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Grade and Class Grade 7

Title Literary Essay: Themes from The
Subject Language A: English
Statement of The conflict between conformity and individual identity is
Inquiry an important theme.
Inquiry What are the important parts of a literary essay?
Questions What makes an effective community?
Is it more important to be an individual or to conform?

Your purpose:

As you would have learnt in class, The Giver deals with some very powerful
and complex themes.

The purpose of this assignment is to show your knowledge of a chosen

theme and how it was presented in The Giver.

Pick ONE essay prompt to write your essay on:

A. Explain what The Giver teaches readers about the
importance of individuality and making choices.
B. Explain what The Giver teaches readers about the
difficulties of creating and maintaining a ‘perfect
C. Explain what The Giver teaches readers about

Your audience:
Your teacher
Your format:
Your assignment will be a formal, literary, ‘five-paragraph’ essay.
Assessment Criteria How can I get the best mark in
What strands will be used to each criterion? Use this checklist
assess me? to help you.
Criterion A - Analysing  Detailed justification of opinions and
 provides perceptive identification ideas related to the chosen theme.
and explanation of the themes from  Quotes from the text when appropriate.
the text and explains the  Literary devices(terminology) used to
relationships among the themes and explore the theme – motifs, symbols,
the text thoughtfully figurative language, etc.
 provides perceptive identification  A lot of relevant evidence about
and explanation of the literary effects characters, events, and conflicts in the
of the creator’s choices in presenting novel that relate to the topic
the theme.  Clear explanation that is relevant to the
 gives detailed justification of topic.
opinions and ideas with a range of
examples and thorough explanations;
uses accurate terminology
Criterion B – Organising  Clear introductory and concluding
 makes sophisticated use of paragraphs.
organizational structures that serve  Logical progression of ideas and use of
the context and intention effectively paragraph structure.
 effectively organizes opinions and  Clear topic sentences that relate to your
ideas in a coherent and logical topic.
manner, with ideas building on each  Linking, or concluding sentences at the
other in a sophisticated way end of paragraphs.
 Linking language used throughout to
help with organization.
 Engaging opening
 Thoughtful ending
Criterion D Using Language  Formal register and tone.
 effectively uses a range of  Appropriate transitional words or
appropriate vocabulary, sentence phrases.
structures and forms of expression  Correct spelling, sentence structure, and
 writes in a consistently appropriate punctuation.
register and style that serve the  Specific and complex vocabulary.
context and intention  Varied sentences and punctuation.
 uses grammar, syntax and
punctuation with a high degree of
accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective
 writes with a high degree of
accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective

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