUM - Utopian Unification Movement - Universe
VA - Vibroaxe - Tac Weapon: Melee
VB - Vibroblade - Tac Weapon: Melee
VC - Vibroclaws - Tac Weapon: Melee
VCS - Vehicle Construction System - Rules
VDSS - Violent Deviance Sexurity Specialists (HA Organization) - Universe
V-Eng - V-Engine - Universe
VHAC - Very Heavy Autocannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VHAG - Very Heavy Artillery Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VHAM - Very Heavy Artillery Missile - Tac Weapon: Missile
VHFG - Very Heavy Field Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VLA - Valeria Legal Academy - Universe
VLAC - Very Light Autocannon - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VLFG - Very Light Field Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VLMG - Very Light Machine Gun - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VLRF - Very Light Rifle - Tac Weapon: Cannon
VLRP - Very Light Rocket Pack - Tac Weapon: Rocket
VPR - Vehicle Postflight Revetment - General Use
VR - Vibrorapier - Tac Weapon: Melee
VTOL - Vertical Take Off and Landing - General Use
WA - Weapon Accuracy - Rules
WACS - Walker Armored Combat System (strider) - Universe
WDC - Western Dueling Conference - Universe
WFP - Western Frontier Protectorate - Universe
WFPA - Western Frontier Protectorate Army - Universe
WFPLB - Western Frontier Protectorate LeagueBook - Book
WI- Winter - Universe
WIA - Western Intellegence Angency (WFP Organization) - Universe
WIL - Willpower (RPG stat) - Rules
WOTA - WotA - War of the Alliance - Universe
WP - Whip - Tac Weapon: Melee
WYSYWIG - What You See Is What You Get - General Use
XP - eXperience Points - Rules
YMC - Yele Medical Center - Universe
YMMV - Your Milage May Vary - Internet/e - mail
ZeeTran - Zephyr Transport (NLC group) - Universe
John Buckmaster, Current Author and Maintainer
John D. Prins, Original Author and Former Maintainer.
Jonathan Bezeau, Rabid Southie
Lleyrew, King of the Tinned Meat - Like Substance.
Manshoba, Alphabetizer.
Michael P Oshea, taking a step down from essay writing to help.
Mario Therault - Error Checking and guy who realized I forgot RPG (Both of
Jason Andreson, HTML design and conversion
Andrew G. Paul, HTML design and conversion
<your name here! Contribute!>

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