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Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Master of Education in Early Childhood Education

PROGRAM: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ECH-680 6/7/2018 8/1/2018

COURSE: ________________________________________START DATE: END DATE:________________________

Lil’ Einsteins Academy

COOPERATING SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Meg Vreeland
COOPERATING TEACHER/MENTOR NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Christy Cimino
GCU FACULTY SUPERVISOR NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________


TOTAL POINTS 159.56 points 79.78 %
9.00 900 718 200
0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

Not Applicable Unacceptable Acceptable Target
N/A 2 to 79 80 to 86 87 to 100
The performance of the teacher The performance of the teacher The disposition is frequently The disposition is constantly
candidate did not involve the candidate is contrary to the observed through the performance observed through the
disposition. disposition and does not meet the of the teacher candidate and meets performance of the teacher
expectations for a student teacher. expectations for a student teacher. candidate and consistently
exceeds expectations for a
student teacher.

High Expectations Score N/A

Teacher candidates should believe that all students could learn and should set and support realistic expectations
for student success. These expectations should be communicated in positive ways. 1.00

Ms. Cayen believes that all her preschoolers can learn. She is patient and guides children through expectations for the lesson.

Respect for the Diversity of Others Score N/A

Teacher candidates should be sensitive to individual learning and the social needs of students and embrace the
cultural diversity of the community. They should develop and maintain educational communities marked by
respect for others. They should interact with their students, fellow educators, administrators, parents, and other 70 1.00
community members with courtesy and civility and establish relationships characterized by respect and
Preschoolers interacted with respect for one another in a safe, playful learning environment. Tiera is aware of the different special needs within their classroom.

"Tiera has only been in the preschool for a week, so it doesn't seem like she has found her comfort zone yet. She is just starting to come out of her shell." Megan Vreeland

Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

Not Applicable Unacceptable Acceptable Target
N/A 2 to 79 80 to 86 87 to 100
The performance of the teacher The performance of the teacher The disposition is frequently The disposition is constantly
candidate did not involve the candidate is contrary to the observed through the performance observed through the
disposition. disposition and does not meet the of the teacher candidate and meets performance of the teacher
expectations for a student teacher. expectations for a student teacher. candidate and consistently
exceeds expectations for a
student teacher.

Fairness Score N/A

Teacher candidates should promote social justice and equity, maintain appropriate standards of confidentiality,
and exercise fairness in all areas including assessment.
80 1.00

She exercises fairness and maintains confidential information about individual students.

Professional Conduct Score N/A

Teacher candidates should exercise sound judgment and ethical behavior. They should be a positive role model
within their community.
75 1.00

She is a positive influence in her classroom.

Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

Not Applicable Unacceptable Acceptable Target
N/A 2 to 79 80 to 86 87 to 100
The performance of the teacher The performance of the teacher The disposition is frequently The disposition is constantly
candidate did not involve the candidate is contrary to the observed through the performance observed through the
disposition. disposition and does not meet the of the teacher candidate and meets performance of the teacher
expectations for a student teacher. expectations for a student teacher. candidate and consistently
exceeds expectations for a
student teacher.

Reflection Score N/A

Teacher candidates should recognize that reflection combined with experience leads to growth as a
professional. Educators should be thoughtful about their professional practice, critically examine it, and seek 1.00
continual improvement.

Tiera is reflective in her teaching practice and is learning how to plan lessons appropriate for early childhood. Today she created an art lesson with beads and bells to make shakers. She also made a
math center for students to count beans and match numbers. In reflection of today's lesson she realized next time she would select larger objects and choose a stronger material for the shakers.

Curiosity Score N/A

Teacher candidates should promote and support curiosity and encourage active inquiry.


Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

Not Applicable Unacceptable Acceptable Target
N/A 2 to 79 80 to 86 87 to 100
The performance of the teacher The performance of the teacher The disposition is frequently The disposition is constantly
candidate did not involve the candidate is contrary to the observed through the performance observed through the
disposition. disposition and does not meet the of the teacher candidate and meets performance of the teacher
expectations for a student teacher. expectations for a student teacher. candidate and consistently
exceeds expectations for a
student teacher.

Honesty Score N/A

Teacher candidates should model integrity by their words and actions.
85 1.00

She is following through on commitments and is showing responsibility for instructional planning. We did discuss her hours that need to be met for her time sheet requirements and she was going to make
adjustments to her hours to be sure she was working a full teaching day as required by GCU.

Compassion Score N/A

Teacher candidates should demonstrate professional friendliness, warmth, and genuine caring in their
relationships with others while providing intellectual, emotional, and spiritual support. 1.00

She is calm and patient with the preschoolers.

Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

Not Applicable Unacceptable Acceptable Target
N/A 2 to 79 80 to 86 87 to 100
The performance of the teacher The performance of the teacher The disposition is frequently The disposition is constantly
candidate did not involve the candidate is contrary to the observed through the performance observed through the
disposition. disposition and does not meet the of the teacher candidate and meets performance of the teacher
expectations for a student teacher. expectations for a student teacher. candidate and consistently
exceeds expectations for a
student teacher.

Advocacy Score N/A

Teacher candidates understand the impact of community involvement and servant leadership as it applies to the
welfare of others in the educational setting.
86 1.00

She is growing in her awareness of community involvement and how important it is to have strong relationships with both staff and families to build a strong learning community.

Dedication Score N/A

Teacher candidates should be committed to the profession of teaching and learning.
70 1.00

She is dedicated to continuing her education and growing as a professional.

"At this point, I am not sure if it is the age group in my classroom or being new, but I have not seen the passion for teaching in Tiera, yet." Megan Vreeland

Tiera Cayen 20313537

STUDENT NAME___________________________________ STUDENT NUMBER ____________________________

Please review the "Total Scored Percentage" for accuracy and add any attachments before completing the "Agreement and Signature"
section. Once this evaluation is completed and submitted, the score is final and cannot be changed or altered by the GCU Faculty
Supervisor or by GCU staff.
Total Scored Percentage:
79.78 %
Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:


This evaluation reflects the results of a collaborative conference including feedback from the Cooperating / Mentor Teacher. The GCU
Faculty Supervisor and Cooperating /Mentor Teacher should collaboratively review the performance in each category prior to the
evaluation meeting.

I attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.

GCU Faculty Supervisor

Christy Cimino
Christy Cimino (Jul 10, 2018)
Jul 10, 2018

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